Astronomy 311: Exploring The Universe II - Stars and Galaxies
Astronomy 311: Exploring The Universe II - Stars and Galaxies
Astronomy 311: Exploring The Universe II - Stars and Galaxies
Prof. Ingrid Stairs (Physics and Astronomy)
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ASTR311 or ASTR310?
ASTR 311: Stars, Galaxies and
the Universe
MWF 12-1 PM, Hebb Theatre
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Office Hours
Ingrid Stairs: Office hours Tuesdays 2-3 pm, Henning 332.
If you can't make that time and need to see me, please send
email to
Tessa Vernstrom T1A Monday 11:00-12:00 Ryan & Tessa
( T1B Wednesday 10:00-11:00 Ryan & Cindy
Ryan T1E Friday 13:00-14:00 Tessa & Cindy
Goldsbury(rgoldsb@phas. T1F Friday 11:00-12:00 Cindy & Ryan T1G Wednesday 13:00-14:00 Cindy & Ryan
Cindy Tam
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Homework Assignments
Instructors will report under procedures established by the Dean's Office. The Dean's Office may refer
the matter to the President's Committee for possible disciplinary measures by the President.
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What does this mean for ASTR311?
Homework and tutorials: you may talk to each other
about the problems to help each other learn, but
all answers must be written up on your own,
in your own words.
• Provide examples of good scientific theories and explain why they are
• Recognize the central role of gravity in the Universe and how it has
affected the progress of astronomy.
• Be curious enough to look up at the night sky (or use the telescope at
the Space Centre Friday or Saturday nights) and know that there’s a lot
up there beyond stars, planets and the Moon.
A) 0
B) 1
C) 8
D) 9
E) 100 billion
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Lecture-Tutorial: Sun Size
(page 105)
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Suppose you're making a model of the
Solar System using a 2-cm cherry for the
Moon. What is the diameter of the ball
you need for the Sun?
A) 4 cm
B) 30 cm
C) 220 cm
D) 440 cm
E) 880 cm
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