Spirous Flap
Spirous Flap
Spirous Flap
Summary---Two modifications to the classic design of the rhomboid flap are described. Firstly, no
attempt is made to engineer a rhomboid defect and, secondly, the flap is made smaller than the defect
to be reconstructed. The advantages of these modifications are discussed and their application in 175
reconstructions is reported.
Clinical applications of a modified rhomboid flap equal to the extension, drawn at 60 to it, and is
almost parallel to one side of the defect, following
Alexander Limberg (1946, 1966) described the use
its curve, but care should be taken not to narrow
of a fap to fill a rhomboid-shaped defect. Lister
the base of the flap (Fig. l), The flap is raised and
and Gibson (1971) amplified the geometry and de-
the secondary defect closed directly after under-
sign of the rhomboid flap, emphasising the classic
mining if necessary. The flap is then positioned into
measurements: all angles being 60 or I20 and all
the defect with kev stitches to distribute the tension
sides being equal. A number of modifications have
evenly. Although-it may look rather like putting a
been described (Dufourmentel. 1963; Webster et
“square peg into a round hole”. surprisingly. it is
trl.. 1978; Becker, 1979). Most of the published
rarely necessary to trim the corners of the flap.
work concentrated on the mathematical principles
When suturing is completed, the configuration of
of the flap rather than on its clinical application
the sutured wound would not be significantly dif-
(Jervis rt trl.. 1974; Borges. 198 1; Larrabee et (11..
ferent from that which follows the classic operation
(Fig. 2).
This paper describes a clinical approach to the
use of the rhomboid flap with two modifications.
Fig. 2
Figure 2-Fitting a “square peg into a round hole”. In the modified design the positioning of the flap into the defect is not predeter-
mined. This aliows for more flexibility and better distribution of tension.
Basal cell carcinoma 113 (64.6)
Squamous cell carcinoma 17 (9.7) Post-operative complications were few (Table 3).
Malignant melano~ 16 (9.2) Partial flap necrosis, with or without partial wound
Others 29(!6.5) dehiscence, was noted in eight patients (4.5%). It
usually followed closure under escessive tension,
TOGIl 175 (100)
particularly in the forehead and scalp region, or
when the base of the flap was close to a fixed land-
mark such as the preauricu~ar margin. In no case
Table 2 Anatomical distribution of skin defects was necrosis sufficient to warrant further surgery.
The cosmetic result, assessed at an average
follow-up interval of 1.7 years, was judged with
Forehead and scalp 31 (12.0)
Temporal area 23(1X1)
Outer and inner canthi 37(21.2) Table 3 ColnpIications
Cheeks 31 (17.7)
Nose 14 (8.0)
Upper lip and commissures 14 (8.0)
Lower lip and chin 5 (2.9) Infection 6 (3.5)
Post-auricular and mastoid 12 (6.8) Haematoma 2(1.1)
Others 18 (10.3) Partial necrosis and/or partial dehiscence 8 (4.5)
There are three advantages of not engineering a
rhomboid defect:
The positioning of the transposed flap into the
defect is not predetermined. it can be sited to
distribl~te tension evenly. The geometric and
paper models of the classic design assume
rigidity of size and shape of the skin defect and
of the flap and that. of course. is not true in the
clinical situation.
There is more flexibility in choosing the donor
site. The classic design allows only four possible
choices of flaps while our modification gives an
unlimited choice of flaps (Fig. 5) allowing the
scar to be placed in the least conspicuous site
and minimising distortion of landmarks.
Tissue does not need to be unnecessarily sacri-
ficed to produce a rhomboid defect.
The second modification, where the flap is made
smaller than the defect and the surrounding tissues
contribute to the closure, allows the donor site to
be closed more easily. This means that the flap can
be used to reconstruct larger defects than would be
possible in the classical description. In addition, the
transmission of even tension across the flap may
contribute to the low incidence of trapdooring, as
was noticed in this series.
A study of the pattern of scar stretching and the
distortion of landmarks suggests that. following
transposition, the area of maximum tension is
Fig. 4
Fig’ure &-Two operative series and post-operative results to demonstrate the use of the modified Hap.
Fig. 4
l. / Fig. 6
located across the donor site closure rather than at designed rhomboid Aap (equal short diagonals and
the flap tip. equal skin tension). By using the modified flap,
This modified rhomboid flap is still basically a however, closure of both defects may become
60. transposition flap and one of its great advan- easier due to the smaller size of the donor site and
tages is that the resulting dog-ears are rarely a contribution of the skin surrounding the primary
problem. Even if noticeable at operation, they defect toward its closure, which permits better dis-
settle remarkably well with time and none was tribution of tension (Fig. 6). In this series more
revised in this series. In fact, the good cosmetic re- than 20 fairly large scalp and forehead defects were
sults in these patients have led us to use the rhom- closed by the judicious use of the modified flap.
boid flaps in situations (r.g. the cheeks) where avoiding skin grafting (Figs 3 and 7).
elliptical excision and closure would be possible but Since the completion of our detailed review of
would produce unsightly dog-ears. 175 reconstructions using the modified design, over
There is controversy regarding the use of the 400 patients have had facial and other defects
rhomboid flap in areas where there is no differen- closed using this flap. The results in these patients
tial skin laxity such as the scalp, forehead and confirmed our findings that the flap is versatile, has
back. It may be argued that if there was no differ- few complications and gives superior cosmetic re-
ence of tension in the skin surrounding a defect sults when compared to techniques used pre-
then its direct closure would be no more difficult viously. The flap has become our workhorse for
than closure of the donor site of a classically facial reconstructions.
Fig. 7
Figure ?--In this patient. ellipttcal excision and closure of the
basal cell carcinoma on his forehead would have resulted tn ex-
cessive tension and upward pulling of the eyebrows. The use of
the modified flap allowed better distribution of tension and en-
abled closure without distortion of landmarks. Note the absence
of dog-ear formation.