Information and Communications Technology Handouts
Information and Communications Technology Handouts
Information and Communications Technology Handouts
ICT (Technopedia)
The functions of ICT differ depending on the environment, area, or field it is being utilized and on the
mandate given by the user.
Technical function includes the provision of trainings, seminars, and workshops on how to use the
technology and providing the basic technological or technical needs of the user.
Infrastructure function covers networks, devices, and other related equipment and setups such as for
withdrawing cash from an ATM.
- Learning with ICT covers key areas such as research, modelling and simulation, online courses and
revision units, communication, publishing, and collaboration.
2. Management – this refers to the Management Information System (MIS) which takes care of report
writing, home – school links, attendance, examination entries and target setting.
- MIS also includes storing electronically and making them available to teachers.
3. Communication – this is about projecting the right image of the school through its Website, which
provides the public an idea about the school.
Benefits of ICT
ICT has benefitted human life in all dimensions. Alongside the benefits and advantages of ICT are
problems and disadvantage. Nevertheless, the benefits of ICT far outweigh the drawbacks. Similar with
functions, the benefits of ICT vary according to the area or field of study.
Internet- learning becomes more enjoyable and teaching becomes more interactive compared to using
the old methods. Ex. ATM, Online-shopping, Zalora, Lazada, Amazon,eBay etc.
ICT in education include the smart whiteboard for visual illustration, computers, laptops, tablets etc.
Distance education (DE) – was pioneered by the University of London through its International
Programmes in1858 which offered distance learning degrees. It allows flexible place and time that suit
the student’s availability. Student can apply for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate programs. It can
help the student keep the right balance in work life, and study. In the Philippines, the leading
proponents of DE are the UP Open University and PUP.
It facilitates the dissemination of news and information to a global audience with various tastes,
preferences, and beliefs.
On the whole, the benefits of ICT have brought about increased improvement in the quality of lives to
the advancements of the last decades.
Weakest link
Refers to the part that is likely to fail, to cause a problem or to easily break. As it is the most
vulnerable part of a system, it is the easy point for attackers.
It can be a part of a software system, an infrastructure, an application, or the people-
administrators, technical support, and users who easily succumb to social engineering.
Social Engineering
“the science of getting people to comply with your wishes and concentrates on the
weakest link of the security chain”(D. Scheweitzer, 2003)
The use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal
information that may be used for fraudulent purposes.
It is the trusting nature of people which makes them one of the weakest links.
ICT has effects in social relations and political movements, too, by facilitating collective actions, among
peoples and groups who do not even know each other but are united by common interests and
ICT has emboldened the marginalized and “voiceless” groups to come out and be heard.
- refers to a highly motivated group with a collective vision and is aided by the Web in attaining a
common goal through fast and work exchanges.
Disadvantages of ICT
Connection- refers to something that joins two or more objects or individuals. It also shows a situation
wherein two or more objects or individuals have a similar cause, goal, or origin.
Relationship- refers to the state or condition of being connected; the way in which two or more
individuals or groups regard and behave toward one another; the manner by which two o more people,
associations, or countries deal with each.
Is establishing relationships an important component of your life?
Neural Network
Two main functions: receiving and transmitting information from the internal or external
source to the brain; and relaying or sending back the information from the brain to
appropriate body part that will perform the appropriate action.
The Neural Network or the human brain is the human computer responsible for controlling the
automatic and higher functions of the body.
It is composed of groups of neurons which are highly specialized cells and billions of connecting links
between their branches.
It also contains the nerve tracts which are like cables that receive, store, and transmit messages to the
various parts of the body in a coordinated manner.
Use of technology
Social Network – refers to an arrangement having a set of actors such as individuals or organizations
and a set of dyadic ties (relationship between two individuals)among these actors.
It is a social structure composed of nodes, generally individuals or organizations, that are linked by
common ancestry such as kinship ties or by mutually shared interests such as neighborhood association,
friendship clubs, and writer’s guild.
Social network deals with whom people know, who are attending events and gatherings together, and
who influences whom.
Self- the representation of one’s identity which distinguishes him or her from other identities. It is one’s
character and nature, a complete individuality. It is perceived to be the subject of experience , the
source of consciousness, and is responsible for thinking and acting processes of an individual.
“an individual’s ability to reflect on the way that he/she is perceived by other” – George Herbert Mead
The Three mains parts which maintain the self’s function - Social Psychology and
Human Nature Book
1. Self-Knowledge (or self- concept) enables people to learn about themselves based on collected
information and beliefs about themselves. There are four ways by which people do this:
1. the looking – glass self- where you learn about yourself through other people such as
when you hear what other people say about you;
2. introspection - which is gaining knowledge about yourself through your inner emotions
and thinking such as knowing what you feel although you cannot explain why;
3. social comparison which involves comparing yourself with other people who may be
better or worse than you;
4. Self –perception in which your belief about yourself is based on your behavior such as
when you think you are generous because you enjoy sharing what you have with
Self – esteem – refers to how you evaluate yourself positively or negatively based on the reactions you receive
from other people; how you compare yourself with others; how you perceive your social roles (whether
high or low in importance); and how you recognize yourself which includes your name, family, and kin,
nationality, education, and other personal details.
Self – awareness – consists of looking inward, involving your emotions, beliefs, feelings and thoughts on the
one hand and knowing yourself through other people’s perception about you.
Self – deception – covers “mental tricks of a person’s mind that hide the truth and constitute false beliefs.”
The Three mains parts which maintain the self’s function- Social Psychology and Human Nature Book
2. Interpersonal self (or public self) is your social side which you present publicly as in school, the workplace,
in an organization, or a community.
3. Agent self (or executive function)is how you make preferences and use your control over situations and
actions. The agent self takes over in situations that need decision- making, self – control, taking charge
of situations, and active response.
- explains how the sense of self emerges through people’s interactions with one another in the various
social networks they belong to.
Symbolic interaction – was coined by sociologist Herbert Blumer (1962). It promotes the perspective
that “people act toward things based on the meaning those things have for them, and these meanings
are derived from social interaction and modified through interpretation. It claims that people do not
merely react to each other’s actions; rather, they interpret or define one another’s actions.
It emphasizes the idea that the sense of self is constructed by these two methods:
1. The self as a product of social structures and their interaction – the social structure provides a set of
rules, standards, values, code of ethics, beliefs, roles, and other guidelines that the individual has to
observe and follow. Failure to observe these makes the person appear different and consequently be
treated as a Deviant (one who goes against the general rules and expected conduct of society). A deviant
who relapses to an undesirable behavior after being subjected to sanctions is called Recidivist.
2. The self as a product of face-to-face interaction with others – personal or face-to-face interaction
with others enables a person to apply the looking-glass self. Face-to-face interaction likewise gives a
person the opportunity to develop self-esteem by knowing what others think or know about him or her.
A person is a social actor that possesses physical, spiritual, and mental faculties which are utilized in
dealing with the self, other people, and the surroundings. It is the mind that dictates and gives
instructions to the physical spiritual faculties. A healthy mind is unconstrained by physical disabilities
and thus could relate well with society when the person chooses to.
Socialization – the process of shaping and influencing the mind and behavior of a person by way of
orientation to the norms and values of society.
Socialization shapes and guides the mind and behavior of a person according to his or her family’s and
society’s norms.
Students are among those who can perform a variety of roles or wear different hats in the
In the FAMILY….
Outside of the home…
In politics…
In education…
Hierarchy of Roles in the Community by Adam Kmiec (2013)
1. The HOST is someone who entertains the guests. Most of all, host is someone that everyone knows
and can trust.
2. The Facilitator is confused for the host as he or she wants everybody to enjoy the occasion. He or she
is focused on carrying out enjoyable and pleasant conversation with the guests, encouraging people to
meet and mingle with one another and introducing guests to each other.Example: Editor, broadcaster,
and newscaster
3. The Popular one is self-centered but has the ability to make people gravitate toward him or her and
to attract people’s attention. The most important person in the community.
Example: Top Community leaders, entertainers, big business people, show business talents, political
4. The Instigator makes community life more interesting by airing criticisms, writing negative comments,
and starting controversies. They serve as the devil’s advocate mostly for entertainment.
5. The Voyeur lends support to the host through his or her mere physical presence. The voyeur has no
active participation in the event but his or her presence matters much.
This means that an individual plays variegated roles and performs different functions as called by the
situation and his or her position.
The various roles are ranked in the order of prestige, value, and importance accorded by the
Prestige is the respect and admiration that an occupation or role holds in a community.
The role or the position itself commands respect and admiration regardless of the occupant or
A role is most likely associated with a person’s status, occupation, profession, or career. You will
be identified if you belong to highest rank or Lower rank.
This module is about social connections and relationships characterizing a social network. You are part of
a group or community where people are interrelated and interconnected. That actions and behaviors of
people are associated with meanings which the actors interpret in a wat that both of them can
The mind is part of the person's self, is shaped and influenced by the relationships that person has with
other people. Your thinking is affected by ideas, beliefs, advices, and actions of your parents, teachers,
friends, and relatives. You gather all these external inputs, process them in your brain, and come up with
your action, response, or decision.
All of you are wearing hats or roles associated with your position and involvement in different
communities. Performance tasks expected from your roles affect how you perceive yourself and how
other people perceive and treat you.
God Bless!