Alternating Minimization For Hybrid Precoding in Multiuser Ofdm Mmwave Systems
Alternating Minimization For Hybrid Precoding in Multiuser Ofdm Mmwave Systems
Alternating Minimization For Hybrid Precoding in Multiuser Ofdm Mmwave Systems
Abstract—Hybrid precoding is a cost-effective approach to by phase shifters, which induces a challenging unit modulus
support directional transmissions for millimeter wave (mmWave) constraint and forms the major challenge in designing hybrid
arXiv:1701.01567v1 [cs.IT] 6 Jan 2017
communications. While existing works on hybrid precoding precoders. Given the large dimension of the design space and
mainly focus on single-user single-carrier transmission, in prac- the unit modulus constraint, an important design aspect of
tice multicarrier transmission is needed to combat the much hybrid precoders is the computational complexity.
increased bandwidth, and multiuser MIMO can provide addi-
tional spatial multiplexing gains. In this paper, we propose a There have been many recent works on hybrid precoder de-
new hybrid precoding structure for multiuser OFDM mmWave
sign in mmWave systems [3]–[10]. In [3], [4], efficient hybrid
systems, which greatly simplifies the hybrid precoder design and
is able to approach the performance of the fully digital precoder. precoding algorithms were developed for single-user single-
In particular, two groups of phase shifters are combined to map carrier MIMO systems. The investigation was then extended to
the signals from radio frequency (RF) chains to antennas. Then single-user OFDM [4]–[6] and multiuser single-carrier systems
an effective hybrid precoding algorithm based on alternating min- [7], [8]. The main differences in these existing works are the
imization (AltMin) is proposed, which will alternately optimize approaches to deal with the unit modulus constraints of the
the digital and analog precoders. A major algorithmic innovation analog precoder. Specifically, such constraints were tackled
is a LASSO formulation for the analog precoder, which yields by orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) in [3], [5], [7], by
computationally efficient algorithms. Simulation results will show manifold optimization in [4], and by channel phase extraction
the performance gain of the proposed algorithm. Moreover, it in [6], [8], respectively. There were also some studies on how
will reveal that canceling the interuser interference is critical in
to achieve the performance of the fully digital precoder with
multiuser OFDM hybrid precoding systems.
the hybrid structure [9], [10], yet requiring a large number
of RF chains. Although various attempts have been made to
I. I NTRODUCTION balance the performance and computational complexity, there
is no systematic approach to design computationally efficient
The spectrum crunch in current wireless systems stimu-
hybrid precoders.
lates extensive interests on exploiting new spectrum bands
for cellular communications, and millimeter wave (mmWave) In this paper, we shall propose a novel hybrid precoder
bands have been demonstrated to be a promising candidate in structure, which relaxes the unit modulus constraints of the
recent experiments [1]. Thanks to the smaller wavelength of analog part and thus significantly simplifies the hybrid pre-
mmWave signals, large-scale antenna arrays can be leveraged coder design. In particular, by adopting two groups of phase
at both the transmitter and receiver sides, which can provide shifters to map the signals out of the RF chains to antennas,
spatial multiplexing gains with the help of multiple-input the constraints for the analog precoder become more tractable.
multiple-output (MIMO) techniques. On the other hand, the We adopt the alternating minimization (AltMin) framework
ten-fold increase of the carrier frequency introduces several [4] for the hybrid precoder design. While the digital part is
challenges to mmWave communication systems, especially the similar to [4], the optimization of the analog RF precoder
high power consumption and cost of hardware components at is formulated as a Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection
mmWave bands [2]. In addition, the large available bandwidth Operator (LASSO) problem, for which efficient algorithms are
at mmWave frequencies will result in wideband communica- available. In addition, we discover that the hybrid precoder in
tion systems, where multicarrier techniques such as orthogonal the multiuser setting will produce residual interuser interfer-
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) will be utilized to ence, as it only approximates the fully digital precoder. Such
overcome the frequency-selective fading. interference will significantly degrade the system performance,
By utilizing a small number of radio frequency (RF) especially at high SNRs. This issue is more prominent in the
chains to combine a low-dimensional digital baseband precoder multicarrier system as the analog precoder is shared by a large
and another high-dimensional analog RF precoder, hybrid number of subcarriers. To this end, we propose to apply an
precoding stands out as a cost-effective transceiver solution additional block diagonalization (BD) precoder at the baseband
[3]. Moreover, to further reduce the power consumption in to cancel the interuser interference, which is shown to be
the RF domain, analog RF precoders are usually implemented effective to further improve the spectral efficiency and mul-
tiplexing gain. Moreover, simulation results demonstrate that
This work was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council under the proposed hybrid precoding algorithm can easily approach
Grant No. 16210216. the performance of the fully digital precoder with a reasonable
amount of RF chains.