Procurement Best Practice Guide
Procurement Best Practice Guide
Procurement Best Practice Guide
Procurement Best Practice
Introduction…..…………………………………………………………………… 3
The Procurement
Process………………………………………………………………..………….… 4
1. Assessment of Need……………...…………………………………………... 4
2. Markets………...…………………………………………………………….…. 5
6. Local Suppliers………………………………………………………………... 27
7. Tender Evaluation…………………………………………………………….. 31
8. Project Management…………………………………………………………. 34
Summary……………………………………..…………………………………… 43
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
The issues apply equally to the decision-making process for all procurements
undertaken by the Council.
This guidance should also be used to inform the options appraisal undertaken
as part of a Best Value Review.
2.2 Under Best Value, the Council is required to demonstrate that where a
market is not apparent, steps have been taken to encourage a market
to develop. The Council has a “Strategy for Developing Markets”
where none is found to exist, and the steps contained in that strategy
should be followed to encourage providers in that particular area. The
steps to be considered (in accordance with paragraph 41 of DTLR
Guidance 10/99) to create conditions in which new providers might
take root or existing suppliers might become more competitive include:
3.1 The objective of Best Value is to ensure that local citizens get the best
possible services from Local Authorities. Choices have to be made to
develop a framework for local service delivery, recognising that neither
the public nor the private sector can deliver the best quality and cost
effective local services on their own. Practical steps have to be taken
to make the most of existing skills and experience in the public sector,
the private sector and the voluntary sector. The Council therefore has
to adopt new ways of thinking about its services and new ways of
managing them (whether provided in house, through contracts or
through other arrangements). We have to make a strategic choice
about what services we require (the specification), and how we will
work with the people who deliver the services (the relationship). Thus
we will achieve the Best Value service option. The choice has to be
made irrespective of whether the final result is improved in-house
services, an external provider or a mixture of both.
3.2 The statutory guidance on Best Value lists (the minimum) seven
options for service delivery:
3.4 This Guide outlines the approach to making the choice/appraising the
options, to ensure that all practical options for future service delivery
are considered, and the final decision is firmly based on evidence of a
thorough appraisal process.
These are issues about the level of uncertainty between the objectives
of a service and its delivery; the uncertainty is between issuing an
instruction and its execution. In general terms, the more uncertainty
there is (because of the nature of the requirement or because of the
environment in which the service is delivered), the more likely it is that
in-house provision, or a modified contractual relationship is the Best
Value option.
Make or Buy?
♦ What are the options available (what does the market currently
offer, what could it be stimulated to offer, what are the
alternatives to market transactions?)
5. What is the gap between our existing service and where we want to be;
what is the nature of the gap; in what ways can each option help us to
bridge the gap?
At this point, options that are not appropriate to the Council’s objective of
bridging the gap may be eliminated.
6. What is the experience of other Councils who have used each option?
If more than one option remains, each one should be assessed in terms of
contribution and risk to the Council:
4.1 The kind of relationship envisaged between the Council and another
organisation as a result of the procurement/externalisation is identified
as one of the outputs from the option appraisal process. There are
obviously a number of competitive processes available, and
correspondingly there are different types of contractual relationship
which may result. The main options relating to the competitive process
and relationships which result are outlined below.
Consider all options for a competitive process and select the most
appropriate, justifying your choice – a file note showing the full decision
making process should be made
Open competition
The Council invites tenders; any organisation can apply; there is one
Spot Purchasing
Standard service package provided by supplier who can demonstrate
cost effectiveness, competence & reliability. Suppliers chosen when
• a single supplier may not have • a single supplier can meet all
all necessary skills & resources Council’s requirements & deliver
economies of scale
• Council requires flexibility
without full tendering process • demand relatively predictable
each time over life of contract
Management Contracts
Bidders compete on the quality they can offer within a set budget
• the Council has a clear idea of • there are key inputs & processes
the budget available the Council must specify
• the Council can specify the • the Council does not have a
outputs & outcomes it requires clear view about what would
constitute a Best Value bid
Segmented Contracting
4.2 The Council has Officers within the Legal Department who should be
requested to advise on the most appropriate type of contract in each
particular circumstance. However, the responsible procurement officer
should consider the type of relationship with a provider which he/she
feels would provide the best value service provision.
4.3 Partnership is a concept now widely accepted in both central and local
government, especially since the advent of Best Value. It has been
said that “a best value authority is willing to work with other
organisations in partnership to deliver services” (Beverley Hughes,
19/6/00). Partnership in its widest sense is about working to common
goals with shared values and responsibilities. Partners should each
contribute to best value performance indicators and so build innovation
and continuous improvement into their day-to-day work.
a. WHAT?
b. WHY?
♦ to share risk
♦ to access new resources and specialist skills
♦ to review service delivery options
c. WHO?
♦ a voluntary organisation
♦ a community enterprise/trust
♦ a private contractor/developer
♦ another public sector body
♦ a local authority company
d. HOW?
4.6 The DTLR guidance on these matters states that we should have a
policy or code of practice for partnerships, to ensure that there is a
consistent council-wide approach to their initiation, management and
Partnership Protocols
4.7 The key elements of the Council’s partnership policy can be found
below to give broad guidance to officers when considering partnership
as a method of procuring and providing works/supplies/services on
behalf of the Council. Officers should also have regard to the
Council’s Financial Procedures Rules (F.31) which provides that
Executive Directors are responsible for ensuring that all partnership
arrangements are reported to the Executive and approval gained for
the proposed relationships and monitoring procedures.
Issue to be addressed by Objective of the individual
establishing the partnership partnership arrangements
4.9 The formal partnering contract should set out the intended relationship
between all parties involved. It should be framed so as to promote:
1. are fit for the purpose and provide value for money
2. are energy and resource efficient
3. use the minimum amount of virgin materials
4. make maximum use of post-consumer materials
5. are non- (or less) polluting
6. are durable, easily upgraded and repairable
7. are reusable and markets and the infrastructure exist for recycling
the product at the end of its life
8. are supported by additional information to demonstrate their
environmental preferability.
5.2 The requirement to achieve value for money - with its emphasis on whole
life costs and quality to meet customers' needs - enables public bodies to
build sustainable development and environmental factors into their contract
specifications and to look beyond the initial cost to take account of long-
term cost savings from, for example, lower operating and disposal costs.
5.4 It is possible when developing a business case for a contract to give added
weight to a particular quality so that it has a greater influence over the
outcome. For example, a buyer of a car for mainly urban use may wish to
place greater emphasis on reducing emissions harmful to health than say
the buyer of a vehicle for mainly inter-urban use where a higher priority is
to achieve more miles per gallon with a consequent reduction in carbon
emissions which contribute to global warming. This could also be built into
a scoring system for evaluating bids where the quality is relevant to value
for money to the contracting authority.
Green Premium
5.8 There is always a danger that taking into account "social" and "ethical"
issues in the procurement process may dilute the overriding requirement
on buyers to achieve value for money, with the result that costs escalate
and services suffer, hurting lower income groups more. We might also be
using procurement to effect changes which could be more effectively
brought about by, say, legislation, taxation, education and foreign aid.
5.9 There are, however, some social and ethical issues which buyers can
consider where they are relevant to the contract, consistent with value for
money for the taxpayer and are best procurement practice.
Key tips
1. Address environmental concerns at the specification stage of
the buying process. Any invitation to tender or quote must
include a specification which clearly describes requirements in
sufficient detail to enable the submission of competitive offers,
and any environmental considerations which are relevant to the
purchase must be included in the specification.
2. Think of the environmental issues before getting quotes and tenders
- not afterwards.
1. Try to do everything at once! Concentrate on the most significant
impacts. 80% of these arise in offices from: business travel and
commuting; building energy; new build and refurbishment; paper and
print; IT equipment; water and waste.
6.4 Firstly, local suppliers cannot position themselves to supply you if they
do not know what you want to buy. Most local authorities do advertise
their requirements in the local papers and media as well as appropriate
trade magazines. More often than not, however, these adverts are
hidden away in that most boring and least-read section of the local
paper - the Public Notices page. The Council should become far more
proactive in approaching local marketplaces and making its own
requirements more transparent by:
Modern Procurement
6.6 There have been substantial changes in the way in which all
organizations now go about their buying or procurement activities. The
concept of Strategic Procurement has seen the introduction of Supply
Chain Management, e-Commerce and Best Value, all of which have
had a substantial impact on the way we go about our business. This
also has an impact on the development of local suppliers; it does not
need to be a negative one.
6.7 In terms of Supply Chain Management, for example, if local authority
buyers better understand their supply chains and their component
parts it actually becomes easier for them to determine where local
influence can be brought to bear between the point of consumption
and the earliest point of its production. Local companies do not
necessarily have to be the deliverers of the product or service.
However, the Council can help by keeping them informed of
opportunities to enter the supply chain at the appropriate position,
assisting the prime supplier in their delivery of the end product or
service. These opportunities to enter the supply chain are often easier
for local suppliers to access than as the prime supplier and the spin-off
can be significantly greater in terms of benefits derived from the prime
supplier's own wider customer base.
7.1 Tender evaluation models are the means by which we can assess
which of the bids submitted in a competitive exercise offers the best
deal for the Council. In order to make this judgement, we will already
have recorded the criteria that are important to us in this particular
case, and which can be scored for each tender submitted. The criteria
will be price or quality related, and enable an open, transparent and
ultimately fair evaluation process to be demonstrated. The
quality/price model should be established before any tenders are
invited, and all tender documentation should be designed to ensure
that appropriate responses are received to feed into the model.
Quality/Price Ratio
7.3 If quality and price have equal importance for your contract, the
quality/price ratio would be 50:50. Different ratios will produce different
prices to be paid for avoiding a reduction in quality. In order to
demonstrate how the quality/price ratio has been selected for each
tendered contract, the calculation below should be carried out and
E.g. If the estimated cost of the contract is £250k, the following table
would be the calculation of costs attached to quality:
In general terms, the more complex the procurement, and the greater
the degree of innovation and flexibility likely to be required, the higher
the ratio should be. Indicative ratios are:
7.4 The price element of the model should reflect the tendered prices and
also any extrapolations to take account of whole life costs. The
Council’s Procurement Strategy states that all procurement exercises
should reflect these long term costs and hence the evaluation model
should incorporate them as a matter of course.
7.5 Quality criteria should be grouped under main headings and weighted.
Suggested headings and weighting ranges are:
7.8 Tenderers passing the quality threshold may then be interviewed, their
quality scores reviewed and their prices examined and marked. The
lowest compliant bid scores 100 and others score 100 minus the
percentage figure above the lowest price (e.g. a bid 25% above the
lowest scores 75).
Effective Decision-Making
8.2 Each procurement must have a Project Sponsor from the client
Directorate. This individual will:
Professional Advice
8.3 The CPSG must ensure that the Project Sponsor is assisted by the
necessary professional advice throughout the procurement process.
The essential areas to be considered are outlined below:
• Corporate - Procurement Strategy
- Contract Standing
Orders/Financial Procedures
Rules/EU compliance
• Personnel Issues
• Sustainability/Environmental
• Risk Assessment/Risk
• Contract Terms
• Evaluation Model
• Shortlists
• Contract Award
8.6 This will provide the essential components of the strategic brief and
establish measures of time, cost and quality against which the project
can be judged as it proceeds.
Financial Resource Issues
• take account of the costs of the project over its whole life
8.8 The Project Sponsor leads the development of a strategy for the
project’s execution. This entails the development of early statements
of needs into a strategic brief and then into a full project brief. The
Project Sponsor will also consider the most suitable way of carrying out
the project. The first priority is to choose the system best suited to
procuring the skills and resources necessary to achieve the outputs
required. This is a key strategic decision which will set the framework
for carrying out the project. Section 4 above on ‘Contract Strategy’
details the issues to be taken into account when making this choice. In
addition to those factors identified, the client’s attitude to risk is
particularly important, as different contract strategies allocate risk in
different ways. The more control a client wishes to have over aspects
of the project, the more risk they should be willing to bear. Also, whilst
risk can be transferred to others, this will be reflected in their prices.
Systematic risk management should be part of the strategy for
executing all major procurements.
Risk Management
Risk Assessment
8.11 Risk should be assessed at two levels during the procurement process
- at the overall service level (during a Best Value Service Review), and
at the contract level.
8.13 At the contract level, the assessment of risk will depend on factors
such as the type and length of the contract, the stability of the supply
or service, prevailing conditions in the supply market, and the risk to
the user in terms of cost, quality and the impact of contract failure.
The contract manager must consider each of these factors and deal
with them in such a way as to manage down risk during performance
of the contract.
Risk Identification
Risk Evaluation
8.16 It is essential to determine realistically the true extent of potential risk
to the Council, in order that only the appropriate amount of time is
spent and necessary budget committed to the management of those
risks. The actual level of risk depends on a combination of the l
ikelihood or probability of an event occurring and the consequential
adverse impact on the Council.
8.18 The occurrence of a risk event will have direct consequences with cost
and/or time implications. Other indirect consequences may be
considered, such as the effect on service users, loss of future funding
and adverse publicity. Past experience again is the best source of
information needed to predict the implications of various risks. For
risks where reasonable accurate historical financial information is
available, the impact can easily be expressed in money terms.
Potential time delays can be assessed using critical path analysis.
Risk Factors
8.20 Once the probability and impact of risk events has been established,
and the risks graded, it is possible to determine appropriate types and
levels of cost effective action to manage and control risk. A risk action
plan should be drawn up for all key risks within an activity or project.
The types of action to contain or eliminate risks will generally be dealt
with under the following measures:
• Insurance
• Financial Provision
Risk Allocation
8.21 All risks are then recorded in a risk management plan, which
describes how each risk is to be best allocated and managed. For
tendering purposes, invitations to tender must make clear the basis on
which tenders are to be submitted. The Project Sponsor will have
agreed the amount of risk felt best able to be managed (and hence
priced for) by the contractor, and that best taken on by the Council by
making a contingency allocation in the budget. The risk management
process should therefore have produced the best possible allocation of
risk involved in that particular procurement.
Contract Manager
9.1 Every contract is to have a Contract Manager, who will be a Council
officer with responsibility for ensuring that all parties understand their
obligations under the contracting process, and fulfil them as efficiently
and effectively as possible to maximise Best Value for the Council.
The Contract Manger will implement the Contract Management plan as
approved by the PSG.
9.2 Once the contract is in place, there are two aspects to the contract
management function:
Getting Started Defining the Project Assembling the Team Designing & Completing
Appraise options
Select client Project Manager Develop project execution plan Decide contracts Develop the project brief
Proposal taken to
Procurement Steering
assigned and agreed
Outcome based