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Arsenicum Album
Edited by: Homeo Dr. Ehsanullah Javed Pakistan
Latin Name: Arsenic Album
Common name: Arsenic oxide
Proved: A preparation was prepared from the white oxide by Hahnemann.
Thermal relation: chilly
Miasmatic background: psora+++, sycosis+++, syphilis+, Tuber+.
Duration of action: 60-90 days
Thirst: Almost thirst less, drinks little water repeatedly to wet mouth but sometime
have unquenchable thirst of larg quantity of water.
Desire: Acids, coffee, milk, cold drinks, warm drinks and food.
Aversion: Butter, smell of food, farinaceous.
Characteristic of mineral (toxicology).
Arsenic oxide or white arsenic is tasteless & very poisonous mineral it causes
toxicity by combining e sulphydryl ( ) enzyme and thus interfering e cell
metabolism. Locally it causes irritation of mucus membranes and remotely
depression of the nervous system.
General Information: Arsenic is communicative, expressive, diligent,
anguish and intellectual person
The exciting cause: The arsenicum symptom picture triggered by these factors
Anxiety, chill, food poisoning.
Arsenic child: Arsenic child is avarice, obstinate, fastidious (NV) and
regretful (violent & uncontrolled anger).
Freud called this child anal retentive, he becomes struck emotionally at the
early stage of life, when he learn to say no & punish the parents by refusing to
cooperate esp. by retaining his stool defiantly (The adult anal retentive type is
always saying no, resisting & holding his anger in. In next stage of life this anal
retentive becomes parsimonious (miser in spending money). Freud summed up
characteristic negative qualities of arsenic.
Fastidiousness: (Kali-c, Nat m, NV).
Arsenic tries to create order in their environment to ally anxiety. They are the
most fastidious of all the constitutional types (excluding the most pathologically
obsessive fastidiousness of syphlinums & veratrum)
Fastidiousness of arsenic arises out of anxiety & insecurity, whereas in NV it
arises more from an excessive compulsion for work & for overly constitutional
attention to detail & to exaggerated savage of need for efficiency, Nm is similar to
this but is more concerned with scheduling of time, kali c more concerned with
moral ethics.
Nux is the only remedy listed in the repertory with arsenicum under the
rubric fastidious but NV is really concerned more with efficiency than orderliness
hence he is tidy at work but not at home.
Perfectionist: (synth-conscientious)
(ingn, lyc, nat-c, nat-m, puls, sep, sil, staph, sulph)
Arsenic is a perfectionist at work, particularly with regard to the final
appearance of the product. Nat-m is also perfectionist at work in many cases,
difference in this regard, Nat-m is self critical and feels guilty when his work is not
perfect, Arsenic feels anxious but not guilty if the work is not perfect. Furthermore
arsenic imposes his meticulous standard upon around him whereas Ign. & Nat-m
generally applies them only themselves. Arsenic Have an exaggerated sense of need
for efficacy. Nat-m fastidiousness is similar to this but is more concerned with
scheduling of time. Herring referred it to gold headed cane pt. because usually his
clothes even casual are clean and smart and look freshly pressed.
Fault finder: (synth- censorious- sulph, verat).
The fastidiousness or attention to detail that is so a characteristic of arsenic
sometime applies not only to the ordering of the physical things but also speech.
Arsenic for example, would correct sloppy grammar and pronunciation just as
zealously as remove dirt from finger nails; his own syntax and pronunciation will
immaculate (clear). The more integrated (characterized) arsenic Individual learns to
accept a more relaxed standard and is less prone to resentment (anger) but this
does not come easily and the perceptive homoeopath will notice subtle (hard to
grasp) ways in which even the more relaxed arsenic client attempts to impose order
upon the environment.
Physical insecurity:
Insecurity of arsenic is more on physical plan that of Ign, Nat-m & puls who
are looking for emotional security. In addition to fastidiousness, it manifest as an
unrealistic fear of poverty and destitution, leading to characteristic frugality when it
comes spending money upon others. Arsenic People have tendency to keep a tight
hold on the purse strings out of fear that they will not have enough to get by on in
future, it also lead to tendency for the arsenic individual to collect or hoard almost
any spare item that may one day come in useful (Kent-mind-desire more than she
Hypochondrias: (kent-mind- delusion of illness, delusion-sick)
It is another expression of the physical insecurity of Arsenic. The fear of the
illness can leave to an obsession with personal hygiene (though not to the extend
seen in the closely related syphlinium) and also with the diet. Some arsenic People
are so hypochondriac that they end up doing the rounds of doctors and therapist
each in one turn because they fail to recognize the deadly disease that pt. shows he
Cancer is the particularly common fear among arsenic. They may feel uneasy
at funerals, when hearing the death of someone whom they were not particularly
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close too, or when the subject of the death comes in conversation. Arsenic has a
fear of being alone, in the dark and tendency for ailments and anxiety to intensify at
night, when the unconscious mind is more assessable (it is interesting that
syphlinium is remedy type close to arsenic has just the opposite; a love affair with
all things deathly).
Arsenic is one of the principal anxious remedy. It may occur occasionally as an
irrational fear that finances are running out, that the spot on his arm is malignant,
or that his children has some serious illness. Anxiety suddenly becomes over
whelming, and the person ceases the function properly. Anxiety will generally focus
upon the characteristic fear of illness, death and poverty, as well as free floating
fear particularly when alone at night.
Anxiety about health:
At first this anxiety may be manifest upon awaking in the morning, but
gradually occupies his attention throughout the day & night. It is also at this stage
that the fear of being alone, he will have need of company especially at night. The
internal fear causes tremendous restlessness; it is not physical restlessness
(Rhustox) but is mental due to deep-seated anxiety. He move from place to place,
from chair to chair & from bed to bed, will go from person to person constantly to
seeking support.
It is interesting for the hp prescriber to note the difference between arsenic &
phos relating anxiety. The phos type will plead (to beg) for help while arsenic will
demand it. Arsenic will cling to doctor, no pt. will clinging and demanding relief from
their anxiety as arsenic and nit-acid. phos will cool on reassuming but Arsenic does
not. Anxiety about health of arsenic is the fear of dying, not the fear of
consequences of degeneration but state of insecurity-death. He will come to
conclusion that he has cancer and go from doctor to doctor even the tests are
negative he will not consol. Calc has a strong anxiety about health but more focuses
on the possibility of infectious diseases or insanity. Calc can accept death but more
anguish about diseases not being able to recover. K.c has anxiety that he will get a
disease in future, as fear of cancer now. Kali-ars pt. has a particular fear of heart
disease but does not anxiety of death. He will say if I must die, it is ok but if you
begin talking about his heart he will begin to express anxiety. Phos feels anxiety
about his health but not obsess it but will disappear on doctor’s reassuring but ars,
K-ars & acid-nit not easily pacified.
The acid-nit unlike phos has always anxiety about any possible
ailment, not only cancer but infectious disease, insanity or heart disease.
Instead of expressing anxiety he carries it around inside. Secretively will
take appointment from doctor and will not ease from reassurance. Acid-
nit’s anxiety is not fear of death as in arsenic, but fear of consequences of
a long term degeneration, anxiety of dependency on others, immobility
Lyco, has a marked anxiety about any type of disease like Acid-nit. It is not a
fear of death; but a fear of pain and torture of illness. He has fear that he would not
be able to cope a serious illness.
Anxiety for others:
As one would expect, arsenic does not have much of concern for
others, but a rather of fear of losing someone close to him. Again his
anxiety is based on concern for himself. Consequently, he will show little
concern over someone who is stranger to him. It is fear of loss of someone
upon him he is dependent. Phos, on the other hand, is so sympathetic and
suggestible that he can losses a sense of himself in his concern over
someone else weather a close friend or stranger.
Stages of pathology:
The 1st stage emphasis symptoms; the fastidiousness and the stingers (just
alarming). Then we see an increasing emphasis on the insecurities, dependency and
anxiety about health, fear of being alone and fear of death. Gradually, the fear of
death becomes obsessive, anguish fear the central issue of person’s life. As the
illness progress, we see the emergence of a paranoid, delusionary state. Suspicion
dominates the picture. Now, the fastidiousness disappear eventually, the anxiety
and fear diminished, as a deep state of depression sets in a despair of recovery, or
loss of interest in life and the suicidal thought, suspicion of others and fear of killing
people on he depends. In this stage, the person may even avoid talking to people,
becomes obstinate, inward. The stage describes here illustrate nicely the
progression of pathology steadily deeper layer of organism. It begins on physical
level, progression to a state of anxiety and insecurity, then the fear of death and
finally despair, a loss of interest in life, suicidal disposition and delusionary state on
the mental plan
The most obvious thing about arsenic case is restlessness (kent-anguish-
driving him from place to place). He becomes extremely agitated and cannot keep
still for a moment. Unlike an agitated phos, an agitated arsenic is hard to reassure. If
you tell him everything will be alright, he may stop his pacing (act of moving) for a
moment and say, oh doctor do you really think so and then return to his despair and
his agitation as if nothing has been said. The arsenic anxiety causes great anxious
internally, and out of this arises tremendous restlessness, it is not physical but
mental. He will go from place to place, chair to chair, person to person.
Typically the arsenic pt. will make very sure of the qualification and
competency of the therapist before agreeing to proceed with treatment. Having a
ascertained that you’re a medical doctor as well as a homoeopath, he may go onto
inquire how long you have been practicing and have you even done any harm with
your treatment. If you tell him that you are going to give him arsenic, you will have
to work very hard to regain his treatment. Generally, they will favor to practical
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security over emotional satisfaction in contrast to Nat-mur that is for more worry
about protecting emotional security.
Practical Man:
Many arsenic people make use of their practical skill by becoming craft’s men,
mechanic, carpenters, gardeners and artist or some of the practical occupations
favored by arsenic.
Contemptuous: (Nux-v, Plat. Also kent-mind-critical, sensorial)
All arsenic are proud people and usually are contemptuous for fellows,
colleagues and even friends. The sneer (scorn) of dictate at an undignified (not
Stateline) site or comments is one of the favorite weapon.
Boaster: (Lyco, Sulph.)
Arsenicum who are relatively poor materially, have a tendency to exaggerate
what they have, in an effort to avoid the stigma they themselves attach to poverty.
During consultation, he may refer to how high his standard of living was,
considering his nlow income. For example: he had once been wealthy but fallen
upon hard time, he will try to wear finest cloths and will prefer to talk his previous
life of wealth and status rather than facing the reality of present situation.
Obstinate: (Amonium, Arg-nit. Calc, Sil, Taren.)
Arsenicum tends to one-pointed in his activities whatever is dear to him,
peruse thoroughly, and he will become angry if someone tries to prevent from
doing so. Sil. Also like Ars. But Ars has more will power and confidence then Sil.
When it comes to expressing his view-point and implementing his desires
Selfishness: ( ign,plat,puls, thuj, sulph)
Selfishness is a characteristic that may be possessed by individual of any
constitutional type, even the angelic phos. There are, however, different ways in
which selfishness manifest according to constitution. Thus Sulph tend to be lazy and
will neglect his family in favor of his pet enthusiasm, whereas Ign is often spoiled
and react irritably when she feels ignored. The selfishness of ars is more global, in
that it tends to manifest as a general tendency to put self before others. This is
particularly true for ars men. The women of ars are less selfish but will still tend to
put themselves and their family before others to greater extent than any other
constitutional type. This lack of generosity is related to insecurity of ars. It is as
though ars feels that he cannot afford to generosity either physically or emotionally,
he may need whatever he has in future.
It is another characteristic that may found more in ars than other easily
irritated constitutions. Arsenic is more liable to become irritated by untidiness, in
efficiency and waste. All of these refer to the material plan of existence which is
usually Arsenicum,s principle focus.
Relating: (making relationships)
Ars and Thuj having number of superficial relationships with less real friend.
You will find number of visiting card in their pocket of the persons who would be
help them in any problem in future. Ars parents are usually devoted, taking their
parental duties very seriously. They are not likely to be indulgent parents. Some ars
parents have tendency to value the child material prospects in life more highly than
his emotional fulfillments. Ars person does not share a relationship with a give and
take dynamic. He is much more selfish, a taker. In a relationship, he will give support
to another with expectation of return.
When dealing with people outside the family, ars individual keep bearers in
most cases. This emotional distance is more in men than women. It results from the
individual living more in his rational, highly discriminating intellect than in his heart.
Company Desire: (Arg-nit, Lyco, Phos)
Arsenicum is a prominent remedy listed under the rubric “desire company”.
In reality, the ars person has more than a mere desire for company. It is an actual
need for someone to be present near him. Ars surround himself with people
because of his insecure sense concerning his health, his uncountable fear of being
alone. The need of company is not necessarily a need for interaction with people
such as in Phos. Ars need people nearby more for reassurance and support and
anything else.
Possessiveness: (synth-mind-greed)
The possessive quality of ars is much more. He is conscious of saving money
and things, always calculating to what the return to him will be. It can occur that he
may generous with his money or possession but he is still giving with expectation of
receiving in return and will be upset if the return does not comeback. The same
possessiveness leads to compulsive collecting little items, he will carefully store it
somewhere where he will be able to find it easily later.
Therapeutic individuality:
Chill is an exciting cause affects the stomach and lungs, causing watery
excoriating discharges and nausea at the site & smell of food (cholchicum, diarrhea-
chill during-phos, Veart). When ill, they use much quantity of energy and heat, so
produced prostration. Ars pt. always freezing, over around the fires, cannot get
clothing to keep warm, a great sufferer from cold. Ars chill is of violent character,
and at such times a feeling as if blood flows in the vessels were ice water. When
fever comes on and he is intensely hot from head to foot, before sweat appear, he
feels boiling water is going through vessels.
One of characteristic feature of Ars is thirst for small quantities and often, just
enough to wet the mouth. It is commonly used as a distinguishing feature between
Bry & Ars. Bry has thirst for large quantities for apart. Thirst chill before (china, eup-
per, puls). There is thirst for water in large quantities and yet does not quench the
thirst (kent-stomach-thirst-large quantity for-Ars, Bry, kent-stomach-thirst-
unquenchable- ars,eup-p, phos).
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The symptoms nocturnal stuff catarrh, threatening suffocation. Hahnemann
says in foot note, “I cured myself rapidly with ars, suffocative catarrh that always
came on more severely every evening after lying down. ars cold and catarrh starts
on exposure to cold. There is an excoriating discharge from the right nostril.
Sometimes the eyes are also affected with acrid lacrimation. This is similar to
euphresia (Eye secretion acrid and corrhyza bland) and Allium cepa (left nostril acrid
secretion and eyes bland). All the remedies occur commonly in hay fever pattern.
Ars seldom produce cough. When the cold goes deeper, the chest is affected. There
may be dryness and suffocating breathing with may burning pain, exhaustion,
anxiety, constant sips of water. Coryza chilled up when he was over heated.
Sensitivity of pt. the annual periodicity. Dryness is there, with constriction in
the chest, agg 1-2am. Fear of suffocation. Pt. does not lie down. Much prostration
which differ it from other remedies (kent-respiration-asthmatic-mid night after- ars,
samb, (kent-respiration-asthmatic-2am-Ars). Ars. Always aggravate when alone.
Oppressed breathing, where there is cough and frothy expectoration, breathing
makes a wheezing sound, pt. must sit up to breath because his passages are
constricted. Difficult breathing with intolerable anxiety.
Food poisoning:
Sensitivity of food poisoning illustrates the intolerance of the body. It is
violently and suddenly debilitated. Nausea to site and smell of food (synthesis-
stomach-nausea-looking food at, stomach-food smell of- Ars, Colchicum). Poisoning
can be decade food, animal matter, fruit, cut and let in the open air. Severe
vomiting, chilliness and prostration with fear of death, pt seems much anguish.
This medicine is full of diarrhea and dysentery symptoms, in these conditions
there will be pallor, the anxiety and cadaveric odor. In the dysentery, the is more
distressing and frequent urging to stool, scanty, slimy fluid, inky stool with cadaveric
smell, great prostration, restlessness and pallor (Merc-greenish bloody and slimy
stool and tenesmus, never get done feeling, much thirst for cool drinks). Purging is
generally not present in Ars, as in podo, & phos-ac. Usually there will be little,
frequent gushes, little sprits with flatus and great exhaustion that occur in cholera,
little, slimy whitish stool. Ars is not so commonly indicated in cholera i.e. during the
gushing period, but sometime after the gushing is over and the vomiting and
purging have past leaving a state stream exhaustion, sometime pt. goes in comma
and seems as if dead except he breaths. The stomach burn insides and this burning
is relieved by hot drinks. Ars is an excellent remedy in burning of anus. Every stool
burns as though there were burning coals in rectum, piles also burn.
In the headache we have a striking general feature of Ars, brought out in their
periodicity. Running all through this remedy there is periodicity and for this reason
it has been extensively useful in malarial infection which have as a characteristic
nature, periodicity. The periodical complain of Ars comes on every other day, or
every 4th day or every 7th day, or every 2 weeks. The headaches come on the cycle,
every other 3rd or 4th, 7th or 14th day. The more chronic complain is , the longer is its
cycle, so that we will find the more acute and short troubles in which Ars, is suitable
will have every other day aggravation and every 4th day aggravation, but as the
trouble becomes chronic and deep seated, it takes on the 7th day aggravation, and
in the psoric manifestation of a long, lingering and deep seated kind then there Is a
14th day aggravation, this appearance in cycles is common to a good many
remedies, but specially marked in China and Ars. These headaches bring on the
interesting point that we mentioned above. Ars have in its nature an alternation of
states, and this carries with it certain general. Ars in all of its bodily complains is a
cold remedy, the pt. sits over the fire and shivers, wants plenty of clothing, and
wants to be in warm room.
But when the complains are in the head, why he wants to body warm he
wants the head washes with cold water, or wants the cold air upon it. The complaint
of the head must confirm to the general that applies to the head and the complaint
of the body must be associated with the general that apply to the body. It is a
difficult thing to say which one of these to circumstances is more general and it is
sometime difficult to say which one is the general of the pt. himself because he
confuses you by saying I’m worse in the cold but when his headache is on he says
I’m better in the cold, I want to be in the cold. It is really only the head, and you
have to single these out and study them by the parts affected. When things are so
striking you must examine into it to see what it is that brings about the modalities.
You’ll see a similar state running through phos, the complains of the stomach and
head re better from cold i.e. he wants cold applications upon the head with head
suffering, and wants cold things in the stomach with stomach complain, but in all
the complaints of the body he is ameliorated from heat. If he steps out into the cold
air, he will commence to cough, if he ever chest trouble, so we see the modalities
that belong to the part affected must always be taken into account. The periodical
headaches of ARs are found in all parts of the head. They re the congestive
headaches with throbbing and burning, with anxiety and restlessness, hot head and
relieved by cold. There are the headaches in the forehead, which is throbbing,
worse from light, from motion, often attended with great restlessness, forcing him
to move with great anxiety. Most of the headaches are attended with nausea and
vomiting. He is always chilly and freezing except when the headache is on, and it is
better from cold, the face much wrinkled, great anxiety and no desire for water.
Remember that it was said in the acute state of Ars there is thirst, thirst for little
and often, dry mouth and desire for water enough to moisture the lips, but in the
chronic state of Ars, he is generally thirst less. Nat-mur is a medicine analogous to
this in its periodicity and in many of its complaints. It has congestive headaches
from walking and becoming heated, especially walking in the sun. The Ars headache
is generally worse from light and noise, better from lying down in the dark room,
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lying with head on the two pillows. Many of the headaches commence in the
afternoon from 1 to 3 o clock, after the noon meal, grow worse into the afternoon,
lasting all night. They are often attended with great pallor, nausea, prostration,
deathly weakness. The pain is paroxysmal, violent head pain during the chill of an
intermittent fever, headache as if the heat burst during an intermittent fever.
Diabetic gangrene:
Ars is of great use in diabetic gangrene in extremities and in taking cure of
ulcer on heals. It is excellent for oozing ulcers which burn like fire and which have a
blue-black base. Gangrene in internal organs needs Ars. You should remember that
scale car has a similar state, it has all the tempenitic condition, all the ulceration and
prostration, all the offense odor and expulsion of offensive clots, and all the
burning, but the scale car pt. wants to be uncovered, wants things cold, and wants
the windows open. The only distinguishing feature between these two remedies in a
case may be the scale wants cold and Ars wants heat. Look and see if the pt. wants
to be covered warmly, if he is easily chilled, and heat feels good, then it is a hard
thing to cover that case out of Ars.
Similar Remedies:
i) Lycopodium:
It has the same basic insecurity and need for status. It also has a strong effect
on lungs and digestive system. The modalities and appitite are different. Lyco
aggrave 4 to 8 pm , Ars aggravate 11 to 2am, lyco hot in general and Ars is chilly pt.
ii) Phosphorus:
Shares the sensitivity and fears of Ars. Both are desires for company. Both are
major lungs and digestive remedies. The phos is more open, rusting and optimistic
Like to control to relive anxiety, like Ars. They are very emotionally
vulnerable, but can be much more empathetic with others than Ars.
iii) Aconite: is another fear remedy that affects respiration. It also have
fear of suffocation and aggravate mid night.
i) Complementary: All-s, Carb-v, Natr-s, phos, pyrog, thuja.
ii) Followell: Aran, Arn, Apis, Bell, Ac-fluor, Bar-c, Cact, Calc-ph, Cham,
Chin, Cic, Ferr, Hep, Iod, Ipec, Kali-b, Lach, Lyc, Murc, Ntr-s, Nux, Phos, Sulph, thuja,
iii) Antidotes: chin-sul, camph, carb-c, chin, euph, ferr, graph, hep, iod,
ipec, kali-b, Merc, Nux, nux-m, op, samb, sulph, verat.
i) Better: from raised heed, from heat, from warm drinks, by sweat,
from cold application on head
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ii) Aggravation: wet wether, mid night(1am to 2am), from cold, cold
drinks or food, lying on affected side with head low, from movement.

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