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Dental Board Form Application For Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition ATMR 20

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* A TM R - 2 0 1 * ATMR-20

Application for Trans Tasman mutual recognition

Profession: Dental

Division 2 of Part 3 of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act

This form is for applicants applying for registration as a dental practitioner in Symbols in this form
Australia under the Commonwealth Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997.
It is important that you refer to the Dental Board of Australia’s (the Board) Additional information
registration standards, codes and guidelines when completing the form. Provides specific information about a question or section of the form.
Registration standards, codes and guidelines can be found at Attention
www.dentalboard.gov.au Highlights important information about the form.
T his application will not be considered unless it is Attach document(s) to this form
complete and all supporting documentation has Processing cannot occur until all required documents are received.
been provided. Supporting documentation must be certified in
Signature required
accordance with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
Requests appropriate parties to sign the form where indicated.
(AHPRA) guidelines. For more information, see Certifying documents
in the Information and definitions section of this form. Completing this form
Privacy and confidentiality • Read and complete all questions.
The Board and AHPRA are committed to protecting your personal information in • Ensure that all pages and required attachments are returned to AHPRA.
accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The ways the Board and AHPRA may collect, • Use a black or blue pen only.
use and disclose your information are set out in the collection statement relevant to this • Print clearly in B L O C K L E T T E RS
application, available at www.ahpra.gov.au/privacy. • Place X in all applicable boxes:
By signing this form, you confirm that you have read the collection statement. AHPRA’s
privacy policy explains how you may access and seek correction of your personal • DO NOT send original documents unless specified.
information held by AHPRA and the Board, how to complain to AHPRA about a breach of
your privacy and how your complaint will be dealt with. This policy can be accessed at
 o not use staples or glue, or affix sticky notes to your application.
www.ahpra.gov.au/privacy. Please ensure all supporting documents are on A4 size paper.

SECTION A: Eligibility for Trans Tasman mutual recognition

1. Do you currently hold YES You must attach to your application evidence of your existing registration as
registration as a dental a dental practitioner in New Zealand, as required in Section B: Registration type
practitioner in New Zealand? of this application form.

NO You are not eligible for Trans Tasman mutual recognition. Please use form
AGEN-20 to apply for general registration as a dental practitioner.

2. In Australia, New Zealand • are you subject to disciplinary proceedings or any preliminary investigations or action that might lead
or another country: to disciplinary proceedings
• is your registration cancelled or currently suspended as the result of disciplinary action
• are you personally prohibited from carrying on practice as a dental practitioner, and/or
• are you subject to any special conditions in your practice as a dental practitioner as a result of criminal,
civil or disciplinary proceedings?

YES, in Australia and/or New Zealand

You are not eligible for Trans Tasman mutual recognition. Please use form AGEN-20 to apply
for general registration as a dental practitioner.

YES, in a country other than Australia or New Zealand

You must attach details to this application.


3. In New Zealand, Australia YES NO

or overseas, are you subject
to any special conditions
in carrying on practice You must attach to this application details of any special conditions.
as a dental practitioner?

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 1 of 9

SECTION B: Registration type and division(s)
4. Which registration type and General and/or specialist registration
corresponding division(s)
of the profession are you Mark all options applicable to your application
applying for registration for
in Australia? Dentist Dental hygienist Dental prosethist
The registration type Dental specialist Dental therapist O
 ral health therapist
and division(s) you are
applying for in Australia Mark the speciality you are applying for
must correspond with the
type of registration you Endodontics Oral surgery Prosthodontics
hold in New Zealand. Oral and maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics P ublic health dentistry
If you select general and/
 (community dentistry)
Oral medicine Paediatric dentistry
or specialist registration,
Special needs dentistry
you may not select non- Oral pathology Periodontics
practising registration.

You must attach evidence of your existing registration as a dental practitioner in

New Zealand. This must include a complete an accurate copy of your current annual
practising certificate.

Non-practising registration

You must attach evidence of your existing non-practising registration as a dental practitioner
in New Zealand. This must include a complete an accurate copy of your current registration

SECTION C: Personal details

The information items in this section of the application marked with an asterisk (*) will appear on the public register.

5. What is your name and date

of birth?
Family name*

First given name*

Middle name(s)*

Previous names known by (e.g. maiden name)

Date of birth D D / MM / Y Y Y Y
If you have ever been formally known by another name, or you are providing documents in
another name, you must attach proof of your name change unless this has been previously
provided to the Board. For more information, see Change of name in the Information and
definitions section of this form.

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 2 of 9

6. W
 hat are your birth and
Country of birth
personal details?

City/Suburb/Town of birth

State/Territory of birth (if within Australia)

Languages spoken fluently other than English (optional)*

SECTION D: Proof of identity

Y ou must provide proof of your identity with this application. Please refer to the Proof of identity requirements available
at www.ahpra.gov.au/identity.
You must provide one document from each category A, B and C, and one document from category D if the document supplied for
category B or C does not contain evidence of a current Australian residential address.
7. Are you applying for YES Go to the next question
registration from outside
of Australia AND unable to Attachment required below – then go to Section E: Contact information
provide evidence from each
category? You must attach a certified copy of a foreign passport (an EU card is not acceptable).
If you are applying for Your certified copy must include:
registration from outside of • a certified copy of the identity information page (the photo page), and
Australia and are unable to
provide evidence from each
• an official English translation of your passport (if your passport is in a language other
category, you will be required than English). Please refer to Translating documents at www.ahpra.gov.au/translate
to meet the minimum identity for further information.
requirements. Refer to www.
ahpra.gov.au/identity for
further information.

8. Which documents from each

Choose proof of identity documents to submit: (A document may only be used once for any category)
category will you provide for
Category used: Category used:
proof of identity? Documents A B C
Documents A B C
You must only use each Australian birth or adoption certificate NA Australian financial institution account NA NA
document once.
T he documents provided must meet New Zealand passport NA Australian Medicare card NA NA
the following criteria: Australian visa (Foreign passport must
NA Australian PAYG payment summary NA NA
• At least one document must be be selected as evidence for Category B)
in the applicant’s current name. ImmiCard NA Australian motor vehicle registration NA NA
• Your category B document must Australian citizenship certificate NA Australian Taxation Assessment Notice NA NA
have a recent photo.
• All documents must be officially Australian passport Australian insurance policy NA NA
translated into English. Please Australian motor vehicle licence NA Australian pension/healthcare card NA NA
refer to Translating documents at
www.ahpra.gov.au/translate for Foreign passport NA Category D documents
further information. Australian Working with Children/ A document from Category D is only required if your
• If using your passport, a certified Vulnerable People Card Category B or C document does not provide evidence
copy of the identity information Australian firearms or shooter’s licence NA of your residential address.
page (the photo page) must
be provided. Australian student ID card NA I have used a Category B or C document that has
• All documents must be true Intl. or foreign motor vehicle licence NA my current residential address
certified copies of the original.
Australian proof of age card NA Australian rate notice
See Certifying documents in the
Information and definitions section Australian government benefits NA NA Current Australian lease or tenancy agreement
of this form for more information.
Australian academic transcript NA NA Australian utility account
Australian registration certificate NA NA Australian electoral enrolment card

You must attach a certified copy of all proof of identity documents that you have
indicated above.

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 3 of 9

SECTION E: Contact information
 nce registered, you can change your contact information at any time. Please go to www.ahpra.gov.au and
• download and complete the change of address form CHDT-00 – Request for change of address details on the register, or
• log in to your AHPRA account to change your details online.
9. What are your contact details?
Provide your current contact details below – place an next to your preferred contact phone number.
Business hours Mobile

After hours


10. What is your residential

Site/building and/or position/department (if applicable)
When you are not yet
practising, or when you are
not practising the profession
predominantly at one address:
• your residential address
will be recognised as Address (e.g. 123 JAMES AVENUE; or UNIT 1A, 30 JAMES STREET)
your principal place of
practice, and
• the information items
marked with an asterisk (*)
will appear on the public
register as your principal
place of practice.
Refer to the question below
for the definition of principal
place of practice.
State or territory (e.g. VIC, ACT)/International province* Postcode/ZIP*
Residential address cannot
be a PO Box.
Country (if other than Australia)

11. Will the address of your YES Provide your Australian principal place of practice below
principal place of practice be
the same as your residential Site/building and/or position/department (if applicable)
 Principal place of practice
for a registered health
practitioner is:
• the address at which you
will predominantly practise Address (e.g. 123 JAMES AVENUE; or UNIT 1A, 30 JAMES STREET)
the profession; or
• your principal place of
residence, if you are not
practising the profession
or are not practising the
profession predominantly
at one address.
Principal place of practice City/Suburb/Town*
cannot be a PO Box.
The information items marked
with an asterisk (*) will appear State/Territory* (e.g. VIC, ACT) Postcode*
on the public register.

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 4 of 9

12. What is your mailing address? My residential address
 Your mailing address is used
for postal correspondence. My principal place of practice

Other (Provide your mailing address below)

Site/building and/or position/department (if applicable)

Address/PO Box (e.g. 123 JAMES AVENUE; or UNIT 1A, 30 JAMES STREET; or PO BOX 1234)


State or territory (e.g. VIC, ACT)/International province Postcode/ZIP

Country (if other than Australia)

SECTION F: Qualification for the profession

13. What are the details of the
Most recent qualification and examinations/assessments
qualification or other method
Title of qualification
on which your registration in
New Zealand is based?
Name of institution (University/College/Examining body)


Start date Completion date

MM / Y Y Y Y MM / Y Y Y Y

Additional qualification and examinations/assessments

Title of qualification

Name of institution (University/College/Examining body)


Start date Completion date

MM / Y Y Y Y MM / Y Y Y Y

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 5 of 9

Additional qualification and examinations/assessments
Title of qualification

Name of institution (University/College/Examining body)


Start date Completion date

MM / Y Y Y Y MM / Y Y Y Y

Attach a separate sheet if all your qualification details do not fit within the space provided.

SECTION G: Suitability statements

Refer to www.dentalboard.gov.au/Registration-Standards for further information about the requirements set out in the Board’s
registration standards.
14. Are you applying for YES Go to Section H: Obligations and consent
non-practising registration?
NO Go to the next question

15. Do you commit to have T he Board requires all applicants to have appropriate professional indemnity arrangements in place when
appropriate professional practising in Australia. Applicants unable to meet this requirement are ineligible for registration.
indemnity insurance For more information, see Professional indemnity insurance in the Information and definitions section of this form.
arrangements in place for YES NO
all practice undertaken during
the registration period?

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 6 of 9

SECTION H: Obligations and consent
Before you sign and date this form, make sure that you have answered all of the relevant questions correctly and read the statements below.

An incomplete form may delay processing and you may be asked to complete a new form. For more information, see the Information and definitions
section of this form.
Obligations of registered health practitioners Consent
The National Law pt 7 div 11 sub-div 3 establishes the legislative obligations of I consent to the Board and AHPRA making enquiries of, and exchanging information with,
registered health practitioners. A contravention of these obligations, as detailed at points the authorities of any Australian state or territory, or other country, regarding my practice
1, 2, 4, 5, 6 or 8 below does not constitute an offence but may constitute behaviour for as a health practitioner or otherwise regarding matters relevant to this application.
which health, conduct or performance action may be taken by the Board. Registered I authorise the Board to obtain my criminal history in Australia and overseas.
health practitioners are also obligated to meet the requirements of their Board as I understand that:
established in registration standards, codes and guidelines. • a complete criminal history, including resolved and unresolved charges, spent
Continuing professional development convictions, and findings of guilt for which no conviction was recorded,
1. A registered health practitioner must undertake the continuing professional will be released to the Board, and
development required by an approved registration standard for the health profession • information will be extracted from this form and used for the purpose of criminal
in which the practitioner is registered. history checking. This information may be used by Australian police services for
law enforcement purposes including the investigation of any outstanding criminal
Professional indemnity insurance arrangements
2. A registered health practitioner must not practise the health profession in which
I acknowledge that:
the practitioner is registered unless appropriate professional indemnity insurance
• the Board may validate documents provided in support of this application as
arrangements are in force in relation to the practitioner’s practice of the profession.
evidence of my identity, and
3. A National Board may, at any time by written notice, require a registered health
• failure to complete all relevant sections of this application and to enclose all
practitioner registered by the Board to give the Board evidence of the appropriate
supporting documentation may result in this application not being accepted.
professional indemnity insurance arrangements that are in force in relation to the
I undertake to comply with all relevant legislation and Board registration standards,
practitioner’s practice of the profession.
codes and guidelines.
4. A registered health practitioner must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to comply
I understand AHPRA may:
with a written notice given to the practitioner under point 3 above.
• disclose the date my registration is to commence and future registration details; and
Notice of certain events • verify the accuracy of my registration details including my date of birth and address
5. A registered health practitioner must, within 7 days after becoming aware that a to entities (such as prospective employers) who disclose that information to AHPRA
relevant event has occurred in relation to the practitioner, give the National Board for the purpose of confirming my identity.
that registered the practitioner written notice of the event. Relevant event means— AHPRA will only do this where the entity seeking the information or verification has
a) the practitioner is charged, whether in a participating jurisdiction or elsewhere, given a legal undertaking they have obtained my consent to these disclosures and this
with an offence punishable by 12 months imprisonment or more; or verification.
b) the practitioner is convicted of or the subject of a finding of guilt for an I confirm that I have read the privacy and confidentiality statement for this form.
offence, whether in a participating jurisdiction or elsewhere, punishable by I declare that:
imprisonment; or • I am aware of my infection status for blood-borne viruses and I will comply
c) appropriate professional indemnity insurance arrangements are no longer in with the Communicable Diseases Network Australia’s Australian National
place in relation to the practitioner’s practice of the profession; or Guidelines for the Management of Health Care Workers known to be infected
d) the practitioner’s right to practise at a hospital or another facility at which health with Blood-Borne Viruses and with the requirements of the Board’s Infection
services are provided is withdrawn or restricted because of the practitioner’s Control Guidelines in relation to blood-borne viruses
conduct, professional performance or health; or • the above statements, and the documents provided in support of this application,
e) the practitioner’s billing privileges are withdrawn or restricted under the Human are complete, true and correct, and
Services (Medicare) Act 1973 (Cth) because of the practitioner’s conduct, • I am the person named in the attached documents.
professional performance or health; or I make this declaration in the knowledge that a false statement is grounds for the Board
f) the practitioner’s authority under a law of a State or Territory to administer, to refuse registration.
obtain, possess, prescribe, sell, supply or use a scheduled medicine or class of
scheduled medicines is cancelled or restricted; or Signature of applicant
g) a complaint is made about the practitioner to the following entities—
(i) the chief executive officer under the Human Services (Medicare) Act 1973
(ii) an entity performing functions under the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth);
(iii) the Secretary within the meaning of the National Health Act 1953 (Cth);
(iv) the Secretary to the Department in which the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) is Name of applicant
(v) another Commonwealth, State or Territory entity having functions relating
to professional services provided by health practitioners or the regulation of Date
health practitioners.
h) the practitioner’s registration under the law of another country that provides D D / MM / Y Y Y Y
for the registration of health practitioners is suspended or cancelled or made
subject to a condition or another restriction.
Change in principal place of practice, address or name
6. A registered health practitioner must, within 30 days of any of the following changes
happening, give the National Board that registered the practitioner written notice of
the change and any evidence providing proof of the change required by the Board—
a) a change in the practitioner’s principal place of practice;
b) a change in the address provided by the registered health practitioner as the
address the Board should use in corresponding with the practitioner;
c) a change in the practitioner’s name.
Employer’s details
7. A National Board may, at any time by written notice given to a health practitioner
registered by the Board, ask the practitioner to give the Board the following
a) information about whether the practitioner is employed by another entity;
b) if the practitioner is employed by another entity—
(i) the name of the practitioner’s employer; and
(ii) the address and other contact details of the practitioner’s employer.
8. The registered health practitioner must not, without reasonable excuse, fail to
comply with the notice.

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 7 of 9

SECTION I: Payment
16. Is this application for registration in Australia solely for the purpose of assisting the Australian Dental Council or the Royal
Australasian College of Dental Surgeons with examinations, and for the total period of registration will you not practise the
profession in any other capacity, and agree that this condition is placed on your general registration?
YES You are only required to pay an application fee
NO You are required to pay BOTH the application fee and registration fee

Use the table below to select your application fee and registration fee
• Your application fee depends on the type of registration you’re applying for and your division.
• Your registration fee depends on the type of registration you’re applying for and your division.
• If you are applying for multiple divisions you are only required to pay one application fee and one registration fee. You must pay the fees
belonging to the division with the highest registration fee.

Application fee: Registration fee: Amount payable:

General registration Fee General registration Fee A pplicants must pay 100% of the stated fees
Dentist and/or specialist $334 Dentist and/or specialist $663 at the time of submitting the application.

Dental hygienist, dental therapist Dental hygienist, dental therapist

$163 $327
and/or oral health therapist and/or oral health therapist
Dental prosthetist $334 Dental prosthetist $589
Non-practising registration Fee Non-practising registration Fee
Dentist and/or specialist $132 Dentist and/or specialist $132
Dental hygienist, dental therapist Dental hygienist, dental therapist
$64 $65
and/or oral health therapist and/or oral health therapist
Dental prosthetist $132 Dental prosthetist $132

Registration period
The annual registration period for the dental profession is from 1 December to 30 November.
If your application is made between 1 October and 30 November this year, you will be registered until 30 November next year.
Refund rules
The application fee is non-refundable. The registration fee will be refunded if the application is not approved.
17. How are you paying your fees?
Mark one box below only
Payment by cheque, money
Visa or MasterCard Cash/EFTPOS
order or bank draft must be
 Complete credit/debit card payment slip below (only available if paying in person)
in Australian currency, drawn
on an Australian bank. Cheque/Money order/Bank draft
A receipt will be provided.
You must attach your cheque, money order or bank draft payable to the Australian Health
Practitioner Regulation Agency.
On the back of the cheque, money order or bank draft, you must write:
• your full name
• your date of birth, and
• your AHPRA registration number (if you have one).

Credit/Debit card payment slip – please fill out

Amount payable Name on card

Cardholder’s signature
Visa or MasterCard number

Expiry date SIGN HERE

MM / Y Y

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 8 of 9

SECTION J: Checklist
Have the following items been attached or arranged, if required?
Additional documentation Attached

Details of any disciplinary proceedings, preliminary investigations, action that may lead to disciplinary proceedings,
Question 2
cancellations, suspensions, prohibitions and/or special conditions
Question 3 Details of any special conditions

Question 4 Evidence of existing registration as a dental practitioner in New Zealand

Question 5 Evidence of a change of name

Question 7 A certified copy of a foreign passport

Question 8 Certified copies of all documents that provide sufficient evidence of your identity

Question 13 A separate sheet with your qualification details

Application fee

Registration fee

If paying by cheque/money order/bank draft, your name is written on the back

Information and definitions

finding of guilt was made. The Board will decide whether a health practitioner’s criminal
CERTIFYING DOCUMENTS history is relevant to the practice of the profession.
DO NOT send original documents unless specified. You are not required to obtain or provide your Australian criminal history report, AHPRA
Copies of documents provided in support of an application, or other purpose required will obtain this check on your behalf. You may be required to obtain international criminal
by the National Law, must be certified as true copies of the original documents. history reports.
Each and every certified document must: For more information, view the full registration standard online at
• be in English. If original documents are not in English, you must provide a certified www.dentalboard.gov.au/Registration-Standards
copy of the original document and translation in accordance with AHPRA guidelines,
which are available at www.ahpra.gov.au/registration/registration-process
• be initialled on every page by the authorised officer. For a list of people authorised
to certify documents, visit www.ahpra.gov.au/certify Impairment means a physical or mental impairment, disability, condition, or disorder
• be annotated on the last page as appropriate e.g. ‘I have sighted the original (including substance abuse or dependence) that detrimentally affects or is likely to
document and certify this to be a true copy of the original’ and signed by the detrimentally affect your capacity to practise the profession. The National Law
authorised officer, and requires you to declare any such impairments at the time of renewal, including details
of the impairment and how it is managed.
• list the name, date of certification, and contact phone number, and position number
(if relevant) and have the stamp or seal of the authorised officer (if relevant) applied.
Certified copies will only be accepted in hard copy by mail or in person (not by fax, INFECTION CONTROL
email, etc). Photocopies of previously certified documents will not be accepted. When applying for, and at renewal of, registration you are required to make a declaration
For more information, AHPRA’s guidelines for certifying documents can be found online that you are aware of your infection status for blood-borne viruses and that you will
at www.ahpra.gov.au/certify comply with the Communicable Diseases Network Australia’s Australian National
Guidelines for the Management of Health Care Workers known to be infected with Blood-
Borne Viruses and with the requirements of the Board’s guidelines on infection control.
CHANGE OF NAME For more information, view the full guideline online at
You must provide evidence of a change of name if you have ever been formally known www.dentalboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines/Policies-Codes-Guidelines
by another name(s) or if any of the documentation you are providing in support of your
application is in another name(s).
Evidence must be a certified copy of one of the following documents:
• Standard marriage certificate (ceremonial certificates will not be accepted). Practice means any role, whether remunerated or not, in which you use your skills
and knowledge as a health practitioner in your profession. Practice in this context is
• Deed poll.
not restricted to the provision of direct clinical care. It also includes using professional
• Change of name certificate. knowledge (working) in a direct non-clinical relationship with clients, working in
Faxed, scanned or emailed copies of certified documents will not be accepted. management, administration, education, research, advisory, regulatory or policy
development roles and any other roles that impact on safe, effective delivery
CRIMINAL HISTORY of services in the profession.
Criminal history includes the following, whether in Australia or overseas, at any time:
• every conviction of a person for an offence PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE (PII)
• every plea of guilty or finding of guilt by a court of the person for an offence, When practising dentistry in Australia, dental practitioners must be covered by
whether or not a conviction is recorded for the offence, and professional indemnity insurance that meets the requirements for PII arrangements
• every charge made against the person for an offence. outlined in the PII arrangements registration standard.
Under the National Law, spent convictions legislation does not apply to criminal history For more information, view the full registration standard online at
disclosure requirements. Therefore, you must disclose your complete criminal history as www.dentalboard.gov.au/Registration-Standards
detailed above, irrespective of the time that has lapsed since the charge was laid or the

Please post this form with

payment and required AHPRA You may contact AHPRA on
attachments to: GPO Box 9958 1300 419 495 or you can lodge an enquiry
Melbourne VIC 3001 at www.ahpra.gov.au

Effective from: 7 May 2019 Page 9 of 9

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