Digital Security Act 2018 English Version PDF
Digital Security Act 2018 English Version PDF
Digital Security Act 2018 English Version PDF
Additional Issue
Published by the Authority
Bangladesh Parliament
The Parliament has accepted the following Act which has been approved by the President according
to 23 Ashwin, 1425 on 08 October, 2018 and the Act is being published for information to public:--
The Act is enacted to ensure National Digital Security and enact laws regarding Digital Crime
Identification, Prevention, Suppression, Trial and other related matters
Whereas it is expedient and necessary to formulate an Act for ensuring National Digital Security
and enact laws regarding Digital Crime Identification, Prevention, Suppression, Trial and other
related matters
1) Short Title and Commencement: - (1) This Act shall be called Digital Security Act 2018
(2) It will come into force immediately
2) Definition: -
(1) Unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, in this Act,
a) “Appeal Tribunal” means the cyber appeal tribunal created under Section 82, information
and communication technology Act, 2006 ( Act No. 39 of year 2006);
b) “Data Storage” means text, image, information presented as audio or video format,
knowledge, incident, principle idea or guidelines, which
i) has been or is being formally produced by means of any computer or
computer network or computer system; and
ii) has been prepared with the aim of using it in any computer or computer
network or computer system
c) “ Agency” means Digital Security Agency formed under Section 5 of this Act;
d) “Computer Emergency Response Team” means the National computer emergency
response team or computer emergency response team formed under Section 9;
e) “Computer System” means the communication process between one or more computer(s)
or digital device(s) that are capable of collecting, sending and storing data singly or by
connecting with each other;
f) “Council” means national digital security council formed under Section 12;
g) “Critical Information Infrastructure” means any physical or virtual information
infrastructure declared by the government which is capable of controlling, processing,
circulating or preserving any information, data or electronic information and which if it is
damaged or compromised may adversely affect -
(i) public safety or financial security or public health,
(ii) national security or national integrity or sovereignty;
h) “Tribunal” means cyber tribunal created under Section 68 of, information and
communication technology Act, 2006 (Act No. 39 of year 2006);
i) “Digital” means the working procedure based on binary system (0 or 1) or digit based
system, and to fulfill the objective of this Act, electrical, digital, magnetic, optical,
biometric, electrochemical, electromechanical, wireless or electro-magnetic technology
will be the part of it;
j) “ Digital Device” means any electronic, digital, magnetic, optical or information processing
device or system which by using electronic, digital, magnetic, optical or information
processing device or system, will perform logical, mathematical and memory
programming, and any digital or computer device system or computer network
connected with it or all kinds of input, output, processing, accumulating digital software
device or communication facilities will be included;
k) “Digital Security” means the security of any digital device or digital system;
l) “Digital Forensic Lab” means the digital forensic lab formed under Section 10;
m) “Police Officer” means a police officer who is not below the rank of sub-inspector;
n) “Program” means any directives expressed in the form of sound, signal, writing or in any
other form; produced with the help of a machine in a readable medium, using which any
specific activity can be executed or be made tangibly productive using digital device
o) “Criminal Procedure” means Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898);
p) “Person” means any person or institution, company, partnership business, farm or any
other organization, in case of the digital device its controller, and any entity created by
law or artificial legal entity will be included in it;
q) “Illegal Entrance” means entrance without the permission of any person or authority or
entrance in violation of the conditions of permission of entrance by the said person or
authority into any computer or digital device or digital network system, or by above
mentioned entrance create hindrance in the exchange of any data-information suspend or
prevent or stop the process of exchange of data-information, or change the data-
information or add or deduct the data-information or collect the data-information with
the use of a digital device
r) “Director General” means the director general of the agency;
s) “Defamation” means as defined under Section 499 of Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860)
t) “Malware” means such kind of computer or digital instruction, data-information, Program
or application which-
i) Is to change, distort, damage any work done by digital device or
computer or to create adverse effect on the work done
ii) Is to connect oneself to any computer or digital device and any
Program of that mentioned computer or digital device, to
operate data-information or during any other operation, it
becomes autonomously active and by means of which the
mentioned computer or digital device causes harmful incident
or changes;
iii) Is to create the opportunity of automatic entrance to a digital
device or to steal information of the said device;
u) “Cognition of Liberation War” means those great ideals which inspired our brave public
to dedicate themselves to the national liberation struggle and our brave martyrs to lay
down their lives for the cause of liberation, the ideals of nationalism, socialism,
democracy and secularism
v) “Service Provider” means:-
i) Any person who through computer or digital process enables
any user to communicate; or
ii) Any such person, entity or institution who or which preserves or
process data in favour of the service user
(2) The words and definition of expression used in this Act for which no definition has been provided
in this Act it will ne deemed that those words and expression has been used in the meaning they are
used in the, Information and communication technology Act, 2006.
1) If any person commits any offense within this Act outside Bangladesh which would be a
punishable offense if committed inside Bangladesh, then the provisions of this Act would be
applicable in such a manner as if those Acts were committed in Bangladesh
2) If any person commits any offense in Bangladesh within this Act from outside Bangladesh
using any computer, computer system, or computer, then the provision of this Act will be
applicable in such a manner as if the whole process of the offense was committed inside
3) If any person commits any offense outside Bangladesh within this Act from inside
Bangladesh, then the provisions of this Act will be applicable in such a manner that the
whole process of committing the offense occurred inside Bangladesh.
(1) To fulfill the objective of this Act, there will be a national computer emergency response
team under the agency, which will operate round the clock.
(2) Any Critical Information Infrastructure as defined in Section 15, can create its own computer
emergency response team with prior permission from the agency
(3) Computer emergency response team will be formed by digital security expert personnel’s
and if necessary, will include members of law and order enforcing Security force.
(4) Computer emergency response team will operate round the clock performing their
responsibilities as determined by rules.
(5) Without going against sub-section (4) as a whole, computer emergency response team will
fulfill the responsibilities mentioned below, they are: -
a. To ensure the security of Critical information infrastructure.
b. If there is any cyber or digital attack or if the cyber or if cyber or digital security is
hampered then take immediate necessary remedial measures
c. To take necessary initiatives to prevent possible and upcoming cyber or digital attacks.
d. To fulfill the objectives of this Act, with prior permission of the government, to take
overall cooperation initiatives including information exchange with any similar type of
international team or organization; and
e. And other activities determined by rules.
(6) The agency will coordinate activities among Emergency response teams and also supervise
10) Digital Forensic Lab: -
(1) To fulfill the objective of this Act, there will be one or more forensic lab under the control
and supervision of the agency.
(2) No matter what is in Subsection (1), if a digital forensic lab was established under a
government authority or institution before the enactment of this Act, the agency will give
recognition to those forensic lab subject to the quality requirements under Section 11 of this
Act and it will be deemed that those labs were established under this Act
(3) Agency will establish coordination between the digital forensic labs.
(4) The establishment of digital forensic lab, it uses, operations and other issues will be
determined by rules.
(1) The agency through quality standards determined by rules will ensure the quality of each
Digital Forensic lab,
(2) In ensuring quality as per subsection (1), among other issues, each digital forensic lab-
a. will have qualified and trained manpower to operate the activities of the lab;
b. will ensure the physical infrastructural facilities;
c. will take necessary measures to maintain the secrecy and security of the data-
d. to use instruments of quality in order to maintain the quality of the examination of
digital technical standard; and
e. All activities should be performed following scientific procedure and procedure
determined by rules.
Chapter FOUR
Digital Security Council
(1) To fulfill the objective of this Act, a National Digital Security Council will be formed
consisting of 13 (thirteen) members including a chairman; as described below-
a. Chairman
b. Minister, State Minister or Deputy Minister of Ministry of Posts, Telecommunication and
Information Technology;
c. Minister, State Minister or Deputy Minister of Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary
d. Principal Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office;
e. Governor, Bangladesh Bank;
f. Secretary, Posts & Telecommunication Division
g. Secretary, Information and Communication Technology Division;
h. Secretary, Public security Division;
i. Foreign Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
j. Inspector General of Police, Bangladesh Police;
k. Chairman BTRC
l. Director General, Defense Intelligence Head Office;
m. Director General, National Digital Security Council; -Member Secretary
(2) The Prime Minister of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh will be the Chairman.
(3) To fulfill the objective of Subsection (1), with the advice/approval of the chairman, the
council may co-opt as member at any time, a person with specialized knowledge or
representative of a relevant body (for example: Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS),
Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), Internet Service
Providers Association of Bangladesh (ISPAB), National Telecommunication Monitoring
Centre (NTMC) or a suitable representative from mass media on recommendation from
Ministry of Information through gazette notification for a specified time and on specific
13) The power of the Council, etc.: - (1) The Council in implementing the provisions of this Act and
the Rules enacted under this Act will provide directives and advice to the agency
(2) The Council in addition to other subject matters will specially perform the following.
Namely: -
a. If the digital security is under threat provide necessary directions to remedy the
b. To advice on how to improve the digital security infrastructure; how to increase in its
manpower and how to increase in its quality
c. To enact inter-institutional policies with the aim of ensuring digital security:
d. Taking necessary steps to ensure the implementation of the Act and of the Rules enacted
under this Act; and
e. Any other act determined by rules;
(3) Agency will provide necessary secretarial support to the council to perform its functions.
14) Council Meeting, Etc. (1) In lieu of provisions of this Section, council can decide its working
procedures of the meeting.
(2) The meetings of the council will take place on a date, time and place as decided by its Chairman.
(3) Council will meet as and when necessary.
(4) The chairman will chair all council meetings.
(5) Any work or proceedings of the council will not be illegal because of the reason of a position
being vacant or because of an error in the formation the council and no questions can be raised
on it.
15) Critical Information Infrastructure:- To fulfill the objective of this Act, government through
government gazette may declare as critical information infrastructure any computer system,
network or Information Infrastructure .
(1) Director General, to ensure the conformance of the provisions of this Act will time to time
visit and inspect the Critical information infrastructures and will submit a report to the
(2) The declared Critical information infrastructures within this Act, in a process determined by
Rules will submit an investigative report regarding the internal and external infrastructure
of it to the Government and notify The Director General about the subject matter of the
(3) If the Director General reasonably believes that in a matter within his jurisdiction an act of
any individual is threatening or harmful to any Critical Information Infrastructure he may by
his own volition or by complaint of another start an investigation on the matter
(4) To fulfill the objective of this Act, expert personnel in the area of Digital Security shall
complete the security visit or investigation activities on matters of Digital security.
18) Illegal Entrance in computer, digital device, computer system, etc. and punishment:-
(3) If an offence within the Sub-Section (1), is committed in case of a secured computer or
computer system or computer network then, the person will be penalized by imprisonment
for a term not exceeding 3(three) years or by fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or with
(4) If any person commits the offense within this Section for the second time or recurrently
commits it then, he will be penalized with punishment that is two times of the punishment
designated for the main offense
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will be
penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7(seven) years or fine not exceeding
10 (ten) lacs taka or with both.
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding
10( ten) years of imprisonment or with fine not exceeding 25 (twenty five) lacs taka or with
(1) If any person intentionally or knowingly hides or destroys or changes the source code used
in any computer, computer system, or computer network or if he tries to hide, destroy or
change the source through another person and if that source code is preservable and
securable then that act of the said person will be considered an offense under the Act.
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will be
penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 (three) years or fine not exceeding
3 (three) lacs taka or with both
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding
5(five) years or with fine not exceeding 5 (five) lacs taka or with both.
21) Punishment for Any propaganda or campaign against liberation war, Cognition of
liberation war, Father of the nation, National Anthem or National Flag: -
(1) If any person by means of digital medium runs any propaganda or campaign or assists in
running a propaganda or campaign against the liberation war of Bangladesh, Cognition of
liberation war, Father of the Nation, National Anthem or national Flag then, that act of that
person will be an offense under the Act.
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will be
penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 (ten) years or with fine not
exceeding 1 (one) crore taka or with both.
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with life term imprisonment or with fine
not exceeding 3 (three) crores or with both
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding
7 (seven) years or with fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or with both
To fulfill the objective of this Act, “Digital or Electronic Forgery” means, if any person without
authority or in excess of the given authority or by means of unauthorized practice produces
input or output of any computer or digital device or changes, erases or hides incorrect data or
program, or results in erroneous information, or information system of any computer or digital
device, data system and computer or digital network operation
(1) If any person commits fraud by means of any digital or electronic medium then that activity
of that particular person will be an offense under the Act.
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will be
penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 (five) years or by fine not exceeding
5 (five) lacs taka or with both
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding
7 (seven) years or with fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or with both
To fulfill the objective of this Act, “Digital or Electric Fraud” means, if any person
intentionally or knowingly or without permission changes any information, deletes, adds
new information or creates distortion and reduces the value of that or the utility of any
computer program, computer system, computer network, digital device, digital system,
digital network, or of a social communication medium, trying to gain benefit for
himself/herself or for others or trying to harm others or to deceive others .
(1) If any person intentionally or knowingly uses any computer, computer Program, computer
system, computer network, digital device, digital system or digital network-
a. With the intention of deceiving or cheating carries the identity of another person or
shows any person’s identity as his own, or
b. Intentionally by forgery assuming the identity of a alive or dead person as one’s own for
the following purpose-
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will be
penalized by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 (five) years or fine not exceeding 5
(five) lacs taka or both
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding
7 (seven) years or with 10 (ten) lacs taka or with both
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will be
penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3(three) years of or fine not
exceeding 3(three) lacs taka or with both.
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding
5(five) years or with fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or with both
26) Punishment for Collecting, Using sIdentity Information without Permission, etc :-
(1) If any person without any legal authority collects, sells, takes possession, supplies or uses
any person’s identity information, then, that activity of that person will be an offense under
the Act.
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will be
penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 (five) years or fine not exceeding 5
(five) lacs taka or with both.
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be penalized with imprisonment for a term not
exceeding 7 (seven) years or with fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lacs taka or with both.
To fulfill the objective of this Section, “Identity Information”, means any external, biological
or physical information or any other information which singly or jointly can identify a
person or a system, his/her name, address, Date of birth, mother’s name , father’s name,
signature, National identity , birth and death registration number, finger print, passport
number , bank account number , driver’s license , E-TIN number, Electronic or digital
signature , username, Credit or debit card number, voice print , retina image , iris image ,
DNA profile, Security related questions or any other identification which due to the
excellence of technology is easily available.
Then that activity of that person will be considered as cyber security crime.
(2) If any person commits any offense mentioned within sub section (1), the person will be
penalized with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14(fourteen) years or with fine not
exceeding 1(one) crore taka or with both.
(3) If any person commits the offense mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it then, he will be punished with lifetime imprisonment or with fine not
exceeding 5(five) crore taka or with both
28) Publication, Broadcast, etc. of such information in any website or in any electronic format
that hampers the religious sentiment or values:-
(1) If any person or group intentionally or knowingly with the aim of hurting religious
sentiments or values or with the intention to provoke publish or broadcast anything by
means of any website or any electronic format which hurts religious sentiment or values
then such activity of that person will be considered an offence
(2) If any person commits an offence under sub section (1), the person will be sentenced to a
term of imprisonment not exceeding 7 (seven) years or fine not exceeding 10 (ten) lac or
(3) If any person commits the offence mentioned in sub-section (1) second time or repeatedly,
he will be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 10 (ten) years or fine not exceeding
20 (twenty) lac taka or both
(2) If any person commits the offence mentioned in sub-section (1) second time or repeatedly,
he he will be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 5(Five) years or fine not
exceeding Tk.10 (Ten) lac or both
(2) If any person commits offence mentioned in sub section (1), the person will be penalized
with either maximum of 5(five) years of imprisonment or fine of Tk. 5 (five) lac or will be
punished with both.
(3) If any person commits the offence mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
repeatedly, he will be punished with a maximum of 7(seven) years imprisonment or with
maximum fine of Tk. 10 (ten) lac or both.
To fulfill the objective of this Section, “E-Transaction”, means deposit or withdrawal of fund
or direction, order or legally authorized money transaction for withdrawal through any
bank, financial institution or through any digital or electronic medium to a specified account
number by a person with the aim of transferring funds..
(1) If any person commits or aids and abets in committing an offence under Official Secrets Act, 1923
(Act No XIX of 1923) through computer, digital device, computer network, digital network or
through any other digital medium then he will be punished to a term of imprisonment not
exceeding 14(fourteen) years or with fine not exceeding Tk.25 (Twenty Five) Lac or with both.
(2) If any person commits the offence mentioned in sub-section (1) for the second time or
recurrently commits it, he will be punished with life imprisonment or with fine not exceeding Tk.
1(one) crore or with both.
(1) If any person enters any computer or digital system illegally and does any addition or subtraction,
transfer or with the aim of transfer save or aid in saving any data-information belonging to
government, semi-government, autonomous or statutory organization or any financial or commercial
organisation , then the activity of that person will be considered an offence.
(2) If any person commits an offence mentioned in sub section (1), he will be sentenced to a term of
imprisonment not exceeding 5(Five) years or with fine not exceeding Tk.10 (Ten) lac or with both.
(3) If any person commits the offence mentioned in sub-section (1) second time or recurrently commits
it then, he will be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 7(Seven) years or with fine not
exceeding Tk.15 (Fifteen) lac or with both.
(1) If a person commits hacking then it will be considered an offence. and for this, he will be
sentenced to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 14(Fourteen) years or with fine not
exceeding Tk.1 (One) Crore or with both.
(2) If any person commits the offence mentioned in sub-section (1) second time or repeatedly
then, he will be penalized with life imprisonment or with fine not exceeding Tk.5 (Five)
Crore or both
In this section “Hacking” means-
a. To destroy, change, format, cancel any information of the compute data storage or to
reduce the value or suitability of it or damaging it in any other way, or
b. Without ownership or possession illegally entering and damaging any computer, server,
computer network, or any electric system
(1) If any person aids in committing any offence under this Act then such act of that person will
be considered an offence.
(2) In case of aiding of an offence, the punishment will be the same as that of the original
(1) In case of a company committing an offence under this Act, all such owner, chief executive, director,
manager, secretary, shareholder or any other officer or employee or representative of the company
having direct connection with the offence will be considered as the offender unless he can prove that
the offence took place without his knowledge or he took all possible steps to stop the commission of
the offence
(2) If the company mentioned under subsection (1) is a company having corporate legal personality,
then apart from the people mentioned, the company can also be charged and found guilty under the
same proceedings, but only the monetary punishment can be imposed on the company as per the
relevant provisions
In this Section-
a. The word “Company” includes any commercial institution, business partnership, society,
association or organization;
b. In case of commercial organization meaning of “Director “will be regarded as including its
shareholder or member of board of directors.
If a person cause financial damage to another person under Section 22 digital or electronic
forgery, under Section 23 digital or electric fraud and under Section 24 identification fraud
or by means of disguise, the tribunal, may order him to compensate the affected person by
giving money equivalent to the damage caused or a suitable amount after considering the
damage caused
38) No Responsibility for the service provider:
(1) Any service provider will not be responsible under this Act or any rules enacted under this
Act for facilitating access to data-information, if he succeeds in proving that, the offence or
breach was committed without his knowledge or he took all possible steps to stop the
commission of the offence. .
(1) Police Officer, hereinafter mentioned as the investigation officer in this chapter, will
investigate offence committed under this Act.
(2) Irrespective of the provision in Sub Section (1), if, before starting trial or at any stage of
investigation it is evident that, an investigation team is required for fair investigation of the
case in question then by order of the tribunal or the government, under the control and
conditions of the authority or organization mentioned in that order, investigation
organization, with combination of Law and Security Enforcement Authority and Agency. can
form a Joint Investigation team.
(1) While investigating any offence under this Act, the investigation officer shall have the
following powers, such as:-
a. He/she can take in his/her custody computer, computer Program, computer system,
computer network or any digital device, digital system, digital network or any Program,
data-information which has been saved in any computer or compact disc or removable
drive or in any other way;.
b. He/she can take necessary initiative to collect data-information from traffic-data from
any person or organization.
c. Any other task necessary to fulfill the objectives of this Act.
(2) While conducting investigation under this Act the investigation officer may take help from
any expert person or any specialized organization for the sake of investigation of an offence.
(1) If a police officer has a reason to believe that an offence under this Act has been or is being or will be
committed in any place, or there is a possibility of it happening, or if there is a possibility of evidence
being lost, destroyed, deleted or altered or possibility of it being made scarce in some other way, then
the officer, upon recording the reason for his/her belief, can undertake the following tasks: -
a. Enter and search the said place and, if interrupted, take necessary action in accordance with the
Code of Criminal Procedure;.
b. Seize the computer, computer systems, computer network, data-information or other objects
which were used in committing the offence or documents that can aid in proving the offence that
are found in that place while conducting the search;;
c. Conduct physical search of any person present in that place;
d. Arrest anyone present in the said place if suspected of committing or having committed an
offence under this Act.
(2) ) After conducting a search under subsection (1), the police officer will submit a search report to the
(1) If the Director General on his own accord or on the basis of an application by the investigation officer
believes that, any data-information stored in a computer should be preserved for the interest of an
investigation under this Act or there is possibility that such information could be harmed,
destroyed, altered or lost e, then, he/she can order the person or institution responsible for that
computer or computer system to preserve such data-information for 90(ninety) days.
(2) Tribunal may, on application, extend the period of preservation of such data-information but it
should not be for more than a total of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days.
(1) if any person, entity or any service provider gives or publishes any information for the
interest of investigation then no proceedings can be brought against that person, entity, or
service provider under civil or criminal law.
(2) All person, entity or service provider related with the investigation under this Act shall
maintain secrecy of information related to the investigation.
(3) If any person breaches the provisions of Sub sections (1) and (2), then the breach will be
considered as an offence, and for such offence he will be sentenced to a term of
imprisonment not exceeding 2(Two) years or fine not exceeding Tk.1 (One) lac or both
54) Confiscation: -
(1) If an offence is committed under this Act then the computer, computer system, floppy disk,
compact disk, tape drive or any other related computer materials or instrument through
which the offence was committed can be confiscated by the order of the tribunal.
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of Subsection (1), if the tribunal is satisfied that the person
who was in control or possession of the computer, computer system, floppy disk, compact
disk, tape drive or any other related computer materials or instrument is not responsible for
the offence committed by that instrument, then, the said computer, computer system, floppy
disk, compact disk, tape drive or any other related computer materials or instrument will not
be confiscated.
(3) If the computer, computer system, floppy disk, compact disk, tape drive or any other related
computerized materials or instrument fit for confiscation under subsection (1) has any legal
computer, computer system, floppy disk, compact disk, tape drive or any other related
computer materials or instrument with it, then those instruments will also be confiscated).
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, if the offence is committed by using any
computer or other related computer materials or instrument belonging to a government or
constitutional organization then it will not be confiscated.
The Director General may, if necessary, may delegate any power or responsibility entrusted
to him under this Act by a written order to any employee of the agency and to any other
person or to a police officer.
(1) After the Act comes into force, the Government can publish an authentic English text
translation of this Act by notification in the official Gazette.
(2) In the case of conflict between Bengali and English text of the Act, the Bengali text will
The announced vision 2021 by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina: in the aim creating digital
Bangladesh the usage of data and information technology to its highest is a must. In the present
world benefitting by the vast usage of information technology has also increased the wrong
application, for which the level of cyber crime is also increasing. In this circumstances, to ensure
the national digital security and redress, prevention, identificationand restraint and judgement
of digital crimes this Act implementation is a must. To secure the nation and the public life and
property from Cyber cum digital crime is the main objective if this Act.
The implementation of digital Bangladesh can be considered as the revival of the Golden
Bangladesh of the father of the nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The great dreamer has given his
own suitable successor to fulfill the dream of Golden Bangladesh, Honorable Prime Misnister
Sheikh Hasina. Digital security Act 2018 will play a helpful role in implementing Vision 2021;
Digital Bangladesh.
2. The following proposal will be installed instead of the proposal of the Bill, such as:-
3. On the Section number 2 of the sub-Section (1), will be renumbered as serial number (u) and serial
number (v), and thus serial number (t) serial number (u) shall be inserted in the following way. Such
“(u) ““Cognition of Liberation War”, meaning the great ideals who inspired our hero public to
dedicate themselves and to sacrifice the life of the hero martyrs. The ideal of those nationalism,
socialism, democracy and secularism”.
5. Before the mentioned word” Digital Security Agency” in The sub-Section(1) of Section 5, by
combining a 1(one) director general and 2(two) director, “ words and coma has to be
6. The following will be inserted as Section (6) instead of the Section (6) in the bill, such as:-
7. In the sub-Section (2) of Section 8, before abbreviating the mentioned word “BRTC” the words and
comas will be inserted by the director general.
8. Section 12 of the bill-
a. Of Sub-Section-
(i) In serial (b),after the mentioned word “ state minister” , the sign and the word
“deputy minister” is to inserted;
(ii) The serial (c) number will be inserted as new serial of serial number (b) and
thus the immediate numbers will (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i),(j), and (k), hence
the serials shall be renumbered as (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i),(j), and (k).
b. Tin Sub-Section (3), the mentioned “as a member of it any suitable representative of intuitions,
etc. at any time by considering the agenda of the meeting temporarily may co-opt. “instead of
those words and the bracket, “or by the recommendation of the information ministry1 (one)
representative can be the member and can co-opt any time,” these words and coma will be
9. The mentioned “1(one) year” in Section 18, sub-Section (2), serial number (a) of the bill, instead of
the number, bracket and the words, “6(six) months” number, bracket and the words and instead of
“3(three) lacs” number, bracket, words, “2(two) lacs “ number, bracket and words shall be inserted.