Controller Design For A 1000 MW Ultra Super Critical Once-Through Boiler Power Plant
Controller Design For A 1000 MW Ultra Super Critical Once-Through Boiler Power Plant
Controller Design For A 1000 MW Ultra Super Critical Once-Through Boiler Power Plant
Abstract: A large-scale 1000 MW once-through type ultra super-critical boiler power plant, requires
investigation for the development of an analyzable model for use in the development of an intelligent
control system. Using data from the power plant, a model is realized using dynamically recurrent neural
networks. For proper operation, the plant must be broken into smaller subsystems that are each modeled by
a separate neural network. Modified predictive optimal control is then used to drive the plant to desired
states. Due to the computational intensity of modified predictive optimal control, it was rendered unviable
by the computation time required for each time step of the controller. As an alternative, a reference
governor was implemented along with a PID feedback control system that utilizes intelligent gain tuning.
also provide cold air to the pulverizers. The fuel is provided Table 1. Control actions
to the furnace through the pulverizers and burners. Furnace
pressure is maintained at the desired value by controlling two Control Associated
Control Description
induced draft fans. The waterwall surrounds the furnace Number Subsystem
vertically and spirally. Flue gas exiting the furnace travels primary air
uc1 primary air fan control
through the superheaters and reheaters, economizers, and air subsystem
preheater to raise the temperature of the steam, water or air, secondary air
uc2 forced draft fan control
respectively. There is a separator on top of the furnace which subsystem
supplies high pressure steam to the primary superheater and induced draft fan gas recirculation
reduces the impurities in the steam. The superheater consists control subsystem
of four parts, primary, division, platen, and finish. The hot primary air damper pulverizer/burner
reheaters reheat the steam after the High Pressure (HP) uc4
control subsystem
turbine using the primary reheater and the reheater finish. cold primary air damper pulverizer/burner
Finally, the turbine generates power from the tandem uc5
control subsystem
compound triple turbines, which consist of three parts: a HP pulverizer/burner
turbine, an Intermediate Pressure (IP) turbine, and Low uc6 coal feeder control
Pressure (LP) turbine. feedwater pump control
uc7 feedwater subsystem
The model will be focused on boiler, turbine, and generator
parts. Each subsystem has common inputs and outputs: mass superheater division
uc8 feedwater subsystem
flow rate, temperature, pressure, and enthalpy of fluid. In spray control
addition to these inputs, there are control variables involved superheater platen spray
uc9 feedwater subsystem
in driving each subsystem to the desired state, which are control
listed in Table 1. The proposed model, which is based on the high pressure turbine high pressure turbine
NN, will use the predefined control action as feedforward valve control subsystem
control. The four process models which are broken up superheater damper gas recirculation
further into subsystems are shown in Table 2. With the control subsystem
proposed approach, the utility company is able to investigate gas recirculation
the dynamic characteristics of power plants with different uc12 reheater damper control
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008