BMC SSC Je 2016
BMC SSC Je 2016
BMC SSC Je 2016
QID : 41 - The workability of concrete can QID : 47 - Concrete gains strength due to
be improved by _______. ________.
1) More sand 1) Chemical action of cement with coarse
2) More cement aggregate
3) More fine aggregate 2) Hydration of cement
4) Fineness of coarse aggregate 3) Evaporation of water
4) All options are correct
QID : 42 - Strength of concrete increases
with _____. QID : 48 - Maximum shrinkage takes
1) Increase in water cement ratio place in concrete after drying for ______.
2) Decrease in water cement ratio 1) 28 days
3) Decrease in size of aggregate 2) Three months
4) Decrease in curing time 3) Six months
4) One year
QID : 43 - Density of concrete _______.
1) Increases with a decrease in the size of QID : 49 - Under constant load the Creep
aggregate strain in concrete is _______.
2) In independent of the size of aggregate 1) Time dependent
3) Increases with increase in the size of 2) Temperature dependent
aggregate 3) Moisture dependent
4) All options are correct 4) None of these
QID : 58 - In case of hand mixing of QID : 86 - The Paints that are most
concrete, the extra cement to be added is resistant to fire are _____.
______. 1) enamel paints
1) 5% 2) aluminium paints
2) 10% 3) asbestos paints
3) 15% 4) cement paints
4) 20%
mortar is injected under pressure to fill all QID : 255 - Addition of sugar in concrete
the voids, resulting in a very dense results in _______.
concrete, is known as ______. 1) Increase in setting time by about 1hr
1) Pre-packet concrete 2) Increase in setting time by about 4 hr
2) Vacuum concrete 3) Decrease in setting time by about 1 hr
3) No fines concrete 4) Decrease in setting time by about 4 hr
4) Aerate concrete
QID : 256 - The aggregate impact value of
QID : 250 - For protection from frost, the aggregate used in _______.
concrete should be _______. 1) Building concrete is less than 45
1) Dense 2) Road pavement concrete is less than 30
2) Free from cracks 3) Runway concrete is less than 30
3) Adhesion between mortar and aggregate 4) All the options are correct
should be perfect
4) All the options are correct QID : 257 - The development of strength
of cement and its fineness are _______.
QID : 251 - In order to have segregation in 1) Directly proportional
concrete dropping height should not be 2) Inversely proportional
less than ______. 3) Not related
1) 25 cm 4) Randomly related
2) 50 cm
3) 100 cm QID : 258 - Flash set of ordinary Portland
4) 250 cm cement paste is ______.
1) Premature hardening
QID : 252 - The main object of 2) Surface hardening only
compaction of concrete is ______. 3) Hardening without development of heat
1) To eliminate air holes of hydration
2) To achieve maximum density 4) All the options are correct
3) To get intimate contact between the
concrete and embedded material QID : 281 - In stone masonry, the stones
4) All the options are correct are placed in position such that the natural
bedding plane is ______.
QID : 253 - Steam curing is not used with 1) normal to the direction of pressure they
______. carry
1) Ordinary Portland cement 2) parallel to the direction of pressure they
2) Rapid hardening cement carry
3) High alumina cement 3) at 45° to the direction of pressure they
4) All the options are correct carry
4) at 60° to the direction of pressure they
QID : 254 - For a satisfactory workable carry
concrete with a constant W.C. ratio
increase in aggregate-cement ratio QID : 282 - Slate and marble stone belong
1) Increases the strength of concrete to ______.
2) Decreases the strength of concrete 1) igneous rocks
3) No effect on the strength of concrete 2) metamorphic rocks
4) None of these 3) sedimentary rocks
4) foliated rocks
QID : 283 - Find the one which is not used QID : 289 - The operation of removal of
in quarrying? impurities of clay adhering to iron ore is
1) gun powder known as ______.
2) gun cotton 1) calcination
3) marble powder 2) purification
4) dynamite 3) dressing
4) refining
QID : 284 - Hollow bricks are generally
used with the purpose of ______. QID : 290 - The specific surface expressed
1) reducing the cost of construction in square cm gm of a good Portland
2) providing insulation against heat cement should not be less than ______.
3) increasing the bearing area 1) 1750
4) ornamental look 2) 2000
3) 2250
QID : 285 - The lime which has the 4) 2500
property of setting in water is known as
______. QID : 1 The standard size of brick as per
1) fat lime Indian standards is ______.
2) Hydraulic lime 1) 20 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
3) hydrated lime 2) 23 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm
4) quick lime 3) 19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm
4) 18 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm
QID : 286 - Bullet proof glass is made of
thick glass sheet and a sandwiched layer of QID : 2 The quick lime as it comes from
_______. kiln is called ______.
1) steel 1) Milk lime
2) stainless steel 2) hydraulic lime
3) high strength plastic 3) Lump lime
4) chromium plate 4) Hydrated lime
QID : 287 - If the rocks are formed due to QID : 3 How does the seasoning of timber
alteration of original structure under heat help?
and excessive pressure, then they are A. It increases the weight of timber
known as ______. B. It improves the strength properties of
1) igneous timber
2) sedimentary 1) Only A
3) volcanic 2) Only B
4) metamorphic 3) Both A and B
4) None of these
QID : 288 - The shape of the brick gets
deformed due to rain water falling on hot QID : 4 The ductility value of bitumen is
brick. This defect is known as ______. ______.
1) chuffs 1) Equal to that of tar
2) bloating 2) More than that of tar
3) nodules 3) Less than that of tar
4) lamination 4) None of these
QID : 207 - For a 50 kg cement bag, water QID : 264 - For the construction of thin
required is _____. R.C.C. structures the type of cement to be
1) 16.5 liters avoided is _____.
2) 18.5 liters 1) ordinary Portland cement
3) 20.5 liters 2) rapid hardening cement
4) 22.5 liters 3) low heat cement
4) blast furnace slag cement
QID : 208 - Pick up the correct statement
from the following Method of sawing QID : 265 - Percentage of pozzolanic
timber material containing clay upto 80% used for
_____. the manufacture of pozzolana cement is
1) tangentially to annual rings, is known as _____.
tangential method 1) 30%
2) in four quarters such that each board 2) 40%
cuts annual rings at angles not less than 3) 50%
45°, is known as quarter sawing method 4) 60%
3) cut out of quarter logs, parallel to the
medullary rays and perpendicular to QID : 266 - Pick up the incorrect
annual rings is known as radial sawing statement applicable to the field test of
4) All options are correct good cement.
1) When one thrusts one's hand into a bag
QID : 209 - For the manufacture of of cement, one should feel warm
plywood, veneers are placed so that grains 2) The colour of the cement is bluish
of adjacent veneers are _____. 3) A handful of cement thrown into a
1) at right angles bucket of water should sink immediately
2) parallel 4) All options are correct
3) inclined at 45°
4) inclined at 60° QID : 267 - Pick up the correct statement
from the following.
QID : 210 - The portion of the brick 1) The maximum size of a coarse
without a triangular corner equal to half aggregate is 75 mm and minimum is 4.75
the width and half the length is called mm
_____. 2) The maximum size of the fine aggregate
1) closer is 4.75 mm and minimum 0.75 mm
2) queen closer 3) The material having particles of size
3) king closer varying from 0.06 mm to 0.002 mm is
4) squint brick known as silt
4) All options are correct
QID : 268 - Sand generally contains salt if workability with excessive quantity of
it is obtained from _____. water
1) nala beds 2) The strength of concrete decreases as
2) river beds the water cement ratio increases
3) sea beds 3) If the water cement ratio is less than
4) All options are correct 0.45, the concrete is not workable and
causes honey-combed structure
QID : 269 - Pick up the correct statement 4) Good compaction by mechanical
from the following. vibrations, increases the strength of
1) Bulking of sand is caused due to concrete
formation of a thin film of surface
moisture QID : 274 - Pick up the correct statement
2) Fine sand bulks more than coarse sand from the following.
3) With 10% moisture content by weight 1) The concrete gains strength due to
the bulking of sand is increased by 50% hydration of cement
4) All options are correct 2) The concrete cured at a temperature
below 23° C, gains strength up to 28 days
QID : 270 - If fineness modulus of sand is 3) The concrete does not set at freezing
2.5 it is graded as _____. point
1) very fine sand 4) All options are correct
2) fine sand
3) medium sand QID : 275 - Hardening of cement occurs at
4) coarse sand _____.
1) rapid rate during the first few days and
QID : 271 - An ordinary Portland cement afterwards it continues to increase at a
when tested for its fineness, should not decreased rate
leave any residue on I.S. Sieve No.9, more 2) slow rate during the first few days and
than _____. afterwards it continues to increase at a
1) 5% rapid rate
2) 10% 3) uniform rate throughout its age
3) 15% 4) None of these
4) 20%
QID : 276 - Pick up the correct statement
QID : 272 - Pick up the correct statement from the following.
from the following. 1) Higher workability indicates unexpected
1) Insufficient quantity of water makes the increase in the moisture content
concrete mix harsh 2) Higher workability indicates deficiency
2) Insufficient quantity of water makes the of sand
concrete unworkable 3) If the concrete mix is dry, the slump is
3) Excess quantity of water makes the zero
concrete segregated 4) All options are correct
4) All options are correct
QID : 277 - The top diameter, bottom
QID : 273 - Pick up the incorrect diameter and the height of a slump mould
statement from the following. are
1) A rich mix of concrete possesses higher _____.
strength than that a lean mix of desired 1) 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm
2) 10 cm, 30 cm, 20 cm
QID : 280 - The preliminary test is QID : 6 - Which constituent of the cement,
repeated if the difference compressive upon addition of water, sets and hardens
strength of three test specimens, exceeds first?
_____. 1) tri-calcium silicate
1) 5 kg/cm2 2) tri-calcium aluminate
2) 8 kg/cm2 3) di-calcium silicate
3) 10 kg/cm2 4) free lime
4) 15 kg/cm2
QID : 7 - The aggregate is called fine
QID : 1 - Which of the following is the aggregate if it is completely retained on
reason for the decrease in the use of stones 1) 0.15 mm sieve
as building material? 2) 0.30 mm sieve
1) Steel and R.C.C. are less bulky and 3) 4.75 mm sieve
more durable 4) None of these
2) strength of stones cannot be rationally
analysed QID : 8 - The solution of salts from the
3) stones are not conveniently available in soil absorbed by the trees which becomes a
plains viscous solution due to loss of moisture
4) All options are correct and action of carbon dioxide is known
QID : 2 - The solidification of molten 1) pith
magma when it reaches the surface of 2) cambium
earth results in the formation of 3) bark
1) sedimentary rocks 4) sap
2) metamorphic rocks
3) basalts and traps QID : 9 - Shingle is
4) granite 1) water bound pebbles
QID : 76 - The maximum amount of dust QID : 202 - Which of the following is
which may be permitted in aggregates is good for making the bricks?
1) 5% of the total aggregates for low 1) Silted soil
workability with a coarse grading 2) Weathered clay
2) 10% of the total aggregates for low 3) Soil
workability with a fine grading 4) None of these
3) 20% of the total aggregates for a mix
having high workability with fine grading
QID : 203 - Marble is an example of
4) All options are correct
1) Aqueous rock
2) Metamorphic rock
QID : 77 - Proper proportioning of
3) Sedimentary rock
concrete, ensures_______.
4) Igneous rock
1) desired strength and workability
2) desired durability
3) water tightness of the structure QID : 204 - On which of the following
4) All options are correct factors the crushing strength of stone does
not depend?
QID : 78 - The bulk density of aggregates 1) Texture
does not depend upon _______> 2) Workability
1) size and shape of aggregates 3) Specific gravity
2) specific gravity of aggregates 4) Both the texture and specific gravity
3) grading of aggregates
4) size and shape of the container QID : 205 - Which of the following could
be the specific gravity of stone to be used
as a building material?
QID : 208 - The cementing property of QID : 266 - As per IS (Indian Standard)
cement is mainly due to specifications, the minimum number of
1) lime longitudinal bars provided in a column
2) alumina shall be _____ in rectangular columns and
3) silica _____ in circular columns.
4) gypsum 1) 6, 4
2) 4, 6
QID : 209 - The setting and hardening of 3) 4, 8
cement paste is mainly due to the 4) 6, 8
hydration and hydrolysis of
1) Tri calcium silicate QID : 267 - As per IS specifications, the
2) Tetra calcium alumina ferrite nominal concrete cover for moderate
3) Di calcium silicate exposure should not be less than _____.
4) Tri calcium aluminate 1) 20 mm
2) 30 mm
QID : 210 - The rapid hardening Portland 3) 45 mm
cement is obtained by _____. 4) 50 mm
1) grinding the clinker to a high degree of
fineness QID : 268 - Air permeability test of
2) adding calcium sulphate to the mixture cement is conducted to find the _____.
3) adding gypsum after grinding 1) unsoundness
4) burning the mixture at a lower 2) ignition loss
temperature 3) specific gravity
4) fineness
QID : 269 - The approximate ratio of 4) increases with the increase in stirrups
strength of cement concrete at 3 months to and longitudinal steels
that at 28 days of curing is
1) 1.15
QID : 275 - When water is added to
2) 1.3
cement _____.
3) 1
1) heat is generated
4) 0.75
2) heat is absorbed
3) chemical reaction is initiated
QID : 270 - The impact tests are used to
4) Both heat is generated and chemical
determine _____.
reaction is initiated
1) ultimate crushing strength
2) toughness
QID : 276 - The bond strength between
3) ductility
steel and concrete is due to _____.
4) tenacity
1) friction
2) adhesion
QID : 271 - Curing of concrete can be 3) both friction and adhesion
done by _____. 4) None of these
1) Spraying
2) Ponding
QID : 277 - The lower water-cement ratio
3) Covering with moist cloth
in concrete produces _____.
4) Any of these
1) more density
2) small creep and shrinkage
QID : 272 - Strength of concrete is 3) more bond
directly proportional to _____. 4) All options are correct
1) cement-water ratio
2) sand-cement ratio QID : 278 - The factor of safety for steel
3) water-aggregate ratio as compared to concrete is _____.
4) All options are correct 1) higher
2) same
3) lower
QID : 273 - Which of the following
4) None of these
factors influence the durability of
QID : 279 - The strength and quality of
1) The cover to embedded steel
concrete depends on _____.
2) The cement content and water-cement
1) aggregate shape
2) aggregate grading
3) The shape and the size of the member
3) surface area of the aggregate
4) All options are correct
4) All options are correct
QID : 274 - Torsion resisting capacity of a
QID : 1 Rocks formed due to alteration of
given reinforce concrete section _____.
original structure due to heat and excessive
1) decreases with decrease in stirrup
pressure are called _____.
1) sedimentary rocks
2) decreases with increase in longitudinal
2) igneous rocks
3) metamorphic rocks
3) does not depend upon stirrup and
4) None of these
longitudinal steels
2) Silica in excess, causes the cement to QID : 276 - The bulk density of
set slowly aggregates does not depend upon _______.
3) Alumina in excess, reduces the strength 1) size and shape of aggregates
of the cement 2) specific gravity of aggregates
4) all options are correct 3) grading of aggregates
4) size and shape of the container
QID : 271 - For an ordinary Portland
cement _______. QID : 277 - The aggregate containing
1) Residual does not exceed 10% when moisture in pores and having its surface
sieved through IS Sieve No.9 dry is known as _______.
2) soundness varies from 5 to 10 mm 1) moist aggregates
3) initial setting time is not less than 30 2) very dry aggregates
minutes 3) dry aggregates
4) compressive stress after 7 days, is not 4) saturated surface dry aggregate
less than 175 kg/cm2
QID : 278 - If 20 kg of coarse aggregate is
QID : 272 - The commercial name of
sieved through 80 mm, 40 mm, 20 mm, 10
white and colored cement in India is
mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600
micron, 300 micron, and 150 micron
1) colocrete
standard sieves and the weights retained
2) rainbow cement
are 0 kg, 2 kg, 8 kg, 6 kg, 4 kg
3) silvicrete
respectively, the fineness modulus of the
4) all options are correct
aggregate lies in the range of _______.
1) 6.85 - 7.10
QID : 273 - Inert material of a cement 2) 7.20 - 7.45
concrete mix is _______. 3) 7.50 - 7.75
1) water 4) None of these
2) cement
3) aggregate QID : 279 - Pick up the correct statement
4) none of these from the following.
1) Gypsum in cement decreases the setting
QID : 274 - According to IS : 382-1963, a
2) The first compound of cement which
good aggregate should be _______.
reacts with water is C2S
1) chemically inert
3) Bulking of sand is less when its
2) sufficiently strong
particles are fine
3) hard and durable
4) all options are correct
4) All options are correct