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Itil & Itsm:: How IT Is Becoming More Service-Oriented

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How IT is becoming
more service-
ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

In this e-guide
In this e-guide:
Prepare for ITIL framework
According to analyst Gartner, the combined impact of
updates in version 4 innovations such as low-code tools, machine-learning-assisted
development and self-service consumption models is leading
IT service managers see a to a redefinition of the role of central IT. The IT function is
role for ITIL in digital business
shifting away from being organised as a “factory” to deliver
software products towards a service provider approach.
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
“What we see is that central IT starts to provide the business
organisation with enablement services such as platforms,
ITSM in the cloud: Using training, consulting and support. They are also in charge of
ITSM best practices to overall governance.” says Yefim Natis, distinguished research
optimise cloud usage
vice president at Gartner.

IT service management The IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), which provides a framework

effectiveness hampered by
to help IT leaders manage IT departments for the business, is
lack of metrics
evolving to support this. The ITIL framework is managed by
How machine learning is Axelos, a joint venture between the UK’s Cabinet Office and
changing IT service Capita. In a blog post on the Axelos site, looking at how the
framework is evolving to support new working practices in IT,

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

Christian Nissen, owner and senior consultant of CFN Consult

In this e-guide
wrote: “In truly service-oriented organisations, best practices
Prepare for ITIL framework
such as ITIL are there to help customers co-create value in IT
updates in version 4 products and services. And this is about looking at service
outcome and experiences – ‘How do I create true business
IT service managers see a value and how do I design for the best interaction between the
role for ITIL in digital business
service provider and the consumer/user?’”

By optimising the service interaction between provider and

Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
customer, Nissen believes it is possible to create more value.

According to Axelos, IT service management (ITSM) is a

ITSM in the cloud: Using
ITSM best practices to
concept that enables an organisation to maximise business
optimise cloud usage value from the use of IT. ITSM includes all the discrete activities
and processes that support a service throughout its lifecycle,
IT service management from service management to change management, problem and
effectiveness hampered by
incident management, asset management and knowledge
lack of metrics
How machine learning is
changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

ITIL effectively provides ITSM with a framework for continuous

In this e-guide
improvement. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI),
Prepare for ITIL framework
some ITSM tasks can be automated. For instance, a chatbot
updates in version 4 could be deployed instead of using human IT support staff to
solve common IT support issues.
IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business Tendring district council is an example of a local authority
using IT service management to support digital transformation
and become more customer focused. The council provides a
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
full range of services to 145,000 residents in the north east of
Essex. Covering rural districts, the holiday resorts of Clacton,
ITSM in the cloud: Using Frinton and Walton, along with the port of Harwich, its
ITSM best practices to population grows significantly in the summer due to tourism.
optimise cloud usage
The service desk supports over 750 staff, including 60
councillors, located across 20 sites. The council has a
IT service management
effectiveness hampered by transformation programme, which includes the implementation
lack of metrics of new unified messaging services via Skype for Business and
supporting greater mobile and remote working. An effective IT
How machine learning is service desk is key to underpinning the transformation.
changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

“We see the service desk as IT’s shop window, as it can often
In this e-guide
be the only direct contact that end-users have with our team,”
Prepare for ITIL framework
says Judy Barker, information governance & IT services
updates in version 4 manager at Tendring District Council.

IT service managers see a She says that the council implemented Sunrise ITSM when
role for ITIL in digital business returning to an in-house delivery model, after outsourcing IT
services for 23 years. “We wanted to provide an efficient,
effective and proactive service when we moved back to an in-
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
house model. Sunrise enables us to successfully deliver a good
quality of service to our customers, helping the council to
ITSM in the cloud: Using achieve its objectives and in turn deliver the best possible
ITSM best practices to service to Tendring’s citizens and visitors.”
optimise cloud usage
Cliff Saran, technology editor
IT service management
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics

How machine learning is

changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

In this e-guide
Prepare for ITIL framework updates in
Prepare for ITIL framework version 4
updates in version 4
Stephen Bigelow, guest contributor
IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business
Various ITSM frameworks guide IT operations practices around governance,
transformation methodology, system design and software lifecycles. The IT Infrastructure
Library -- known as ITIL -- is a well-established framework, and in the first
quarter of 2019, it received long-awaited updates that account for the growing
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space use of DevOps, microservices, multi-cloud and other emerging technologies and
IT practices.
ITSM in the cloud: Using What is the ITIL framework?
ITSM best practices to
optimise cloud usage ITIL is a standardized set of guidelines to create and manage IT services within
the business. It clarifies capabilities and aligns IT services -- and the providers
IT service management of those services -- with the business and its customers' needs. ITIL focuses on
effectiveness hampered by IT service management (ITSM) issues, specifically, rather than broad business
lack of metrics operations.

How machine learning is As with other frameworks, ITIL is not a discrete product or tool, but rather a
changing IT service cohesive set of concepts and practices to guide practitioners in IT service
management development, deployment and support. Since its introduction in the 1980s, ITIL

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

has become bound to international ITSM standards, as it is outlined in the ISO

In this e-guide 20000 Part 11 standard.

Prepare for ITIL framework The ITIL framework is traditionally composed of five core publications that cover
updates in version 4 the entire IT service lifecycle. These publications include ITIL Service Strategy,
ITIL Service Design, ITIL Service Transition, ITIL Service Operation and ITIL
IT service managers see a Continual Service Improvement. ITIL is updated periodically to acknowledge the
role for ITIL in digital business changing demands of businesses on IT and the availability and capability of
transformation enterprise technologies, both locally and globally. Release ITIL v4, also dubbed
ITIL 2019, replaces the existing ITIL v3 framework released in 2007 and
Don’t let datacentres be a updated in 2011. The core concepts expressed in these publications, however,
waste of space are expected to remain in place, and ITIL v3 certifications are not currently set
to expire.
ITSM in the cloud: Using
ITSM best practices to ITIL is sponsored and driven by Axelos, a joint venture company created in the
optimise cloud usage U.K. to develop best practices in ITSM, project and program management, and
cyber-resilience. Axelos offers ITIL certifications, but its practices also expand
IT service management beyond the ITIL framework.
effectiveness hampered by
Compare COBIT and ITIL
lack of metrics

COBIT and ITIL are both regarded as key ways to shape ITSM but are radically
How machine learning is different frameworks, in terms of purpose and scope.
changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

ITIL describes a method to manage IT services across an entire service

In this e-guide lifecycle and outlines the processes and activities that enable service
management. By comparison, COBIT, also updated in 2019, describes how to
Prepare for ITIL framework govern enterprise IT to maximize business value yet manage resources and
updates in version 4 risks. The COBIT framework outlines processes and activities related to assets
and resources across enterprise IT. From this standpoint, ITIL is regarded as a
IT service managers see a more focused ITSM approach, whereas the COBIT framework is a broader and
role for ITIL in digital business more general approach that's applicable to almost any area of the business --
including ITSM.

Don’t let datacentres be a There is overlap between the two frameworks. ITIL generally covers about a
waste of space quarter of the practices, mostly those related to service management, found in
COBIT. But COBIT has other strengths, including auditability -- which simplifies
ITSM in the cloud: Using organizational compliance obligations -- from ISACA Certified Information
ITSM best practices to Systems Auditor-certified auditors. ITIL relies on benchmarks such as Tudor IT
optimise cloud usage Process Assessment.

IT service management Ultimately, ITIL and COBIT are not mutually exclusive. Businesses can use
effectiveness hampered by them together to govern and manage IT services.
lack of metrics
What has changed in ITIL v4?

How machine learning is ITIL v4 makes additions to the framework, broadens the view of IT service and
changing IT service refocuses on service relationships and business value creation. This

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

reconceptualization of the ITIL framework slightly changes the format and

In this e-guide supporting certifications for ITIL practitioners.

Prepare for ITIL framework Version 4 of the ITIL framework expands the scope of ITSM and updates
updates in version 4 content and concepts to better embrace technological advances. It brings
software development schemes, such as Agile, DevOps and Lean, into the ITIL
IT service managers see a practices discussion and will make ITIL more applicable to IT workload
role for ITIL in digital business deployment options, such as containers, microservices, serverless computing
transformation and multi-cloud.

ITIL v3 offered five levels of professional certification: Foundation, Practitioner,

Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space Intermediate, Expert and Master. Each level addressed different aspects of ITIL,
in both depth and scope. ITIL v4 still aligns with v3 but makes substantial
changes to certification levels and terminology. For example, ITIL v4 offers only
ITSM in the cloud: Using
ITSM best practices to four certification levels: Foundation, Managing Professional, Strategic Leader
optimise cloud usage and Master. Each level reflects the practical ITIL roles within a business.

Axelos released material for the ITIL v4 Foundation certification in February

IT service management
2019. Materials for the remaining three levels are expected within the second
effectiveness hampered by
half of 2019. Advanced certifications past the Foundation level focus on IT
lack of metrics
service creation, delivery and support; IT services direction, plans and
improvements; IT strategy development; stakeholder value; and high-velocity IT
How machine learning is
changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

In this e-guide
IT service managers see a role for ITIL in
Prepare for ITIL framework digital business transformation
updates in version 4
Cliff Saran, managing editor
IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business
The role of IT service management (ITSM) is set to become increasingly
transformation important as CEOs look to digitise their businesses.

A survey of 330 IT service management professionals conducted in September

Don’t let datacentres be a
and October 2016 found that ITSM is becoming more collaborative across the
waste of space

ITSM in the cloud: Using The research from Axelos, the organisation that manages ITIL, looked ahead at
ITSM best practices to 2030 to find out what practitioners thought the ITSM profession would look like.
optimise cloud usage
According to the survey, future concerns among ITSM practitioners are primarily
IT service management about keeping up with technology as it develops at an exponentially fast pace in
effectiveness hampered by all directions.
lack of metrics
Some 90% agree that new technologies will generate risks that will need to
managed carefully, while 92% agree that ITSM professionals will need a much
How machine learning is
changing IT service stronger strategic vision, aligned with the wider business.

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

Peter Hepworth, CEO of Axelos, said: “The fundamental principles of ITIL is

In this e-guide about adapting to your culture and your organisations. Change is the only
Prepare for ITIL framework
updates in version 4 In Hepworth’s experience, leading organisations are adapting the way IT is
managed to support digital initiatives. “Not everyone has adapted to the future,
IT service managers see a but we see numerous successes where service management is being adapted.
role for ITIL in digital business There is a lot to learn.”
He said ITIL practitioners are drawing on methodologies such as lean, agile and
DevOps to enable them to adapt and operate best practices for ITSM.
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
The survey reported that 77% of ITSM practitioners agreed that non-technical
business units will be more involved in service governance, service strategy and
ITSM in the cloud: Using
service design.
ITSM best practices to
optimise cloud usage Hepworth said ITIL will be a core requirement for organisations as they scale
their internal IT capabilities to support digital initiatives beyond internal
IT service management customers.
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics “What if there is a new Airbnb in our industry? ITIL has scale. A good idea may
work, but only the right level of processes can enable it to scale,” he said.
How machine learning is
changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

Bring your own device (BYOD) proved that the IT service management desk
In this e-guide cannot remain static. As people working in companies become more technology
savvy, the role of IT service management is set to change.
Prepare for ITIL framework
updates in version 4 According to the Axelos survey, 70% of ITSM practitioners believe user
interactions with IT will become simpler, lighter-touch and less complex.
IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business
Self-service IT and artificial intelligence will have a role to play in reducing the
transformation first-line support workload, according to Hepworth.

In fact, 89% said they thought that an increase in automation would take over
Don’t let datacentres be a
the repetitive tasks of IT, creating more time for service managers to focus on
waste of space
delivering more value to their organisations.

ITSM in the cloud: Using In the survey, 77% of respondents said they believed artificial intelligence and
ITSM best practices to machine learning would have a profound impact on the IT workforce, liberating
optimise cloud usage ITSM professionals from routine tasks and free up time for responding to
demands for more creativity and “human” input.
IT service management
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics Next Article

How machine learning is

changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

In this e-guide
Don’t let datacentres be a waste of space
Prepare for ITIL framework
Valdis Filks and Santhosh Rao, guest contributors
updates in version 4

It is estimated that about 30% of storage within a datacentre is wasted due to

IT service managers see a under-utilisation caused largely by the lack of enforcement of routine storage
role for ITIL in digital business management policies and best practices. Research has found that storage
utilisation in datacentres decreased from 67% in 2011 to 56% in 2017, equating
to an effective cost increase of 11%.
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space A skills challenge is also affecting storage utilisation. Fewer, less-skilled general
IT staff are administering more storage, which is increasingly resulting in
ITSM in the cloud: Using systems administrators who lack core storage management competencies
ITSM best practices to managing critical storage infrastructures. This is compounded by the fact that
optimise cloud usage new storage offerings often use old, inefficient storage management
technologies and techniques as a result of product re-engineering.
IT service management
effectiveness hampered by Save on storage costs
lack of metrics
Faced with constant pressure to reduce datacentre costs, most IT professionals
concentrate on getting the biggest discount or best price when buying new
How machine learning is
storage. However, it is often simpler and faster to save on storage costs by
changing IT service
improving the utilisation of existing storage infrastructures.

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

Storage utilisation is the percentage of used storage capacity relative to the

In this e-guide amount of available or configured capacity – and it has been consistently
declining in datacentres over the past six years. Over the past several years,
Prepare for ITIL framework the utilisation of storage in the datacentre has dropped from 67%, to an all-time
updates in version 4 low of 54% in 2016, before slightly improving to 56% in 2017.

IT service managers see a For every 10% of unused storage or reduced storage utilisation in a typical
role for ITIL in digital business 300TB array, the cost of wasted space is about $12,000 for a hybrid array and
transformation $60,000 for a solid-state array, including software, support and maintenance.
These cost inefficiencies effectively double if storage utilisation is at only 60%,
Don’t let datacentres be a and so on for every 10% reduction in capacity utilisation. Purchase costs for
waste of space storage within integrated systems are close to those of hybrid storage arrays,
although they can be higher. Costs for object storage systems, which are often
ITSM in the cloud: Using used for analytics workloads, are about the same as low-cost all-disk (hard-disk
ITSM best practices to drive) arrays.
optimise cloud usage
IT administration costs or staff costs can also be reduced when the storage
IT service management utilisation rates are increased, as reducing the total amount of raw capacity
effectiveness hampered by requires fewer storage administrators. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in
lack of metrics storage administrator or even generalist administrator productivity.

Inefficient storage utilisation

How machine learning is
changing IT service The amount of purchased storage array capacity has increased by 15% a year
for the past five years, but this extra storage is not being used efficiently. This

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

additional storage capacity is being administered by fewer staff, many of whom

In this e-guide have less storage management expertise.

Prepare for ITIL framework Certainly, storage array administration has become simpler, and provisioning
updates in version 4 has become automated because of application programming interfaces (APIs)
and software integration between hypervisors and storage arrays. At the same
IT service managers see a time, more internal server or direct-attached storage is being used in integrated
role for ITIL in digital business or hyper-converged systems. However, despite the relative ease of storage
transformation provisioning, the reduction in specialist storage administrators and lack of
storage management practices are already having negative effects on storage
Don’t let datacentres be a utilisation and IT costs.
waste of space
For example, the ongoing decrease in storage utilisation and increased waste
could also be due to server, network and storage administration tasks becoming
ITSM in the cloud: Using
ITSM best practices to combined into the responsibility of one “integrated systems administrator”.
optimise cloud usage
Because many organisations no longer have a dedicated storage group or
specialty, storage best practices may not be implemented. In worst-case
IT service management
scenarios, the systems administrators may even lack any agreed, documented
effectiveness hampered by
or enforced storage best practices. Also, there may be no agreed target for
lack of metrics
storage utilisation.

How machine learning is In some environments, such as those where Docker containers are created and
changing IT service
deleted quickly, leftover persistent storage from retired containers may be left

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

behind. Over time, this can become a problem as the quantity of wasted unused
In this e-guide container storage increases.

Prepare for ITIL framework Storage or general administrators must manage this leftover storage using
updates in version 4 container management or tracking software, which can inform the storage
system or the storage administrator when the retired container storage can be
IT service managers see a deleted and reused for other applications or containers. The process for
role for ITIL in digital business managing containers and the data lifecycle for temporary data – creation, usage
transformation and deletion – is the same as that for any applications.

Most efficient options

Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
This is why administrators should use the most efficient or up-to-date Raid
protection algorithms or erasure codes to optimise storage utilisation. Similarly,
ITSM in the cloud: Using when using hypervisors, IT leaders and hypervisor administrators need to check
ITSM best practices to
periodically that they are using the most efficient storage options.
optimise cloud usage

Additionally, they must review and analyse software-defined storage (SDS)

IT service management products at the time of purchase before they can be used to replace the
effectiveness hampered by system’s inbuilt storage services.
lack of metrics
In fact, it is not recommended that storage utilisation should be 100%, because
How machine learning is that would leave no space for expansion. However, there is no reason why
changing IT service storage utilisation should be as low as 56%. Instead, IT leaders are

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

recommended to aim for a storage utilisation rate of about 80%, which has been
In this e-guide a best-practice target for decades.

Prepare for ITIL framework This 80% utilisation rate allows the 20% of free storage space to be used for
updates in version 4 peaks in demand and short-term growth.

However, any calculation on storage utilisation is compounded by the growth in

IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business
unstructured data used in analytics, and by the amount of internal storage used
transformation with hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) and/or integrated systems, which now
comprise an increasingly large proportion of storage within datacentres.
Don’t let datacentres be a
IT leaders must therefore prioritise these systems for monitoring and reporting
waste of space
on storage utilisation, because there may be no established best practices or
storage management processes. This is especially important in large HCI and
ITSM in the cloud: Using
data analytics infrastructures, measuring from hundreds of terabytes to
ITSM best practices to
optimise cloud usage

This article is based on an excerpt from the Gartner report “Storage utilisation is
IT service management decreasing, stop wasting money” by Valdis Filks and Santhosh Rao.
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics
Next Article
How machine learning is
changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

In this e-guide
ITSM in the cloud: Using ITSM best
Prepare for ITIL framework practices to optimize cloud usage
updates in version 4
Linda Tucci, guest contributor
IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business
Enterprises have embraced the cloud's flexibility and scalability, but that doesn't
transformation mean the developers and employees who take advantage of cloud-based
services are using them wisely.
Don’t let datacentres be a
Indeed, at many companies, the cost of cloud-based services undermines the
waste of space
business case made to justify their use, explains Andy Sealock, managing
director at sourcing advisory Pace Harmon. CIOs need to implement a cloud
ITSM in the cloud: Using
governance framework that will optimize spending and mitigate cloud security
ITSM best practices to
and compliance risks.
optimise cloud usage

In part one of this expert tip, Sealock explains the ways in which companies
IT service management often misspend in the cloud and builds a case for applying ITSM in the cloud.
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics Editor's note: The following has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Why do companies need to apply IT service management (ITSM) in the

How machine learning is
changing IT service cloud?

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

Andy Sealock: A cloud governance framework is what is going to make cloud

In this e-guide business cases work over the long term. And we think ITSM is essential to
implementing that cloud governance framework for metered cloud services -- in
Prepare for ITIL framework particular, infrastructure as a service and platform as a service.
updates in version 4
What's attractive about those cloud services -- and is probably the leading
IT service managers see a cause for adoption -- is their scalability, their flexibility and the ability for users to
role for ITIL in digital business quickly and easily provision a complete development environment. It's hugely
transformation enabling, especially as more enterprises adopt DevOps.

But unfortunately, we are starting to see some unhappy surprises in terms of

Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space [companies'] business cases blowing up over time. The spending ends up much
higher than they anticipated -- higher than the business case justification that
they used to say, 'Let's get out of this traditional data center and into the cloud.'
ITSM in the cloud: Using
ITSM best practices to
The main reason for that is the lack of a governance framework, which is largely
optimise cloud usage
a way to purchase intelligently and exercise demand management -- to do
spend optimization in the cloud. Implementing ITSM in the cloud can help.
IT service management
effectiveness hampered by How are companies failing to optimize their spending on cloud-based
lack of metrics

How machine learning is Sealock: There are a lot of ways that you can spend inefficiently in the cloud --
changing IT service things like not matching your purchase options with the way that you actually
management use the cloud.

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

One of the main things we see is not having the right mix of three-year reserved
In this e-guide instances versus one-year reserved instances versus on-demand instances.

Prepare for ITIL framework The unit cost for an on-demand instance is the highest one you can get. If I do a
updates in version 4 reserved instance and commit to use it for a year, I get a lower unit price; if I
commit to using it for three years, I get an even lower unit price.
IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business
The way you get the deepest discounts, generally, on your cloud-based
transformation services usage is to figure out whether you can commit to a reserved instance,
or not, and if you can commit to a reserved instance, then can you commit to
one year or three years?
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
The way companies tend to waste money is they buy on-demand instances at
the highest price possible and then use it constantly for the next year or the next
ITSM in the cloud: Using
three years. Had they bought a one-year or three-year reserved instance, they
ITSM best practices to
would have gotten much lower price.
optimise cloud usage

But it can also go the other way. If you buy an instance at the lower cost for
IT service management three years, but after a year the application goes away, you're stuck -- you pay
effectiveness hampered by for the three years. So, it is a balancing act.
lack of metrics
It's hard, but there are some pretty sophisticated automation tools out there that
How machine learning is help you do this. Not everybody uses them and not everybody uses them
changing IT service properly, but a market has emerged.

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

A second lever you can pull to optimize cloud-based services concerns the type
In this e-guide of computers you reserve. Another is storage tiering -- do you need really fast,
high-performance storage that costs $200 per gigabyte, or do you need archive
Prepare for ITIL framework storage that costs $4 a gigabyte?
updates in version 4
There is also a risk component. When employees can set up all these cloud
IT service managers see a instances, they might not comply with all the company's security standards, its
role for ITIL in digital business privacy standards, redundancy standards. There's a lot that goes into setting up
transformation your cloud environment, so that the spend is optimized and also so that you're
doing the right thing in terms of security and privacy. This is where ITSM comes
Don’t let datacentres be a in.
waste of space
In part two of this tip, "Benefits of ITSM: Use an ITSM portal as gateway to
cloud services," Sealock talks about how to use ITSM in the cloud as an
ITSM in the cloud: Using
ITSM best practices to interface between users and cloud portals.
optimise cloud usage

Next Article
IT service management
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics

How machine learning is

changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

In this e-guide

Prepare for ITIL framework

updates in version 4
IT service management effectiveness
IT service managers see a hampered by lack of metrics
role for ITIL in digital business
transformation Cliff Saran, managing editor

Don’t let datacentres be a An IT service management (ITSM) benchmarking study from Axelos has
waste of space warned that the biggest challenge facing the profession is a lack of visibility and
inefficient processes.
ITSM in the cloud: Using
The research, based on a survey of 667 Information Technology Infrastructure
ITSM best practices to
Library (ITIL) professionals, reported that 60% of those asked said they did not
optimise cloud usage
use effective measurements and metrics.

IT service management The survey found that 68% of managers believe they have a good
effectiveness hampered by
understanding of their organisation’s overall objective, but fewer than half (41%)
lack of metrics
see a clear alignment between their current goals and the overall direction of
the business.
How machine learning is
changing IT service According to the study, the increasing demand placed on IT operations is
management resulting in teams taking on more work than they can handle.

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

Axelos found that this could be having a negative effect on their reputation.
In this e-guide “Despite struggling to keep up with demand and working beyond realistic
expectations, they are still perceived as delivering poor performance,” the report
Prepare for ITIL framework stated.
updates in version 4
IT operations and development teams said they wanted to eliminate inefficient
IT service managers see a practices. The study found that 55% of ITSM professionals who took part in the
role for ITIL in digital business survey showed an interest in identifying and eliminating wasteful work through
transformation the use of continuous service improvement, DevOps and agile practices.

Axelos found that larger organisations tend to recognise lack of visibility as a

Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space problem, while smaller organisations struggle more with inefficient processes
and understanding customer needs.
ITSM in the cloud: Using
ITSM best practices to “Digital transformation introduces new types and levels of risk into
optimise cloud usage organisations, and ITSM is essential to managing that risk,” said Margo Leach,
chief product officer of Axelos.
IT service management
“Using evidence to support improvement and innovation will help ITSM teams
effectiveness hampered by
demonstrate their understanding of an organisation’s goals as it undergoes
lack of metrics
digital change to deliver value for end customers.

How machine learning is “This requires more than reporting just process-based statistics, such as service
changing IT service
desk traffic, without providing any business insight into the significance of the
data. Our benchmarking study suggests that, currently, ITSM teams are too

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

focused on operational processes and are not doing enough to use evaluation
In this e-guide tools, metrics and measurement as part of their working practices in delivering
value to the wider business.”
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IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business

Don’t let datacentres be a

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ITSM in the cloud: Using

ITSM best practices to
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IT service management
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics

How machine learning is

changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

In this e-guide

Prepare for ITIL framework

updates in version 4
How machine learning is changing IT
service management
IT service managers see a
role for ITIL in digital business Cliff Saran, managing editor
BMC is in early discussions to fund the acquisition of its rival, CA, according to
reports on Bloomberg. Rumours of the deal come at a time when BMC is
Don’t let datacentres be a
shifting from its role in IT operations to an enabler of the so-called digital
waste of space

ITSM in the cloud: Using The company is moving from being a provider of back-office IT support
ITSM best practices to
technologies to an enabler for new, digitally enabled services, powered by
optimise cloud usage
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

IT service management BMC has been busy trying to make its products appeal to business leaders who
effectiveness hampered by are responsible for digital strategies.
lack of metrics
In a blog post following last year’s BMC Engage conference, Forrester principal
How machine learning is analyst Nigel Fenwick wrote that the company had positioned many of its
changing IT service current raft of products to help tech leaders deliver a more efficient and agile
management tech capability for the business.

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

“One of the biggest challenges for many large technology teams is their lack of
In this e-guide agility,” he said. “In the age of the customer, tech teams need to tap into every
opportunity (and automation capability) to drive greater agility and efficiency
Prepare for ITIL framework throughout their technology delivery capabilities.”
updates in version 4
Fenwick said that over the past three years, BMC has been refocusing its
IT service managers see a products and strategy to partner with customers around digital enablement and
role for ITIL in digital business has been undergoing its own digital transformation in an effort to bring a
transformation “solutions-oriented approach to customers”.

BMC recently introduced the Digital Workplace, a cloud-based service that it

Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space said redefines the future of work by transforming the digital workplace
experience with employees at the centre.
ITSM in the cloud: Using
The idea is to provide employee self-service, according to one of BMC’s
ITSM best practices to
customers, Tyler Lowe, vice-president, senior service delivery manager at the
optimise cloud usage
Bank of America. “Creating a successful digital workplace requires not thinking
about a workplace at all, but rather how employees have access to the
IT service management
information, apps and services they need without being dependent on someone
effectiveness hampered by
else,” said Lowe.
lack of metrics

Nayaki Nayyar, president, digital service management at BMC, said of the new
How machine learning is initiative: “The future of work will be built on transformative digital workplaces
changing IT service
that engage and empower employees by placing them at the centre of an
increasingly cognitive enterprise.”

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

Digitalising IT as an enabler
In this e-guide
BMC’s digital workplace appears to be an attempt by the company to align itself
Prepare for ITIL framework with the digitisation trend. In a recent article, Barclay Rae, CEO of the IT
updates in version 4 Service Management Forum (ITSMF), noted that digital requires a rethink of IT
and business. “Going ‘digital’ really means finally joining up the dots of how
IT service managers see a technology can be made to work for business and not against or as a separate
role for ITIL in digital business part of it,” he said. “This approach calls on various new or refreshed ideas.
“What is new is that this is driven totally by business expectations and not
simply financial or technical constraints. The driver, more often than not, is now
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
very much around collaboration and working to shared goals.”

One example of this joined up-thinking is Aylesbury Vale District Council, which
ITSM in the cloud: Using recently won digital transformation project of the year at the Professional
ITSM best practices to
Service Management Awards. Its Right Here Right Now digital transformation
optimise cloud usage
programme started with a simple website refresh, but soon turned into a
complete overhaul of council services. It went beyond deploying new digital
IT service management
technologies towards creating a more commercially minded, customer-centric
effectiveness hampered by
council, and pushing channel shift as the most sustainable option.
lack of metrics

The council has begun breaking down the silos between departments and
How machine learning is restructuring and joining up how services are run in line with a new customer-
changing IT service centric approach. In the second phase, the council said it will be looking at

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

further integration for back-end transactions and the development of artificial

In this e-guide intelligence processes.

Prepare for ITIL framework Joined-up access is essential

updates in version 4
For true employee self-service, business systems need to be interconnected in
a way that provides managed access. When Computer Weekly spoke to ticket
IT service managers see a
booking company Ticketmaster in March, the company’s senior vice-president
role for ITIL in digital business
transformation for technical operations, Justin Dean, said: “Over the years, we have been
adding APIs [application programming interfaces] to modernise the interface to
our ticketing engines and platforms.” In doing so, the company has enabled
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space
developers in other parts of the business to access some of its core legacy

ITSM in the cloud: Using In BMC’s vision for the digital workplace, given the right security constraints,
ITSM best practices to
employees should be able to access any system they need to complete their
optimise cloud usage
job. Both CA and BMC offer a suite of tools to support mainframe systems,
DevOps, compliance, API management, IT operations and IT service
IT service management
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics At the start of this year, CA bought Autonomic, a company specialising in
automating business processes.
How machine learning is
changing IT service According to Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for IT service support management
management tools, BMC’s nearest rival in the IT service management market is ServiceNow.

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

In January, ServiceNow acquired DxContinuum, a company that it said would

In this e-guide provide machine learning for its customers.

Prepare for ITIL framework Last year, BMC introduced a tool called TrueSight Intelligence, which it said
updates in version 4 could automatically learn behaviour from machine data, service desk data,
business data or even external sources of data, such as social sentiment, traffic
IT service managers see a and weather. This data is then aggregated and contextualised to show
role for ITIL in digital business relationships and patterns among metrics, among events and between metrics
transformation and events, Shayne Higdon, vice-president of product management, wrote in a
blog last year.
Don’t let datacentres be a
waste of space Arguably, with Autonomic, CA already has a product engineered to understand
certain IT workloads, while BMC TrueSight Intelligence is a more general-
purpose tool.
ITSM in the cloud: Using
ITSM best practices to
Such technologies are expected to be key enablers of business growth. The
optimise cloud usage
McKinsey Global Institute recently estimated that automation could raise
productivity growth globally by 0.8 to 1.4% a year.
IT service management
effectiveness hampered by
IT service management is one of the business areas that could benefit from this,
lack of metrics
and the ITSMF is beginning to see machine learning and AI used to improve IT
service management. “Toolsets have become better and you can link to
How machine learning is
something like Amazon Alexa, but many people are quite sceptical,” said the
changing IT service
management ITSMF’s Rae.

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

The real value of IT service management is in stopping failure, said Rae. In the
In this e-guide past, the IT department relied on IT expertise, but Rae said he expects machine
learning to be applied to software and server logs to identify when corrective
Prepare for ITIL framework actions need to be put in place to avoid downtime.
updates in version 4
If BMC does indeed buy CA, it would acquire the Autonomic automation tool
IT service managers see a plus a suite of rival API management, IT operations and mainframe
role for ITIL in digital business tools. Clearly, there will be product overlap, but with its Digital Workplace
transformation strategy, BMC is looking to raise the bar and start conversations with business
executives. How CA fits in with this remains to be seen, but whatever the
Don’t let datacentres be a outcome, BMC is determined to become a digital enabler for businesses.
waste of space

ITSM in the cloud: Using

ITSM best practices to
optimise cloud usage

IT service management
effectiveness hampered by
lack of metrics

How machine learning is

changing IT service

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ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

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How machine learning is

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