01 Tkpa
01 Tkpa
01 Tkpa
72. Tujuan penulisan teks di atas adalah . . . . ( B ) Kenaikan rata -rata sektor perkebunan 2001 s.d.
( A ) me n gga mb a r kan p e rband in gan in for ma s i 2003 paling rendah.
tentang pendapatan negara di sektor perikanan . ( C ) P D B s e m u a sektor tahun 2001 s.d. 2002
( B ) menunjukkan perbandingan kontribusi hasil me n i n gka t .
perikanan Indonesia dengan mancane gar a . ( D ) P DB sektor perkebunan tahun 2001 s .d. 2003
( C ) me ma p a r kan p o t e n s i pe ri kan an Indon e si a d an me n i n gka t .
s u mban gann ya te rh adap P D B n a s i o n a l . ( E ) PDB sektor perikanan selalu paling tinggi
(D) m e m b u k t i ka n b a h w a Indonesia tertinggal jauh daripada sektor Iain.
dari Thailand dala m bidang perikanan.
75. Apa kele mahan teks ters ebut?
( E) me mengaruhi pemerintah agar Indonesia
( A) Tidak ada hubungan antara isi tabel dengan
meningkatkan devisa dari sektor perikanan.
uraian s e b e l u mn ya .
73. Apa judul yang tepat untuk teks tersebut? ( B ) Tidak ada alas an penyebab ke mi skinan
(A ) Potensi Perikanan Indonesia sebagian besar nelayan.
(B) Indonesia di Antara Penghasil Ika n ( C ) Tidak ada penjelasan tentang apa saja potensi
(C) P eman faat an Potensi Perikanan perikanan Indon e si a.
(D) Kontribusi Perikanan tcrhadap PDB Nasional ( D ) Ti d a k a d a a l a s a n p e r l un ya p e mb a n gu n a n
(E) Laut Lua s, t et api R a kya t Miski n ekonomi dari se ktor kcl autan .
( E) Tidak ada alas an rendahnya kontribusi
74. Apa simpulan keseluruhan isi tabel dala m teks
perikanan tc rh adap P DB n a sion al .
( A ) PDB sektor perikanan tahun 2002 s.d. 2003
menurun .
Problems 76. 77. and 78 are based on the following passage. Choose one option that best completes the blank spaces
in the passage!
The present stud y sought to document the word reading and comprehension levels attained by children who
were implanted by 5 year of age. It was hypothesized that the improved speech perception abilities acquired with
cochlear i mplantation would promote phon ological coding skills. (1). . .
Three subtests of diagnostic reading assessment batteries standardized on hearing children were administered
to 181 children between 8 year 0 month and 9 year 11 month of age who had 4 to 6 years of implant experience. ( 2 ) . . .
It included a lexical decision task, a rhyme task, and the digit span subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Over half of the children scored within the average range for their age compared with the normative data for
h e a r i n g c hi l dr e n . ( 3 ). . . They were higher nonverbal intelligence, higher family socio -economic status, and later onset
of dea fness bet ween birth and 36 months.
( Ad apt ed from Journal of Ear and Hearing)
76. Which option best completes (1)? 77. Which option best completes (2)?
( A ) The finding showed that the hypothesis was ( A ) Likewise, the children were obliged to take a
accepted. reading test.
( B ) The i mplantation wa s eventually shown to be ( B ) In addition, a battery of processing measures
successful. wa s ad min is t er ed.
( C ) T h e f o l l o w i n g paragraph would discuss the ( C ) However, standard measure ment wa s applied to
findings of the study. test the subjects.
( D ) The objective of the study was to see the ( D ) Consequently, the assessment was u s e d t o
subjects' reading skills. •
( E ) It would also facilitate the acquisition of ( E) of many
beginning reading skills. different tasks was conducted.
79. In relation to paragraph 2, what does paragraph 3 80. Based on the passage, the relationship between the
inform ? Mediterranean diet and heart disease is like that
( A ) Procedures in carrying out the research between ....
( B ) Results of the treatment described in (A) distressed patient and male doctor
paragraph 2 (B) air conditioner and hot weather
(C ) Cholesterol contents that are discussed in (C ) severe hunger and big meal
paragraph 2 (D) bush fire and black smoke
(D) Conditions of the respondents when applying (E) fossil fuel and sports car
the diets
(E ) Relationships between the diets and cholesterol
83. The author of the passage implies that.... (E) micronutrients in avocados and bioactive
contents in the Mediterranean diet alike heal
(A) heart disease happens due to lack of consuming
avocados heart disease effectively
(B) avocados are closely linked to the high rate of
heart disease
85. In the last part of paragraph 7. Tatzel holds the 88. The paragraph following the passage most likely
belief that .... deals with... .
(A) human activities based on the economic desire (A) conclusions of the research results
will tend to damage environment (B) implications of the research findings
(B) we tend to destruct nature and ourselves due to (C)
economically-oriented desires
(C) success in terms of economic bases forces (E)
humans to destroy personal values
89. Ideas in the third paragraph may be best
(D) the factors causing the damage of environments
summarized as ....
lie on the economic desires
(A) the level of consumerism may positively or
(E) it is possible to save environments if economic
negatively influence the flora and the fauna
standards are increased
(B) materialistic persons are unhappy and tend to
86. In organizing the ideas in the passage, the author harm environments merely to meet their needs
starts bv .... (C) humans become unhappy due to the existing
(A) offering a fact of the impact lifestyles on gap between their needs and their need
environment, followed with other evidence of fulfillment
non-destructing conducts (D) the more we feel the needs, the harder
(B) arguing for the importance of having we try to
appropriate lifestyles, describing research fulfill them, and the worse we
impact on nature
procedures, and then presenting results (E) happy people are those who can fulfill
(C) showing human lifestyles in search of their
happiness as conducts seriously causing harm needs so that they do not put more
to environments, exemplified with evidence burden on
(D) describing impacts of being eco-friendly nature
resulting from keeping proper lifestyles and
then descriptions of ways to get happiness 90. Based on the passage, if we satisfy our thirst of
lifestyle needs by being consumptive, ....
(E) showing the link between consumerism and
environment, and then arguing for true (A) our happiness may harm both others and
happiness good for humans and environment
(B) we will become completely happy with our
87. Which reflects the authors' attitude towards the achievement happy for we earn it
ideas presented in the (C) we may be happy at the cost of ourselves and
(D) we deserve to feeling
topic related with TetzePs through hard work
passage? (E) the happiness we have is not true as there are
(A) serious other ways to get
(B) neutral
(C) critical
(D) formal
(E) anxious