Grammar: Vocabulary
Grammar: Vocabulary
Grammar: Vocabulary
Preoositions of movement
affirmative ) He I She has be en to Red Squar~ 10 66 Complete the conversations
j with these
negative I We haven't walked n a deserto prepositions. Then listen and check.
q~sti~Have you ever visited the
- - across into over through to
- '--_
Q) PAGE 141
Q) PAG[ 142
12 In groups of three, you have three minutes
to find three things for each section below.
1 Which things in this lesson haven't you done?
three things you all have in cornmon.
2 What interesting thmgs have you seen or done?
What places have you been to? Make a list
of three things you have all done,
3 Are there things you've always wanted to do?
Make a list of three th'nqs and number them
in order of preíerence,