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MESYS Shaft Calculation

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MESYS Shaft Calculation

This shaft calculation (Version 04/2015, File version 2.4) calculates the deflections, internal forces
and the natural frequencies of several shafts connected by boundary conditions. The following
features are supported:

 Definition of multiple coaxial shafts is possible

 Definition of parallel shafts (with extension for shaft systems)
 Definition of shafts in arbitrary direction (with extension for advanced shaft systems)
 Shaft geometry is defined by cylindrical and conical elements
 Inner and outer geometry can be defined independently
 Shear deformation can be considered optionally
 A nonlinear shaft model can be used optionally
 The weight of the shaft can be considered optionally
 An arbitrary number of loads can be defined on each shaft either as point or line loads. Loads
(without masses) may be defined outside of the shaft geometry also. Available loading
elements are:
o Force element with three components each for force and moment
o Eccentrical force element with three force components in polar coordinates
o Helical Gear element using gear data and torque as input
o Bevel/Hypoid Gear element using gear data and torque as input
o Worm/Worm Gear element using gear data and torque as input
o Coupling element for entering a torque only
o Pulley element for torque and pretension
o Mass elements for introducing weight and inertia for natural frequencies
 An acceleration can be defined for the system and is considered as inertia force
 An arbitrary number of boundary constraints can either be defined between a shaft and a
rigid housing or between two coaxial shafts.
 Several housing stiffness matrices can be considered either with three or six degrees of
freedom per node
 Strength calculation according DIN 743 (with extension for shaft strength)
 Connections by cylindrical gear pairs (with extension for shaft systems)
 Connections by bevel gear pairs (with extension for advanced shaft systems)
 Connections by worm-worm gears (with extension for advanced shaft systems)
 Planetary gear sets (with extension for advanced shaft systems)
 Centrifugal forces are considered on planet shafts
 Calculation of shaft speeds considering given constraints (with extension for shaft systems)
 Data exchange with several programs for gear calculation (with extension for shaft systems)
 Nonlinear rolling bearing stiffness can be considered
 Bearings can be selected from a database
 MESYS Rolling Bearing Calculation is fully integrated in the shaft calculation
 Calculation using load spectra
 Natural frequencies are calculated considering torsion, bending and axial modes (with
extension for modal analysis)
 Campbell diagram (with extension for modal analysis)
 Thermal expansions, optionally with varying temperature on a shaft
 Parameter variations

When running the installer the installation directory can be selected. The default location is
“\Program Files\MesysShaft”. All files are installed into that directory. Also an entry in the start
menu is created.

The uninstaller can be called from the start menu. This deletes the installation directory and the
entries in the start menu.

Without a license file the software runs as demo version. In the demo version it is not possible to
save or load files and a Demo message is shown on each calculation. The demo version may only be
used for evaluation of the software.

The license file ‘license.dat’ has to be placed in the installation directory (in the same directory as
MesysShaft.exe). The name of the license file may not be changed since it will not be found by the

Configuration with INI-File

Some configuration of the software can be done using ‘mesys.ini’ in the installation folder.

Currently the settings are used for database access and formatting of the report.

Section Value Description

General recentfilenumber Number of recent files shown in the file menu of the software
floatinglicense Path to the licensing file for floating license. It will be written by
the software but might be copied to other installations.
Format: \\\\Server\\Share\\path\license.lic
Note: each ‘\’ has to be doubled
floatingtimeout Time in seconds after a floating license is release if the program
is not used. Default is 1800
fontsize Fontsize in points, set 0 for default dependent on operating
style Either windows, fusion, windowsxp. Select windows or fusion
for WinXP
listseparator Character used as separator for table export. If not set the
default setting in operating is used
systemlocale Set to true for decimal point of operating system or false for ‘.’
as decimal separator
usecalculatethread If set to true calculation is done in a separate thread, else set to

database path The path to the database file can be defined. The database can
be copied onto a server, so all software users share the same
database. If the filename is given without path, it is opened
from the installation directory.
For path separators either use ‘/’ or ‘\\’ but not ‘\’.
iswritable Set it to true if the database may be changed. If set to false no
changes are made to the database by the software.
usecache If set to true the database is read to memory. This speeds up
the program in case the database is on a network drive. Default
is false.
shaft defaultinputs Path to a xml-file with default settings
For path separators either use ‘/’ or ‘\\’ but not ‘\’.
calculateonfileload If set to true the calculation is run when a file is loaded. Default
is true.
report format The outputted report file can have different formats. By
default, this value is equal to “INTERNALPDF”, but it can be set
to “DOCX”, “DOC”, ODT” or “PDF” (without quotes)
topmargin The top margin for the report in mm
bottommargin The bottom margin for the report in mm
leftmargin The left margin for the report in mm
rightmargin The right margin for the report in mm
papersize The size of the paper for the report. Available values are A4 and
template Path to the created template file used for the report creation.
Supported file formats: “DOCX”, “DOC” or “ODT”
report marginbox1\active The marginbox is used if set to true, else set it to false
marginbox1\rect The size of the marginbox is defined with values in mm.The
format is @Rect(x1 y1 width height). The parameters x1 and y1
describe the upper left corner of the box. Positive values are
measured from the top/left negative velues from the
For example @Rect(-35 -20 30 20) is a rectangle at the right
marginbox1\text The text for the margin box. It has to be set in quotations marks
(like in “Text”). Either normal text or HTML can be used.
Some placeholders are defined: #page, #pageCount, #data,
marginbox1\angle A rotation angle of the margin box can be set in degrees. The
orientation of the angle is clockwise if positive.
marginbox1\isHtml Either set it to true or false dependent on the type of text.
marginbox1\drawBox If set to true a rectangle id drawn indicating the size of the
marginbox. Else set it to false.
marginbox2\... Like for margin box 1 additional boxes can be defined with
increasing numbers.

Please note that the listed options for margin boxes (marginbox1\...) are only valid if format is equal

As detailed in the table above, a template in (.docx) format can be created so that it is used when
generating the software report. For the current version, only the information contained in the header
and footer can be edited, in which it is possible to link information to the software such us as
‘module license’, ‘license name’, ‘date’, ‘file name’, ‘project name’ or ‘description’ by means of the
text fields option in Microsoft word. Additionally, a company logo can be included, instead of the
MESYS logo that it is shown by default at the report:

If the software is updated with a new version the database ‘mesys.db’ should not be overwritten.
Either the new installation is done in a new directory or the database file is copied to a different

After the new version is started the database can be updated by choosing menu ‘Extras’->’Database’-
>’Import from old database’. All custom entries will be updated. Changes to default data will be lost
as only custom data will be copied.

The rolling bearing calculation is available as 32bit windows program running on Windows XP (SP3),
Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8. In addition to the 32bit version which can be used on 32bit or 64bit
operating system also a 64bit version is available. The minimum required processor is Intel Pentium 4
or above.

About 120MB of hard disk space is required. All dependencies of the software are available in the
installation directory. Therefore it can just be copied to other machines or started from network or
removable disks.

General usage
To run a calculation first the data on all pages is introduced. Then press the button or F5 to run
the calculation. After all data is defined the calculation can be run from each page. So it is easy to
make parameter variations.

There are some special buttons used in the user interface, which are explained in the following table:

Button Explanation
This plus button shows a dialog with additional inputs. Some of these
inputs need to be defined, some are just optional.
This conversion button allows the conversion from other types of input. For
example the radial clearance can be converted from an axial clearance
This proposal button provides a suggestion for an input by the software

The unit system for the input and output can be selected on the menu ‘Extras->Unit system’ either as
metric or US units. US units are not fully supported in the shaft calculation yet, only part of the inputs
and outputs will be changed yet.

Using the context menu for the units of input fields, the current unit
can be changed. These setting are not saved in the current version, so
the change is only valid for the current session.

Pressing the right mouse button on an input field a window for an

input of a formula is shown. This can be used for quick calculations.

The software is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese and Korean language. The
language can also be selected in menu ‘Extras’.

All graphics can be printed or exported as PNG file using the

context menu (right mouse button) in the graphic window. For
the export the size of the graphic can be specified.

In the graphic windows of the software, there are different

buttons for the view manipulation in 3D, such as the zoom-in,
zoom-out and fit-to-window functions and also it is possible to
select the point of view from different planes. The 3D model can
be dragged with the mouse by holding down SHIFT key as well
as zoomed in and out by holding down the CTRL key.

Any diagram of the software can be edited by right

clicking on it and selecting the ‘Diagram options’ at the
context menu.

Both the units and bounds for the axes can be set.
Moreover, if any of the graphs is of no interest, it can be
disabled with the checkboxes.

Input Parameters
The input parameters are shown on several pages which can be selected in
a System tree.

System Inputs
If the element ‘System’ is selected in the system tree on the left some
general data can be defined.

Project name and calculation description

The project name and the calculation description are just inputs which are shown in the report
header. They can be used to enter information about the purpose of the calculation for


Consider weight
The weight of shafts and additional masses is considered in the calculation if this setting is set.

The -button next to the weight checkbox allows the definition of global accelerations for the three

Angle for weight

The direction of the weight can be defined by this setting. The angle is in
the x-y-plane, a rotation around z-axis. A value of zero results in a weight
in the direction of shaft axis. x
Calculate natural frequencies
The calculation of natural frequencies can be activated here. Running a
calculation is faster if natural frequencies are not calculated.

Consider gyroscopic effect

If this setting is activated a gyroscopic matrix is considered in the calculation of natural frequencies.
The mass inertia around x-axis and the speed of the shaft are required for this gyroscopic matrix.

The -button allows some additional inputs for the Campbell diagram:

 The diagram is generated for speeds

between start and end factor times the
current input value for speed.
 The number of speeds is the number of
calculation points. Reduce it for faster
 The number of harmonics shows additional
lines for multiples of shaft speed.
 The accuracy for critical frequency is a
tolerance for calculation of critical speeds
as intersections of shaft speed and natural
 If ‘Increase accuracy for mode changes’ is
selected additional points are calculated
when an axial mode changed into a radial mode for example.
 If ‘Calculate critical frequencies’ is selected the critical frequencies are calculated when the
Campbell diagram is shown. Else it is only calculated for the report of critical speeds.

 If ‘Consider gear frequencies’ is selected additional lines for gear tooth frequencies are
shown and the corresponding critical frequencies are calculated.
 If the gyroscopic effect is considered the number of resulting frequencies is doubled. There is
just a phase shift between the corresponding modes. If the option ‘Ignore double
frequencies’ is set, these additional frequencies are ignored.

Maximum frequency
The maximum value for natural frequencies that are of interest can be entered here.

Number of frequencies
The number of natural frequencies that should be calculated can be specified here. Normally only the
first few modes are interesting. Both limits, the number of frequencies and the maximum are

Housing material and housing temperature

The material data of the housing is used together with the temperature of the housing to calculate
the axial displacement for boundary conditions connected to the housing. For the shaft calculation
only the thermal elongation coefficient is important, the other data is only used to transfer it to the
bearing calculation.

Required life
The required life is passed to gear calculations which are connected to the system, and it is used for
the shaft strength calculation.

Strength calculation
The method for shaft strength calculation can be selected. Currently only DIN 743 (2012) is available.
It can be selected if the calculation should be done considering infinite or finite life. For finite life the
number of cycles is calculated using the input for “Required life”.

Shear deformations
Shear deformation should normally be taken into account, since there are these deformations. For
comparison with other calculations the shear deformations can be ignored. For nonlinear shaft
model the shear deformations should be considered to improve convergence.

There are different options available. Either a fixed value can be entered. Usually 1/1.1 is used for
cylinders. The option ‘according Cowper’ and ‘according Hutchinson’ are also considering an inner
diameter for hollow shafts and the Poisson number of the material. Hutchinson considers higher
order terms in his formula than Cowper according to (Hutchinson, January 2001) (Cowper., June

- Hutchinson (Circular Cross Section):

6(1 + 𝜈)2
7 + 12𝜈 + 4𝜈 2

- Hutchinson (Hollow Circular Cross Section):

6(𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 )2 (1 + 𝜈)2
7𝑎4 + 34𝑎2 𝑏 2 + 7𝑏 4 + 𝜈(12𝑎4 + 48𝑎2 𝑏2 + 12𝑏 4 ) + 𝜈 2 (4𝑎4 + 16𝑎2 𝑏2 + 4𝑏 4 )
where 𝑏 is the outer radius, 𝑎 the inner radius and 𝜈 the Poisson’s ratio.

- Cowper (Circular Cross Section):

6(1 + 𝜈)
7 + 6𝜈

- Cowper (Hollow Circular Cross Section):

6(1 + 𝜈)(1 + 𝑚2 )2
(7 + 6𝜈)(1 + 𝑚2 )2 + (20 + 12𝜈)𝑚2

where 𝑚 = 𝑏/𝑎 is the ratio of inner to outer radius and 𝜈 the Poisson’s ratio.

Consider nonlinear shaft model

A nonlinear shaft model can be taken into account. The nonlinear model calculates equilibrium of
loads in the deformed state.

A beam fixed on one side and radially loaded on the other side will show only radial deflections in the
linear model. In the nonlinear model the end point will also move axially and the length of the beam
will not increase. A beam fixed on both sides will show an increased stiffness against loading in the
center, the stiffness will increase with the loading because of generated axial loads. The nonlinear
model is only needed on large deflections; normal shafts in mechanical engineering do not require a
nonlinear model.

Consider load spectrum

If a load spectrum should be taken into account, select this option. An additional item for the load
spectrum will be shown in the tree on the left.

Consider gears as stiffness

If this option is selected the shaft diameter is increased to root diameter plus 0.4*module
automatically. For the root diameter a dedendum of the reference profile of 1.25 is assumed.

Consider gears as a point load

If this option is selected, the load line from the meshing of gears is converted to a point load. This is
useful for calculating bearing loads when the user wants to consider perfectly centered gears loads,
that is, no misaligments in tooth mesh.

Calculate modified bearing life

This setting is passed on to the bearing calculation and activates or suppresses output of modified life
in results. It can be disabled if no information about lubrication is available.

Consider configurations
If multiple groups are used an additional option is shown to activate configurations. Using the new
input page for configurations the status of connections can be changed to allow different options for
power flow.

The data for lubrications is only to transfer it to bearing or gear calculations. For details regarding the
inputs please consult the documentation of the rolling bearing calculation. The ‘FZG load stage’ is an
additional input which is passed to a gear calculation.

Display settings
There are different view options that can be
set under the tab-page ‘Settings’.

Cutaway in 3D: It is possible to generate a

cutaway view for all the existing shafts. If
needed, the cutaway can be only applied to
the hollow shafts.

With regard to the 3D animation settings, both the frequency for modes shapes and the rotation
speed are adjustable. The 3D pressure distribution of the bearings can be easily exaggerated with a
scale factor ‘Su’. And with the ‘Sp’ the deformed shape in 3D can be also scaled. The look of the shaft
geometry in 2D can be emphasized by applying a lighting factor ‘fl’.

Lastly, the input value for sigV allows the user to specify the maximum permissible stress that any
shaft shall reach under loading. In this way, the software shows graphically an approximation of
required diameter of the shafts subjected to a maximum value of equivalent stress. Please refer to
the ‘Graphics area’ section of this document on how to visualize the required diameter diagram.

Definition of shafts
In the System-tree using a right click on “Shafts” additional shafts
can be added to the system. The shaft can be defined by selecting it
in the system tree.

Either shafts can be directly added, if only single or coaxial shafts

are used. For general shafts systems groups or coaxial groups can
be used to build shaft systems. Planetary groups are used for planet
shafts to model planetary gear sets.

General shaft data

On the first page “General” some general data and data for the strength calculation can be defined
for each shaft.

A name for each shaft can defined which is used in the system tree, messages and the report to
identify the shaft.

The material can be selected from the data base. The -button allows to see the material data or to
change the data if user-input is selected.

If several shafts are defined they can have different axial positions. The value for position defines the
position of the start point or the left end of a shaft relative to the group. All loads and boundary
conditions are then defined relative to this start point.

The rotation speed of the shaft has an influence on bearing life and natural frequencies with
gyroscopic effect. If the checkbox behind the input is not selected, the software is trying to calculate
it using constraints. It is set to zero if the shaft is not connected to others.

The temperature of the shaft can be defined here. The temperature is transferred to the bearing
calculation and will induce axial stresses into the shaft.
In case that the shaft temperature is not uniform, the user must set the flag corresponding to
‘Consider temperature per element’ at the tab-page ‘Settings’. That allows the user to add a
temperature difference ‘ΔT’(±) for each element created at the outer geometry on the temperature
previously set at the tab-page ‘General’. The reference temperature with no stress field is 20°C.

Data for strength calculation

There are several inputs for the strength calculation according DIN 743 which are defined for each

Load factor (static)

For the calculation of static safety factor, the maximal load is multiplied with the static load factor.

Load factor (fatigue)

For the calculation of safety factor against fatigue the maximal load is multiplied with the load factor

Overload case
The overload case defines how the permissible stress is calculated. Either “Constant stress ratio” or
“Constant mean stress” can be selected. “Constant stress ratio” leads to smaller safety factors and is
therefore on the save side.

Diameter at heat treatment

The diameter at heat treatment is used to calculate the tensile strength and the yield point for the
given material. The software sets it to the maximum shafts diameter automatically, but for hollow
shafts the wall thickness can be chosen manually, if heat treatment was done for the hollow shaft.

Number of load cycles

If a calculation for finite life is done, the number of load cycles is derived from rotation speed and
required life as default. But for non-rotating shafts this is not possible. Then the number of load
cycles can be entered manually.

Factor for surface hardening

In DIN 743 a factor for surface hardening KV increases permissible stress. It can be set for hardening
or mechanical treatment like shot-peening. As the standard provides a wide range for this value it
has to be defined by the user.

Stress ratio
The stress ratio R is usually defined as minimum stress value divided by maximum stress value, which
leads to values between -∞ and +1.

The software is using a value between -1 and +1 instead and it defines the stress ratio using the
following definition:
, |𝜎2 | < |𝜎1 |
𝑅 = {𝜎
, |𝜎1 | < |𝜎2 |

Using this definition R = 0 can be used for pulsating loads between zero and a positive or a negative
value. For alternating load R = -1 and for constant load R = +1.

The stress ratio can be defined for tension, bending and torsion independently. For a rotating shaft
the stress ratio for bending should usually be -1. If the stress ratio for torsion is not given make a
calculation with two cases: constant and pulsating for example. It depends on the current loading
which case is conservative.

Geometry data
The geometry data of a shaft is defined on page “Geometry”. The geometry can be defined using
cylindrical and conical elements for outer and inner geometry.

There is an input table for both inner and outer geometry. The plus- and minus-buttons allow adding
and removing rows, the arrows can be used to move an element up or down in the table.

Length and diameter 1 have to be defined for each element. If diameter 2 is left empty a cylinder is
used else a cone. No negative values are permitted.

If a hole from the right shall be defined as inner geometry, enter a first element with diameter zero
to get to the start position on the hole.

Loads can be defined on the page “Loading” for each shaft. Loads may be defined outside a shaft;
masses may not be outside of a shaft. Loads can also be changed by double clicking them in the

Loads can be added by the plus button next to the list. The type of the loading
can be selected using the list on the right. Each load element has a name to
identify it, a position relative to the left end of the shaft and a width.

The graphical representation just shows a symbol for the load, not the actual x
direction, as it can have six components. The coordinate system is shown on the
right. The shaft axis is in x-direction, the y-axis goes up and the z-axis to the
front. The weight is in negative y-directions a default (angle w = -90°).

The load element “Force” allows the definition of a force and a moment with three components
each. The moments are moments around an axis. So Fx is the axial force and Mx is the moment
around the x-axis so it is a torque.

The coupling only allows a definition of a torque. The direction on the torque can either be defined
by its sign or by the selection “Shaft is driven” (torque has the same sign as the rotation speed) or
“Shaft is driving” (torque has different sign than the rotation speed).

Cylindrical gear
The load can be defined by entering data for a cylindrical gear and a yy x

The direction of torque can either be defined by its sign or by the
selection “Shaft is driven”/Shaft is driving”. The contact point is z

given by an angle of contact, which is zero on the y-axis and
90° on the z-axis.

The gear is defined by the usual data on a gear drawing:

Number of teeth, normal module, normal pressure angle,
helix angle with its direction. Optional inputs are the number
of teeth for the mating gear and the center distance. If they
are given the loads are calculated for the operating center
distance, which is more accurate than on the reference

For internal gears the number of teeth has to be entered as

negative value, the center distance is always positive as
defined in ISO 21771 for gear geometry.

Bevel gear
The load can be defined using torque and geometry data for a
bevel or hypoid gear.

The direction of torque can either be defined by its sign or by

the selection “Shaft is driven”/Shaft is driving”. The contact
point is given by an angle of contact, which is zero on the y-
axis and 90° on the z-axis.

Either the pitch angle can be defined directly or it is

calculated using axis angle and number of teeth of the mating

Instead of the mean normal module the outer pitch diameter

can be used as an input.

The width is the width of the gear (the length of the flank),
the axial length of the loaded shaft is smaller dependent on
the pitch angle.

The load can be defined using torque and geometry data for a

The direction of torque can either be defined by its sign or by

the selection “Shaft is driven”/Shaft is driving”. The contact
point is given by an angle of contact, which is zero on the y-
axis and 90° on the z-axis. The gear is defined by the usual data
on a gear drawing: Number of teeth, axial module, normal
pressure angle, lead angle with its direction. The gear friction
coefficient, µz, can be set for the gear contact.

Worm gear
The load can be defined using torque and geometry data for a

The direction of torque can either be defined by its sign or by

the selection “Shaft is driven”/Shaft is driving”. The contact
point is given by an angle of contact, which is zero on the y-axis
and 90° on the z-axis. The gear is defined by the usual data on
a gear drawing: Number of teeth, transverse module, normal
pressure angle, helix angle with its direction. Optional inputs
are the number of teeth for the mating gear and the center
distance. The gear friction coefficient, µz, can be set for the
gear contact.

Eccentric force
The eccentric force allows entering a force with three
components at a point which is not on the shaft axis. The point
and the force are defined in polar coordinates. The angle is
defines in the same way as the angle of contact in the cylindrical gear (see above).

The radial force is positive if away from the shaft center, the tangential force is positive in the
direction of the angle. Moments are calculated by the points and forces given.

Additional mass can be defined using the “Mass” element. In addition to its mass also the mass
moment of inertia around three axes can be defined. The weight of the mass is considered and it is
considered in the calculation of natural frequencies.

If a width is entered the mass is equally distributed on this line. The total mass inertias of this
distributed mass are the input values, which results in a minimum value for Jyy and Jzz. A message
will be shown if the input values are too small.

The load can be defined defining a torque on the
pulley and its pretension coming from a belt.

The direction of torque can either be defined by its sign or by the selection “Shaft is driven”/Shaft is
driving”. The positioning of the contact surface is given by an angle of first contact, which starts
clockwise from zero on the y-axis, and followed by the wrap angle as shown in the picture below. The
pulley diameter can be set straight away or by means of its teeth number and pitch.

Boundary conditions can be defined on the page “Supports”. They can also be edited by a double
click in the graphics. Support elements including rolling bearings only define boundary conditions,
they have no mass or weight.

The “Support” element is an easy to use element which allows
defining constraints between the shaft and the housing. There
are five checkboxes to define in which directions the shaft is
supported. For axial direction the movement to the right and to
the left can be constrained independently.

A bearing offset can be defined for the three directions. An

offset means that the point on the housing is moved in this
direction. The resulting force on the shaft is in the direction of
the offset.

General support
The “General support” allows the definition of constraints
between a shaft and the housing or between two shafts for all
six degrees of freedom independently.

First a selection can be done to which element the shaft is

connected to. It can be the housing or a second shaft.

For each degree of freedom a type of constraint can be defined


No constraint
No constraint in the direction is defined.

The degree of freedom between both elements is coupled in
both positive and negative direction. An offset or a clearance can
be defined optionally.

A positive value for the offset results in a movement of the

current shaft in this direction, or a force on the
selected shaft in this direction.

The clearance is either zero or a positive value, it

may not be negative.

Fixed to the left/Fixed to the right

The selection “Fixed to the left” means than the
selected shaft is constrained only in the negative
direction (left on a horizontal axis).

“Fixed to the right” is the constraint in positive

direction only. For the unidirectional constraint an
offset can be defined.

The “Stiffness” acts like a spring. An offset and a clearance can be defined. Offset and clearance are
defined as explained for ‘Fixed’ above.
Stiffness to the left/Stiffness to the right
Like the rigid constraint also stiffness can be defined in just one direction. The stiffness and an offset
can be defined.

Rolling bearing
The element “Roller bearing” defines a connection to the rolling bearing calculation.

The current shaft can be connected to the inner or to the outer ring of a roller bearing. The other ring
of the bearing can be connected to either the housing or another shaft.

By clicking on the button ‘Geometry, Material,

Temperature, Lubrication’ is connected“, the user is
prompted, by means of a pop-up window, to set
those flags of the data to be transferred to bearing
calculation”. Shaft diameters, material data,
lubrication and temperature data can be transferred
to the bearing calculation. Displacements, loads and
speeds are always connected.

The shaft is can be supported radially and axially to the left and the right. This setting changes the
connection of the bearing outer ring to the shaft/housing. If the bearing cannot constrain a certain
movement, there won’t be reaction forces in that direction.

The bearing offsets will again generate forces to

the current shaft in the direction of the offset. The
offset can be used to generate bearing pretension
in axial direction or to take misalignments of the
housing into account.

If a rolling bearing element is added an entry for

the bearing in the system-tree will be added. If
this element is selected the dialogs of the rolling
bearing calculation are active to define the

Using the -button next to the bearing type a dialog is shown to select a rolling bearing from the

Selecting bearing from database

Dependent on the bearing type a list of bearings is shown in this dialog. Restrictions to inner and
outer diameter can be applied; the shaft diameter at the bearing position is set as default value.

For angular contact bearings or taper roller bearings the direction of contact angle can also be

Radial cylindrical plain journal bearing
The load-displacement behavior of the plain bearing
is calculated according to (ISO 7902-2, May 1998).
Therefore the ratio of width to diameter is restricted
to 0.25 ≤ 𝐵/𝐷 ≤ 1.5.

The parameters used for the definition of this bearing

type are shown in the enclosed figure. Clearance
represents the total diametric operating clearance
between the journal and the bearing. Any eccentricity
is introduced through the corresponding offset inputs
in y and x direction.

The optional temperature input does only affect lubricant viscosity. It does not affect clearance.

Surface roughness is the average between the shaft and the bearing and it is used to calculate a
minimum required film thickness.

The outer ring of the bearing can be connected to either the housing or another shaft.

For modal analysis the unsymmetrical stiffness matrix of the plain bearing is replaced by two
orthogonal springs, because of limitations of the FEA library. Therefore any natural frequencies are
an approximation only. No stability analysis can be performed with this software. Damping is not
considered too.

Coupling for reaction torque

A coupling for reaction torque fixes the rotation angle of a shaft. The sum of torques will be taken at
this element.

Stiffness matrix
A general symmetric stiffness matrix can be defined between a shaft and the housing or between
two shafts.

Weld point
A weld point is fixing all six degrees of freedom. It is easier to use than a general constraint with all
components set to ‘fixed’ but has the same functionality.

Planetary support
A planetary support is available for planetary shafts. The planetary shaft is always supported in radial
and tangential direction by the carrier. The constraints in axial direction, against tilting or torsion can
be activated independently.

Using “Sections” several cross sections can be defined for the strength calculation. One type of
section is “Documentation point” which can be used without the module for strength calculation. In
this case just displacements and forces are documented in the report, no strength calculation
according DIN 743 is performed.

Dependent on the selected type of cross section several inputs are necessary to define details of the
notch effect. All types from (DIN 743-2, Dezember 2012) are supported.

Some settings can be entered for a single shaft:

Consider nonlinear bearing stiffness

As default, the nonlinear bearing stiffness is considered for rolling bearings. For large systems this
option can be cleared to decrease calculation time. Without this option bearings are considered as
rigid. The option is available for each shaft, so it can be set were bearing stiffness is important and
can be cleared on other shafts.

If bearings with contact angle are used the nonlinear stiffness matrix should be considered to take
into account the coupling of axial and radial loads.

Node density
The user can overwrite a node density for the FEA model. For a static linear calculation the software
adds additional nodes for improved resolution of diagrams. Results are only affected for conical
geometry not for cylindrical elements. For modal analysis the number of nodes can make a

Reducing the node density decreases calculation time.

Change color
The color of the shaft can be changed. The transparency is only considered on 3D view, not in 2D

Consider temperature per element

By setting this flag the user can add a temperature difference ‘ΔT’(±) for each element created at the
outer geometry on the temperature previously set at the tab-page ‘General’.

Shear deformations
Here it is possible to define which shear coefficient value (kappa) is being taken into account for the
selected shaft. By default, the one defined at the global settings is used. The other approaches for
the calculation of kappa can be selected from the drop-down list. If ‘user input for kappa’ is selected,
then the user have to press the -button in order to enter the desired value.

Cutaway in 3D
For each shaft the cutaway setting for the 3D view can be set independently of the general option
selected under the tab-page ‘Display settings’.

Shaft Groups
For systems with shafts that are not
coaxial, shaft groups have to be added.
For each group a position can be defined.

The positions can also be calculated by the

software if constraints are used for
positioning. See below.

There are three types of groups:

1. Standard group: The standard group can have an arbitrary position and it can hold
subgroups. Shafts in different groups can not be connected by supports.
2. Coaxial group: The coaxial group can only be positioned axially relative to its parent group.
Shafts in different coaxial groups can be connected by rolling bearings or other supports.
3. Planetary group: A planetary group is needed to define planetary gear sets. The number of
planets can be defined in addition to position. Shafts in a
planetary group rotate around a planet carrier. The
centrifugal loads of this rotation are considered.

If multiple groups are used an additional entry for positioning is
shown in the system tree.

The page “Positioning” can be used to define constraints for group

positions. New constraints are added using the -button, they can be sorted using the arrows. The
constraints are evaluated once per calculation, so the order can be important.

Different constraints are available:

 Group parallel to group: Specify an offset between two groups.

 Group according to gear pair: The selected group is positioned according to the selected gear
pair. An additional angle has to be specified, zero is for a center distance on the y-axis. An
axial offset can be entered if the centers of the gears should not align axially.
 Group according to two gear pairs: One group is positioned according to the center distances
of two gear pairs. The axial position is defined by the first gear pair.
 Group according bevel gear pair: One group is positioned according to geometry data of a
bevel gear. The angle of contact for the reference group can be defined.
 Shaft according to gear pair: This constraint is moving a shaft axially to that the centers of the
gears are aligned. An axial offset can be entered optionally.
 Gear according to gear pair: This constraint is moving a gear axially so that it is aligned with
its mating gear. Here an axial offset can be entered optionally, too.
 Group according worm gear pair: The selected group is positioned according to the selected
worm gear pair. An additional angle has to be specified, zero is for a center distance on the y-
axis. An offset can be entered axially to the worm.

Gear connections
If multiple groups are defined a page for gear connections is shown. Gear connections can be added
using the -button. The shafts and gears in contact can be defined and the basic data for the gear
pair is shown. The data for the gears can be modified in this window in addition to the inputs at the
single shaft but using the connection allows to change data for both gears at the same time.

The torque on each gear pair is shown in the list at the top; the safety factors are shown if a
connection to a gear calculation program is set up.

With a click on the items for the gear pairs in the system tree on the left the gear calculation program
can be started to define details for the gear pair. The shaft calculation is passing basic gear geometry
(z, b, x, mn, αn, β, x, a) to the gear calculation and loading; it is reading back the same geometry data
and the safety factors. The colors of the gears can be changed by clicking on the “Color”-button
shown in the picture.

If a gear is considered in a connection, its torque input is hidden at the corresponding input window
under the page ‘Loading’.

Tooth flank modification

With the goal of ensuring optimum tooth flank contact, the teeth of gear pairs can undergo flank
corrections based on three different approaches according to the standard (ISO 21771:2007,
September 2007), i.e. Flank line crowning, Flank line slope modification and Flank line end relief. By
pressing on ‘Tooth flank modifications’ at the page ‘Gear connections’ a pop-up window allows the
user to enter the corresponding geometrical data in relation with these approaches. For each gear it
is possible to have either symmetric or unsymmetrical modifications by setting or clearing the
available flags respectively at the bottom. By activation of an unsymmetrical flank modification, the
corresponding data column is added in the window.

Flank line crowning
It consist of a relief based on a circular arc which is tangent to
the mid-point of the tooth width. The relief amount, which is
measured from the end of the tooth, must be specified.

Flank line slope modification

It consist of an increasing linear relief over the whole tooth
width. So the slope of the relief line starting from one end to
the other must be specified.

Flank line end relief
It consist of an increasing linear relief starting from a
certain point until the end of the flank line. The relief
amount and length, which are measured from both
ends of the tooth, must be specified.

All in all, the user can make use of the line load and gap width graphics as guidance to stablish a flank
correction proposal. If, for instance we start from a gear tooth mesh condition like this:

And we apply a combination of Flank
line crowning and Flank line slope
modification, it significantly helps to
have an homegenous Line load as shown
in the following pictures:

Calculation with load spectrum
If the flag for the calculation with load spectrum is set on the ‘System’-page, an additional item titled
load spectrum is shown in the system tree.

By default, the table is empty. Only the column header for the load frequency is shown. By right
clicking somewhere on the window, different calculation parameters for the load cases can be added
optionally as column headers. These parameters are classified as “General” and “Load”. Concerning
the rows in the table, they can be added using the -button and also deleted by selecting it and
using the -button. These rows are called “Element” and are taken into account as a load case
where the values (inputs) corresponding to the calculation parameters can be entered. The -
button clears all the inputs of the table, also the elements (rows).

You can hide any header by right clicking on it and selecting “Hide”. For all load components that are
not shown in the table the default value is used.

Using the -button the load spectrum is read from a file. The columns in the file have to be in the
same order and unit as shown in the table. Likewise, a created load spectrum table can be exported
with the corresponding -button.

Running calculation for one load spectrum element only

It is possible to run the calculation for only one element (load case), if the user sets the flag ‘Run
calculation for result element only’. The desired load case is chosen by either using the arrows of the
small box next to the -button or typing the element number into it directly. The graphics will be
only shown for the selected element.

This allows using the load spectrum calculation as input interface for independent load cases, which
are calculated independently.

Configurations can be activated on the first input page for settings, if multiple groups are defined.

Using the right mouse button additional columns can be added to the view. Available are gear
connections, reaction couplings and general constraints.

Rows can be added using the -button and with the check box the active elements for each
configuration can be selected. Clearing the flag only disables the torsional constraint of general
constraints, constraints in all other directions are not affected.

The active configuration can be selected at the bottom of the window or within a load spectrum.

Housing stiffness matrix
A symmetric stiffness matrix can be defined between the supports (only those which are connected
to the housing) and the housing, thus acting as boundary condition at its connecting point. This
enables the user to simulate different ways of stiffness interaction, also between the bearings or
supports by means of the housing.

In order to make use of this option, the corresponding

flag of ‘Consider housing stiffness’ must be activated at
the tab-page ‘Settings’ which it is shown when
selecting ‘System’ from the software tree.

The -button, located under the matrix, can be used

to create any additional type of stiffness matrix, which
is referenced with a number shown in a box titled
‘Selected stiffness matrix’. Any one or all of these
created matrices can be excluded for the calculation at
any time by using the flag titled ‘consider stiffness’. In
this way, any matrix data can be kept, even though it is
not being used for the analysis. In case we do want to
erase any of the matrices, the -button can be
employed for it. The entry field can be used to name
them and their names will be shown in the report.

By clicking once the -button on the right lower corner, a new numbered element is listed on the
window above it and a matrix is shown on a bigger window. With a double click on this element a
drop-down list is released letting us choose the support to consider. By repeating this procedure we
could add other existing bearings or supports on the list, and therefore their corresponding lines and
columns of the stiffness matrix would be shown and taken into account.

All the values for the stiffness can be entered manually with double click on the cells or also be
loaded as a matrix, which is sometimes obtainable from a finite element analysis, by using the import
button . Equally, a created matrix can be exported with the corresponding export button .

If we use the -button, a pop-up window allows activating four additional options. As shown in the
following picture, we can for instance omit the consideration of rotation stiffness, and activate the
possibility to define for the connecting point, in any available direction required, a force or a moment
with ‘Enter force/moment’, and also a certain displacement or rotation with ‘Enter displacement’.

The usage of the last option which let us to consider the stiffness from the local coordinate system of
the connecting point.

Parameter variations
Using the menu point “Calculation”->”Parameter variation” a dialog for parameter variations is
shown. It allows the user to do parameter studies with results provided in tables and graphics.

Typical applications are, for example, visualizing life over clearance or displacement over load.

Generate list
Several input parameters can be added to the table rows at the tab window “Generate list”, and
ranges (Start/End values) can be defined for them as shown in the picture below.

Parameter list
Before we generate a list, it is necessary to define first those outputs or variables we are interested in
at the tab window ‘Parameter list’.

As shown in the picture, by doing a right mouse-click on the tab window ‘Parameter list’, a context
menu will enable us to add the columns corresponding to the outputs or results we are interested in.
The rows will contain the variable values according to the bounds and number of steps.

By clicking on ‘Calculate’ while the “Generate list” tab window is active, a list of all parameter
combinations will be generated at the corresponding tab window ‘Parameter list’ and the analysis
will be run. Depending on the chosen number of parameters and steps, the analysis can lead to long
calculation times.

A second way to create a table (parameter list) is possible by adding rows and entering values
manually with the -button. Moreover, a whole table can be imported from a csv-file using the -
button or exported into a file using the -button. Then, in order to run the analysis, we just have to
click on “Calculate” while this page is active. Please note that the any parameter list is not saved if
the dialog is closed.

On the pages “Graphics1” and “Graphics2”
the results can be shown as graphics. If the
parameter list was generated by “Generate
list” and no more than two input
parameters are used, lines are used for the
diagram. As shown in the picture at the top
right, we can see that the axial clearance
that optimizes the life varies depending on
the moment load. For more than two input
parameters or other sources just points are

In case only one input parameter is

selected, the line charts of the chosen
outputs can be overlapped so that the user
can easily perform any comparisons. This is
shown in the picture on the bottom right:
Although the basic life (L10h) is being
analyzed in the graphic, by doing a click on
the -button, it is possible to add any
other analyzed outputs (with the same
units) to the same graphic. In the example,
the line for the life ‘Lnmh’ is also displayed.
The moment load ‘My’ is the only input

You have to activate the checkbox ‘Include
in report’ if the graphic should be added to
the report. Moreover, under the last tab-
page ‘Settings’ another checkbox is
available for including the parameter list in
the report.

Statistical parameter variations
Using the menu point “Calculation”->”Parameter variation (statistical)” an analogous tool to the
default parameter variation is available. The main difference between them lies in the fact that this
tool supports statistical evaluations when doing parameter variations.

The default version of parameter variation is helpful to visualize the influence of one parameter on
one or multiple results. The statistical version can be used if the influence of multiple uncertainties
should be evaluated. Instead of manually checking multiple parameters an automatic calculation of
the whole ranges can be done. In order to understand the reasons behind the results it will still be
necessary to carry out additional evaluations, but the software shows the ranges of results that have
to be expected.

Generate list
As in the normal parameter variation, several input parameters can be added to the table “Generate
list” and ranges (Start/End values) can be defined for them. No calculations steps are required for the
ranges. However, a limitation on the number of statistical calculations can be set under the tab-page
‘Settings’. A first insight is already possible with a smaller number of calculations, but for nice-looking
curves several thousand calculations are needed.

Different types of probability distributions can be chosen from a drop-down list which is shown when
double-clicking on a cell under the ‘Distribution’ column for any of the parameters:

 Uniform: The probability is equally distributed for a set of values between the maximum and
minimum value of the parameter.
 Normal distribution within range: The probability is calculated for a set of values ranging
from the minimum to maximum by using a normal distribution.
 Normal distribution without limit: The probability is calculated for a set of values
theoretically in the range of (−∞, +∞) by using a normal distribution.
 Minimum, maximum: The probability is equally distributed between the maximum and
minimum values of the parameter.
 Minimum, mean value, maximum: The probability is equally distributed between the
maximum, mean and minimum values of the parameter.

Additionally, a factor can be set for the deviation and an offset value between -1 and 1 can be used
to shift horizontally the ‘bell curve’ in either direction.

The parameter ‘Bearings tolerance’ allows to vary the effective bearing clearance for each bearing in
the system independently. For the given range 0 to 1 the bearing clearance is set to a random value
between minimum and maximum effective clearance defined for each bearing. In parameter list or
graphics always 0 is shown for the parameter. Please look at the results for effective bearing
clearance instead.

Parameter list
The generation of the parameter list is performed as explained for the non-statistical parameter
variation. By clicking on ‘Calculate’ a list of all parameter combinations will be generated at the
corresponding tab window ‘Parameter list’ and the statistical analysis will be run. Depending on the
chosen number of parameters and the specified number of calculations, the analysis can lead to long
calculation times.

The parameter list shows the calculation results and allows to select result parameters available for
graphics. Moreover, a whole table can be exported into a file using the -button. Please note that
the any parameter list is not saved if the dialog is closed.

On the tab-pages ‘Graphics’ any variable combination can be visualized in the form of point clouds,
where the some trends for the relationship between the parameters might be recognized.

The probability distribution is graphically represented at the tab-page ‘Distribution’. By simply using
the -button, it is possible to make comparisons of interest between the statistical results for
different mechanical components in a system. As shown in the picture, the probability distribution of
basic reference life for the different bearings mounted on the same shaft are compared with each
other. The maxima of the curves are close to each other, but the variance for the roller bearing ‘B2’ is
much larger. These analyses are useful to help identify restrictions or weaknesses in the design.

You have to activate the checkbox “Include in report” if the graphic should be added to the report.
The report will also show minimum, maximum, mean value and standard deviation for each selected

Interface to rolling bearing calculation
The dialogs of the MESYS Rolling Bearing Calculation are fully integrated into the shaft calculation.

While the bearing calculation is open, the functions for file operations, calculation and report
generation are used for the bearing calculation only. Therefore, only the bearing will be calculated
and you will get results for the bearing in the results overview. However, it exists the possibility to
run the whole shaft calculation, while the bearing calculation is in use, by pressing the key
combination CTRL+F5.

Graphics and the tolerance report can be opened using the right mouse button in the system tree.
Graphics are also available in the menu for graphics. Graphics from different bearings can be shown
at the same time.

As database a SQLite database is used. In addition to the possibilities of the software also standard
tools could be used to change the database. Please only add datasets with id > 100000 and do not
modify datasets with id < 0 since they are used internally. On future versions datasets with id<
100000 might be changed or added.

In the current version there are database tables for Bearings, Material, Material Bearings, Material
DIN 743 (DIN 743-3, Dezember 2012) and Lubrication. They can be added using the Menu ‘Database’
under ‘Extras’.

Data is written into the database only when clicking the Apply-Button, changes can be removed by
selecting ‘Reset’ before ‘Apply’ is clicked.

Rows can be added using the -button or a selected row can be deleted using the -button.

Changing names in the database

When a calculation file is loaded, the software searches the database for combinations of id and
name of a dataset. If the item is not found the inputs are changed to ‘own input’.

Therefore calculations files that are opened by other installations of the software with a different
database, will show ‘own input’ and give the correct results.

If you change the name of entries in the database the same will happen. You will see ‘own input’ in
old files that used this entry and they will use the original data.

Adding bearings into the database
Under the Menu ‘Extras’->‘Database’->’Add bearing to the data base’ a pop-up window with two tab-
pages named “Bearing geometry” and “Material and Lubrication” is opened. These tab-pages
operate in the same way as the ones in the bearing calculation interface. The feature offers the
possibility to create and add a new bearing from scratch by entering all the required data or by
selecting and modifying an existing bearing of the data base. In both cases, the user do not need to
know in advance and the load capacity data, since the software finds it out from the required
geometrical inputs when pressing the button “Calculate” at the bottom. Once all the data is filled,
the “Apply” button must be pressed and the user will be prompted to enter a name for the new

Results are available in different outputs. There is the default result overview on the bottom of the
user interface, an overview of bearing forces and natural frequencies, several graphics and the

Results Overview
The results overview on the bottom of the window shows minimal bearing life, minimum static
bearing safety and maximum shaft deflection. The results overview can be configured under Extras-
>Results overview

Result Tables
Several result tables are available if the pages “Shafts”, “Bearings” or a group is selected

Table for shafts

A table for shafts is showing shaft speed, sum of torque or power where only positive values are
added, minimum bearing life, maximum bearing contact stress and shaft equivalent stress, minimum
safety factors for shaft strength, maximum radial displacement and mass:

Table for sections
The table for sections shows details for each section for every shaft. The type of notch effect is
shown, safety factors for strength, forces, moments and displacements:

Table for bearings

A table for bearings shows life and loading of bearings and supports. The sign convention for the
loads is that the force from the shaft to the bearing is shown.

For rolling bearings the life and pressure is shown in addition to forces and moments.

Table for frequencies
In the overview also the natural
frequencies can be shown. If a
frequency is selected the
corresponding mode is shown in
the graphics. Three displacements
and the torsion angle are shown in
2D view. In 3D view the mode
shapes are shown animated.

Using the toolbar button or Report->Show Report a report for the shaft calculation is generated
which only gives an overview for the bearing results.

There is also Report->Full report which is generating a full report with results of the shaft calculation
and the full reports of the bearing calculations.

Report options
Using Report->Report options the contents of
the report can be configured.

One page is available for outputs of the shaft

calculation and one page for the bearing
calculation. The settings for bearings are passed
to the bearing calculation.

For all diagrams diagram options are available
using the right mouse button. It is possible to
change coordinate system and units. Also export
and printing is available in the context menu.

Shaft deflection
The deflection of the shafts is shown for the three
displacement coordinates for each shaft.

Shaft deflection (radial)

The radial deflection chart shows the absolute value of total radial deflection for the shafts.

Shaft forces
The three force components are shown for each

Shaft moments
The two bending moments and the torque are
shown for each shaft.

Shaft stresses
The stress components are shown for all shafts.
Since there are too many curves in that diagram
is several shafts are used there is also a diagram
which only shows the equivalent stress.

Campbell diagram
The Campbell diagram shows the change of
natural frequencies over the shaft speed.
The speed of all shafts is multiplied by the
same factor in this calculation. The speed of
the shafts is shown using dashed lines.

This calculation is always done considering

the gyroscopic effect.

Diagrams for bearing analysis

In addition there are several diagrams for bearing analysis. Please check the documentation of the
bearing analysis for details.

Geometry 3D
The 3D geometry can be shown without
deformations or with exaggerated
deformations. The diagram is available for the
whole systems and for each group.

Geometry 3D (power flow)

The power flow of transmission systems can be
shown in the 3D graphics.

Gear line load and gap width

The line load on a gear pair can be shown and also the gap width. For these diagrams either the gears
should be considered as stiffness under settings or the shaft diameter has to be large enough to take
into account the stiffness of the gear body. The gap width can be used for a proposal of flank line
corrections. Both diagrams are also available for load spectra showing results for all elements.

Tooth flank modifications
It shows the resulting profile of the tooth flank from the corrections applied in order to obtain an
optimum tooth contact. In this way, the x-axis represents the tooth width in mm and the y-axis the
geometrical variation in µm which has been undergone by the flank.

Graphics area
By right-clicking the main graphics area in 2D mode, a context menu called ‘Diagram’ offers the
possibility of overlaying some shaft-related diagrams on the actual geometry of the shaft.

Required diameter
Apart from all the aforementioned graphics in the previous section, an additional diagram called
‘Required diameter’ can be overlaid to the 2D geometry of the shaft. It provides a clue as to how the
size of the diameter should be in order not to exceed a maximum equivalent stress value (see the
image above), which is defined under the tab-page ‘Display settings’.


Cowper., G. R. June 1966. The Shear Coefficient in Timoshenko’s Beam Theory. Journal of Applied
Mechanics – Transactions of the ASME. June 1966.

DIN 743-1. Dezember 2012. Tragfähigkeitsberechnung von Wellen und Achsen - Grundlagen. s.l. :
DIN, Dezember 2012.

DIN 743-2. Dezember 2012. Tragfähigkeitsberechnung von Wellen und Achsen - Formzahlen und
Kerbwirkungszahlen. s.l. : DIN, Dezember 2012.

DIN 743-3. Dezember 2012. Tragfähigkeitsberechnung von Wellen und Achsen - Werkstoffe-
Festigkeitswerte. s.l. : DIN, Dezember 2012.

DIN 743-4. Dezember 2012. Tragfähigkeitsberechnung von Wellen und Achsen -

Schädigungsäquivalente Spannungsamplitude. s.l. : DIN, Dezember 2012.

Hutchinson, J. R. January 2001. Shear Coefficients for Timoshenko Beam Theory. Journal of Applied
Mechanics – Transactions of the ASME. January 2001.

ISO 21771:2007. September 2007. Gears – Cylindrical involute gears and gears pairs – Concepts and
Geometry. s.l. : ISO, September 2007.

ISO 7902-1. November 2013. Hydrodynamic plain journal bearings under steady-state conditions -
Calculation procedure - Second edition. s.l. : ISO, November 2013.

ISO 7902-2. May 1998. Hydrodynamic plain journal bearings under steady-state conditions -
Functions used in the calculation procedure - Second edition. s.l. : ISO, May 1998.

ISO 7902-3. July 1998. Hydrodynamic plain journal bearings under steady-state conditions -
Permissible operational parameters - Second edition. s.l. : ISO, July 1998.


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