Guideline, Management of Hypoglycemia
Guideline, Management of Hypoglycemia
Guideline, Management of Hypoglycemia
Risk factors
= Strict glycemic control
= Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia
= Increasing duration of diabetes
=Hepatic and renal disease
=Common during sleep ; nocturnal hypoglycemia.
keep serum level at 90-180 mg/dL (5-10 mmol/L) until either consciousness restored or
permanent brain damage diagnosed
Combination of sympathomimetic and neurological clinical features
Symptoms of sympathetic drive:
• sweating
• Anxiety
• Tremulousness (unsteadiness)
• Nausea
• Tachycardia
• Pallor
Symptoms of neuroglycopaenia:
• Fatigue and drowsiness
• Aggression
• Nightmares
• Visual disturbances
• Speech impairment
• Poor concentration
• Abnormal behavior
• Confusion
• Loss of consciousness and seizures
= Symptoms vary between patients but individuals tend to show the same manifestations with
each episode
= Symptoms may suggest hypoglycemia but diagnosis depends on demonstration of
hypoglycemia and resolution by administration of glucose
ASK, time of day, time since last meal, previous episodes, nutritional status, physical and mental
development, drugs, (especially insulin or other diabetes drugs) toxins &alcohol, diseases of
other organ systems, family history, and response to treatment.
Laboratory Findings
Serum glucose (should immediately be measured) or finger-stick
Complete blood count (CBC)
Blood urea & creatinine, electrolytes, Liver function tests
Urinalysis for ketones
In selected cases s
f Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).,ACTH,Cortisol
s Alcohol level and Drug screen
e Blood cultures
r Insulin & C-peptide
Imaging studies
CT scan of head, MRI of the abdomen may be indicated for insulinoma
If the patient is conscious & able to swallow
3-4 ounces (100-120 ml) of fruit juice, 4-5 cubes of sugar or 1 table spoon of honey.
Don’t use chocolate or biscuits with high fat concentration as fat delays carbohydrates absorption.
If no response occurs, then repeat the same after 5 minutes. If he feels better then feed meal with
complex carbohydrates, like1 slice of toast or 3 pieces of biscuits to keep normal glucose level till
the next meal.
• Glucagon
Glucagon should not be used at concentrations greater than 1 mg/mL (1 unit/mL)
< 25 kg or < 8 y gives ½ vial (0.5 mg)
> 25 kg or > 8 give full vial (1 mg)
1mg (IV, intramuscular or subcutaneous)
takes 5-10 minutes to work, as it has short duration of action (15-20 minutes) we cover with
I.V. hypertonic glucose
As it relies on glycogen stores therefore it may not be effective in :
- cachectic patients
- alcoholic, liver disease
- young children
- hypoglycemia due to fatty acid oxidation or glycogen storage disorders
- chronic hypoglycemia
It is contraindicated in insulinoma and pheochromocytoma.
Checking random blood glucose level
After 30 min initially and then every 60 minutes and the dextrose infusion adjusted
accordingly until B. sugar > 90 mg/dL in two consecutive hours.
Then check B. sugar every two to four hours.
All patients with hypoglycemia of unknown cause require admission.
Patients with oral hypoglycemic overdose differ from insulin overdose hypoglycemia, in
that admission should be for at least 72 hrs due to the prolonged effect of these oral
agents, the admission might be extended further to 3 – 5 days if the condition is
associated with renal or hepatic disease
If the patient is not diabetic & hypoglycemic agents overdose are excluded, consider:
1- Octreotide (Sandostatin)
Effective for suppressing endogenous insulin secretion
Appears to be a safe and effective treatment where glucose therapy is escalating in
sulphonylurea overdose
Bolus doses of 1-2 mcg/kg can be given SC every 6-8hrs or an infusion of 30 ng/kg/min
2- Diazoxide (Hyperstat)
Improve symptoms of hypoglycemia caused by increased insulin secretion in patients awaiting
surgery or those with nonresectable disease.
Increases blood glucose by inhibiting pancreatic insulin release and, possibly, through an
extrapancreatic effect.
With normal renal function, hyperglycemic effects start within 1 h and last a maximum of 8 h.
Adult IV: 100-200 mg bid/tid; refractory hypoglycemia may require higher dosages
PO: Usually 300-400 mg/d; may be as high as 800 mg
Pediatric (Infants and newborns): 8-15 mg/kg/d IV q8-12h
Insulin-induced hypoglycemia
The blood glucose values may be spuriously low in polycythemia rubra vera because of the
unequal distribution of glucose between erythrocytes and plasma, excessive glycolysis by
erythrocytes, or both.
Low blood glucose values in leukemia are due to excessive glycolysis by leukocytes and in
hemolytic crisis from excessive glycolysis by nucleated erythrocytes. In the polycythemic patient
or in serum of the leukemic or hemolytic patient, prompt measurement of glucose in plasma to
which an antiglycolytic agent has been added should provide accurate results.
References Hypoglycemia/ Vasudevan A Raghavan/Mar 9, 2010
…… Dr Hayley Willacy/EMIS 2009
Pearson T; Glucagon as a treatment of severe hypoglycemia: safe and efficacious but underutilized.
…… Diabetes Educ. 2008 Jan-Feb;34(1):128-34 and-
.........Hypoglycemia/hypoglycemia_guideline.pdf / Administered by the Alberta Medical
…….Association/The Alberta CPG Working Group for Endocrine Testing/Reviewed and Revised,
…….January 2008.