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Tabaco National High School Tabaco City: Giane Marie Buela 10-Charity

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Tabaco National High School

Tabaco City

Submitted by:

Giane Marie Buela

10- Charity
Submitted to:

Mrs. Segundina Gonzales

-subject teacher-
One of the most stimulating facts is that all living things are essentially made up of non-
living atoms and molecules. In chemistry, we strive to learn more about these molecules that
are named biomolecule. Our bodies are made up of various complex biomolecules such as
proteins, carbohydrates etc.

Biomolecules is the molecules of life. Biomolecule, also called biological molecule, any of
numerous substances that are produced by cells and living organisms. Biomolecules have a
wide range of sizes and structures and perform a vast array of function. It includes large
macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and nucleic acids, as well as small
molecules such as primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, and natural products. A more
general name for this class of molecules is biogenic substances. Biomolecules consists
mainly of carbon and hydrogen with nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus. Biomolecules
are very large molecules of many atoms that are covalently bound together. Biomolecules
are compounds that center the element, carbon. Carbon, because of its valence structure, is
actually quite versatile and probably responsible for the great variation of life on this planet
(Eaton, 2012).

1) Most of them are organic compounds.

2) They have specific shapes and dimensions.
3) Functional group determines their chemical properties.
4) Many of them arc asymmetric.
5) Macromolecules are large molecules and are constructed from small building block
6) Building block molecules have simple structure.
7) Biomolecules first gorse by chemical evolution.

 Carbohydrates
~Carbohydrates are good source of energy. Carbohydrates (polysaccharides) are long
chains of sugars. Monosaccharides are simple sugars that are composed of 3-7 carbon
atoms. They have a free aldehyde or ketone group, which acts as reducing agents and
are known as reducing sugars. Disaccharides are made of two monosaccharides
molecules. The bonds shared between two monosaccharides are the glycoside bonds.
Monosaccharides and disaccharides are sweet, crystalline and water soluble substances.
Polysaccharides are polymers of monosaccharides. They are complex carbohydrates.
They are insoluble in water and are not in crystalline form.

Also known as sugar, carbohydrates serve as fuel and building blocks. Carbohydrates
divided into two types that is simple (monosaccharides & disaccharides) and complex
sugar (polysaccharides). Molecular formula for monosaccharides are some multiple unit
of CH2O. Such as glucose, C6H12O6. The general formula of disaccharides is Cn
(H2O)n-1 and trisaccharides is Cn(H2O)n-2 and so on.
Monosaccharides: glucose, fructose and galactose.
Disaccharides: maltose, lactose and sucrose.
Polysaccharides: cellulose, starch, fibers and glycogen.

Disaccharides consists of two monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkage. While
polysaccharides are macromolecules with a few thousand monosaccharides also joined
by glycosidic linkage.

 Glycosidic linkages is a covalent bond formed between two monosaccharides by a

dehydration reaction.
 For example maltose is a disaccharide formed by linking of two molecules of glucose.
While lactose is formed by linking of galactose and glucose.
 Function of polysaccharides are determined by its sugar monomers and by the
positions of its glycosidic linkages.

Functional group

In glucose, the molecules has a carbonyl group (C=O) and multiple hydroxyl group (-OH).

 The types of sugar depends on the location of the carbonyl group either it’s an
aldose (aldehyde sugar) or a ketose (ketone sugar).
 Sugars can be classified based on their size of the carbon skeleton, which trioses
(three-carbon), pentose (five-carbon) and hexoses (six-carbon).
 Spatial arrangement of their parts around asymmetric carbons also give rise to
different types of sugar such as glucose, galactose and fructose that have different
arrangement of carbonyl and hydroxyl group.

 Lipids
~ There are three important types of lipids: fats, phospholipids and steroid. Lipids not
consider as a macromolecules since it’s not include true polymers.


 Major function as energy storage and protect the internal organ of organism.
 Constructed from dehydration of glycerol (alcohol) and fatty acids. Triacylglycerol is
the combination of one glycerol and three fatty acids by ester linkage.
 Fats can be classified as saturated and unsaturated fat.
 Saturated fats have no double bond and have as many hydrogen atoms bonded to
carbon skeleton.
 Unsaturated fat have double bonds and fewer hydrogen atoms which cause kink in
hydrocarbon chain.
 Trans fat is unsaturated fat with trans double bond that behave like saturated fat. Over
consumed will lead to heart disease problem.

 Most important type for cell existence as a cell membranes. Arranged into double-
layer called "bilayer".
 Constructed from one glycerol and two fatty acids. Phosphate group attached on third
hydroxyl group of glycerol.
 Choline group attached to phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine).
 Hydrophobic tails: hate water
 Hydrophilic head: love water

 Have four rings of carbon atom. The types of steroids (cholesterol and vertebrate sex
hormone) distinguished by chemical groups attached to the rings.
 Cholesterol (component of cell membrane) is the precursor for other steroids.
 Human sex hormone are steroids, a type of hydrophobic compound.
 High level of cholesterol in the blood will lead to atherosclerosis (heart problem).

There are two types of linkage in lipids: ester and ether linkage.

 Ester linkage: a bond between hydroxyl and carboxyl group.

 Ether linkage: make archaea survive in extreme environment (acidic, alkaline, hot)

Functional group

 Major functional group for lipids are ester that consists of hydroxyl and carboxyl
 Differ in phospholipids, there is phosphate group (-ve charge) attached on the third
hydroxyl group of glycerol.

Lipids are composed of long hydrocarbon chains. Lipid molecules hold a large amount
of energy and are energy storage molecules. Lipids are generally esters of fatty acids and
are building blocks of biological membranes. Most of the lipids have a polar head and
non-polar tail. Fatty acids can be unsaturated and saturated fatty acids.

 Proteins
~ Proteins have variety of roles some are function as catalyze chemical reaction,
structural support, store amino acids, transport substance, defense, movement or
cellular communication.
Proteins are hetero polymers of stings of amino acids. Amino acids are joined together
by the peptide bond which is formed in between the carboxyl group and amino group of
successive amino acids. Proteins are formed from 20 different amino acids, depending
on the number of amino acids and the sequence of amino acids.

There are four levels of protein structure:

 Primary structure of Protein - Here protein exist as long chain of amino acids
arranged in a particular sequence. They are non-functional proteins.
 Secondary structure of protein - The long chain of proteins are folded and arranged
in a helix shape, where the amino acids interact by the formation of hydrogen
bonds. This structure is called the pleated sheet. Example: silk fibers.
 Tertiary structure of protein - Long polypeptide chains become more stabilizes by
folding and coiling, by the formation of ionic or hydrophobic bonds or disulfide
bridges, this results in the tertiary structure of protein.
 Quaternary structure of protein - When a protein is an assembly of more than one
polypeptide or subunits of its own, this is said to be the quaternary structure of
protein. Example: Hemoglobin, insulin.

Amino acids are the main/only molecules that can be diverse to become a
protein. Protein constructed from the same set of 20 amino acids and consists of
one or more polypeptides, each folded and coiled into specific three-dimensional
structure. Amino acid is an organic molecule and there are asymmetric carbon
atom (alpha carbon) that consists of four different group attached to its. Those
functional groups are an amino acids, a carboxylic acid, a hydrogen atom and a
variable group R (side chain).

The combination of one or more amino acids (monomers) by dehydration reaction
(remove water) between the amino group (H-N-H) and carboxyl group (O=C-OH)
will yields a polypeptides chain (polymers). The linkage that formed between the
amino group and carboxyl group called as peptide linkage/peptide bond (covalent

Nucleic Acid
~Nucleic acids are organic compounds with heterocyclic rings. Nucleic acids are
made of polymer of nucleotides. Nucleotides are consists of nitrogenous base, a pentose
sugar and a phosphate group. A nucleoside is made of nitrogenous base attached to a
pentose sugar. The nitrogenous bases are adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine and
uracil. Polymerized nucleotides form DNA and RNA which are genetic material.

There are two types of nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic
acid (RNA). Nucleic function as hereditary information storage (DNA), various function
during gene expression (RNA). From DNA transcription and translation, RNA was
synthesized and then trigger the formation of protein.

DNA --> RNA --> protein

Nucleic acids are macromolecules that formed from the combination of one or more
monomers called as polynucleotides. The monomers of nucleic acids are known as
nucleotides, consists of three functional groups: a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar
(pentose) and one or more phosphate group. Nucleotides without phosphate group are
called as nucleoside.
Nucleoside components are nitrogenous base and sugar. Nitrogenous base either
one or two rings group as pyrimidines (one ring) and purines (two rings):

 Pyrimidines (six-membered ring): Cytosine (C), Thymine (T, in DNA), and Uracil
(U, in RNA).
 Purines (six-membered + five-membered ring): Adenine (A) and Guanine (G).

There are two types of sugar:

 Deoxyribose (DNA)
 Ribose (RNA)

The combination of one or more nucleotides between pentose sugar (-OH group) with
phosphate group by dehydration reaction (remove water) forming phosphodiester
linkage/bond. The chain that formed called as polynucleotides (nucleic acids).

Biomolecules have a huge variety of functions, such as storing energy, protection,

etc. When we talk about biomolecules, usually there are 4 main types of them: proteins,
lipids, carbohydrates and nuclei acids. For each type there are specific functions. For
example, the proteins have responsibility as functional core of the cells. Doing enzymatic
boost for chemical reactions, functioning as a different channels, clamps and so on- they
mostly do the “actions” of the cell. Lipids are more structural units of the cell, they are
involved in the construction of “wall” or in other words membranes of living cell. Also,
lipids are good insulators and storage of the huge amount of energy. Carbohydrates,
however, used as a primary source of the energy, because it is easier to catabolize.
Therefore, the carbohydrates are more like the storage of the energy. Nucleic acids are
used in order to pass the genetic information from one generation to another.

Biomolecules such as peptides, oligonucleotides and oligosaccharides are emerging

tools for applications due to their availability, versatility, biocompatibility and propensity to
interact effectively and selectively with biological targets. However, unlike
macromolecules such as proteins, their inherent conformational flexibility combined with
the limited number of interactions they can establish with their target severely limits their
potential for applications as imaging probes and/or pharmaceuticals.

Carbohydrates provide the body with source of fuel and energy, it aids in proper
functioning of our brain, heart and nervous, digestive and immune system. Deficiency of
carbohydrates in the diet causes fatigue, poor mental function.

Each protein in the body has specific functions, some proteins provide structural support,
help in body movement, and also defense against germs and infections. Proteins can be
antibodies, hormonal, enzymes and contractile proteins.
Lipids, the primary purpose of lipids in body is energy storage. Structural membranes are
composed of lipids which forms a barrier and controls flow of material in and out of the
cell. Lipid hormones, like sterols, help in mediating communication between cells.

Nucleic Acids are the DNA and RNA, they carry genetic information in the cell. They also
help in synthesis of proteins, through the process of translation and transcription.

The body uses carbohydrates directly from the monosaccharide glucose. Glucose is in
the blood and extracellular fluids (lymph) and can be made from glycogen. Glycogen is
stored in the liver and muscles and in smaller amounts in the other organs and tissues of
the body. Energy is derived from glucose by the splitting of the glucose molecules into
smaller compounds and oxidizing these to form water, which frees quite a large amount of
energy. Some of the other functions that carbohydrates perform in human body:
(1)Carbohydrates Provide Fuel for the Central Nervous System

(2)Carbohydrates Provide Fuel for the Muscular System

(3)Carbohydrates Supposedly Spare Proteins

Protein is essential for humans that means that we can’t do without it in our food and in
our bodies, in part because of the nitrogen it contains (the major source of nitrogen for the
body) and in part because of the particular building blocks that make up protein. Protein is
made up of twenty different building blocks, called amino acids, arranged in thousands
and thousands of different ways. Every cell in the human body contains protein as part of
its structure (cell membrane and other structures). It also serves to build strong structures
in the body, as a whole (bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments); it makes up the
compounds that our body used to make the biochemical reactions occur in our body,
called enzymes; it is found in our blood as parts of the red blood cells (hemoglobin) and
as carriers for other materials (transport proteins); and it is part of the immune system
(antibodies) that helps protect our body from foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses,
and toxic substances.

Some proteins help keep the fluid in our body where it should be, such as the proteins in
our blood. Some proteins in our blood and other tissues help keep the acid-base balance
in our body in ranges that allow us to stay alive.

Nucleic acid:
The nucleic acids most prominent within the human body system are DNA and RNA.
These materials are responsible for maintaining and reproducing the cells that make up
the body. They are involved in a number of processes which work to provide the materials
needed for cell repair and metabolism processes.

The DNA and RNA molecules within each cell are the body’s most essential nucleic acid
materials. Both types of molecules are responsible for generating the materials needed to
sustain cell life. Energy production, cell metabolism and cell reproduction processes are
all directed by the information contained inside these nucleic acids. These materials are
structured in such a way that all the information needed to carry out everyday cell
functions and cell repair are contained inside these molecules.

Our human body produces about 22 different digestive enzymes. A majority of the source
of these enzymes are found in fruits, vegetables, meats, grains and other foods. These
enzymes are essential for healthy digestion. Enzymes are found in abundance in raw
fruits and vegetables. For example, in a juicy sweet fruit, there is sucrose, the enzyme
required to digest sucrose. In fibrous foods there is, packaged together, cellulose to
digest them. In grains there is maltase, to digest malt, and so on.

When we consume these enzyme-deficient foods, our deprived body will have to
generate its own enzymes required to digest the food.The more we depend on our
internally-produced enzymes, the more stress we put on our body systems and organs.
When our body enzymes are busy digesting our heavy meal that has no enzyme, their
function of rebuilding and replenishing our worn-out and damaged cells are neglected.

Vitamins are very important because they perform various functions in our body. Vitamins
promote the normal growth by providing metabolism and ensuring protection against the
viruses. For the proper growth of the children vitamins are very important. Vitamins also
help in the hormones formation, blood cells and formation of chemicals in our body.
Vitamins are also required for metabolism and they create metabolically active enzymes
which are very essential for various functions of our body. Vitamins also assist in forming
bones and tissues.

Pharmaceutical and cosmetic uses/application of Lipids:

Today, there is a better understanding of the biological properties of lipids and their
application has extended to combined pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields such as
disease prevention and treatment, excipients and coadjutants, trans‐dermal carriers, and
skin emolliency agents. This has led to the development of bioactive cosmetic and
pharmaceutical products whose name has recently been coined as cosmeceuticals.

Application of Proteins in medicine:

Therapeutic proteins provide important therapies for a variety of diseases,

such as diabetes, cancer, infectious diseases, hemophilia, and anemia. Common
therapeutic proteins include antibodies, FC fusion proteins, hormones, interleukins,
enzymes, and anticoagulants. There is a growing demand for recombinant proteins for
therapeutic applications.

Applications of Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acid testing or nucleic acid amplification testing, often abbreviated

as NAT or NAAT, is a technique that involves amplification and detection of genetic
material—the nucleic acids, DNA or RNA—for diagnosis or to provide guidance on
therapy. Though the genetic material of every living being is composed of DNA or RNA,
variations exist in genome sequences. This genetic variation makes NAT an ideal
technique for identification of infectious diseases, cancer, genetic disorders, and
mitochondrial disorders and as an aid to personalized and precision medicine based on
the knowledge of pharmacogenomics.

All Biomolecules have certain functions and these molecules all have a unique
structure which is why they function in these ways. These molecules are known
collectively as macromolecules, these molecules are grouped into four main categories
which they have their own structure. These structures are the key to the macromolecules
functions as each of them do a specific task in the body.

Biomolecules are produced by living organism that can be in different form, mostly
oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon along with sulfur and phosphorus constitute the
basic biomolecules. They are important because they control all aspect of living organism.









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