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Jurnal Nusbio PDF
Abstract. Saryono, Octarina N, Yuharmen, Pratiwi NW, Ardhi A. 2017. Antifungal activity of the extracts and fractions of dahlia tuber
(Dahlia variabilis) against pathogenic skin fungi. Nusantara Bioscience 9: 146-151. Dahlia plant (Dahlia variabilis) can be easily found
in the highlands in Indonesia and its tuber has been reported to have some bioactive compounds which are potential to be utilized as an
antimicrobial agent. This study aimed to determine antifungal activity and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of n-hexane and
methanol extracts and fractions of red-flowered dahlia tubers against pathogenic skin fungi Candida albicans and Microsporum
gypseum using disc diffusion method. The n-hexane and methanol extracts and fractions of dahlia tuber showed their antifungal activity
against C. albicans and M. gypseum, with the larger activity, was found in both extracts and fractions of methanol. The best fractions of
n-hexane and methanol were chosen and determined their minimum inhibitory concentration; which the F5 n-hexane fraction and the F2
methanol fraction gave the MIC of 1.50% and 0.50% against C. albicans respectively, whereas both F1 n-hexane and F2 methanol
fraction gave the MIC of 0.50% against M. gypseum. The high antifungal activity of F2 of methanol extract against C. albicans and M.
gypseum allowed this fraction to be utilized as a medicinal drug for candidiasis and other fungal skin infections.
Keywords: Antifungal activities, pathogenic skin fungi, dahlia tuber, minimum inhibitory concentration
used as cut flowers while the tubers are discarded into selected to attempt the maximum packing density of silica
waste. Dahlia tubers are known to contain compounds gel. The ratio of sample with silica gel used was 1: 5.
which have high bioactivity. In some regions in Sumatera Extract with antifungal activity was separated first through
with the mountainous topography, for instance, in the the process of preadsorbsion. Approximately 3-4 g
province of Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Utara, Bengkulu, preadsorbed samples were incorporated into a silica gel
and Sumatera Selatan, dahlia can naturally grow. column. Separation began by adding 150 mL of eluent with
Nevertheless, Dahlia is relatively difficult to find in the lowest polarity; ranging from 100% n-hexane, n-
Kalimantan due to environmental factors affecting the hexane: ethyl acetate, up to ethyl acetate: methanol (5: 5)
growth of Dahlia. The leaves, stems, tubers of Dahlia, and for n-hexane extract. As for the methanol extract, the ratio
even secondary metabolites produced by its endophytic of eluent used was ranging from n-hexane: ethyl acetate (5:
microbes contain a number of potential bioactive 5), ethyl acetate: methanol, up to 100% methanol. The
compounds that can be functioned as anti-microbial results from the separation process were accommodated in
compounds (Lorenita et al. 2013; Sikumbang and numbered erlenmeyers and evaporated.
Hindersah 2009; Saryono et al. 2015a, b). Suryadi (2007)
reports that red-flowered dahlia tubers of plants contain a Verification of Vacuum Liquid Chromatography
class of flavonoids, phenolics, and saponins which are separation result using Thin Layer Chromatography
reported to use as a potential antimicrobial agent. Because A plate that had been spotted with separation result of
less information is known about the antifungal properties of vacuum liquid chromatography was inserted into a
organic extracts prepared from Dahlia, this study was developing vessel, saturated with a mixed eluent of hexane:
performed to assess the efficacy of the extracts and ethyl acetate (7: 3), ethyl acetate: methanol (9: 1), and ethyl
fractions of dahlia tuber against pathogenic skin fungi. acetate: methanol (5: 5). The eluent was propagated to the
Departing from this point as well, the minimum inhibitory upper plate boundary in accordance with the force of
concentration of n-hexane and methanol extract of red- capillarity. Stains on the plate were calibrated with UV
flowered dahlia tubers fractions against C. albicans and M. spectrophotometry at λ = 254/366 nm and sprayed with
gypseum were determined. stain marker cerium sulfate. Rf of each stain appeared was
measured, the Rf with almost the same value was combined
into one fraction.
Antifungal activities confirmation of extract and
Dahlia and antagonism fungi fractions of n-hexane and methanol extract of Dahlia
Dahlia tubers used in this research were harvested from tubers
red-flowered dahlia (Dahlia variabilis) with the age of 1- As much as 2 mL antagonism fungi suspension in
year old. The sample was taken from Payakumbuh, peptone water media was inserted into petridish and added
Province of Sumatera Barat. To confirm its antifungal with sterilized Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). After
activities, two antagonism fungi were used. Candida solidified, a paper disc with a diameter of 6 mm was laid
albicans (associated with vaginal discharge) and above the surface of the medium. Each n-hexane and
Microsporum gypseum (associated with tinea versicolor) methanol extract was absorbed in a paper disc with a
were obtained from Microbiology Laboratory of the School concentration of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% (w/v) by
of Pharmacy Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung. dissolving the extract in absolute ethanol. While each
The fungi were prepared in Potato Dextrose Agar medium fraction of n-hexane and methanol dissolved in absolute
until used for the step of antifungal activities test. ethanol at a concentration of 2% w/v. Paper disc that has
been absorbing absolute ethanol was used as a negative
Extraction of bioactive compound from dahlia tubers control. Petridish were incubated for 48 hours at 35-37ºC in
Red-flowered dahlia tubers were treated with cleaning, a reverse way so that moisture did not fall into the media.
cutting into pieces, sun-drying, and grinding to a powder. Clear zone appeared around the paper disc indicated a
As much as 1,8 kg of dried dahlia tubers in the form of a positive result. The diameter of clear zone obtained was
fine powder was macerated with n-hexane for ± 24 hours measured using a caliper and compared with the standard
and continued with ultrasonication. The extract was compound of 2% ketoconazole as a positive control. The
collected and evaporated with a rotary evaporator to obtain test was carried with three replications. The fraction with
a concentrated n-hexane extract. The residue from the the highest activity was used for determination of minimum
extraction process with n-hexane was macerated one more inhibitory concentration.
time, in the same way, using methanol, which was a more
polar solvent. The extract was evaporated with a rotary Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
evaporator to obtain a concentrated methanol extract. of active fractions against Candida albicans and
Microsporum gypseum
Fractionation of n-hexane and methanol extract using Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration
Vacuum Liquid Chromatography was performed on the fraction of n-hexane and methanol
A column of vacuum liquid chromatography was yielded from vacuum liquid chromatography which
created using silica gel 60 GF254 (230-400 mesh) without exhibited the highest activity against the antagonism fungi.
solvent wetted or made in a dry state. Vacuum method was As much as 2 mL suspension of the fungi in peptone water
148 N U S A N T A R A B I O S C I E N C E 9 (2): 146-151, May 2017
media was inserted into petridish and added with 15 mL At a concentration of 2% w/v, n-hexane and methanol
sterilized Potato Dextrose Agar medium. A series extract could inhibit the growth of Candida albicans with a
concentration of 0.5%; 0.75%; 1.0%; 1.25%; 1.5%; and diameter of inhibition of (7.33 ± 0.58) mm (8.83 ± 0.29)
1.75% w/v was prepared by dissolving the fraction with mm respectively. The results of data analysis also showed
absolute ethanol. Afterward, the sample was adsorbed in a that the extract of n-hexane and methanol showed the
paper disc with a diameter of 6 mm. After getting dried, the smaller diameter of inhibition and significantly different
paper disc was placed in a petri dish that contained (p<0.05) from positive control. Meanwhile, at the same
antagonism fungal culture. Ketoconazole was used as a concentration, the methanol extract was able to inhibit the
positive control at a concentration of 2% w/v and paper growth of Microsporum gypseum with a diameter of
disc adsorbed with absolute ethanol was used as a negative inhibition of (7.50 ± 0.00) mm which was not showed by
control. Petridish were incubated for 48 hours at 35-37ºC in the extract of n-hexane. Furthermore, at a concentration of
a reverse way. Clear zone appeared around the paper disc 10% w/v, methanol extract had the highest antifungal
was measured using a caliper. The test result indicated the activity with a diameter of inhibition of (11.33 ± 0.29) mm.
minimum concentration of the fraction which could inhibit On the next step, the antifungal activity of n-hexane and
the fungal growth. methanol fractions was performed at a concentration of 2%
w/v. The highest antifungal activity of n-hexane and
methanol fractions were picked to the determination of
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION minimum inhibitory concentration against both antagonism
Results Fraction of n-hexane and methanol which showed the
Extraction began with maceration using n-hexane, it highest antifungal activity (F5 and F1 n-hexane fractions
was intended that nonpolar compounds contained in the and F2 methanol fraction) were tested in various
sample could dissolve well. The residue of extraction with concentrations of 0.5%; 0.75%; 1.0%; 1.25%; 1.5%; and
n-hexane solvent was macerated back with methanol which 1.75% (w/v) to obtain the minimum inhibitory
was a more polar solvent. Extraction using n-hexane concentration of each fraction. The result was analyzed
produced 56.80 g of extract or equal to 3.16%, whereas using Duncan's multiple range test result as shown in Table
methanolic extraction produced 234.04 g or equal to 5.
13.00%. Test of thin layer chromatography (TLC) was
made to n-hexane and methanol extracts of dahlia tuber to
determine the most effective eluent ratio which was
suitable to the fractionation process through vacuum liquid
chromatography (VLC) regarding the number of
compounds presented in the extract. Stains on the TLC
plate eluted in the developing vessel were measured under
UV light with λ = 254/366 nm and stained with cerium
sulfate. The retention factor (Rf) of each extract can be seen
in Table 1.
The best eluent which produced more stains were n-
hexane: ethyl acetate (7: 3) for n-hexane extract and ethyl
acetate: methanol (95: 15) for methanol extract. This eluent
ratio was then used in the TLC verification of fractionation
process using VLC. TLC verification showed that the
fractionation of n-hexane and methanol extract using VLC
yielded six fractions obtained for n-hexane and six
fractions of methanol (Table 2).
It was noticed that the total extract of n-hexane and
methanol were able to inhibit the growth of C. albicans and
M. gypseum. Nevertheless, the ability of n-hexane and
methanol extract to inhibit the growth of both fungi was
still not comparable to the positive control. It can be seen Figure 1. Clear zone of inhibition formed by n-hexane extract
from the size of the diameter of growth inhibition (Figure 1 against C. albicans (A) and M. gypseum (B) and methanol extract
and Table 3). against C. albicans (C) and M. gypseum (D)
Table1. Stains and retention factors obtained from TLC of n-hexane and methanol extract
Table 3. A series concentration of n-hexane and methanol extract of dahlia tuber applied to inhibit the growth of C. albicans and M.
Table 4. Antifungal activities of n-hexane and methanol fractions against C. albicans and M. gypseum
Table 5. Minimum inhibitory concentration of n-hexane and methanol fractions against C. albicans and M. gypseum
The antifungal activities of F5 n-hexane and F2 et al. 2011; Singh et al. 2011). The activity of phenolic
methanol fractions indicated that at concentrations below compounds against microorganisms is by degrading lipids
1.50%, F5 n-hexane did not inhibit the growth of C. in the plasma membrane of microorganisms. The plasma
albicans, whilst higher antifungal activity was shown by F2 membrane is semi-permeable and serves to control the
methanol, in which the concentration of 0.50% could transport of various metabolites into and out of the cell.
inhibit the growth of C. albicans with diameter of the Disruption to structures on the plasma membrane will
inhibition of (9.00 ± 0.00) mm and showed significant result on inhibiting or impair the ability of the plasma
differences (p<0.05) from F5 n-hexane fractions and the membrane as a barrier osmosis and disrupt a number of
positive control. Against other pathogenic fungi, at processes required for membrane biosynthesis (Pratiwi
concentrations of 0.50%, F1 n-hexane was able to inhibit 2008).
the growth of M. gypseum. Similarly, the F2 methanol Interestingly, the overall results of antifungal activity
fraction showed higher antifungal activity with an average test indicated that the methanol extracts and its fraction
diameter of inhibition (12.17 ± 0.76) mm at the same provided a greater antifungal activity than n-hexane extract
concentration. These results indicated that antifungal and its fraction (Table 4). In general, phenolic compounds
activity of F2 methanol against M. gypseum at a and flavonoids are secondary metabolites which belong to
concentration of 0.50% was higher and significantly polar compounds and to obtain these compounds; the
different (p <0.05) from F1 n-hexane and the positive source plant has to be extracted with semipolar up to polar
control. solvents such as chloroform, ethanol, or methanol (Sirait
2007). Pambayun et al. (2007) reported that extracting
Discussion phenolic compounds using more polar solvent obtained
In order to provide the optimum fractionation process greater flavonoids. Methanol is the most widely used
of the extract of dahlia tuber, the most effective eluent solvent in the process of isolation of organic compounds of
might be found out. Based on Table 1, separation processes natural ingredients as it can dissolve almost all of
of the stains were progressing well on the extract of n- secondary (polar) metabolites, such as flavonoids
hexane and the extract of methanol marked by the (Sulaiman et al. 2011). Beatriz et al. (2012) report that
emergence of three stains, which successively occurred in methanol extract of Psidium guajava leaf contains
the eluent of n-hexane: ethyl acetate (7: 3) and ethyl flavonoids, coumarins, saponins, sesquiterpene lactones,
acetate: methanol (95: 15). The more stains appear, then carbohydrates, and terpenoids while the n-hexane extract of
the separation would be better. Fractionation using VLC P. guajava leaf contains fewer flavonoids, coumarins,
was performed to determine the combined fractions of each sesquiterpene lactones, and terpenoids. Therefore, the
extract which were separated. The merger of the fractions result obtained from methanol extraction was more amount
was based on retention factor. The stains that had almost than that of from the n-hexane extraction. Therefore, the
the same retention factor might be combined into a single contents of phenolic compounds and flavonoids contained
fraction. Separation of compounds made by vacuum liquid in extracts and fractions of methanol were more than that
chromatography method to extract a total of n-hexane and those contained in the extract and fraction of n-hexane.
methanol dahlia tubers obtained six fractions of both n- Moreover, other result shows that there is a noticeable
hexane and methanol fractions after being analyzed using difference in the antimicrobial activity of the extract of
thin layer chromatography. ginger when the methanol is the solvent than the extract
The ability of methanol extract in inhibiting the growth when n-hexane is the solvent (Hasan et al. 2012). This was
of C. albicans was better than the n-hexane extract (Figure thought to lead to differences in growth inhibition of
1 and Table 3). The results also showed that the extract of extracts and fractions of n-hexane and methanol against
n-hexane and methanol showed the smaller diameter of both pathogenic fungi.
inhibition and significantly different (p<0.05) from positive Determination of MIC that has been made to the n-
control. Whereas the methanol extracts showed larger hexane and methanol fraction showed that the lowest
growth inhibition ability than n-hexane extract against M. concentration (0.50% w/v) shown by F2 methanol fraction
gypseum. The ability of n-hexane and methanol extract of gave the diameters of inhibition against C. albicans and M.
dahlia tuber and their fractions in inhibiting the growth of gypseum which were larger than positive control. The
both pathogenic fungi could be caused by the presence of different behaviors were shown by n-hexane fractions,
bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, phenols, and which could only inhibit the growth of C. albicans when
saponins contained in dahlia tubers (Suryadi 2007). the concentration of the F5 n-hexane fraction applied was
Phytochemical constituents such as alkaloids, flavonoids, higher than 1.50%, while the antifungal activity of the F1
tannins, steroids, saponins, and terpenoids are secondary n-hexane fraction against M. gypseum was shown at a
metabolites of plants that serve a defense mechanism concentration of 0.50%. Anyanwu (2012) reports the MIC
against prediction by many microorganisms, insects, and values for the honey against some pathogenic fungi,
other herbivores (Bonjar et al. 2004). In other reports, including C. albicans and M. gypseum, ranges between
antifungal activity has been associated with polar 12.5 and 50% (v/v). The ability of methanol extract of
compounds such as glycosylated flavonoids and saponins dahlia tuber has been proved to act as a growth inhibitor for
isolated from polar extracts (Kim et al. 2010; Lanzotti et al. Escheria coli and Staphylococcus aureus with MIC 0.65%
2012), and in non-polar compounds, like terpenoids (Wang and 0.50% (w/v) respectively (Haryani et al. 2013).
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