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(A Government of lndia Enterprise)
n.^!l?'f; : ?# Jt'iB?"' s oo os a.
Corporate Office: Plot No.38-39, ISFC Building, Nanakramguda, Financial
Di stri ct, Hyde rabad- 500032

REF : BDL/03/21 IMARI N E I NSU|2019-20 08 May 2019




Sub: Renewal of our Marine Insurance Policies - 2019'20 -

Quotations calling for - reg.

Our existing Marine lnsurance Policies are expiring on 30 May 2019 and we
would like to have your competitive quotes for renewing the said policies for a period
of 1 year from 31 May 2019.

2. While quoting the following factors may please be taken into account and confirm
in the technical bid:
a. Commodity Description: (lndigenous and lmports & Exports)
1. Finished Goods, Raw Materials & components, Machinery & Spares, Tools,
Liquids, Oil; etc.
2. Precision lnstruments/Electrical/Electronic items;
3. Other Non-Hazardous items;
4. Explosives / Hazardous items

b. Goverage: Both incoming and outgoing materials

c. Packing Gondition: Customary packing

d. Transit from: lndigenous : Anywhere in India

Open Cover (lmports & Exports): Anywhere in the world

e. Transit to: Indigenous : Anywhere in lndia

Open Cover (lmports & Exports) : Anywhere in the world

f. Mode of transit: Road /Rail /Air /Sea and also by Courier Service

contd . (2)

3.0 Method of submiffing quotation:

The quotation is to be submitted under a two bid system. The first bid viz.Techno
commercial bid should contain all the details of coverage provided, exclusions,
inclusions, specific conditions, if any, and/or understandings based on which the
coverages specified are provided. Simply speaking, the first bid should contain all other
relevant details, except the price part. The method of arriving at the net rate (without
disclosing the rates) should also be furnished in the Techno commercial Bid.

3.2 The second bid, namely the price bid, should contain only the price part. The
price bid should be in terms of net rate as below:

a. Net Rate (after discounts, qtc) xxx o/o0

b. Add: GST xxx %0
c. Net Rate includ ing GST xxx %0
d. The Total premium xxxx (in Rupees)

Note: Method of arriving at the net rate may please be furnished and the rate of
GST applicable as on date also may be furnished.

3.3 Price bids may be quoted considering Per bottom Limit and Per location limit for
different options as given below

Option I
Per Bottom Limit - Rs50.00 Crores and per Location limit Rs50.00 crores.

Option ll
Per Bottom Limit - Rs200.00 Crores and per Location limit Rs200.00 crores.

Option lll
Per Bottom Limit - Rs400.00 Crores and per Location limit Rs400.00 crores

lf the shipment value exceed the per bottom limits or per location limits prior intimation
will be given to the insurance co. for suitable amendments/endorsements to be made in
the policy.

The bids should be put in two separate sealed envelopes with suitable tifle on the
bid, namely'Techno commercial Bid' (first bid) and the 'Price Bid' (Second Bid). Both
the envelopes should be put in a bigger sealed envelope mentioning enquiry number
and due date addressed to the undersigned and should be submitted dn or before 1T.gO
Hrs of 15 Mav 2019.

contd (3)

3'3 The technic.al bid will be opened and after evaluating the same
and eliminating
the ineligible bids, if any, the price bid will be opened.

3'4 The rates quoted should be competitive, comprehensive firm,

unconditional and
final and no change in the rates will be ailowed ourinj tne policy period.

3'5 lt may please be noted that we are not engaging any middlemen in connection
with the award of this insurance contract. Similarl! ie expect that you
also should not
engage any middlemen. Failure to do so or wrong or false confirmation
would attract
appropriate action as deemed necessary.

3'6 All applicable guidelines/instructions issued by IRDA/ Govt. for issuing policies
and the coverages, etc. are adhered to in the quotation.

3'7 Method of arriving at the net rate may ptease be furnished and the rate of
applicable as on date also may be furnished.

3.8 Wherever felt necessary, BDL reserves the right to request the lead insurer
share the business with other insurer(s) as co-insurers at L1 rates and all the insurers
are requested to convey their acceptance.

3.9 A technical bid

.not containing an express statement of confirmation of s.No.3.4.
3.5 6 3.7 & 3.8 will be deemed to be an invalid quotation and is liable for reyection

4'1 Total Sum lnsured (both Indigenous and ExporUlmport cover) is likely to be
around { 6,500 cr. However actual Sum Insured may vary. Further, premium will be paid
at the inception of the policy only for the Sum Insured of { 3,000 q. Declarations made
will be reviewed during the course of the policy period and enhancement will be made
by paying applicable premium.
Please note that the undersigned can be contacted over telephone No.234S6114
1117 and the fax messages, if any, (Other than the quotations, which have to be
submitted in sealed cover) can be sent to the fax numbers 040-23456162 or 040-
23456107. Our enquiry number and due date may be mentioned on the cover.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully,

Dy. Gen. Manager (FINANCE)


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