Thinking: Biology
Thinking: Biology
Thinking: Biology
January 1999 51
January 1999 53
ent forms when a substance diffuses
organism:dandeliond from its site of production to sink
organs m: constraint by gradient (control) sites; consequently, the substance is
organ system: shoot found at high concentrations at the
>i~~~ constraint by support source and at progressively lower
organ: stem concentrations farther from the
source. Responses to the substance
organ: leaf constraint by support
by cell or region vary with the con-
organ: leaf centration, such that one type of cell
constraint by enclosure may arise near the source, another
tissue complex: vei T type at the distal end, and other
by enclosure types in between. This gradient is
tissue: phloem segment _ not a cellular feature because it can
extend either from one end of a cell
cell cmplex:
constraint by bonding (cluster)
January1999 55
algae, bacteria, and other microor-
ganisms have both cell and organis-
(E)4 ?
+ () unicellularorganisms
?(D) mal levels.
* An individual is identified as a
living system with its own, separate
organismal gradient.
* Development involves ascending
synthesis of cell features and descend-
ing appearance of higher-level fea-
e-- tures that modify the ascending cell
' C ,, multicellular organisms features.
January 1999 57