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Ist Semester Curriculum Structure and Syllabus of

F.Y.B.Tech. Electrical Group

Division 6 To 10 Electrical Group

Subject Subject Name Subject Category Subject Credit

Code Type
ML-103 Physical Education Extra Curricular Activity Lab 0
MA-101 Engineering Mathematics-I 4 Credits subject Theory 4
AS-101 Engineering Physics-I 3 Credits subject Theory 3
CE-101 Engineering Mechanics 3 Credits subject Theory 3
ME-101 Basic Mechanical Engineering 3 Credits subject Theory 3
CT-101 Fundamentals of Computer 3 Credits subject Theory 3
CT-103 Computer Programming LAB 2 Credits Laboratory Lab 2
ML-101 Professional Ethics 1 Credit subject Theory 1
AS-105 Engineering Physics-I LAB 1 Credit Laboratory Lab 1
MA-101 Engineering Mathematics - I

Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures : 3hrs / week Internal: 40 marks
Tutorial: 1 hr/week End Sem. Exam: 60 marks

Objectives: The basic necessity for the foundation of Engineering & Technology being
mathematics, the main aim is, to teach mathematical methodologies & models, develop
mathematical skills & enhance thinking power of students.

Unit 1 (8 Hrs)

Applications Of Derivatives : Extreme values of functions, Rolle‟s theorem, proof, graphical

representation and examples, Mean value theorem, proof, applications, examples, CMVT.proof
with consequences, Monotonic function with first derivative test and problems,Indeterminate
forms, L‟Hospitals Rule, Types of problems on Indeterminate form.

Unit 2 (12 hrs)

Infinite series : Infinite sequence and introduction to series, Geometric series with proof, P-
Series (without proof), Comparision test, Limit comparision, Ratio and Root Test, Power series
and Radius of convergence, Revision of Complex numbers, Finding nth derivative, Leibnitz rule,
Series representations, Taylor‟s and Maclaurin‟s series, (Theorem 22), Examples

Unit 3 (12 hrs)

Partial Differentiation and Its Applications : Functions of several variables, Limits &
continuity: Introduction, Partial derivative, Chain rule, Implicit function, Total derivative,
Maxima and minima of the functions of two variables(Theorem11), Lagrange‟s method of
multipliers, applications

Unit 4 (4 hrs)

Matrices – I : Basics on Martices,Gauss elimination and Echelon form, Rank, Linear

dependence/Independence, Solutions to the system of linear equations:
Homogeneous & non-homogeneous, Gauss Jordan method.

Unit 5 (4 hrs)

Matrices – II : Eigen values and Basics of Eigen vectors,examples ,Orthogonal, Symmetric and
Skew symmetric matrices
Text Books :
 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (8th edition ) by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley eastern Ltd &Bombay,
 Thomas‟ Calculus (11th edition) by Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Frank R. Giordano, Pearson
Education, 2008

Reference Books:

 Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. V. Ramana ,Tata McGraw Hill .

 Advanced Engineering Mathematics by C.R. Wylie, McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi.
 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (5th edition) by Peter V. O‟ Neil, Thomson. Brooks / Cole,
 Differential Calculus by Shanti Narayan, S. Chand and company, New Delhi.
 Engineering Mathematics (Volume-I) by S. S. Sastry, Prentice Hall Publication, New Delhi.
 Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publications, New Delhi.

Course Outcome:
1. Student will be able to think logically & understand the basic concepts.
2. Demonstrate problem solving for application of derivatives ordinary as well as partial.
3. Exhibit various Engineering applications for topics included in the course.

Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures : 3 hrs/week Assignments/Quiz : 40 marks
Practical: 2 hr/week End Sem. Exam: 60 marks

Objective: To teach few Fundamental Principles in Physics and their applications in

the field of Engineering

Unit 1 (6 hrs)

Polarisation : Preferential direction in a wave, Polarised light, Types of polarization and their
representation, Brewster‟s law, Polarization by double refraction, Law of Malus, Optical Activity,
Specific rotation, Fresenel‟s theory of Optical Rotation, Elliptical and Circular polarization,
quarter and half wave plates.

Unit 2 (6 Hrs)
Interference and Diffraction : Interference due to thin films of uniform thickness and non-
uniform thickness (with derivation), Newton‟s rings, Applications of interference.
Fraunhoffer diffraction at a single slit; condition of maxima and minima, Plane Diffraction
grating(Diffraction at multiple slits), Dispersive power of grating, Rayleigh‟s criterion of
resolution, , R.P. of diffraction grating

Unit 3 (6 hrs)
Laser Physics : Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation, Thermal equilibrium,
Condition for Light amplification, Population inversion, Pumping (Three level and four level
pumping), Optical Resonator, Laser Beam Characteristics, Ruby laser, He-Ne Laser,
Semiconductor Laser, Nd-YAG Laser, Engineering applications of Laser (Fiber optics, Laser
material interaction).

Unit 4 (6 hrs)

Wave Mechanics : Matter waves, De-Broglie‟s concept of matter waves, Properties of matter
waves, Davison and Germer Experiment, Heisenberg‟s uncertainty principle and its
experimental illustrations, Schrödinger‟s time dependent and time independent equations,
Eigen values and Eigen functions, Expectation values, Physical significance of wave function.

Unit 5 (6 hrs)

Electrons in Potential Well : Applications of Schrödinger‟s equation; Motion of a free

particle, Electron in an infinite deep potential well (rigid box), Electron in a finite deep potential
well (non-rigid box), concept of quantum tunneling, Linear Harmonic oscillator Electron
trapped in H-atom; Angular momentum of electrons in H-atom,

Unit 6 (6 hrs)
Nuclear Physics : Nuclear reaction, Types of nuclear reactions, Q-value of nuclear reaction,
Nuclear fission in natural Uranium, Chain reaction, Four factor formula, Nuclear fusion and
thermonuclear reaction, Nuclear Reactor, Particle detectors; Geiger Muller Counter, Scintillation
counter, Circular accelerators; cyclotron and Betatron

Text Books:

 Engineering Physics- M.N.Avadhanulu and P.G.Kshirsagar S.Chand Publications

 Engineering Physics R.L.Gaur and S.L.Gupta Dhanpatrai Publication
 A Text Book of Optics – N. Subramanyam & Brijlal; (Vikas Publishing House Pvt.Ltd)
 Nuclear Physics- S B Patel New Age International Publishers
 Concepts of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser ; Tata McGraw – Hill Edition

Reference Books:
 LASERS Theory and Applications – K. Thyagarajan, A. K. Ghatak; Macmillan India Limited.
 Modern Physics – Jeremy Bernstein , Paul m. Fishbane, Stephen Gasiorowics ; Pearson
 Quantum Mechanics – L. J. Schiff; Mc-Graw Hill International Edition.
 PHYSICS (Volume I & II) – Resnick Halliday and Krane; Willey India 5th Edition
 Fundamentals of Optics – Francis A. Jenkins and Harvey E. White ; Mc-Graw Hill
International Edition.

OUTCOMES: The student is expected to:

1. Understand Polarization, Interference and Diffraction phenomenon
2. Explain the applications of Optics
3. Understand components of a laser system and their applications
4. Understand significance and normalization of wavefunction, Schrodinger wave equation
5. Understand and explain nuclear reactions, controlled chain reactions

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 3 hrs/ week T 1: 20 Marks
T 2:20 Marks
End-Sem Exam: 60 Marks

Unit 01: (7 hrs)

Introduction to the principles of mechanics, General force system, Moment of a force about a
point and about an axis, Equivalent force systems: Resultant of a force system, 3 D and 2 D
Unit 02: (7 hrs)

Equilibrium: 3 D and 2 D cases, Beams, Trusses, frames and cables.

Unit 03: (7hrs)

Friction forces: Laws of Coulomb friction; simple contact friction problems; Belt friction, Principle
of virtual work: Application to beams and simple mechanisms.

Unit 04: (7 hrs)

Kinematics of particles: Basic concepts; Rectangular components; Normal and Tangential

components; Radial and Transverse components; Relative motion; Dependant motion.

Unit 05: (7 hrs)

Kinetics of particles: Newton‟s second law; Impulse momentum principle; Central impact;
Energy principles.

Unit06: (7 hrs)

Kinematics of rigid bodies: Translational motion; Rotation about a fixed axis; General plane
motion: Instantaneous centre of rotation,Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Newton‟s Second law.

Text Books

(1) Meriam J. L. and Kraige L. G., Engineering mechanics – Statics, Wiley Student Edition, (Sixth
Edition) reprint 2011.
(2) Meriam J. L. and Kraige L. G., Engineering mechanics – Dynamics, Wiley Student Edition,
(Sixth Edition) reprint 2011.
(3) Beer F. P. and Johnston E. R., Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics and Dynamics, Eighth
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd., New Delhi.
(4) Irving H. Shames, Engineering Mechanics, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 1997.
(5) Timoshenko and Young, Engineering Mechanics, McGraw Hill Publication.

Course Outcome:
1. Demonstrate a working knowledge Engineering Mechanics.
2. Demonstrate problem solving ability for rigid body mechanics.
3. Exhibit various applications of Newtonian Mechanics

Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures : 3 hrs/week T1 & T2 : 40 marks
End Sem. Exam: 60 marks

 To make students aware of primary concepts Mechanical Engineering.
 To know the fundamental concepts of energy; its sources and behavior; its conversion, laws
governing these processes and applications.

Unit 1
Introduction to Thermodynamics : Basic Concepts, properties, equilibrium; Measurement
of Temperature and pressure, Ideal gas relations, Properties of pure substance,
Thermodynamic processes; Thermodynamic work and Heat , Laws of thermodynamics and
their applications in Engineering, Concept of Heat Engine, Refrigerator and Heat pump, Carnot
cycle. (Elementary treatment, Elementary Numericals).

Unit 2
Energy Conversion Devices (Elementary treatment only) : Steam generation, steam
table and dryness fraction; Package Boiler, Steam Turbines, Gas turbines, and Hydraulic
turbines, Reciprocating Compressor, Rotary Compressors, Fans, Blowers, Air motors,
Reciprocating Pumps (single acting & double acting). Working and applications of
Reciprocating I.C. engines, Study of household refrigerator, window air conditioner, split air
Fuels and Refrigerants and their impact on environment, concept of energy rating.

Unit 3
Heat Transfer : Statement and explanation of Fourier‟s law of heat conduction and thermal
conductivity, Newton‟s law of cooling and heat transfer coefficient, Stefan-Boltzman‟s law
(Elementary Numericals), Conducting and insulating materials and their properties, Concept of
critical thickness of insulation, Concept of heat exchanger, types and concept of effectiveness.

Unit 4
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics : Fluids: Fluid properties, pressure, density and viscosity.
Pressure variation with depth, static and kinetic energy, Bernoulli‟s equation for incompressible
fluids, Viscous and turbulent flow.

Unit 5
Machine elements: Power transmission shafts, axles, keys, bush and ball bearings, Flywheel
and Governors. Power Transmission Devices Types of Belts and belt drives, Chain drive, Types
of gears, Types of Couplings, friction clutch (cone and single plate), brakes (types and
applications only).
Unit 6
Energy Sources
Conventional and non-conventional, Harnessing of Non-conventional energy sources
(Elementary treatment only)

Text Books:
 Onkar Sing, S. S. Bhavikatti, S. Chandra, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, New Age
 Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, “Rayner Joel”, Pearson Education.
 R.K. Rajput, A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics, S. Chand & Company Limited
 Dr. V. M. Domkundwar and A. V. Domkndwar, Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Nirali

Reference Books:
 Arora and Domkunwar, “Thermal Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons
 Yunus A. Cengel and Boles, “Thermodynamics “,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
 P. K Nag, “Thermodynamics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd

Course Outcomes

The students should able to

1. Students will be able to explain basic concepts of thermodynamics, Ist and II nd law of
thermodynamics and apply to the various systems.
2. Students will acquire knowledge of basic principles, working and applications of various
machines components and devices.
3. Apply relevant laws and principles for solving various problems in basic Thermodynamics
Heat transfer and Fluid Mechanics.
4. Develop a clear understanding of various merits demerits and characteristics of various
components, devices, machine elements and processes in mechanical Engineering.

Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures : 3 hrs/week T1 & T2 : 40 marks
Practical : 3 hr/week End Sem. Exam: 60 marks

 Introduction to computer technology with emphasis on computer programming
 Building logical approach to solve practical problems using computers

Unit 1 (4 hrs)

Introduction :
1. Introduction to computers
 Brief history of computers
 Computer hardware: various parts such as CPU, input/output devices etc.
 Types of computers: single user (PC), multi-user/client-server etc.
 General concepts related to software
o System software, application software
o Free and Open Source vs. Proprietary software
o World-wide Web, e-mail, office applications, newsgroups etc.

2. Overview of programming environments

 Example of a popular proprietary operating system such as Microsoft Windows
 Example of a popular open source operating system such as GNU/Linux

Unit 2 (10 Hrs)

C’ language syntax and basic problem solving

1. Introduction to following ‘C’ language constructs:
 Basic program structure of a typical „C‟ program
 I/O statements
 Variables and Constants
 Operators
 Control flow statements and blocks: if-else, switch
 Loop statements: for, while, do-while, break and continue

2. Application of the above constructs to solve the following elementary

programming problems
 Exchanging the values of two variables
 Summation of a set of numbers
 Sine function computation
 Generation of the Fibonacci sequence
 Finding the square root of a number
 The greatest common divisor of two integers
 Generating prime numbers
 Raising a number to large power

Unit 3 (8 hrs)

Array Techniques, Functions and Problem solving using Arrays and Functions
1. ‘C’ language syntax related to Arrays and Functions
 Defining array variables (one, two and multi-dimensional)
 Defining and calling functions
 Global, local and static variables

2. Solving problems using Arrays and Functions

 Finding the maximum number in a set
 Array order reversal
 Removal of duplicates from an ordered array
 Selection sort
 Bubble sort

Unit 4 (10 hrs)

Introduction to Data Structures

1. ‘C’ syntax for following constructs/features
 Pointers and addresses
 Pointers and dynamic arrays
 Structures and Unions
 File handling

2. Programs using data structures

 Create a linked list
 Insert element into an existing linked list
 Delete element(s) from a linked list
 Traverse a linked list
 Reading (writing) structures from(to) a file

Unit 5 (4 hrs)

Recursive Algorithms
 Concept of Recursion
 Factorial computation
 Tower of Hanoi problem
 Finding (n, r) (Combinations of n things taken r at a time)
 Finding maximum number from an array of numbers

Unit 6 (4 hrs)

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming paradigm

1. Concepts related to Object Oriented Programming paradigm
 Classes, Objects
 Private and Public variables and methods
 Inheritance

2. Sample programs using OO Programming language (C++/Java)

Text Books:
 How to solve it by Computer by R.G. Dromey, Pearson Education
 Programming in ANSI C by E. Balguruswamy, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
 Object-Oriented Programming With C++ By E. Balaguruswamy, Tata Mc-Graw Hill

Reference Books:
 The „C‟ programming language by Kernighan and Ritchie, Prentice Hall
 Computer Programming in „C‟ by V. Rajaraman , Prentice Hall

Course outcomes:
This course is one of the fundamental courses for all Engineering disciplines as computer
programming has become an indispensable part of every branch of technology. This course
1. Introduces the fundamental concepts related to computer programming – development of
step-by-step procedure to solve a complex problem by breaking it down into smaller
manageable problems
2. Introduces „C‟, one of the widely used higher level languages
3. Emphasizes the use of computer as a programmable device to handle repetitive tasks that
make the problems tedious for human beings
4. Stresses on logic building, the skill that is independent of programming environment,
required for programming.
CT-103 Fundamentals Of Computer Programming Lab

List of Experiments:
Instructors will have flexibility in framing assignments so as to cover all the topics discussed in
the class. The programs mentioned in the theory syllabus are listed below for ready reference:

 Exchanging the values of two variables

 Summation of a set of numbers
 Sine function computation
 Generation of the Fibonacci sequence
 Finding the square root of a number
 The greatest common divisor of two integers
 Generating prime numbers
 Raising a number to large power
 Finding the maximum number in a set
 Array order reversal
 Removal of duplicates from an ordered array
 Selection sort
 Bubble sort
 Create a linked list
 Insert element into an existing linked list
 Delete element(s) from a linked list
 Traverse a linked list
 Reading (writing) structures from(to) a file
 Factorial computation
 Tower of Hanoi problem
 Finding (n, r) (Combinations of n things taken r at a time)
 Finding maximum number from an array of numbers
 Sample programs using OO Programming language (C++/Java)

Course outcomes:

This laboratory course

1. Makes students familiar with computer systems as a programmer
2. Makes them familiar with debugging techniques
3. Enables them to see the usage of computer as a programmable device to handle repetitive
and tedious tasks

Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures : 1 hrs/week T1 & T2 : 40 marks
End Sem. Exam: 60 marks

 To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.
 To understand social responsibility of an engineer .
 To appreciate ethical dilemma while discharging duties in professional life.

Unit 1 (2 hrs)

HUMAN VALUES : Morals, Values and Ethics – Integrity – Work Ethic – Honesty – Courage –
Empathy – Self-Confidence – Character .

Unit 2 (3 Hrs)

ENGINEERING ETHICS : Senses of 'Engineering Ethics' - variety of moral issued - types of

inquiry - moral dilemmas - moral autonomy - Kohlberg's theory - Gilligan's theory - consensus
and controversy – Models of Professional Roles - theories about right action - Self-interest -
customs and religion - uses of ethical theories. Valuing Time – Co-operation – Commitment

Unit 3 (3 hrs)

ENGINEERING AS SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION : Engineering as experimentation -

engineers as responsible experimenters - codes of ethics - a balanced outlook on law - the
challenger case study

Unit 4 (3 hrs)

SAFETY, RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS : Safety and risk - assessment of safety and
risk - risk benefit analysis and reducing risk - the three mile island and chernobyl case studies.

Unit 5 (3 hrs)

GLOBAL ISSUES : Multinational corporations - Environmental ethics - computer ethics -

weapons development - engineers as managers-consulting engineers-engineers as expert
witnesses and advisors -moral leadership-
Text Books:
 Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, “Ethics in Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, New York
 Govindarajan M, Natarajan S, Senthil Kumar V. S, “Engineering Ethics”, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi, 2004.

Reference Books:
 Charles D. Fleddermann, “Engineering Ethics”, Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, 2004 (Indian Reprint now available).
 Charles E Harris, Michael S. Protchard and Michael J Rabins, “Engineering Ethics –
Concepts and Cases”, Wadsworth Thompson Leatning, United States, 2000 (Indian
Reprint now available)
 John R Boatright, “Ethics and the Conduct of Business”, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
 Edmund G Seebauer and Robert L Barry, “Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and
Engineers”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.
Semester II

Course Outcomes
1. Understand the need, basic guidelines, content and process for value education.
2. Understand the need of self and body, harmony of self with body.
3. Understand the harmony in the family, difference between respect and differentiation.
4. Understand the harmony in nature, interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment in nature,
holistic perception of harmony.
5. Understand natural acceptance of human values, competence in professional ethics.

Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Practical : 2 hrs/week Term work : 50 marks
Oral+Experiment:50 marks

To develop experimental skills and understand the principles in Physics and their applications in
the field of Engineering.

List of Experiments:

1. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton‟s ring apparatus.

2. To determine the wavelengths of light of a given source using diffraction grating.
3. Determination of the power distribution within the laser beam and spot size of the
4. To measure the divergence of the laser beam
5. To measure the thickness of fine wire and grating element of the given grating with help
of Laser source.
6. To verify of Law of Malus for plane polarized light.
7. Determination of Brewster‟s angle for a glass surface and Refractive index of a
8. Frank-Hertz Experiment
9. To determine the specific rotation of the given sample with the help of Polarimeter
10. To verify De-Broglie‟s hypothesis with the help of Electron Diffraction experiment
11. To determine the numerical aperture of the given optical fiber.

Course Outcomes

1. Hands on experience over basic optical instruments

2. Verification of Laws of optics
3. Analyze interference pattern
4. Measurement of Wavelength
5. A basic foundation over quantum theory

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