Character Analysis: Foil Me Once, Shame On You
Character Analysis: Foil Me Once, Shame On You
Character Analysis: Foil Me Once, Shame On You
Jeffery Goines is nuttier than a fruitcake. He has bats in the belfry. He has more than
one screw loose. In other words—the guy is insane.
And…that's basically the entirety of his character.
Just listen to the way this guy introduces James Cole, his mental hospital roomie, to the
GOINES: There's the television. It's all right there. All right there. Look, listen, kneel,
prey! The commercials! We're not productive anymore. Don't make things anymore. It's
all automated. What are we for then? We're consumers, Jim. Okay, okay. Buy a lot of
stuff, you're a good citizen. But if you don't buy a lot of stuff, what are you then? I ask
you! What? You're mentally ill. Fact, Jim, Fact!
What are we supposed to do with that? The guy sounds like a freshman spit-balling a
philosophy paper after downing four and a half Redbulls.
If you can manage to straighten out his winding manner of speech, you'll find that
Goines serves two real purposes: he provides a foil for our protagonist, Cole, and he
cooks up a mean red herring.