What Is Gabriela
What Is Gabriela
What Is Gabriela
GABRIELA was founded in April 1984 after 10,000 women marched in Manila, defying
a Marcos decree against demonstrations.Amidst a backdrop of widespread social inequality and unrest,
GABRIELA aimed to synthesize issues of national liberation, poverty and women's emancipation. The
organization's founders pushed for comprehensive social transformation, rather than focusing on individual
forms of oppression. This came to be known as Third World feminism.The NGO was named in honor
of Gabriela Silang, a revolutionary Filipina, who led a revolt against Spain in the second half of the eighteenth
century. The death of her husband was the reason she took over his role as the anti-colonialist
leader.GABRIELA has been a monumental party for
Filipino women because they challenge a lot of the
patriarchal views placed on them, alongside resisting
foreign influence andneocolonialism
a movement dealing distinctly with the problems
of women as women, working to free women from all
forms of economic and political oppression and
discrimination, sexual violence and abuse, neglect and
denial of their health and reproductive rights
o recruitment, transportation, harboring or receipt of persons
o with or without the victim’s consent or knowledge
o within or across national boarders
o by means of threat, use of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception,
abuse of power or position
o for the purpose of sexual exploitation or prostitution
PROSTITUTION: any act, transaction, scheme or design involving the use of a person by another
for sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct in exchange for money, profit or any other
Domestic violence (domestic abuse of women and children) – on intimate relationships,
violence occurs when:
o An act or a series of acts (physical, sexual, psychological, economic abuse)
committed by any person against a woman who is wife/ former wife, live-in partner,
with sexual or dating relationship, with a common child (legitimate or illegitimate)
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: any unwanted, unsolicited and unreasonable attention or sexual gestures
towards a woman that makes her uncomfortable, intimidated, embarrassed, humiliated or offended.
individual or group within society for political reasons, particularly for the purpose of
restricting or preventing their ability to take part in the political life of a society thereby
reducing their standing among their fellow citizens. Political repression is sometimes used
synonymously with the term political discrimination (also known as politicism). It often is
manifested through discriminatory policies, such as human rights violations, surveillance
abuse, police brutality, imprisonment,involuntary settlement, stripping of citizen's
rights, lustration and violent action or terror such as the murder, summary
executions, torture, forced disappearance and other extrajudicial punishment of political
activists, dissidents, or general population. [3] Political repression can also be reinforced by
means outside of written policy, such as by public and private media ownership and by self-
censorship within the public.
Jushua Malabuyo