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Aramco Questions

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d CLOSED BooK TEST ve: off i oath TEST scone ee COMPANY NAME iden START Tae. —__ DATE compLerED: Finish tae: —_— ee refaceg toting test is “closed book”. this test eo areas of knowledge the eeee egPEOUeStS shat you will monitor tor ence in the Northern Area pee test is worth 100 points, with the un Weighted value of each question pigh-Lighted at the end of each questson (weignt factor = 100 / 99 6 Song ee yag YOU BUST PASS this test with a mnie Stade of 70. Te you HAVE QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK THE TEST MENTOR Tage) TE “Technical Detinition” of a “stag inclusion”? 0 py 2+ CONCERNING FINAL OPERATIONS, why should you not install a gate valve Tipe) fF Stem Below the horizontal in o11 services what specific areas do the following standards cover? (spt a) ASME IX: MeddersancWetding Procedure Quali fication S) ANSI 831.4: Refinery / BYaneopipsag ©) RWS D1.1: seemétiiean waxetng’ a) ASNT te-1A, Fa can ae ba tar aOR vs Testing and Inspection *) ASME VIII: (eBaswazenvesser A) lst at least three (3) separate aspects of a Pexmanent identification Ctaceabi tity io gegutted to appear ona radiograph ag oe fer to assure traceability ? (3pt) 9) -B.L./3.0. of deseription of the equipment/piping b) Weld Number ) Penetrameter Date Femage —pyadli ster a Penetrameter) sensitivity and what BRE etemaine the quality of the senCSTAPhic techniques used and therefore, will helitus ia Meowing a3 to what decree of Vistect can be detectad. + “ She Light image of the letces eppears on y There is backscatter '9P who is Using the have located a “nea teaneee MORAESFING an DT inspection at a Vendor penetic Particle, dry pauses eres, od. The: feeration patter”. where aoois on Abeet them to next place the saci? Sbtain a stronger indices Pattern? (Please draw the oa Ton Bagtonehip to the 1 locatiae Denote the of the defect for both prod pie nts} (Spe) (A) ,Rhat aze the basic ditterences Better « £-6010, £7010, and an 7018 electrode? their “hermatically sealed” = Bow 2988 should each be dried after remova tain f4pey “) E6010, £-7010 electrodes are jo," Mtrogen electrodes, waite x 7018 is @ low hytrogen elactoous *) E6010 & 27010 do not Femize drying aster removal trom sonag OS Rot require eying after removal from hermatically SSRed container; however, ie vest Ga fanoved from the sales fon Fee £08 more than 4 hours then Shere should be dried or baker for 2 hours qualification’, wos Felationship — (épr) 12) Please following acronyms: a) SAW- submerged Are Welding ‘Ad ~ Flux Cored Are Welding GMAW - Gas Metal Are Welding 4) SHAW - Shielded Metal arc welding + 13) Pease draw the completed weld detailed in the Follows: symbols and explain each element tepty 15) (a) What is meant by the term “fitm densic measured? (apts) 16) What is PUHT and why is it required for some weldments? 17) Ta it possible to locate defects sy magn: Bape) ee Se AAAELON wRLch can moe be cond ey OSS Exp. 20) what is che basic difterence betueen a Drh and a: (pt) U0 Af ¢ Wire penetraneter vhile an ASME penet 4s a penny type (a block consisting of holes) 1S to use preheat? (2 *) Fe reduce the cooling rate during welding 2) Te prevent entrapment of hydvogen gas ©) To prevent formation of hardenable microstructures that will resulé

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