MSC Chemistry
MSC Chemistry
MSC Chemistry
First Year
Lattice energy and its calculations by Born-lande and born-Meyer equations -Determinations
by Born –Haber cycle- Kapustinski equation, Energetics of dissolution of ionic compounds in
polar solvents. Properties of ionic compounds- Hardness and electrical conductivity.
Actinides : Synthesis of elements -position in the periodic table, electronic configuration and
oxidation states- spectral and magnetic properties -comparative account of lanthanides and
HSAB concept of acids and bases -acid, base strength and hardness and softness -symbiosis -
theories of hardness and softness -electronegativity and hardness and softness.
Unit IV: Nuclear Chemistry
Properties of nucleus -different types of nuclear forces -liquid drop model, shell model of
nucleus -nuclear reactions induced by charged particles -nuclear reaction cross -section,
significance and determination -theory of nuclear fission -conditions for controlled fission
chain reaction -Nuclear reactor and its components -Production of feed materials for nuclear
reactors -disposal of radioactive wastes- nuclear fusion, steller energy, Application of
radioisotopes in agriculture, industry and medicine -neutron activation analysis -hot atom
Close packing of atoms and ions FCC,HCP and BCC types of packing tetrahedral and
octahedral void redius ratio -derivation -its influence on structures -representative structures
of AB and AB., types of compounds- rock salt, calcium chloride,wurtzite, sine blende,rutile,
fluorite,antifluorite,cadmimum iodide and nickel arsenide. .Structure of graphite and diamond
-spinels normal and inverse types and perovskite structure.
Diffraction Studies
Crystallographic point groups -space groups -screw, axes and glide planes -Herman -Maugini
notatons seven crystal systems and Bravais lattice Interplanar distance in orthogonal crystal
systems -X-ray diffraction studies -Laue,powder and rotating crystal methods -systematic
absences of refelections and determination oflattice types-data analysis for cubic system.
Electron Displacement : Inductive and field effects - Bond distances - Bond energies-
Delocalised bonds - Cross conjugation - Rules of resonance - The resonance effect - Steric
inhibition of resonance - Hyperconjugation - Hydrogen bonding - Effect of structure on the
dissociation consants of acids and bases.
Aromaticity : Concept of aromaticiy - Huckels and Criag' rules - Concept of homo - and anti
- aromaticity - cyclopentadienyl anion, fulvene, ferrocene azulene, tropolones, sydnone and
annulenes - Alternant and nonalternant hydrocarbons. NMR and aromaticity.
Addition to carbon - carbon multiple bonds : Electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radical
additions - Additions to conjugated systems- Orientation of the addendum -Stereochemical
factors in reactions of addition of hydrogen, HX and HOX -Regioselectivity and
chemoselectivity in additions - Addition of carbenes and carbenoids to double and triple
bonds. Addition to alpha, beta unsaturated carbonyl groups - Michael addition - of Grignard
reagents and lithium dimethyl cuprate - Diels Alder addition.
Free Radical Reactions : Formation, detection and stability of free radicals - Free radical
reactions - Halogenation, addition, oxidation, reduction and rearrangement reactions - Barton,
Sandmeyer, Gomberg - Bachmann, Ullmann, Pschorr and Hunsdiecker reactions.
Structure, synthesis and reactions of indole, carbozole, oxazole, imidazole and thiazole
Pyrimidines - Generai chemistry and detailed study of uracil, thymine and cytosine.
Purines - General chemistry and detailed study of uric acid and caffeine.
Unit I : Thermodynamics
Unit II : Electrochemistry
Ion activity and activity coefficient – Ionic strength – Debye – Huckel theory – Limiting Law
– Ionic association – Molar conductivity – Debye – Huckel – Onsager equation –
Applications of conductivity measurement – Electrode potential. Standard electrode
(reduction) potentials – Nernst equation. Potential diagrams – free energy contribution to
electrode potentials. Types of electrodes and electrochemical cells – Applications of cell
EMF values G, S and H calculations. Calculation of equilibrium constants and solubility
products – Over voltage – Butler – Volmer equation, Tafel equation – Fuel cells – Corrosion.
Theory of reaction rates – Collision theory – Absolute reaction rate theory –Theory of
unimolecular reactions – Chain reactions – Explosive reactions – Kinetic salt effect – Kinetic
isotope effect – Fast reactions – Chemical relaxation – Reactions in flow sysems – Chemical
Kinetics in crossed molecular beam – molecular dynamics – Temperature dependence of
reaction rates – Homogeneous catalysis – acid – base catalysis – acidity functions – Enzyme
Black body radiation – Photoelectric effect – de Broglie relation and Heisenberg's uncertainty
principle – Postulates of quantum theory – Operator algebra – Schrodinger equation. Eigen
functions and eigen values for particle in a ID and a 3D box, rigid rotor and simple harmonic
oscillator – tunnel effect.
Angular momentum – Hydrogen atom problem – radial distribution functions. Need for
approximation methods. Variation and perturbation methods – Applications to hydrogen and
helium atoms – SCF method – HMO calculations for allyl system butadiene, and benzene.
Analytical Chemistry
UV- Visible spectroscopy: Basic principle - Process of electronic excitation n-π and π-π
transitions - Transition probability - Solvent effect -Factors affecting position and intensity
ofabsorption bands -Spectra of dienes, polyenes and unsaturated ketones -Woodward -Fiesher
Mass spectometry: Principle- Parent ion, metastable ion& isotopic ions -Base peak -Genera!
rules of fragmentation -MacLafferty rearrangement -Retro Diels-Alder reaction.
ORD & CD : Principle- Circular birefringence and circular dichroism -Cotton effect -Types
of ORD curves-Applications of plain dispersion curves -Application of Cotton effect curves -
Alpha halo ketone and Octant rules-Applications for determination of conformation and
Significant figures and their importance in calculations -precision and accuracy -determinate
and indeterminate errors-measures of precision -statistical concepts -standard or normal error
curve and its features -reliability of mean values -confidence limits -distribution and
confidence levels -Regression -distribution of data of a liner curve-method of propagation of
errors -Rejection of observation 2. 5a, 4a and Q tests.
Principles of TGA, DTA and DSC -application to simple salts -oxy salts, carbonates and
complex salts. Thermometric titrations.
Laws of absorption and quantitative law of luminescence -principles and applications of
photometry, fluorimetry, turbidimetry and nepheometry -photometric titrations -
multicomponent analysis -tlame spectrophotometry -absorption and emission photometry.
Environmental Chemistry :
Water pollution -dissolved oxygen -BOD, COD -heavy metals as pollutants -thermal
pollution -chemical pollution -role of fertilizers and detergent builders and pesticides -
industrial wastes and purification of water by classical and modern methods. Air pollution -
sources -pollutions SO2, NO, CO, hydrocarbons and industrial and photochemical smog.
Pollution of upper atmosphere -greenhouse effect. Chemical at toxicology -biochemical
effect of heavy metals -PAN and cyanide. Use of IR in environmental pollution studies.
Practical Paper -1
Practical Paper - II
1. Quantitative Estimations
Analysis of mixtures containing two familar and two less familiar cations from among the