13 4260 Dev-Ch 3 d3
13 4260 Dev-Ch 3 d3
13 4260 Dev-Ch 3 d3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Functional Theories of Crime and Delinquency
The first two chapters clarified concepts and delineated issues in the study of deviance.
Examination revealed several distinctive perspectives for studying deviance differing in their
conception of what constituted "deviance" and in what was regarded as problematical: that
is, which facts about deviance the perspective is concerned with explaining. Perspectives
influenced the problems the sociologists studied and the manner in which they investigated
those problems. Perspectives also influence what is likely to be observed by the investigator
different "world view" concerning the nature of reality, what constitutes explanation, and the
nature of social life and people. Paradigms also tend to be tied to particular research
methodologies. And because the research method employed by a sociologist has a lot to do
with the types of findings which are possible to obtain in a study, this is likely to generate
self-confirming findings whereby the underlying world views are rarely challenged.
Therefore, underlying worldviews are continually sustained by the type of research they tend
paradigms also varied in their levels of analysis of social data, from traditional functional
The shape of sociological thought about deviance was molded to a considerable degree
by the specific "middle range" theories that emerged. These theories, however, did not evolve
in an orderly fashion, nor were they systematically derived from the underlying paradigms.
This is not surprising in view of the inadequate articulation the paradigms have received
behavior. The theories have emerged in a spotty and irregular fashion throughout the field,
with little specification or even at times reference to one another. Theories, as contrasted with
more encompassing paradigms, tend to be limited in their focus to specific behavior patterns
such as crime, delinquency, suicide or mental illness. Many theories, due to their lack of rigor
and systematic development, tend to cross-cut different paradigms. As a result, the theories
cannot always be neatly classified into one or another paradigm. While this is not by itself a
fault in the theory, it frequently creates ambiguity in the interpretation of it, as its underlying
assumptions and presuppositions are rarely spelled out in detail in the main body of the
It is to these middle range theories that our attention will be turned in the next few
chapters. Several widely held and currently important theories will be examined in some
detail. Inter-relationships between the theories will also be explored. Each theory will be
treated as a way of coping with some problem or issue left unexplored by other theories. The
order of presentation of the theories is, of course, arbitrary, since there are many possible ways
of relating the theories to one another. It is hoped a synthesis of these theories into a few
intended or not, can already be identified in the works of a number of sociologists. Equally
apparent are the conflicts that also exist within the field, which hopefully, can be sharpened by
such analyses. It is also hoped that areas that have not yet been examined will loom clear, and
vacuums, which need to be filled will be made more apparent, as will the new questions that
need to be asked.
This chapter will examine the theories of: Sutherland (1938), Cohen (1955). Merton
(1938), and Cloward and Ohlin (1960). Alternative theories and modifications of the more
central theories will be cursorily examined. Generally, these theories tend to reflect the
concerns embodied in the more traditional functional perspective, though as suggested earlier,
there is some overlapping of perspectives by some of the theories and considerable ambiguity
with respect to many of the paradigmatic issues in others of the theories. These theories
reflect functionalism in that they view deviance as norm violating behavior and seek to
identify the social causes of the norm violating behavior. Most of the theories discussed in this
Sociologists believe the roots of crime are to be found in the character of the society in
which individuals are found. This is because certain crimes are common place in some
societies and virtually absent in others. Criminal behavior, like all cultural traits, appears to
be differentially distributed across societies. Similar to language patterns, individuals will not
manifest them if they are not exposed to them. Secondly, criminal patterns are also not
distributed randomly within a given society, suggesting the positions of individuals within
their society are strongly related to criminal behavior. This variability across and within
societies suggests a strong social component of crime. Third, crime rates change as patterns of
social organization or economic realities change. Fourth, what is criminal in one society may
be perfectly acceptable in another or in that same society at a different point in time. This
cultural relativity of crime demonstrates the central role of society in defining what is
regarded as crime. Various criminologists have set forth an array of divergent theories
conception of deviance as norm violating behavior, and a concern with identifying the social
factors, which contribute to or create the deviant behavior. These functional theories do not
proposed a general theory designed to account for not only for a wide range of criminal
behavior, but non-criminal behavior as well. Sutherland's theory has had an important
impact on the study of deviant behavior. It has been incorporated into both the "functional"
Sutherland's viewing crime as a violation of criminal law and his efforts to identify the social
causes of criminal behavior. The formulation of the theory can be found in his pioneering
textbook that dominated the field for fifty years, "Principles of Criminology" (1938) and was
Sutherland's theory was a reaction to accepted theories of the time, which located the
causes of crime in either biological or psychological abnormalities within the individual. The
pre-supposition that criminals are essentially different from non-criminals remains popular
today. Sutherland, however, saw a strong social component to law violating behavior, and
focused his theory upon what he regarded as the salient social factors in criminal behavior.
His theory also addressed the question of why in areas of high crime rates, only some
individuals rather than others engage in criminal behavior. Social disorganization theory did
not address why all individuals in disorganized areas didn’t engage in criminal behavior.
His theory focused upon cultural aspects of criminal behavior. He viewed crime
basically as a result of cultural conflict betwf1een norms. All social behavior is normatively
regulated including crime. Crime is the result of some group’s norms conflicting with the laws
of the larger society. The main body of the theory, however, focused on the individual's
professional crime, imitation occurring in proportion to which persons were in close contact
with one another, and inferiors imitating superiors. Tarde’s “emphasis on the social origins of
crime had a lasting effect, but his oversimplification of the causes of crime led most
sociologists to reject his theory (Reid, 1979:229)”. Sutherland’s theory differed from Tarde’s
because it took into account not only imitation but all other process of learning (Sutherland
Sutherland's theory was specifically designed to explain: (a) why criminal behavior
was manifest in particular individual's conduct and not in others, and (b) the manner in
which criminal behavior patterns were acquired. His early formulations also laid claim to (c)
explaining group criminality, but his theory never developed an adequate explanation for the
differences in rates or patterns of criminality between groups. Sutherland merely assumed the
behavior existed before it was made illegal, and that groups exhibited differential organization
for or against crime and proceeded to develop his theory from these assumptions.
Sutherland developed his theory during a time when there was considerable interest in
learning theory, and psychologists such as Hull (1943), Miller and Dollard (1941), and others
were attracting worldwide attention. The concepts of reward, reinforcement, cue and
response were being bantered about, and Sutherland too was influenced by the currency of
these concepts.
His theory could be described as basically a social learning theory, and was broken
1. Criminal behavior is learned not inherited. This was a reaction against the idea
that crooks are born crooks. Sutherland argues that a person who is not trained in
crime will not invent it.
2. Criminal behavior is learned in social interaction with other persons through
the process of communication.
4. The content of the learning includes: (a) the techniques of crime, (b) the direction in
which motives and drives are expressed, and (c) the rationalizations and attitudes
which justify criminal behavior.
The professional thief needs many skills to be a successful thief and acquiring the
techniques and skills requires personal association with people who have such
5. The specific direction of motives and drives is learned from a definition of legal
codes as "favorable" or "unfavorable" to law violating behavior. The individual
may be surrounded by individuals who define legal codes as rules to be observed
and upheld. It may also be possible to identify sub-groups in the community with
different values which lead individuals to commit crimes. A belief that "only
suckers work" would exemplify such an orientation.
7. The importance of the particular association will vary with its frequency, duration,
intensity, and priority.
Thus Sutherland proposes crime is learned. His theory deals with: (a) where it is
situation favorable to law violating behavior, and rationalizations which justify crime, (d) who
will learn crime--anyone exposed to law violating definitions, and (e) when crime will be
Sutherland is less precise when it comes to the specific situation, form and times when
Sutherland's theory locates the roots of criminality in the character of the individual's
associations in the community. Both contact with criminal patterns and isolation from
anti- criminal patterns are essential. The theory opposes an individualistic view of the causes of
crime by placing emphasis on the social aspects of the learning process and the content of the
learning. If individuals learned crime on their own through invention and experimentation,
criminal behavior would be idiosyncratic and uniquely related to each individual's particular
crimes are commonplace in one society and virtually unknown in another. An individual
raised in a society where "running amuck" is unknown is highly unlikely to engage in that
behavior as they would be to speak a language to which they had never been exposed. This is
why it is described as a social learning theory rather than trial and error based on the
individuals experience. Repetitive patterns in language exist, because they are socially
acquired; few invent the language they speak. So it is with crime, patterns can be observed
Sutherland's theory states that one becomes a criminal by associating with other
criminals or with persons who uphold definitions favorable to criminal behavior. Thus
according to the theory, the primary process involved in the creation of criminals is that of
socialization. The importance of learning crime is the same as learning non-criminal behavior
patterns such as language, custom, and dress. The process of learning criminal and
Persons who break the law have the same social needs or motives as those who
conform. Both the criminal and the honest person value wealth, status, power or affection.
The difference in their behavior results from their having learned to satisfy those needs in
different ways. Therefore, one would not expect criminals and non-criminals to represent
different personality types. A search for the criminal "mind" or "type," therefore, will be in
vain. The only difference between the criminal and non-criminal is to be found in the types of
activities sanctioned by their respective groups. Favorable definitions of criminal behavior are
usually believed confined to specific illegal acts more than a general disobedience to all law.
The particular reasons why an individual forms crimogenic associations are outside the
purview of Sutherland's theory. Many reasons, of course, can be cited why such associations
exist: individuals can be born into a family where criminal patterns exist, they can be raised in
an area where there is close proximity to such patterns, or they can be conscripted into a
delinquent gang against their desires. The specific reason for the associations need not
concern Sutherland as the individual's associations are determined by the general context or
social organization. His theory asserts that once the criminal associations occur, for whatever
reason, they are sufficient to induce criminal patterns of behavior when they predominate
Thus focus of Sutherland's theory is why and how a person becomes a criminal. His
answer is from an over abundance of definitions favorable to law violating behavior. One
becomes a criminal in the same way one becomes a doctor, lawyer or engineer--through the
process of learning social roles. The making of both a criminal and doctor involve the same
relationships--only the content of what they learn differs. Sutherland's theory attempts to
account for crime as an occupation, which involves the acquisition of professional skills and a
professional ideology, but his theory is not limited to the professional criminal and has
applicability to the non-habitual offender as well. Both the pervasiveness of the criminal
behavior and the specific pattern of the criminal behavior are related to the individual's
associations. The importance of indirect learning of general attitudes toward law violating
behavior, as well as the acquisition of specific techniques of law violating behavior, is given
importance in the theory. Criminal definitions of the situation can be acquired from persons
theory argues that: "persons learn criminal attitudes and behavior through a process of
The theory, though chiefly concerned with conditions which generate criminality, has
"resocialization". Any change desired would require an alteration in the character of the
definitions, which support unfavorable definitions of law violating behavior. Putting criminals
in jail would have the opposite effect of increasing criminal orientations by isolating the
individual from associations with anti-criminal definitions and restricting the individual's
associations to other criminals who would be likely to support criminal definitions. The length
of time required for the change would depend upon such facts as the number of prior
associations, the intensity and duration of those associations. Prevention of crime would
require isolation from crimogenic associations. Given the conditions of current prisons, they
maximize the conditions for continued criminality. Prisons today can be regarded as factories
This section critically evaluates Sutherland's' theory in three areas: (A) the logical
consistency or adequacy of the theory, (B) the testability of the theory, and (C) empirical
support for the theory.
A) Logical consistency and adequacy o£ the theory: The theory is rather general,
somewhat vague, and imprecise in its formulations, and fails to be explicit about many points.
For example, it lacks detail in specifying variables, which designate with precision why a given
"unfavorable" definition of law violating behavior. It is left to common sense and therefore
not clear-cut. While there may be agreement on extreme examples of favorable or unfavorable
definitions of law violating behavior, there may also be considerable disagreement in the
middle range, were events are subject to interpretation. Both the conceptual and operational
definition of an "unfavorable" definition, and other concepts used by Sutherland need further
specification. The theory also fails to make explicit what constitutes an "excess" of favorable
definitions. Does a 51/49 or 99/1 ratio constitute sufficient excess? Obviously it is a question
only future research can answer. Furthermore, other concepts like "intensity" are common
sense concepts and need to be specified more rigorously and operationalized. How also does
one determine the relative importance of the frequency, duration, intensity and priority of the
association in computing the overall ratio? How would the relative weights be assigned to
each factor in determining the final ratio? For instance, if earlier definitions influence later
ones, then priority needs to be taken into account with respect to the frequency or duration of
a specific subsequent association. There also may be "interaction effects" between the
variables of frequency, duration, intensity and priority. Again only further research can
Thus many of the concepts are unclear or ambiguous, phrased in common sense
terms, not operationalized for translation into specific measurement procedures, and need
serious attention before rigorous research can be undertaken. Other questions require further
B). Testability of the Theory: In principle, the theory is testable. Practically, however,
it is very difficult to test directly. Theoretically, all the person's prior associations would need
to be known, or at least those interactions related to the individual's definition of law violating
behavior. In addition, their frequency, duration, intensity, and priority would also have to be
known. Obviously, these are never completely available to us in a particular research study.
known facts about criminality. In fact, later versions of his textbook attempted to organize the
known facts in criminology with his propositions. Compatibility with the facts does not
delinquents than non-delinquents2. They argue that this is to be expected on the basis of
Sutherland's theory since the theory states that criminal behavior is an expression of the same
2. Case Studies: Case studies and biographies of criminals are also often cited as
providing support for Sutherland's theory. In these biographies specific criminal associations
are illustrated in rich detail, which seem to be self-evident support for the theory. However,
the conclusions reached in the analysis of such case studies do not always seem warranted
since the methodological limitations of such studies are never carefully examined. For
example, the studies never carefully sample the range of associations of the individual or the
retrospectively from knowledge that the individual ended up a "criminal". Had their life
turned out differently, perhaps different events would be recollected or the same events given
associations, but who did not manifest criminal behavior. Therefore, such studies can only be
Specific case studies have been undertaken to test Sutherland's theory more directly.
(Cressey:1953) and shoplifters (Cameron:1964) are frequently cited as studies which fail to
support Sutherland's theory in that the studies indicated that these activities were not learned
in association with others who practiced them. However, supporters argue the studies do not
directly refute the theory since not state that criminal patterns must be specifically acquired
from persons who practice them. All that is required is that one be exposed to criminal
attitudes without necessarily being exposed to criminals. The theory requires only that an
individual be exposed to an excess of definitions that support such behavior. However, since a
major emphasis of the theory is on the acquisition of techniques and rationalizations for the
criminal behavior, it does raise serious questions about the theory. This is an example of how
his theory fails to specify in detail why law-violating behavior takes a specific direction, and
3. Survey Research Studies: Other studies utilizing survey research techniques have
attempted to test aspects of Sutherland's theory more rigorously. Several studies have
attempted to demonstrate the similarities in criminal behavior among persons who associate
with one another, regarding this as a test of Sutherland's theory. Short, in a series of studies
(1957, 1968), investigated the hypothesis that "delinquents have delinquent associates." In
studies of adolescents, both in and out of correctional institutions, he examined the relation-
ship between the extent of an individual's criminal behavior, based on his self-reports, and
that of his associates, based on the subjects' report of his associate's criminal behavior. In all
There were, however, several serious limitations in Short's studies. First, it assumed
peer influence was primary and ignored parental and other associations. Second, as cross
sectional studies, the direction of the relationship could not be specified since it is possible that
persons who are already delinquent seek each other out as friends (Gleucks: 1950:164). Thus
the association may be the consequence of their delinquency and not the cause of it. Third,
even though a relationship between associations and delinquency is obtained, since the
learning process was not studied, the relationship may have occurred for other reasons than
learning criminal definitions of the situation, such as friends having similar opportunities,
attempting to compete with one another for reputation, etc. Fourth, reliability and validity of
self-reported criminality needs to be examined more rigorously. Fifth, the study depends upon
the individual's report of the criminal behavior of his associates, and we have no way of
assessing its validity. Persons who engage in excessive criminal behavior may also exaggerate
the criminal behavior of others. Sixth, the process of reporting on memories of past
their past, which may be strongly biased by their present circumstances. Having been labeled
"delinquent", the individual may selectively recall only experiences and associations that
sustain that definition. Never having been labeled delinquent might result in a different
Voss (1964) replicated Short's earlier studies in another area of the United States and
also found support for the hypothesis, although his relationships were not as strong as those
obtained by Short. Both investigations revealed the variable of intensity to be most strongly
related and the priority of the relationship to be most weakly related to criminality in
Reiss and Rhodes (1964) examined the similarity of delinquent patterns among
friendship cliques and their findings showed partial support for Sutherland's theory in the
likelihood of a boy committing a delinquent act, but there was considerable diversity in the
types of delinquencies of boys in the same clique. Tittle (1980) Elliot, Ageton, and Huizenga
(1985), Cheung and Ng (1988) similarly found associations between peer associations and
delinquency but cite additional factors, besides learning delinquent codes, such as group
sanctions, role models, and friend's delinquency as more important than their attitudes,
opportunity, and group pressures. Warr and Stafford (1991), Jaquith (1981), Orcutt (1987),
Paternoster and Tiplett (1988), and Cheung and Ng (1988) found friend's behavior more
related to delinquency than either the friends’ or their own attitudes. Favorable definitions of
crime are influenced more by what others do in the learning process than attitudes which are
expressed or inferred.
linkages are explored. Inconsistent findings have emerged with respect to the role of
internalized attitudes as the key transmission factor versus the friend’s actual behavior 3.
Perhaps a reason for these contradictions lies in Sutherland's inadequate grasp of Symbolic
However, even if these studies had failed to support the hypothesis, this could not be
construed as disproof of Sutherland since the theory does not specify that the carriers of the
criminal culture must themselves engage in the criminal behavior, merely that they define
such behavior as acceptable. Criminals may present respectable definitions of law violating
behavior to their children or associates. These studies can only provide partial tests since: (1)
they neglect non-criminal carriers of criminal culture, (2) they do not consider the total range
of an individual's associations to determine the relative balance of associations, (3) they do not
examine this processes longitudinally: peer groups may assume less importance over time, (4)
they don't explain what happens to learned definitions over time since crime declines with
age, (5) they do not test for causal order in the relationship since they are cross-sectional
rather than longitudinal studies, (6) they do not examine different types of crime, and (7) most
importantly, most do not study the mechanisms involved in the transmission of criminal
Nonetheless, even though many of the studies have serious limitations as adequate tests
Sutherland's theory but raises questions about the mechanisms involved in the transmission of
deviant patterns and suggests the theory is incomplete. Crucial tests of the theory remain
4. Crimes Unexplained by the Theory; Limits of the Theory: There are other limitations
of the theory. Although proposed as a comprehensive theory some opponents have charged
a. Impulsive crimes or acts of passion: Critics argue the theory is unable to account for
"definitions of the situation" that elicited the behavior. Though admittedly infrequent, cases
can be cited where so-called "model" children murder a playmate or a parent, much to the
shock and horror of all concerned. Crimes of emotion can result from a breakdown in
self-control, i.e., that process by which the individual monitors and censors behavior which
Sometimes these individuals can be overcome with so much remorse for their actions they
commit suicide.
losses of control may be more apparent than real. When a jealous husband shoots a man
found in bed with his wife, is this an impulsive act or is it a consequence of how that situation
is defined in that culture? An Eskimo would not be angered as sharing one's wife was
regarded as a hospitable act. How individuals respond to even excesses of alcohol or drugs is
not solely dependent on the breakdown or loss of self-control. There are social definitions
which regulate one's comportment under these conditions. These definitions can serve as a
license to act in particular ways, so that in some societies persons under the influence of
alcohol are loud and boisterous, while in other societies they are quiet and subdued
(Edgerton:1993). How individuals respond to finding their wife with another man is also a
function of how they are socialized to deal with rage and who are defined as legitimate targets
for their rage in that society. Murder might be defined as an appropriate response in some
cultures and men who failed to act would be ridiculed, as some forms of “honor killing”
1953), black marketers (Clinard:1952), and shop lifters (Cameron, 1964) have been cited as
relatively law abiding in most respects, but who were in situations characterized by
"non-sharable" problems, which pushed them to extreme measures. Thus the criminal
behavior is a solution that was independently derived. Other criminal acts such as
pyromania, pedophilia, cannibalism, etc. may also challenge the theory. Civil rights leaders
brought up to respect law, may oppose and violate specific laws viewed as immoral and which
may result in their imprisonment. These, however, may be examples of culture conflict more
c. Inadequate Socialization: Crime can result from the individual failing to develop
attitudes or skills necessary to sustain conforming behavior. For example, the lack of a
capacity to "take the role of the other" may impair psychopath's ability to feel empathy and
thus they fail to check their acts, as normally socialized persons might, out of concern for
others. This may also cause a weakened ability for self-control and impulsive behavior.
Gleuck (1956) charges stealing among children, sex play, etc are not learned but come
naturally, despite parental disapproval. The punishment and defining of the situation as
undesirable to the child, comes after the act of stealing and it may be difficult to identify those
definitions that elicited the original act. "It is non-delinquent behavior that is learned--law
The theory does not allow for the possibility that criminal actions can occur as a
socialization into criminal codes per se, may result in criminal behavior. While ignorance of
the law does not exempt an individual from criminal prosecution, it does create problem for
Sutherland's theory since neither, positive or negative definitions exist in such a situation.
the theory was only applicable to professional criminals but not to non-habitual offenders.
They point to wide spread disobedience to laws by the general public labeled "pattern
disobedience widely held in the population such as "everyone cheats on their income tax, only
suckers report their true income" and they are a perfect example of his theory. Studies of self
reported crime indicate fully 90% of the population engages in law violating behavior at one
that the "meanings" of acts are overlooked in that motives or intentions are not taken into
account. In most cases "criminal intent" is required for an individual's conviction. There are,
however, certain classes of laws, strict liability laws, where the commission of the act is
individual. Statutory rape or running a traffic light are examples of crimes in which
individuals can be prosecuted even if the acts were unintentional. A male who has sexual
relations with an under age girl can be charged with statutory rape even if the girl lied to him
about her true age. Thus a person could wind up in jail, defined as a criminal, even though he
had every intention of obeying the law, and acted on the basis of his learned definitions and
prior socialization. Financial crimes may also involve persons who were not aware of the
criminal nature of their acts. Their learned definitions of the situation with respect to
f. Coerced criminal acts: The role of coercion in acts of forced criminality found in
prison or in gang threats or beatings is not explored by Sutherland but may be an example of
"forced to act" and "powerful reinforcers" that make others instantly "significant".
revolutions which result in widespread illegal behavior by citizens who are ordinarily law
abiding and who will return to law-abiding behavior after the incident is over, are cited as
challenging the theory. However, studies of collective behavior suggest these are not states of
anarchy but reflect emergent norms and new definitions of the situation which shape this
Supporters of the theory argue that because the theory does not explain all crime, it
does not invalidate the theory. What is needed is a more careful delimiting of the range of
empirical studies that show crime rates are related to ecological areas of the city. Certain
areas have high crime rates year after year (Shaw and McKay:1969). Children born into
those areas have high risks due to their exposure to already existing criminal definitions in the
area. In some areas delinquency rates run as high as 75%, and even the 25% of non-
delinquents can be explained as a result of lack of contact with delinquent carriers due to
Rates also remain high despite turnover of the population. Sutherland asserts that
criminal patterns become traditional in certain sectors and are passed on from group to
group, sometimes for generations in the same fashion as the residences they occupy.
Problems arise in the use of such examples to support Sutherland's theory, since in
some cases there might be little or no contact between the successive ethnic groups occupying
that particular area of the city. Therefore crime cannot result from passing on of these
Strain and conflict theorists assert that the persistence of high crime areas could be
better explained structurally, and arises from the social organization of the community.
Criminal patterns originate in poverty areas (the same for infant mortality, drug addiction,
alcoholism, etc) and result from the economic and social conditions in those areas. The
disenfranchisement of the poor and minority groups who reside in those areas gives rise to
similar structural position in society. They are responding alike due to their similar social
conditions and position in the social structure more than they are shaped by socialization and
cultural transmission. The problem is structural and arises from the social organization of the
community rather than cultural transmission. Thus they offer an alternative explanation to
Studies of migration show that early in the settlement period, the initial rates of crime
reflect the area from which the migrants came. Over time, as assimilation occurs, the rates of
crime come to reflect the area in which they reside. As immigrants are absorbed into the
society and become upwardly mobile and move into new residential areas, their crime rates
come to reflect those with whom they currently reside and with whom they are currently
changes in customs or language patterns. These rates would also be related to the speed with
These findings, while generally supportive of Sutherland's theory, also raise some
questions about the theory. Crime rates that change with migration raise the question of
whether the sum of the individual's total past associations is more important than their
current associations in the area they now reside? The present situational context of the
individual may prove to be the critical factor not the cumulative sum of past-learned
definitions. Secondly, these studies do not demonstrate the mechanism of learning definitions
of the situation as the critical factor in the process of cultural transmission. The theory also
fails to explain why criminal traditions are more commonly found in certain sectors of the city.
Alternatively, structuralists argue that crime decreases because individuals are now
criminal behavior found: (a) criminal attitudes could be modified by social interaction, (b)
attitude changes were related to the quality of the relationships with group facilitators, and (c)
attitude changes were related to subsequent criminal behavior supporting three major
hypothesis of the theory. Whether eight weeks of interactions would be sufficient to create an
excess of definitions or were relationships with group facilitators intense, raise further
Summary of Empirical Support: Despite the limitations of the studies as adequate tests
of the theory there is an increasing body of research generally supportive of the theory. Its
confirmation status is that (a) numerous studies provide weak to moderate support for the
theory, (b) increasing amounts of variance are accounted for, and (c) some findings are
inconsistent with the theory and other studies serve to define its limits. However most studies
do not examine the process by which criminal behaviors are acquired. Longitudinal studies
Closer scrutiny of the theory and its related research suggests several problems still
remain. An important limitation was Sutherland's failure to address the underling learning
process as he assumed the mechanisms of learning made no difference to the theory. In light of
this deficiency, Glaser (1956), Burgess and Akers (1966) and Akers (1973,1985) have
attempted to fill this important gap in the theory by modifying the theory along the lines of a
Sutherland's failure to specify the underlying learning process creates ambiguity and
room for conflicting interpretations or predictions of the theory. Considering the enormous
developments in learning theory during the past fifty years and the complexity of the issues
that have arisen, it is difficult to fault Sutherland for failing to specify precisely the variables
and process involved in learning. Nonetheless, it matters which particular learning theory he
would base his theory on. It would have ramifications for what specifically is learned by the
individual in a situation, from whom, how it is learned and how it is related to subsequent
A Shift from Intimates to Role Models:
this void was to re-interpret Sutherland's theory in terms of "reference group", role theory,
and "differential identification". He modified: (a) the content of what was learned from
"definition of a situation" to identification, and (b) who was influential in the learning
emphasized reference groups, role models and the media4. Research on the impact of
hypothesis states that: "a person pursues criminal behavior to the extent he identifies with
real or imaginary persons from whose perspectives his criminal behavior seems acceptable."
“definitions of situations” as these are more likely to determine conduct. The theory was
reconfigured into "differential expectations" determined by (1) pro and anti criminal social
bonds where rewards and punishments others could impose shaped their importance for the
individual, (2) differential learning of tastes, skills, or rationalizations about what to expect
from crime, and (3) perceived opportunities. Crime is a result of the "expectations of
A Shift From "What Individuals Are Exposed To" to "the Consequences and Reinforcements
of Actions": Burgess and Akers Differential Reinforcement Theory
Burgess and Akers (1966) and Akers (1985) further modified the theory to include
the consequences of action. Behavior is shaped by the consequences of our actions. What
important is not merely the “presentation” of a particular definition to the individual, but the
“reinforcement” the individual receives with respect to acting upon that definition of the
situation. Sutherland's main concern was in the social situation in which the learning
occurred and not in the mechanisms of the learning process per se, failing to recognize that the
process of learning has something to do with the content of what is learned, in addition to
variable in the influence process of social interaction. Sutherland may have had this
somewhat in mind in his concern with the intensity of the relationship. But the existence of
significant sanctions in the hands of persons with whom we may not have intense
relationships, such as the police, may be an important factor in the learning process. Whether
various combinations, the schedule of reinforcement, and other contingencies are critical to
the learning process, but are not considered by Sutherland. The outcome of the individual
may follow from the commission of the act, are critical events in the learning process and
shape the character of what is learned. People engage in crime because it has been more
rewarded than alternative behavior. The extent to which others, including non-intimates like
the police, control reinforcers, will influence behavior. Sutherland does not deal with these
factors, nor are their possible implications for modifying the theory clearly spelled out by
criticized for not adequately taking into account "response" or "acceptance" patterns
(Cressey 1962). The theory emphasizes the process of "exposure", but ignores differences in
more than products of prior associations. Yet objectively similar situations vary in
individual's perception or interpretation of them. This is why Sutherland did not emphasize
social structure since people respond to the "meaning" that structures such as class have for
them. How the individual interprets or applies what others express to their existing
understandings, and consequently, its later effect on their behavior needs to be explored
subjectively. Sutherland was aware of this problem (Cohen et al, 1965:30-41) and believed
that his hypothesis would have to be modified to incorporate this as part of the
explored the role of the intensity of the need of the individual as related to their receptivity to
criminal definitions, but he never resolved this issue in the theory. Certainly drug related
Sutherland oversimplifies the learning process which is much more complex than his
theory indicates, and ignores the problem of the relationship between "what is learned" and
"how persons act" in particular situations. The relation between internally held definitions
and actual behavior in situations has not been adequately studied in its complexity.
have not examined in detail the process by which socialization takes place. Labeling theorists
have devoted more time, but not so much on the processes involved. The model of learning
associations that support law-violating behavior over those which oppose it. Even though the
theory recognizes that each association may not carry equal weight, and considers such
variables as priority, duration, and intensity (as frequency is taken into account in the overall
ratio) of the associations, the final ratio would merely be a weighted average. What
behavior. The theory assumes people learn and mirror directly what they have been exposed
automatically act upon these learned definitions to which they have been exposed in the past,
that it is easy to tell how a person will define a situation in any particular context, and there is
a one to one correspondence between what an individual has learned in the past and how they
is a one to one correspondence between what people have learned in the past and how they
will act in a specific context, are the complex questions of "how do people interpret or make
sense out of what they are exposed to, how do they come to define the application of what they
have learned to any particular situation and define it in the appropriate context of specific
action, and how is reality constructed socially in any particular context?" Individuals are
never exposed to objective situations; they are continually interpreting what they are exposed
to. Symbolic interactionists are quick to point out that the way an individual defines a
particular situation is not just a function of what they have learned in prior situations, but
that situational contingencies shape considerably how persons will define a situation and
whether certain behavior will take place within that context. Behavior is viewed as
"constructed" out of the exigencies of the situation, the joint give and take of interaction, the
perspectives of others, and emergent properties of the interaction. What persons do and how
they come to define the situation emerges out of the joint and negotiated definitions of the
situation, rather than simply mechanically applying past learned definitions. Such definitions
of the situation are merely one element out of which social action is constructed.
action not extant in the prior repertoire of the individuals arose (Cohen, 1955:49-72).
Through a process of mutual conversion arising out of interaction, new definitions of the
situation can arise. In such instances, the situational pressures, as in the case of a lynch mob,
associations or definitions of the situation. The literature of social psychology is replete with
studies of group influences on individual perceptions and behavior dating back to the early
experiments of Ash (1951), Sherrif (1935) to more recent experiments of Milgram (1963) and
Zimbardo (1972). Milgram's study showed that definitions such as "hurting others" could
clash with definitions that suggest "obedience is the proper response to authority".
Individual's moral beliefs were unrelated to their response. The presence of the investigator,
the remoteness of the subject, the presence of dissenters all influenced the response, thus
indicating the importance of the situational context. Riesman, Glazer and Denney’s (1950)
expectations as contrasted with "inner directed" persons who internalize rigid guides to
Zimbardo (1973) showed how perspectives of guards and inmates evolved in situations as
"emergent" properties. Much of this conflict is reflected in the difference between the
of the types of prior associations, individuals sensitive to the expectations of others are
strongly influenced by these new and emergent standards. It is doubtful that soldiers who
took part in the MiLy massacre or torture in Iraq were brought up with beliefs that
murdering defenseless women and children was acceptable or moral. In understanding the
behavior of an acting mob, the emergent definitions, which are reinforced by rapid
interaction, can result in a redefinition of the situation, which sweeps individuals along in a
line of action that would ordinarily not be contemplated by a person acting alone. Korn and
McCorkle's (1959:Ch 14) study of "Reluctant Robbers" showed how adolescents were
influenced by what each perceived (incorrectly) what other's expected, and how this shared
Sutherland's conception of the learning process and the role of definitions of the
compatible with the functional paradigm than symbolic interactionism. Sutherland's model
views predispositions to act as something inside the actor's head as a consequence of prior
socialization, and that, individuals merely act out these learned pre-scribed scripts. Thus
Sutherland also locates the immediate cause of crime as something that exists within the
association with carriers of the norms or culture during socialization. As a result of viewing
the problem in this fashion, Sutherland paints himself into a corner that does not allow very
adequate prediction of criminal behavior other than in an after-the-fact fashion, nor is he able
complex" and had taken seriously aspects of symbolic interactionism by emphasizing the
social meanings of events and the "interpretive process" and viewing behavior as constructed,
his "swan-song" article might not have been necessary. By viewing internalized definitions of
the situation as one element of social action, then the door is open to include variables that
gave him so much trouble such as opportunity, intensity of need and alternatives to criminal
actions, in situations. These could still be constructed in a process model by broadening the
focus to a person-situation-complex, the disposition to conform to others expectations, the
rewards or a cost benefit analysis of alternative courses of action and other variables which
were inter-related could be incorporated into the theoretical analysis. In addition, research
situational factors to examine how much of the variance could be accounted for by this
variable. The Milgram (1963) and Zimbardo (1972) experiments showed how quickly
Relationships between sentiments, cognition and actions: Thus no simple relationship exists
between sentiments the actor may acquire through their associations and how persons act in
particular contexts on specific occasions. Sutherland's failure to deal with the situational
context and its effect on the individual committing a criminal act, irrespective of their
attitudes toward law violation, has drawn sharp criticism from social control theorists.
Although Sutherland states that an ability to recognize and identify good opportunities for
crime is part of the criminal socialization, his main focus is on prior acquired definitions.
However, whether the individual actually engages in criminal acts and how frequently they
engage in crime, may depend on: the opportunities, severity of sanctions, and expectancies of
getting caught. If expectations of getting caught are very high, individuals may not engage in
crime even if their prior definitions are favorable to it. Thus the rate of crime in a particular
community may be a function the accountability structure and likelihood of arrest, that is, the
effectiveness of social control agencies. In Boston, when the police went on strike, widespread
looting occurred (Russel:1975) as it did in New York during a black out. This suggests that
there is a ready pool of persons who will commit looting when the accountability structure
changes. Persistence in criminal patterns: Cortes and Gatti (1972) emphasize the
continued support of the group is necessary for the individual to persist in criminal behavior;
with other delinquents, but it is not always created or produced by this interaction”. They
present little empirical data to support this claim, however.
violence), fights encouraged by bystanders (others help redefine situation), and alcohol or
drugs, which focus on other circumstances than internalized definitions. Persons who commit
homicide usually kill persons with whom they are intimate. Such persons rarely repeat the
crime. So whatever precipitated the act may have grown out of the interaction and
relationship rather than a definition that still persists in the offender. Often they are
remorseful after their act. This does not mean to imply that there are not culturally induced
sentiments and responses in the relationship, but that sometimes individuals frustrations may
functional paradigm's model of the actor, and the mechanistic conception of social behavior.
Sutherland's model is one which views culture as "out there", which then becomes
internalized on the basis of exposure related to associations or interactions with specific others,
and when a certain ratio is reached of relative exposure to criminal definitions, then certain
criminal actions simply follow. The idea that the main factor is a definition favorable or
argue that it is a gross over simplification of the processes involved in understanding human
comprehensive theory of crime, is that it does not account for the origin of criminal traditions
or norms. His original theory laid claims to explaining differences in group criminality and
his explanation consisted in the notion that certain behaviors existed in society as accepted
traditions among groups before they were made illegal, and persisted as criminal traditions
thereafter in a form of culture conflict. After assuming such differences in the population, the
theory proceeds to examine how they are perpetuated in the population. Males, adolescents,
working class, individuals are more likely to be exposed to criminal definitions of the situation
and therefore are more likely to engage in crime. Thus his theory is primarily a theory of
cultural transmission, which has made little contribution to our understanding of the origin of
The questions of the origins of criminal patterns, the differences in crime rates between
various societies, the particular form crime assumes, why certain patterns of crime such as
theft or homicide are differentially distributed within a society with respect to region, class,
ethnicity, occupation, etc., are not dealt with adequately by Sutherland's theory.
One hypothesis with respect to the rate of crime would follow from his theory is that
the frequency of crime is a function of the degree of culture conflict in society. How would
Sutherland account for crime in societies that exhibited no culture conflict? A danger is the
possibility of tautological reasoning, that is, assuming culture conflict exists because there is
crime. Why a particular group in society has a high rate of economic crime and why
fluctuations in the rates of crime during economic or political crises occur is also not
adequately addressed with by the theory. Another hypothesis could me made with respect to
changes in crime rates. Sutherland accounts for variation in crime rates as a result of changes
employs the concept of "differential social organization" (i.e., that groups organize for or
against crime for some unspecified reason) to account, very tenuously, for variation in crime
This limits the theory to a particular level of analysis and segment of the problem, e.g.
why particular individuals engage in crime, and thus is not a comprehensive theory of crime.
The theory basically fails to deal with the question of where deviant norms come from and
Alternative Explanations:
Radical and Structural Critiques: The failure of Sutherland's theory to address itself to
the structural aspects of crime by focusing exclusively on the process of cultural transmission
would draw sharp criticism from the radical and conflict camps in sociology. Sutherland's
paradigm of social behavior and the interactionist's critique both fail to examine the role of
the social organization and social structure in defining the situation, limiting opportunities,
and possible alternatives courses of action or avenues. Both fail to examine the role of power
in the individual's defining situations, bringing resources to bear upon influencing other's
society give them vested interests in certain structural arrangements and definitions, which
Individuals don't negotiate definitions from the same power base and inherent
structural, economic, and political conflicts create different interests in maintaining cultural
definitions and effecting social change. Certain groups also have power to determine which
definitions shall be law and that power has an economic and social base, it is not merely a
matter of cultural conflict. Crime is what the police and courts brand as crime, and these
institutions embody certain class interests which are not only reflected in what the law is, but
in how that law will be applied to persons in society. Sutherland's insightful investigations of
White Collar crime reflect his awareness of the problem. The differential application of law,
however, was never incorporated into the theory. Property crimes are related to an
certain social processes of allocating wealth and creating jobs; both are wholly outside of the
purview of Sutherland's analysis. This, of course, is related to why groups are differentially
organized for and against crime--it is related to position and advantage in the existing social
Labeling Critique: The reaction of society to law breaking, in particular the agents of
social control and the general public, as well as the process that induct persons into deviant
roles and freeze them in disadvantaged positions, so fully elucidated in the labeling approach,
is given little significance by Sutherland. The fact that society may be organized to keep
persons in deviant roles, and that contingencies play a significant part in whether a person
gets labeled as a deviant are not developed or incorporated into Sutherland's Differential
Association theory.
There has been progress and refinement of social learning theories over the past 50 years, but
it still lacks the specificity, precision and clarity that an acceptable theory of crime would
require. A few attempts to modify the theory have not been breakthroughs, though it has
generated research focusing on intervening processes but no new frameworks have emerged.
Even translating the theory into set theory (DeFleur and Quinney:1966) has led to no major
clarification or change in the theory. The important process of socialization which Sutherland
emphasizes and central to much sociological theorizing, still has received little attention by
sociologists either with respect to theories of socialization or research on the process. This is
unfortunate since socialization is not only crucial to understanding deviance, but all social
behavior. Yet too little is known about socialization processes. That Sutherland's theory has
limits is not particularly troublesome, but that the cumulative body of research has not
resulted in more refinement of the theory or specification of the variables or process involved
All in all, while many years have elapsed since the advent of this theory, only a few
significant advances have occurred. A serious problem is that this approach is based on
flawed symbolic interactionism. Sutherland's second mistake was to view the causes of crime
as internal, and failed to take the social structure into account in examining the roots of
criminal traditions, though some sociologists seek to bridge the two approaches. Some
progress in specifying intervening process in the causal chain has moved Sutherland's theory
slightly forward. However, its lack of specification have led some to conclude that it should
not be regarded as a theory, but should be of more as a principle since so many of its crucial
incorporates Sellin's (1938) theory of culture conflict which views crime as a direct result of
conflicting norms. Crime is caused by a conflict between: subcultures and the larger society
or another subculture, or where one society is extended or takes over the territory of another
and imposes its values on that culture, or where members migrate from one society to another
taking their old cultures to the new society. A variety of other studies such as Watson's (1980)
study of Biker Gangs, Miller’s (1958) description of the conflict between middle and working
class culture, Cohen's Delinquent Boys (1955), Cloward and Ohlin's Delinquency and
Opportunity (1960), Wallace’s (1965) study of skid row alcoholics, Bryant’s (1965) study of
call girls, etc. exemplify culture conflict entailing subcultures which lead to deviance. Many
studies, however, do not explore the process of socialization into the divergent subcultures.
by delinquents to nullify conventional norms, such as (a) denial of responsibility: I was drunk,
(b) denial of injury: no one was really hurt, (c) denial of victim: the victim is really the wrong
doer, (d) condemning the condemners: its really their fault, and (5) appeals to higher loyalties:
I had to help my friend. They function to mitigate blame and justify their actions. These are
behavior. Their approach differs in that deviants supposedly steeped in criminal culture, have
also internalized conventional norms in that they have guilt, and law breaking is not simply
the result of applying already internalized criminal norms. For Matza there is indeterminacy
in the process in engaging in criminal behavior. Matza’s (1964) description of “drifting into
delinquency” would suggest a less determined process than what Sutherland sets forth.
Whether these techniques make crime more possible and are part of the causes of crime or
they merely justify the individuals’ actions after the criminal behavior to assuage guilt or
blame, is not clearly specified. Sculla and Marolla (1984) describe similar efforts by rapists to
justify their acts as does Cressey (1971) among embezzlers. These are examples of learning
rationalizations described in Sutherland's theory. The question is: are they learned prior to
the deviant act and make it more likely, or after the deviant act and have little to do with the
While Sutherland's theory was developed in criminology, he suggested the process was
of such a general nature that it could be applied to all social behavior. Studies of socialization
into deviant roles by labeling theorists have employed many aspects of Sutherland's theory.
Becker (1963), in his observations of marijuana users, identified aspects of socialization that
must occur before an individual becomes a marijuana user, which include learning the
techniques of smoking, defining its effects as pleasurable, etc., which are learned in association
with other smokers. Studies of learning other deviant roles such as a skid row bum (Wallace,
1965), a nudist (Weinberg, 1966), or a call girl (Bryan, 1965), similarly identify socialization
The specifics of the learning may differ but the process is one that involves differential
association with carriers of the deviant culture. This theory of cultural transmission focuses
on the process of socialization and has application to individual and subcultural aspects of
deviance. Deviants are conformists to their respective group standards and are strongly
patterns of behavior are manifest in particular individual's conduct, and the manner in which
they are acquired. The theory is incomplete as it stands and requires further elaboration
along many lines. One of the significant questions not addressed by Sutherland's theory is the
origin of deviant norms. We shall now turn to a sociologist who has proposed a theory that
norms in society. Unlike Sutherland, Cohen focused upon only one pattern of deviant
behavior, gang delinquency. His concern was to identify societal conditions, which gave rise to
deviant norms and sub-cultures. The theory sought to explain: (a) the origin of delinquent
subcultures and what functions they performed for those individuals, (b) why the norms had
the distinctive content they did, and (c) why the delinquent gangs were differentially
distributed in the social structure. Cohen's theory was even more divorced than Sutherland's
In 1955, Albert Cohen set forth a theory of delinquency in his book "Delinquent Boys"
to explain the known facts about "male working class adolescent gang delinquency". The
focus of Cohen's theory was to explain the origin of delinquent norms, a problem neglected by
Sutherland. His theory specifically is designed to explain the origin of delinquent subcultures
A subculture is an organized set of values, norms, beliefs, and attitudes that have
subculture is one where anti-social behavior is required by the norms of the group.
Cohen, like Sutherland, believed that delinquency was not inborn, nor something the
individual contrived on their own, but that the person learns to become a delinquent by
required by the norms of the group. The adolescent need not have any defects of personality
delinquent role. Rather, delinquent patterns are acquired by interacting with others who
share this pattern. Individuals enter and leave subcultures continually, but its norms and
values frequently persist beyond the lives of particular individuals, much the same as
children's games persist despite the fact that individuals grow to adulthood leaving the
patterns behind. The only difference between the delinquent and non-delinquent is exposure
to the subculture. Some delinquents are bright and others dull, and some are emotionally
disturbed and others not. The same is true, however, for non-delinquents, so that these
attributes are irrelevant to their delinquency. Similar to Sutherland, Cohen argues the process
of becoming a delinquent is the same as that of becoming a boy scout--only the content of
who has never been trained to act like a "human" (If I let my kid run wild like that, he would
be the same way), or these kids don't know right from wrong, or the child has been tossed
from pillar to post, never had love, his folks argued, came from a broken home, or he is all
mixed up, or similar common sense explanations. It is also opposed to notions of inadequate
personality development which views delinquency as: a "symptom", a method of coping with
problems, acting out internal psychic conflicts, or a product of family disturbances. These
explanations fail to specify how delinquency was chosen, and how it happens that other
delinquents contrive the same solutions independently. While Cohen acknowledges the
delinquency in society. Cohen's theory, in any case, is restricted to delinquencies, which have
a social origin.
Cohen's theory is limited to lower class male gang delinquency. He assumes it results
from the participation in a delinquent subculture, and his description focuses primarily on the
norms and values of the delinquent subculture. Three themes of the norms and values are
singled out for attention: (1) non-utilitarianism, (2) maliciousness, and (3) negativistic.
assume people steal things because they want them for some use--to eat, wear, or sell or in
some way use them. However, among these delinquents stealing is often an end in itself, and
the stolen objects are of secondary importance. In the vernacular of the gang, it is described
as "stealing for the hell of it".
The stealing is done and valued because there is attached to the process some status,
recognition, or satisfaction. Cohen gives examples of boys going into a store, stealing an
object, going on to another store and covertly exchanging it for other objects, and so on.
Stealing affords recognition, and thus is a means for attaining status in the group. Some
stealing, no doubt, is for the desired object. This occasional pattern of stealing would also
exist in other groups that weren't necessarily delinquent, and some delinquents may be
oriented primarily toward theft. But the sub-culture identified by Cohen has a non-
utilitarian orientation toward stealing which distinguishes it from other types of subcultures.
others or in defying social taboos. Thrasher (1927) noted one gang delinquent saying:
"We did all kinds of dirty tricks for fun. We'd see a sign "keep off the grass" or "please
keep the streets clean", but we would tear it down and say we don't feel like keeping the
streets clean. One day we put a can of glue in the engine of a man's car. We would always
tear things down. That would make us laugh and feel good to have so many jokes".
The gang may exhibit hostility toward other gangs through gang wars or it may
terrorize "good" children by driving them from playgrounds or other respectable activity.
The same spirit of maliciousness can be found in schools as evidenced by vandalism, attacks
against teachers, destroying school property, etc. These acts, Cohen suggests, indicate
The rules of the DSC are not merely different from those of respectable society; rather they
are purposely opposite to the larger cultural rules. Delinquent conduct is "right" according
to the subculture, precisely because it is "wrong" in the larger society. Acts which are
people, sadism, skill at stealing, and cleverness at evading the law, are those which serve to
enhance the status of the delinquent.
Thus laws are not merely to be evaded--they are to be flaunted! If the delinquent
norms were merely a different set of codes, the laws might be ignored. It is the open flaunting,
characteristic of the deviance that evidences the negativistic nature of the delinquent code.
norms, Cohen argues, are purposely opposite and antithetical to the norms of respectable
society. While it may appear to some that the behavior of these "hoodlums" appears to
exhibit no rhyme or reason, their actions indicate to Cohen a clear pattern--they are based on
a calculated contempt for the rights of other people. Delinquent norms can be defined by this
negative polarity to middle class norms. Delinquent morality is the inversion of respectable
distinctively a delinquent characteristic and can be found throughout working class culture.
Emphasis on short-range goals and "hanging around a corner waiting for something to turn
up" are commonly sentiments in non-delinquent as well as delinquent groups in the working
In summary, the delinquent subculture, like any subculture, involves certain activities
that are essential to the performance of the subculture's dominant roles. In the case of
Cohen's delinquent subcultures, these acts violate basic norms of the middle class society.
The theory should account for both the form and content of the subculture and its
distribution in society. It should be able to account for the following facts: Gang delinquency
is more frequently found among (1) males more than females in our society, (2) is more
common in adolescence than other periods of life, (3) is more likely to be found in the
working than in the middle or upper classes, and (4) urban than rural areas, and in parts of
the city close to the central business district rather than in the suburbs. An adequate theory
The scope of Cohen's theory is limited to one pattern of delinquent subculture--a non-
utilitarian, malicious, and negativistic type of gang delinquency. The purpose of the theory is
to account for the emergence of the delinquent subculture and its specific form. Specifically
it attempts to account for why the subculture emerges, why it takes the form it does ,why it is
distributed in our society as it is, and what functions it performs for its members.
Briefly stated, Cohen argues that the subculture develops as a response and solution to
the problem of "status insecurity"--that is, the delinquent subculture develops as a means of
permitting working class boys to adapt to their inferior status positions in society.
In order to more fully comprehend his theory he directs our attention to the structure
of American society, which he suggests lies at the core of the problem of delinquent
subcultures. Specifically he focuses on the process of stratification and the class structure of
structure that is critical in shaping a wide range of the individual's experience and behavior.
The two classes of interest to Cohen's theory are the middle and working classes.
Occupation is a critical factor in the placement of individuals into the class structure.
Associated with each class is also a style of life, a distinctive pattern of living associated with
Cohen begins by describing the middle class value system. He states that despite the
fact that the bulk of the population is working class our society is nonetheless molded and
shaped by middle class values. Hence both the middle and working class must come to grips
The middle class value system is a modified version of the "Protestant Ethic".
mainly through rational, ascetic, self-disciplined, and independent activity. Success results
from those activities. "Success" is seen as a sign of moral qualities and is equated with
Individuals in the middle class are socialized into these values and they pervade the
individual's life. Central to this value system is achievement and upward mobility.
1) Ambition is a virtue and the lack of it a defect. One is taught to have high levels of
aspirations to long-range goals. Children learn early to be concerned with career
and a determination to "get ahead", to be "somebody" and to be a "success". The
implication is that if you don't get ahead, you are a "nobody"!
2) The middle class value system is also an ethic of individual responsibility. It applauds
self-reliance. It involves a reluctance to turn to others for help. The self made man is
the hero. Working your way up from the bottom to the top is highly rewarded by
middle class recognition.
3) Middle class norms place a high value on the cultivation of skills, be they academic,
athletic or social accomplishments--high performance is always applauded. The
cultivation of manners, courtesy and personality are encouraged. Getting along with
others, making friends, and influencing people are skills related for upward mobility.
5) Time is important: it is scarce and valuable and treated like money; you spend it,
don't waste it, budget it, and lose or save it. There is an attempt to consciously plan
and budget time to get the most efficient use out of it. Even recreation should be
6) The middle class ethic emphasizes control over physical aggression and violence.
These are subversive to good interpersonal relations in an impersonal cooperative
social order such as a bureaucracy.
7) The middle class ethic emphasizes respect for property and exhibit almost a quasi-
sacred attitude toward property. Property is ego-involved, and its possession makes
its possessor proud and reflects the "self". The individual is hurt or angry when
such property is damaged or lost. Property should be respected and reflects the
important status of the individual in this society.
Cohen asserts that these typify the middle class values in our society. He further
argues that these values have a disproportionate influence on society. These are the values
that the middle class is trained in and for whom acceptance pays off in obtaining the desired
rewards. Working class children, on the other hand, get less training in these values and
Middle Class Socialization: Socialization patterns, as well as values, are class linked.
In the middle class socialization is a very conscious, rational, deliberate and exacting practice.
Little is left to chance as middle class parents attempt to raise their child's chance of
succeeding in the middle class world. The parents frequently exert effort to control the
child's environment by picking out the right neighborhood, meeting the child's friends, and
disciplinary technique.
more easy-going, less rational, conscious and deliberate. It is also believed to be less
demanding upon the child. The child's achievements are less likely to be compared with their
peers, and the child is more likely to be governed by their own inclinations. Effort and
There is also a difference in values internalized by the children. Working class parents
instill lower aspirations in their children and jobs are evaluated in terms of immediate
contrast to the middle class ethic of "individual responsibility". That is, there exists more of
a readiness to draw upon one another's resources without feelings of guilt. While this sharing
of resources militates against upward mobility, it does provide a form of social security
among persons in the working class. Socialization allows freer and less disguised expression
be sold or used to manipulate others. On the other hand, physical prowess also has a more
Social Class Disabilities in Competition for Status: Why do differences in values, life styles,
and socialization lead to problems of adjustment for large segments of the working class?
The reason, according to Cohen, is that America is molded and shaped by middle class norms
and values. These values are reflected in the functioning of most social institutions such as
the schools, courts, police, church, etc, and are continually expounded in the media and
newspapers. This middle class influence pervades most aspects of society. Thus almost
everyone in the society must come to terms with the middle class value system at one time or
another. The net effect, according to Cohen, is that working class children generally suffer
"status deprivation."
The low status position occupied by the working class male adolescent comes from
several inter-related factors. In our society, the family confers status on adolescents. This
means that the working class child shares the same low social status of his parents. Research
has shown that a child's ability to distinguish the class position of other children is well
developed by the sixth grade. In addition to the ascription of low status, the working class
child does not have the proper insignias of status (i.e., cars, clothes, spending money, job,
education, etc.) that are means for obtaining status. As he moves outside of his family, the
lower class child is soon forced to realize that he stands in an inferior status position. That is,
other members of society look down on him. With respect to his parents, home, clothes and
style of life, he may react with feelings of shame or inferiority or anger. At some point he
must face, and come to terms with the fact that he is negatively evaluated by society. In
addition to possible discriminatory reactions, he is placed in situations where the values set
up for him to achieve are predominantly those of the middle class, which are somewhat alien
to him. The consequences of this are disastrous, as an examination of one social institution--
the school--will show. What occurs in the school is only a microcosm of the larger society.
In the school, the working class boy is forced to attend basically a middle class institution,
run by middle class teachers, according to middle class standards and requirements. Middle
class norms and values are instilled into all students, including those who are working class.
These values are held up for all to achieve and emulate. Rewards are dispensed according to
a child's ability to meet these middle class requirements. Those who live up to these
standards; the clean, "well' dressed, good-mannered and achieving child are those who are
rewarded. These qualities are frequently taken as signs of the child's intelligence as well. The
dirty, ill-mannered, poorly dressed, inarticulate child is not rewarded but punished. Indeed,
these qualities are often taken as evidence of "stupidity". Many rationalizations and
justifications for this labeling process can be found; "they don't even know how to behave
An examination of a first grade report card in a large metropolitan city reflects the
values, which are important to the institution. All students are evaluated in the following
Courtesy, Enthusiasm, Habits of Thrift, and Habits of Good Health. These values are
precisely those of the middle class and reflect the incorporation of ideas from the protestant
There are many reasons for this differential treatment of students. First, teachers are
hired as agents of the middle class. This is one reason why the extra-curricular behavior of
middle class backgrounds, and therefore are more likely to reward those behaviors consistent
with their values. In some districts, a teacher with poor performance may be threatened with
assignment to working class areas. Thirdly, teachers are generally judged and promoted on
the basis of criteria other than by their ability to impart knowledge. For example, the
because the working class child lacks the training and discipline in maintaining order, they
are more likely to be restless, uneasy, and fidgeting. This is in marked contrast to the middle
class child who is docile and well behaved, and promotes a de-facto discipline in the class-
Thus the working class boy, from his point of view, is forced to compete in an
environment--the school--for which he hasn't been trained. He does not have the skills to
succeed in a school; he has not been taught to delay gratification nor has he been rewarded in
self-discipline. As a result of his socialization he has little interest in school. Since the value
of school and the advantages of college have not been reinforced in his home, the child lacks
the motivation for such long-range goals. He has none of the status symbols upon which to
make claims of respect from teachers. Furthermore, there are often economic pressures to
leave school, thus further inhibiting his ability to obtain middle class values. And finally his
manners, dress and speech evoke discriminatory reactions by teachers and other agents of
Thus the working class adolescent finds himself at the bottom of the status hierarchy
Status can be defined as achieving esteem in the eyes of others. In the U.S., the family
initially confers status, although an individual has subsequent opportunities to modify such
ascribed status. Due to this belief, in the United States status is regarded as obtainable to
anyone who is worthy of it. Worth, however, is often defined by the attainment of status (a
rather circular process). Since status is regarded as achieved, low social status tends to be
viewed as a reflection of personal inadequacy. Thus strong feelings of personal worth are at
American society is regarded as an "open" society where supposedly anyone has the
opportunity to "get ahead". Furthermore the opportunity to get ahead is involved with a
moral ethic that makes it an obligation to do so. The "status universe" (individuals with
whom you compare yourself) is greatly extended. This is in contrast to a caste society where
the individual may compare himself only with a limited category of others who share the
same social position and similar opportunities. Having a low social position does not
individual can be successful and thus achieve status, stands in marked contrast to the harsh
realities of its social structure where persons are unable to compete successfully for the
desired rewards.
The initial environment of the working class adolescent is the family, where they
incorporate working class values. With increased age and participation in society, the
adolescent leaves the narrow confines of his family only to realize that they are looked down
upon because of their inferior status position. This presents problem enough for any
individual. The "status" problem, however, becomes exacerbated as they incorporate middle
class values because then they are forced to look down on them self and their behavior.
That is, if they come to value middle class status, and Cohen suggests to some extent
they do internalize some middle class values from school, the mass media, etc., then to that
extent they will have a problem of adjustment. If they take those goals seriously and begin to
pursue them, most working class persons will find these goals generally unattainable for
them. In school, due to their prior training the adolescent is poorly prepared in the necessary
skills and motivation to compete successfully. Thus their attempts to achieve middle class
status are unlikely to be met with success, as such, middle class status is an unattainable goal,
and the inability to reach desired goals leads to tensions and frustrations in the individual.
The goal sought and which ultimately proves unattainable is status, specifically middle class
status. Cohen characterizes the working class adolescents as "status frustrated". And one
possible consequence of frustration is aggression. This aggression provides the energy and
Patterns of Adaptation to Status Frustration: There are several ways that working class
members can adapt to status frustration. Cohen discusses three types of adaptations: gang
1) The Delinquent Response: The delinquent subculture is one solution to the problem
distributed in a non-random way in the social system. Individuals must share similar problems
of adjustment. Cohen's theory focused specifically on status problems that were created by
the social system. By virtue of persons’ positions in the class structure of American society,
some individuals are systematically denied esteem. Thus the individuals' frustration results
from their position in the social structure. The system-related aspect of the individual's
position in the class structure is directly related to both the likelihood of their experiencing
The second general condition for the emergence of a subculture is that opportunities
must be present for effective interaction with others who share similar problems of adjustment.
Such opportunities exist in urban centers, the neighborhood, and the schools that provide a
high density of persons with similar social positions, hence similar problems of adjustment.
particular interest to Cohen as his theory is solidly grounded upon a particular conception of
groups and the nature of social behavior. Cohen views action as "problem solving". Some
problems that confront individuals have readily available and routinized solutions in the
actors’ frame of reference, while others may be more difficult and have no solutions, which
don't create further problems such as tension, frustration, resentment, guilt or anxiety.
All problems arise from and are solved through changes in the actors’ frame of
within a situation are always relative to the actors’ point of view. Individuals' social positions
are related to both the problems they are likely to experience and the possibilities for solutions
to that problem. A desirable solution is one that is also acceptable to others on whose good
acceptance and respect. In addition, the individual's confidence in his beliefs is a function of
others confirming the validity of his frame of reference. Thus Cohen emphasizes the
importance of the individual's reference group in the costs of evolving new solutions to
problems. Cultural innovation involves some potential risk in rejection by significant others.
When individuals are confronted with problems for which there are no readily available
solution, there is some quest for solutions to their problems of adjustment. When there is
opportunity for effective interaction with others who have similar problems of adjustment,
new cultural forms may emerge which are more effective solutions to the problems of
The formation of new cultural models is a gradual process, which entails exploring
new avenues without jeopardizing social acceptance by others. This results in tentative
directions being explored by small increments, which are quickly abandoned when lack of
acceptance of others is perceived. Thus a process of joint elaboration and mutual exploration
of possible new alternatives to existing cultural models arises. The final product is a
compromise formation unanticipated by any of the participants, but to which all are
committed. It is truly an emergent phenomenon, and one that results from a mutual
others. In this fashion, culture is always being created. Cultural forms, which don't work for
individuals, don't persist or are modified until they are satisfactory solutions. Thus Cohen
reasons that gangs resemble one another throughout the country because they are responses to
similar problems of adjustment. They are responses to contradictions in the culture. Once in
have long regarded groups as "problem solving mechanisms". Pressures for a collective
solution to problems of loss of esteem arise because the problem cannot be solved without the
cooperation of others. In sum, Cohen argues that delinquent subcultures function to provide
those working class members who are denied status in middle class respectable society a criteria
of status they can meet. Thus the lower class adolescent can achieve in the gang, by norms he
is familiar with and skills he possesses, the very things that are denied him in the larger
The delinquent subculture explicitly rejects middle class values and adopts their very
antithesis. Actively rejecting middle class values accords the delinquent high status. The
subculture, then, fulfills a double function: it both provides the working class boy with a
means for status which he can meet, and it helps him neutralize the values that were the
source of his frustration. According to the standards of his subculture, his non-conformity to
middle class standards sets him above the most exemplary college boy.
The adaptation of the DSC has certain parallels among conventional as well as other
deviant social movements. For example, it is analogous to the ideas of conventional lower
class religious sects whose members believe that God sheds his blessings only on those who
are active in the church and who renounce worldly activity. Thus, it is not the rich or
successful churchgoer who sits at the right hand of God; rather, it is the meek, the mild, and
delinquent subculture serves to legitimize aggression toward the source of the frustration--
middle class values and norms. Thus the aggression is directed at the primary source of the
frustration. The DSC encourages the expression of hostility toward the more salient symbols
of middle class morality and property. Property not only symbolizes middle class morality,
but also is importantly associated with personal value and worth. Thus the destruction of
and also focusing on the social processes and interaction among effected persons in creating
new cultural forms marrying both functional and symbolic interactionism in his formulation.
the corner-boy adaptation. This represents a reluctant acceptance of the working class way
of life. It involves a withdrawal into a community of like-minded individuals who engage in,
and approve of, manual labor. Unlike the delinquent, the corner boy avoids a rupture of
good relations with working class adults and does not completely renounce upward mobility
and success. Furthermore, he does not incur the hostility of middle class persons, leaving the
door open for the pursuit of values such as jobs, which are controlled by middle class persons.
The corner-boy response involves a preference for stability rather than the risks and
uncertainties of both the delinquent and college boy response. Rather than repudiating
middle class culture, as the DSC does, the corner boy subculture de-emphasizes it and re-
emphasizes working class culture and values like security and stability.
3) College-boy response: The college-boy response is simple and clear-cut. The working
class college boy internalizes middle class values and attempts to achieve them. This response
is difficult for it requires him to re-socialize himself and to repudiate much of his own
working class socialization. Therefore, the college boy response is probably relatively rare. It
All the responses involve certain costs and gratifications. The delinquent response
results in high status and acceptance within the subculture, and permits the expression and
release of hostility. However, it also involves rejection by both the working and middle class
communities. Thus cut off from adults, the delinquent becomes further dependent upon his
peers for rewards and guidance, so that the delinquent subculture exerts considerable
The corner-boy response leads to acceptance within the working class culture, but
only a quasi acceptance by the middle class. The boy may still feel that he is a failure in
terms of the middle class norms, for although he has de-emphasized them; he has also
The college boy is actively rejected by the corner boy and delinquent subculture and
receives a partial or early rejection by the middle class community. However, the middle class
Although Cohen's theory was limited to adolescent male working class gang
delinquency, Cohen explored its applicability with modification to female and middle class
delinquency in that: (a) it is less common than male delinquency, and (b) it assumes a
Theoretical Considerations: In order to account for these facts, Cohen applies the same
general orientation. His central assumption was that the middle class value system impinges
differentially upon the working class than it does upon the middle class. It also impinges
differentially upon males than females in American society. Cohen's assumption that the
social role occupied by the individual is related to the kinds of problems they experience is
reapplied to the sex role context. Because roles are related to problems of adjustment, we
would expect different role contexts to generate different types of problems, and consequently
the responses of persons would vary with the problems than confront them.
American society. The DSC is primarily a male subculture, and as such it involves a
reaffirmation of the masculinity of the group members. The delinquent response, however it
may be viewed on moral grounds, has at least one clear-cut virtue--it confirms to all the
masculinity of its members. There is daringness, aggressiveness, and active mastery as well
as exploitation in delinquent activities, which are traits strongly associated with the male role
in our society.
The delinquent typically measures his performance, whether it be stealing or fighting,
against the performances of other gang members, in the same fashion that everyone measures
themselves in terms of their friends in the same sex and age rankings. Males compare
Females not only compare themselves with other females, rather than males, but they
also use a different set of criteria. For girls, in the era described by Cohen, the major
criterion of comparison is their relationship with the opposite sex. The female's position in
society, the admiration, respect and station in life that she commands depends on the kinds of
relationship she establishes with males. In contrast, a male's success is much more dependent
assumed the social position of the head of the household--the man. Therefore female's
upward mobility involved marriage rather than occupational achievement, and was
dependent upon her ability to attract and marry a higher status man. Although occupational
achievement is of increasing importance for women, it still remains more important to the
man's status. A woman may receive some recognition for her occupation, but her ultimate
success rests on her ability to fulfill the conventional image of the female role--that of wife
and mother. The sexism of the era found its way into Cohen's theory.
Thus, relationships with boys were crucial in determining the adolescent girl's social
position. Dating popularity with boys, charm, clothes, ability to dance, etc. were of obvious
The status, security, and acceptability of a female's self image depended, therefore,
upon establishing satisfactory relationships with males. To this end, sexuality was employed
as the primary means. A basic determinant of the female's peace of mind and feeling of
security is the assurance of her sexual attractiveness. The money spent by women to increase
their attractiveness and the portrayal of women as sex objects is characteristic of advertising
directed at women; and say to the female, "you too may be sexually attractive and therefore
from accessibility. Attractiveness alone, without accessibility, may yield dividends. Sexual
It paid the most immediate and certain dividends by way of male attention, pursuit,
and company--these being reassuring evidence of success at the job of being a woman. But
sexual accessibility also has its costs and may be dangerous for the female. Although the
"loose" girl may get a large male following, she may weaken her position in the marriage
market. For the upwardly mobile female, a careful cultivation and balance of sexual
attractiveness and sexual accessibility would result in marriage to a higher status male.
because of the different roles and positions assigned to males and females in American
Patterns of adaptation among working class females can be found which parallel those
of their male counterparts: the delinquent response, the corner and college girl responses. If
the working class girl selects the female equivalent of the "college boy" adaptation, her
relationship with a boy has to payoff in marriage. She must have an acceptable reputation,
and cultivate a style of life consisting of charm, personality, good taste, and breeding that are
considered desirable in the social level to which she aspires. She must make shrewd use of
her sexuality and exploit the possibilities of dieting, dress, etc., to enhance herself and attract
male attention. She must attract men as a magnet, but still hold them off from their demands
without losing their attention, keeping them circulating in orbit around her--not too close
To attain upward mobility, both the working and middle class girl will be competing
for the same type of men. However the girls do not come equally prepared to compete.
Through socialization the middle class female has learned the necessary motivation and skills
The working class girl does not have the manners, breeding, and taste considered
desirable for the middle class male's conception of a wife. His family and friends may exert
pressure on him to drop her because of her background or behavior. In addition, she does
not have equal access to those enhancing symbols of sexuality such as dress, hairdo's cars,
etc. that would increase her popularity with boys (i.e., give her "class"!) Furthermore, she is
more likely to seek the immediate benefits of male attention rather than the long range and
ultimate payoff in marriage. She hasn't been trained in the personality skills necessary for
keeping boys guessing in order to maintain a "not too close, not too far" situation. She has
more difficulty in stopping before relationships become sexually involved. In effect, the
working class girl is less likely to compete effectively to enhance her female status.
In order to compete more effectively and increase her popularity, the working class
girl employs sexual accessibility. The social cost, in terms of guilt may be less than for she has
learned different values, and therefore would be more likely to engage in pre-marital sexual
relations. Less attractive middle class females might engage in the same tactics to offset their
competitive disadvantage.
When the expectancy of success is low, a second pattern may emerge. The female
abandons the pursuit of success, and uses her sexuality to flaunt conventional sexual mores,
which are an avenue for upward mobility for the female in American society. Sexuality is not
used to enhance popularity, but rather acts of sexual deviancy such as orgies or blatant
promiscuity flaunt middle class taboos. Her behavior, like the gang delinquent, is in direct
Thus status frustration underlies both the male and female delinquent's adaptation.
The differentiating factors are related to the primary means by which the sexes achieve
status. The reason that there is less delinquency among females is that there is less pressure
upon them to become upwardly mobile. Hence there are fewer female delinquents. Because
upward mobility involves different avenues, different patterns of deviant responses evolve.
description is dated in the 1950’s and 1960’s, gender roles are becoming more similar,
patterns of delinquency should also become more similar, if Cohen theory is correct.
Middle Class Gang Delinquency: With some modification, Cohen believes his theory can
also shed light on middle class male gang delinquency. One-explanation views middle class
Some families are middle class economically, but working class in terms of culture.
Middle class delinquency occurs in families in middle class areas who are culturally working
class. The "nouveau" middle class includes significant numbers of such persons. Middle
class boys who are culturally working class will encounter many of the same problems faced
later elaborated by Cohen, suggests that the sex role status is a critical factor among middle
class male adolescents. The middle class adolescent is more likely to have problems in
achieving adult male status than his working class counterpart. The theory rests on the
premise that the middle class boy has a more difficult in establishing his masculine identity
The problem of masculine identity results from several factors. First, the father is
frequently absent from the home in the middle class family. He works in the city, but lives in
the suburbs; therefore he arrives home late, sometimes after the children are asleep. Second,
the father's occupation in not easily understood by the boy. It is difficult to identify with an
absent father who engages in a vague, incomprehensible activity. Thus the middle class boy
has less opportunity to establish an identification with the father as a role model. Third, the
Fourth, the middle class child has a much longer period of dependence on his parents.
If he goes to college, his dependence may last until he is twenty-one or older. Therefore, he
has fewer opportunities to assume an independent role. Even when the middle class child
works, his job is viewed more as character building than as an important contribution to the
family leads to a very early and strong feminine identification. The primary disciplinary
technique of the middle class family is "withdrawal of love", which involves making the child
dependent upon parental approval and withdrawing the approval when the child engages in
disapproved acts. The child becomes "hooked" on love, and the threat of its withdrawal
provides the parents with an important control over his behavior. This situation fosters close
and intense relationships, as well as a high degree of identification between family members.
Because the mother is generally the primary figure in the child's early life, as well as the
major dispenser of rewards and punishments, children of both sexes form an early and
intense identification with her. This creates few problems for the girl. For the male, however,
As a result of this early identification, to the boy, conforming comes to have unusual
meanings. Since his mother was the principal definer of "good" or "respectable"
become associated in the child's mind. When the male begins to move outside the home into
the larger society, he is faced with strong pressure to establish an acceptable masculine
identification. Since conformity and femininity has become closely associated, engaging in
the opposite of "good" i.e., bad, comes to be associated with confirming masculinity in the
The working class boy, on the other hand, has greater opportunities to establish an
acceptable masculine identification and has therefore less anxiety about his sex role. The
father is likely to be more visible in the home, his occupation is more understandable to child,
the division of labor according to sex role is clearer cut, and physical punishment rather than
withdrawal of love is the major disciplinary technique. This form of punishment does not
lead to an overly close identification with the mother. Also the working class boy's job makes
him an important contributor to the family, and because he works at an earlier age, he does
not need to assert his independence in the same way. He is an independent breadwinner who
is accorded adult respect.
Cohen suggests that there is much greater pressure on the middle class adolescents to
validate their adult masculine status. Anxiety and doubts about their masculinity lead to a
convince themselves and others, that they are indeed masculine. According to Cohen, the
cult of compulsive masculinity forms the basic motivation for delinquent subcultures among
the middle class. This explains, Cohen argues, why delinquents go out of their way not to be
labeled "sissies" or react so strongly to aspersions of their masculinity. As noted earlier, the
malicious and negativistic delinquent subculture found among urban, lower class male
adolescents. Cohen explores the characteristics of American society which produce this
subculture, and links the origin of the subculture to the stratification system, i.e., the ways
rewards are allocated in our society. American society is molded by middle values, and the
working class gets less training in these values and accordingly gets less payoff. The
delinquent subculture arises out of the "socially structured gap" between aspirations and the
means realistically available to the working class to realize these aspirations. This gap exists
because: (a) working class individuals are not equally prepared to compete for status
motivation and skills, (b) inferior economic resources limit access to enhancing status symbols
and opportunities, and (c) discriminating reactions create social barriers which limit
opportunities. The end result is that the working class person suffers from "status
deprivation" and low self esteem. When status deprivation is widely experienced through
certain portions of the social structure, and there is sufficient opportunity for effective
interaction, a subculture is likely to develop which serves to recover lost self-esteem and acts
as an insulation from further relative evaluation. This hostile response to middle class society
serves as a solution to the problem of status insecurity. Through hostility directed at the
middle class, those deprived of status are able to gain recognition and esteem through
standards and criteria which they can meet and which, at the same time, repudiate, those
discrediting factors in society which gave rise to the discontent. Not everyone who joins the
gang has to be motivated by status discontent, as once the gang is formed, members may join
for a variety of reasons including fellowship, fun, protection or conscription by other gang
Logical adequacy of the theory: Some criticisms have been raised by Kitsuse and
Dietrick (1959). One issue they raise is that of a contradiction in Cohen's description of the
working class boy's relation to the middle class. One the one hand, Cohen states that the
working class boy values the good opinion of middle class persons and, on the other hand, he
states that it may be argued that the working class boy does not care what middle class
people think of him. This causes Kitsuse and Dietrick to wonder whether the "ambivalence"
of working class boys was sufficient for Cohen to introduce the concept of "reaction
formation." Parts of Cohen's description of the working class boy's perception of the middle
class world is one of resentment at the intrusion of "foreigners" who seek to impose upon him
an irrelevant way of life. Thus Cohen's description would also lead one to conclude that the
working class boy does not desire to achieve status in this system.
"maliciousness", and "negativism" are judgmental concepts and are interpretive categories
subculture. They question his imputation of intent that is implicit in his description of their
activities as malicious. Thus they assert that there is circularity in Cohen's reasoning which
confounds his description of the subculture with his explanation of it. Others have
questioned how Cohen was able to unproblematically determine the meaning of social actions
to the actors in that situation without supporting research. They regard these as
Testability of the theory: Kitsuse and Dietrick (1959) further argue that Cohen's
theory is inherently untestable! They feel its research directives are not clear. The theory
existing subculture and its present concentration among certain populations in the society.
However, Kitsuse and Dietrick argue that Cohen's use of the present indicative is misleading
since the origin of the delinquent subculture requires historical data in order to test the
theory. That is, Cohen utilizes concepts that require data about psychological characteristics
of past populations. Cohen's theory does not state that the working class adolescent is
ambivalent about middle class values merely that at some unspecified time he was
ambivalent about middle class values. It is therefore not possible to obtain the kind of data,
which would be required for an adequate test of the theory since the psychological
They also argue that the theory is ambiguous concerning the relationship between
explanations that account for the emergence of the subculture, and the conditions necessary
for its continued persistence or its maintenance. They have no objection to a plausible
hypotheses. But that the theory cannot also be used this way because Cohen does not deal
with "what are the necessary conditions for the maintenance of delinquent subcultures?"
Does Cohen's theory imply that the maintenance of the subculture is not wholly dependent
upon the motivational structure, which originally gave rise to it? That is, that some (an
undetermined percentage) of lower class adolescents must (at some undetermined time) have
been status frustrated, but once that the subculture emerged from these conditions, that it
could recruit membership sufficiently to persist even though there no longer existed
individuals in the working class who were status frustrated? That is, once a group is in
existence, it could draw from a range of motivations that then makes it independent of the
Kitsuse and Dietrick believe that its theoretical significance has to lie in the theories
relevance for explaining the persistence of the subculture. Were this not so, they argue, the
theory would be dismissed merely as plausible but not testable, or as incapable of generating
hypothesis about regularities other than the pre-existing facts which it explains. They believe
Cohen creates a dilemma by divorcing the dynamics of its origin from the dynamics of its
maintenance, since the former does not require the same motivational dynamics. The
ambiguity lies in the statement that some participants must have the characteristic
motivational structure posited in his theory. Theoretically, the dynamics of emergence are
either (a) independent of or (b) dependent in some unspecified way on the dynamics for
Thus they conclude Cohen must specify his theory more precisely so these questions
Their comments can be summarized as follows: (a) There are logical contradictions
and circularity in Cohen's arguments, (b) The theory is ambiguous concerning the
relationship between the conditions which contribute to the emergence of the subculture, and
those which are essential to its maintenance, (c) That if these dynamics are totally divorced
from each other that the methodological basis of the theory then renders it inherently
untestable, (d) In order for the theory to be useful, some specification needs to be made about
the dynamics of persistence of the subculture, and (e) The theory is not supported sufficiently
Empirical support for Cohen's theory: This will be examined in several areas.
Existence of the subculture: The first question that looms important is whether or not
the type of subculture described by Cohen exists in American society. Cohen cites studies
showing delinquency is a social phenomenon, i.e., it is undertaken with others, and a few
examples of statements and deeds of delinquents are cited. These are hardly convincing
evidence of the existence of the particular type of subculture, which he has postulated. If no
examples of this type of subculture can be found, then the theory, of course, is of no value.
Cohen does not specify the number of such gangs in existence or their proportion in
the total number of working class gangs. This has led some critics to charge Cohen with
assuming a homogeneity among delinquent gangs that does not exist. Cloward and Ohlin's
(1960) critique of Cohen was that he failed to take into account subcultural variation among
delinquent gangs.
Others have charged that the type of subculture described by Cohen is non-existent.
Cohen presents little empirical data on the value orientations of the gangs with which he is
concerned. Kitsuse and Dietrick (1959) question Cohen's depiction of the gang culture as do
Miller (1958), Yablonsky (1962), and Cloward and Ohlin (1960). The question is one of the
"goodness of fit" between Cohen's description and empirical studies of the value orientations
of delinquent gangs. Studies of selected gangs, have not on the whole, been supportive of
Cohen's description (See Gordon et al, 1963, Reiss & Rhodes 1961, Miller, 1966).
Due to the serious limitations of the research conducted on the value structures of
delinquent gangs, and the sometimes contradictory conclusions or interpretations which are
possible of the results of these studies, supporters of Cohen's theory argue a case can be made
for the existence of such subcultures merely by an inspection of the deeds reported daily in
Content of the Subculture: Does Cohen's theory account for the form and content of
the subculture? Cohen argues that the content of (non-utilitarianism, maliciousness, and
negativism) is to be accounted for as a reaction against middle class values, which allow those
persons injured to break free of the influence of this morality by adopting the opposite, and
at the same time it legitimates the expression of hostility toward the source of the frustration.
Distribution of the Subcultures: (1) The greater frequency of gang delinquency among
males: Cohen asserts that pressures for delinquency arise from the social structure, and are
related to roles individuals occupy within that structure. Because the roles occupied by males
and females differ, it is to be expected that the resultant pressures toward deviance would also
differ. Males are under greater pressure to achieve occupationally than females, and
therefore are more likely to experience status frustration, which in turn increases the
2. Differences between male and female delinquency: Cohen asserts that the pressures
differ not only in degree, but also in kind. Since the DSC is a response to a specific problem,
produce a difference in the type of response, that is, female delinquency is motivated by a
different set of problems. Part of the difference lies in the nature of the problems experienced
by males and females and the different avenues available to them for upward mobility. In so
far as solutions have to be somewhat compatible with other roles, age and sex roles limit
essentially masculine, it would be problematic for the female's sexual identity to engage in
such behavior, even if the pressures were similar to those experienced by males. In addition,
avenues for upward mobility for females are through sexual attractiveness and marriage.
This, Cohen argues, leads to pressures toward increased sexuality, both instrumentally to
obtain males, and flauntingly to exhibit disdain for middle class morals.
adolescence is precisely the time the pressures toward achievement would be the most salient
since this is the period of transition to the adult role where the status of the family is left
behind and one's own status is assumed primarily through the individual's occupation.
4. Delinquent gangs are more frequently found in the lower class because it is precisely
the lower class individual who is most likely to be frustrated in regard to status achievement.
5. Rates of gang delinquency are higher in urban than rural areas: In order for a
subcultural solution to the problem of status deprivation to develop, Cohen argues that
sufficient numbers of persons who share similar problems of adjustment and who have
opportunities for effective interaction would be required. It is the cities that provide large
concentrations of working class persons in highly dense geographical areas that foster the
where there is greater exposure to middle class worlds, which may cause increased frustration
6. Rates of gang delinquency are higher in certain sectors of the city; this results
because cities are spatially segregated into economic areas, and the areas with the highest
rates would be, according to Cohen, where heavy concentrations of the working class reside,
as they are the ones subject to the greatest status deprivation. He does not explain
7. Rates of delinquency increase during prosperity: Cohen might argue that during
these periods of prosperity, individuals in the middle class are more concerned with status,
since economic needs are more likely being met. Thus during these periods goods would be
more likely to be displayed more ostentatiously, which may serve to increase the relative
deprivation of the working class individual. Also in times of prosperity all members do not
benefit equally or advance at the same rate. Thus status differentials can become aggravated.
The disparity between goals and accessibility becomes heightened and status deprivation
could be expected to increase under these conditions, especially if the differentials between
Cohen's explanation is consistent with the data on the distribution of the subculture.
Some critics have questioned the very statistics of delinquency upon which Cohen
bases his theory. The statistics Cohen cites are for overall rates of delinquency, and are not
Others are also critical of Cohen's use of official statistics since many believe they do
not reflect the actual rate of delinquent behavior. What official statistics reflect are the
activities of the police and courts more than the actual occurrence of delinquent acts.
Chambliss’ (1973) study indicated working class gang activity is more likely to be officially
processed by the police than middle class gang activity. Studies of self-reported delinquent
behavior, Cohen’s critics argue, show much less variation between the classes than what is
A key assumption upon which Cohen's theory depends is that some portion of the
working class does internalize middle class values or aspirations. The important question is
whether the working class boy is sensitive to the middle class expectations and evaluations,
and to what degree would his sensitivity result in a problem of adjustment if unable to attain
those values. Kitsuse and Dietrick (1959) state that Cohen's argument that working class
adolescents aspire to middle class status is unconvincing. Indeed, they suggest that Cohen's
own statements about working class socialization lend support to the contrary view. Class
differences, especially the strong dependence of the working class adolescent upon his peers,
Cohen supports his position by citing studies that demonstrate that working class
adolescents do exhibit internalization of middle class values. One such study cited by Cohen
reported on survey data on value orientations of adolescents. Two findings of that study,
Cohen argues, support his theory: First, there were overall differences between the two
classes in their modal values. Second, a significant portion of the working class adolescents
evidenced middle class values. These findings support the original class differences in values
Cohen's theory postulates, and his assumption that a significant segment of the working class
do internalize and aspire to middle class values.
The question of the extent and degree of frustration is not explored in these studies,
and whether delinquents were drawn from those most thwarted in their aspirations remains
unanswered and perhaps unanswerable. At what point in the history of the community did
the reaction to middle class values emerge? Many areas in London and the United States
have long traditions of high delinquency before the middle class emerged as a dominant
feature of industrialized society. The question of cross cultural comparison also becomes
important, since gangs have arisen in non-western cultures as well, such as the Soviet Union,
Japan, and China, which are not characterized by "middle class protestant" values. Are the
gangs of a different character, or are the problems of upward mobility also characteristic of
those societies?
explain delinquency on the basis that these "kids just don't know right from wrong" or
"they lack a moral sense" are inadequate because they fail to recognize that it is not the
result of a lack of morality, but a different morality which prevails, and the delinquents do
feel guilt for violating their own codes. In fact, it is the existence of such codes, which create
the delinquency in that subculture; anti-social behavior is required by the norms. Even if the
person would wish to be law abiding, they would be fearful or reluctant to violate gang codes
delinquency flourishes in the interstitial areas of large cities. These areas are inhabited by
stake in the community. These populations lack the solidarity, community spirit, motivation,
and residential stability necessary for social organization to develop on a neighborhood basis
Cohen's critique of that theory is that research reveals most slums and interstitial
areas are by no means lacking in social organization. These areas do not present the picture
of chaos and heterogeneity described in the literature. On the contrary, a vast network of
informal relations can be identified, and although somewhat lacking in community spirit,
these are not the jungles they are characterized to be. Secondly, even if this were true, the
approach is wholly negativistic. That is, it accounts for the presence of the delinquent
subculture in terms of the absence of constraints, and leaves open the question of the origin
of the delinquency itself. It also ignores the question of the spirit and content of the
delinquent subculture.
Another form of the social disorganization theory assumes that moral vacuums result
from situations where there are competing or conflicting cultural standards which present a
confusing cultural matrix to the individual. This theory characterizes high delinquency areas
as those exhibiting considerable mobility and cultural diversity. Diverse ethnic groups have
diverse and incongruent standards and thus exhibit little cultural unity. In this welter of
conflicting moral standards, the person becomes confused and bewildered. Subject to
conflicting standards, the individual accepts none and assimilates none. He develops no
respect for the legal order because it is not supported by his cultural values.
Cohen criticizes this theory by stating that even though there is a wide range of
variability among ethnic groups across the United States, the patterns of delinquency remain
quite similar. Why should these vacuums or confusions be filled by similar responses across
diverse situations? Furthermore, even if there are gaps in the moral fabric, the problem
remains of why the individuals fill these gaps in the ways they do? The delinquent
subculture is not a fund of blind amoral "natural" impulses that inevitably well up in the
absence of a socially approved code of behavior. On the contrary, it is a positive code, a code
with desires for wealth, status, power, goods, etc. However, the means for achieving these
goals in socially acceptable ways are not equally available to all citizens. Those individuals
who lack access to legitimate means are under pressure to employ illegitimate means.
Cohen argues that because so much of the gangs' stealing and other delinquent
activities are non-utilitarian in character, that it questions the underlying assumption of the
desired goals. The disrespect for property and the negativistic character of the subculture
also question that these acts are merely illicit means to the same socially desired goals valued
4. Miller's Culture Conflict Theory: Walter Miller (1958) proposed a theory that
asserts that a conflict between middle and lower class culture is what is responsible for the
greater frequency of delinquency among lower class youths. His position is that there is no
specifically "delinquent" subculture that is oriented toward the deliberate violation of middle
class norms, but that the delinquent activities of these youths are a direct outgrowth of
Miller, like Cohen, assumes the working class has a distinctive culture with its own
integrity that is different from that of the middle class. However, Miller restricts his attention
to what he describes as the "hard core" of the working class, which is characterized by: (a) a
"female based" household, and (b) "serial monogamy". While this segment constitute less
than a third of the lower class, its culture in various degrees can be found manifest
throughout the working class in varying degrees. Even within this narrowly circumscribed
group, several subtypes of working class culture can be identified which vary in their
Miller utilizes the concept of "focal concern" instead of "value" because: (1) he feels it
is a less abstract concept which is more closely related to actual observations of behavior
which can be made, (2) there are a range of possible dimensions along which issues can be
contrasted with respect to a concern, but only the singular aspect of positive valence for a
value, and (3) concerns can be compared at a covert and at an overt level which permits an
analysis of possible contradictions that are not as likely to emerge when analyzed through the
concept of value.
The "focal concerns" of the working class include a concern with "trouble". On the
one hand, "staying out of trouble" may be a very important reason for conforming to the
law, more so than a belief in the rightness or morality of a particular law. On the other hand,
"getting into trouble" can be a status conferring activity for some segments of the working
class, in the same fashion that "staying out of trouble can be status conferring in the upper
echelons of the working class. Another focal concern is with "toughness". Physical prowess, a
lack of sentimentality and the sexual conquest of women signify toughness and masculinity
within the working class, which Miller explains as a reaction to the female dominated
household. "Smartness" involves a capacity to outwit, dupe or "con" others, and also
confers status upon individuals. The quest for "excitement", frequently involving alcohol,
gambling, and sexual conquest, is a pre-occupation among this segment of our society. Life is
interpreted in terms of fate or luck, which either one has or lacks, and which accounts for his
fortunes, and which reflects a conception of having little control over one's life. Autonomy is
highly valued at an overt level, yet covertly, lower class individuals frequently seek out
control. Miller asserts individuals frequent return to prisons results from a desire for external
controls, even though the individual may complain about the restriction of his autonomy.
These concerns are embodied in the culture of the hard-core lower class, and are
reflected in the age-graded peer groups that emerge as natural units within that class. The
desire to "belong" and to obtain "status" within these groups, results in this lower class
culture coming to have great salience for the adolescent. Conforming to these norms (getting
in trouble, toughness, smartness, etc.) of his reference group brings him into conflict with the
norms of other groups (i.e. middle class, adults, "officials", etc.) in terms of which he may be
working class culture and the laws reflecting middle class culture. Due to the fact that
immediate reference groups are more compelling in their demands because of the possible
exclusion and other sanctions they can impose upon the individual in his day-to-day life, he
to these values also serves to establish an intra-group hierarchy, where those who conform
most to these standards receive the most status and recognition within the group.
Why these specific standards or "focal concerns" develop within the working class, is
given less attention by Miller. He suggests some possible reasons for their development. One
was that a strong desire for attaining "adult" status, which is defined in terms of a car, ready
drinking, driving, gambling, etc. Another consideration Miller offers casually is that illegal
acts may be a more efficient way to obtain desired ends. Yet a third factor in shaping the
character and degree of illegal behavior is the expectations and salience of different reference
groups such as professional criminals, the police, the clergy, teachers, adults, in the
immediate community which may tilt the value system in one direction or another as a
Thus the conflict between lower and middle class culture creates a situation where
dictates of the lower class culture can bring the lower class adolescent into direct conflict with
the laws which reflect the values and ethics of the middle or upper class or "officials".
A comparison of Cohen and Miller's theories suggest they both see delinquency as
sub-cultural behavior largely mediated by the peer group. They differ in their explanations
as to the origin of the peer group culture. Miller asserts the peer group culture is nothing
more than a reflection of hard-core working class culture. Whereas Cohen postulates a
distinctive delinquent subculture that is not merely a reflection of working class culture, but
emerges out of the working class adolescent's reactions to his inability to attain middle class
Cohen might agree that some delinquency may result from conflicting class standards,
but he argues that there is an extensive range of the gang's behavior (extreme violence,
murder, etc.) which is also disapproved as strongly by other working class persons in the
same neighborhoods, which he suggests question the very tenants of Miller's theory.
Furthermore, Cohen argues, that the lengths to which gang members go to flaunt social
taboos do not merely reflect a difference in values or standards, but a deliberate assault and
attempt to repudiate the values of the other group. It is here that Cohen introduces the
controversial concept of "reaction formation" which is often mistakenly led his critiques to
charge him with psychological reductionism. What Cohen is suggesting is that the social
processes that emerge in the formation of the new cultural forms are analogous in the sense
that the failure in obtaining middle class values is lessened by group definitions which value
their opposite. The "flaunting" quality of their behavior (which Kitsuse and Dietrick have
difference. Miller's response is that the characterization of this working class culture as an
active repudiation of middle class values is a result of taking the middle class community and
its institutions as an implicit point of reference and standard for judging behavior. The non-
The questions still left unanswered by Millers theory center around his inadequate
explanation of the origin of the subculture. Why does the attainment of adult status involve
committing illegal acts? Is this the result of the adolescent’s inability to obtain the wealth to
perform these roles or the power to engage in this behavior, and if true, why should this also
not be a problem for the youth of other classes also? Also his explanation that illegal acts are
more efficient for the lower class to obtain desired goals, why would this be less true for the
middle class or even the upper class. It is necessary to introduce other considerations if his
argument is to have any weight. Also his third factor, competing reference groups, only
assumes a criminal orientation in closer proximity to the working class adolescent, but does
not explain why it is there to begin with. Lastly it does not account for the lower class non-
5. Sykes and Matza's Techniques of Neutralization. Sykes and Matza (1957) suggest
that whereas Sutherland focused primarily on the process rather than the content of the
learning, Cohen's theory is explicitly oriented toward the content of the delinquent
subculture. Cohen sees the world of law abiding turned upside down where the delinquent
norms constitute a countervailing force directed against the social order. Thus the DSC exists
They argue that if delinquent behavior truly arose from a set of norms, which defines
the delinquent behavior as morally correct, then the individual would not be expected to feel
quilt or shame at their actions. Rather they would be expected to respond with indignation
and martyrdom.
But Sykes and Matza argue there is considerable evidence that delinquents do
experience guilt and shame, and are not hardened "gangsters in miniature". Secondly, that
the delinquent values honesty and recognizes the moral validity of the dominant normative
system which is reflected in his respect for a revered mother or priest which embody such
values. Thirdly, that because some persons are excluded as possible victims and other targets
implies that the devaluated groups hint at their perception of the wrongfulness of their
behavior. And lastly, they are not immune from demands for conformity by the dominant
Thus Sykes and Matza argue that the delinquents do not completely deny the moral
claims of respectable society and substitute new ones as Cohen would have us believe, or have
a totally different morality as Miller (1958) suggests. On the contrary, middle class morality
has to be dealt with and temporized or neutralized in such a way as to handle the guilt that
would be felt if one violated such standards. Sykes and Matza then proceed to describe the
delinquents that exempt them from moral culpability for their actions. Their point is that
these would be unnecessary if the delinquent had his own standards of right and wrong. The
existence of these techniques question the autonomy of the lower class standards postulated
by Miller and demonstrates the lack of independence of the DSC from middle class morality
as postulated by Cohen.
Their theory suggests that how these external and internal demands for conformity
are dealt with, is crucial for understanding delinquency. Their explanation begins by viewing
social rules not as categorical imperatives that are universally applied, but as qualified guides
for action, which must be specified as to time, place or situation, and persons before they can
be applied. It is this flexibility of interpretation and application of the rules that opens the
door for delinquent actions. As the law exempts persons from blame under some
avoiding moral culpability and hence the negative sanctions that would result from their
actions. These techniques protect the individual from self-blame as well as blame from others.
This neutralization of moral imperatives opens the door for deviant or delinquent
behavior. The social controls, which serve to check deviance, are rendered inoperative. But
the delinquent only tempers morality, and does not break with it. The delinquent can remain
committed to social norms while at the same time define his illegal behavior as acceptable.
Delinquency is not a radical opposition to law breaking, but an apologetic failure or a re-
interpretation of the law that develops. Thus the delinquency is based on avoiding moral
outside the individual's control such as the family or a bad environment which therefore
serves to deflect the blame from himself. (2) Denial of Injury questions the wrongfulness or
harm of the behavior judged to be delinquent. (3) Denial of the Victim interprets the act as
something that is rightly due the victim, so that the victim is transformed into the wrongdoer.
(4) Condemnation of the Condemners involves a shift of attention from the individuals’
deviant acts to the wrongfulness of others in society. (5) Appeals to Higher Loyalties justify
deviant acts because the demands of the larger society are sacrificed to the claims of
friendship and the smaller groups of which the individual is a member. Here the norms are
not rejected, but because other norms have more pressing claims they can be suspended.
These techniques, according to Sykes and Matza, are critical in lessening the effectiveness of
social controls.
To make their theory more complete, they suggest that further investigation needs to
be conducted on the distribution of such techniques within the social structure. For example,
are those groups where the discrepancy between social ideals and social practice is highest,
the places where such ideologies emerge? Also how are the techniques related to the specific
patterns of delinquency?
It is not clear whether Sykes and Matza are offering a modification of existing theories
or a new theory that is on its own sufficient to account for delinquency. With respect to their
criticisms of Cohen and Miller's theories, there is the question of whether both Cohen and
Miller's theories really depend on a wholesale rejection or difference from middle class
culture. Obviously some aspects of morality pervades most social classes, such as
prohibitions of cannibalism, incest, etc., and evidence that there is the presence of such
elements among delinquents is not a convincing argument for their lack of difference on other
issues. New subcultures are never created from whole cloth as delinquents use knives and
forks, speak English, etc., and exhibit many other similarities with the larger culture. In
addition, agents of the larger society continually intrude their evaluations upon delinquents,
so that some ideology that takes into account other groups demands for conformity develops.
The statements of guilt and remorse may also be generated to avoid punishment once they
are apprehended or lenience in their treatment. Furthermore, even if genuine guilt existed,
Cohen's argument depends upon the lower class adolescent having internalized middle class
values; therefore guilt and conflict would be expected as the residues of the previously
Another problem in Sykes and Matza's theory is the failure to consider some of the
only when there is an excess of criminal definitions does crime result. Therefore, it is likely
that one can find some law abiding definitions in even the most "hardened" criminal, who
may also revere motherhood and country, exclude some persons as victims, and justify their
behavior in the same terms conventional persons employ. This does not preclude a different
morality in other areas, as Sykes and Matza would suggest. Sutherland, recognizing the
possibility of both types of internalization existing, and the possible attacks by the respectable
integral part of the content of the learning. Sykes and Matza assume this aspect of the
learning has to come prior to the delinquency to neutralize the norms before such delinquent
behavior can occur. Others might argue the reverse that these rationalizations are learned to
legitimate the individual's already existing delinquent standards or develop as defenses when
others attack these standards. What Sykes and Matza fail to account for is why the
delinquent patterns develop at all, why is there a need to justify or neutralizing the claims of
certain norms upon their actions? They have no explanation for the motivation to engage in
the law breaking behavior, which itself has to be rationalized. Also their argument that these
are not rationalizations or justifications of delinquent acts after the fact, is not supported by
suggesting that there are no gangs in the ordinary sense of those terms, but merely "near
groups". He argues that at best, the "gangs" loosely organized collections of individuals who
belong for a variety of personal and highly individualized reasons. Furthermore, their anti-
social or illegal actions are directed by a small core of sociopaths who have the ability to
manipulate these persons into acting out their own pathological desires.
The sociological naiveté of such a position is clear. First, the question which
Yablonsky addresses is one which neither Cohen nor Miller concerns themselves--that is, the
degree of organization of the gang. One would assume that is a variable, and look for the
factors that would influence this aspect of the subculture. Second, the assumption that there
are sociopaths standing on all the corners of slum neighborhoods throughout the United
States waiting to organize these loose collections of potential followers to act out their
pathological desires for violence, strains the imagination. This theory is contradicted by
numerous studies of gangs, which show a good deal of organization, role differentiation, strict
membership criteria, rituals of indoctrination, and continuity over generations. That these
gangs develop similar standards and cultural patterns contradicts Yablonsky's explanation.
7. Labeling Theory: This position questions the validity of the "official" statistics
upon which Cohen bases his theory, and suggests the possibility that there may be no real
differences in the actual frequency of delinquent behavior among the classes, but that
because of selective enforcement by agencies of social control and the different standards
applied in judging delinquency, that this results in a higher official rate of delinquency in the
working class.
Such factors as the heavy concentration of police in working class areas increase
opportunities for arrest. Or even when cases of probable delinquency are identified, working
class cases are more likely to be handled officially and middle class cases handled unofficially
(Chamblis, 1973) and thus are not reflected in the official statistics. These and other factors
will be explored more fully in a detailed examination of labeling theory. At this point,
sufficient to suggest that some critics of Cohen's theory suggest that "official statistics" are
mostly artifacts of the way the systems of social control operate in the community.
Summary: The criticisms raised, and the possible conflicting interpretations of the
data with which Cohen is concerned raise some important questions that must be answered
before any further conclusions can be reached with respect to the theory. Cohen's theory
would make certain predictions about the changing patterns of delinquency as a consequence
of changes, which may be occurring in both the middle class and the female’s role in the
society which can provide an opportunity to further test the theory. Cohen's theory has
attracted much attention from both supporters and critics. The few studies that have been
undertaken question Cohen's description of the subculture and several of his assumptions.
Cloward and Ohlin have attempted to modify Cohen's analysis along several lines and have
had a very important impact. Their theory will be explored shortly. Has American society
and the character of gang culture changed in the last fifty years in a way that makes Cohen’s
is correct, there would be several avenues open if one were concerned with controlling
delinquency. (1) One solution is to "close" the socially structured gaps. That is, make
opportunities more realistically attainable for working class persons. In some areas of the
community less than 70% of students graduate high school. This may take the form of
changing the culture of the working class to become more like that of the middle class so that
working class adolescents would be more able to compete successfully. Programs to re-
socialize working class children such as Head Start, train middle class teachers to be more
responsive to the needs of working class children, and similar approaches would reflect this
avenue of possibilities. (2) Another direction is to change the values of the middle class to be
more accepting of cultural differences, and insulate the working class from middle class
values. That is, re-emphasize working class values in the society and schools so that they are
not encouraged to compete for middle class recognition. (3) Still another approach would be
to change the norms of the delinquent gangs by the use of social workers or street workers
who would attempt to modify the values and cultures of gangs. (4) Alternatively, one could
attempt to modify the values of the middle class in a more humanistic direction, perhaps de-
emphasizing materialism and renewed emphasis on the worth of every person in society. (5)
A more radical solution would be to abolish classes altogether and eliminate social
inequalities. These would follow from Cohen's theory, although this is not to imply that they
are equally practicable or that the society would pay the costs that might be involved in
reducing delinquency.
Cohen's theory is grounded in functionalism: Cohen takes for granted the reality of social
structure and its ability to limit opportunities in society, and identifies the importance of
norms and values in social behavior and the reality of the social structure of the gang, all of
which reflect the tradition of functional analysis. In addition, he explains the origin of the
DSC in terms of the functions it fulfills for the members. Their behavior is also norm
governed and that it conflicts with the norms of the larger conventional society aligns it
squarely with Sutherland's analysis. However, in his analysis of the social processes involved
1) Both Cohen and Sutherland agree that delinquency is a socially acquired pattern of
2) Sutherland's theory is concerned with explaining the manner in which the deviant
cultural patterns are acquired--the process of cultural transmission. Cohen's theory neglects
the process of socialization into the delinquent subculture, but is compatible with
3) Sutherland and Cohen differ in their emphasis on where the learning occurs.
Cohen limits his consideration to the delinquent gang. He does not specifically concern
himself with the problem of differential susceptibility of induction into the subculture, other
than his consideration of status deprivation. Why one person rather than another joins the
gang is a problem left unexplored by Cohen, in the same fashion that Sutherland does not
explore why a person has the associations he does. Some families may insulate the adolescent
from the peer culture; however, Cohen does not explore this question. Sutherland also
emphasizes the importance of intimate groups, but these groups could include the family as
sources of delinquent definitions. What Sutherland considers, which Cohen does not, is the
important to understanding the impact of the gang culture on the individual and would be
6) Both see the underlying cause of deviance in the existence of conflicting cultural
the culture, Cohen takes these as problematical and tries to explain the origin of deviant
norms, the content of those norms, and why they are distributed in the social order in
particular manners. Cohen fills an important gap in Sutherland's theory, the origin of
Thus we see that the theories are complimentary rather than conflicting with one
another. Each of the theories addresses different problems. Cohen is concerned with the
origin of deviant norms in society and Sutherland with how those norms get transmitted
within the society. Each theory meshes with the other, although they are logically
independent. Cohen's theory could be false and Sutherland's true or vice versa or both
At this point we shall examine a theorist who formulated in a more general fashion
the relationship between the social structure and deviant patterns of behavior upon which
Cohen's analysis is based. This central figure is Robert Merton (1938) and his theory of
Anomie, which tried to identify how the malintegration of cultural values and social structure
can create pressures for individuals to engage in non-conforming behavior. Cohen's theory of
In 1938, Robert Merton, in a seminal article entitled "Social Structure and Anomie",
outlined what was later destined to become the most widely known and single most
influential theory in the sociology of deviance for the past half century. Merton (1968)
extended and elaborated his theory in later works, but its essential elements remain in tact
even today.
Merton's theory, which draws heavily from Durkheim's work on suicide, focuses
attention on the role of the social structure in generating deviant behavior. Heretofore,
deviance was primarily regarded as an outgrowth of the failure of the social structure to
sufficiently restrain the individual's impulses--a breakdown in social control. The roots of
deviance were believed lodged in the original biological nature of man. And unless these anti-
social impulses were sufficiently checked by the social structure, deviance would result.
Merton argued that the social structure could play a more extended role than merely
structures could directly produce motivation to deviate from social norms. He argued that
some unknown but substantial portion of deviant behavior represents socially induced
deviations—deviations, which the culture and social organization conjoin to produce. His
theory attempts to explain how social structures can exert pressures on individuals to engage
in non-conforming behavior. In the same way that social forces can cause pressures to
conform to societal norms, social forces can be generated to induce people to act contrary to
underlying cause of deviance is traced to the social pressures resulting from the mal-
integration of parts of society. Thus the integration of the social system is critical in the
optimal functioning of society according to functionalism. Specifically the values are made
less attainable for some by the patterns of social interaction i.e., the social structure. Focus
on the barriers created by the social structure to attaining goals, has also been referred to as
"opportunity theory."
A). The Purpose of Merton's Theory: The intent of Merton's theory is to explain how
between various societies and between groups within the same society, and to identify
differences in patterns and forms of deviance within those groups. Thus Merton's theory is
oriented toward explaining variation in rates of deviant behavior rather than individual
of deviance.
The theory purports to explain: (a) differences in the overall rates of deviant behavior
across societies, (b) differences between groups within the same society, (c) changes in the
rates of deviance in the society over time, and (d) differences in patterns and forms that non-
B) Description of the Theory: Basically Merton's theory asserts that deviant or non-
conforming behavior results from strains in the social structure which create pressures for
The theory can be broken down into three main aspects: (a) The nature of "anomie",
(b) The causes of anomie, and (c) possible responses to or consequences of anomie.
(a) The Nature of Anomie: Anomie was a concept proposed by Durkheim (1897) in his
"deregulation" by the norms. The primary factor causing anomie according to Durkheim
was rapid social change, particularly manifest in the transition towards industrialization.
Durkheim's use of the concept was also more restrictive than Merton's, as he used the term
aspirations of members in the society. Merton used the term anomie to refer to inability of
mechanisms whereby individuals could reach satiation points. But that this was not true for
socially derived needs. Thus, after society had induced individuals to desire social goals or
rewards, if the society failed to regulate the individual's appetites or aspirations at the same
time, the net result would be that individuals would experience perpetual dissatisfactions and
Society must therefore restrict the individual's appetite to what is realistically attainable in
order for persons to be relatively content with their lot in life. If society fails to regulate these
frustration in pursuing satisfactions that can never be fully realized. Thus norms also serve
particularly industrialization. Durkheim also raised a more radical question with respect to
the causes of anomie: "do materialistic goals themselves create insatiable greed that may
arise from the very nature of capitalism that will be an unending source of frustration?"
inability to regulate an individual's behavior, not just their aspirations, and sees this
condition resulting from an anomaly of integration of goals and means in society, rather than
breakdown or weakening of the social norm, which regulates conduct in the society.
Deviance results from a breakdown in moral order. Moral order is created and sustained by
social norms. Thus deviance is a result of the breakdown in the norm's ability to regulate
regulate behavior decreases. Because the rules are less binding upon the members, non-
conformity increases, one would assume, in direct proportion as the decrease in the salience
Merton, like most functionalists, sees social order as based on common norms, values
and social expectations, and society as a regulating force, which defines and controls the goal-
seeking behavior of people. When these common understandings, such as definitions of right
and wrong are weakened, predictability of others behavior is lessened, and social
and morality paves the way for deviance to develop. The first step toward deviant behavior
is the weakening of the norms to control conduct in the society or a decline in morality. The
second aspect of Merton's theory deals with the conditions that lead to a breakdown in the
(b) The Causes of Anomie: As stated earlier, Merton's theory rests on the assumption that
non-conformity or deviant behavior results from strains in the social structure. The strains
that produce deviance are brought about by the relationship between two major elements of
society: culture and social structures. Culture includes the culturally defined goals people are
enjoined to pursue as well as norms that regulate the socially acceptable modes of pursuing
those goals. Social structure refers to patterns of interaction or social organization in the
The first element, the culturally defined goals of the society, is lodged in the cultural
system. According to Merton, every society emphasizes certain goals, purposes or rewards,
which its members strive to attain. These provide the aspirational frame of reference for the
members. They constitute the socially valued and desired objects or states that are sought by
The second element is the morally proscribed means or modes of achieving these
goals; moral norms. Every society regulates acceptable modes of achieving goals for its
members. If this did not occur, a state of anarchy or a "war of all against all" would prevail
where "anything goes" and only expediency would limit considerations, and social
regulation, and hence social order, would be virtually absent. These socially proscribed
avenues for obtaining goals are embodied in the norms of the group, and are the reference
from which non-conformity is defined. These norms thus reflect the legitimate and desired
ways of pursuing cultural goals within that society. Merton conceptualizes norms as ways of
goals compared to means, and (2) goal disjunction, the social structural barriers to obtaining
1. Strain From Over Emphasis on Goals: Strain can result from the relative emphasis
placed in the society on the goals as compared with that placed on the means. Merton asserts
that the degree of emphasis (social rewards) the society attaches to the goals can vary
independently of the social rewards that accorded to following the means. The balance of
emphasis upon the goals with respect to the means can vary over time and across societies.
expense of the institutionally appropriate means for attaining them can result in one type of
mal-integration in the society. Under this type of social mal-integration, the norms which
regulate access to these rewards and which regulates individual behavior in accordance with
moral expectations, will weaken as regulatory forces within the society. Technical or
efficiency criterion will be the only limiting considerations in human conduct, and the moral
considerations upon which social order rests will be weakened. This state can be described as
anomic mal-integration; a state of anomie prevails when the norms fail to regulate social
behavior sufficiently. Merton asserts that in an optimally functioning society that social
rewards must result from both obtaining goals and adhering to socially acceptable means.
order is thus also based on the allocation of sufficient rewards in society to insure conformity.
A second polar type of mal-integration results at the other extreme where there is an
overriding emphasis on the means (ritual conformity to the norms) at the expense of
emphasis on the goals. Under these conditions original purposes are forgotten and ritualistic
importance. This type of society lacks the flexibility required for adaptability in meeting
changing conditions. It becomes rigid and tradition bound, as a result of over conformity,
and is characterized by a lack of deviance. This is not a condition of anomie, since the norms
actively; in fact, overly regulate the behavior of members7.
Between these extremes, Merton suggests there is an optimal balance upon the goals
with respect to the means, which results in an effective equilibrium in the society. On the one
hand, there would be sufficient flexibility for social change since the norms would not bind
behavior in an ironclad fashion. And on the other hand, there is sufficient regulation by the
norms that predictability and social order are possible. The notion of equilibrium is deeply
receive satisfactions from both the achievement of goals and satisfactions from conforming to
the institutionalized means. Success is reckoned in terms of both product and process--in
outcome and activities. According to Merton, continuing satisfaction must result from sheer
participation in a competitive order as well as from eclipsing one's competitors if the order is
to be sustained. There must be motivation and positive incentives for conformity for all
positions in the social structure, not for just those few who can obtain the desired social goals.
Underlying Merton's theory is the notion that conformity is generated by the desire for
rewards, which come from both achieving socially valued goals and conforming to social
defined goals and socially structured means. When goals are disproportionately emphasized,
"winning" the game will assume paramount importance over "winning by the rules". The
extreme emphasis on attaining the goal can attenuate the satisfactions derived from sheer
participation in the competitive activity such that satisfactions are virtually confined to a
successful outcome. This pressure leads to widespread illegal drug use in competitive sports
behavior because of the satisfactions or rewards that accrue to them. These satisfactions can
result from obtaining the desired social goals, or from positive satisfactions that result from
conforming to the norms (i.e. prestige or recognition from others). Merton argues rewards
must come from both activities in order for the society to be adequately integrated and non-
malintegration and strain in society. Merton also asserts that rates of deviance will vary
within a given social order by the status of the group. Different statuses are subject to
different pressures toward deviant behavior because they experience greater strain. A
seccond strain from malintegration of goals and means is "goal disjunction" which refers to
the condition that the ability to achieve goals by legitimate means is differentially distributed
throughout a social system. In this scenario, the social structure (patterns of interaction)
represents a barrier to obtaining the social rewards sought for segments of society. Class or
patterns of discrimination can constitute such structural barriers. Thus the way society is
organized can constitute structural barriers to the achievement of goals for some individuals.
secure goals, it should be distributed in the same fashion as availability of means are lacking.
It would also be expected that there is variability of exposure to such stresses within
groups as well that make some persons more likely to engage in deviant behavior than others,
and why all individuals exposed to goal disjunction do not manifest deviant behavior;
Thus Merton argues the variables critical to the creation of anomie or the breakdowns
of the social norms are "over emphasis of goals" and "goal disjunction" which refers to the
inability to obtain desired social goals because of structural barriers that limits the
legitimately available means. That is, at the same time society encourages the pursuit of
certain cultural goals, the pattern of social organization or social structure impairs member's
ability to obtain these goals. Structural barriers such as social class or ethnic or gender
discrimination are the primary obstacles, which create abnormal social pressures toward
can climb as high their abilities will take them. Yet numerous studies demonstrate strong
relationships between the social status of the family of origin (the launching pad) and the
status the individual ultimately attains. Some have described the U.S. as more like a system
This seems to hold true for even those minorities who receive higher education in the best
universities but who, after graduation, do not earn as much as their white counterparts.
These would be examples of goal disjunction were both class and ethnic stratification
This "aspiration gap," the differences between what people aspire to and what is
realistically and legitimately available to them creates pressures for individuals to engage
non-conforming behavior. The hurt from pursuing goals that are denied you, results in
increasing tension, frustration, and anger. These are the pressures generated by
malintegration of goals and means. How individuals respond to these social pressures is the
adaptation are ways people find to the resolve strain resulting from malintegration of goals and
means in society. Due to their social location, some people experience greater strain and thus
are under more pressures to deviate. This aspect of Merton's theory is concerned with the
consequences of goal disjunction and possible ways of responding to these social pressures.
By juxtaposing cultural goals or ends with legitimate means or norms, Merton develops what
While his earlier typology: under, optimum, and over emphasis of goals with respect
to cultural means, was meant to characterize the overall cultural integration, this typology
refers to adaptations which are possible for the individuals within the social structure.
Merton presents five logically possible modes of adaptation that are schematically presented
I. Conformity + +
II. Innovation + -
III. Ritualism - +
IV. Retreatism - -
V. Rebellion - -
+ +
In this table, a (+) signifies acceptance, a (-) elimination or rejection, and a (-+) signifies
rejection and substitution of new goals and standards.
These categories refer to role adjustments in specific situations and are not
characteristics of individuals who may change their adjustment patterns over time or in
different situations.
were not the case, the stability and continuity of the society could not be maintained.
Conversely, Adaptation IV (Retreatism) is the least common response. These are persons
"in" but not "of" society. In this category are included suicides, some psychotics, tramps or
vagabonds, and perhaps drunkards and drug addicts. This occurs where the individual has
strongly assimilated both the goals and means, but where successful attainment of the goals is
is not available but due to inadequate socialization and internalization of the norms, are
willing to resort to other avenues of obtaining goals. On the other hand, an extreme
assimilation of institutional demands will lead to Adaptation III (Ritualism), and what were
means now have become ends. Adaptation V (Rebellion) is likely to result when
emancipation from the reigning standards due to frustration or marginality to the culture
leads to attempts to introduce a "new social order" with new goals and means.
In summary, anomie can result from two basic causes: (1) malintegration resulting
from an over emphasis of the goals at the expense of the norms, and (2) malintegration
resulting from barriers created by the social structure preventing access to the goals. Both
social structure, which extols certain goals, yet systematically blocks opportunity to achieve
these goals through legitimate avenues, creates pressures for deviant behavior. The
anti-social conduct, and (c) revolutionary activity. Thus Merton's theory argues that "goal
disjunction", the process whereby the legitimate means no longer enable the individual to
norms where they no longer effectively bind the individual's behavior, and a state of
The overall hypothesis states that the greater the mal-integration or goal disjunction,
the greater the pressures to violate moral norms, the greater the rates of deviance. Thus
adaptation I (conformity) should decrease and the other modes of adaptation II-V should
increase, with increased pressures. Societies with higher degrees of mal-integration or goal
disjunction should have higher rates of deviance. Furthermore, those groups, which are most
likely to experience strain, would be the ones to manifest higher rates of deviance. And lastly,
as mal-integration increases over time so will the frequency of deviance. Thus deviance is a
normal (expected) response to abnormal social pressures. The pressures are generated by the
way the goals and means in society are integrated, thus deviance is a property of the social
system. The strain is caused by the lack of integration between the goals and institutional
means, which limit opportunities to achieve rewards in society. The theory is sometimes
throughout the social structure, there would only be deviance from sources other than anomie.
A. Logical Adequacy of the Theory: There are problems with Merton's theory as it
currently is formulated. One is the clarity of the concepts. Merton's definition of a cultural
"goal", which he equates with "purpose" or "interest", needs further specification so that
operational definitions would follow from it in a more precise fashion. How are the goals for
a particular society determined? Are the goals related to one another in a neatly arranged
hierarchical fashion? Does Merton overlook the possibility that there can be conflict in the
There are similar problems with respect to "norms" or "means". How are these
determined in a particular society? Do they exist in such a clear cut fashion where there is
wide spread agreement? Or are they more problematical and variable, as symbolic
interactionists would suggest? Also are the norms clearly agreed upon in a multi-cultural
Merton recognizes this problem when he states "they are analytically separable although
they merge imperceptibly in concrete situations. Is it not precisely in the concrete situations
that these propositions must be tested? The concept of "goal" is a hypothetical construct
designed to explain the direction human behavior takes. Therefore, goals cannot be observed
directly, and are inferred from behavior or norms. There is a danger of tautologies when the
concept of goal is introduced to "explain" the very behavior from which it has been inferred.
Merton does not go so far in his analysis as to be tautological, but the danger remains.
"Ritualism" involves a rejection of the goals but a continued acceptance of the means;
this creates a difficulty in the sense that one must "know" the original purpose of norms.
Cannot ritualism also be an instance where the means, if they were even that, have changed
their character sufficiently so that they should now be regarded as "ends" or "goals"8? The
question of how to distinguish a "means" from an "end" is a difficult one. Cannot wealth,
which Merton regards as an end, also be a means to status or power? Cannot status be
further regarded as a means to self-acceptance? It is not clear where to draw the line
between a means an ultimate end. There are some difficulties also when ends are determined
on the basis of individual verbal reports, so that brotherhood, charity, or goodness may be
defined as ends or goals, but in fact are only paid lip service in the society. Would Merton
regard these as serious statements of cultural goals, if words but not deeds were directed
toward them?
It is also not clear which modes of adaptation correspond to which specific forms of
relationship to means or ends, in the sense that they either totally accepted or totally rejected,
when there may be a range of possible responses and modifications to them. There is not
simple relationship between the means and the ends. Also related is the problem of over
simplification of the "patterns of adaptations". The difficulty lies in determining first, what
an accepting or rejecting stance with respect to means and norms consists in. Second, there
is a difficulty when we try to locate a specific pattern of deviant behavior into his rubric. It is
not clear whether Merton is proposing the boundary of his theory to encompass all possible
forms of deviant behavior, or only those which result from goal disjunction. Is he stating that
all deviance ensues from goal disjunction? It would appear that this is not what he is stating.
If this is not the case, how does one distinguish between deviant behavior, which results from
goal disjunction and that which arises from other sources? Merton has been accused of
selectively discussing only those patterns of deviance that fit his schema while ignoring those
which do not and failing to specify the range of deviant patterns. There is also the concern of
lumping together under the same rubric patterns of deviant behavior, which appear to be
quite dissimilar to one another. What Merton calls innovation may be just imitation, and
there is much overlap in the various modes of adaptation. More attention must be directed
to clarifying these issues and locating the empirical referents in deviant behavior. How would
homicide or cannibalism fit into his schema? More importantly Merton does not deal with
the particular form of deviance within a particular pattern of adaptation nor does he
examine how the social structure may influence the selection of adaptations. This is a crucial
Other ambiguities also remain in the theory. Is Merton dealing with an "objectified"
social structure and actual discrepancies between the goals and means? Or is he dealing
with, as his concern with reference group theory would indicate, with the phenomenon not of
absolute deprivation but "relative deprivation"? If it is the latter, as we would assume, then
we would also need to know the conditions under which conditions of objective goal
There is no assurance that members of the society necessarily recognize all the
conditions of that society. Access to wealth or power may be masked in such a fashion that
the disjunctions are not visible to the members in that society. Merton does not deal with
how "consciousness" may be manipulated in the society so that persons do not develop an
awareness of the dislocations in the social structure. The mass media may be controlled by
those who have vested interests in presenting certain pictures of that society that minimize
disjunctions or the church may deflect attention to next worldly pursuits which mask the real
character and injustice of the society. On the other hand, it is also possible that members
develop inaccurate perceptions about injustice or access when; in fact, no disjunctions exist
in the society.
The point, which must be considered, is that when Merton introduces the concept of
"relative deprivation" and reference group, that the implicit notion of "reality" is that of a
"socially defined reality". Also members do not make independent assessments of reality
that are uninfluenced by other's definitions of the situation. How groups come to define
"reality" is a collective act, although one need not assume all persons share in the power to
define this socially created reality. How the group comes to define the opportunity structure
seems to be more critical than the actual state of the opportunity structure. This collective
goal disjunction. Individuals also do not often make independent assessments that are
relationship between actual states of goal disjunctions and the definitions of situations
reference groups create is not specified in Merton's analysis. More information is needed
with respect to the intervening variables between objective states of goal disjunction and
reference group definitions, between reference group definitions and individual members’
perceptions, and between the individual member’s perception of goal disjunction and the
actual nonconforming behavior. Merton's theory does not address these issues, and needs
deprivation. When the concept of relative deprivation is utilized then attention is directed
more toward the reference group and less toward the "an overall structural state of the
society". Can the deviant pattern also be a role that is lodged in the reference group, which
the individual can learn, independent of their perception of goal disjunction, as suggested in
Does Merton’s theory have implications for which particular persons will engage in
deviant behavior, because it can be logically derived from the theory, even though Merton
issues a disclaimer against explaining individual incidence and restricts his analysis to over all
rates and differences between groups? The question of how large discrepancies must be
before they will eventuate in deviant behavior is not dealt with in Merton's theory.
B. Testability of the theory: Until some of Merton's concepts and assumptions are
clarified as to precisely what the theory is specifying, a determination of the testability of the
theory is not exactly possible. From casual inspection, the theory appears to be testable in
principle. Cohen has stated, however, that for all the popularity of the theory, remarkably
few applications to specific instances of deviance have been made. Instead, the propositions
It would be most difficult to test Merton's theory on a societal level since the data for
comparisons of either different historical periods or across societies is lacking. Non-
conforming behavior can assume many forms, but data are lacking on most except those
which are against the law such as theft, suicide, etc. Other modes of adaptation, such as
ritualism, rarely are considered as deviant, and therefore comparative data on the frequency
of them are lacking. In addition, overall measures of goal disjunction have not been
developed, although some indirect measures of anomie have been experimented with but not
applied systematically to the global problem with which Merton has been concerned.
The theory has been most commonly employed in accounting for differences between
groups within a society. For example, class differences are explained in terms of
disadvantaged opportunities for obtaining social goals, although few studies have pursued
Whether the theory has any applicability to predicting individual deviance within
groups cannot be determined at this point until some of the ambiguities in Merton's theory
are specified. Merton does not explain why only some who are exposed to goal disjunction
turn toward deviant behavior. Sutherland suggest how people define the situation will
determine their reaction to it. For a more complete treatment of this question, Durkheim's
In so far as the theory can be applied to deviance within smaller social groups, such as
one institutional arena or even within a small group, some experiments have been
Cubbin, Pickle, and Fingerhut (2000) found crowded housing conditions to be related
to increased rates of homicide. Inequality in health services and percent of female head of
households was related to homicide rates in black and white households. Currie (1998) found
inequality, poverty and social exclusion related to violent crime and Kerbo (1996) asserts that
the U.S. has the highest poverty rate and biggest gap between rich and poor which was
related to high rates of violence. Krivo and Peteson (1996) found links between disadvantage
and violence and Hagan (1994) observed that in communities that suffer capital
disinvestment, youths are more likely to drift into crime. In Toronto, Sever and Isajiw (1993)
found ethnic prestige and class were factors in predicting powerlessness and anomie and
Lafree and Drass (1997) found those who participate in riots (rebellion) are different from
those who commit common crimes (innovation). Barron (2006) found homeless youths were
in employment situations that either left them alienated from conventional society or with
frustration with their failure and both situations led to increased drug and alcohol use.
The results of empirical studies indicate mixed support for Merton's theory and raise
An assumption central to Merton's thesis is that there exists a set of universally accepted
goals. Is the assumption that "all members in the society are exposed to the form and
content of goals in the same way" supported? Differences in reference groups, socialization,
and experience can sufficiently modify both in kind and degree, the goal orientation of
individuals. Miller (1958) argues the conflict between working and middle class values
creates delinquency directly without the necessity of postulating goal disjunction. In fact,
Merton recognizes this in his analysis of innovation versus retreatism when he suggests that
differences in internalization of the means vary between these two types of groups. There are
the lower classes have less concern with goal attainment because they have lower aspirations.
This also raises the broader question of the perspective from which Merton views the social
order. There may not be universally held goals among the various strata and groups in
society, just differences. And these differences are judged as "rejection" only when they are
judged from a "middle class" or "official" perspective of the social order. That is, there may
be a built in cultural relativism in Merton's analysis of departures from norms and values.
Another question that needs to be raised is the problems of the deviance of the rich
and powerful (such as political figures, corporations, governments, professionals) are as great
as that of the poor, but that because they are powerful in shaping laws and influencing the
enforcement of laws, their acts are less likely to get defined as "deviant". Because they are
the creators and interpreters of laws and norms, their behavior gets defined as "conforming".
Secondly, even if they transgress these norms, they are dealt with in informal and non-
punitive ways so that the "official" statistics on deviance are class biased. The very facts,
In addition, the pressures and dislocations for the upper class may not be as great as
that for the lower class? Merton introduces the concept of "relative deprivation" in order to
account for pressures from the higher classes to attain more wealth. However, doesn't this
wide spread crime among the upper classes and corporations of epidemic proportions, much
more than his theory would suggest, call into question Merton's theory? Doesn’t capitalism
and pressures for increased profit lead to pressures toward crime apart from values? What
about crime in the government, CIA, FBI, NSA., the military, and regulatory agencies, where
wealth may not be as central as power or other objectives? Since in many cases they have a
monopoly on force or control, why do they seek deviant means to accomplish their goals?
Perhaps, because they can! They are not impeded by social controls causes deviance more
than their being limited by goal disjunction. And don't the goals of these special interests
sometimes loom as more important than larger shared societal goals? The laws themselves
are seen not as moral imperatives, but as unwanted intrusions into profit making or
totalitarian control over the population.
controls, aside from the norms, which can reduce or control deviance. Merton assumes
people conform because of positive social rewards received from both obtaining the goals and
following the norms. When these are not forthcoming, conformity will not be sustained.
However, there are also negative sanctions that follow from non-conformity that may result
from oppression and agencies of control. These can generate high levels of conformity even
when there are considerable pressures for non-conformity from goal disjunction. Totalitarian
regimes can impose order by force. The individual's expectancies of rewards are a critical
conformity. Also Merton does not explore the likely probabilities of success through
alternative avenues.
Thus conformity can result even when positive rewards are difficult to obtain within
Merton's analysis is notably neglectful of the role of oppression and coercion in society, which
can generate conformity when consensus is lacking since his primary focus is only on positive
rewards. Violence is also mostly seen to result from the actions of deviants and not the ruling
class. What about the use of state violence to accomplish the purposes of special interests or
totalitarian societies? Who determines rules and goals in society? Functionalists leave us
with the impression that they evolve out of the social system's requirements in some
impersonal and uniform way. They also suggest the belief that such goals are universal and
based on consensus rather than social interests. These underlay Merton's theory of order as
the basis of society. Merton downplays the role of force, coercion, manipulation, conflicting
interests, and power in society and whose interests are served by existing social orders.
This also results in Merton's overlooking the role of agencies of control in defining
examination. If the norms are clear-cut, then what constitutes deviance for him is also clear-
cut. It was only in his later work that Merton (1961) defined deviance at all, which he
regarded as "conduct that departs significantly from norms set for people in their social
statuses. This entire stance has been criticized by labeling theorists, and will be discussed
overlooks anomie which can result from conflicting goals. Individuals may be torn between
"success" and "wealth" on the one hand, and the "esteem" and "friendship of others", on
the other hand. These goals may be mutually incompatible. Where the individual wants to
"win" and also be "well liked" by his competitors in a situation "where nice guys finish
last," would be an example of an inability to attain two mutually incompatible goals. Thus,
the inability to attain goal A is not blocked by the disjunction between goals and means, but
Merton's theory also does not explain the origin of over emphasis of goals or strains
between the goals and social structure. He merely assumes them. As a consequence, certain
avenues of analysis are precluded. Horton (1964) claimed that Merton shifted the meaning of
anomie away from its more radical implications. Merton's concept of anomie identifies with
the very groups and values that Durkheim saw as the prime source of anomie in society.
Anomie arose not only from conditions of inequality in opportunities to compete, but because
self-interested striving (status and success goals) and egoism had been raised to social ends.
Morality requires social goals obeyed out of disinterest and altruism, not self-interest and
egoism. To maximize opportunities for achieving success would in no way end anomie.
A just society for Merton would be one where there was equality in opportunity. He
does not consider the nature of the goals. Materialism, for example, may fragment human
values and promote competition, even though there are equal opportunities, and still be
destructive to the quality of human life. Capitalism may foster uncontrollable greed that is
difficult to restrain by moral values. The recent scandals and looting by CEOs of major
corporations attests to these possibilities. How those goals come into dominance, and who
benefits by the way the society is organized, are questions not considered by Merton's
analysis. Why is equality in opportunity more desirable than equality in wealth or power?
Merton also fails to account for inequality and barriers to opportunities he describes
as goal disjunction. He does not explore how powerful forces may both create and benefit
from class, gender, and racial discrimination to perpetuate their advantage. Furthermore he
does not get at the root causes of deviance by focusing on the causes of poverty, why inequality
exists, and on what basis rewards are allocated to members of society. Marx has argued
poverty and unemployment are integral to capitalism, and benefit capitalists by capping
wages thus increasing profits. Therefore goal disjunctions come to play critical roles in
societies and will not be eliminated until the economic systems which give rise to them are
available. If there is equal opportunity, but all have little chance of success, and this is not a
result of barriers in the social system what implications will this have for rates of deviance? If
this perspective is correct, Merton's reformist solutions will fail. Merton leaves little room for
viewing deviance as an outgrowth of evil in the system in both capitalist and totalitarian
societies. The destructive aspects of humanity of a social system are not explored, other than
has been argued that functionalist’s conceptions of the social matrix, rests upon reification of
the cultural and social processes. Merton assumes a somewhat stable social order in which
there is considerable consensus with respect both to the "goals" and the "means". This is
how it is possible for him to speak of "universally held" goals. Within this perspective, the
rules would be seen as more clear cut, and conforming behavior more easily identifiable.
However, Merton ignores the question of “how such behavior will be interpreted by others in
the community?” This model of cultural homogeneity may be less applicable to a pluralistic
society where there may be competing or even conflicting values. Merton's analysis does not
allow for subcultural differences, which don't result from goal disjunction. Subcultural
different sets of norms operating. From a middle class perspective, the behavior can be seen
as deviant, but it is culturally relative. The question is whether the perspective Merton takes
cultural forms, he assumes these will then be the dominant norms as the society changes. He
assumes that deviance results because people fail to obtain the socially desired goals in the
institutionalized ways. What about groups and movements, which repudiate those social
goals, such as revolutions, Bohemian or student movements, and suicide bombers and
terrorists? Must these groups always be seen as evidencing "sour grapes" in the sense they
could not have obtained the social rewards? Many of the terrorists of 9/11 came from
privileged backgrounds. Is it not possible that individuals, who have achieved the rewards of
Some of the criticisms may not apply, since Merton does not imply that all deviant
behavior results from goal disjunctions. Merely, to the extent that goal disjunctions occur in
Finally, reliance upon official statistics in support of Merton's theory has raised
Merton doesn't deal with why all individuals exposed to goal disjunction don't engage
in deviance, other than those with moral inhibitions. Could there not be also structural
effects in shaping responses to social strain? Cloward and Ohlin have raised question about
two significant omissions in Merton's theory: (1) he does not account for the direction of the
form of non-conformity. Why does it assume a subcultural form rather than individualistic
acts, and (2) what determines the shape the non-conforming behavior will assume? Their
theory will be explored next in their attempt to answer these questions not addressed by
Merton. However, while Merton sees differences in opportunities to achieve goals, he does not
there any relationship to the type of goal disjunction, such as wealth or status, and the type of
response that will occur, such as innovation or retreatism? Merton doesn't relate kinds of
strains to outcomes.
success and is class based. Yet the model has more general application and can be applied to
suggesting that creating more equal opportunity and access to goals by eliminating barriers
which will result in a more level playing field, will eliminate the problems of contemporary
capitalistic society and the existing social order. His approach was similar to FDR during the
great depression and the establishment of the new deal, but tends to reflect an individualism
of laissez faire economics. Laws, which seek to eliminate barriers and establish positive
programs such as affirmative action or head-start can fix society and eliminate the need for
revolutionary change. Others might argue creating equal opportunity in a failing economic
Merton's theory provides the basic framework for Cohen's analysis of the emergence
of delinquent gangs. The goal disjunction Cohen's analysis focused on was "status
deprivation" experienced by working class male adolescents. The social class structure
impaired working class male adolescents ability to obtain middle class status and thus created
problems of adjustment for them. This is a direct application of Merton's theory of anomie
was rebellion in that they established a contra-culture embodying new cultural goals and
means. Cohen also explored other modes of adaptation in the corner boy and college boy
structural barriers to obtaining desired sexual partner or rewards in society, organized crime
revolution among groups who lack access to legitimate power in society. (Cite examples of
other studies) Sutherland's theory comes into play once these cultural patterns are
established and describes how they are transmitted in the larger society. Merton ignores the
process by which goal disjunction gets transformed into individual deviant behavior.
Cohen’s theory also fills in the intervening processes and important social dynamics
which transform the condition of anomie into subcultural solutions and the important role of
mutual influence and social interaction in shaping solutions to goal disjunction. Two pre
conditions of problems being system related and opportunities for effective interaction must
exist for collective modes of deviance to develop. Absent these, individual patterns of
We will now direct our attention to Cloward and Ohlin's theory of Delinquency and
Opportunity, which attempted to fill some of the gaps in Merton's theory and to deal with
the variation of delinquent subcultures not examined by Cohen. Cloward and Ohlin pay
special attention to variations in delinquent subcultures, how they are linked to opportunities
for solutions to problems of goal disjunction, and identify conditions that lead to individual
Merton's theory sought to identify societal pressures creating deviant behavior and
the possible ways of adapting to such pressures. Why an individualistic or collective response
developed, or why a particular pattern of adaptation resulted were issues not well explored
by Merton. Cloward and Ohlin's (1960) theory can be seen an attempt to fill these gaps in
Merton's and Cohen’s theories. Their theory was specifically designed to explain the origin
of delinquent subcultures; how and why they arise, why they assume particular forms, and why
they persist. The primary concern of their theory was to explain variation among delinquent
They contend that differential access to legitimate opportunities is the primary factor
in the origin of all delinquent subcultures and the availability of illegitimate opportunities is
Their theory, similar to Cohen's, was restricted to delinquent activity that resulted
from participation in delinquent subcultures. This pattern of delinquency resulted from the
performance of social roles that were specifically provided for and supported by the gang
subculture. These roles were both shared and sanctioned by peers. They regarded
subcultural delinquency as the most costly and persistent form of delinquency, which
Whereas Cohen assumed homogeneity among delinquent gangs, Cloward and Ohlin
were concerned with the range of variation among delinquent gangs. They identified at least
three distinctive types of delinquent subcultures: (a) a criminal subculture primarily oriented
toward theft, (b) a conflict subculture oriented toward gang violence, and (c) a retreatist
subculture primarily oriented toward drugs. Their theory was concerned with explaining
why delinquent norms arose, and why those differences in delinquent subcultures evolved.
Merton's theory provided the basic framework for both Cohen's and Cloward and
Ohlin's analyses. Merton argued that "goal disjunction", that is, barriers to legitimate
achieve "status" (esteem in the eyes of others) in middle class respectable society, Cloward
and Ohlin focused on the inability of the working class adolescent to obtain material and
"economic" rewards, which they argue are desired by all strata in society.
Thus Merton, Cohen, and Cloward and Ohlin focus on goal disjunction as the
primary pressure for non-conformity. However Cloward and Ohlin disagree with Cohen and
argue that reputation and respect according to middle class standards are not significant
factors in the motivation of working class adolescents, but the accumulation and expenditure
of wealth are the critical considerations in the motivations of working class youths.
How individuals respond to those pressures is the next concern of Cloward and Ohlin's
Responses to Deviant Pressures: Individual vs Collective Responses:
When social structures generate severe problems of adjustment for their members, it
is possible that a collective challenge to the legitimacy of the social order will result (Cf
Marx). Persons in society, who are indignant or angry at the discrepancies between
aspirations and opportunities or between position and worth, may begin to seek avenues of
support from the existing authority. Cohen explored some of these issues in the conditions
De-Legitimation of Existing Norms: Cloward and Ohlin develop, in more detail than
Cohen, the process by which the established norms become less binding upon the members.
The de-legitimation of old norms is necessary before new norms can assume importance since
individuals were socialized to feel guilt or shame if they failed to live up the norms. Cloward
and Ohlin describe a sequence of steps they suggest are necessary before large groups of
persons can feel the norms are no longer binding on their behavior. These factors could be
added to those offered by Sykes and Matza’s (1957) theory in terms of persons in the market
1) The first step in the process of alienation is "failure" or the "anticipation of failure" by
2) The second step in disengagement from the norms is related to how the failure is
interpreted and whom the individual blames. If they blame themselves for the failure, and
define it as the result of their own inadequacy, then it is unlikely that their allegiance to the
norms will falter. On the other hand, if they blame society or the social system for their
failure, this increases the likelihood of their alienation from the norms. Their sense of injustice
cancels their obligation to support the norms (distributive justice). Cloward and Ohlin do not
deal in any depth with the factors that influence the direction of the blame for the failure9.
3) The third step in the de-legitimation of the norms is to seek the legitimation and support
of others. Since social support is necessary for self-acceptance of one's beliefs because they
are based on a social reality, the individual needs the confirmation of others to feel secure in
their beliefs. Cohen gave much consideration to this process in his discussion of "mutual
4) The final step of alienation, once individuals obtain the legitimation and support of
others is to develop ways of dealing with potential guilt and fear which is likely to result from
rejecting internalized norms. These are successful ways of coping with (a) partially
internalized norms in the individual and (b) hostile and rejecting responses of other members
in the society. Sykes and Matza (1957) identified these as techniques of neutralization.
When these conditions are fulfilled, collective challenges to the social system are likely.
When large numbers of individuals experience or obtain the support and legitimation of
others, and have effective techniques for neutralizing guilt and social disapproval, then a
On the other hand, individualistic adaptations are most likely when there is failure, but
the individual either blames them self or has no opportunity to develop social support to blame
society. Under these circumstances the individual may develop feelings of inadequacy, self-
forms of withdrawal more than collective challenges to society are likely to result from this
privatization of failure. Subcultures are unlikely to result under these conditions. The
opportunity for interaction with others with similar problems of adjustment increase the
probability of defining the problem in system-related terms, blaming the social order, and
acting against it in some fashion. Thus collective adaptations occur when failure is attributed
to the social order, and individualistic adaptations result when failure is attributed to the
Given that goal disjunction creates pressures for non-conforming behavior, what other
factors besides where the blame is directed, shape the individuals response to those
Merton identified five patterns of adaptation to the pressures of goal disjunction.
They reflected combinations of managing aspects of the goals and means; conformity,
goals through legitimate avenues decreases, increased pressures for adaptations other than
conformity arise.
The primary determinant of the form of adaptation, according to Cloward and Ohlin,
is the availability of illegitimate opportunities in the situation. This factor determines the form
In order to give substance to their formulation, Cloward and Ohlin describe three
different types of delinquent cultures. These are described as ideal types, and any particular
gang may have attributes of all the cultural forms. The subcultures are distinguished by:
extortion, and other illegal means of securing income. Wealth assumes primary importance.
Stealth, dexterity, wit, front, and capacity to avoid detection are highly valued in this culture.
Prestige goes to those who achieve material goods through illicit means and the "big haul" or
"score" elicit special recognition. They see the world as populated by "smart guys" and
"suckers" (i.e., those who work for a living). Older criminals are admired and respected as
2. Conflict Subcultures: This type of gang tends toward violent confrontation with
other gangs and members of the community. The values seem oriented toward the
manipulation of violence, which tends to predominate the way of obtaining status within this
culture. Heart, courage, skill at fighting, and strength are highly valued within this culture.
The "bopper" fights for respect and is a model warrior who has courage in the face of
danger, and whose reputation and recognition depends upon his skill as a fighter. His world
consists in his "turf" which has to be defended from enemies. He wins respect by violence
and coercion.
alcohol and pursuits of sensual experiences or euphoria. Esoteric "kicks" through the use of
alcohol, marijuana, sexual experience, and music are highly sought after. A constant state of
getting high is sought. There is a tendency to reject violence, and a preference is for
manipulation, persuasion, conniving, and outwitting others. Prestige goes to those who are
"cool" and exhibit taste and demeanor. Coolness and self-assurance are cultivated along
The gangs are also differentially distributed in the community. Criminal subcultures
are likely to occur in neighborhoods where crime and conventional institutions are highly
integrated, there successful criminal role models, and illegitimate avenues for upward
disorganized slums, where illegal opportunities are severely limited and social controls weak.
because they are characterized by different opportunity structures with respect to illegitimate
According to Cloward and Ohlin, that in the same fashion that there is variation in
illegitimate upward mobility. In areas where there are opportunities for illegal avenues to
success goals, a Criminal subculture will emerge. When there are barriers to both legal and
illicit opportunities toward success goals, then a Conflict subculture will arise with substitute
goals. Failing the availability of legal, illegal, and substitutive avenues, individuals may ban
together and seek to escape the burden of failure and withdraw into Retreatist subcultures.
Thus Cloward and Ohlin seem to be implying that there is a hierarchical ordering of
first, since it promises the most opportunities for maximal rewards. Satisfactions can result
from both the attainment of the goal and the manner of achieving it.
When legitimate opportunities are limited and scarce, the next most likely avenue for
individuals who have strongly internalized the goals and less so the legitimate means, is
(rebellion) would be the next most likely response. Failing avenues in any opportunity
legitimate expectations, individuals may withdraw (retreatism) from the burden of failure.
subcultures. They contend that differential access to legitimate opportunities is the primary
cause of all delinquent subcultures, and that availability of illegitimate opportunities is the
Most of the criticisms raised with respect to Cohen's and Merton's theory also apply
to Cloward and Ohlin's theory. In addition, their description of the delinquent subcultures
lacks empirical confirmation, and their reliance on official statistics to support their theory
Spergel's (1964) analysis of gangs in New York City supported Cloward and Ohlin's
typology, whereas Gold (1966) and Erikson and Empey (1963) did not find such
Rougledge and Kegan ( ), doubt is cast upon both Cohen and Cloward and Ohlin's
The degree to which disjunctions exist in the culture and the extent to which they are
responsible for the emergence of delinquent subcultures remains to be established.
As stated earlier, Cloward and Ohlin's analysis is grounded in the same functional
paradigm employed by Merton and Cohen and are subject to the same interpretations and
limitations of that paradigm. Cullen (1988) suggests that Cloward and Ohlin were more
critical of Merton “strain” theory and used “opportunity” perspective instead giving it a
more radical focus. These issues will be dealt with in more detail in a subsequent chapter.
Evidence that members of the Retreatist subcultures are "failures" in crime, or have
internalized middle class prohibitions has not been demonstrated thus far by empirical
research. It is also not clear if the theory is only limited to the emergence of criminal norms
or subcultures in specific areas, or whether it also can be applied to the individual level and
predict which lower class boys would be more likely to join what subculture? Does it relate to
in the community? These issues also await further research for satisfactory answers. Some
anecdotal evidence showing some previous conflict gangs such as the Crips and Bloods
transformed into criminal gangs, when opportunities for illegal profits in drugs became
available, supports Cloward and Ohlin’s analysis. Some suggest the description of gangs
may be dated. The importance of race in the organization of subcultures is not fully explored
by most theories as are the growing types of gangs from bikers to those which have their
origins in prisons such as the Mexican Mafia, as well as the fact that adults constitute a
Integrating the Theories: Merton, Cohen, Cloward and Ohlin, and Sutherland
Merton's theory can provide a basic framework for both Cohen's and Cloward and
Ohlin's theories. The thrust of Merton's theory was to identify cultural pressures for non-
conforming behavior. The basic cause or pressure for non-conforming behavior was "goal
disjunction". Cohen's analysis can be viewed as filling in the skeletal structure of Merton's
the social structure. The same would apply to Cloward’s and Ohlin’s analysis except their
focus was on blockage of economic goals. While Merton's analysis sought to identify the
pressures for non-conforming behavior, and possible response to these pressures, he failed to
explain the form that deviant behavior would assume. Cohen addressed this issue with
respect to collective adaptations versus individual patterns of deviance, where two factors
were critical: problems of adjustment created by the social system and opportunities for
effective interaction for the emergence of a subculture. These conditions would lead to
collective forms of deviance. Cloward and Ohlin's contribution was to identify the role of the
differential illicit opportunities. In addition, they pursued in depth the process by which
norms become de-legitimized. Both Cohen and Cloward and Ohlin were concerned with
identifying the conditions under which collective adaptations to goal disjunction would result
are established, and deals with how those patterns persist and are transmitted to individuals
throughout the social structure. However, Sutherland's theory does not depend upon any
particular theory of the origin of the subculture. Furthermore, Merton's, Cohen's, and
Cloward and Ohlin's theories do not depend upon any particular theory of socialization or
cultural transmission.
An important difference between Merton's and Cohen's and Cloward and Ohlin's
Merton, Cohen, and Cloward and Ohlin all agree that the unavailability of legitimate
avenues for the attainment of cultural goals creates pressures for non-conforming behavior. All
rewards. They would all agree that differences in access to cultural goals are related to the
social class structure, and tend to assume that deviance is higher among the lower classes for
that reason. All accept conventional definitions of deviance and criminality and see clear-cut
differences between conformity and non-conformity. Merton's theory is formulated in a
general fashion to apply to any goal or means, while Cloward and Ohlin and Cohen focus on
the specific content of the goals and deviant forms. Cohen and Cloward and Ohlin disagree
as to the character of the goal disjunction; for Cohen respect or status is the primary
consideration, whereas wealth is central to Cloward and Ohlin's formulation. At issue are
the objective characteristics of delinquent subcultures, although it has been suggested that
the DSC described by Cohen has similarities to the Conflict subculture described by Cloward
and Ohlin. Both Cohen and Cloward and Ohlin direct attention to the cultural processes
which shape responses to goal disjunction, which Merton pays only minor attention to the
variation between Cohen's and Cloward and Ohlin's formulations. The underlying logic of
Cohen's analysis of the difference between male and female delinquency is that they differed
because they were motivated by different problems. If subcultures are, as Cohen assumes,
problem solving mechanisms, then differences in the in the problems confronting individuals
those problems. That is, different problems require different solutions. Thus the hypothesis
would state that different problems would giv e rise to different subcultures.
The thrust of Cloward and Ohlin's argument is different. They suggest that variation
in culture can result from individuals who are confronted from the same problem, because
populations. This hypothesis would state that subcultural variation results from similar
Of course, neither are mutually exclusive hypotheses, and further research is required
to investigate this issue more fully. One avenue of reconciling these two views is whether the
concept of problem in Cohen's analysis incorporates opportunities for solutions. His analysis
of the relative costs and rewards of the "delinquent," "corner and college" boy, as well as the
costs for male and female delinquent solutions suggests some avenues that are compatible
Sutherland does not deal specifically with the origin of deviant subcultures and does
not postulate they result from goal disjunction. He assumes there can be many forms of
social conflict in society that exist for many reasons. His focus is merely on how these get
transmitted in the society once in existence. His theory is applicable to how larger goals,
values and norms get transmitted in the more general society in the larger formulation of
In conclusion, what is significant about these theories is that they all can be
incorporated into a single framework. Each theory focused on a somewhat different aspect
of the problem, but all can be incorporated within the general framework. Some conflicts
over specific issues remain, but they are minor and would not change the basic character of
the framework, no matter how they were resolved. This model may also account for the wide
variety of deviant subcultures such as the inmate subculture, biker’s subculture, etc.
The following chapters will present other theories in such areas as mental illness,
suicide, homicide, and revolutions, which also fit into this same general functional paradigm
Sutherland recognized many of the problems (1956:13-43) and attempted continually to revise the
theory to meet objections raised against the theory. Despite his efforts and those of his students, the
problems still remain with the theory. For a defense of Sutherland's theory see Cressey (1960).
Schuessler and Cressey, 1950, Waldo and Dinnitz:1967,. However, some psychologists maintain
that psychological tests and I.Q. scores have shown consistent differences between delinquents and
non-delinquents (Hathaway, Monachesi and Young:1960, Hindelang and Weis:1972).
Matsueda (1982), Matsueda and Heimer (1987), Tittle (1980), Orcutt (1987), and Pasternosster
and Tipless (1988) found criminal definitions to be a strong causal link in delinquent behavior.
While Warr and Stafford (1991), Jaquith (1981), Orcutt (1987), Paternoster and Tiplett (1988) and
Cheung and Ng (1988) found friend's behavior more related to delinquency than either their friend's
or their own attitudes. In some cases friend's behavior has predictive value apart from the
respondents attitudes suggesting delinquency is not primarily a consequence of attitudes acquired
from peers challenging Sutherland's theory. The mechanism by which delinquency was transmitted
was not examined in these studies.
The concept of "reference" as well as "membership" group has been proposed as a possible
explanation. Examples of plays, movies or T.V. serials are believed to inspire a rash of one particular
type of crime infrequent before its exposure on T.V. Related to this is the influence of television and
other mass media on criminal behavior. Sutherland believed it played an insignificant role
compared to intimate associations. Would he change his mind if he were alive today, especially in
light of research indicating watching violence on T.V increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior
later in life (Johnson et. al.2002).
Aker's modification has been criticized by Adams (1973).
This discussion has benefited from Oscar Grusky.
This is similar to Durkheim's analysis of the normality of crime when he suggests too much crime
(norm violation) leads to a breakdown of social order, and too little crime leads to a rigid society
incapable of adapting to new social conditions and restricting social change.
Henry and Short (1954} in Suicide and Homicide address themselves in more depth to this issue
in their analysis of and distinction between external and internal restraints.
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