Instructions For Taking The 28-Day Birth Control Pill
Instructions For Taking The 28-Day Birth Control Pill
Instructions For Taking The 28-Day Birth Control Pill
This handout will explain how to take the 28-day oral birth control pill. If you have any
questions, please ask your health care provider.
How Does the Pill Work? hours of the same time each day. The
When taken as advised, the pill: last 7 pills contain no hormones, but help
Stops the ovary from releasing an egg. keep you in the habit of taking a pill
Thickens cervix mucus to stop the sperm each day.
from joining an egg. 3. For the first month only, if you start
Alters the lining of the uterus. on the first Sunday of your period,
you will not be safe from getting
How Effective is the Pill? pregnant until you have taken the pills
The pill is 95-99% effective in preventing for 7 days. During that time be sure
pregnancy if taken within 2 to 3 hours of the to use a second method of birth
same time every day. control, such as foam or cream and/or
a condom. If you start the pill on the
Other Benefits of the Pill first day of your period, you are safe
Periods are less heavy, are shorter in right away and will not need back up
length, and have fewer cramps. birth control methods.
Risk for ovarian and uterine cancer is 4. After finishing a pack, start a new pack
decreased. the very next day. There will never be a
Risk of ovary cysts is decreased. day when you do not take a pill.
Acne often improves. 5. Do not skip pills even if you are spotting
Risk of benign breast conditions is or bleeding between periods.
decreased. 6. Do not skip pills even if you feel
nauseous. Try switching your pill to a
May protect against osteoporosis,
different time of day, such as bedtime or
endometriosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
with a light meal.
Instructions for Taking the 28-Day Pill
What Should I Do if I Forget to Take a
1. Start taking your pills:
How late are you in taking your pill?
_____ on the Sunday after your period
begins 1. Less than 24 hours
OR Take the missed pill as soon as you
_____ the first day of your period remember.
Take your next pill at the normal
2. Take one pill by mouth each day until time.
you have taken all 28 pills. Take the pill A back-up method of birth control is
at the same time every day. Decide on a not needed.
time that will work for you and be
consistent. Take the pill within 2 to 3
2. 24 hours
Take the missed pill and today’s pill at Sometimes, women will skip a period while
the same time or you can take them 12 on the pill. This is not a concern as long as
hours apart to avoid nausea. you have not missed any pills or taken any
pills late. If you miss two periods in a row,
3. More than 24 hours (You completely call your health care provider.
missed one pill and are late for or missed
a second pill, too.) Pill Pointers
Take the last pill you missed right If you are taking antibiotics while on the
away. pill, you may have breakthrough
Take the next pill on time. This may bleeding. It is generally not necessary to use
mean taking 2 pills at one time any form of back-up contraception while on
Take the rest of the pills in the antibiotics, but call your health care provider
package right on time. if any concerns.
You may have some spotting or
breakthrough bleeding. Report any breakthrough bleeding that
You will not be protected against occurs after the first three months, unless the
getting pregnant and need to use a bleeding occurred because you forgot to take
back-up birth control method for a pill or have taken one late.
the rest of this pack if this
occurred in the 1st week of pills. Vomiting and/or diarrhea can also reduce
the absorption of the pill. Discuss with
4. If you miss more than 2 pills, call your your health care provider if you need to use
health care provider for further a back-up method of contraception for the
instructions. remainder of the pill pack to avoid getting
Pills and Your Periods
Your period usually starts on the second or The pill does not protect you from
third day that you start the last row of pills. sexually transmitted infections, including
Your periods may be lighter and not last as HIV.
long when you did not take the pill. If you
were bothered by cramps during your Take your pill at about the same time every
periods, this should improve while on the day. Try to match taking the pill with a
pill. daily event like brushing your teeth.
Some women have spotting (bleeding) When you are on birth control pills, it is best
between periods, most often during the first not to smoke. Research has shown an
three months of taking the pills. There is no increased risk of stroke, heart attacks, and
reason to worry if you have been taking the blood clotting problems if you smoke on the
pills within 2 to 3 hours of the same time pill.
each day. Keep taking the pills.
Talk to your doctor or nurse about how often
Call your health care provider if bleeding you need a physical exam and pap smear.
keeps up after the first three months or Tell all of your health care providers that
if bleeding between periods becomes heavy you are taking birth control pills. Do not
or lasts longer than normal.
stop your pills without first talking to your A Abdominal (stomach) pain—severe or
health care provider. prolonged
C Chest pain or shortness of breath
Birth control pills are a safe and effective H Severe headaches
method to avoid getting pregnant. However, E Eye problems, like blurred vision,
there can be rare, serious side effects. You flashing lights or blindness
should contact your health care provider or S Severe leg pains (calf or thighs)
Emergency Room right away if you have:
After hours and weekends, call your clinic. A nurse or the paging operator will assist you in
talking to the clinic doctor on call. Leave your name and phone number with the area code. The
doctor will call you back.
____________________________________________ at ____________________
Your health care team may have given you this information as part of your care. If so, please use it and call if you
have any questions. If this information was not given to you as part of your care, please check with your doctor. This
is not medical advice. This is not to be used for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Because each
person’s health needs are different, you should talk with your doctor or others on your health care team when using
this information. If you have an emergency, please call 911. Copyright ©6/2016. University of Wisconsin Hospitals
and Clinics Authority. All rights reserved. Produced by the Department of Nursing. HF#4233