Material List PDF
Material List PDF
Material List PDF
Consist of 5 Pes MMO anode dimension 1" x 1m c/w 100m leghth of 1 x 35
HMWPE cable
B. Material for Deepwell Anode lnstalation (1 hole- 30 meter each), total 8 unit adalah :
10 Cast Almunium Test Point, c/w 2 5 Terminal with 3" dia conduit 6ft long unit 76
13 Almunium Anode Type ICS 70 AWB, Net Weight : 7kg, Gross Weight: 7,3 kg Pcs 68
14 Almunium Anode Type ICS 40 AWB, Net Weight : 4kg, Gross Weight: 4,4 kg Pcs 400