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International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

ISSN: 2455-4898
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.14
Volume 2; Issue 6; November 2017; Page No. 215-216

Analysis of casein precipitation from the various milk samples available in market
Kulkarni CP
Department of Chemistry, Kirti M. Doongursee College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Dadar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Milk is important part of human life. It contains vitamins those play a vital role in milk uses human consumption. Since milk is
generally viewed as nutritious food with lots of vitamins, minerals and fats, proteins etc thus used for drinking. It contains vitamins
those play prophylactic role in cancer, autoimmune diseases, heart diseases etc. Vitamins play a vital role in milk used for human
consumption. In the present study the precipitation of casein from the various milk samples such as cow milk, goat milk, buffalo
milk and also the packed milk samples available in the local market were studied. The technique of precipitation of casein is used
to predict the protein content in the milk samples.

Keywords: casein, milk, casein, cow, buffalo and goat

Introduction Over 750 million people live in dairy farming households. It is

Milk is an important source of all basic nutrients required for used in paints for fast drying water-soluble medium. Casein
mammals including human beings. Milk from various based glues are formulated from the mixture of casein, water,
mammals such as cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, camel, etc. is hydrated lime and sodium hydroxide (Webb et al., 1974) [7].
used for different nutritional purposes, e.g., feeding to young
ones and preparation of some nutritional products such as milk Materials and Methods
cream, butter, yogurt, ghee, sour milk, etc. (Webb et al., 1974) Determination of casein in the milk
. Nutritionally enriched milk and its products with enhanced Place 10 g of the prepared sample into each of two flasks. Add
biological potential and without health risks are generally one milliliter of phenolphthalein indicator solution, followed
demanded (Baloch et al., 2006). by 0·4 rnl of the potassium oxalate solution. Set aside for 2
Since milk is generally viewed as nutritious food with lots of minutes. Neutralize the contents of one of the flasks with the
vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins etc thus used for drinking standard sodium hydroxide solution using the other flask as a
purpose. There are different sources of milk samples blank. Add 2 ml of neutralized formaldehyde and again titrate
available, however sufficient information regarding their with the standard sodium hydroxide solution to the same pink
vitamin present, especially protein, fat etc. Milk is processed shade (Plummer 1988; Ghatak and Bandyopadhyay, 2007) [4,
into a variety of dairy products such as cream, butter, yogurt, .
kefir, ice cream, and cheese. Modern industrial processes use
milk to produce casein, whey protein, lactose, condensed Calculation
milk, powdered milk, and many other food-additives and The first titration value is not required, but the volume in
industrial products. This paper detects lactose, casein present milliliters of the standard sodium hydroxide used in the
in the milk (Abou, 2010) [1]. second titration shall be noted. Multiply this value by 1·38 to
Casein is a slow digesting protein and it was suspended in the obtain the percentage of casein
milk in a complex called micelle. Milk composition varies
with the stage of location, age and breed. Milk is colloidal Results and Discussion
nature due to the presence of proteins. The proteins are heavy
molecules; they form colloids when dispersed in water Table 1: Yield of casein
medium. The primary function of protein in living cells is to S. No Milk Samples Yield of casein (grams)
promote growth and maintenance. The nitrogen content of 1 Cow milk 6.9
milk is distributed among casein 76%, when protein and non- 2 Buffalo milk 4.8
protein nitrogen is 6% (Coni et al., 1995) [2]. The structure of 3 Goat milk 5.4
protein consist of a polypeptide chain of amino acids joined 4 Packed milk -1 6.2
together by peptide linkages. Around the world, there are 5 Packed Milk - 2 3.5
more than six billion consumers of milk and milk products. 6 Packed Milk - 3 5.8

International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

Fig 1: Casein from various milk samples

According to Sindhu (1998) [6] buffalo milk has about 11.42% References
higher protein than cow milk. The concentrations of both, the 1. Abou Donia MA, Abou-Arab AAK, Enb A, El-Senaity
case in and whey proteins are different in cow and buffalo MH, AbdRabou NS. Chemical composition of raw milk
milk. Buffalo milk contains higher caseins and whey protein and the accumulation, 2010.
than cow milk. Whole of the caseins in buffalo milk is present 2. Coni E, Bocca A, Ianni D, Caroli S. Preliminary
in miceller form while in cow milk only 90-95% is the evaluation of the factors influencing the trace element
miceller casein and rest is present in the serum phase. The content of milk and dairy products. Food Chem. 1995;
particle size of the buffalo miceller casein is larger at 110- 160 52(2):123-130.
nm than that of cow miceller casein 70-110 nm (Saraswat, 3. Ghatak PK, Bandyopadhyay AK. Practical of Diary
1985) [5]. Chemistry, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
Protein Milk is a good source of high quality protein 30. Milk 4. Plummer DT. An Introduction to Practical
and milk products are the largest source of protein in per Biochemistry. 3rd Ed. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
school children and the second largest contributor furthr to Publishing Company Ltd. 1988, 160-161.
meat and meat products. Cows‟ milk contains about 3.5% 5. Saraswat BL. Effect of season on the nitrogen distribution
protein by weight, and of this total protein, 80% is casein and of cow and buffalo milk. Asian Journal of Dairy
20% whey. Casein is the dominant protein in milk and can be Research. 1985; (2):108-1100
fractionated into four major components: alpha, beta, gamma 6. Sindhu JS. Chemical aspects of cow and buffalo milk in
and kappa casein. Cow‟s milk contains about 4.5g lactose per relation to quality of traditional dairy products. In
100g milk and there is some evidence that lactose is the least Compendium: Advances in traditional dairy products.
cariogenic of the common dietary sugars. In addition, various Centre for Advanced Studies in Dairy Technol. NDRI
other components of milk have been considered to be Karnal. 1998, 12-16.
protective against dental caries. Fat the fat content of milk 7. Webb BH, Johnson AH, Alford JA. Fundmental of Dairy
varies depending on whether milk is whole, semi skimmed or Chemistry. 2nd Ed. Westport, CT: AVI Publishing Co;
skimmed. Chapter I, 1974.
The yield of casein precipitated from the various milk samples
of, cow milk, buffalo milk and goat milk contains 6.9 gm, 4.8
gm and 5.4 gm respectively. Similarly, the milk samples
availed from the market such as milk -1, milk-2 and milk -3
was 6.2gm, 3.5gm and 5.8gm respectively. This shows that
the casein precipitated from the cow milk contains more
amount of casein protein than the goat and buffalo milk
samples. The lower amount of casein in the buffalo milk is
may be due to the more fat content in it. The dissimilarities
between the milk samples -1, milk sample-2 and 3 is revealed
that the market milk-3 may be adultered with water or any
other substance.

This study clearly indicated that the amount of casein
precipitated from the cow milk was higher than that of the
other milk samples. The quantitative analysis of casein
precipitated from the various milk samples provide the ample
scope to the cottage cheese manufacture.


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