Effect of Accupressure On Quality of Sleep and Pulse Rate in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
Effect of Accupressure On Quality of Sleep and Pulse Rate in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
Effect of Accupressure On Quality of Sleep and Pulse Rate in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
2017 August;3(4):360-369
Accepted: 17 May 2017
Program Pascasarjana Magister Terapan Kesehatan Keperawatan, Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan
Eko Rustamaji Wiyatno
Program Pascasarjana Magister Terapan Kesehatan, Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Semarang
Jl. Tirto Agung, Pedalangan, Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia (50268)
E-mail: ekorustamaji2004@gmail.com
Background: Patients with acute myocardial infarction have a change in sleep pattern. Acupressure is identified
as a therapy with the principle of healing to deal with sleep changes.
Objective: To analyze the effect of acupressure on sleep quality and pulse rate in patients with acute myocardial
Methods: This study employed a quasi-experiment study with non randomized pretest-posttest with control
group design. There were 50 respondents selected in this study, with 25 assigned in the intervention and control
group using consecutive sampling. Quality Sleep Questionnaire and bedside monitor were used to measure sleep
quality and pulse rate. Accupressure in combination of Neiguan point (PC 6), Shenmen (HT7), Sanyinjiao
(SP6), Yintang (EX3) and Tay (EX5) was given as the nursing intervention in this study. Data were analyzed
using paired t-test and independent t-test.
Results: There was statistically a significant increase of quality of sleep and significant decrease of pulse rate in
the intervention group with p-value 0.000 (<0.05).
Conclusion: Accupressure has a significant effect on the increase of sleep quality and the decrease of pulse rate
in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Thus, it is suggested that accupressure could be one of the nursing
intervention for AMI patients to increase sleep quality and decrease of pulse rate.
Key words: Acupressure, acute myocardial infarction, sleep quality, pulse rate
Changes in lifestyle are major factors (WHO) data in 2012 showed that heart
thought to influence susceptibility to disease was the leading cause of death in
many diseases. Degenerative diseases are the world, causing 17.5 million deaths and
often linked with the way people live their is expected to continue to increase to 22.2
life such as heart disease, stroke, and million by 2030.2 Acute myocardial
obesity.1 World Health Organization infarction (AMI) disease is a type of
Figure 1. Acupressure point for sleep quality improvement and pulse rate17
Belitung Nursing Journal , Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2017
independent t-test for unpaired group with them in the treatment and control group
significant value <0.05. were males (88%; 84%), had elementary
school background (52%; 60%), and
RESULTS working in the private sectors (48%:
Table 1 shows that the majority of the 40%). The homogenuity test showed p-
respondents aged 41-59 years, which was value >0.05 in each variable, which means
60% in the treatment group with mean that there was no significant difference of
59.76 years old and 56% in the control respondents characteristics in the
group with mean 59.88 years old. Most of intervention and control group.
During pretest, both intervention of them had a good sleep quality and 28%
and control groups had poor sleep quality had a poor quality. However, there was no
(100%). But, there was a sharply change change of sleep quality in the control
of sleep quality during posttest in the group.
intervention group. Of total patients, 72%
As shown in the table 3, it can be pulse rate was 68 and the highest was 89.
seen that the pulse rate before given While there was no change of the pulse
intervention was 89.68 ± 11.142 with the rate during pretest and posttest in the
lowest score was 70 and the highest was control group with the mean value of
108. There was a change in pulse rate posttest was 86.60±6.916, with the lowest
after given intervention with a mean value value was 70 and the highest was 96.
of 79.04 ± 5.719 with the lowest value of
Table 4. Quality of sleep in the intervention and control group using paired t-test
Group Quality of
n Mean SD t p-value
Pretest 25 10.52 1.372
Intervention 22.461 0.000
Posttest 25 5.00 1.225
Pretest 25 10.40 1.414
Control 1.953 0.063
Posttest 25 9.92 1.441
Table 4 shows that there was no significant increase of the sleep quality
statistically significant increase of quality in the control group with p-value 0.063
of sleep in the intervention group with p- (>0.05)
value 0.000 (<0.05). However, there was
Table 5. Pulse rate in the intervention and control group using paired t-test
Group Pulse rate n Mean SD t p-value
Pretest 25 89.68 11.142
Intervention 6.725 0.000
Posttest 25 79.04 5.719
Pretest 25 89.04 9.650
Control 2.672 0.013
Posttest 25 86.60 6.916
Table 6. The difference in mean of sleep quality and pulse rate in posttest in the
intervention and control group using independent t-test
n Mean ± SD t p-value
Sleep quality
Intervention group 25 5.00±1.225
13.008 0.000
Control group 25 9.92±1.441
Pulse rate
Intervention group 25 79.04±5.719
4.212 0.000
Control group 25 86.60±6.916
Belitung Nursing Journal , Volume 3, Issue 4, July-August 2017
As shown in the Table 5, it is stimulus is sent to the center of the pons to
indicated that there was statistically the midbrain (periaquedectus), then the
significant decrease of pulse rate in the stimulus received by the periaquedectus
intervention group and control group with conveyed to the hypothalamus, and from
p-value 0.000, 0.013 (<0.05) respectively. this hypothalamus through the descending
However, the decrease of the value of nerve pathway of the endorphin hormone
pulse rate in the intervention group was secreted to blood vessels that provide
(10.64) was higher than the pulse rate in a sense of calm, comfort and
the control group (2.44). relaxation.14,20 Thus, this calm condition,
Independent t-test as shown in the comfortable and relaxation will make
table 6 shows p-value 0.000 (<0.05), respondents have the desire to sleep and
which indicated that there were significant can achieve long and deep sleep duration
differences in sleep quality and pulse rate (NREM 4th stage sleep).9 On the other
between intervention and control group. hand, another effect of acupressure is to
stimulate the release of serotonin hormone
DISCUSSION that regulates mood, sleep, and muscle
The results of this study revealed that contraction. Serotonin will act as a
there was a significant effect of neurotransmitter that carries signals to the
accupressure on the increase of the quality brain to activate the pineal gland
of sleep in patients with acute myocardial producing the hormone melatonin, which
infarction. This is consistent with the will affect the suprachiasmatic nucleus
study in the increase of sleep quality in (SCN) in the anterior hypothalamus of the
acute coronary syndrome patients (ACS) brain in circadian rhythm settings,
after given acupressure intervention at resulting in decreased sleep latency,
Fengchi point (GB 20), shenmen (HT7), nocturnal awakening, and an increase in
yongquan (KL1), ying-tang (EX-3 ) with a total sleep time and sleep quality.16
duration of 18 minutes for 3 days.7 Acupressure is a therapy with the
Similar results with the study conducted principle of healing touch that shows
by Shariati et al15 indicated that there was more caring behavior on the respondents,
an increase of sleep quality in 44 so as to provide feelings of calm,
hemodialysis patients who were given comfortable, feelings that are more
acupressure at combining shenmen point attention that can close the therapeutic
(HT7), Hegu (Li4) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) relationship between researchers and
for 15 minutes 3 times a week for a respondents. From the psychological
month. In addition, literature stated that aspects, acupressure helps reducing
the combination of the heart point of the anxiety of respondents.16
shen men (HT-7), the neiguan heart lining Additionally, acupressure as
(PC-6), and the spleen point of san yin Chinese healing art and science is based
jiao (SP-6) could decrease anxiety, and on the theory of equilibrium, which is a
improve the sleep quality. While the other harmonious and proportional balance
points of the tay (EX-5) and the yintang between the yin and yang elements.
(EX-3) points provide a relaxed feeling.17 Acupressure interventions at the point of
The increase of sleep quality in this cardiac, spleen and heart rest as well as
study because the stimulation of sensory the intervention in this study will
nerve cells at the acupressure point strengthen the energies of the spleen yin
stimulates the nerve receptor in which the element and weaken the heart and heart
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