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Static Analysis of Plate With Holes

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Plate is one of the important structural members which find various applications in the fields
of structural engineering. Among the various materials which are used for the construction of
plates, steel plates are found to be most important and effective type. It may find applications
in construction of ships, off shore structures, and also in air planes. The steel plates are often
provided with holes in them for the services and aesthetics, but it may results in the stress
concentrations around the hole. Thus the plate with hole has to be analysed so precisely to
ensure the safety and servisability of plate structure. In the present study the finite element
software ANSYS is used for the analysis of plates with holes. The element SHELL 181 is
used to model the plate in software. The influence of various parameters on the von-mises
stress distribution of plates is examined and it is found that the circular hole imparts very less
stress concentration compared to other type of hole.

Keywords: Steel plates, Stress Concentrations, ANSYS, SHELL181, Von-mises stress



Plate is the important structural member which is widely used in now a day’s for various
constructions proposes. The plate is made of different materials and among all, steel plate has
wide applications. Steel plate may be defined as a plate having lateral dimensions very large
compared to its thickness. Usually steel plates are used for the construction of ships, various
off-shore structures, airplanes etc. The plates are assembled in all these structures along with
a hole in it. Following are the different circumstances where the plates are often provided
with the holes, to reduce the self weight, for the inspection purpose, maintenance and the
service purposes and for aesthetics. The plates with holes have numerous applications in
space ships and the associated structures. Even though the plate with the holes has wide
applications in various structural fields, the presence of holes in plate resulting in some
disadvantages. They are the holes on the plate will results in the reduction in strength of plate,
leads to the stress concentration near the holes, it will redistribute the stress path and also
results in the buckling of plate. Thus the plates with the holes have to be analysed properly
for to ensure the structural stability and the servisability of the structures.


The provision of providing the holes on the plate structure will results in the stress
concentration near the holes and it will reduce the ultimate load carrying capacity of plates.
The stress concentrations near the holes can be expressed in terms of the initial applied
pressure by the factor called the stress concentration factor (SCF). Stress concentration factor
may be defined as the ratio of maximum stress developed in the plate to the applied pressure.

 max imum
Stress concentration factor=
 no min al (1)

Thus the stress concentration factor has lot of importance in analysis of structures and it has
to be thus determined so precisely. The stresses are seemed to be more concentrated near the
discrepancies and it results to the ultimate failure of the structure.
Fig.1 Applications of plate with holes

The figure shows the important applications of plates with holes, and from the figures it is
clear that the applications of plates with hole are so infinite and it has to be analysed
effectively. The analytical approach to the static analysis of plates is available, but it is very
difficult to perform the various parameters that affecting the stress concentrations of plates.
Thus the numerical modelling of plates are used for the purpose of analysing the plate and the
finite element software ANSYS is used for the purpose of analysing the plate


The review of various literatures regarding the various static analysis of plate has provides aal
information’s about the areas that are taken in to considerations regarding the plate and it also
helps to make a solid foundation in the field of analysis of plates. The literatures that are
reviewed as a part of the present study are summarised below,

Gunwant, J et al. (2007) made investigation on a continuous elastic plate of size 400mm x
100mm x 10mm and made up of steel with a central elliptical hole of major radius of 10mm.
The minor radius has been determined in each case with the help of the aspect ratio for each
case. The plate is descritized with SOLID95 elements which area available in the element
library of ANSYS. The model is analyzed for different aspect ratios (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and
1.0) .Effect of the geometry of hole on the stress distribution around the hole is studied. The
results of various analyses have been presented with the help of tables, graphs and nodal plots
as provided by ANSYS.

Vanam, B et al. (2012) aims to analyze the static analysis of an isotropic rectangular plate
with various boundary conditions and various types of load applications. In this paper, finite
element analysis has been carried out for an isotropic rectangular plate by considering the
master element as a four noded quadrilateral element. Numerical analysis has been carried
out using finite element analysis software ANSYS. This job is helpful for obtaining the
results not only at node points but also the entire surface of the rectangular plate. Finally,
comparison has been done between the results obtained from FEA numerical analysis, and
ANSYS results with classical method - exact solutions. During this analysis, the optimal
thickness of the plate has been obtained when the plate is subjected to different loading and
boundary conditions.

Nagpal, S et al. (2013) made investigations on the two dimensional study of stress
concentration around the hole(s) and notches in isotropic and orthotropic plates subjected to
in-plane or transverse loading conditions. The influence of the structural dimension D/A
(where D is hole diameter and A is plate width) ratio upon stress concentration factor for
different cases is studied in the present work. Stress concentration factor for all stresses
shows marked mitigation upon introduction of auxiliary holes. Finite element method has
been adopted for analysis and the results have been presented in graphical forms with
discussion. The finite element formulation and its analysis are carried out using ANSYS
package. This research work can provide structure engineers a simple and efficient way to
estimate the effect of SCF and its mitigation in plate structures made of isotropic and
orthotropic materials.

Watsar, S et al. (2014) studied the effect of presence of cut outs in plates using the finite
element software ANSYS and also determine the stress concentration factors for various
shaped cut outs such as circular, elliptical, triangular etc. An experimental investigation is
taken to the stress analysis of plate with special shaped cut out. The results obtained by the
experimental analysis and numerical analysis are also compared in his work.

Mirji, P. (2013) Studied stress distribution for the rectangular plate with two holes under in-
plane load is analysed numerically with the help of Finite Element Method. The material used
for the plate is isotropic in nature. In this paper a method is attempted to reduce the intensity
of stress in the vicinity of holes by relocating the position of one of the holes. A rectangular
plate with holes having negligible thickness is analysed. From this analysis author has found
the variation in the intensity of stress in the plate for different W/CD ratios. The W/CD ratio
considered are1.67, 2.0 and 2.5. The results of reduction in intensity of stresses for different
W/CD ratios are tabulated. The finite element formulation is carried out by using the software

Diany, M. (2013) used stress concentration factors to predict the maximum stress value
above which the mechanical structure can be destroyed. Many chart data of those factors are
available in literature but they are conditioned by the structure shape and the principal
geometric dimensions. This paper compares, for thin plate with eccentric hole, the stress
concentration factors values calculated by classical formulas given in ulterior studies and a
numerical simulation using commercial software. The effects of the relative hole position in
the plate and the inclination hole axis are examined.



As an initial step towards the analyse of plates in the finite element software the validation of
methodology that we are adopted to model the plate is done. The validation study’s will
enable us to understand, weather the methodology that we are adopted to model the plate is
correct or not. Thus for the purpose of validating the methodology the standard problem that
having the analytical solution is choose. The kirsch problem is chosen for the validation study


Kirsch problem that mainly deals with an axially loaded plate infinitely long having a central
hole as shown in the figure below. The plate is subjected to a uniform tensile stress of P, and
the thickness of plate is too small in comparison with the length and width of plate. Let a be
the radius of drilled hole in the middle of plate as shown in the figure and this hole will
disturb the stress field in the neighbourhood of hole. From the St .Venants’ principle it can be
assumed that the any disturbance in the uniform stress field will be localized to an area with
in a circle of radius b.

Fig.2 Axially loaded plate with central hole

Analytically the radial stress and the tangential stress can be found out and the value of radial
stress is given by

P a2 P 3a 4 4a 2
r  (1  2 )  (1  4  2 ) cos 2 (2)
2 r 2 r r

And also, the tangential stress is given by,

P a2 P 3a 4 (3)
  (1  2 )  (1  4 ) cos 2
2 r 2 r

Considering the periphery of the drilled hole, that is radius at r=a ,

We have  r  0

  0

The variation of the tangential stress can be found out by putting different valuesof and
thus we have the following stress distributions

Fig.3 stress concentrations around hole

The stress value on the top and bottom portion of the plate becomes three times as that of the
applied pressure and the same value of stress with different sign developed in the other two


The above discussed Kirsch problem is numerically modelled using the finite element
software ANSYS. The material properties of steel are applied and the SHELL181 is the
element used for the analysis. A plate dimension of about 100mmx100mmx10mm is
modelled. The hole is provided on the centre of plate having the radius of 5 mm.

The material properties of steel used for the analysis is

E  2  10 5
  0 .3
Fig.4 stress concentrations around hole

The figure shows the ANSYS stimulation output of stress concentrations around the hole.
From the obtained value it is clear that the numerical value and the analytical value are
comparable to each other and thus we can ensure that the methodology that we are used for
the static analysis of hole is validated. Here also the stress concentrations about three times
the applied pressure is seen on the top and bottom portion around the hole. The percentage of
error in comparing the numerical as well as the analytical method is only about 0.8 and thus it
can be ensured that the methodology that we are adopted is validated.

Table 1 Analytical and numerical results


N\mm2 N\mm2

X 30 30.15 0.5

Y -10 -10.08 0.8




The stress concentrations caused due to the presence of holes on the plates are analysed and
now encountered various parameters that effect the stress concentrations and the stress
redistributions. By conducting the detailed parametric study, the influence of holes on the
ultimate strength of plates is determined. Following are the parameters which are considered
for the detailed parametric study

1 single hole 2 two holes

The parametric study is conducted by using the plate with the single hole and also with plates
having the two holes. In the plates with single hole: the shape of hole, orientation of hole, size
of holes are considered. For the plates with two holes optimum positioning of two holes are
done, that is either vertically or horizontally.


In the plates with single hole: the shape of hole, orientation of hole, size of holes are
considered. In this case a single hole is provided on the midpoint of the plates and the various
parameters that has listed above has analysed and finally merges to a conclusion.

4.2.1 Shape of hole

The holes provided on the plate may be of circular, rectangular, square, elliptical, triangular
etc. The present parametric study is to find out the influence of shape of hole to the stress
concentration factor around the hole. The shape considered for the given parametric study is
the circular and square. The main objective of this analysis is to find the best shape of hole
those results in only lower value of stress concentration on the plates. To investigate the
effect of shape, holes having the equivalent area are mainly chose for the analysis of plates Results and discussions

Fig.5 stress distribution around the circular hole

Fig.6 stress distribution around the circular hole

From the above stimulated result, it is clear that for an equivalent area of hole, the square
holes impart m ore stress concentration than the circular holes.
Table 2 SCF for different shape of holes

2 2
(N/mm ) (N/mm )

78.53 30.158 3.01 40.92 4.09

2 314.15 31.92 3.19 43.075 4.307

3 706.85 32.0465 3.204 47.2417 4.724

4 1256.63 35.129 3.512 49.5726 4.957

5 1963.49 40.3325 4.03 56.81 5.68 Inference

From the above parametric study it is clear that the circular hole imparts very less stress
concentration factor compared to that of the square hole. The increase in the stress
concentration factor in the case of square hole is due to the increase in the irregularities in the
geometry. Comparing the square and circular hole, it is clear the circular hole is
geometrically smooth and thus it imparts only very less stress concentration near the holes.
4.2.2 Orientation of hole

The effect of orientation of holes on the stress concentration is to be examined and this type
of stress concentrations are not caused by the circular plate, because it can only orient in one
direction. Thus the orientation of hole is very critical in the case of square plate and the
square plate has been oriented in various angles such as 0, 15, 30 and 45 degrees. Results and discussions

Fig.7 Stress pattern for 15 degree inclination

Fig.8 Stress pattern for 30 degree inclination

Fig.9 Stress pattern for 30 degree inclination

From the figure shown above, it is clear that the as the angle of inclination of plate increases
the stress concentration factor is also increasing. This is because the stress concentration
factor will be minimum when the edjes of holes will be remains perpendicular to the loading
direction. As the angle of inclination increases the stress distribution become irregular and
leads to the stress concentrations.

Table 3 SCF for different orientations of holes


1 0

2 15 61.739 6.1

3 30 68.262 6.8

4 45 79.5071 7.9 Inference

From the figure shown above, it is clear that the as the angle of inclination of plate increases
the stress concentration factor is also increasing. Because the stress concentration factor will
be minimum when the edjes of holes will be remains perpendicular to the loading direction.
4.2.3 Diameter of hole

Inorder to determine the effect of diameter on the various properties of plate, the diameter of
holes varied and the analysis is conducted. The diameter of the central circular hole has been
changed from 10mm, 20mm, 30mm, 40mm and 50mm. The effect of the central hole
diameter on the plate is determined and it is summarised below.

Table 4 Von mises stresses for different diameters of holes


1 10 30.91

2 20 31.92

3 30 32.0465

4 40 35.129

5 50 40.3325

The results in the table show the variation of stress with the increase value of diameter of the
hole of plate. From the table it is clear that as the diameter of the central hole of plate on
increasing resulting in increase in the value of von mises stress on the plate. The increase in
value of the von mises stress is due to the fact that as the diameter of the hole is increased, the
hole becomes closer to the plate edge and thus it results in the stress concentrations. There is
one more reason for the increase in the stress concentration in the plate that is due to the
effective decrease in the area of plate. Thus it can be concluded that for the given plate
dimensions as the diameter of the hole increases, the von mises stress also increases due to
the discrepancies caused by the plate edges to the holes and also due to the effective decrease
in the area of the plate.
Fig.10 Stress pattern for 50 mm diameter

The figure above shows the stress pattern for a 50mm diameter circular hole. From the values
which are plotted below, it is clear that the stress concentration had been changed to four
times the initial pressure in x direction and 1.5 times the initial pressure in the y direction.
That is

Fig.10 change in SCF for 50mm diamter Inference

As the diameter of the central hole of plate on increasing resulting in increase in the value of
von mises stress on the plate. The increase in value of the von mises stress is due to the fact
that as the diameter of the hole is increased, the hole becomes closer to the plate edge and
thus it results in the stress concentrations

The vertical optimum distance between two hole may be defined as the minimum distance
between the two holes where the stress concentration is minimum. The vertical spacing of the
hole had been increased in such a way that with an increment of about 10 mm and thus the
variation in the von mises stress is plotted.

4.3.1 Results and discussions

Fig.12 stress pattern for 30mm spacing

Fig.13 stress pattern for 40mm spacing

Fig.14 stress pattern for 50mm spacing

4.3.2 Inference

The vertical spacing between the hole is too important because its find applications in many
practical situations. As the vertical spacing between the hole is increasing the holes
approaches to the plate edges and as a result the stress concentration on that particular area is
very high. When the spacing between the holes keeps on increasing, the stress concentrations
near the holes periphery will be lowered and it is get highly concentrated on the outer
portions of the holes. So in order to find the optimum vertical spacing between the two holes
we must makes the holes free from the stress concentrations due to the presence of the hole
itself and also from the influence of the plate edge. Thus for the above conducted dtudy stress
concentrations are too high for 30 mm and 50 mm spacing but the stress concentrations are
re;atively small sor the 40mm spacing. There for the optimum positioning of two holes in the
vertical directions for the given dimensions of plate is 40mm.


The static analysis of plates with hole can be effectively modelled in ANSYS and the
methodology that adopted to analysis is made validated using the standard problems.

The holes which are provided in the plates for aesthetics and service purposes will always
leads to the development of stress concentration near the holes.

Even though different types of shapes of holes can be provided, but it is found more desire to
provide the circular holes, because it imparts little stress concentrations.

The only shape of the hole which is unaffected by the orientation of hole is the circular hole.
There for it does not impart any stress concentration due to the orientation

For the given dimensions of plate, as the diameter of hole increases the von mises stress also
increases, because the holes are get closer to the plate edge and also the effective area

For the optimum positioning of two holes, the holes should kept free from the influence of
stress concentrations due to holes and also due to the plate edge.

Dhanjal, S. and Arora, R. (2013). “Stress Analysis of a Rectangular Plate with Circular Hole
Using Three Dimensional Finite Element Model”, International Journal of Engineering,
Business and Enterprise Applications, 93, 2279-0020.

Diany, M .(2013). “Effects of the Position and the Inclination of the Hole in Thin Plate on
the Stress Concentration Factor”, International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology, 12, 2278-0181.

Gunwant, D. and Singh, J. P.(2007). “Stress and Displacement Analysis of a Rectangular

Plate with Central Elliptical Hole”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative
Technology, 32, 354–378.

Mirji, P. (2013). “Optimization Of Rectangular Plate With Two Holes Subjected to In-Plane
Static Loading”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 72, 2229-5518.

Nagpal, S. and Sanyal, S. (2013). “Analysis and mitigation of stress concentration factor of
a rectangular isotropic and orthotropic plate with central circular hole subjected to in-plane
static loading by design optimization”, International Journal of Innovative Research in
Science, Engineering and Technology, 7, 2903-2909

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