Mohak Khare: Education
Mohak Khare: Education
Mohak Khare: Education
Degree Institute Year CPI/Aggregate
B.Tech. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara 2016-2020 7.39
Intermidiate/+2 Jai Academy, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh(CBSE) 2014-2015 86.8%
High School Jai Academy, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh(CBSE) 2012-2013 10.0 CGPA
Area(s) of Interest UX Web Design, Web Development, Software Development
Programming Language(s) Python, C, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Tools and Technologies/SDK(s) Eclipse, LATEX, PyCharm, Sublime Text, GitHub, Visual Studio,
Logisim, Linux, MATLAB, Octave, Codeblocks
Database PostgreSQL
1. Process Scheduling
Guide : Dr. Reshmi Mitra(IIIT Vadodara)
The project goal was to study the various scheduling processes provided by Operating Systems. The project included
coding as well as presentation.
Tools: Sublime Text
Language(s): Python
2. Course Catalogue
Guide : Prof. Asim Banerjee(DAIICT)
The web portal made listed courses from different online course providers on one platform where they can be grouped
based on user reviews and preferences.
Team Size: 6
Project Duration: September 2018- November 2018
3. Mini Github
Guide : Prof. P M Jat(DA-IICT)
It was a project to implement and study the basics of Github by creating a database similar to it. It was a group
project in which we replicated Github’s functions such as repos, commits, members and other.
Team Size: 3
Project Duration:Jan 2018 - April 2018
Tools: PostGreSQL
4. Typeracer
Guide : Dr. Naveen Kumar(IIIT Vadodara)
The project was a simulation of online speed testing software. The project was created from the scratch. Team
Size: 4
Tools: Sublime Text
Language(s): Java (Core)
6. Quadcopter Simulation
Guide : Dr. Jignesh S. Bhatt(IIIT Vadodara)
The project worked on the simulation of a quadcopter using Reinforcement Learning. The areas of take-off and
hover were given special attention.
Team Size: 4
Project Duration: May 2018- July 2018
Tools: PyCharm
Language(s): Python
Section: Internships
Brewed @ The Lab
(September, 2017 - December,2017)
Work from home
Team Size - Individual
Guide : Graceline Suhanthi and Haseena
Worked as a Content Writer for the company’s newly launched magazine.
Position(s) of Responsibility
Core Member and Convener of Hired! event held in Institute’s Technical Fest (Cerebro - 2019)
Core member of Organising Commitee for Institute’s Cultural Fest (Kreiva - 2017)
Secretary of Institute’s Literary Committee (2018-2019)
Google Code-In Mentor 2019 for SCoRE Labs.
Leader of the team that stood 2nd in the ”Lawyered” event at IIT Gandhinagar’s Cultural Fest.
Part of the team that stood 2nd in ”CS:GO” event at IIIT Vadodara’s technical fest - ”Cerebro”
Part of the team that stood 2nd in ”Nukkad Natak” at DAIICT’s Cultural Fest.
Declaration : I hereby declare that all the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.