TCS Ninja
TCS Ninja
TCS Ninja
Questions 1 to 2 Answer: D
In the following sentences, there may be some errors
in the parts which are marked as A, B, C, D. Identify the Explanation:
part which has errors. The sentence is fine as it is. All the other options are
1. Raji found it difficult (A)/ to manage single-handedly all incorrect because they contain the ‘comma splice’
the three children (B)/ who were always quarrelling error – you cannot join two complete sentences with
(C)/ between themselves. (D) only a comma, you need a conjunction or a colon or
a. A b. B c. C d. D semicolon. The expression ‘served a welcome’ is
unidiomatic; ‘served as’ is correct in this case.
Answer: D
Question 4
Explanation: For each sentence, choose the most appropriate
Correction: Raji found it difficult to manage single- option that best completes the given sentence.
handedly the three children who were always 4. Hawkins is ____ in his field; no other contemporary
quarrelling among themselves. scientist commands the same respect.
As there are three children, 'among' is the suitable a. preeminent b. ignominious
word to use instead of between. c. obsolete d. Anachronistic
Answer: C Explanation:
Option "Extricate":
Explanation: Rebuke – Criticise
The word culpable means deserving of blame. A thief One would never ‘rebuke oneself from something’; one
is culpable for the crime of robbery or theft. The would always ‘rebuke oneself for something’
opposite of culpable is blameless or not deserving of Option "Abstain": One would never ‘engulf oneself
blame. Because innocent means guiltless or not from something’; ‘one would always engulf oneself in
deserving of blame, 'innocent' is the answer. something’.
'Ineffable' means unutterable or inexpressible. This is Options "Alienate" vs. "Estrange":
not the opposite of culpable. Oust – Expel
'Incriminated' means accused. This is not the opposite Extricate – Remove
of culpable. When using ‘oust’, one would never use the expression
'Indignant' means angry at a perceived injustice. ‘ousting himself’.
E.g. sentence: Saddam Hussein was ousted from the
Question 8 post of Iraqi President.
Select the lettered pair that best expresses a Thus Option "Extricate" is the perfect fit.
relationship similar to that expressed by the original
a. tango : dance b. violin : concert
c. tuxedo : prom d. taxi : limousine
Answer: C
One meaning of domino is a mask or a masked
costume worn to a masquerade. The tuxedo is the
proper prom costume.
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