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Measuring Differentiation Self

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Snow On The Desert

A Study of Natural Systems


Measuring Differentiation of Self

Date : March 1, 2018

Bowen theory contains eight interlocking concepts which can be used to predict the ways in
which a family will respond to environmental pressure. As one of these eight concepts,
differentiation of self pertains to an individual and is the main construct of the theory. As of this
writing, it is not possible to measure the other seven concepts but many attempts have been made
at measuring differentiation of self. Aside from the clinical evidence from Bowen’s NIMH research
project and subsequent anecdotal evidence, these instruments represent the state of the art of
Bowen theory as a verifiable science.

While Bowen outlined a theoretical scale for differentiation of self ranging from 0 and 100, he
based an individual’s score on clinical observations and interviews with an individual over many
months along with external variables such as the functioning of the person around him. Bowen
(1978) describes the difficulty in quantifying the scale,

The scale is most important as a theoretical concept for understanding the total human
phenomenon and as a reliable instrument for making an overall evaluation of the course of
a life, and accurate predictions about the possible future life directions of a person. It is not
possible to do day to day or week to week evaluations of scale levels because of the wide
shifts in the functional level of pseudo-self in low-scale people. A compliment can raise the
functioning level of self and criticism can lower it. It is possible to do reasonably accurate
general estimations from information that covers months or years. (p. 475)

As stated, the definition of differentiation of self as a concept for “understanding the total
human phenomenon” is quite broad. As with the other concepts in the theory, it was intended more
to generate hypotheses for the development of theory than to point to a precisely measurable
construct. Despite the broad multivariate and longitudinal nature of the theoretical construct, the
attempts at measuring differentiation of self which achieved significant validity in both American
and international populations.

Psychometric Instruments for Differentiation of Self

The most widely used instrument today is the Differentiation of Self Scale (DSI) (Skowron &
Friedlander, 1998), which was later revised as the DSI-R (Skowron & Schmitt, 2003). The DSI-R
includes four dimensions: emotional reactivity, I-position, fusion and emotional cut-off. The DSI was
examined by Bowen experts for theoretical validity, validated for construct validity with other scales
of differentiation, and had internal validity of .88 using Cronbach’s alpha (Miller, Anderson, &
Keala, 2004). It has been found to be reliable in samples within the United States (Jankowski &

Snow On The Desert
A Study of Natural Systems

Hooper, 2012) and as we shall discuss later, it has been translated into several languages to test
its concept of differentiation across cultures. As of this writing, the DSI-R is the most widely used,
and most psychometrically validated instrument which measures differentiation of self (Sloan &
Dierendonck, 2016).

In a study on the moderating effect of self-construal (i.e. self-image) on the relationship

between differentiation of self using the short-form DSI-SF (Drake, Murdock, Marszalek, & Carolyn,
2015), and well-being in US college students (Ross & Murdock, 2014), it was found that there is a
“relationship between differentiation of self and well-being such that high levels of independent self-
construal serve as a buffer to psychological symptoms for those with low levels of differentiation of
self” (p. 487). In a study on American college women, Gushue & Constantine (2003) used the DSI
to find that “individualism,” or the ability to define self, and “collectivism,” or the ability to draw on
others for support while maintaining self, are positively related to less emotional reactivity and less
fusion. Based on this finding, the authors suggest that “for some African American women, a
cultural belief in the fundamental equality and similarity of human beings is positively related to
efforts to define a self” (2003).

In many studies, differentiation of self has been found to be a partial predictor of

psychological distress in American populations (Charles, 2001; Bartle-Haring & Probst, 2004;
Murdock & Gore, 2004; Skowron, Stanley, & Shapiro, 2009; Krycak, Murdock, & Marszalek, 2012).
Some studies on Bowen theory look at marital satisfaction as measurable an outcome (Miller,
Anderson, & Keala, 2004; Hardy, Soloski, Ratcliffe, Anderson, & Willoughby, 2015). Marital
satisfaction is often described in terms similar to differentiation of self, such as resilience in the face
of stress, or general level of reactivity to emotional problems in the marriage. Hardy et al (2015)
found that the quality of relationship with the family of origin is positively correlated with marital
outcomes in American samples. Similarly, Priest (2015) found that the concept of differentiation
could explain the positive correlation between early abuse/violence in the family of origin and
distress in committed romantic relationships among samples of American individuals with
Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Bowen and scholars of his theory affirm that in systems-oriented therapy, a therapist will only
be as effective as they have managed to become within their own family of origin (Bowen, 1978;
Kerr & Bowen, 1988; Titelman, 1998/2013). One study on differentiation of self in the therapist and
therapy outcomes measured two factors; client’s perception of therapeutic alliance; and
psychological well-being (Bartle-Haring, Shannon, Bowers, & Holowacz, 2016). It was found that
the effect on differentiation found there to be a significant relationship between differentiation in the
therapist and positive outcomes, but in the opposite direction expected. Interestingly, while the
therapists level of differentiation decreased (as measured by suggestion of triangulation and cutoff
through the DSI), the quality of the therapeutic bond as reported by the client increased. However,
the authors of the study interpreted the client’s favorable perception of the subjective alliance to be
a positive outcome and counter to Bowen’s notions of differentiation making a therapist “more
effective,” which may or may not be correct. Bowen’s position on the therapeutic relationship

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A Study of Natural Systems

differed from individual modalities in that the “coach” is mean to stay outside the couple’s
transference by guiding them to work out their problems for themselves (Titelman, 1998/2013, p.
31). Therefore, it is possible that the lesser differentiated a therapist is, the more likely they are to
form a comfortable-feeling yet unhealthy bond with the client which is in line with Bowen’s notion
of increased triangulation in poorly differentiated individuals (Titelman, 1998/2013, p. 33).

The Level of Differentiation of Self Scale (LDSS) (Haber, 1993) is a self-report inventory
which is found to correlate with psychological wellbeing. The Personal Authority in the Family
System Questionnaire, or PAFS-Q, (Bray, Williamson, & Malone, 1984) doesn’t necessarily
measure Bowen’s concept of differentiation but measures Williamson’s closely related concept of
personal authority (Miller, Anderson, & Keala, 2004). The Chabot Emotional Differentiation Scale
(CED) (Licht & Chabot, 2006) takes a different approach by measuring an individual’s ability to
think while under emotional stress. Chabot claims that “although Bowen (1978) described both
interpersonal and intrapsychic aspects of differentiation, a strict reading of his (1978) work
indicates that the essence of his theory lies in its intrapsychic rather than the interpersonal
component of his work” (p. 177). While other measures attempt to measure differentiation in terms
of definition as a unique psychological self from family, the CED focuses on the physiological ability
to engage the thinking system over the emotional system in what Chabot calls intrapsychic
differentiation. That is, how much an individual can think clearly in an emotionally charged situation,
a concept that may be more portable across ethic boundaries. Subsequent validity studies have
found the CED to be portable across ethnic boundaries (Karasik, p. 2004; Reynolds & Chabot,
2006). Chabot writes that “Although interpersonal measures of differentiation are unable to
appropriately characterize development in non-Western cultures, identity development is
considered a universal process that should be validly measured using measures of intrapsychic
differentiation” (p. 175).

A relatively unique concept of Bowen Theory is the consideration of genetic inheritance

through the multigenerational transmission process (Bowen, 1978; Kerr & Bowen, 1988). Klever
(2005) conducted a longitudinal study that uses the Nuclear Family Functioning Scale (NFFS) to
measure nuclear family functioning, and the Multigenerational Family Functioning Questionnaire
(MFFQ) to assess “preponderance and severity of symptoms” (p. 258) across each generation by
questioning each member of the family about all symptoms in all other members of the family. It
has been found in the Kansas City, Missouri sample that “in a correlation analysis of the first five
years of this twenty-year study, multigenerational functioning, especially nuclear family of origin
functioning, was associated with nuclear family functioning” (p. 253). In other words,
symptomology of the multigenerational unit was passed on to the current generational unit.

Cultural Portability of Differentiation of Self

Because Bowen aimed to define behavioral systems universal to all life, it is important for
research to challenge the validity of differentiation of self across ethnic and cultural boundaries.
Unfortunately, research in this area is limited or confusing. Skowron & Friedlander (1998) have

Snow On The Desert
A Study of Natural Systems

called for cross-cultural validation of the DSI, and there have been several variants which show
some validity and temporal reliability but tend to require further verification with more representative

The DSI-R was translated into the DSI-T for use in Turkey and found reliable but with some
differences to Western populations (Isik & Bulduk, 2015). While Turkish culture is traditionally
considered collectivistic, the country is in economic transition and shows aspects of individualism
and collectivism in family structures. Families tend toward individualism as socioeconomic status
increases, but overall tend to value emotional interdependence but economic independence.
Despite this difference, one qualitative study on MFT training in Turkey revealed that students
found the family systems-oriented training to be highly applicable to their collectivistic upbringing
(Guvensel, Dixon, Parker, McDonald, & O'Hara, 2015).

Some items from the DSI-R were excluded from the DSI-T for lack of a proper translation, for
example one which used the term “emotional roller-coaster” (p. 109), where there is no equivalent
term for "roller-coaster” in the Turkish culture. Differentiation levels in Turkish sample were about
the same as US samples, while internal validity was the same as non-English-speaking countries
but lower than US samples. Gender differences were the same as in US samples, which showed
women being more emotionally involved in relationships than men and found it more difficult to take
an “I” position. The convenience sample used was of middle and higher socioeconomic statuses
which tend to be more similar to US samples in individualism (Isik & Bulduk, 2015).

The DSI was translated directly into Hebrew for use in Israeli populations (Peleg-Popko,
2002). The Hebrew vision was found to be sensitive to somatization and psychological distress
among a population of 20-year-old college students, with internal validity matching US samples.
This 2002 study did not focus on cultural or ethnic differences in the population but focused on the
portability of the translated instrument more or less as-is from the English version. The Hebrew
version was then updated with the additions to the fusion scale in the DSI-R and tested to predict
marital satisfaction in a randomized population sample (Peleg, 2008). A negative correlation was
found between differentiation and somatic symptoms and social anxiety had a positive correlation
with somatic symptoms, indicating that differentiation should be considered when examining the
cause of somatic symptoms there. As with US samples, significant gender differences were found.
Men were found to be more emotionally cutoff and women were found to have higher marital
satisfaction, emotional reactivity, and fusion with others. Men’s marital satisfaction increased over
time while women’s marital satisfaction decreased over time, and marital satisfaction overall was
moderated by differentiation of self with a Pearson coefficient of .39. Little attention was paid to
gender and cultural influences on the study, for example varying views on marital satisfaction or the
social concept of marriage in general.

A Korean version of the DSI-R was used to compare differentiation of self and family
functioning across three cultural groups (Kim, et al., 2015). Korean families have particular cultural
tendencies in family relationships which indicate poor differentiation from the perspective of Bowen

Snow On The Desert
A Study of Natural Systems

theory but that are viewed as favorable in Korean culture. For example, sons usually have very
close relationships with their mother. A daughter-in-law feeling pressured and controlled by the
mother with then have conflict with her husband, the son. One previous study using the DSI-R had
shown a positive correlation between differentiation and family functioning in South Koreans
(Chung & Gale, 2009). The new Korean instrument (Kim, et al., 2015) was first confirmed using
multigroup confirmatory analysis to ensure that the instrument itself was stable across language
and ethnic barriers. It was then administered to three groups: South Koreans living in South Korea,
South Koreans living in the United States, and White Americans living in the United States. Higher
differentiation of self was found as a significant predictor of family functioning, family
communication, and family satisfaction in all groups. Further, these correlations were stable
however long the South Koreans had lived in the United States. One interesting finding of this
study was that South Koreans who had moved to the United States had higher family satisfaction
than both of the other two groups. Kim et al. (2015) write, “although more corroborating research is
necessary, these results suggest that BFST’s concept of di?erentiation of self, family
communication, and family satisfaction can all be used reliably by family researchers and family
therapists as culturally respectful indicators of healthy family functioning” (p. 81).

Overall, the South Korean groups had higher differentiation and higher family satisfaction than
the US group. Bowen wrote that less differentiated people were more reactive to family requests for
individuality or togetherness (Bowen, 1978). The finding that South Koreans can be more
differentiated and happier with their family suggests that higher differentiation cannot simply be
equated to higher individualism, which is consistent with Bowen & Kerr’s (1988) reminder that
differentiation as a general biological concept and differentiation of self as a human concept
operate at a level below than culture.

The DSI-R was translated to be culturally-sensitive to Chinese populations (Lam & Chan-So,
2015). The C-DSI is the first instrument for measuring emotional maturity for Chinese people and
was tested for external validity using the General Contentment Scale which is a well-established
tool in Hong Kong. This translation was carried out in similar fashion to the Turkish and Korean
instruments, with a graduate student translating to the native language and an English-speaking
person back-translating it to English before revisions. The C-DSI was found to be valid in the small
and mostly female student population, but it revealed inconsistencies in some of the items which
could be improved through qualitative research to find items more appropriate for indigenous
populations. The study also found a potential division in the fusion subscale between “fusion with
others” and “fusion with families” (p. 95), a result echoed in a study in Philippine communities
(Tuason & Friedlander, 2000). This same C-DSI study points to a need for further validation studies
in China as well as in within the varying communities within China.

Barriers to Cross-Cultural Portability of Differentiation of Self

Though the efforts listed above pertain to porting the DSI-R to non-Western cultures, common
theoretical misunderstandings can create barriers for cross-cultural assessment of the construct.

Snow On The Desert
A Study of Natural Systems

Differentiation is often conflated with psychological variables, which disconnects the term from its
original biological context. Differentiation of self represents a flexible integration, or “dynamic
equilibrium” (Kerr & Bowen, 1988, p. 65) between the poles of the individuality and togetherness
life forces. One marker of confusion of the construct is the association with sociocultural tendencies
such as divides individualistic and collectivistic cultures, despite the fact that the differentiation of
self was created to describe a process that operates at a level below culture.

An example study that confuses the concept measured the portability of “family
differentiation” in Italian and British adolescents in transition (Manzi, Vignoles, Regalia, & Scabini,
2006). The authors defined family differentiation as the two distinct constructs of “cohesion” and
“enmeshment” (p. 673) which can easily be mistaken for Bowen’s differentiation of self but are
actually incomparable. “Enmeshment” is a common psychological term which most closely
resembles Bowen’s concept of emotional fusion, a term which opposes Bowen’s definition of
differentiation. A subsequent study (Lam & Chan-So, 2015) made the incorrect equation of Manzi
et al’s (2006) “family differentiation” with Bowen’s differentiation, resulting in the questionable
assumption that Bowen’s construct is not valid in Italy. This assumption contradicts Reynolds &
Chabot’s (2004) study on intrapsychic differentiation (i.e. unconscious emotional reactivity) in
Italian families using the relatively portable CED instrument. Another cross-cultural study by Hung
(2006) on Asian American families lumps “individuation” and Bowen’s “differentiation” into the
same concept (pp. 226-227). While not actually affecting the outcome of their own study, the
authors left the door open to subsequent reviewers making the incorrect assumption that
differentiation of self is not valid among Asian American families.

Because current measures of differentiation originate in Western and mostly American

society, it will be important to validate them in other, particularly collectivist cultures. However,
measuring differentiation of self using interpersonal and socio-cultural variables and ignoring
physiological, intrapsychic variables that contribute to the ability to choose between thinking and
feeling as anxiety rises in the group (Kerr & Bowen, 1988) can cause confusion on the meaning of
the concept. Therefore, in the future it may be more fruitful to adhere strictly to the original
biological basis for differentiation when authoring new instruments intended to work across cultural
boundaries. There also appears to be a common pattern of confusing differentiation of self with
related but dissimilar concepts, which in some cases can skew the understanding of subsequent


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Snow On The Desert
A Study of Natural Systems

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A Study of Natural Systems

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