Two Thousand Million?
Two Thousand Million?
Two Thousand Million?
Excerpt from David Crystal, How many millions use English? (ET1, 1985)
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth – the first, that 1,400 million! Allowing a further 100 million
is, from 1558 to 1603 – the number of English for speakers as a foreign language, we here
speakers in the world is thought to have been reach a total not far off a third of the current
between 5 and 7 million. At the beginning of world population. Has this enormous jump in
the reign of the second Queen Elizabeth in the estimates, from 700 to 1400 million, any
1952, the figure had increased almost fiftyfold. justification?
In 1962, Randolph Quirk estimated in The Use Guinnemark and Kenrick do provide one clue
of English that 250 million had English as a that their total may be less dramatic than it
mother tongue, with a further 100 million using seems. Their figure, they say, ‘includes some
it as a second or foreign language. 800 million inhabitants in countries where Eng-
Fifteen years later, and we find Joshua Fish- lish is an associated official language (above all
man and his colleagues, in The Spread of Eng- India)’. Ah, India. A country whose population
lish, citing 300 million for the mother tongue increased by a quarter between 1971 and 1981.
category. A further 300 million is said to use it The 1983 population estimate for India was
as an additional language. These figures are the 698 million – a convenient figure for me to use
ones which are repeatedly quoted throughout in the present discussion, as it relates very
the statistically-conscious 1970s. They are nicely to the 700 million difference cited above.
adopted by Bailey and Görlach as recently as Indeed, it is already an underestimate, when we
1982, in their English as a World Language. But recall the world growth rate of 1.8 per cent. Or,
they are now very much out of date. In 1984, to put this another way, if this article takes you a
several sources collected by the Centre for quarter of an hour to read, you must revise your
Information on Language Teaching in London estimate of India’s population upwards by 4,000.
indicated that the figure would have to be The significance of India is obvious, when
raised by 100 million. One analysis, quite often
referred to, gives mother-tongue use as 300
million, second language use also as 300 mil- DAVID CRYSTAL is Honorary
lion, and foreign language use as 100 million. Professor of Linguistics at the
This was the total used by Quirk in his address University of Bangor, and
to the British Council’s anniversary conference works from his home in
Holyhead, North Wales,
on ‘Progress in English Studies’ in September
dividing his time between
1984. So, there we are. 700 million. authorial writing on language
But actually, there we aren’t. For in Erik Gun- and editorial management in
nemark and Donald Kenrick’s geolinguistic general reference publishing.
handbook, What Language Do They Speak?, Recent books on English
published privately in 1983, we are given a include ‘By Hook or By Crook: A Journey in Search
detailed list of English speaker totals. The home of English’ (HarperCollins, 2007) and ‘Think on my
language total is unremarkable – they cite ‘over Words: Exploring Shakespeare’s Language’ (CUP,
300 million’. It is the figure for English as an 2008). For further information, see the website
‘official language’ which grabs the eye: over
DOI: 10.1017/S0266078408000023
English Today 93, Vol. 24, No. 1 (March 2008). Printed in the United Kingdom © 2008 Cambridge University Press 3
The author
ponders an Indian
English spelling
outside the
University of
Mumbai in 2004.