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Brochure Phase 1

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central delhi



&RUSRUDWH2IÀFHG-3, Aggarwal Corporate Tower, 23, Rajendra Place, New Delhi - 110008
6LWH2IÀFHThe Amaryllis, New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005
+91 11 6605 1200, +91 98102 54447, +91 98102 28147, +91 98103 06947, +91 98103 20947
unitygroup.in, theamaryllis.in info@unitygroup.in
PH A SE- 1
the power centre of india
the power centre of india
Th e landsc ape of Delhi is dotted with monuments and
memories of the past and present. From the Lal Kila to the
Lotus Temple, the Hanuman Statue to the Qutab Minar, this
beautif ul expanse of green is now set to become the home of
anoth er ic oni c landmark – The Amaryllis, Central Delhi.

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ. *All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.
the neighbourhood

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.

the master plan
An architectural marvel

*All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company,
in the best interest of the development.
keep that sporting spirit alive
the clubhouse H ave a f riendly matc h or just beat your own rec ords. Th e clubhouse offers multiple sporting
f ac ilities wh eth er it is tennis or swimming, indoor games or even special activities for kids.
your fun zone
Whether y ou w a n t to tickle your taste
bu d s or a re in the m ood for an invigorating
s w im , the clu bhou s e offers everyth ing
from res ta u ra n ts a n d g y mnasium to a
s wim m in g p ool a n d s p orts f ac ilities. Th is
z on e is y ou r p erfect getaway.

S wimming Pool | K ids’ P lay Area | Indoor G ames | Lawn Tennis | Basket Ball

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ. *All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.
good health is great wealth let’s get social
T h e i m p o r t an c e o f a h e al t h y m in d a n d bod y ca n n ot be s tres s ed en ou g h. From w ork in g out to From great f ood f or every palate and a bar to get you in h igh spirits to designated space for social
p a m pe r i n g y o u r s e l f, t h e c l u b h o u s e offers a w holes om e bou q u et of hea lth a n d welln es s fa ci lities. gath erings, th e c lubh ouse h as an array of avenues f or th ose get-togethers or that precious alone time.

G y m | Sp a | Sa lon | Yog a | D a n ce Area Cof f ee S h op | Restaurant & Bar | L ibrary | Multipurpose Hall

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ. *All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.
the apartments
Your perfect refuge
Pre se nt in g m i d - r i s e t o w e r s w i t h fu l l y-fin is hed
2/ 3 BH K a pa r t m e n t s t h at h a v e b e e n d es ig n ed to
give yo u m ax i m u m s p ac e an d n at u r a l lig htin g .
Sp a cious ba l c o n i e s fo r e v e r y r o o m , i n c lu d in g the
living ro o m an d t h e k i t c h e n , g i v e y o u a s en s e
of op e nne s s . T h e s pr a w l i n g g r e e n s b e low a re a
t re a t f or y o u r e y e s a n d as y o u w a l k o u t on to the
b a l c o n y y o u fe e l o n e w i t h n at u re.

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.

and amenities
your entrance to luxury

And the moment you enter the Lobby, you

begin to gauge the grandeur of The Amaryllis.
The stylized and welcome Lobby is sure to leave
your guests spellbound.

Grand Entrance

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.

features and
your entrance to luxury
Our multi-tier sec urity system assures a gamut
of personnel, gadgets and latest in international
sec urity measures are at your disposal so th at
you h ave a disc ernible c h oic e of wh o you want
to see and wh en.

Security System

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.

beyond the ordinary

We are driven to give you th e best of f ac ilities

with a spec ial emph asis on th e importanc e of
open spac es bec ause your c omf ort and well-
being is our top priority.

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.

Flooring | 8 Feet High Wooden Frame & Doors | Modular Kitchen | Modular
Wardrobes | Daikin/Mitsubishi or Equivalent Split Ac in all Rooms | Full Height
Bathroom Tiles |  Feet Floor to Floor Height | Balcony S.S Glass Railing

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.

the master plan

*All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company,
in the best interest of the development.
* Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development. * Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development.


* Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development. * Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development.


* Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development. * Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development.


floor plans
efficiently designed spaces
Built Up Area - 831 Sq.Ft. Built Up Area - 1017 Sq.Ft.
Balcony Area - 216 Sq.Ft. Balcony Area - 217 Sq.Ft.
Carpet Area - 741 Sq.Ft. Carpet Area - 892 Sq.Ft.
Super Area - 1252 Sq.Ft. Super Area - 1501 Sq.Ft.

* Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development. * Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development.


Built Up Area - 1195 Sq.Ft. Built Up Area - 1283 Sq.Ft.
Balcony Area - 272 Sq.Ft. Balcony Area - 302 Sq.Ft.
Carpet Area - 1060 Sq.Ft. Carpet Area - 1135 Sq.Ft.
Super Area - 1775 Sq.Ft. Super Area - 1912 Sq.Ft.

* Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development. * Sq.Ft. = 0.0929 Sq.Mt. All artistic layout plans may undergo revision as decided by the company, in the best interest of the development.



Lo n do n

project consultants
most proficient team In dia
D ubai


S ing apore U .S.A.

green living
environment first
We, at Unity G roup, believe th at responsible living is
th e adage to live by. Th at is wh y at Th e Amaryllis,
we h ave ensured th at we give bac k to nature in every
possible way and ensure th at not just th e residents but
th e surroundings benef it f rom th e development too.
We h ave designed your abodes to h ave th e maximum
ventilation besides ample sunligh t. Th e entire
projec t h as been developed with a vision of
c reating sustainable living f or th e f uture
generations to c ome.

*All images are of artistic impressions. Actual may differ.

about us
Unity Group started in the year 1996, with a vision of creating transparency

in Real Estate in Delhi. In the process, we have been changing the skyline
of Delhi. Now with more than 10 Million Sq.Ft. of Commercial, Retail,

Hospitality and Institutional Spaces having been delivered to satisfied customers,

Commercial Unity Group has moved to give Delhi a never before Residential Project within
its heart.

We, at Unity Group, believe in transparent dealings, timely deliveries and

Healthcare Residential
epitomizing customer delight. We are a Zero Litigation Company and believe

in delivering what we have promised and ensure our customers are satisfied
with our offerings.

Presently, Unity Group is working on around 20 Million Sq.Ft. of Real Estate

Developments in Delhi including one of the biggest Residential Projects in Delhi

Marble Education - The Amaryllis; An Iconic Mixed-Use Commercial Development in Dwarka -
Vegas Mall; A state-of-the-art Healthcare Facility in Pitampura, Delhi - Unity

Medical Research Institute and have also recently delivered two Multi-Level

Car Park, with Commercial Projects in collaboration with DMRC in Janakpuri

and Rohini, Delhi.

Automobile Hotel
Disclaimer: All plans and images shown in this brochure are indicative only and are subject to change(s) at the discreation of the Developer or competent
authority. | All images are artistic rendition of proposed development and are for representation purposes only
All floor plans, site plans, specifications, dimensions, designs, measurements and locations are indicative and are subject to change as may be decided by the
developer or competent authority. Revision, alteration, modification, addition deletion, substitution or recast, if any, may be necessary during construction, |
Sizes/dimensions mentioned in all drawings/documents are all of unfinished rooms and these may very post finishing/plastering/paneling/cladding, etc. | Marble/
Granite/Stone being natural material have inherent characteristics of color and grain variations. Specifications are indicative and are subject to change as may
be decided by the Developer or competent authority. | Marginal variations may be necessary during construction. The brands of the equipments/appliances and
the specifications and facilities mentioned are tentative and liable to change at sole discretion of the Developer. | The Developer reserves the right to get the
area, plans etc revised which will be subject to the approval of the competent authorities.

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