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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII– Eastern Visayas


The learners demonstrate an understanding of the digestive system and its interaction with the
circulatory, respiratory, and excretory system in providing the body with nutrients for energy.

The learners should be able to present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting
from nutrient deficiency.

The learners should be able to explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. identify the parts and its functions of the Digestive System;
2. label the parts of the digestive system; and
3. describe the importance of the Digestive System.


A. Topic: Structure and Functions: Focus on the Digestive System

B. Science Concepts:
 The two main function of the Digestive System are:
o to break down food into molecules (digestion)
o to carry nutrients through the blood vessels for distribution all throughout the body
 The organs of the Digestive System fall into two main groups:
o digestive tract; and
o accessory organs

C. Science Skills: Identifying, Labelling, Describing


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide page 205
2. Learner’s Guide pages 291-305
3. Discover Science (K to 12 Curriculum Compliant) by Ian Mark F. Allas pages 80-85.

B. Additional Materials
 Printed pictures chalk envelope projector
 Cartolina blackboard PowerPoint slides video clips
 Activity card fill tip pen speakers
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preparatory Activities
 Prayer
Everybody please stand and let us pray. (students pray the Interfaith Prayer)

 Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am.
Before you take your seats, please (students arrange their chairs and pick up the
arrange your chairs and pick up the pieces pieces of paper)
of paper under your chair, keep it first
inside your bag and throw it in the trash bin

 Attendance (seat plan)

Please go back to your proper seats for I (students go back to their proper seating
will check your attendance. Those who are arrangement)
not in their proper seat will be mark as

Alright. Very Good! Let’s do the “Yes clap” 1….2….3 (clap their hand)
for having the complete attendance 1….2….3 (stamp their feet) YES!

A. Reviewing previous lesson/presenting the

new lesson
Before we start, let’s have a review first of our Last meeting, we talked about the methods to
lesson last meeting. So, what did we discuss increase food production.
last meeting?

Very Good! What are these methods that we These methods include monoculture, herbicides
talk about? and insecticides, and chemical fertilizers which
are used by farmers.

That’s right! Why do we need to increase our We need to increase our food production
food production? because we humans are the top consumers of
food and our population is growing from time to

Very Good! But why do we even need food? We need food because it gives energy to supply
our day to day activities.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Lesson

For us to be really energized in today’s lesson,
let’s play a game. This game is called Fast
Food Chain. The mechanics of this game is
just simple, I will say a food, then I will point
one of your classmates and he/she will give
another food that begins with a letter which is
an end letter of the given word. Then your
seatmate will be the next one to give a food.

For example, I will say “Pizza” then I will point

one of your classmate, then he/she will say a
food that starts with letter A “Apple”, his/her
seatmate will be the next with E as the starting
letter of the word “Eggplant” until it reaches the
last person sitting at the back. We will do it in
a snappy way. Do you understand the
mechanics of our game? Yes Ma’am.

Are you ready? Yes Ma’am.

(students play the game)

Very Good everyone! Since all of you

participated in the game, you will receive a bar
of chocolate later on.

Now, what will happen to those foods that you Those foods will be digested.
mentioned earlier when you ate it?

Very Good! Then where do you think these It will be digested in our stomach.
foods will be digested?

That’s right! What do you think is the system It is the Digestive System.
that has stomach as an organ?

C. Presenting examples/instances
For you to deeply understand about Digestive
System, you will be performing an activity
entitled “Where Do I Belong?”

I’ll group you into three and each group will

choose their leader to facilitate the activity, a
secretary to write your answers and
representative to report your work. The leader
of each group will pick an envelope containing
pictures, a cartolina where you can paste the
pictures, and a paper containing sets of
questions that you will be answering.

What you will do is to study the pictures

showing different organs of the human body.
Then, identify which organs belong to the
digestive system and paste it in the cartolina
that is being provided. Finally, you are going
to answer sets of questions in the paper given.

The work of each group will be rated by a

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
All of the organs
Some of the
All of the organs are properly None of the
organs are
are properly identified but organs are
Identification properly
identified and only some of identified and
identified and
named. them are named.
Only 2 Out of all
All of the None of the
Correctness of questions were questions, only
answers are answers are
the answer answered 1 is correctly
correct. correct.
correctly. answered.
The reporter
The reporter The reporter The reporter
does not
clearly delivers some of indirectly
Delivery communicates the important communicates
what their work ideas about their what their work
what their work
is all about. work. is all about.
is all about.
I will give each group a copy of this rubric for
you to be guided. Are there any questions
about the rubric? None Ma’am.

I’ll only give you 10 minutes to work on your

activity. You can start working on your activity
until I say so. Please prepare the list of your
groupmates. Are the instructions clear? Yes Ma’am.

This will be the group 1, group 2 and group 3.

You can now form a circle within your group
but please don’t drag the chairs. Before you
start, please be reminded to minimize your
voice, cooperate with your groupmates and
clean up your mess after doing the activity.
Any violation will be a demerit.

May I call the leader of each group to choose

the envelope and get the materials needed
for your activity.

Your 10 minutes starts now! (students start doing their activity)

(after 10 minutes) Time is up! Please go back

to your respective seats. May I call again the
leader of the group to pick a piece of paper
here which will represent the order for the
presentation of answers. Before you present
your work, give me first the list of your

Who got number 1? Since you pick number 1,

you will be the first presenter. Please post
your cartolina on the board and let the
representative of the group explain your work. (first group present their answers)

Very good first presenter. Let’s give their 1….2….3 (clap their hand)
group “Very Good clap by Mommy D” 1….2….3 (stamp their feet) Very Good! Very
Good! Very Good!

Let’s move to the group who picks number 2.

Please post your answers and present your
work. (second group present their answers)

Great job second presenter. Let’s give their 1….2….3 (clap their hand)
group “Check na Check clap” 1….2….3 (stamp their feet) Check na Check!

The last group, please present your work. (last group present their answers)

Excellent! Let’s give the last group “Hooray 1….2….3 (clap their hand)
Clap” 1….2….3 (stamp their feet) Hooray!

Do you think these organs belong to the Yes Ma’am.

digestive system?
What are your basis in choosing these I based it on the organs present because some of
organs? the organs belongs to another system in our
Very Good! Base on your output, what are the The organs that belong to the digestive system
organs that belong to the digestive system? are mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine, anus, pancreas, liver,
and gall bladder.
That’s right!

D. Discussing new concept and practicing

new skills #1
I have here a video clip regarding the
adventures of Chloe and Nerve. Listen to it
and guess where their adventures take them.
(the teacher plays the video)

What was shown in in the video clip? The video clip shows how our body digest foods
in the digestive system.

That’s right! This is the anatomical structure of

our digestive system. Based on the video clip
shown earlier, where does digestion begins? The digestion begins in our mouth.

Very Good! Can you put it on the anatomical

structure where mouth can be located? (the student paste in the anatomical structure)

That’s right! Digestion begins in our mouth that The mouth breaks the food down with the aid of
serves as the gateway in the digestive system. our teeth which chews the food and our saliva
What happens to the food as it enters our which contains enzymes that break the food into
mouth? tiny pieces.

Very Good! As it breaks down into tiny pieces

it forms into a ball called bolus so that it has
more surface area. After that, where did the
food go next? The food was pushed down into the esophagus.

Excellent! But before it travels through the

esophagus, the food enters the pharynx. In the
pharynx, there is a flap like structure called the
epiglottis which closes down when food pass
through it. That’s why food can enter into the
esophagus and not in the trachea. Who can
identify where the pharynx is? How about the (the student label the pharynx and esophagus in
esophagus? the anatomical structure)

Very Good! What happens in the esophagus? Esophagus transacts food from the mouth to the

That’s right! This movement is caused by

waves of muscle contractions called
peristalsis that’s why the food was able to
move to another organ of the digestive The stomach Ma’am.
system, which is?
Excellent! Can you point out where is the (the student points out the stomach in the
stomach? anatomical structure)

Very Good! What is the role of our stomach. The stomach serves as a warehouse of food or
this is where the food is being stored.

That’s right! And what does our stomach Our stomach produces gastric juices.

Very Good! Gastric juices are mix of acid and

enzymes which turns our food into churned,
semi-liquid called chyme. After that, where After in the stomach, the liquefied food moves
does the liquefied food moves? into the small intestine.

Excellent! Who can identify where the small (the student label the small intestine in the
intestine is located? anatomical structure)

That’s right! What happens to the food as it In the small intestine, the vitamins and minerals
enters the small intestine? in the food is being absorbed

Very Good! Small intestine has three parts,

the duodenum which , ileum which , and
jejunum which. In this organ there are more
digestive juices that are found just like the bile.

Where does bile being produced? Bile is produced in the liver.

That’s right! Will you point out where the liver (the student points out the liver in the anatomical
is? structure)

Very Good! And what organ in our body is Bile is stored in the gall bladder until our body
responsible in storing the bile? needs it.

Excellent! Who can identify where the gall (the student points out the gall bladder in the
bladder is? anatomical structure)

That’s right! Also, bile and enzymes from the

pancreas breaks down the proteins, fats and
carbohydrates Will you point out where is the (the student points out the pancreas in the
pancreas? anatomical structure)

Very Good! Where is the last stage of the Lastly, the food will enter the large intestine.

Excellent! Another name for large intestine is (the student points out the large intestine in the
colon. Will you point out where the large anatomical structure)
intestine is?

Very Good! What is the role of large intestine? The large intestine absorbs water and salt.

That’s correct! The remains after water has

been absorbed is considered as waste or what
we call feces then it will be stored in the rectum
then lastly excreted to the anus.
The organs of the digestive system have two
main groups namely the digestive tract and
the accessory organs. The Digestive tract is a
muscular and mucous membrane-lined tube
where food is digested and absorbed. Based
on the anatomical structure that we label The organs that belong to the digestive tract are
earlier, what do you think are the organs that mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
belong to the digestive tract? intestine, large intestine, and anus.

That’s right! On the other hand, accessory

organs secrete digestive enzymes that aid in
the digestion process. Based on the
anatomical structure that we label earlier, The accessory organs include liver, gall bladder,
what are these accessory organs? and pancreas.

E. Discussing new concept and practicing

new skills #2
Along the way of digesting foods, there are
also processes involved. To know these
processes, we are going to play a game. With
your seatmate as your pair, you are going to
unscramble the scrambled letters that I will be
posting on the board. You can write your
answer in any sheet of paper. After 30
seconds, the pair who wanted to answer
should raise their right hand. Noisy pair will not
be entertained. And just a hint, the first and
last letter is in the right place. Are the Yes Ma’am!
instructions clear?

The first process involves the act of taking the

food to our body, it is called
That’s right! The first process is ingestion.
Since it’s the taking of food, can you put it
beside the organ that is involved in that (the student puts it in the mouth in the anatomical
process? structure)

Very Good! The second process absorbs the

nutrients from the food we eat.
Correct! Will you put it beside the organ where (the student puts it in the small intestine in the
absorption takes place? anatomical structure)

Excellent! The next process is called


That’s right! Assimilation is the process of

utilizing the nutrients in our body. With that,
can you put it beside the organ that is involved (the student puts it in the large intestine in the
in assimilation process? anatomical structure)
Very Good! The last process will be
Correct! Excretion is the act of eliminating
waste out of our body. And will you put it
beside the organ where excretion takes (the student puts it in the anus in the anatomical
place? structure)

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative

Do you now understand our lesson about
Digestive System? Yes Ma’am.

Are there any questions? Clarification? None Ma’am.

Let’s see if you really understand the lesson.

From your group earlier in the activity, you are
going to make a song, write a poem, or a short
monologue showing your understanding
about the digestive system.

This time, you are going to choose your new

leader and secretary. To be fair, the leader of
the group will choose from the pieces of paper
that I have, to know what activity you will be
working on. In presenting the activity, all of the
group members should be involved.

The work of each group will be again rated by

a rubric:

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
The The The
presentation presentation presentation
does not
clearly communicates indirectly
Presentation communicates some of the communicates
the main idea important ideas the idea and is
any idea that
and is strongly and is slightly hardly
can persuade
persuasive. persuasive. persuasive.
the audience.
All the wordings
The wordings
and melody
Most of the and melody
reflect an The wordings
wordings and were made by
Creativity and exceptional and melody
melody used the student but
Originality degree of were not made
reflect ingenuity were copied
student’s by the student.
in their creation. from the ideas
ingenuity in their
of others.
Most of the Some of the
The contents of The contents of
contents of the contents of the
the song/ poem/ the song/ poem/
Accuracy and song/ poem/ song/ poem/
monologue are monologue are
Relevance of monologue are monologue
accurate and neither accurate
the Content accurate and accurate and
related to the nor related to
related to the related to the
topic. the topic.
topic. topic.
The song/
Elements All required Few required Required
includes all the
(persuasiveness elements are elements are elements are
, musicality, included. included. missing.
elements as well
language, etc.)
as additional

I will give each group a copy of this rubric for

you to be guided. Are there any questions
about the rubric? None Ma’am.

I’ll only give you 20 minutes to work on your

activity. You can start working on your activity
until I say so. Are the instructions clear? Yes Ma’am.
You can now form a circle within your group
but please don’t drag the chairs. Before you
start, please be reminded to minimize your
voice, cooperate with your groupmates and
clean up your mess after doing the activity.
Any violation will be a demerit.

May I call the leader of each group to pick a

piece of paper in my hand to know what your
activity will be.

Your 20 minutes starts now! (students start doing their activity)

(after 20 minutes) Time is up! Please go back

to your respective seats. Whoever is the first
presenter earlier in the activity, will also be the
first presenter in today’s activity.
First presenter, please present your work. (the first presenter presents their work)

Very good first presenter. Let’s give their 1….2….3 (clap their hand)
group “Regine Clap” 1….2….3 (stamp their feet) Woooh!

Let’s move to the second presenter. (the second presenter presents their work)

Great job second presenter. Let’s give their 1….2….3 (clap their hand)
group “whistle clap” 1….2….3 (stamp their feet) (whistle sound)

Last group, please present your work. (the last presenter presents their work)

Excellent! Let’s give the last group “Hep Hep 1….2….3 (clap their hand)
Hooray Clap” 1….2….3 (stamp their feet) Hep Hep Hooray!

Good job everyone!

G. Finding practical applications of concepts

and skills in daily living
Here is the bar of chocolate that I promised
earlier for participating in the game. Please
pass it so that everyone can have it. I want you
to eat it.

What happens to the chocolate bars when you It was digested and digestive system do the work
eat it? in order for this food be converted into useful
energy needed by our body.

Very Good! What do you think will happen to

the human body if the digestive system will The human body will be weak, malnourished, and
continue to digest healthy foods? will have less energy.

That’s right! How about if the digestive system The digestive system cannot do its functions
will be infected by severe disease? properly and effectively, therefore, the person will
be prone to diseases.
Correct! With that, what shall we do so that our We should make sure that our digestive system
digestive system will function properly and is healthy and taken good care of.
The key to a healthy digestive system is proper
Very Good! How can we do it? nutrition – a balanced diet of carbohydrates,
proteins and fats, plus essential minerals and

Excellent! We should always remember that.

H. Making generalizations and abstraction

about the lesson The two main groups of digestive system are
Again class, what are the two main groups of digestive tract and accessory organs.
digestive system?
The organs that belong to the digestive tract are
Correct! What organs belong to digestive mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
tract? intestine, large intestine, and anus.
The accessory organs include liver, gall bladder,
Very Good! How about the accessory organs? and pancreas.

The processes involved are ingestion,

Excellent! How about the processes that are absorption, assimilation, and excretion.
involved in the digestion process?

I. Evaluating learning ANSWERS KEY:

I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct
1. What is the system that aids the
process of breaking down food into
absorbable forms? A. Digestive System
a. Digestive System
b. Lymphatic System
c. Respiratory System
d. Skeletal System

2. Which of these organs does not belong

to the group?
a. Liver B. Lungs
b. Lungs
c. Small intestine
d. Stomach

3. What organ of the digestive system

serves as a passageway of both air and
a. Esophagus
b. Liver C. Pharynx
c. Pharynx
d. Small intestine

4. What process is involved when the

materials that are not needed in our
body is being eliminated outside our
a. Absorption C. Excretion
b. Assimilation
c. Excretion
d. Ingestion

5. How to keep our digestive system

a. Eating too much food.
b. Eating junk foods and too much
c. Smoking, drinking alcoholic
beverages, and sleeping late at night. D. Observing proper nutrition by having a
d. Observing proper nutrition by having balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
a balanced diet of carbohydrates, plus essential minerals and vitamins.
proteins, and fats plus essential
minerals and vitamins.

II. Labeling
Direction: Label the parts of the Digestive

1 1. MOUTH


3 3. LIVER
8 8. COLON

9 9. ANUS

J. Additional activities for application or

In a long bond paper, cut out and paste five
disorders or diseases of the digestive system
and give its symptoms and treatments.


Prepared by:


Junior High Teacher I Applicant

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