SPA Pretest and Post Test
SPA Pretest and Post Test
SPA Pretest and Post Test
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Name: ____________________ Grade & Section: _______ Score: ______ Parent Signature: _________
Direction: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of your answer on your paper.
1. What three colors are processed by digital camera in A A digital camera is the only way to convert photographic
order to produce an image? film images into a digital data file.
A Black, White and Red B Blue, Green, Yellow B Inkjet printers are affordable and produce quality images
C Red, Green and Blue D Cyan, Magenta and Yellow on photo quality paper.
2. In order to minimize file size and loss of quality of an C Very expensive equipment is necessary to download
image for printing, how should it be saved? How does the images to any computer.
air enter our body? D Digital inkjet images are seldom as good as negative
A .gif B .tiff C .png D .html photographic images.
3. Which high-speed connection is the BEST link between 10. One of the advantages of digital photography over
the digital camera and the computer? traditional film-based photography is:
A Parallel B 8-serial C USB D 32 pin serial A You can view photos immediately and delete unwanted
4. How has digital photography affected social aspects of our photos.
culture? B Digital photography always takes better photos than
A People now take less pictures because digital film-based photography.
photography is so complicated. C Digital cameras are always easier to use.
B The ease of taking digital photos has increased and D Batteries last longer in digital cameras.
sped up people’s ability to share pictures with each other. 11. Digital photography is creating a picture using:
C The cost of taking digital photos is significantly more A Film. B Drawing skills.
than film-based photos C CCD technology. D Chemical processes.
D Digital photography has not made a large impact on 12. A flatbed scanner is a device used to convert large prints
people socially. directly to:
5. How has digital photography affected the environment? A Digital file. B Slides.
A Digital photography is overall less threatening to the C Smaller prints. D Negatives.
environment because no chemicals are used to develop 13. When using a digital camera, the best way to preview the
photos. composition of your picture before taking it is by:
B Digital photography is overall more threatening to the A Making sure the auto focus is turned on.
environment because more chemicals are used to develop B Using another non-digital camera.
photos. C Using the viewfinder or LCD screen.
C Digital photography is less threatening to the D Forming a square with your thumbs and forefingers.
environment because digital cameras are made of 14. The built-in electronic flash on a camera generally has a
recycled materials. range of how many feet?
D Digital photography is more threatening to the A 1-4 B 5-10
environment because the digital files created cause more C 11-20 D 21-25
landfill waste. 15. Which type of file format works best when displaying
6. Digital cameras produce images that are digital data files, photos on the Internet?
they are easy to store and manipulate using: A .tif B .gif C .jpg D .bmp
A Dark room. 16. To find the resolution of an image, divide the width in
B Silver halide. pixels by the width in inches. Given an image 900 pixels
C Safelights and enlargers. and 3 inches wide, what is the resolution?
D Image processing software. A 300 ppi B 600 ppi C 900 ppi D 2,700 ppi
7. The world’s first photo was taken by: 17. In a layout for a brochure, the space available for inserting
A Thomas Knoll a photo is a 1.5" x 2.5". The photograph that is to be
B Robert Noyce scanned for placement into the document is 3"x 5". Which
C Sony Mavica scale percentage (height and width respectively) should
D Joseph Niepce be utilized in order to fit the photo into the brochure?
8. Some things to consider regarding photo composition are: A 50%, 50% B 40%, 40%
A File size and speed C 50%, 40% D 45%, 45%
B Camera angle and framing 18. Resolution indicates the amount of detail in a digital photo.
C Pixels and storage space It is indicated in PPI, which stands for:
D File format and battery life A Pixels per inch. B Pixels per indicator.
9. Which of the following statements about creating digital C Pins per inch. D Print per inch.
pictures is not true? 19. When scanning an image to print on paper, a scan image
of how many dots per inch will produce the best quality?
A 48 ppi B 150 ppi C 200 ppi D 300 ppi 41. What is a ‘dolly’?
20. How many pixels are in a megapixel? a) a heavy tripod b) a remote flash c) a camera case
A 100 B 1,000 42. What was the first camera to be used on the moon?
C 1,000,000 D 2,000,000 a) Liecaflex SL MOT
21. Which is an essential requirement for both film photos and b) Hasseblad 500EL HEC
digital photos? c) Mamiya RB67
A Overcast conditions B Light 43. A Candela is a measure of light
C Expensive camera and tripod D A beautiful landscape a) wavelength b) temperature c) intensity
22. What are two or the preferred input devices used by a 44. When was the first ever colour photograph taken?
digital photographer for acquiring images? a) 1861 b) 1881 c) 1901
A Negatives and Prints 45. Which colour is the most actinic?
B Digital cameras and scanners a) red b) green c) blue
C Keyboards and disk drives 46. Lenses are usually coated with
D mp3 players and DSL lines a) magnesium fluoride
23. Chemicals and light are processes used in: b) sodium fluoride
A Drawing. B Printing. c) zinc fluorite
C Film Photography. D Lithography. 47. Camera’ is actually a Latin word meaning
24. Film based pictures are made up of tiny grains of silver a) picture box
halide, whereas, digital images consist of dots of color and b) room
brightness. In digital, these picture elements are called: c) light box
A Pin heads. B Pixels. 48. The world’s first photographic portrait studio was opened
C Output. D Frames. in
25. What is a problem on an image that is often caused by a a) 1840
camera’s electronic flash reflecting color from a person’s b) 1850
eyes? c) 1860
A Contrast B Red eye 49. The world’s first all-electric photographic studio was
C Black eye D Distortion opened in
26. Baryta is used in a) 1877
a) film emulsion b) 1897
b) resin coated print c) 1917
c) fibre based prints 50. Incident light
27. Red’s complimentary colour is a) falls on the subject
a) cyan b) magenta c) yellow b) is reflected from the subject
28. Ilford’s XP-1 film is c) backlights the subject
a) chromogenic b) panchromatic c) both
29. Anaglyphs are
a) 3D prints b) 3D slides c) black and white slides
30. The ‘autochrome’ process was introduced in --------------------------------END------------------------------------
a) 1897 b) 1907 c) 1917 Ang rules sa LOVE
31. A ‘bleeding’ picture is one that is ay PAREHAS ng rules
a) without borders b) badly printed when taking the exam,
c) streaked due to exhausted developer NO CHEATING!
32. Visible light occurs between Kung LOYAL ka,
a) 3000 and 8000 Angstrom hindi mo gagawin ang
b) 3000 and 7000 Angstrom tumingin sa IBA.
c) 4000 and 7000 Angstrom
33. The Camera Obscura was first recorded in Prepared:
a) 400BC b) 1600 AD c) 1800 AD
34. Cold cathode illumination is mostly used in
a) 4 x 5 enlargers b) 6 x 7 enlargers GLENN Q. QUIBUYEN
c) 8 x 10 enlargers SPA Media Arts Teacher
35. Reciprocity failure affects slides at exposures of
a) 1 seconds or more Checked:
b) 8 seconds or more
c) 30 seconds or more
36. A Camera Lucida is RJ S. IBERO
a) an artist’s aid SPA Coordinator
b) an early box camera
c) a type of rangefinder camera Noted:
37. Which of the following parts of the eye are the most colour
a) the rods b) the cones c) the iris ABAS S. DOLLENTE
38. Red colours under green light would appear Principal I
a) green b) blue c) black
39. The world’s oldest surving photograph was taken in
a) 1826 b) 1836 c) 1846
40. The first Canon camera was released in
a) 1930 b) 1935 c) 1940