Dental Board Form Application For Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition ATMR 20
Dental Board Form Application For Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition ATMR 20
Dental Board Form Application For Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition ATMR 20
This form is for applicants applying for registration as a dental practitioner in Symbols in this form
Australia under the Commonwealth Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997.
It is important that you refer to the Dental Board of Australia’s (the Board) Additional information
registration standards, codes and guidelines when completing the form. Provides specific information about a question or section of the form.
Registration standards, codes and guidelines can be found at Attention Highlights important information about the form.
T his application will not be considered unless it is Attach document(s) to this form
complete and all supporting documentation has Processing cannot occur until all required documents are received.
been provided. Supporting documentation must be certified in
Signature required
accordance with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
Requests appropriate parties to sign the form where indicated.
(AHPRA) guidelines. For more information, see Certifying documents
in the Information and definitions section of this form. Completing this form
Privacy and confidentiality • Read and complete all questions.
The Board and AHPRA are committed to protecting your personal information in • Ensure that all pages and required attachments are returned to AHPRA.
accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The ways the Board and AHPRA may collect, • Use a black or blue pen only.
use and disclose your information are set out in the collection statement relevant to this • Print clearly in B L O C K L E T T E RS
application, available at • Place X in all applicable boxes:
By signing this form, you confirm that you have read the collection statement. AHPRA’s
privacy policy explains how you may access and seek correction of your personal • DO NOT send original documents unless specified.
information held by AHPRA and the Board, how to complain to AHPRA about a breach of
your privacy and how your complaint will be dealt with. This policy can be accessed at
o not use staples or glue, or affix sticky notes to your application. Please ensure all supporting documents are on A4 size paper.
NO You are not eligible for Trans Tasman mutual recognition. Please use form
AGEN-20 to apply for general registration as a dental practitioner.
2. In Australia, New Zealand • are you subject to disciplinary proceedings or any preliminary investigations or action that might lead
or another country: to disciplinary proceedings
• is your registration cancelled or currently suspended as the result of disciplinary action
• are you personally prohibited from carrying on practice as a dental practitioner, and/or
• are you subject to any special conditions in your practice as a dental practitioner as a result of criminal,
civil or disciplinary proceedings?
You are not eligible for Trans Tasman mutual recognition. Please use form AGEN-20 to apply
for general registration as a dental practitioner.
Non-practising registration
You must attach evidence of your existing non-practising registration as a dental practitioner
in New Zealand. This must include a complete an accurate copy of your current registration
The information items in this section of the application marked with an asterisk (*) will appear on the public register.
Middle name(s)*
Date of birth D D / MM / Y Y Y Y
If you have ever been formally known by another name, or you are providing documents in
another name, you must attach proof of your name change unless this has been previously
provided to the Board. For more information, see Change of name in the Information and
definitions section of this form.
City/Suburb/Town of birth
You must attach a certified copy of all proof of identity documents that you have
indicated above.
After hours
11. Will the address of your YES Provide your Australian principal place of practice below
principal place of practice be
the same as your residential Site/building and/or position/department (if applicable)
Principal place of practice
for a registered health
practitioner is:
• the address at which you
will predominantly practise Address (e.g. 123 JAMES AVENUE; or UNIT 1A, 30 JAMES STREET)
the profession; or
• your principal place of
residence, if you are not
practising the profession
or are not practising the
profession predominantly
at one address.
Principal place of practice City/Suburb/Town*
cannot be a PO Box.
The information items marked
with an asterisk (*) will appear State/Territory* (e.g. VIC, ACT) Postcode*
on the public register.
Address/PO Box (e.g. 123 JAMES AVENUE; or UNIT 1A, 30 JAMES STREET; or PO BOX 1234)
Country (if other than Australia)
Attach a separate sheet if all your qualification details do not fit within the space provided.
15. Do you commit to have T he Board requires all applicants to have appropriate professional indemnity arrangements in place when
appropriate professional practising in Australia. Applicants unable to meet this requirement are ineligible for registration.
indemnity insurance For more information, see Professional indemnity insurance in the Information and definitions section of this form.
arrangements in place for YES NO
all practice undertaken during
the registration period?
Use the table below to select your application fee and registration fee
• Your application fee depends on the type of registration you’re applying for and your division.
• Your registration fee depends on the type of registration you’re applying for and your division.
• If you are applying for multiple divisions you are only required to pay one application fee and one registration fee. You must pay the fees
belonging to the division with the highest registration fee.
Registration period
The annual registration period for the dental profession is from 1 December to 30 November.
If your application is made between 1 October and 30 November this year, you will be registered until 30 November next year.
Refund rules
The application fee is non-refundable. The registration fee will be refunded if the application is not approved.
17. How are you paying your fees?
Mark one box below only
Payment by cheque, money
Visa or MasterCard Cash/EFTPOS
order or bank draft must be
Complete credit/debit card payment slip below (only available if paying in person)
in Australian currency, drawn
on an Australian bank. Cheque/Money order/Bank draft
A receipt will be provided.
You must attach your cheque, money order or bank draft payable to the Australian Health
Practitioner Regulation Agency.
On the back of the cheque, money order or bank draft, you must write:
• your full name
• your date of birth, and
• your AHPRA registration number (if you have one).
Cardholder’s signature
Visa or MasterCard number
Details of any disciplinary proceedings, preliminary investigations, action that may lead to disciplinary proceedings,
Question 2
cancellations, suspensions, prohibitions and/or special conditions
Question 3 Details of any special conditions
Question 8 Certified copies of all documents that provide sufficient evidence of your identity
Registration fee