AI Projects
AI Projects
AI Projects
in Artificial Intelligence
Keld Helsgaun
Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making comput-
ers behave like humans, i.e., with automation of intelligent behavior. Artificial intelli-
gence includes game playing, expert systems, natural language, and robotics.
The first branch, cognitive science, has a strong affiliation with psychology. The goal is
here to construct programs for testing theories that describe and explain human intelli-
The second branch, machine intelligence, is more computer science oriented and studies
how to make computers behave intelligent. It doesn’t matter whether or not the mental
processes of humans are simulated as long as the constructed systems behave intelligent.
This paper presents ten proposals for projects in the latter branch.
1. Machine Learning by Building Decision Trees
Since the invention of computers a lot of efforts have been made in order to make them
learn. If we can program a computer to learn – that is, to improve its performance
through experience - the consequences will be far-reaching. For example, it will be possi-
ble to make a computer ordinate an optimal treatment for a new disease using its past ex-
perience from treatment of a series of related diseases. Providing learning capabilities to
computers will lead to many new applications of computers. Furthermore, knowledge
about automation of learning processes may give insight in humans’ ability to learn.
Unfortunately, we don’t know yet how to make computers learn as well as humans.
However, in recent years a series of algorithms has appeared which now makes it possi-
ble to successfully automate learning in some application areas. For example, one the
most efficient algorithms for speech recognition are based on machine learning.
Today the interest in machine learning is so great that it is the most active research area in
artificial intelligence.
The area may be divided into to sub areas, symbolic and non-symbolic machine learning.
In symbolic learning the result of the learning process is represented as symbols, either in
form of logical statements or as graph structures. In non-symbolic learning the result is
represented as quantities, for example as weights in a neural network (a model of the hu-
man brain).
In recent years the research in neural networks has been very intensive and remarkably
good results have been achieved. This is especially true in connection with speech and
image recognition.
But research in symbolic machine learning has also been intensive. An important reason
for this is that humans can understand the result of a learning process (in contrast to neu-
ral networks), which is significant if one should trust the result.
The following two projects deal with symbolic machine learning and are both using so-
called induction.
Logical deduction is the process of learning from examples. The goal is to reach a general
principle or conclusion from some given examples. Here is a simple example of induc-
tion. Suppose you see a set of letterboxes that are all red. By induction you may conclude
that all letterboxes in the world are red (including letterboxes that you haven’t seen).
Decision trees are one of the most applied methods for leaning by induction. The general
principle of decision trees is best illustrated through and example. Suppose that you don’t
know what causes people to be sunburnt. You observe a series of persons and register
some of their features, among these whether or not they are sunburnt. The observations
are given in the table blow.
Name Hair Height Weight Lotion Effect
Sarah Blonde Average Light No Sunburnt
Dana Blonde Tall Medium Yes None
Alex Brown Short Medium Yes None
Annie Blond Short Medium No Sunburnt
Emily Red Average Heavy No Sunburnt
Pete Brown Tall Heavy No None
John Brown Medium Heavy No None
Kate Blonde Small Light Yes None
Blonde Brown
Sunburnt None
No Yes
This decision tree may be used to classify a given person, i.e., to predict whether or not
he will get sunburnt. Start at the top of the tree and answer the question one after another,
until you reach a leaf. The leaf stores the classification (Sunburnt or None).
In the present case the decision tree agrees with our intuition about factors that are deci-
sive for getting surnburnt. For example, neither a person’s weight nor height plays a role.
It is often possible to construct more than one decision tree that agrees with the observed
data. However, not all of them may be equally well suited for making generalizations,
i.e., to classify examples outside the set of examples used to build the tree. How do we
build the best tree? Using the so-called ID3 algorithm, one of the most effective algo-
rithms for induction, may solve this problem. The algorithm builds a tree while striving at
as simple a tree as possible. The assumption is that a simple tree performs better than a
complex tree when unknown data are to be classified. The simplification algorithm is
based on information theory.
In this project the ID3 algorithm is implemented and tested with some chosen example
problems. If time permits the project group could study some improvements of the origi-
nal algorithm, for example the C4.5 algorithm, or the group could compare the ID3 algo-
rithm with the so-called version spaces algorithm.
[1] J. R. Quinlan:
Discovering rules by induction from large collection of examples,
D. Michie (editor),
Expert systems in the micro electronic age,
Edingburgh University Press (1979).
[2] J. R. Quinland:
Induction of decision trees,
Machine Learning, Vol. 1(1) (1986), pp. 81-106.
[3] J. R. Quinland:
C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning,
Morgan Kaufman (1993).
[4] T. M. Mitchell:
Machine Learning,
McGraw-Hill (1997),
Chapter 1-3, pp. 1-78.
[6] P. Winston:
Artificial Intelligence,
Addison-Wesley (1992),
Chapter 20-21, pp. 411-442.
[8] G. F. Luger &W. A. Stubblefield:
Artificial Intelligence - Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving,
Addison-Wesley (1997),
Section 13.0-13.3, pp. 603-632.
[9] M. Ginsberg:
Essentials of Artificial Intelligence,
Morgan Kaufmann (1993),
Chapter 15, pp. 300-320.