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Was Hitler A Rothchild?

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The document discusses theories that Adolf Hitler may have had Jewish ancestry through his paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother/father.

The document discusses investigations that found Hitler's paternal grandfather may have been a Rothschild banker and his mother was reportedly Jewish.

Englebert Dollfuss, the Austrian Chancellor, launched investigations that found Hitler's grandmother worked for the Rothschilds and may have conceived Hitler's father there. He was later assassinated by Hitler.

Was Hitler a Rothschild?

July 18, 2019

(Anselm Solomon Rothschild 1803-1874.)

The identity of Hitler's paternal grandfather is

the best kept secret of modern history.

by Clifford Shack

Adolf Hitler required Nazi party candidates to trace family

pedigree back to the year 1800 (1750 for SS officers). Those free of
non-Aryan (i.e. Jewish, Gypsy, Slavic) ancestors were considered
eligible, and were awarded an Aryan Certificate.

Curiously, Adolf Hitler didn't have an Aryan Certificate. He

exempted himself from needing one.

Smart thing.
It would have looked quite ridiculous when his application was
rejected for being the grandson of an international Jewish banker!

Adolf Hitler's father, Alois Hitler, was born

Aloys Schicklgruber on June 7, 1837. He was the illegitimate son of
a 42 year old, unwed peasant woman from Lower Austria. Her
name was Maria Anna Schicklgruber.
In an attempt to hurt Hitler's political career, the day before the
1932 German presidential elections, a newspaper article titled, "Heil
Schicklgruber!", appeared around the world. It reported that the
original surname of Hitler's father was Schicklgruber.
The article was the brainchild of then soon-to-be Austrian
Chancellor, Englebert Dollfuss. Dollfuss happened to also be an
illegitimate son of an unwed Austrian peasant woman from Lower
Austria. Hitler was, no doubt, furious.
Obviously, the article didn't diminish Hitler political career.

Undaunted, Dollfuss allegedly persevered and launched a second

investigation into Hitler's family origins. This time he discovered
that Maria Anna Schicklgruber, (1795-1847) left, was employed at
the Vienna mansion of the bankers Salomon and Anselm
Rothschild at the time that she conceived Hitler's father.
Hitler ordered a takeover of the Austrian chancellery and Dollfuss
was assassinated. According to the British historian, Sir Ian
Kershaw, the damning evidence is said to be in the archives of the
British Secret Service.

Though both Salomon and his son, Anselm were frequent business
travellers, it would appear that at least one of them was at home
when Maria Anna conceived.
According to the historian, R.G.L. Waite, "Hitler thought himself
Jewish." Thinking a thick beard to be a Jewish characteristic, Hitler
shaved twice a day. Believing Jews to have a distinctive tell-tale
body odor, Hitler bathed twice daily.
Hitler tried desperately to hide his Jewishness and link to the
powerful Rothschild banking family. He once ranted to his nephew,
William Patrick Hitler: "People must not know who I am or which
family I come from!"

Hitler's sister Paula referred to the 1935 Nuremberg anti-Jewish

racial purity laws thus: "Since the race laws, Adolf and I lost our


To verify which, if any of the Rothschilds were home in September
of 1836, an online enquiry was initiated with the Rothschild's
London Archive.

According to dated business correspondence discovered in the files

known as The Moscow Papers, Anselm Salomon von Rothschild
was indeed in Vienna during September of 1836 - the month that
Hitler's grandmother conceived.
Anselm's father, Salomon, had not been in Vienna at the time
that Hitler's grandmother conceived in September of 1836.
He left Vienna in June of that year and didn't return until
sometime in 1837. (Salomon maintained a second residence
in Paris where his wife's family lived. It was his custom to
return to Paris for the Jewish High Holidays. His daughter,
Betty, who was married to his brother, James also lived in
Paris. By 1836, they had bore Salomon four grandchildren.

According to reverse ovulation calculations, Maria Anna

Schicklgruber conceived on or near Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish
New Year. The holiday fell that year on September 12th.
Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer's senior
clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of
Salomon: "...by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless
enthusiasm for young girls.." and "He had a lecherous passion for
very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by
the police."

Anselm, a notorious playboy, was in Vienna with his family for the
holidays that late summer to cover his father's absence. By that
time, he was a full partner in the family banking business. His wife,
Charlotte, gave birth in Vienna to "Puggy", the first of their three
sons the following month. The resemblance between Alois and his
half-brothers was striking.
Hitler appeared in Vienna in 1907, after his mother died. At the
time, his cousin Louis Rothschild was running the Vienna bank. It
appears that he was Hitler's point man until the annexation of
Adolf Hitler lived for several years in the Vienna Men's Hostel built
by his uncle, Nathaniel Mayer "Puggy" Rothschild.
When Hitler annexed Austria he arrested his cousin Louis for the
sake of appearance. Louis remained arrested for months in comfort
until the other Rothschilds provided a donation of 27 million
dollars. History called it ransom- the largest in history at that time.
Louis moved to Vermont and died swimming in Montego Bay,
The Rothschilds have used other illegitimate sons to foster their
macroeconomic initiatives. Hitler showed up on their doorstep
when they needed a hidden asset to cleanse Europe of what they felt
to be human debris (Jews, Gypsies, Slavs) in preparation for the
emerging modern continent, designed according to the impeccable
standards of those in the business of haute finance.
By the 20th century, the rulers of finance had thrown off the yoke
of the superstitious religion of their forebears and had adopted an
end-justifies-the-means, survival of the fittest business strategy.
In God We Trust was replaced by God Be Damned.
Clifford Shack is author of The Sabbatean-Frankist Conspiracy
Partially Exposed
Related another - Was Hitler a Rothschild?
There is a serving girl (maid) codicil which Hitler insisted on
including in the 1935 Nuremberg racial laws, a codicil that not only
specifically outlawed intercourse between Jews and Aryans but also
explicitly forbade Jews even to employ Aryan women under the age
of forty-five in their homes: Article 3 - "Jews cannot employ
female household servants of German or related blood who are
under 45 years of age."
Hitler's own grandmother had been no older than 41 when she
became pregnant while working, according to Hitler's suspicions, in
a Jewish household.
First Comment by Anders Laursen
In fact, Hitler´s security chief, Gen. Reinhold Heydrich, the man
behind the Holocaust organization/Wannsee Conference, launched
an intense campaign to obtain Dollfuss´ records on Hitler´s
origin https://web.archive.org/web/20180429222333/http://just-
secret.html because these records could deliver a mortal blow to the
Führer cult.
That Hitler was Jewish is genetically proven: His big family had
Jewish and North African genes - but no "Aryan" ones
African-roots-DNA-tests-show.html .
Now Hitler being a Rothschild presupposes that Alois Hitler was
Adolf Hitler´s father.
But acc. To the respected Jewish Rabbi and scientist Marvin
Antelman that is not the case. In his book "To Eliminate the Opiate"
part 2 he writes that Hitler´s mother, Clara, was Jewish
And furthermore: The Sabbatian ritual which conceived Adolph
Hitler on the 9th of Av, fast Day for the destruction of the First and
Second Temples on July 20, 1888, Hitler was born 9 months later
April 20, 1889. Accordingly his real father was not Alois
Shickelgruber and his Sabbatian roots are also maternal stemming
from the Strones family.
Hitler´s official father, Alois Schickelgruber, an illegitimate child of
a maid in the house of Rothschild, was forced by his father-in-law
to take the Jewish name of Hitler, the maiden name of Hitler´s
maternal grandmother.

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