Primary Sex
Primary Sex
Primary Sex
Recommended Citation
Smith, Tracy S., "Primary Sex Reversal in Female Betta splendens following Treatments with Temperature and Trenbolone Acetate."
(2005). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 982.
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Primary Sex Reversal in Female Betta splendens
Following Treatments with Temperature and Trenbolone Acetate
A thesis
presented to
the faculty of the Department of Biology
East Tennessee State University
In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Master of Science in Biology
Tracy S. Smith
May 2005
Tracy S. Smith
Sex reversal in fish can occur as a result of disturbances in natural conditions or laboratory
manipulations. Trenbolone Acetate (TBA), a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid used mainly in
the cattle industry, was applied to female Betta splendens, a sexually dimorphic fish. Previously,
females were analyzed for secondary sex characteristics after treatment with TBA, increased
temperature, or a combination of both. This study focused on primary sex characteristics by
histological examination. Gonads were surgically removed and prepared following basic
histological techniques. Following H&E staining, sections were observed for signs of ovarian
regression, as well as signs of testicular formation. The presence of TBA significantly reduced the
size of the gonad and the number and size of vitellogenic oocytes, indicating a loss of ovarian
function. Temperature had a synergistic effect on TBA, as more oocytes were atretic and
interstitial tissue was more abundant, some with clear spermatocysts. Temperature alone had no
significant effect.
First and foremost, I thank God for leading me toward my dreams and giving me the
strength to face each day.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Then, by the same token, it must take a faculty
to graduate a student. The faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences has been the key to
my success here at E.T.S.U. My appreciation starts with my graduate committee, who were a
constant source of support and encouragement.
Dr. Currie, thank you for sticking with me even after my course changed. I know you
were not always “in the loop,” but your input was greatly appreciated. Dr. Laughlin, even though
you had barely settled into your faculty position, thank you for jumping into my project without
hesitation. Your knowledge of fish was certainly an asset to our team. And to my chair, Dr.
Robertson, let me first thank you for your willingness to take on this lead position in my time of
need. Your guidance and constant encouragement pushed me toward what sometimes seemed
like and intangible goal. You put in so much time and energy, and I credit much of my success to
your belief in me.
Thank you to Dr. Johnson and Dr. Goyal, who fought for an extension of my G.A. status.
Because of you, I was able to continue teaching labs, which was the highlight of my graduate
career. Dr. Moore, Dr. McIntosh, Dr. Stewart, and many others in the department have shaped
my career with your knowledge, your advice, and your continued support. A special thank you
goes to Mary Howell, who started this project and provided helpful advice and guidance. Thanks
to Lois Hyder and Kristi Tipton, who have been so willing to help me along the way. And finally,
my appreciation is extended to the contributors of the Fraley Memorial Award. This funding,
awarded to me in 2002, made my research possible.
Outside of school, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the best parents a daughter could ask
for. Without your love and support, I would not be where I am or who I am today. Thank you
for giving me the opportunity and the courage to pursue my dreams.
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... 2
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................. 3
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 8
Hormonal Manipulations........................................................................................ 10
Betta splendens...................................................................................................... 12
Present Study......................................................................................................... 14
2. METHODS ............................................................................................................... 15
Previous Research.................................................................................................. 15
Controls................................................................................................................. 15
Gonad Retrieval..................................................................................................... 16
Analysis ................................................................................................................. 16
3. RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 17
Results ................................................................................................................. 17
Chapter Page
4. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ 34
Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 42
5. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 43
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 49
VITA ................................................................................................................................ 64
Table Page
Figure Page
2. Interaction plot of mean gonad length and width from 72C, 72T, and 82T groups...... 18
3. Dot plot with mean number of vitellogenic oocytes from 72C, 72T, and 82T. ............ 20
4. Dot plot with mean size of vitellogenic oocytes from 72C, 82C, 72T, and 82T.......... 21
10. Ovary from a 72T Betta showing several atretic follicles ........................................... 28
11. Ovary from a 72T Betta with large lumen area and branching ducts........................... 28
13. Ovary from 82T Betta with many atretic follicles ...................................................... 30
14. Ovary from 82T Betta with extensive lumen area and branching ducts....................... 30
16. Gonad from 82T group with nearly complete transformation to testicular tissue........ 32
Within the animal kingdom, fish have evolved into a class with an unprecedented array of
physical and behavioral traits. These characteristics have generated many research opportunities;
among these is the study of reproductive mechanisms and behavior.
The male testis and the female ovary are most often found in separate individuals
(dioecious); however, there are numerous cases of hermaphroditism. Further classification
distinguishes protogynous hermaphrodites (female to male progression) from protoandrous
hermaphrodites, as well as cases of intersex when both male and female gametes are present
(Hoar 1957b, Yamamoto 1969, Redding and Patiño 1993).
Fish reproductive cycles are dependent on a variety of factors including, but not limited to,
environmental cues (i.e. light, temperature) and hormonal cues. Endocrine function in fish is
gonadotropins control ovarian and testicular function in part by stimulation of gonadal steroids,
which also regulate secondary sex characteristics (i.e. size, color, fin display, etc.). Some
generalizations can be made about the reproductive biology of teleost fish, but it should be noted
that specifics of structure and hormonal influence vary from species to species (Redding and
Patiño 1993).
Oogenesis occurs within the paired lobes of the ovary, which are joined by a common
oviduct. In a manner similar to higher vertebrates, oogonia develop within a protective follicular
layer, which, in later stages of maturation, may be clearly composed of inner granulosa cells and
outer thecal layers. An important stage in oocyte development is that of vitellogenesis, or the
deposition of yolk into the oocyte. This growth process is highly dependent on hormonal
communication between the ovary and the liver which produces the protein vitellogenin (Hoar
1969, Moyle and Cech 1982, Liley and Stacey 1983, Nagahama 1983, Redding and Patiño 1993,
Patiño and Takashima 1995).
Female fish produce many hormones including testosterone which is a precursor for 17β-
Estradiol, the dominant female hormone. These hormones function in all stages of oogenesis,
ovulation, breeding, in some cases gestation, and the induction of secondary sex characteristics
(Baggett et al. 1956, Hoar 1957b, Liley 1969, Liley and Stacey 1983, Nagahama 1983, Redding
and Patiño 1993).
Following ovulation, the follicular cells transform into a corpus luteum, in some cases
similar to that of higher vertebrates (Hisaw 1947). However, this is a misnomer in many species
as the atretic follicle has little if any endocrine function in oviparous species. These “corpora
lutea” can be pre-ovulatory (reabsorption of yolk) or post-ovulatory, in which granulosa cells may
have multiple duties (Hoar 1957b, Hoar 1969, Nagahama 1983).
Khoo (1975) reported the formation of oogonia from the atretic remains of follicles.
While this report highlights a difference from corpora lutea of higher vertebrates, Hoar (1965 as
cited in Hoar 1969) offers a more relative description.
Hoar suggests,
that estrogen synthesis was one of the responsibilities of the granulosa from the
earliest stages of vertebrate phylogeny…. [thus], it seems entirely reasonable that
the same granulosa cells (in some fish) may have specialized in hormone
production to the point where corpora atretica become functional corpora lutea –
even though they may synthesize estrogen rather than progesterone as their
hormone (Hoar 1965 as cited in Hoar 1969).
Despite obvious differences, one similarity found in all vertebrates is the methodical distribution of
hormones. Exogenous manipulation of the system can potentially disturb ovarian function at
many levels.
Testicular Structure and Function
Spermatogenesis occurs within the scattered lobules of the paired testes. Each lobule
contains a number of cysts filled with germ cells developing at the same rate. Collection of
mature spermatozoa begins as cysts rupture into the lumen of the testis and culminates with
collection in the vas deferens (Hoar 1969, Moyle and Cech 1982, Nagahama 1983, Redding and
Patiño 1993, Koulish et al. 2002).
Cysts are surrounded by interstitial tissue (i.e. Sertoli cells, Leydig cells), much of which is
endocrine in function. The prominence and arrangement of such tissue varies considerably among
species (Hoar 1957b, Hoar 1969, Nagahama 1983, Redding and Patiño 1993, Koulish et al.
2002). Though a variety of hormones have been identified from the piscine testis, testosterone
and 11-ketotestosterone are recognized as the key androgens (Liley and Stacey in Hunter and
Donaldson 1983). Other hormones may play minor roles in spermatogenesis, secondary sex
characteristics or they may exist as precursors in a biochemical pathway (Liley 1969, Yamamoto
1969). Research has shown that even minute disturbances in hormonal balance can impede
reproductive success in both males and females.
Hormonal Manipulations
Much has been learned about the production and function of hormones in fish by
manipulations of both endogenous and exogenous androgens and estrogens. More recently,
synthetic hormones have emerged as important research tools. For example, testosterone in its
natural state functions both to masculinize (androgenic) and to build tissue (anabolic). These
effects can be observed from early development through sexual maturation. Through research,
many synthetic variants of testosterone have been synthesized, ranging from those with
predominantly anabolic effects to those focused on androgenic activities. Among those is
trenbolone acetate (TBA) which is classified as an anabolic-androgenic steroid. Being derived
from testosterone, TBA contains a basic 4-ring steroid structure with some modifications (Farber
1991, Galvez et al. 1996). Figure 1 illustrates the structural differences between testosterone and
synthetic TBA. These minor side-group substitutions in steroid structure become apparent in the
phenotypic characteristics of the treated organisms.
The cattle industry uses several synthetic hormones, including trenbolone acetate to
increase meat production (Henricks et al. 1982, Bartle et al. 1992). During metabolism, TBA is
broken down to water-soluble metabolites which may be lost in both urine and feces. While those
lost have less activity, many forms of these metabolites retain a portion of their androgenic and
anabolic potential (Heitzman 1983, Rico 1983, Lange et al. 2002, Buiarelli et al. 2003).
Even trace amounts of residual hormone have the potential to affect many aspects of the
environment. Run-off from farmland may enter local waterways, extending the impact to aquatic
life (Lange et al. 2002). Because fish reproductive function is highly sensitive to hormonal
fluctuations, primary and secondary sex characteristics can be observed in affected populations.
In mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, intersexuality, based on secondary characteristics, was found
to be an indicator of environmental disruption (Bortone and Davis 1994). In this particular case
the factor studied was effluent from a paper mill. Many other endocrine disruptors have been
shown to have similar potential (Jobling et al. 1998). In undifferentiated fry, 50mg TBA/ kg feed
or immersion in TBA induced 100% male populations in both channel catfish, Ictalurus
Punctatus, and blue tilapia, Oreochromis aurea (Galvez et al. 1995, Galvez et al. 1996,
Fitzpatrick et al. 2000). Research reported that the synthetic androgen may bind to gonad
receptors promoting male-oriented gonadogenesis (Galvez et al. 1995, Galvez et al. 1996).
In addition to its masculinizing effects, TBA was also shown to inhibit ovarian function.
In female hamsters, TBA has been shown to prevent follicle development and ovulation (Zarkawi
et al. 1991). The researchers proposed that FSH production may have been inhibited. A similar
effect was noted in adult channel catfish, Ictalurus Punctatus (Davis et al. 2000). Ovarian
function was disrupted and testicular tissue was formed, but functional males were not produced
(Davis et al. 2000).
Though the mechanism is unclear, the phenotypic effects obtained from TBA treated fish
are potentially beneficial if used in a controlled manner, similar to other hormone treatments used
in aquaculture. The techniques applied in fisheries allow for the production of single sex
populations, which may be economically beneficial due to size, coloration, or rate of maturation.
The timing of sexual maturity and spawning events can also be controlled for maximum efficiency
(Hunter and Donaldson 1983, Galvez et al. 1995, Fitzpatrick et al. 2000).
Many studies of sex reversal by steroid treatment involve the use of young fry with
undifferentiated gonads. Many species are not sexually dimorphic at this stage, making sex
identification nearly impossible. Using a species with clear differences in secondary sexual
characteristics, such as Betta splendens, allows for treatment of a known sex and the evaluation of
potential sex reversal both on primary and secondary characteristics.
Betta splendens
Originating in Siam, Thailand, Betta splendens, more commonly called the Siamese
Fighting Fish, have been used for research since the mid-1800s. Betta splendens (Bettas) are a
fresh-water species inhabiting small ponds and rice paddies in the wild and aquariums worldwide
(Gordon and Axelrod 1968). Bettas prefer shallow waters because they frequently need to
surface. Due to an inefficiency in the gills to provide enough oxygen from the water, Bettas use a
highly vascular organ known as the labyrinth to extract oxygen from surface air. This accessory
organ is similar to a primitive lung in function (Gordon and Axelrod 1968).
In the wild, Bettas tend to live in groups, mostly female with a dominant male
(Jaroensutasinee and Jaroensutasinee 2001a). This dominance by aggressive behavior in defense
of territory secures access to females for reproduction (Gordon and Axelrod 1968, Rhoad et al.
1975, Jaroensutasinee and Jaroensutasinee 2001a). It was this aggressive behavior that led to
Bettas’ original popularity in fighting contests, but more recent popularity stems from the wide
array of colors and fin displays that breeders have introduced to aquarists (Gordon and Axelrod
Both wild and domesticated Bettas are sensitive to their environment. Even small changes
in pH, salinity, and temperature, among other factors, can be detrimental, both metabolically and
reproductively. Temperature is especially important as Bettas prefer with water temperatures
around 80ºF(27ºC). This is a few degrees warmer even than that suggested for tropical fish.
Studies by Goodrich and Taylor (cited in Gordon and Axelrod 1968) showed that 80ºF was ideal
for nest building and breeding behavior of males. Females also bred more often at 80ºF as
opposed to 60ºF or 70ºF. Temperatures too far above 80ºF may cause developmental problems
(Gordon and Axelrod 1968). This sensitivity has produced many studies dealing with the effects
of temperature on development and reproductive success in this species.
Bettas are known for their extravagant courtship and mating behavior. The results of
many behavioral studies can be attributed to basic secondary sex characteristics that differ
between males and females. Bettas are sexually dimorphic, with differences in size and color.
Compared to males, females are small and lack the vibrant colors. Males are not only larger and
rich in color, but they sport longer, showy fins. Breeding has produced a wide variety of colors
and displays in male Bettas, the sex most preferred commercially (Robertson and Sale 1975,
Jaroensutasinee and Jaroensutasinee 2001b).
Besides these physical differences, there exist some behavioral sexual dimorphisms in
Bettas. Males, as previously mentioned, are very aggressive especially in matters of reproductive
success. Many studies have focused on the precise timing and details of the fight display and the
impending pugilistic struggle. Often these fights occur to protect a bubble nest built by the male
Betta in preparation for mating. During spawning, fertilized eggs (up to 400-500 per female) are
gathered by the male and placed in the bubble nest. The male furnishes the primary care of the
fry, producing new bubbles frequently to provide needed oxygen. In the wild, males must defend
the nest from predators, including other male and female Bettas (Gordon and Axelrod 1968,
Robertson and Sale 1975, Jaroensutasinee and Jaroensutasinee 2001a). This sexual dimorphism
allows for studies of the effects of environmental, hormonal, chemical, and social manipulations
on male and female characteristics.
Present Study
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of TBA, increased temperature and a
combined treatment on primary sex characteristics of female Betta splendens. This investigation
involved the histological analysis of Bettas; this included all treatment groups, as well as control
female and male Bettas. The study involved the identification of ovarian regression (atretic
follicles, decrease in number and/or size of oocytes, and decrease in overall gonad size) and/or
testicular formation.
Several major questions and hypotheses were addressed in this research, as follows.
Question 1: Is there a difference in ovarian morphology between fish kept at 72ûF and fish
kept at 82ûF? Specifically, are there signs of ovarian regression and/or testicular formation?
Question 2: Is there a difference in ovarian morphology in fish treated with TBA?
Specifically, are there signs of ovarian regression and/or testicular formation?
Question 3: Is there an increased difference in ovarian morphology in fish treated with
TBA at 82ûF? Specifically, are there signs of ovarian regression and/or testicular formation?
In a previous research endeavor by Howell (2000) female Betta splendens were used and
preserved in 95% ethanol. These fish, along with the data collected by Howell, were used for
histological examination and analysis (Data provided in Appendix 1).
Previous Research
Female Bettas were separated into four aquaria; two at 72ºF and two at 82ºF. Light, pH,
and salinity were all standardized and initial caudal fin length recorded for each Betta. The
hormone trenbolone acetate (TBA) was introduced through the diet. An untreated food supply
was fed to the control groups at each temperature and TBA treated pellets were fed to
experimental Bettas at each temperature. All fish were fed a standard amount (5 pellets/day) for a
30-day period. Final caudal fin length was recorded and other secondary sex characteristics were
noted. Surviving Bettas were preserved in 95% ethanol and refrigerated (Howell 2000).
The number of preserved control Bettas at 72ºF and 82ºF (N=3, N=1, respectively) was
low. Several female Bettas were purchased for this study from a local pet supply to supplement
the histological observations. These fish had been maintained in an aquarium at room temperature
(near 72ºF). For the purposes of this research, control females purchased locally and preserved
control females (72ºF) will be considered synonymous.
Several male Bettas were also purchased for comparison of normal testis morphology.
Male Bettas and female Bettas were all processed by the same protocol. All purchased Bettas
were anesthetized and euthanized in 95% ethanol.
Gonad Retrieval
All gonads were surgically removed using standard techniques and immediately placed in
Gilson’s fluid. The fixative was changed several times over approximately one week (Jones
Histological Techniques
Following fixation, gonads were dehydrated through a series of ethanol and xylene.
Paired or single gonads were set in paraffin and sectioned (10µm) using a A-0 microtome.
Sections were mounted on Fisherbrand Superfrost Plus slides and stained with a standard
Hematoxylin and Eosin series (Jones 1966). Slides were sealed with Cytoseal© XYL mounting
Some problems were encountered in sectioning control gonads from both temperature
groups. Due to size and stability of the gonads, adjustments were made to the original protocol
to ensure quality slides. Tissues were fixed in formalin, a formaldehyde solution commonly used
as a preservative (Cole et al. 1999). The dehydration and staining protocol was the same.
Data Analysis
Lengths and widths of gonads were recorded along with the number and size of
vitellogenic oocytes for random sections from control and treated groups (See Appendix B for full
data set). These sets of data were analyzed using a computerized statistics program (Minitab 14.0
version). A one-way ANOVA followed by multiple comparisons was used to compare the means
of each group. These tests took into account the presence of replicates and unequal observations
All tables and figures use 72C, 82C, 72T, and 82T to refer to 72ºF Control group, 82ºF
Control group, 72 ºF Treated group, and 82 ºF Treated group, respectively. A one way ANOVA
was used to compare mean lengths and widths of gonads from the 72C, 72T, and 82T groups.
The 82C group was not used in this statistical comparison because accurate measurements were
not possible with available sections. There was a significant difference in lengths (p=0.044) as
well as widths (p<0.001) among the 3 groups. Individual t-tests revealed a significant difference
in width between the 72C and 72T groups (p=0.018), indicating a significant decrease in size of
the gonad caused by the addition of TBA in the diet. Table 1 contains the descriptive statistics
from lengths and widths of gonads. Figure 2 illustrates the decrease in gonad size from the
control to treated groups of both temperature groups. The combination treatment caused no
significant change in gonad length and width (p=0.972, p=0.378, respectively). No comparison
could be made between the two temperature groups.
Table 1 Descriptive statistics of length and width of gonad
▲ Length
▄ Width
72C 72T 82T
Figure 2 Interaction plot of mean gonad length and width from 72C, 72T, and 82T groups
A one-way ANOVA was also used to compare mean number of vitellogenic oocytes in
gonads from the 72C, 72 T, and 82T groups. The 82C group was not used in this statistical
comparison because a minimum number of accurate counts was not possible with the available
sections. There was a significant difference in the number of vitellogenic oocytes (p=0.000)
between the 3 groups. The main significance was between 72C and 72T (p=0.001), suggesting a
loss of ovarian function (based on a decrease in vitellogenic oocytes) in the presence of TBA.
The 82T group contained very few vitellogenic oocytes. However, in undamaged longitudinal
sections where counts could be made for statistical analysis, no vitellogenic oocytes were present.
This suggests that the combination of TBA and increased temperature has a synergistic effect on
ovarian dysfunction (based on vitellogenic oocyte counts). No statistical comparison could be
made between the two temperature groups. Table 2 contains the descriptive statistics from the
number of vitellogenic oocytes. Figure 3 illustrates the decrease in number of vitellogenic oocytes
from the control to treated groups of both temperature groups.
82T 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Individual Value Plot of # of Vitellogenic Oocytes
Number of Oocytes
Figure 3 Dot plot with mean number of vitellogenic oocytes from 72C, 72T, and 82T
The size of vitellogenic oocytes was also compared by a one-way ANOVA in gonads from
the 72C, 82C, 72 T, and 82T groups. There was a significant difference in the size of vitellogenic
oocytes (p=0.002) between the 4 groups. Specifically, there was a significant difference in size
between the 72C and 72T (p=0.001), suggesting a loss of ovarian function (based on a decrease in
size of vitellogenic oocytes) in the presence of TBA. There was only one Betta in each of the
82C and 82T groups that contained measurable vitellogenic oocytes which were used for
statistical analysis. Statistical significance could not be determined with n values of 1; however,
there was a dramatic decrease in mean vitellogenic oocyte size between the 72C and 82C (444.2,
375.01), 82C and 82T (375.01, 156.61), and 72T and 82T (321.2, 156.61). This suggests that an
increase in temperature, the presence of TBA, and the combination of TBA and increased
temperature, all have an effect on ovarian dysfunction (based on decreases in vitellogenic oocyte
size). Table 3 contains the descriptive statistics from the size of vitellogenic oocytes. The
decrease in size of vitellogenic oocytes can be seen in Figure 4.
Table 3 Descriptive statistics of vitellogenic oocyte size
Size of Oocytes (microns)
72CS 82CS 72TS 82TS
Figure 4 Dot plot with mean size of vitellogenic oocytes from 72C, 82C, 72T, and 82T
When the 72C group was compared to the testis control group a significant difference was
noted in the width (p=0.005). This supports the observation that ovaries generally occupy 50-
60% of total body weight, whereas testes occupy only about 12%. The significant difference in
control sizes suggests that the decreases in size seen with the treatments may reflect not only a
loss of ovarian function but also a structural shift toward testicular composition.
A comparison was also made between the mean change in tail length as recorded in
previous research and the size of the gonad. Although a correlation between secondary and
primary sex characteristics was expected, there appeared to be little correlation between the two
measures. External (secondary) sex characteristic changes did not indicate a change in primary
sex morphology. Figure 5 shows a linear regression graph of this data.
gonad length (mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
tail length (mm)
Figure 5 Linear regression graph of gonad length vs. change in tail length
Histological Analysis
Slides from the 72C (and purchased control females) were analyzed for normal ovarian
morphology. Oocytes from different stages of development were observed in all slides. See
Figure 6 for control ovarian morphology. The 72C ovaries contained many yolk-filled, nearly ripe
oocytes. This was a clear indication of vitellogenesis and of typical estrogenic function.
L 10µm
Figure 6 Ovary from a 72C Betta showing typical morphology. A. Several stages of development
(40X); B. (100X); Lumen (L); Oil drop stage (O); Primary yolk globule stage (P); Secondary yolk
globule stage (S); Tertiary yolk globule stage (T); Perinucleolus stage (arrow).
There were also a few atretic follicles (corpora lutea), both pre-ovulatory and post-
ovulatory. A typical atretic follicle is shown in Figure 7. Cells within the granulosa and theca
layers become hypertrophied and eventually fold inward into the follicular atrium. Vacuolization
of oocyte remnants was also common.
Figure 7 An atretic follicle (corpora lutea) from a 72C Betta. The hypertrophied granulosa and
theca layers have begun to fold inward toward the atrium (A). Some yellow lutein cells can be
seen though they are not equivalent to the mammalian corpora lutea. (200X).
Ovaries from the 82C group were also analyzed for changes in normal ovarian
morphology. The control ovaries were very large and delicate in structure, which led to
difficulties during fixation and sectioning; however, basic morphology could still be observed.
Very little observable change was noted from the 72C group. All stages of oocyte development
through tertiary yolk globule stage were observed. There were more atretic follicles in the group
compared to the 72C group. There were no fully intact sections of the 82C group due to the
histological problems encountered; therefore, statistical comparison was not possible.
Several male Bettas were used to observe normal testicular morphology. The lobular
divisions separated by small ducts could clearly be seen in Figure 8. At a higher magnification
individual spermatocysts could be seen. Spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids were
observed within these spermatocysts, though discrimination between 1º and 2º spermatocytes was
not possible at this magnification.
A 25µm
Figure 8 A testis from a control male Betta. A. 40X; B. 400X, Individual spermatocysts are
visible within the divided lobules of the testis. The stages of sperm development are not clearly
defined at this magnification, but general labels have been applied. Interstitial tissue (IT);
Spermatocytes (SC); Spermatogonia (SG); Spermatids (ST).
The groups treated with TBA (72T and 82T) were examined for changes in normal
ovarian morphology and possible formation of testicular tissue. As previously stated, there was a
significant (p= 0.044, p=0.000) difference in the length and width, respectively, of transforming
gonads between the 72C group and 72T group. Figure 9 compares gonads from these two
groups. A major difference noted was the decrease in number of yolky or vitellogenic oocytes.
Because vitellogenesis is used as an indicator of estrogenic and, thus, ovarian function, it was
likewise used as a measure of ovarian disruption (Zerulla et al. 2002). There was a significant (p=
0.001) difference in the number of vitellogenic oocytes in the 72C and 72T. This indicated a
change in normal ovarian morphology and function in the presence of TBA. In addition, a greater
number of atretic follicles was noted. Figure 10 shows atretic follicles at various stages of
Division of the lobular ovary by lumen was also noted. This segregation into small lobular
units was more common in the testis. Figure 11 shows this division of the gonad. Tissue found
between the follicles or interstitial tissue was a common feature in many of the 72T gonads.
Interstitial tissue is normally associated with the testis. Within this tissue, in some gonads, were
small clusters of cells similar to spermatocysts. Though identification of specific stages of
developing germ cells was not possible, there were clearly signs of early testicular formation
characteristic of the control males analyzed. The testicular formation and possible spermatocysts
in 72T Bettas are shown in Figure 12.
There was a difference in the amount of ovarian regression and/or testicular formation
within the 72T group. Some gonads were primarily ovarian though they showed signs of
regression. Others exhibited both ovary regression and traces of interstitial tissue with possible
testicular characteristics. Finally there were a few gonads that contained obvious ovarian
regression as well as clearly testicular cysts forming in the interstitial tissue. This pattern of early
to late transition has been noted in several hermaphroditic species, including the honeycomb
grouper (Epinephelus merra: Bhandari et al. 2003).
* *
O * O
* *
* *
Figure 9 Comparison of gonads. A. Ovary from 72C, oocytes from all stages of development
present; B. Ovary from 72T contains few vitellogenic oocytes and an increasing number of atretic
follicles; C. The 82T gonad contains few healthy oocytes (non-atretic) and increasing amounts of
interstitial tissue with possible testicular components. All 40X. Interstitial Tissue (IT); Lumen
(L); Oil drop stage (O); Primary yolk globule stage (P); Tertiary yolk globule stage (T);
Perinucleolus stage (arrow); Atretic oocytes (*).
* *
Figure 10 Ovary from a 72T Betta showing several atretic follicles (40X). Oil drop stage (O);
Primary yolk globule stage (P); Perinucleolus stage (arrow); Atretic oocytes (*).
* *
* L
* *
Figure 11 Ovary from a 72T Betta with large lumen area and branching ducts (40X). Lumen (L);
Perinucleolus stage (arrow); Atretic oocytes (*).
T *
* C
* *
* C
B *
L 10µm
Figure 12 Ovaries from 72T Bettas exhibiting testicular tissue. A. 200X; B. 100X; Spermatocysts
(C); Lumen (L); Tertiary Yolk Globule Stage (T); Atretic oocytes (*).
The TBA treated ovaries at 82 ºF were analyzed for changes to normal ovarian function
and possible testicular formation. There was not a significant change between 72T and 82T
(length: p= 0.972, width p=0.378). This indicated that temperature did not significantly increase
the effects of TBA on the size of the gonad. Morphologically there were many differences
between the two treated groups (72T and 82T). A comparison between the morphology of the
treated groups is shown in Figure 9. Most noticeable is the lack of vitellogenic oocytes in most
sections observed. This clearly indicated a major disruption in ovarian function. Many more
follicles at all stages of development were atretic (See Figure 13). Again, the presence of a high
number of pre-ovulatory atretic follicles is indicative of ovarian disturbances. An increase in
lumen area was also noted, as seen in Figure 14.
* *
IT *
* IT
IT *
L *
* *
Figure 13 Ovary from 82T Betta with many atretic follicles (40X). Interstitial tissue (IT); Lumen
(L); Atretic follicles (*).
* * *
* *
L *
* *
Figure 14 Ovary from 82T Betta with extensive lumen area and branching ducts (40X). Lumen
(L); Atretic follicles (*).
Interstitial tissue was even more common in the 82T group. Many sections appeared as
compact as the testicular control slides. Within the interstitial tissue were nests of spermatocysts,
some more clear than others. A testis control is compared to an 82T gonad in Figure 15. The
similarity between nests of spermatocysts was clear, though stages of sperm development are not
easily identified with the equipment used.
SG 25µm
* *
B 20µm
Figure 15 Comparison of control testis to 82T gonad. A. Control testis showing spermatocysts at
various stages of development (400X); B. Partially transformed gonad from 82T with atretic
oocytes and spermatocysts (200X). Spermatocysts (C); Interstitial tissue (IT); Lumen (L);
Spermatocytes (SC); Spermatogonia (SG); Spermatids (ST); Atretic oocytes (*).
Like the 72T group, the 82T group exhibited a gradient of transformation. Some gonads
had little, if any, testicular tissue. Others had a nearly 50:50 ratio of ovarian to testicular tissue,
while a few had transformed completely into testicular tissue. Figure 16 shows a fully
transformed gonad that consists of primarily testicular tissue, with the exception of a few atretic
oocytes. A magnified section of the transformed gonad compared to a testis control can be seen
in Figure 17. The cluster-like division varied from that seen in the control, but spermatocysts
were clearly defined. Again, identification of specific stages of sperm development was difficult,
but cysts similar to those containing spermatids in the control could be seen near the lumen in the
82T gonads. The cellular matter in the lumen was unidentified but could be mature spermatozoa.
A 250µm
Figure 16 Gonad from 82T group with nearly complete transformation to testicular tissue; A.
40X; B. expanded view. Lumen (L); Spermatocysts (C); Atretic Oocyte (white arrow, *).
A SG 25µm
B 20µm
Figure 17 Comparison of control testis to fully transformed 82T ovary. A. Control testis showing
spermatocysts at various stages of development (400X); B. Ovary from 82T showing
spermatocysts and open lumen area (200X). Interstitial tissue (IT); Lumen (L); Spermatocytes
(SC); Spermatogonia (SG); Spermatids (ST).
marmoratus, have revealed the morphological changes involved with natural sex reversal, mainly
the formation of testicular lobules within the ovarian structure (Harrington 1971, Lo Nostro et al.
2003, Lo Nostro et al. 2004). Studies of sex reversal were not limited to hermaphroditic species.
Other studies have revealed many factors that may help determine the phenotypic sex of
gonochoristic species. The focus of these studies varied from environmental factors to surgical
techniques or hormonal manipulations. More recent studies have used synthetic drugs and
hormones, with the common goal of improving fishery management and commercial fish
production. Sex reversal studies have also been used to indicate the effects of pollutants, or other
stress factors, on various species of fish (Bortone and Davis 1994). The present study examined
temperature, as well as the introduction of the synthetic hormone, TBA. The following literature
review highlighted some research that has shaped the study of sex reversal in gonochoristic
Environmental Studies
There are several environmental factors that have been studied in regard to sex reversal in
fish, including length of day, light intensity, temperature, water quality, and social environment
(Chen and Yeung 1983). Among these, temperature has been the focus of many studies that
examined a number of teleost species. Research, similar to studies in reptiles and amphibians, has
shown that during early development in fish, there existed a labile period when temperature can
In the Atlantic Silverside, Menidia menidia, high temperatures induced sex differentiation
at an earlier stage of development (Conover and Fleisher 1986). Other studies focused on
resulting sex ratios following various temperature treatments. Exposure to high temperatures
Luckenbach et al. 2003), and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Baras et al. 2001). Southern
flounder also exhibited a shift toward the male phenotype in lower temperature treatments,
suggesting a mid-range temperature protocol for maximizing the commercially desired female
phenotype (Luckenbach et al. 2003). While high temperature often initiates a male-oriented shift,
the channel catfish underwent sex reversal to phenotypic females, following treatment with
increased temperature (Patiño et al. 1996). Changes in normal temperature at any stage of
development are potentially detrimental to fish. Many studies report high mortality rates of fry,
which could skew results (Chan and Yeung 1983, Patiño et al. 1996, Baras et al. 2001,
In recent studies, the mechanisms of sex reversal, due to temperature, have been explored.
Some studies suggested that hormone production, specifically that of estrogens, was reduced by
high temperatures. These studies further suggested that the increased temperature directly
affected cytochrome P450 aromatase, which is necessary in the conversion of androgens into
estrogens. The decrease of estrogen production has been shown to cause oocyte apoptosis,
which led to testicular formation (Strussman and Nakamura 2002, Uchida et al. 2004).
Temperature, however, is not a factor for sex reversal in all fish species. Lucas (1968 as
cited in Chan and Yeung 1983) investigated many environmental factors on Betta sex ratios and
found temperature to be the only factor not causing a significant change. In the first part of this
study, Howell (2000) found a significant difference in tail lengths between 72T and 82T. of
Bettas. However, histological examination of Betta gonads from 72T and 82T revealed little, if
any, morphological changes. The latter results supported those found by Lucas.
Surgical Techniques
Early studies of sex reversal in fish involved surgical removal of reproductive tissues. This
included removal of partial gonads and complete castration (Yamamoto 1969). Researchers
suggested that fragments of gonad, male or female, contained germ cells with the potential to
mature into either eggs or sperm (Chan and Yeung 1983). In cases of ovariectomy, follicles,
which are the major site of estradiol production, are no longer present. Without needed
estrogens, the germ cells were under the influence of naturally occurring androgens that have the
potential to shift gonadogenesis from ovary to testis (Hoar 1969). Lowe and Larkin (1975)
suggested that the bipotentiality remained in the oviduct and ovarian wall, which may be present
following an ovariectomy. It has also been suggested that the presence of a few follicular or
granulosa cells may have produced enough estrogen to maintain the female gonad (Lowe and
Larkin 1975).
This surgical technique was used by U.S. researchers, Noble and Kumph (1937 In
Yamamoto 1969) who removed ovaries from female Bettas. Though their success rate was
extremely low, this team was able to produce a regenerated testis in a genotypically female fish.
These results were later duplicated in Germany (Yamamoto 1969). Later, Lowe and Larkin
(1975) repeated this procedure with much higher success rate. Of 245 female Bettas
ovariectomized, 42.4% formed a testis (22.9% regenerated an ovary, 34.7% died; Lowe and
Larkin 1975). Matings from these reversals resulted in both male and female progeny (Lowe and
Larkin 1975), which discredited earlier views that male sex in Bettas is heterogametic (Yamamoto
1969). These results suggested a polygenic sex determination controlled by several genes (Lowe
and Larkin 1975). Though Bennington (1936) described possible sex chromosomes within the
spermatogonia of the Betta, these sex-determining genes may be found throughout autosomal
Hormonal Manipulations
As early as the 1930s studies involving sex determination and differentiation in fish began
observing the use of sex steroids. As basic mechanisms were understood, studies of sex steroids
focused on the phenotypic benefits observed in specific species (Hunter and Donaldson 1983).
and spawning, as well as gamete supply, and even sex ratios of offspring. Secondary and
functional sex reversal has been achieved in many species. This has benefited the commercial fish
market with both desired size of fish for consumption and desired appearance for ornamental fish
(Patiño 1997). Many studies have analyzed the use of natural steroids, synthetic steroids, and
even steroidal or chemical contamination of the environment and their effects on fish
reproduction. Some of these studies have been described in the following sections, which led to
Natural Steroids
According to a review by Pandian and Sheela (1995), the most commonly used natural
steroids for studies of fish reproduction are 17β-estradiol and 17α-methyltestosterone. Together,
these two hormones accounted for treatment protocols in 40 species of fish (Pandian and Sheela
1995). Studies of hermaphroditic species, such as the protoandrous black porgy, revealed high
The use of 17β-estradiol during treatments of gonochoristic species has been successful at
inducing both direct and indirect feminization. Direct feminization involved treatment of
undifferentiated males with estrogens, while indirect feminization treated with testosterone first to
produce neomales, or genetic females displaying a male phenotype. These neomales (XX) are
later mated with normal females (XX) producing a female brood (Piferrer 2001). In the Atlantic
halibut, direct feminization was produced by 17β-estradiol and indirect feminization was produced
number of other species following treatments with estradiols. (Pandian and Sheela 1995,
Odontesthes bonariensis: Strüssman et al. 1996, Oryzias latipes: Papoulias et al. 1999, Danio
methyltestosterone. Studies have explored the use of this hormone through immersion and
dietary supplement. Functional males have been produced with 17α-methyltestosterone in many
species, including the silver barb (Puntius gonionotos: Pongthana et al. 1999), Eurasian perch
(Perca fluviatilis: Rougeot et al. 2002), European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.: Blázquez et
al. 1995), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss: Feist et al 1995). Treatment with 11β-
hydroxyandrosterone also produced functional males in rainbow trout (Feist et al. 1995) and
Natural testosterone has been the subject of several studies of sex reversal in fish. Badura
and Friedman (1988) observed female Bettas following interperitoneal injections of testosterone.
This study found degeneration of the ovarian structure and proliferation of possible testicular
tissue, as well as changes in the secondary sex characteristics that had previously been reported.
Though sex reversal had been successful, the study did not explore the functionality of reversed
Like other species, Bettas naturally use several androgens during testis formation (Leitz
and Reinboth 1987, Leitz 1987). Pandian and Sheela (1995) report the following order of
androgens based on their reviews of sex reversal: Miboterone > 19-nor-ethynyl-testosterone >
Synthetic Steroids
The review by Pandian and Sheela (1995) reported more experiments using synthetic
estrogens and androgens than their natural counterparts. This use was attributed to the efficiency
of production, as well as the decreased rate of metabolism of synthetic hormones (Pandian and
Sheela 1995). In some cases, as in that of channel catfish, natural hormones yielded no significant
sex reversal, and synthetic hormones were employed. After several trials, treatment with
trenbolone acetate proved to be the first successful technique for masculinizing channel catfish
Trenbolone acetate (TBA), a synthetic steroid, has been reported to have a much higher
anabolic and androgenic potential that testosterone (Galvez et al. 1996). Commonly used to
increase weight gain in cattle (Henricks et al. 1982), TBA has become a steroid of interest to the
fishery industry. The anabolic and androgenic characteristics exploited in cattle have been
mimicked in several fish species (Galvez et al. 1995, Galvez et al. 1996, Davis et al. 2000,
Fitzpatrick et al. 2000). The techniques used to masculinize the channel catfish were also
successful in the blue tilapia (Galvez et al. 1996). In this study, a comparison was made to 17α-
(Galvez et al. 1996). Neither the channel catfish nor the blue tilapia was observed long enough to
record functionality of the reversed gonads by spawning. Another study revealed that treatment
of channel catfish with TBA did not produce functional males, despite significant morphological
Many previous experiments with TBA introduced the synthetic hormone through dietary
immersion in TBA. Both techniques have been shown to be effective at sex reversal. Studies
involving masculinization of fish by TBA treatment have included commercially important species
for consumption. To date there have been no reports of the use of TBA for masculinization of
ornamental fish such as Betta splendens. Research was needed to explore the androgenic and
Other considerations
Several problems were revealed with hormonal treatments like those previously discussed.
Each method of administration has disadvantages ranging from unequal treatments to physical
damage. A review of literature revealed that types and dosages of hormones have caused
formation of intersex gonads, sterility, and increased mortality rates (Pandian and Sheela 1995).
While synthetic hormones have increased success rates and decreased cost and time requirements
for treatments, the general public remains cautious. Any manipulation of fish destined for
consumption should be thoroughly examined and possibly regulated (Hunter and Donaldson 1983,
Patiño 1997).
Despite some difficulties, the successful protocols for sex reversal have greatly benefited
the fishery industry. Economically important species for consumption have been treated for
production of desired monosex populations. Ornamental fish have also been treated to produce
desired phenotypes (Hunter and Donaldson 1983). Beyond commercial benefits, sex reversal
techniques have the potential to enhance environmental studies. The sensitivity of fish
reproductive functions has made them excellent indicators of environmental stress, such as
pollutants (Bortone and Davis 1994, Jobling et al. 1998, Dutta and Maxwell 2003, Patiño et al
The present study differs from much of the previous research because of the
developmental stage used for treatment and examination. Many studies use early fry because of
the sexual bipotentiality (Chan and Yeung 1983); however, this study used sexually differentiated
adult Bettas. This developmental stage was chosen to take into account the sexually dimorphic
secondary sex characteristics. Based on these characteristics, it was assumed that the Bettas used
were sexually mature at the time of treatment. The high mortality rate in studies using fry was not
seen in this study. Other studies suggested that temperature and hormonal manipulation had no
effect on sex reversal prior to or following the sensitive time during early development (Conover
and Fleisher 1986). This statement, among others, prompted the need for studies on sex reversal
The results of this study have implications in the fishery industry, not only for the
production of phenotypically male Bettas, but also for the use of TBA in other species of fish.
The use of adult Bettas has a bearing on studies of affected populations of fish in contaminated
areas. Successful sex reversal of these adult gonads may also add to current studies of fertility
and hormone functions of many species. These results may apply to treatment or contamination
Statistical analysis of temperature effects on gonad size was not possible due to problems
difference in ovarian structure. This indicates that temperature alone causes no significant change
The addition of TBA to the diet caused a statistically significant decrease in gonad length
and width. There was also a statistically significant decrease in the total number and size of
vitellogenic oocytes. Morphologically, there was a dramatic change in structure size and
composition (type of oocytes present). These results taken together indicate that the synthetic
hormone TBA has the potential to cause significant changes to primary sex characteristics of
Gonads from 72T and 82T revealed a significant change in gonad size. Statistical
comparison could not be performed on total vitellogenic oocyte number or size (n=1). The 82T
group contained few, if any, vitellogenic oocytes and many more atretic follicles. This group also
exhibited much more interstitial tissue including visible spermatocysts. These data suggest that
the combination of TBA treatment and increased temperature may enhance the morphological
These techniques may be effective on similar species; however, studies on dosage, timing,
and side effects would need to be performed. Future studies should also consider change in body
mass and gonad mass (gonadosomatic index: DeMartini and Lau 1999, Lone et al. 2001) as a
broadened treatment timetable may enable a better understanding of the effects of TBA on the
reproductive tract. These studies could be followed by histochemical analysis to explore the
mode of action for TBA. Finally, studies are needed to explore the lasting effect of TBA and the
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*Fish ID number: 1st digit = set number (fish were treated in 4 sets due to aquarium space); 2nd &
3rd digit = refer to temperature (72 or 82ºF); 4th digit/letter = C (control), T (treated with TBA);
5th digit = fish number
Data from Control Female Bettas (72C: preserved and OC: purchased)
Data from Control Female Bettas (82C)
Data from Control Male Bettas (TC)
Slide # Length (µm) Width (µm)
TC1-1b1 2456.6 847.9
TC1-1b2 2500.1 804.4
TC1-2b1 2282.7 869.6
TC1-2b2 2500.1 760.9
TC1-3c1 2500.1 934.8
TC1-3c2 2521.8 934.8
TC2-1 n/a n/a
TC2-2 n/a n/a
TC3-1 n/a n/a
TC3-2 n/a n/a
TC3-3 n/a n/a
TC3#1 n/a n/a
TC3#2 n/a n/a
TC3#4 n/a n/a
TC6#1c1 1989.2 500.0
TC6#1c2 1706.6 445.7
TC6#2a1 2543.6 510.9
TC6#2a2 2271.8 380.5
TC6#3 n/a n/a
TC6#4b1 2032.7 510.9
TC6#4b2 1934.9 423.9
TC6#5b1 1739.2 445.7
TC6#5b2 1880.5 587.0
TC6#6e 2130.5 380.5
TC6#6g 2108.8 510.9
Avg 2193.7 615.5
*Slide # Key: TC = testis control; # = slide # (multiple slides made
for each testis); final letter/# = section number on each slide
Data from Treated Bettas (72T)
* Length Width Total # of Diameter of Random Vitellogenic Oocytes
Slide # (µm) (µm) VO’s #1 #2 #3 AVG
82T4-IIb#1c 6304.6 2217.5 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#2a 6022 2304.4 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#2e 6043.7 2369.7 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#3b 5391.5 2500.1 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#3c 5543.7 2456.6 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#5d 4978.5 2608.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#5f 5130.6 2652.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#6b n/a 2434.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIb#6d n/a 2500.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIc#1d n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIc#1e n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIc#2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIc#3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIc#4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIc#5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#6b 3913.2 782.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#6d 3869.7 847.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#7e 4478.4 2304.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#7f 4326.3 2347.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#8d 4674.1 2239.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#8e 4587.1 2239.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T1-III#12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#1a 5826.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#1d 5956.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#2b 5891.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#2c 5869.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#3d1 5978.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#3d2 n/a 2065.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#4c1 6043.7 1478.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#4c2 n/a 1956.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#5d1 5891.5 1347.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#5d2 5522 2217.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#6a 5087.2 1608.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#6d 5174.1 1608.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
* Length Width Total # of Diameter of Random Vitellogenic Oocytes
Slide # (µm) (µm) VO’s #1 #2 #3 AVG
82T2-III#7d 5630.7 1760.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#7e 5608.9 1869.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#8c 5935 1608.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#8e 5717.69 1587 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#9a 5935 1739.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#9e 5717.6 1695.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#10c1 4326.3 1587 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T2-III#10c2 6065.5 1500.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#1a1 4391.5 1239.2 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#1a2 2565.3 804.4 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#2c1 2956.6 847.9 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#2c2 3978.4 1174 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#3d1 n/a 1260.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#3d2 3108.8 891.3 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#4a1 n/a 1217.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#4a2 3065.3 934.8 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#5a 3652.3 956.6 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#5f n/a 847.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#7a 4391.5 1239.2 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T3-III#7b 4413.2 1195.7 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#1b 4217.6 2130.5 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#1e n/a 2108.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#2c n/a 2413.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#2e n/a 2347.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#3c n/a 2456.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#3d n/a 2500.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#4b n/a 2695.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#4e n/a 2739.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#5b n/a 2717.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIa#5c n/a 2761 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIb#1a n/a 1695.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIb#1d n/a 1695.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIb#2a n/a 1826.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIb#2e n/a 1674 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIb#3c n/a 1891.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIb#3f n/a 1891.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIb#4b 5065.4 1956.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T4-IIIb#4e 5326.3 1978.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#1a 4587.1 1217.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#1f 4739.3 1152.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#2c 4000.2 1413.1 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#2e 3891.5 1456.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
* Length Width Total # of Diameter of Random Vitellogenic Oocytes
Slide # (µm) (µm) VO’s #1 #2 #3 AVG
82T5-III#3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#5e n/a 1304.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#5f n/a 1326.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#6b n/a 1369.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#6d n/a 1326.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#7b 3456.7 1087 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
82T5-III#7f 3434.9 1282.7 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Avg 4820.53 1800.47 Avg 156.61
*Slide # Key: 82C = 82ºF Treated (TBA); Roman numeral = trial #; a/b/c = ovary lobes (if separated
during dehydration); # = slide # (multiple slides made for each ovary); final letter/# = section number
on each slide chosen at random
Summary of Data Averages for Each Betta in Analysis
Tracy S. Smith
Experience: Lab Assistant, Radford University; Radford, Virginia,
Teaching Assistant, Radford University; Radford, Virginia,
Graduate Assistant, East Tennessee State University, Department of Biological
Sciences, 2001-2004
Academic Instructor, Upward Bound, East Tennessee State University,
Temporary Faculty, East Tennessee State University, Department of Biological
Sciences, 2005
Honors and
Awards: Fraley Memorial Award, East Tennessee State University, 2002.