2005 Portugal Telecom CSR Report
2005 Portugal Telecom CSR Report
2005 Portugal Telecom CSR Report
+2% +17% - 6% +39%
Portugal Telecom
Wireline > Retail [PT Comunicações 100%]
Euro 2,214 million (revenues) > Large corporates' voice and data [PT Corporate 100%]
> SMEs' voice and data [PT Prime 100%]
> ISP and broadband services [PT.COM 100%]
Mobile > TMN 100%
Euro 1,557 million (revenues) > PT Wi-Fi 100%
PT Multimédia 58.43% > Pay-TV and cable Internet
Euro 628 million (revenues) > Audiovisuals
Revenues (Euro million)
Brazil > Vivo 50% > Mobile 2,037
Brazil > UOL 29% > ISP, Internet contents 146
Morocco > Médi Télécom 32.18% > Mobile 392
Cape Verde > Cabo Verde Telecom 40% > Wireline, mobile, Internet and data 55
São Tomé e Príncipe > CST 51% > Wireline, mobile, Internet and data 8
Angola > Unitel 25% > Mobile 357
East Timor > Timor Telecom 41.12% > Wireline, mobile, Internet and data 14
Macao > CTM 28% > Wireline, mobile, Internet and data 190
Support companies
Systems and IT [PT Sistemas de informação 100%]; Innovation, research and development [PT Inovação 100%];
Backoffice and shared services [PT PRO 100%]; Consultancy and procurement [PT Compras 100%];
Telemarketing and information services [PT Contact 100%]; Pension scheme management [Previsão 78.12%]
operating revenues
net income
+7% +6% +5% +24%
Abílio Martins
Head of Corporate Communications
Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo, 40
1069-300 Lisboa – Portugal
Tel: + (351) 21 500 1621
E-mail: dcc@telecom.pt
Site: www.telecom.pt
Methodological Notes
The presentation of this report obeys the following criteria: Significant changes in 2005
in relation to the previous report
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) The accounting rules for quoted companies were altered in
This sustainability report is elaborated in accordance with the 2005. The International Financial Reporting Standards –
guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative, under the highest IFRS, were introduced.
standards, also contemplating the directives for the telecom- There were no significant changes to the structure of the orga-
munications sector. nisation.
105 Annex
106 Participation in national and international organisations
109 Main indexes where PT is listed
On the long way of sustainability, a year is a short period of time. However, this does not
prevent the last 365 days from registering a set of facts, which are a matter of pride for
Portugal Telecom. In 2005, the strategic orientation for sustainability was integrated in
our management model. For this, we created the Sustainability Committee, which
comprises all the Executive Committee members, among others. This formalization to
the highest level of our commitment to a sustainable management is a clear sign that
this is the road to our future.
We are today the biggest Portuguese economic group, with over 40 million customers,
6 million euros in operating revenues and over 31 thousand employees. These numbers
strengthen our responsibility and our commitment to the Portugal Telecom stakeholders
and the society in general.
The year 2005, when PT published its first sustainability report, represented a period of
progress in our sustainability policy and in the public recognition of the initiatives we
have been assuming as a framework for the involvement with the community where we
are inserted. This year the report was, once more, elaborated in accordance with GRI's
2002 directives, and presents a balanced and true account of the economic,
environmental and social performance of our organisation.
The entrance in the Footsie4Good index, a joint-venture between the Financial Times
and the London Stock Exchange, which aims to distinguish the best corporate
responsibility practices, was undoubtedly a milestone worth mentioning. By joining the
group of institutions which better promote the sustainability strategy at an international
level, Portugal Telecom has received an encouraging sign of being on the right track.
These have been two high moments of a year in which we continued working in a
coherent and commited way, towards a sustainable future. This is the meaning of a large
set of measures developed within the ambit of society, environment, health, education
and information society management and the global improvement of populations'
quality of life.
These initiatives have a wide action span. In the defence of rigour and transparency of
the information given to the markets, more meaningful steps have been taken, such as
the adoption of the Code of Ethics for Financial Officers, the implementation of a policy
of procedures to pre-approve the hiring of external auditing services and the creation of a
system of qualified malpractice denunciation -Whistleblowing Procedures.
Innovation has directed the behaviour of PT Group in the various domains in which it is
present. Far from being a merely technological concept, innovation is understood by
Portugal Telecom as a way of being and doing, finding the best or the most adequate
solutions to respond to the needs of evolution and development. It was with this spirit that,
in Portugal, a broadband solution was born within the universe of our company Group,
which allowed us to anticipate in time the full coverage of the country, thus reinforcing our
position in the world ranking of the most developed countries in this domain.
Portugal 5.6
United Kingdom 4.7
Spain 3.8
Holland 3.4
Germany 3.1
Ireland 2.8
France 2.3
Source: Bloomberg
EU 99
Portugal 107
The Group's Holding is responsible for the definition of poli- The corporate units that supported PT's management and its
cies, and the normalisation and harmonisation of processes, responsible members are the following:
which ensure the execution of strategic orientations defined
by the management bodies. Luís Sousa de Macedo General Secretary
Abílio Martins Communication
Miguel Dias Amaro Internal Auditing
This way, each line of business works according to principles
Rita Sampaio Nunes Competition
of management autonomy, oriented by a common policy,
Francisco Nunes Accounting, Consolidation and Financial Reporting
under the coordination of a corporate planning and control
Carlos Cruz Finance
Nuno Prego Investor Relations
Luís Moura Human Resources
Miguel Chambel Planning and Management Control
Rogério Henriques Businesses Development
Legal nature of PT Group – The Portugal Telecom Group holding, was created on 23 June 1994, through
the merging of the companies Telecom Portugal, Telefones de Lisboa e Porto and Teledifusora de Portugal. In
a public deed signed on 12 December 2000, Portugal Telecom changed its name to Portugal Telecom SGPS,
and its operation to capital management company. This change was approved in an extraordinary general
meeting of shareholders on 14 June 2000 and is part of PT Group's restructuring, which divided its busines-
ses by several sub-holdings. Portugal Telecom SGPS and its subsidiary and associated companies operate
mainly in the telecommunications field in Portugal and abroad.
A good economic and financial performance is and will only In the management model, the positions of president of the
be possible in the future if companies invest conscientiously Board of Directors and of Chief Executive Officer are held by
and entirely in social development and with respect for the different directors, thus ensuring a better separation between
community and the environment. the supervision and control duties and the current manage-
ment tasks. This model also foresees that all Executive
PT takes sustainability as part of its corporate strategy, trying Committee members are chosen by the Board of Directors'
to continue ensuring the long-term creation of value for all members. The Board of Directors comprises seven members
the stakeholders. At PT, corporate sustainability is seen not as with executive duties, six non-executive and nine independent.
a management trend but as a strategic attitude that has been
a part of its culture for many years.
Members of the Board of Directors
The issues about corporate management have been discussed
in international corporate and financial areas throughout the Duties (%) Nationality (%)
past decades. The issues that have stood out are the ones Executive duties 32 Other countries 14
regarding the conduct, which leads organisations' perfor- Non-executive duties 27 Portugal 86
Independent 41
mance, the independence as a way of remunerating mana-
gers, and the capacity to communicate and interact with the
various stakeholders.
Once the contents of these reflexions and its strategic impor- Age groups (%)
tance for a sustained development have been assimilated, in Up to 45 years – 18
2002, PT implemented a management model based on four From 46 to 55 years – 46
Over 55 years – 36
basic pillars: efficiency, simplicity, transparency and rigour.
“Companies' identity and image are more and more the result not
only of their economic and financial performance, but also of the
set of principles, values, behaviour and options that prevail in them.
A company's ethic is, beforehand, the result of its employees'
ethic, who must follow a set of conduct rules and principles,
consubstantiating an irreprehensible behaviour model.”
Values to uphold
Acting principles: honesty, integrity, dignity, professional rectitude
and diligence, impartiality and equity
Loyalty duty
Legislation observance
These two documents define the course of action of the “In this code, financial officers are considered to be the following
Auditing Committee regarding the two subjects and establish elements with responsibilities at the level of PT Group: chief
the independence principles facing the external auditing ser- executive officer and chief financial officer, as well as chief
vices and the concept and treatment flow of malpractice. accounting officer, and directors and sub-directors who have
some management responsibility in the financial, accounting and
In 2005, the constitution was also formalized and the respon- planning and control areas, as well as the members of the
sibilities of PT's Sustainability Committee, which comprises Disclosure Committee and any other PT Group employee, who,
all the members of the Executive Committee, the secretary- independently of its contact, is directly or indirectly involved in
general and some of the responsible for the company's corpo- the making, analysis and divulgence of financial statements or
rate units, were defined. any other activity report indicators.”
The Committee became part of PT's management model, Principles, duties and conduct rules
ensuring transparency and rigour in the relationship with Honesty and responsibility
stakeholders, encouraging the dialogue and avoiding any con- Conflict of interests
flict of interests. In that sense, PT does not develop any lobby Qualification
activity and/or contributes monetarily for organisations which Professional secrecy
do not fit with its policy of sponsorship, philanthropy and Legislation observance
patronage. Information divulgence
Conscientiousness To know all the environmental, social and economic impacts, of products and services,
either positive or negative.
Regulation To be in conformity with all the relevant legal requisites and, when necessary, surpass them.
Innovation To promote the research and the development of new products and services,
which contribute to a sustainable development.
Resources efficiency To implement an effective management of energy resources and residues, controlling the levels of emissions
and stimulate environmentally friendly processes that respect human rights and working conditions.
Making known To make data about the environmental, social and economic performance accessible to all stakeholders.
To be transparent. To create proximity with the different stakeholders, in order to reflect the needs and
aspirations in the corporate activities.
Cooperation To cooperate in a constructive way with governments, clients, partners, civil society and
international organisations, every time they investigate, develop or promote benefits that information
and the information technologies may bring to sustainable development.
Processes To create an entity with responsibilities of coordination of the programmes of improvement
of the economic, social and environmental areas. Gradually implement management systems
that contribute to measuring the activity.
Relationship To create working environments which promote the balance between professional and private life
and which are susceptible of encouraging a will to become better and the respect for diversity.
PT's corporate sustainability strategy is integrated in a coherent The dynamisation of PT's corporate sustainability pillars is ensu-
and transversal way within the Group and lies in the develop- red by the Sustainability Committee, in accordance with the
ment of a vast set of practices and processes in three main areas: action plan and the commitments taken on for each year.
economic, environmental and social.
The dialogue with the stakeholders is ensured by each business
In the case of telecommunications' market, there are powerful unit and by the units, which constitute the Group's corporate
resources to bring people closer and contribute to improve centre. The methods, the frequency and the incorporation
everyone's life. Therefore, we consider that technology should of the feedback from the dialogue with each public are dee-
contribute to benefit society, allowing PT to share value with pened in this report in the area related to the relationship with
the community, the environment and the shareholders. stakeholders.
The following specific committees were also incorporated Patrick Monteiro de Barros
within PT: Carlos Oliveira Cruz
Peter Golob*
Consultive Council
* This member replaced the previously appointed director, Fernando Ulrich, on 28 July 2005 and in the
meantime, resigned in February 2006.
The Disclosure Committee held six meetings during the finan- > To develop a transversal strategy of corporate sustainability
cial year of 2005, having mainly discussed the following matters: that is integrated and consistent with the Group's strategy;
> To ensure the creation within the PT Group of the neces-
> Adequacy of the financial information to be disclosed to sary conditions for its sustained growth, according to the
the market, in light of the financial and non-financial three-dimensional standpoint, in economic, environmental
information reported by the subsidiary companies; and social terms, in accordance with international criteria;
> Review of quarterly, half year and annual disclosures of
> To develop, promote and supervise projects and actions Supervisory Board
and to identify, define and control the best teams to carry
out such projects; Taking into consideration the provisions foreseen in the
> To strengthen the performance of the Portugal Telecom Portuguese Companies' Code (Código das Sociedades
Foundation (Fundação Portugal Telecom) within its areas Comerciais), Portugal Telecom has a Supervisory Board,
of specific activity, namely of citizenship and philanth- whose functions during the financial year of 2005 were per-
ropy; formed by the following members:
> To guarantee internal and external communication, while
reinforcing the performance of the PT Group as a sustai- Pedro Matos Silva (chairman)
nable company, making it recognized as such; Gonçalo Vaz Botelho (member)
> To control and evaluate the plan of action established and Ascenção, Gomes, Cruz & Associado,
integrated in the sustainability strategy. represented by Mário Gomes
José Vieira dos Reis (alternate member)
The Sustainability Committee is integrated in the governance
model of the PT Group and reports directly to the Executive Duties
Committee. This Committee guarantees transparency and
rigour in the relations of PT with Stakeholders, through the According to article 420 of the Portuguese Companies' Code,
active promotion of dialogue channels while avoiding any con- the Supervisory Board has the following duties:
flicts of interest.
> To supervise the Company's management;
The Sustainability Committee held 2 meetings during the > To watch over the fulfilment of the law and of the com-
financial year of 2005, to discuss several matters related with pany bylaws;
sustainability and to approve the first PT Group Sustainability > To verify the regularity of the corporate books, accounting
Report. All the members of the Sustainability Committee were registries and supporting documents;
present at the abovementioned meetings. > To verify, whenever deemed convenient and in the man-
ner considered most adequate, the extension of cash flow
and inventories of any kind of goods or values belonging
to the company or received by the company in guarantee,
deposit or in another capacity;
> To verify the accuracy of the balance sheet and of the pro-
fit and loss accounts;
> To verify that the value metrical criteria adopted by the
company lead to a correct evaluation of its assets and
> To prepare an annual report on its supervisory activity
and issue an opinion on the report, accounts and propo-
sals submitted by management;
> To call the general shareholders' meeting when the chair-
man of the respective general shareholders' meeting fails
to do so, being so obliged;
> To comply with all other duties foreseen in the law or in
the Company by laws.
As an alternative to voting by correspondence, the holders of The result of the resolutions of the General Shareholders'
voting rights can choose to exercise their voting right by elec- Meeting is disclosed by the company on its website, as well as
tronic means. However, the Chairman of the Board of the through its Investor Relations Office.
General Shareholders' Meeting may subject voting by electro-
nic means to the verification of the conditions he establishes
for the respective safety and reliability.
Irrespective of the share capital held, any shareholder may > Co-optation of directors;
individually submit proposals for the election of the Board > Request for the call of General Shareholders' Meeting;
of Directors. > Annual reports and accounts to be submitted for the
approval of the General Shareholders' Meeting;
On the other hand and according to the companies law, a > Posting bonds and personal guarantees or guarantees in
minimum of shareholders, representing at least 10% of the rem by the company, the authority for which is reserved
share capital that voted against the winning proposal in the to the Board of Directors, without prejudice to the provi-
election of the Board of Directors, may appoint a member of sions of paragraph h) of article 15 of PT's bylaws;
the management body. The directors are appointed for a three > Change of company registered offices;
year period, being the election year considered as a full calen- > Projects for spin-offs, mergers and transformation of the
dar year and being there are no restrictions on the re election company, to be proposed to the General Shareholders'
of directors. Meeting, as well as acquisitions, sales, mergers, spin-offs,
as well as the main strategic partnership agreements that
involve companies of the PT Group;
Executive Committee > Projects for share capital increases to be proposed to the
General Shareholders' Meeting;
> Amendments to the bylaws to be proposed to the General
The Executive Committee is composed of the following directors: Shareholders' Meeting;
> Definition of the general goals and of the fundamental
Miguel Horta e Costa (chief executive officer) principles of the policies of the PT Group to be submitted
Zeinal Bava for approval at the General Shareholders' Meeting, namely
Carlos Vasconcellos Cruz the definition of the sectors of investment and disinves-
Iriarte Esteves tment, the policy for geographical expansion of its busines-
Paulo Fernandes ses and the strategic options pertaining to the technology
Henrique Granadeiro to be adopted, network development and service rendering;
Rodrigo Costa > Important extensions or reductions of the company's activity
and important modifications in the company's organization;
> Plan of activities, budgets and annual investment plans;
> Definition of the amount to be annually proposed to the
General Shareholders' Meeting for issuing bonds or other
securities that may be subsequently resolved by the
Executive Committee;
> Acquisition, sale and encumbrance of real estate;
> Opening or closing of establishments or significant parts
of the latter.
PT has been committed to creating long-term “value” for its Commitments for 2006
stakeholders and, in particular, for its shareholders.
Main indicators
Subsidies received
PT's activity and its dimension at a national and international Risk evaluation model
scale, make it vulnerable to a set of economic, social and envi-
ronmental risks, that must be identified and analysed, in order Risk evaluation obeys the following model:
to ensure the Group's long-term continuity and, consequently,
the shareholders' return according to their expectations.
Identify and prioritise critical risks
In a globalisation and highly dynamic scenario, business risk
management is understood in PT as a responsibility of all the Include critical risks into processes
Group's employees. Business risk is for us the level of expo-
sure to an environment of uncertainty that the organisation Identify risk owners | Define KRI | Define reporting periodicity
must understand and manage efficiently, in order to achieve
its objectives and continue to generate value.
Evaluate and revise risks
The financial market's risk management is ensured through The identification of the fiscal legislation and interpretation of
the corporate unit with financial responsabilities, that looks out the application of fiscal and para-fiscal laws are ensured by the
for the necessary instruments to minimise the risks of being corporate unit whose duty is the reporting and consolidation.
exposed to interest and currency exchange rates variations.
This area follows all fiscal regulations, orientates the respective
The engagement of financial investments is conducted after planning according to the opportunities and risks detected, and
careful analysis of the risks and benefits inherent to this type of is assessed by independent bodies whenever necessary.
operations, and after consulting several entities, which play a
role in this market.
These operations are subject to prior approval by the Executive
Committee and will entail a constant monitoring of the evolution Identifying potential revenues reductions due to service repla-
of financial markets and of the positions held by the company. cements or new competition proposals, are the concerns
regarding the management of this risk. The recommenda-
tions of the Portuguese Competition Authority, that frequently
Strategic partnerships verifies PT's businesses are also taken into consideration.
The security of the information systems that support the Although the telecommunications activity does not have
business is another risk area that has received a systema- a high environmental impact, PT has decided to be aware
tic intervention from PT Sistemas de Informação and PT's of the risks regarding landscape impact. Therefore, together
upper management. with the local authorities, the business areas identify solu-
tions that do not influence the services offer and reduce the
In this domain, we have been stimulating and implemen- respective impacts.
ting policies and procedures that can consistently and con-
tinuously ensure the services offer from the several Group
companies, namely through the disaster recovery programme. Ethical and social
Complementarily, PT also has mechanisms that identify The identification and monitoring of ethical and social risks,
and provide the security of its buildings, through the Secu- as well as their impacts on PT's businesses, are ensured by
rity Centre. the Sustainability Committee together with the support com-
mittees of the Board of Directors.
In 2004, PT identified as a new risk for its decision model the ethi-
cal, social and environmental risk. However, in 2005, it concluded Internal control
that this risk should have a more specific approach. Therefore, the
ethical, social and environmental risks have been divided in the In order to meet the regulatory demands to which it is sub-
following way: ject, both on a national and international level, PT has been
developing a project of internal control, aimed at guarante-
eing the compliance with the established goals, policies and
Hygiene and safety at work procedures, guaranteeing the reliability of the financial infor-
mation, minimising the occurrence of frauds, and ensuring
Hygiene and safety conditions at work have been identified as that critical risks identified will be monitored and lowered to
a risk area. Therefore, the Healthcare Association and the an acceptable level.
Security Centre develop programmes to identify and reduce
the risk's impacts. The internal control, in line with the best international practi-
ces and in accordance with the Sarbarnes-Oxley Act, is being
implemented in the principal subsidiaries. This project fore-
Attracting and retaining talents sees not only the introduction of internal control procedures,
but also its reviewing, verification and continuous improve-
Ensuring the capacity to allocate employees with the right ment. On a quarterly basis, the information disclosure con-
skills and properly motivated to the right jobs. The manage- trols and procedures are analysed with regards to their ade-
ment of this risk factor is one of the duties of PT's Directorate quacy, efficiency and operation.
of Human Assets, which will identify the Group's key ele-
ments near Portuguese universities, so that it may implement The Internal Audit Committee supervises the execution of the
retaining strategies adequate to the segments defined by defined control policies and procedures.
its management.
The telecommunications have contributed to change signifi- The generalisation of the use of information and communica-
cantly the relations between people and between them and tion technologies, as well as the growing offer of broadband
the companies or organisations. Therefore, the information solutions, the implementation of programmes to support the
society will continue to be one of the priorities of the telecom- community and citizens' groups with special needs, and the
munications' sector and of PT, in particular. continuous effort in the innovation area, are examples of the
promotion of a wider digital inclusion and the construction of
The progress in the telecommunications sector, together with a Knowledge Society.
the progress in the computer sector, has given society a wides-
pread access to information and the opportunity for the pro- Of the countless initiatives in this area, we emphasize the
motion of citizens' digital inclusion. widest and with most impact.
Today, Portugal has one of the best broadband Internet access Too expensive 14
infrastructures in Europe. PT Group has been strongly invol- Other 10
ved in this reality, leading the several broadband Internet
access platforms and making big investments in the network
upgrading and the launching of new and more flexible servi-
ces. Presently, the country has 100% broadband coverage.
This is why the PT Escolas project has the following outlines: Results in 2005
> School community: teachers, students and their parents Alongside the commitment to ensure broadband coverage in
> Shareholders the whole Portuguese territory, PT has also taken the respon-
> Governmental entities sibility to connect 8,200 state schools with broad band
> Business partners Internet, materialising once more its strategy to bet on the
> Journalists development of an information and knowledge society.
The Sapo Messenger users have now free voice and video bet- PT Contact is equally using the VoIP to ensure a contingency
ween PCs (PC-to-PC). One Messenger has a diverse number scenario of a line that may need high availability – emergency
of functions, such as sending and receiving SMS, real time lines. In this case, if the telephone central that supports this
conversation, e-mail alerts, file transfers, emoticons, and now service is unavailable, then the IP phones of another PT Contact
also free audio and video between PCs. central may be available and ensure the normal service.
The purpose of these operations is to internally test the solu- Pricing plans
tion adapted to corporate characteristics, before it is sold to
the customers. This way, PT has the opportunity to improve The strategy behind this wireline offer is to give customers
its most fragile aspects during the ongoing test. the possibility to build the pricing plan which is more ade-
quate to their communication needs and their budget. Pricing
The advantages of the VoIP for companies are many: connec- plans combine destinations and times and their purpose is to
tion of three people simultaneously, looking up in the diary, generate economies of scale for the subscriber.
voicemail e videoconference. Besides, it has the possibility to
choose the most convenient terminal - PDA, laptop, wireline During 2005, PT Comunicações extended the pricing plans
or mobile. offer, in terms of destinations and times, having thus nearly
doubled its subscribers from 2004 to 2005.
Subscribed pricing plans
In the mobile service area, UZO was created as a simple
mobile service with the purpose of responding to the needs of Besides the extension of the Pricing Plans services, in July,
those who do not wish to be bound to long-term contracts, PT Comunicações reduced the wireline calls prices, by chan-
worry about deciphering price plans or be obliged to make ging the regional communications to local.
This way, the regional pricing plan was ended (from 10 to 50
UZO was launched in June and became the first mobile ser- km distance) and we started having only two price zones: local
vice alternative to the existing service, responding to the cos- (up to 50 km) and national (over 50 km). Globally, local calls
tumers' transparency and cost control demands, and offering prices is 6% lower and the national's is 25% lower. The chan-
a simplified service. UZO is supported by TMN's GSM net- ging of the prices, as well as the creation of special pricing
work but works autonomously, having a single price of 16 plans for customers with a low family budget, have contribu-
cents per minute for voice calls to any mobile or wireline net- ted to dynamise digital inclusion into Portuguese society.
work, and 8 cents for each SMS.
The UZO customers can charge their cards in several places Pricing plans (thousand)
throughout the country, since the usual network also has the
2003 382
Payshop network and post offices.
2004 947
The Aladim Programme, one of PT's special solutions, is a This project – Tá na rede – was developed during 2005, in the
fundamental instrument to support children or youngsters context of the POSC programme. Its main objective is to rese-
who are not able to go school, namely when they have severe arch, develop, adapt and test materials created to promote the
illnesses or degenerative neuromotor diseases. autonomy and independence of people with special needs,
namely with mental handicap, emphasising the domains of
Under the Aladim Programme, the Portugal Telecom assisted and alternative communication and easy language.
Foundation installs a tele-class system, based on basic RDIS
accesses, interconnecting the house, hospital or institution Its purpose is to offer people with special needs, their fami-
where the student is staying and the classroom, allowing them lies and rehabilitation professionals, information, counselling
to precede with their studies. and technological experiments sites, allowing the study of the
problems of the population with special needs and revalua-
Another benefit of the Aladim Programme consists in the tion of the technical solutions better adapted to each case, see-
offer to these students of ADSL Internet accesses or RDIS king personalised answers.
connections at lower prices. Resorting to high quality Internet
solutions, these children and youngsters can have, like all Globally, the project aims to give FENACERCI a reference
their school colleagues, groups of friends (chats) and access resource centre in the rehabilitation area, build and operate
to the Internet communication universe, being easier for nucleus with network managers, who can ensure in an inte-
them to integrate in the communication society. grated way, the information, evaluation, directing and counse-
lling regarding rehabilitation and qualification processes of
The three communication programmes of the PTMinha Voz people with special needs; as well as to research, develop and
line - IntelliMathics, IntelliPicsStudio and IntellitalkII also adapt technologies to help access and social integration.
contribute actively for these students educational inclusion,
particularly for those with severe neuromotor or cognitive The PT Foundation, has a team that identifies special citizens'
disability. These programmes are destined to stimulate the communication needs and, together with the remaining
multimedia creativity, an easy access to pedagogical activities Group companies, tries to create, develop, test and offer tele-
and the learning of maths, having a speech synthesizer and communications' solutions suitable to overcome each need.
several ways to access information, such as a touch screen, a
mouse or other pointing device, also allowing the sweeping The availability of these services to the community brings
technique and the choice between a menu bar or a traditional no profit to the company. The offer of these services is seen
keyboard. as another contribution to the digital inclusion of the
Portuguese society.
This project consists on the informal training of differentia- It aims to launch, together with Instituto Superior Técnico,
ted and heterogeneous publics in a classroom equipped with SUN Microsystems Portugal, Siemens, Ericsson and
12 computers, using an adapted bus with satellite communi- Taguspark Society, an excellence centre in mobility and ubi-
cation and energy autonomy, when necessary. The bus/class- quitous computing, whose purpose is the development of
room also has a specific access for people with special needs. capabilities and applications for the new generation services
and platforms.
The training is based on the use of IT adapted to the different
target groups, teaching how to use a computer to write, navi- LEMe's mission consists in promoting the development of
gating the Internet and searching for information, and sen- qualified human resources, at graduation, masters or docto-
ding e-mails through the creation of their own mailbox. rate levels, and the investigation and development in a con-
sortium in the mobile an ubiquitous computing areas.
In these training sessions, we distribute manuals adapted to
the age of the participants: A protocol of intentions for the creation of an excellence labo-
ratory in the mobility area was signed in 2005 and, already in
> learning manual “The world in the computer” edited and 2006, the statutes project was initiated.
produced by PT Foundation;
> manual “Teach your computer” reedited.
PT Foundation supports innovation
In 2005, twenty local authorities throughout the country were
visited and 4,000 individuals took part in this action. The support to innovation mainly in the areas related to the
communication and information technologies is, naturally,
another of the important axis of the Portugal Telecom
One computer, one opportunity Foundation, in line with its mission to support the develop-
ment of the information society and fight info-exclusion.
Everytime computers are considered obsolete but are still in
good conditions to be used, they are given to institutions that During 2005, it was decided to create a big annual prize
are interested in receiving them. Their distribution is ensured to award relevant and innovative works in the social applica-
by a protocol between the PT Foundation and DHL. tion of the communication and information technologies,
since in the several social intervention domains, from medi-
400 computers were distributed in 2005 to over twenty insti- cine to environment, the IT's influence in the definition
tutions in the continent and the Azores. of solutions for a sustained development is becoming greater.
The dynamisation of this project will start in 2006.
For a long time PT has created structures which, together with Innovation process
international and national organisations and business part-
ners, study solutions that are internationally compatible and Identification of knowledge
more efficient than the existing ones, thus meeting the mar-
ket's needs and expectations. Identification of needs
Implementation of solutions
Research and development
PT Inovação's technology finds itself, although not exclusi- PT Inovação is also committed to other advances in this
vely, very directed to the Group's businesses development, domain, such as the integration of the computer with the tele-
either at a level of applied investigation, or at a level of service phone (CTI), or the speech recognition technologies, which
providing for the engineering and development of solutions allow the IVR services. From these innovations results the
and services, both in the national and international markets. creation of new customer-centred services, easily personali-
sed, as well as integrated voice/data services, virtual private
networks (VPN), advanced answering services (call-centre), or
the portability of the communication services, including the
unified messaging ones.
Technologies for access network Other examples of PT Inovação's commitment to the multi-
media future are the development of the NET@UTARQUIA
Based on the NETB@ND network, the solutions developed by solution, already being used in several city councils, advanced
PT Inovação allow the introduction of IP traffic in the access teleconsulting solutions for telemedicine, like the MEDI-
network, and are directed at the residential and corporate mar- GRAF, or even prototypes and demonstrations of interactive
kets, and at the community networks. television solutions done together with Microsoft.
The xDSL technologies allow high-debit digital circuits in the
spectrum frequencies not used by the analogical service in
the conventional symmetrical paired cables. PT Inovação also Networks and mobile services
investigates the applications of this technology in its various
types: ADSL, HSDL, SDSL e VDSL. In this matter, PT Inovação performs services' studies and
The new optical access and the hybrid fibre-optic/coaxial net- development for GSM, WAP, GPRS and UMTS (3G) techno-
works' technologies, as well as reconfigurable WDM optic net- logies. The experience of the company allows it to add value
works architectures and respective techno-economic evalua- to the use of emerging mobile technologies, through the crea-
tion, also take priority for PT Inovação, in the field of infras- tion of support services (messages, redirection and geo-locali-
tructural solutions for the business. sation). The qualification and know-how in the WAP and 3G
areas have consolidated our presence in strategic partners-
hips for developments in the ambit of wireline-mobile con-
Technological and services training vergence, both in the European Commission's IST pro-
gramme and in Eurescom projects.
PT Inovação must ensure technological updating, passing the
knowledge to the Group companies.
For this, it has made significant developments regarding dis- Telecommunication networks:
tance learning, where we stand out the FORMARE e-learning project, planning and management
platform, which integrates different technologies for the crea-
tion of on-line training environments. The geo-referenced information takes on a decisive impor-
tance in the added value of a grater number of services.
Through the integration of technologies like the GIS
Multimedia and IP services (Geographical Information Systems) and the GPS (Global
Positioning System), it is possible to process information
The work in broadband technologies and in services and appli- data that enrich the use (installation, operation and explora-
cations with high demands, whether in terms of bandwidth or tion) of the networks. PT Inovação acquired in this sector
service quality, allows to take advantage of the synergies resul- qualifications in network planning and project with SIG
ting from years of experience in multimedia development. The and GPS, digital cartography and satellite image, and data
integration of the already existing solutions allows the creation warehousing.
of interactive multi-service platforms.
The quality of the developments made by PT Inovação, has
In this domain, PT Inovação has played a key part in the viabi- given it the statute of AUTODESK's solution provider for the
lity of programmes like the “Cidades Digitais” (Digital Cities), telecommunications' sector.
namely the “Aveiro Cidade Digital” (Aveiro Digital City), toge-
ther with the Aveiro City Hall and the Aveiro University. The
community networks area has also counted on the participa-
tion of PT Inovação, which developed the portal “Alentejo
Digital” (Digital Alentejo), together with Telepac.
Business support The CETLAB, equally certified, does quality control and certi-
fication, as well as conformity testing of terminal equipment.
PT Inovação has proven knowledge and experience in computer
tools, information systems and databases, which are instrumen- All the areas where PT Inovação intervenes have merited the
tal in the analysis of information to support the management. cooperation of a vast number of partners.
The areas worked on in this sector are client relations' mana- Privileged partnerships
gement (CRM), customer care, billing, billing mediation, busi- Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Compaq, Cisco Systems, Oracle,
ness intelligence, and also differentiated billing. Autodesk
Also in this framework, the IP (VoIP, VPN) consultancy, qua- Main R&D partners
lity analysis in IP networks and, still in electronic commerce, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro, Instituto
in the areas of safety and authentication. Superior Técnico, Universidade do Minho
Upper management 85
Technical staff 6
Other staff 9
Information systems The activity developed in the area of information systems has
deserved public recognition.
The competitiveness, efficiency and quality of the organisa-
tions and, in particular, of the PT Group, are ensured also In 2005, PT SI won the Most Innovative Industry Solution
through solutions of information systems, agile, effective and awarded by FileNet, in the ambit of the PRO UNO project
with levels of safety which ensure the continuity of service development.
providing in crisis situations.
Also in 2005, in the “5th Conference on Telecommunications”,
This mission is ensured by PT Sistemas de Informação, that two of the Group's employees, one from PT SI and another
must ensure long-term competitiveness by developing solu- from PT Comunicações, were distinguished with the IEEE
tions in the areas of billing, ERP (Enterprise Resource award (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Best
Planning), CRM (Costumer Relationship Management), busi- Student Paper Prize, for the designing, simulation, testing
ness intelligence, portals, mobility, integration, knowledge and implementation of an ultra broadband aerial.
management, safety, infrastructures management and project
office technology. In the ambit of the ongoing service quality policy of PT SI,
namely the offer of information systems management servi-
The development of the “Performance.pt” platform – mana- ces, applications' management and support to IT services, we
gement solution for human assets – has been considered one highlight the actions started in 2005 and ongoing in 2006.
of the most complete and remarkable at an international level.
Elaborated together with Heidrick & Struggles – an american > Alignment with the best ITIL practices – certification
company specialised in human assets' management – this 47 professionals.
platform, already adopted in the PT Group, will be commer- > Internal restructuring of infrastructure qualification units
cialised at a national and international level, and in accor- with the organisational segregation between support qua-
dance with a protocol signed by both companies during 2005. lifications (Service Support) and delivery qualifications
(Service Delivery).
PT SI has also developed the electronic invoice, which allows > As part of the constant improvement of ISO 9001:2000
the sending of PT Group companies invoices in electronic processes (PT SI is certified since 2002), we are reengine-
format to the client's e-mail address. Portugal Telecom has ering the IT service management and support processes.
thus became the first Portuguese company, and one of the > Ongoing auto-certifications ISO 20000 (Service Manage-
first in the world, to send an electronic invoice with legal vali- ment) and ISO27001 (Information Safety) that replaced
dity given by the certification of the digital signature. the BS7799. Progress is around 15%, and we foresee the
auditing for certification during the last quarter of 2006.
Given the relevance of the information systems for several of
the Group's businesses, PT SI is developing a disaster reco-
very & business continuity programme, having already certi-
fied professionals in the Disaster Recovery Institute and pre-
pared a data centre with the support structure for the respec-
tive systems.
The respect and preservation of the environment, with a view Environmental impacts
to ensuring acceptable life conditions for future generations,
are greater issues for companies of the industrial sector than Regarding its businesses, PT has identified the main environ-
for those from the telecommunications sector. mental impacts of its activity. The environmental manage-
ment policies implemented in the company have the purpose
However, PT has had, for several years, the preoccupation to of minimising them in the mid and long-term.
preserve and value the environment, having therefore defined
policies and mobilised resources in order to comply not only Actions Environmental impact
with legal demands, but also with European directives and Waste production Soil occupancy and contamination. Decrease on the visual
recommendations about this subject. appeal of landscapes. Decrease of the value of soils.
Contamination of exterior and subsoil waters, due to spilling.
Noise pollution Decline of the quality of life of the communities affected by
PT has signed the ETNO (European Telecommunication it. Disturbance of people's daily activities, with subsequent
Network Operators Association) sustainability letter, in which physiological, psychological and/or social effects.
it is recognised that sustainability should be at the centre of Fuels Atmospheric pollution and diminishing density of the ozone layer.
businesses. In this letter, companies commit to produce pro- Contamination of exterior and subsoil waters, due to spillage.
ducts and services that are sustainable with significant social, Energy consumption Decrease of natural resources available. Atmospheric pollution,
environmental and economic benefits, commiting to conti- with an increasing greenhouse effect.
nuously improve the knowledge of impacts generated, the Water Decrease of water resources.
efficient use of natural resources, the support to investigation Atmospheric pollution due to the increase of
greenhouse effect; Contamination of watercourses.
and the respect for work and human rights, among others.
Use of halons Diminishing density of the ozone layer, with negative
consequences on human health and on water
and land ecosystems.
Electromagnetic fields Negative perception of interested parties concerning potential
risks for human health.
Impact on landscape Decrease of the quality of natural and urban landscape.
Impacts related with Using landfills to put waste implies soil occupation
waste elimination and potential soil contamination; pollution of exterior
and subsoil waters; waste incineration, which helps to
increase global warming and air pollution by burning
waste with CO2, CO and NOx emissions.
These were the conversion factors used in the calculation of some environmental indicators.
These factors do not coincide in terms of unit with the values indicated in the national inventory of
greenhouse gases, but they do not alter the significance of the final results.
The environmental policy has an important role and having PT is associated with the Sistema Ponto Verde. This is an inte-
PT Comunicações, TMN and PT PRO already the ISO 14 001 grated waste management system for packages, elaborated by
certification. PT Inovação already has its environmental mana- the Sociedade Ponto Verde, and is based on the articulation of
gement system, which is under APCER's auditing process, responsibilities and processes among a number of partners.
with a view to obtainig the environmental certification at the Its purpose is to value and recycle package waste, contribu-
beginning of 2006. ting to a lowering of waste volume sent to landfills.
PT PRO got the certification with the NP EN ISO 14001:2004 The Sociedade Ponto Verde gathers shareholders (packagers/
standard in 2005. PT Inovação started the necessary procedu- importers, distributors, local authorities, package and pac-
res related to this standard during 2005 and is preparing to be kage material makers) commited to fulfilling its environmen-
certified during 2006. tal and legal obligations, through the organisation and mana-
gement of a circuit that guarantees the recovery, value and
As the preservation of the environment is everyone's respon- recycling of non-reusable package wastes, called integrated
sibility, PT has developed awareness campaigns near its system of packages waste management (SIGRE).
employees. In the process of suppliers' selection, one of the
requisites analysed is the way the environment is respected During 2005, PT signed a protocol with AMI ( humanitarian
by those companies. PT has also established partnerships with NGO) to fulfil a project that consists in ensuring the collec-
universities and research groups, in order to monitor the ting of computer consumables, ink cartridges and tonners
impacts of its activity. (printers, copy machines and faxes), and broken or obsolete
mobile phones. The selling profits of the products collected
PT's environmental protection includes areas related to goes to AMI.
energy, fuels, recycling, water consumption, electromagnetic
radiations, impact on landscape and implementation of good For this action, containers were built and distributed among
practices in general, which has contributed to a total absence PT Comunicações, TV Cabo Lusomundo cinemas' shops, as
of fines. well as PT Comunicações, PT Multimédia and head office's
buildings. PT has made available to its employees and custo-
mers 700 collecting places, spread over 100 shops, 86 buil-
dings and 20 cinemas all over the country.
In 2005, PT stared reusing its communication materials – Most buildings used by the company are located in urban
screens, canvas or flags – whose graphics and/or concept are areas, although some telecommunications infrastructures,
obsolete and whose materials are recyclable. We are talking such as aerials and cable planning, are located inside natural
about PVC screens, canvases and flags which were transfor- reserves.
med into other useful pieces, such as notepads' covers, bags,
briefcases, pillows, and other solutions created by fashion Although changes in natural habitats, as a consequence of
designers, that use these to promote both its talent and PT. the Company's business activity, are not significant, PT
Comunicações does have a programme to protect and recrea-
te ecosystems and native animal species from damaged areas.
Paper consumption This programme uses PT Comunicações' infrastructures, for
instance, to increase nesting in several areas of the country.
In 2005, PT also issued the electronic invoice. This project,
with the purpose to facilitate customers' lives, is also a goal While planning where to install new aerials, phone cables and
of the sustainability policy and respect for the environment other necessary products in public places, PT Group's compa-
implemented in the company. nies establish local partnerships to find the most suitable solu-
tion for each case.
It was the first Portuguese company, and one of first world-
wide, to have an electronic invoice with legal validity through PT Comunicações established a protocol with the Associação
the certification of the digital signature. Nacional de Municípios Portugueses (national local authority
association) with the purpose of adjusting procedures to be
The electronic invoice allows the PT Group's invoices to be followed in its relations concerning construction and installa-
sent in electronic format to the customers' chosen e-mail tion works, remodelling, telecommunications infrastructures
address and is aimed at the Group's customer universe. Once maintenance and alteration, including equipment installation.
the request is made, this service replaces the paper invoice.
For each ton of paper saved by this service, we avoid the cut- In some specific cases, air planning was replaced by under-
ting down of 15 to 20 medium-sized trees. ground planning, so as to decrease landscape impact in histo-
rical or preserved areas.
Since its launch in April 2005, PT Group has saved 137.5 tons
of paper, avoiding the cutting down of 2,335 trees.
> Transfer of cables on walls to ducts built by the City Hall. Although the protection and the respect for the environment
are part of the Groups business units' practices, in this report
we will present the environmental performance figures rela-
Partnerships with city halls ted to the companies already certified with the standard NP
EN ISO 14001:2004 – PT Comunicações, TMN, PT Inovação
Viseu city hall (in process of conclusion) and PT PRO.
> As part of the requalification of some small arteries of
the city of Viseu's historical area, the Viseu city hall has These four companies integrate 80% of the Group's emplo-
promoted the construction of a ducts' network, having yees at a national level and the respective wireline and mobile
PT Comunicações promoted the cables' network. line, therefore constituting a strong approximation to the
> As part of the requalification of the Rua Formosa (ex-libris Groups' total impact.
of the city of Viseu), the city hall has taken on the execu-
tion of the ducts' network. It was a significant investment The figures will be presented by company, taking into account
by PT Comunicações on the external and internal cable each business unit's specific activities already certified, and
network. the fact that they have already started the environmental
> Circular SUL – It is a structuring artery of the city of management system in different years.
Viseu, where the costs of the execution of the ditch
and the accesses to the conduct network was divided by
50% between each of the organisations, having PT
Comunicações the responsibility to install the pipes and
do the necessary detours.
TMN is certified for its environmental management system The proximity to important community places, such as scho-
by the NP EN ISO 14001:2004 since 2003 and, therefore, also ols and hospitals, is analysed in detail and is part of the guide-
has a very clear policy in this matter, in accordance with the lines in planning processes.
remaining Group companies.
TMN has committed itself to fulfil the GSM Association
Of the points of the environmental management policy follo- recommendations regarding mobile operators. TMN has also,
wed by TMN we highlight the ones related to the specific cha- with the same level of excellence, committed itself to act in
racteristics of its activity: accordance with Portuguese legislation.
With the objective to make systematic measures of the electro- After this first phase, the mobile phones are sent to a ware-
magnetic fields of transmission stations all over the national house, from where they are transferred by a European com-
territory, TMN supports the monIT project, launched in May pany, licensed for mobile phone recycling and certified with
2004 by the Portuguese Telecommunications Institute and the the ISO 14001 standard, with which TMN has a partnership.
Instituto Superior Técnico. The values and its confirmation
are made public through the website www.lx.it.pt/monit. Once received, the process of recycling or reusing takes place.
The reusable phones go through a process of cleaning and
image improvement, being packed in order to allow their sale
Impacts of transmission stations: in areas where they still have commercial value. The broken
landscape issues phones are dismantled and their good parts are used to
improve other mobile phones.
TMN developed measures with the purpose of lessening
visual impacts resulting from installing transmission stations, In 2005, TMN significantly increased the amount of mobile
presenting solutions that were adapted to both rural and phones recovered for reuse, and continued to register relevant
urban environments. increases in the collection of mobile phones to recycle (121%).
PT Inovação taken on the concerns with the environment and CO2 emissions tons
has got a defined policy in line with the Group's general poli- Direct fuel emissions – petrol 45
cies. During 2005, it concluded the implementation of the Direct fuel emissions – diesel 157
environmental management system and started its audit. At Indirect emissions 1,030
PT PRO was the first company of the PT Group to be certified Environmental impacts
in three quality norms: quality, health and safety at work, and
Energy consumption
Management consumption (giga joules)
It is a fulfilled goal that has a positive impact on the company
Technical areas consumption 6,417
and, consequently, on its customers, who can count on a busi-
Fuels consumption (litres) 182,723
ness partner internationally recognised for its certifications.
PT PRO's exclusive customer is the PT Group, so it did not CO2 emissions tons
Direct fuel emissions – petrol 148
need to get these certifications for commercial reasons.
Direct fuel emissions – diesel 319
However, it decided to get them, believing that PT PRO's qua-
Indirect emissions 604
lity system is integrated in the management system and that
quality certification standards work as guidelines for a better
operation and greater respect towards the stakeholders.
Recycled waste
Batteries n.a. Recycling
During 2005, together with the implementation of the envi-
Fluorescent light bulbs (Kg) 173 Recycling
ronmental management system, several awareness initiatives
Used oils (Kg) 78 Recycling
for good environmental practices were done.
Paper / cardboard (litres) 316,800 Recycling
Plastic (tons) 2.8 Landfill
> Placement of units to collect used batteries in the building. Mixed urban waste (litres) 1,056,000 Incineration
> Campaign to separate and direct waste. Electric and electronic equipment waste (Kg) 140 Recycling
> Installation of lighting sensors in several areas of the building. Waste of infrastructures of support to the activity –
> Campaign to reduce paper consumption. Tonners / ink cartridges (Kg) 438
Corporate reputation
For PT, the brand should reflect the characteristics of its per-
sonality in terms of values, attitudes and commitments com-
mon to all its businesses and, in this way, contribute for the
company's correct positioning in each market and society sec-
Strategic positioning
Relationship Image Corporate reputation Value creation
Every two years, quality and quantity studies are performed Visual identity
with the following objectives:
PT's visual identity, shown through its mark, is treated with
> identify image attributes; rigour and discipline, in order to ensure the optimisation bet-
> identify market positioning; ween its use in the multiple commercial and institutional
> identify image's strong and weak points. situations where the company is present, and the contact expe-
rience given to each of the respective publics.
The survey universe, the stakeholders, is segmented in the
following way: PT's mark is common to the Group's companies and is an
integrating element for the company's activities, alongside
> general public; the values and attitude taken in by it, in accordance with its
> residential market; Code of Ethics.
> corporate market;
> institutional market. In order to ensure an adequate reproduction of the mark by
the media, the sponsors, the suppliers, the analysts and busi-
The results of these studies are analysed by the Group's ness partners, PT makes available in its site – www.telecom.pt
several business units and the conclusions are presented and – an item dedicate to the image, of which are part the vision
discussed in the Executive Committee, according to the follo- that this symbol must project and the guidelines manual for
wing model. its use and application.
PT's Image
Ideal profile
Apart of these image studies done every two years, PT's busi-
ness units perform regular Market Satisfaction studies whose
results are equally object of analysis and incorporation of
correction factors in the businesses strategy and in their rela-
tion with the market.
Financial community
Regulatory and supervisory bodies
Relationship with the stakeholders
Regulatory and In its activity, it is the job of the Regulatory and supervisory bodies to define some of the rules that our Directives issued by he companies
supervisory bodies companies should apply while developing its relationship with the market. The transparent and continuous Meetings
communication with these bodies in this matter, is fundamental to the performance of our business, strictly Specialised team dedicated to dialogue
complying with the rules established by them.
Employees The human capital is one of the most important assets for the competitiveness of the companies Employee portal
in our Group. Therefore, our human resources policy is applied using a set of tools to promote Welcome guide
good working conditions (HSST), the recognition and valuing of our employees, whose professional Survey of organisational environment
growth we continuously stimulate. Company agreement
Innovation awards
Internal Magazine and Newsletter
Mentoring programme
Performance evaluation 360º
Suppliers The value of our products and services is, in part, determined by the quality of our suppliers. Meetings
PT has invested in the process of relationship with its suppliers, integrating in its selection criteria related PT site
to integrated management, in order to ensure the applicability of the sustainability principles along the Specialised team dedicated to dialogue
value chain. The signing of fair agreements and the fulfilment of the contract conditions negotiated are Conduct Manual
some of the demands we have regarding the relationship with our suppliers.
Community PT has consolidated a pro-active attitude in its relationship with the NGOs. A dialogue that Meetings
has changed into a management exercise regarding social and environmental risks, and which PT site
has enabled to know in a more profound and objective way, the expectations and needs Meetings
the community has in relation to our companies. Surveys
Relationship with stakeholders
During 2005, PT continued its orientation towards the market Following the legal framework to which the Group's activity is
in general, and the customer in particular, strengthening the subject, PT is organised by business units, regarding the wire-
excellence principles in the relationship and commercial per- line, mobile and cable. Each one segments its offer and its
formance that characterize its attitude. customers taking into consideration its nature and communi-
cation needs:
Despite being a pioneer in the development and commerciali- The progress of the information technologies eases the treat-
sation of market services – Mimo (pre-paid mobile service) – ment and exchange of personal data. The PT Group, while
PT continues to commit itself to presenting innovative solu- national leader of the telecommunications' sector, has based
tions, which simultaneously incorporate the technological side its activity on a strict and scrupulous compliance of national,
and the satisfaction of communication needs demonstrated sectional and European legislation that regulates the protec-
by its current and potential customers. tion of personal data.
The offer of products and services has grown, contemplating Confidentiality and the security of consumers' data, access
a greater diversity of solutions and prices, which also allows protection and traffic of database information, as well as the
them to reach a higher number of clients and a level of satis- confidentiality of the telecommunications' contents, are issues
faction of their needs' profiles. safeguarded in order to respect freedom and the fundamental
rights of people.
PT's offer of products and services is organised in the follo-
wing way: Apart from the compliance with the current legislation, there
is a strong involvement of PT's legal team in the analysis of
> at home; all the situations identified, which are susceptible of weake-
> everywhere; ning the protection of personal data. Audits are regularly per-
> at work. formed with the support of security experts.
During 2005, the offer of products and services was streng- PT maintains the confidentiality of all communications' data,
thened. New solutions related to broadband and mobile servi- and the detailed invoicing is only provided to the customer or
ces were presented to the market. through a legal request, performed by legal authorities. The
detailed invoicing shows the numbers dialled, date, day, value,
These solutions have been developed, tested and commercia- duration, hour and cost of the call.
lized taking into account the technological advance and the
knowledge applied over it, as well as responding to the expec-
tations identified in the analysis of market surveys and custo-
mer satisfaction, that the Group companies perform on a
regular basis. PT worked primarily on extending the offer of
solutions and reducing prices.
Communication with the customer For each customer segment there is a permanent telephone
contact network:
Communication is seen as fundamental to continue the exce-
llence path in terms of customer orientation. Listening to the
needs, discussing solutions and satisfying the customers are Customers' support services 24h/day, 365 days/year
Wireline Customer support 16200
PT's aims in its relation with the market.
PT Comunicações Corporate support 16206
Technical support 16208
Therefore, we have a vast set of communication channels that
ensure the relationship and information exchange in query Mobile Customer support 1696
TMN Invoicing 12033
handling, in answering complaints, in subscribing services Pricing plans 800962021
and in discussing opinions with the customers:
Pay-TV Customer support 707299499
TV Cabo Commercial support 808200400
Sapo ADSL Customer support 707227276
Call centres Site
PT Wi-Fi Customer support 800200181
Client's Ombudsman Client portal
Shops and agents' network Advertising campaigns
Commercial managers Invoice
Newsletter For each customer' segment PT makes available a site, a vir-
tual shop and/or a customer portal where, any day or time,
PT communication Client customers can interact with the Group's business units, and
even subscribe services, define user profiles or present a com-
plaint. The group's site, www.telecom.pt, gives access to all
business units.
Conscious that each customer has special needs and distinct Comfort, clarity and transparency are values that PT wishes
perceptions, PT invests in a corporate attitude based on kno- to ensure all its customers, through the invoice and multiple
wing the customer and developing a relationship with each forms of payment.
one in particular.
Therefore, PT's invoices allow the customer to know in detail
In accordance with the legal framework to which the telecom- its total usage and the corresponding values of the services
munications' activity is subject, each of PT's business units provided.
has its own CRM platform that includes the specific characte-
ristics of each customer and each one's expectable value for The electronic invoice was launched at the beginning of the
their respective business unit, on the short and the long term. year, allowing PT's customers to monitor and analyse their
usage in a convenient and safe way.
CRM policy stands on four fundamental pillars:
The electronic invoice service will allow customers to receive
knowing > trying to know its customers individually invoices from the Group's different companies in an electro-
nic format, through e-mail. This way, customers will be able
sorting > sorting its customers according to their needs to replace paper invoices by going online and accessing the
invoices and consumptions of the last three months.
interacting > investing in deepening the interaction with its
customers, by collecting useful information for an effective Advantages of the electronic invoice:
reinforcement of the relationship
> a convenient way to access invoice information;
customising > treating each customer with respect for its > an e-mail notice whenever you receive a new invoice;
individuality and specific needs > eliminating paper invoices;
> access to detailed usage information.
Financial community
PT has demonstrated to have one of the most solid financial Investor relations' awards
positions of the European telecommunications sector. This
position has been built alongside the relationship with the At an international level, PT has been distinguished by the
shareholders and market analysts, with whom PT keeps a dia- Institutional Investor with two awards:
logue based on rigour and transparency of the information.
> Best CFO of the Telecommunications' sector;
As a result of this constant dialogue with the market, the > Best Investor Relations Officer of the
Investor Relations activity was once more considered as a refe- Telecommunications' sector.
rence by the financial community at a national and interna-
tional level. It is the recognition of a work that PT develops Still at an international level, PT has been distinguished in
with rigour for market transparency. the IR Magazine Continental Europe Awards with three
For more information about each of these indexes, please see annex.
The identity and image of companies are a result, not only of Given the dimension and demands of the financial market,
their economic and financial performance, but also of the set PT has a specific team dedicated to the relationship with the
of principles, values, behaviours and options taken. financial community. This team promotes a daily dialogue
with all of these agents, identifying their information needs.
The ethics of a company is the result of the ethics of its emplo-
yees, which must follow a set of rules and principles of con- This dialogue is done through several communication chan-
duct, consolidating a faultless behaviour pattern. nels, of which we stand out the site, the meetings, the confe-
rence calls, the conferences and road shows performed during
The bigger the company's social importance and visibility, the each year.
more important these aspects are.
The site www.telecom.pt has a specific channel for investors
The Investor Relations are ruled by the directives in PT's Code and another one for corporate sustainability, through which
of Ethics, of which we highlight: PT informs the financial community about the relevant data
regarding its activity. These channels have a list of telephone
Values to preserve numbers to allow the dialogue between the community and
> Loyalty the Group's managers. PT also makes available an investor
> Upholding legislation kit, adaptable to each customer's profile.
Rules of conduct Apart from the site, in 2005 PT intensified its relations' activi-
> Honesty and responsibility ties with the investors, organising a vast set of events.
> Confidentiality and professional confidentiality
> Conflict of interests 420 meetings were held with analysts and investors, 360 of
> Relations with the shareholders which were in the ambit of road shows and conferences. The
remaining 60 were in the ambit of meetings and conference
PT's employees must always act in order to protect the share- calls held in PT's headoffice.
holders' interests. The Group companies must ensure the pro-
tection of the minority shareholders and the duty of informa- It is worth to point out the organisation of six road shows in
tion towards all shareholders, so that all may have a fair and Europe, including Portugal, and in the United States. The first
equal treatment. of these road shows covered 23 cities in 10 countries and the
second involved contacts with investors in 9 cities of 7 coun-
Given Portugal Telecom's dimension at a national level and In its site, PT has an area dedicated to the media where one
the repercussion of its multiple activities in the market and can find all the press releases divulged by the press, the main
society in general, the media has shown a big interest in follo- presentations made about its activity, a bank of images, and
wing and publishing information about its reality. the direct contacts of the media relations team, as well as
having another specific area about the relations with the inves-
The issues about PT that have had more interest are related to tors, that makes available all the relevant financial informa-
the following areas: economic, international, new products tion releases. During 2005, PT distributed
and services and of social responsibility, and intervention in
the community. > 41 press releases in the investor relations' area
> 63 press releases about the Group's businesses
PT has, with the media, a daily relation of proximity, rigour
and transparency and impartiality, ensuring the collecting, and gave origin in the media to
processing and broadcasting of information about the Group's
activities - in a proactive way and clearing the questions posed. > 16,840 news
In Portugal, the electronic communications sector has been com- At a corporate level, PT has two organic units, which, in turn,
pletely liberalised since 2000. Therefore, its legal framework has have the purpose to interpret the recommendations and deli-
been developed towards a scenario of free competition. berations, as well as promote the dialogue between the Group
and Anacom and the National Authority for Competition.
In 2002, a new legal framework for electronic communications
networks and services was adopted, and it was composed by a For several years, PT has lead the Portuguese market for the
set of European directives regarding the telecommunications telecommunications sector. This fact has made it subject to
sector. These directives were implemented into the Portuguese various scrutinies by the Autoridade da Concorrência.
juridical system through Law no. 5/2004 of 10 February However, PT keeps on investing in infrastructures across the
(Electronic Communications Law). country, in order to ensure a full broadband coverage nation-
wide at the beginning of 2006. Furthermore, the Company is
In Portugal, there are two bodies in charge of regulating the mar- systematically committed to diversifying its offer by bringing
ket and commercial relations in the area of telecommunications. it closer to its customers' consumption profiles.
> Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações, Anacom (national The Company also maintains an attitude of cooperation with
regulatory body), whose regulatory duties have two objecti- Anacom, participating actively in the various initiatives pro-
ves: the promotion of competition in the services offered moted by this entity.
by electronic communications; contributing to the develop-
ment of the European Union's internal market; and also
the safeguard of the interests of citizens.
> Autoridade da Concorrência (the national authority for com-
petition), whose main purpose is to ensure the observance
of competition rules towards the efficient operation of the
markets, an effective allocation of resources and the safe-
guard of the interests of consumers.
The growth and evolution that characterise the history of PT During the last four decades, the companies have had several
over the last decade have been followed by an intense and drivers: the financial assets in the 70s, strategy in the 80s,
increasing investment made by the Group in Human Assets information technology in the 90s and, today the driver is
management, using a model based on a culture of merit and management of human assets.
the creation of value for the shareholder.
In 2005, a letter of commitments for strategic management of
PT has elected its employees as one of the most important PT's human assets was signed. These commitments are rela-
audiences for the company's success and competitiveness. ted to establishing clear objectives, periodical performance
Therefore, it has today the models, tools and qualifications analysis, information and communication of strategic deci-
necessary to be a reference example internationally. sions, implementation of programmes to help communicate
with the upper management, and access to processes of eva-
luation of the organisational environment.
Codes of principles and agreements signed by PT
PT's Code of Ethics In fact, by recognising its employees as the most active and
Company Agreement important asset (of its companies), PT has implemented a
Principles of the United Nations Global Compact model of strategic management of human assets common to
Code of the Union Network International all of the Group's companies.
Sustainability Letter of the European Telecommunications Network Operators
The policy of human assets takes into consideration both the
Management and evaluation tools Portuguese law and the Global Compact principles, thus pro-
Survey of organisational environment moting respect towards the employees and establishing no
Employee portal differences between genders (male/female), religion or race
Performance.pt when it comes to access the Group's work opportunities.
Employees' Integration and development tools In 2005, PT saw its human assets' strategy recognised by recei-
Welcome guide ving the award - Most Family Responsible Company. This
Mentoring programme award was delivered by the AESE (School of Management and
Mobility programmes Business) and by (the) Deloitte, and aims to distinguish the
Training programmes best human resources' practices, in the ambit of family poli-
Advanced on-line business intelligence system cies, social benefits and professional support.
Programmes to retain talents
Employee benefits
Flexible schedule
Health plans
Risk management
Communication channels
Project Crescer
Cultural, leisure and food and drink spaces
Clube PT
Distribution of shares
PT's Associação Apoio Social
End of career
Conscious that the companies' identity and image are more and
Employees – Portugal more the result not only of their economic and financial
2004 13,886 performance, but also of the set of principles, values, behaviour and
options that prevail in them, PT's Board of Directors has decided to
2005 13,100
explicit and formalise the ethical principles to be followed by the
Group, through the publication of the Code of Ethics since 2002.
Employees – International The ethical worries are very relevant to the Group, given the social
2004 13,894
role they have and the visibility resulting from the activity, the
economic dimension and the employment it creates.
2005 19,289
As a complement to its own Code of Ethics, PT commits itself After the publication of its own Code of Ethics and the
in following the principle of the Global Report, regarding: subscription of the Global Compact, PT and its most
representative unions have most recently subscribed to the
Human rights UNI's Code of Conduct of Corporate Social Responsibility, which
> To support and respect international human rights includes syndical, social and work rights in all of the activities
protection within its sphere of action; of the Group's companies, nationally and internationally.
> To make sure that its corporations have no part
in the violation of human rights. Portugal Telecom takes on this commitment formally, which
strengthens its compromise to maintain social peace within
Work the Group, having a constant search for the development of its
> To support associative freedom and recognise the effective employees' capacities and sharing with the ILO (International
right to collective negotiation; Labour Organisation) the great action lines defended by this
> To support the elimination of all forms of forced labour; entity for social and labour rights.
> To support the complete eradication of child labour;
> To support the end of job and position discrimination.
Good 50
Satisfactory 40
Dissatisfactory 10
The employee portal has existed for a year and a half, and has Similar to what was done in the previous year, in 2005 we
grown in number of features and allows each employee to completed the process of analysis of individual performance
decide, choose and approve holiday periods, justify absences through feedback meetings, from which we obtained the follo-
and request services, such as travel booking, lodging reserva- wing conclusions, after the presentation of a questionnaire to
tions, renting vehicles and maintenance requests for equip- a sample of the national employee universe:
ment related to each employee workstation.
> 75% of the employees evaluated were aware of their eva-
The portal can be accessed through the company's intranet luation process, prior to the feedback meeting;
and, for those employees who, by the nature of their work, do > 91% of the employees evaluated consider that the feed-
not have computers in their workstation, there are kiosks in back meetings have been prepared in a positive way by
all of the company's buildings. the evaluators;
> 88% of global appreciations regarding the feedback mee-
tings are positive;
> 80% of the employees evaluated agree with the results of
the evaluations.
Regarding the Survey done in 2005 we positively highlight Taking into consideration that the moment of admission
the high adoption rate of part of the employees – 63% –, of an employee is always an important moment for both
unmistakeable sign that the Satisfaction Survey is already a the employee and the company, PT has prepared a welcome
part of the culture inside the PT Group, and the rise of the guide that helps each person to understand and integrate the
average appreciation of the organisational environment – fundamental information of the organisation, its businesses,
6,9 (in a scale of 1 to 10). its performing conduct, and also the procedures inherent to
work situations.
Employee Adoption (%) This welcome guide is delivered to each new employee and
can also be found in the company's intranet. The contents are
2002 42
organised in the following way:
2003 46
2004 56 > message from the CEO;
2005 63 > Group's features;
> customer guidance;
> Group's main activities;
> relationship;
Organisational environment (scale of 1 to 10) > respect for the community.
2002 6.5
2003 6.5
2004 6.7
2005 6.9
Mentoring programme All PT SI employees are involved in this project since the
second semester of 2005 and results are expected during 2006.
Pt has started in on of its companies, PT Sistemas de According to the results obtained, this programme may be
Informação, a Mentoring programme that aims to improve extended the other companies in the Group.
employee satisfaction, contributing for their better adaptation
to the organisation and the market's demands, with the follo-
wing objectives: Mobility programmes
> improve internal communication; Taking into consideration the continuous valuing of its
> develop leadership capabilities; human assets, the company has a set of professional mobility
> attract the best resources for the company and motivate programmes.
the existing ones;
> allow the identification and promotion of potential leaders; Move programme
> promote the company's culture and the understanding of It is an operating mobility programme of strategic values,
its values and objectives; whose purpose is to ensure, to all who wish to take part , a
> promote employees' personal and professional development; continuous professional qualification. This programme fore-
> allow the management of expectations and problem solving; sees the mobility inside the same company to new functions,
> improve the quality of the service rendered to the customers. or to another company of the Group.
Swap programme
The definition of the mentoring process was based on the It is an international mobility programme, with a view to qua-
identification of key principles, essential to the development lifying professional paths, through the contact with other cul-
of the relation between mentor and mentee. The process is tural and corporate realities, for a period of time that may go
developed according to the following principles: from 1 to 12 months.
> all the employees have a mentor, except for the elements Click2move! programme
of the Executive Committee; This programme is based on a database created in the
> the formal duration of the mentoring period is 3 years; self-evaluation of performance platform, through which
> at least two meetings must take place each year between employees can state their availability and preferences regar-
mentor and mentee; ding mobility.
> the mentee must be proactive in the mentoring relation,
asking for the mentor's support whenever necessary; International consultancy programme
> the mentors must have Management, Direction or Senior This programme is destined to recruit and manage resources
Management positions; for international projects of a given duration. The participants
> os mentores deverão exercer funções de administração, have guaranteed return to their previous workplace.
direcção ou sénior management;
> if, in 6-months' time, the relation between mentor and
mentee does not work, there is the option to change men-
tor, with no guilt or fault being attributed to any of them;
> the relation between mentor and mentee is independent
from the hierarchical relation between the latter and its
Participants from the employees' universe (%) Total number of training actions
The effect of businesses' globalisation has accentuated the The Sábio platform (Advanced System of business intelligence
importance of intellectual capital as an organisation's compe- on-line), is one of the spaces created that is being improved, in
titive advantage. Therefore, the processes of continuous lear- order to add to the already existing subjects and authors availa-
ning has a direct impact on the companies' performance. ble for all of the Group's employees, features that allow the inte-
gration of works developed inside or outside the organisation
Training is one of the strategic axis of Human Assets mana- and that allow discussion forums and sharing of information.
gement at PT, and has been the subject of increasing atten-
tion, since it is perceived as one of the most effective ways of The objectives of this project are simple and of almost imme-
valuing company resources, contributing to a growth in per- diate return:
formance and, as a result, to the growth of the Group's value.
The purpose of the training programmes is to attract, develop > optimise the preparation and development time for new
and retain the best talents in the market and in the company. actions and projects, by providing a structured accessibi-
lity of knowledge within the PT Group;
Several training formats, b-learning and e-learning have been > help identify specialists and potential sources of kno-
implemented, allowing for a more flexible and complete trai- wledge in different performance areas of PT;
ning for its employees. > contribute to the construction of a strong Group culture,
regarding the development, availability and intelligent use
The charts above demonstrate the Group's investment in training. of knowledge.
Committed to the dynamisation of a learning organization The Sábio has 26,500 titles available and registered on ave-
strategy, PT has been developing and perfecting platforms rage, 12,500 accesses per month, during 2005.
that integrate the concept of continuous development and
learning space. Another development and learning space available is the
Campus PT. It is a concept that comprises personal training,
supported by e-learning and b-learning methodologies.
Apart from these initiatives, in September 2005, PT signed The objective of this programme is to attract recently gradua-
with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour ted young talents from several Portuguese universities, and
and Social Security, a protocol and a cooperation agreement integrate them into the company, by promoting the alignment
called “Novas Oportunidades” (New Opportunities), whose of their personal objectives with PT's.
objective is to promote a higher qualification for the
Portuguese professionals. The integration of this young graduates is followed in order
to ensure a training that is adequate to their roles, as well as
The programme “Novas Oportunidades” has the purpose to allowing to confirm the potential of the candidates selected
make the end of secondary curriculum as the minimum edu- on Job.
cation for all the company's employees. Therefore, for all the
employees who have a education inferior to secondary educa- At the beginning of 2005, the number of applications for this
tion, the company will make available a RVCC system - programme reached 4,300. 140 candidates have been intervie-
Recognition, Validation and Certification of Qualifications - wed, 89 of which have been pre-selected and only 43 entered
together with complementary training, so that each one may the programme.
achieve this goal.
This programme lasts for 12 months.
PT is still developing the ECDL (European Computer Driving
Letter), a project of computer education, having commited to
motivate the professional development of its employees. For
this, an awareness campaign is being developed, aiming to
mobilise the employees to get the ECDL certificate, which is
recognised all over the UE.
This programme is based on the development of activities and Health, seen as a undoubted right of individuals, gives PT
the living of experiences that may increase learning. The JEP ACS the obligation to manage and promote health care for all
itself has a proactive role in the search for opportunities, thus of the Group's workers – maintaining and increasing, whene-
being the main responsible for the programme's success. ver possible, the global quality of the services rendered - and
contribute to raise its satisfaction levels, as a tool to retain and
The first JEP programme, that used to be called PROJEP, ended attract human assets in the PT Group.
three years ago, and 90% of the JEP participants who took part
today have positions of leadership or coordination of teams and In this context, PT ACS has the responsibility to ensure volun-
projects. Most of these are strategic staff with a wider vision tary access to the majority of the Group's employees and, in
and knowledge of the Group. The need to invest more and more certain circumstances, to their children and spouse, to a vast
on personal development has, therefore, been recognised. network of healthcare service providers, promoting integra-
ted, continuous, effective and efficient care.
In June 2005, we started another JEP Programme, with 25
youngsters selected from 9 companies of the Group and who, PT ACS's activity consists of:
according to the evaluation of their performance, demons-
trate to have a high potential. These youngsters will obey a > management of healthcare plans of its associates and inter-
one-year intensive programme, which includes meetings to nal and external companies from the continent and islands;
clear doubts and/or give suggestions with each of the > service provision regarding safety, hygiene and health at
Executive members. work, fulfilling a double orientation: performance of occu-
pational health exams and rendering safety, hygiene and
One of the issues approached in this programme was PT's ergonomics services to internal and external companies.
corporate sustainability.
Children 26
Assets 21
Parents 2
Spouses 20
Pre-retirement after 31
suspension of work contract–––
Hygiene at work – through audits for identification of the risks In the area of prevention of work accidents, a collect a treat-
resulting from the exposure to physical and chemical agents ment of data was performed, with view to elaborating the
and the evaluation of environmental work conditions. “indicators of labour accidents” regarding costs, incidence
indexes, frequency, seriousness, work days lost, incapacity,
Complementarily, PT ACS develops a relevant activity in the evolution, among others.
area of employee risk management, regarding the creation
and evaluation of work places, environments and systems, in In conformity with the preliminary analysis of the accidents,
order to make them compatible with the employees' needs the result was the identification of the kind of work, the kind
and qualifications. of accident, the kind of injury and its location, the material
agent and the material and personal insecurity conditions.
Same Building Different False Bites, cuts
level stairs level Hits Efforts movements Driving pinches Other Total
Wireline 26 16 33 17 31 54 17 – 30 224
Mobile 2 1 1 – 3 7 2 1 1 18
Multimedia 1 1 – – 1 2 1 – 5 11
Other 10 3 3 3 1 10 8 – 5 43
Total 39 21 37 20 36 73 28 1 41 296
The psychosocial support of the population that benefits from Conscious that many of the health problems that cause death
the PT ACS aims at the quick and qualified framing of the and morbility are related to people's lifestyle, PT ACS, namely
several situations, in order to overcome the difficulties inhe- through the Prevention and Quality area, has been implemen-
rent to the diagnosed pathologies. ting a strategy to promote health directed at its beneficiaries.
This objective is possible to fulfil through the development of
integrated actions, in a widened partnership, comprising the In this perspective and since the state of health is directly rela-
health and social action areas. ted to behaviours, we try to promote the adoption of healthy
habits and the changing of harmful conducts, such as drug
In those areas, PT ACS' activity is centred in different areas: use (tobacco, alcohol, psychotropic drugs); sedentariness;
support to the elderly; severe illnesses; addiction illnesses; unbalanced eating (excess of fat and carbohydrates, absence of
child and juvenile mental health; and adults' mental health. fibres and vitamins); stress situations; sexual promiscuity; vio-
lence; dangerous driving, etc.
Projecto Crescer
Knowing how to listen and communicate has been the base to On a social level, PT's Social Care Association has been pla-
create a fundamental concept to share information and pro- ying an important role for its 9,000 associates.
jects and dynamise the Group's culture. This concept was
materialised through the creation of an internal communica- Established in 1985, this association provides a wide range of
tion brand - éPT! - which is a convergence point for a set of services and activities in very different areas such as training,
communication platforms, like the corporate intranet, the travelling, day-care centre, centre for elderly people, physio-
magazine distributed to all employees (which includes the therapy and recovery, among others.
Junior magazine, destined to their children), the monthly
newsletter, the éPT! Card and the SMS used to celebrate key
moments of the Group's activity. Distribution of shares
To add to those platforms and cover a gap previously detected, For PT, the company's profits are the result of the commit-
during 2005, a new support called éDirecto!, was launched. ment from all employees throughout the year. Therefore, the
This is an internal communication channel with the objective Executive Committee proposed, and the shareholders General
is to bring (the) employees and their upper management pro- Meeting approved, the distribution of a new lot of 40 shares
fessional closer together. to its employees, as a way to recognise and share the results
obtained by the Group.
It is a channel that has a telephone number and an e-mail
address, and has had a strong interest on the part of the As a fidelity award, it was decided to give 5 more shares to the
employees. Since it was launched in July 2005 until December employees who had kept the lot attributed in 2004, and ano-
the same year, it received 2,250 requests, 97% of which were ther 5 shares for those who had kept the 2003 lot.
fully answered.
PT privileges strong and professional relations with the sup- Purchases per area (%)
pliers/partners that work with the Group in the defence of their
values and image's reputation and that, in a continuous and Telecommunications systems 19
sustained way, are capable of presenting innovative solutions,
new products and services, which ensure competitive and dif- Information systems 13
ferentiated advantages.
Services, marketing and advertising* 21
Knowing that the annual purchasing amount it makes genera- 11
tes wealth and economic dynamism in society, PT wants to 45
Market products
ensure, through PT Compras, high rigour, transparency and 47
professionalism standards, synonyms with a strong commit-
Corporate 2 2004
ment with the market in the constant search for better practi- 3 2005
ces and the capacity to obtain the best solutions with advanta- * Does not include media buying
ges for all those involved.
The regulation and systematisation of the purchase function Nowadays, around 10% of suppliers are responsible for 80%
constituted, for PT, a pillar for the adoption of values, attitudes of the purchases made by PT Compras, and there are two sup-
and behaviour patterns, based on the compliance with strict pliers with a higher relative weight over 10% of the total natio-
ethical and professional criteria, creating a solid base of solida- nal purchases.
rity and trust in the relation with the exterior and promoting its
identity and self-esteem inside the Group. The contracts established between the suppliers and the
Group companies through PT Compras have complied with
In 2005, the national volume of purchases made by PT Compras all the requisites in the purchase manual, in particular those
was Euro 624.2 million, representing an increase of 38% regar- related to environmental issues, conflicts of interests, confi-
ding 2004. This volume of purchases was divided by 432 sup- dentiality and keeping delivery and payment prices.
pliers and represents 908 market enquiries.
In 2005, the PT Group adopted a new procurement model, > Guidance, collaboration and team work spirit between the
which reinforces its position as the customers' and suppliers' purchase area and the user areas, by sharing information and
business partner, with greater emphasis on the creation of learning culture which allows the optimisation of this model
value - Value Sourcing Model. and getting better results for the Group.
> Continuous improvement attitude regarding the approach
This way, and with a common and collaborative functioning and systematisation of the purchase process, and the search
between the procurement area and the Group's companies' for efficiency and effectiveness for the procurement
user areas, the purpose was that the procurement function function.
could have a broader vision along the whole process, from its > Compliance with the ethical and transparency principles
strategic planning to the monitoring and control of the con- inherent to the procurement function, along with the
tracts, allowing an en end-to-end vision of each category. purchasing process.
> Respect for the environment.
PT Compras takes on a fundamental role in the Group's strategy, Apart from the direct contact with all business partners, PT
for it allows the creation of value, not only by obtaining Compras, during 2005, expanded the features in the site
significant savings, but also by incorporating appreciations from www.ptcompras.pt, where each supplier can see not only the
the direct collaboration with the suppliers. information about PT Compras, its organisation and princi-
ples, but also have access to a restricted area for suppliers and
The relationship with the suppliers is built daily, based on the register in the database. In case they are already registered,
following principles: they can view and update the information about their regis-
All information should be made formally available to potential The new site and contact database of the suppliers contribute
suppliers in the course of a Procurement Process, ensuring a to strengthen the connection of the PT Group to the supply
transparent access to information. market, allowing to expand the number of companies enqui-
red for each project and contribute for the constant search for
Equal opportunities opportunities with a positive impact in the Group's position.
During the process of negotiation, equal opportunities are
ensured for all suppliers who meet the same criteria, affording The site has information regarding PT Compras' action
a more open relationship between the Group and all suppliers. towards its suppliers, what is expected from the relation with
them in terms of conduct values, proactivity and respect.
Access to information
Every supplier is granted access to any information
and explanation pertaining to the negotiations in a clear,
complete and cordial way.
All parties involved in the negotiation should take into
consideration the goals of the company, striving to meet its
requirements in the most profitable and credible manner.
Mutual procurement
Mutual procurement must not condition or interfere
with the result of any process of negotiation.
PT Group and its suppliers should maintain strict
confidentiality regarding all information exchanged
in the course of the procurement process.
Within telecommunications, there are powerful resources to solutions for customers with special needs
bring people closer and contribute to improve everyone's life.
Therefore, we consider that technology should contribute to Recognising that telecommunications can promote quality of
benefit society, allowing PT to share value with the community life for people with special needs, Portugal Telecom has taken
and the environment. This is how PT sees social responsibility. on, since the beginning of the 80s, an active role in the com-
The corporate citizenship policy is a sustainable way to keep munity's social development, contributing for the improve-
an effective relation with society. Companies have noticed that ment of the quality of life of the socially ill-favoured popula-
their long-term existence is more and more conditioned by tions. For this, it has prepared a set of telecommunications'
the respect they have for the community where they belong. solutions adapted to the specific needs of this community.
Construction of an information society, access to communica-
tion and information technologies, fight against info-exclusion, PT's special solutions, developed and subsidised by the
support to citizens with special communication needs, art, cul- Portugal Telecom Foundation, are a set of equipment and ser-
ture, patronage and support to innovation are some of PT's per- vices aimed at fighting info-exclusion of handicapped people,
formance axis through the Portugal Telecom Foundation. people with severe illnesses and elderly at risk, this way
making available all the potential of information technolo-
gies. During 2005, PT spent 1,6 million euros in the mainte-
nance and provision of these services.
action of the Gil Foundation allows this institution to create a Ajuda ao recém-nascido 10,000
Institutions that benefited from In order to promot practices and projects of social support,
the support of the PT Foundation and to motivate the debate, the following events have been
Opposite there is a list of the institutions that received sup-
port though de donation of goods, services or financial sup-
port during 2005. These supports have as a purpose, the deve-
Feira Social Lisboa 6,300
lopment and sustainability of social intervention programmes
Feira da Moita 1,600
and projects done by the institutions regarding its regular acti-
Cercilei 1,600
vity of supporting people with special needs or in social risk.
The programme “Study, preservation and divulgence of histori- The Portugal Telecom Foundation has a collection of contem-
cal, technological and documental patrimony of the Portugal porary art with around 160 pieces, such as paintings, sculptu-
Telecom Group”, consists mainly in the studying and preserva- res, drawings, photographs, installations and videos.
tion of the historical, technological and documental patrimony of
the PT Group, its divulgence, and also the elaboration and publi- The formation of the collection obeyed a selection criteria rela-
cation of the “History of Portugal Telecom Group”, as an essential ted to the aesthetic and historical quality of the works, apart
contribution for the history of communications in our country. from the artists' curricula.
With the operating and scientific support of the Universidade Taking the 60s through to nowadays as a time frame, the
Nova de Lisboa – Institute of Contemporary History – with Portugal Telecom Foundation's collection intends to give a
which was signed a cooperation protocol, the PT Foundation wide and continuous vision of the Portuguese plastic contem-
has the purpose to deal with all the historical, technological porary art, through many of the most significant authors in
and documental archive of the PT Group, elaborate and imple- that time interval.
ment a policy of divulgence and entertainment in multisup-
port, including a book about the Group's history, and ensure Authors with a connection to movements of the 60s and 70s,
future accompaniment and updating. The project is foreseen like Lourdes Castro, Paula Rego, Alberto Carneiro, Álvaro Lapa,
to last for three to four years and involves the continuous par- Joaquim Bravo, Helena Almeida, Eduardo Batarda or Jorge
ticipation of a group of investors/treasurers of the Institute of Martins, follow artists of the generation born in the 80s with
Contemporary History of that university. work developed in the following decade, like Júlio Ventura,
Pedro Proença, Pedro Calapez, Xana, Rui Sanches, Fernando
During 2005, the following initiatives were taken to develop Brito, Manuel Vieira or Marta Wengorovius, among others.
this project:
The presence of some more recent artists, some already conse-
Vertente história crated in the 90s, is significant. These are artists like João
> 40 archives and libraries were consulted; Tabarra, Rosa Almeida, Cristina Mateus, Miguel Soares or Luís
> documents were summarised and classified; Palma. It is equally important the presence of other artists who
> primary sources and archives, and libraries of the PT Group will certainly be e reference in this decade, like João Pedro
were investigated; Vale, Sancho Silva, Inês Botelho or Alexandre Estrela.
> the documentation of the sovereignty organs and Central
Government, and iconography, were equally summarised In the case of consecrated artists, several works of the Portugal
and classified; Telecom Foundation's Collection have been shared with the
> 30 “working papers” were produced; community in exhibitions held at Museums and prestigious
> the Rotary of the Historical Archive of the Documentation Foundations (Retrospectives of Eduardo Batarda and Joaquim
Centre of the Portuguese Communications' Foundation was Bravo in the Centre of Modern Art José de Azeredo Perdigão
published. of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Joaquim Rodrigo at
the Chiado Museum, and Helena Almeida at the Belém
Patrimony area Cultural Centre).
> it was given continuity to the record and inventory of pie-
ces belonging to the PT Foundation and deposited in the The management costs of this patrimony – conservation, res-
Portuguese Communications Foundation; toration, keeping, transport, photographs and preparation of
> started the checking of the patrimony deposited in the exhibitions – and its artistic consultancy amounted to around
Portuguese Communications' Foundations. Euro 50 thousand during 2005.
Today, it counts with the participation of PT Comunicações, Actions developed in 2005 related to the Project Mão-na-Mão:
S.A; Siemens, S.A; Companhia IBM Portuguesa, S.A; INOV
INESC Inovação – Instituto de Novas Tecnologias; PT > summer action in the Tamariz beach, with children and
Multimédia; BP Portugal; TMN; Xerox Portugal; Portugal youngsters who are in the Alcoitão Rehabilitation Centre,
Telecom Inovação; MSFT – Software para Microcomputadores, aged between 4 and 18;
Lda; Sacentro, S.A.; Novadelta; Sopol; Páginas Amarelas; DHL; > campaign of the Gil Foundation to collect toys in the
Companhia de Seguros Allianz, and is coordinated by the Continente supermarkets all over the country, with the
Portugal Telecom Foundation. purpose to distribute these toys to children integrated in
social solidarity institutions;
The Project Mão-na-Mão is intended for private social solida- > Playful Carnival at Siemens' Canteen, in Alfragide, with
rity and non-governmental organisations that act mainly in children from the Casa do Parque, Casa da Encosta, Casa
the area of citizens that are victims of social exclusion. do Infantado and Associação Protectora das Florinhas da
Rua, and elderly from the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of
Sintra, with the purpose to give the children/elderly an
afternoon of fun, games, painting, dancing and laughing;
> Easter of the Homeless, with 40 homeless men, lunch
and social gathering, which included IBM musical enter-
Initiatives 2005
In the first year, 500 employees will be In these spaces of the Portugal Telecom
comprised. Foundation, in each regional nucleus, Special
PT Solutions will be made available for people
with handicaps, namely with brain paralysis.
PT Minha Voz, in its Grid, IntelliTalk, IntellPics
It is a project of computer education in which Studio and IntelliMathics versions, is aimed
PT commits itself to motivate the professional at citizens with neuromotor or dysfunctions,
development of its employees, through the and cognitive deficiencies.
uniform acquisition of knowledge and
continuous training, dynamising a “Learning The Project Estrela will benefit a universe
Organisation”. of 6,000 children and young.
The Portugal Telecom Foundation supports the In response to the challenge launched by the Educate, by inspiring change is the challenge
access to communication and information Acapo (Association of Portuguese Blind and launched by PT to all the students and
technologies by taking around the country a Visually Impaired), TMN created a new product teachers when promoting the PT Escolas, an
bus equipped with computers, that will work oriented for the specific needs of blind and ambitious and original project that aims at
as a classroom for those who would like to visually impaired citizens. The DIX is a mobile fighting info-exclusion and contributing for the
familiarise themselves with the use of phone much like any other but with a education regarding information technologies
computers and the Internet, without any limit particular aspect that makes all the difference. of a whole generation.
of age or basic knowledge. With a voice synthesis application, the DIX
“reads out loud” all the text in the display. With this programme, the PT Group intends
With this project, we intend to divulge It is what we usually call a “display reader”. to help the educational community and take
throughout the country, particularly in less advantage of all the Internet's potential,
favoured areas, the modern means of There are around 140 thousand visually promoting its better use, from a merely
communication technologies and, with this impaired and 20 thousand blind people in amusement purpose to na experience of
contact, stimulate the regular use of the public Portugal. In this community, the mobile phone learning and investigation of contents.
interest applications with the citizen portal, is considered to be a very important help and
municipality portal, job search and others. there is an obvious interest in the technologies In less than 6 months, the Tour PT Escolas
that allow to them to gain from all its services mobilised around 30 thousand students from
and potentialities, namely regarding written the 7th to the 12th year, integrated in teams
Computer Connect 2K5 messages. from 1,200 national schools. In parallel, in the
on-line competition, 20 thousand students
PT supported the new technologies party that With this new TMN mobile phone, everyone from 1,300 teams were involved.
took place in the Estádio do Dragão, by making can receive and send SMS, thus taking
available the widest broadband ever supplied advantage of the several inherent benefits. The winning team was from the Colégio Conciliar
in Portugal. They can also take advantage of many other de Maria Imaculada in Leiria and will become the
useful features, which were not very accessible first School of the Future in Portugal.
The event had a Lan Party, where 500 participants until now, like the diary, the notebook, the
were able to take advantage of all the calculator and the clock. The navigation
technological capacities, environment through the menus was also made easier.
and exchange of information inherent
to this type of events.
In sports, PT makes efforts in the most For three days PT was connected to one The PT Portugal Match Cup is one of
important sports areas in the national scene. of the most important car racing competitions. the most important regattas in the world
of nautical sports.
The three main football clubs, the Volta a This connection was made through the
Portugal in Bicycle, the Rally of Portugal, the technological show of the several Group It is a competition of the match-racing
Estoril Open and Match Cup were the activities companies. Situated in the Sponsor's Village, category “the best of five”, performed in
supported by PT and where the potential of the affluence was great and it provoked a identical sailing boats supplied by the
approximation and diffusion of information of visual show inside the event itself. organisation. It takes place near the coast
the telecommunications' services stood out. and the audience, focusing on teamwork
The Sapo was also present at the competition. and strategy.
All the credentials of the PT Rally of Portugal
Estoril Open had a ribbon with the identification It counted on the presence of the best sailors
Sapo/ADSL. in the world.
PT was present in one of the greatest sports
events that takes place annually in Portugal,
through TMN, TV Cabo, PT Wi-Fi, Lusomundo Portugal Byclicle Tour Futebol Clube do Porto
cinemas and PT Comunicações. Sport Lisboa e Benfica and
PT Comunicações was once more the Sporting Clube de Portugal
Internet was made available in the whole area technological partner of one of the main
through wireless Internet PT Wi-Fi. sports events, the chief-event of cycling The PT Group supports these three great
in Portugal. Portuguese football clubs.
Naval Club of Cascais As the technological partner of the Having taken on a greater and greater
competition, PT Comunicações had the importance in Portugal and in the world,
All the competitions organised by the Naval responsibility to install telecommunications' football is a phenomenon that causes impact
Club of Cascais: means in the offices and press conference on several social classes, different ages, on
rooms throughout all stages. both genders and on all the demographic
> XII Trophy Príncipe D. Henrique regions in the planet.
“O Navegador” In all the press conference rooms there were
> X Trophy S. M. El Rey Juan Carlos laptop computers with ADSL access, available Associated to football are some values of
Club Races to be used by the journalists that covered the PT Group: innovation, leadership, quality
> International Sailing Week of Cascais this sporting event. and passion. It allows the closer relations
with the customers, through loyalty actions
and attraction of new customers in all the
areas of the world. It is an unmatched event
that creates empathy and affection, for it
“touches the emotions” of our usual or
potential customers.
Programmes of intervention Christmas Supper for the homeless Food bank against hunger
in the community
With the purpose to give more dignity TMN offered the food bank the possibility
PT's social intervention during 2005 focused on: and warmth to people in need of affection, to communicate via SMS with the database
at Christmas, the Comunidade Vida e with no costs, thus promoting the promotion
> programmes and events to promote Paz requests volunteers to help prepare of the campaign to collect food, which took
excellence, namely of young talents the Christmas Supper. place during the weekend of 26 and 27
in the areas of science, music and This action is related to the Programme PT November in the Portuguese supermarkets
alternative arts; Aurora and counts with the collaboration of 25 and hypermarkets;
> initiatives to help the calamity caused employees.
by fires during the summer all over TMN supports the food bank against hunger.
the country; “Cooperate in the food collection – 26 and
> initiatives of support to the economically Cais' campaign to collect clothes 27 November in malls. More 200,000 people
ill-favoured, during the Christmas season. say thank you.” This was the SMS sent to
This campaign is a result of the partnership thousands of mobile phones.
established between the PT Group and CAIS,
Volunteering with the profits going towards a set of
associations and institutions identified Project Mão-na-Mão
The Aurora is a programme of corporate by both entities.
volunteering promoted by PT. Created in 2001, by initiative of PT
The collection of clothes counts with Comunicações, the Project Mão-na-Mão
So, each of the 20 thousand employees the participation of the volunteers of the was a pioneering initiative because it
of the company is a potential volunteer PT Group who, under the Aurora Programme, gathered in one project with corporate
for actions in this programme. are available to take part in this action. characteristics different entities commited
to fulfilling the common goal of taking
The functioning of the Aurora programme Around 200 employees participate and solidarity and support to more ill-favoured
is based on a bank of hours with an annual seven tons of clothes are collected. segments of the population.
credit for each employee, which may vary
between 1 and 5 working days. In April 2005, four new partners, Sopol,
Páginas Amarelas, DHL and Allianz Portugal,
These days are used for voluntary actions and joined PT Comunicações, Siemens, IBM, INOV,
intervention in the community, during working PT Multimédia, BP, TMN, Xerox, PT Inovação,
hours, without loss of income or attendance. Microsoft, Sacoor Brothers and Novadelta.
This year 330 employees participated in these This project establishes the necessary
initiatives, totalling 1,600 hours of work. conditions in order that the signatory
companies may make their employees
available for volunteering initiatives to be
developed during working hours, with no loss
of benefits inherent to retribution and
attendance, each company assuming the
logistics necessary to fulfil the actions
This programme is a national initiative to Humanise to integrate. The importance Closer to the important people and helping
promote scientific and technological culture, of difference in the Ser Pessoa Project was those who need the most, TMN's customers
and has as guiding principles the involvement the main theme of this congress, that changed contributed with Euro 207,709 to help the
of the scientific and academic community in into an ample forum of debate, reflexion victims of the tragedy that happened on
the improvement of the citizens' basic and investigation about the issue of child, 26 December in southeast Asia and in some
education. young and adult deficiency. countries in the east-african coast.
The exhibitions and activities proposed allow With the support of the Portugal Telecom This donation and more 5 thousand euros
the visitor, through interactive modules, to Foundation it was possible to do an on-line with which TMN launched the initiative, were
acquire scientific, cultural and economic transmission of the opening and closing delivered to AMI, Red Cross and Doctors of the
knowledge. sessions. World, three associations with humanitarian
missions in the affected territories, during a
The emission centres of Monte da Virgem, in ceremony that took place in TMN's facilities.
Lousã and Monsanto, and the stations in Sintra Summer fires
and Sesimbra will be on the visits route Each of the associations received a cheque
organised in the Pavilhão do Conhecimento, As soon as firemen leave the sites, PT's of 70.903 euros, having TMN taken the
regarding this programme. technicians start working. This year, around responsibility for the amount related to VAT,
400 employees, coordinated by a Crisis Office in order to deliver the gross amount of the
created for that purpose, worked almost 24 contributions made by the customers.
Thematic SigMa hours a day, commited to ensuring that
customers would not be without This initiative by TMN, which took place
To develop the capacities of people and go communications. during the 30th December 2004 and 31st
against the bad reputation of the study of January 2005, consisted in making available
maths, is the purpose of this programme, Over 144 thousand kilometres of copper wire the phone number 12,700, for which the
which was developed by the Science Faculty were replaced, the equivalent to 240 times the customers were able to call or send SMS
of Oporto, with the support of the Portugal length of Portugal; more than 10 thousand through their mobile phones, thus supporting
Telecom Foundation. poles were burnt; around 150 thousand this cause in a quick and easy way. The cost
customers and 204 mobile operators' aerials of each call or SMS sent was 1 euro.
It is aimed at to maths students in the 11th were affected.
year, and ended its first phase on 21 March.
The best four students will receive scholarships At a time when flames were not yet extinct,
from the Portugal Telecom and Calouste the average speed of customer recovery was
Gulbenkian Foundations. 2 thousand a day. Regarding the stations burnt,
over 93% were recovered in less than 24 hours.
The programme involved 42 teachers,
28 schools and 23 young.
To face fires or any crisis situation, PT has The Project TMN Garage Sessions is intended It is a programme to attract young talents
offered to the National Fire Fighting and Civil to give voice to the new talents of Portuguese with innovative ideas, which consists in having
Protection Service, 20 houses fully equipped music, through a contest in which bands or a case study by finalists in the areas of
with infrastructures of telecommunications, artists that do not have a contract with any engineering, computer science and networks.
water, electricity, plumbing and security. record company can participate.
The best will have access to the “Trainees”
The modular structures may be adapted to The applications were done at TMN's site and, recruiting programme and will be able to
different needs, dismounted after its use, during the several stages, the twenty best integrate PT's team.
being available to be used in other situations. bands were selected by a jury comprised of
journalists, radio professionals and record The aim is that students are champions of
This initiative is based on a strong editors. change and bring new approaches and
sustainability social responsibility policy. innovative solutions into the organisation.
The winner will have assured the recording of a
CD, the presence in one of TMN's campaigns
CD – Composto de Mudança and the performance at the Southeast Festival. Mix PT World
The CD - Composto de Mudança associates The Mix PT World is an alternative fair, with
the great Portuguese poets to the new Gil Foundation the purpose to create commercial platforms
composers, actors and singers. for young creators, offering the guidance
This campaign aims to collect new toys, which and logistic support for the commercialisation
It is a tribute to Portuguese culture in the are then given to children from several social and exhibition of their products.
world, and intends to divulge consecrated solidarity institutions.
Portuguese poets near the young generations. The high prices of commercial areas determine
It was produced with an innovative approach, This campaign had the participation of 300 the purpose to fill this gap in the “young
integrating poems by Luís de Camões, Florbela volunteers from the movement Mão-na-Mão national commerce”, by offering a space for
Espanca, Almeida Garrett, Alexandre O'Neil and 60,000 new toys were collected. all those who, otherwise, would not have
or Ary dos Santos, set to music with pieces access to it.
of louge, house, hip-hop e bossa nova.
A multidisciplinary space that opens to
With this CD, we reaffirm the purpose to new ideas, products and brands, spreading
innovate, change and improve in favour of the new behaviour of a new generation
the customers and Portuguese society, having and contributing for the promotion of works
attained sales superior to 40,000 units by young creators, designers and artists.
(double platinum).
Information Society
Other associations
AMTC – Associação para o Museu Creation and maintenance of a museum for transport and communication, preservation of infrastructures of proven historical
dos Transportes e Comunicações interest, creation of a documentation centre and development of public interest in those areas.
Fundação do Desporto Support the encouragement and the development of sports, particularly regarding high competition.
Fundação Económicas Carry out, promote and sponsor actions of scientific research, innovation and development of studies related to economic,
financial or corporate themes.
Fundação Luso-Brasileira Promote or support cultural, educational, scientific, corporate and helping initiatives, taking place in Portugal, Brazil and
remaining Portuguese-speaking countries and territories.
Fundação Luso-Espanhola Increase cooperation between the Portuguese and Spanish peoples, contributing for their development through the support,
promotion or valuing of actions in cultural, economic, technical, scientific and sports domains.
Fundação Portugal-África Contribute for the increase of cultural, scientific and educational actions, to be developed in Portugal and Africa, namely close to
African Portuguese-speaking countries, aiming at valuing and perpetuating historical and civilisational bonds kept between Portugal
and the African countries, with a perspective of progress and projection for the future.
Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações Promote the study, conservation and divulgence of historical, scientific and technological patrimony in the communications area.
Fundação Serralves Promotion of cultural activities regarding all the arts.
Euronext Top 100 Index Dow Jones Euro Stoxx Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Price Index
The Euronext 100 Index is a market Telecom Price Index The Dow Jones STOXX (Price) Index is a broad
capitalization weighted index of the 100 The Dow Jones EURO STOXX Telecom (Price) based capitalization-weighted index of
largest and most liquid stocks traded on Index is a capitalization weighted index which European stocks which duplicates the Dow
Euronext. It represents the blue chip segment includes countries that are participating in the Jones Global Indexes Europe Index.
of listed stocks on Euronext. The base value of EMU that are involved in the telecom sector. The equities use free float shares in the index
the Euronext 100 index is 1000 as of The index was developed with a base value of calculation. The index was developed with a
December 31, 1999. The index was launched 100 as of December 31, 1991. base value of 100 as of December 31, 1991.
on October 2, 2000. This index uses float shares.
Dow Jones Euro Stoxx Total
PSI 20 Index Market Large Price Index Dow Jones Stoxx 600
The Portugal PSI-20 Index is a capitalization The Dow Jones Euro STOXX Total Market Large Telecommunication Price Index
weighted index of the top 20 stocks listed on (Price) Index is a capitalization weighted index. The Dow Jones EUROPE STOXX
the Lisbon Stock Exchange. The index was Telecommunication (Price) Index is a
developed with a base value of 3,000 as of Dow Jones Stoxx capitalization-weighted index which includes
December 31, 1992. Large 200 Price Index European companies that are involved in the
The Dow Jones STOXX Large (Price) Index is a telecommunication sector. The index was
PSI General Index capitalization-weighted index of the large developed with a base value of 100 as of
The PSI General Index is a capitalization- capitalization stocks within the STOXX family. December 31, 1991.
weighted index of all stocks traded on the The index was developed with a base value of
official market of the Lisbon Stock Exchange 100 as of December 31, 1991. FTSEurofirst 300 Eurobloc Index
(BVL). The index has a base value of 1,000 as The FTSEurofirst 300 Eurobloc is a
of January 5, 1988. Dow Jones Euro Stoxx Total capitalization-weighted index of all stocks
Market Large Price Index participating in the EMU that are members of
Dow Jones Euro Stoxx The Dow Jones Euro STOXX Total Market Large the FTSE Eurotop 300 Index.
Large 200 Price Index (Price) Index is a capitalization weighted index.
The Dow Jones Euro STOXX Large (Price) Index FTSEurofirst 300 Index
is a capitalization-weighted index of the large Dow Jones Stoxx The FTSE EUROTOP 300 Index is a
capitalization stocks within the STOXX family Large 200 Price Index capitalization-weighted price index which uses
and only includes countries participating in the The Dow Jones STOXX Large (Price) Index is a free-float. It measures the performance of
EMU. The index was developed with a base capitalization-weighted index of the large Europe's largest 300 companies by market
value of 100 as of December 31, 1991. capitalization stocks within the STOXX family. capitalization. It closely tracks the benchmark
The index was developed with a base value of index, FT/S&P-AWI Europe and covers 70% of
Dow Jones Euro Stoxx Price Index 100 as of December 31, 1991. Europe's market cap. The index was developed
The Dow Jones EURO STOXX (Price) Index is a with a base date of December 31, 1985.
capitalization-weighted index which includes
countries that are participating in the EMU.
The equities use free float shares in the index
calculation. The index was developed with a
base value of 100 as of December 31, 1991.
This index uses float shares.
FTSEurofist 300 Fixed Line Telecom S&P Euro Index S&P Euro Telecom Index
Services Index The S&P Euro Index is a free float market cap The S&P Euro Telecommunications Services
The FTSEurofirst 300 Fixed Line Telecom Index weighted index that measures the performance GICS Sector Index is a free float market cap
is a capitalization-weighted index that of equities in the Euro Bloc markets, covering weighted index that measures the
measures the performance of the fixed line approximately 70% of the total market cap. It performance of equities in the Euro Bloc
telecom industry sector of the FTSE Index. is a subset of the S&P Europe 350 and provides markets. It is a subset of the S&P Europe 350
geographic and economic diversity. The S&P and provides geographic and economic
FTSEurofirst 300 Non Cyclical Index Europe is part of the S&P family of Global diversity. It has a base date of Dec. 1, 1997
The FTSE E300 Non-Cyclical Index is a Indices. It has a base date of Dec. 1, 1997 with with a base value of 1000.
capitalization-weighted index that measures a base value of 100.
the performance of the non-cyclical services MSCI Europe Index
sector of the FTSE Index. S&P Europe 350 Industrial Index The MSCI Euro Index is a subset of the broader
The S&P Europe 350 Index is a free float MSCI EMU Index. It was created to serve as
FTSEurofirst 80 Index market cap weighted index that measures the the basis for derivative contracts, exchange
The FTSEurofirst 80 Index is designated to performance of equities in 17 Pan-European traded funds and other passive investment
represent the performance of the companies markets, covering approximately 70% of the products. The index comprises large and liquid
resident and incorporated in the European total market cap. It offers an effective balance securities with the goal of capturing 90% of
countries which are included in European between broad market representation and the capitalization of the broader benchmark.
Monetary Union. It provides investors with an liquidity. It has a base date of Dec. 31, 1997 It was developed with a base value of 1000
index that measures the performance of the with a base value of 1000. This index is set up as of December 31, 1998.
80 largest capitalised Eurozone companies. to display the 23 GICS Industry Groups.
The index is calculated in Euros and published MSCI Pan Euro Index
in Euros and other currencies. S&P Europe 350 Telecommunication The MSCI Pan-Euro Index is a subset of the
Services Industry Group Index broader MSCI Europe Index. It was created
FTSEurofirst 300 Index The S&P Europe 350 Telecommunication to serve as the basis for derivative contracts,
The FTSEurofirst 300 Index is designated to Services Industry Group Index is a free float exchange traded funds and other passive
represent the performance of the companies market cap weighted index. Standard and investment products. The index comprises
resident and incorporated in Europe. It provides Poor's offers sector indices based upon Global large and liquid securities with the goal of
investors with an index that measures the Industry Classification Standard (GICS). This capturing 90% of the capitalization of the
performance of the 300 largest capitalised standard is jointly maintained by S&P and broader benchmark. It was developed with a
European companies. The index is calculated in MSCI. It has a base date of Dec. 31, 1997 with base value of 1000 as of December 31, 1998.
Euros and published in Euros and other a base value of 1000.
currencies. NYSE Composite Index
S&P Europe 350 Telecom The NYSE Composite Index is a float-adjusted
S&P Europe 350 Index Services Index market cap weighted index which includes all
The S&P Europe 350 Index is a free float market The S&P Europe 350 Telecom Services Index is common stocks listed on the New York Stock
cap weighted index that measures the a free float market cap weighted index. Exchange. The index was recalculated to
performance of equities in 17 Pan-European Standard and Poor's offers sector indices based reflectptc pl a base value of 5,000 as of
markets, covering approximately 70% of the upon Global Industry Classification Standard December 31, 2002.
total market cap. It offers an effective balance (GICS). This standard is jointly maintained by
between broad market representation and S&P and MSCI. It has a base date of Dec. 31,
liquidity. The S&P Europe 350 is part of the S&P 1997 with a base value of 1000.
Global 1200. It has a base date of Dec. 31, 1997
with a base value of 1000.
Nature and Scope of the Verification The Sustainability Report 2005 was verified in accordance with the level
By request of Portugal Telecom, SGPS, SA, SGS ICS performed an 2 protocol, consisting of (i) the identification of the existence of
independent verification of the Sustainability Report 2005. The scope of management control systems supported by organisational policies and
the verification, based on SGS's methodology for Sustainability Reports resources, (ii) the assessment of the efficiency of the procedures and
Verification, included the text, the data, the charts and the declarations systems for gathering, classifying, validating and reporting information
contained herein. Data from the legally certified financial reports of PT contained herein, including, whenever necessary, corroborative
Group's various organisations were not verified at the source. statements and/or evidence from external interested parties, (iii)
carrying out a sample of certain procedures for consolidating the
Responsibility information concerning the reported environmental and social
The Board of Directors of Portugal Telecom Group is responsible for the performance, (iv) comparing the included financial information with the
information disclosed and for setting evaluation criteria. The Board is information contained in the financial reports from where it was
also responsible for establishing the systems for gathering, classifying, retrieved, (v) interviewing the managers responsible for preparing the
validating and reporting the information. SGS ICS did not participate in information (vi) providing evidence that the fundamental principles of
the treatment of any information comprised in the Sustainability Report the GRI reporting guidelines (2002) have been considered and applied,
2005. It is the responsibility of SGS ICS to issue an opinion regarding the and (vii) verifying the fulfilment of the terms required for stating that
suitability of the aforementioned information, based on the independent this report was prepared “in accordance with” GRI guidelines (2002).
verification protocol, which was carried out with regards to the scope
and the purpose of the verification commitment. Conclusions
Based on the methodology described above and the work carried out, it is
Independence and Competence Statement the opinion of SGS ICS that the information and the data included in the
SGS Group is a world leader in inspection, assessment and verification verified report are accurate, comprehensive, reliable and provide an adequate
services, operating in over 140 countries, with an offer that includes the representation of the activities of Portugal Telecom Group, in Portugal,
certification of services, quality, environmental and social management throughout a period of twelve months ended in 31 December 2005.
systems, auditing procedures concerning ethical issues, as well as the SGS ICS states that the Sustainability Report 2005, the object of this
verification of environmental, social and sustainability reports. SGS ICS verification, was prepared in accordance with GRI Guidelines (2002),
asserts its independence before favours, outside influence and conflicts fulfilling the 5 requirements necessary for that purpose.
of interests related to PT Group, its subsidiaries and interested parties.
The members of the verification team were selected according to their Recommendations
knowledge, experience and qualifications regarding the proposed Based on the verification carried out, we identified areas of progress in
verification. The team included auditors registered with the Institute of relation to previous reports, as well as areas for improvement that allow
Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), the International for the strengthening of the context of Portugal Telecom Group's Social
Register of Certified Auditors (IRCA), Social Accountability International Responsibility. The observations identified will be object of the Internal
(SAI) and also EMAS Verifiers. The participating verifiers have Management Report directed at the Board of Directors of the Portugal
coordinating auditor qualifications for the performance of certification Telecom Group.
audits to ISO 9001 quality management systems, ISO 14001 Let us point out, however, the adoption of the GRI Telecommunications
environmental management systems, OSHAS 18001 systems for safety Sector Supplement, dated July 2003, in the 2005 report. Nevertheless,
and health management at work, and SA8000 social responsibility the Portugal Telecom Group should make efforts to progress regarding
management systems. the adoption of the mentioned supplement, to what concerns the
specific indicators included in it.
Verification Criteria and Methodologies
SGS Group developed a set of protocols for the verification of In representation of SGS ICS
sustainability reports (Sustainability Report Assurance) based on the best
practices established by the 2002 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the AA1000 Assurance Standard
(2003). These protocols are classified into different verification levels, Maria João Nascimento
according to the reporting history and the organisational capacity of the Executive Officer
reporting company. Lisbon, 29 June 2006
+2 designers
Raquel Porto
Punkte Art
Legal deposit no. 232479/05
Index of Global Reporting Initiative
Vision and strategy page Comprised policies and management systems page
1.1 Vision and strategy 4, 5, 14, 15, 19 3.13 Precaution principle 14, 15, 34 a 36
1.2 Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 4, 5 3.14 Charters of international principles 73
3.15 Principal memberships in industry and business associations 106 a 108
Corporate profile 3.16 Policies to manage impacts in the productive chain 49, 52, 54, 56, 57, 83, 88, 89
2.1 Name of the organisation back cover 3.17 Management of indirect impacts 32,38, 41-47, 51, 52, 54, 56,
2.2 Main products or services 8, 9, 39, 40, 41 57, 67, 88, 90, 92 a 104
2.3 Organisation’s operating structure 9, 25 3.18 Main changes in operations 1
2.4 Organisational structure inside cover, 9, 25 3.19 Programmes and procedures regarding economic,
2.5 Countries in which the organisation is present inside cover, 25, 31 social and environmental performance 27, 52, 54,78,79
2.6 Nature of ownership 1, 9, 25 3.20 Existing certifications 1, 49, 51, 54, 56
2.7 Nature of markets served inside cover, 25, 31
2.8 Organisation’s dimension inside cover, 31, 74 GRI Content Index
2.9 Stakeholders 61 4.1 Table identifying location of each element
2.10 Contact person(s) for the report back cover of the GRI Report Content by section and indicator inside back cover
2.11 Reporting period 1
2.12 Date of most recent previous report 1 Economic Performance Indicators
2.13 Boundaries of report back cover, 1 EC 1 Net sales inside cover, 31
2.14 Significant changes compared to previous reports 1 EC 2 Geographic breakdown of markets inside cover
2.15 Subsidiaries inside cover, 1, 25 EC 3 Cost of assets, materials and acquired services 32
2.16 Reformulations 1 EC 4 Percentage of paid contracts according to the established n.a.
2.17 Reasons for the application of GRI’s principles 1 EC 5 Total payments to employees 32
2.18 Criteria and definitions 1 EC 6 Distributions to investors 31
2.19 Changes to previous measurements 1, 48 EC 7 Increase/decrease in earnings 31
2.20 Policies and internal practices 6, 7, 13, 17, 19, 20, 34, 36, 49 EC 8 Paid taxes 32
2.21 Independent assurance for the full report 1, 13, 19 EC 9 Received subsidies 33
2.22 Additional information inside cover, 64, 70 EC 10 Discriminated donations 93, 94