Standard Specifications: For Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction
Standard Specifications: For Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction
Standard Specifications: For Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction
for Road, Bridge, and
Municipal Construction
M 41-10
Ordering Information
The 2018 Standard Specifications can be purchased from the Washington State
Department of Printing website at
The 2018 Standard Specifications can be also downloaded, free of charge, from
the following web page at
Division 2 Earthwork
Division 4 Bases
Division 6 Structures
Division 9 Materials
Division 2 Earthwork............................................................................................2-1
2-01 Clearing, Grubbing, and Roadside Cleanup............................................................ 2-1
2-01.1 Description.................................................................................................... 2-1
2-01.2 Disposal of Usable Material and Debris....................................................... 2-1
2-01.2(2) Disposal Method No. 2 – Waste Site........................................ 2-1
2-01.2(3) Disposal Method No. 3 – Chipping.......................................... 2-1
2-01.3 Construction Requirements........................................................................... 2-1
2-01.3(1) Clearing..................................................................................... 2-1
2-01.3(2) Grubbing................................................................................... 2-2
2-01.3(3) Vacant........................................................................................ 2-2
2-01.3(4) Roadside Cleanup..................................................................... 2-2
2-01.4 Measurement................................................................................................. 2-3
2-01.5 Payment......................................................................................................... 2-3
2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions................................................................. 2-4
2-02.1 Description.................................................................................................... 2-4
2-02.2 Vacant............................................................................................................ 2-4
2-02.3 Construction Requirements........................................................................... 2-4
2-02.3(1) Removal of Foundations........................................................... 2-4
2-02.3(2) Removal of Bridges, Box Culverts, and Other
Drainage Structures................................................................... 2-4
2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters............ 2-5
2-02.4 Vacant............................................................................................................ 2-5
2-02.5 Payment......................................................................................................... 2-6
2-03 Roadway Excavation and Embankment................................................................... 2-7
2-03.1 Description.................................................................................................... 2-7
2-03.2 Vacant............................................................................................................ 2-7
2-03.3 Construction Requirements........................................................................... 2-7
2-03.3(1) Widening of Cuts...................................................................... 2-7
2-03.3(2) Rock Cuts.................................................................................. 2-7
2-03.3(3) Excavation Below Subgrade..................................................... 2-9
2-03.3(4) Sluicing................................................................................... 2-10
2-03.3(5) Slope Treatment...................................................................... 2-10
2-03.3(6) Deposit of Rock for the Contracting Agency’s Use................ 2-10
2-03.3(7) Disposal of Surplus Material.................................................. 2-10
2-03.3(8) Wasting Material..................................................................... 2-11
2-03.3(9) Roadway Ditches.................................................................... 2-11
2-03.3(10) Selected Material.................................................................... 2-11
2-03.3(11) Slides....................................................................................... 2-12
2-03.3(12) Overbreak................................................................................ 2-12
2-03.3(13) Borrow.................................................................................... 2-12
2-03.3(14) Embankment Construction...................................................... 2-13
2-03.3(15) Aeration................................................................................... 2-18
2-03.3(16) End Slopes.............................................................................. 2-19
2-03.3(17) Snow Removal........................................................................ 2-19
2-03.3(18) Stepped Slope Construction.................................................... 2-19
2-03.3(19) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters.......... 2-19
2-03.4 Measurement............................................................................................... 2-19
2-03.5 Payment....................................................................................................... 2-20
Division 4 Bases.....................................................................................................4-1
4-01 Vacant........................................................................................................................... 4-1
4-02 Gravel Base.................................................................................................................. 4-2
4-02.1 Description.................................................................................................... 4-2
4-02.2 Materials....................................................................................................... 4-2
4-02.3 Construction Requirements........................................................................... 4-2
4-02.4 Measurement................................................................................................. 4-2
4-02.5 Payment......................................................................................................... 4-2
4-03 Vacant........................................................................................................................... 4-3
4-04 Ballast and Crushed Surfacing.................................................................................. 4-4
4-04.1 Description.................................................................................................... 4-4
4-04.2 Materials....................................................................................................... 4-4
4-04.3 Construction Requirements........................................................................... 4-4
4-04.3(1) Equipment................................................................................. 4-4
4-04.3(2) Subgrade................................................................................... 4-4
4-04.3(3) Mixing....................................................................................... 4-4
4-04.3(4) Placing and Spreading............................................................... 4-5
4-04.3(5) Shaping and Compaction.......................................................... 4-5
4-04.3(6) Keystone................................................................................... 4-5
4-04.3(7) Miscellaneous Requirements.................................................... 4-6
4-04.3(8) Weather Limitations.................................................................. 4-6
4-04.3(9) Hauling...................................................................................... 4-6
4-04.3(10) Hours of Work........................................................................... 4-6
4-04.3(11) Permeable Ballast...................................................................... 4-6
4-04.4 Measurement................................................................................................. 4-6
4-04.5 Payment......................................................................................................... 4-7
Division 6 Structures.............................................................................................6-1
6-01 General Requirements for Structures....................................................................... 6-1
6-01.1 Description.................................................................................................... 6-1
6-01.2 Foundation Data............................................................................................ 6-1
6-01.3 Clearing the Site............................................................................................ 6-1
6-01.4 Appearance of Structures.............................................................................. 6-1
6-01.5 Vacant............................................................................................................ 6-1
6-01.6 Load Restrictions on Bridges Under Construction....................................... 6-1
6-01.7 Navigable Streams........................................................................................ 6-2
6-01.8 Approaches to Movable Spans...................................................................... 6-2
6-01.9 Working Drawings........................................................................................ 6-2
6-01.10 Utilities Supported by or Attached to Bridges.............................................. 6-2
6-01.11 Name Plates.................................................................................................. 6-3
6-01.12 Final Cleanup................................................................................................ 6-3
6-01.13 Vacant............................................................................................................ 6-3
6-01.14 Premolded Joint Filler................................................................................... 6-3
6-01.15 Normal Temperature..................................................................................... 6-3
6-02 Concrete Structures.................................................................................................... 6-4
6-02.1 Description.................................................................................................... 6-4
6-02.2 Materials....................................................................................................... 6-4
6-02.3 Construction Requirements........................................................................... 6-4
6-02.3(1) Classification of Structural Concrete........................................ 6-4
6-02.3(2) Proportioning Materials............................................................ 6-4
6-02.3(3) Admixtures................................................................................ 6-8
6-02.3(4) Ready-Mix Concrete................................................................. 6-8
6-02.3(5) Acceptance of Concrete.......................................................... 6-10
6-02.3(6) Placing Concrete..................................................................... 6-15
6-02.3(7) Vacant...................................................................................... 6-20
6-02.3(8) Vacant...................................................................................... 6-20
6-02.3(9) Vibration of Concrete.............................................................. 6-20
6-02.3(10) Bridge Decks and Bridge Approach Slabs.............................. 6-20
6-02.3(11) Curing Concrete...................................................................... 6-25
6-02.3(12) Construction Joints................................................................. 6-28
6-02.3(13) Expansion Joints..................................................................... 6-29
6-02.3(14) Finishing Concrete Surfaces................................................... 6-30
6-02.3(15) Date Numerals........................................................................ 6-31
6-02.3(16) Plans for Falsework and Formwork........................................ 6-32
6-02.3(17) Falsework and Formwork....................................................... 6-32
6-02.3(18) Placing Anchor Bolts.............................................................. 6-56
6-02.3(19) Bridge Bearings...................................................................... 6-56
6-02.3(20) Grout for Anchor Bolts and Bridge Bearings......................... 6-56
6-02.3(21) Drainage of Box Girder Cells................................................. 6-57
6-02.3(22) Drainage of Substructure........................................................ 6-57
6-02.3(23) Opening to Traffic................................................................... 6-57
6-02.3(24) Reinforcement......................................................................... 6-58
6-02.3(25) Prestressed Concrete Girders.................................................. 6-64
6-02.3(26) Cast-In-Place Prestressed Concrete........................................ 6-77
6-02.3(27) Concrete for Precast Units...................................................... 6-88
6-02.3(28) Precast Concrete Panels.......................................................... 6-89
Division 9 Materials..............................................................................................9-1
9-00 Definitions and Tests................................................................................................... 9-1
9-00.1 Fracture......................................................................................................... 9-1
9-00.2 Wood Waste.................................................................................................. 9-1
9-00.3 Test for Mass of Galvanizing........................................................................ 9-1
9-00.4 Sieves for Testing Purposes.......................................................................... 9-1
9-00.5 Dust Ratio..................................................................................................... 9-1
9-00.6 Sand/Silt Ratio.............................................................................................. 9-1
9-00.7 Galvanized Hardware, AASHTO M232....................................................... 9-1
9-00.8 Sand Equivalent............................................................................................ 9-1
9-00.9 Field Test Procedures.................................................................................... 9-1
9-01 Cement......................................................................................................................... 9-2
9-01.1 Types of Cement........................................................................................... 9-2
9-01.2 Specifications................................................................................................ 9-2
9-01.2(1) Portland Cement........................................................................ 9-2
9-01.2(2) Rapid Hardening Hydraulic Cement......................................... 9-3
9-01.3 Tests and Acceptance.................................................................................... 9-3
9-01.4 Storage on the Work Site.............................................................................. 9-3
9-02 Bituminous Materials................................................................................................. 9-4
9-02.1 Asphalt Material, General............................................................................. 9-4
9-02.1(1) Vacant........................................................................................ 9-4
9-02.1(2) Vacant........................................................................................ 9-4
9-02.1(3) Vacant........................................................................................ 9-4
9-02.1(4) Performance Graded Asphalt Binder (PGAB).......................... 9-4
9-02.1(5) Vacant........................................................................................ 9-5
9-02.1(6) Cationic Emulsified Asphalt..................................................... 9-5
9-02.1(7) Vacant........................................................................................ 9-6
9-02.1(8) Flexible Bituminous Pavement Marker Adhesive.................... 9-6
9-02.1(9) Vacant........................................................................................ 9-6
9-02.2 Sampling and Acceptance............................................................................. 9-7
9-02.2(1) Certification of Shipment.......................................................... 9-7
9-02.2(2) Samples..................................................................................... 9-7
9-02.3 Temperature of Asphalt................................................................................. 9-7
9-02.4 Anti-Stripping Additive................................................................................ 9-7
9-02.5 Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) Additive........................................................... 9-7
9-03 Aggregates................................................................................................................... 9-8
9-03.1 Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete................................................... 9-8
9-03.1(1) General Requirements............................................................... 9-8
9-03.1(2) Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete......................... 9-8
9-03.1(3) Vacant........................................................................................ 9-9
9-03.1(4) Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete................... 9-10
9-03.1(5) Combined Aggregate Gradation for Portland Cement
Concrete.................................................................................. 9-10
9-03.2 Aggregate for Job-Mixed Portland Cement Mortar.................................... 9-11
9-03.2(1) Grading for Surface Finishing Applications........................... 9-12
9-03.2(2) Grading for Masonry Mortar Applications............................. 9-12
9-03.3 Vacant.......................................................................................................... 9-12
Crib. Cribbing
Culv. Culvert
cy or cu yd. Cubic Yard
Diam. Diameter
ESAL Equivalent Single Axle Loads
Est. Estimate or Estimated
Excl. Excluding
F Fahrenheit
gph Gallon per Hour
gpm Gallon per Minute
Hund. Hundred
HMA Hot Mix Asphalt
In. Inch
Incl. Including
JMCIF Job Mix Compliance Incentive Factor
JMF Job Mix Formula
lb Pound(s)
LF or Lin. Ft. Linear Foot (Feet)
LS Lump Sum
M Thousand
MBM Thousand Feet Board Measure
MUTS Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength
PCPS Precast Prestressed
Pres. Pressure
psf Pounds per Square Foot
psi Pounds per Square inch
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
RAP Recycled Asphalt Pavement
Reg. Regulator
Reinf. Reinforced, Reinforcing
Sec. Section
St. Steel
Str. Structural
sy or sq. yd. Square Yard(s)
Th. Thick or Thickness
Tr. Treatment
Va Air Voids
VC Vitrified Clay
VFA Voids Filled with Asphalt
VMA Voids in Mineral Aggregate
1-01.3 Definitions
Addendum – A written or graphic document, issued to all Bidders and identified as an
Addendum prior to Bid opening, which modifies or supplements the Bid Documents and
becomes a part of the Contract.
Auxiliary Lane – The part of the Roadway next to Traveled Ways for parking, speed
changes, turning, weaving, truck climbing, or for anything that adds to through traffic
Award – The formal decision of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest responsible
and responsive Bidder for the Work.
Bid, Proposal – The offer of a Bidder on a properly completed Proposal Form to perform
the Contract.
Bidder – An individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or joint venture, submitting
a Proposal or Bid. When required by law or otherwise the individual, partnership, firm,
corporation, or joint venture shall be prequalified.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 1-3
1-01 Definitions and Terms
Bid Documents – The component parts of the proposed Contract which may include,
but are not limited to, the Proposal Form, the proposed Contract Provisions, the proposed
Contract Plans, Addenda, and for projects with Contracting Agency subsurface investigations;
the Summary of Geotechnical Conditions and subsurface boring logs (if any).
Bridge Approach Embankments – An embankment beneath a Structure and extending
100 feet beyond a Structure’s end (at Subgrade elevation for the full embankment width) plus
an access ramp on a 10:1 slope to the original ground elevation. Also, any embankment that
replaces unsuitable foundation soil beneath the Bridge Approach Embankment.
Call for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) – The published public notice soliciting Proposals
or Bids for Work stating, among other things, the time, place, and date for receiving and
opening the Bids.
Cold Weather Protection Period – A period of time 7 days from the day of concrete
placement or the duration of the cure period, whichever is longer.
Commission, Washington State Transportation Commission – The appointive body
having authority over state transportation matters as provided by law.
Completion Dates – Substantial Completion Date is the day the Engineer determines
the Contracting Agency has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from
the operational and safety standpoint, all the initial plantings are completed and only minor
incidental work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities, plant establishment periods,
or correction or repair remains for the Physical Completion of the total Contract.
Physical Completion Date is the day all of the Work is physically completed on the project.
All documentation required by the Contract and required by law does not necessarily need to
be furnished by the Contractor by this date.
Completion Date is the day all the Work specified in the Contract is completed and
all the obligations of the Contractor under the Contract are fulfilled by the Contractor.
All documentation required by the Contract and required by law must be furnished by the
Contractor before establishment of this date.
Contract – The written agreement between the Contracting Agency and the Contractor.
It describes, among other things:
1. What work will be done, and by when;
2. Who provides labor and materials; and
3. How Contractors will be paid.
The Contract includes the Contract (agreement) Form, Bidder’s completed Proposal Form,
Contract Provisions, Contract Plans, Standard Specifications, Standard Plans, Addenda,
various certifications and affidavits, supplemental agreements, change orders, and subsurface
boring logs (if any).
Contract Bond – The approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and the
Contractor’s Surety as required by the Contract, that guarantees performance of all the Work
required by the Contract and payment to anyone who provides supplies or labor for the
performance of the Work.
Contract Form (Agreement Form) – The form provided by the Contracting Agency that
requires the authorized signatures of the Contractor and the Contracting Agency to result in
formal execution of the Contract.
Contracting Agency – Agency of Government that is responsible for the execution and
administration of the Contract.
Contractor – The individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or joint venture, Contracting
with the Contracting Agency to do prescribed Work.
Contract Plans – A publication addressing the Work required for an individual project.
At the time of the call for Bids, the Contract Plans may include, but are not limited to, the
following: a vicinity map, a summary of quantities, structure notes, signing information,
traffic control plans, and detailed drawings; all for a specific individual project. At the time
of the Contract execution date, the Contract Plans include any Addenda.
No. of
To Subcontractors and Suppliers Sets Basis of Distribution
Reduced Plans (11″ by 17″) and accompanying 1 Furnished only upon request by the Prime Contractor
Special Provisions for an approved Subcontractor or material supplier.
Business Enterprise Utilization Certification, the Bidder shall submit written confirmation
from that UDBE firm that the UDBE is in agreement with the UDBE participation
commitment that the Bidder has made in the Bidder’s completed Underutilized Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise Utilization Certification. WSDOT Form 422‑031 (Underutilized
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Written Confirmation Document) is available for
this purpose. Bidder must submit good faith effort documentation with the Underutilized
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification ONLY In The Event the bidder’s
efforts to solicit sufficient UDBE participation have been unsuccessful. Directions for delivery
of the Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Written Confirmation Documents
and Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort documentation are
included in Sections 1-02.9 and 1-02.10.
The Bidder shall submit with the Bid a list of:
1. Subcontractors who will perform the work of heating, ventilation and air conditioning,
plumbing as described in RCW 18.106 and electrical as described in RCW 19.28, and
2. The work those Subcontractors will perform on the Contract.
3. Shall not list more than one Subcontractor for each category of work identified, except,
when Subcontractors vary with Bid alternates, in which case the Bidder shall identify
which Subcontractor will be used for which alternate.
If no Subcontractor is listed, the Bidder acknowledges that it does not intend to use any
Subcontractor to perform those items of work.
Proposals of corporations shall be signed by the officer or officers having authority to sign
them. If a Bidder is a copartnership, the Proposal shall be signed by an authorized member of
the copartnership. When the Bidder is a joint venture, the Proposal shall be signed by one or
more individuals as authorized by the Joint Venture.
1-02.7 Bid Deposit
A deposit of at least 5 percent of the total Bid shall accompany each Bid. This deposit may
be cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or a proposal bond (Surety bond). For projects that
are selected by the Contracting Agency to be Bid electronically, the proposal bond may be
in either a physical format, or an electronic format via or
and BidExpress®. When a physical Bid deposit or proposal bond is furnished to accompany
an electronic Proposal Form, the Bid deposit shall be received by the Contracting Agency at
the location specified for receipt of Bids prior to the time set for receipt of Bids. Any proposal
bond shall be on a form acceptable to the Contracting Agency and shall be signed by the
Bidder and the Surety. A proposal bond shall not be conditioned in any way to modify the
minimum 5 percent required. The Surety shall: (1) be registered with the Washington State
Insurance Commissioner, and (2) appear on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State
of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
The failure to furnish a Bid deposit of a minimum of 5 percent with the Bid or as a physical
supplement to the electronic Proposal Form shall make the Bid nonresponsive and shall cause
the Bid to be rejected by the Contracting Agency.
1-02.8 Noncollusion Declaration and Lobbying Certification
1-02.8(1) Noncollusion Declaration
When required by Section 112(c) Title 23, United States Code, a declaration shall be
provided certifying that the Bidder has not taken part in collusion or other action that would
restrain competitive Bidding.
The Code of Federal Regulations 23 CFR 635.112(f)(1) requires that: “Each Bidder shall
file a sworn or unsworn statement executed by, or on behalf of the person, firm, association, or
corporation submitting the Bid, certifying that such persons, firm, association, or corporation
has not either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion,
or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive Bidding in connection with
the submitted Bid. Failure to submit the sworn or unsworn statement as part of the Bid
Proposal package will make the Bid nonresponsive and not eligible for Award consideration”.
In addition, 23 CFR 635.112(f)(1) requires that the Contracting Agency provide the form
for the declaration to prospective Bidders and that the declaration shall be executed by such
persons, firm, association, or corporation under penalty of perjury under the laws of the
United States.
Therefore, by including the Non-collusion Declaration as part of the signed bid Proposal,
the Bidder is deemed to have certified and agreed to the requirements of the Declaration.
1-02.8(2) Lobbying Certification
Section 319 of Public Law 101-121 prohibits payment of Federal Funds for contract
lobbying by the Contractor and any Subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor whose contract
exceeds $100,000. A Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts (WSDOT Form 272-040) is
provided in the Proposal Form for Contracts exceeding $100,000 to address this requirement.
By signing the proposal, the Bidder will be deemed to have signed and agreed to the
conditions and requirements of the Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts.
The Contractor shall ensure that a Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts (WSDOT Form
272-040) is included in every contract with any Subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor
whose contract exceeds $100,000. By signing the contract any Subcontractor or lower tier
subcontractor will be deemed to have signed and agreed to the conditions and requirements
of the Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts. The Contractor shall keep evidence in their
files that such Subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor has committed to this requirement.
Section 319 of Public Law 101-121 also provides that, if any funds other than Federal
appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting
to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer
or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this
Federal Contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the Contractor shall complete and
submit to the Contracting Agency the Standard Form LLL, DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING
ACTIVITIES, in accordance with the instructions on the form. Any Subcontractor or lower
tier subcontractor whose contract exceeds $100,000 shall disclose in the same manner as
the Contractor, except that, Standard Form LLL shall be submitted to the Contractor for
processing to the Contracting Agency.
Audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with this section.
The Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts (WSDOT Form 272-040) may be reproduced
from the Proposal form. The disclosure form is available from the Washington State
Department of Transportation’s Contract Ad and Award Office, Transportation Building,
Olympia, WA 98504.
1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal
For projects scheduled for Bid opening in Olympia, the Proposal shall be sealed and
submitted in the envelope provided with it to the address provided below or shall be submitted
electronically via Trns∙Port Expedite® software and BidExpress®. The Bidder shall fill in all
blanks on this envelope to ensure proper handling and delivery. Bids are to be received no later
than until 11:00:59 A.M. Pacific time on the date of Bid opening:
Washington State Department of Transportation
Room 2D20
310 Maple Park Avenue SE
Olympia WA 98501-2361
For projects scheduled for Bid opening in other locations, the Proposal shall be sealed and
submitted in the envelope provided with it at the location and time identified in the Special
Provisions. The Bidder shall fill in all blanks on this envelope to ensure proper handling
and delivery.
Proposals that are received as required will be publicly opened and read as specified
in Section 1-02.12. The Contracting Agency will not open or consider any Proposal when
the Proposal or Bid deposit is received after the time specified for receipt of Proposals or
received in a location other than that specified for receipt of Proposals unless an emergency
or unanticipated event interrupts normal work processes of the Contracting Agency so that
Proposals cannot be received.
If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal work processes of the Contracting
Agency so that Proposals cannot be received at the office designated for receipt of bids as
specified in Section 1-02.12 the time specified for receipt of the Proposal will be deemed to
be extended to the same time of day specified in the solicitation on the first work day on which
the normal work processes of the Contracting Agency resume.
When a Bid deposit is furnished in a physical format as specified in Section 1-02.7 the Bid
deposit shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked as “BID SUPPLEMENT” and with the
Bidder’s company name, project title, and Bid date.
1-02.10 Withdrawing, Revising, or Supplementing Proposal
After submitting a physical Bid Proposal to the Contracting Agency, the Bidder may
withdraw, revise, or supplement it if:
1. The Bidder submits a written request signed by an authorized person, and
2. The Contracting Agency receives the request before the time set for receipt
of Proposals.
The original physical Bid Proposal may be supplemented, or revised and resubmitted
as the official Bid Proposal if the Contracting Agency receives it before the time set for receipt
of Proposals. Faxed Bid revisions and supplements will be accepted only if they are submitted
in accordance with the “Example Format for Facsimile Bid Changes” instructions posted
on the WSDOT website at
Unless specifically allowed in the Contract, emailed requests to withdraw, revise,
or supplement a Proposal are not acceptable. The Contracting Agency is not responsible
fordelayed, partial, failed, illegible, or partially legible FAX document transmissions, and
such documents may be rejected as incomplete at the Bidder’s risk.
The Contracting Agency will not accept requests to revise or withdraw electronic Bid
Proposals. Such requests shall be furnished directly to BidExpress® and in accordance
with their terms and conditions.
1-02.11 Combination and Multiple Proposals
A project may be organized for Bidding and construction by various methods to enable
proposals to be submitted for combined projects or for the construction method specified.
The Contracting Agency reserves the right to Award combined or separate Bids or by such
other method deemed most advantageous to the Contracting Agency. Only those combined
Bids specifically prescribed in the project Special Provisions will be accepted. If contracts
are Awarded for combinations of projects, separate contracts will be written for each project
included in the combination.
A Bidder submitting more than one Proposal at a letting may attach one of the following
statements to each Proposal:
“We prefer to be Awarded not more than (Number) Contracts for projects for which we
have submitted Bids at this letting;” or
“We prefer to be Awarded Contracts of a total value of not more than $____ for projects
for which we have submitted Bids at this letting”.
Such attachments will not make the Proposals irregular. The Contracting Agency will
Award each Contract to the lowest responsible Bidder but will consider such attachment in
determining the responsibility of the Bidder to perform each Contract for which a statement
has been attached.
the Contractor. However, if the parties are unable to agree, the Engineer will determine the
amount of the equitable adjustment in accordance with Section 1-09.4 and adjust the time
as the Engineer deems appropriate. Extensions of time will be evaluated in accordance with
Section 1-08.8. The Engineer’s decision concerning equitable adjustment and extension of
time shall be final as provided in Section 1-05.1.
The Contractor shall proceed with the Work upon receiving:
1. A written change order approved by the Engineer, or
2. An oral order from the Engineer before actually receiving the written change order.
Within 14 calendar days of delivery of the change order the contractor shall endorse
and return the change order, request an extension of time for endorsement or respond in
accordance with Section 1-04.5. The Contracting Agency may unilaterally process the change
order if the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements. Changes normally noted on
field stakes or variations from estimated quantities, except as provided in subparagraph A or B
above, will not require a written change order. These changes shall be made at the unit prices
that apply. The Contractor shall respond immediately to changes shown on field stakes without
waiting for further notice.
The Contractor shall obtain written consent of the Surety or Sureties if the Engineer
requests such consent.
1-04.4(1) Minor Changes
Payments or credits for changes amounting to $25,000 or less may be made under the
Bid item “Minor Change”. At the discretion of the Contracting Agency, this procedure
for Minor Changes may be used in lieu of the more formal procedure as outlined in
Section 1-04.4, Changes.
The Contractor will be provided a copy of the completed order for Minor Change.
The agreement for the Minor Change will be documented by signature of the Contractor,
or notation of verbal agreement. If the Contractor is in disagreement with anything required
by the order for Minor Change, the Contractor may protest the order as provided in
Section 1-04.5.
Payments or credits will be determined in accordance with Section 1-09.4. For the purpose
of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an
amount for “Minor Change” in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor.
1-04.4(2) Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECP)
1-04.4(2)A General
A VECP is a Contractor proposed change to the Contract Provisions which will accomplish
the projects functional requirements in a manner that is equal to or better than the requirements
in the Contract. The VECP may be: (1) at a less cost or time, or (2) either no cost savings or a
minor increase in cost with a reduction in Contract time. The net savings or added costs to the
Contract Work are shared by the Contractor and Contracting Agency.
The Contractor may submit a VECP for changing the Plans, Specifications, or other
requirements of the Contract. The Engineer’s decision to accept or reject all or part of the
proposal is final and not subject to arbitration under the arbitration clause or otherwise subject
to litigation.
The VECP shall meet all of the following:
1. Not adversely affect the long term life cycle costs.
2. Not adversely impact the ability to perform maintenance.
3. Provide the required safety and appearance.
4. Provide substitution for deleted or reduced Condition of Award Work, Apprentice
Utilization and Training.
VECPs that provide a time reduction shall meet the following requirements:
1. Time saving is a direct result of the VECP.
2. Liquidated damages penalties are not used to calculate savings.
3. Administrative/overhead cost savings experienced by either the Contractor or
Contracting Agency as a result of time reduction accrue to each party and are not used
to calculate savings.
1-04.4(2)B VECP Savings
1-04.4(2)B1 Proposal Savings
The incentive payment to the Contractor shall be one-half of the net savings of the proposal
calculated as follows:
1. (gross cost of deleted work) – (gross cost of added work) = (gross savings)
2. (gross savings) – (Contractor’s engineering costs) – (Contracting Agency’s costs) =
(net savings)
3. (net savings) / 2 = (incentive pay)
The Contracting Agency’s costs shall be the actual consultant costs billed to the
Contracting Agency and in-house costs. Costs for personnel assigned to the Engineer’s office
shall not be included.
1-04.4(2)B2 Added Costs to Achieve Time Savings
The cost to achieve the time savings shall be calculated as follows:
1. (cost of added work) + (Contractor’s engineering costs - Contracting Agency’s
engineering costs) = (cost to achieve time savings)
2. (cost to achieve time savings) / 2 = (Contracting Agency’s share of added cost)
If the timesaving proposal also involves deleting work and, as a result, creates a savings for
the Contracting Agency, then the Contractor shall also receive one-half of the savings realized
through the deletion.
1-04.4(2)C VECP Approval
1-04.4(2)C1 Concept Approval
The Contractor shall submit a written proposal to the Engineer for consideration.
The proposal shall contain the following information:
1. An explanation outlining the benefit provided by the change(s).
2. A narrative description of the proposed change(s). If applicable, the discussion shall
include a demonstration of functional equivalency or a description of how the proposal
meets the original contract scope of work.
3. A cost discussion estimating any net savings. Savings estimates will generally follow
the outline below under the section, “Proposal Savings”.
4. A statement providing the Contracting Agency with the right to use all or any part of the
proposal on future projects without future obligation or compensation.
5. A statement acknowledging and agreeing that the Engineer’s decision to accept or reject
all or part of the proposal is final and not subject to arbitration under the arbitration
clause or otherwise be subject to claims or disputes.
6. A statement giving the dates the Engineer must make a decision to accept or reject the
conceptual proposal, the date that approval to proceed must be received, and the date
the work must begin in order to not delay the contract. If the Contracting Agency does
not approve the VECP by the date specified by the Contractor in their proposal the
VECP will be deemed rejected.
7. The submittal will include an analysis on other Work that may have costs that changed
as a result of the VECP. Traffic control and erosion control shall both be included in
addition to any other impacted Work.
After review of the proposal, the Engineer will respond in writing with acceptance or
rejection of the concept. This acceptance shall not be construed as authority to proceed with
any change contract work. Concept approval allows the Contractor to proceed with the Work
needed to develop final plans and other information to receive formal approval and to support
preparation of a change order.
1-04.4(2)C2 Formal Approval
The Contractor’s submittal to the Engineer for formal approval shall include the following:
1. Deleted Work – Include the calculated quantities of unit price Work to be deleted.
Include the proposed partial prices for portions of lump sum Work deleted. For deletion
of force account items include the time and material estimates.
2. Added Work – Include the calculated quantities of unit price Work to be added, either
by original unit Contract prices or by new, negotiated unit prices. For new items of
Work include the quantities and proposed prices.
3. Contractor’s Engineering Costs – Submit the labor costs for the engineering to develop
the proposal; costs for Contractor employees utilized in contract operations on a regular
basis shall not be included.
4. Schedule Analysis – If the VECP is related to time savings, the Contractor shall submit
a partial progress schedule showing the changed Work. The submittal shall also include
a discussion comparing the partial progress schedule with the approved progress
schedule for the project.
5. Working Drawings – Type 3 Working Drawings shall be submitted; those drawings
which require engineering shall be a Type 3E.
Formal approval of the proposal will be documented by issuance of a change order.
The VECP change order will contain the following statements which the Contractor agrees
to by signing the change order:
1. The Contractor accepts design risk of all features, both temporary and permanent,
of the changed Work.
2. The Contractor accepts risk of constructability of the changed Work.
3. The Contractor provides the Contracting Agency with the right to use all or any part
of the proposal on future projects without further obligation or compensation.
VECP change orders will contain separate pay items for the items that are applicable to
the Proposal. These are as follows:
1. Deleted Work.
2. Added Work.
3. The Contractor’s engineering costs, reimbursed at 100 percent of the Contractor’s cost.
4. Incentive payment to the Contractor.
When added Work costs exceed Deleted Work costs, but time savings make a viable
proposal, then items 3 and 4 above are replaced with the following:
3. The Contracting Agency’s share of added cost to achieve time savings.
4. The Contractor’s share of savings from deleted Work.
1-04.4(2)C3 Authority to Proceed with Changed Work
The authority for the Contractor to proceed with the VECP Work will be provided by
one of the following options:
1. Execution of the VECP change order, or
2. At the Contractor’s request the Contracting Agency may provide approval by letter
from the Engineer for the Work to proceed prior to execution of a change order. All
of the risk for proceeding with the VECP shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
Additionally, the following criteria are required to have been met:
a. Concept approval has been granted by the Contracting Agency.
b. All design reviews and approvals have been completed, including plans
and specifications.
c. The Contractor has guaranteed, in writing, the minimum savings to the
Contracting Agency.
1-04.5 Procedure and Protest by the Contractor
The Contractor accepts all requirements of a change order by: (1) endorsing it, (2) writing a
separate acceptance, (3) not responding within the allotted time as outlined in Section 1-04.4,
or (4) not protesting in the way this section provides. A change order that is not protested as
provided in this section shall be full payment and final settlement of all claims for Contract
time and for all costs of any kind, including costs of delays, related to any Work either covered
or affected by the change. By not protesting as this section provides, the Contractor also
waives any additional entitlement and accepts from the Engineer any written or oral order
(including directions, instructions, interpretations, and determinations).
If in disagreement with anything required in a change order, another written order, or
an oral order from the Engineer, including any direction, instruction, interpretation, or
determination by the Engineer, the Contractor shall:
1. Immediately give a signed written notice of protest to the Engineer or the Engineer’s
field Inspectors before doing the Work;
2. Supplement the written protest within 14 calendar days with a written statement and
supporting documents providing the following:
a. The date and nature of the protested order, direction, instruction, interpretation
or determination;
b. A full discussion of the circumstances which caused the protest, including names
of persons involved, time, duration and nature of the Work involved, and a review
of the Plans and Contract Provisions referenced to support the protest;
c. The estimated dollar cost, if any, of the protested Work and a detailed breakdown
showing how that estimate was determined;
d. An analysis of the progress schedule showing the schedule change or disruption
if the Contractor is asserting a schedule change or disruption; and
e. If the protest is continuing, the information required above shall be supplemented
upon request by the Engineer until the protest is resolved.
Throughout any protested Work, the Contractor shall keep complete records of extra costs
and time incurred. The Contractor shall permit the Engineer access to these and any other
records related to the protested Work as determined by the Engineer.
The Engineer will evaluate all protests provided the procedures in this section are followed.
If the Engineer determines that a protest is valid, the Engineer will adjust payment for Work
or time by an equitable adjustment in accordance with Section 1-09.4. Extensions of time
will be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-08.8. No adjustment will be made for an
invalid protest.
If the Engineer determines that the protest is invalid, that determination and the reasons
for it will be provided in writing to the Contractor. The determination will be provided within
14 calendar days after receipt of the Contractor’s supplemental written statement (including
any additional information requested by the Engineer to support a continuing protest)
described in item 2 above.
If the Contractor does not accept the Engineer’s determination then the Contractor shall
pursue the dispute and claims procedures set forth in Section 1-09.11. In spite of any protest
or dispute, the Contractor shall proceed promptly with the Work as the Engineer orders.
By failing to follow the procedures of Sections 1-04.5 and 1-09.11, the Contractor
completely waives any claims for protested Work.
The Contractor and the Contracting Agency agree that there will be no cost adjustment for
decreases if the Contracting Agency has entered the amount for the item in the Proposal form
only to provide a common Proposal for Bidders.
1-04.7 Differing Site Conditions (Changed Conditions)
During the progress of the Work, if preexisting subsurface or latent physical conditions
are encountered at the site, differing materially from those indicated in the Contract, or if
preexisting unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, differing materially from those
ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the Work provided for in the
Contract, are encountered at the site, the party discovering such conditions shall promptly
notify the other party in writing of the specific differing site conditions before they are
disturbed and before the affected Work is performed.
Upon written notification, the Engineer will investigate the conditions and if he/she
determines that the conditions materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the
cost or time required for the performance of any Work under the Contract, an adjustment,
excluding loss of anticipated profits, will be made and the Contract modified in writing
accordingly. The Engineer will notify the Contractor of his/her determination whether or
not an adjustment of the Contract is warranted.
No Contract adjustment which results in a benefit to the Contractor will be allowed unless
the Contractor has provided the required written notice.
The equitable adjustment will be by agreement with the Contractor. However, if the parties
are unable to agree, the Engineer will determine the amount of the equitable adjustment in
accordance with Section 1-09.4. Extensions of time will be evaluated in accordance with
Section 1-08.8.
If the Engineer determines that different site conditions do not exist and no adjustment
in costs or time is warranted, such determination shall be final as provided in Section 1-05.1.
If there is a decrease in the costs or time required to perform the Work, failure of
the Contractor to notify the Engineer of the differing site conditions shall not affect the
Contracting Agency’s right to make an adjustment in the costs or time.
No claim by the Contractor shall be allowed unless the Contractor has followed the
procedures provided in Sections 1-04.5 and 1-09.11.
1-04.8 Progress Estimates and Payments
Engineer-issued progress estimates or payments for any part of the Work shall not be used
as evidence of performance or quantities. Progress estimates serve only as basis for partial
payments. The Engineer may revise progress estimates any time before final acceptance.
If the Engineer deems it proper to do so, changes may be made in progress estimates and in
the final estimate.
1-04.9 Use of Buildings or Structures
The Engineer will decide whether any building or Structure on the Right of Way may
remain during the Work and whether the Contractor may use such a building or Structure.
1-04.10 Use of Materials Found on the Project
With the Engineer’s written approval, the Contractor may use on the project: stone, gravel,
sand, other materials from on-site excavation, or timbers removed in the course of the Work.
Approval will not be granted if:
1. The excavated materials or timber fail to meet Contract requirements;
2. The excavated materials or timber are required for other use under the Contract;
3. The excavated materials are required for use as Selected Materials under Section
2-03.3(10); or
4. Such use is not in the best interests of the Contracting Agency as determined by the
Engineer, whose decision shall be final as provided in Section 1-05.1.
Any material disturbed by, but not used in, the Work shall be disposed of as provided
elsewhere in the Contract or as ordered by the Engineer in accordance with Section 1-04.4.
1-04.11 Final Cleanup
The Contractor shall perform final cleanup as provided in this section to the Engineer’s
satisfaction. The Engineer will not establish the Physical Completion Date until this is done.
The Highway Right of Way, material sites, and all ground the Contractor occupied to do the
Work shall be left neat and presentable. The Contractor shall:
1. Remove all rubbish, surplus materials, discarded materials, falsework, camp buildings,
temporary structures, equipment, and debris; and
2. Deposit in embankments, or remove from the project, all unneeded, oversized rock
left from grading, surfacing, or paving.
The Contractor shall not remove warning, regulatory, or guide signs unless the
Engineer approves.
Assistants and Inspectors may advise the Contractor of any faulty Work or materials
or infringements of the terms of the Contract; however, failure of the Engineer or the assistants
or Inspectors to advise the Contractor does not constitute acceptance or approval.
1-05.3 Working Drawings
The Contract may require the Contractor to submit Working Drawings for the performance
of the work. Working Drawings shall be submitted by the Contractor electronically to the
Engineer in PDF format; drawing details shall be prepared in accordance with conventional
detailing practices. If the PDF format is found to be unacceptable, at the request of the
Engineer, the Contractor shall provide paper copies of the Working Drawings with drawings
on 11 by 17 inch sheets and calculations/text on 8½ by 11 inch sheets.
Working Drawings will be classified under the following categories:
1. Type 1 – Submitted for Contracting Agency information. Submittal must be received
by the Contracting Agency a minimum of 7 calendar days before Work represented
by the submittal begins.
2. Type 2 – Submitted for Contracting Agency review and comment. Unless otherwise
stated in the Contract, the Engineer will require up to 20 calendar days from the date
the Working Drawing is received until it is returned to the Contractor. The Contractor
shall not proceed with the Work represented by the Working Drawing until comments
from the Engineer have been addressed.
3. Type 2E – Same as a Type 2 Working Drawing with Engineering as described below.
4. Type 3 – Submitted for Contracting Agency review and approval. Unless otherwise
stated in the Contract, the Engineer will require up to 30 calendar days from the date
the Working Drawing is received until it is returned to the Contractor. The Contractor
shall obtain the Engineer’s written approval before proceeding with the Work
represented by the Working Drawing.
5. Type 3E – Same as a Type 3 Working Drawing with Engineering as described below.
All Working Drawings shall be considered Type 3 Working Drawings except as specifically
noted otherwise in the Contract. Unless designated otherwise by the Contractor, submittals
of Working Drawings will be reviewed in the order they are received by the Engineer. In the
event that several Working Drawings are received simultaneously, the Contractor shall specify
the sequence in which they are to be reviewed. If the Contractor does not submit a review
sequence for simultaneous Working Drawing submittals, the review sequence will be at the
Engineer’s discretion.
Working Drawings requiring Engineering, Type 2E and 3E, shall be prepared by (or under
the direction of) a Professional Engineer, licensed under Title 18 RCW, State of Washington,
and in accordance with WAC 196-23-020. Design calculations shall carry the Professional
Engineer’s signature and seal, date of signature, and registration number on the cover page.
The cover page shall also include the Contract number, Contract title and sequential index
to calculation page numbers.
If more than the specified number of calendar days is required for the Engineer’s review
of any individual Working Drawing or resubmittal, an extension of time will be considered
in accordance with Section 1-08.8.
Review or approval of Working Drawings shall neither confer upon the Contracting
Agency nor relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the accuracy of the drawings
or their conformity with the Contract. The Contractor shall bear all risk and all costs of any
Work delays caused by rejection or nonapproval of Working Drawings.
Unit Bid prices shall cover all costs of Working Drawings.
1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviations From Plans and Stakes
The Special Provisions may require that the Contractor be contractually responsible for
part or all of the project surveying. For survey requirements not the responsibility of the
Contractor, the Engineer will lay out and set construction stakes and marks needed to establish
the lines, grades, slopes, cross-sections, and curve superelevations. These stakes and marks
will govern the Contractor’s Work. The Contractor shall take full responsibility for detailed
dimensions, elevations, and slopes measured from them.
All Work performed shall be in conformity with the lines, grades, slopes, cross-sections,
superelevation data, and dimensions as shown in the Plans, or as staked. If the Plans, Special
Provisions, or these Specifications, state specific tolerances, then the Work shall be performed
within those limits. The Engineer’s decision on whether the Work is in conformity shall be
final, as provided in Section 1-05.1.
The Contractor shall not deviate from the approved Plans and Working Drawings unless
the Engineer approves in writing.
When the Contracting Agency is responsible for roadway surveying, and the Contractor
trims the Subgrade with an automatic machine guided by reference lines, the Engineer will
set control stakes for line and grade only once after grading is complete. To gain better control
with unusual pavement widths or for other reasons, the Engineer may set more control stakes
without added cost to the Contractor. The Contractor shall set reference lines from these
control stakes for trimming Subgrade, for surfacing, and for controlling the paving machines.
The Contractor shall work to preserve stakes, marks, and monuments set by the Engineer.
The Contracting Agency will deduct from payments due the Contractor all costs to replace
such stakes, marks, and monuments carelessly or willfully damaged or destroyed by the
Contractor’s operation.
The Contractor shall provide enough safe areas to permit the Engineer to set those points
and elevations that are the responsibility of the Contracting Agency and to perform random
checks of the surveying performed by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall keep the Engineer informed of staking requirements to provide the
Engineer with adequate time to set the stakes for which the Contracting Agency is responsible.
Contractor requests for stakes shall be made at least 3 working days before the Engineer needs
to begin the staking operation.
1-05.5 Vacant
1-05.6 Inspection of Work and Materials
The Engineer may inspect all Work and materials for conformity with Contract terms.
To ensure the Engineer’s safety and access during these inspections, the Contractor shall
provide any equipment needed, such as walkways, railings, ladders, and platforms.
When the Engineer requests, the Contractor shall (without charge) provide samples of
materials used or to be used in the Work. If the Contractor uses materials tested and approved
for one project in an unrelated project, the Contracting Agency may deduct its testing and
inspection costs from payments due the Contractor. The Engineer may order the Contractor
to remove and replace, and bear the cost of doing so, any materials used without inspection.
Any inspections, tests, measurements, or other actions by Contracting Agency employees
serve only one purpose: to assure the Engineer that Work, materials, progress rate, and
quantities comply with Contract terms. Such work by Contracting Agency employees shall not
relieve the Contractor from doing any Contract-assigned Work or from determining whether
Contract requirements are being met. The Contractor shall correct any substandard Work or
materials. The Engineer will reject unsuitable Work or materials even though inspected or
paid for in a progress estimate.
If the Engineer requests, then the Contractor shall remove or uncover any area of the
completed Work. After the Engineer inspects it, the Contractor shall restore the area to the
standard the Contract requires. The Contractor shall bear the cost of uncovering, removing,
and restoring the exposed Work: (a) if it proves unacceptable, or (b) if it was placed without
authority or without due notice to the Engineer. The Contracting Agency will pay these costs
by agreed price or by force account if the Work proves to be acceptable and the Contractor
had performed the original Work with the authority of and due notice to the Engineer.
Table 2
Items Requiring Initial Plant Approval Only
• Epoxy Coating of Dowels and Tiebars for • Precast Concrete Blocks for Structural Earth Walls
Concrete Pavement • Steel Pipe Piling
• Guardrail Posts and Blocks
The deductions for fabrication inspection costs will be as shown in the Payment
Table below.
Zone Place of Fabrication or Inspection Site Reduction in Payment
1 Within 300 airline miles from Seattle None*
2 Between 300 and 3,000 airline miles from Seattle $700.00 per inspection day**
3 Over 3,000 airline miles from Seattle $1,000 per inspection day,**
but not less than $2,500 per trip
*Fabrication inspection expense does not apply for initial acceptance inspection in Zone 1. Re-inspection of items due to
unacceptable workmanship or scheduling errors made by the Contractor, fabricator, or facility applying protective coatings will be
assessed at $60.00 per hour but not less than $120.00 per inspection.
**An inspection day includes any calendar day or portion of a calendar day spent by one inspector inspecting, on standby, or
traveling to and from, a place of fabrication. An additional cost per inspection day will be assessed for each additional inspector.
Reimbursement will be assessed at $280.00 per day for weekends and holidays for each on site inspector in travel status, but not
engaged in inspection or travel activities when fabrication activities are not taking place.
Where fabrication of an item takes place in more than one zone, the reduction in payment
will be computed on the basis of the entire item being fabricated in the farthest of zones where
any fabrication takes place on that item.
The rates for Zones 2 and 3 shall be applied for the full duration of time for all fabrication
inspection activities, to include, but not be limited to: plant approvals, prefabrication meetings,
fabrication, coatings, and final inspection. When an inspection is for more than one Contract
the fabrication inspection costs shall be prorated as determined by the Engineer.
1-06.2 Acceptance of Materials
1-06.2(1) Samples and Tests for Acceptance
The Contractor shall deliver representative samples (from the Contractor, Producer,
or Fabricator) to the Engineer without charge before incorporating material into the Work.
In providing samples, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with sufficient time and
quantities for testing before use. The Engineer may require samples at any time. Samples
not taken by or in the presence of the Engineer will not be accepted for test, unless the
Engineer permits otherwise.
The Contractor shall designate specific Contractor employees as points of contact for
concrete testing and acceptance. Alternates shall be designated to ensure that direct contact
is maintained during concrete placement. If designated by the Contractor to the Engineer,
the concrete supplier will receive all 28-day concrete strength test results.
The Engineer will designate specific Contracting Agency employees as points of contact
for concrete testing and acceptance.
The Contractor may observe any of the sampling and testing performed by the
Engineer. If the Contractor observes a deviation from the specified sampling and testing
procedures, the Contractor shall verbally describe the deviations observed to the Engineer
or designated representative immediately, and shall confirm these observed deviations in
writing to the Engineer within 24 hours, referencing the specific procedures and steps. The
Engineer will respond in writing within 3 working days of the receipt of the Contractor’s
written communications.
All field and Laboratory materials testing by the Engineer will follow methods described
in Contract documents, or in the WSDOT Materials Manual M 46-01, using qualified testing
personnel and calibrated or verified equipment. The standard or tentative standard in effect
on the Bid advertising date will apply in each case.
Revisions to the WSDOT Materials Manual M 46‑01 or revisions to other Specifications
or test methods such as AASHTO, ASTM, or Federal Specifications will be considered as in
effect 60 calendar days after publication.
1-06.2(2) Statistical Evaluation of Materials for Acceptance
1-06.2(2)A General
Where specified, acceptance sampling and testing will be performed by the Contracting
Agency and statistically evaluated for acceptance by the provisions of this Subsection.
All test results for a lot will be analyzed collectively and statistically by the quality level
analysis procedures shown at the end of this Subsection to determine the total percent of
the lot that is within Specification limits and to determine an appropriate pay factor. Lots
and sublots are defined in the appropriate Subsection of these Specifications for the material
being statistically evaluated.
Quality level analysis is a statistical procedure for determining the percent compliance
of the material with these Specifications. Quality level is the computed percent of material
meeting these Specifications and is determined from the arithmetic mean, (Xm), and the
sample standard deviation (S), for each constituent of the lot.
Any necessary rounding off of test results or calculations will be accomplished according
to the individual testing procedure, or, if not defined in the procedure then accomplished
according to the following rule:
1. The final significant digit will not be changed when the succeeding digit is less than 5.
2. The final significant digit will be increased by one when the succeeding digit is 5
or greater.
Table 1
Estimated percent of Work Within Specification Limits
Estimated Upper Quality Index QU or Lower Quality Index QL
percent Within
Specification n=10 n=12 n=15 n=18 n=23 n=30 n=43 n=67
Limits to to to to to to to to
(PU or PL) n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 n=7 n=8 n=9 n=11 n=14 n=17 n=22 n=29 n=42 n=66 ∞
100 1.16 1.49 1.72 1.88 1.99 2.07 2.13 2.20 2.28 2.34 2.39 2.44 2.48 2.51 2.56
99 1.46 1.64 1.75 1.82 1.88 1.91 1.96 2.01 2.04 2.07 2.09 2.12 2.14 2.16
98 1.43 1.58 1.66 1.72 1.75 1.78 1.81 1.84 1.87 1.89 1.91 1.93 1.94 1.95
97 1.15 1.40 1.52 1.59 1.63 1.66 1.68 1.71 1.73 1.75 1.76 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81
96 1.37 1.47 1.52 1.56 1.58 1.60 1.62 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70
95 1.14 1.34 1.42 1.47 1.49 1.51 1.52 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.59 1.60
94 1.31 1.38 1.41 1.43 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.50 1.51 1.51 1.52
93 1.13 1.28 1.33 1.36 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.44
92 1.12 1.25 1.29 1.31 1.33 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.38
91 1.11 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.28 1.28 1.29 1.29 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31
90 1.10 1.19 1.21 1.23 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.26
89 1.09 1.16 1.18 1.18 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
88 1.07 1.13 1.14 1.14 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
87 1.06 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11
86 1.04 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06
85 1.03 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02
84 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
83 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
82 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90
81 0.95 0.92 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87
80 0.93 0.89 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
79 0.91 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.79
78 0.88 0.83 0.81 0.79 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76
77 0.86 0.80 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73
76 0.83 0.77 0.74 0.73 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.71 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
75 0.81 0.74 0.71 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.66
74 0.78 0.71 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.63
73 0.75 0.68 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.60
72 0.73 0.65 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.57
71 0.70 0.62 0.59 0.58 0.57 0.57 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.54
70 0.67 0.59 0.56 0.55 0.54 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52
69 0.64 0.56 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49
68 0.61 0.53 0.50 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46
67 0.58 0.50 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43
66 0.55 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.43 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.40
65 0.51 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
64 0.48 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
63 0.45 0.38 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32
62 0.41 0.35 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
61 0.38 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
60 0.34 0.28 0.28 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
59 0.31 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
58 0.30 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
57 0.25 0.20 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18
56 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
55 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
54 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
53 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
52 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
51 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Page 1-38 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Control of Material 1-06
Table 2
Pay Factors
Required Quality Level for a Given Sample Size (n) and a Given Pay Factor
n=10 n=12 n=15 n=18 n=23 n=30 n=43 n=67
to to to to to to to to
Pay Factor n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 n=7 n=8 n=9 n=11 n=14 n=17 n=22 n=29 n=42 n=66 ∞
1.05 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1.04 100 99 97 95 96 96 96 97 97 97 97
1.03 100 98 96 94 92 93 93 94 95 95 96 96
1.02 99 97 94 91 89 90 91 92 93 93 94 94
1.01 100 100 100 98 95 92 89 87 88 89 90 91 92 92 93
1.00 69 75 78 80 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
0.99 66 72 76 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 91
0.98 64 70 74 76 78 79 80 81 82 84 85 86 87 88 90
0.97 63 68 72 74 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 86 87 88
0.96 61 67 70 72 74 75 76 78 79 81 82 83 84 86 87
0.95 59 65 68 71 72 74 75 76 78 79 80 82 83 84 86
0.94 58 63 67 69 71 72 73 75 76 78 79 80 82 83 85
0.93 57 62 65 67 69 71 72 73 75 76 78 79 80 82 84
0.92 55 60 63 66 68 69 70 72 73 75 76 78 79 81 82
0.91 54 59 62 64 66 68 69 70 72 74 75 76 78 79 81
0.90 53 57 61 63 65 66 67 69 71 72 74 75 77 78 80
0.89 51 56 59 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 74 75 77 79
0.88 50 55 58 60 62 64 65 66 68 70 71 73 74 76 78
0.87 49 53 57 59 61 62 63 65 67 68 70 71 73 75 77
0.86 48 52 55 58 59 61 62 64 66 67 69 70 72 74 76
0.85 46 51 54 56 58 60 61 62 64 66 67 69 71 72 75
0.84 45 49 53 55 57 58 60 61 63 65 66 68 70 71 73
0.83 44 48 51 54 56 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 69 70 72
0.82 43 47 50 53 54 56 57 59 61 62 64 66 67 69 71
0.81 41 46 49 51 53 55 56 58 59 61 63 64 66 68 70
0.80 40 44 48 50 52 54 55 56 58 60 62 63 65 67 69
0.79 39 43 46 49 51 52 54 55 57 59 61 62 64 66 68
0.78 38 42 45 48 50 51 52 54 56 58 59 61 63 65 67
0.77 36 41 44 46 48 50 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 66
0.76 35 39 43 45 47 49 50 52 54 56 57 59 61 63 65
0.75 33 38 42 44 46 48 49 51 53 54 56 58 60 62 64
REJECT Values Less Than Those Shown Above
Reject Quality Levels Less Than Those Specified for a 0.75 Pay Factor
Note: If the value of (PU + PL) - 100 does not correspond to a (PU + PL) - 100 value in this table, use the next smaller (PU + PL) - 100
( ) ( )
1 = ( )
CPFi = 11 to 1j
7. For
f1 PFeach f constituent
fi 2 2
PF + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ +f
∑ ii idetermine
f PF the quality level (the total percent within
Specification limits):
∑ fi
Quality Level = (PU + PL) – 100
8. Using
i = 1 tothej quality level from step 7, determine the pay factor (PFi) from Table 2 for
each constituent
i = 1 to j fi tested.
9. fi Determine the Composite Pay Factor (CPF) for each lot.
f1(PF1) + f2(PF2) + ... + fi(PFi)
CPF = Σfi
i = 1 to j
fi = price adjustment factor listed in these Specifications for the
applicable material
j = number of constituents being evaluated
1-06.3 Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance
When authorized by these Specifications or the Special Provisions and prior to use,
the Engineer may accept certain materials on the basis of a Manufacturer’s Certificate of
Compliance as an alternative to material inspection and testing.
The Contractor may request, in writing, authority from the Engineer to install such
materials prior to submitting the required certification; however, no payment will be made
for the Work in the absence of an acceptable Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance. The
Contracting Agency reserves the right to deny the request for good cause. If for any reason
the Contractor has not provided an acceptable Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance by
the Physical Completion Date established by Section 1-08.5, the Contracting Agency will
assess the usefulness of the installed material. At the Engineer’s discretion, the Contracting
Agency will either require replacement of the material by the Contractor at no expense to
the Contracting Agency or process the final payment as provided by Section 1-09.9 without
paying for the materials or any portion of the Work performed to install the materials provided
on such a basis. The unit Contract prices for the Work shall be used to determine the amount
to be withheld. Where unit Contract prices do not exist, as in a lump sum item, the amount
to be withheld shall be an equitable adjustment, covering labor, equipment and materials,
determined in accordance with Section 1-09.4.
The Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance must identify the manufacturer, the type
and quantity of material being certified, the applicable Specifications being affirmed, and
the signature of a responsible corporate official of the manufacturer and include supporting
mill tests or documents. A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance shall be furnished with
each lot of material delivered to the Work and the lot so certified shall be clearly identified in
the certificate.
All materials used on the basis of a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance may be
sampled and tested at any time. Any material not conforming to the requirements will be
subject to rejection whether in place or not. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to
refuse to accept materials on the basis of a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance.
1-06.4 Handling and Storing Materials
In storage and handling, the Contractor shall protect materials against damage from
careless handling, from exposure to weather, from mixture with foreign matter, and from
all other causes. The Engineer will reject and refuse to test materials improperly handled
or stored.
The Contractor shall repair, replace, or make good all Contracting Agency-provided
materials that are damaged or lost due to the Contractor’s operation or while in the
Contractor’s possession, at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
1-06.5 Owners Manuals and Operating Instructions
For equipment and materials that are permanently incorporated in the Work, the Contractor
shall provide to the Engineer all owners manuals and operating instructions furnished by the
equipment or material manufacturer.
1-06.6 Recycled Materials
The Contractor shall make their best effort to utilize recycled materials in the construction
of the project; the use of recycled concrete aggregate as specified in Section 1-06.6(1)A is a
requirement of the Contract.
The Contractor shall submit a Recycled Material Utilization Plan as a Type 1 Working
Drawing within 30 calendar days after the Contract is executed. The plan shall provide the
Contractor’s anticipated usage of recycled materials for meeting the requirements of these
Specifications. The quantity of recycled materials will be provided in tons and as a percentage
of the Plan quantity for each material listed in Section 9-03.21(1)E Table on Maximum
Allowable percent (By Weight) of Recycled Material. When a Contract does not include Work
that requires the use of a material that is included in the requirements for using materials the
Contractor may state in their plan that no recycled materials are proposed for use.
Prior to Physical Completion the Contractor shall report the quantity of recycled materials
that were utilized in the construction of the project for each of the items listed in Section
9-03.21. The report shall include hot mix asphalt, recycled concrete aggregate, recycled
glass, steel furnace slag and other recycled materials (e.g. utilization of on-site material and
aggregates from concrete returned to the supplier). The Contractor’s report shall be provided
on WSDOT Form 350-075, Recycled Materials Reporting.
the State, including wetlands. These include, but are not limited to, petroleum products,
hydraulic fluid, fresh concrete, concrete wastewater, process wastewater, slurry
materials and waste from shaft drilling, sediments, sediment-laden water, chemicals,
paint, solvents, or other toxic or deleterious materials.
5. Use equipment that is free of external petroleum-based products.
6. Remove accumulations of soil and debris from drive mechanisms (wheels, tracks,
tires) and undercarriage of equipment prior to using equipment below the ordinary
high water line.
7. Clean loose dirt and debris from all materials placed below the ordinary high water
line. No materials shall be placed below the ordinary high water line without the
Engineer’s approval.
8. Notify the Engineer and Ecology Department immediately should oil, chemicals,
or sewage spill into waters of the State.
1-07.5(4) Air Quality
The Contractor shall comply with all rules of local air pollution authorities. If there are
none, air-quality rules of the State Department of Ecology shall govern the Work.
The Washington Clean Air Act requires that rock crushing, rock drilling, asphalt batch
plants, and concrete plants receive an air quality permit in advance of the operation. The
air quality permit process may include additional State Environment Policy Act (SEPA)
requirements. Contractors or operators should contact the appropriate air pollution control
authority well in advance of intended start-up. The permit process may require up to 30 days.
When the Work includes demolition of any existing facility, the Contractor shall comply
with the requirements of the National Emission Standards for Asbestos. Any requirement
included in state or Federal regulations on this subject that applies to the “owner or operator”
shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
1-07.6 Permits and Licenses
Contractors shall obtain all required permits and licenses and give any notices these call for.
The Contracting Agency will support the Contractor in efforts to obtain a temporary
operating permit in its name if:
1. A local rule or an agency policy prevent issuing the permit to a private firm;
2. The Contractor takes all action to obtain the permit;
3. The permit will serve the public interest;
4. The permit applies only to Work under the Contract;
5. The Contractor agrees in writing: (a) to comply with all the issuing agency requires,
and (b) to hold the Contracting Agency harmless for any Work-related liability incurred
under the permit; and
6. The permit costs the Contracting Agency nothing.
1-07.7 Load Limits
1-07.7(1) General
While moving equipment or materials on any public Highway, the Contractor shall comply
with all laws that control traffic or limit loads. The Contract neither exempts the Contractor
from such laws nor licenses overloads. At the Engineer’s request, the Contractor shall provide
any facts needed to compute the equipment’s weight on the Roadway.
When the Contractor moves equipment or materials within the project limits as shown in
the Plans, legal load limits shall apply on:
1. Any road open to and in use by public traffic; or
2. Any existing road not scheduled for major reconstruction under the current Contract; or
3. Any newly paved road (with final lift in place) built under this Contract. The Contractor
may haul overloads (not more than 25 percent above load limits) on such roads not open
to public traffic if this does not damage completed Work. The Contractor shall pay all
repair costs of any overload damage.
Elsewhere on the project, the Contractor may operate equipment with only the load-limit
restrictions in 1, 2, and 3 in Section 1-07.7(2). The Contractor shall remain responsible,
however, for all load-caused damage. All vehicles subject to license on a tonnage basis
shall be licensed to maximum legal capacity before operating under these limits.
If necessary and safe to do so, and if the Contractor submits a Type 2E Working Drawing,
the Engineer may allow higher load limits than those in the load-limit restrictions in 1, 2, and
3 in Section 1-07.7(2). The submittal shall:
1. Describe loading details;
2. Describe the arrangement, movement, and position of equipment on the Structure or
over culverts and pipes; and
3. State that the Contractor assumes all risk for damage.
Unit prices shall cover all costs for operating over bridges and culverts. Nothing in this
section affects the Contractor’s other responsibilities under these Specifications or under
public Highway laws.
1-07.7(2) Load-Limit Restrictions
1. Structures Designed for Direct Bearing of Live Loads – The gross or maximum
load on each vehicle axle shall not exceed the legal load limit by more than 35 percent.
No more than one vehicle shall operate over any Structure at one time. The Contractor
shall immediately remove any dirt, rock, or debris that may gather on the Structure’s
Roadway surface.
If the Contractor desires to utilize work methods resulting in load that exceed any
of the restrictions described above, the Contractor shall submit a Type 3E Working
Drawing consisting of calculations and other supporting information (as specified in
Section 6-01.6 for bridges under construction).
2. Underpasses and Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts Under Embankments – Loads
shall not exceed 24,000 pounds on a single axle and 16,000 pounds each on tandem
axles spaced less than 10 feet apart. These limits are permitted only if the embankment
has: (a) been built to Specifications, and (b) reached at least 3 feet above the top of the
underpass or culvert.
When the embankment has reached 5 feet above the top of the underpass or culvert,
the Contractor may increase per-axle loads up to 100,000 pounds if outside wheel
spacing is at least 7 feet on axle centers.
3. Pipe Culverts and Sewer Pipes – Loads over pipe culverts and sewer pipes shall not
exceed 24,000 pounds on a single axle and 16,000 pounds each on tandem axles spaced
less than 10 feet apart. These limits are permitted only if: (a) the culvert or pipe has
been installed and backfilled to Specifications, and (b) the embankment has reached at
least 2 feet above the top limit of pipe compaction.
When the embankment has reached 5 feet above the top limit of pipe compaction, the
Contractor may increase per-axle loads up to 100,000 pounds if outside wheel spacing
is at least 7 feet on axle centers, except that:
a. For Class III reinforced concrete pipes, the embankment shall have risen above the
top limit of compaction at least 6 feet.
b. For Class II reinforced concrete pipes, the maximum load for each axle shall be
80,000 pounds if outside wheel spacing is at least 7 feet on axle centers. In this case,
the embankment shall have risen above the top limit of compaction at least 6 feet.
If employing labor in a class not listed in the Contract Provisions on state funded projects
only, the Contractor shall request a determination of the correct wage and benefits rate for that
class and locality from the Industrial Statistician, Washington State Department of Labor and
Industries (State L&I), and provide a copy of those determinations to the Engineer.
If employing labor in a class not listed in the Contract Provisions on federally funded
projects, the Contractor shall request a determination of the correct wage and benefit for
that class and locality from the U.S. Secretary of Labor through the Engineer. Generally, the
Contractor initiates the request by preparing standard form 1444 Request for Authorization
of Additional Classification and Rate, available at, and
submitting it to the Engineer for further action.
The Contractor shall ensure that any firm (Supplier, Manufacturer, or Fabricator)
that falls under the provisions of RCW 39.12 because of the definition “Contractor” in
WAC 296‑127-010, complies with all the requirements of RCW 39.12.
The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with the requirements of the
DBRA and RCW 39.12 by all firms (Subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, Suppliers,
Manufacturers, or Fabricators) engaged in any part of the Work necessary to complete this
Contract. Therefore, should a violation of this Subsection occur by any firm that is providing
Work or materials for completion of this Contract whether directly or indirectly responsible
to the Contractor, the Contracting Agency will take action against the Contractor, as provided
by the provisions of the Contract, to achieve compliance, including but not limited to,
withholding payment on the Contract until compliance is achieved.
In the event the Contracting Agency has an error (omissions are not errors) in the listing
of the hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits in the Contract Provisions, the
Contractor, any Subcontractor, any lower tier subcontractor, or any other firm that is required
to pay prevailing wages, shall be required to pay the rates as determined to be correct by State
L&I (or by the U.S. Department of Labor when that agency sets the rates). A change order will
be prepared to ensure that this occurs. The Contracting Agency will reimburse the Contractor
for the actual cost to pay the difference between the correct rates and the rates included in the
Contract Provisions, subject to the following conditions:
1. The affected firm relied upon the rates included in the Contract Provisions to prepare its
Bid and certifies that it did so;
2. The allowable amount of reimbursement will be the difference between the rates
listed and rates later determined to be correct plus only appropriate payroll markup
the employer must pay, such as, social security and other payments the employer must
make to the Federal or State Government;
3. The allowable amount of reimbursement may also include some overhead cost, such as,
the cost for bond, insurance, and making supplemental payrolls and new checks to the
employees because of underpayment for previously performed Work; and
4. Profit will not be an allowable markup.
Firms that anticipated, when they prepared their Bids, paying a rate equal to, or higher
than, the correct rate as finally determined will not be eligible for reimbursement.
Listing Recovery Act (and other) new hire opportunities with the Employment
Security Department.
There are many talented people currently unemployed. As the signs on the Contracting
Agency’s projects advertise, the Recovery Act is about creating jobs and putting people back
to work. As a companion effort, the Employment Security Department has been charged
with giving people the opportunity to compete for these jobs. Their tool for doing so is
WorkSource. WorkSource is a free service located across the State that screens, shortlists,
and refers qualified candidates.
WorkSource employees are aware that the Contractor has other commitments as part of
your business practices and as part of the Contract. Contractors may be subject to hiring
commitments such as Equal Employment Opportunity or union commitments. However,
utilizing WorkSource can be an essential effort as part of their various good faith efforts.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 1-51
1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public
WorkSource is a resource that is available across the State. Contractors who have
been awarded WSDOT Contracts shall be prepared to discuss their recruitment plans and
how WorkSource will be incorporated into that effort at the preconstruction conference.
WorkSource has a simple process for requesting and reporting new hires.
The Contractor may contact the ARRA Business Unit at 877-453-5906 (toll free)
or There is additional information available on the website at
1-07.9(2) Posting Notices
Notices and posters shall be placed in areas readily accessible to read by employees.
The Contractor shall ensure the following are posted:
1. EEOC - P/E-1(revised 11/09, supplemented 09/15) – Equal Employment Opportunity
IS THE LAW published by US Department of Labor. Post for projects with federal-
aid funding.
2. FHWA 1022 (revised 05/15) – NOTICE Federal-Aid Project published by Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA). Post for projects with federal-aid funding.
3. WH 1321 (revised 04/09) – Employee Rights Under the Davis-Bacon Act published
by US Department of Labor. Post for projects with federal-aid funding.
4. WHD 1088 (revised 07/09) – Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
published by US Department of Labor. Post on all projects.
5. WHD 1420 (revised 02/13) – Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under The
Family And Medical Leave Act published by US Department of Labor. Post on
all projects.
6. WHD 1462 (revised 01/16) – Employee Polygraph Protection Act published by US
Department of Labor. Post on all projects.
7. F416-081-909 (revised 09/15) – Job Safety and Health Law published by Washington
State Department of Labor and Industries. Post on all projects.
8. F242-191-909 (revised 12/12) – Notice To Employees published by Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries. Post on all projects.
9. F700-074-909 (revised 06/13) – Your Rights as a Worker in Washington State
by Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I). Post on all projects.
10. EMS 9874 (revised 10/15) – Unemployment Benefits published by Washington State
Employment Security Department. Post on all projects.
11. Post one copy of the approved “Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages” for
the Contractor, each Subcontractor, each lower tier subcontractor, and any other firm
(Supplier, Manufacturer, or Fabricator) that falls under the provisions of RCW 39.12
because of the definition of “Contractor” in WAC 296-127-010.
12. Post one copy of the prevailing wage rates for the project.
1-07.9(3) Apprentices
If employing apprentices, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer written evidence
1. Each apprentice is enrolled in a program approved by the Washington State
Apprenticeship and Training Council;
2. The progression schedule for each apprentice; and
3. The established apprentice-journey level ratios and wage rates in the project locality
upon which the Contractor will base such ratios and rates under the Contract. Any
worker for whom an apprenticeship agreement has not been registered and approved
by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council shall be paid at the
prevailing hourly journey level rate as provided in RCW 39.12.021.
1-07.9(4) Disputes
If labor and management cannot agree in a dispute over the proper prevailing wage rates,
the Contractor shall refer the matter to the Director of State L&I (or to the U.S. Secretary of
Labor when that agency sets the rates). The Director’s (or Secretary’s) decision shall be final,
conclusive, and binding on all parties.
1-07.9(5) Required Documents
On forms provided by the Industrial Statistician of State L&I, the Contractor shall submit
to the Engineer the following for itself and for each firm covered under RCW 39.12 that
provided Work and materials for the Contract:
1. A copy of an approved “Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages” State L&I’s
form number F700-029-000. The Contracting Agency will make no payment under this
Contract for the Work performed until this statement has been approved by State L&I
and a copy of the approved form has been submitted to the Engineer.
2. A copy of an approved “Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid”, State L&I’s form number
F700-007-000. The Contracting Agency will not grant Completion until all approved
Affidavit of Wages paid for Contractor and all Subcontractors have been received by the
Engineer. The Contracting Agency will not release to the Contractor any funds retained
under RCW 60.28.011 until all of the “Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid” forms have
been approved by State L&I and a copy of all the approved forms have been submitted
to the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for requesting these forms from State L&I and for
paying any approval fees required by State L&I.
Certified payrolls are required to be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer, for the
Contractor and all Subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors, on all Federal-aid projects
and, when requested in writing by the Engineer, on projects funded with only Contracting
Agency funds. If these payrolls are not supplied within 10 calendar days of the end of the
preceding weekly payroll period for Federal-aid projects or within 10 calendar days from
the date of the written request on projects with only Contracting Agency funds, any or all
payments may be withheld until compliance is achieved. Also, failure to provide these payrolls
could result in other sanctions as provided by State laws (RCW 39.12.050) and/or Federal
regulations (29 CFR 5.12). All certified payrolls shall be complete and explicit. Employee
labor descriptions used on certified payrolls shall coincide exactly with the labor descriptions
listed on the minimum wage schedule in the Contract unless the Engineer approves an
alternate method to identify the labor used by the Contractor to compare with the labor listed
in the Contract Provisions. When an apprentice is shown on the certified payroll at a rate less
than the minimum prevailing journey wage rate, the apprenticeship registration number for
that employee from the State Apprenticeship and Training Council shall be shown along with
the correct employee classification code.
1-07.9(6) Audits
The Contracting Agency may inspect or audit the Contractor’s wage and payroll records
as provided in Section 1-09.12.
1-07.10 Worker’s Benefits
The Contractor shall make all payments required for unemployment compensation under
Title 50 RCW and for industrial insurance and medical aid required under Title 51 RCW.
If any payment required by Title 50 or Title 51 is not made when due, the Contracting Agency
may retain such payments from any money due the Contractor and pay the same into the
appropriate fund. Such payment will be made only after giving the Contractor 15 days prior
written notice of the Contracting Agency’s intent to disburse the funds to the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries or Washington State Employment Security Department
as applicable. The payment will be made upon expiration of the 15 calendar day period if
no legal action has been commenced to resolve the validity of the claim. If legal action is
instituted to determine the validity of the claim prior to the expiration of the 15-day period,
the Contracting Agency will hold the funds until determination of the action or written
settlement agreement of the appropriate parties.
For Work on or adjacent to water, the Contractor shall make the determination as
to whether workers are to be covered under the Longshoremen’s and Harbor Worker’s
Compensation Act administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, or the State Industrial
Insurance coverage administered by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
The Contractor shall include in the various items in the Bid Proposal all costs for payment
of unemployment compensation and for providing either or both of the insurance coverages.
The Contractor will not be entitled to any additional payment for: (1) failure to include such
costs, or (2) determinations made by the U.S. Department of Labor or the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries regarding the insurance coverage.
The Public Works Contract Division of the Washington State Department of Labor and
Industries will provide the Contractor with applicable industrial insurance and medical aid
classification and premium rates. After receipt of a Revenue Release from the Washington
State Department of Revenue, the Contracting Agency will verify through the Department of
Labor and Industries that the Contractor is current with respect to the payments of industrial
insurance and medical aid premiums.
1-07.11 Requirements for Nondiscrimination
1-07.11(1) General Application
Discrimination in all phases of contracted employment, contracting activities and training
is prohibited by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 162(a) of the Federal-Aid
Highway Act of 1973, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination
Act of 1975, the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979, the American with Disabilities
Act of 1990, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, 49 CFR Part 21, RCW 49.60 and other
related laws and statutes. The referenced legal citations establish the minimum requirements
for affirmative action efforts and define the basic nondiscrimination provisions as required by
this section of these Standard Specifications.
1-07.11(2) Contractual Requirements
1. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for contracted
employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, or the
presence of any physical, sensory or mental disability.
2. The Contractor shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees, state that all
qualified applicants will be considered for employment, without regard to race, creed,
color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, or the presence of any physical, sensory,
or mental disability.
3. The Contractor shall insert the following notification in all solicitations for
bids for Work or material subject to federal laws and regulations and made in
connection with all program and activities and, in adapted form in all proposals for
negotiated agreements:
The Contractor in accordance to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78
Stat.252, 42 U.S. Code 2000d to 2000d-4, and Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 21, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any
contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises
will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and
will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color national origin and
sex in consideration for an award.
4. The Contractor shall make decisions with regard to selection and retention of
subcontractors, procurement of materials and equipment and similar actions related to
the Contract without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status,
or the presence of any physical, sensory, or mental disability.
5. The Contractor shall send to each labor union, employment agency, or representative
of workers with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other
contract or understanding, a notice advising the labor union, employment agency or
worker’s representative, of the Contractor’s commitments under this Contract with
regard to nondiscrimination.
6. The Contractor shall permit access to its books, records and accounts by the
Contracting Agency for the purpose of investigating to ascertain compliance with
these Specifications. In the event that information required of a Contractor is in the
possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the Contractor
shall describe, in writing, what efforts were made to obtain the information.
7. The Contractor shall maintain records with the name and address of each minority/
female worker referred to the Contractor and what action was taken with respect to
the referred worker.
8. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Agency whenever the union with which the
Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement has impeded the Contractor’s efforts
to effect minority/female workforce utilization. This being the case, the Contractor
shall show what relief they have sought under such collective bargaining agreements.
9. The Contractor is encouraged to participate in Contracting Agency and Washington
State Human Rights Commission approved program(s) designed to train craft-workers
for the construction trades.
1-07.11(2)A Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Responsibilities
Title VI Responsibilities
During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor, for itself, its assignees and
successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) agrees as follows:
1. Compliance With Regulations – The Contractor shall comply with the Regulations
relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of
Transportation (hereinafter DOT), Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, part 21, as
they may be amended from time to time, (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations),
which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this Contract.
2. Nondiscrimination – The Contractor, with regard to the Work performed by it during
the Contract, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national
origin in the selection and retention of Subcontractors, including procurement of
materials and leases of equipment. The Contractor shall not participate either directly or
indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including
employment practices when the Contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of
the Regulations.
3. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurement of Materials and
Equipment – In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiations made by
the Contractor for Work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurement
of materials or leases of equipment, each potential Subcontractor or supplier shall
be notified by the Contractor of the Contractor’s obligations under this Contract and
the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, color, sex, or
national origin.
4. Information and Reports – The Contractor shall provide all information and reports
required by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit
access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities
as may be determined by the Washington State Department of Transportation or the
Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such
Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a Contractor is
in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information,
the Contractor shall so certify to the Washington State Department of Transportation,
or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts
it has made to obtain the information.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 1-55
1-07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public
bear all the expense to do so, except damage to the permanent Work caused by: (a) acts of
God, such as earthquake, floods, or other cataclysmic phenomenon of nature, or (b) acts of the
public enemy or of governmental authorities; or (c) slides in cases where Section 2-03.3(11)
is applicable; Provided, however, that these exceptions shall not apply should damages result
from the Contractor’s failure to take reasonable precautions or to exercise sound engineering
and construction practices in conducting the Work.
If the performance of the Work is delayed as a result of damage by others, an extension
of time will be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-08.8.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as relieving the Contractor of
responsibility for, or damage resulting from, the Contractor’s operations or negligence,
nor shall the Contractor be relieved from full responsibility for making good any defective
Work or materials as provided for under Section 1-05.
1-07.13(2) Relief of Responsibility for Completed Work
Upon written request, the Contractor may be relieved of the duty of maintaining and
protecting certain portions of the Work, as described below, which have been completed in all
respects in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. If the Engineer provides written
approval, the Contractor will be relieved of the responsibility for damage to said completed
portions of the Work resulting from use by public traffic or from the action of the elements
or from any other cause, but not from damage resulting from the Contractor’s operations
or negligence.
Portions of the Work for which the Contractor may be relieved of the duty of maintenance
and protection as provided in the above paragraph include but are not limited to the following:
1. The completion of ¼ mile of Roadway or ¼ mile of one Roadway of a divided
Highway or a frontage road including the Traveled Way, Shoulders, drainage control
facilities, planned Roadway protection Work, lighting, and any required traffic control
and access facilities.
2. A bridge or other Structure of major importance.
3. A complete unit of a traffic control signal system or of a Highway lighting system.
4. A complete unit of permanent Highway protection Work.
5. A building that is functionally complete and open to the public.
6. Any Contract Proposal item.
1-07.13(3) Relief of Responsibility for Damage by Public Traffic
When it is necessary for public traffic to utilize a Highway facility during construction,
the Contractor will be relieved of responsibility for damages to permanent Work by public
traffic under the following circumstances:
1. The Work is in accordance with the Contract Plans or approved stage construction plans,
2. The Work is on a section of Roadway required by the Contract to be opened to public
traffic, and
3. The traffic control is in accordance with the approved traffic control plans.
If traffic is relocated to another section of Roadway, the Contractor shall resume
responsibility for the Work until such time as the section of Roadway is again open to public
traffic or the Contractor submits a written request for Work that is completed to a point where
relief can be granted in accordance with Section 1-07.13(2).
1-07.13(4) Repair of Damage
The Contractor shall promptly repair all damage to either temporary or permanent Work
as ordered by the Engineer. For damage qualifying for relief under Sections 1-07.13(1),
1-07.13(2), 1-07.13(3), or 8-17.5, payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-09.4,
using the estimated Bid item “Reimbursement for Third Party Damage”.
In the event the Contracting Agency pays for damage to the Contractor’s Work or for
damage to the Contractor’s equipment caused by third parties, any claim the Contractor had
or may have had against the third party shall be deemed assigned to the Contracting Agency,
to the extent of the Contracting Agency’s payment for such damage.
Payment will be limited to repair of damaged Work only. No payment will be made for
delay or disruption of Work.
For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency
has entered an amount for “Reimbursement for Third Party Damage” in the Proposal to
become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor.
1-07.14 Responsibility for Damage
The State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, and all officers and employees of the State,
including but not limited to those of the Department, will not be responsible in any manner:
for any loss or damage that may happen to the Work or any part; for any loss of material or
damage to any of the materials or other things used or employed in the performance of Work;
for injury to or death of any persons, either workers or the public; or for damage to the public
for any cause which might have been prevented by the Contractor, or the workers, or anyone
employed by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any liability imposed by law for injuries to, or the
death of, any persons or damages to property resulting from any cause whatsoever during the
performance of the Work, or before final acceptance.
Subject to the limitations in this section, and RCW 4.24.115, the Contractor shall
indemnify, defend, and save harmless the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, and all
officers and employees of the State from all claims, suits, or actions brought for injuries to, or
death of, any persons or damages resulting from construction of the Work or in consequence
of any negligence or breach of Contract regarding the Work, the use of any improper materials
in the Work, caused in whole or in part by any act or omission by the Contractor or the agents
or employees of the Contractor during performance or at any time before final acceptance. In
addition to any remedy authorized by law, the State may retain so much of the money due the
Contractor as deemed necessary by the Engineer to ensure the defense and indemnification
obligations of this section until disposition has been made of such suits or claims.
Subject to the limitations in this section and RCW 4.24.115, the Contractor shall indemnify,
defend, and save harmless any county, city, or region, its officers, and employees connected
with the Work, within the limits of which county, city, or region the Work is being performed,
all in the same manner and to the same extent as provided above for the protection of the State,
its officers and employees, provided that no retention of money due the Contractor be made by
the State except as provided in RCW 60.28, pending disposition of suits or claims for damages
brought against the county, city, or district.
Pursuant to RCW 4.24.115, if such claims, suits, or actions result from the concurrent
negligence of (a) the indemnitee or the indemnitee’s agents or employees and (b) the
Contractor or the Contractor’s agent or employees, the indemnity provisions provided in
the preceding paragraphs of this section shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent
of the Contractor’s negligence or the negligence of its agents and employees.
The Contractor shall bear sole responsibility for damage to completed portions of the
project and to property located off the project caused by erosion, siltation, runoff, or other
related items during the construction of the project. The Contractor shall also bear sole
responsibility for any pollution of rivers, streams, ground water, or other waters that may
occur as a result of construction operations.
The Contractor shall exercise all necessary precautions throughout the life of the Project
to prevent pollution, erosion, siltation, and damage to property.
The Contracting Agency will forward to the Contractor all claims filed against the State
according to RCW 4.92.100 that are deemed to have arisen in relation to the Contractor’s
Work or activities under this Contract, and, in the opinion of the Contracting Agency, are
subject to the defense, indemnity, and insurance provisions of these Standard Specifications.
Claims will be deemed tendered to the Contractor and insurer, who has named the State as
a named insured or an additional insured under the Contract’s insurance provisions, once
the claim has been forwarded via certified mail to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be
responsible to provide a copy of the claim to the Contractor’s designated insurance agent
who has obtained/met the Contract’s insurance provision requirements.
Within 60 calendar days following the date a claim is sent by the Contracting Agency to the
Contractor, the Contractor shall notify the Claimant and WSDOT (Risk Management Office,
PO Box 47418, Olympia, WA 98504-7418) of the following:
a. Whether the claim is allowed or is denied in whole or in part, and, if so, the specific
reasons for the denial of the individual claim, and if not denied in full, when payment
has been or will be made to the claimant(s) for the portion of the claim that is
allowed, or
b. If resolution negotiations are continuing. In this event, status updates will be reported
no longer than every 60 calendar days until the claim is resolved or a lawsuit is filed.
If the Contractor fails to provide the above notification within 60 calendar days, then
the Contractor shall yield to the Contracting Agency sole and exclusive discretion to allow
all or part of the claim on behalf of the Contractor, and the Contractor shall be deemed to
have WAIVED any and all defenses, objections, or other avoidances to the Contracting
Agency’s allowance of the claim, or the amount allowed by the Contracting Agency,
under common law, constitution, statute, or the Contract and these Standard Specifications.
If all or part of a claim is allowed, the Contracting Agency will notify the Contractor via
certified mail that it has allowed all or part of the claim and make appropriate payments to
the claimant(s) with State funds.
Payments of State funds by the Contracting Agency to claimant(s) under this section will
be made on behalf of the Contractor and at the expense of the Contractor, and the Contractor
shall be unconditionally obligated to reimburse the Contracting Agency for the “total
reimbursement amount”, which is the sum of the amount paid to the claimant(s), plus all costs
incurred by the Contracting Agency in evaluating the circumstances surrounding the claim,
the allowance of the claim, the amount due to the claimant, and all other direct costs for the
Contracting Agency’s administration and payment of the claim on the Contractor’s behalf.
The Contracting Agency will be authorized to withhold the total reimbursement amount from
amounts due the Contractor, or, if no further payments are to be made to the Contractor under
the Contract, the Contractor shall directly reimburse the Contracting Agency for the amounts
paid within 30 days of the date notice that the claim was allowed was sent to the Contractor.
In the event reimbursement from the Contractor is not received by the Contracting Agency
within 30 days, interest shall accrue on the total reimbursement amount owing at the rate of
12 percent per annum calculated at a daily rate from the date the Contractor was notified that
the claim was allowed. The Contracting Agency’s costs to enforce recovery of these amounts
are additive to the amounts owing.
The Contractor specifically assumes all potential liability for actions brought by employees
of the Contractor and, solely for the purpose of enforcing the defense and indemnification
obligations set forth in Section 1-07.14, the Contractor specifically waives any immunity
granted under the State industrial insurance law, Title 51 RCW. This waiver has been mutually
negotiated by the parties. The Contractor shall similarly require that each Subcontractor
it retains in connection with the project comply with the terms of this paragraph, waive
any immunity granted under Title 51 RCW, and assume all liability for actions brought by
employees of the Subcontractor.
1-07.15 Temporary Water Pollution Prevention
1-07.15(1) Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan
The Contractor shall prepare a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a project-specific
spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plan (SPCC Plan), and shall implement
the plan for the duration of the project. No on-site construction activities may commence
until the Contracting Agency accepts an SPCC Plan for the project. An SPCC Plan
template and guidance information is available at
The SPCC Plan shall address all fuels, petroleum products, hazardous materials,
and other materials defined in Chapter 447 of the WSDOT Environmental Manual M 31-11.
Occupational safety and health requirements that may pertain to SPCC Plan implementation
are contained in, but not limited to, WAC 296-824 and WAC 296-843. The SPCC Plan shall
address conditions that may be required by Section 3406 of the current International Fire
Code, or as approved by the local Fire Marshal.
Implementation Requirements
The Contractor shall update the SPCC Plan throughout project construction so that the
written plan reflects actual site conditions and practices. The Contractor shall update the
SPCC Plan at least annually and maintain a copy of the updated SPCC Plan on the project site.
The Contractor shall fully implement the SPCC Plan, as accepted and updated, at all times.
SPCC Plan Element Requirements
The SPCC Plan shall set forth the following information in the following order:
1. Responsible Personnel – Identify the names, titles, and contact information for
the personnel responsible for implementing and updating the plan and for responding
to spills.
2. Spill Reporting – List the names and telephone numbers of the Federal, State, and local
agencies the Contractor shall notify in the event of a spill.
3. Project and Site Information – Describe the following items:
a. The project Work.
b. The site location and boundaries.
c. The drainage pathways from the site.
d. Nearby waterways and sensitive areas and their distances from the site.
4. Potential Spill Sources – Describe each of the following for all potentially hazardous
materials brought or generated on-site including but not limited to materials used for
equipment operation, refueling, maintenance, or cleaning:
a. Name of material and its intended use.
b. Estimated maximum amount on-site at any one time.
c. Location(s) (including any equipment used below the ordinary high water line)
where the material will be staged, used, and stored and the distance(s) from nearby
waterways and sensitive areas.
5. Preexisting Contamination – Describe any preexisting contamination and contaminant
sources (such as buried pipes or tanks) in the project area that are described in the
Contract provisions and Plans. Identify equipment and Work practices that shall be used
to prevent the release of contamination.
6. Spill Prevention and Response Training – Describe how and when all project
personnel, including refueling personnel and other Subcontractors, shall be trained in
spill prevention, containment, and response and in the location of spill response kits.
7. Spill Prevention – Describe the following items:
a. The contents and locations of spill response kits that the Contractor shall supply
and maintain that are appropriately stocked, located in close proximity to hazardous
materials and equipment, and immediately accessible.
b. Security measures for potential spill sources to prevent accidental spills
and vandalism.
c. Methods used to prevent stormwater from contacting hazardous materials.
Payment will be made for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal:
“SPCC Plan”, lump sum.
When the written SPCC Plan is accepted by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall
receive 50 percent of the lump sum Contract price for the plan.
The remaining 50 percent of the lump sum price will be paid after the materials and
equipment called for in the plan are mobilized to the project.
The lump sum payment for the “SPCC Plan” shall be full pay for all costs associated
with creating and updating the accepted SPCC Plan, and all costs associated with the set
up of prevention measures and for implementing the current SPCC Plan as required by
this Specification.
1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property
1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property
The Contractor shall not use Contracting Agency owned or controlled property other
than that directly affected by the Contract Work without the approval of the Engineer. If the
Engineer grants such approval, the Contractor shall then vacate the area when ordered to do
so by the Engineer. Approval to temporarily use the property shall not create any entitlement
to further use or to compensation for any conditions or requirements imposed.
The Contractor shall protect private or public property on or in the vicinity of the Work
site. The Contractor shall ensure that it is not removed, damaged, destroyed, or prevented
from being used unless the Contract so specifies.
Property includes land, utilities, trees, landscaping, improvements legally on the right of
way, markers, monuments, buildings, Structures, pipe, conduit, sewer or water lines, signs,
and other property of all description whether shown on the Plans or not.
If the Engineer orders, or if otherwise necessary, the Contractor shall install protection,
acceptable to the Engineer, for property such as that listed in the previous paragraph. The
Contractor is responsible for locating and protecting all property that is subject to damage by
the construction operation.
If the Contractor (or agents/employees of the Contractor) damage, destroy, or interfere with
the use of such property, the Contractor shall restore it to original condition. The Contractor
shall also halt any interference with the property’s use. If the Contractor refuses or does not
respond immediately, the Engineer may have such property restored by other means and
subtract the cost from money that will be or is due the Contractor.
The Contractor may access the worksite from adjacent properties. The Contractor shall
not use or allow others to use this access to merge with public traffic. During non-working
hours, the Contractor shall provide a physical barrier that is either locked or physically unable
to be moved without equipment. The access shall not go through any existing Structures. The
access may go through fencing. The Contractor shall control or prevent animals from entering
the worksite to the same degree that they were controlled before the fence was removed.
The Contractor shall prevent persons not involved in the Contract Work from entering the
worksite through the access or through trails and pathways intersected by the access. If the
Contract documents require that existing trails or pathways be maintained during construction,
the Contractor will insure the safe passage of trail or pathway users. The Contractor shall
effectively control airborne particulates that are generated by use of the access. The location
and use of the access shall not adversely affect wetlands or sensitive areas in any manner.
The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all haul road agreements, permits and/
or easements associated with the access. The Contractor shall replace any fence, repair
any damage and restore the site to its original state when the access is no longer needed.
The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with this worksite access.
In some cases, the Plans or Special Provisions may not show all underground facilities.
If the Work requires these to be moved or protected, the Engineer will assign the task to others
or issue a written change order requiring the Contractor to do so as provided in Section 1-04.4.
1-07.17(2) Utility Construction, Removal, or Relocation by Others
Any authorized agent of the Contracting Agency or utility owners may enter the Highway
right of way to repair, rearrange, alter, or connect their equipment. The Contractor shall
cooperate with such effort and shall avoid creating delays or hindrances to those doing the
work. As needed, the Contractor shall arrange to coordinate work schedules.
If the Contract provides notice that utility work (including furnishing, adjusting, relocating,
replacing, or constructing utilities) will be performed by others during the prosecution of the
Work, the Special Provisions will establish the utility owner’s anticipated completion. The
Contractor shall carry out the Work in a way that will minimize interference and delay for all
forces involved. Any costs incurred prior to the utility owners anticipated completion (or if no
completion is specified, within a reasonable period of time) that results from the coordination
and prosecution of the Work regarding utility adjustment, relocation, replacement, or
construction shall be at the Contractor’s expense as provided in Section 1-05.14.
When others delay the Work through late performance of utility work, the Contractor shall
adhere to the requirements of Section 1-04.5.The Contracting Agency will either suspend
Work according to Section 1-08.6, or order the Contractor to coordinate the Work with the
work of the utility owner in accordance with Section 1-04.4. When ordered to coordinate the
Work with the work of the utility owner, the Contractor shall prosecute the Work in a way that
will minimize interference and delay for all forces involved.
1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance
The Contractor shall obtain and keep in force the following policies of insurance.
The policies shall be with companies or through sources approved by the State Insurance
Commissioner pursuant to RCW 48.05. Unless otherwise indicated below, the policies shall
be kept in force from the execution date of the Contract until the date of acceptance by the
Secretary (Section 1-05.12).
1. Owners and Contractors Protective (OCP) Insurance providing bodily injury and
property damage liability coverage, with limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and
per project in the aggregate for each policy period, written on Insurance Services
Office (ISO) form CG0009 1204, together with Washington State Department of
Transportation amendatory endorsement CG 2908 1195, specifying the Contracting
Agency, the State, the Governor, the Commission, the Secretary, the Department,
and all officers and employees of the State as named insured.
2. Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance written under ISO Form CG0001 or its
equivalent, with minimum limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for
each 1-year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella,
or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,000,000
per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and completed operations coverage shall
be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the Work.
3. Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance providing bodily injury and property
damage liability coverage for all owned and nonowned vehicles assigned to or used
in the performance of the Work, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,
000 per occurrence. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella, or
excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $1,000,000
per occurrence, with the State named as an additional insured or designated insured
in connection with the Contractor’s Performance of the Contract. If pollutants are to
be transported, MCS 90 and CA 99 48 endorsements are required on the Commercial
Automobile Liability insurance policy unless in-transit pollution risk is covered under
a Pollution Liability insurance policy.
4. The Contractor shall be Named Insured and the Contracting Agency, the State, the
Governor, the Commission, the Secretary, the Department, all officers and employees
of the State, and their respective members, directors, officers, employees, agents, and
consultants (collectively the “Additional Insureds”) shall be included as Additional
Insureds for all policies and coverages specified in this section, with the exception
of the OCP policy. Said insurance coverage shall be primary and noncontributory
insurance with respect to the insureds and the Additional Insureds. Any insurance
or self-insurance beyond that specified in this Contract that is maintained by any
Additional Insured shall be in excess of such insurance and shall not contribute with
it. All insurance coverage required by this section shall be written and provided by
“occurrence-based” policy forms rather than by “claims made” forms.
All endorsements adding Additional Insureds to required policies shall be issued on
(i) form CG 20 10 11 85 or a form deemed equivalent by the Contracting Agency,
providing the Additional Insureds with all policies and coverages set forth in this
section, with the exception of the OCP and Commercial Auto policies or (ii) form CA
20 48 or forms deemed equivalent by Contracting Agency, providing the Additional
Insureds with all coverages required under the Commercial Automobile Liability.
5. The coverage limits to be provided by the Contractor for itself and to the Contracting
Agency and Additional Insureds pursuant to this section or any Special Provision,
shall be on a “per project” aggregate basis with the minimum limits of liability as
set forth herein for both general liability and products/completed operations claims.
The additional insured coverage required under this section for products/completed
operations claims shall remain in full force and effect for not less than 3 years following
Substantial Completion of the project. If the Contractor maintains, at any time, coverage
limits for itself in excess of limits set forth in this Section 1-07.18 or any Special
Provision, then those additional coverage limits shall also apply to the Contracting
Agency and the Additional Insured. This includes, but is not limited to, any coverage
limits provided under any risk financing program of any description, whether such
limits are primary, excess, contingent, or otherwise.
6. All insurance policies and coverages required under Sections 1-07.18 and 1-07.10
shall contain a waiver of subrogation against the Contracting Agency, the State, and
any Additional Insureds, and their respective departments, agencies, boards, and
commissions, and their respective officers, officials, agents, and employees for losses
arising from Work performed by or on behalf of the Contractor. This waiver has been
mutually negotiated by the parties.
7. Where applicable, the Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to provide insurance
that complies with all applicable requirements of the Contractor-provided insurance
as set forth herein, in circumstances where the Subcontractor is not covered by the
Contractor-provided insurance. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for
determining the limits of coverage required, if any, to be obtained by Subcontractors,
which determination shall be made in accordance with reasonable and prudent business
practices. In the event that a Subcontractor is required to add the Contractor as an
Additional Insured pursuant to its contract for Work at the Project, then the Contractor
shall also cause each Subcontractor to include the Contracting Agency and the
Additional Insureds, as Additional Insureds as well, for primary and noncontributory
limits of liability under each Subcontractor’s Commercial General Liability,
Commercial Automobile Liability, and any other coverages that may be required
pursuant to a “Special Provision”.
8. Unless specifically noted otherwise in the Contract Documents, the parties to this
Contract do not intend by any of the provisions of this Contract to cause the public or
any member thereof or any other Person to be a third-party beneficiary of the Contract
Documents. Nothing in this Contract authorizes anyone not a party to this Contract
or a designated third-party beneficiary to this Contract to maintain a suit for personal
injuries or property damage pursuant to the terms or provisions of this Contract. It is
the further intent of the Contracting Agency and the Contractor in executing the Form
of Contract that no individual, firm, corporation, or any combination thereof that
supplies materials, labor, services, or equipment to the Contractor for the performance
of the Work shall become thereby a third-party beneficiary of this Contract.
The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship of
any kind between the Contracting Agency and a Subcontractor or any other Person
except the Contractor.
9. The Owners and Contractors Protective Insurance policy shall not be subject to a
deductible or contain provisions for a deductible. The Commercial General Liability
policy and the Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance policy may, at the discretion
of the Contractor, contain such provisions. If a deductible applies to any claim under
these policies, then payment of that deductible will be the responsibility of the
Contractor, notwithstanding any claim of liability against the Contracting Agency.
However, in no event shall any provision for a deductible provide for a deductible in
excess of $50,000.00.
10. With the exception of the Commercial Automobile liability coverage, no policies of
insurance required under this section shall contain an arbitration or alternative dispute
resolution clause applicable to disputes between the insurer and its insureds. Any and
all disputes concerning (i) terms and scope of insurance coverage afforded by the
policies required hereunder and/or (ii) extra contractual remedies and relief, which may
be afforded policy holders in connection with coverage disputes, shall be resolved in
Washington Superior Court, applying Washington law.
11. Prior to Contract execution, the Contractor shall file with the Department of
Transportation, Contract Payment Section, PO Box 47420, Olympia, WA 98504-7420,
ACORD Form Certificates of Insurance evidencing the minimum insurance coverages
required under these Specifications. Within 30 days of being awarded a Contract, the
Contractor shall provide the Department with complete copies, which may be electronic
copies, of all insurance policies required under this section and any Special Provisions.
12. The Contractor shall provide written notice to the Engineer of any policy cancellations
and provide the Department of Transportation, Contract Payment Section, PO Box
47420, Olympia, WA 98504-7420, by U.S. Mail, notice of any policy cancellation
within two business days of receipt of cancellation.
13. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required, or not
to provide certification and copies of the insurance prior to the time specified in
Subsection 11 above, shall constitute a material breach of Contract upon which the
Contracting Agency may, after giving 5-business days notice to the Contractor to
correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or, at its discretion, procure or
renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any
sums so expended to be repaid to the Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole
discretion of the Contracting Agency, offset against funds due the Contractor from the
Contracting Agency. All costs for insurance, including any payments of deductible
amounts, shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit Contract prices and
no additional payment will be made.
1-07.19 Gratuities
The Contractor shall not extend any loan, gratuity, or gift of money in any form whatsoever
to any employee or officer of the Contracting Agency; nor will the Contractor rent or purchase
any equipment or materials from any employee or officer of the Contracting Agency. Before
payment of the final estimate will be made, the Contractor shall execute and furnish the
Contracting Agency an affidavit certifying compliance with these provisions of the Contract.
The Contractor shall comply with all applicable sections of the State Ethics law,
RCW 42.52, which regulates gifts to State officers and employees. Under that statute, any
Contracting Agency officer or employee who has or will participate with the Contractor
regarding any aspect of this Contract is prohibited from seeking or accepting any gift, gratuity,
favor or anything of economic value from the Contractor. Accordingly, neither the Contractor
nor any agent or representative shall offer anything of economic value as a gift, gratuity, or
favor directly or indirectly to any such officer or employee.
1-07.20 Patented Devices, Materials, and Processes
The Contractor shall assume all costs arising from the use of patented devices, materials,
or processes used on or incorporated in the Work, and agrees to indemnify, defend, and save
harmless the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, and their duly authorized agents and
employees from all actions of any nature for, or on account of the use of any patented devices,
materials, or processes.
1-07.21 Rock Drilling Safety Requirements
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to maintain safe working conditions during rock
drilling, by keeping dust concentration below the threshold limit value or by providing those
protective devices that may be required by the State Department of Labor and Industries.
1-07.22 Use of Explosives
When using explosives, the Contractor shall use the utmost care to protect life and
property, to prevent slides, and to leave undisturbed all materials, outside the neat lines of the
Explosives shall be handled, marked, stored, and used in compliance with WAC 296-52
and such local laws, rules, and regulations that may apply. The stricter provisions shall apply.
All explosives shall be stored securely as required by all laws and ordinances that apply.
Each storage place shall be clearly marked: “Dangerous-Explosives”. No explosives shall be
left unprotected.
If public utilities or railroads own equipment near the blast site, the Contractor shall notify
the owners of the location, date, time, and approximate duration of the blasting. This notice
shall be given sufficiently in advance to enable all owners to take any steps as they deem
necessary to protect their property from injury.
Blasting near proposed Structures shall be completed before Work on them begins. When
the use of explosives is necessary for the prosecution of the Work, the Contractor’s insurance
shall contain a special clause permitting the blasting.
1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate safeguards, safety devices,
protective equipment, and any other needed actions to protect the life, health, and safety of
the public, and to protect property in connection with the performance of the Work covered by
the Contract. The Contractor shall perform any measures or actions the Engineer may deem
necessary to protect the public and property. The responsibility and expense to provide this
protection shall be the Contractor’s except that which is to be furnished by the Contracting
Agency as specified in other sections of these Specifications. Nothing contained in this
Contract is intended to create any third-party beneficiary rights in favor of the public or any
individual utilizing the Highway facilities being constructed or improved under this Contract.
1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic
The Contractor shall conduct all operations with the least possible obstruction and
inconvenience to the public. The Contractor shall have under construction no greater length
or amount of Work than can be prosecuted properly with due regards to the rights of the
public. To the extent possible, the Contractor shall finish each section before beginning Work
on the next. The Contractor shall enter interstate Highways only through legal movements
from existing roads, streets, and through other access points specifically allowed by the
Contract documents.
To disrupt public traffic as little as possible, the Contractor shall permit traffic to pass
through the Work with the least possible inconvenience or delay. The Contractor shall maintain
existing roads, streets, sidewalks, and paths within the project limits, keeping them open and
in good, clean, safe condition at all times. Accessibility to existing or temporary pedestrian
push buttons shall not be impaired. Deficiencies caused by the Contractor’s operations
shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense. The Contractor shall also maintain roads,
streets, sidewalks, and paths adjacent to the project limits when affected by the Contractor’s
operations. Snow and ice control will be performed by the Contracting Agency on all
projects. Cleanup of snow and ice control debris will be at the Contracting Agency’s expense.
The Contractor shall perform the following:
1. Remove or repair any condition resulting from the Work that might impede traffic
or create a hazard.
2. Keep existing traffic signal and Highway lighting systems in operation as the
Work proceeds. (The Contracting Agency will continue the routine maintenance
on such system.)
3. Maintain the striping on the Roadway at the Contracting Agency’s expense. The
Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling when to renew striping, subject to the
approval of the Engineer. When the scope of the project does not require Work on the
Roadway, the Contracting Agency will be responsible for maintaining the striping.
4. Maintain existing permanent signing. Repair of signs will be at the Contracting
Agency’s expense, except those damaged due to the Contractor’s operations.
5. Keep drainage Structures clean to allow for free flow of water. Cleaning of existing
drainage Structures will be at the Contracting Agency’s expense when approved by
the Engineer, except when flow is impaired due to the Contractor’s operations.
To protect the rights of abutting property owners, the Contractor shall:
1. Conduct the construction so that the least inconvenience as possible is caused to
abutting property owners;
2. Maintain ready access to driveways, houses, and buildings along the line of Work;
3. Provide temporary approaches to crossing or intersecting roads and keep these
approaches in good condition; and
4. Provide another access before closing an existing one whenever the Contract calls for
removing and replacing an abutting owner’s access.
When traffic must pass through grading areas, the Contractor shall:
1. Make cuts and fills that provide a reasonably smooth, even Roadbed;
2. Place, in advance of other grading Work, enough fill at all culverts and bridges to permit
traffic to cross;
3. Make Roadway cuts and fills, if ordered by the Engineer, in partial-width lifts,
alternating lifts from side to side to permit traffic to pass on the side opposite the Work;
4. Install culverts on half the width of the Traveled Way, keeping the other half open to
traffic and unobstructed until the first half is ready for use;
5. After rough grading or placing any subsequent layers, prepare the final Roadbed to a
smooth, even surface (free of humps and dips) suitable for use by public traffic; and
6. Settle dust with water, or other dust palliative, as the Engineer may order.
If grading Work is on or next to a Roadway in use, the Contractor shall finish the grade
immediately after rough grading and place surfacing materials as the Work proceeds.
The Contractor shall conduct all operations to minimize any drop-offs (abrupt changes
in roadway elevation) left exposed to traffic during nonworking hours. Unless otherwise
specified in the Traffic Control Plan, drop-offs left exposed to traffic during nonworking
hours shall be protected as follows:
1. Drop-offs up to 0.20 foot, unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer, may remain
exposed with appropriate warning signs alerting motorists of the condition.
2. Drop-offs more than 0.20 foot that are in the Traveled Way or Auxiliary Lane will not
be allowed unless protected with appropriate warning signs and further protected as
indicated in 3b or 3c below.
3. Drop-offs more than 0.20 foot, but no more than 0.50 foot, that are not within the
Traveled Way shall be protected with appropriate warning signs and further protected
by having one of the following:
a. A wedge of compacted stable material placed at a slope of 4:1 or flatter.
b. Channelizing devices (Type I barricades, plastic safety drums, or other devices
36 inches or more in height) placed along the traffic side of the drop-off and a
new edge of pavement stripes placed a minimum of 3 feet from the drop-off.
The maximum spacing between the devices in feet shall be the posted speed in
miles per hour. Pavement drop-off warning signs shall be placed in advance and
throughout the drop-off treatment.
c. Temporary concrete barrier or other approved barrier installed on the traffic side
of the drop-off with 2 feet between the drop-off and the back of the barrier and
a new edge of pavement stripe a minimum of 2 feet from the face of the barrier.
An approved terminal, flare, or impact attenuator will be required at the beginning
of the section. For night use, the barrier shall have standard delineation such as
paint, reflective tape, lane markers, or warning lights.
4. Drop-offs more than 0.50 foot not within the Traveled Way or Auxiliary Lane shall be
protected with appropriate warning signs and further protected as indicated in 3a, 3b,
or 3c if all of the following conditions are met:
a. The drop-off is less than 2 feet;
b. The total length throughout the project is less than 1 mile;
c. The drop-off does not remain for more than 3 working days;
d. The drop-off is not present on any of the holidays listed in Section 1-08.5; and
e. The drop-off is only on one side of the Roadway.
5. Drop-offs more than 0.50 foot that are not within the Traveled Way or Auxiliary Lane
and are not otherwise covered by No. 4 above shall be protected with appropriate
warning signs and further protected as indicated in 3a or 3c.
6. Open trenches within the Traveled Way or Auxiliary Lane shall have a steel-plate
cover placed and anchored over them. A wedge of suitable material, if required,
shall be placed for a smooth transition between the pavement and the steel plate.
Warning signs shall be used to alert motorists of the presence of the steel plates.
1-07.23(2) Construction and Maintenance of Detours
Unless otherwise approved, the Contractor shall maintain two-way traffic during
construction. The Contractor shall build, maintain in a safe condition, keep open to traffic,
and remove when no longer needed:
1. Detours and detour bridges that will accommodate traffic diverted from the Roadway,
bridge, sidewalk, or path during construction;
2. Detour crossings of intersecting Highways; and
3. Temporary approaches.
Unit Contract prices will cover construction, maintenance, and removal of all detours
shown in the Plans or proposed by the Contracting Agency.
The Contractor shall pay all costs to build, maintain, and remove any other detours,
whether built for the Contractor’s convenience or to facilitate construction operations.
Any detour proposed by the Contractor shall not be built until the Engineer approves.
Surfacing and paving shall be consistent with traffic requirements.
established and recognized commercial plants; or (2) delivery of these materials to the Work
site in vehicles owned or operated by such plants or by recognized independent or commercial
hauling companies hired by those commercial plants. However, the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries may determine that RCW 39.12 applies to the employees
of such firms identified in 1 and 2 above in accordance with WAC 296-127. If this should
occur, the provisions of Section 1-07.9, as modified or supplemented, shall apply.
On all projects, the Contractor shall certify to the actual amounts paid to all firms that
were used as Subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, manufacturers, regular dealers, or
service providers on the Contract. This includes all Disadvantaged, Minority, Small, Veteran or
Women’s Business Enterprise firms. This Certification shall be submitted to the Engineer on a
monthly basis each month between Execution of the Contract and Physical Completion of the
Contract using the application available at: A monthly
report shall be submitted for every month between Execution of the Contract and Physical
Completion regardless of whether payments were made or work occurred.
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of RCW 39.04.250, 39.76.011,
39.76.020, and 39.76.040, in particular regarding prompt payment to Subcontractors.
Whenever the Contractor withholds payment to a Subcontractor for any reason including
disputed amounts, the Contractor shall provide notice within 10 calendar days to the
Subcontractor with a copy to the Contracting Agency identifying the reason for the
withholding and a clear description of what the Subcontractor must do to have the withholding
released. Retainage withheld by the Contractor prior to completion of the Subcontractors work
is exempt from reporting as a payment withheld and is not included in the withheld amount.
The Contracting Agency’s copy of the notice to Subcontractor for deferred payments shall
be submitted to the Engineer concurrently with notification to the Subcontractor.
If dissatisfied with any part of the subcontracted Work, the Engineer may request in writing
that the Subcontractor be removed. The Contractor shall comply with this request at once and
shall not employ the Subcontractor for any further Work under the Contract.
1-08.1(1) Prompt Payment, Subcontract Completion and Return of Retainage Withheld
The following procedure shall apply to all subcontracts entered into as a part of
this Contract:
1. Upon request, the Engineer will provide a copy of any or all progress payment
estimates, with regard to contract payments to any interested party to the project.
2. The Contractor shall make payment to the Lower Tier Subcontractor not later than ten
calendar days after receipt of payment for work satisfactorily completed by the Lower
Tier Subcontractor, to the extent of the Lower Tier Subcontractor’s interest therein.
3. In the event the Contractor believes they have the right under the Contract or
Subcontract to withhold payment in part or whole from a Lower Tier Subcontractor they
shall provide immediate notification to that Lower Tier Subcontractor and the Engineer.
The notice shall include an accounting of payments to date, the value and reason for the
withheld amount, and an explanation of what must be done to have the withheld amount
released. The Lower Tier Subcontractor shall be paid within eight calendar days after
the Subcontractor completes the remedial action identified.
4. Every subcontract and lower tier subcontract shall have a dispute resolution process
incorporated for resolving issues between the parties to the subcontract, or one shall be
established as necessary.
5. If the parties agree, the Contracting Agency will make a third party neutral available
provided the parties to the dispute agree that the cost of doing so is split between them.
6. The Engineer will withhold the same amount of funds from the Contractor as was
withheld if the issue is not resolved by the next progress estimate.
1-08.2 Assignment
The Contractor shall not assign all or any part of the Work unless the Engineer approves
in writing. The Engineer will not approve any proposed assignment that would relieve the
original Contractor or Surety of responsibility under the Contract.
Money due (or that will become due) to the Contractor may be assigned. If given written
notice, the Contracting Agency will honor such an assignment to the extent the law permits.
But the assignment shall be subject to all setoffs, withholdings, and deductions required by law
and the Contract.
1-08.3 Progress Schedule
1-08.3(1) General Requirements
The Contractor shall submit Type A or Type B Progress Schedules and Schedule Updates
to the Engineer for approval. Schedules shall show Work that complies with all time and order
of Work requirements in the Contract. Scheduling terms and practices shall conform to the
standards established in Construction Planning and Scheduling, Second Edition, published by
the Associated General Contractors of America. Except for Weekly Look-Ahead Schedules,
all schedules shall meet these General Requirements, and provide the following information:
1. Include all activities necessary to physically complete the project.
2. Show the planned order of Work activities in a logical sequence.
3. Show durations of Work activities in working days as defined in Section 1-08.5.
4. Show activities in durations that are reasonable for the intended Work.
5. Define activity durations in sufficient detail to evaluate the progress of individual
activities on a daily basis.
6. Show the Physical Completion of all Work within the authorized Contract time.
Total float belongs to the project and shall not be for the exclusive benefit of any party.
The Contracting Agency allocates its resources to a Contract based on the total time
allowed in the Contract. The Contracting Agency may accept a Progress Schedule indicating
an early Physical Completion Date but cannot guarantee the Contracting Agency’s resources
will be available to meet an accelerated schedule. No additional compensation will be allowed
if the Contractor is not able to meet their accelerated schedule due to the unavailability of
Contracting Agency’s resources or for other reasons beyond the Contracting Agency’s control.
If the Engineer determines that the Progress Schedule or any necessary Schedule Update
does not provide the required information, then the schedule will be returned to the Contractor
for correction and resubmittal.
The Engineer’s approval of any schedule shall not transfer any of the Contractor’s
responsibilities to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor alone shall remain responsible for
adjusting forces, equipment, and Work schedules to ensure completion of the Work within the
time(s) specified in the Contract.
1-08.3(2) Progress Schedule Types
Type A Progress Schedules are required on all projects that do not contain the Bid item for
Type B Progress Schedule. Type B Progress Schedules are required on all projects that contain
the Bid item for Type B Progress Schedule. Weekly Look-Ahead Schedules and Schedule
Updates are required on all projects.
1-08.3(2)A Type A Progress Schedule
The Contractor shall submit five copies of a Type A Progress Schedule no later than
10 days after the date the contract is executed, or some other mutually agreed upon submittal
time. The schedule may be a critical path method (CPM) schedule, bar chart, or other standard
schedule format. Regardless of which format is used, the schedule shall identify the critical
path. The Engineer will evaluate the Type A Progress Schedule and approve or return the
schedule for corrections within 15 calendar days of receiving the submittal.
November 11, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. When any
of these holidays fall on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be counted a nonworking day.
When the holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be counted a nonworking day.
The days between December 25 and January 1 will be classified as nonworking days.
An unworkable day is defined as a half or whole day the Engineer declares to be
unworkable because of weather or conditions caused by the weather that prevents satisfactory
and timely performance of the Work shown on the critical path of the Contractor’s approved
progress schedule. Other conditions beyond the control of the Contractor may qualify for an
extension of time in accordance with Section 1-08.8.
Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the 21st calendar day after the
date the Contracting Agency executes the Contract. If the Contractor starts Work on the project
at an earlier date, then Contract time shall begin on the first working day when on-site Work
begins. The Contract Provisions may specify another starting date for Contract time, in which
case, time will begin on the starting date specified.
Each working day shall be charged to the Contract as it occurs, until the Contract Work
is physically complete. If Substantial Completion has been granted and all the authorized
working days have been used, charging of working days will cease. Each week the Engineer
will provide the Contractor a statement that shows the number of working days: (1) charged
to the Contract the week before; (2) specified for the Physical Completion of the Contract;
and (3) remaining for the Physical Completion of the Contract. The statement will also show
the nonworking days and any half or whole day the Engineer declares as unworkable. Within
10 calendar days after the date of each statement, the Contractor shall file a written protest
of any alleged discrepancies in it. To be considered by the Engineer, the protest shall be in
sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of time disputed.
By not filing such detailed protest in that period, the Contractor shall be deemed as having
accepted the statement as correct.
The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the Physical Completion Date for
all Work the Contract requires. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the
Contract, but shall not imply the Secretary’s acceptance of the Work or the Contract.
The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the Completion Date of the
Contract after all the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract have been performed by the
Contractor. The following events must occur before the Completion Date can be established:
1. The physical Work on the project must be complete; and
2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required by the Contract and required
by law, to allow the Contracting Agency to process final acceptance of the Contract.
The following documents must be received by the Engineer prior to establishing a
Completion Date:
a. Certified Payrolls (Federal-aid Projects)
b. Material Acceptance Certification Documents
c. Monthly Reports of Amounts Paid as MBE/WBE Participants, or Monthly Reports
of Amounts Credited as DBE Participation, as required by the Contract Provisions
d. Final Contract Voucher Certification
e. Copies of the approved “Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid” for the Contractor
and all Subcontractors
1-08.6 Suspension of Work
The Engineer may order suspension of all or any part of the Work if:
1. Unsuitable weather prevents satisfactory and timely performance of the Work; or
2. The Contractor does not comply with the Contract; or
3. It is in the public interest.
When ordered by the Engineer to suspend or resume Work, the Contractor shall do so
If the Work is suspended for reason (1) above, the period of Work stoppage will be counted
as unworkable days. But if the Engineer believes the Contractor should have completed the
suspended Work before the suspension, all or part of the suspension period may be counted
as working days. The Engineer will set the number of unworkable days (or parts of days) by
deciding how long the suspension delayed the entire project.
If the Work is suspended for reason (2) above, the period of Work stoppage will be counted
as working days. The lost Work time, however, shall not relieve the Contractor from any
Contract responsibility.
If the performance of all or any part of the Work is suspended, delayed, or interrupted for
an unreasonable period of time by an act of the Contracting Agency in the administration
of the Contract, or by failure to act within the time specified in the Contract (or if no time is
specified, within a reasonable time), the Engineer will make an adjustment for any increase
in the cost or time for the performance of the Contract (excluding profit) necessarily caused
by the suspension, delay, or interruption. However, no adjustment will be made for any
suspension, delay, or interruption if (1) the performance would have been suspended, delayed,
or interrupted by any other cause, including the fault or negligence of the Contractor, or (2) an
equitable adjustment is provided for or excluded under any other provision of the Contract.
If the Contractor believes that the performance of the Work is suspended, delayed, or
interrupted for an unreasonable period of time and such suspension, delay, or interruption
is the responsibility of the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall immediately submit a
written notice of protest to the Engineer as provided in Section 1-04.5. No adjustment shall
be allowed for any costs incurred more than 10 calendar days before the date the Engineer
receives the Contractor’s written notice of protest. If the Contractor contends damages have
been suffered as a result of such suspension, delay, or interruption, the protest shall not be
allowed unless the protest (stating the amount of damages) is asserted in writing as soon
as practicable, but no later than the date of the Contractor’s signature on the Final Contract
Voucher Certification. The Contractor shall keep full and complete records of the costs and
additional time of such suspension, delay, or interruption and shall permit the Engineer to have
access to those records and any other records as may be deemed necessary by the Engineer to
assist in evaluating the protest.
The Engineer will determine if an equitable adjustment in cost or time is due as provided
in this section. The equitable adjustment for increase in costs, if due, shall be subject to the
limitations provided in Section 1-09.4, provided that no profit of any kind will be allowed
on any increase in cost necessarily caused by the suspension, delay, or interruption.
Request for extensions of time will be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-08.8.
The Engineer’s determination as to whether an adjustment should be made will be final
as provided in Section 1-05.1.
No claim by the Contractor under this clause shall be allowed unless the Contractor has
followed the procedures provided in this section and in Sections 1-04.5 and 1-09.11.
1-08.7 Maintenance During Suspension
Before and during any suspension (as described in Section 1-08.6) the Contractor shall
protect the Work from damage or deterioration. Suspension shall not relieve the Contractor
from anything the Contract requires unless this section states otherwise.
At no expense to the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide through the
construction area safe, smooth, and unobstructed roadways and pedestrian access routes for
public use during the suspension (as required in Section 1-07.23 or the Special Provisions).
This may include a temporary road, alternative pedestrian access route or detour.
If the Engineer determines that the Contractor failed to pursue the Work diligently before
the suspension, or failed to comply with the Contract or orders, then the Contractor shall
maintain the temporary Roadway in use during suspension. In this case, the Contractor shall
bear the maintenance costs. If the Contractor fails to maintain the temporary Roadway, the
Contracting Agency will do the Work and deduct all resulting costs from payments due to
the Contractor.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 1-81
1-08 Prosecution and Progress
If the Engineer determines that the Contractor has pursued the Work diligently before the
suspension, then the Contracting Agency will maintain the temporary Roadway (and bear
its cost). This Contracting Agency-provided maintenance work will include only routine
maintenance of:
1. The Traveled Way, Auxiliary Lanes, Shoulders, and detour surface;
2. Roadway drainage along and under the traveled Roadway or detour; and
3. All barricades, signs, and lights needed for directing traffic through the temporary
Roadway or detour in the construction area.
The Contractor shall protect and maintain all other Work in areas not used by traffic.
All costs associated with protecting and maintaining such Work shall be the responsibility
of the Contractor except those costs associated with implementing the TESC Plan according
to Section 8-01.
After any suspension during which the Contracting Agency has done the routine
maintenance, the Contractor shall accept the traveled Roadway or detour as is when Work
resumes. The Contractor shall make no claim against the Contracting Agency for the condition
of the Roadway or detour.
After any suspension, the Contractor shall resume all responsibilities the Contract assigns
for the Work.
1-08.8 Extensions of Time
The Contractor shall submit any requests for time extensions to the Engineer in writing
no later than 10 working days after the delay occurs. The requests for time extension shall be
limited to the effect on the critical path of the Contractor’s approved schedule attributable to
the change or event giving rise to the request.
To be considered by the Engineer, the request shall be in sufficient detail (as determined by
the Engineer) to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of the time requested.
The request shall include an updated schedule that supports the request and demonstrates
that the change or event: (1) had a specific impact on the critical path, and except in cases of
concurrent delay, was the sole cause of such impact, and (2) could not have been avoided by
resequencing of the Work or by using other reasonable alternatives. If a request combined
with previous extension requests, equals 20 percent or more of the original Contract time
then the Contractor’s letter of request must bear consent of Surety. In evaluating any request,
the Engineer will consider how well the Contractor used the time from Contract execution
up to the point of the delay and the effect the delay has on any completion times included in
the Special Provisions. The Engineer will evaluate and respond within 15 calendar days of
receiving the request.
The authorized time for Physical Completion will be extended for a period equal to the
time the Engineer determines the Work was delayed because of:
1. Adverse weather causing the time requested to be unworkable, provided that the
Engineer had not already declared the time to be unworkable and the Contractor has
filed a written protest according to Section 1-08.5.
2. Any action, neglect, or default of the Contracting Agency, its officers, or employees,
or of any other contractor employed by the Contracting Agency.
3. Fire or other casualty for which the Contractor is not responsible.
4. Strikes.
5. Any other conditions for which these Specifications permit time extensions such as:
a. In Section 1-04.4 if a change increases the time to do any of the Work including
unchanged Work.
b. In Section 1-04.5 if increased time is part of a protest that is found to be a
valid protest.
c. In Section 1-04.7 if a changed condition is determined to exist that caused a
delay in completing the Contract.
d. In Section 1-05.3 if the Contracting Agency does not approve properly prepared
and acceptable drawings within 30 calendar days.
e. In Section 1-07.13 if the performance of the Work is delayed as a result of damage
by others.
f. In Section 1-07.17 if the removal or the relocation of any utility by forces other
than the Contractor caused a delay.
g. In Section 1-07.24 if a delay results from all the Right of Way necessary for
the construction not being purchased and the Special Provisions does not make
specific provisions regarding unpurchased Right of Way.
h. In Section 1-08.6 if the performance of the Work is suspended, delayed, or
interrupted for an unreasonable period of time that proves to be the responsibility
of the Contracting Agency.
i. In Section 1-09.11 if a dispute or claim also involves a delay in completing the
Contract and the dispute or claim proves to be valid.
j. In Section 1-09.6 for Work performed on a force account basis.
6. If the actual quantity of Work performed for a Bid item was more than the original
Plan quantity and increased the duration of a critical activity. Extensions of time will
be limited to only that quantity exceeding the original Plan quantity.
7. Exceptional causes not specifically identified in items 1 through 6, provided the request
letter proves the Contractor had no control over the cause of the delay and could have
done nothing to avoid or shorten it.
Working days added to the Contract by time extensions, when time has overran, shall only
apply to days on which liquidated damages or direct engineering have been charged, such as
the following:
If Substantial Completion has been granted prior to all of the authorized working days
being used, then the number of days in the time extension will eliminate an equal number
of days on which direct engineering charges have accrued. If the Substantial Completion
Date is established after all of the authorized working days have been used, then the
number of days in the time extension will eliminate an equal number of days on which
liquidated damages or direct engineering charges have accrued.
The Engineer will not allow a time extension for any cause listed above if it resulted from
the Contractor’s default, collusion, action or inaction, or failure to comply with the Contract.
The Contracting Agency considers the time specified in the Special Provisions as sufficient
to do all the Work. For this reason, the Contracting Agency will not grant a time extension for:
1. Failure to obtain all materials and workers unless the failure was the result of
exceptional causes as provided above in Subsection 7;
2. Changes, protests, increased quantities, or changed conditions (Section 1-04) that do
not delay the completion of the Contract or prove to be an invalid or inappropriate time
extension request;
3. Delays caused by nonapproval of drawings or plans as provided in Section 1-05.3;
4. Rejection of faulty or inappropriate equipment as provided in Section 1-05.9;
5. Correction of thickness deficiency as provided in Section 5-05.5(1)B.
The Engineer will determine whether the time extension should be granted, the reasons
for the extension, and the duration of the extension, if any. Such determination will be final
as provided in Section 1-05.1.
1-08.9 Liquidated Damages
Time is of the essence of the Contract. Delays inconvenience the traveling public, obstruct
traffic, interfere with and delay commerce, and increase risk to Highway users. Delays also
cost tax payers undue sums of money, adding time needed for administration, engineering,
inspection, and supervision.
If a notice of termination for default has been issued and it is later determined for any
reason that the Contractor was not in default, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be
the same as if the notice of termination had been issued pursuant to Termination for Public
Convenience in Section 1-08.10(2). This shall include termination for default because of
failure to prosecute the Work, and the delay was found to be excusable under the provisions
of Section 1-08.8.
1-08.10(2) Termination for Public Convenience
The Engineer may terminate the Contract in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever:
1. The Contractor is prevented from proceeding with the Work as a direct result of an
Executive Order of the President with respect to the prosecution of war or in the interest
of national defense; or an Executive Order of the President or Governor of the State
with respect to the preservation of energy resources;
2. The Contractor is prevented from proceeding with the Work by reason of a preliminary,
special, or permanent restraining order of a court of competent jurisdiction where the
issuance of such restraining order is primarily caused by acts or omissions of persons
or agencies other than the Contractor; or
3. The Engineer determines that such termination is in the best interests of the
Contracting Agency.
1-08.10(3) Termination for Public Convenience Payment Request
After receipt of Termination for Public Convenience as provided in Section 1-08.10(2),
the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Agency a request for costs associated with the
termination. The request shall be prepared in accordance with the claim procedures outlined
in Sections 1-09.11 and 1-09.12. The request shall be submitted promptly but in no event later
than 90 calendar days from the effective date of termination.
The Contractor agrees to make all records available to the extent deemed necessary by the
Engineer to verify the costs in the Contractor’s payment request.
1-08.10(4) Payment for Termination for Public Convenience
Whenever the Contract is terminated in accordance with Section 1-08.10(2), payment
will be made in accordance with Section 1-09.5 for the actual Work performed.
If the Contracting Agency and the Contractor cannot agree as to the proper amount
of payment, then the matter will be resolved as outlined in Section 1-09.13 except that,
if the termination occurs because of the issuance of a restraining order as provided in
Section 1-08.10(2), the matter will be resolved through mandatory and binding arbitration
as described in Sections 1-09.13(3)A and B, regardless of the amount of the claim.
1-08.10(5) Responsibility of the Contractor and Surety
Termination of a Contract shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibilities under
the Contract for Work performed. Nor shall termination of the Contract relieve the Surety
or Sureties of obligations under the Contract Bond or retainage bond for Work performed.
Standard Manufactured Items (fence, wire, plates, rolled shapes, pipe conduit, etc.,
when specified) – Measured by the manufacturer’s identification of gage, unit weight, section
dimension, etc. The Engineer will accept manufacturing tolerances set by each industry unless
cited Specifications require more stringent tolerances.
Cement – Measured by the pound, ton, or sack. A sack shall be 94 pounds.
Asphalt – Measured by the gallon or ton. If measured by gallon, measurement will be
made at 60 F (or will be corrected to the volume at 60 F in keeping with ASTM D1250).
If shipped by rail, truck, or transport, measurement will be by net certified scale masses
or certified volumes (corrected for material lost en route or not actually incorporated into
the Work).
No measurement will be made for:
1. Work performed or materials placed outside lines shown in the Plans or set by
the Engineer;
2. Materials wasted, used, or disposed of in a manner contrary to the Contract;
3. Rejected materials (including those rejected after placement if the rejection resulted
from the Contractor’s failure to comply with the Contract);
4. Hauling and disposing of rejected materials;
5. Material remaining on hand after the Work is completed, except as provided in
Sections 1-09.5 and 1-09.10; or
6. Any other Work or material contrary to any Contract Provision.
1-09.2 Weighing Equipment
1-09.2(1) General Requirements for Weighing Equipment
Unless specified otherwise, any Highway or bridge construction materials to be
proportioned or measured and paid for by weight shall be weighed on a scale.
Scales – Scales shall:
1. Be accurate to within 0.5 percent of the correct weight throughout the range of use;
2. Not include spring balances;
3. Include beams, dials, or other reliable readout equipment;
4. Be built to prevent scale parts from binding, vibrating, or being displaced and to
protect all working parts from falling material, wind, and weather; and
5. Be carefully maintained, with bunkers and platforms kept clear of accumulated
materials that could cause errors and with knife edges given extra care and protection.
Scale Operations – “Contractor-provided scale operations” are defined as operations
where a scale is set up by the Contractor specifically for the project and most, if not all,
material weighed on the scale is utilized for Contract Work. In this situation, the Contractor
shall provide a person to operate the project scale, write tickets, perform scale checks and
prepare reports.
“Commercial scale operations” include the use of established scales used to sell materials
to the public on a regular basis. In addition, for the purposes of this Specification, all batch,
hopper, and belt scales are considered to be commercial scales. When a commercial scale is
used as the project scale, the Contractor may utilize a commercial scale operator provided it
is at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
In addition, the Contractor shall ensure that:
1. The Engineer is allowed to observe the weighing operation and check the daily scale
weight record;
2. Scale verification checks are performed at the direction of the Contracting Agency
(see Section 1-09.2(5));
3. Several times each day, the scale operator records and makes certain the platform scale
balances and returns to zero when the load is removed; and
4. Test results and scale weight records for each day’s hauling operations are provided to
the Engineer daily. Unless otherwise approved, reporting shall utilize WSDOT Form
422-027 Scaleman’s Daily Report.
Trucks and Tickets – Each truck to be weighed shall bear a unique identification
number. This number shall be legible and in plain view of the scale operator. Each vehicle
operator shall obtain a weigh or load ticket from the scale operator. The Contracting Agency
will provide item quantity tickets for scales that are not self-printing. The Contractor
shall provide tickets for self-printing scales. All tickets shall, at a minimum, contain the
following information:
1. Date of haul;
2. Contract number;
3. Contract unit Bid item;
4. Unit of measure;
5. Identification number of hauling vehicle; and
6. Weight delivered:
a. Net weight in the case of batch and hopper scales.
b. Gross weight, tare and net weight in the case of platform scales (tare may be omitted
if a tare beam is used).
c. Approximate load out weight in the case of belt conveyor scales.
The vehicle operator shall deliver the ticket in legible condition to the material receiver at
the material delivery point. The material delivery point is defined as the location where the
material is incorporated into the permanent Work.
1-09.2(2) Specific Requirements for Batching Scales
Each batching scale shall be designed to support a weighing container. The arrangement
shall make it convenient for the operator to remove material from the weighing container
while watching readout devices. Any weighing container mounted on a platform scale shall
have its center of gravity directly over the platform centerline. Batching scales used for
portland cement concrete or hot mix asphalt shall not be used for batching other materials.
Readout devices used for batching or hopper scales shall be marked at intervals evenly
spaced throughout and shall be based on the scale’s nominal rated capacity. These intervals
shall not exceed one-tenth of 1 percent of the nominal rated capacity. Before use at a new site
and then at 6-month intervals, all batching and hopper scales shall be: approved under rules
of the Weights and Measures Section of the Washington State Department of Agriculture, or
serviced and tested with at least 10,000 pounds by an agent of its manufacturer. In either case,
the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a copy of the final test results.
1-09.2(3) Specific Requirements for Platform Scales
Each platform scale shall be able to weigh the entire hauling vehicle or combination
of connected vehicles at one time. No part of the vehicle or vehicle combination will be
permitted off the platform as it is weighed. A tare weight shall be taken of each hauling vehicle
at least once daily.
Any platform scale shall be installed and maintained with the platform level and with rigid
bulkheads at either end to prevent binding or shifting. The readout device shall be marked at
intervals of no more than 40 pounds. Test records shall show results to the nearest 20 pounds.
During weighing operations, weights shall be read and recorded to the nearest 100 pounds.
Before use at a new site and then at 6-month intervals, any platform scale shall be: approved
under rules of the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Weights and Measures
Section, or serviced and tested with at least 10,000 pounds by an agent of its manufacturer.
In either case, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a copy of the final test results.
1-09.2(6) Payment
Unless specified otherwise, the Contracting Agency will pay for no materials received by
weight unless they have been weighed as required in this section or as required by another
method the Engineer has approved in writing.
The Contractor shall not be compensated for any loss from underweighing that is revealed
by scale verification checks.
If scale verification checks reveal that the scale is overweighing, then payment for all
material weighed since the last valid scale verification check will be adjusted. The Contracting
Agency will calculate the combined weight of all materials weighed after the last verification
check showing accurate results. This combined weight will then be reduced for payment by
the percentage of scale error that exceeds 0.5 percent unless the Contractor demonstrates to
the satisfaction of the Engineer that the defect in the scale was present for a lesser period
of time.
Unit Contract prices for the various pay items of the project cover all costs related to
weighing and proportioning materials for payment. These costs include but are not limited to:
1. Furnishing, installing, certifying, and maintaining scales;
2. Providing a weigher to operate a Contractor-provided scale;
3. Providing a weigher to operate a commercial scale, if necessary;
4. Providing self-printing tickets, if necessary;
5. Rerouting a truck for verification weighing;
6. Assisting the Engineer with scale verification checks;
7. Any other related costs associated with meeting the requirements of this section.
1-09.3 Scope of Payment
The payment provided for in the Contract shall be full payment to the Contractor for:
1. Furnishing all materials and performing all Work under the Contract (including changes
in the work, materials, or Plans) in a complete and acceptable manner;
2. All risk, loss, damage, or expense of whatever character arising out of the nature or
prosecution of the work; and
3. All expense incurred resulting from a suspension or discontinuance of the Work as
specified under the Contract.
The payment of any estimate or retained percentage shall not relieve the Contractor of the
obligation to make good any defective Work or materials.
Unless the Plans and Special Provisions provide otherwise, the unit Contract prices for the
various Bids items shall be full payment for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools,
and all other things required to completely incorporate the item into the Work as though the
item were to read “In Place”.
If the “Payment” clause in the Specifications, for an item included in the Proposal, covers
and considers all Work and material essential to that item, then the Work or materials will not
be measured or paid for under any other item that may appear elsewhere in the Proposal or
Certain payment items appearing in these Specifications may be modified in the Plans and
Proposal to include:
1. The words “For Structure”, “For Concrete Barrier”, “For Bridge”, etc., with the intent
of clarifying specific use of the item; or
2. The words “Site (Site Designation)”, with the intent of clarifying where a specific item
of Work is to be performed.
Modification of payment items in this manner shall in no way change the intent of the
Specifications relating to these items.
6. No claim for damages of any kind or for loss of anticipated profits on deleted or
terminated Work will be allowed because of the termination or change order.
Contract time shall be adjusted as the parties agree. If the parties cannot agree, the
Engineer will determine the equitable adjustment for Contract time.
Acceptable materials ordered by the Contractor prior to the date the Work was terminated
as provided in Section 1-08.10(2) or deleted as provided in Section 1-04.4 by the Engineer,
will either be purchased from the Contractor by the Contracting Agency at the actual cost
and shall become the property of the Contracting Agency, or the Contracting Agency will
reimburse the Contractor for the actual costs connected with returning these materials
to the suppliers.
1-09.6 Force Account
The terms of the Contract or of a change order may call for Work or material to
be paid for by force account. If so, then the objective of this Specification is to reimburse
the Contractor for all costs associated with the Work, including costs of labor, small tools,
supplies, equipment, specialized services, materials, applicable taxes and overhead and
to include a profit commensurate with those costs. The amount to be paid shall be determined
as described in this section.
1. For Labor – Labor reimbursement calculations shall be based on a “Project Labor
List” (List) prepared and submitted by the Contractor and by any Subcontractor before
that firm commences force account Work. Once a List is approved by the Engineer,
it shall be used to calculate force account labor payment until a new List is submitted
and approved. The Engineer may compare the List to payrolls and other documents
and may, at any time, require the Contractor to submit a new List. The Contractor may
submit a new List at any time without such a requirement. Prior payment calculations
shall not be adjusted as a result of a new List.
To be approved, the List must be accurate and meet the requirements of this
section. It shall include regular time and overtime rates for all employees (or work
classifications) expected to participate in force account Work. The rates shall include
the basic wage and fringe benefits, the current rates for Federal Insurance Compensation
Act (FICA), Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) and State Unemployment Tax
Act (SUTA), the company’s present rates for Medical Aid and Industrial Insurance
premiums and the planned payments for travel and per diem compensation.
In the event that an acceptable initial List or requested revised List is not received
by the time that force account calculations are begun, the Engineer will develop a List
unilaterally, utilizing the best data available, that will be used until a Contractor’s List
is received and approved. Again, prior calculations, prepared using the Engineer’s List,
will not be revised as a result of differences with the Contractor’s List.
In addition to compensation for direct labor costs defined above, the Contracting
Agency will pay Contractor 29 percent of the sum of the costs calculated for labor
reimbursement to cover project overhead, general company overhead, profit, bonding,
insurance required by Sections 1-07.10 and 1-07.18, Business & Occupation tax,
and any other costs incurred. This amount will include any costs of safety training
and health tests, but will not include such costs for unique force account Work that is
different from typical Work and which could not have been anticipated at time of Bid.
2. For Materials – The Contracting Agency will reimburse invoice cost for Contractor-
supplied materials. For the purpose of this provision, “Materials” shall include those
items incorporated into the Work, supplies used during the Work and items consumed.
This cost shall include freight and handling charges and applicable taxes. Before Work
is started, the Engineer may require the Contractor to obtain multiple quotations for the
materials to be utilized and select the vendor with prices and terms most advantageous
to the Contracting Agency.
The Contracting Agency will provide a list of the types and quantities of Contractor-
supplied materials witnessed by the Contracting Agency as being utilized in force
account Work. The list will be furnished promptly after the material is incorporated,
on a daily basis unless agreed otherwise. The Contractor may propose corrections to
the list and will supply prices for the materials and other costs and return the list to the
Contracting Agency. To support the prices, the Contractor shall attach valid copies of
vendor invoices. If invoices are not available for materials from the Contractor’s stocks,
the Contractor shall certify actual costs (at a reasonable level) by affidavit. The Engineer
will review the prices and any Contractor-proposed corrections and, if reasonable,
approve the completed list. Once approved, the prices will be utilized in the calculation
of force account reimbursement for materials.
If, in the case of non-invoiced materials supported by Contractor affidavit, the price
appears to be unreasonable, the Engineer will determine the cost for all or part of
those materials, utilizing the best data available.
The Contracting Agency reserves the right to provide materials. In this case, the
Contractor will receive no payment for any costs, overhead, or profit arising from
the value of the materials themselves. Additional costs to handle and place the
Agency‑furnished material shall be compensated as described in this Specification.
In addition to compensation for direct materials cost, the Contracting Agency
will pay the Contractor 21 percent of the sum of the costs calculated for materials
reimbursement to cover project overhead, general company overhead, profit, bonding,
insurance, required by Sections 1-07.10 and 1-07.18, Business & Occupation tax, and
any other costs incurred.
3. For Equipment – The Contracting Agency will reimburse the Contractor for the cost
of equipment utilized in the Work. The equipment provided by the Contractor shall be
of modern design and in good working condition. For the purpose of this provision,
“provided” shall mean that the equipment is owned (either through outright ownership
or through a long-term lease) and operated by the Contractor or Subcontractor or that
the equipment is rented and operated by the Contractor or Subcontractor. Equipment
that is rented with operator shall not be included here, but shall be considered a service
and addressed according to Subsection 4 of this provision.
The amount of payment for any Contractor-owned equipment that is utilized shall be
determined according to the version of the AGC/WSDOT Equipment Rental Agreement
which is in effect at the time the force account is authorized. The rates listed in the
Rental Rate Blue Book (as modified by the current AGC/WSDOT Equipment Rental
Agreement) shall be full compensation for all fuel, oil, lubrication, ordinary repairs,
maintenance, and all other costs incidental to furnishing and operating the equipment
except labor for operation.
Payment for rented equipment will be made on the basis of a valid invoice, covering
the time period of the Work. Before Work is started, the Engineer may require the
Contractor to obtain multiple quotations for the rental of equipment to be utilized
and select the vendor with prices and terms most advantageous to the Contracting
Agency. In the event that prior quotations are not obtained and the vendor is not a firm
independent from the Contractor or Subcontractor, then after-the-fact quotations may
be obtained by the Engineer from the open market in the vicinity and the lowest such
quotation may be used in place of submitted invoice.
In addition to the payments for Contractor-owned and rented equipment, one or more
lump-sum payments may be made for small tools. The amount to be paid shall be
determined as outlined in the AGC/WSDOT Equipment Rental Agreement.
The Contracting Agency will add 21 percent to equipment costs to cover project
overhead, general company overhead, profit, bonding, insurance, required by Sections
1-07.10 and 1-07.18, Business & Occupation tax, and any other costs incurred.
This markup will be over and above those equipment costs and will not be adjusted for
any equipment overhead amounts included in the Blue Book rates.
Copies of the AGC/WSDOT Equipment Rental Agreement will be maintained on the
Contracting Agency’s website at
4. For Services – Compensation under force account for specialized services shall be
made on the basis of an invoice from the providing entity. A “specialized service”
is a work operation that is not typically done by worker classifications as defined by
the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and by the Davis Bacon Act,
and therefore bills by invoice for work in road, bridge and municipal construction.
Before Work is started, the Engineer may require the Contractor to obtain multiple
quotations for the service to be utilized and select the provider with prices and terms
most advantageous to the Contracting Agency. In the event that prior quotations are
not obtained and the service invoice is submitted by a Subcontractor, then after-the-fact
quotations may be obtained by the Engineer from the open market in the vicinity and
the lowest such quotation may be used in place of the submitted invoice.
Except as noted below, the Contracting Agency will pay the Contractor an additional
21 percent of the sum of the costs included on invoices for specialized services to cover
project overhead, general company overhead, profit, bonding, insurance, required by
Sections 1-07.10 and 1-07.18, Business & Occupation tax, and any other costs incurred.
When a supplier of services is compensated through invoice, but acts in the
manner of a Subcontractor, as described in Subsection 6 of this provision, then
markup for that invoice shall be according to Subsection 6, “Contractor Markup on
Subcontractors’ Work”.
5. For Mobilization – Force account mobilization is defined as the preparatory Work
performed by the Contractor including procurement, loading and transportation of
tools and equipment, and personal travel time (when such travel time is a contractual
obligation of the Contractor or a customary payment for the Contractor to all
employees). Mobilization also includes the costs incurred during demobilization.
Pro‑rata adjustments may be made when the mobilization applies to both force account
and other Contract Work. The Contracting Agency will pay for mobilization for off-
site preparatory Work for force account items provided that notice has been provided
sufficiently in advance to allow the Engineer to witness the activity, if desired.
Any costs experienced during mobilization activities for labor, equipment, materials
or services shall be listed in those sections of the force account summary and
paid accordingly.
6. For Contractor Markup on Subcontractor’s Work – When Work is performed
on a force account basis by one or more approved Subcontractors, by lower-tier
subcontractors or suppliers, or through invoice by firm(s) acting in the manner of a
Subcontractor, the Contractor will be allowed an additional markup, from the table
below, applied to the costs computed for Work done by each Subcontractor through
Subsections 1, 2, 3, and 4, to compensate for all administrative costs, including project
overhead, general company overhead, profit, bonding, insurance required by Sections
1-07.10 and 1-07.18, Business & Occupation tax, and any other costs incurred.
A firm may be considered to be acting as a Subcontractor when the Engineer observes
one or more of the following characteristics:
a. The person in charge of the firm’s activities takes an active role in managing
the overall project, including extensive coordination, interpretation of Plans,
interaction with the Contracting Agency or management of a complex and
interrelated operation.
b. Rented equipment is provided fueled, operated and maintained by the firm.
Operators of rented equipment are supervised directly by the firm’s representative.
There is little interaction between the Contractor and the employees of the firm.
c. The firm appears to be holding the risk of performance and quality of the Work.
d. The firm appears to be responsible for liability arising from the Work.
Markups on Work Performed by Subcontractor(s):
(1) On amounts paid for Work performed by each Subcontractor
on each force account and calculated through
Subsections 1-4, up to $25,000 12 percent
(2) On amounts greater than $25,000 up to $100,000 10 percent
(3) On amounts greater than $100,000 7 percent
The amounts and markup rates shall be calculated separately for each Subcontractor
on each force account item established.
The payments provided above shall be full payment for all Work done on a force account
basis. The calculated payment shall cover all expenses of every nature, kind, and description,
including those listed above and any others incurred on the Work being paid through force
account. Nothing in this provision shall preclude the Contractor from seeking an extension
of time or time-related damages to unchanged Work arising as a result of the force account
Work. The amount and costs of any Work to be paid by force account shall be computed by
the Engineer, and the result shall be final as provided in Section 1-05.1.
An item that has been Bid at a unit price or lump sum in the Proposal will not be paid as
force account unless a change as defined in Section 1-04.4 has occurred and the provisions
require a payment adjustment. Items which are included in the Proposal as Force Account or
which are added by change order as Force Account may, by agreement of the parties at any
time, be converted to agreed unit prices or lump sums applicable to the remaining Work.
1-09.7 Mobilization
Mobilization consists of preconstruction expenses and the costs of preparatory Work and
operations performed by the Contractor which occur before 10 percent of the total original
Contract amount is earned from other Contract items. Items which are not to be included in
the item of Mobilization include but are not limited to:
1. Any portion of the Work covered by the specific Contract item or incidental Work
which is to be included in a Contract item or items.
2. Profit, interest on borrowed money, overhead, or management costs.
3. Any costs of mobilizing equipment for force account Work.
Based on the lump sum Contract price for “Mobilization”, partial payments will be made
as follows:
1. When 5 percent of the total original Contract amount is earned from other Contract
items, excluding amounts paid for materials on hand, 50 percent of the amount Bid for
mobilization, or 5 percent of the total original Contract amount, whichever is the least,
will be paid.
2. When 10 percent of the total original Contract amount is earned from other Contract
items, excluding amounts paid for materials on hand, 100 percent of the amount Bid for
mobilization, or 10 percent of the total original Contract amount, whichever is the least,
will be paid.
3. When the Substantial Completion Date has been established for the project, payment of
any amount Bid for mobilization in excess of 10 percent of the total original Contract
amount will be paid.
Nothing herein shall be construed to limit or preclude partial payments otherwise provided
by the Contract.
Upon completion of all Work and after final inspection (Section 1-05.11), the amount
due the Contractor under the Contract will be paid based upon the final estimate made by the
Engineer and presentation of a Final Contract Voucher Certification signed by the Contractor.
Such voucher shall be deemed a release of all claims of the Contractor unless a claim is
filed in accordance with the requirements of Section 1-09.11 and is expressly excepted
from the Contractor’s certification on the Final Contract Voucher Certification. The date the
Secretary signs the Final Contract Voucher Certification constitutes the final acceptance date
(Section 1-05.12).
If the Contractor fails, refuses, or is unable to sign and return the Final Contract Voucher
Certification or any other documentation required for completion and final acceptance of
the Contract, the Contracting Agency reserves the right to establish a Completion Date
(for the purpose of meeting the requirements of RCW 60.28) and unilaterally accept the
Contract. Unilateral final acceptance will occur only after the Contractor has been provided
the opportunity, by written request from the Engineer, to voluntarily submit such documents.
If voluntary compliance is not achieved, formal notification of the impending establishment
of a Completion Date and unilateral final acceptance will be provided by certified letter
from the Secretary to the Contractor, which will provide 30 calendar days for the Contractor
to submit the necessary documents. The 30 calendar day period will begin on the date the
certified letter is received by the Contractor. The date the Secretary unilaterally signs the Final
Contract Voucher Certification shall constitute the Completion Date and the final acceptance
date (Section 1-05.12). The reservation by the Contracting Agency to unilaterally accept the
Contract will apply to Contracts that are Physically Completed in accordance with Section
1-08.5, or for Contracts that are terminated in accordance with Section 1-08.10. Unilateral
final acceptance of the Contract by the Contracting Agency does not in any way relieve the
Contractor of their responsibility to comply with all Federal, State, tribal, or local laws,
ordinances, and regulations that affect the Work under the Contract.
Payment to the Contractor of partial estimates, final estimates, and retained percentages
shall be subject to controlling laws.
1-09.9(1) Retainage
Pursuant to RCW 60.28, a sum of 5 percent of the monies earned by the Contractor will be
retained from progress estimates. Such retainage shall be used as a trust fund for the protection
and payment (1) to the State with respect to taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82 RCW, and
(2) the claims of any person arising under the Contract.
Monies retained under the provisions of RCW 60.28 shall, at the option of the Contractor, be:
1. Retained in a fund by the Contracting Agency; or
2. Deposited by the Contracting Agency in an escrow (interest-bearing) account in a bank,
mutual saving bank, or savings and loan association (interest on monies so retained
shall be paid to the Contractor). Deposits are to be in the name of the Contracting
Agency and are not to be allowed to be withdrawn without the Contracting Agency’s
written authorization. The Contracting Agency will issue a check representing the sum
of the monies reserved, payable to the bank or trust company. Such check shall be
converted into bonds and securities chosen by the Contractor as the interest accrues.
At the time the Contract is executed the Contractor shall designate the option desired. The
Contractor in choosing option (2) agrees to assume full responsibility to pay all costs that may
accrue from escrow services, brokerage charges or both, and further agrees to assume all risks
in connection with the investment of the retained percentages in securities. The Contracting
Agency may also, at its option, accept a bond in lieu of retainage.
Release of the retainage will be made 60 days following the Completion Date (pursuant to
RCW 39.12, and RCW 60.28) provided the following conditions are met:
1. On Contracts totaling more than $35,000, a release has been obtained from the
Washington State Department of Revenue.
2. Affidavits of Wages Paid for the Contractor and all Subcontractors are on file with the
Contracting Agency (RCW 39.12.040).
Page 1-98 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Measurement and Payment 1-09
them. The purpose of the Board response to such issues is to provide nonbinding findings
and recommendations designed to expose the disputing parties to an independent view of
the dispute.
The Board members will be especially knowledgeable in the type of construction involved
in the Project and shall discharge their responsibilities impartially and independently
considering the facts and conditions related to the matters under consideration and the
provisions of the Contract.
1-09.11(1)A Disputes Review Board Membership
The Board shall consist of one member selected by the Contracting Agency and one
member selected by the Contractor, with these two members to select the third member.
The first two members shall be mutually acceptable to both the Contracting Agency and the
Contractor. If one or both of the two members selected are not acceptable to the Contracting
Agency or Contractor, another selection shall be made.
The Contracting Agency and Contractor shall each select their respective Board member
and negotiate an agreement, separate and apart from this Contract, with their respective Board
member within 14 calendar days after the parties have agreed to establish a Board, as outlined
in Section 1-09.11(1).
The agreements with these two Board members shall contain language imposing the
“Scope of Work” and “Suggested Administrative Procedures” for Disputes Review Boards
available at These negotiated agreements shall also
include clauses that require the respective selected members to immediately pursue selection
of a third member. The goal is to obtain a third Board member who will complement the first
two by furnishing a needed expertise, which will facilitate the Board’s operations.
In case a member of the Board needs to be replaced, the replacement member will be
appointed in the same manner as the replaced member was appointed. The appointment
of a replacement Board member will begin promptly upon determination of the need for
replacement and shall be completed within 30 calendar days.
Service of a Board member may be terminated at any time with not less than 30 calendar
days notice as follows:
1. The Contracting Agency may terminate service of the Contracting Agency
appointed member.
2. The Contractor may terminate service of the Contractor appointed member.
3. The third member’s services may be terminated by agreement of the other two members.
4. By resignation of the member.
Termination of a member will be followed by appointment of a substitute as
specified above.
No member shall have a financial interest in the Contract, except for payments for services
on the Board. The Contracting Agency-selected member and the Contractor-selected member
shall not have been employed by the party who selected them within a period of 1 year;
except that, service as a member of other Disputes Review Boards on other contracts will not
preclude a member from serving on the Board for this Contract.
Compensation for the Board members, and the expenses of operation of the Board, shall
be shared by the Contracting Agency and Contractor in accordance with the following:
1. The Contracting Agency will compensate directly the wages and travel expense for
its selected member.
2. The Contractor shall compensate directly the wages and travel expense for its
selected member.
3. The Contracting Agency and Contractor shall share equally in the third member’s
wages and travel expense, and all of the operating expenses of the Board. These equally
shared expenses shall be billed to and paid by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor’s
share will be deducted from monies due or coming due the Contractor.
4. The Contracting Agency, through the Engineer, will provide administrative services,
such as conference facilities and secretarial services, to the Board and the Contracting
Agency will bear the costs for this service.
The Contracting Agency and Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Board
Members from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including but not limited
to, attorney’s fees arising out of and resulting from the actions and recommendations of
the Board.
1-09.11(1)B Disputes Review Board Procedures
The Board, the Contracting Agency, and the Contractor shall develop by agreement the
Board’s rules of operation and procedures to be followed for the Project. In developing the
agreement, the parties shall take into consideration their respective duties and responsibilities
set forth in the “Scope of Work” section of their agreements.
The parties may also consider the “Suggested Administrative Procedures” for the Board’s
operation included in their agreements. These Procedures express, in general terms, the policy
for the creation and operation of the Board.
No dispute shall be referred to the Board unless the Contractor has complied with the
requirements of Sections 1-04.5 and 1-09.11 and the parties have mutually agreed to refer the
dispute to the Board in an attempt to resolve the dispute prior to the Contractor filing a claim
according to Section 1-09.11(2). If the dispute is referred to the Board, then the Board will
consider the matter in dispute and provide recommendations concerning:
1. The interpretation of the Contract.
2. Entitlement to additional compensation or time for performance.
3. The amount of additional compensation or time for performance following a
recommendation of entitlement by the Board provided that; (1) the parties were not
able to reach a resolution as to the amount of the equitable adjustment or time; (2) the
Engineer has made a unilateral determination of the amount of compensation for time;
and (3) the Contractor has protested the Engineer’s unilateral determination.
4. Other subjects mutually agreed by the Contracting Agency and Contractor to be
a Board issue.
Once the Board is established, the dispute resolution process shall be as follows:
1. Board hearing dates will be scheduled by agreement of the parties.
2. The Contractor and the Contracting Agency shall each be afforded an opportunity
to be heard by the Board and to offer evidence. Either party furnishing any written
evidence or documentation to the Board must furnish copies of such information to the
other party a minimum of 15 calendar days prior to the date the Board sets to convene
the hearing for the dispute. Either party shall produce such additional evidence as the
Board may deem necessary to an understanding and determination of the dispute and
furnish copies to the other party.
3. After the hearing is concluded, the Board shall meet in private and reach a conclusion
supported by two or more members. Its findings and recommendations, together with its
reasons shall then be submitted as a written report to both parties. The recommendations
shall be based on the pertinent Contract Provisions and facts and circumstances
involved in the dispute. The Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of Washington. The Board shall make every effort to reach
a unanimous decision. If this proves impossible, the dissenting member may prepare
a minority report.
4. Within 30 calendar days of receiving the Board recommendations, both the Contracting
Agency and the Contractor shall respond to the other in writing signifying that the
dispute is either resolved or remains unresolved. Although both parties should place
weight upon the Board recommendations, the recommendations are not binding.
In the event the Board’s recommendations do not lead to resolution of the dispute,
all Board records and written recommendations, including any minority reports, will be
admissible as evidence in any subsequent litigation.
If the Board’s assistance does not resolve the dispute, the Contractor must file a claim
according to Section 1-09.11(2) before seeking any form of judicial relief.
1-09.11(2) Claims
If the Contractor claims that additional payment is due and the Contractor has pursued
and exhausted all the means provided in Sections 1-04.5 and 1-09.11(1) to resolve a dispute,
including the use of a Disputes Review Board if one was established, the Contractor may file
a claim as provided in this section. The Contractor agrees to waive any claim for additional
payment if the written notifications provided in Section 1-04.5 are not given, or if the Engineer
is not afforded reasonable access by the Contractor to complete records of actual cost and
additional time incurred as required by Section 1-04.5, or if a claim is not filed as provided
in this section. The fact that the Contractor has provided a proper notification, provided a
properly filed claim, or provided the Engineer access to records of actual cost, shall not in
any way be construed as proving or substantiating the validity of the claim. If the claim, after
consideration by the Engineer, is found to have merit, the Engineer will make an equitable
adjustment either in the amount of costs to be paid or in the time required for the Work,
or both. If the Engineer finds the claim to be without merit, no adjustment will be made.
All claims filed by the Contractor shall be in writing and in sufficient detail to enable the
Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of the claim. All claims shall be submitted to the
Engineer as provided in Section 1-05.15. As a minimum, the following information must
accompany each claim submitted:
1. A detailed factual statement of the claim for additional compensation and time, if any,
providing all necessary dates, locations, and items of Work affected by the claim.
2. The date on which facts arose which gave rise to the claim.
3. The name of each Contracting Agency individual, official, or employee involved
in or knowledgeable about the claim.
4. The specific provisions of the Contract which support the claim and a statement
of the reasons why such provisions support the claim.
5. If the claim relates to a decision of the Engineer which the Contract leaves to the
Engineer’s discretion or as to which the Contract provides that the Engineer’s decision
is final, the Contractor shall set out in detail all facts supporting its position relating
to the decision of the Engineer.
6. The identification of any documents and the substance of any oral communications
that support the claim.
7. Copies of any identified documents, other than Contracting Agency documents and
documents previously furnished to the Contracting Agency by the Contractor, that
support the claim (manuals which are standard to the industry, used by the Contractor,
may be included by reference).
8. If an extension of time is sought:
a. The specific days and dates for which it is sought,
b. The specific reasons the Contractor believes a time extension should be granted,
c. The specific provisions of Section 1-08.8 under which it is sought, and
d. The Contractor’s analysis of its progress schedule to demonstrate the reason for
a time extension.
9. If additional compensation is sought, the exact amount sought and a breakdown of that
amount into the following categories:
a. Labor;
b. Materials;
c. Direct equipment. The actual cost for each piece of equipment for which a claim
is made or in the absence of actual cost, the rates established by the AGC/WSDOT
Equipment Rental Agreement which was in effect when the Work was performed.
In no case shall the amounts claimed for each piece of equipment exceed the
rates established by that Equipment Rental Agreement even if the actual cost for
such equipment is higher. The Contracting Agency may audit the Contractor’s
cost records as provided in Section 1-09.12 to determine actual equipment cost.
The following information shall be provided for each piece of equipment:
(1) Detailed description (e.g., Motor Grader Diesel Powered Caterpillar 12 “G”,
Tractor Crawler ROPS & Dozer Included Diesel);
(2) The hours of use or standby; and
(3) The specific day and dates of use or standby;
d. Job overhead;
e. Overhead (general and administrative);
f. Subcontractor’s claims (in the same level of detail as specified herein is required
for any Subcontractor’s claims); and
g. Other categories as specified by the Contractor or the Contracting Agency.
10. A notarized statement shall be submitted to the Engineer containing the following
Under the penalty of law for perjury or falsification, the undersigned,
____________________________, ______________________________
(name) (title)
of _________________________________________________________
hereby certifies that the claim for extra compensation and time, if any, made
herein for Work on this Contract is a true statement of the actual costs incurred
and time sought, and is fully documented and supported under the Contract
between the parties.
Dated __________________________/s/__________________________
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:______________________________________
It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to keep full and complete records of the costs
and additional time incurred for any alleged claim. The Contractor shall permit the Engineer
to have access to those records and any other records as may be required by the Engineer to
determine the facts or contentions involved in the claim. The Contractor shall retain those
records for a period of not less than three years after final acceptance.
The Contractor shall pursue administrative resolution of any claim with the Engineer or
the designee of the Engineer.
Failure to submit with the Final Contract Voucher Certification such information and
details as described in this section for any claim shall operate as a waiver of the claims by the
Contractor as provided in Section 1-09.9.
Provided that the Contractor is in full compliance with all the provisions of this section and
after the formal claim document has been submitted, the Contracting Agency will respond,
in writing, to the Contractor as follows:
1. Within 45 calendar days from the date the claim is received by the Contracting Agency
if the claim amount is less than $100,000;
2. Within 90 calendar days from the date the claim is received by the Contracting Agency
if the claim amount is equal to or greater than $100,000; or
3. If the above restraints are unreasonable due to the complexity of the claim under
consideration, the Contractor will be notified within 15 calendar days from the date
the claim is received by the Contracting Agency as to the amount of time which will
be necessary for the Contracting Agency to prepare its response.
Full compliance by the Contractor with the provisions of this section is a contractual
condition precedent to the Contractor’s right to seek judicial relief.
1-09.11(3) Time Limitation and Jurisdiction
For the convenience of the parties to the Contract it is mutually agreed by the parties
that any claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the State of Washington
arising from the Contract shall be brought within 180 calendar days from the date of final
acceptance (Section 1-05.12) of the Contract by the State of Washington; and it is further
agreed that any such claims or causes of action shall be brought only in the Superior Court of
Thurston County. The parties understand and agree that the Contractor’s failure to bring suit
within the time period provided, shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action.
It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when any claims or causes of action which the
Contractor asserts against the State of Washington arising from the Contract are filed with the
State or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the State to have timely access to any
records deemed necessary by the State to assist in evaluating the claims or action.
1-09.12 Audits
1-09.12(1) General
The Contractor’s wage, payroll, and cost records on this Contract shall be open to
inspection or audit by representatives of the Contracting Agency during the life of the Contract
and for a period of not less than 3 years after the date of final acceptance of the Contract. The
Contractor shall retain these records for that period. The Contractor shall also guarantee that
the wage, payroll, and cost records of all Subcontractors and all lower tier Subcontractors
shall be retained and open to similar inspection or audit for the same period of time. The audit
may be performed by employees of the Contracting Agency or by an auditor under contract
with the Contracting Agency. The Contractor, Subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors
shall provide adequate facilities, acceptable to the Engineer, for the audit during normal
business hours. The Contractor, Subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors shall make a
good faith effort to cooperate with the auditors. If an audit is to be commenced more than
60 calendar days after the final acceptance date of the Contract, the Contractor will be given
20 calendar days notice of the time when the audit is to begin. If any litigation, claim, or audit
arising out of, in connection with, or related to this Contract is initiated, the wage, payroll,
and cost records shall be retained until such litigation, claim, or audit involving the records
is completed.
1-09.12(2) Claims
All claims filed against the Contracting Agency shall be subject to audit at any time
following the filing of the claim. Failure of the Contractor, Subcontractors, or lower tier
subcontractors to maintain and retain sufficient records to allow the auditors to verify all
or a portion of the claim or to permit the auditor access to the books and records of the
Contractor, Subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors shall constitute a waiver of a claim
and shall bar any recovery thereunder.
Upon failure of the Contractor to immediately provide flaggers; erect, maintain, and
remove signs; or provide, erect, maintain, and remove other traffic control devices when
ordered to do so by the Engineer, the Contracting Agency may, without further notice to
the Contractor or the Surety, perform any of the above and deduct all of the costs from the
Contractor’s payments.
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate labor, sufficient signs, and other
traffic control devices, and for performing traffic control procedures needed for the protection
of the Work and the public at all times regardless of whether or not the labor, devices or
procedures have been ordered by the Engineer, furnished by the Contracting Agency, or paid
for by the Contracting Agency.
Wherever possible when performing Contract Work, the Contractor’s equipment shall
follow normal and legal traffic movements. The Contractor’s ingress and egress of the Work
area shall be accomplished with as little disruption to traffic as possible. Traffic control devices
shall be removed by picking up the devices in a reverse sequence to that used for installation.
This may require moving backwards through the work zone. When located behind barrier or at
other locations shown on approved traffic control plans, equipment may operate in a direction
opposite to adjacent traffic.
The Contractor is advised that the Contracting Agency may have entered into operating
agreements with one or more law enforcement organizations for cooperative activities. Under
such agreements, at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, law enforcement personnel
may enter the work zone for enforcement purposes and may participate in the Contractor’s
traffic control activities. The responsibility under the Contract for all traffic control resides
with the Contractor and any such participation by law enforcement personnel in Contractor
traffic control activities will be referenced in the Special Provisions or will be preceded by
an agreement and, if appropriate, a cost adjustment. Nothing in this Contract is intended to
create an entitlement, on the part of the Contractor, to the services or participation of the law
enforcement organization.
1-10.2 Traffic Control Management
1-10.2(1) General
It is the Contractor’s responsibility to plan, conduct, and safely perform the Work. The
Contractor shall manage temporary traffic control with his or her own staff. Traffic control
management responsibilities shall be formally assigned to one or more company supervisors
who are actively involved in the planning and management of field Contract activities. The
Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a copy of the formal assignment. The duties of
traffic control management may not be subcontracted.
The Contractor shall designate an individual or individuals to perform the duties of the
primary Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS). The designation shall also identify an alternate
TCS who can assume the duties of the primary TCS in the event of that person’s inability to
perform. The TCS shall be responsible for safe implementation of approved Traffic Control
Plans provided by the Contractor.
The primary and alternate TCS shall be certified by one of the organizations listed in the
Special Provisions. Possession of a current Washington State TCS card and flagging card by
the primary and alternate TCS is mandatory. A traffic control management assignment and a
TCS designation are required on all projects that will utilize traffic control.
The Contractor shall maintain 24-hour telephone numbers at which the Contractor’s
assigned traffic control management personnel and the TCS can be contacted and be available
upon the Engineer’s request at other than normal working hours. These persons shall have
the resources, ability and authority to expeditiously correct any deficiency in the traffic
control system.
3. Preparing a daily traffic control diary on each day that traffic control is performed
using WSDOT Form 421-040A and 421-040B, and submitting them to the Engineer
no later than the end of the next working day. The Contractor may use alternate forms
if approved by the Engineer. Diary entries shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Time of day when signs and traffic control devices are installed and removed,
b. Location and condition of signs and traffic control devices,
c. Revisions to the traffic control plan,
d. Lighting utilized at night, and
e. Observations of traffic conditions.
4. Making minor revisions to the traffic control plan to accommodate site conditions
provided that the original intent of the traffic control plan is maintained and the revision
has the concurrence of both the Contractor and the Engineer.
5. Attending traffic control coordinating meetings or coordination activities as necessary
for full understanding and effective performance.
6. Ensuring that all needed traffic control devices and equipment are available and in good
working condition prior to the need to install or utilize them.
7. Ensuring that all pedestrian routes or access points, existing or temporary, are kept
clear and free of obstructions and that all temporary pedestrian routes or access
points are detectable and accessible to persons with disabilities as provided for in the
approved Plans.
The TCS may perform the Work described in Section 1-10.3(1)A Flaggers or in Section
1-10.3(1)B Other Traffic Control Labor and be compensated under those Bid items, provided
that the duties of the TCS are accomplished.
1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans
The traffic control plan or plans appearing in the Contract documents show a method
of handling vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. All construction signs, flaggers, and
other traffic control devices are shown on the traffic control plan(s) except for emergency
situations. If the Contractor proposes adding the use of flaggers to a plan, this will constitute a
modification requiring approval by the Engineer. The modified plans shall show locations for
all the required advance warning signs and a safe, protected location for the flagging station.
If flagging is to be performed during hours of darkness, the plan shall include appropriate
illumination for the flagging station.
When the Contractor’s chosen method of performing the Work in the Contract requires
some form of temporary traffic control, for vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians, the Contractor
shall either: (1) submit a Type 1 Working Drawing designating and adopting, in writing,
the traffic control plan or plans from the Contract documents that support that method; or
(2) submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the Contractor’s plan that modifies,
supplements or replaces a plan from the Contract documents. Any Contractor-proposed
modification, supplement or replacement shall show the necessary construction signs, flaggers,
and other traffic control devices required to support the Work. Any Contractor-proposed traffic
control plan shall conform to the established standards for plan development as shown in the
MUTCD, Part 6 and the most current edition of the PROWAG. The Contractor shall be solely
responsible for submitting any proposed traffic control plan or modification, obtaining the
Engineer’s acceptance and providing copies of the accepted Traffic Control Plans to the Traffic
Control Supervisor.
1-10.2(3) Conformance to Established Standards
Flagging, signs, and all other traffic control devices and procedures furnished or provided
shall conform to the standards established in the latest WSDOT adopted edition of the
MUTCD, published by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Washington State
Modifications to the MUTCD, and the most current edition of the Public Rights-of-Way
Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG). Judgment of the quality of devices furnished will be
based upon Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices, published by the
American Traffic Safety Services Association. Copies of the MUTCD and Quality Guidelines
for Temporary Control Devices may be purchased from the American Traffic Safety Services
Association, 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, VA 22406-1022. The
Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD may be obtained from the Department of
Transportation, Olympia, WA 98504. The most current edition of the Public Rights-of-Way
Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) can be downloaded from the United States Access
Board website at under Revised Draft Guidelines (2005).
In addition to the standards of the MUTCD described above, the Contracting Agency has
crashworthiness requirements for most work zone devices. The National Cooperative Highway
Research Project (NCHRP) Report 350 and the AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety
Hardware (MASH) have established requirements for crash testing. Work zone devices are
divided into four categories. Each of those categories is described below:
Category 1 includes those items that are small and lightweight, channelizing, and
delineating devices that have been in common use for many years and are known to be
crashworthy by crash testing of similar devices or years of demonstrable safe performance.
These include cones, tubular markers, flexible delineator posts, and plastic drums. All
Category 1 devices used on the project shall meet the requirements of NCHRP 350 or MASH
as certified by the manufacturer of the device.
Category 2 includes devices that are not expected to produce significant vehicular velocity
change, but may otherwise be hazardous. Examples of this class are barricades, portable
sign supports and signs. All Category 2 devices shall meet the requirements of NCHRP 350
or MASH. For the purpose of definition, a sign support and sign shall be considered a single
unit. A new sign may be purchased for an existing sign support and the entire unit will be
defined as “existing equipment”.
Category 3 is for hardware expected to cause significant velocity changes or other
potentially harmful reactions to impacting vehicles. Barriers, fixed sign supports, crash
cushions, transportable attenuators and other work zone devices not meeting the definitions
of Category 1 or 2 are examples from this category. Many Category 3 devices are defined in
the design of the project. Where this is the case, NCHRP 350 or MASH requirements have
been incorporated into the design and the Contractor complies with the requirements by
constructing devices according to the Plans and Specifications. Where the device is a product
chosen by the Contractor, the device chosen must be compliant with the requirements of
NCHRP 350 or MASH.
Category 4 includes portable or trailer-mounted devices such as arrow displays, temporary
traffic signals, area lighting supports, and portable changeable message signs. Crash testing is
not required for these devices.
The condition of signs and traffic control devices shall be acceptable or marginal as defined
in the book Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices, and will be accepted
based on a visual inspection by the Engineer. The Engineer’s decision on the condition of a
sign or traffic control device shall be final. A sign or traffic control device determined to be
unacceptable shall be removed from the project and replaced within 12 hours of notification.
1-10.3 Traffic Control Labor, Procedures, and Devices
1-10.3(1) Traffic Control Labor
The Contractor shall furnish all personnel for flagging, for the execution of all procedures
related to temporary traffic control and for the setup, maintenance and removal of all
temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular,
bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations.
Vests and other high-visibility apparel shall be in conformance with Section 1-07.8.
1-10.3(1)A Flaggers
Flaggers shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed
by the Engineer. All flaggers shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of
Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. The flagging card shall be immediately available and
shown to the Contracting Agency upon request.
Flagging stations shall be shown on Traffic Control Plans at locations where construction
operations require stopping or diverting public traffic. Flagging stations shall be staffed only
when flagging is required. This staffing may be continuous or intermittent, depending on
the nature of the construction activity. Whenever a flagger is not required to stop or divert
traffic, the flagger shall move away from the flagging station to a safer location. During hours
of darkness, flagging stations shall be illuminated in a manner that insures that flaggers can
easily be seen but that does not cause glare to the traveling public.
Flagger station illumination shall meet the requirements of the MUTCD and
these Specifications.
The Contractor shall provide portable lighting equipment capable of sufficiently
illuminating a flagger and their station without creating glare for oncoming motorists, yet
will meet the mobility requirements of the operation. The lighting stations shall be located on
the same side of the roadway as the flagger and aimed either parallel or perpendicular to the
traveled lanes to minimize glare. The lighting devices shall be located 5 to 10 feet from the
edge of the travel lane with a mounting height of 15 to 25 feet above the ground. The flagger
should be visible and discernable as a flagger from a distance of 1,000 feet.
Flaggers shall be equipped with portable two-way radios, with a range suitable for the
project. The radios shall be capable of having direct contact with project management
(foremen, superintendents, etc.).
The Contractor shall furnish Stop/Slow paddles conforming to the requirements of
Section 9-35.1 for all flagging operations.
1-10.3(1)B Other Traffic Control Labor
In addition to flagging duties, the Contractor shall provide personnel for all other traffic
control procedures required by the construction operations and for the labor to install, maintain
and remove any traffic control devices shown on Traffic Control Plans.
1-10.3(2) Traffic Control Procedures
1-10.3(2)A One-Way Traffic Control
The project Work may require that traffic be maintained on a portion of the Roadway
during the progress of the Work using one-way traffic control. If this is the case, the
Contractor’s operation shall be confined to one-half the Roadway, permitting traffic on the
other half. If shown on an approved traffic control plan or directed by the Engineer, one-way
traffic control, in accordance with the MUTCD, shall be provided and shall also conform to
the following requirements:
In any one-way traffic control configuration, side roads and approaches will be closed or
controlled by a flagger or by appropriate approved signing. A side road flagger will coordinate
with end flaggers where there is line of sight and with the pilot car where the end flaggers
cannot be seen.
Queues of vehicles will be allowed to take turns passing through the work zone in the single
open lane. When one-way traffic control is in effect, Contractor vehicles shall not use the open
traffic lane except while following the same rules and routes required of the public traffic.
As conditions permit, the Contractor shall, at the end of each day, leave the Work area in
such condition that it can be traveled without damage to the Work, without danger to traffic,
and without one-way traffic control. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, one-way traffic control
cannot be dispensed with after working hours, then the operation will be continued throughout
the non-working hours.
Channelization devices shall not be moved by traffic control personnel across an open lane
of traffic. If an existing setup or staging of traffic control devices require crossing an open
lane of traffic, the traffic control devices shall be taken down completely and then set up in the
new configuration.
Traffic control for lane closures shall be removed in the reverse order of its installation.
1-10.3(2)D Mobile Operations
Where construction operations are such that movement along the length of a Roadway
is continuous or near-continuous to the extent that a stationary traffic control layout will not
be effective, the Contractor may implement a moving, or mobile, traffic control scheme.
Such moving control shall always be conducted in the same direction as the adjacent traffic.
Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where directed by the Engineer, mobile
traffic control shall consist of portable equipment, moving with the operation. A portable
changeable message sign shall be established in advance of the operation, far enough back to
provide warning of both the operation and of any queue of traffic that has formed during the
operation. The advance sign shall be continuously moved to stay near the back of the queue at
all times. A transportable attenuator, with arrow board, shall be positioned and maintained at a
fixed distance upstream of the Work. A shadow vehicle, with transportable attenuator shall be
positioned and maintained immediately upstream of the Work.
1-10.3(2)E Patrol and Maintain Traffic Control Measures
At all times, when temporary traffic control measures are in place, the Contractor shall
provide for patrolling and maintaining these measures. The Work shall consist of resetting
errant devices, assuring visibility of all devices, cleaning and repairing where necessary,
providing maintenance for all equipment, including replacing batteries and light bulbs as well
as keeping motorized and electronic items functioning, and adjusting the location of devices
to respond to actual conditions, such as queue length, unanticipated traffic conflicts and other
areas where planned traffic control has proven ineffective.
This Work shall be performed by the Contractor, either by or under the direction of the
Traffic Control Supervisor. Personnel, with vehicles if necessary, shall be dispatched so that
all traffic control can be reviewed at least once per hour during working hours and at least
once during each non-working day.
1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices
Traffic control devices, including signs, furnished or provided shall conform to the
standards established in the latest WSDOT-adopted edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) published by the U.S. Department of
Transportation and the Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD. Requirements for
pedestrian traffic control devices are addressed in the MUTCD.
1-10.3(3)A Construction Signs
All construction signs required by approved traffic control plans, as well as any other
appropriate signs directed by the Engineer shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor
shall provide the posts or supports and erect and maintain the signs in a clean, neat, and
presentable condition until the need for them has ended. Post mounted signs shall be installed
as shown in the Standard Plans. When the need for construction signs has ended, the
Contractor, upon approval of the Engineer, shall remove all signs, posts, and supports from
the project and they shall remain the property of the Contractor.
No passing zones on the existing Roadway that are marked with paint striping and which
striping is to be obliterated by construction operations shall be replaced by “Do Not Pass” and
“Pass With Care” signs. The Contractor shall provide and install the posts and signs. The signs
shall be maintained by the Contractor until they are removed or until the Contract is Physically
Completed. When the project includes striping by the Contractor, the signs and posts shall be
removed by the Contractor when the no passing zones are reestablished by striping. The signs
and posts will become the property of the Contractor. When the Contractor is not responsible
for striping and when the striping by others is not completed when the project is Physically
Completed, the posts and signs shall be left in place and shall become the property of the
Contracting Agency.
All existing signs, new permanent signs installed under this Contract, and construction
signs installed under this Contract that are inappropriate for the traffic configuration at a
given time shall be removed or completely covered in accordance with Section 8-21.3(3).
Construction signs will be divided into two classes. Class A construction signs are those signs
that remain in service throughout the construction or during a major phase of the Work. They
are mounted on posts, existing fixed Structures, or substantial supports of a semi-permanent
nature. Class A signs will be designated as such on the approved Traffic Control Plan.
“Do Not Pass” and “Pass With Care” signs are classified as Class A construction signs. Sign
and support installation for Class A signs shall be in accordance with the Contract Plans or
the Standard Plans. Class B construction signs are those signs that are placed and removed
daily, or are used for short durations which may extend for 1 to 3 days. They are mounted on
portable or temporary mountings. Tripod-mounted signs in place more than 3 days in any one
location, unless approved by the Engineer, shall be required to be post-mounted and shall be
classified as Class A construction signs.
Where it is necessary to add weight to signs for stability, sand bags or other similar ballast
may be used, but the top of ballast shall not be more than 4 inches above the Roadway surface,
and shall not interfere with the breakaway features of the device. The Contractor shall follow
the manufacturer’s recommendations for sign ballasting.
Signs, posts, or supports that are lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed, or which the Engineer
deems to be unacceptable while their use is required on the project shall be replaced by
the Contractor.
1-10.3(3)B Sequential Arrow Signs
Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer,
the Contractor shall provide, operate and maintain sequential arrow signs. A sequential arrow
sign is required for all lane closure tapers on a multilane facility. A separate sequential arrow
sign shall be used for each closed lane. The arrow sign shall not be used to laterally shift
traffic. When used in the caution mode, the four corner mode shall be used.
1-10.3(3)C Portable Changeable Message Sign
Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall provide, operate, and maintain portable changeable message signs (PCMS).
A PCMS shall be placed behind a barrier or guardrail whenever possible, but shall at
a minimum provide 4 feet of lateral clearance to edge of travelled lane and be delineated by
channelization devices. The Contractor shall remove the PCMS from the clear zone when not
in use unless protected by barrier or guardrail.
1-10.3(3)D Barricades
Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall provide, install and maintain barricades. Barricades shall be kept in good
repair and shall be removed immediately when, in the opinion of the Engineer, they are no
longer functioning as designed.
Where it is necessary to add weight to barricades for stability, sand bags or other similar
ballast may be used, but the height shall not be more than 4 inches above the Roadway surface
and shall not interfere with the breakaway features of the device. The Contractor shall follow
the manufacturer’s recommendation for sign ballasting.
1-10.3(3)E Traffic Safety Drums
Where shown on an approved Traffic Control Plan, or where ordered by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall provide, install, and maintain traffic safety drums.
Used drums may be utilized, provided all drums used on the project are of essentially the
same configuration and the devices conform to Section 1-10.2(3).
The drums shall be designed to resist overturning by means of a weighted lower unit that
will separate from the drum when impacted by a vehicle.
Drums shall be regularly maintained to ensure that they are clean and that the drum and
reflective material are in good condition. If the Engineer determines that a drum has been
damaged beyond usefulness, or provides inadequate reflectivity, a replacement drum shall
be furnished.
When the Engineer determines that the drums are no longer required, they shall
be removed from the project and shall remain the property of the Contractor.
1-10.3(3)F Vacant
1-10.3(3)G Traffic Cones and Tall Channelizing Devices
Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall provide, install and maintain traffic cones or tall channelizing devices. Cones
and tall channelizing devices shall be kept in good repair and shall be removed immediately
when directed by the Engineer. Where wind or moving traffic frequently displaces cones
or tall channelizing devices, an effective method of stabilizing them, such as stacking two
together at each location, shall be employed, or heavier weighted bases may be necessary.
1-10.3(3)H Tubular Markers
Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer,
the Contractor shall provide, install, and maintain tubular markers. Tubular markers shall
be kept in good repair and shall be removed immediately when directed by the Engineer.
Tubular markers are secondary devices and are not to be used as substitutes for cones or
other delineation devices without an approved traffic control plan.
Where the Traffic Control Plan shows pavement-mounted tubular markers, the adhesive
used to fasten the base to the pavement shall be suitable for the purpose, as approved by the
Engineer. During the removal of pavement-mounted tubular markers, care shall be taken to
avoid damage to the existing pavement. Any such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor
at no cost to the Contracting Agency.
1-10.3(3)I Warning Lights and Flashers
Where shown attached to traffic control devices on an approved traffic control plan or
where ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide and maintain flashing warning
lights. Lights attached to advance warning signs shall be Type B, high-intensity. Lights
attached to traffic safety drums, barricades or other signs shall be Type C, steady-burning
low intensity or, where attention is to be directed to a specific device, Type A, flashing
low‑intensity units.
1-10.3(3)J Transportable Attenuator
Where shown on an approved traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall provide, operate, and maintain transportable impact attenuators consistent
with the requirements of Section 9-35.12. These attenuators shall be available, on-site, for
the entire duration of their projected use.
The transportable attenuator shall be positioned to separate and protect construction work
zone activities from normal traffic flow.
During use, the attenuator shall be in the full down-and-locked position. For stationary
operations, the host vehicle’s parking brake shall be set.
A transportable attenuator may be used in lieu of a temporary impact attenuator when
approved by the Engineer as part of a stage traffic control shift to protect an object such
as blunt barrier end or bridge pier column that is located within the work zone clear zone.
This use of a transportable attenuator is restricted to a maximum of 3 days or approved
extension by the Engineer.
3. Follow these requirements for all stumps that will be buried deeper than 5 feet from
the top, side, or end surface of the embankment or any structure and are in a location
that will not be terraced as described in Section 2-03.3(14):
a. Close-cut stumps under 18 inches in diameter.
b. Trim stumps that exceed 18 inches in diameter to no more than 12 inches above
original ground level.
4. Leave standing any trees or native growth indicated by the Engineer.
5. Trim all trees to be left standing to the height specified by the Engineer, neatly cutting
all limbs close to the tree trunk.
6. Thin clumps of native growth as the Engineer may direct.
7. Protect, by fencing if necessary, all trees or native growth from any damage caused
by construction operations.
2-01.3(2) Grubbing
The Contractor shall:
1. Grub deep enough to remove all stumps, large roots, buried logs, and other
vegetative material.
2. Grub all areas:
a. Indicated by the Engineer or by the Special Provisions.
b. To be excavated, including area staked for slope treatment.
c. Where subdrainage trenches will be dug, unsuitable material removed,
or Structures built.
d. In which hillsides or existing embankments will be terraced as described
in Section 2-03.3(14).
e. Upon which embankments will be placed, except stumps may be close-cut
or trimmed as allowed in Section 2-01.3(1) item 3.
A Contract may include grubbing without mentioning clearing or roadside cleanup. In that
case, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of all upturned stumps and roots of windfalls
that lie within the cleared area of the Right of Way, even though they are outside the area
staked for grubbing. Such Work shall be incidental to other Work covered by the Contract.
2-01.3(3) Vacant
2-01.3(4) Roadside Cleanup
Roadside cleanup, as ordered by the Engineer, consists of Work not otherwise provided
for in the Contract. Such Work may include:
1. Removing trees, snags, down timber, upturned stumps, large rocks and boulders,
and other unsightly matter outside the areas staked for clearing or grubbing.
2. Thinning trees or brush.
3. Filling holes, and smoothing and contouring the ground.
4. Shaping the ends of cuts and fills to fit adjacent terrain and to enhance the area’s
5. Obliterating abandoned roads and reshaping the areas to blend naturally with
Methods and equipment used in roadside cleanup shall be approved by the Engineer.
2-01.4 Measurement
When clearing and grubbing is paid per acre, the following areas will be excluded
from measurement:
1. Any area along an existing Highway that requires no Work.
2. Any gap that requires no Work, provided the gap is at least 50 feet long when measured
parallel to the center line and contains at least 2,500 square feet.
Isolated areas of less than 2,500 square feet that require Work lying between areas excluded
from measurement will be counted as having 2,500 square feet. If these isolated areas occur
intermittently, the final measurement shall not exceed the total area containing the several
isolated areas when measured as continuous.
Clearing and grubbing may be combined in the Proposal. If the Proposal calls for such
combined Work to be measured “per acre”, the measurement methods described above will
apply. If the Proposal designates such combined Work as “lump sum”, the Contracting Agency
will not base payment on any unit of measurement.
2-01.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid items when they are included in the Proposal:
“Clearing and Grubbing”, per acre or lump sum.
The unit Contract price per acre or lump sum for “Clearing and Grubbing” shall be full pay
for all Work described in this section except “Roadside Cleanup”.
“Roadside Cleanup”, by force account as provided in Section 1-09.6.
To provide a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered
an amount in the Proposal to become a part of the Contractor’s total Bid.
When the bridge removal work includes removal of a truss, and when the Contractor’s
removal method involves use of a crane or cranes to pick, lift, and remove the truss, the
Contractor shall confirm the truss dead load weight prior to beginning the truss removal
operation. The operation of confirming the truss dead load shall be performed at both ends of
the truss, and shall ensure that the truss is broken free of its support bearings. The Contractor’s
method of confirming the truss dead load, whether by hydraulic jacks or other means, shall
be included in the Contractor’s bridge demolition plan submittal.
When the bridge removal work involves removing portions of existing concrete without
replacement, the methods and tools used to achieve the smooth surface and profile specified in
Section 2-02.3(2)A2 shall be included in the Contractor’s bridge demolition plan submittal.
2-02.3(2)A2 Removing Portions of Existing Concrete
Care shall be taken in removing concrete to prevent overbreakage or damage to portions
of the existing Structure which are to remain. Before concrete removal begins, a saw cut shall
be made into the surface of the concrete at the perimeter of the removal limits. The saw cut
shall be ¾-inch deep when the steel reinforcement is to remain, and may be deeper when the
steel reinforcement is removed with the concrete.
Concrete shall be completely removed (exposing the deformed surface of the bar) from
existing steel reinforcing bars which extend from the existing members and are specified
to remain. Steel reinforcing bars that are not designated to remain shall be cut a minimum
of 1-inch behind the final surface. The void left by removal of the steel reinforcing bar shall
be filled with mortar conforming to Section 9-20.4(2). The mortar shall match the color of
the existing concrete surface as nearly as practicable.
The Contractor shall roughen, clean, and saturate existing concrete surfaces, against which
fresh concrete will be placed, in accordance with Section 6-02.3(12)B. When a portion of
existing concrete is to be removed without replacement, concrete shall be removed to a clean
line with a smooth surface of less than 1/16 inch profile.
2-02.3(2)A3 Use of Explosives for Bridge Demolition
Explosives shall not be used for bridge demolition, except as specifically allowed by the
Special Provisions.
2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters
In removing pavement, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, the Contractor shall:
1. Haul broken-up pieces into the Roadway embankment or to some off-project site.
2. Material that is to be incorporated into the embankment shall be broken into pieces not
exceeding 18 inches in any dimension, and no part of any piece shall be within 3 feet
of the top, side, or end surface of the embankment or any Structure.
3. Make a vertical full depth saw cut between any existing pavement, sidewalk, curb, or
gutter that is to remain and the portion to be removed. For portland cement concrete
pavement removal, a second vertical full depth relief saw cut offset 12 to 18 inches
from and parallel to the initial saw cut is also required, unless the Engineer approves
otherwise. For removal of bituminous pavement, asphalt planing equipment may be
used in lieu of sawcutting provided that a clean vertical edge remains.
4. Replace at no expense to the Contracting Agency any existing pavement designated
to remain that is damaged during the removal of other pavement.
2-02.4 Vacant
2-02.5 Payment
Payment shall be made for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal:
“Removal of Structures and Obstructions”, lump sum.
If pavements, sidewalks, curbs, or gutters lie within an excavation area, their removal will
be paid for as part of the quantity removed in excavation.
“Removing Existing Bridge___”, lump sum.
“Removing Existing Structure___”, lump sum.
“Removing Portion of Existing Bridge___”, lump sum.
“Removing Portion of Existing Structure___”, lump sum.
blasting patterns and controls the Contractor proposes to use for both the controlled and
production blasting. The blasting plan submittal is required for all blasting operations
and shall contain at least the following information:
a. Station limits of proposed shot.
b. Plan and section views of proposed drill pattern including free face, burden, blast
hole spacing, blast hole diameter, blast hole angles, lift height, and subdrill depth.
c. Loading diagram showing type and amount of explosives, primers, initiators, and
location and depth of stemming.
d. Initiation sequence of blast holes including delay times and delay system.
e. Manufacturer’s data sheets for all explosives, primers, and initiators to be employed.
Review of the blasting plan by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of the
responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the plan when implemented in the field.
4. Controlled Blasting – When blasting to establish slopes 0.5:1 or steeper, and more than
10 feet high, the Contractor shall use controlled blasting. The Engineer may require the
Contractor to use controlled blasting to form the faces of other slopes, even if the slopes
could be formed by nonblasting methods.
Controlled blasting refers to the controlled use of explosives and blasting accessories
in carefully spaced and aligned drill holes to provide a free surface or shear plane in
the rock along the specified backslope. Controlled blasting techniques covered by
this Specification include presplitting and cushion blasting.
In addition to the blasting plan submittal, when using controlled blasting the
Contractor shall:
a. Prior to commencing full-scale blasting operations, the Contractor shall demonstrate
the adequacy of the proposed blast plan by drilling, blasting, and excavating short
test sections, up to 100 feet in length, to determine which combination of method,
hole spacing, and charge works best. When field conditions warrant, the Contractor
may be ordered to use test section lengths less than 100 feet.
Unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall begin the tests
with the controlled blast holes spaced 30 inches apart, then adjust if needed, until
the Engineer accepts the spacing to be used for full-scale blasting operations.
b. The Contractor shall completely remove all overburden, soil, and loose or
decomposed rock along the top of the excavation for a distance of at least 30 feet
beyond the end of the production hole drilling limits, or to the end of the cut, before
drilling the presplitting holes.
c. The controlled blast holes shall be not less than 2½ inches nor more than 3 inches
in diameter.
d. The Contractor shall control drilling operations by the use of the proper equipment
and technique to ensure that no hole deviates from the plane of the planned slope by
more than 9 inches either parallel or normal to the slope. Drill holes exceeding these
limits will not be paid for unless satisfactory slopes are being obtained.
e. Controlled blast holes shall extend a minimum of 30 feet beyond the limits of the
production holes to be detonated, or to the end of the cut as applicable.
f. The length of controlled blast holes for any individual lift shall not exceed 20 feet
unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Engineer the ability to stay within
the above tolerances and produce a uniform slope. If greater than 5 percent of
the presplit holes are misaligned in any one lift, the Contractor shall reduce the
height of the lifts until the 9-inch alignment tolerance is met. Upon satisfactory
demonstration, the length of holes may be increased to a maximum of 60 feet with
written acceptance of the Engineer.
g. When the cut height requires more than one lift, a maximum 2-foot offset between
lifts will be permitted to allow for drill equipment clearances. The Contractor shall
begin the controlled blast hole drilling at a point that will allow for necessary offsets
and shall adjust, at the start of lower lifts, to compensate for any drift that may have
occurred in the upper lifts.
h. Before placing charges, the Contractor shall determine that the hole is free of
obstructions for its entire depth. All necessary precautions shall be exercised so
that the placing of the charges will not cause caving of material from the walls
of the holes.
i. The maximum diameter of explosives used in presplit holes shall not be greater than
½ the diameter of the presplit hole.
j. Only standard explosives manufactured especially for controlled blasting shall
be used in controlled blast holes, unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer. Bulk
ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO) shall not be loaded in the presplit holes.
k. If fractional portions of standard explosive cartridges are used, they shall be firmly
affixed to the detonating cord in a manner that the cartridges will not slip down the
detonating cord nor bridge across the hole. Spacing of fractional cartridges along the
length of the detonating cord shall not exceed 30 inches center to center and shall be
adjusted to give the desired results.
l. Continuous column cartridge type of explosives used with detonating cord shall
be assembled and affixed to the detonating cord in accordance with the explosive
manufacturer’s instructions, a copy of which shall be submitted as a Type 1
Working Drawing.
m. The bottom charge of a presplit hole may be larger than the line charges but shall
not be large enough to cause overbreak. The top charge of the presplitting hole
shall be placed far enough below the collar, and reduced sufficiently, to avoid
overbreaking and heaving.
n. The upper portion of all presplit holes, from the top most charge to the hole collar,
shall be stemmed. Stemming materials shall be sand or other dry angular material,
all of which passes a ⅜-inch sieve.
o. If presplitting is specified, the detonation of these holes shall be fired first.
p. If cushion blasting is specified, the detonation of these holes shall be fired last on
an instantaneous delay after all other blasting has taken place in the excavation.
q. Production blast holes shall not be drilled closer than 6 feet to the controlled blast
line, unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer. The bottom of the production holes
shall not be lower than the bottom of the controlled blast holes. Production holes
shall not exceed 6 inches in diameter, unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer.
Detonation of production holes shall be on a delay sequence toward a free face.
r. The use of horizontal blast holes for either production or controlled blasting
is prohibited.
2-03.3(3) Excavation Below Subgrade
Rock Excavation – When the Contractor finds rock or other hard material at the Subgrade
elevation, it shall be excavated the full width of the Roadbed to at least 6 inches below
Subgrade, then backfilled with rock fragments, gravel, or other free-draining material not more
than 4 inches in diameter.
If the Contractor uses a Subgrade trimmer, the backfill shall be rock, gravel, or other
free-draining material not more than 2 inches in diameter. The Contractor shall save the finer
free-draining material from excavations or borrow pits to use in backfilling the top 6 inches of
the Subgrade. All such material shall be approved by the Engineer.
Sub excavation – At any time, the Engineer may order excavation below Subgrade to
remove soft and uncompactible material. The replacement material shall be free-draining and
granular, or other materials as determined by the Engineer.
Draining Rock Pockets – If blasting below Subgrade leaves a rock pocket that will not
drain, the Contractor shall dig a trench from the pocket bottom to the roadside ditch, then
backfill both the pocket and the trench with rock fragments, gravel, or other material approved
by the Engineer, at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
Compaction – If the density of the natural earth under any area of the Roadway is less
than that required in Section 2-03.3(14)C, Method B, the Engineer may order the Contractor
to perform any or all of the following:
1. Scarify the earth to a depth of 6 inches.
2. Aerate or water.
3. Compact the scarified area to the required density.
4. Excavate to a specific depth.
5. Backfill the excavated area in layers, using the previously excavated material or
other material.
6. Compact each layer to meet the compaction requirements for embankments.
2-03.3(4) Sluicing
The Contractor shall not excavate by sluicing unless the Special Provisions specifically
call for it.
2-03.3(5) Slope Treatment
The tops of all Roadway cut slopes, except solid rock cuts, shall be rounded in accordance
with the Standard Plans. Unless otherwise noted in the Plans or Special Provisions, Class A
slope treatment shall be utilized.
If a layer of earth covers a rock cut, the slope shall be rounded above the rock as if it were
an earth slope.
When the Contractor removes stumps or any embedded material from the rounded area,
the void shall be backfilled and stabilized to prevent erosion.
All Work required to complete slope treatment, including excavation, haul, and slope
rounding, shall be included in the unit Bid price for Roadway excavation.
2-03.3(6) Deposit of Rock for the Contracting Agency’s Use
At the Engineer’s direction, the Contractor shall deposit excavated rock at the roadside
or elsewhere. If this requires the Contractor to use material that would otherwise have gone
into an embankment, the Contracting Agency will pay for the extra cubic yards of excavation
needed to complete the embankment. Any such rock deposit shall be Contracting Agency
property. The Contractor shall be responsible for safekeeping the deposit until the Contracting
Agency has removed it or until the Contract is completed.
2-03.3(7) Disposal of Surplus Material
2-03.3(7)A General
The Contractor shall haul all excavation to the nearest embankment unless the Engineer
declares the hauling distance to be too great. If excavation yields more material than needed
for nearby embankments, the Contractor shall dispose of the excess in keeping with the
Special Provisions or as the Engineer directs.
2-03.3(7)B Haul
When the Contract includes a payment item for haul, the Contracting Agency will pay as
follows for hauling excess excavation to a disposal site:
1. If the Contracting Agency provides a site, but the Contractor chooses to haul elsewhere,
the Contracting Agency will pay for the actual distance up to but not exceeding the
distance that would have been necessary using the Contracting Agency site.
2. If the Contracting Agency does not provide a site, the Contracting Agency will pay for
the actual distance up to but not exceeding the distance necessary to haul to a site 1 mile
from the project limits.
2-03.3(7)C Contractor-Provided Disposal Site
If the Contracting Agency provides no waste site, but requires disposal of excess
excavation or other materials, the Contractor shall arrange for disposal at no expense to the
Contracting Agency, except as provided in Section 2-03.3(7)B, item 2.
The Contractor shall acquire all permits and approvals required for the use of the disposal
sites before any waste is hauled off the project. The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working
Drawing consisting of copies of the permits and approvals for any disposal sites to be used.
The cost of any such permits and approvals shall be included in the Bid prices for other Work.
Disposal of excess material within a wetland area will not be allowed without a Section
404 permit issued by the U.S. Corps of Engineers and approval by the local agency with
jurisdiction over the wetlands.
The Contractor shall protect, indemnify, and save harmless the Contracting Agency from
any damages that may arise from the Contractor’s activities in making these arrangements.
Such indemnity shall be in accordance with RCW 4.24.115 as amended by CH. 305,
Laws of 1986. Any action required to satisfy any permit and/or any approval requirements
in a Contractor-provided disposal site shall be performed by the Contractor at no additional
expense to the Contracting Agency.
Reclamation of a Contractor-supplied waste site must conform to the requirements
of Section 3-03.
2-03.3(8) Wasting Material
If, against the Engineer’s orders, the Contractor wastes material needed for the
embankment, it shall be replaced at no expense to the Contracting Agency with material the
Engineer approves.
2-03.3(9) Roadway Ditches
At each transition from cut to fill, the Contractor shall divert any Roadway ditch away
from the embankment in natural ground. Ditches shall never permit water to flow into or
upon embankment material.
2-03.3(10) Selected Material
When the Contract or the Engineer calls for it, selected material shall be used for finishing
the top part of the Subgrade, for structural or other backfill, or for other purposes. Unless the
Special Provisions specify otherwise, the Engineer may identify as “selected” any material
excavated within the right-of-way, including the excavation of local borrow.
Direct Hauling – If it is practical, the Contractor shall haul selected material immediately
from excavation to its final place on the Roadbed. The Contracting Agency will pay for such
Work at the unit Contract prices for excavating, hauling, watering, and compacting.
Delayed Excavation – If it is impractical to haul selected material to its final place at once,
the Contractor shall delay excavation until the placement will be workable. The Contracting
Agency will not pay extra for delayed excavation.
Stockpiling – The Engineer may allow the Contractor to stockpile selected materials if
delaying the excavation will hamper grading or force impractical movements of equipment.
In this case, the Engineer will direct where and when the Contractor shall excavate, stockpile,
haul, and place the selected materials.
Sections 2-03.4 and 2-03.5 describe how the Contracting Agency will measure and pay for
excavating and hauling these stockpiled selected materials. The neat line volume of material
removed will provide the basis for measuring material taken from the stockpile.
2-03.3(11) Slides
If a slide occurs on a finished slope before final acceptance of the Work, the Contractor
shall remove or replace the slide material. The Contractor shall also refinish the slope to the
condition and with the materials required by the Engineer.
The Contracting Agency will pay for the excavation at the unit Contract price and for
resloping on a force account basis. The Engineer may authorize payment for the excavation
by agreed price or force account if:
1. The slide material cannot be measured accurately, or
2. Excavation of slide material requires equipment not available on the project.
If the Contractor undercuts or destroys a slope, or has failed to implement erosion
control devices as shown in the Contract or in the TESC plan, it shall be resloped to
the original alignment or to a new one established by the Engineer at no expense to the
Contracting Agency.
2-03.3(12) Overbreak
Overbreak includes that part of any material excavated, displaced, or loosened outside
the staked or reestablished slope or grade. Such material is considered overbreak whether
its movement resulted from blasting, from the character of the material itself, or from any
other cause. Overbreak, however, does not include material from slides as described in
Section 2-03.3(11).
If the Engineer does not approve use of the overbreak, the Contractor shall remove, haul,
and dispose of it at no expense to the Contracting Agency. In this case, the Contractor shall
follow the procedure for handling surplus described in Section 2-03.3(7).
If the Engineer approves, the Contractor may use overbreak:
1. To complete an embankment when the excavated material unexpectedly falls short
of the amount required. The Contracting Agency will pay the Roadway excavation
Contract price for the volume of material the overbreak replaces, and will pay the
Contract price for haul. However, no payment will be made if overbreak is used
when other material is available within the neat lines of the Roadway prism.
2. To replace borrow excavation originally planned for an embankment. The Contracting
Agency will pay for overbreak used this way at the unit Contract price for Roadway
or borrow excavation, whichever costs less. The Engineer will include haul to be paid
as in the original Proposal in comparing the costs under the two payment methods.
2-03.3(13) Borrow
Borrow is the excavation of material outside the Roadway prism or outside the limits of
any other excavation area required by the Contract. Before any borrow site can be used, it
must be measured and approved by the Engineer. Any material excavated from a borrow site
before the site is measured will not be paid for. The widening of Roadway cuts and ditches
will be considered Roadway excavation, not borrow.
If the Contract documents designate borrow sources, the Contractor may utilize those
sources or may obtain borrow from other sites. If borrow is obtained from a Contractor-
provided site, there will be no additional cost to the Contracting Agency beyond the Contract
unit price for the excavated borrow material. There will be no payment for aeration of the
borrowed material from a Contractor-provided site, even if the Contract contains an item for
aeration and even if the Contract documents designate borrow sources.
If neither the Plans nor the Special Provisions name a source for borrow, the Contractor
shall provide a source at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
The Contractor shall reclaim all borrow sites, Contracting Agency-owned, Contracting
Agency-supplied, or obtained by the Contractor, in keeping with Section 3-03.
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Roadway Excavation and Embankment 2-03
Should excessive moisture threaten the stability of the embankment the Engineer may
order the Contractor to alter the operation. This may include alternating layers of wet and dry
materials, drying materials before placing, or halting Work in the problem areas. In this case
the Contracting Agency will not increase payment, but will pay the unit Contract prices for
the pay items that apply.
Top Layer – The Contractor shall build each rock embankment up to 6 inches below
Subgrade. The top 6-inch layer of embankment shall be of rock, gravel, or other free-draining
material that does not exceed 4 inches in diameter. When the Plans require use of a Subgrade
trimmer, these materials in the top layer may not exceed 2 inches in diameter.
When practical, and as approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall save the finer free-
draining material from excavations or borrow pits for use in topping rock fills. If selected
materials suitable for topping are available, the Contracting Agency will pay for them as
described in Section 2-03.3(10). If such materials are not available on site, the Contracting
Agency will pay for imported materials by including them in the unit Contract price for
gravel borrow or borrow excavation, each including haul. If the Proposal does not include
these items, the Contracting Agency will pay as provided in Section 1-04.4.
2-03.3(14)B Earth Embankment Construction
The Contractor shall place earth embankments in horizontal layers of uniform thickness.
These layers shall run full width from the top to the bottom of the embankment. Slopes shall
be compacted to the required density as part of embankment compaction.
During grading operations, the Contractor shall shape the surfaces of embankments and
excavations to uniform cross-sections and eliminate all ruts and low places that could hold
water. The Contractor shall raise the center of an embankment above the sides. When the
surface of an embankment intersects a side hill, the surface shall be sloped away at a rate
not to exceed 20:1.
2-03.3(14)C Compacting Earth Embankments
This section describes three methods (A, B, and C) for building earth embankments.
The Contractor shall use Method B unless the Special Provisions require another method.
Method A – Each embankment shall be made of layers no more than 2 feet thick. The
Contractor shall compact each layer by routing loaded haul equipment over its entire width.
If the Engineer approves, the Contractor may use end dumping to begin placing a side hill
fill too narrow for hauling equipment. When the fill is wide enough, the remaining layers
shall be compacted by the loaded hauling equipment.
Method B – The top 2 feet of each embankment shall be compacted to 95 percent
of the maximum density as determined by the compaction control tests described in
Section 2-03.3(14)D. All material below the 2-foot level shall be compacted to 90 percent
of the same maximum density.
In the top 2 feet, horizontal layers shall not exceed 4 inches in depth before compaction.
No layer below the top 2 feet shall exceed 8 inches in depth before compaction.
The Contractor shall use compacting equipment approved by the Engineer.
Method C – Each layer of the entire embankment shall be compacted to 95 percent
of the maximum density as determined by the compaction control tests described in
Section 2-03.3(14)D.
In the top 2 feet, horizontal layers shall not exceed 4 inches in depth before compaction.
No layer below the top 2 feet shall exceed 8 inches in depth before compaction.
The Contractor shall use compacting equipment approved by the Engineer.
Under Methods B or C, the Engineer may permit the Contractor to increase layer
thickness up to 18 inches before compaction, provided:
1. The layer is more than 2 feet below the top of the embankment,
2. An approved vibratory roller is used, and
3. The required density is obtained throughout the full depth and width of each layer.
Page 2-14 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Roadway Excavation and Embankment 2-03
Whatever the method used, any embankment inaccessible to large compacting equipment
shall be compacted with small mechanical or vibratory compactors.
Moisture Content – The Contractor shall adjust moisture content during compaction
to produce a firm, stable and unyielding embankment. The embankment shall be free from
pumping and rutting due to excessive moisture and is the Contractor’s responsibility to
manage and adjust as necessary.
The Contracting Agency will consider all costs for drying embankment material to be
incidental to other Work, including excessive moisture due to inclement weather. If, however,
the Contract includes an aeration item, the Contracting Agency will pay for such Work as
specified in Sections 2-03.4 and 2-03.5.
The Contractor shall repair, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, any partial or
complete embankment that loses stability because of continued hauling across it. Evidence of
lost stability includes pumping, rutting or lateral displacement of embankment. The Contractor
shall also alter hauling equipment or procedures to prevent further damage.
2-03.3(14)D Compaction and Moisture Control Tests
Maximum density and optimum moisture content shall be determined by one of the
following methods:
1. Materials with less than 30 percent by weight retained on the No. 4 sieve shall be
determined using FOP for AASHTO T 99 Method A.
2. Materials with 30 percent or more by weight retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than
30 percent retained on the ¾-inch sieve shall be determined by WSDOT T 606 or FOP
for AASHTO T 180 Method D. The determination of which test procedure to use will
be made solely by the Contracting Agency.
3. Materials with 30 percent or more retained on the ¾-inch sieve shall be determined by
WSDOT T 606.
In place density will be determined using Test Methods FOP for AASHTO T 310 and
2-03.3(14)E Unsuitable Foundation Excavation
When the Contract or the Engineer requires it, the Contractor shall excavate unstable
natural ground before building any embankment over it. This unstable material may include
peat, muck, swampland, buried logs and stumps, or other material not fit for an embankment
base. The Contractor shall excavate such material to the boundaries set by the Engineer.
The Work will not be considered unsuitable foundation excavation if the materials:
1. Came from the Roadway cut, ditch, or channel-change prisms.
2. Resulted from Structure excavation Class A or B.
3. Are covered in Section 2-03.3(3).
If the Contract provides no Bid item for unsuitable foundation excavation, the Contracting
Agency will pay as provided in Section 1-04.4.
2-03.3(14)F Displacement of Unsuitable Foundation Materials
If the Contract requires it, the Contractor shall displace or remove any overburden of peat,
muck, or other unstable material to permit placing the embankment on underlying firm ground.
The Engineer will determine the elevation at which the ground is firm enough to support
the embankment.
To displace such material, the Contractor shall use explosives or any other method the
Engineer requires. If this Work upheaves overburden material outside the slopes of the new
fill, the Contractor shall level the material to make it presentable.
The Contracting Agency will pay for the Work described in this section by force account.
Any other costs related to the Work shall be incidental to building the embankment and shall
be included in the unit Contract prices for the Work items that apply.
2-03.3(14)G Backfilling
When water fills an area after the removal of soft or unstable materials, the Contractor
shall, if possible, drain the site so that any backfill may be compacted. If drainage is not
possible, the Contractor shall use granular material for backfilling in water, including areas
where blasting has displaced the soft material. The Special Provisions may require other
backfilling methods.
The costs of pumping or digging temporary drainage ditches shall be incidental to and
included in other items of Work that apply.
2-03.3(14)H Prefabricated Vertical Drains
The Contractor shall furnish all necessary labor, equipment and materials, and perform
all operations necessary for the installation of prefabricated vertical drains in accordance
with the details shown in the Plans and with the requirements of these Specifications.
The prefabricated drain shall consist of a continuous plastic drainage core wrapped in
a nonwoven geotextile material as specified in the Contract.
The drains shall be free of defects, rips, holes, or flaws. During shipment and storage,
the drain shall be wrapped in a heavy-duty protective covering. The storage area shall
protect the drain material from sunlight, mud, dirt, dust, debris, and detrimental substances.
Manufacturer certification shall be provided for all drain materials delivered to the project.
Vertical drains shall be staked by the Contractor and constructed prior to
embankment construction.
Prior to installation of vertical drains, a sand drainage blanket shall be placed on
the ground surface for use as a working platform. This platform shall have a minimum
depth of 2 feet and shall consist of uncompacted material meeting the requirements of
Section 9-03.13(1).
Vertical drains shall be installed with equipment that will cause a minimum of subsoil
disturbance. A mandrel or sleeve shall be advanced through the subsoil using vibratory,
constant load, or constant rate of advance methods. The mandrel shall have a maximum
cross‑sectional area of 14 square inches, shall protect the prefabricated drain material from
tears, cuts, and abrasions during installation, and shall be provided with an “anchor” plate
or rod. The “anchor” plate or rod shall provide sufficient strength to prevent the soil from
entering the bottom during installation and shall anchor the bottom of the drain at the required
depth when the mandrel is removed. Use of falling weight impact hammers or jetting will not
be allowed within the compressible subsoil to be drained.
The prefabricated drains shall be installed vertically from the working surface to the
required elevations and in a sequence that will not require equipment to travel over previously
installed drains. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a suitable means of verifying
the plumbness of the equipment and determining the depth of the drain at any time. The
equipment shall not deviate more than 0.25 inches per foot from vertical.
Splices or connections in the prefabricated drain material shall be done in a professional
manner to ensure continuity of the wick material. The prefabricated drain shall be cut to leave
at least 6 inches protruding above the working platform at each drain location.
Where obstructions are encountered which cannot be penetrated the Contractor shall
abandon the hole. A maximum of two attempts shall be made to install a new drain within
18 inches of the obstructed hole. Drains that otherwise deviate from the Plan location by
more than 6 inches, or that are damaged or improperly installed, will be rejected.
Installation of the drains should consider and be coordinated with the geotechnical
instrumentation shown in the Plans. Special care shall be taken when installing drains near
instrumentation already in place. Replacement of instrumentation damaged by the Contractor
will be the responsibility of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall demonstrate that the equipment, method, and materials produce
a satisfactory installation in accordance with these Specifications. For this purpose, the
Contractor shall be required to install trial drains at different locations within the Work area.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of details of the
sequence and method of installation. The submittal shall, at a minimum, contain the
dimensions and length of mandrel, a detailed description of the proposed method(s) for
overcoming obstructions, and the proposed method(s) for splicing drains.
Approval by the Engineer will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to install
prefabricated vertical drains in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions, and these
Specifications. If, at any time, the Engineer considers the method of installation does not
produce a satisfactory drain, the Contractor shall alter the method and equipment as necessary.
2-03.3(14)I Embankments at Bridge and Trestle Ends
This Work consists of filling around the ends of trestles and bridges, the area defined in
Section 1-01.3. The Contractor shall begin and complete this Work as soon as possible after
each bridge is completed or when the Engineer requires.
The Contractor shall select fill material from the excavation sources elsewhere on the
project. Bridge Approach Embankments shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of the
maximum density as determined by the tests described in Section 2-03.3(14)D. In any
embankment area where piles will be installed, the Contractor shall remove all solid material,
rocks, broken concrete, etc., larger than 3 inches across that would interfere with pile driving.
To prevent the bridge from being distorted or displaced, the Contractor shall place backfill
evenly around all sides and parts of the Structure. The Contractor shall not backfill any
abutment prior to placing the Superstructure. After the Superstructure is in place, use of small
compactors may be required to compact the backfill around the Structure. Embankments and
backfill behind the abutments shall be brought up in layers and compacted concurrently. The
difference in backfill height against each abutment shall not exceed 2 feet unless otherwise
allowed by the Engineer.
The Contractor may request to place the abutment backfill (either full or partial height)
prior to placement of the Superstructure by submitting Type 2E Working Drawings consisting
of calculations confirming that the abutment is stable, both for overturning and sliding,
without the Superstructure in place. The stability calculations shall assume a loading of 30 lbs/
ft3 equivalent fluid pressure and include at least a 2-foot surcharge for the backfill placement
equipment. If the abutment backfill is allowed to be placed prior to completion of the
Superstructure, the Contractor shall bear any added cost that results from the change.
The Contractor shall build the embankment under the bridge to the dimensions shown in
the Standard Plans or detailed in the Plans.
Cost related to all Work described in this section shall be incidental to other Work and
included in the unit Contract prices that apply.
2-03.3(14)J Gravel Borrow Including Haul
When required by the Plans or the Engineer, the Contractor shall use gravel borrow
meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.14(1) to:
1. Build structural embankments.
2. Backfill excavation of unsuitable foundation material above the ground water table.
3. Backfill below-grade excavation above the ground water table.
4. Construct mechanically stabilized earth walls.
5. Construct reinforced soil slopes.
Gravel borrow shall be compacted according to Sections 2-03.3(14)C and 2-03.3(14)D.
unsuitable foundation excavation and common borrow items, the original ground will be
compared with a survey of the excavation area taken after the Work is completed. When the
Contracting Agency requires excavated material to be stockpiled, re-excavated and moved
again, a second measurement will be made, adding quantity for the same item used in the
original excavation. The second measurement will be a comparison of the original cross-
section of the stockpile with a cross-section of the stockpile area after the second excavation
is completed.
If the excavation item does not include Haul, then the measurement provisions of
Section 2-04 shall apply.
Gravel borrow and select borrow will be measured by the cubic yard or ton. Measurement
by cubic yard will be made in the hauling vehicle.
Sand drainage blanket will be measured by the ton with deductions made for the weight
of moisture above 8 percent.
Embankment compaction (Methods B and C in Section 2-03.3(14)C) will be measured by
the cubic yard. An original ground measurement will be taken using cross-section or digital
terrain modeling survey techniques. Quantities will be determined based on a comparison
of the original ground measurement with the finished embankment section as staked. No
allowance will be made for material that settles. No deduction will be taken for other items
constructed within the embankment (bridge abutments, piers, columns, backfill, pipes, etc.).
The Contracting Agency will exclude from compaction measurement material that is wasted
or placed under water and not compacted in layers as provided by Sections 2-03.3(14)A
and 2-03.3(14)C. In cuts, where excavation has been made below the planned Subgrade
elevation, and in fills where excavation has been made below original ground, compaction
will be measured by the cubic yard in the cross-section of compacted backfill material. When
material below grade in cuts or in original ground beneath fills is scarified and recompacted,
embankment compaction will be measured by its compacted depth, up to a maximum of
6 inches. There is no specific unit of measure and no measurement will be made for method
A compaction as described in Section 2-03.3(14)C.
Controlled blasting of rock face will be measured by the linear foot of hole drilled. Holes
will be measured from the top of the rock surface to the elevation of the Roadway ditch or
to a bench elevation set by the Engineer. Quantities shown in the Plans are based on 30-inch
hole spacing. Actual quantities will depend on field conditions and results from test sections.
Prefabricated vertical drains will be measured by the linear foot. Trial drains will be
measured and included in the payment quantity for the prefabricated vertical drains. The
drains will be measured from the top of the working platform to the bottom of each hole.
2-03.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Roadway Excavation”, per cubic yard.
“Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Roadway Excavation – Area ____”, per cubic yard.
“Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul – Area ____”, per cubic yard.
“Channel Excavation”, per cubic yard.
“Channel Excavation Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Ditch Excavation”, per cubic yard.
“Ditch Excavation Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Roadway Excavation”, “Roadway Excavation
Incl. Haul”, “Roadway Excavation – Area __”, “Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul – Area
___”, “Channel Excavation”, “Channel Excavation Incl. Haul”, “Ditch Excavation”, and
“Ditch Excavation Incl. Haul” shall be full compensation for all costs incurred for excavating,
loading, placing, or otherwise disposing of the material.
For “Haul”, the unit Contract price as provided in Section 2-04 shall apply, except when
the pay item is shown as including Haul. In that case the unit Contract price per cubic yard
shall include “Haul”. When a bid item is not included in the proposal for channel excavation
or ditch excavation, all costs shall be included in roadway excavation.
When the Engineer orders Work according to Section 2-03.3(3), unit Contract prices shall
apply unless the Work differs materially from the excavation above Subgrade, then payment
will be in accordance with Section 1-04.4.
“Unsuitable Foundation Excavation”, per cubic yard.
“Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Unsuitable Foundation Excavation” and
“Unsuitable Foundation Excavation Incl. Haul” shall be full payment for all costs incurred
for excavating, loading, and disposing of the material. For “Haul”, the unit Contract price as
provided in Section 2-04 shall apply, except when the Bid item is shown as including Haul.
In that case, the unit Contract price per cubic yard shall include “Haul”.
“Common Borrow Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Common Borrow Incl. Haul” shall be full
compensation for all costs incurred for excavating, loading, hauling, placing, or otherwise
disposing of the material. The unit Contract price includes removing, disposing of, wasting,
or stockpiling any material in the borrow site that does not meet the Specifications for
“Common Borrow”.
“Select Borrow Incl. Haul”, per ton.
“Select Borrow Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Gravel Borrow Incl. Haul”, per ton.
“Gravel Borrow Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Sand Drainage Blanket”, per ton.
The unit Contract price per ton or cubic yard for “Select Borrow Incl. Haul”, “Gravel
Borrow Incl. Haul” and “Sand Drainage Blanket” shall be full compensation for all costs
incurred for excavating, loading, hauling, and placing the material unless otherwise specified
in the Proposal.
“Embankment Compaction”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Embankment Compaction” shall be
full compensation for all costs incurred for all material, labor, tools, equipment, and
incidentals required.
When embankments are constructed using Method A compaction, payment for
embankment compaction will not be made as a separate item. All costs for embankment
compaction shall be included in other Bid items involved.
If the Bid item “Embankment Compaction” is not provided in the Proposal, compensation
for costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 2-03.3(14), Embankment
Construction, shall be included in payment for other items of Work in the Contract.
“Aeration”, by force account.
“Aeration” will be paid for by force account as specified in Section 1-09.6. The payment
for aeration and other related unit Contract prices shall be full compensation for all costs
incurred to perform the Work described in Section 2-03.3(15). Should the Contractor fail to
seal an aerated area prior to inclement weather, additional aeration to restore the area to its
previous condition shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency
has entered an amount in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor.
“Controlled Blasting of Rock Face”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Controlled Blasting of Rock Face” shall be
full compensation for all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 2-03.3(2).
Measurement and payment for Roadway excavation and haul related to blasting shall be as
provided under those items in this section and shall include the volume of material excavated
from the benches or setbacks approved for drilling separate lifts.
“Prefabricated Vertical Drain”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot shall be full compensation for all costs incurred to
perform the Work, including trial drains, as described in Section 2-03.3(14)H.
2-04 Haul
2-04.1 Description
This Work consists of transporting excavated material from its original site to its final place
in the Work.
The balance points shown in the Plans are only approximate. The Engineer may change
the balance points to help equalize quantities of materials or to dispose of surpluses.
When the Plans require hauling, the Contractor shall not substitute wasting or borrowing.
The Contracting Agency will not pay extra for cross-hauling unless the Engineer so orders.
2-04.2 Vacant
2-04.3 Vacant
2-04.4 Measurement
The Contracting Agency will measure haul in units of haul where one unit equals
100-cubic yards of excavated material hauled 100 feet.
Excavated material will be measured in its original position. The Engineer will provide
a copy of the location mass diagram upon request.
Haul On Right of Way – To compute units of haul, the Contracting Agency will measure
haul distance parallel to the centerline (or base line) of the Highway. Lateral distance
(cross‑hauling) will not be measured.
Quantities to be measured in this way include: (1) material from the Roadway prism or
prisms; (2) borrow from widened cuts; (3) waste deposited in the Right of Way or alongside
it; and (4) material from Auxiliary Lanes – Frontage Roads, speed change lanes, paralleling
and loop ramps, cross roads, and other lanes that supplement through-traffic movements.
If the Plans show more than one centerline or base line (as in a multi-lane Highway),
the Plans or Special Provisions will describe the line by which haul will be computed.
Waste Haul Off Right of Way – The Contracting Agency will measure the cross-section
and length of any waste embankment to calculate waste quantities. If the Plans or Special
Provisions do not specify a haul route, the Contracting Agency will compute haul along the
long axis of the waste embankment, thence along a line running perpendicular to the Highway
center line, starting at the center line and ending at the nearest end of the waste embankment.
However, when a route is specified, haul distance will be measured along that route. If the
Contractor chooses to use a route shorter than that computed or specified, the Contracting
Agency will base payment on the length of the route actually used.
2-04.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal:
“Haul”, per unit.
2-05 Vacant
2-07 Watering
2-07.1 Description
This Work consists of furnishing, hauling, and applying water for compacting
embankments, constructing Subgrade, placing of crushed surfacing, dust control,
and as the Engineer requires.
2-07.2 Vacant
2-07.3 Construction Requirements
The Contractor shall apply water by means of tank trucks equipped with spray bars.
Spray controls shall ensure that the water flows evenly and in the amounts required by the
Engineer. The Engineer may direct that the Contractor apply water at night or early in the
morning to reduce evaporation losses.
2-07.4 Measurement
Water will be measured by the gallon using tanks or tank trucks of known capacity
or by meters approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply and install any meters
at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
2-07.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal:
“Water”, per M gal.
The unit Contract price per M gallon for “Water” shall be full pay for all labor, materials,
tools, and equipment necessary to furnish, haul, and apply the water.
When the Contract does not include water as a pay item, providing and applying the water
shall be incidental to construction. All costs shall be included in the other Contract pay items.
2-08 Vacant
2-09.3(1)E Backfilling
The backfilling of openings dug for Structures shall be a necessary part of and incidental
to the excavation. Unless the Engineer directs otherwise, backfill material shall be nonclay
material containing no pieces more than 3 inches across, no frozen lumps, and no wood or
other foreign material.
When specified in the Contract or when approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
supply controlled density fill as backfill material.
Alternative Sources. When material from Structure excavation is unsuitable for use
as backfill, the Engineer may require the Contractor to:
1. Use other material covered by the Contract if such substitution involves Work that
does not differ materially from what would otherwise have been required,
2. Substitute selected material in accordance with Section 2-03.3(10),
3. Use Controlled Density Fill (CDF) also known as Controlled Low Strength Material
(CLSM)), or
4. Obtain material elsewhere. Material obtained elsewhere will be paid for in accordance
with Section 1-04.4.
Controlled Density Fill (CDF) or Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM) – CDF
is a self compacting, cementitious, flowable material requiring no subsequent vibration or
tamping to achieve consolidation. The Contractor shall provide a mix design in writing to the
Engineer on WSDOT Form 350-040 and utilize ACI 229 as a guide to develop the CDF mix
design. No CDF shall be placed until the Engineer has reviewed the mix design. CDF shall be
designed to have a minimum 28-day strength of 50 psi and a maximum 28-day strength not to
exceed 300 psi. The CDF consistency shall be flowable (approximate slump 3 to 10 inches).
The following testing methods shall be used by the Contractor to develop the CDF mix design:
28-day compressive strength – ASTM D4832;
Unit weight, yield, and air content – ASTM D6023;
Slump – FOP for AASHTO T 119.
The water/cement ratio shall be calculated on the total weight of cementitious material.
Cementitious materials are those listed in Section 5-05.2.
Admixtures used in CDF shall meet the requirements of Section 9-23.6, Admixtures
for Concrete, and foaming agents, if used, shall meet the requirements of ASTM C869.
Admixtures shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and
non‑chloride accelerating admixtures may be used to accelerate the hardening of CDF.
CDF shall meet the requirement of Section 6-02.3(5)C and shall be accepted based on
a Certificate of Compliance. The producer shall provide a Certificate of Compliance for each
truckload of CDF in accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)B.
Stockpiling – The Engineer may require the Contractor to selectively remove and stockpile
any usable material excavated for a Structure. If this material meets the requirements for
gravel backfill for walls it may replace gravel as wall or abutment backfill.
If the Contractor stockpiles excavated material for use as backfill, it shall be protected with
plastic sheeting or by some other method from contamination and weather damage. If the
material becomes too wet or contaminated in the stockpile, the Contractor shall dispose of
and replace it with an equal amount of suitable material, all at no expense to the Contracting
Agency. All costs for storing, protecting, rehandling, and placing stockpiled material shall
be included in the unit Contract price for Structure excavation, Class A or B.
Compaction – Backfill from Structure excavation shall be placed and compacted
in keeping with the following requirements:
1. Backfill supporting Roadbed, Roadway embankments, or Structures, including
backfill providing lateral support for noise barrier wall foundations, luminaire poles,
traffic signal standards, and roadside and overhead sign Structure foundations shall
be placed in horizontal layers no more than 6 inches thick with each layer compacted
4. Maintain water depth and horizontal clearances required for traffic to pass on navigable
streams, furnishing any channel signals or lights required during construction.
5. Place riprap around the outside of cofferdams, as specified, to repair local scour.
2-09.3(3)B Excavation Using Open Pits – Extra Excavation
The Contractor may dig open pits or perform extra excavation without shoring or
cofferdams, if:
1. Footings can be placed in dry material away from running water.
2. The integrity of the completed Structure and its surroundings is not reduced.
3. Worker safety is ensured as required by law.
4. The excavation does not disturb the existing pavement or any other adjacent
structural elements.
If a slide occurs in an open pit, the Contractor shall remove the slide material. If the
slide disturbs an area over which a Highway will be built, the Contractor shall backfill and
compact the site to the original ground line as approved by the Engineer. If the slide damages
an existing facility such as a Roadway or Structure, the Contractor shall repair the damage
caused by the slide. The Contractor shall pay all costs related to removing slide material and
restoring the slide area, including the repair of any pavement or structural elements damaged
by the slide.
The Contractor shall drain or pump any water from the pit, taking care not to stir up or
soften the bottom. If equipment in the pit or inadequate water removal makes the foundation
material unstable, the Contractor shall, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, remove and
replace it with material acceptable to the Engineer.
When the Engineer believes ground water flow may impair a concrete footing, the
Contractor shall place under it a layer of gravel at least 6 inches thick. Before placing the
gravel, the Contractor shall excavate to whatever grade the Engineer requires. This provision
shall not apply to the building of concrete seals.
The Contractor may omit forms when the earthen sides of a footing excavation will stand
vertically. In this case, the Contractor may excavate to the neat line dimensions of the footing
and pour concrete against the undisturbed earth. If the hole is larger than neat line dimensions,
the Contractor shall bear the cost of the extra concrete.
For open temporary cuts, the following requirements shall be met:
1. No vehicular or construction traffic, or construction surcharge loads will be allowed
within a distance of 5 feet from the top of the cut.
2. Exposed soil along the slope shall be protected from surface erosion.
3. Construction activities shall be scheduled so that the length of time the temporary
cut is left open is reduced to the extent practical.
4. Surface water shall be diverted away from the excavation.
Submittals and Design Requirements – The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working
Drawings with supporting calculations showing the geometry and construction sequencing
of the proposed excavation slopes.
The excavation stability design shall be conducted in accordance with the WSDOT
Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03. The stability of the excavation slopes shall be designed
for site specific conditions which shall be shown and described in the Working Drawings.
Examples of such items that shall be shown on the excavation submittal and supported
by calculations include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Excavation geometry and controlling cross sections showing adjacent existing
foundations, utilities, site constraints, and any surcharge loading conditions that could
affect the stability of the slope;
2. A summary clearly describing subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, sequencing
considerations, and governing assumptions;
conditions allowed by Section 6-02.3(17)B. The shoring design shall also be in compliance
with the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03. In the case of conflict or discrepancy
between manuals, the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 shall govern.
For open temporary cuts associated with a shoring system, the requirements for open
temporary cuts specified in Section 2-09.3(3)B shall be met.
The structural shoring system shall be designed for site specific conditions which shall be
shown and described in the Working Drawings. The structural shoring system design shall
include the design of the slopes for stability above and below the shoring system. Except
as otherwise noted, the design height of all structural shoring in design calculations and
Working Drawings shall be for the depth of excavation as required by the Plans, plus an
additional 2 feet to account for the possibility of overexcavation. If the Contractor provides
written documentation to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the soil conditions at the site
are not likely to require overexcavation, the Engineer may waive the requirement for 2 feet
of overexcavation design height.
Examples of such items that shall be shown on the structural shoring submittal and
supported by calculations include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Heights; soil slopes; soil benches; and controlling cross sections showing adjacent
existing foundations, utilities, site constraints, and any surcharge loading conditions
that could affect the stability of the shoring system, including any slopes above or below
the shoring.
2. A summary clearly describing performance objectives, subsurface soil and groundwater
conditions, sequencing considerations, and governing assumptions.
3. Any supplemental subsurface explorations made to meet the requirements for
geotechnical design of excavation slopes, shoring walls, and other means of ground
support, in accordance with the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.
4. Supporting geotechnical calculations used to design the shoring system, including the
stability evaluation of the shoring system in its completed form as well as intermediate
shoring system construction stages, the soil and material properties selected for design,
and the justification for the selection for those properties, in accordance with the
WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03.
5. Safety factors, or load and resistance factors used, and justification for their selection.
6. Location and weight of construction equipment adjacent to the excavation; location
of adjacent traffic; and structural shoring system material properties, spacing, size,
connection details, weld sizes, and embedment depths.
7. Structural shoring installation and construction sequence, procedure, length of time for
procedure and time between operations; proof load testing procedure if any; deadman
anchor design and geometry; no load zones; grouting material and strengths; and a list
of all assumptions.
8. Methods and materials to be used to fill voids behind lagging, when soldier piles with
lagging are used as structural shoring.
9. A monitoring/testing plan to evaluate the performance of the excavation/shoring system
throughout its design life, and
10. An estimate of expected displacements or vibrations, threshold limits that would trigger
remedial actions, and a list of potential remedial actions should thresholds be exceeded.
Thresholds shall be established to prevent damage to adjacent facilities, as well as
degradation of the soil properties due to deformation.
Construction Requirements – Structural shoring or cofferdams shall be provided for
all excavations near completed Structures (foundations of bridges, walls, or buildings), near
utilities, and near railroads.
All other excavations 4 feet or more in depth shall either be shored with structural shoring
or cofferdams, or shall meet the open-pit requirements of Section 2-09.3(3)B.
Existing foundations shall be supported with structural shoring if the excavation is within
the limits defined by a plane which extends out from the nearest edge of the existing footing
a level distance of ½ the width of the existing footing and then down a slope of 1.5:1.
When structural shoring or cofferdams are utilized, all excavation and structural shoring
shall be constructed in accordance with the processed structural shoring submittal, including
any required construction sequence noted in the Working Drawings. The Contractor shall
remain responsible for satisfactory results.
If soldier piles are placed in drilled holes, and lagging is installed concurrently with the
excavation, all backfill above the bottom of the lagging shall consist of controlled-density
fill or lean concrete. Backfill below the bottom of the lagging may consist of pea gravel.
If full-height steel sheet lagging is installed prior to excavation, soldier pile holes may
be backfilled with pea gravel.
If lagging is used, void space behind the lagging shall be minimized. If the Engineer
determines that the voids present could result in damage or serviceability problems for the
structural shoring system or any Structures or facilities adjacent to the structural shoring
system, the Contractor shall cease excavation and lagging installation, and shall fill the voids
specified by the Engineer in accordance with the approved structural shoring submittal.
Further excavation and lagging placement shall not continue until the specified voids are
filled to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Excavation shall not proceed ahead of lagging installation by more than 4 feet or by
the height that the soil will safely stand, whichever is least. For tieback shoring systems,
excavation shall not proceed ahead by more than 4 feet of the tie installation and proof testing.
In using cofferdams or structural shoring, the Contractor shall:
1. Extend cofferdams well below the bottom of the excavation, and embed structural
shoring as shown in the structural shoring submittal as approved by the Engineer.
2. Provide enough clearance for constructing forms, inspecting concrete exteriors, and
pumping water that collects outside the forms. If cofferdams tilt or move laterally
during placement, the Contractor, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, shall
straighten or enlarge them to provide the required clearance.
3. Secure the cofferdam in place to prevent tipping or movement.
4. Place structural shoring or cofferdams so that they will not interfere with any pile
driving required.
5. Not place any shoring, braces, or kickers inside the cofferdams and structural shoring
that will induce stress, shock, or vibration to the permanent Structure.
6. Vent cofferdams at the elevation commensurate with seal weight design, or as shown
in the Plans.
7. Remove all bracing extending into the concrete being placed.
When the Work is completed, the Contractor shall:
1. Remove all structural shoring to at least 2 feet below the finished ground line.
2. Remove all cofferdams to the natural bed of the waterway.
2-09.3(3)E Bearing Tests
The Engineer may stop the excavation to make bearing tests at any time. The Contractor
shall assist with these tests in any way the Engineer requires.
During any test period, the Contractor shall, at no expense to the Contracting Agency,
maintain ordinary working conditions at the bottom of the hole. The Contracting Agency
will pay force account for all labor and materials the Contractor supplies for such tests.
A single test shall not exceed 72 hours.
Upper Limits – The top surface of the ground or streambed as the Work begins will be
the upper limit for measuring excavation. If the Contract, or a separate contract, includes a
pay item for grading to remove materials, the upper limit will be the neat lines of the grading
section shown in the Plans.
The Engineer may order the Contractor to partially build the embankment before placing
pipe. In this case, the upper limit for measurement will be not more than 4 feet above the
invert of the pipe. For a structural plate pipe, pipe arch, or underpass, the upper limit will
be the top of the embankment at the time of installation as specified in Section 7-03.3(1)A.
Gravel Backfill – Gravel backfill, except when used as bedding for culvert, storm sewer,
sanitary sewer, manholes, and catch basins, will be measured by the cubic yard in place
determined by the neat lines required by the Plans.
Shoring or Extra Excavation – No specific unit of measurement shall apply to the lump
sum item of shoring or extra excavation Class A. Shoring or extra excavation Class B will
be measured by the square foot as follows:
The area for payment will be one vertical plane measured along the centerline of the
trench, including Structures. Measurement will be made from the existing ground line to the
bottom of the excavation and for the length of the Work actually performed. If the Contract
includes a pay item for grading to remove materials, the upper limit for measurement will be
the neat lines of the grading section shown in the Plans. The bottom elevation for measurement
will be the bottom of the excavation as shown in the Plans or as otherwise established by
the Engineer.
Controlled density fill will be measured by the cubic yard for the quantity of material
placed in accordance with the producer’s invoice.
2-09.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid items when they are included in the Proposal:
“Structure Excavation Class A”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class A Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
Payment for reconstruction of surfacing and paving within the limits of Structure
excavation will be at the applicable unit prices for the items involved.
If the Engineer orders the Contractor to excavate below the elevations shown in the Plans,
the unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Structure Excavation Class A or B” will apply.
But if the Contractor excavates deeper than the Plans or the Engineer requires, the Contracting
Agency will not pay for material removed from below the required elevations. In this case, the
Contractor, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, shall replace such material with concrete
or other material the Engineer approves.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Cl. A _____”, lump sum.
When extra excavation is used in lieu of constructing the shoring, cofferdam or caisson,
the lump sum Contract price shall be full pay for all excavation, backfill, compaction, and
other Work required. If select backfill material is required for backfilling within the limits of
Structure excavation, it shall also be required as backfill material for the extra excavation at
the Contractor’s expense.
If it is necessary to place riprap outside of cofferdams to repair local scour, it shall be paid
by agreed price or force account.
If the Engineer requires shoring, cofferdams, or caissons when the Contract provides no
Bid item for such Work, the Contracting Agency will pay as provided in Section 1-04.4.
If the Engineer requires the Contractor to build shoring or extra excavation Class A that
extends below the elevation shown in the Plans, the Contracting Agency shall pay the lump
sum price and no more when the extra depth does not exceed 3 feet. For depths greater
than 3 feet below the elevations shown, payment will be as provided in Section 1-04.4.
2-10 Vacant
2-12.4 Measurement
Construction geotextile, with the exception of temporary silt fence geotextile and
underground drainage geotextile used in trench drains, will be measured by the square yard for
the ground surface area actually covered.
Underground drainage geotextile used in trench drains will be measured by the square yard
for the perimeter of drain actually covered.
2-12.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Construction Geotextile for Underground Drainage”, per square yard.
“Construction Geotextile for Separation”, per square yard.
“Construction Geotextile for Soil Stabilization”, per square yard.
“Construction Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control”, per square yard.
“Construction Geotextile for Ditch Lining”, per square yard.
Sediment removal behind silt fences will be paid by force account under temporary water
pollution/erosion control. If a new silt fence is installed in lieu of sediment removal, the silt
fence will be paid for at the unit Contract price per linear foot for “Construction Geotextile
for Temporary Silt Fence”.
usefulness and adequacy of a source insofar as may be practical. To achieve this end, the
Contractor shall not perform any Work within the source until receiving the Engineer’s
approval of the Contractor’s work plan within the limits of the source.
3-01.3(2) When More Than One Site is Provided
When more than one quarry or pit site is provided in the Special Provisions, the Contractor
may obtain material from any of the sources. The Contracting Agency will specify the quantity
of raw material available, as determined by tests, in each quarry or pit site. If the Contractor
sets up in a site, and it is found that the quantity of raw material from that site, when the site
is exhausted, is less than that specified by the Contracting Agency, then the provisions of
Section 3-01.3(5) will apply.
3-01.3(3) Reject Materials
All scalpings that are unsatisfactory for use under these Specifications or Special
Provisions shall be considered as reject material, subject to disposal as approved by the
Engineer. Reject material shall be placed at such a location as not to interfere with future
development within the site.
3-01.3(4) Surplus Screenings
The surplus screenings accumulated during the production of the specified materials shall
be stockpiled at a location within the site provided and become the property of the Contracting
Agency. The stockpile site shall be prepared and constructed by the Contractor in accordance
with the provisions of Section 3-02. All costs incurred in producing, hauling, and stockpiling
the surplus screenings shall be incidental to the production of the specified materials and shall
be included by the Contractor in the unit Bid prices in the Contract.
3-01.3(5) Moving Plant
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, there should be insufficient suitable material in any
quarry or pit site made available by the Contracting Agency, the Contracting Agency will
acquire at its expense an additional source, in which event the Contractor will be required
to move the crushing plant to the new quarry or site. Under such conditions, payment for
the Contractor’s costs for the move will be made on a force account basis. Payment will be
limited to the labor, equipment, and materials required for the move, and no allowance will
be made for payment of standby costs for the crushing plant nor other equipment which may
be temporarily idle as a result of the move.
The clearing, grubbing, and preparing of the new quarries or pit sites as specified
in Section 3-01.2(2) will be paid for in the manner provided in these Specifications for
“Clearing”, “Grubbing”, and “Stripping Including Haul”. If there is no Bid item applicable,
the payment for the preparation of the new site will be as provided in Section 1-04.4.
If the moving of the plant due to shortage of the supply of material necessitates a longer
haul on materials than required from the original source, the Contracting Agency will
reimburse the Contractor for the additional haul at the rate of $0.25 per ton-mile haul. The
unit ton-mile shall be the equivalent of 1 ton of material hauled a distance of 1 mile. The haul
distance will be measured in ½-mile units, fractional half-miles being allowed as full half-
miles. If the requirement for moving of the crushing plant results in a delay of performance
of Work which is critical to completion of the project, as shown by the Contractor’s approved
progress schedule, the Engineer will authorize a suspension of Work for the time required for
the move.
The above allowances, insofar as they may be applicable, shall be full pay for all claims
of any kind or description by reason of the necessity of changing from one site to another
due to shortage of the supply from sources made available by the Contracting Agency. Before
moving a crushing plant as outlined above, the Contractor shall secure from the Engineer an
order in writing to do so. Should the Contractor fail to secure such order, it shall be considered
sufficient proof that the move was immaterial insofar as to cost, and no allowance or pay will
be made by reason of such move.
If the Contractor elects to stockpile aggregates from a source not provided by the
Contracting Agency prior to use in the immediate Work, it will be subject to the approval
of the Engineer and provided that the aggregates comply with the quality and grading
requirements of these Specifications. All costs in connection with the acquisition of the
stockpile site, the preparation of the site, construction of the stockpiles, and the removal of
the aggregates from the stockpiles shall be included in the Contract prices of the various
Bid items of Work involved.
3-02.2(5) Preparation of Site
Before placing aggregates upon the stockpile site, the site shall be cleared of vegetation,
trees, stumps, brush, rocks, or other debris and the ground leveled to a smooth, firm, uniform
surface. The debris resulting from clearing and preparing the site shall be disposed of in a
manner satisfactory to the Engineer.
3-02.2(6) Construction of Stockpiles
Stockpiles shall be constructed upon the prepared sites in accordance with stakes set by
the Engineer. The piles when completed shall be neat and regular in shape. The stockpile
height shall be limited to a maximum of 24 feet.
Stockpiles in excess of 200 cubic yards shall be built up in layers not more than 4 feet in
depth. Stockpile layers shall be constructed by trucks, clamshells, or other methods approved
by the Engineer. Pushing aggregates into piles with a bulldozer will not be permitted. Each
layer shall be completed over the entire area of the pile before depositing aggregates in the
succeeding layer. The aggregate shall not be dumped so that any part of it runs down and
over the lower layers in the stockpile. The method of dropping from a bucket or spout in one
location to form a cone shaped pile will not be permitted. Any method of placing aggregates
in stockpiles, which in the opinion of the Engineer, breaks, degrades, or otherwise damages
the aggregate, will not be permitted. Plank runways will be required, when deemed necessary
by the Engineer, for operating trucks on stockpiles to avoid tracking dirt or other foreign
matter onto the stockpiled materials. Stockpiles of less than 200 cubic yards shall be piled
in a manner to prevent segregation of the various sizes of material.
No equipment other than pneumatic tired equipment shall be used in constructing the
stockpiles of processed or manufactured aggregates.
Stockpiles of different types or sizes of aggregate shall be spaced far enough apart, or
separated by suitable walls or partitions, to prevent the mixing of the aggregates. Aggregate
shall not be deposited where traffic, vehicles, or Contractor’s equipment will either run over
or through the piles, or in any way cause foreign matter to become mixed with the aggregates.
3-02.2(7) Removing Aggregates From Stockpiles
Aggregates shall be removed from stockpile in a manner to avoid separation of sizes or
admixture of dirt or foreign material. The method and equipment used for loading will be
approved by the Engineer.
No equipment other than pneumatic tired equipment shall be used on stockpiles of
processed or manufactured aggregates in removing the materials from the stockpiles. When
removing materials from the face of the stockpile, the equipment shall be operated in a
manner to face-load from the floor to the top of the stockpile to obtain maximum uniformity
of material.
The Contractor shall remove only the amount of materials from the stockpile required to
satisfy the needs of the Contract. If a surplus remains in the stockpile, the Contractor shall
leave the surplus material in neat, compact piles, free of foreign matter. The entire stockpile
site shall be left in a neat and presentable condition.
Table 1
Aggregate Acceptance Parameters
Size (Tons)
Unit Price
Unit Price
Size (CY)
Per Ton
Per CY
Specifications Item
9-03.1 Concrete Aggregate (except pavement) 2000 10001 $15.002 $30.002
9-03.1 Concrete Aggregate (pavement) 4000 20001 $15.002 $30.002
9-03.4(2) Crushed Screening3 1000 500 $20.00 $40.00
9-03.8(2) HMA Aggregate 2000 $15.00
9-03.9(1) Ballast 2000 1000 $20.00 $40.00
9-03.9(2) Permeable Ballast 2000 1000 $25.00 $50.00
9-03.9(3) Crushed Surfacing 2000 1000 $20.00 $40.00
9-03.9(4) Maintenance Rock 2000 1000 $20.00 $40.00
9-03.10 Gravel Base 4000 2000 $15.00 $30.00
9-03.11(1) Streambed Sediment 500 250 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.12(1)A Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class A 1000 500 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.12(1)B Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class B 1000 500 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.12(2) Gravel Backfill for Walls 1000 500 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.12(3) Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 1000 500 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drains 500 250 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.12(5) Gravel Backfill for Drywells 500 250 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.13 Backfill for Sand Drains 2000 1000 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.13(1) Sand Drainage Blanket 4000 2000 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.14(1) Gravel Borrow 4000 2000 $15.00 $30.00
9-03.14(2) Select Borrow 4000 2000 $15.00 $30.00
9-03.14(4) Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Walls 4000 2000 $30.00 $60.00
9-03.17 Foundation Material, Class A and B 1000 500 $25.00 $50.00
9-03.18 Foundation Material Class C 1000 500 $25.00 $50.00
9-03.19 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 4000 2000 $30.00 $60.00
1Based on 1000 CY of Concrete.
2 Priceadjustment only applies to the actual quantity of aggregate used in the concrete.
3Contingent unit price per S.Y. is $0.30.
Table 2
Price Adjustment Factors
Other Specifications
Nominal Maximum
Sieves: #8 to #100
Sieve: 100% Pass
Sand Equivalent
Maximum Size
Sieves #4 and
#200 Sieve
Specifications Item
9-03.1 Concrete Aggregate 2 2 2 10 20
(all concrete aggregate
-including pavement)
9-03.4(2) Crushed Screening 2 2 5 5 20 15
9-03.8(2) HMA Aggregate 15 15 Uncompacted
Content 15
9-03.9(1) Ballast 2 2 5 5 10 15 Dust Ratio 15
9-03.9(2) Permeable Ballast 2 2 5 5 15
9-03.9(3) Crushed Surfacing 2 2 5 5 10 15 15
9-03.9(4) Maintenance Rock 2 2 5 5 10 15 15
9-03.10 Gravel Base 2 5 6 10 Dust Ratio 10
9-03.11(1) Streambed Sediment 2 2 5 5 10
9-03.12(1)A Gravel Backfill for
Foundations Class A3
9-03.12(1)B Gravel Backfill for 2 5 6 10 Dust Ratio 10
Foundations Class B
9-03.12(2) Gravel Backfill for Walls 2 2 5 6 10 Dust Ratio 10
9-03.12(3) Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone 2 2 5 5 6 10
9-03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drains 2 2 5 6
9-03.12(5) Gravel Backfill for Drywells 2 2 5 6
9-03.13 Backfill for Sand Drains 2 5 3 10
9-03.13(1) Sand Drainage Blanket 2 5 3 10
9-03.14(1) Gravel Borrow 2 2 5 5 5 10
9-03.14(2) Select Borrow 2 2 5 5 6 10
9-03.14(4) Gravel Borrow for Structural 2 2 5 5 5 10 Other4
Earth Walls
9-03.17 Foundation Material, Class 2 3
9-03.18 Foundation Material Class C 2 3
9-03.19 Bank Run Gravel for Trench 2 2 5 6 10 Dust Ratio 10
Other Materials 2 2 5 5 10 15 15 Dust Ratio 10
1For Aggregate, the nominal maximum size sieve is the largest standard sieve opening listed in the applicable specification upon
which more than 1-percent of the material by weight is permitted to be retained. For concrete aggregate, the nominal maximum
size sieve is the smallest standard sieve opening through which the entire amount of aggregate is permitted to pass.
2Price adjustment factor applies where criteria is contained in the material specification.
3Use the price adjustment factors for the material that is actually used.
4Resistivity 10, pH 10, Chlorides 5, and Sulfates 5.
4-03 Vacant
Crushed surfacing materials for placement in stockpile will be measured by the ton or
cubic yard. If measured by the cubic yard, the volume will be determined by cross-sectioning
the stockpile.
Maintenance rock will be measured in the same manner prescribed for crushed surfacing
Water used in placing and compacting surfacing materials on the Roadway will be
measured in accordance with Section 2-07.
4-04.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Crushed Surfacing Top Course (or Base Course)”, per ton, or per cubic yard.
“Crushed Surfacing Top Course (or Base Course) in Stockpile”, per ton, or per cubic yard.
“Crushed Surfacing Top Course (or Base Course) from Stockpile”, per ton, or per cubic yard.
“Ballast”, per ton, or per cubic yard.
“Ballast in Stockpile”, per ton, or per cubic yard.
“Ballast from Stockpile”, per ton, or per cubic yard.
“Permeable Ballast”, per ton, or per cubic yard.
“Permeable Ballast in Stockpile”, per ton or per cubic yard.
“Permeable Ballast from Stockpile”, per ton or per cubic yard.
“Maintenance Rock ½ In. Minus in Stockpile”, per ton, or per cubic yard.
concrete patching material. The Contractor’s submittal shall include the mix proportions
of the prepackaged concrete patching material, water, aggregate extender, and the
proposed sources for all aggregates. If not approved for use on the QPL, submit test
data indicating compliance with Section 9-20.
5-01.3(1)A2 Cement Concrete for Panel Replacement
Cement concrete for panel replacement shall meet the requirements of Sections 5-05.3(1)
and 5-05.3(2) and be air entrained with a design air content of 5.5 percent. Cement concrete
for panel replacement may use rapid hardening hydraulic cement meeting the requirements
of Section 9-01.2(2). Rapid hardening hydraulic cement will be considered a cementitious
material for the purpose of calculating the water/cementitious materials ratio and the minimum
cementitious materials requirement.
5-01.3(1)B Equipment for Panel Replacement
In addition to Sections 5-05.3(3)A, 5-05.3(3)B, 5-05.3(3)D, and 5-05.3(3)E the following
shall apply:
1. Mobile volumetric mixers shall be calibrated in accordance with Section 6-09.3(1)H.
The references to the latex admixture shall not apply.
2. The equipment for grinding cement concrete pavement shall use diamond embedded
saw blades gang mounted on a self propelled machine that is specifically designed to
smooth and texture concrete pavement. The equipment shall not damage the underlying
surface, cause fracture, or spalling of any joints.
5-01.3(2) Material Acceptance
5-01.3(2)A Concrete Patching Material
Acceptance shall be based on field verification of the prepackaged patching material,
and whether the amount of added water and aggregate extender complies with the mix design.
5-01.3(2)B Cement Concrete for Panel Replacement
The point of acceptance will be at the discharge of the placement system.
The concrete producer shall provide a certificate of compliance for each truckload
of concrete in accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)B.
Acceptance testing for compliance of air content and 28-day compressive strength shall
be conducted from samples obtained according to FOP for WAQTC TM 2. Air content shall
be determined by conducting FOP for AASHTO T 152. Compressive Strength shall be
determined by AASHTO T 22 and FOP for AASHTO T 23. The lower Specification limit
for air content shall be 3 percent, and the upper Specification limit for air content shall be
7 percent. The lower Specification limit for compressive strength shall be 4,000 psi.
The Contractor shall provide cure boxes in accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)H, and
protect concrete cylinders in cure boxes from excessive vibration and shock waves during
the curing period in accordance with Section 6-02.3(6)D. Payment for cure boxes shall be
in accordance with Section 6-02.5.
5-01.3(2)B1 Conformance to Mix Design
Acceptance of cement concrete pavement for panel replacement shall be in accordance
with Section 5-01.3(2)B. The cement, coarse, and fine aggregate weights shall be within the
tolerances of the mix design in accordance with Section 5-05.3(1).
5-01.3(2)B2 Rejection of Concrete
Rejection by the Contractor: The Contractor may, prior to sampling, elect to remove any
defective material and replace it with new material at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
The replacement material will be sampled, tested and evaluated for acceptance.
Rejection without Testing: The Engineer may reject any load that appears defective prior to
placement. Material rejected before placement shall not be incorporated into the pavement. No
payment will be made for the rejected materials unless the Contractor requests that the rejected
material be tested. If the Contractor elects to have the rejected materials tested, a sample will
be taken and both the air content and strength shall be tested by WSDOT.
Payment for rejected material will be based on the results of the one sample, which was
taken and tested. If the rejected material fails either test, no payment will be made for the
rejected material and in addition, the cost of sampling and testing, at the rate of $250.00 per
sample shall be borne by the Contractor. If the rejected material passes both tests the mix will
be compensated for at actual invoice cost and the cost of the sampling and testing will borne
by the Contracting Agency.
5-01.3(3) Vacant
5-01.3(4) Replace Cement Concrete Panel
Curing, cold weather Work, concrete pavement construction in adjacent lanes, and
protection of pavement shall meet the requirements of Section 5-05.3(13) through
Section 5-05.3(15).
Concrete slabs to be replaced as shown in the Plans or staked by the Engineer shall be
at least 6.0 feet long and full width of an existing pavement panel. The portion of the panel
to remain in place shall have a minimum dimension of 6 feet in length and full panel width;
otherwise the entire panel shall be removed and replaced. There shall be no new joints closer
than 3.0 feet to an existing transverse joint or crack. A vertical full depth saw cut is required
along all longitudinal joints and at transverse locations and, unless the Engineer approves
otherwise, an additional vertical full depth relief saw cut located 12 to 18 inches from and
parallel to the initial longitudinal and transverse saw cut locations is also required. Removal
of existing cement concrete pavement shall not cause damage to adjacent slabs that are to
remain in place. The Contractor, at no cost to the Contracting Agency, shall repair any damage
caused by the Contractor’s operation. In areas that will be ground, slab replacements shall be
performed prior to pavement grinding.
When new concrete pavement is to be placed against existing cement concrete pavement,
tie bars and dowel bars shall be drilled and grouted into the existing pavement with either Type
I or IV epoxy resin as specified in Section 9-26.
Dowel bars shall be placed at the mid depth of the concrete slab, centered over the
transverse joint, and parallel to the centerline and to the Roadway surface.
Placement Tolerances for Dowel Bars
1. ± 1 inch of the middle of the concrete slab depth.
2. ± 1 inch of being centered over the transverse joint.
3. ± ½ inch from parallel to the centerline.
4. ± ½ inch from parallel to the Roadway surface.
Dowel bars may be adjusted to avoid contact with existing dowel bars in the transverse
joint at approach slabs or existing panels without exceeding specified tolerances.
Tie bars shall be placed at the mid depth of the concrete slab, centered over the joint,
perpendicular to centerline, and parallel to the Roadway surface.
Placement Tolerances for Tie Bars
1. ±1 inch of the middle of the concrete slab depth.
2. ±1 inch of being centered over the joint.
3. ±1 inch from perpendicular to the centerline.
4. ±1 inch from parallel to the Roadway surface.
The horizontal position of tie bars may be adjusted to avoid contact with existing tie bars
in the longitudinal joint where panel replacement takes place.
Dowel bars and tie bars shall be placed according to the Standard Plan when multiple
panels are placed.
The surface patch area shall be sand blasted and all loose material removed.
All sandblasting residue shall be removed using dry oil-free air.
Spall repair shall not be done in areas where dowel bars are encountered.
When a partial depth repair is placed directly against an adjacent longitudinal joint, a bond-
breaking material such as polyethylene film, roofing paper, or other material as approved by
the Engineer shall be placed between the existing concrete and the area to be patched.
Patches that abut working transverse joints or cracks require placement of a compressible
insert. The new joint or crack shall be formed to the same width as the existing joint or
crack. The compressible joint material shall be placed into the existing joint 1 inch below the
depth of repair. The compressible insert shall extend at least 3 inches beyond each end of the
patch boundaries.
Patches that abut the lane/Shoulder joint require placement of a formed edge, along the slab
edge, even with the surface.
The patching material shall be mixed, placed, consolidated, finished, and cured according
to manufacturer’s recommendations. Slab/patch interfaces that will not receive pavement
grinding shall be sealed (painted) with a 1:1 cement-water grout along the patch perimeter.
The Contractor shall reseal all joints in accordance with Section 5-05.3(8)B.
Opening to traffic shall meet the requirements of Section 5-05.3(17).
5-01.3(6) Dowel Bar Retrofit
Dowel bars shall be installed in the existing concrete pavement joints and transverse cracks
where shown in the Plans or as marked by the Engineer.
Saw cut slots will be required in the pavement to place the center of the dowel at mid-depth
in the concrete slab. The completed slot shall provide a level, secure surface for the feet of
the dowel bar chairs. Slots that intersect longitudinal or random cracks shall not be retrofitted.
When gang saws are used, slots that are not used shall be cleaned and sealed with either Type I
or IV epoxy resin as specified in Section 9-26. The transverse joint between cement concrete
pavement and a Bridge approach slab shall not be retrofitted.
Saw cut slots shall be prepared such that dowel bars can be placed at the mid depth
of the concrete slab, centered over the transverse joint, and parallel to the centerline and
to the Roadway surface.
Placement Tolerances for Dowel Bars
1. ± 1 inch of the middle of the concrete slab depth.
2. ± 1 inch of being centered over the transverse joint.
3. ± ½ inch from parallel to the centerline.
4. ± ½ inch from parallel to the Roadway surface.
If jackhammers are used to break loose the concrete they shall weigh less than 30 pounds.
All slot surfaces shall be cleaned to bare concrete by sand blasting. The cleaning shall
remove all slurry, parting compound, and other foreign materials prior to installation of
the dowel. Any damage to the concrete shall be repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the
Contracting Agency. Traffic shall not be allowed on slots where concrete has been removed.
Prior to placement, the dowel bars shall be lightly coated with a parting compound and
placed on a chair that will provide a minimum of ½-inch clearance between the bottom of the
dowel and the bottom of the slot.
The chair design shall hold the dowel bar tightly in place during placement of the concrete
patching material. If the transverse joint or crack is open ¼ inch or more, the Contractor shall
caulk the transverse joint or crack at the bottom and sides of the slot as shown in the Plans
immediately prior to placement of the dowel bar and concrete patching material. The caulking
filler shall not be placed any farther than ½ inch outside either side of the joint or crack. The
transverse joint or crack shall be caulked sufficiently to satisfy the above requirements and
to prevent any of the patching material from entering the joint/crack at the bottom or sides of
the slot.
A ⅜-inch-thick foam insert shall be placed at the middle of the dowel to maintain the
transverse joint. The foam insert shall fit tightly around the dowel and to the bottom and edges
of the slot and extend to the top of the existing pavement surface. The foam insert shall be
capable of remaining in a vertical position and held tightly to all edges during placement of the
patch. If for any reason the foam insert shifts during placement of the patch the Work shall be
rejected and redone at the Contractor’s expense.
Patching material shall be consolidated by using a 1-inch or less diameter vibrator as
approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not overwork the patching material during the
patch consolidation process.
The patching material on the surface of the dowel bar slots shall not be overworked,
causing segregation and leaving the fine material on the surface. The patching material shall
be left ⅛ to ¼ inch high and not finished flush with the existing concrete surface.
The joint shall be maintained by saw cutting the surface with a hand pushed single blade
saw. The cut width shall be 3⁄16 to 5⁄16 inch and the depth 1½ inches. The cut length shall be
2¼ feet long centered over the three retrofit dowel bars and shall be sawed within 24 hours
after placement of the concrete patching material.
5-01.3(7) Sealing Existing Concrete Random Cracks
The Contractor shall route, clean and seal existing concrete random cracks where indicated
by the Engineer. Cracks smaller than 5⁄16 inch in width shall be routed to 5⁄16 inch wide by 1 inch
deep prior to placing the sealant. Cracks over 5⁄16 inch in width shall be cleaned and sealed.
All incompressible material shall be completely removed from the existing random crack
to a depth of ¾ inch. Immediately prior to sealing, the cracks shall be blown clean with dry,
oil free compressed air.
The top surface of the sealant shall be at least ¼ inch below the surface of the pavement.
5-01.3(8) Sealing Existing Longitudinal and Transverse Joint
The Contractor shall clean and seal existing longitudinal and transverse joints where shown
in the Plans or as marked by the Engineer.
Old sealant and incompressible material shall be completely removed from the joint to the
depth of the new reservoir with a diamond blade saw in accordance with the detail shown in
the Standard Plans. The removed sealant shall become the property of the Contractor and be
removed from the jobsite.
Removal of the old sealant for the entire depth of the joint is not required if the depth of
the new reservoir is less than the depth of the existing joint.
Joints constructed with joint tape do not require cleaning and sealing.
Immediately prior to sealing, the cracks shall be blown clean with dry oil-free compressed
air. If shown in the Plans, a backer rod shall be placed at the base of the sawn reservoir.
The joints shall be completely dry before the sealing installation may begin. Immediately
following the air blowing and backer rod replacement, if required, the sealant material shall
be installed in conformance to manufacturer’s recommendations and in accordance with
Section 5-05.3(8)B.
The top surface of the sealant shall be at least ¼ inch below the surface of the pavement.
5-01.3(9) Cement Concrete Pavement Grinding
Pavement grinding shall begin within 10 working days of placing dowel bar retrofit
patching materials. Once the grinding operation has started it shall be continuous until
completed. If new cement concrete pavement, in accordance with Section 5-05, is to be
placed next to rehabilitated cement concrete pavement, grind one pass along the edge of the
rehabilitated cement concrete pavement adjacent to where the new cement concrete pavement
is to be placed before the new cement concrete pavement is placed.
The pavement shall be ground in a longitudinal direction beginning and ending at lines
normal to the pavement centerline. Ninety-five percent of the surface area of the pavement
to be ground shall have a minimum of ⅛ inch removed by grinding.
Bridge decks, bridge approach slabs, and bridge overlay insets shall not be ground.
The ground pavement shall be feathered to match the elevation of the above features.
5-01.3(9)A Surface Finish
The final surface texture shall be uniform in appearance with longitudinal corduroy type
texture. The grooves shall be between 3⁄32 and 5⁄32 inches wide, and no deeper than 1⁄16 inch.
The land area between the grooves shall be between 1⁄16 and ⅛ inches wide.
5-01.3(10) Pavement Smoothness
Perform the Work described in Section 5-05.3(12), and the following:
Where the pavement is ground, calculation of the profile index shall exclude dips and
depressions in the existing Roadway. The profilograph generated reports shall be provided
to the Engineer prior to payment. The smoothness perpendicular to the centerline will be
measured with a 10-foot straightedge within the lanes. There shall be no vertical elevation
differences of more than a ¼ inch between lanes.
5-01.3(11) Concrete Slurry and Grinding Residue
All concrete slurry and grinding residue shall be removed from the pavement surface
on a continual basis immediately behind the grinding or cutting operations. Slurry shall
not be allowed to drain into an area open to traffic, off of the paved surface, into any
drainage structure, water of the state, or wetlands.
The Contractor shall collect the concrete slurry and grinding residue from the pavement
surface and dispose of it in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C. The Contractor shall submit
copies of all disposal tickets to the Engineer within 5 calendar days.
Opening to traffic shall meet the requirements of Section 5-05.3(17).
5-01.4 Measurement
Replacement cement concrete panels will be measured by the square yard, based on
the actual width and length of the surface area placed.
Retrofit dowel bars will be measured per each for the actual number of bars used in
the completed Work.
Sealing existing concrete random cracks will be measured by the linear foot, measured
along the crack sealed.
Sealing existing longitudinal and transverse joint will be measured by the linear foot,
measured along the line of the completed joint.
Cement concrete pavement grinding will be measured by the square yard, based on the
actual width and length of area ground. Extra passes to meet the Specifications or overlaps
will not be measured.
5-01.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Replace Cement Concrete Panel”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard shall be full payment for all costs to complete
the Work as specified, including saw cutting full depth, removal and disposal of the existing
panels off of the Contracting Agency’s Right of Way, preparing the surfacing below the new
panel, provide, place and compact the crushed surfacing or hot mix asphalt, furnishing and
placing polyethylene film or building paper, furnishing and placing the cement concrete,
drilling the holes, providing and anchoring the dowel bars and tie bars, and for all incidentals
required to complete the Work as specified.
“Retrofit Dowel Bars”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each shall be full payment for all costs to complete the Work
as specified, including furnishing and installing parting compound, dowel bar expansion caps,
caulking filler, foam core insert material, cement patch where pavement is removed for dowel
bar retrofit and for all incidentals required to complete the Work as specified.
“Partial Depth Spall Repair”, by force account as provided in Section 1-09.6.
To provide a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an
amount in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor.
“Sealing Existing Concrete Random Crack”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Sealing Existing Concrete Random Crack”
shall be full payment for all costs to complete the Work as specified, including removing
incompressible material, preparing and sealing existing random cracks where existing random
cracks are cleaned and for all incidentals required to complete the Work as specified.
“Sealing Existing Longitudinal and Transverse Joint”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Sealing Existing Longitudinal and Transverse
Joint”, shall be full payment for all costs to complete the Work as specified, including
removing incompressible material, preparing and sealing existing transverse and longitudinal
joints where existing transverse and longitudinal joints are cleaned and for all incidentals
required to complete the Work as specified.
“Cement Concrete Pavement Grinding”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard for “Cement Concrete Pavement Grinding”, when
multiplied by the number of units measured, shall be full payment for all costs to complete
the Work as specified. The costs of any additional pavement grinding and profiling required
to complete the Work as specified is also included in this payment.
“Replace Uncompactable Material”, by force account as provided in Section 1-09.6.
Payment for “Replace Uncompactable Material” will be by force account as provided
in Section 1-09.6 and will be full payment for all work required to replace uncompactable
material and provide base for the Concrete panel. This will include, but not be limited
to, excavating the subgrade, placement of a soil stabilization construction geotextile, and
backfilling with crushed surfacing base course, as well as the work detailed in items 1 through
5 noted in Section 5-01.3(4). For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for Bidders, the
Contracting Agency has entered an amount in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by
the Contractor.
All costs associated with the containment, collection and disposal of concrete slurry and
grinding residue shall be included in the applicable concrete grinding or cutting items of Work.
The Engineer will determine the application rates. The second application of emulsified
asphalt shall be applied the next day, or as approved by the Engineer.
Longitudinal joints will be allowed at only the centerline of the Roadway, the center of
the driving lanes, or the edge of the driving lanes.
To ensure uniform distribution of emulsified asphalt and that the distributor is correctly
calibrated, the Contractor shall provide a minimum 1,000-foot test strip when beginning a
BST section.
To avoid gaps and ridges at transverse junctions of separate applications of emulsified
asphalt and aggregate, the Contractor shall spread sufficient building paper over the treated
surface to ensure that the distributor will be functioning normally when the untreated surface
is reached. If ordered by the Engineer, the joints shall be cut back to a neat edge prior to
placing the building paper.
Should ridges, overlaps, or gaps occur at transverse joints, the Contractor shall repair the
defects to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In lieu of repair the Engineer may elect to accept
the completed joints and will deduct from monies due or that may become due the Contractor,
the sum of $200 for each joint where the deviations described above are found. Should
longitudinal joints occur outside the centerline of the Roadway, the center of the driving lanes,
or the edge of the driving lanes, the Contractor shall repair the defects to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
All costs involved in making the corrections to defects described above shall be borne
by the Contractor and no payment will be made for this Work.
Omissions (skips) by the distributor or tire marks on the uncovered emulsified asphalt
shall be immediately covered by hand patching with the same grade of emulsified asphalt
and aggregate used on the project.
The area covered by any one spread of emulsified asphalt shall be no more than can
be covered with aggregate within 1 minute from the time of application upon any part
of the spread. If field conditions warrant, this time may be increased as designated by
the Project Engineer.
Unless otherwise designated by the Engineer, emulsified asphalt shall be spread toward the
source of aggregate to avoid injury to the freshly treated surface.
Before application to the Roadway, emulsified asphalt shall be heated to the following
temperatures or that recommended by the manufacturer:
Type and Grade of Distributor Temperature
Emulsified Asphalt Min. °F Max. °F
New Construction and Seal Coats
CRS-1, CRS-2, CRS-2P 125 195
CMS-2, CMS-2S, CMS-2h 125 185
Fog Seal
CSS-1, CSS-1h 70 140
Before application of the fog seal, all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, soil,
pavement grindings, and other foreign matter. The fog seal emulsified asphalt shall be CSS-1
or CSS-1h diluted with water at a rate of one part water to one part emulsified asphalt unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer. The fog seal shall be uniformly applied to the pavement
at a diluted rate of 0.10 – 0.18 gal/sy. The finished application shall be free of streaks and
bare spots.
Fog sealing shall be applied no sooner than 3 days, but no later than 14 days after new
construction or seal coat. If required, newly placed aggregates shall be swept prior to the
fog seal application. Rebrooming for fog seal applications shall be paid under “Additional
Brooming”, per hour as specified in Section 5-02.5.
5-02.3(4) Vacant
5-02.3(5) Application of Aggregates
All aggregate stockpiles shall be watered down to provide aggregates that are uniformly
damp at the time of placement on the Roadway.
After the emulsified asphalt has been spread evenly over the Roadway surface, aggregates
of the type specified shall be evenly applied to the Roadway surface by spreader equipment.
The aggregate shall be spread in one operation in such a manner that an 8-inch strip of
emulsified asphalt is left exposed along the longitudinal joint to form a lap for the succeeding
applications of emulsified asphalt. If necessary, thin or bare spots in the spread of aggregate
shall be corrected immediately by re-spreading with the chip spreader or by hand spreading
the aggregate.
A minimum of three pneumatic tired rollers providing a minimum of two complete
coverages to the Roadway immediately behind the spreading equipment for the coarse
aggregate shall be required.
The maximum rate of roller travel shall be limited to 8 mph.
The Contractor shall apply choke stone to the Roadway with additional spreading
equipment immediately following the initial rolling of the coarse aggregate unless otherwise
specified in the Contract documents or specified by the Engineer. Excess aggregate shall be
removed from the Roadway. A minimum of one pass with a pneumatic roller shall be made
across the entire width of the applied choke stone.
The operation of trucks hauling aggregate from the stockpile shall be so regulated that
no damage, as determined by the Engineer, will result to the Highway or the freshly applied
asphalt surface.
The completed surface shall be allowed to cure and then broomed as soon as practical.
If brooming causes rock to be turned or if the Engineer determines that additional cure
is needed, the Contractor shall broom the Roadway when directed by the Engineer. If, after
completion of the initial brooming, the Engineer determines the need to remobilize for
additional brooming, the Contractor shall rebroom the areas designated by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall apply water for dust control during brooming operations when safety or
environmental concerns arise, or as otherwise determined by the Project Engineer.
The Contractor shall be held responsible for protecting all surface waters, riparian habitats,
or other sensitive areas that may be encroached upon by brooming operations. Materials such
as dirt, foreign material, or aggregates removed from these areas shall become the property of
the Contractor and shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7).
The Contractor shall use a pickup broom in all curbed areas, on all bridges, within city
limits, within environmentally sensitive areas, and where shown in the Plans both before the
application of emulsified asphalt and during the final brooming operation. When the pickup
broom does not satisfactorily pickup the aggregate, manual methods shall be used. Materials
collected by the pick up broom shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be
disposed of in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7).
Aggregates accumulated in intersections and driveways due to brooming operations
shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of in accordance with
Section 2-03.3(7).
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when the brooming for each section is considered
complete. The Engineer will indicate acceptance or inform the Contractor of deficiencies
within 24 hours of notification.
5-02.3(6) Additional Emulsified Asphalt and Aggregate
If the application of emulsified asphalt or aggregate, or both, is insufficient or excessive for
the required results, the Engineer may require the Contractor to make an additional application
of one or both materials in accordance with these Specifications, or at the direction of the
Engineer. Additional emulsified asphalt or aggregate used will be paid for at the unit Contract
prices for the materials used.
5-02.3(7) Patching and Correction of Defects
Omissions by the distributor or damage to the treated surface of any coat shall be
immediately covered by hand patching with emulsified asphalt in adequate quantities.
Holes which develop in the surface shall be patched in the same manner as specified in
Section 5-02.3(2)A. All costs incurred by the Contractor, in coating omissions and patching,
shall be included in the unit Contract prices for the materials used.
Defects such as raveling, lack of uniformity, or other imperfections caused by faulty
workmanship shall be corrected and new Work shall not be started until such defects have
been remedied.
All improper workmanship and defective materials resulting from overheating, improper
handling or application, shall be removed from the Roadway by the Contractor and be
replaced with approved materials and workmanship at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
If the Engineer determines a fog seal is necessary at any time during the life of the
Contract, the Contractor shall apply a fog seal. The CSS-1 or CSS-1h emulsified asphalt may
be diluted with water at a rate of one part water to one part emulsified asphalt unless otherwise
specified by the Engineer.
5-02.3(8) Progress of Work
The Contractor shall organize the Work so that no longitudinal joints shall remain
open overnight.
5-02.3(9) Protection of Structures
The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting monument covers, sewer lids, manhole
covers, water valve covers, drainage grates, inlets, railroad tracks, bridge handrails and
expansion joints, guardrails, curbs, road signs, guide posts, or other facilities from the
application of emulsified asphalt and aggregates. This protective effort is to include uncovering
these items the same working day that the completed BST or seal coat construction has passed
the protected locations. If needed, drainage inlets shall be cleaned out immediately after final
brooming is completed. All costs incurred by the Contractor in necessary protective measures
shall be included in the unit Contract prices for the various Bid items of Work involved.
The unit Contract price per ton for “Asphalt for Fog Seal” shall be full pay for all costs
to perform the specified Work for fog seal.
“Agg. from Stockpile for BST”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Aggregate from Stockpile for BST” shall be
full pay for all costs to perform the specified Work including loading, transporting, and placing
the material in the finished Work.
“Furnishing and Placing Crushed (_______)”, per cubic yard.
“Furnishing and Placing Crushed (_______)”, per ton.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard or per ton for “Furnishing and Placing Crushed
(_______) shall be full pay for all costs to perform the specified Work including furnishing,
transporting, and placing the material in the finished Work.
“Additional Brooming”, per hour.
The unit Contract price per hour for “Additional Brooming” shall be full pay for all costs
to perform the specified Work including rebrooming the Roadway.
“Water”, per M gal.
Payment for “Water” shall be in accordance with Section 2-07.5.
If the Proposal does not include a Bid item for water, the Contractor shall dampen
stockpiled or furnished aggregate as required, and the cost thereof shall be included in other
related items of the Work.
Any incidental Work required to complete the bituminous surface treatment that is not
specifically mentioned as included with the Bid items above shall be performed by the
Contractor and shall be included in the unit Contract prices of the various related Bid items.
5-03 Vacant
Table 1
Basis for Contracting Agency Evaluation of HMA Mix Designs for Approval on the QPL
Contractual Basis for Basis for Contracting Agency Contracting Agency Materials
Acceptance of HMA Mixture Approval of Mix Design for Testing for Evaluation of the
[see Section 5-04.3(9)] Placement on QPL Mix Design
The Contracting Agency
will test the mix design
Statistical Evaluation WSDOT Standard Practice QC-8
materials for compliance with
Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6).
The Contracting Agency may elect
Review of Form 350-042 to test the mix design materials,
Visual Evaluation for compliance with or evaluate in accordance with
Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6)) WSDOT Standard Practice QC-8,
at its sole discretion.
If the Contracting Agency approves the mix design, it will be listed on the QPL for
12 consecutive months. The Contracting Agency may extend the 12 month listing provided
the Contractor submits a certification letter to the Qualified Products Engineer verifying that
the aggregate source and job mix formula (JMF) gradation, and asphalt binder crude source
and formulation have not changed. The Contractor may submit the certification no sooner than
three months prior to expiration of the initial 12 month mix design approval. Within 7 calendar
days of receipt of the Contractor’s certification, the Contracting Agency will update the QPL.
The maximum duration for approval of a mix design and listing on the QPL will be 24 months
from the date of initial approval or as approved by the Engineer.
5-04.2(1)A Mix Designs Containing RAP and/or RAS
Mix designs are classified by the RAP and/or RAS content as shown in Table 2.
Table 2
Mix Design Classification Based on RAP/RAS Content
RAP/RAS Classification RAP/RAS Content1
Low RAP/No RAS 0% ≤ RAP% ≤ 20% and RAS% = 0%
20% < RAP% ≤ Maximum Allowable RAP2
High RAP/Any RAS and/or
0% < RAS% ≤ Maximum Allowable RAS2
1Percentages in this table are by total weight of HMA.
2See Table 4 in Section 5-04.2(1)A2 to determine the limits on the maximum amount RAP and/or RAS.
5-04.2(1)A1 Low RAP/No RAS – Mix Design Submittals for Placement on QPL
For Low RAP/No RAS mix designs, comply with the following additional requirements:
1. Develop the mix design with or without the inclusion of RAP.
2. The asphalt binder grade shall be the grade indicated in the Bid item name or as
otherwise required by the Contract.
3. Submit samples of RAP if used in development of the mix design.
4. Testing RAP or RAS stockpiles is not required for obtaining approval for placing these
mix designs on the QPL.
5-04.2(1)A2 High RAP/Any RAS – Mix Design Submittals for Placement on QPL
For High RAP/Any RAS mix designs, comply with the following additional requirements:
1. For mix designs with any RAS, test the RAS stockpile (and RAP stockpile if any RAP
is in the mix design) in accordance with Table 3.
2. For High RAP mix designs with no RAS, test the RAP stockpile in accordance with
Table 3.
3. For mix designs with High RAP/Any RAS, construct a single stockpile for RAP
and a single stockpile for RAS and isolate (sequester) these stockpiles from further
stockpiling before beginning development of the mix design. Test the RAP and RAS
during stockpile construction as required by item 1 and 2 above. Use the test data in
developing the mix design, and report the test data to The Contracting Agency on
WSDOT Form 350-042 as part of the mix design submittal for approval on the QPL.
Account for the reduction in asphalt binder contributed from RAS in accordance with
AASHTO PP 78. Do not add to these stockpiles after starting the mix design process.
Table 3
Test Frequency of RAP/RAS During RAP/RAS Stockpile Construction For
Approving a High RAP/Any RAS Mix Design for Placement on the QPL
Test Frequency1 Test for Test Method
• 1/1000 tons of RAP (minimum
of 10 per mix design) and Asphalt Binder Content and Sieve FOP for AASHTO T 308
Analysis of Fine and Coarse and
• 1/100 tons of RAS (minimum Aggregate FOP for WAQTC T 27/T 11
of 10 per mix design)
1“tons”, in this table, refers to tons of the reclaimed material before being incorporated into HMA.
4. Limit the amount of RAP and/or RAS used in a High RAP/Any RAS mix design by the
amount of binder contributed by the RAP and/or RAS, in accordance with Table 4.
Table 4
Maximum Amount of RAP and/or RAS in HMA Mixture
Maximum Amount of Binder Contributed from:
40%1 minus contribution of binder from RAS 20%2
1 Calculated as the weight of asphalt binder contributed from the RAP as a percentage of the total weight of asphalt binder
in the mixture.
2 Calculated as the weight of asphalt binder contributed from the RAS as a percentage of the total weight of asphalt binder
in the mixture.
5. Develop the mix design including RAP, RAS, recycling agent, and new binder.
6. Extract, recover, and test the asphalt residue from the RAP and RAS stockpiles to
determine the percent of recycling agent and/or grade of new asphalt binder needed
to meet but not exceed the performance grade (PG) of asphalt binder required by
the Contract.
a. Perform the asphalt extraction in accordance with AASHTO T 164 or ASTM D 2172
using reagent grade solvent.
b. Perform the asphalt recovery in accordance with AASHTO R 59 or ASTM D 1856.
c. Test the recovered asphalt residue in accordance with AASHTO R 29 to determine
the asphalt binder grade in accordance with Section 9-02.1(4).
d. After determining the recovered asphalt binder grade, determine the percent of
recycling agent and/or grade of new asphalt binder in accordance with ASTM
D 4887.
e. Test the final blend of recycling agent, binder recovered from the RAP and RAS,
and new asphalt binder in accordance with AASHTO R 29. The final blended binder
shall meet but not exceed the performance grade of asphalt binder required by the
Contract and comply with the requirements of Section 9-02.1(4).
7. Include the following test data with the mix design submittal:
a. All test data from RAP and RAS stockpile construction.
b. All data from testing the recovered and blended asphalt binder.
8. Include representative samples of the following with the mix design submittal:
a. RAP and RAS.
b. 150 grams of recovered asphalt residue from the RAP and RAS that are to be used in
the HMA production.
5-04.2(1)B Commercial HMA – Mix Design Submittal for Placement on QPL
For HMA used in the Bid item Commercial HMA, in addition to the requirements of
Section 5-04.2(1) identify the following in the submittal:
1. Commercial HMA
2. Class of HMA
3. Performance grade of binder
4. Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL)
The Contracting Agency may elect to approve Commercial HMA mix designs without
5-04.2(1)C Mix Design Resubmittal for QPL Approval
Develop a new mix design and resubmit for approval on the QPL when any of the
following changes occur. When these occur, discontinue using the mix design until after it is
reapproved on the QPL.
1. Change in the source of crude petroleum used in the asphalt binder.
2. Changes in the asphalt binder refining process.
3. Changes in additives or modifiers in the asphalt binder.
4. Changes in the anti-strip additive, brand, type or quantity.
5. Changes to the source of material for aggregate.
6. Changes to the job mix formula that exceed the amounts as described in item 2 of
Section 9-03.8(7), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
7. Changes in the percentage of material from a stockpile, when such changes exceed
5 percent of the total aggregate weight.
a. For Low RAP/No RAS mix designs developed without RAP, changes to
the percentage of material from a stockpile will be calculated based on the total
aggregate weight not including the weight of RAP.
b. For Low RAP/No RAS mix designs developed with RAP, changes to the percentage
of material from a stockpile will be calculated based on the total aggregate weight
including the weight of RAP.
c. For High RAP/Any RAS mix designs, changes in the percentage of material from a
stockpile will be based on total aggregate weight including the weight of RAP (and/
or RAS when included in the mixture).
Prior to making any change in the amount of RAS in an approved mix design, notify the
Engineer for determination of whether a new mix design is required, and obtain the Engineer’s
approval prior to implementing such changes.
5-04.2(2) Mix Design – Obtaining Project Approval
Use only mix designs listed on the Qualified Products List (QPL). Submit WSDOT Form
350-041 to the Engineer to request approval to use a mix design from the QPL. Changes
to the job mix formula (JMF) that have been approved on other contracts may be included.
The Engineer may reject a request to use a mix design if production of HMA using that mix
design on any contract is not in compliance with Section 5-04.3(11)D, E, F, and G for mixture
or compaction.
Equip the paver with automatic screed controls and sensors for either or both sides of the
paver. The controls shall be capable of sensing grade from an outside reference line, sensing
the transverse slope of the screed, and providing automatic signals that operate the screed to
maintain the desired grade and transverse slope. Construct the sensor so it will operate from a
reference line or a mat referencing device. The transverse slope controller shall be capable of
maintaining the screed at the desired slope within plus or minus 0.1 percent.
Equip the paver with automatic feeder controls, properly adjusted to maintain a uniform
depth of material ahead of the screed.
Manual operation of the screed is permitted in the construction of irregularly shaped and
minor areas. These areas include, but are not limited to, gore areas, road approaches, tapers
and left-turn channelizations.
When specified in the Contract, provide reference lines for vertical control. Place reference
lines on both outer edges of the Traveled Way of each Roadway. Horizontal control utilizing
the reference line is permitted. Automatically control the grade and slope of intermediate
lanes by means of reference lines or a mat referencing device and a slope control device.
When the finish of the grade prepared for paving is superior to the established tolerances and
when, in the opinion of the Engineer, further improvement to the line, grade, cross-section,
and smoothness can best be achieved without the use of the reference line, a mat referencing
device may be substituted for the reference line. Substitution of the device will be subject to
the continued approval of the Engineer. A joint matcher may be used subject to the approval of
the Engineer. The reference line may be removed after completion of the first course of HMA
when approved by the Engineer. Whenever the Engineer determines that any of these methods
are failing to provide the necessary vertical control, the reference lines will be reinstalled by
the Contractor.
Furnish and install all pins, brackets, tensioning devices, wire, and accessories necessary
for satisfactory operation of the automatic control equipment.
If the paving machine in use is not providing the required finish, the Engineer may suspend
Work as allowed by Section 1-08.6.
5-04.3(3)D Material Transfer Device or Material Transfer Vehicle
Use a material transfer device (MTD) or material transfer vehicle (MTV) to deliver the
HMA from the hauling equipment to the paving machine for any lift in (or partially in) the top
0.30 feet of the pavement section used in traffic lanes. However, an MTD/V is not required for
HMA placed in irregularly shaped and minor areas such as tapers and turn lanes, or for HMA
mixture that is accepted by Visual Evaluation. At the Contractor’s request the Engineer may
approve paving without an MTD/V; the Engineer will determine if an equitable adjustment
in cost or time is due. If a windrow elevator is used, the Engineer may limit the length of the
windrow in urban areas or through intersections.
To be approved for use, an MTV:
1. Shall be self-propelled vehicle, separate from the hauling vehicle or paver.
2. Shall not be connected to the hauling vehicle or paver.
3. May accept HMA directly from the haul vehicle or pick up HMA from a windrow.
4. Shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to placement into
the paving machine.
5. Shall mix the HMA sufficiently to obtain a uniform temperature throughout the mixture.
To be approved for use, an MTD:
1. Shall be positively connected to the paver.
2. May accept HMA directly from the haul vehicle or pick up HMA from a windrow.
3. Shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to placement into
the paving machine.
4. Shall mix the HMA sufficiently to obtain a uniform temperature throughout the mixture.
5-04.3(3)E Rollers
Operate rollers in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. When requested
by the Engineer, provide a Type 1 Working Drawing of the manufacturer’s recommendation
for the use of any roller planned for use on the project. Do not use rollers that crush aggregate,
produce pickup or washboard, unevenly compact the surface, displace the mix, or produce
other undesirable results.
5-04.3(4) Preparation of Existing Paved Surfaces
Before constructing HMA on an existing paved surface, the entire surface of the pavement
shall be clean. Entirely remove all fatty asphalt patches, grease drippings, and other deleterious
substances from the existing pavement to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Thoroughly clean all
pavements or bituminous surfaces of dust, soil, pavement grindings, and other foreign matter.
Thoroughly remove any cleaning or solvent type liquids used to clean equipment spilled on
the pavement before paving proceeds. Fill all holes and small depressions with an appropriate
class of HMA. Level and thoroughly compact the surface of the patched area.
Apply a uniform coat of asphalt (tack coat) to all paved surfaces on which any course of
HMA is to be placed or abutted. Apply tack coat to cover the cleaned existing pavement with
a thin film of residual asphalt free of streaks and bare spots. Apply a heavy application of tack
coat to all joints. For Roadways open to traffic, limit the application of tack coat to surfaces
that will be paved during the same working shift. Equip the spreading equipment with a
thermometer to indicate the temperature of the tack coat material.
Do not operate equipment on tacked surfaces until the tack has broken and cured. Repair
tack coat damaged by the Contractor’s operation, prior to placement of the HMA.
Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, use cationic emulsified asphalt CSS-1, CSS-
1h, STE-1, or Performance Graded (PG) asphalt for tack coat. The CSS-1 and CSS-1h may
be diluted with water at a rate not to exceed one part water to one part emulsified asphalt. Do
not allow the tack coat material to exceed the maximum temperature recommended by the
asphalt supplier.
When shown in the Plans, prelevel uneven or broken surfaces over which HMA is to be
placed by using an asphalt paver, a motor patrol grader, or by hand raking, as approved by
the Engineer.
5-04.3(4)A Crack Sealing
5-04.3(4)A1 General
When the Proposal includes a pay item for crack sealing, seal all cracks ¼ inch in width
and greater.
Cleaning: Ensure that cracks are thoroughly clean, dry and free of all loose and foreign
material when filling with crack sealant material. Use a hot compressed air lance to dry and
warm the pavement surfaces within the crack immediately prior to filling a crack with the
sealant material. Do not overheat pavement. Do not use direct flame dryers. Routing cracks is
not required.
Sand Slurry: For cracks that are to be filled with sand slurry, thoroughly mix the
components and pour the mixture into the cracks until full. Add additional CSS-1 cationic
emulsified asphalt to the sand slurry as needed for workability to ensure the mixture will
completely fill the cracks. Strike off the sand slurry flush with the existing pavement surface
and allow the mixture to cure. Top off cracks that were not completely filled with additional
sand slurry. Do not place the HMA overlay until the slurry has fully cured.
Hot Poured Sealant: For cracks that are to be filled with hot poured sealant, apply the
material in accordance with these requirements and the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Furnish a Type 1 Working Drawing of the manufacturer’s product information and
recommendations to the Engineer prior to the start of work, including the manufacturer’s
recommended heating time and temperatures, allowable storage time and temperatures after
initial heating, allowable reheating criteria, and application temperature range. Confine hot
poured sealant material within the crack. Clean any overflow of sealant from the pavement
surface. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor’s method of sealing the cracks with
hot poured sealant results in an excessive amount of material on the pavement surface, stop
and correct the operation to eliminate the excess material.
5-04.3(4)A2 Crack Sealing Areas Prior to Paving
In areas where HMA will be placed, use sand slurry to fill the cracks.
5-04.3(4)A3 Crack Sealing Areas Not to be Paved
In areas where HMA will not be placed, fill the cracks as follows:
1. Cracks ¼ inch to 1 inch in width - fill with hot poured sealant.
2. Cracks greater than 1 inch in width – fill with sand slurry.
5-04.3(4)B Soil Residual Herbicide
Where shown in the Plans, apply one application of an approved soil residual herbicide.
Comply with Section 8-02.3(3)B. Complete paving within 48 hours of applying the herbicide.
Use herbicide registered with the Washington State Department of Agriculture for
use under pavement. Before use, obtain the Engineer’s approval of the herbicide and the
proposed rate of application. Include the following information in the request for approval of
the material:
1. Brand Name of the Material,
2. Manufacturer,
3. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Registration Number,
4. Material Safety Data Sheet, and
5. Proposed Rate of Application.
5-04.3(4)C Pavement Repair
Excavate pavement repair areas and backfill these with HMA in accordance with the details
shown in the Plans and as staked. Conduct the excavation operations in a manner that will
protect the pavement that is to remain. Repair pavement not designated to be removed that is
damaged as a result of the Contractor’s operations to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no cost
to the Contracting Agency. Excavate only within one lane at a time unless approved otherwise
by the Engineer. Do not excavate more area than can be completely backfilled and compacted
during the same shift.
Unless otherwise shown in the Plans or determined by the Engineer, excavate to a depth of
1.0 feet. The Engineer will make the final determination of the excavation depth required.
The minimum width of any pavement repair area shall be 40 inches unless shown
otherwise in the Plans. Before any excavation, sawcut the perimeter of the pavement
area to be removed unless the pavement in the pavement repair area is to be removed by
a pavement grinder.
Excavated materials shall be the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of in
a Contractor-provided site off the Right of Way or used in accordance with Sections 2-02.3(3)
or 9-03.21.
Apply a heavy application of tack coat to all surfaces of existing pavement in the pavement
repair area, in accordance with Section 5-04.3(4).
Place the HMA backfill in lifts not to exceed 0.35-foot compacted depth. Thoroughly
compact each lift by a mechanical tamper or a roller.
5-04.3(5) Producing/Stockpiling Aggregates, RAP, & RAS
Produce aggregate in compliance with Section 3-01. Comply with Section 3-02 for
preparing stockpile sites, stockpiling, and removing from stockpile each of the following:
aggregates, RAP, and RAS. Provide sufficient storage space for each size of aggregate, RAP
and RAS. Fine aggregate or RAP may be uniformly blended with the RAS as a method of
preventing the agglomeration of RAS particles. Remove the aggregates, RAP and RAS from
stockpile(s) in a manner that ensures minimal segregation when being moved to the HMA
plant for processing into the final mixture. Keep different aggregate sizes separated until they
have been delivered to the HMA plant.
5-04.3(5)A Stockpiling RAP or RAS for High RAP/Any RAS Mixes
Do not place any RAP or RAS into a stockpile which has been sequestered for a High
RAP/Any RAS mix design. Do not incorporate any RAP or RAS into a High RAP/Any RAS
mixture from any source other than the stockpile which was sequestered for approval of that
particular High RAP/Any RAS mix design.
RAP that is used in a Low RAP/No RAS mix is not required to come from a sequestered
5-04.3(6) Mixing
The asphalt supplier shall introduce anti-stripping additive, in the amount designated on the
QPL for the mix design, into the asphalt binder prior to shipment to the asphalt mixing plant.
Anti-strip is not required for temporary work that will be removed prior to
Physical Completion.
Use asphalt binder of the grade, and from the supplier, in the approved mix design.
Prior to introducing reclaimed materials into the asphalt plant, remove wire, nails, and
other foreign material. Discontinue use of the reclaimed material if the Engineer, in their sole
discretion, determines the wire, nails, or other foreign material to be excessive.
Size RAP and RAS prior to entering the mixer to provide uniform and thoroughly mixed
HMA. If there is evidence of the RAP or RAS not breaking down during the heating and
mixing of the HMA, immediately suspend the use of the RAP or RAS until changes have been
approved by the Engineer.
After the required amount of mineral materials, RAP, RAS, new asphalt binder and
recycling agent have been introduced into the mixer, mix the HMA until complete and uniform
coating of the particles and thorough distribution of the asphalt binder throughout the mineral
materials, RAP and RAS is ensured.
Upon discharge from the mixer, ensure that the temperature of the HMA does not exceed
the optimum mixing temperature shown on the approved Mix Design Report by more than
25°F, or as approved by the Engineer. When a WMA additive is included in the manufacture of
HMA, do not heat the WMA additive (at any stage of production including in binder storage
tanks) to a temperature higher than the maximum recommended by the manufacturer of the
WMA additive.
A maximum water content of 2 percent in the mix, at discharge, will be allowed providing
the water causes no problems with handling, stripping, or flushing. If the water in the HMA
causes any of these problems, reduce the moisture content.
During the daily operation, HMA may be temporarily held in approved storage facilities.
Do not incorporate HMA into the Work that has been held for more than 24 hours after
mixing. Provide an easily readable, low bin-level indicator on the storage facility that indicates
the amount of material in storage. Waste the HMA in storage when the top level of HMA
drops below the top of the cone of the storage facility, except as the storage facility is being
emptied at the end of the working shift. Dispose of rejected or waste HMA at no expense to
the Contracting Agency.
Use HMA pavers complying with Section 5-04.3(3) to distribute the mix. On areas where
irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the use of mechanical spreading and finishing
equipment impractical, the paving may be done with other equipment or by hand.
When more than one JMF is being utilized to produce HMA, place the material produced
for each JMF with separate spreading and compacting equipment. Do not intermingle HMA
produced from more than one JMF. Each strip of HMA placed during a work shift shall
conform to a single JMF established for the class of HMA specified unless there is a need
to make an adjustment in the JMF.
5-04.3(8) Aggregate Acceptance Prior to Incorporation in HMA
Sample aggregate for meeting the requirements of Section 3-04 prior to being incorporated
into HMA. (The acceptance data generated for the Section 3-04 acceptance analysis will
not be commingled with the acceptance data generated for the Section 5-04.3(9) acceptance
analysis.) Aggregate acceptance samples shall be taken as described in Section 3-04.
Aggregate acceptance testing will be performed by the Contracting Agency. Aggregate
contributed from RAP and/or RAS will not be evaluated under Section 3-04.
For aggregate that will be used in HMA mixture which will be accepted by Statistical
Evaluation, the Contracting Agency’s acceptance of the aggregate will be based on:
1. Samples taken prior to mixing with asphalt binder, RAP, or RAS;
2. Testing for the materials properties of fracture, uncompacted void content, and
sand equivalent;
3. Evaluation by the Contracting Agency in accordance with Section 3-04, including price
adjustments as described therein.
For aggregate that will be used in HMA which will be accepted by Visual Evaluation,
evaluation in accordance with items 1, 2, and 3 above is at the discretion of the Engineer.
plant, using the same JMF) the test section may be waived if approved by the Engineer.
2 This is to provide time needed by the Contracting Agency to complete testing and the Contractor to adjust the mixture in response
Table 9
Results Required to Stop Performing HMA Mixture Test Sections1
(For HMA Mixture Accepted by Statistical Evaluation)
Type of HMA
Test Property
Minimum PFi of 0.95 based on the
Gradation None4
criteria in Section 5-04.3(9)B42
Minimum PFi of 0.95 based on the
Asphalt Binder None4
criteria in Section 5-04.3(9)B42
Minimum PFi of 0.95 based on the
Va None4
criteria in Section 5-04.3(9)B42
Hamburg Wheel Track Meet requirements of These tests will not be done as part
Indirect Tensile Strength Section 9-03.8(2)3 of Test Section.
Nonstatistical Evaluation
Sand Equivalent
in accordance with the None3
Uncompacted Void Content
requirements of Section 3-043
1 In addition to the requirements of this table, acceptance of the HMA mixture used in each test section is subject to the acceptance
criteria and price adjustments for Statistical Evaluation (see Table 9a in Section 5-04.3(9)A2).
2 Divide the test section lot into three sublots, approximately equal in size. Take one sample from each sublot, and test each sample
for the property in the first column. There are no criteria for discontinuing test sections for these mixes; however, the contractor must
comply with Section 5-04.3(11)F before resuming paving.
• For a mixture lot in progress with a mixture CPF less than 0.75, a new mixture lot will
begin at the Contractor’s request after the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming
to the Specifications can be produced. See also Section 5-04.3(11)F.
• If, before completing a mixture lot, the Contractor requests a change to the JMF
which is approved by the Engineer, the mixture produced in that lot after the approved
change will be evaluated on the basis of the changed JMF, and the mixture produced
in that lot before the approved change will be evaluated on the basis of the unchanged
JMF; however, the mixture before and after the change will be evaluated in the same
lot. Acceptance of subsequent mixture lots will be evaluated on the basis of the
changed JMF.
5-04.3(9)B2 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Sampling
Comply with Section 1-06.2(1).
Samples of HMA mixture which is accepted by Statistical Evaluation will be randomly
selected from within each sublot, with one sample per sublot. The Engineer will determine the
random sample location using WSDOT Test Method T 716. The Contractor shall obtain the
sample when ordered by the Engineer. The Contractor shall sample the HMA mixture in the
presence of the Engineer and in accordance with FOP for WAQTC T 168.
5-04.3(9)B3 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Acceptance Testing
Comply with Section 1-06.2(1).
The Contracting Agency will test the mixture sample from each sublot (including sublots in
a test section) for the properties shown in Table 11.
Table 11
Testing Required for each HMA Mixture Sublot
Test Procedure Performed by
Va WSDOT SOP 731 Engineer
The mixture samples and tests taken for the purpose of determining acceptance of the test
section (as described in Section 5-04.3(9)A) shall also be used as the test results for acceptance
of the mixture described in Sections 5-04.3(9)B3, 5-04.3(9)B4, 5-04.3(9)B5, and 5-04.3(9)B6.
5-04.3(9)B4 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Pay Factors
Comply with Section 1-06.2(2).
The Contracting Agency will determine a pay factor (PFi) for each of the properties in
Table 11 of Section 5-04.3(9)B3, for each mixture lot, using the quality level analysis in
Section 1-06.2(2)D. For Gradation, a pay factor will be calculated for each of the sieve sizes
listed in Table 11 of Section 5-04.3(9)B3, which is equal to or smaller than the maximum
allowable aggregate size (100 percent passing sieve) of the HMA mixture. The USL and
LSL shall be calculated using the Job Mix Formula Tolerances (for Statistical Evaluation) in
Section 9-03.8(7).
If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its individual pay
factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the Composite Pay Factor (CPF).
5-04.3(9)B5 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Composite Pay Factors (CPF)
Comply with Section 1-06.2(2).
In accordance with Section 1-06.2(2)D4, the Contracting Agency will determine a
Composite Pay Factor (CPF) for each mixture lot from the pay factors calculated in Section
5-04.3(9)B4, using the price adjustment factors in Table 12. Unless otherwise specified, the
maximum CPF for HMA mixture shall be 1.05.
Table 12
HMA Mixture Price Adjustment Factors
Constituent Factor “f”
All aggregate passing: 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″ and No.4 sieves 2
All aggregate passing No. 8 sieve 15
All aggregate passing No. 200 sieve 20
Asphalt binder 40
Air Voids (Va) 20
1. Quality control, defined as the system used by the Contractor to monitor, assess, and
adjust its production processes to ensure that the final HMA mixture will meet the
specified level of quality, is the sole responsibility of the Contractor.
2. The Contractor has no right to rely on any testing performed by the Contracting Agency,
nor does the Contractor have any right to rely on timely notification by the Contracting
Agency of the Contracting Agency’s test results (or statistical analysis thereof), for
any part of quality control and/or for making changes or correction to any aspect of the
HMA mixture.
3. The Contractor shall make no claim for untimely notification by the Contracting
Agency of the Contracting Agency’s test results or statistical analysis.
5-04.3(10) HMA Compaction Acceptance
For all HMA, the Contractor shall comply with the General Compaction Requirements
in Section 5-04.3(10)A. The Contracting Agency will evaluate all HMA for compaction
compliance with one of the following - Statistical Evaluation, Visual Evaluation, or Test Point
Evaluation - determined by the criteria in Table 14:
Table 14
Criteria for Determining Method of Evaluation for HMA Compaction1
Statistical Evaluation of HMA Visual Evaluation of HMA Test Point Evaluation of HMA
Compaction is Required For: Compaction is Required For: Compaction is Required For:
• Any HMA for which the specified • “HMA for Preleveling…” • Any HMA not meeting the criteria
course thickness is greater than • “HMA for Pavement Repair…” for Statistical Evaluation or
0.10 feet, and the HMA is in: Visual Evaluation
– traffic lanes, including but
not limited to:
• ramp lanes
• truck climbing lanes
• weaving lanes
• speed change lanes
1 This table applies to all HMA, and shall be the sole basis for determining the acceptance method for compaction.
The Contracting Agency may, at its sole discretion, evaluate any HMA for compliance with
the Cyclic Density requirements of Section 5-04.3(10)B.
5-04.3(10)A HMA Compaction – General Compaction Requirements
Immediately after the HMA has been spread and struck off, and after surface irregularities
have been adjusted, thoroughly and uniformly compact the mix. The completed course shall
be free from ridges, ruts, humps, depressions, objectionable marks, and irregularities and shall
conform to the line, grade, and cross-section shown in the Plans. If necessary, alter the JMF in
accordance with Section 9-03.8(7) to achieve desired results.
Compact the mix when it is in the proper condition so that no undue displacement,
cracking, or shoving occurs. Compact areas inaccessible to large compaction equipment by
mechanical or hand tampers. Remove HMA that becomes loose, broken, contaminated, shows
an excess or deficiency of asphalt, or is in any way defective. Replace the removed material
with new HMA, and compact it immediately to conform to the surrounding area.
The type of rollers to be used and their relative position in the compaction sequence
shall generally be the Contractor’s option, provided the specified densities are attained. An
exception shall be that pneumatic tired rollers shall be used for compaction of the wearing
course beginning October 1st of any year through March 31st of the following year. Coverage
with a steel wheel roller may precede pneumatic tired rolling. Unless otherwise approved by
the Engineer, operate rollers in the static mode when the internal temperature of the mix is less
than 175°F. Regardless of mix temperature, do not operate a roller in a mode that results in
checking or cracking of the mat.
On bridge decks and on the five feet of roadway approach immediately adjacent to the end
of bridge/back of pavement seat, operate rollers in static mode only.
5-04.3(10)B HMA Compaction – Cyclic Density
Low cyclic density areas are defined as spots or streaks in the pavement that are less than
90 percent of the theoretical maximum density. At the Engineer’s discretion, the Engineer may
evaluate the HMA pavement for low cyclic density, and when doing so will follow WSDOT
SOP 733. A $500 Cyclic Density Price Adjustment will be assessed for any 500-foot section
with two or more density readings below 90 percent of the theoretical maximum density.
5-04.3(10)C HMA Compaction Acceptance – Statistical Evaluation
HMA compaction which is accepted by Statistical Evaluation will be based on acceptance
testing performed by the Contracting Agency, and statistical analysis of those acceptance tests
results. This will result in a Compaction Price Adjustment.
5-04.3(10)C1 HMA Compaction Statistical Evaluation – Lots and Sublots
HMA compaction which is accepted by Statistical Evaluation will be evaluated by the
Contracting Agency dividing the project into compaction lots, and each compaction lot will
be evaluated using stratified random sampling by the Contracting Agency sub-dividing each
compaction lot into compaction sublots. All mixture in any individual compaction lot shall be
of the same mix design. The compaction sublots will be numbered in the order in which the
mixture (of a particular mix design) is paved.
Each compaction lot comprises a maximum of 15 compaction sublots, except for the
final compaction lot of each mix design on the Contract, which comprises a maximum of
25 sublots.
Each compaction sublot shall be uniform in size as shown in Table 15, except that the last
compaction sublot of each day may be increased to a maximum of two times the compaction
sublot quantity calculated. Minor variations in the size of any sublot shall not be cause to
invalidate the associated test result.
Table 15
HMA Compaction Sublot Size
HMA Original Plan Quantity (tons)1 Compaction Sublot Size (tons)
<20,000 100
20,000 to 30,000 150
>30,000 200
1In determining the plan quantity tonnage, do not include any tons accepted by test point evaluation.
The following will cause one compaction lot to end prematurely and a new compaction lot
to begin:
• For a compaction lot in progress with a compaction CPF less than 0.75, a new
compaction lot will begin at the Contractor’s request after the Engineer is
satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can be produced. See also
Section 5-04.3(11)F.
All HMA which is paved on a bridge and accepted for compaction by Statistical Evaluation
will compose a bridge compaction lot. If the contract includes such HMA on more than
one bridge, compaction will be evaluated on each bridge individually, as separate bridge
compaction lots.
Bridge compaction sublots will be determined by the Engineer subject to the following:
• All sublots on a given bridge will be approximately the same size.
• Sublots will be stratified from the lot.
• In no case will there be less than 3 sublots in each bridge compaction lot.
• No sublot will exceed 50 tons.
• Compaction test locations will be determined by the Engineer in accordance with
WSDOT Test Method T 716.
Page 5-34 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Hot Mix Asphalt 5-04
determine in-place density. Exclusive reliance on cores for density acceptance is generally intended for small paving projects and is
not intended as a replacement for nuclear gauge density testing on typical projects.
4 The basis for test of all compaction sublots in a bridge compaction lot shall be cores. These cores shall be taken by the Contractor
when the Proposal includes the bid item “HMA Cores – Bridge”. When there is no bid item for “HMA Cores – Bridge”, the Engineer
will be responsible for taking HMA cores for all compaction sublots in a bridge compaction lot. In either case, the Engineer will
determine core location, in-place density of the core, theoretical maximum density, rolling average of theoretical maximum density,
and percent compaction using the procedure called for in this section.
When using the nuclear density gauge for acceptance testing of pavement density, the
Engineer will follow WSDOT SOP 730 for correlating the nuclear gauge with HMA cores.
When cores are required for the correlation, coring and testing will be by the Contracting
Agency. When a core is taken for gauge correlation at the location of a sublot, the relative
density of the core will be used for the sublot test result and is exempt from retesting.
5-04.3(10)C3 HMA Statistical Compaction – Price Adjustments
For each HMA compaction lot (that is accepted by Statistical Evaluation) which has
less than three compaction sublots, for which all compaction sublots attain a minimum of
91 percent compaction determined in accordance with WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 355
(or WSDOT SOP 736 when provided by the Contract), the HMA will be accepted at the unit
Contract price with no further evaluation.
For each HMA compaction lot (that is accepted by Statistical Evaluation) which does
not meet the criteria in the preceding paragraph, the compaction lot shall be evaluated in
accordance with Section 1-06.2(2) to determine the appropriate Compaction Price Adjustment
(CPA). All of the test results obtained from the acceptance samples from a given compaction
lot shall be evaluated collectively. Additional testing by either a nuclear density gauge or cores
will be completed as required to provide a minimum of three tests for evaluation.
For the statistical analysis in Section 1-06.2, use the following values:
x = percent compaction of each sublot
USL = 100
LSL = 91
Each CPA will be determined as follows:
CPA = [0.40 × (CPF – 1.00)] × Q × UP
CPA = Compaction Price Adjustment for the compaction lot ($)
CPF = Composite Pay Factor for the compaction lot (maximum is 1.05)
Q = Quantity in the compaction lot (tons)
UP = Unit price of the HMA in the compaction lot ($/ton)
5-04.3(10)C4 HMA Statistical Compaction – Requests for Retesting
For a compaction sublot that has been tested with a nuclear density gauge that did not meet
the minimum of 91 percent of the theoretical maximum density in a compaction lot with a
CPF below 1.00 and thus subject to a price reduction or rejection, the Contractor may request
that a core, taken at the same location as the nuclear density test, be used for determination of
the relative density of the compaction sublot. The relative density of the core will replace the
relative density determined by the nuclear density gauge for the compaction sublot and will be
used for calculation of the CPF and acceptance of HMA compaction lot. When cores are taken
by the Contracting Agency at the request of the Contractor, they shall be requested by noon of
the next workday after the test results for the compaction sublot have been provided or made
available to the Contractor. Traffic control shall be provided by the Contractor as requested
by the Engineer. Failure by the Contractor to provide the requested traffic control will result
in forfeiture of the request for retesting. When the CPF for the compaction lot based on the
results of the cores is less than 1.00, the Contracting Agency will deduct the cost for the coring
from any monies due or that may become due the Contractor under the Contract at the rate of
$200 per core and the Contractor shall pay for the cost of the traffic control.
5-04.3(10)D HMA Compaction – Visual Evaluation
Visual Evaluation will be the basis of acceptance for compaction of the Bid items “HMA
for Pavement Repair Cl. ___ PG ___” and “HMA for Prelevelling Class___ PG___”. This
HMA shall be thoroughly compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer. HMA that is used
to prelevel wheel ruts shall be compacted with a pneumatic tire roller.
5-04.3(10)E HMA Compaction – Test Point Evaluation
When compaction acceptance is by Test Point Evaluation, compact HMA based on a test
point evaluation of the compaction train. Perform the test point evaluation in accordance with
instructions from the Engineer. The number of passes with an approved compaction train,
required to attain the maximum test point density, shall be used on all subsequent paving.
5-04.3(10)F HMA Compaction Acceptance – Notification of Acceptance Test Results
The obligations and responsibilities for notifying the Contractor of compaction acceptance
test results are the same as for mixture acceptance test results. See Section 5-04.3(9)E.
shown on Standard Plan A-40.10 and fill with joint sealant meeting the requirements of
Section 9-04.2.
5-04.3(12)B Bridge Paving Joint Seals
5-04.3(12)B1 HMA Sawcut and Seal
Prior to placing HMA on the bridge deck, establish sawcut alignment points at both ends
of the bridge paving joint seals to be placed at the bridge ends, and at interior joints within
the bridge deck when and where shown in the Plans. Establish the sawcut alignment points
in a manner that they remain functional for use in aligning the sawcut after placing the
HMA overlay.
Submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of the sealant manufacturer’s
application procedure.
Construct the bridge paving joint seal as specified in the Plans and in accordance with
the detail shown in the Standard Plans. Construct the sawcut in accordance with Section
5-05.3(8). Apply the sealant in accordance with Section 5-05.3(8)B and the manufacturer’s
application procedure.
5-04.3(12)B2 Paved Panel Joint Seal
Construct the paved panel joint seal in accordance with the requirements specified in
Section 5-04.3(12)B1 and the following requirement:
1. Clean and seal the existing joint between concrete panels in accordance with
Section 5-01.3(8) and the details shown in the Standard Plans.
5-04.3(13) Surface Smoothness
The completed surface of all courses shall be of uniform texture, smooth, uniform as to
crown and grade, and free from defects of all kinds. The completed surface of the wearing
course shall not vary more than ⅛ inch from the lower edge of a 10-foot straightedge placed
on the surface parallel to the centerline. The transverse slope of the completed surface of the
wearing course shall vary not more than ¼ inch in 10 feet from the rate of transverse slope
shown in the Plans.
When deviations in excess of the above tolerances are found that result from a high place
in the HMA, correct the pavement surface by one of the following methods:
1. Remove material from high places by grinding with an approved grinding machine, or
2. Remove and replace the wearing course of HMA, or
3. By other method approved by the Engineer.
Correct defects until there are no deviations anywhere greater than the allowable
Deviations in excess of the above tolerances that result from a low place in the HMA and
deviations resulting from a high place where corrective action, in the opinion of the Engineer,
will not produce satisfactory results will be accepted with a price adjustment. The Engineer
shall deduct from monies due or that may become due to the Contractor the sum of $500.00
for each and every section of single traffic lane 100 feet in length in which any excessive
deviations described above are found.
When portland cement concrete pavement is to be placed on HMA, the surface tolerance of
the HMA shall be such that no surface elevation lies above the Plan grade minus the specified
Plan depth of portland cement concrete pavement. Prior to placing the portland cement
concrete pavement, bring any such irregularities to the required tolerance by grinding or other
means approved by the Engineer.
When utility appurtenances such as manhole covers and valve boxes are located in
the Traveled Way, pave the Roadway before the utility appurtenances are adjusted to the
finished grade.
“Compaction Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in Section
“HMA Core – Bridge”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “HMA Core – Bridge” shall be full payment for all
costs, including traffic control, associated with taking HMA density cores in pavement that
is on a bridge deck.
“HMA Core – Roadway”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “HMA Core – Roadway” shall be full payment for
all costs, including traffic control, associated with taking HMA density cores in pavement that
is not on a bridge deck.
“Cyclic Density Price Adjustment”, by calculation.
“Cyclic Density Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in
Section 5-04.3(10)B.
including the fly ash. The mix shall be capable of providing a minimum flexural
strength of 650 psi at 14 days. Evaluation of strength shall be based on statistically
analyzed results of five beam specimens made according to WSDOT T 808 and
tested according to WSDOT T 802 that demonstrate a quality level of not less than
80 percent analyzed in accordance with Section 1-06.2(2)D. In addition the Contractor
shall fabricate, cure, and test five sets of cylinders, for evaluation of 28-day strengths,
according to AASHTO T 22 and FOP for AASHTO T 23 using the same mix design as
used in fabrication of the beams.
Mix designs submitted by the Contractor shall provide a unique identification for each
proposal and shall include test data confirming that concrete made in accordance with
the proposed design will meet the requirements of these Specifications and the 28-day
compressive strength result. Test data shall be from an independent testing lab or from
a commercial concrete producer’s lab. If the test data is developed at a producer’s lab,
the Engineer or a representative may witness all testing.
3. Mix Design Modifications – The Contractor may initiate adjustments to the aggregate
proportions of the approved mix design. An adjustment in both the fine and coarse
aggregate batch target weights of plus or minus 200 pounds per cubic yard will be
allowed without resubmittal of the mix design. The adjusted aggregate weights shall
become the new batch target weights for the mix design.
4. Conformance to Mix Design – Cement and coarse and fine aggregate weights shall
be within the following tolerances of the batch target weights of the mix design:
Portland Cement Concrete Batch Weights
Cement +5% -1%
Coarse Aggregate + 2% - 2%
Fine Aggregate + 2% - 2%
If the total cementitious material weight is made up of different components, these
component weights shall be within the following tolerances:
a. Portland cement weight plus 5 percent or minus 1 percent of that specified in the
mix design.
b. Fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag weight plus or minus 5 percent
of that specified in the mix design.
c. Microsilica weight plus or minus 10 percent of that specified in the mix design.
Water shall not exceed the maximum water specified in the mix design.
The Contractor may initiate minor adjustments to the approved mix proportions
within the tolerances noted above without resubmitting the mix design.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any proposed modification. A new
mix design will designate a new lot.
5-05.3(2) Consistency
The materials shall be mixed with sufficient water to produce a stiff concrete which will
hold its shape when deposited upon the Subgrade. Concrete placed during wet weather must
be mixed with sufficient water to produce a very stiff mixture. The consistency shall be such
that separation of the mortar from the coarse aggregate will not occur in handling.
The water/cementitious material ratio, by weight, shall not exceed 0.44. When slip-form
paving equipment is used, the Contractor shall further control concrete consistency to ensure
that edge slump conforms to the requirements of Section 5-05.3(11).
5-05.3(3) Equipment
Equipment necessary for handling materials and performing all parts of the Work shall
conform to the following requirements:
The point of acceptance will be per WAQTC TM 2 or at the point of discharge when
a pump is used.
Acceptance of Concrete. The concrete producer shall provide a certificate of compliance
for each truckload of concrete in accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)B.
For the purpose of acceptance sampling and testing, a lot is defined as having a maximum
of 15 sublots that was produced for the same class of mix. The final lot may be increased to
25 sublots. All of the test results obtained from the same lot shall be evaluated collectively.
The quantity represented by each sample will constitute a sublot. Sampling and testing shall
be performed on a random basis at the frequency of one sample per sublot. Sublot size shall
be determined to the nearest 10 cubic yards to provide not less than three uniform sized
sublots with a maximum sublot size of 500 cubic yards.
Acceptance testing for compliance of air content and 28-day compressive strength shall be
conducted from samples prepared according to FOP for WAQTC TM 2. Air content shall be
determined by conducting FOP for AASHTO T 152. Compressive strength shall be determined
by FOP for AASHTO T 23 and AASHTO T 22.
The Contractor shall provide cure boxes in accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)H, and
protect concrete cylinders in cure boxes from excessive vibration and shock waves during
the curing period in accordance with Section 6-02.3(6)D. Payment for cure boxes shall be
in accordance with Section 6-02.5.
Rejection of Concrete
1. Rejection by the Contractor – The Contractor may, prior to sampling, elect to remove
any defective material and replace it with new material at no expense to the Contracting
Agency. Any such new material will be sampled, tested, and evaluated for acceptance.
2. Rejection Without Testing – The Engineer may reject any load that appears defective
prior to placement. Material rejected before placement shall not be incorporated into
the pavement. No payment will be made for the rejected materials unless the Contractor
requests that the rejected material be tested. If the Contractor elects to have the rejected
materials tested, a sample will be taken and both the air content and strength shall
be tested by WSDOT.
Payment for rejected material will be based on the results of the one sample, which was
taken and tested. If the rejected material fails either test, no payment will be made for the
rejected material; in addition, the cost of sampling and testing at the rate of $250.00 per
sample shall be borne by the Contractor. If the rejected material passes both tests, the mix
will be compensated at a CPF of 1.00 and the cost of the sampling and testing will borne
by the Contracting Agency.
Statistical Acceptance
The results of all acceptance testing performed in the field and the Composite Pay Factor
(CPF) of the lot after three sublots have been tested will be available to the contractor through
WSDOT’s website.
The Specification limits as defined in Section 1-06.2(2)D shall be as follows. The lower
Specification limit for Air Content shall be 3 percent, and the upper Specification limit for
Air Content shall be 7 percent. The lower Specification limit for compressive strength shall
be 4,000 psi.
The price adjustment factor (fi) defined in Section 1-06.2(2)D shall be six for compressive
strength and four for air content.
If either the air content or compressive strength is not measured in accordance with this
section its individual pay factor will be considered to be 1.00 in calculating the Composite
Pay Factor.
Non-Statistical Acceptance
Concrete will be accepted based on conformance to the requirement for air content and
the compressive strength at 28 days for sublots as tested and determined by the Contracting
Agency. The lower Specification limit for air content shall be 3 percent, and the upper
Specification limit for air content shall be 7 percent. The lower Specification limit for
compressive strength shall be 4,000 psi.
Each sublot will be deemed to have met the specified compressive strength requirement
when both of the following conditions are met:
1. Individual strength tests do not fall below the lower specification limit for strength
by more than 12½ percent, or 500 psi, whichever is least.
2. An individual strength test averaged with the two preceding individual strength tests
meets or exceeds the lower specification limit for strength.
When compressive strengths fail to satisfy one or both of the above requirements, the
Contractor may request acceptance of in-place concrete strength based on core results. This
method will not be used if the Engineer determines coring would be harmful to the integrity
of the Structure. Cores, if allowed, will be obtained by the Contractor in accordance with
AASHTO T 24 and delivered to the Contracting Agency for testing in accordance with
AASHTO T 22. If the concrete in the Structure will be dry under service conditions, the core
will be air-dried at a temperature of between 60°F and 80°F and at a relative humidity of less
than 60 percent for 7 days before testing, and will be tested air dry.
Acceptance for each sublot by the core method requires that the average compressive
strength of three cores be at least 85 percent of the specified strength with no one core less
than 75 percent of the specified strength. When the Contractor requests strength analysis by
coring, the results obtained will be accepted by both parties as conclusive and supersede all
other strength data for the concrete sublot.
If the Contractor elects to core, cores shall be obtained no later than 50 days after initial
concrete placement. The Engineer will concur in the locations to be cored. Repair of cored
areas shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The cost incurred in coring and testing
these cores, including repair of core locations, shall be borne by the Contractor.
5-05.3(5) Mixing Concrete
The concrete may be mixed in a batching plant or in truck mixers. The mixer shall be of
an approved type and capacity. Mixing time shall be measured from the time all materials
are in the drum. Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with the
requirements of Sections 6-02.3(4), 6-02.3(4)A, and 6-02.3(4)B.
When mixed in a batching plant, the mixing time shall not be less than 50 seconds nor
more than 90 seconds.
The mixer shall be operated at a drum speed as shown on the manufacturer’s nameplate
on the mixer. Any concrete mixed less than the specified time shall be discarded and disposed
of by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency. The volume of concrete mixed
per batch shall not exceed the mixer’s rated capacity, as shown on the manufacturer’s standard
rating plate on the mixer.
Each concrete mixing machine shall be equipped with a device for counting automatically
the number of batches mixed during the day’s operation.
Retempering concrete by adding water or by other means will not be permitted.
5-05.3(5)A Limitations of Mixing
Concrete shall not be mixed, placed, or finished when the natural light is inadequate,
as determined by the Engineer, unless an adequate and approved artificial lighting system
is operated.
Mixing and placing concrete shall be discontinued when a descending air temperature in
the shade away from artificial heat reaches 40ºF and shall not be resumed until an ascending
air temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat reaches 35ºF unless authorized in
writing by the Engineer.
When mixing and placing is authorized during cold weather, the aggregates may be heated
by either steam or dry heat prior to being placed in the mixer. The apparatus used shall heat the
mass uniformly and shall be arranged to preclude the possible occurrence of overheated areas
which might injure the materials. Unless otherwise authorized, the temperature of the mixed
concrete shall be not less than 50ºF and not more than 90ºF at the time of discharge into the
hauling conveyance. No concrete shall be mixed with frozen aggregates.
5-05.3(6) Surface Preparation
The Subgrade surface shall be prepared and compacted a minimum of 3 feet beyond each
edge of the area which is to receive concrete pavement in order to accommodate the slip-
form equipment.
Concrete shall not be placed during a heavy rainfall. Prior to placing concrete:
1. The surface shall be moist;
2. Excess water (e.g., standing, pooling or flowing) shall be removed from the surface.
3. The surface shall be clean and free of any deleterious materials.
4. The surface temperature shall not exceed 120°F or be frozen.
5-05.3(7) Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Concrete
The provisions relating to the frequency and amplitude of internal vibration shall be
considered the minimum requirements and are intended to ensure adequate density in the
hardened concrete. Referee testing of hardened concrete will be performed by cutting cores
from the finished pavement after a minimum of 24 hours of curing. Density determination
will be made based on the water content of the core as taken. WSDOT T 810 shall be used for
the determination of core density. Reference cores will be taken at the minimum rate of one
for each 500 cubic yards of pavement, or fraction thereof. These same cores will be used for
thickness measurements as required by Section 5-05.5(1).
The average density of the cores shall be at least 97 percent of the approved mix design
density or the actual concrete density when determined by the Contractor using AASHTO
T 121 with no cores having a density of less than 96 percent.
Failure to meet the above requirement will be considered as evidence that the minimum
requirements for vibration are inadequate for the job conditions, and additional vibrating
units or other means of increasing the effect of vibration shall be employed so that the density
of the hardened concrete as indicated by further referee testing shall conform to the above
listed requirements. Primary units of pavement, as defined in Section 5-05.5(1), not meeting
the prescribed minimum density shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory material.
At the option of the Engineer, noncompliant material may be accepted at a reduced price.
5-05.3(7)A Slip-Form Construction
The concrete shall be distributed uniformly into final position by a self-propelled slip-form
paver without delay. The alignment and elevation of the paver shall be regulated from outside
reference lines established for this purpose, or by an electronic control system capable of
controlling the line and grade within required tolerances. The paver shall vibrate the concrete
for the full width and depth of the strip of pavement being placed and the vibration shall
be adequate to provide a consistency of concrete that will stand normal to the surface with
sharp well-defined edges. The sliding forms shall be rigidly held together laterally to prevent
spreading of the forms.
The plastic concrete shall be effectively consolidated by internal vibration with transverse
vibrating units for the full width of pavement and/or a series of equally spaced longitudinal
vibrating units. The space from the outer edge of the pavement to the outer longitudinal
unit shall not exceed 9 inches. The spacing of internal units shall be uniform and not exceed
18 inches.
The term internal vibration means vibration by vibrating units located within the specified
thickness of pavement section.
The rate of vibration of each vibrating unit shall be not less than 7,500 cycles per minute,
and the amplitude of vibration shall be sufficient to be perceptible on the surface of the
concrete along the entire length of the vibrating unit and for a distance of at least 1 foot.
The frequency of vibration or amplitude shall be varied proportionately with the rate of
travel to result in a uniform density and air content. The paving machine shall be equipped
with a tachometer or other suitable device for measuring and indicating the actual frequency
of vibrations.
The concrete shall be held at a uniform consistency. The slip-form paver shall be operated
with as nearly a continuous forward movement as possible and all operations of mixing,
delivering, and spreading concrete shall be coordinated to provide uniform progress with
stopping and starting of the paver held to a minimum. If, for any reason, it is necessary to stop
the forward movement of the paver, the vibratory and tamping elements shall also be stopped
immediately. No tractive force shall be applied to the machine, except that which is controlled
from the machine.
When concrete is being placed adjacent to an existing pavement, that part of the equipment
which is supported on the existing pavement shall be equipped with protective pads on crawler
tracks or rubber-tired wheels on which the bearing surface is offset to run a sufficient distance
from the edge of the pavement to avoid breaking the pavement edge.
5-05.3(7)B Stationary Side Form Construction
Side form sections shall be straight, free from warps, bends, indentations, or other defects.
Defective forms shall be removed from the Work. Metal side forms shall be used unless other
forms are approved by the Engineer.
Side forms may be built up by rigidly attaching a section to either top or bottom of forms.
If such buildup is attached to the top of metal forms, the buildup shall be of metal.
Side forms shall be of sufficient rigidity, both in the form and in the interlocking
connection with adjoining forms, that springing will not occur under the weight of grading
and paving equipment or from the pressure of concrete. The Contractor shall provide sufficient
forms so that there will be no delay in placing the concrete due to lack of forms.
Before placing side forms, the underlying material shall be at the proper grade. Side forms
shall be placed to the required grade and alignment of the edge of the finished pavement.
Wood wedges may be used to adjust the form elevation provided they do not extend into
the concrete. The forms shall be firmly supported during the entire operation of placing,
compacting, and finishing the pavement.
Forms shall be drilled in advance of being placed to line and grade to accommodate tie
bars where these are specified.
Immediately in advance of placing concrete and after all Subgrade operations are
completed, side forms shall be trued and maintained to the required line and grade for a
distance sufficient to prevent delay in placing concrete.
Side forms shall remain in place at least 12 hours after the concrete has been placed, and
in all cases until the edge of the pavement no longer requires the protection of the forms.
Curing compound shall be applied to the concrete immediately after the forms are removed.
Side forms shall be thoroughly cleaned and oiled each time they are used and before
concrete is placed against them.
Concrete shall be spread, screeded, shaped, and consolidated by one or more self-
propelled machines. These machines shall uniformly distribute and consolidate concrete
without segregation so that completed pavement will conform to required cross section with
a minimum of handwork.
The number and capacity of machines furnished shall be adequate to perform the Work
required at a rate equal to that of concrete delivery.
Concrete for the full paving width shall be effectively consolidated by means of surface
vibrators, in combination with internal vibrators, or by some other method of consolidation
that produces equivalent results without segregation.
When vibrators are used to consolidate concrete, the rate of vibration shall be not less
than 3,500 cycles per minute for surface vibrators and shall be not less than 7,000 cycles
per minute for internal vibrators. Amplitude of vibration shall be sufficient to be perceptible
on the surface of the concrete more than 1 foot from the vibrating element. The Contractor
shall furnish a tachometer or other suitable device for measuring and indicating frequency
of vibration.
Power to vibrators shall be connected so that vibration ceases when forward or backward
motion of the machine is stopped.
5-05.3(8) Joints
Joints in cement concrete pavement will be designated as longitudinal and transverse
contraction joints, longitudinal and transverse construction joints, or isolation joints, and shall
be constructed as shown in the Plans and in accordance with the following provisions:
All contraction joints shall be constructed at the locations, intervals, and depths shown in
the Standard Plans. The faces of all joints shall be constructed perpendicular to the surface of
the cement concrete pavement.
5-05.3(8)A Contraction Joints
All transverse and longitudinal contraction joints shall be formed with suitable power-
driven concrete saws. The Contractor shall provide sufficient sawing equipment capable of
completing the sawing to the required dimensions and at the required rate to control cracking.
The Contractor shall provide adequate artificial lighting facilities for night sawing. Joints shall
not vary from the specified or indicated line by more than ¾ inch.
Commencement of sawing transverse contraction joints will be dependent upon the setting
time of the concrete and shall be done at the earliest possible time following placement of the
concrete without tearing or raveling the adjacent concrete excessively.
Longitudinal contraction joints shall be sawed as required to control cracking and as soon
as practical after the initial control transverse contraction joints are completed.
Any damage to the curing material during the sawing operations shall be repaired
immediately after the sawing is completed.
When cement concrete pavement is placed adjacent to existing cement concrete pavement,
the vertical face of all existing working joints shall be covered with a bond-breaking material
such as polyethylene film, roofing paper, or other material as approved by the Engineer.
5-05.3(8)B Sealing Sawed Contraction Joints
Sawed contraction joints shall be filled with a joint sealant filler conforming to the
requirements of Section 9-04.2. Joints shall be thoroughly clean at the time of sealing and
if the hot-poured type is used the joints shall be dry. Care shall be taken to avoid air pockets.
The hot-poured compound shall be applied in two or more layers, if necessary. The hot-poured
compound and the cold-poured compound shall be applied under sufficient pressure to fill the
groove from bottom to top and the cured joint sealant shall be between ¼ and ⅝ inch below
the top surface of the concrete. The joint filled with cold-poured compound shall then be
covered with a strip of nonabsorbent paper at least twice as wide as the joint and the paper
shall be left in place.
5-05.3(8)C Construction Joints
When placing of concrete is discontinued for more than 45 minutes, a transverse
construction joint shall be installed. Construction joints shall be as shown in the
Standard Plans.
Transverse construction joints shall be constructed between cement concrete pavement
and reinforced concrete bridge approach slabs.
All transverse and longitudinal construction joints, including the joint between new and
existing pavement when widened, shall be sawed and sealed with joint filler conforming to
the requirements of Sections 5-05.3(8)A and 9-04.2.
5-05.3(11) Finishing
After the concrete has been given a preliminary finish by means of finishing devices
incorporated in the slip-form paving equipment, the surface of the fresh concrete shall be
checked by the Contractor with a straightedge device not less than 10 feet in length. High
areas indicated by the straightedge device shall be removed by the hand-float method. Each
successive check with the straightedge device shall lap the previous check path by at least
½ of the length of the straightedge. The requirements of this paragraph may be waived if
it is successfully demonstrated that other means will consistently produce a surface with
a satisfactory profile index and meeting the 10-foot straightedge requirement specified in
Section 5-05.3(12).
Any edge slump of the pavement, exclusive of specified edging, in excess of ¼ inch
shall be corrected before the concrete has hardened. If edge slump on any 1 foot or greater
length of hardened concrete exceeds 1 inch, the concrete shall be repaired as provided in
Section 5-05.3(22).
The standard method of surface finish shall be longitudinal tining. In advance of curing
operations, where longitudinal tining is required, the pavement shall be given an initial and
a final texturing. Initial texturing shall be performed with a burlap drag or broom device that
will produce striations parallel with the centerline. Final texturing shall be performed with a
wire comb tine device that will produce grooves parallel with the centerline. The wire comb
tine device shall be operated within 5 inches, but not closer than 3 inches, of pavement edges.
Burlap drags, brooms, and tine devices shall be installed on self-propelled equipment
having external alignment control. The installation shall be such that, when texturing, the
area of burlap in contact with the pavement surface shall be maintained constant at all
times. Broom and tine devices shall be provided with positive elevation control. Downward
pressure on pavement surface shall be maintained at all times during texturing so as to achieve
uniform texturing without measurable variations in pavement profile. Self-propelled texturing
machines shall be operated so that travel speed when texturing is maintained constant. Failure
of equipment to conform to all provisions in this paragraph shall constitute cause for stopping
placement of concrete until the equipment deficiency or malfunction is corrected. The wire
comb of the final texturing device shall be rectangular in cross section, 3/32 to 1/8 inch wide,
on ¾-inch centers, ± 1/8-inch, and of sufficient length, thickness, and resilience to form grooves
approximately 1/8 inch deep in the fresh concrete surface. Final texture shall be uniform in
appearance with substantially all of the grooves having a depth between 1/16 and 3/16 inch.
On projects requiring less than 1,000 square yards of cement concrete pavement, for
irregular areas or areas not accessible to slip-form pavers, the surface finish may be either
longitudinal tined or transverse tined.
Transverse tining shall be done by texturing with a wire comb perpendicular to the
centerline of the pavement. The wire comb tines shall be rectangular in cross section, 3/32 to
1/8 inch wide, on ½-inch centers ± 1/8 inch, and of sufficient length, thickness, and resilience
to form grooves approximately 1/8 inch deep in the fresh concrete surface. Final texture shall
be uniform in appearance with substantially all of the grooves having a depth between 1/16 to
3/16 inch. Finishing shall take place with the elements of the wire comb as nearly perpendicular
to the concrete surface as is practical, to eliminate dragging the mortar.
If the tining equipment has not been previously approved, a test section shall be
constructed prior to approval of the equipment.
Regardless of the surface finish, if the pavement has a raised curb without a formed
concrete gutter, the texturing shall end 2 feet from the curb line.
At the beginning and end of paving each day, the Contractor shall, with an approved stamp,
indent the concrete surface near the right hand edge of the panel to indicate the date, month,
and year of placement.
At approximate 500-foot intervals where designated by the Engineer the Contractor shall,
with an approved stamp, indent the concrete surface near the right hand edge of the pavement
with the stationing of the Roadway.
Placement of Shoulder material may commence when the pavement has developed a
compressive strength of 1,800 psi as determined from cylinders made at the time of placement,
cured under comparable conditions, and tested in accordance with AASHTO T22 as long as
construction equipment is not operated on the new pavement.
A continuous barrier of the design shown in the Plans shall be constructed and maintained
along the edge of the pavement being constructed and adjacent to the portion of the Roadway
used for traffic. The barriers shall be left in place until the new pavement is ready to be opened
to traffic and shall then be removed by the Contractor.
Any damage to the pavement occurring prior to final acceptance shall be replaced or
repaired in accordance with Section 5-05.3(22).
5-05.3(17) Opening to Traffic
The pavement may be opened to traffic when the concrete has developed a compressive
strength of 2,500 psi as determined from cylinders, made at the time of placement, cured under
comparable conditions, and tested in accordance with AASHTO T 22.
Fabrication, curing, and testing of cylinders to measure early strength shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall obtain the services of an independent
Laboratory to perform these activities and these laboratories shall be approved by the
Engineer. At the Contractor’s option, the time for opening pavement may be determined
through the use of the maturity test in accordance with ASTM C1074. The Contractor shall
develop the maturity-strength relationship and provide maturity curves along with supporting
data for approval by the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment, including
thermal or maturity meter, thermocouples, wire, and qualified personnel to monitor maturity
and provide information to the Engineer. Field procedures to monitor maturity shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to use. The pavement shall not be opened to
traffic until the maturity-strength relationship shows the pavement has a compressive strength
of 2,500 psi and approved by the Engineer.
The pavement shall be cleaned prior to opening to traffic.
All costs associated with early-strength cylinders shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
5-05.3(18) Vacant
5-05.3(19) Vacant
5-05.3(20) Vacant
5-05.3(21) Vacant
5-05.3(22) Repair of Defective Pavement Slabs
Broken slabs, slabs with random cracks, nonworking contraction joints near cracks,
edge slumping and spalls along joints and cracks shall be replaced or repaired as specified
at no expense to the Contracting Agency, and shall be accomplished prior to completion of
joint sealing.
Pavement slabs containing more than one crack shall be entirely removed and replaced.
Pavement slabs containing a single crack shall be removed and replaced such that the
minimum dimension of the removed slab is 6 feet long and full panel width. The portion of
the panel to remain in place shall have a minimum dimension of 6 feet in length and full panel
width, otherwise entire removal and replacement of the slab is required. There shall be no new
joints closer than 3 feet to an existing transverse joints. Saw cutting full pavement depth is
required along all longitudinal joints and at transverse locations. Tie bars and dowel bars shall
be used in accordance Section 5-05.3(10).
Spalls and edge slumping shall be repaired by making vertical saw cuts at least 3 inches
outside the affected area and to a minimum depth of 2 inches. Spall repairs that encounter
dowel bars or are within 6 inches of a dowel bar will not be permitted. These spall areas shall
be repaired by replacing a half or full panel as permitted by the Engineer. Removal of the
existing pavement shall not damage any pavement to be left in place. If jackhammers are used
for removing pavement, they shall not weigh more than 30 pounds, and chipping hammers
shall not weigh more than 15 pounds. All power-driven hand tools used for the removal of
pavement shall be operated at angles less than 45 degrees as measured from the surface of
the pavement to the tool. The patch limits shall extend beyond the spalled area a minimum
of 3 inches. Repair areas shall be kept square or rectangular. Repair areas that are within
12 inches of another repair area shall be combined.
The Contractor shall remove material within the perimeter of the saw cut to a depth of
2 inches, or to sound concrete as determined by the Engineer. The surface patch area shall be
sandblasted and all loose material removed. All sandblasting residue shall be removed using
dry oil-free air.
When a partial depth repair is placed directly against an adjacent longitudinal joint, a bond-
breaking material such as polyethylene film, roofing paper, or other material as approved by
the Engineer shall be placed between the existing concrete and the area to be patched.
Patches that abut working transverse joints or cracks require placement of a compressible
insert. The new joint or crack shall be formed to the same width as the existing joint or
crack. The compressible joint material shall be placed into the existing joint 1 inch below the
depth of repair. The compressible insert shall extend at least 3 inches beyond each end of the
patch boundaries.
Patches that abut the lane/shoulder joint require placement of a formed edge, along the slab
edge, even with the surface.
The patching material shall be mixed, placed, consolidated, finished, and cured according
to manufacturer’s recommendations. Slab/patch interfaces that will not receive pavement
grinding shall be sealed (painted) with a 1:1 cement-water grout along the patch perimeter.
The Contractor shall reseal all joints in accordance with Section 5-05.3(8)B.
Opening to traffic shall meet the requirements of Section 5-05.3(17).
Low areas which grinding cannot feasibly remedy, shall be sandblasted, filled with
epoxy bonded mortar, and textured by grinding. The epoxy bonding agent shall meet the
requirements of Section 9-26.1(1)B for Type II epoxy.
5-05.4 Measurement
Cement concrete pavement will be measured by the cubic yard for the completed
pavement. The volume will be determined from measurements taken as listed below.
1. The width measurement will be the width of the pavement shown on the typical cross-
section in the Plans, additional widening where called for, or as otherwise specified in
writing by the Engineer.
2. The length will be measured along the center of each Roadway or ramp.
3. The depth will be determined from the reference cores. The depth utilized to calculate
the volume shall not exceed the Plan depth plus 0.04 feet.
The volume of the pavement section represented by the reference core shall equal the
measured length × width × reference core depth.
Corrosion resistant dowel bar will be measured per each for the actual number of bars used
in the completed Work.
Tie bar with drill hole will be measured per each for the actual number of bars used
in the completed Work. Tie bars with drill holes in cement concrete pavement placed under
the Contract will not be measured.
The ride smoothness compliance adjustment calculation is the volume of pavement,
in cubic yards, represented by the profilograph.
The calculation for portland cement concrete compliance adjustment is the volume
of concrete represented by the CPF and the Thickness deficiency adjustment.
5-05.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Cement Conc. Pavement”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Cement Conc. Pavement” shall be full
compensation for all costs incurred to carry out the requirements of Section 5-05, except for
those costs included in other items, which are included in this Subsection and are included
in the Proposal.
“Corrosion Resistant Dowel Bar”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Corrosion Resistant Dowel Bar” shall be full payment
for furnishing, and installing corrosion resistant dowel bars and any costs for drilling holes,
placing dowel bars with baskets, furnishing and installing parting compound and all other
costs associated with completing the installation of corrosion resistant dowel bars.
“Tie Bar with Drill Hole”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each, “Tie Bar with Drill Hole” shall be full payment for
furnishing, and installing tie bars and any costs for drilling holes, and all other costs associated
with installation of tie bars. All costs for tie bars with drill holes in cement concrete pavement
placed under the Contract shall be included in the unit Contract price per cubic yard for
“Cement Conc. Pavement”.
“Ride Smoothness Compliance Adjustment”, by calculation.
Payment for “Ride Smoothness Compliance Adjustment” will be calculated by multiplying
the unit Contract price for cement concrete pavement, times the volume for adjustment, times
the percent of adjustment determined from the schedule below.
1. Adjustment will be based on the initial profile index before corrective Work.
2. “Ride Smoothness Compliance Adjustment” will be calculated for each 0.1-mile section
represented by profilogram using the following schedule:
Ride Smoothness Profile Index (Inches per mile) Compliance Adjustment (percent adjustment)
1.0 or less +4
over 1.0 to 2.0 +3
over 2.0 to 3.0 +2
over 3.0 to 4.0 +1
over 4.0 to 7.0 0
over 7.0 -2*
*Also requires correction to 7 inches per mile.
“Portland Cement Concrete Compliance Adjustment”, by calculation.
Payment for “Portland Cement Concrete Compliance Adjustment” will be calculated by
multiplying the unit Contract price for the cement concrete pavement, times the volume for
adjustment, times the percent of adjustment determined from the calculated CPF and the
Deficiency Adjustment listed in Section 5-05.5(1)A.
5-05.5(1) Pavement Thickness
Cement concrete pavement shall be constructed in accordance with the thickness
requirements in the Plans and Specifications. Tolerances allowed for Subgrade construction
and other provisions, which may affect thickness, shall not be construed to modify such
thickness requirements.
A primary unit of pavement is defined as the area of pavement placed in each day’s paving
operations or a complete intersection. Within such primary unit of pavement, there may be
an area or areas, which are deficient in thickness by more than 0.05 foot. This deficient area
or areas will be defined as a secondary unit or units. If secondary units are found to exist,
the primary unit area will be reduced by the secondary unit area included therein. At a time
determined by the Engineer, thickness measurements will be made in each primary unit of
pavement at the minimum rate of one measurement for each 500 cubic yards of pavement,
or fraction thereof. The exact location and number of thickness measurements within each
primary unit, both longitudinally and transversely, will be determined by the Engineer.
In general, thickness measurements will be made at uniform intervals throughout each
primary unit of pavement.
If thickness deficiencies greater than 0.05 foot are found to exist, supplemental thickness
measurements will be made in accordance with Section 5-05.5(1)B. Pavement thickness
variations, if any, from the thickness requirements in the Plans and Specifications will be
determined by comparing the actual thickness measurement with the thickness specified
at the location where the measurement was made. Such variation will be determined to the
nearest 0.01 foot as either excess or deficient thickness.
Additional cores may be requested by the Contractor to isolate the area that has a thickness
deficiency within the 0.05 feet of the design thickness. These cores will be used to create a
secondary unit. All costs for the additional cores including grouting the core holes will be the
responsibility of the Contractor.
5-05.5(1)A Thickness Deficiency of 0.05 Foot or Less
If no thickness measurements in a primary unit are deficient by more than 0.05 foot, all
thickness measurements in such unit will be averaged to the nearest 0.01 foot to determine
the average thickness deficiency, if any, in that primary unit. For the purpose of determining
the average thickness deficiency, an excess thickness variation of more than 0.04 foot will be
considered to be 0.04 foot greater than the specified thickness.
For each primary unit of pavement which is deficient in average thickness by not more
than 0.05 foot, the Contractor shall pay to the Contracting Agency, or the Contracting Agency
may deduct from any moneys due or that may become due the Contractor under the Contract,
a sum computed by multiplying the deficiency adjustment from the following table by the unit
Contract price by the volume of such unit.
Average Thickness Deficiency (feet) Deficiency Adjustment (per cubic yard)
0.01 2%
0.02 4%
0.03 9%
0.04 16%
0.05 25%
If the area to be removed is not bounded by longitudinal or transverse joints, the Contractor
shall saw, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, weakened plane joints at the locations
designated by the Engineer. The Subgrade shall be lowered to meet the full thickness
requirements. The replaced pavement will be tested for thickness by means of additional
measurements and will be subject to all of the requirements of the Specifications.
Usable panels may be removed and replaced as outlined above at the option of the
Contractor, or these panels will be permitted to remain in place, provided that no payment
will be made for any panels which are left in place, and that a further penalty will be assessed
in the amount of 25 percent of the Contractor’s unit Bid price for all such panels. The
Contracting Agency may deduct such amount from any moneys due or that may become due
the Contractor under the Contract.
The cost of all thickness measurements made to determine the secondary unit areas,
including filling the core holes with concrete, will be deducted at the rate of $150.00 per
core from any moneys due or that may become due the Contractor under the Contract.
All additional Work required and any delay to the Contractor’s operations as a result of
this Specification shall not be cause for additional pay nor for an extension of time.
4. Provide supporting material properties, catalogue cuts, and other information describing
the construction equipment and all associated outriggers, spreader beams, and
supports; and
5. State that the Contractor assumes all risk for damage.
6-01.7 Navigable Streams
The Contractor shall keep navigable streams clear so that water traffic may pass safely,
providing and maintaining all lights and signals required by the U.S. Coast Guard. The
Contractor shall also comply with all channel depth and clearance line requirements of
the U.S. Corps of Engineers. This may require removing material deposited in the channel
during construction.
6-01.8 Approaches to Movable Spans
No bridge deck or sidewalk slab on the approach span at either end of a movable span may
be placed until after the movable span has been completed, adjusted and closed.
6-01.9 Working Drawings
All Working Drawings required for bridges and other Structures shall conform
to Section 1-05.3.
6-01.10 Utilities Supported by or Attached to Bridges
Installation of utility pipes and conduit systems shall conform to the details shown in
the Plans and as specified in the utility agreement between the utility company and the
Contracting Agency.
All utility pipes and conduit systems supported by or attached to bridges shall be labeled
with Type I reflective sheeting conforming to Section 9-28.12, and the following:
Content Background Color Lettering Utility Color
Electrical Power Red Black
Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum, and other gaseous materials Yellow Black
CATV, Telecommunication, Alarm, and Signal Orange Black
Potable Water Blue White
Reclaimed Water, Irrigation, Slurry Purple White
Sewer and Storm Drain Green White
The purple color background for the label for reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry, shall
be generated by placing transparent film over white reflective material. The purple tint of the
transparent film shall match Federal Standard 595, Color No. 37100.
The label text shall identify the utility contents and include the One-Number Locator
Service phone number 1-800-424-5555.
The minimum length of the label color field shall be the longer of either 1 letter width
beyond each end of the label text, or the length specified below:
Minimum Pipe Maximum Pipe Minimum Length of Label
O.D. (inches) O.D. (inches) Color Field (inches) Letter Height (inches)
¾ 1¼ 8 ½
1½ 2 8 ¾
2½ 6 12 1¼
8 10 24 2½
12 32 3½
Utility pipes and conduit systems shall be labeled on both sides of each bridge pier, and
adjacent to each entrance hatch into a box girder cell. For utility pipes and conduit systems
within bridge spans exceeding 300 feet, labels shall also be applied to the utility pipes and
conduit systems between the piers at a maximum spacing of 300 feet. The label shall be
visible at a normal eye height.
6-01.11 Name Plates
The Contractor shall install no permanent plates or markers on a Structure unless the
Plans show it.
6-01.12 Final Cleanup
When the Structure is completed, the Contractor shall leave it and the entire site in a
clean and orderly condition. Structure decks shall be swept and washed. Temporary buildings,
falsework, piling, lumber, equipment, and debris shall be removed. The Contractor shall level
and fine grade all excavated material not used for backfill, and shall fine grade all slopes and
around all piers, bents, and abutments.
The Contractor is advised that after the Structure is complete, a representative(s) of
the WSDOT Bridge Preservation Office may perform an Inventory Inspection of the
Structure. The purpose of the Inventory Inspection is to field verify certain Contract details,
to provide a base-line condition assessment of the Structure, and to identify any potential
maintenance features.
6-01.13 Vacant
6-01.14 Premolded Joint Filler
When the Plans call for premolded joint filler, the Contractor shall fasten it with galvanized
wire nails to 1 side of the joint. The nails must be no more than 6 inches apart and shall be
1½ inches from the edges over the entire joint area. The nails shall be at least 1½ inches longer
than the thickness of the filler.
The Contractor may substitute for the nails any adhesive acceptable to the Engineer.
This adhesive, however, shall be compatible with the material specified in Section 9-04.1(2)
and capable of bonding the filler to portland cement concrete.
6-01.15 Normal Temperature
Bridge Plans state dimensions at a normal temperature of 64ºF. Unless otherwise noted,
these dimensions are horizontal or vertical.
shall not exceed the following percent by mass of cement when tested in accordance with
Category Acid-Soluble Water-Soluble
Prestressed concrete 0.08 0.06
Reinforced concrete 0.10 0.08
Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall use Type I or II portland cement in all
concrete as defined in Section 9-01.2(1).
The use of fly ash is required for Class 4000P concrete, except that ground granulated
blast furnace slag may be substituted for fly ash at a 1:1 ratio. The use of fly ash and
ground granulated blast furnace slag is optional for all other classes of concrete and may be
substituted for portland cement at a 1:1 ratio as noted in the table below.
Cementitious Requirement for Concrete
Minimum percent Maximum percent
Minimum Replacement of Fly Ash Maximum percent Replacement of
Cementitious or Ground Granulated Replacement Ground Granulated
Content Blast Furnace Slag for of Fly Ash for Blast Furnace Slag
Class of Concrete (Pounds) Portland Cement Portland Cement for Portland Cement
4000 564 * 35 50
4000A 564 * 20 30
4000P 600 15 35 50
4000W 564 * 35 50
3000 564 * 35 50
Commercial Concrete **564 * 35 50
Pumpable Lean Concrete * * *** ***
Lean Concrete ****145 * 35 50
*No minimum specified.
**For Commercial Concrete, the minimum cementitious content is only required for sidewalks, curbs, and gutters.
***No maximum specified.
****Maximum of 200 pounds
When both ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash are included in the concrete
mix, the total weight of both these materials is limited to 40 percent by weight of the total
cementitious material for concrete class 4000A, and 50 percent by weight of the total
cementitious material for all other classes of concrete.
The water/cement ratio shall be calculated on the total weight of cementitious material.
Cementitious materials are those listed in Section 5-05.2. With the Engineer’s written
concurrence, microsilica fume and metakaolin can be used in all classifications of Class
4000, Class 3000, and commercial concrete and is limited to a maximum of 10 percent of the
cementitious material.
As an alternative to the use of fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag and cement
as separate components, a blended hydraulic cement that meets the requirements of
Section 9-01.2(1)B Blended Hydraulic Cements may be used.
6-02.3(2)A Contractor Mix Design
The Contractor shall provide a mix design in writing to the Engineer for all classes of
concrete specified in the Plans except for lean concrete and commercial concrete. No concrete
shall be placed until the Engineer has reviewed the mix design. The required average 28-day
compressive strength shall be selected in accordance with ACI 301, Chapter 4, Section
ACI 211.1 shall be used to determine proportions. All proposed concrete mixes except
Class 4000D shall meet the requirements in Cementitious Requirement for Concrete
in Section 6-02.3(2).
The Contractor’s submittal of a mix design shall be on WSDOT Form 350-040 and shall
provide a unique identification for each mix design and shall include the mix proportions per
cubic yard, the proposed sources, the average 28-day compressive strength for which the mix
is designed, the fineness modulus, and the water cement ratio. The mix design submittal shall
also include test results no older than one year showing that the Aggregates do not contain
Deleterious Substances in accordance with Section 9-03. Concrete placeability, workability,
and strength shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify the
Engineer in writing of any mix design modifications.
Fine aggregate shall conform to Section 9-03.1(2) Class 1 or Class 2.
Coarse aggregate shall conform to Section 9-03. An alternate combined aggregate
gradation conforming to Section 9-03.1(5) may also be used. The nominal maximum size
aggregate for Class 4000P shall be ⅜ inch. The nominal maximum size aggregate for Class
4000A shall be 1 inch.
Nominal maximum size for concrete aggregate is defined as the smallest standard sieve
opening through which the entire amount of the aggregate is permitted to pass.
A retarding admixture is required in concrete Class 4000P.
Air content for concrete Class 4000D shall conform to Section 6-02.3(2)A1. For all other
concrete, air content shall be a minimum of 4.5 percent and a maximum of 7.5 percent for all
concrete placed above the finished ground line.
6-02.3(2)A1 Contractor Mix Design for Concrete Class 4000D
All Class 4000D concrete shall conform to the following requirements:
1. Aggregate shall use combined gradation in accordance with Section 9-03.1(5) with
a nominal maximum aggregate size of 1½ inches.
2. Permeability shall be less than 2,000 coulombs at 56 days in accordance with
3. Freeze-thaw durability shall be provided by one of the following methods:
a. The concrete shall maintain an air content between 4.5 and 7.5 percent.
b. The concrete shall maintain a minimum air content that achieves a durability factor
of 90 percent, minimum, after 300 cycles in accordance with AASHTO T 161,
Procedure A. This air content shall not be less than 3.0 percent. Test samples shall be
obtained from concrete batches of a minimum of 3.0 cubic yards.
4. Shrinkage at 28 days shall be less than 0.032 percent in accordance with AASHTO
T 160.
5. Modulus of elasticity shall be measured in accordance with ASTM C469.
6. Density shall be measured in accordance with ASTM C138.
The Contractor shall submit the mix design in accordance with Section 6-02.3(2)A.
The submittal shall include test reports for all tests listed above that follow the reporting
requirements of the AASHTO/ASTM procedures. Mix designs using shrinkage reducing
admixture shall state the specific quantity required. Samples for testing may be obtained
from either laboratory or concrete plant batches. If concrete plant batches are used, the
minimum batch size shall be 3.0 cubic yards. Testing samples of mixes using shrinkage
reducing admixture shall use the admixture amount specified in the mix design submittal.
The Contractor shall submit the mix design to the Engineer at least 30 calendar days prior to
the placement of concrete in the bridge deck.
6-02.3(2)A2 Contractor Mix Design for Self-Consolidating Concrete
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is concrete that is able to flow under its own weight and
completely fill the formwork without the need for vibration while maintaining homogeneity,
even in the presence of dense reinforcement. SCC shall be capable of being pumped, and of
flowing through the steel reinforcing bar cage without segregation or buildup of differential
head inside or outside of the steel reinforcing bar cage.
Type III cement may be used in SCC.
Page 6-6 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Concrete Structures 6-02
6-02.3(2)C Vacant
6-02.3(2)D Lean Concrete
Lean concrete shall meet the cementitious requirements of Section 6-02.3(2) and have a
maximum water/cement ratio of 2.
6-02.3(3) Admixtures
Concrete admixtures shall be added to the concrete mix at the time of batching the concrete
or in accordance with the manufacturer’s written procedure and as accepted by the Engineer.
A copy of the manufacturer’s written procedure shall be furnished to the Engineer prior to
use of any admixture. Any deviations from the manufacturer’s written procedures shall be
submitted as a Type 2 Working Drawing. Admixtures shall not be added to the concrete with
the modified procedures until the Engineer has concurred in writing.
When the Contractor is proposing to use admixtures from different admixture
manufacturers they shall provide evidence to the Engineer that the admixture will be
compatible and not adversely affect the air void system of the hardened concrete. Test results
complying with ASTM C457 shall be provided as the evidence to satisfy this requirement.
Admixture combinations which have been previously tested and which are in compliance with
ASTM C457 shall be listed in the Qualified Products List (QPL). Proposed combinations not
found in the QPL shall meet this requirement.
Accelerators shall not be used.
Air entrained cement shall not be used to air entrain concrete.
6-02.3(4) Ready-Mix Concrete
All concrete, except commercial concrete and lean concrete shall be batched in
a prequalified manual, semi-automatic, or automatic plant as described in Section 6-02.3(4)A.
The Engineer is not responsible for any delays to the Contractor due to problems in getting the
plant certified.
6-02.3(4)A Qualification of Concrete Suppliers
Batch Plant Prequalification requires a certification by the National Ready Mix Concrete
Association (NRMCA). Information concerning NRMCA certification may be obtained from
the NRMCA at 900 Spring Street, Silver Springs, MD 20910 or online at
The NRMCA certification shall be valid for a 2-year period from the date of certificate. The
following documentation shall be submitted to the Engineer; a copy of the current NRMCA
Certificate of Conformance, the concrete mix design(s) (WSDOT Form 350-040), along with
copies of the truck list, batch plant scale certification, admixture dispensing certification, and
volumetric water batching devices (including water meters) verification.
For central-mixed concrete, the mixer shall be equipped with a timer that prevents the
batch from discharging until the batch has been mixed for the prescribed mixing time.
A mixing time of 1 minute will be required after all materials and water have been introduced
into the drum. Shorter mixing time may be allowed if the mixer performance is tested in
accordance with (AASHTO M157 Annex A1 Concrete Uniformity Requirements). Tests
shall be conducted by an independent testing lab or by a commercial concrete producer’s lab.
If the tests are performed by a producer’s lab, the Engineer or a representative will witness
all testing.
For shrink-mixed concrete, the mixing time in the stationary mixer shall not be less than
30 seconds or until the ingredients have been thoroughly blended.
For transit-mixed or shrink-mixed concrete, the mixing time in the transit mixer shall be
a minimum of 70 revolutions at the mixing speed designated by the manufacturer of the mixer.
Following mixing, the concrete in the transit mixer may be agitated at the manufacturer’s
designated agitation speed. A maximum of 320 revolutions (total of mixing and agitation) will
be permitted prior to discharge.
All transit-mixers shall be equipped with an operational revolution counter and a functional
device for measurement of water added. All mixing drums shall be free of concrete buildup
and the mixing blades shall meet the minimum Specifications of the drum manufacturer.
A copy of the manufacturer’s blade dimensions and configuration shall be on file at the
concrete producer’s office. A clearly visible metal data plate (or plates) attached to each mixer
and agitator shall display: (1) the maximum concrete capacity of the drum or container for
mixing and agitating, and (2) the rotation speed of the drum or blades for both the agitation
and mixing speeds. Mixers and agitators shall always operate within the capacity and
speed-of-rotation limits set by the manufacturer. Any mixer, when fully loaded, shall keep
the concrete uniformly mixed. All mixers and agitators shall be capable of discharging the
concrete at a steady rate. Only those transit-mixers which meet the above requirements will be
allowed to deliver concrete to any Contracting Agency project covered by these Specifications.
In transit-mixing, mixing shall begin within 30 seconds after the cement is added
to the aggregates.
Central-mixed concrete, transported by truck mixer/agitator, shall not undergo more
than 250 revolutions of the drum or blades before beginning discharging. To remain below
this limit, the suppler may agitate the concrete intermittently within the prescribed time
limit. When water or admixtures are added after the load is initially mixed, an additional
30 revolutions will be required at the recommended mixing speed.
For each project, at least biannually, or as required, the Plant Manager will examine
mixers and agitators to check for any buildup of hardened concrete or worn blades. If this
examination reveals a problem, or if the Engineer wishes to test the quality of the concrete,
slump tests may be performed with samples taken at approximately the ¼ and ¾ points as
the batch is discharged. The maximum allowable slump difference shall be as follows:
If the average of the two slump tests is < 4 inches, the difference shall be < 1 inch or
if the average of the two slump tests is >4 inches, the difference shall be < 1½ inches.
If the slump difference exceeds these limits, the equipment shall not be used until the
faulty condition is corrected. However, the equipment may continue in use if longer mixing
times or smaller loads produce batches that pass the slump uniformity tests.
All concrete production facilities will be subject to verification inspections at the discretion
of the Engineer. Verification inspections are a check for: current scale certifications; accuracy
of water metering devices; accuracy of the batching process; and verification of coarse
aggregate quality.
If the concrete producer fails to pass the verification inspection, the following actions will
be taken:
1. For the first violation, a written warning will be provided.
2. For the second violation, the Engineer will give written notification and the Contracting
Agency will assess a price reduction equal to 15 percent of the invoice cost of the
concrete that is supplied from the time of the infraction until the deficient condition
is corrected.
3. For the third violation, the concrete supplier is suspended from providing
concrete until all such deficiencies causing the violation have been permanently
corrected and the plant and equipment have been reinspected and meets all the
prequalification requirements.
4. For the fourth violation, the concrete supplier shall be disqualified from supplying
concrete for 1 year from the date of disqualification. At the end of the suspension period
the concrete supplier may request that the facilities be inspected for prequalification.
6-02.3(4)B Jobsite Mixing
For small quantities of concrete, the Contractor may mix concrete on the job site provided
the Contractor has requested in writing and received written permission from the Engineer.
The Contractor’s written request shall include a mix design, batching and mixing procedures,
and a list of the equipment performing the job-site mixing. All job site mixed concrete shall
be mixed in a mechanical mixer.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 6-9
6-02 Concrete Structures
If the Engineer permits, hand mixing of concrete will be permitted for pipe collars, pipe
plugs, fence posts, or other items receiving the concurrence of the Engineer, provided the hand
mixing is done on a watertight platform in a way that distributes materials evenly throughout
the mass. Mixing shall continue long enough to produce a uniform mixture. No hand mixed
batch shall exceed ½ cubic yard.
Concrete mixed at the jobsite is never permitted for placement in water.
6-02.3(4)C Consistency
The maximum slump for concrete shall be:
1. 3½ inches for vibrated concrete placed in all bridge decks, bridge approach slabs,
and flat slab bridge Superstructures.
2. 4½ inches for all other vibrated concrete.
3. 7 inches for non-vibrated concrete. (Includes Class 4000P)
4. 9 inches for shafts when using Class 4000P, provided the water cement ratio does not
exceed 0.44 and a water reducer is used meeting the requirements of Section 9-23.6.
5. 5½ inches for all concrete placed in curbs, gutters, and sidewalks.
When a high range water reducer is used, the maximum slump listed in 1, 2, 3, and
5 above, may be increased an additional 2 inches.
For self-consolidating concrete (SCC), the slump requirements specified above do not
apply, and are instead replaced by the target slump flow and slump flow range specified as part
of the SCC mix design.
6-02.3(4)D Temperature and Time For Placement
Concrete temperatures shall remain between 55°F and 90°F while it is being placed,
except that Class 4000D concrete temperatures shall remain between 55°F and 75°F during
placement. Precast concrete that is heat cured in accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)D shall
remain between 50°F and 90°F while being placed. The batch of concrete shall be discharged
at the project site no more than 1½ hours after the cement is added to the concrete mixture.
The time to discharge may be extended to 1¾ hours if the temperature of the concrete being
placed is less than 75°F. With the concurrence of the Engineer and as long as the temperature
of the concrete being placed is below 75°F, the maximum time to discharge may be extended
to 2 hours. When conditions are such that the concrete may experience an accelerated initial
set, the Engineer may require a shorter time to discharge. The time to discharge may be
extended upon written request from the Contractor. This time extension will be considered
on a case by case basis and requires the use of specific retardation admixtures and the
concurrence of the Engineer.
6-02.3(5) Acceptance of Concrete
6-02.3(5)A General
Concrete for the following applications will be accepted based on a Certificate of
Compliance to be provided by the supplier as described in Section 6-02.3(5)B:
1. Lean concrete.
2. Commercial concrete.
3. Class 4000P concrete for Roadside Steel Sign Support Foundations.
4. Class 4000P concrete for Type II, III, and CCTV Signal Standard Foundations that are
12’-0” or less in depth.
5. Class 4000P concrete for Type IV and V Strain Pole Foundations that are 12’-0” or less
in depth.
6. Class 4000P concrete for Steel Light Standard Foundations Types A & B.
Slip-form barrier concrete will be accepted based on conformance to the requirements
for temperature, air content and compressive strength at 28 days for sublots as tested
and determined by the Contracting Agency. All other concrete will be accepted based on
conformance to the requirement for temperature, slump, air content for concrete placed above
finished ground line, and the specified compressive strength at 28 days for sublots as tested
and determined by the Contracting Agency.
A sublot is defined as the material represented by an individual strength test. An individual
strength test is the average compressive strength of cylinders from the same sample
of material.
Each sublot will be deemed to have met the specified compressive strength requirement
when both of the following conditions are met:
1. Individual strength tests do not fall below the specified strength by more than
12½ percent or 500 psi, whichever is least.
2. An individual strength test averaged with the two preceding individual strength tests
meets or exceeds specified strength (for the same class and exact mix I.D. of concrete
on the same Contract).
When compressive strengths fail to satisfy one or both of the above requirements, the
Contractor may:
1. Request acceptance based on the Contractor/Suppliers strength test data for
cylinders made from the same truckload of concrete as the Contracting Agency
cylinders; provided:
a. The Contractor’s test results are obtained from testing cylinders fabricated, handled,
and stored for 28 days in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 23 and tested in
accordance with AASHTO T 22. The test cylinders shall be the same size cylinders
as those cast by the Contracting Agency.
b. The technician fabricating the cylinders is qualified by either ACI, Grade 1 or
WAQTC to perform this Work.
c. The Laboratory performing the tests in accordance with AASHTO T 22 has an
equipment calibration/certification system, and a technician training and evaluation
process in accordance with AASHTO R-18.
d. Both the Contractor and Contracting Agency have at least 15 test results from the
same mix to compare. The Contractor’s results could be used if the Contractor’s
computed average of all their test results is within one standard deviation of the
Contracting Agency’s average test result. The computed standard deviation of the
Contractor’s results must also be within plus or minus 200 psi of the Contracting
Agency’s standard deviation.
2. Request acceptance of in-place concrete strength based on core results. This method
will not be used if the Engineer determines coring would be harmful to the integrity of
the Structure. Cores, if allowed, will be obtained by the Contractor in accordance with
AASHTO T 24 and delivered to the Contracting Agency for testing in accordance with
AASHTO T 22. If the concrete in the Structure will be dry under service conditions,
the core will be air dried at a temperature of between 60°F and 80°F and at a relative
humidity of less than 60 percent for 7 days before testing, and will be tested air dry.
Acceptance for each sublot by the core method requires that the average compressive
strength of three cores be at least 85 percent of the specified strength with no one core less
than 75 percent of the specified strength. When the Contractor requests strength analysis by
coring, the results obtained will be accepted by both parties as conclusive and supersede all
other strength data for the concrete sublot.
If the Contractor elects to core, cores shall be obtained no later than 50 days after initial
concrete placement. The Engineer will concur in the locations to be cored. Repair of cored
areas shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The cost incurred in coring and testing
these cores, including repair of core locations, shall be borne by the Contractor.
Sampling and testing will be performed before concrete placement from the first load.
Concrete shall not be placed until all tests have been completed by the Engineer, and the
results indicate that the concrete is within acceptable limits. If the concrete is not within
acceptable limits, sampling and testing will continue before concrete placement for each load
until one load meets all of the applicable acceptance requirements. After one test indicates that
the concrete is within specified limits, the concrete may be placed and the sampling and testing
frequency may decrease to one for every 100 cubic yards. Sampling shall be performed in
accordance with FOP for WAQTC TM 2 and random samples shall be selected in accordance
with WSDOT T 716. After the first acceptable load of concrete, up to ½ cubic yard may be
placed from subsequent loads to be tested prior to testing for acceptance.
When the results for any subsequent acceptance test indicates that the concrete as delivered
and approved by the Contractor for placement does not conform to the specified limits, the
sampling and testing frequency will be resumed for each load. Whenever one subsequent
test indicates that the concrete is within the specified limits, the random sampling and testing
frequency of one for every 100 cubic yards may resume.
Sampling and testing for a placement of one class of concrete consisting of 50 cubic
yards or less will be as listed above, except that after one set of tests indicate that the
concrete is within specified limits, the remaining concrete to be placed may be accepted by
visual inspection.
6-02.3(5)H Sampling and Testing for Compressive Strength and Initial Curing
Acceptance testing for compressive strength shall be conducted at the same frequency
as the acceptance tests for temperature, consistency, and air content.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain a sufficient number of cure boxes in accordance
with FOP for AASHTO T 23 for curing concrete cylinders. The cure boxes shall be readily
accessible and no more than 500 feet from the point of acceptance testing, unless otherwise
allowed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall also provide, maintain and operate all necessary
power sources and connections needed to operate the cure boxes. The cure boxes shall be
in-place and functioning at the specified temperature for curing cylinders prior to concrete
placement. Concrete cylinders shall be cured in the cure boxes in accordance with FOP for
AASHTO T 23. The cure boxes shall have working locks and the Contractor shall provide
the Engineer with one key to each of the locks. Once concrete cylinders are placed in the cure
box, the cure box shall not be disturbed until the cylinders have been removed. The Contractor
shall retain the cure box Temperature Measuring Device log and provide it to the Engineer
upon request.
The Contractor shall protect concrete cylinders in cure boxes from excessive vibration
and shock waves during the curing period in accordance with Section 6-02.3(6)D.
All cure box costs shall be incidental to the associated item of work.
6-02.3(5)I Test Section for Cast-In-Place SCC
Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall construct a test section of
the element being constructed of cast-in-place SCC. The Contractor shall confirm, through the
SCC placement operation in the test section, the SCC flows the distance required, completely
filling the forms and encapsulating the reinforcement as required without leaving voids and
pockets and causing segregation of the SCC mix. The test section forms, reinforcing steel and
concrete placing operations shall be identical to those to be used in the production elements.
For horizontal elements, the test section shall simulate the flow of concrete for the
maximum distance anticipated during production concrete placement. The depth and width of
the test section for horizontal element may be smaller than the actual depth and width of the
element to be cast. For vertical elements, the test section shall be a minimum of 33-percent of
the height of the tallest element to be constructed. The Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working
Drawings consisting of formwork and reinforcement details of the test section and SCC
placement procedures.
After removing the forms, the test section will be inspected for signs of honeycombs,
cracks, aggregate segregation, sedimentation, cold joints, and other surface and concrete
placement defects. If such defects are present, the Contractor shall revise the formwork and
SCC placement procedures as necessary to eliminate such defects.
Acceptance of the test section and the SCC mix design is contingent on acceptable visual
inspection, and a minimum of two 4-inch minimum diameter core samples taken from the
placement location and the furthest-most limits of the concrete as identified by the Engineer.
The number of core locations will be specified by the Engineer. The difference in average unit
weight of the locations represented by the core samples shall be less than 5-percent.
The Contractor shall use the same SCC placement procedures confirmed by the Engineer
accepted test section for casting the production members.
6-02.3(5)J Vacant
6-02.3(5)K Rejecting Concrete
Rejection Without Testing – The Engineer, prior to sampling, may reject any batch or
load of concrete that appears defective in composition; such as cement content or aggregate
proportions. Rejected material shall not be incorporated in the Structure.
6-02.3(5)L Concrete With Non-Conforming Strength
Concrete with cylinder compressive strengths (fc) that fail to meet acceptance level
requirements shall be evaluated for structural adequacy. If the material is found to be adequate,
payment shall be adjusted in accordance with the following formula:
2(f’c – fc)(UP)(Q)
Pay adjustment =
f’c = Specified minimum compressive strength at 28 days.
fc = Compressive strength at 28 days as determined by AASHTO
Test Methods.
UP = Unit Contract price per cubic yard for the class of concrete involved.
Q = Quantity of concrete represented by an acceptance test based on the
required frequency of testing.
Concrete that fails to meet minimum acceptance levels using the coring method will be
evaluated for structural adequacy. If the material is found to be adequate, payment shall be
adjusted in accordance with the following formula:
3.56(.85f’c – f cores)(UP)(Q)
Pay adjustment =
f’c = Specified minimum compressive strength at 28 days.
f cores = Compressive strength of the cores as determined by AASHTO T 22.
UP = Unit Contract price per cubic yard for the class of concrete involved.
Q = Quantity of concrete represented by an acceptance test based on the
required frequency of testing.
Where these Specifications designate payment for the concrete on other than a per cubic
yard basis, the unit Contract price of concrete shall be taken as $300 per cubic yard for
concrete Class 4000, 5000, and 6000. For concrete Class 3000, the unit contract price for
Concrete shall be $160 per cubic yard.
6-02.3(6) Placing Concrete
The Contractor shall not place concrete:
1. On frozen or ice-coated ground or Subgrade;
2. Against or on ice-coated forms, reinforcing steel, structural steel, conduits, precast
members, or construction joints;
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 6-15
6-02 Concrete Structures
3. Under rainy conditions; placing of concrete shall be stopped before the quantity of
surface water is sufficient to affect or damage surface mortar quality or cause a flow
or wash the concrete surface;
4. In any foundation until the Engineer has accepted its depth and character;
5. In any form until the Engineer has accepted it and the placement of any reinforcing
in it; or
6. In any Work area when vibrations from nearby Work may harm the concrete’s initial
set or strength.
When a foundation excavation contains water, the Contractor shall pump it dry before
placing concrete. If this is impossible, an underwater concrete seal shall be placed that
complies with Section 6-02.3(6)B. This seal shall be thick enough to resist any uplift.
All foundations, forms, and contacting concrete surfaces shall be moistened with water just
before the concrete is placed. Any standing water on the foundation, on the concrete surface,
or in the form shall be removed.
The Contractor shall place concrete in the forms as soon as possible after mixing. The
concrete shall always be plastic and workable. For this reason, the Engineer may reduce the
time to discharge even further. Concrete placement shall be continuous, with no interruption
longer than 30 minutes between adjoining layers unless the Engineer allows a longer time. The
Type 2 Working Drawing submittal shall include justification that the concrete mix design will
remain fluid for interruptions longer than 30 minutes between placements. Each layer shall be
placed and consolidated before the preceding layer takes initial set. After initial set, the forms
shall not be jarred, and projecting ends of reinforcing bars shall not be disturbed.
In girders or walls, concrete shall be placed in continuous, horizontal layers 1½ to 2½ feet
deep. Compaction shall leave no line of separation between layers. In each part of a form, the
concrete shall be deposited as near its final position as possible.
Any method for placing and consolidating shall not segregate aggregates or displace
reinforcing steel. Any method shall leave a compact, dense, and impervious concrete with
smooth faces on exposed surfaces. Plastering is not permitted. Any section of defective
concrete shall be removed at the Contractor’s expense.
To prevent aggregates from separating, the length of any conveyor belt used to transport
concrete shall not exceed 300 feet. If the mix needs protection from sun or rain, the
Contractor shall cover the belt. When concrete pumps are used for placement, a Contractor’s
representative shall, prior to use on the first placement of each day, visually inspect the pumps
water chamber for water leakage. No pump shall be used that allows free water to flow past
the piston.
If a concrete pump is used as the placing system, the pump priming slurry shall be
discarded before placement. Initial acceptance testing may be delayed until the pump priming
slurry has been eliminated from the concrete being pumped. Eliminating the priming slurry
from the concrete may require that several cubic yards of concrete are discharged through the
pumping system and discarded. Use of a concrete pump requires a reserve pump (or other
backup equipment) at the site.
If the concrete will drop more than 5 feet, it shall be deposited through a sheet metal (or
other accepted) conduit. If the form slopes, the concrete shall be lowered through accepted
conduit to keep it from sliding down one side of the form. No aluminum conduits or tremies
shall be used to pump or place concrete.
Before placing bridge deck concrete on steel spans, the Contractor shall release the
falsework under the bridge and let the span swing free on its supports. Concrete in flat slab
bridges shall be placed in one continuous operation for each span or series of continuous spans.
Concrete for bridge decks and the stems of T-beams or box-girders shall be placed in
separate operations if the stem of the beam or girder is more than 3 feet deep. First the beam
or girder stem shall be filled to the bottom of the slab fillets. Bridge deck concrete shall not be
placed until enough time has passed to permit the earlier concrete to shrink (at least 12 hours).
If stem depth is 3 feet or less, the Contractor may place concrete in 1 continuous operation if
the Engineer concurs.
Between expansion or construction joints, concrete in beams, girders, bridge decks,
piers, columns, walls, and traffic and pedestrian barriers, etc., shall be placed in a
continuous operation.
No traffic or pedestrian barrier shall be placed until after the bridge deck is complete for
the entire Structure. No concrete barriers shall be placed until the falsework has been released
and the span supports itself. The Contractor may choose not to release the deck overhang
falsework prior to the barrier placement. The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working
Drawings consisting of calculations indicating the loads induced into the girder webs due
to the barrier weight and any live load placed on the Structure do not exceed the design
capacity of the girder component. This analysis is not required for bridges with concrete
Superstructures. No barrier, curb, or sidewalk shall be placed on steel or prestressed concrete
girder bridges until the bridge deck reaches a compressive strength of at least 3,000 psi.
The Contractor may construct traffic and pedestrian barriers by the slipform method.
However, the barrier may not deviate more than ¼ inch when measured by a 10-foot
straightedge held longitudinally on the front face, back face, and top surface. Electrical
conduit within the barrier shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements
of Section 8-20.3(5).
When placing concrete in arch rings, the Contractor shall ensure that the load on the
falsework remains symmetrical and uniform.
Unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer, arch ribs in open spandrel arches shall be placed
in sections. Small key sections between large sections shall be filled after the large sections
have shrunk.
6-02.3(6)A Weather and Temperature Limits to Protect Concrete
6-02.3(6)A1 Hot Weather Protection
The Contractor shall provide concrete within the specified temperature limits. Cooling of
the coarse aggregate piles by sprinkling with water is permitted provided the moisture content
is monitored and the mixing water is adjusted for the free water in the aggregate. Shading
or cooling aggregate piles (sprinkling of fine aggregate piles with water is not allowed). If
sprinkling of the coarse aggregates is to be used, the piles moisture content shall be monitored
and the mixing water adjusted for the free water in the aggregate. In addition, when removing
the coarse aggregate, it shall be removed from at least 1 foot above the bottom of the pile.
Refrigerating mixing water; or replacing all or part of the mixing water with crushed ice,
provided the ice is completely melted by placing time.
If air temperature exceeds 90°F, the Contractor shall use water spray or other accepted
methods to cool all concrete-contact surfaces to less than 90°F. These surfaces include forms,
reinforcing steel, steel beam flanges, and any others that touch the mix.
6-02.3(6)A2 Cold Weather Protection
Concrete shall be maintained at or above a temperature of 40°F during the first seven
days of the Cold Weather Protection Period and at or above a temperature of 35°F during the
remainder of the Cold Weather Protection Period. Cold weather protection requirements do not
apply to concrete in shafts and piles placed below the ground line.
Prior to placing concrete in cold weather, the Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working
Drawing with a written procedure for cold weather concreting. The procedure shall detail how
the Contractor will adequately cure the concrete and prevent the concrete temperature from
falling below the minimum temperature. Extra protection shall be provided for areas especially
vulnerable to freezing (such as exposed top surfaces, corners and edges, thin sections, and
concrete placed into steel forms). Concrete placement will only be allowed if the Contractor’s
cold weather protection plan has been accepted by the Engineer.
Prior to concrete placement, the Contractor shall review the 7-day temperature predictions
for the job site from the Western Region Headquarters of the National Weather Service (www. When temperatures below 35°F are predicted, the Contractor shall:
1. Install temperature sensors in each concrete placement. One sensor shall be installed for
every 100 cubic yards of concrete placed. Sensors shall be installed at locations directed
by the Engineer, and shall be placed 1.5 inches from the face of concrete.
2. Immediately after concrete placement, temperature sensors shall be installed on the
concrete surface at locations directed by the Engineer. One sensor shall be installed for
every 100 cubic yards of concrete placed.
Temperatures shall be measured and recorded a minimum of every hour for the duration
of the Cold Weather Protection Period. Temperature data shall be submitted to the Engineer
as a Type 1 Working Drawing within three days following the end of the Cold Weather
Protection Period.
For each day that the concrete temperature falls below 40°F during the first seven days
of the Cold Weather Protection Period, no curing time is awarded for that day and the Cold
Weather Protection Period is extended for one additional day. If the concrete temperature
falls below 35°F during the Cold Weather Protection Period, the concrete may be rejected by
the Engineer.
6-02.3(6)B Placing Concrete in Foundation Seals
If the Plans require a concrete seal, the Contractor shall place the concrete underwater
inside a watertight cofferdam, tube, or caisson. Seal concrete shall be placed in a compact
mass in still water. It shall remain undisturbed and in still water until fully set. While seal
concrete is being deposited, the water elevation inside and outside the cofferdam shall
remain equal to prevent any flow through the seal in either direction. The cofferdam shall be
vented at the vent elevation shown in the Plans. The thickness of the seal is based upon this
vent elevation.
The seal shall be at least 18 inches thick unless the Plans show otherwise. The Engineer
may change the seal thickness during construction which may require redesign of the footing
and the pier shaft or column. Although seal thickness changes may result in the use of more or
less concrete, reinforcing steel, and excavation, payment will remain as originally defined in
unit Contract prices.
To place seal concrete underwater, the Contractor shall use a concrete pump or tremie.
The tremie shall have a hopper at the top that empties into a watertight tube at least 10 inches
in diameter. The discharge end of the tube on the tremie or concrete pump shall include a
device to seal out water while the tube is first filled with concrete. Tube supports shall permit
the discharge end to move freely across the entire Work area and to drop rapidly to slow
or stop the flow. One tremie may be used to concrete an area up to 18 feet per side. Each
additional area of this size requires one additional tremie.
Throughout the underwater concrete placement operation, the discharge end of the tube
shall remain submerged in the concrete and the tube shall always contain enough concrete to
prevent water from entering. The concrete placement shall be continuous until the Work is
completed, resulting in a seamless, uniform seal. If the concreting operation is interrupted,
the Engineer may require the Contractor to prove by core drilling or other tests that the seal
contains no voids or horizontal joints. If testing reveals voids or joints, the Contractor shall
repair them or replace the seal at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
Concrete Class 4000W shall be used for seals, and it shall meet the consistency
requirements of Section 6-02.3(4)C.
6-02.3(6)C Dewatering Concrete Seals and Foundations
After a concrete seal is constructed, the Contractor shall pump the water out of the
cofferdam and place the rest of the concrete in the dry. This pumping shall not begin until the
seal has set enough to withstand the hydrostatic pressure (3 days for gravity seals and 10 days
for seals containing piling or shafts). The Engineer may extend these waiting periods to ensure
structural safety or to meet a condition of the operating permit.
If weighted cribs are used to resist hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the seal, the
Contractor shall anchor them to the foundation seal. Any method used (such as dowels or
keys) shall transfer the entire weight of the crib to the seal.
No pumping shall be done during or for 24 hours after concrete placement unless done
from a suitable sump separated from the concrete Work by a watertight wall. Pumping shall
be done in a way that rules out any chance of concrete being carried away.
6-02.3(6)D Protection Against Vibration
Freshly placed concrete shall not be subjected to excessive vibration and shock waves
during the curing period until it has reached a 2,000 psi minimum compressive strength for
structural concrete and lower-strength classes of concrete.
After the first 5 hours from the time the concrete has been placed and consolidated, the
Contractor shall keep all vibration producing operations at a safe horizontal distance from
the freshly placed concrete by following either the prescriptive safe distance method or the
monitoring safe distance method. These requirements for the protection of freshly placed
concrete against vibration shall not apply for plant cast concrete, nor shall they apply to the
vibrations caused by the traveling public.
6-02.3(6)D1 Prescriptive Safe Distance Method
After the concrete has been placed and consolidated, the Contractor shall keep all vibration
producing operations at a safe horizontal distance from the freshly placed concrete as follows:
Minimum Compressive Safe Horizontal Distance1
Strength, f’c Equipment Class L2 Equipment Class H3
< 1,000 psi 75 feet 125 feet
1,000 to < 1,400 psi 30 feet 50 feet
1,400 to 2,000 psi 15 feet 25 feet
1The safe horizontal distance shall be reduced to 10 feet for small rubber tire construction equipment like backhoes under
50,000 pounds, concrete placing equipment, and legal Highway vehicles if such equipment travels at speeds of:
• ≤ 5 mph on relatively smooth Roadway surfaces or
• ≤ 3 mph on rough Roadway surfaces (i.e., with potholes)
2Equipment Class L (Low Vibration) shall include tracked dozers under 85,000 pounds, track vehicles, trucks (unless excluded
above), hand-operated jack hammers, cranes, auger drill rig, caisson drilling, vibratory roller compactors under 30,000 pounds,
and grab-hammers.
3Equipment Class H (High Vibration) shall include pile drivers, vibratory hammers, machine-operated impact tools, pavement
After the concrete has reached a minimum compressive strength specified above, the safe
horizontal distance restrictions would no longer apply.
6-02.3(6)D2 Monitoring Safe Distance Method
The Contractor may monitor the vibration producing operations in order to decrease the
safe horizontal distance requirements of the prescriptive safe distance method. If this method
is chosen, all construction operations that produce vibration or shock waves in the vicinity
of freshly placed concrete shall be monitored by the Contractor with monitoring equipment
sensitive enough to detect a minimum peak particle velocity (PPV) of 0.10 inches per second.
Monitoring devices shall be placed on or adjacent to the freshly placed concrete when the
measurements are taken. During the time subsequent to the concrete placement, the Contractor
shall cease all vibration or shock producing operations in the vicinity of the newly placed
concrete when the monitoring equipment detects excessive vibration and shock waves defined
as exceeding the following PPVs:
After the concrete has reached a minimum compressive strength specified above, the safe
horizontal distance restrictions would no longer apply.
6-02.3(7) Vacant
6-02.3(8) Vacant
6-02.3(9) Vibration of Concrete
The Contractor shall supply enough vibrators to consolidate the concrete (except that
placed underwater) according to the requirements of this section. Each vibrator shall:
1. Be designed to operate while submerged in the concrete,
2. Vibrate at a rate of at least 7,000 pulses per minute, and
3. Receive the Engineer’s acceptance on its type and method of use.
Immediately after concrete is placed, vibration shall be applied in the fresh batch at the
point of deposit. In doing so, the Contractor shall:
1. Space the vibrators evenly, no farther apart than twice the radius of the visible effects
of the vibration;
2. Ensure that vibration intensity is great enough to visibly affect a weight of 1-inch
slump concrete across a radius of at least 18 inches;
3. Insert the vibrators slowly to a depth that will effectively vibrate the full depth of each
layer, penetrating into the previous layer on multilayer pours;
4. Protect partially hardened concrete (i.e., nonplastic, which prevents vibrator penetration
when only its own weight is applied) by preventing the vibrator from penetrating it or
making direct contact with steel that extends into it;
5. Not allow vibration to continue in one place long enough to form pools of grout;
6. Continue vibration long enough to consolidate the concrete thoroughly, but not so long
as to segregate it;
7. Withdraw the vibrators slowly when the process is complete; and
8. Not use vibrators to move concrete from one point to another in the forms.
When vibrating and finishing top surfaces that will be exposed to weather or wear, the
Contractor shall not draw water or laitance to the surface. In high lifts, the top layer shall be
shallow and made up of a concrete mix as stiff as can be effectively vibrated and finished.
To produce a smooth, dense finish on outside surfaces, the Contractor shall hand tamp
the concrete.
Vibration of SCC shall only be used as described below or as approved by the Engineer:
1. To prevent the formation of a cold joint in between placement of successive batches
of SCC.
2. Near the end of an SCC placement to aid in leveling the SCC in the forms.
When vibration of SCC is allowed, the magnitude and duration of the applied vibration
shall be kept as minimal as possible.
6-02.3(10) Bridge Decks and Bridge Approach Slabs
6-02.3(10)A Pre-Deck Pour Meeting
A pre-deck pour meeting shall be held 5 to 10 working days before placing deck concrete
to discuss construction procedures, personnel, equipment to be used, concrete sampling and
testing and deck finishing and curing operations. Those attending shall include, at a minimum,
the superintendent, foremen in charge of placing and finishing concrete, and representatives
from the concrete supplier and the concrete pump truck supplier.
If the project includes more than one bridge deck, and if the Contractor’s key personnel
change between concreting operations, or at request of the Engineer, additional conferences
shall be held before each deck placement.
6-02.3(10)B Screed Rail Supports
The Contractor shall place screed rails outside the finishing area. When screed rails
cannot be placed outside the finishing area as determined by the Engineer, they shall rest
on adjustable supports that can be removed with the least possible disturbance to the
screeded concrete. The supports shall rest on structural members or on forms rigid enough
to resist deflection. Supports shall be removable to at least 2 inches below the finished
surface. For staged constructed bridge decks, the finishing machine screed rails shall not be
supported on the completed portion of deck and shall deflect with the portion of structure
under construction.
Screed rails (with their supports) shall be strong enough and stiff enough to permit the
finishing machine to operate effectively on them. All screed rails shall be placed and secured
for the full length of the deck/slab before the concreting begins. If the Engineer concurs in
advance, the Contractor may move rails ahead onto previously set supports while concreting
progresses. However, such movable rails and their supports shall not change the set elevation
of the screed.
On steel truss and girder spans, screed rails and bulkheads may be placed directly
on transverse steel floorbeams, with the strike-board moving at right angles to the centerline
of the Roadway.
6-02.3(10)C Finishing Equipment
The finishing machine shall be self-propelled and be capable of forward and reverse
movement under positive control. The finishing machine shall be equipped with a rotating
cylindrical single or double drum screed not exceeding 60 inches in length. The finishing
machine shall have the necessary adjustments to produce the required cross section, line, and
grade. Provisions shall be made for the raising and lowering of all screeds under positive
control. The upper vertical limit of screed travel shall permit the screed to clear the finished
concrete surface.
For bridge deck widening of 20 feet or less, and for bridge approach slabs, or where jobsite
conditions do not allow the use of the conventional configuration finishing machines described
above, the Contractor may submit a Type 2 Working Drawing proposing the use of a hand-
operated motorized power screed such as a “Texas” or “Bunyan” screed. This screed shall be
capable of finishing the bridge deck and bridge approach slab to the same standards as the
finishing machine.
On bridge decks, the Contractor may use hand-operated strike-boards only when the
Engineer concurs for special conditions where self-propelled or motorized hand-operated
screeds cannot be employed. These boards shall be sturdy and able to strike off the full
placement width without intermediate supports. Strike-boards, screed rails, and any specially
made auxiliary equipment shall receive the Engineer’s concurrence before use. All finishing
requirements in these Specifications apply to hand-operated finishing equipment.
6-02.3(10)D Concrete Placement, Finishing, and Texturing
6-02.3(10)D1 Test Slab Using Bridge Deck Concrete
After the Contractor receives the Engineer’s acceptance of the Class 4000D concrete mix
design, and a minimum of seven calendar days prior to the first placement of bridge deck
concrete, the Contractor shall construct a test slab using concrete of the accepted mix design.
The test slab may be constructed on grade, shall have a minimum thickness of 8-inches,
shall have minimum plan dimensions of 10-feet along all four edges, and shall be square
or rectangular.
During construction of the test slab, the Contractor shall demonstrate concrete sampling
and testing, use of the concrete temperature monitoring system, the concrete fogging system,
concrete placement system, and the concrete finishing operation. The Contractor shall
conduct the demonstration using the same type of equipment to be used for the production
bridge decks, except that the Contractor may elect to finish the test slab with a hand-operated
After the construction of the test slab and the demonstration of bridge deck construction
operations is complete, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of the test slab in accordance
with Sections 2-02.3 and 2-03.3(7)C.
6-02.3(10)D2 Preparation for Concrete Placement
Before placing bridge approach slab concrete, the subgrade shall be constructed in
accordance with Sections 2-06 and 5-05.3(6).
Before any concrete is placed, the finishing machine shall be operated over the entire
length of the deck/slab to check screed deflection. Concrete placement may begin only if the
Engineer accepts after this test.
Immediately before placing concrete, the Contractor shall check (and adjust if necessary)
all falsework and wedges to minimize settlement and deflection from the added mass of the
concrete deck/slab. The Contractor shall also install devices, such as telltales, by which the
Engineer can readily measure settlement and deflection.
6-02.3(10)D3 Concrete Placement
The placement operation shall cover the full width of the bridge deck or the full width
between construction joints. The Contractor shall locate any construction joint over a beam or
web that can support the deck/slab on either side of the joint. The joint shall not occur over a
pier unless the Plans permit. Each joint shall be formed vertically and in true alignment. The
Contractor shall not release falsework or wedges supporting bridge deck placement sections
on either side of a joint until each side has aged as these Specifications require.
Placement of concrete for bridge decks and bridge approach slabs shall comply with
Section 6-02.3(6). In placing the concrete, the Contractor shall:
1. Place it (without segregation) against concrete placed earlier, as near as possible
to its final position, approximately to grade, and in shallow, closely spaced piles;
2. Consolidate it around reinforcing steel by using vibrators before strike-off by the
finishing machine;
3. Not use vibrators to move concrete;
4. Not revibrate any concrete surface areas where workers have stopped prior to screeding;
5. Remove any concrete splashed onto reinforcing steel in adjacent segments before
concreting them;
6. Maintain a slight excess of concrete in front of the screed across the entire width of the
placement operation;
7. Operate the finishing machine to create a surface that is true and ready for final finish
without overfinishing or bringing excessive amounts of mortar to the surface; and
8. Leave a thin, even film of mortar on the concrete surface after the last pass of the
finishing machine pan.
Workers shall complete all post screeding operations without walking on the concrete.
This may require work bridges spanning the full width of the deck/slab.
After removing the screed supports, the Contractor shall fill the voids with concrete
(not mortar).
If the surface left by the finishing machine is porous, rough, or has minor irregularities,
the Contractor shall float the surface of the concrete. Floating shall leave a smooth and even
surface. Float finishing shall be kept to the minimum number of passes necessary to seal the
surface. The floats shall be at least 4-feet long. Each transverse pass of the float shall overlap
the previous pass by at least half the length of the float. The first floating shall be at right
angles to the strike-off. The second floating shall be at right angles to the centerline of the
span. A smooth riding surface shall be maintained across construction joints.
The edge of completed roadway slabs at expansion joints and compression seals shall have
a ⅜-inch radius.
After floating, but while the concrete remains plastic, the Contractor shall test the entire
deck/slab for flatness (allowing for crown, camber, and vertical curvature). The testing shall
be done with a 10-foot straightedge held on the surface. The straightedge shall be advanced
in successive positions parallel to the centerline, moving not more than one half the length of
the straightedge each time it advances. This procedure shall be repeated with the straightedge
held perpendicular to the centerline. An acceptable surface shall be one free from deviations of
more than ⅛-inch under the 10-foot straightedge.
If the test reveals depressions, the Contractor shall fill them with freshly mixed concrete,
strike off, consolidate, and refinish them. High areas shall be cut down and refinished.
Retesting and refinishing shall continue until a surface conforming to the requirements
specified above is produced.
6-02.3(10)D4 Monitoring Bridge Deck Concrete Temperature After Placement
The Contractor shall measure and record the concrete temperature and ambient temperature
a minimum of every hour for seven calendar days after concrete placement. The Contractor
shall place two temperature sensors in the bridge deck at locations specified by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall measure ambient temperature near the locations where concrete
temperature is being measured. When the bridge deck is being enclosed and heated to meet
cold weather requirements, ambient temperature readings shall be taken within the enclosure.
The Contractor shall submit the concrete temperature and ambient temperature data as a
Type 1 Working Drawing in spreadsheet format within 14 calendar days from placing the
bridge deck concrete.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of the type and model of
each device and the method used to measure and record the temperatures.
6-02.3(10)D5 Bridge Deck Concrete Finishing and Texturing
Except as otherwise specified for portions of bridge decks receiving an overlay or sidewalk
under the same Contract, the Contractor shall texture the surface of the bridge deck as follows:
The Contractor shall texture the bridge deck using diamond tipped saw blades mounted
on a power driven, self-propelled machine that is designed to texture concrete surfaces.
The grooving equipment shall provide grooves that are ⅛" ± 1/64" wide, 3/16" ± 1/16" deep,
and spaced at ¾" ± ⅛". The bridge deck shall not be textured with a metal tined comb.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the type
of grooving equipment to be used. The Contractor shall demonstrate that the method
and equipment for texturing the bridge deck will not chip, spall or otherwise damage
the deck.
Unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall texture the concrete
bridge deck surface either in a longitudinal direction, parallel with centerline or in a
transverse direction, perpendicular with centerline. The Contractor shall texture the
bridge deck surface to within 3-inches minimum and 15-inches maximum of the edge
of concrete at expansion joints, within 1-foot minimum and 2-feet maximum of the curb
line, and within 3-inches minimum and 9-inches maximum of the perimeter of bridge
drain assemblies.
The Contractor shall contain and collect all concrete dust and debris generated by the
bridge deck texturing process, and shall dispose of the collected concrete dust and
debris in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C.
If the Plans call for placement of a sidewalk or an HMA or concrete overlay on the bridge
deck, the Contractor shall produce the final finish of these areas by dragging a strip of damp,
seamless burlap lengthwise over the bridge deck or by brooming it lightly. Approximately
3-feet of the drag shall contact the surface, with the least possible bow in its leading edge.
It shall be kept wet and free of hardened lumps of concrete. When the burlap drag fails to
produce the required finish, the Contractor shall replace it. When not in use, it shall be lifted
clear of the bridge deck.
After the bridge deck has cured, the surface shall conform to the surface smoothness
requirements specified in Section 6-02.3(10)D3.
The surface texture on any area repaired to address out-of-tolerance surface smoothness
shall match closely that of the surrounding bridge deck area at the completion of the repair.
Methods used to remove high spots shall cut through the mortar and aggregate without
breaking or dislodging the aggregate or causing spalls.
6-02.3(10)D6 Bridge Approach Slab Finishing and Texturing
Bridge approach slabs that are being built as part of a bridge construction project shall
be textured in accordance with Section 6-02.3(10)D5. All other bridge approach slabs shall
be textured using metal tined combs in the transverse direction, except bridge approach
slabs receiving an overlay in the same Contract shall be finished as specified in Section
6-02.3(10)D5 only.
The comb shall be made of a single row of metal tines. It shall leave striations in the fresh
concrete approximately 3/16-inch deep by ⅛-inch wide and spaced approximately ½-inch
apart. The Engineer will decide actual depths at the site. If the comb has not been accepted,
the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s acceptance by demonstrating it on a test section.
The Contractor may operate the combs manually or mechanically, either singly or with several
placed end to end. The timing and method used shall produce the required texture without
displacing larger particles of aggregate.
Texturing shall end 2-feet from curb lines. This 2-foot untextured strip shall be hand
finished with a steel trowel.
Surface smoothness, high spots, and low spots shall be addressed as specified in Section
6-02.3(10)D5. The surface texture on any area cut down or built up shall match closely that
of the surrounding bridge approach slab area. The entire bridge approach slab shall provide
a smooth riding surface.
6-02.3(10)E Sidewalk
Concrete for sidewalk shall be well compacted, struck off with a strike-board, and floated
with a wooden float to achieve a surface that does not vary more than ⅛ inch under a 10-foot
straightedge. An edging tool shall be used to finish all sidewalk edges and expansion joints.
The final surface shall have a granular texture that will not turn slick when wet.
6-02.3(10)F Bridge Approach Slab Orientation and Anchors
Bridge approach slabs shall be constructed full bridge deck width from outside usable
Shoulder to outside usable Shoulder at an elevation to match the Structure. Unless otherwise
shown in the Plans, the pavement end of the bridge approach slab shall be constructed normal
to the Roadway centerline. The bridge approach slabs shall be modified as shown in the Plans
to accommodate the grate inlets at the bridge ends if the grate inlets are required.
Bridge approach slab anchors shall be installed as detailed in the Plans, and the anchor
rods, couplers, and nuts shall conform to Section 9-06.5(1). The steel plates shall conform
to ASTM A36. All metal parts of the approach expansion anchor shall receive one coat
of paint conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)F or be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO
M232. The pipe shall be any nonperforated PE or PVC pipe of the diameter specified in
the Plans. Polystyrene shall conform to Section 9-04.6. The anchors shall be installed parallel
both to profile grade and centerline of Roadway. The Contractor shall secure the anchors to
ensure that they will not be misaligned during concrete placement. For Method B anchor
installations, the epoxy bonding agent used to install the anchors shall be Type IV conforming
to Section 9-26.1. The compression seal shall be as noted in the Contract documents. Dowel
bars shall be installed in the bridge approach slabs in accordance with the requirements of the
Standard Plans and Section 5-05.3(10).
The compression seal shall be a 2½ inch wide gland selected from the current Qualified
Products List.
After curing bridge approach slabs in accordance with Section 6-02.3(11), the
bridge approach slabs may be opened to traffic when a minimum compressive strength
of 2,500 psi is achieved.
6-02.3(11) Curing Concrete
After placement, concrete surfaces shall be cured as follows:
1. Bridge sidewalks, roofs of cut and cover tunnels – curing compound covered by white,
reflective type sheeting or continuous wet curing. Curing by either method shall be for
at least 10 days.
2. Bridge decks — See Section 6-02.3(11)B.
3. Bridge approach slabs (Class 4000A concrete) – Two coats of curing compound and
continuous wet cure for at least 10 days.
4. Concrete barriers and rail bases – See Section 6-02.3(11)A.
5. All other concrete surfaces – Continuous wet cure for at least 3 days.
During the continuous wet cure, the Contractor shall keep all exposed concrete surfaces
saturated with water. Formed concrete surfaces shall be kept in a continuous wet cure by
leaving the forms in place. If forms are removed during the continuous wet cure period, the
Contractor shall treat the concrete as an exposed concrete surface. Runoff water shall be
collected and disposed of in accordance with all applicable regulations. In no case shall runoff
water be allowed to enter any lakes, streams, or other surface waters.
When curing Class 4000A, two coats of curing compound that complies with Section
9-23.2 shall be applied immediately (not to exceed 15 min.) after tining any portion of the
bridge approach slab. The continuous wet cure shall be established as soon as the concrete has
set enough to allow covering without damaging the finish.
For all other concrete requiring curing compound, the Contractor shall apply two coats
(that complies with Section 9-23.2) to the fresh concrete. The compound shall be applied
immediately after finishing. Application of the second coat shall run at right angles to that
of the first. The two coats shall total at least 1 gallon per 150 square feet and shall obscure
the original color of the concrete. If any curing compound spills on construction joints or
reinforcing steel, the Contractor shall clean it off before the next concrete placement.
If the Plans call for an asphalt overlay on the bridge approach slab, the Contractor shall use
the clear curing compound (Type 1, Class B), applying at least 1 gallon per 150 square feet to
the concrete surface. Otherwise, the Contractor shall use white pigmented curing compound
(Type 2), agitating it thoroughly just before and during application. If other materials are to
be bonded to the surface, the Contractor shall remove the curing compound by sandblasting
or acceptable high pressure water washing.
The Contractor shall have on the site, back-up spray equipment, enough workers, and
a bridge from which they will apply the curing compound. The Engineer may require the
Contractor to demonstrate (at least 1 day before the scheduled concrete placement) that the
crew and equipment can apply the compound acceptably.
The Contractor shall cover the top surfaces with white, reflective sheeting, leaving it in
place for at least 10 days. Throughout this period, the sheeting shall be kept in place by taping
or weighting the edges where they overlap.
6-02.3(11)A Curing and Finishing Concrete Traffic and Pedestrian Barrier
The Contractor shall supply enough water and workers to cure and finish concrete barrier
as required in this section. Unit contract prices shall cover all curing and finishing costs.
sealer. The Engineer will evaluate the proposal and if found acceptable, will accept the
proposal in writing. As a minimum, the Contractor’s proposal shall include:
Product identity
Manufacturer’s recommended application rate
Method of application and necessary equipment
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Sample of the material for testing
Allow 14 working days for evaluating the proposal and testing the material.
Method B – Under the wet cure method, the Contractor shall:
1. Provide an initial cure period by continuous fogging or mist spraying for at least the
first 24 hours.
2. After the initial cure period, cover the barrier with a heavy quilted blanket.
3. Keep the blankets continuously wet for at least 10 days. (No additional finishing is
required at the end of the curing period.)
6-02.3(11)B Curing Bridge Deck
6-02.3(11)B1 Equipment
The Contractor shall maintain a wet sheen, without developing pooling or sheeting water,
using a fogging apparatus consisting of pressure washers with a minimum nozzle output of
1,500 psi, or other means accepted by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the bridge
deck curing plan a minimum 14 calendar days prior to the pre-concreting conference.
The Contractor’s plan shall describe the sequence and timing that will be used to fog the
bridge deck, apply pre-soaked burlap, install soaker hoses and cover the deck with white
reflective sheeting.
6-02.3(11)B2 Curing
The fogging apparatus shall be in place and charged for fogging prior to beginning concrete
placement for the bridge deck.
The Contractor shall presoak all burlap to be used to cover the deck during curing.
Immediately after the finishing machine passes over finished concrete, the Contractor shall
implement the following tasks:
1. The Contractor shall fog the bridge deck while maintaining a wet sheen without
developing pooling or sheeting water.
2. The Contractor shall apply the presoaked burlap to the top surface to fully cover the
deck without damaging the finish, other than minor marring of the concrete surface.
The Contractor shall not apply curing compound.
3. The Contractor shall continue to keep the burlap wet by fog spraying until the burlap
is covered by soaker hoses and white reflective sheeting. The Contractor shall place
the soaker hoses and white reflective sheeting after the concrete has achieved initial
set. The Contractor shall charge the soaker hoses frequently so as to keep the burlap
covering the entire deck wet during the course of curing.
As an alternative to tasks 2 and 3 above, the Contractor may propose a curing system
using proprietary curing blankets specifically manufactured for bridge deck curing.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of details of the proprietary
curing blanket system, including product literature and details of how the system is to be
installed and maintained.
The wet curing regime as described shall remain in place for at least 14 consecutive
calendar days.
If the gland is installed in the field, the Contractor shall have the services of a strip seal
expansion joint system manufacturer’s technical representative physically present at the
job site. The manufacturer’s technical representative shall train the Contractor’s personnel
performing the field installation of the gland, provide technical assistance for installing the
gland, and observe and inspect the installation of at least the first complete joint.
The strip seal gland shall be continuous for the full length of the joint with no splices
permitted, unless otherwise shown in the Plans.
Other than items shown in the Plans, threaded studs used for construction adjustments are
the only items that may be welded to the steel shapes provided they are removed by grinding
after use, and the area repaired by application of an accepted corrosion protection system.
After the joint system is installed, the joint shall be flooded with water and inspected, from
below the joint, for leakage. If leakage is observed, the joint system shall be repaired by the
Contractor, as recommended by the manufacturer.
6-02.3(13)B Compression Seal Expansion Joint System
Compression seal glands shall be selected from the current Qualified Products List and
sized as shown in the Plans.
The compression seal expansion joint system shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s written recommendations. The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working
Drawing consisting of the manufacturer’s written installation procedure and repair procedures
if leakage testing fails.
After the joint system is installed, the joint area shall be flooded with water and inspected,
from below the joint, for leakage. If leakage is observed, the joint system shall be repaired by
the Contractor, as recommended by the manufacturer.
6-02.3(14) Finishing Concrete Surfaces
All concrete shall show a smooth, dense, uniform surface after the forms are removed.
If it is porous, the Contractor shall bear the cost of repairing it. The Contractor shall clean and
refinish any stained or discolored surfaces.
Subsections A and B (below) describe two classes of surface finishing.
6-02.3(14)A Class 1 Surface Finish
The Contractor shall apply a Class 1 finish to all surfaces of concrete members to the limits
designated in the Contract Plans.
The Contractor shall follow steps 1 through 8 below. When steel forms have been used
and when the surface of filled holes matches the texture and color of the area around them,
the Contractor may omit steps 3 through 8. To create a Class 1 surface, the Contractor shall:
1. Remove all bolts and all lips and edgings where form members have met;
2. Fill all holes greater than ¼ inch and float to an even, uniform finish with mortar
conforming to Section 9-20.4(2) at a 1:2 cement/aggregate ratio;
3. Thoroughly wash the surface of the concrete with water;
4. Brush on a mortar conforming to Section 9-20.4(2) at a 1:1 cement/aggregate ratio,
working it well into the small air holes and other crevices in the face of the concrete;
5. Brush on no more mortar than can be finished in 1 day;
6. Rub the mortar off with burlap or a piece of carpet as soon as it takes initial set (before
it reaches final set);
7. Fog-spray water over the finish as soon as the mortar paint has reached final set; and
8. Keep the surface damp for at least 2 days.
If the mortar becomes too hard to rub off as described in step 6, the Contractor shall
remove it with a Carborundum stone and water. Random grinding is not permitted.
or the horizontal loads of the formwork, reinforcing steel, concrete, and live loads
during construction.
The Contractor shall set falsework, to produce in the finished Structure, the lines
and grades indicated in the Contract Plans. The setting of falsework shall allow for
shrinkage, settlement, falsework girder camber, and any structural camber the Plans or
the Engineer require.
Concrete forms shall be mortar tight, true to the dimensions, lines, and grades of the
Structure. Curved surfaces shown in the Contract Plans shall be constructed as curved
surfaces and not chorded, except as allowed in Section 6-02.3(17)J. Concrete formwork
shall be of sufficient strength and stiffness to prevent overstress and excess deflection as
defined in Section 6-02.3(17)B. The rate of depositing concrete in the forms shall not exceed
the placement rate in the formwork plan Working Drawing. The interior form shape and
dimensions shall also ensure that the finished concrete will conform with the Contract Plans.
If the new Structure is near or part of an existing one, the Contractor shall not use the
existing Structure to suspend or support falsework unless the Plans or Special Provisions
state otherwise. For prestressed girder and T-beam bridge widenings or stage construction,
the bridge deck and the diaphragm forms may be supported from the existing Structure or
previous stage, if accepted by the Engineer. For steel plate girder bridge widenings or stage
construction, only the bridge deck forms may be supported from the existing Structure or
previous stage, if accepted by the Engineer. See Section 6-02.3(17)E for additional conditions.
On bridge decks, forms designed to stay in place made of steel or precast concrete panels
shall not be used.
For post-tensioned Structures, both falsework and forms shall be designed to carry the
additional loads caused by the post-tensioning operations. The Contractor shall construct
supporting falsework in a way that leaves the Superstructure free to contract and lift off the
falsework during post-tensioning. Forms that will remain inside box girders to support the
placement of the bridge deck concrete shall, by design, resist girder contraction as little as
possible. See Section 6-02.3(26) for additional conditions.
6-02.3(17)A Design Loads
The design load for falsework shall consist of the sum of dead and live vertical loads, and
a design horizontal load. The minimum total design load for any falsework shall not be less
than 100 lbs/sf for combined live and dead load regardless of Structure thickness.
The entire Superstructure cross-section, except traffic barrier, shall be considered to be
placed at one time for purposes of determining support requirements and designing falsework
girders for their stresses and deflections, except as follows:
For concrete box girder bridges, the girder stems, diaphragms, crossbeams, and
connected bottom slabs, if the stem wall is placed more than 5 days prior to the top slab,
may be considered to be self supporting between falsework bents at the time the top slab is
placed, provided that the distance between falsework bents does not exceed four times the
depth of the portion of the girder placed in the preceding concrete placements.
Falsework bents shall be designed for the entire live load and dead load, including all load
transfer that takes place during post-tensioning, and braced for the design horizontal load.
Dead loads shall include the weight of all successive placements of concrete, reinforcing
steel, forms and falsework, and all load transfer that takes place during post-tensioning. The
weight of concrete with reinforcing steel shall be assumed to be not less than 160 pounds per
cubic foot.
Live loads shall consist of a minimum uniform load of not less than 25 psf, applied over
the entire falsework plan area, plus the greater of:
1. Actual weights of the deck finishing equipment applied at the rails, or;
2. A minimum load of 75 pounds per linear foot applied at the edge of the bridge deck.
The design horizontal load to be resisted by the falsework bracing system in any direction
shall be:
The sum of all identifiable horizontal loads due to equipment, construction sequence,
side-sway caused by geometry or eccentric loading conditions, or other causes, and an
allowance for wind plus an additional allowance of 1 percent of the total dead load to
provide for unexpected forces. In no case shall the design horizontal load be less than
3 percent of the total dead load.
The minimum horizontal load to be allowed for wind on each heavy-duty steel shoring
tower having a vertical load carrying capacity exceeding 30 kips per leg shall be the sum of
the products of the wind impact area, shape factor, and the applicable wind pressure value for
each height zone. The wind impact area is the total projected area of all the elements in the
tower face normal to the applied wind. The shape factor for heavy-duty steel shoring towers
shall be taken as 2.2. Wind pressure values shall be determined from the following table:
Wind Pressure on Heavy-Duty Steel Shoring Towers
Wind Pressure Value
Height Zone (Feet Above Ground) Adjacent to Traffic At Other Locations
0 to 30 20 psf 15 psf
30 to 50 25 psf 20 psf
50 to 100 30 psf 25 psf
Over 100 35 psf 30 psf
The minimum horizontal load to be allowed for wind on all other types of falsework,
including falsework girders and forms supported on heavy-duty steel shoring towers, shall be
the sum of the products of the wind impact area and the applicable wind pressure value for
each height zone. The wind impact area is the gross projected area of the falsework support
system, falsework girders, forms and any unrestrained portion of the permanent Structure,
excluding the areas between falsework posts or towers where diagonal bracing is not used.
Wind pressure values shall be determined from the following table:
Wind Pressure on All Other Types of Falsework
Wind Pressure Value
For Members Over and Bents
Height Zone (Feet Above Ground) Adjacent to Traffic Openings At Other Locations
0 to 30 2.0 Q psf 1.5 Q psf
30 to 50 2.5 Q psf 2.0 Q psf
50 to 100 3.0 Q psf 2.5 Q psf
Over 100 3.5 Q psf 3.0 Q psf
the effects of any horizontal displacement due to stretch of the bracing. This is particularly
important when using cable or rod bracing systems.
If the concrete is to be post-tensioned, the falsework shall be designed to support any
increased or redistributed loads caused by the prestressing forces.
6-02.3(17)B Allowable Design Stresses and Deflections
The maximum allowable stresses listed in this section are based on the use of identifiable,
undamaged, high-quality materials. Stresses shall be appropriately reduced if lesser quality
materials are to be used.
These maximum allowable stresses include all adjustment factors, such as the short-term
load duration factor. The maximum allowable stresses and deflections used in the design of
the falsework and formwork shall be as follows:
6-02.3(17)B1 Deflection
Deflection resulting from dead load and concrete pressure for exposed visible surfaces,
1⁄360 of the span.
Deflection resulting from dead load and concrete pressure for unexposed non-visible
surfaces, including the bottom of the deck slab between girders, 1⁄270 of the span.
In the foregoing, the span length shall be the center line to center line distance between
supports for simple and continuous spans, and from the center line of support to the end of the
member for cantilever spans. For plywood supported on members wider than 1½ inches, the
span length shall be taken as the clear span plus 1½ inches. Also, dead load shall include the
weight of all successive placements of concrete, reinforcing steel, forms and falsework self
weight. Only the self weight of falsework girders may be excluded from the calculation of
the above deflections provided that the falsework girder deflection is compensated for by the
installation of camber strips.
Where successive placements of concrete are to act compositely in the completed
Structure, deflection control becomes extremely critical. Maximum deflection of supporting
members — 1⁄500 of the span for members constructed in several successive placements
(such as concrete box girder and concrete T-beam girder Structures) falsework components
shall be sized, positioned, and/or supported to minimize progressive increases in deflection
of the Structure which would preload the concrete or reinforcing steel before it becomes
fully composite.
6-02.3(17)B2 Timber
Each species and grade of timber/lumber used in constructing falsework and formwork
shall be identified in the drawings. The allowable stresses and loads shall not exceed the lesser
of stresses and loads given in the table below or factored stresses for designated species and
grade in Table 7.3 of the Timber Construction Manual, latest edition, by the American Institute
of Timber Construction.
Compression perpendicular to the grain reduced to 300 psi for use when moisture content 450 psi
is 19 percent or more (areas exposed to rain, concrete curing water, green lumber).
Compression parallel to the grain but not to exceed 1,500 psi. 480,000 psi
Flexural stress for members with a nominal depth greater than 8 inches. 1,800 psi
Flexural stress psi for members with a nominal depth of 8 inches or less. 1,500 psi
The maximum horizontal shear. 140 psi
AXIAL tension. 1,200 psi
The maximum modulus of elasticity (E) for timber. 1,600,000 psi
L is the unsupported length; and
d is the least dimension of a square or rectangular column, or the width of a square of equivalent
cross-sectional area for round columns.
The allowable stress for compression perpendicular to the grain, and for horizontal shear
shall not be increased by any factors such as short duration loading. Additional requirements
are found in other parts of Section 6-02.3(17). Criteria for the design of lumber and timber
connections are found in Section 6-02.3(17)I.
Plywood for formwork shall be designed in accordance with the methods and stresses
allowed in the APA Design/Construction Guide for Concrete Forming as published by
the American Plywood Association, Tacoma, Washington. As concrete forming is a
special application for plywood, wet stresses shall be used and then adjusted for forming
conditions such as duration of load, and experience factors. Concrete pour pressures shall be
in accordance with Section 6-02.3(17)J.
6-02.3(17)B3 Steel
For identified grades of steel, design stresses shall not exceed those specified in the Steel
Construction Manual, latest edition, by the American Institute of Steel Construction, except
as follows:
Compression, flexural but not to exceed 0.6Fy 12,000,000 psi
The modulus of elasticity (E) shall be 29,000,000 psi
When the grade of steel cannot be positively identified as with salvaged steel and if rivets
are present, design stresses shall not exceed the following:
Yield point fy 30,000 psi
Tension, axial, and flexural 16,000 psi
Compression, axial except L/r shall not exceed 120 14,150 - 0.37(KL/r)2 psi
Shear on gross section of the web of rolled shapes 9,500 psi
Web crippling for rolled shapes 22,500 psi
Compression, flexural but not to exceed 16,000 psi and L/b not greater than 39 16,000 - 5.2(L/b)2 psi
The modulus of elasticity (E) shall be 29,000,000 psi
L is the unsupported length;
d is the least dimension of rectangular columns, or the width of a square
of equivalent cross-sectional area for round columns, or the depth of beams;
b is the flange width;
t is the thickness of the compression flange;
r is the radius of gyration of the compression flange about the weak axis of the member; and
Fy is the specified minimum yield stress, psi, for the grade of steel used.
All dimensions are expressed in inches.
6-02.3(17)C Falsework and Formwork at Special Locations
In addition to the minimum requirements specified in Sections 6-02.3(17)A and
6-02.3(17)B, falsework towers or posts supporting beams directly over Roadways or
railroads which are open to traffic or the public shall be designed and constructed so that
the falsework will be stable if subjected to impact by vehicles. The use of damaged materials,
unidentifiable material, salvaged steel or steel with burned holes or questionable weldments
shall not be used for falsework described in this section. For the purposes of this Specification
the following public or private facilities shall also be considered as “Roadways”: pedestrian
pathways and other Structures such as bridges, walls, and buildings.
The dimensions of the clear openings to be provided through the falsework for Roadways,
railroads, or pedestrian pathways shall be as specified in the Contract.
Falsework posts or shoring tower systems which support members that cross over
a Roadway or railroad shall be considered as adjacent to Roadways or railroads. Other
falsework posts or shoring towers shall be considered as adjacent to Roadways or railroads
only if the following conditions apply:
1. Located in the row of falsework posts or shoring towers nearest to the Roadway or
railroad; and
2. Horizontal distance from the traffic side of the falsework to the edge of pavement is less
than the total height of the falsework and forms; or
3. The total height of the falsework and forms is greater than the horizontal clear distance
between the base of the falsework and a point 10 feet from the centerline of track.
The Contractor shall provide any additional features for the Work needed to ensure that
the falsework will be stable for impact by vehicles; providing adequate safeguards, safety
devices, protective equipment, and any other needed actions to protect property and the life,
health, and safety of the public; and shall comply with the provisions in Sections 1-07.23
and 6-02.3(17)M. The falsework design at special locations, shall incorporate the minimum
requirements detailed in this section, even if protected by concrete median barrier.
The vertical load used for the design of falsework posts and towers which support the
portion of the falsework over openings, shall be the greater of the following:
1. 150 percent of the design load calculated in accordance with Section 6-02.3(17)B,
but not including any increased or redistributed loads caused by the post-tensioning
forces; or
2. 100 percent of the design load plus the increased or redistributed loads caused by the
post-tensioning forces.
Each falsework post or each shoring tower leg adjacent to Roadways or railroads shall
consist of either steel with a minimum section modulus about each axis of 9.5 inches cubed
or sound timbers with a minimum section modulus about each axis of 250 inches cubed.
Each falsework post or shoring tower leg adjacent to Roadways or railroads shall be
mechanically connected to its supporting footing at its base, or otherwise laterally restrained,
to withstand a force of not less than 2,000 pounds applied at the base of the post or tower leg
in any direction except toward the Roadway or railroad track. Posts or tower legs shall be
connected to the falsework cap and stringer by mechanical connections capable of resisting
a load in any horizontal direction of not less than 1,000 pounds.
For falsework spans over Roadways and railroads, all falsework stringers shall be
mechanically connected to the falsework cap or framing. The mechanical connections shall
be capable of resisting a load in any direction, including uplift on the stringer, of not less
than 500 pounds. All associated connections shall be installed before traffic is allowed to
pass beneath the span.
When timber members are used to brace falsework bents which are located adjacent to
Roadways or railroads, all connections shall be bolted through the members using ⅝-inch
diameter or larger bolts.
Concrete traffic barrier shall be used to protect all falsework adjacent to traveled
Roadways. The falsework shall be located so that falsework footings, mudsills, or piles are
at least 2 feet clear of the traffic barrier and all other falsework members shall also be at least
2 feet clear of the traffic barrier. Traffic barrier used to protect falsework shall not be fastened,
guyed, or blocked to any falsework but shall be fastened to the pavement according to details
shown in the Plans. The installation of concrete traffic barrier shall be completed before
falsework erection is begun. The traffic barrier at the falsework shall not be removed until
allowed by the Engineer. Falsework openings which are provided for the Contractor’s own use
(not for public use) shall also use concrete traffic barrier to protect the falsework, except the
minimum clear distance between the barrier and falsework footings, mudsills, piles, or other
falsework members shall be at least 3 inches.
Falsework bents within 20 feet of the center line of a railroad track shall be braced to resist
the required horizontal load or 2,000 pounds whichever is greater.
Pedestrian openings through falsework shall be paved or surfaced with full width
continuous wood walks which shall be wheel chair accessible and shall be kept clear.
Pedestrians shall be protected from falling objects and water falling from construction above.
Overhead protection for pedestrians shall extend at least 4 feet beyond the edge of the bridge
deck. Plans and details of the overhead protection and pathway shall be submitted with the
falsework Working Drawings. Pedestrian openings through falsework shall be illuminated
by temporary lighting, constructed and maintained by the Contractor. The temporary lighting
shall be constructed in accordance with local electrical code requirements. The temporary
lighting shall be steady burning 60-watt, 120-volt lamps with molded waterproof lamp holders
spaced at 25-foot centers maximum. All costs relating to pedestrian pathway paving, wood
walks, overhead protection, maintenance, operating costs, and temporary pedestrian lighting
shall be incidental to applicable adjacent items of Work.
6-02.3(17)D Falsework Support Systems: Foundations, Manufactured Shoring Towers,
Caps, and Posts
Foundations for falsework shall be designed for conditions stated in this Section using
methods shown in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges Seventeenth
Edition – 2002 for allowable stress design, the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
for load and resistance factor design or the AASHTO Guide Design Specifications for Bridge
Temporary Works. Allowable stresses for materials shall not exceed stresses and conditions
allowed by Section 6-02.3(17)B.
6-02.3(17)D1 Vacant
6-02.3(17)D2 Vacant
6-02.3(17)D3 Bents, Shoring Towers, Piling, Posts, and Caps
Plans for falsework bents or shoring tower systems, including manufactured tower systems
shall have plan, cross-section, and elevation view scale drawings showing all geometry.
Show in the falsework plans the proximity of falsework to utilities or any nearby Structures
including underground Structures. The ground elevation, cross-slopes, relation of stringers to
one another, and dimensions to posts or piling shall be shown in the falsework plans. Column,
pile, or tower heights shall be indicated. Member sizes, wall thickness and diameter of steel
pipe columns or piles shall be shown in the falsework plans. Location of wedges, minimum
bearing area and type of wedge material shall be identified in the falsework plans. Bracing
size, location, material and all connections shall be described in the falsework plans.
The relationship of the falsework bents or shoring tower systems to the permanent
Structure’s pier and footing shall be shown. Load paths shall be as direct as possible. Loads
shall be applied through the shear centers of all members to avoid torsion and buckling
conditions. Where loads cause twisting, biaxial bending, or axial loading with bending, the
affected members shall be designed for combined stresses and stability.
Posts or columns shall be constructed plumb with tops and bottoms carefully cut to provide
full end bearing. Caps shall be installed at all bents supported by posts or piling unless the
falsework Working Drawings specifically permit otherwise. Caps shall be fastened to the
piling or posts. The falsework shall be capable of supporting non uniform or localized loading
without adverse effect. For example, the loading of cantilevered ends of stringers or caps shall
not cause a condition of instability in the adjacent unloaded members.
Timber posts and piling shall be fastened to the caps and mudsills by through-bolted
connections, drift pins, or other accepted connections. The minimum diameter of round timber
posts shall be shown in the falsework plans. Timber caps and timber mudsills shall be checked
for crushing from columns or piling under maximum load.
Steel posts and piling shall be welded or bolted to the caps, and shall be bolted or welded to
the foundation. Steel members shall be checked for buckling, web yielding, and web crippling.
Wedges shall be used to permit formwork to be taken up and released uniformly. Wedges
shall be oak or close-grained Douglas fir. Cedar wedges or shims shall not be used anywhere
in a falsework or forming system. Wedges shall be used at the top or bottom of shores, but
not at both top and bottom. After the final adjustment of the shore elevation is complete, the
wedges shall be fastened securely to the sill or cap beam. Only one set of wedges (with one
optional block) shall be used at one location. Screw jacks (or other allowed devices) shall
be used under arches to allow incremental release of the falsework.
Sand jacks may be used to support falsework and are used for falsework lowering only.
Sand jacks shall be constructed of steel with snug fitting steel or concrete pistons. Sand jacks
shall be filled with dry sand and the jack protected from moisture throughout its use. They
shall be designed and installed in such a way to prevent the unintentional migration or loss
of sand. All sand jacks shall be tested in accordance with Section 6-02.3(17)G.
When falsework is over or adjacent to Roadways or railroads, all details of the falsework
system which contribute to the horizontal stability and resistance to impact shall be installed at
the time each element of the falsework is erected and shall remain in place until the falsework
is removed. For other requirements see Section 6-02.3(17)C.
Transverse construction joints in the Superstructure shall be supported by falsework at the
joint location. The falsework shall be constructed in such a manner that subsequent pours will
not produce additional stresses in the concrete already in place.
6-02.3(17)D4 Manufactured Shoring Tower Systems and Devices
Manufactured proprietary shoring tower systems shall be identified in the falsework plans
by make and model and safe working load capacity per leg. The safe working load for shoring
tower systems shall be based upon a minimum 2½ to 1 factor of safety.
The safe working load capacity, anticipated deflection (or settlement), make and model
shall be identified in the falsework plans for manufactured devices such as: single shores,
overhang brackets, support bracket and jack assemblies, friction collars and clamps, hangers,
saddles, and sand jacks. The safe working load for shop manufactured devices shall be
based on a minimum ultimate strength safety factor of 2 to 1. The safe working load for field
fabricated devices and all single shores shall be based on a minimum ultimate strength safety
factor of 3 to 1.
The safe working load of all devices shall not be exceeded. The design loads shall be
as defined by Section 6-02.3(17)A. The maximum allowable free end deflection of deck
overhang brackets under working loads applied shall not exceed 3⁄16 inch measured at the
edge of the concrete slab regardless of the fact that the deflection may be compensated for
by pre-cambering or of setting the elevations high. The Contractor shall comply with all
manufacturer’s Specifications; including those relating to bolt torque, placing washers under
nuts and bolt heads, cleaning and oiling of parts, and the reuse of material. Devices which are
deteriorated, bent, warped, or have poorly fitted connections or welds, shall not be installed.
Shoring tower or device capacity as shown in catalogs or brochures published by the
manufacturer shall be considered as the maximum load which the shoring is able to safely
support under ideal conditions. These maximum values shall be reduced for adverse loading
conditions; such as horizontal loads, eccentricity due to unbalanced spans or placing sequence,
and uneven foundation settlement.
Copies of catalog data and/or other technical data shall be furnished with the falsework
plans to verify the load-carrying capacity, deflection, and manufacturers installation
requirements of any manufactured product or device proposed for use. Upon request by the
Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish manufacturer certified test reports and results showing
load capacity, deflection, test installation conditions, and identify associated components
and hardware for shoring tower systems or other devices. In addition to manufacturer’s
requirements, the criteria shown in the following sections for manufactured proprietary
shoring tower systems and devices shall be complied with when preparing falsework plans,
calculations, and installing these shoring tower systems and devices as falsework.
Alternative criteria and/or systems shall be submitted as a Type 2 Working Drawing
consisting of a written statement on the manufacturer’s letterhead, signed by the shoring
or device manufacturer (not signed by a material supplier or the Contractor) addressing
the following:
1. Identity of the specific Contract on which the alternative criteria and/or system will apply;
2. Description of the alternative criteria and/or system;
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 6-39
6-02 Concrete Structures
Camber strips shall be used to compensate for falsework take-up and deflection, vertical
alignment, and the anticipated Structure dead load deflection shown in the camber diagram
in the Contract Plans. Camber is the adjustment to the profile of a load-supporting beam or
stringer so that the completed Structure will have the lines and grades shown in the Plans.
The dead load camber diagram shown in the Contract Plans is the predicted Structure dead
load deflection due to self mass. This dead load camber shall be increased by:
1. Amount of anticipated falsework take up,
2. Anticipated deflection of the falsework beam or stringer under the actual load
imposed, and
3. Any vertical curve compensation.
Camber strips shall be fastened by nailing to the top of wood members, or by clamping or
banding in the case of steel members. Camber strips shall have sufficient contact bearing area
to prevent crushing under total load. As a general rule, camber strips are not required unless
the total camber adjustment exceeds ¼ inch for exterior falsework stringers and ½ inch for
interior stringers.
On concrete box girder Structures, the forms supporting the bridge deck shall rest on
ledgers or similar supports and shall not be supported from the bottom slab except as provided
below. The form supports shall be fastened within 18 inches of the top of the web walls,
producing a clear span between web walls. The bridge deck forms may be supported or posted
from the bottom slab if the following conditions are met:
1. Permanent access, shown in the Contract Plans, is provided to the cells, and the
centerline to centerline distance between web walls is greater than 10 feet;
2. Falsework stringers designed for total load, stresses and deflections in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(17)A and B are located directly below each row of posts;
3. Posts have adequate lateral restraint; and
4. All forms (including the bridge deck forms), posts, and bracing are completely removed.
The falsework and forms on concrete box girder Structures supporting a sloping web and
deck overhang shall consist of a lateral support system which is designed to resist all rotational
forces acting on the stem, including those caused by the placement of bridge deck concrete,
bridge deck formwork mass, finishing machine, and other live loads. Stem reinforcing
steel shall not be stressed by the construction of the bridge deck slab placement. Overhang
brackets shall not be used for the support of bridge deck forms from sloping web concrete box
girder bridges.
Deck slab forms between girders or webs shall be constructed such that there is no
differential settlement relative to the girders. The support systems for form panels supporting
concrete deck slabs and overhangs on girder bridges (such as steel plate girders and
prestressed girders) shall be designed as falsework. Falsework supporting deck slabs and
overhangs on girder bridges shall be supported directly by the girders so that there will
be no differential settlement between the girders and the deck forms during placement of
deck concrete.
6-02.3(17)F Bracing
All falsework bracing systems shall be designed to resist the horizontal design load in
all directions with the falsework in either the loaded or unloaded condition. All bracing,
connection details, specific locations of connections, and hardware used shall be shown
in the falsework plans. Falsework diagonal bracing shall be thoroughly analyzed with
particular attention given to the connections. The allowable stresses in the diagonal braces
may be controlled by the joint strength or the compression stability of the diagonal. Timber
bracing for timber falsework bents shall have connections designed in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(17)I. Any damaged cross-bracing, such as split timber members shall be
replaced. Steel strapping shall avoid making sharp angles or right-angle bends. A means
of preventing accidental loss of tension shall be provided for steel strapping. See Sections
6-02.3(17)A, B, and C for design loads and allowable stresses.
Bracing shall not be attached to concrete traffic barrier, guardrail posts, or guardrail.
To prevent falsework beam or stringer compression flange buckling, cross-bracing
members and connections shall be designed to carry tension as well as compression. All
components, connection details and specific locations shall be shown in the falsework plans.
Bracing, blocking, struts, and ties required for positive lateral restraint of beam flanges shall
be installed at right angles to the beam in plan view. If possible, bracing in adjacent bays shall
be set in the same transverse plane. However, if because of skew or other considerations, it is
necessary to offset the bracing in adjacent bays, the offset distance shall not exceed twice the
depth of the beam.
All falsework and bracing shall be inspected by the Contractor for plumbness of vertical
support members, secure connections, tight cables, and straight bracing members immediately
prior to, during, and immediately after every concrete placement.
Bracing shall be provided to withstand all imposed loads during erection of the falsework
and all phases of construction for falsework adjacent to any Roadway, sidewalk, or railroad
track which is open to the public. All details of the falsework system which contribute to
horizontal stability and resistance to impact, including the bolts in bracing, shall be installed
at the time each element of the falsework is erected and shall remain in place until the
falsework is removed. The falsework plans shall show provisions for any supplemental
bracing or methods to be used to conform to this requirement during each phase of erection
and removal. Wind loads shall be included in the design of such bracing or methods. Loads,
connections, and materials for falsework adjacent to Roadways, shall also be in accordance
with Section 6-02.3(17)C.
6-02.3(17)F1 Cable or Tension Bracing Systems
When cables, wire rope, steel rod, or other types of tension bracing members are used as
external bracing to resist horizontal forces, or as temporary bracing to support bents while
falsework is being erected or removed adjacent to traffic, all elements of the bracing system
shall be shown in the falsework plans. Bracing shall not be attached to concrete traffic barrier,
guardrail posts, or guardrail. Any damaged bracing, such as frayed and kinked guying systems
shall be replaced. Wire rope shall avoid making sharp angles or right-angle bends and a means
of preventing accidental loss of tension shall be provided. The following information shall be
submitted as a Type 2 Working Drawing:
1. Cable diameter, rod, or tension member size, and allowable working load.
2. Location and method of attaching the cable, rod, or tension member to the falsework.
The connecting device shall be designed to transfer both horizontal and vertical forces
to the cable without overstressing any falsework component.
3. The type of cable connectors or fastening devices (such as U-bolt clips, plate clamps,
etc.) to be used and the efficiency factor for each type. If cables are to be spliced, the
splicing method shall be shown.
4. Method of tightening cables, rods, or tension members after installation if tightening is
necessary to ensure their effectiveness. Method of preventing accidental loosening.
5. Anchorage details, including the size and mass of concrete anchor blocks, the assumed
coefficient of friction for surface anchorages, and the assumed lateral soil bearing
capacity for buried anchorages.
6. Method of pre-stretching or preloading cable or tension members.
7. Determination of the potential stretch or elongation of the tension member under the
design load and if the resulting lateral deflection will cause excessive secondary stresses
in the falsework.
Copies of manufacturer’s catalog or brochure showing technical data pertaining to the type
of cable to be used shall be furnished with the falsework plans. Technical data shall include the
cable diameter, the number of strands and the number of wires per strand, ultimate breaking
strength or recommended safe working strength, and any other information as may be needed
to identify the cable.
In the absence of sufficient technical data to identify the cable, or if it is old and obviously
worn, the Contractor shall perform cable breaking tests to establish the safe working load for
each reel of cable furnished. For static guy cable the minimum factor of safety shall be 3 to 1.
The Contractor shall provide the Engineer an opportunity to witness these tests.
When cable bracing is used to prevent the overturning of heavy-duty shoring, attention
shall be given to the connections by which forces are transferred from the shoring to
the cables. Cable restraint shall be designed to act through the cap system to prevent the
inadvertent application of forces which the shoring is not designed to withstand. Cables shall
not be attached to any tower component.
Cable splices made by lapping and clipping with “Crosby” type clamps shall not be used.
Other splicing methods may be used; however, at each location where the cable is spliced,
cable strength shall be verified by a load test.
When cables are used as external bracing to resist overturning of a falsework system, the
horizontal load to be carried by the cables shall be calculated as follows:
1. When used with heavy-duty shoring systems, cables shall be designed to resist the
difference between 1.25 times the total overturning moment and the resistance to
overturning provided by the individual falsework towers.
2. When used with pipe-frame shoring systems where supplemental bracing is required,
cables shall be designed to resist the difference between 1.25 times the total overturning
moment and the resistance to overturning provided by the shoring system as a whole.
3. When used as external bracing to prevent overturning of all other types of falsework,
including temporary support during erection and removal of falsework at traffic
openings, cables shall be designed to resist 1.25 times the total overturning moment.
The maximum allowable cable design load shall be determined using the following criteria:
1. If the cable is new, or is in uniformly good condition, and if it can be identified by
reference to a manufacturer’s catalog or other technical publication, the allowable load
shall be the ultimate strength of the cable as specified by the manufacturer, multiplied
by the efficiency of the cable connector, and divided by a safety factor of 3 (i.e., safe
working load = breaking strength × connector efficiency/safety factor).
2. If the cable is used but still in serviceable condition, or is new or nearly new but cannot
be found in a manufacturer’s catalog, the Contractor shall perform load breaking tests.
In this case, the cable design load shall not exceed the breaking strength, as determined
by the load test, multiplied by the connector efficiency factor, and divided by a safety
factor of 3.
3. If the cable is used and still in serviceable condition, or is a new or nearly new cable
which cannot be identified, and if load breaking tests are not performed, the cable
design load shall not exceed the safe working load shown in the wire rope capacities
table multiplied by the cable connector efficiency.
Cable connectors shall be designed in accordance with criteria shown in the following
tables “Efficiency of Wire Rope Connections” and “Applying Wire Rope Clips”.
Cable safe working loads are provided in table “Wire Rope Capacities”.
The method of connecting the cable or brace to the anchor block is part of the anchor
block design. The connection shall be designed to resist both horizontal and vertical forces.
6-02.3(17)F4 Temporary Bracing for Bridge Girders During Erection
Steel girders shall be braced in accordance with Section 6-03.3(7)A.
Prestressed concrete girders shall be braced sequentially during girder erection. The
bracing shall be designed and detailed by the Contractor and shall be shown in the falsework/
formwork Working Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish, install, and remove the bracing at
no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
At a minimum, the Contractor shall brace girders at each end and at midspan to prevent
lateral movement or rotation. This bracing shall be placed prior to the release of each
girder from the erection equipment. If the bridge is constructed with cast-in-place concrete
diaphragms, the bracing may be removed once the concrete in the diaphragms has been placed
and cured for a minimum of 24 hours.
6-02.3(17)F5 Temporary Bracing for Bridge Girders During Diaphragm and Bridge
Deck Concrete Placement
Prestressed concrete girders shall be braced to resist forces that would cause rotation or
torsion in the girders caused by the placing of precast concrete deck panels and concrete for
the bridge deck.
Bracing shall be designed and detailed by the Contractor and shall be shown in the
falsework/formwork Working Drawings. These braces shall be furnished, installed, and
removed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor
may consider the bracing effects of the diaphragms in developing the falsework/formwork
plans. The Contractor shall account for the added load from concrete finishing machines and
other construction loadings in the design of the bracing.
Falsework support brackets and braces shall not be welded to structural steel bridge
members or to steel reinforcing bars.
6-02.3(17)G Testing Falsework Devices
The Contractor shall establish the load capacity and deflection (or settlement) of all friction
collars and clamps, brackets, hangers, saddles, sand jacks, and similar devices utilizing a
recognized independent testing Laboratory accepted by the Engineer. Laboratory tests shall
use the same materials and design that will be used on the project. Test loads shall be applied
to the device in the same manner that the device will experience loading on the project. Any
bolts or threaded rods used with the device shall be identified as to diameter, length, type,
grade, and torque. Any wedges, blocks, or shims used with the device on the project shall also
be tested with the device. Any adjustable jack system used as a part of a device shall be tested
with the device and shall have its maximum safe working extended height identified. Devices
shall not be tested in contact with the permanent Structure. Independent members with the
same properties as the permanent Structure shall be used to test device connections.
At least 14 days prior to the test, the Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing
consisting of the test procedure and scale drawing showing how the device will be tested
and how data will be collected. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer an opportunity to
witness these tests.
The independent testing Laboratory shall provide a certified test report which shall be
signed and dated. The test report shall clearly identify the device tested including trademarks
and model numbers; identify all parts and materials used, including grade of steel, or lumber,
member section dimensions; location, size, and the maximum tested extended height of any
adjustable jacks; indicate condition of materials used in the device; indicate the size, length
and location of all welds; indicate how much torque was used with all bolts and threaded rods.
The report shall describe how the device was tested, report the results of the test, provide a
scale drawing of the device showing the location(s) of where deflections or settlements were
measured, and show where load was applied. Deflections or settlements shall be measured
at load increments and the results shall be clearly graphed and labeled. Prior to installation
of falsework devices named in this section, the Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working
Drawings consisting of the certified test reports.
The safe working load for shop manufactured devices named in this section shall be
derived by dividing the ultimate strength by a safety factor of 2.0. The safe working load for
field fabricated or field modified devices (including the use of timber blocks or wedges with
the device) shall be determined by dividing the ultimate strength by a safety factor of 3.0.
Working load shall include masses of all successive concrete placements, falsework, forms,
all load transfer that takes place during post-tensioning, and any live loads; such as workers,
Roadway finishing machines, and concrete delivery systems. The maximum allowable free
end deflection of deck overhang brackets with combined dead and live working loads applied
shall be 3⁄16 inch even though deflection may be compensated for by pre-cambering or setting
the elevations high. The Contractor shall comply with all manufacturer’s Specifications;
including those relating to bolt torque, cleaning and oiling of parts, and the reuse of material.
Devices which are deteriorated, bent, warped or have poorly fitted connections or welds,
shall not be installed.
6-02.3(17)H Formwork Accessories
Formwork accessories such as form ties, form anchors, form hangers, anchoring inserts,
and similar hardware shall be specifically identified in the formwork plans including the name
and size of the hardware, manufacturer, safe working load, and factor of safety. The grade of
steel shall also be indicated for threaded rods, coil rods, and similar hardware. Wire form ties
shall not be used. Welding or clamping formwork accessories to Contract Plan reinforcing
steel will not be allowed. Driven types of anchorages for fastening forms or form supports
to concrete, and Contractor fabricated “J” hooks shall not be used. Field drilling of holes in
prestressed girders is not allowed.
Taper ties may be used provided the following conditions are met:
1. The structure is not designed to resist water pressure (pontoons, floating dolphins,
detention vaults, etc.).
2. After the taper tie is removed, plugs designed and intended for plugging taper tie
holes shall be installed at each face of concrete. The plug shall be installed a minimum
of 1½ inches clear from the face of concrete.
3. After the plug is installed, the hole shall be cleaned of all grease, contamination and
foreign matter.
4. Holes on the exposed faces of concrete shall be patched and finished to match the
surrounding concrete.
The following table from ACI 347R-88 provides minimum safety factors for formwork
accessories. The hardware proposed shall meet these minimum ultimate strength requirements
or the manufacturer’s minimum requirements, whichever provides the greater factor of safety.
The Contractor shall attach copies of the manufacturer’s catalog cuts and/or test data of
hardware proposed, to the formwork plans and submit the falsework and formwork Working
Drawings with supporting calculations in accordance with Section 6-02.3(16). In situations
where catalog cuts and/or test data are not available, testing shall be performed in accordance
with Section 6-02.3(17)G.
Minimum Safety Factors of Formwork Accessories*
Accessory Safety Factor Type of Construction
Form Tie 2.0 All applications.
Form Anchor 2.0 Formwork supporting form mass and concrete pressures only.
Form Anchor 3.0 Formwork supporting masses of forms, concrete, construction live loads, and
Form Hangers 2.0 All applications.
Anchoring Inserts 2.0 Placed in previous opposing concrete placement to act as an anchor for form tie.
*Safety factors are based on ultimate strength of the formwork accessory.
The bearing area of external holding devices shall be adequate to prevent excessive bearing
stress on form lumber. Form ties and form hangers shall be arranged symmetrically on the
supporting members to minimize twisting or rotation of the members. Form tie elongation
shall not exceed the allowable deflection of the wale or member that it supports. Inserts, bolts,
coil rods, and other fasteners shall be analyzed and designed for appropriately combined
bending, shear, torsion, and tension stresses. The formwork shall not be attached to Contract
Plan rebar or rebar cages. However, the Contractor may install additional reinforcing steel for
formwork anchorage.
Frictional resistance shall not be considered as contributing to the stability of any
connection or connecting device, except those designed as friction connectors such as U-bolt
friction-type connectors.
Form anchors and anchoring inserts shall be designed considering concrete strength at time
of loading, available embedment, location in the member, and any other factors affecting their
working strength, and shall be installed in concrete in accordance with the manufacturer’s
published requirements. Form anchors and anchoring inserts embedded in previous concrete
placements shall not be loaded until the concrete has reached the required design strength.
The required design strength of concrete for loading of an anchor shall be shown in the
formwork drawing if it is assumed that the anchor will be loaded before the concrete has
reached its 28-day strength.
Installation of permanent concrete inserts, such as form ties hangers, or embedded anchor
assemblies, shall permit removal of all metal to at least ½ inch below the concrete surface.
Holes shall be patched in accordance with Section 6-02.3(14). During removal of the outer
unit, the bond between the concrete and the inner unit or rod shall not be broken.
6-02.3(17)I Timber Connections
Timber connections shall be designed in accordance with the methods, stresses, and loads
allowed in the Timber Construction Manual, Third Edition by the American Institute of Timber
Construction (AITC). Timber falsework and formwork connections shall be designed using
wet condition stresses for all installations West of the Cascade Range crest line and by criteria
provided in the following sections. Frictional resistance shall not be considered as contributing
to the stability of any timber connection.
6-02.3(17)I1 Bolted Connections
Tabulated values in the AITC Timber Construction Manual, Current Edition are based on
square posts. For a round post or pile, the main member thickness shall be the side of a square
post having the same cross-sectional area as the round post used.
The AITC Table 6.20 for Douglas Fir-Larch bolt Group 3 and for Hem-Fir bolt Group
8 show design values for bolts to be used when the load is applied either parallel or
perpendicular to the direction of the wood grain. When the load is applied at an angle to the
grain, as is the case with falsework bracing, the design value for the main member shall be
obtained from the Hankinson formula shown in the AITC manual.
Design values in the AITC Table 6.20 apply only to three-member joints (bolt in double-
shear) in which the side members are each ½ the thickness of the main member. This joint
configuration is not typical of bridge falsework where side members are usually much
smaller than main members. For two-member joints (single shear bolt condition), the AITC
Table 6.20 values shall be adjusted by a single shear load factor as follows:
1. 0.75 for installations East of the Cascade Range crest line, except as shown in item
3 below;
2. 0.50 for installations West of the Cascade Range crest line; and
3. 0.50 for load acting at an angle to the bolt axis, as is the case with longitudinal bracing
when falsework bents are skewed.
Except for connections in falsework adjacent to or over railroads or Roadways, threaded
rods and coil rods may be used in place of bolts of the same diameter with no reduction in
the tabulated values. At openings for Roadways and railroads, all connections shall be bolted
using ⅝-inch diameter or larger through bolts.
Bolt holes shall be a minimum 1⁄32 inch to a maximum ⅛ inch larger than the bolt diameter.
A washer not less than a standard cut washer shall be installed between the wood and the bolt
head and between the wood and the nut to distribute the bearing stress under the bolt head and
nut and to avoid crushing the fibers. In lieu of standard cut washers, metal plates or straps with
dimensions at least equal to that of a standard cut washer may be substituted.
When steel bars or shapes are used as diagonal bracing, the tabulated design values shown
in AITC Table 6.20 for the main members loaded parallel to grain (P value) are increased
75 percent for joints made with bolts ½ inch or less in diameter, 25 percent for joints made
with bolts 1½ inch in diameter, and proportionally for intermediate diameters. No increase in
the tabulated values is allowed for perpendicular-to-grain loading (Q value).
Clearance requirements for end, edge, and bolt spacing distance shall be as shown below.
All distances are measured from the end or side of the wood member to the center of the bolt
hole. For members which are subject to load reversals the larger controlling distances shall be
used for design. For parallel-to-grain loading, the minimum distances for full design load:
1. In tension, minimum end distance shall be seven times the bolt diameter;
2. In compression, minimum end distance shall be four times the bolt diameter; and
3. In tension or compression, the minimum edge distance shall be one and one-half times
the bolt diameter.
For perpendicular-to-grain loading, the minimum distance for full design load:
1. Minimum end distance shall be four times the bolt diameter;
2. Edge distance toward which the load is acting shall be at least four times the bolt
diameter; and
3. Distance on the opposite edge shall be at least 1½-bolt diameters.
Minimum clearance (spacing) between adjacent bolts in a row shall be four times the bolt
diameter, measured center-to-center of the bolt holes.
When more than two bolts are used in a line parallel to the axis of the side member,
additional requirements shall be followed as shown in the AITC manual.
6-02.3(17)I2 Lag Screw Connections
Design values for lag screws subject to withdrawal loading are found in AITC Table 6.27.
Values for wood having a specific gravity of 0.51 for Douglas Fir-Larch or 0.42 for Hem‑Fir
shall be assumed when using the table. The withdrawal values are in pounds per inch of
penetration of the threaded part of the lag screw into the side grain of the member holding
the point, with the axis of the screw perpendicular to that member. The maximum load on
a given screw shall not exceed the allowable tensile strength of the screw at the root section.
AITC recommends against subjecting lag screws to end-grain withdrawal loading.
However, if this condition cannot be avoided, the design value shall be 75 percent of the
corresponding value for withdrawal from the side grain.
Values in the Group II wood species column shall be used for Douglas Fir-Larch and the
Group III wood species column shall be used for Hem-Fir. When the load is applied at an
angle to the grain, as is the case with falsework bracing, the design value shall be obtained
from the Hankinson formula shown in the AITC manual.
When lag screws are subjected to a combined lateral and withdrawal loading, as would
be the case with longitudinal bracing when the falsework bents are skewed, the effect of the
lateral and withdrawal forces shall be determined separately. The withdrawal component of
the applied load shall not exceed the allowable value in withdrawal. The lateral component
of the applied load shall not exceed the allowable lateral load value.
Lag screws shall be inserted in lead holes as follows:
1. The clearance hole for the shank shall have the same diameter as the shank, and the
same depth of penetration as the length of unthreaded shank;
2. The lead hole for the threaded portion shall have a diameter equal to 60 to 75 percent
of the shank diameter and a length equal to at least the length of the threaded portion.
The larger percentile figure in each range shall apply to screws of the greater diameters
used in Group II wood species;
3. The threaded portion of the screw shall be inserted in its lead hole by turning with
a wrench, not by driving with a hammer; and
4. To facilitate insertion, soap or other lubricant shall be used on the screws or in the
lead hole.
6-02.3(17)I3 Drift Pin and Drift Bolt Connections
When drift pins or drift bolts are used, the required length and penetration shall be
determined using the following criteria. The lateral load-carrying capacity of drift pins and
drift bolts driven into the side grain of a wood member shall be limited to 75 percent of the
design values for a common bolt of the same diameter and length in the main member. For
drift pin connections, the pin penetration into the connected members shall be increased
to compensate for the absence of a bolt head and nut. For drift bolts or pins driven into the
end grain of a member, the lateral load-carrying capacity shall be limited to 60 percent of
the allowable side grain load (perpendicular to grain value) for an equal diameter bolt with
nut. To develop this allowable load the drift bolt or pin shall penetrate at least 12 diameters
into the end grain. To fully develop the allowable load of the drift bolts or pins, they shall
be driven into predrilled holes, 1⁄16 inch less in diameter than the drift pin or bolt diameter.
The criteria shown in the AITC Timber Construction Manual, Current Edition shall apply
to drift bolt or pin connection allowable loads for the following conditions:
1. Withdrawal resistance; and
2. When there are more than two drift bolts or pins in a joint, allowable loads shall be further
reduced by applying applicable modification factors shown in the AITC Table 6.3.
6-02.3(17)I4 Nailed and Spiked Joints
Joints using nails or spikes shall conform to the provisions of AITC. For side grain
withdrawal, the values in AITC Table 6.35 for wood having a specific gravity of 0.51 for
Douglas Fir-Larch and a specific gravity of 0.42 for Hem-Fir shall be used. End grain
withdrawal shall not be used. For lateral loading, the values in AITC Table 6.36 for wood
species Group II for Douglas Fir-Larch and wood species Group III for Hem-Fir shall be used.
Diameters listed in the tables apply to fasteners before application of any protective coating.
When more than one nail or spike is used in a joint, the total design value for the joint in
withdrawal or lateral resistance shall be the sum of the design values for the individual nails
or spikes.
The tabulated design values for lateral loads are valid only when the nail penetrates
into the main member at least 11 diameters for Douglas Fir-Larch and 13 diameters for
Hem-Fir. Note that the values are maximum values for the type and size of fastener shown.
The tabulated values shall not be increased even if the actual penetration is exceeded.
When main member penetration is less than 11 diameters for Douglas Fir-Larch and
13 diameters for Hem-Fir, the design value shall be determined by straight-line interpolation
between zero and the tabulated load, except that penetration shall not be less than ⅓ of
that specified.
Double-headed or duplex nails used in falsework and formwork construction are shorter
than common wire nails or box nails of the same size designation. They have less penetration
into the main member and therefore their load-carrying capacity shall be adjusted accordingly.
Nail and spike minimum spacing in timber connections shall be as follows:
1. The average center-to-center distance between adjacent nails, measured in any
direction, shall not be less than the required penetration into the main member for
the size of nail being used; and
2. The minimum end distance in the side member, and the minimum edge distance
in both the side member and the main member, shall not be less than ½ of the
required penetration.
Allowable values for withdrawal and lateral load resistance are reduced when toe nails
are used in accordance with the following:
1. For withdrawal loading, the design load shall not exceed ⅔ of the value shown in
the applicable design table; and
2. For lateral loading, the design load shall not exceed 5⁄6 of the value shown in the
applicable design table.
Toe nails are recommended to be driven at an approximate angle of 30 degrees with the
piece and started approximately ⅓ of the length of the nail from the end or side of the piece.
6-02.3(17)I5 Timber Connection Adjustment for Duration of Load
Tabulated values for timber fasteners are for normal duration of load and may be increased
for short duration loading, except for connections used in falsework and formwork for post
tensioned Structures and staged construction sequences. Duration of load adjustment for
timber connections shall not be allowed for all post tensioned Structures and for staged
construction sequences where delayed and/or staged loading occurs for any type of concrete
Structure. The adjustment for duration of load as described in this section applies only
to design values for timber connectors, such as nails, bolts, and lag screws. Allowable
stresses for timber and structural steel components used in the connection, as described in
Section 6-02.3(17)B, are maximums and thus shall not be increased.
Tabulated values for nails, bolts, and lag screws may be adjusted by the following duration-
of-load factors:
1. 1.25 for falsework design governed by the minimum design horizontal load or greater
(3 percent or greater of the dead load),
2. 1.33 for falsework design governed by wind load, and
3. 2.00 for falsework design governed by impact loading.
6-02.3(17)J Face Lumber, Studs, Wales, and Metal Forms
Elements of this section shall be designed for the loads, allowable stresses, deflections,
and conditions which pertain from other Subsections of Section 6-02.3(17).
Forms battered or inclined above the concrete will tend to lift up as concrete is placed
and shall have positive anchorage or counterweights designed to resist uplift and shall be
shown in the formwork plans. Where the concrete pouring sequence causes fresh concrete
to be significantly higher along one side of tied forms than the opposite side, a positive form
anchorage system shall be designed capable of resisting the imbalance of horizontal thrust,
and prevent the dislocation and sliding of the entire form unit.
Wooden forms shall be faced with smooth sanded, exterior plywood. This plywood shall
meet the requirements of the National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Product Standard PS 1, and
the Design Specification of the American Plywood Association (APA). Each full sheet shall
bear the APA stamp. The Contractor shall list in the form plans the grade and class of plywood.
If the Engineer accepts the manufacturer’s certification of structural properties, the Contractor
may use plywood that does not carry the APA stamp. Plywood panels stamped “shop” or “shop
cutting”, shall not be used.
Plyform is an APA plywood specifically designed and manufactured for concrete forming.
Plyform differs from conventional exterior plywood grades in strength and the exterior face
panels are sanded smooth and factory oiled. Likewise, there is a significant difference between
grades designated Class 1, Class 2, and Structural I Plyform.
The grades of plywood for various form applications shall be as follows:
1. Traffic and Pedestrian Barriers (except those that will receive an architectural
surface treatment) – Plywood used for these surfaces shall be APA grade High-Density
Overlaid (HDO) Plyform Class I. But if the Contractor coats the form to prevent it
from leaving joint and grain marks on the surface, plywood that meets or exceeds APA
grades B-B Plyform Class I or B-C (Group I species) may be used. Under this option,
the Contractor shall provide for the Engineer’s acceptance a 4-foot-square, test panel
of concrete formed with the same plywood and coating as proposed in the form plans.
This panel shall include one form joint along its centerline. The Contractor shall apply
coating material, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, before applying chemical
release agents.
2. Other Exposed Surfaces (all but those on traffic and pedestrian barriers) – Plywood
used to form these surfaces shall meet or exceed the requirements of APA grades B-B
Plyform Class I or B-C (Group I series). If one face is less than B quality, the B (or
better) face shall contact the concrete.
3. Unexposed Surfaces (such as the underside of the bridge deck between girders, the
interiors of box girders, etc., and traffic and pedestrian barriers where surfaces will
receive an architectural treatment) – Plywood used to form these surfaces may be APA
grade CDX, provided the Contractor complies with stress and deflection requirements
stated elsewhere in these Specifications.
The pressures in the above table have been increased to provide an allowance for the
vibration and impact.
All corners shall be beveled ¾ inch. However, footings, footing pedestals, and seals need
not be beveled unless required in the Plans.
All forms shall be as mortar-tight as possible with no water standing in them as the
concrete is placed.
The Contractor shall apply a parting compound on forms for exposed concrete surfaces.
This compound shall be a chemical release agent that permits the forms to separate cleanly
from the concrete. The compound shall not penetrate or stain the surface and shall not
attract dirt or other foreign matter. After the forms are removed, the concrete surface shall
be dust-free and have a uniform appearance. The Contractor shall apply the compound at the
manufacturer’s recommended rate to produce a surface free of dusting action and yet provide
easy removal of the forms.
The Engineer may reject any forms that will not produce a satisfactory surface.
6-02.3(17)K Concrete Forms on Steel Spans
Concrete forms on all steel Structures shall be removable and shall not remain in place.
Where needed, the forms shall have openings for truss or girder members. Each opening shall
be large enough to leave at least 1½ inches between the concrete and steel on all sides of the
steel member after the forms have been removed. Unit Contract prices cover all costs related
to these openings.
The Contractor shall not weld any part of the form to any steel member.
The compression member or bottom connection of cantilever formwork support
brackets shall bear either within 6 inches maximum vertically of the bottom flange or
within 6 inches maximum horizontally of a vertical web stiffener. The Contractor’s bridge
deck form system shall be designed to prevent rotation of the steel girder. This can be
achieved by temporary struts and ties or other methods the Contractor shows to be effective.
Partial depth cantilever formwork support brackets that do not conform to the above
requirements shall not be used unless the Contractor submits Type 2E Working Drawings
consisting of details showing the additional formwork struts and ties used to brace the steel
girder against web distortion caused by the partial depth bracket.
If the Engineer permits bolt holes in the web to support form brackets, the holes shall be
shop drilled unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall fill the holes
with fully torqued ASTM F3125 Grade A325 bolts in accordance with Section 6-03.3(33).
Each bolt head shall be placed on the exterior side of the web. There shall be no holes made in
the flanges.
any span.
Page 6-54 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Concrete Structures 6-02
Before releasing supports from beneath beams and girders, the Contractor shall remove
forms from columns to enable the Engineer to inspect the column concrete.
Curing shall comply with the requirements of Section 6-02.3(11). The concrete surface
shall not become dry during form removal if removed during the cure period.
Before placing forms for traffic and pedestrian barriers, the Contractor shall completely
release all falsework under spans.
The Engineer may allow leaving in place forms for footings in cofferdams or cribs. This
decision will be based on whether removing them would harm the cofferdam or crib and
whether the forms will show in the finished Structure.
All cells of a box girder Structure which have permanent access shall have all forms
completely removed, including the bridge deck forms. All debris and all projections into the
cells shall be removed. Unless otherwise shown in the Plans, the bridge deck interior forms in
all other cells where no permanent access is available, may be left in place.
Falsework and forms supporting sloping exterior webs shall not be released until the
bridge deck and deck overhang concrete has obtained its removal strength and number of
days criteria listed in the table above. Stem reshoring shall not be used.
Open joints shown in the Plans shall have all forms completely removed, including
Styrofoam products and form anchors, allowing the completed Structure to move freely.
If the Contractor intends to support or suspend falsework and formwork from the bridge
Structure while the falsework and formwork is being removed, the Contractor shall submit
a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the falsework and formwork removal plan and
calculations. The falsework and formwork removal plan shall include the following:
1. The location and size of any cast-in-place falsework lowering holes and how the holes
are to be filled;
2. The location, capacity, and size of any attachments, beams, cables, and other hardware
used to attach to the Structure or support the falsework and formwork;
3. The type, capacity and factor of safety, weight, and spacing of points of reaction of
lowering equipment; and
4. The weight at each support point of the falsework and formwork being lowered.
All other forms shall be removed whether above or below the level of the ground or water.
Sections 6-02.3(7) and 6-02.3(8) govern form removal for concrete exposed to sea water or
to alkaline water or soil. The forms inside of hollow piers, girders, abutments, etc., shall be
removed through openings shown in the Plans or as allowed by the Engineer.
6-02.3(17)O Early Concrete Test Cylinder Breaks
The fabrication, curing, and testing of the early cylinders shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor. Early cylinders are defined as all cylinders tested in advance of the design age of
28 days whose purpose is to determine the in-place strength of concrete in a Structure prior
to applying loads or stresses. The Contractor shall retain a testing Laboratory to perform this
Work. Testing Laboratories’ equipment shall be calibrated within 1 year prior to testing and
testers shall be either ACI certified or qualified in accordance with AASHTO R 18.
The concrete cylinders shall be molded in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 23 from
concrete last placed in the forms and representative of the quality of concrete placed
in that pour.
The cylinders shall be cured in the field in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 23
Section 10.2 Field Curing.
The concrete cylinders shall be tested for compressive strength in accordance with
AASHTO T 22. The number of early cylinder breaks shall be in accordance with the
Contractor’s need and as allowed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of all test results, proof
of equipment calibration, and tester’s certification. The Contractor shall not remove forms
without the concurrence of the Engineer.
All costs in connection with furnishing cylinder molds, fabrication, curing, and testing
of early cylinders shall be included in the unit Contract prices for the various Bid items
of Work involved.
6-02.3(18) Placing Anchor Bolts
The Contractor shall comply with the following requirements in setting anchor bolts
in piers, abutments, or pedestals:
1. If set in the wet concrete, the bolts shall be accurately placed before the concrete
is placed.
2. If the bolts are set in drilled holes, hole diameter shall exceed bolt diameter
by at least 1 inch. Grouting shall comply with Section 6-02.3(20).
3. If the bolts are set in pipe, grouting shall comply with Section 6-02.3(20).
4. If freezing weather occurs before bolts can be grouted into sleeves or holes, they shall
be filled with an accepted antifreeze solution (non-evaporating).
6-02.3(19) Bridge Bearings
6-02.3(19)A Submittals of Acceptance Test Reports and Certificates
The Contractor shall submit the following production samples and test reports and
certificates for fabricated bridge bearing assemblies as applicable:
1. A Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a six-inch square by 1/8-inch thick sample
of PTFE taken from the lot of production material.
2. A Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a six-inch square by 1-inch thick sample
of pre-formed fabric pad taken from the lot of production material.
3. Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of Manufacturers’ Certificates of Compliance for
the PTFE, polyether urethane, pre-formed fabric pad duck, silicone grease, epoxy gel,
and resin filler.
4. Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of certified mill test reports for all steel and
stainless steel in the bearing assemblies.
5. Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of certified test reports confirming that the pre-
formed fabric pads meet the specific requirements of proof load.
6-02.3(19)B Bridge Bearing Assemblies
For all fixed, sliding, or rolling bearings, the Contractor shall:
1. Machine all sliding and rolling surfaces true, smooth, and parallel to the movement
of the bearing;
2. Polish all sliding surfaces;
3. Anchor expansion bearings securely, setting them true to line and grade;
4. Avoid placing concrete in such a way that it might interfere with the free action
of any sliding or rolling surface.
Grout placement under steel bearings shall comply with Section 6-02.3(20).
6-02.3(20) Grout for Anchor Bolts and Bridge Bearings
Grout shall conform to Section 9-20.3(2) for anchor bolts and for bearing assemblies with
bearing plates. Grout shall conform to Section 9-20.3(3) for elastomeric bearing pads and
fabric pad bearings without bearing plates.
Grout shall be a workable mix with a viscosity that is suitable for the intended application.
The Contractor shall receive concurrence from the Engineer before using the grout.
Field grout cubes shall be made in accordance with WSDOT T 813 for either prepackaged
grout or a Contractor-provided mix when requested by the Engineer, but not less than one per
bridge pier or one per day.
Before placing grout, the concrete on which it is to be placed shall be thoroughly cleaned,
roughened, and wetted with water to ensure proper bonding. The grout pad shall be cured as
recommended by the manufacturer or kept continuously wet with water for 3 days. The grout
pad may be loaded when a minimum of 4,000 psi compressive strength is attained.
Before placing grout into anchor bolt sleeves or holes, the cavity shall be thoroughly
cleaned and wetted to ensure proper bonding.
To grout bridge bearing masonry plates, the Contractor shall:
1. Build a form approximately 4 inches high with sides 4 inches outside the base of each
masonry plate,
2. Fill each form to the top with grout,
3. Work grout under all parts of each masonry plate,
4. Remove each form after the grout has hardened,
5. Remove the grout outside each masonry plate to the base of the masonry plate,
6. Bevel off the grout neatly to the top of the masonry, and
7. Place no additional load on the masonry plate until the grout has set at least 72 hours.
After all grout under the masonry plate and in the anchor bolt cavities has attained a
minimum strength of 4,000 psi, the anchor bolt nuts shall be tightened to snug tight. “Snug
tight” means either the tightness reached by (1) a few blows from an impact wrench, or (2) the
full effort of a person using a spud wrench. Once the nut is snug tight, the anchor bolt threads
shall be burred just enough to prevent loosening of the nut.
6-02.3(21) Drainage of Box Girder Cells
To drain box girder cells, the Contractor shall provide and install, according to details
in the Plans, short lengths of nonmetallic pipe in the bottom slab at the low point of each
cell. The pipe shall have a minimum inside diameter of 4 inches. If the difference in Plan
elevation is 2 inches or less, the Contractor shall install pipe in each end of the box girder
cell. All drainage holes shall be screened in accordance with the Plan details.
6-02.3(22) Drainage of Substructure
The Contractor shall use weep holes and gravel backfill that complies with
Section 9-03.12(2) to drain fill material behind retaining walls, abutments, tunnels, and
wingwalls. To maintain thorough drainage, weep holes shall be placed as low as possible.
Weep holes shall be covered with geotextile meeting the requirements of Section 9-33.2,
Table 2 Class C before backfilling. Geotextile screening shall be bonded to the concrete
with an accepted adhesive. Gravel backfill shall be placed and compacted as required in
Section 2-09.3(1)E. In addition, if the Plans require, tiling, French or rock drains, or other
drainage devices shall be installed.
If underdrains are not installed behind the wall or abutment, all backfill within 18 inches
of weep holes shall comply with Section 9-03.12(4). Unless the Plans require otherwise,
all other backfill behind the wall or abutment shall be gravel backfill for walls.
6-02.3(23) Opening to Traffic
Bridges with a bridge deck made of portland cement concrete shall remain closed to all
traffic, including construction equipment, until the concrete has reached the 28-day specified
compressive strength. This strength shall be determined with cylinders made of the same
concrete as the bridge deck and cured under the same conditions. A concrete deck bridge shall
never be opened to traffic earlier than 10 days after the deck concrete was placed and never
before the Engineer allows.
For load restrictions on bridges under construction, refer to Section 6-01.6.
6-02.3(24) Reinforcement
Although a bar list is normally included in the Plans, the Contracting Agency does not
guarantee its accuracy and it shall be used at the Contractor’s risk. Reinforcement fabrication
details shall be determined from the information provided in the Plans.
Before delivery of the reinforcing bars, the Contractor shall submit Type 1 Working
Drawings consisting of two informational copies of the supplemental bending diagrams.
6-02.3(24)A Field Bending
Field bending of AASHTO M31 Grade 60 and ASTM A706 Grade 60 reinforcement
shall be done in accordance with the requirements of this section. Field bending of all other
reinforcement shall require a Type 2 Working Drawing showing the bend radii, bending and
heating procedures, and any inspection or testing requirements.
Field bending shall not be done on reinforcement within the top or bottom third of column
lengths or within plastic hinge regions identified in the Plans. Field bending shall not be done
on bar sizes No. 14 or No. 18.
In field-bending steel reinforcing bars, the Contractor shall:
1. Make the bend gradually using a bending tool equipped with a bending diameter
as listed in Table 1. Bending shall not be done by means of hammer blows and
pipe sleeves. When bending to straighten a previously bent bar, move a hickey bar
progressively around the bend.
2. Apply heat as described below for bending bar sizes No. 6 through No. 11 and
for bending bar sizes No. 5 and smaller when the bars have been previously bent.
Previously unbent bars of sizes No. 5 and smaller may be bent without heating when
the bar temperature is 40°F or higher. When previously unbent bars of sizes No. 5 and
smaller have a bar temperature lower than 40°F, they shall be heated to within the range
of 100°F to 150°F prior to bending. In applying heat for field-bending steel reinforcing
bars, the Contractor shall:
a. Avoid damage to the concrete by insulating any concrete within 6 inches of the
heated bar area;
b. Apply two heat tips simultaneously at opposite sides of bar sizes No. 7 or larger;
c. Heat the bar to within the required temperature range shown in Table 2 as verified by
using temperature-indicating crayons or other suitable means;
d. Heat a minimum bar length as shown in Table 3. Locate the heated section of the bar
to include the entire bending length;
e. Bend immediately after the required temperature range has been achieved. Maintain
the bar within the required temperature range during the entire bending process;
f. Do not cool bars artificially with water, forced air, or other means.
3. Limit any bend or straightening to these maximum angles: 135 degrees for bar sizes
No. 8 or smaller, and 90 degrees for bar sizes No. 9 through No. 11.
4. Repair epoxy coating on epoxy coated bars in accordance with Section 6-02.3(24)H.
Table 1
Bending Diameters for Field-Bending Reinforcing Bars
Bend Diameter/Bar Diameter Ratio
Bar Size Heat Not Applied Heat Applied
No. 4, No. 5 8 8
No. 6 through No. 9 Not Permitted 8
No. 10, No. 11 Not Permitted 10
The minimum bending diameters for stirrups and ties for No. 4 and No. 5 bars when heat
is not applied shall be specified in Section 9-07.
Table 2
Preheating Temperatures for Field-Bending Reinforcing Bars
Temperature (F)
Bar Size Minimum Maximum
No. 4 1,200 1,250
No. 5, No. 6 1,350 1,400
No. 7 through No. 9 1,400 1,450
No. 10, No. 11 1,450 1,500
Table 3
Minimum Bar Length to be Heated (d = nominal diameter of bar)
Bend Angle
Bar Size 45° 90° 135°
No. 4 through No. 8 8d 12d 15d
No. 9 8d 12d Not Permitted
No. 10, No. 11 9d 14d Not Permitted
After reinforcing steel bars are placed in a traffic or pedestrian barrier and prior to slip‑form
concrete placement, the Contractor shall check clearances and reinforcing steel bar placement.
This check shall be accomplished by using a template or by operating the slip-form machine
over the entire length of the traffic or pedestrian barrier. All clearance and reinforcing steel
bar placement deficiencies shall be corrected by the Contractor before slip‑form concrete
Mortar blocks (or other accepted devices) shall be used to maintain the concrete coverage
required by the Plans. The Mortar blocks shall:
1. Have a bearing surface measuring not greater than 2 inches in either dimension, and
2. Have a compressive strength equal to that of the concrete in which they are embedded.
In slabs, each mortar cube shall have either: (1) a grooved top that will hold the reinforcing
bar in place, or (2) an embedded wire that protrudes and is tied to the reinforcing steel. If this
wire is used around epoxy-coated bars, it shall be coated with plastic.
Mortar blocks may be accepted based on a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance.
In lieu of mortar blocks, the Contractor may use metal or plastic chair supports to hold
uncoated bars. Any surface of a metal chair support that will not be covered by at least ½ inch
of concrete shall be one of the following:
1. Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication in keeping with AASHTO M232 Class D;
2. Coated with plastic firmly bonded to the metal. This plastic shall be at least 3⁄32 inch
thick where it touches the form and shall not react chemically with the concrete when
tested in the State Materials Laboratory. The plastic shall not shatter or crack at or
above -5°F and shall not deform enough to expose the metal at or below 200°F; or
3. Stainless steel that meet the requirements of ASTM A493, Type 302. Stainless steel
chair supports are not required to be galvanized or plastic coated.
In lieu of mortar blocks, epoxy-coated reinforcing bars may be supported by one of
the following:
1. Metal chair supports coated entirely with a dielectric material such as epoxy or plastic,
2. Other epoxy-coated reinforcing bars, or
3. Plastic chair supports.
Plastic chair supports shall be lightweight, non-porous, and chemically inert in concrete.
Plastic chair supports shall have rounded seatings, shall not deform under load during normal
temperatures, and shall not shatter or crack under impact loading in cold weather. Plastic
chair supports shall be placed at spacings greater than 1 foot along the bar and shall have at
least 25 percent of their gross place area perforated to compensate for the difference in the
coefficient of thermal expansion between plastic and concrete. The shape and configuration
of plastic supports shall permit complete concrete consolidation in and around the support.
In bridge decks, a “mat” is two adjacent and perpendicular layers of reinforcing steel. Top
and bottom mats shall be supported adequately enough to hold both in their proper positions.
If No. 4 bars make up the lower layer of steel in a mat, it shall be blocked at not more than
3-foot intervals (or 4-foot intervals for bars No. 5 and larger). Wire ties to girder stirrups shall
not be considered as blocking. To provide a rigid mat, the Contractor shall add other supports
and tie wires to the top mat as needed.
If a bar will interfere with a bridge drain, it shall be bent in the field to bypass the drain.
Clearances for main bars shall be at least:
4 inches between: Bars and the surface of any concrete masonry exposed to
the action of salt or alkaline water.
3 inches between: Bars and the surface of any concrete deposited against earth
without intervening forms.
2½ inches between: Adjacent bars in a layer. Bridge deck and bridge approach slab
bars and the top of the slab.
2 inches between: Adjacent layers. Bars and the surface of concrete exposed
to earth. Reinforcing bars and the faces of forms for exposed
aggregate finish. Bars and the surface of concrete when not
specified otherwise in this section or in the Plans.
1½ inches between: Barrier and curb bars and the surface of concrete.
1 inch between: Bridge deck bars and the bottom of the bridge deck. Slab bars
and the top surface of the bottom slab of a cast-in-place concrete
box girder.
Except for top cover in bridge decks and bridge approach slabs, cover to ties and stirrups
may be ½ inch less than the values specified for main bars but shall not be less than 1 inch.
Minimum concrete cover and clearances to headed steel reinforcing bars shall also be provided
to the outermost part of the head of the bar.
Reinforcing steel bars shall not vary more than the following tolerances from their position
shown in the Plans:
Members 10 inches or less in thickness ±¼ in.
Members more than 10 inches in thickness ±⅜ in.
Drilled Shafts top of rebar cage elevation +6 in./-3 in.
The clearance to the top surface of the bridge decks
and bridge approach slabs +¼ in./-0”
Longitudinal spacing of bends and ends of bars ±1 in.
Length of bar laps -1½ in.
Embedded length
No 3 through No. 11 -1 in.
No. 14 through No. 18 -2 in.
When reinforcing steel bars are to be placed at equal spacing within a plane:
Stirrups and ties ±1 in.
All other reinforcement ±1 bar dia.
Before placing any concrete, the Contractor shall:
1. Clean all mortar from reinforcement, and
2. Obtain the Engineer’s permission to place concrete after the Engineer has inspected
the placement of the reinforcing steel. (Any concrete placed without the Engineer’s
permission shall be rejected and removed.)
6-02.3(24)D Splicing
The Contractor shall supply steel reinforcing bars in the full lengths the Plans require.
Unless the Engineer concurs in writing, the Contractor shall not change the number, type,
or location of splices.
The Engineer may permit the Contractor to use thermal or mechanical splices in place of
the method shown in the Plans if they are of an accepted design. Use of a new design may
be granted if:
1. The Contractor provides technical data and proof from the manufacturer that the
design will perform satisfactorily, and
2. Sample splices and materials from the manufacturer pass the Engineer’s tests.
The Contractor shall:
1. Not lap-splice reinforcing bars Nos. 14 or 18.
2. Not permit any welded or mechanical splice to deviate in alignment more than ¼ inch
per 3½ feet of bar.
3. Distribute splices evenly, grouping them together only at points of low tensile stress.
4. Ensure at least 2 inches clearance between any splice and the nearest bar or the surface
of the concrete (or 1½ inch for the length of the sleeve on mechanical splices).
5. Rigidly clamp or wire all splices in a way accepted by the Engineer.
6. Place lap-spliced bars in contact for the length of the splice and tie them together near
each end.
7. Securely fasten the ends and edges of welded-wire-fabric reinforcement, overlapping
them enough to maintain even strength.
6-02.3(24)E Welding Reinforcing Steel
Welding of steel reinforcing bars shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/AWS D1.4
Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing Steel, latest edition, except where superseded by the
Special Provisions, Plans, and these Specifications.
Before any welding begins, the Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing
consisting of the welding procedure for each type of welded splice to be used, including
the weld procedure Specifications and joint details. The weld procedure Specifications shall
be written on a form taken from AWS D1.4 Annex A, or equivalent. Test results of tensile
strength, macroetch, and visual examination shall be included. The form shall be signed
and dated.
Welders shall be qualified in accordance with AWS D1.4. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the testing and qualification of welders, and shall submit Type 2 Working
Drawings consisting of welder qualification and retention records. The weld joint and
welding position a welder is qualified in shall be in accordance with AWS D1.4. The welder
qualifications shall remain in effect indefinitely unless, (1) the welder is not engaged in a given
process of welding for which the welder is qualified for a period exceeding 6 months, or (2)
there is some specific reason to question a welder’s ability.
Filler metals used for welding reinforcing bars shall be in accordance with AWS D1.4
Table 5.1. All filler metals shall be low-hydrogen and handled in compliance with low-
hydrogen practices specified in the AWS code.
Short circuiting transfer with gas metal arc welding will not be allowed. Slugging of welds
will not be allowed.
For the purpose of compatibility with AWS D1.4, welded lap splices for spiral or hoop
reinforcing shall be considered Flare-V groove welds, indirect butt joints.
The Contractor is responsible for using a welding sequence that will limit the alignment
distortion of the bars due to the effects of welding. The maximum out-of-line permitted will
be ¼ inch from a 3.5-foot straightedge centered on the weld and in line with the bar.
The ground wire from the welding machine shall be clamped to the bar being welded.
Where epoxy-coated steel reinforcing bars are specified to be spliced by welding, the
epoxy coating shall be left off or removed from the surfaces to be heated, but in no cases
less than six inches of each bar being welded. After the welding is complete, the Contractor
shall apply epoxy patching material to the uncoated portions of the bar in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(24)H.
6-02.3(24)F Mechanical Splices
The Contractor shall form mechanical splices with an Engineer-accepted system using
sleeve filler metal, threaded coupling, or another method that complies with this section.
If necessary to maintain required clearances after the splices are in place, the Contractor
shall adjust, relocate, or add stirrups, ties, and bars.
Before splicing, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with the following information
for each shipment of splice material:
1. The type or series identification (and heat treatment lot number for threaded-sleeve
2. The grade and size of bars to be spliced,
of that Work. This inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for
identifying and replacing defective material and workmanship.
The various types of prestressed concrete girders are:
Prestressed Concrete I Girder – Refers to a prestressed concrete girder with a flanged
I shaped cross section, requiring a cast-in-place concrete deck to support traffic loads.
WSDOT standard girders in this category include Series W42G, W50G, W58G, and W74G.
Prestressed Concrete Wide Flange I Girder – Refers to a prestressed concrete girder
with an I shaped cross section with wide top and bottom flanges, requiring a cast-in-place
concrete deck to support traffic loads. WSDOT standard girders in this category include
Series WF36G, WF42G, WF50G, WF58G, WF66G, WF74G, WF83G, WF95G, and WF100G.
Prestressed Concrete Wide Flange Deck Girder – Refers to a prestressed concrete wide
flange I girder with extended top flange widths designed to support traffic loads, and designed
to be mechanically connected at the flange edges to adjacent girders at the job site. WSDOT
standard girders in this category include Series WF39DG, WF45DG, WF53DG, WF61DG,
WF69DG, WF77DG, WF86DG, WF98DG, and WF103DG.
Prestressed Concrete Wide Flange Thin Deck Girder – Refers to a prestressed concrete
wide flange I girder with extended top flange widths requiring a cast-in-place concrete deck
to support traffic loads. Flange edges extend to flange edges of adjacent girders at the job site.
WSDOT standard girders in this category include Series WF36TDG, WF42TDG, WF50TDG,
Prestressed Concrete Deck Bulb Tee Girder – Refers to a prestressed concrete girder
with a top flange designed to support traffic loads, and designed to be mechanically connected
at the flange edges to adjacent girders at the job site. WSDOT standard girders in this category
include Series W35DG, W41DG, W53DG, and W65DG.
Prestressed Concrete Slab Girder – Refers to a prestressed concrete slab girder, with or
without voids. Prestressed concrete ribbed section girders and prestressed concrete double tee
girders shall conform to the requirements specified for prestressed concrete slab girders.
Prestressed Concrete Tub Girder – Refers to prestressed concrete tub girders with a U
shaped cross section, requiring a cast-in-place concrete deck to support traffic loads. WSDOT
standard girders in this category include Series U**G* or Series UF**G*, where U specifies
webs without top flanges, UF specifies webs with top flanges, ** specifies the girder height
in inches, and * specifies the bottom flange width in feet.
Spliced Prestressed Concrete Girder – Refers to prestressed concrete girders initially
fabricated in segments which are longitudinally spliced together with cast-in-place concrete
closures and post tensioning. Post tensioning materials and construction shall conform to
Section 6-02.3(26), except that ducts for prestressed concrete wide flange I girders may be
24-gage, semi-rigid, galvanized, corrugated, ferrous metal. WSDOT prestressed concrete
wide flange I girders in this category include Series WF74PTG, WF83PTG, WF95PTG,
and WF100PTG. WSDOT prestressed concrete tub girders in this category include Series
U**PTG* and UF**PTG* where U, UF, **, and * are as defined for prestressed concrete
tub girders.
6-02.3(25)A Shop Drawings
Shop drawings for prestressed concrete girders shall be submitted as Type 2 Working
Drawings. The only deviations to the Plans that will be permitted are those approved by the
annual plant approval process and those listed below:
1. Addition of inserts for construction purposes including falsework.
2. Small penetrations no larger than 1-inch diameter for construction purposes including
overhang bracket supports, deck formwork hangers and temporary girder bracing.
Penetrations in top flanges shall be offset from the edge of the flange the minimum
distance shown in the Plans.
3. Small penetrations no larger than 2-inch in diameter for girder shipping tie-downs.
4. Small adjustments in girder length to account for elastic shortening, creep and shrinkage
5. Strand adjustments, as long as the center of gravity of the strands remains at the
location shown in the plans and concrete cover is not reduced.
6. Diaphragm web hole vertical adjustments to avoid harped strands.
7. Substitution of welded wire reinforcement for conventional reinforcing steel.
Shop drawings shall show the size and location of all inserts and penetrations. Penetrations
for deck formwork and falsework shall match the deck formwork Working Drawings. Field-
drilled holes in prestressed concrete girders are not allowed.
Deformed welded wire reinforcement conforming to Sections 9-07.7 and 9-07.8 may
be substituted for the mild steel reinforcement shown in the plans. The substitution shall be
submitted as a Type 2E Working Drawing. The AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification
requirements (latest edition including interims) shall be satisfied, including at a minimum the
following Articles: Types of Transverse Reinforcement Design and Detailing Requirements
5.10.3 Spacing of Reinforcement Ties
5.10.7 Transverse Reinforcement for Flexural Members
5.10.8 Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement
5.10.10 Pretensioned Anchorage Zones Welded Wire Fabric Anchorage of Wire Fabric Reinforcement
5.11.6 Splices of Welded Wire Fabric
Yield strengths in excess of 75.0 ksi shall not be used for welded wire reinforcement.
The spacing of vertical welded wire reinforcement within slabs and girder webs shall not
exceed 18 inches or the height of the member minus 3 inches, whichever is less. Longitudinal
wires and welds are permitted in girder flanges but shall be excluded from girder webs. For
vertical welded wire reinforcement in prestressed concrete slab girders, no welded joints other
than those required for anchorage shall be permitted. Epoxy-coated wire and welded wire
reinforcement shall conform to Section 9-07.3 with the exception that ASTM A884 Class A
Type I shall be used instead of ASTM A775.
Shop drawings for spliced prestressed concrete girders shall also conform to Section
6-02.3(26)A. The Working Drawings for spliced prestressed concrete girders shall include
all details related to the post-tensioning operations in the field, including details of hardware
required, tendon geometry, blockout details, and details of additional or modified steel
reinforcing bars required in cast-in-place closures.
6-02.3(25)B Prestressing
Each stressing system shall have a pressure gauge or load cell that will measure jacking
force. The gauge shall display pressure accurately and readably with a dial at least 6 inches
in diameter or with a digital display. Each jack and its gauge shall be calibrated as a unit
and shall be accompanied by a certified calibration chart. The Contractor shall submit a
Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of one copy of this chart. The cylinder extension during
calibration shall be in approximately the position it will occupy at final jacking force.
Jacks and gauges shall be recalibrated and recertified:
1. Annually,
2. After any repair or adjustment, and
3. Anytime there are indications that the jack calibration is in error.
The Engineer may use load cells to check jacks, gauges, and calibration charts before and
during tensioning.
All load cells shall be calibrated and shall have an indicator that shows prestressing force
in the strand. The range of this cell shall be broad enough that the lowest 10 percent of the
manufacturer’s rated capacity will not be used to measure jacking force.
From manufacture to encasement in concrete, prestressing strand shall be protected against
dirt, oil, grease, damage, and all corrosives. Strand shall be stored in a dry, covered area
and shall be kept in the manufacturer’s original packaging until placement in the forms. If
prestressing strand has been damaged or pitted, it will be rejected. Prestressing strand with rust
shall be spot-cleaned with a nonmetallic pad to inspect for any sign of pitting or section loss.
Once the prestressing steel has been installed, no welds or grounds for welders shall be made
on the forms or the steel in the girder, except as specified.
Post-tensioning of spliced prestressed concrete girders shall conform to Section 6-02.3(26)
and the following requirements:
1. Before tensioning, the Contractor shall remove all side forms from the cast-in-place
concrete closures. From this point until 48 hours after grouting the tendons, the
Contractor shall keep all construction and other live loads off the Superstructure and
shall keep the falsework supporting the superstructure in place.
2. The Contractor shall not tension the post-tensioning reinforcement until the concrete
in the cast-in-place closures reaches the minimum compressive strength specified in
the Plans. This strength shall be measured with concrete cylinders made of the same
concrete and cured under the same conditions as the cast-in-place closures.
3. All post-tensioning shall be completed before placing the sidewalks and barriers on the
6-02.3(25)C Casting
Side forms shall be steel except that cast-in-place concrete closure forms for spliced
prestressed concrete girders, interior forms of prestressed concrete tub girders, and end
bulkhead forms of prestressed concrete girders may be wood. Interior voids for prestressed
concrete slab girders with voids shall be formed by either wax soaked cardboard or expanded
polystyrene forms. The interior void forms shall be secured in the position as shown in the
Working Drawings, and shall remain in place.
All concrete mixes to be used shall be preapproved in the WSDOT plant certification
process. The temperature of the concrete when placed shall be between 50°F and 90°F.
Slump shall not exceed 4 inches for normal concrete nor 7 inches with the use of a
high range water-reducing admixture, nor 9 inches when both a high range water-reducing
admixture is used and the water/cement ratio is less than or equal to 0.35. For self-
consolidating concrete (SCC), the slump requirements specified above do not apply, and are
instead replaced by the target slump flow and slump flow range specified as part of the SCC
mix design.
Air-entrainment is not required in the concrete placed into prestressed concrete girders,
including cast-in-place concrete closures for spliced prestressed concrete girders.
6-02.3(25)C1 Acceptance Testing of Concrete for Prestressed Concrete Girders
Compressive strength cylinders and concrete acceptance testing shall be performed
once per prestressed concrete girder or once per fabrication line of prestressed concrete
girders. Concrete shall not be placed until fresh concrete testing indicates concrete is within
acceptable limits.
Acceptance testing shall be performed by the Contractor and test results shall be submitted
to the Engineer. Unless otherwise noted below, the test methods described in Section
6-02.3(5)D shall be followed. Concrete compressive strength shall be in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(25)E.
The Contractor shall mold, cure, and test enough of these cylinders to satisfy Specification
requirements for measuring concrete strength. The Contractor may use 4- by 8-inch or 6- by
12-inch cylinders.
Test cylinders may be cured in a moist room or water tank in accordance with FOP
for AASHTO T 23 after the girder concrete has obtained the required release strength. If,
however, the Contractor intends to ship the girder prior to the standard 28-day strength
test, the design strength for shipping shall be determined from cylinders placed with the
girder and cured under the same conditions as the girder. These cylinders may be placed in
a noninsulated, moisture-proof envelope.
To measure concrete strength in the girder, the Contractor shall randomly select two test
cylinders. The average compressive strength of the two cylinders shall be equal or greater than
the specified strength and neither cylinder shall have a compressive strength that is more than
5 percent below the specified strength.
If too few cylinders were molded to carry out all required tests on the girder, the Contractor
shall remove and test cores from the girder under the surveillance of the Engineer. If the
Contractor casts cylinders to represent more than one girder, all girders in that line shall
be cored and tested. Cores shall avoid all prestressing strands, steel reinforcing bars and
interior voids.
For prestressed concrete slab girders, a test shall consist of four cores measuring 3 inches
in diameter by 6 inches in length (for slabs) or by the thickness of the web (for ribbed and
double tee sections). Two cores shall be taken from each side of the girder with one on each
side of the girder span midpoint, at locations accepted by the Engineer. The core locations
for prestressed concrete ribbed and double tee sections shall be immediately beneath the
top flange.
For prestressed concrete tub girders, a test shall consist of four cores measuring
3 inches in diameter by the thickness of the web. Two cores shall be taken from each web
approximately 3 feet to the left and to the right of the center of the girder span.
For all other prestressed concrete girders, a test shall consist of three cores measuring
3 inches in diameter by the thickness of the web and shall be removed from just below the
top flange; one at the midpoint of the girder’s length and the other two approximately 3 feet
to the left and approximately 3 feet to the right.
The cores shall be taken in accordance with AASHTO T 24 and shall be tested in
accordance with AASHTO T 22. The Engineer may accept the girder if the average
compressive strength of the all test cores from the girder are at least 85 percent of the specified
compressive strength with no one core less than 75 percent of specified compressive strength.
If there are more than four cored holes in a girder, the prestressing reinforcement shall
not be released until the holes are patched and the patch material has attained a minimum
compressive strength equal to the required release compressive strength.
All cored holes shall be patched and cured prior to shipment of the girder. The girder
shall not be shipped until tests show the patch material has attained a minimum compressive
strength of 4,000 psi.
If the annual plant approval includes procedures for patching cored holes, the cored holes
shall be patched in accordance with this procedure. Otherwise, the Contractor shall submit a
core hole patching procedure as a Type 2 Working Drawing.
6-02.3(25)F Prestress Release
Side and flange forms that restrain deflection shall be removed before release of the
prestressing reinforcement.
All strands shall be released in a way that will minimize eccentricity of the prestressing
force about the centerline of the girder. This release shall not occur until tests show each girder
has reached the minimum compressive strength required by the Plans.
5. Strand Position:
Individual strands: ± ¼ inch
Bundled strands: ± ½ inch
Harped strand group center of gravity at the girder ends: ± 1 inch
6. Longitudinal Location of Harp Points for Harped
Strands from Design Locations: ± 20 inches
7. Position of an Interior Void, vertically and horizontally: ± ½ inch
8. Bearing Recess (center of recess to girder end): ± ⅝ inch
9. Girder Ends (deviation from square or designated skew):
Horizontal: ± ⅛ inch per foot of girder
width, up to a maximum of
± ½ inch
Vertical: ± 3/16 inch per foot of girder
depth, up to a maximum of
± 1 inch
10. Bearing Area Deviation from Plane
(in length or width of bearing): ± ⅛ inch.
11. Stirrup Reinforcing Spacing: ± 1 inch.
12. Stirrup Projection from Top of Girder:
Wide flange thin deck and slab girders: ± ¼ inch
All other girders: ± ¾ inch
13. Mild Steel Concrete Cover: - ⅛ inch, + ⅜ inch.
14. Local smoothness of any surface: ± ¼ inch. in 10 feet
15. Differential Camber between Girders in a Span (measured in place at the job site):
For wide flange deck and deck bulb tee Cambers shall be equalized when the
girders with a cast-in-place reinforced differences in cambers between adjacent
concrete deck: girders exceeds ± ¾ inch
For wide flange deck, deck bulb tee Cambers shall be equalized when the
and slab girders without a cast-in-place differences in cambers between adjacent
reinforced deck: girders exceeds ± ¼ inch
16. Position of Inserts for Structural Connections: ± 1 inch.
17. Position of Lifting Embedments: ± 3 inches longitudinal, ± ¼ inch transverse.
18. Weld Ties: ± ½ inch longitudinal, ± ⅛ inch vertical.
19. Position of post tensioning ducts in spliced prestressed concrete girders: ± ¼ inch.
20. Deviation from a smooth curve for post-tensioning ducts at closures based on the sum
total of duct placement and alignment tolerances: ± ⅜ inch.
6-02.3(25)J Horizontal Alignment
The Contractor shall check and record the horizontal alignment (sweep) of each girder at
the following times:
1. Initial – Upon removal of the girder from the casting bed
2. Shipment – Within 14 days prior to shipment; and
3. Erection – After girder erection and cutting temporary top strands but prior to any
equalization, welding ties or placement of diaphragms.
Horizontal alignment of the top and bottom flanges shall be checked and recorded.
Alternatively, the Contractor may check and record the horizontal alignment of the web near
mid-height of the girder. Each check shall be made by measuring the maximum offset at
mid-span relative to a chord that starts and stops at the girder ends. The Contractor shall check
and record the alignment at a time when the girder is not influenced by temporary differences
in surface temperature. Records for the initial check (item 1 above) shall be included in the
Contractor’s prestressed concrete certificate of compliance. Records for all other checks shall
be submitted as a Type 1 Working Drawing.
For each check (items 1 to 3 above), the alignment shall not be offset more than ⅛ inch for
each 10 feet of girder length. Girders not meeting this tolerance for the shipment check (item
2 above) shall require an analysis of girder lateral stability and stresses in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(25)L1. The Contractor shall perform this analysis and submit it as a Type 2E
Working Drawing prior to shipment of the girder. Any girder that exceeds an offset of ⅛ inch
for each 10 feet of girder length for the erection check (item 3 above) shall be corrected at the
job site to the ⅛ inch maximum offset per 10 feet of girder length before concrete is placed
into the diaphragms. The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing for any required
corrective action.
The maximum distance between the side of a prestressed concrete slab girder, or the edge
of the top flange of a wide flange deck, wide flange thin deck or deck bulb tee girder, and a
chord that extends the full length of the girder shall be ± ½ inch after erection (item 3 above).
6-02.3(25)K Vertical Deflection
The Contractor shall check and record the vertical deflection (camber) of each girder at the
following times:
1. Initial – Upon removal of the girder from the casting bed;
2. Shipment – Within 14 days prior to shipment;
3. Erection – After girder erection and cutting temporary top strands but prior to any
equalization, welding ties or placement of diaphragms.
At a minimum, survey data shall be taken at each girder end and at midspan. The
Contractor shall perform and record each check at a time when the alignment of the girder
is not influenced by temporary differences in surface temperature. Records for the initial
check (Item 1 above) shall be included in the Contractor’s Prestressed Concrete Certificate of
Compliance. Records for all other checks shall be submitted as a Type 1 Working Drawing.
Girders with vertical deflections not meeting the limit shown in the Plans for the shipment
check (item 2 above) shall require an analysis of girder lateral stability and stresses in
accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)L1. The Contractor shall perform this analysis and submit
it as a Type 2E Working Drawing prior to shipment.
The “D” dimensions shown in the Plans are computed upper and lower bounds of girder
vertical deflections at midspan based on a time lapse of 40 and 120 days after release of the
prestressing strands. Any temporary top strands are assumed to be cut 30 days prior to these
elapsed times (10 and 90 days after release of the prestressing strands). Any diaphragms
are assumed to be placed. The “D” dimensions are intended to advise the Contractor of the
expected range of girder vertical deflection at the time of deck placement. A positive (+) “D”
dimension indicates upward deflection.
If the girder vertical deflection measured for the erection check (item 3 above) is not
between the lower “D” dimension bound shown in the Plans and the upper “D” dimension
bound shown in the Plans plus ¾ inches, the Engineer may require corrective action. The
Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing for any required corrective action.
6-02.3(25)L Handling and Storage
During handling and storage, each prestressed concrete girder shall always be kept plumb
and upright. It shall be lifted only by the lifting embedments (strand lift loops or high-strength
threaded steel bars) at either end.
For strand lift loops, only ½-inch diameter or 0.6-inch diameter strand conforming to
Section 9-07.10 shall be used, and a minimum 2-inch diameter straight pin of a shackle shall
be used through the loops. Multiple loops shall be held level in the girder during casting in
a manner that allows each loop to carry its share of the load during lifting. The minimum
distance from the end of the girder to the centroid of the strand lift loops shall be 3 feet. The
loops for all prestressed concrete girders, with the exception of prestressed concrete slab
girders, shall project a minimum of 1′-6″ from the top of the girder. The loops for prestressed
concrete slab girders shall project a minimum of 4 inches. Loops shall extend to within
3 inches clear of the bottom of the girder, terminating with a 9-inch long 90-degree hook.
Loads on individual loops shall be limited to 12 kips, and all girders shall be picked up at a
minimum angle of 60 degrees from the top of the girder.
For high-strength threaded steel bars, a minimum of two 1⅜-inch diameter bars
conforming to Section 9-07.11 shall be used at each end of the girder. The lifting hardware
that connects to the bars shall be designed, detailed, and furnished by the Contractor. The
minimum distance from the end of the girder to the centroid of the lifting bars shall be 3 feet.
Lifting bars shall extend to within 3 inches clear of the bottom of the girder and shall be
anchored in the bottom flange with steel plates and nuts. The minimum size of embedded
plates for lifting bars shall be ½ inch thick by 3 inches square. Lifting forces on the lifting bars
shall not exceed 58 kips on an individual bar, and shall be within 10 degrees of perpendicular
to the top of the girder.
For some girders, straight temporary top flange strands may be specified in the Plans.
The lifting locations and concrete release strengths shown in the girder schedule in the Plans
assume that these temporary strands are pretensioned. Alternatively, these temporary strands
may be post-tensioned provided the strands are stressed on the same day that the permanent
prestress is released into the girder and the strands are tensioned prior to lifting the girder.
These temporary strands shall be of the same diameter and shall be tensioned to the same force
as the permanent strands. The inside diameter of the debonding sleeves shall be large enough
such that the temporary strands fully retract upon cutting. When temporary top strands are
specified for spliced prestressed concrete girders, the temporary top strands shall be post-
tensioned prior to lifting the assembled girder. When the post-tensioned alternative is used,
the Contractor shall be responsible for properly sizing the anchorage plates, and configuring
the reinforcement adjacent to the anchorage plates, to prevent bursting or splitting of the
concrete in the top flange. Temporary strands shall be cut or released in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(25)N.
If girders are to be stored, the Contractor shall place them on a stable foundation that will
keep them in a vertical position. Stored girders shall be supported at the bearing recesses or,
if there are no recesses, approximately 2 to 3 feet from the girder ends. After post-tensioning,
spliced prestressed concrete girders shall be supported at points between 2 and 5 feet from
the girder ends, unless otherwise shown in the Plans. For long-term storage of girders with
initial horizontal curvature, the Contractor may wedge one side of the bottom flange, tilting the
girders to control curvature. If the Contractor elects to set girders out of plumb during storage,
the Contractor shall have the proposed method analyzed by the Contractor’s engineer to ensure
against damaging the girder.
6-02.3(25)L1 Girder Lateral Stability and Stresses
The Contractor shall be responsible for safely lifting, storing, shipping and erecting
prestressed concrete girders.
The Contract documents may provide shipping and handling details for girders including
lifting embedment locations (L), shipping support locations (L1 and L2), minimum shipping
support rotational spring constants (Kθ), minimum shipping support center-to-center wheel
spacings (Wcc), vertical deflections and number of temporary top strands. These shipping and
handling details have been determined in accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)L2.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2E Working Drawing analyzing girder lateral stability
and concrete stresses during lifting, storage, shipping and erection in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(25)L2 in the following cases:
1. Any of the analysis assumptions listed in Section 6-02.3(25)L2 are invalid.
Determination of validity shall be made by the Contractor, except that analysis
assumptions shall be considered invalid if the actual values are outside of the
provided tolerances.
2. The Contractor intends to alter the shipping and handling details provided in the
Contract documents.
3. The Contract documents do not provide shipping and handling details.
6-02.3(25)L2 Lateral Stability and Stress Analysis
Analysis for girder lateral stability and concrete stresses during lifting, storage, shipping
and erection shall be in accordance with the PCI Recommended Practice for Lateral Stability
of Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders, First Edition, Publication CB-02-16-E
and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications edition identified in the Contract
documents. The following design criteria shall be met:
1. Factor of Safety against cracking shall be at least 1.0
2. Factor of Safety against failure shall be at least 1.5
3. Factor of Safety against rollover shall be at least 1.5
4. Allowable concrete stresses shall be as specified in Section 6-02.3(25)L3
The analysis shall address any effects on girder vertical deflection (camber), “A”
dimensions at centerline of bearings and deck screed cambers (C).
Shipping and handling details provided in the Contract documents have been determined
using the following analysis assumptions:
1. Girder dimensions, strand locations and lifting embedment locations are within the
tolerances specified in Section 6-02.3(25)I
2. Girder horizontal alignment (sweep) is within the tolerance specified in
Section 6-02.3(25)J
3. Girder vertical deflection (camber) at midspan is less than or equal to the value shown
in the Plans for shipping
4. Minimum concrete compressive strength at release (f’ci) has been reached before initial
lifting from casting bed. Minimum concrete compressive strength at 28 days (f’c) has
been reached before shipping.
5. Height of girder bottom above roadway at shipping supports is less than or equal to
72 inches
6. Height of shipping support roll center above roadway is 24 inches, ± 2 inches
7. Shipping support longitudinal placement (L1 and L2) tolerance is ± 6 inches
8. Shipping support lateral placement tolerance is ±1 inches
9. Shipping supports provide the minimum shipping support rotational spring constant
(Kθ) and minimum shipping support center-to-center wheel spacings (Wcc) shown
in the Plans
10. For shipping at highway speeds a ±20 percent dynamic load allowance (impact) is
included with a typical roadway superelevation of 2 percent
11. For turning at slow speeds, no dynamic load allowance (impact) is included with a
maximum roadway superelevation of 6 percent
12. Wind, centrifugal and seismic forces are not considered
6-02.3(25)L3 Allowable Stresses
Prestressed concrete girder stresses shall be limited to the following values at all stages of
construction and in service:
The Contractor may deviate from the processed shop drawings only after submitting a new
Type 2E Working Drawing that describes the proposed changes.
Before physical completion of the project, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer
with reproducible originals of the shop drawings (and any processed changes). These shall
be clear, suitable for microfilming, and on permanent sheets that measure no smaller than
11 by 17 inches. Alternatively, the shop drawings may be provided in an electronic format
with the concurrence of the Bridge and Structures Engineer.
6-02.3(26)B General Requirements for Anchorages
Post-tensioning reinforcement shall be secured at each end by means of an accepted
anchorage device, which shall not kink, neck down, or otherwise damage the post-tensioning
reinforcement. The anchorage assembly shall be grouted to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
The structure shall be reinforced with steel reinforcing bars in the anchorage zone in the
vicinity of the anchorage device. This reinforcement shall be categorized into two zones.
The first or local zone shall be the concrete surrounding and immediately ahead of the
anchorage device. The second or general zone shall be the overall anchorage zone, including
the local zone.
The steel reinforcing bars required for concrete confinement in the local zone shall be
determined by the post-tensioning system supplier and shall be shown in the shop drawings.
The calculations shall be submitted with the shop drawings. The local zone steel reinforcing
bars shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor, at no additional cost to the Contracting
Agency, in addition to the structural reinforcement required by the Plans. The steel reinforcing
bars required in the general zone shall be as shown in the Plans and are included in the
appropriate Bid items.
The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working Drawings consisting of details, certified
test reports, and/or supporting calculations, as specified below, which verify the structural
adequacy of the anchorage devices. This requirement does not apply where the anchorage
devices have been previously accepted by the Contracting Agency for the same Structure
configuration. The Contractor shall also submit any necessary changes to the Contract Plans.
The test report shall specify all pertinent test data.
Dead ended anchorages will not be permitted. Dead ended anchorages are defined as
anchorages that cannot be accessed during the stressing operations.
Materials and workmanship shall conform to the applicable requirements of Sections 6-03
and 9-06.
Before installing the anchorage device, the Contractor shall submit a Manufacturer’s
Certificate of Compliance.
Anchorage devices shall meet the requirements listed in either Sections 6-02.3(26)C
or 6-02.3(26)D.
All anchorages shall develop at least 96 percent of the actual ultimate strength of the
prestressing steel, when tested in an unbonded state, without exceeding anticipated set.
This anchor efficiency test shall be performed, or inspected and certified, by an independent
testing agency accepted by the Engineer.
6-02.3(26)C Normal Anchorage Devices
Normal anchorage devices, defined as post-tensioning anchorage assemblies conforming
to the factored bearing resistance requirements specified in this section, shall provide a
factored bearing resistance greater than or equal to 1.2 times the maximum jacking force.
The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working Drawings consisting of calculations showing
that the factored bearing resistances of the anchorage devices are not exceeded.
The factored bearing resistance of the anchorages shall be taken as:
Pr = φfnAb
Crack widths and crack patterns shall be recorded at the initial load of 0.8Fpu, at least at
the last three consecutive peak loadings before termination of the cyclic loading portion of
the test, and at 0.9Fpu. The maximum load shall also be reported.
6-02.3(26)D8 Sustained Loading Test
A load of 0.8Fpu shall be applied and held constant until crack widths stabilize, but not
less than 48 hours. Crack widths are considered stabilized if they do not change by more than
0.001 inches over the last three readings. Upon completion of the sustained loading portion
of the test, the specimen shall be loaded to failure, or, if limited by the capacity of the loading
equipment, to at least 1.1Fpu.
Crack widths and crack patterns shall be recorded at the initial load of 0.8Fpu, at least three
times at intervals of not less than 4 hours during the last 12 hours of the sustained loading time
period, and at 0.9Fpu. The maximum load shall also be reported.
6-02.3(26)D9 Monotonic Loading Test
A load of 0.9Fpu shall be applied and held constant for 1 hour. Upon completion of the
1-hour load hold period, the specimen shall be loaded to failure, or, if limited by the capacity
of the loading equipment, to at least 1.2Fpu.
Crack widths and crack patterns shall be recorded at 0.9Fpu, at the conclusion of the 1-hour
load hold period, and at 1.0Fpu. The maximum load shall also be reported.
6-02.3(26)D10 Special Anchorage Device Test Performance Requirements
The test block shall conform to the following load requirements under test load:
1. The maximum test load for cyclic loading and sustained loading tests shall be
1.1Fpu minimum.
2. The maximum test load for monotonic loading tests shall be 1.2Fpu minimum.
The test block shall conform to the following crack width requirements under test load:
1. Cracks shall not exceed 0.010 inches in width at 0.8Fpu at completion of the cyclic
loading test or sustained loading test, or at 0.9Fpu after the 1-hour load hold period
of the monotonic loading test.
2. Cracks shall not exceed 0.016 inches at 0.9Fpu for the cyclic loading test or the
sustained loading test, or at 1.0Fpu for the monotonic loading test.
6-02.3(26)D11 Test Series Requirements
A test series shall consist of three test specimens. Each one of the tested specimens shall
conform to the acceptance criteria specified above. If one of the three specimens fails to
pass the test, a supplementary test series of three additional specimens shall be conducted.
The three additional test specimens shall conform to the specified acceptance criteria.
6-02.3(26)D12 Special Anchorage Device Acceptance Testing Results Report
The special anchorage device acceptance testing results report shall be a Type 1 Working
Drawing consisting of the following:
1. Dimensions of the test specimen.
2. Working drawings with details and dimensions of the special anchorage device,
including all confining reinforcing steel.
3. Amount and arrangement of supplementary skin reinforcement.
4. Type and yield strength of reinforcing steel.
5. Type and compressive strength of the concrete at the time of testing.
6. Type of testing procedure and all measurements specified for each specimen under
the test.
The special anchorage device manufacturer shall specify auxiliary and confining
reinforcement, minimum edge distance, minimum anchor spacing, and minimum concrete
strength at the time of stressing required for proper performance of the local zone.
6-02.3(26)E Ducts
Ducts shall be round, except that ducts for transverse post-tensioning of bridge deck slabs
may be rectangular. Ducts shall conform to the following requirements for internal embedded
installation and external exposed installation. Elliptical shaped duct may be used if allowed by
the Engineer.
6-02.3(26)E1 Ducts for Internal Embedded Installation
Ducts, including their splices, shall be semi-rigid, air and mortar tight, corrugated plastic
ducts of virgin polyethylene or polypropylene materials, free of water-soluble chlorides or
other chemicals reactive with concrete or post-tensioning reinforcement. Ducts, including their
splices, shall either have a white coating on the outside or shall be of a white material with
ultraviolet stabilizers added. Ducts, including their splices, shall be capable of withstanding
concrete pressures without deforming or permitting the intrusion of cement paste during
placement of concrete. All fasteners shall be appropriate for use with plastic ducts, and all
clamps shall be of an accepted plastic material.
Polyethylene ducts shall conform to ASTM D3350 with a cell classification of 345464A.
Polypropylene ducts shall conform to ASTM D4101 with a cell classification range of
PP0340B14541 to PP0340B67884. Resins used for duct fabrication shall have a minimum
oxidation induction time of 20 minutes, in accordance with ASTM D3895, based on tests
performed by the duct fabricator on samples taken from the lot of finished product. The duct
thickness shall be as specified in Section 10.8.3 of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction
Specifications, latest edition and current interims.
All duct splices, joints, couplings, and connections to anchorages shall be made with
devices or methods (mechanical couplers, plastic sleeves, shrink sleeves) that are accepted
by the duct manufacturer and produce a smooth interior alignment with no lips or kinks. All
connections and fittings shall be air and mortar tight. Taping is not acceptable for connections
and fittings.
Each duct shall maintain the required profile within a placement tolerance of plus or minus
¼ inch for longitudinal tendons and plus or minus ⅛ inch for transverse slab tendons during
all phases of the work. The minimum acceptable radius of curvature shall be as recommended
by the duct manufacturer and as supported by documented industry standard testing. The ducts
shall be completely sealed to keep out all mortar.
Each duct shall be located to place the tendon at the center of gravity alignment shown in
the Plans. To keep friction losses to a minimum, the Contractor shall install ducts to the exact
lines and grades shown in the Plans. Once in place, the ducts shall be tied firmly in position
before they are covered with concrete. During concrete placement, the Contractor shall not
displace or damage the ducts.
The ends of the ducts shall:
1. Permit free movement of anchorage devices, and
2. Remain covered after installation in the forms to keep out all water or debris.
Immediately after any concrete placement, the Contractor shall force blasts of oil-free,
compressed air through the ducts to break up and remove any mortar inside before it hardens.
Before deck concrete is placed, the Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that ducts are
unobstructed and contain nothing that could interfere with tendon installation, tensioning, or
grouting. If the tendons are in place, the Contractor shall show that they are free in the duct.
Ducts shall be capped and sealed at all times until the completion of grouting to prevent
the intrusion of water.
Strand tendon duct shall have an inside cross-sectional area large enough to accomplish
strand installation and grouting. The area of the duct shall be at least 2.5 times the net area
of prestressing steel in the duct. The maximum duct diameter shall be 4½ inches.
The inside diameter of bar tendon duct shall at least be ¼ inch larger than the bar diameter.
At coupler locations the duct diameter shall at least be ¼ inch larger than the coupler diameter.
Ducts installed and cast into concrete prior to prestressing steel installation, shall be
capable of withstanding at least 10 feet of concrete fluid pressure.
Ducts shall have adequate longitudinal bending stiffness for smooth, wobble free
placement. A minimum of three successful duct qualification tests are required for each
diameter and type of duct, as follows:
1. Ducts with diameters 2 inches and smaller shall not deflect more than 3 inches under
its own weight, when a 10-foot duct segment is supported at its ends.
2. Ducts larger than 2 inches in diameter shall not deflect more than 3 inches under its
own weight, when a 20-foot duct segment is supported at its ends.
3. Duct shall not dent more than ⅛ inch under a concentrated load of 100 pounds applied
between corrugations by a #4 steel reinforcing bar.
When the duct must be curved in a tight radius, more flexible duct may be used, subject to
the Engineer’s concurrence.
6-02.3(26)E2 Ducts for External Exposed Installation
Duct shall be high-density polyethylene (HDPE) conforming to ASTM D3035. The cell
classification for each property listed in the table below:
Property Cell Classification
1 3 or 4
2 2, 3, or 4
3 4 or 5
4 4 or 5
5 2 or 3
6 2, 3, or 4
6-02.3(26)E3 Transitions
Transitions between ducts and wedge plates shall have adequate length to reduce the angle
change effect on the performance of strand-wedge connection, friction loss at the anchorage,
and fatigue strength of the post-tensioning reinforcement.
6-02.3(26)E4 Vents, Grout Injection Ports, Drains, and Caps
The Contractor shall install vents at high points and drains at low points of the tendon
profile (and at other places if the Plans require). Vents at high points shall consist of a set of
three vents: one to be installed at the high point of the duct, and flanking vents to be installed
on either side of the high-point vent at locations where the duct profile is 8 to 12 inches below
the elevation of the high-point vent. Vents shall include grout injection ports.
Vents and drains shall have a minimum inside diameter of ¾ inches, and shall be of
either stainless steel, nylon, or polyolefin materials, free of water-soluble chlorides or other
chemicals reactive with concrete or post-tensioning reinforcement. Stainless steel vents and
drains shall conform to ASTM A240 Type 316. Nylon vents and drains shall conform to
cell classification S-PA0141 (weather-resistant). Polyolefin vents and drains shall contain
an antioxidant with a minimum oxidation induction time of 20 minutes in accordance with
ASTM D3895. Polyolefin vents and drains shall also have a stress crack resistance of 3 hours
minimum when tested at an applied stress of 350 psi in accordance with ASTM F2136.
All fasteners shall be appropriate for use with plastic ducts, and all clamps shall be of
an accepted plastic material. Taping of connections is not allowed. Valves shall be positive
mechanical shut-off valves. Valves, and associated caps, shall have a minimum pressure rating
of 100 psi.
Vents shall point upward and remain closed until grouting begins. Drains shall point
downward and remain open until grouting begins. Ends of stainless steel vents and drains
shall be removed 1 inch inside the concrete surface after grouting has been completed. Ends of
nylon or polyolefin vents and drains may be left flush to the surface unless otherwise specified
by the Engineer. Vents, except for grout injection, are not required for transverse post-
tensioning ducts in the bridge deck unless specified in the Plans.
Caps shall be made of either stainless steel or fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). Stainless
steel caps shall conform to ASTM A240 Type 316L. The resin for FRP caps shall be either
nylon, polyester, or acrylonitrite butadiene styrene (ABS). Nylon shall conform to cell
classification S-PA0141 (weather-resistant). Caps shall be sealed with “O” ring seals or
precision-fitted flat gaskets placed against the bearing plate. Caps shall be fastened to the
anchorage with stainless steel bolts conforming to ASTM A240 Type 316L.
6-02.3(26)E5 Leak Tightness Testing
The Contractor shall test each completed duct assembly for leak tightness after placing
concrete but prior to placing post-tensioning reinforcement. The Contractor shall submit
a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the equipment used to conduct the leak tightness
testing and to monitor and record the pressure maintained in and lost from the closed
assembly, and the process to be followed in conducting the leak-tightness testing along with
the post-tensioning system shop drawings in accordance with Section 6-02.3(26)A.
Prior to testing, all grout caps shall be installed and all vents, grout injection ports, and
drains shall either be capped or have their shut-off valves closed. The Contractor shall
pressurize the completed duct assembly to an initial air pressure of 50 psi. This pressure
shall be held for five minutes to allow for internal adjustments within the assembly. After
five minutes, the air supply valve shall be closed. The Contractor shall monitor and measure
the pressure maintained within the closed assembly, and any subsequent loss of pressure,
over a period of one minute following the closure of the air supply valve. The maximum
pressure loss for duct assemblies equal to or less than 150 feet in length shall be 25 psig. The
maximum pressure loss for duct assemblies greater than 150 feet in length shall be 15 psig.
If the pressure loss exceeds the allowable, locations of leakage shall be identified, repaired
or reconstructed using methods accepted by the Engineer. The repaired system shall then
be retested. The cycle of testing, repair and retesting of each completed duct assembly shall
continue until the completed duct assembly completes a test with pressure loss within the
specified amount.
6-02.3(26)F Prestressing Reinforcement
All prestressing reinforcement strand shall comply with Section 9-07.10. They shall not be
coupled or spliced. Tendon locations shown in the Plans indicate final positions after stressing
(unless the Plans say otherwise). No tendon made of 7-wire strands shall contain more than
37 strands of ½-inch diameter, or more than 27 strands of 0.6-inch diameter.
All prestressing reinforcement bar shall conform to Section 9-07.11. They shall not be
coupled or spliced except as otherwise specified in the Plans or Special Provisions.
Prestressing reinforcement not conforming to either Section 9-07.10 or 9-07.11 will not be
allowed except as otherwise noted. Such reinforcement may be used provided it is specifically
allowed by the Plans or Special Provisions, it satisfies all material and performance criteria
specified in the Plans or Special Provisions, and receives the Engineer’s acceptance.
From manufacture to encasement in concrete or grout, prestressing strand shall be
protected against dirt, oil, grease, damage, and all corrosives. Strand shall be stored in a
dry, covered area and shall be kept in the manufacturer’s original packaging. If prestressing
strand has been damaged or pitted, it will be rejected. Prestressing strand with rust shall be
spot-cleaned with a nonmetallic pad to inspect for any sign of pitting or section loss. If the
prestressing reinforcement will not be stressed and grouted for more than 7 calendar days after
it is placed in the ducts, the Contractor shall place an accepted corrosion inhibitor conforming
to Federal Specification MIL-I-22110C in the ducts.
The feeding ends of the strand tendons shall be equipped with a bullet nosing or similar
apparatus to facilitate strand tendon installation.
Strand tendons may be installed by pulling or pushing. Any equipment capable to
performing the task may be used, provided it does not damage the strands and conforms to
the following:
1. Pulling lines shall have a capacity of at least 2.5 times the dead weight of the tendons
when used for essentially horizontal tendon installation.
2. Metal pushing wheels shall not be used.
3. Bullets for checking duct clearance prior to concreting shall be rigid and be ⅛ inch
smaller than the inside diameter of the duct. Bullets for checking duct after concreting
shall be less than ¼ inch smaller than the inside diameter of the duct.
6-02.3(26)G Tensioning
Equipment for tensioning post-tensioning reinforcement shall meet the following
1. Stressing equipment shall be capable of producing a jacking force of at least 81 percent
of the specified tensile strength of the post-tensioning reinforcement.
2. Jacking force test capacity shall be at least 95 percent of the specified tensile strength
of the post-tensioning reinforcement.
3. Wedge seating methods shall assure uniform seating of wedge segments and uniform
wedge seating losses on all strand tendons.
4. Accumulation of differential seating losses during tensioning cycling shall be prevented
by proper devices.
5. Jacks used for stressing tendons less than 20 feet long shall have wedge power
seating capability.
The Contractor shall not begin to tension the tendons until:
1. All concrete has reached a compressive strength of at least 4,000 psi or the strength
specified in the Plans. When tensioning takes place prior to 28-day compressive
strength testing on concrete sampled in accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)H,
compressive strength shall be verified on field cured cylinders in accordance with the
2. The Engineer is satisfied that all strands are free in the ducts.
Tendons shall be tensioned to the values shown in the Plans (or processed shop drawings)
with hydraulic jacks. When stressing from both ends of a tendon is specified, it need not be
simultaneous unless otherwise specified in the Plans. The jacking sequence shall follow the
processed shop drawings.
Each jack shall have a pressure gauge that will determine the load applied to the tendon.
The gauge shall display pressure accurately and readably with a dial at least 6 inches in
diameter or with a digital display. Each jack and its gauge shall be calibrated as a unit and
shall be accompanied by a certified calibration chart. The Contractor shall provide one copy
of this chart to the Engineer for use in monitoring. The cylinder extension during calibration
shall be in approximately the position it will occupy at final jacking force.
All jacks and gauges must be recalibrated and recertified: (1) at least every 180 days, and
(2) after any repair or adjustment. The Engineer may use pressure cells to check jacks, gauges,
and calibration charts before and during tensioning.
These stress limits apply to all tendons (unless the Plans set other limits):
1. During jacking prior to seating: 90 percent of the yield strength of the steel.
2. At anchorages after seating: 70 percent of the specified tensile strength of the steel.
3. At service limit state after losses: 80 percent of the yield strength of the steel.
Tendons shall be anchored at initial stresses that will ultimately maintain service loads at
least as great as the Plans require.
As stated in Section 6-02.3(26)A, the assumed design friction coefficient “μ” and wobble
coefficient “k” shown in the Plans shall be used to calculate the stressing elongation. These
coefficients may be revised by the post-tensioning supplier by the following method provided
it is accepted by the Engineer:
Early in the project, the post-tensioning supplier shall test, in place, two representative
tendons of each size and type shown in the Plans, for the purpose of accurately determining
the friction loss in a strand and/or bar tendon.
The test procedure shall consist of stressing the tendon at an anchor assembly with load
cells at the dead end and jacking end. The test specimen shall be tensioned to 80 percent
of the specified tensile strength in 10 increments. For each increment, the gauge pressure,
elongation, and load cell force shall be recorded and the data furnished to the Engineer.
The theoretical elongations and post-tensioning forces shown on the post-tensioning shop
drawings shall be re-evaluated by the post-tensioning supplier using the results of the tests
and corrected as necessary. Revisions to the theoretical elongations shall be submitted as a
Type 2E Working Drawing. The apparatus and methods used to perform the tests shall be
proposed by the post-tensioning supplier and be subject to the Engineer’s acceptance.
All costs associated with testing and evaluating test data shall be included in the unit
Contract prices for the applicable items of Work involved.
As tensioning proceeds, the Engineer will be recording the applied load, tendon elongation,
and anchorage seating values.
Elongation measurements shall be made at each stressing location to verify that the tendon
force has been properly achieved. If proper anchor set has been achieved and the measured
elongation of each strand tendon is within plus or minus 7 percent of the accepted calculated
elongation, the stressed tendon represented by the elongation measurements is acceptable to
the Contracting Agency.
In the event discrepancies greater than 7 percent exist between the measured and calculated
elongations, the jack calibration shall be checked and stressing records reviewed for any
evidence of wire or strand breakage. If the jack if properly calibrated and there is no evidence
of wire or strand breakage, a force verification lift off shall be performed to verify the force
in the tendon. The post-tensioning supplier force verification lift off procedure shall provide
access for visual verification of anchor plate lift off. The jacking equipment shall be capable
of bridging and lifting off the anchor plate. The tendon is acceptable if the verification lift off
force is not less than 99 percent of the accepted calculated force nor more than 70 percent
of the specified tensile strength of the prestressing steel or as accepted by the Engineer.
Elongation measurements shall be recorded for bar tendons to verify proper tensioning
only. Acceptance will be by force verification lift off. The bar tendon is acceptable if the
verification lift off force is not less than 95 percent nor more than 105 percent of the accepted
calculated force or as accepted by the Engineer.
When removing the jacks, the Contractor shall relieve stresses gradually before cutting the
prestressing reinforcement. The prestressing strands shall be cut a minimum of 1 inch from the
face of the anchorage device.
6-02.3(26)H Grouting
Grout for post-tensioning reinforcement shall conform to Section 9-20.3(1). Prepackaged
components of the grout mix shall be used within 6 months or less from date of manufacture
to date of usage. Grout for post-tensioning reinforcement will be accepted based on
manufacturer’s certificate of compliance in accordance with Section 1-06.3, except that the
water-cementitious material ratio of 0.45 maximum shall be field verified.
All grout produced for any single structure shall be furnished by one supplier.
All grouting operations shall be conducted by ASBI-certified grout technicians.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the grouting
operation Plan. The grouting operation Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Names of the grout technicians, accompanied by documentation of their ASBI
2. Type, quantity, and brand of materials used in the grouting operations, including all
manufacturer’s certificates of compliance.
3. Type of equipment to be used, including meters and measuring devices used to
positively measure the quantity of materials used to mix the post-tensioning grout,
the equipment capacity in relation to demand and working conditions, and all back-up
equipment and spare parts.
4. General grouting procedure.
5. Duct leak tightness testing and repair procedures as specified in Section 6-02.3(26)E.
6. Methods used to control the rate of grout flow within the ducts.
7. Theoretical grout volume calculations, and target flow rates recommended by the
grout manufacturer as a function of the mixer equipment and the expected range of
ambient temperatures.
8. Grout mixing and pumping procedures.
9. Direction of grouting.
10. Sequence of use of the grout injection ports, vents, and drains.
11. Procedures for handling blockages.
12. Procedures for postgrouting repairs.
Post-tensioning grout shall be mixed in accordance with the prepackaged grout
manufacturer’s recommendations using high-shear colloidal mixers. Mechanical paddle
mixers will not be allowed. The grout produced for filling post-tensioning ducts shall be free
of lumps and undispersed cement. All equipment used to mix each batch of post-tensioning
grout shall be equipped with appropriate meters and measuring devices to positively measure
all quantities of all materials used to produce the mixed grout. The field test for water-
cementitious materials ratio shall be performed prior to beginning the grout injection process.
Grouting shall not begin until the material properties of each batch of grout have been
confirmed as acceptable.
After tensioning the tendons, the Contractor shall again blow oil-free, compressed air
through each duct. All drains shall then be closed and the vents opened. Grout caps shall be
installed at tendon ends prior to grouting. After completely filling the duct with grout, the
Contractor shall pump the grout from the low end at a pressure of not more than 250 psig,
except for transverse tendons in deck slabs the grout pressure shall not exceed 100 psig. Grout
shall be continuously wasted through each vent until no more air or water pockets show. At
this point, all vents shall be closed and grouting pressure at the injector held between 100
and 200 psig for at least 10 seconds, except for transverse tendons in deck slabs the grouting
pressure shall be held between 50 and 75 psig for at least 10 seconds. The Contractor shall
leave all plugs, caps, and valves in place and closed for at least 24 hours after grouting.
Grouting equipment shall:
1. Include a pressure gauge with an upper end readout of between 275 and 325 psig;
2. Screen the grout before it enters the pump with an easily reached screen that has clear
openings of no more than 0.125 inches;
3. Be gravity fed from an attached, overhead hopper kept partly full during pumping; and
4. Be able to complete the largest tendon on the project in no more than 20 minutes of
continuous grouting.
In addition, the Contractor shall have standby equipment (with a separate power source)
available for flushing the grout when the regular equipment cannot maintain a one-way flow
of grout. This standby equipment shall be able to pump at 250 psig.
The grout mix shall be injected within 30 minutes after the water is added to the cement.
Temperature of the surrounding concrete shall be at least 35°F from the time the grout
injecting begins until 2-inch cubes of the grout have a compressive strength of 800 psi. Cubes
shall be made in accordance with WSDOT T 813 and stored in accordance with FOP for
AASHTO T 23. If ambient conditions are such that the surrounding concrete temperature may
fall below 35°F, the Contractor shall provide a heat source and protective covering for the
Structure to keep the temperature of the surrounding concrete above 35°F. Grout temperature
shall not exceed 90°F during mixing and pumping. If conditions are such that the temperature
of the grout mix may exceed 90°F, the Contractor will make necessary provisions, such as
cooling the mix water and/or dry ingredients, to ensure that the temperature of the grout mix
does not exceed 90°F.
6-02.3(27) Concrete for Precast Units
Precast units shall not be removed from forms until the concrete has attained a minimum
compressive strength of 70 percent of the specified design strength as verified by rebound
number determined in accordance with FOP for ASTM C805. Type III portland cement is
permitted to be used in precast concrete units.
Precast units shall not be shipped until the concrete has reached the specified design
strength as determined by testing cylinders made from the same concrete as the precast
units. The cylinders shall be made, handled, and stored in accordance with FOP for
AASHTO T 23 and compression tested in accordance with AASHTO T 22 and AASHTO
T 231.
6-02.3(27)A Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast Units
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) may be used for the following precast concrete structure
1. Precast roof, wall, and floor panels and retaining wall panels in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(28).
2. Precast reinforced concrete three-sided structures, box culverts and split box culverts
in accordance with Section 7-02.3(6).
3. Precast concrete barrier in accordance with Section 6-10.3(1).
4. Precast concrete wall stem panels in accordance with Section 6-11.3(3).
5. Precast concrete noise barrier wall panels in accordance with Section 6-12.3(6).
6. Structural earth wall precast concrete facing panels in accordance with
Section 6-13.3(4).
7. Precast drainage structure elements in accordance with Section 9-05.50.
8. Precast junction boxes, cable vaults, and pull boxes in accordance with Section 9-29.2.
6-02.3(27)B Submittals for Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast Units
With the exception of items 3, 7, and 8 in Section 6-02.3(27)A, the Contractor shall submit
the mix design for SCC to the Engineer for annual plant approval in accordance with Section
6-02.3(28)B. The mix design submittal shall include items specified in Sections 6-02.3(2)A
and 6-02.3(2)C1.
Items 3, 7, and 8 in Section 6-02.3(27)A require the precast plant to cast one representative
structure acceptable to the Engineer and have the structure sawn in half for examination by the
Contracting Agency to determine that segregation has not occurred. The Contracting Agency’s
acceptance of the sawn structure will constitute acceptance of the precast plant’s use of SCC,
and a concrete mix design submittal is not required.
6-02.3(27)C Acceptance Testing of Concrete for Precast Units
Acceptance testing shall be performed by the Contractor and test results shall be
submitted to the Engineer. Concrete shall conform to the requirements specified in Section
6-02.3(2)A. Unless otherwise noted below, the test methods described in Section 6-02.3(5)D
shall be followed. Concrete compressive strength shall be in accordance with Section
6-02.3(27). Compressive strength testing shall be performed a minimum of once per day
and once for every 20 cubic yards of concrete that is placed.
Concrete for items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 in Section 6-02.3(27)A that is not self-consolidating
concrete will be accepted as follows:
1. Temperature within the allowable temperature band.
2. Slump below the maximum allowed.
3. Air content within the required range.
SCC for items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 in Section 6-02.3(27)A will be accepted as follows:
1. Temperature within the allowable temperature band.
2. Slump flow within the target slump flow range.
3. VSI less than or equal to 1 in accordance with ASTM C1611, Appendix X1, using
Filling Procedure B.
4. J ring passing ability less than or equal to 1.5-inches.
5. Air content within the required range.
SCC for concrete barrier will be accepted in accordance with temperature, air, and
compressive strength testing listed above.
SCC for precast junction boxes, cable vaults, and pull boxes will be accepted in accordance
with the temperature and compressive strength testing listed above.
SCC for precast drainage structure elements will be accepted in accordance with the
requirements of AASHTO M199.
6-02.3(28) Precast Concrete Panels
The Contractor shall perform quality control inspection. The manufacturing plant for
precast concrete panels shall be certified by the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute’s
Plant Certification Program for the type of precast member to be produced, or the National
Precast Concrete Association’s Plant Certification Program or be an International Congress
Building Officials or International Code Council Evaluation Services recognized fabricator of
structural precast concrete products, and shall be approved by WSDOT as a Certified Precast
Concrete Fabricator prior to the start of production. WSDOT Certification will be granted at,
and renewed during, the annual precast plant review and approval process in accordance with
WSDOT Materials Manual M 46-01 Standard Practice QC 7. Products that shall conform to
this requirement include noise barrier panels, wall panels, floor and roof panels, marine pier
deck panels, retaining walls, pier caps, and bridge deck panels. Precast concrete panels that are
prestressed shall meet all the requirements of Section 6-02.3(25).
Prior to the start of production of the precast concrete panels, the Contractor shall advise
the Engineer of the production schedule. The Contractor shall give the Inspector safe and
free access to the Work. If the Inspector observes any nonspecification Work or unacceptable
quality control practices, the Inspector will advise the plant manager. If the corrective action
is not acceptable to the Engineer, the panel(s) will be rejected.
6-02.3(28)A Shop Drawings
Before casting the structural elements, the Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working
Drawings of the precast panel shop drawings.
These shop drawings shall show complete details of the methods, materials, and
equipment the Contractor proposes to use in prestressing/precasting Work. The shop drawings
shall follow the design conditions shown in the Plans unless the Engineer concurs with equally
effective variations.
The shop drawings shall contain as a minimum:
1. Panel shapes (elevations and sections) and dimensions.
2. Finishes and method of constructing the finish (i.e., forming, rolling).
3. Reinforcing, joint, and connection details.
4. Lifting, bracing, and erection inserts.
5. Locations and details of hardware attached to the Structure.
6. Relationship to adjacent material.
The Contractor may deviate from the processed shop drawings only after submitting a Type
2E Working Drawing that describes the proposed changes.
Before completion of the Contract, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with
reproducible originals of the shop drawings (and any processed changes). These shall be clear,
suitable for microfilming, and on permanent sheets that conform with the size requirements
of Section 6-01.9.
6-02.3(28)B Casting
Before casting precast concrete panels, the Contractor and Fabrication Inspector shall have
possession of a processed set of shop drawings.
Concrete shall meet the requirements of Section 6-02.3(25)B for annual preapproval of
the concrete mix design and slump. If SCC is used, the concrete shall conform to Sections
6-02.3(27)B and 6-02.3(27)C.
Precast panels shall not be removed from forms until the concrete has attained a minimum
compressive strength of 70 percent of the specified design strength. A minimum compressive
strength at other than 70 percent may be used for specific precast panels if the fabricator
requests and receives acceptance as part of the WSDOT plant certification process.
Forms may be steel or plywood faced, providing they impart the required finish to
the concrete.
6-02.3(28)C Curing
Concrete in the precast panels shall be cured by either moist or accelerated curing methods.
The methods to be used shall be preapproved in the WSDOT plant certification process.
1. For moist curing, the surface of the concrete shall be kept covered or moist until such
time as the compressive strength of the concrete reaches the strength specified for
stripping. Exposed surfaces shall be kept continually moist by fogging, spraying, or
covering with moist burlap or cotton mats. Moist curing shall commence as soon as
possible following completion of surface finishing.
2. For accelerated curing, heat shall be applied at a controlled rate following the initial set
of concrete in combination with an effective method of supplying or retaining moisture.
Moisture may be applied by a cover of moist burlap, cotton matting, or other effective
means. Moisture may be retained by covering the panel with an impermeable sheet.
Heat may be radiant, convection, conducted steam or hot air. Heat the concrete to no more
than 100°F during the first 2 hours after placing the concrete, and then increase no more than
25°F per hour to a maximum of 175°F. After curing is complete, cool the concrete no more
than 25°F per hour to 100°F. Maintain the concrete temperature above 60°F until the panel
reaches stripping strength.
Concrete temperature shall be monitored by means of a thermocouple embedded in the
concrete (linked with a thermometer accurate to plus or minus 5°F). The recording sensor
(accurate to plus or minus 5°F) shall be arranged and calibrated to continuously record,
date, and identify concrete temperature throughout the heating cycle. This temperature
record shall be made available to the Engineer for inspection and become a part of the
documentation required.
The Contractor shall never allow dry heat to directly touch exposed panel surfaces at
any point.
6-02.3(28)D Contractors Control Strength
The concrete strength at stripping and the verification of design strength shall be
determined by testing cylinders made from the same concrete as the precast panels. The
cylinders shall be made, handled, and stored in accordance with WSDOT FOP for AASHTO
T 23 and compression tested in accordance with AASHTO T 22 and AASHTO T 231.
For accelerated cured panels, concrete strength shall be measured on test cylinders cast
from the same concrete as that in the panel. These cylinders shall be cured under time-
temperature relationships and conditions that simulate those of the panel. If the forms are
heated by steam or hot air, test cylinders will remain in the coolest zone throughout curing.
If forms are heated another way, the Contractor shall provide a record of the curing time-
temperature relationship for the cylinders for each panel to the Engineer. When two or more
panels are cast in a continuous line and in a continuous operation, a single set of test cylinders
may represent all panels provided the Contractor demonstrates uniformity of casting and
curing to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall mold, cure, and test enough of these cylinders to satisfy Specification
requirements for measuring concrete strength. The Contractor may use 4- by 8-inch or 6- by
12-inch cylinders. The Contractor shall let cylinders cool for at least ½ hour before testing for
release strength.
Test cylinders may be cured in a moist room or water tank in accordance with FOP for
AASHTO T 23 after the panel concrete has obtained the required release strength. If, however,
the Contractor intends to ship the panel prior to standard 28-day strength test, the design
strength for shipping shall be determined from cylinders placed with the panel and cured under
the same conditions as the panel. These cylinders may be placed in a noninsulated, moisture-
proof envelope.
To measure concrete strength in the precast panel, the Contractor shall randomly select
two test cylinders and average their compressive strengths. The compressive strength in either
cylinder shall not fall more than 5 percent below the specified strength. If these two cylinders
do not pass the test, two other cylinders shall be selected and tested.
6-02.3(28)E Finishing
The Contractor shall provide a finish on all relevant concrete surfaces as defined
in Section 6-02.3(14), unless the Plans or Special Provisions require otherwise.
6-02.3(28)F Tolerances
The panels shall be fabricated as shown in the Plans, and shall meet the dimensional
tolerances listed in the latest edition of PCI-MNL-116, unless otherwise required by the
Plans or Special Provisions.
6-02.3(28)G Handling and Storage
The Contractor shall lift all panels only by adequate devices at locations designated
on the shop drawings. When these devices and locations are not shown in the Plans,
Section 6-02.3(25)L shall apply.
Precast panels shall be stored off the ground on foundations suitable to prevent differential
settlement or twisting of the panels. Stacked panels shall be separated and supported by
dunnage of uniform thickness capable of supporting the panels. Dunnage shall be arranged in
vertical planes. The upper panels of a stacked tier shall not be used as storage areas for shorter
panels unless substantiated by engineering analysis and accepted by the Engineer.
6-02.3(28)H Shipping
Precast panels shall not be shipped until the concrete has reached the specified design
strength, and the Engineer has reviewed the fabrication documentation for Contract
compliance and stamped the precast concrete panels “Approved for Shipment”. The panels
shall be supported in such a manner that they will not be damaged by anticipated impact on
their dead load. Sufficient padding material shall be provided between tie chains and cables
to prevent chipping or spalling of the concrete.
6-02.3(28)I Erection
When the precast panels arrive on the project, the Engineer will confirm that they are
stamped “Approved for Shipment”. The Engineer will evaluate the present panels for damage
before accepting them.
The Contractor shall lift all panels by suitable devices at locations designated on the
shop drawings. Temporary shoring or bracing shall be provided, if necessary. Panels shall
be properly aligned and leveled as required by the Plans. Variations between adjacent panels
shall be leveled out by a method accepted by the Engineer.
6-02.4 Measurement
Except as noted below, all classes of concrete shall be measured in place by the cubic yard
to the neat lines of the Structure as shown in the Plans.
Exception: concrete in cofferdam seals. Payment for Class 4000W concrete used in these
seals will be based on the volume calculated using the neatline dimensions for the seal as
shown in the Contract Plans. For calculated purposes, the horizontal dimension will be
increased by 1 foot outside the seal neatline perimeter. The vertical dimension is the distance
between the top and bottom neatline elevations. No payment will be made for any concrete
that lies outside of these limits to accommodate the Contractor’s cofferdam configuration.
If the Engineer eliminates the seal in its entirety a Contract change order will be issued.
Exception: concrete in a separate lump-sum, Superstructure Bid item. Any concrete
quantities noted under this item in the Special Provisions will not be measured. Although
the Special Provisions list approximate quantities for the Contractor’s convenience, the
Contracting Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of these estimates. Before submitting
a Bid, the Contractor shall have verified the quantities. Even though actual quantities used may
vary from those listed in the Special Provisions, the Contracting Agency will not adjust the
lump sum Contract price for Superstructure (except for processed changes).
The Contracting Agency will pay for no concrete placed below the established elevation
of the bottom of any footing or seal.
Lean concrete will be measured by the cubic yard for the quantity of material placed
in accordance with the producer’s invoice, except that lean concrete included in other Contract
items will not be measured.
No deduction will be made for pile heads, reinforcing steel, structural steel, bolts, weep
holes, rustications, chamfers, edgers, joint filler, junction boxes, miscellaneous hardware, ducts
or less than 6-inch diameter drain pipes when computing concrete quantities for payment.
All reinforcing steel will be measured by the computed weight of all steel required by
the Plans. The weight of mechanical splices will be based on the weight specified in the
manufacturer’s existing catalog cut for the specific item. Splices noted as optional in the plans
but installed by the Contractor will be included in the measurement. Epoxy-coated bars will be
measured before coating. The Contractor shall furnish (without extra allowance):
1. Bracing, spreaders, form blocks, wire clips, and other fasteners.
2. Extra steel in splices not shown in the Plans or specified in the Plans as optional.
3. Extra shear steel at construction joints not shown in the Plans when the Engineer
permits such joints for the Contractor’s convenience.
The following table shall be used to compute weight of reinforcing steel:
Steel Reinforcing Bar
Deformed Bar Designation Number Nominal Diameter Inches Unit Weight Pounds per Foot
3 0.375 0.376
4 0.500 0.668
5 0.625 1.043
6 0.750 1.502
7 0.875 2.044
8 1.000 2.670
9 1.128 3.400
10 1.270 4.303
11 1.410 5.313
14 1.690 7.650
18 2.260 13.600
All costs in connection with constructing, finishing and removing the bridge deck test slab
as specified in Section 6-02.3(10)D1 shall be included in the lump sum Contract price for
“Superstructure___” or “Bridge Deck___” for one bridge in each project, as applicable.
All costs in connection with providing holes for vents, for furnishing and installing cell
drainage pipes for box girder Structures, and furnishing and placing grout and shims under
steel shoes shall be included in the unit Contract prices for the various Bid items involved.
All costs in connection with the construction of weep holes, including the gravel backfill
for drains surrounding the weep holes except as provided in Section 2-09.4, shall be included
by the Contractor in the unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Conc. Class ____”.
“Lean Concrete”, per cubic yard.
Lean concrete, except when included in another Bid item, will be paid for at the unit
Contract price per cubic yard.
“St. Reinf. Bar ____”, per pound.
“Epoxy-Coated St. Reinf. Bar ____”, per pound.
Payment for reinforcing steel shall include the cost of drilling holes in concrete for, and
setting, steel reinforcing bar dowels with epoxy bonding agent, and furnishing, fabricating,
placing, and splicing the reinforcement. In Structures of reinforced concrete where there are
no structural steel Bid items, such minor metal parts as expansion joints, bearing assemblies,
and bolts will be paid for at the unit Contract price for “St. Reinf. Bar ____” unless
otherwise specified.
“Gravel Backfill for Foundation Class A”, per cubic yard.
“Gravel Backfill for Foundation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Gravel Backfill for Wall”, per cubic yard.
“Deficient Strength Conc. Price Adjustment”, by calculation.
“Deficient Strength Conc. Price Adjustment” shall be calculated and paid for as described
in Section 6-02.3(5)L. For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders,
the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for the item “Deficient Strength Conc. Price
Adjustment” in the Bid Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor. The
item “Deficient Strength Conc. Price Adjustment” covers all applicable classes of concrete.
“Expansion Joint System _____ - Superstr.”, per linear foot.
“Expansion Joint Modification - ___”, per linear foot.
“Prestressed Conc. Girder ___”, per linear foot.
“Bridge Approach Slab”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard for “Bridge Approach Slab” shall be full pay
for providing, placing, and compacting the crushed surfacing base course, furnishing and
placing Class 4000A concrete, and furnishing and installing compression seal, anchors, and
reinforcing steel.
By its inspection at the mill and shop, the Contracting Agency intends only to facilitate the
Work and prevent errors. This inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility
for identifying and replacing defective material or workmanship.
6-03.3(4) Rejections
Even if the Inspector accepts materials or finished members, the Contracting Agency may
later reject them if defective. The Contractor shall promptly replace or make good any rejected
materials or workmanship.
6-03.3(5) Mill Orders and Shipping Statements
The Contractor shall furnish as many copies of mill orders and shipping statements as the
Engineer requires.
6-03.3(6) Weighing
Structural steel need not be weighed unless the Plans or Special Provisions require it.
When a weight is required, it may either be calculated or obtained by scales. The Contractor
shall furnish as many copies of the calculations or weight slips as the Engineer requires.
If scale weights are used, the Contractor shall record separately the weights of all tools,
erection material, and dunnage.
6-03.3(7) Shop Plans
The Contractor shall submit all shop detail plans for fabricating the steel as Type 2
Working Drawings.
If these plans will be submitted directly from the fabricator, the Contractor shall so notify
the Engineer in writing.
No material shall be fabricated until: (1) the Working Drawing review is complete, and
(2) the Engineer has accepted the materials source.
Before physical completion of the project, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer one
set of reproducible copies of the as built shop plans. The reproducible copies shall be clear,
suitable for microfilming, and on permanent sheets that measure no smaller than 11 by
17 inches. Alternatively, the shop drawings may be provided in an electronic format with the
approval of the Engineer.
6-03.3(7)A Erection Methods
Before beginning to erect any steel Structure, the Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working
Drawings consisting of the erection plan and procedure describing the methods the Contractor
intends to use.
The erection plan and procedure shall provide complete details of the erection process
including, at a minimum, the following:
1. Temporary falsework support, bracing, guys, deadmen, and attachments to other
Structure components or objects;
2. Procedure and sequence of operation;
3. Girder stresses during progressive stages of erection;
4. Girder masses, lift points, and lifting devices, spreaders, glommers, etc.;
5. Crane(s) make and model, mass, geometry, lift capacity, outrigger size and reactions;
6. Girder launcher or trolley details and capacity (if intended for use); and
7. Locations of cranes, barges, trucks delivering girders, and the location of cranes and
outriggers relative to other Structures, including retaining walls and wing walls.
As part of the erection plan Working Drawings, the Contractor may submit details of
an engineered and fabricated lifting bracket bolted to the girder top flanges providing the
following requirements are satisfied:
1. The lifting bracket shall be engineered and supporting calculations shall be submitted
with the erection plan;
2. The calculations shall include critical stresses in the girder including local stresses in
the flanges at lifting bracket locations;
3. The calculations shall include computation of the lifting bracket and associated bolt
hole locations and the expected orientation of the girder during picking operation;
4. The lifting bracket shall be load tested and certified for a load at least 2 times the
working load and at all angles it will be used (angle of load or rigging). Certification
documentation from a previous project may be submitted;
5. Bolt holes in girders added for the lifting bracket connections shall be shown in the
shop plans and shall be drilled in the shop. Field drilling of bolt holes for lifting
brackets will not be permitted;
6. Bolt holes in girder top flanges shall be filled with high strength bolts after erection
in accordance with Section 6-02.3(17)K.
The erection plan shall include drawings, notes, catalog cuts, and calculations clearly
showing the above listed details, assumptions, and dimensions. Material properties,
Specifications, structural analysis, and any other data used shall also be included.
6-03.3(8) Substitutions
The Contractor shall not substitute sections that differ from Plan dimensions unless the
Engineer approves in writing. If the Contractor requests and receives approval to substitute
heavier members, the Contracting Agency shall not pay any added cost.
6-03.3(9) Handling, Storing, and Shipping of Materials
Markings applied at the mill shall distinguish structural low alloy steel from structural
carbon steel. The fabricator shall keep the two classes of steel carefully separated.
Before fabrication, all material stored at the fabricating plant shall be protected from rust,
dirt, oil, and other foreign matter. The Contracting Agency will accept no rust-pitted material.
After fabrication, all material awaiting shipment shall be subject to the same storage
requirements as unfabricated material.
All structural steel shall arrive at the job in good condition. As the Engineer requires, steel
damaged by salt water shipment shall be thoroughly cleaned by high pressure water flushing,
chemical cleaning, or sandblasting, and repainted with the specified shop coat.
All material shall be stored so as to prevent rust and loss of small parts. Piled material shall
not rest on the ground or in water but on skids or platforms.
The loading, transporting, unloading, and piling of the structural steel material shall be
so conducted that the metal will be kept clean and free from injury from rough handling.
In field assembly of structural parts, the Contractor shall use methods and equipment not
likely to twist, bend, deform, or otherwise injure the metal. Any member slightly bent or
twisted shall be corrected before it is placed. The Contracting Agency will reject any member
with serious handling damage.
Girder sections shall be handled so as to prevent damage to the girders. If necessary,
the Contractor shall provide temporary stiffeners to prevent buckling during erection.
6-03.3(10) Straightening Bent Material
If the Engineer permits in writing, plates, angles, other shapes, and built-up members
may be straightened. Straightening methods shall not fracture or injure the metal. Distorted
members shall be straightened mechanically. A limited amount of localized heat may
be applied only if carefully planned and supervised, and only in accordance with the
heat‑straightening procedure Working Drawing submittal.
Parts to be heat-straightened shall be nearly free from all stress and external forces except
those that result from the mechanical pressure used with the heat.
After straightening, the Contractor shall inspect the member for fractures using a method
proposed by the Contractor and accepted by the Contracting Agency.
The Contracting Agency will reject metal showing sharp kinks and bends.
The procedure for heat straightening of universal mill (UM) plates by the mill or the
fabricator shall be submitted as a Type 2 Working Drawing.
6-03.3(11) Workmanship and Finish
Workmanship and finish shall be first-class, equaling the best practice in modern bridge
fabrication shops. Welding, shearing, burning, chipping, and grinding shall be done neatly
and accurately. All parts of the Work exposed to view shall be neatly finished.
Wherever the Plans show a surface finish symbol, the surface shall be machined.
6-03.3(12) Falsework
All falsework shall meet the requirements of Section 6-02.
6-03.3(13) Fabricating Tension Members
Plates for main load-carrying tension members or tension components of flexural members
shall be:
1. Blast cleaned entirely or blast cleaned on all areas within 2 inches of welds to
SSPC‑SP6, Commercial Blast Cleaning; and
2. Fabricated from plate stock with the primary rolling direction of the stock parallel to
the length of the member, or as shown in the Plans.
6-03.3(14) Edge Finishing
All rolled, sheared, and thermal cut edges shall be true to line and free of rough corners
and projections. Corners along exposed sheared or cut edges shall be broken by light grinding
or another method acceptable to the Engineer to achieve an approximate 1⁄16-inch chamfer
or rounding.
Sheared edges on plates more than ⅝ inch thick shall be planed, milled, ground, or thermal
cut to a depth of at least ⅛ inch.
Re-entrant corners or cuts shall be filleted to a minimum radius of 1 inch.
Exposed edges of main load-carrying tension members or tension components of flexural
members shall have a surface roughness no greater than 250-micro inches as defined by the
American National Standards Institute, ANSI B46.1, Surface Texture. Exposed edges of other
members shall have surface roughness no greater than 1,000-micro inches.
The Rockwell hardness of thermal-cut edges of structural low alloy or high-strength steel
flanges, as specified in Sections 9-06.2 and 9-06.3, for main load-carrying tension members
or tension components of flexural members shall not exceed RHC 30. The fabricator shall
prevent excessive hardening of flange edges through preheating, post heating, or control of
the burning process as recommended by the steel manufacturer.
Hardness testing shall consist of testing thermal-cut edges with a portable hardness tester.
The hardness tester, and its operating test procedures, shall be submitted as a Type 1 Working
Drawing. The hardness tester shall be convertible to Rockwell C scale values.
At two locations, two tests shall be performed on each thermal-cut edge, one each within
¼ inch of the top and bottom surfaces. The tests shall be located ¼ the length of each thermal-
cut edge from each end of the cut. If one or more readings are greater than RHC 30, the entire
length of the edge shall be ground or machined to a depth sufficient to provide acceptable
readings upon further retests. If thermal-cutting operations conform to procedures established
by the steel manufacturer, and hardness testing results are consistently within acceptable
limits, the Engineer may authorize a reduction in the testing frequency.
6-03.3(15) Planing of Bearing Surfaces
Ends of columns that bear on base and cap plates shall be milled to true surfaces and
accurate bevels.
When assembled, caps and base plates of columns and the sole plates of girders and
trusses shall have a fit tolerance within 1⁄32 inch for 75 percent of the contact area. If warped
or deformed, the plates shall be heat straightened, planed, or corrected in some other way
to produce accurate, even contact. If necessary for proper contact, bearing surfaces that will
contact other metal surfaces shall be planed or milled. Surfaces of warped or deformed base
and sole plates that will contact masonry shall be rough finished.
On the surface of expansion bearings, the cut of the planer shall be in the direction
of expansion.
Where mill to bear is specified in the Plans, the bearing end of the stiffener shall be flush
and square with the flange and shall have at least 75 percent of this area in contact with
the flange.
6-03.3(16) Abutting Joints
Abutting ends of compression members shall be faced accurately so that they bear evenly
when in the Structure. On built-up members, the ends shall be faced or milled after fabrication.
Ends of tension members at splices shall be rough finished to produce neat, close joints.
A contact fit is not required.
6-03.3(17) End Connection Angles
On floorbeams and stringers, end connection angles shall be flush with each other and set
accurately in relationship to the position and length of the member. Unless the Plans require it,
end connection angles shall not be finished. If, however, faulty assembly requires them to be
milled, milling shall not reduce thickness by more than ¹⁄16 inch.
6-03.3(18) Built Members
The various pieces forming one built member shall be straight and close fitting, true to
detailed dimensions, and free from twists, bends, open joints, or other defects.
When fabricating curved girders, localized heat or the use of mechanical force shall not be
used to bend the girder flanges about an axis parallel to girder webs.
6-03.3(19) Hand Holes
Hand holes, whether punched or cut with burning torches, shall be true to sizes and shapes
shown in the Plans. Edges shall be true to line and ground smooth.
6-03.3(20) Lacing Bars
Unless the Plans state otherwise, ends of lacing bars shall be neatly rounded.
6-03.3(21) Plate Girders
6-03.3(21)A Web Plates
If web plates are spliced, gaps between plate ends shall be set at shop assembly to measure
¼ inch, and shall not exceed ⅜ inch.
6-03.3(21)B Vacant
6-03.3(21)C Web Splices and Fillers
Web splice plates and fillers under stiffeners shall fit within ⅛ inch at each end. In lieu of
the steel material specified in the Plans or Special Provisions, the Contractor may substitute
ASTM A1008 or ASTM A1011 steel for all filler plates less than ¼ inch thickness, provided
that the grade of filler plate steel meets or exceeds that of the splice plates.
6-03.3(22) Eyebars
Eyebars shall be straight, true to size, and free from twists or folds in the neck or head and
from any other defect that would reduce their strength. Heads shall be formed by upsetting,
rolling, or forging. Dies in use by the manufacturer may determine the shape of bar heads
if the Engineer approves. Head and neck thickness shall not overrun by more than ¹⁄16 inch.
Welds shall not be made in the body or head of any bar.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 6-99
6-03 Steel Structures
Each eyebar shall be properly annealed and carefully straightened before it is bored.
Pinholes shall be located on the centerline of each bar and in the center of its head. Holes
in bar ends shall be so precisely located that in a pile of bars for the same truss panel the
pins may be inserted completely without driving. All eyebars made for the same locations
in trusses shall be interchangeable.
6-03.3(23) Annealing
All eyebars shall be annealed by being heated uniformly to the proper temperature, then
cooled slowly and evenly in the furnace. At all stages, the temperature of the bars shall be
under full control.
Slight bends on secondary steel members may be made without heat. Crimped web
stiffeners need no annealing.
6-03.3(24) Pins and Rollers
Pins and rollers shall be made of the class of forged steel the Plans specify. They shall be
turned accurately to detailed dimensions, smooth, straight, and flawless. The final surface shall
be produced by a finishing cut.
Pins and rollers 9 inches or less in diameter may either be forged and annealed or made of
cold-finished carbon steel shafting.
Pins more than 9 inches in diameter shall have holes at least 2 inches in diameter bored
longitudinally through their centers. Pins with inner defects will be rejected.
The Contractor shall provide pilot and driving nuts for each size of pin unless the Plans
state otherwise.
6-03.3(24)A Boring Pin Holes
Pin holes shall be bored true to detailed dimensions, smooth and straight, and at right
angles to the axis of the member. Holes shall be parallel with each other unless the Plans state
otherwise. A finishing cut shall always be made.
The distance between holes shall not vary from detailed dimensions by more than ¹⁄32 inch.
In tension members, this distance shall be measured from outside to outside of holes;
in compression members, inside to inside.
6-03.3(24)B Pin Clearances
Each pin shall be ¹⁄50 inch smaller in diameter than its hole. All pins shall be numbered
after being fitted into their holes in the assembled member.
6-03.3(25) Welding and Repair Welding
Welding and repair welding of all steel bridges shall comply with the AASHTO/AWS
D1.5M/D1.5, latest edition, Bridge Welding Code. Welding and repair welding for all other
steel fabrication shall comply with the AWS D1.1/D1.1M, latest edition, Structural Welding
Code. The requirements described in the remainder of this section shall prevail whenever they
differ from either of the above welding codes.
The Contractor shall weld structural steel only to the extent shown in the Plans.
No welding, including tack and temporary welds shall be done in the shop or field unless
the location of the welds is shown on the approved shop drawings reviewed and accepted
by the Engineer.
Welding procedures shall accompany the shop drawing Working Drawing submittal.
The procedures shall specify the type of equipment to be used, electrode selection, preheat
requirements, base materials, and joint details. When the procedures are not prequalified by
AWS or AASHTO, evidence of qualification tests shall be submitted.
Welding shall not begin until completion of the shop plan Working Drawing review as
required in Section 6-03.3(7). These plans shall include procedures for welding, assembly, and
any heat-straightening or heat-curving.
Any welded shear connector longer than 8 inches may be made of two shorter shear
connectors joined with full-penetration welds.
In shielded metal-arc welding, the Contractor shall use low-hydrogen electrodes.
In submerged-arc welding, flux shall be oven-dried at 550ºF for at least 2 hours, then stored
in ovens held at 250ºF or more. If not used within 4 hours after removal from a drying or
storage oven, flux shall be redried before use.
Preheat and interpass temperatures shall conform to the applicable welding code as
specified in this section. When welding main members of steel bridges, the minimum preheat
shall not be less than 100ºF.
If groove welds (web-to-web or flange-to-flange) have been rejected, they may be repaired
no more than twice. If a third failure occurs, the Contractor shall:
1. Trim the members, if the Engineer concurs, at least ½ inch on each side of the weld; or
2. Replace the members at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
By using extension bars and runoff plates, the Contractor shall terminate groove welds in a
way that ensures the soundness of each weld to its ends. The bars and plates shall be removed
after the weld is finished and cooled. The weld ends shall then be ground smooth and flush
with the edges of abutting parts.
The Contractor shall not:
1. Weld with electrogas or electroslag methods,
2. Weld nor flame cut when the ambient temperature is below 20ºF, or
3. Use coped holes in the web for welding butt splices in the flanges unless the Plans
show them.
6-03.3(25)A Welding Inspection
The Contractor’s inspection procedures, techniques, methods, acceptance criteria, and
inspector qualifications for welding of steel bridges shall be in accordance with the AASHTO/
AWS D1.5M/D1.5: 2010 Bridge Welding Code. The Contractor’s inspection procedures,
techniques, methods, acceptance criteria, and inspector qualifications for welding of steel
Structures other than steel bridges shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M, latest
edition, Structural Welding Code. The requirements described in the remainder of this
section shall prevail whenever they differ from either of the above welding codes.
Nondestructive testing in addition to visual inspection shall be performed by the
Contractor. Unless otherwise shown in the Plans or specified in the Special Provisions,
the extent of inspection shall be as specified in this section. Testing and inspection shall apply
to welding performed in the shop and in the field.
After the Contractor’s welding inspection is complete, the Contractor shall allow the
Engineer sufficient time to perform quality assurance ultrasonic welding inspection.
6-03.3(25)A1 Visual Inspection
All welds shall be 100 percent visually inspected. Visual inspection shall be performed
before, during, and after the completion of welding.
6-03.3(25)A2 Radiographic Inspection
Complete penetration tension groove welds in Highway bridges shall be 100 percent
radiographically inspected. These welds include those in the tension area of webs, where
inspection shall cover the greater of these two distances: (a) 15 inches from the tension
flange, or (b) ⅓ of the web depth. In addition, edge blocks conforming to the requirements of
AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5: 2010 Bridge Welding Code Section 6.10.14 shall be used for
radiographic inspection.
The Contractor shall maintain the radiographs and the radiographic inspection report in
the shop until the last joint to be radiographed in that member is accepted by the radiographer
representing the Contractor. Within 2 working days following this acceptance, the Contractor
shall mail the film and two copies of the radiographic inspection report to the Materials
Engineer, Department of Transportation, PO Box 47365, Olympia, WA 98504-7365.
6-03.3(25)A3 Ultrasonic Inspection
Complete penetration groove welds on plates thicker than 5⁄16 inch in the following welded
assemblies or Structures shall be 100 percent ultrasonically inspected:
1. Welded connections and splices in Highway bridges and earth retaining Structures,
excluding longitudinal butt joint welds in beam or girder webs.
2. Bridge bearings and modular expansion joints.
3. Sign bridges, cantilever sign Structures, and bridge mounted sign brackets excluding
longitudinal butt joint welds in beams.
4. Light, signal, and strain pole standards, as defined in Section 9-29.6.
A minimum of 30 percent of complete penetration vertical welds on steel column jackets
thicker than 5/16-inch, within 1.50 column jacket diameter of the top and bottom of each
column, shall be inspected. If any rejectable flaws are found, 100 percent of the weld within
the specified limits shall be inspected. The largest column cross section diameter for tapered
column jackets shall constitute one column jacket diameter.
The testing procedure and acceptance criteria for tubular members shall conform to the
requirements of the AWS D1.1/D1.1M latest edition, Structural Welding Code.
6-03.3(25)A4 Magnetic Particle Inspection
1. Fillet and partial penetration groove welds:
At least 30 percent of each size and type of fillet welds (excluding intermittent fillet
welds) and partial penetration groove welds in the following welded assemblies or
Structures shall be tested by the magnetic particle method:
a. Flange-to-web connections in Highway bridges.
b. End and intermediate pier diaphragms in Highway bridges.
c. Stiffeners and connection plates in Highway bridges.
d. Welded connections and splices in earth retaining Structures.
e. Boxed members of trusses.
f. Bridge bearings and modular expansion joints.
g. Sign bridges, cantilever sign Structures, and bridge mounted sign brackets.
h. Light, signal, and strain pole standards, as defined in Section 9-29.6.
2. Longitudinal butt joint welds in beam and girder webs:
At least 30 percent of each longitudinal butt joint weld in the beam and girder webs
shall be tested by the magnetic particle method.
3. Complete penetration groove welds on plates 5⁄16 inch or thinner (excluding steel
column jackets) shall be 100 percent tested by the magnetic particle method. Testing
shall apply to both sides of the weld, if backing plate is not used. The ends of each
complete penetration groove weld at plate edges shall be tested by the magnetic
particle method.
4. A minimum of 30 percent of complete penetration vertical welds on steel column
jackets 5/16 inch or thinner, within 1.50 column jacket diameters of the top and bottom
of each column, shall be magnetic particle inspected. The largest column cross section
diameter for tapered column jackets shall constitute one column jacket diameter.
Where 100 percent testing is not required, the Engineer reserves the right to select the
location(s) for testing.
If rejectable flaws are found in any test length of weld in item 1 or 2 above, the full length
of the weld or 5 feet on each side of the test length, whichever is less, shall be tested. If any
rejectable flaws are found in any test length of item 4 above, 100 percent of the weld within
the specified limits shall be inspected.
6-03.3(26) Screw Threads
Screw threads shall be U.S. Standard and shall fit closely in the nuts.
6-03.3(27) High-Strength Bolt Holes
At the Contractor’s option under the conditions described in this section, holes may
be punched or subpunched and reamed, drilled or subdrilled and reamed, or formed by
numerically controlled drilling operations.
The hole for each high-strength bolt shall be ¹⁄16 inch larger than the nominal diameter of
the bolt.
In fabricating any connection, the Contractor may subdrill or subpunch the holes then ream
full size after assembly or drill holes full size from the solid with all thicknesses of material
shop assembled in the proper position. If the Contractor chooses not to use either of these
methods, then the following shall apply:
1. Drill bolt holes in steel splice plates full size using steel templates.
2. Drill bolt holes in the main members of trusses, arches, continuous beam spans, bents,
towers, plate girders, box girders, and rigid frames at all connections as follows:
a. A minimum of 30 percent of the holes in one side of the connection shall be made
full size using steel templates.
b. A minimum of 30 percent of the holes in the second side shall be made full size
assembled in the shop.
c. All remaining holes may be made full size in unassembled members using
steel templates.
3. Drill bolt holes in crossframes, gussets, lateral braces, and other secondary members
full size using steel templates.
The Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of a detailed outline of
the procedures proposed to accomplish the Work from initial drilling through shop assembly.
6-03.3(27)A Punched Holes
For punched holes, die diameter shall not exceed punch diameter by more than ¹⁄16 inch.
Any hole requiring enlargement to admit the bolt shall be reamed. All holes shall be cut clean
with no torn or ragged edges. The Contracting Agency will reject components having poorly
matched holes.
6-03.3(27)B Reamed and Drilled Holes
Reaming and drilling shall be done with short taper reamers or twist drills, producing
cylindrical holes perpendicular to the member. Reamers and drills shall be directed
mechanically, not hand-held. Connecting parts that require reamed or drilled holes shall
be assembled and held securely as the holes are formed, then match-marked before
disassembly. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a diagram showing these match-
marks. The Contracting Agency will reject components having poorly matched holes.
Burrs on outside surfaces shall be removed. If the Engineer requires, the Contractor
shall disassemble parts to remove burrs.
If templates are used to ream or drill full-size connection holes, the templates shall be
positioned and angled with extreme care and bolted firmly in place. Templates for reaming
or drilling matching members or the opposite faces of one member shall be duplicates.
All splice components shall be match-marked unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
6-03.3(27)C Numerically Controlled Drilled Connections
In forming any hole described in Section 6-03.3(27), the fabricator may use numerically
controlled (N/C) drilling or punching equipment if it meets the requirements in this
The Contractor shall submit Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of a detailed outline of
proposed N/C procedures. This outline shall:
1. Cover all steps from initial drilling or punching through check assembly;
2. Include the specific members of the Structure to be drilled or punched, hole sizes,
locations of the common index and other reference points, makeup of check assemblies,
and all other information needed to describe the process fully.
N/C holes may be drilled or punched to size through individual pieces, or may be drilled
through any combination of tightly clamped pieces.
When the Engineer requires, the Contractor shall demonstrate that the N/C procedure
consistently produces holes and connections meeting the requirements of these Specifications.
6-03.3(27)D Accuracy of Punched, Subpunched, and Subdrilled Holes
After shop assembly and before reaming, all punched, subpunched, and subdrilled
holes shall meet the following standard of accuracy. At least 75 percent of the holes in each
connection shall permit the passage of a cylindrical pin ⅛ inch smaller in diameter than
nominal hole size. This pin shall pass through at right angles to the face of the member without
drifting. All holes shall permit passage of a pin ³⁄16 inch smaller in diameter than nominal hole
size. The Contracting Agency will reject any pieces that fail to meet these standards.
6-03.3(27)E Accuracy of Reamed and Drilled Holes
At least 85 percent of all holes in a connection of reamed or drilled holes shall show no
offset greater than ¹⁄32 inch between adjacent thicknesses of metal. No hole shall have an offset
greater than ¹⁄16 inch.
Centerlines from the connection shall be inscribed on the template and holes shall be
located from these centerlines. Centerlines shall also be used for accurately locating the
template relative to the milled or scribed ends of the members.
Templates shall have hardened steel bushing inserted into each hole. These bushings may
be omitted, however, if the fabricator satisfies the Engineer (1) that the template will be used
no more than five times, and (2) that use will produce no template wear.
Each template shall be at least ½ inch thick. If necessary, thicker templates shall be used
to prevent buckling and misalignment as holes are formed.
6-03.3(27)F Fitting for Bolting
Before drilling, reaming, and bolting begins, all parts of a member shall be assembled,
well pinned, and drawn firmly together. If necessary, assembled pieces shall be taken apart to
permit removal of any burrs or shavings produced as the holes are formed. The member shall
be free from twists, bends, and other deformation.
In shop-bolted connections, contacting metal surfaces shall be sandblasted clean
before assembly. Sandblasting shall meet the requirements of the SSPC Specifications for
Commercial Blast Cleaning (SSPC-SP 6).
Any drifting done during assembly shall be no more than enough to bring the parts into
place. Drifting shall not enlarge the holes or distort the metal.
6-03.3(28) Shop Assembly
6-03.3(28)A Method of Shop Assembly
Unless the Contract states otherwise, the Contractor shall choose one of the five shop
assembly methods described below that will best fit the proposed erection method. The
Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of both the shop assembly and the erection
methods before Work begins.
1. Full Truss or Girder Assembly – Each truss or girder is completely assembled over
the full length of the Superstructure.
2. Progressive Truss or Girder Assembly – Each truss or girder is assembled in stages
longitudinally over the full length of the Superstructure.
a. For Trusses – The first stage shall include at least three adjacent truss panels.
Each truss panel shall include all of the truss members in the space bounded by
the top and bottom chords and the horizontal distance between adjacent bottom
chord Joints.
b. For Girders – The first stage shall include at least three adjacent girder shop
sections. Shop sections are measured from the end of the girder to the first field
splice or from field splice to field splice.
c. For Trusses and Girders – After the first stage has been completed, each
subsequent stage shall be assembled to include: at least one truss panel or girder
shop section of the previous stage and two or more truss panels or girder shop
sections added at the advancing end. The previous stages shall be repositioned if
necessary, and pinned to ensure accurate alignment. For straight sections of bridges
without skews or tapers, girders in each subsequent stage may be assembled to
include one girder shop section from the previous stage and one or more girder shop
sections at the advancing end.
If the bridge is longer than 150 feet, each longitudinal stage shall be at least
150 feet long, regardless of the length of individual continuous truss panels or
girder shop sections.
The Contractor may begin the assembly sequence at any point on the bridge and
proceed in either or both directions from that point.
Unless the Engineer approves otherwise, no assembly shall have less than three truss
panels or girder shop sections.
3. Full Chord Assembly – The full length of each chord for each truss is assembled with
geometric angles at the joints. Chord connection bolt holes are drilled/reamed while
members are assembled. The truss web member connections are drilled/reamed to steel
templates set by relating geometric angles to the chord lines.
At least one end of each web member shall be milled or scribed at right angles to its
long axis. The templates at both ends of the member shall be positioned accurately from
the milled end or scribed line.
4. Progressive Chord Assembly – Adjacent chord sections are assembled in the same
way as specified for Full Chord Assembly, using the procedure specified for Progressive
Truss or Girder Assembly.
5. Special Complete Structure Assembly – All structural steel members (Superstructure
and Substructure, including all secondary members) are assembled at one time.
6-03.3(28)B Check of Shop Assembly
The Contractor shall check each assembly for alignment, accuracy of holes, fit of milled
joints, and other assembly techniques. Drilling or reaming shall not begin until the Engineer
has given approval. If the Contractor uses N/C drilling, this approval must be obtained before
the assembly or stage is dismantled.
6-03.3(29) Welded Shear Connectors
Installation, production control, and inspection of welded shear connectors shall conform
to Chapter 7 of the AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5:2010 Bridge Welding Code. If welded shear
connectors are installed in the shop, installation shall be completed prior to applying the shop
primer coat in accordance with Section 6-07.3(9)G. If welded shear connectors are installed
in the field, the steel surface to be welded shall be prepared to SSPC-SP 11, power tool
cleaning, just prior to welding.
6-03.3(30) Painting
All painting shall be in accordance with Section 6-07.
6-03.3(30)A Vacant
6-03.3(30)B Vacant
minimum tension. The fully tensioned bolts shall be located near the middle of a single
field connection or a single splice plate.
Cylindrical erection pins (drift pins) shall be placed throughout each field connection and
each field joint with the greatest concentration in the outer edges of a splice plate or member
being bolted. Drift pins shall be double-tapered barrel pins of hardened steel. The diameter of
the drift pins shall be at least 1/32 inch larger than the diameter of the bolts in the connection
or the full hole diameter.
To complete a joint following one of the methods listed above, the Contractor shall fill
all remaining holes of the field connection or splice plate with bolts and tighten to snug
tight. Once all of these bolts are snug tight, each bolt shall be systematically tightened to
the specified minimum tension. After these bolts are tightened to the specified minimum
tension, the Contractor shall replace the drift pins with bolts tightened to the specified
minimum tension.
The Contractor shall complete the joint or connection within ten calendar days of
installing the first bolt or within a duration approved by the Engineer. Any bolts inserted in
an incomplete connection, either loose or tightened snug-tight, which exceed the specified
duration for completing the connection, shall be subject to the following requirements:
1. Three assemblies for each size and length shall be removed from connection(s) that are
to be tensioned. Rotational capacity tests shall be performed on the removed assemblies
to demonstrate the assembly has sufficient lubricant to be tensioned satisfactorily.
2. Five assemblies shall be removed from the connection to establish the
inspection torque.
3. In the case of tension controlled bolts, three assemblies shall be removed and tested in
accordance with Section 6-03.3(33)A to verify the minimum specified tension can be
achieved prior to shearing of the spline.
Assemblies removed for the purpose of rotational capacity testing, determination of the
inspection torques, or verification of tension controlled bolt performance shall be replaced
with new bolts at no additional expense to the Contracting Agency. To minimize the number
of removed assemblies, the Contractor may combine rotational capacity testing and inspection
torque determination as approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor may complete a field bolted connection or splice in a continuous operation
before releasing the mass of the member or adding the next member. The Contractor shall
utilize drift pins to align the connection. The alignment drift pins shall fill between 15 and
30 percent of the holes in a single field connection and between 15 and 30 percent of the
holes on each side of a single joint in a splice plate. Once the alignment drift pins are in
place, all remaining holes shall be filled with bolts and tightened to snug tight starting from
near the middle and proceeding toward the outer gage lines. Once all of these bolts are snug
tight, the Contractor shall systematically tighten all these bolts to the specified minimum
tension. The Contractor shall then replace the drift pins with bolts. Each of these bolts shall
be tightened to the specified minimum tension.
All bolts shall be placed with heads toward the outside and underside of the bridge.
All high-strength bolts shall be installed and tightened before the falsework is removed.
The Contractor may erect metal railings as erection proceeds. But railings shall not be
bolted or adjusted permanently until the falsework is released and the deck placed.
The Contractor shall not begin painting until the Engineer has inspected and accepted
field bolting.
6-03.3(33) Bolted Connections
Fastener components shall consist of bolts, nuts, washers, tension control bolt assemblies,
and direct tension indicators. Fastener components shall meet the requirements of
Section 9-06.5(3).
Prior to final tightening of any bolts in a bolted connection, the connection shall be
compacted to a snug tight condition. Snug tight shall include bringing all plies of the
connection into firm contact and snug tightening all bolts in accordance with Section 6-03.3(32).
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Steel Structures 6-03
Final tightening may be done by the Turn-of-Nut Method, the direct-tension indicator
method, or the twist off-type tension control structural bolt/nut/washer assembly method.
Preferably, the nut shall be turned tight while the bolt is prevented from rotating. However,
if required by either turn-of-nut or direct-tension-indicator methods because of bolt entering
and/or wrench operational clearances, tightening may be done by turning the bolt while the
nut is prevented from rotating.
1. Turn-of-Nut Method – After all specified bolting conditions are satisfied, and before
final tightening, the Contractor shall match-mark with crayon or paint the outer face
of each nut and the protruding part of the bolt. Each bolt shall be final tightened to the
specified minimum tension by rotating the amount specified in Table 2. To ensure this
tightening method is followed, the Engineer will (1) observe as the Contractor installs,
snug tightens, and final tightens all bolts and (2) inspect each match-mark.
Table 2
Turn-of-Nut Tightening Method Nut Rotational From Snug Tight Condition
Disposition of Outer Faces of Bolted Parts
Bolt Length Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3
L <= 4D ⅓-turn ½-turn ⅔-turn
4D < L<= 8D ½-turn ⅔-turn 5⁄6-turn
8D < L<= 12D ⅔-turn 5⁄6-turn 1-turn
Bolt length measured from underside of head to top of nut.
Condition 1 – Both faces at right angles to bolt axis.
Condition 2 – One face at right angle to bolt axis, one face sloped no more than 1:20,
without bevel washer.
Condition 3 – Both faces sloped no more than 1:20 from right angle to bolt axis,
without bevel washer.
Nut rotation is relative to the bolt regardless of which element (nut or bolt) is being
turned. Tolerances permitted plus or minus 30 degrees (1⁄12-turn) for final turns of
½-turn or less; plus or minus 45 degrees (⅛-turn) for final turns of ⅔-turn or more.
D = nominal bolt diameter of bolt being tightened.
When bolt length exceeds 12D, the rotation shall be determined by actual tests in which
a suitable tension device simulates actual conditions.
2. Direct Tension Indicator Method (DTIs) – Shall not be used under the turned
element. DTIs shall be placed under the bolt head with the protrusions facing the bolt
head when the nut is turned. DTIs shall be placed under the nut with the protrusions
facing the nut when the bolt is turned.
Gap refusal shall be measured with a 0.005 inch tapered feeler gage. After all specified
bolting conditions are satisfied, the snug tightened gaps shall meet Table 3 snug
tight limits.
Each bolt shall be final-tightened to meet Table 3 final-tighten limits. If the bolt
is tensioned so that no visible gap in any space remains, the bolt and DTI shall be
removed and replaced by a new properly tensioned bolt and DTI.
The Contractor shall tension all bolts, inspecting all DTIs with a feeler gage, in the
presence of the Engineer. DTIs shall be installed by two-person (or more) crews, with
one individual (1) preventing the element at the DTI from turning and (2) measuring
the gap of the DTI to determine the proper tension of the bolt.
If a bolt, that has had its DTI brought to full load, loosens during the course of
bolting the connection, it shall be rejected. Reuse of the bolt and nut are subject to
the provisions of this section. The used DTI shall not be reinstalled.
Table 3
Direct Tension Indicator Requirements
DTI Spaces Maximum Snug Tight Refusals Minimum Final Tighten Refusals
Bolt Size ASTM F3125 ASTM F3125 ASTM F3125 ASTM F3125 ASTM F3125 ASTM F3125
(inches) Grade A 325 Grade A490 Grade A 325 Grade A490 Grade A 325 Grade A490
½ 4 5 1 2 2 3
⅝ 4 5 1 2 2 3
¾ 5 6 2 2 3 3
⅞ 5 6 2 2 3 3
1 6 7 2 3 3 4
1⅛ 6 7 2 3 3 4
1¼ 7 8 3 3 4 4
1⅜ 7 8 3 3 4 4
1½ 8 9 3 4 4 5
the snugging up continues from the initial position and does not require greater rotation,
including the tolerance, than that required by Table 2.
6-03.3(33)A Pre-Erection Testing
High-strength bolt assemblies (bolt, nut, direct tension indicator, and washer), both black
and galvanized, shall be subjected to a field rotational capacity test, as outlined below, prior
to any permanent fastener installation. For field installations, the rotational capacity test
shall be conducted at the jobsite. Each combination of bolt production lot, nut production
lot, washer production lot, and direct tension indicator production lot shall be tested as an
assembly, except tension control bolt assemblies, which shall be tested as supplied by the
manufacturer. Each rotational capacity test shall include three assemblies. Once an assembly
passes the rotational capacity test, it is accepted for use for the remainder of the project unless
the Engineer deems further testing is necessary. All tests shall be performed in a bolt tension
calibrator by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer. High-strength bolt assemblies
used in this test shall not be reused. The bolt assemblies shall meet the following requirements
after being pretensioned to 15 percent of the minimum bolt tension in Table 1. The assembly
shall be considered as nonconforming if the assembly fails to pass any one of the following
specified requirements:
1. The measured torque to produce the minimum bolt tension shall not exceed the
maximum allowed torque value obtained by the following equation:
Torque = 0.25 PD
Torque = Calculated Torque (foot-pounds)
P = Measured Bolt Tension (pounds)
D = Normal Bolt Diameter (feet)
2. After placing the assembly through two cycles of the required number of turns, where
turns are measured from the 15 percent pretension condition, as indicated in Table 2,
a. The maximum recorded tension after the two turns shall be equal to or greater than
1.15 times the minimum bolt tension listed in Table 1.
b. Each assembly shall be successfully installed to the specified number of turns.
c. The fastener components in the assembly shall not exhibit shear failure or stripping
of the threads as determined by visual examination of bolt and nut threads
following removal.
d. The bolts in the assembly shall not exhibit torsional or torsional/tension failure.
3. If any specimen fails, the assembly will be rejected. Elongation of the bolt between the
bolt head and the nut is not considered to be a failure.
Bolts that are too short to test in the bolt tension calibrator shall be tested in a steel joint.
The Contractor shall (1) install the high-strength bolt assemblies (bolt, nut, direct tension
indicator, and washer) in a steel joint of the proper thickness; (2) tighten to the snug tight
condition; (3) match-mark the outer face of each nut and the protruding part of the bolt with
crayon or paint; (4) rotate to the requirements of Table 2; and (5) record the torque that is
required to achieve the required amount of rotation. The assembly shall be considered as
nonconforming if the assembly fails to pass any one of the following specified requirements:
1. The recorded torque to produce the minimum rotation shall not exceed the maximum
allowed torque value obtained by the following equation:
Torque = 0.25 PD
Torque = Calculated Maximum Allowed Torque (foot-pounds)
P = Specified Bolt Tension per Table 1, multiplied by a factor of
1.15 (pounds)
D = Normal Bolt Diameter (feet)
2. After placing the assembly through two cycles of the required number of turns, where
turns are measured from the snug tight condition specified in Section 6-03.3(32):
a. Each assembly shall be successfully installed to the specified number of turns.
b. The fastener components in the assembly shall not exhibit shear failure or stripping
of the threads as determined by visual examination of bolt and nut threads
following removal.
c. The bolts in the assembly shall not exhibit torsional or torsional/tension failure.
3. If any specimen fails, the assembly will be rejected. Elongation of the bolt between
the bolt head and the nut is not considered to be a failure.
The Contractor shall submit Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of the manufacturer’s
detailed procedure for pre-erection (rotational capacity) testing of tension control
bolt assemblies.
Three DTIs, per lot, shall be tested in a bolt tension calibrator. The bolts shall be tensioned
to 105 percent of the tension shown in Table 1. If all of the DTI protrusions are completely
crushed (all five openings with zero gap), this lot of DTIs is rejected.
Three twist off-type tension controlled bolt assemblies, per assembly lot, shall be tested in
a bolt tension calibrator. The bolts shall first be tensioned to a snug tight condition. Tensioning
shall then be completed by tightening the assembly nut in a continuous operation using a
spline drive installation tool until the spline shears from the bolt. The bolt assembly tension
shall meet the requirements of Table 1. If any specimen fails, the assembly lot is rejected.
6-03.3(33)B Bolting Inspection
The Contractor, in the presence of the Engineer, shall inspect the tightened bolt using a
calibrated inspection torque wrench, regardless of bolting method. The Contractor shall supply
the inspection torque wrench. Inspection shall be performed within seven calendar days from
the completion of each bolted connection or as specified by the Engineer.
If the bolts to be installed are not long enough to fit in the bolt tension calibrator, five bolts
of the same grade, size, and condition as those under inspection shall be tested using Direct-
Tension-Indicators (DTIs) to measure bolt tension. This tension measurement test shall be
done at least once each inspection day. The Contractor shall supply the necessary DTIs. The
DTI shall be placed under the bolt head. A washer shall be placed under the nut, which shall
be the element turned during the performance of this tension measurement test. Each bolt
shall be tightened by any convenient means to the specified minimum tension as indicated
by the DTI. The inspecting wrench shall then be applied to the tightened bolt to determine
the torque required to turn the nut 5 degrees (approximately 1 inch at a 12-inch radius) in the
tightening direction. The job inspection torque shall be taken as the average of three values
thus determined after rejecting the high and low values.
Five representative bolts/nuts/washers and DTIs if used (provided by the Contractor) of
the same grade, size, and condition as those under inspection shall be placed individually in a
bolt tension calibrator to measure bolt tension. This calibration operation shall be done at least
once each inspection day. There shall be a washer under the part turned in tightening each bolt
if washers are used on the Structure. In the bolt tension calibrator, each bolt shall be tightened
by any convenient means to the specified tension. The inspection torque wrench shall then be
applied to the tightened bolt to determine the torque required to turn the nut or head 5 degrees
(approximately 1 inch at a 12-inch radius) in the tightening direction. The job-inspection
torque shall be taken as the average of three values thus determined after rejecting the high
and low values.
Ten percent (at least two), or as specified by the Engineer, of the tightened bolts on the
Structure represented by the test bolts shall be selected at random in each connection. The
job-inspection torque shall then be applied to each with the inspecting wrench turned in the
tightening direction, with no restraint applied to the opposite end of the bolt. If this torque
turns no bolt head or nut, the Contracting Agency will accept the connection as being properly
tightened. If the torque turns one or more bolt heads or nuts, the job-inspection torque shall
then be applied to all bolts in the connection. Except for tension control bolt assemblies and
DTIs with zero gap at all protrusion spaces, any bolt whose head or nut turns at this stage
shall be tightened and reinspected. Any tension control bolt assemblies or DTIs that have
zero gap at all protrusion spaces shall be replaced if the head or nut turns at this stage.
The Contractor shall submit Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of the manufacturer’s
detailed procedure for routine observation to ensure proper use of the tension control
bolt assemblies.
6-03.3(34) Adjusting Pin Nuts
All pin nuts shall be tightened thoroughly. The pins shall be placed so that members bear
fully and evenly on the nuts. The pins shall have enough thread to allow burring after the nuts
are tightened.
6-03.3(35) Setting Anchor Bolts
Anchor bolts shall be set in masonry as required in Section 6-02.3(18). Anchor bolts shall
be grouted in after the shoes, masonry plates, and keeper plates have been set and the span or
series of continuous spans are completely erected and adjusted to line and camber.
6-03.3(36) Setting and Grouting Masonry Plates
The following procedure applies to masonry plates for all steel spans, including shoes,
keeper plates, and turning racks on movable bridges.
To set masonry plates, the Contractor shall:
1. Set masonry plates on the anchor bolts;
2. Place steel shims under the masonry plates to position pin centers or bearings to line
and grade and in relationship to each other. Steel shims shall be the size and be placed
at the locations shown in the Plans;
3. Level the bases of all masonry plates;
4. Draw anchor bolt nuts down tight;
5. Recheck pin centers or bearings for alignment; and
6. Leave at least ¾ inch of space under each masonry plate for grout.
After the masonry plates have been set and the span or series of continuous spans are
completely erected and swung free, the space between the top of the masonry and the top of
the concrete bearing seat shall be filled with grout. Main masonry plates for cantilever spans
shall be set and grouted in before any steel Work is erected.
Grout shall conform to Section 9-20.3(2) and placement shall be as required in
Section 6-02.3(20).
6-03.3(37) Setting Steel Bridge Bearings
Masonry plates, shoes, and keeper plates of expansion bearings shall be set and adjusted to
center at a normal temperature of 64ºF. Adjustment for an inaccuracy in fabricated length shall
be made after dead-load camber is out.
6-03.3(38) Placing Superstructure
The concrete in piers and crossbeams shall reach at least 80 percent of design strength
before girders are placed on them.
6-03.3(39) Swinging the Span
Forms weighing less than 5 pounds per square foot of bridge deck area and uniformly
distributed along the steel spans may be placed before the spans swing free on their supports.
Steel reinforcing bars or concrete bridge deck shall not be placed on steel spans until the
spans swing free on their supports and elevations are recorded. No simple span or any series
of continuous spans will be considered as swinging free until all temporary supports have
been released. Reinforcing steel or concrete bridge decks shall not be placed on any simple
or continuous span steel girder bridge until all its spans are adjusted and its masonry plates,
shoes, and keeper plates grouted. For this specification, the structure shall be considered as
continuous across hinged joints.
After the falsework is released (spans swung free), the masonry plates, shoes, and keeper
plates are grouted, and before any load is applied, the Contractor (or the Engineer if the
Contracting Agency is responsible for surveying) shall survey elevations at the tenth points
along the centerline on top of all girders and floorbeams. The Contractor shall calculate the
theoretical top of girder or floorbeam flange elevations and compare the calculated elevations
to the surveyed elevations. The theoretical pad or haunch depth shown in the Plans shall be
increased or decreased by the difference between the theoretical and surveyed top of girder or
floorbeam elevations. The soffit (deck formwork) shall be set based on the Plan bridge deck
thickness and the adjusted pad or haunch depth.
The Contractor shall submit all survey data and calculations to the Engineer for review ten
working days prior to placing any load, beyond the maximum five pounds per square foot of
form weight allowed, on the Structure.
6-03.3(40) Draining Pockets
The Contractor shall provide enough holes to drain all water from pockets in trusses,
girders, and other members. Unless shown on approved shop plans, drain holes shall not be
drilled without the written approval of the Engineer.
All costs related to providing drain holes shall be included in the unit Contract prices for
structural or cast steel.
6-03.3(41) Vacant
6-03.3(42) Surface Condition
As the Structure is erected, the Contractor shall keep all steel surfaces clean and free from
dirt, concrete, mortar, oil, paint, grease, and other stain-producing foreign matter. Any surfaces
that become stained shall be cleaned as follows:
Painted steel surfaces shall be cleaned by methods required for the type of staining. The
Contract shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing of the cleaning method.
Unpainted steel surfaces shall be cleaned by sandblasting. Sandblasting to remove
stains on publicly visible surfaces shall be done to the extent that, in the Engineers opinion,
the uniform weathering characteristics of the Structure are preserved.
6-03.3(43) Castings, Steel Forgings, and Miscellaneous Metals
Castings, steel forgings, and miscellaneous metals shall be built to comply with
Section 9-06.
6-03.3(43)A Shop Construction, Castings, Steel Forgings, and Miscellaneous Metals
This section’s requirements for structural steel (including painting requirements) shall also
apply to castings, steel forgings, and miscellaneous metals.
Castings shall be:
1. True to pattern in form and dimensions;
2. Free from pouring faults, sponginess, cracks, blow holes, and other defects in places
that would affect strength, appearance, or value;
3. Clean and uniform in appearance;
4. Filleted boldly at angles; and
5. Formed with sharp and perfect arises.
Iron and steel castings and forgings shall be annealed before any machining, unless the
Plans state otherwise.
6-03.4 Measurement
Cast or forged metal (kind) shown in the Plans will be measured by the pound or will
be paid for on a lump sum basis, whichever is shown on the Proposal.
6-03.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Structural Carbon Steel”, lump sum.
The lump sum Contract price for “Structural Carbon Steel” shall be full pay for all costs
in connection with furnishing all materials, labor, tools, and equipment necessary for the
manufacture, fabrication, transportation, erection, and painting of all structural carbon steel
used in the completed Structure, including the providing of such other protective coatings
or treatment as may be shown in the Plans or specified in the Special Provisions.
For steel Structures, the estimated weight of the structural carbon steel in the project will
be shown in the Plans or in the Special Provisions. In the event any change in the Plans is
made which will affect the weight of materials to be furnished, payment for the additional
structural carbon steel required as a result of the change in the Plans will be made at a unit
price per pound obtained by dividing the Contractor’s lump sum Bid for structural carbon
steel by the total estimated weight of structural carbon steel shown in the Plans or in the
Special Provisions.
Reductions in weight due to a change in the Plans will be made at the same rate as
determined above and will be deducted from payments due the Contractor.
Prospective Bidders shall verify the estimated weight of structural carbon steel before
submitting a Bid. No adjustment other than for approved changes shall be made in the lump
sum Bid even though the actual weight may deviate from the stated estimated weight.
For concrete and timber Structures, where the structural carbon steel is a minor item, no
estimated weight will be given for the structural carbon steel. In the event any change in the
Plans is necessary which will affect the weight of material to be furnished for this type of
Structure, the payment or reduction for the revision in quantity will be made at a unit price per
pound obtained by dividing the Contractor’s lump sum Bid for the structural carbon steel by
the calculated weight of the original material. The calculated weight will be established by the
Engineer and will be based on an estimated weight of 490 pounds per cubic foot for steel.
Any change in the Plans which affects the weight of material to be furnished as provided
herein will be subject to the provisions of Section 1-04.4.
“Structural Low Alloy Steel”, lump sum.
“Structural High Strength Steel”, lump sum.
Payment for “Structural Low Alloy Steel” and “Structural High Strength Steel” shall be
made on the same lump sum basis as specified for structural carbon steel.
“(Cast or Forged) Steel”, lump sum or per pound.
“(Cast, Malleable, or Ductile) Iron”, lump sum or per pound.
“Cast Bronze”, lump sum or per pound.
Payment for “(Cast or Forged) Steel”, “(Cast, Malleable or Ductile) Iron”, and
“Cast Bronze” will be made at the lump sum or per pound Contract prices as included
in the Proposal.
For the purpose of payment, such minor items as bearing plates, pedestals, forged steel
pins, anchor bolts, field bolts, shear connectors, etc., unless otherwise provided, shall be
considered as structural carbon steel even though made of other materials.
When no Bid item is included in the Proposal and payment is not otherwise provided,
the castings, forgings, miscellaneous metal, and painting shall be considered as incidental to
the construction, and all costs therefore shall be included in the unit Contract prices for the
payment items involved and shown.
6-04.3(11) Bracing
When pile bents are taller than 10 feet, each shall be braced transversely and every other
pair shall be braced longitudinally. No single cross-bracing shall brace more than 20 feet of
vertical distance on the piles. If the vertical distance exceeds 20 feet, more than one cross-
bracing shall be used. Each brace end shall be bolted through the pile, post, or cap with a bolt
¾ inch in diameter or larger. Other brace/pile intersections shall be bolted or boat-spiked as the
Plans require. Cross-bracing shall lap both upper or lower caps and shall be bolted to the caps
or sills at each end.
6-04.3(12) Stringers
All stringers that carry laminated decking or vary more than ⅛ inch in depth shall be sized
to an even depth at bearing points. Outside stringers shall be butt jointed and spliced. Interior
stringers shall be lapped so that each rests over the full width of the cap or floorbeam at each
end. Except on sharp horizontal and vertical curves, stringers may cover two spans. In this
case, joints shall be staggered and the stringers either toenailed or drift bolted as the Plans
require. To permit air circulation on untreated timber Structures, the ends of lapped stringers
shall be separated. This separation shall be done by fastening across the lapping face a 1 by
3-inch wood strip cut 2 inches shorter than the depth of the stringer.
Any cross-bridging or solid bridging shall be neatly and accurately framed, then securely
toenailed at each end (with two nails for cross-bridging and four nails for solid bridging).
The Plans show bridging size and spacing.
6-04.3(13) Wheel Guards and Railings
Wheel guards and railings shall be built as Section 6-06.3(1) requires.
6-04.3(14) Single-Plank Floors
Single-plank floors shall be made of a single thickness of plank on stringers or joists.
Unless the Engineer directs otherwise, the planks shall be:
1. Laid heart side down with tight joints,
2. Spiked to each joist or nailing strip with at least two spikes that are at least 4 inches
longer than the plank thickness,
3. Spiked at least 2½ inches from the edges,
4. Cut off on a straight line parallel to the centerline of the Roadway,
5. Arranged so that no adjacent planks vary in thickness by no more than 1⁄16 inch, and
6. Surfaced on one side and one edge (S1S1E) unless otherwise specified.
6-04.3(15) Laminated Floors
The strips shall be placed on edge and shall be drawn down tightly against the stringer or
nailing strip and the adjacent strip and, while held in place, shall be spiked. Each strip shall
extend the full width of the deck, unless some other arrangement is shown in the Plans or
permitted by the Engineer.
Each strip shall be spiked to the adjacent strip at intervals of not more than 2 feet, the
spikes being staggered 8 inches in adjacent strips. The spikes shall be of sufficient length to
pass through two strips and at least halfway through the third. In addition, unless bolting is
specified in the Plans, each strip shall be toenailed to alternate stringers with 40d common
nails and adjacent strips shall be nailed to every alternate stringer. The ends of all pieces shall
be toenailed to the outside stringer. The ends of the strips shall be cut off on a true line parallel
to the centerline of the Roadway. When bolts are used to fasten laminated floors to stringers,
the bolts shall be placed at the spacing shown in the Plans, and the pieces shall be drawn down
tightly to the bolting strips. The bolt heads shall be driven flush with the surface of the deck.
Double nuts or single nuts and lock nuts shall be used on all bolts. The strips shall be spiked
together in the same manner as specified above.
6-05 Piling
6-05.1 Description
This Work consists of furnishing and driving piles (timber, precast concrete, cast-in-place
concrete, and steel) of the sizes and types the Contract or the Engineer require. This Work also
includes cutting off or building up piles when required. In furnishing and driving piles, the
Contractor shall comply with the requirements of this Section, the Contract, and the Engineer.
6-05.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Reinforcing Steel 9-07
Prestressing Steel 9-07.10
Timber Piling 9-10.1
Concrete Piling 9-10.2
Cast-In-Place Concrete Piling 9-10.3
Steel Pile Tips and Shoes 9-10.4
Steel Piling 9-10.5
Mortar 9-20.4
6-05.3 Construction Requirements
6-05.3(1) Piling Terms
Concrete Piles – Concrete piling may be precast or precast-prestressed concrete, or steel
casings driven to the ultimate bearing resistance called for in the Contract which are filled with
concrete (cast-in-place) after driving.
Steel Piles – Steel piles may be open-ended or closed-ended pipe piles, or H-piles.
Overdriving – Over-driving of piles occurs when the ultimate bearing resistance
calculated from the equation in Section 6-05.3(12), or the wave equation driving criteria
if applicable, exceeds the ultimate bearing resistance required in the Contract in order to reach
the minimum tip elevation specified in the Contract, or as required by the Engineer.
Maximum Driving Resistance – The maximum driving resistance is either the pile
ultimate bearing resistance, or ultimate bearing resistance plus overdriving to reach minimum
tip elevation as specified in the Contract, whichever is greater.
Wave Equation Analysis – Wave equation analysis is an analysis performed using the
wave equation analysis program (WEAP) with a version dated 1987 or later. The wave
equation may be used as specified herein to verify the Contractor’s proposed pile driving
system. The pile driving system includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the pile, the
hammer, the helmet, and any cushion. The wave equation may also be used by the Engineer
to determine pile driving criteria as may be required in the Contract.
Ultimate Bearing Resistance – Ultimate bearing resistance refers to the vertical
load carrying resistance (in units of force) of a pile as determined by the equation in
Section 6-05.3(12), the wave equation analysis, pile driving analyzer and CAPWAP, static load
test, or any other means as may be required by the Contract, or the Engineer.
Allowable Bearing Resistance – Allowable bearing resistance is the ultimate bearing
resistance divided by a factor of safety. The Contract may state the factor of safety to be used
in calculating the allowable bearing resistance from the ultimate bearing resistance. In the
absence of a specified factor of safety, a value of three shall be used.
Rated Hammer Energy – The rated energy represents the theoretical maximum amount
of gross energy that a pile driving hammer can generate. The rated energy of a pile driving
hammer will be stated in the hammer manufacturer’s catalog or Specifications for that pile
driving hammer.
Developed Hammer Energy – The developed hammer energy is the actual amount of
gross energy produced by the hammer for a given blow. This value will never exceed the rated
hammer energy. The developed energy may be calculated as the ram weight times the drop
(or stroke) for drop, single acting hydraulic, single acting air/steam, and open-ended diesel
hammers. For double acting hydraulic and air/steam hammers, the developed hammer energy
shall be calculated from ram impact velocity measurements or other means approved by the
Engineer. For closed-ended diesel hammers, the developed energy shall be calculated from the
measured bounce chamber pressure for a given blow. Hammer manufacturer calibration data
may be used to correlate bounce chamber pressure to developed hammer energy. For a single
acting diesel hammer the developed energy is determined using the blows per minute.
Transferred Hammer Energy – The transferred hammer energy is the amount of energy
transferred to the pile for a given blow. This value will never exceed the developed hammer
energy. Factors that cause transferred hammer energy to be lower than the developed hammer
energy include friction during the ram down stroke, energy retained in the ram and helmet
during rebound, and other impact losses. The transferred energy can only be measured directly
by use of sensors attached to the pile. A pile driving analyzer (PDA) may be used to measure
transferred energy.
Pile Driving Analyzer – A pile driving analyzer (PDA) is a device which can measure the
transferred energy of a pile driving system, the compressive and tensile stresses induced in the
pile due to driving, the bending stresses induced by hammer misalignment with the pile, and
estimate the ultimate resistance of a pile at a given blow.
Pile Driving System – The pile driving system includes, but is not necessarily limited to,
the hammer, leads, helmet or cap, cushion and pile.
Helmet – The helmet, also termed the cap, drive cap, or driving head, is used to transmit
impact forces from the hammer ram to the pile top as uniformly as possible across the pile
top such that the impact force of the ram is transmitted axially to the pile. The term helmet
can refer to the complete impact force transfer system, which includes the anvil or striker
plate, hammer cushion and cushion block, and a pile cushion if used, or just the single piece
unit into which these other components (anvil, hammer cushion, etc.) fit. The helmet does not
include a follower, if one is used. For hydraulic hammers, the helmet is sometimes referred to
as the anvil.
Hammer Cushion – The hammer cushion is a disk of material placed on top of the helmet
but below the anvil or striker plate to relieve impact shock, thus protecting the hammer and
the pile.
Pile Cushion – The pile cushion is a disk of material placed between the helmet and the
pile top to relieve impact shock, primarily to protect the pile.
Follower – A follower is a structural member placed between the hammer assembly, which
includes the helmet, and the pile top when the pile head is below the reach of the hammer.
Pile Driving Refusal – Pile driving refusal is defined as 15 blows per inch for the last
4 inches of driving. This is the maximum blow count allowed during overdriving.
Minimum Tip Elevation – The minimum tip elevation is the elevation to which the pile
tip shall be driven. Driving deeper in order to obtain the required ultimate bearing resistance
may be required.
6-05.3(2) Ordering Piling
The Contractor shall order all piling (except cast-in-place concrete and steel piles) from
an itemized list the Engineer will provide. This list, showing the number and lengths of piles
required, will be based on test-pile driving (or other) data. The list will show lengths below the
cutoff point. The Contractor shall supply (and bear the cost of supplying) any additional length
required for handling or driving.
The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for buying more or longer piles than those
shown on the list provided by the Engineer. All piles purchased on the basis of the Engineer’s
list but not used in the finished Structure shall become the property of the Contracting Agency.
The Contractor shall deliver these as the Engineer directs. The Contractor shall keep pile
cutoffs that are 8 feet or under and any longer ones the Contracting Agency does not require.
When ordering steel casings for cast-in-place concrete and steel piling, the Contractor shall
base lengths on information derived from driving test piles and from subsurface data. The
Contractor shall also select the wall thickness of steel piles or steel casings for cast-in-place
piles which will be necessary to prevent damage during driving and handling. The selection of
wall thickness for steel piles or steel casings shall also consider the effects of lateral pressures
from the soil or due to driving of adjacent piles. Steel piles and steel casings must be strong
and rigid enough to resist these pressures without deforming or distorting. The Contractor shall
select the wall thickness based on information derived from test piles, subsurface data and/or
wave equation analysis. Wave equation analysis is required prior to ordering piling for piles
with specified ultimate bearing resistances of 300 tons or greater. If a wave equation analysis
is performed, the Contractor shall base the selection of wall thickness on the maximum driving
resistance identified in the Contract to reach the minimum tip elevation, if the maximum
driving resistance is greater than the specified ultimate bearing resistance and if a minimum
tip elevation is specified. The wave equation analysis shall be submitted by the Contractor as
required in Section 6-05.3(9)A. The Engineer will not supply any list for piling of these types.
6-05.3(3) Manufacture of Precast Concrete Piling
Precast concrete piles shall consist of concrete sections reinforced to withstand handling
and driving stresses. These may be reinforced with deformed steel bars or prestressed with
steel strands. The Plans show dimensions and details. If the Plans require piles with square
cross-sections, the corners shall be chamfered 1 inch.
Precast or prestressed piles shall meet the requirements of the Standard Plans.
Temporary stress in the prestressing reinforcement of prestressed piles (before loss from
creep and shrinkage) shall be 75 percent of the minimum ultimate tensile strength. (For short
periods during manufacture, the reinforcement may be overstressed to 80 percent of ultimate
tensile strength if stress after transfer to concrete does not exceed 75 percent of that strength.)
Prestressed concrete piles shall have a final (effective) prestress of at least 1,000 psi.
Unless the Engineer approves splices, all piles shall be full length.
The Contracting Agency intends to perform Quality Assurance Inspection. By its
inspection, the Contracting Agency intends only to facilitate the Work and verify the quality of
that Work. This inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for identifying
and replacing defective material and workmanship.
6-05.3(3)A Casting and Stressing
Reinforcing bars, hoops, shoes, etc., shall be placed as shown in the Contract, with all parts
securely tied together and placed to the specified spacing. No concrete shall be cast until all
reinforcement is in place in the forms.
The Contractor shall perform quality control inspection. The manufacturing plant for
precast concrete piling shall be certified by the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute’s Plan
Certification Program for the type of precast piling to be produced and shall be approved
by WSDOT as a Certified Precast Concrete Fabricator prior to start of production. WSDOT
Certification will be established or renewed during the annual precast plant review and
approval process.
Prior to the start of production of the piling, the Contractor shall advise the Engineer of the
production schedule. The Contractor shall give the Inspector safe and free access to the Work.
If the Inspector observes any nonspecification Work or unacceptable quality control practices,
the Inspector will advise the plant manager. If the corrective action is not acceptable to the
Engineer, the piling(s) will be subject to rejection by the Engineer.
In casting concrete piles, the Contractor shall:
1. Cast them either vertically or horizontally;
2. Use metal forms (unless the Engineer approves otherwise) with smooth joints and
inside surfaces that can be reached for cleaning after each use;
3. Brace and stiffen the forms to prevent distortion;
At least 14-days prior to the start of production of the piling, the Contractor shall advise
the Engineer of the production schedule. The Contractor shall give the Inspector safe and
free access to the Work. If the Inspector observes any nonspecification Work or unacceptable
quality control practices, the Inspector will advise the plant manager. If the corrective action
is not acceptable to the Engineer, the piling(s) will be subject to rejection by the Engineer.
6-05.3(6) Splicing Steel Casings and Steel Piles
The Engineer will normally permit steel piles and steel casings for cast-in-place concrete
piles to be spliced. But in each case, the Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings
supporting the need and describing the method for splicing. Welded splices shall be spaced at a
minimum distance of 10 feet. Only welded splices will be permitted.
Splice welds for steel piles shall comply with Section 6-03.3(25) and AWS D1.1/
D1.1M, latest edition, Structural Welding Code. Splicing of steel piles shall be performed in
accordance with an approved weld procedure. The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working
Drawing consisting of the weld procedure. For ASTM A252 material, mill certification for
each lot of pipe to be welded shall accompany the submittal. The ends of all steel pipe piling
shall meet the fit-up requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M, latest edition, Structural Welding
Code Section, “Girth Weld Alignment (Tubular),” when the material is spliced
utilizing a girth weld.
Splice welds of steel casings for cast-in-place concrete piles shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility and shall be welded in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M, latest edition,
Structural Welding Code. A weld procedure submittal is not required for steel casings used for
cast-in-place concrete piles. Casings that collapse or are not watertight, shall be replaced at the
Contractor’s expense.
6-05.3(7) Storage and Handling
The Contractor shall store and handle piles in ways that protect them from damage.
6-05.3(7)A Timber Piles
Timber piling shall be stacked closely and in a manner to prevent warping. The ground
beneath and around stored piles shall be cleared of weeds, brush, and rubbish. Piling shall be
covered against the weather if the Engineer requires it.
The Contractor shall take special care to avoid breaking the surface of treated piles. They
shall be lifted and moved with equipment, tools, and lifting devices which do not penetrate
or damage the piles. If timber piles are rafted, any attachments shall be within 3 feet of the
butts or tips. Any surface cut or break shall be repaired in accordance with Section 9-09.3. The
Engineer may reject any pile because of a cut or break.
6-05.3(7)B Precast Concrete Piles
The Contractor shall not handle any pile until test cylinders made with the same batch of
concrete as the pile reach a compressive strength of at least 3,300 psi.
Storing and handling methods shall protect piles from fractures by impact and undue
bending stresses. Handling methods shall never stress the reinforcement more than 12,000 psi.
An allowance of twice the calculated load shall be made for impact and shock effects. The
Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of the method of lifting the piles.
The Contractor will take extra care to avoid damaging the surface of any pile to be used in
seawater or alkaline soil.
6-05.3(7)C Steel Casings and Steel Piles
The Engineer will reject bent, deformed, or kinked piles that cannot be straightened
without damaging the metal.
shall verify that at the maximum driving resistance specified in the Contract, the driving
resistance is 100 blows per foot or less. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, or directed
by the Engineer, the following default values shall be used as input to the wave equation
analysis program:
Output option (IOUT) 0
Factor of safety applied to (Rult) 1.0
Type of damping Smith
Residual stress option No
Rult is the resistance of the pile used in the wave equation analyses. If the ultimate bearing
resistance equals the maximum driving resistance, a setup factor of 1.3 may be used in the
wave equation analysis to account for pile setup. To use a setup factor in the wave equation
analysis, Rult in the analysis is the ultimate bearing resistance divided by 1.3. If the maximum
driving resistance exceeds the ultimate bearing resistance, no setup factor should be used, and
Rult is equal to the maximum driving resistance of the pile.
For Analysis of For Analysis of
Hammer Efficiencies Driving Resistance Driving Stresses
Single acting diesel hammers 0.72 0.84
Closed-ended diesel hammers 0.72 0.84
Single acting air/steam hammers 0.60 0.70
Double acting air/steam hammers 0.45 0.53
Hydraulic hammers or other external combustion hammers having ram 0.85 1.00
velocity monitors that may be used to assign an equivalent stroke.
Changes to the pile driving system after completion of the Working Drawing review
require a revised Working Drawing Submittal.
6-05.3(9)B Pile Driving Equipment Minimum Requirements
For each drop hammer used, the Contractor shall weigh it in the Engineer’s presence
or submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of a certificate of its weight. The exact weight
shall be stamped on the hammer. Drop hammers shall weigh not less than:
1. 3,000 pounds for piles under 50 feet long that have an ultimate bearing resistance of not
more than 60 tons, and
2. 4,000 pounds for piles 50 feet and longer or that have an ultimate bearing resistance
of 60 to 90 tons.
If a drop hammer is used for timber piles, it is preferable to use a heavy hammer and
operate with a short drop.
For each diesel, hydraulic, steam, or air-driven hammer used, the Contractor shall submit
a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of the manufacturer’s Specifications and catalog. These
shall show all data needed to calculate the developed energy of the hammer used.
Underwater hammers may be used only with permission of the Engineer.
Drop hammers on timber piles shall have a maximum drop of 10 feet. Drop hammers shall
not be used to drive timber piles that have ultimate bearing resistance of more than 60 tons.
When used on timber piles, diesel, hydraulic, steam, or air-driven hammers shall provide at
least 13,000 foot-pounds of developed energy per blow. The ram of any diesel hammer shall
weigh at least 2,700 pounds.
Precast concrete and precast-prestressed concrete piles shall be driven with a single-acting
steam, air, hydraulic, or diesel hammer with a ram weight of at least half as much as the
weight of the pile, but never less than the minimums stated below. The ratio of developed
hammer energy to ram weight shall not exceed 6. Steel casings for cast-in-place concrete,
steel pipe, and steel H-piles shall also be driven with diesel, hydraulic, steam, or air hammers.
These hammers shall provide at least the following developed energy per blow:
In addition, the ram of any diesel or hydraulic hammer shall have the following minimum
Maximum Driving Resistance (Tons) Minimum Ram Weight (lbs)
Up to 165 2,700
166 to 210 4,000
211 to 300 5,000
301 to 450 6,500
These requirements for minimum hammer size may be waived if a Type 2E Working
Drawing is submitted consisting of a wave equation analysis demonstrating the ability of the
hammer to obtain the required bearing resistance and minimum tip elevation without damage
to the pile.
Vibratory hammers may be used to drive piles provided the location and plumbness
requirements of this section are met. The required bearing resistance for all piles driven with
vibratory hammers will be determined according to Section 6-05.3(12) by driving the pile
at least an additional 2 feet using an impact hammer. This method of determining bearing
resistance will be accepted provided the blows per inch are either constant or increasing.
If the pile cannot be driven 2 feet, the pile will be considered acceptable for bearing if the
pile is driven to refusal.
If water jets are used, the number of jets and water volume and pressure shall be enough
to erode the material next to the pile at the tip. The equipment shall include a minimum of
two water-jet pipes and two ¾ inch jet nozzles. The pump shall produce a constant pressure
of at least 100 psi at each nozzle.
6-05.3(9)C Pile Driving Leads
All piles shall be driven with fixed-lead drivers. The leads shall be fixed on the top and
bottom during the pile driving operation. Leads shall be long enough to eliminate the need for
any follower (except for timber piles as specified in Section 6-05.3(11)E). To avoid bruising or
breaking the surface of treated timber piles, the Contractor shall use spuds and chocks as little
as possible. In building a trestle or foundation with inclined piles, leads shall be adapted for
driving batter piles.
A helmet of the right size for the hammer shall distribute the blow and protect the top of
steel piling or casings from driving damage. The helmet shall be positioned symmetrically
below the hammer’s striking parts, so that the impact forces are applied concentric to the
pile top.
Pile driving leads other than those fixed at the top and bottom may be used to complete
driving, if permitted by the Engineer, when all of the following criteria are met:
1. Each plumb and battered pile is located and initially driven at least 20 feet in true
alignment using fixed leads or other approved means.
2. The pile driving system (hammer, cushion and pile) will be analyzed by Pile Driving
Analyzer (PDA) to verify driving stresses in the pile are not increased due to eccentric
loading during driving, and transferred hammer energy is not reduced due to eccentric
loading during driving, for all test piles and at least one production pile per pier.
Unless otherwise specified, the cost of PDA testing shall be incidental to the various
unit Contract prices for driving piles.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 6-127
6-05 Piling
6-05.3(10) Test Piles
If the Contract or the Engineer call for it, the Contractor shall drive test piles to determine
pile lengths required to reach the required ultimate bearing resistance, penetration, or both.
Test piles shall be:
1. Made of the same material and have the same tip diameter as the permanent piles
(although test piles for treated timber piles may be either treated or untreated);
2. Driven with pile tips if the permanent piles will have tips;
3. Prebored when preboring is specified for the permanent piles;
4. Identical in cross-section and other characteristics to the permanent piles when
the test piles are steel casings for cast-in-place concrete piles, precast concrete,
precast‑prestressed concrete or steel pipe or H-pile;
5. Long enough to accommodate any soil condition;
6. Driven with equipment and methods identical to those to be used for the
permanent piles;
7. Located as the Engineer directs; and
8. Driven before permanent piles in a given pier.
Test piles may also be driven by the Contractor (at no cost to the Contracting Agency)
as evidence that the pile driving system selected will not damage the pile or result in refusal
prior to reaching any specified minimum tip elevation.
Timber test piles shall be driven outside the footing and cut off 1 foot below the finished
ground line. Timber test piles shall not be used in place of permanent piles.
Steel and all types of concrete test piles shall become permanent piles. The Contracting
Agency has reduced the number of permanent piles by the number of test piles.
The Contractor shall base test pile length on test-hole data in the Contract. Any test piles
that prove to be too short shall be replaced (or spliced if the Contract allows splicing) at the
Contractor’s expense.
In foundations and trestles, test piles shall be driven to at least 15 percent more than the
ultimate bearing resistance required for the permanent piles, except where pile driving criteria
is determined by the wave equation. When pile driving criteria is specified to be determined
by the wave equation, the test piles shall be driven to the same ultimate bearing resistance as
the production piles. Test piles shall penetrate at least to any minimum tip elevation specified
in the Contract. If no minimum tip elevation is specified, test piles shall extend at least 10 feet
below the bottom of the concrete footing or ground line, and 15 feet below the bottom of the
concrete seal.
When any test pile to be left as a permanent pile has been so damaged by handling or
driving that the Engineer believes it unfit for use, the Contractor shall remove and replace
the pile at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. The Engineer may direct the
Contractor to overdrive the test pile to more than 15 percent above the ultimate bearing
resistance for permanent piles, or if the wave equation is used to determine driving criteria,
the Engineer may direct the Contractor to overdrive the test pile above the ultimate bearing
resistance. In these cases, the overdriving shall be at the Contractor’s expense. But if pile
damage results from this overdriving, any removal and replacement will be at the Contracting
Agency’s expense.
6-05.3(11) Driving Piles
6-05.3(11)A Tolerances
For elevated pier caps, the tops of piles at cut-off elevation shall be within 2 inches of the
horizontal locations indicated in the Contract. For piles capped below final grade, the tops
of piles at cut-off elevation shall be within 6 inches of the horizontal locations indicated in
the Contract. No pile edge shall be nearer than 4 inches from the edge of any footing or cap.
Piles shall be installed such that the axial alignment of the top 10 feet of the pile is within
4 percent of the specified alignment. No misaligned steel or concrete piles shall be pulled
laterally. A properly aligned section shall not be spliced onto a misaligned section for any
type of pile. Unless the Contract shows otherwise, all piles shall be driven vertically.
6-05.3(11)B Foundation Pit Preparation
The Contractor shall replace (and bear the cost of replacing) any pile damaged or destroyed
before or during driving.
The Contractor shall completely dig all foundation pits (and build any required cofferdams
or cribs) before driving foundation piles. The Contractor shall adjust pit depths to allow for
upheaval caused by pile-driving, judging the amount of adjustment by the nature of the soil.
Before constructing the footing or pile cap, the Contractor shall restore the pit bottom to
correct elevation by removing material or by backfilling with granular material.
6-05.3(11)C Preparation for Driving
Treated and untreated timber piles shall be freshly cut square on the butt ends just before
they are driven. If piles will be driven into hard material, caps, collars, or bands shall be placed
on the butt ends to prevent crushing or brooming. If the head area of the pile is larger than that
of the hammer face, the head shall be snipped or chamfered to fit the hammer. On treated piles,
the heads shall be snipped or chamfered to at least the depth of the sapwood to avoid splitting
the sapwood from the pile body.
The Contractor shall match timber pile sizes in any single bent to prevent sway braces from
undue bending or distorting.
When driven, pile faces shall be turned as shown in the Plans or as the Engineer directs.
No precast-prestressed pile shall be driven until test cylinders poured with it reach at
least the specified compressive strength shown in the Contract. On all other precast piles, the
cylinders must reach a compressive strength of at least 4,000 psi before the piles are driven.
Helmets of approved design shall protect the heads of all precast concrete piles as they
are driven. Each helmet shall have fitted into it a cushion next to the pile head. The bottom
side of the helmet shall be recessed sufficiently to accommodate the required pile cushion
and hold the pile in place during positioning and driving. The inside helmet diameter shall be
determined before casting the pile, and the head of the pile shall be formed to fit loosely inside
the helmet.
Steel Casing, steel pipe or H-piles shall have square-cut ends.
6-05.3(11)D Achieving Minimum Tip Elevation and Bearing
Once pile driving has started, each pile shall be driven continuously until the required
ultimate bearing resistance shown in the Contract has been achieved. Pauses during pile
driving, except for splicing, mechanical breakdown, or other unforeseen events, shall not
be allowed.
If the Contract specifies a minimum tip elevation, the pile shall be driven to at least the
minimum tip elevation, even if the ultimate bearing resistance has been achieved, unless the
Engineer directs otherwise. If a pile does not develop the required ultimate bearing resistance
at the minimum tip elevation, the Contractor shall continue driving the pile until the required
bearing resistance is achieved. If no minimum tip elevation is specified, then the piles
shall be driven to the ultimate bearing resistance shown in the Contract and the following
minimum penetrations:
Pile supporting cross-beams, bents,
elevated pile caps elevation 10 feet below final top of ground
Piles supporting foundations 10 feet below bottom of foundation
Piles with a concrete seal 15 feet below bottom of seal
If overdriving is required in order to reach a specified minimum tip elevation, the
Contractor shall provide a pile driving system which will not result in damage to the pile
or refusal before the minimum tip elevation is reached. The cost of overdriving shall be
incidental to the various unit Contract prices for furnishing and driving piles.
So long as the pile is not damaged and the embankment or foundation material being
driven through is not permanently damaged, the Contractor shall use normal means
necessary to:
1. Secure the minimum depth specified,
2. Penetrate hard material that lies under a soft upper layer,
3. Penetrate through hard material to obtain the specified minimum tip elevation, or
4. Penetrate through a previously placed embankment.
Normal means refer to methods such as preboring, spudding, or jetting piles. Blasting or
drilling through obstructions are not considered normal means.
Prebored holes and pile spuds shall have a diameter no larger than the least outside
dimension of the pile. After the pile is driven, the Contractor shall fill all open spaces between
the pile and the soil caused by the preboring or spudding with dry sand, or pea gravel, or
controlled density fill as approved by the Engineer.
If water jets are used, the jets shall be withdrawn before the pile reaches its final
penetration, and the pile shall then be driven to its final penetration and ultimate bearing
resistance. The pile shall be driven a minimum of 2 feet to obtain the ultimate bearing
resistance after the jets are withdrawn, or to refusal, whichever occurs first. If the water jets
loosen a pile previously driven, it shall be redriven in place or pulled and replaced by a new
pile. To check on pile loosening, the Contractor shall attempt to redrive at least one in every
five piles, but no less than one pile per bent or pier.
The various unit Contract prices for driving piles shall cover all costs related to the
use of water jets, preboring, or spudding. The Contracting Agency will not pay any costs
the Contractor incurs in redriving piles loosened as a result of using water jets, preboring,
or spudding.
If the Engineer requires, the Contractor shall overdrive the pile beyond the ultimate bearing
resistance and minimum tip elevation shown in the Contract. In this case, the Contractor will
not be required to:
1. Use other than normal means to achieve the additional penetration,
2. Bear the expense of removing or replacing any pile damaged by overdriving, or
3. Bear the expense of overdriving the pile more than 3 feet as specified in Section 6-05.5.
In driving piles for footings with seals, the Contractor shall use no method (such as jetting
or preboring) that might reduce friction resistance.
6-05.3(11)E Use of Followers for Driving
Followers shall not be used to drive concrete or steel piles. On timber piles, the Contractor
may use steel (not wooden) followers if the follower fits snugly over the pile head. If a
follower is used, the Contractor shall, in every group of 10 piles, drive one long pile without
a follower, but no less than one pile per bent or pier, to the required ultimate bearing resistance
and minimum tip elevation. This long pile shall be used to test the bearing resistance of the
piles driven with a follower in the group. The tip elevation of the long pile shall be similar
to the elevation of the piles driven with the follower. If the tip elevations are significantly
different, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor shall redrive the remaining piles in the
group to the tip elevation of the longer pile.
6-05.3(11)F Pile Damage
The Contractor shall remove and replace (and bear the cost of doing so) any pile that is
damaged as determined by the Engineer.
After driving a steel casing for a cast-in-place concrete pile, the Contractor shall leave it
empty until the Engineer has inspected and accepted it. The Contractor shall make available
to the Engineer a light suitable for inspecting the entire length of its interior. The Engineer
will reject any casing that is improperly driven, that shows partial collapse that would reduce
its ultimate bearing resistance, or that has been reduced in diameter, or that will not keep out
water. The Contractor shall replace (and bear the cost of replacing) any rejected casing.
Page 6-130 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Piling 6-05
Pile heads which have been broomed, rolled, or otherwise significantly damaged as
determined by the Engineer shall be cut back to undamaged material before proceeding with
driving as well as final acceptance of the pile.
6-05.3(11)G Pile Cutoff
The Contractor shall trim the tops of all piles to the true plane shown in the Contract and
to the elevation the Engineer requires. If a pile is driven below cutoff elevation without the
Engineer’s permission, the Contractor shall remove and replace it (and bear the costs of doing
so), even if this requires a longer pile. Any pile that rises as nearby piles are driven, shall be
driven down again if the Engineer requires.
Any piles under timber caps or grillages shall be sawed to the exact plane of the Structure
above them and fit it exactly. No shimming on top of timber piles to adjust for inaccurate pile
top elevations will be permitted. If a timber pile is driven out of line, it shall be straightened
without damage before it is cut off or braced.
Steel casing shall be cut off at least 6 inches below the finished ground line or at the low
water line if the casing will be visible as determined by the Engineer.
6-05.3(11)H Pile Driving From or Near Adjacent Structures
The Contractor shall not drive piling from an existing Structure unless all of the following
conditions are met:
1. The existing Structure will be demolished within the Contract;
2. The existing Structure is permanently closed to traffic; and
3. Type 2E Working Drawings are submitted in accordance with Sections 1-05.3 and
6-02.3(16), showing the structural adequacy of the existing Structure to safely support
all of the construction loads.
Freshly placed concrete in the vicinity of the pile driving operation shall be protected
against vibration in accordance with Section 6-02.3(6)D.
6-05.3(12) Determination of Bearing Values
The following formula shall be used to determine ultimate bearing resistances:
P = F × E × Ln(10N)
Where :
P = ultimate bearing resistance, in tons
F = 1.8 for air/steam hammers
= 1.2 for open ended diesel hammers and precast concrete or timber piles
= 1.6 for open ended diesel hammers and steel piles
= 1.2 for closed ended diesel hammers
= 1.9 for hydraulic hammers
= 0.9 for drop hammers
E = developed energy, equal to W times H1, in ft-kips
W = weight of ram, in kips
H = vertical drop of hammer or stroke of ram, in feet
N = average penetration resistance in blows per inch for the last
4 inches of driving
Ln = the natural logarithm, in base “e”
1For closed-end diesel hammers (double-acting), the developed hammer energy (E) is to be determined from the bounce
chamber reading. Hammer manufacturer calibration data may be used to correlate bounce chamber pressure to developed
hammer energy. For double acting hammer hydraulic and air/steam hammers, the developed hammer energy shall be
calculated from ram impact velocity measurements or other means acceptable to the Engineer. For open ended diesel
hammers (single-acting) use the blows per minute to determine the developed energy (E).
If, after the test piles have been driven, it is found necessary to eliminate the piling from all
or any part of the Structure, no additional pay will be allowed for moving the pile driving
equipment to and from the site of the Work.
“Driving Timber Pile (untreated or name treatment)”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Driving Timber (type) Pile” shall include any metal
shoes which the Contractor has determined to be beneficial to the pile driving.
“Driving Conc. Pile (size)”, per each.
“Driving St. Pile”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Driving (type) Pile (____)” shall be full pay for
driving the pile to the ultimate bearing and/or penetration specified.
“Furnishing Timber Piling (untreated or name treatment)”, per linear foot.
“Furnishing Conc. Piling (size)”, per linear foot.
“Furnishing St. Piling”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Furnishing (type) Piling (____)” shall be full
pay for furnishing the piling specified, including furnishing, fabricating, and installing the steel
reinforcing bar cage, and furnishing casting, and curing the concrete, as required for concrete
piling. Such price shall also be full pay, for furnishing timber, precast concrete, or precast-
prestressed concrete piling length ordered from an Engineer’s order sheet but not driven.
“Precast Concrete Pile Buildup”, by force account.
Payment for buildups of precast or precast-prestressed concrete piles will be made on
the basis of force account Work as covered in Section 1-09.6. No payment will be made for
buildups or additional lengths of buildup made necessary because of damage to the piling
during driving. The length of splice for precast concrete piles includes the length cut off
to expose reinforcing steel for the splice. The length of splice for precast-prestressed piles
includes the length in which holes are drilled and reinforcing bars are grouted.
For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency
entered an amount for “Precast Concrete Pile Buildup” in the Proposal to become part of the
total Bid by the Contractor.
“Furnishing Steel Pile Tip or Shoe (size)”, per each.
6-06.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Timber and Lumber (untreated or name treatment)”, per MBM.
“Bridge Railing Type ____”, per linear foot.
In case no item is included in the Contract for “Bridge Railing Type ____” and payment
is not otherwise provided, all metal railings shall be included in the lump sum Contract price
for “Structural Carbon St”. as specified in Section 6-03.
6-07 Painting
6-07.1 Description
This work consists of containment, surface preparation, shielding adjacent areas from
unwanted surface preparation, testing and disposing of surface preparation debris, furnishing
and applying paint, shielding adjacent areas from unwanted paint, and cleaning up after
painting is completed. The work shall comply with all requirements of the Plans, these
Specifications, and the Engineer. Terminology used herein is in accordance with the definitions
used in Volume 2, Systems and Specifications, of the SSPC Steel Structures Painting Manual.
6-07.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Paint 9-08.1
Powder Coating Materials for Coating Galvanized Surfaces 9-08.2
Abrasive Blast Media 9-08.4(1)
Lead Abatement Additive 9-08.4(2)
Bird Guano Treatment 9-08.5(1)
Fungicide Treatment 9-08.5(2)
Water 9-08.5(3)
Filter Fabric 9-08.6
Single Component Urethane Sealant 9-08.7
Foam Backer Rod 9-08.8
6-07.3 Construction Requirements
6-07.3(1) Work Force Qualifications
6-07.3(1)A Work Force Qualifications for Shop Application of Paint
Facilities for shop application of paint shall either be selected from one of the facilities
listed in the WSDOT Qualified Products List as an approved coating facility for new steel
structures or shall be approved through the WSDOT Request for Approval of Material process.
6-07.3(1)B Work Force Qualifications for Field Application of Paint
The Contractor preparing the surface and applying the paint shall be certified under
The Contractor removing and otherwise disturbing existing paint containing lead and other
hazardous materials shall be certified under SSPC-QP 2, Category A.
In lieu of the above SSPC certifications, the Contractor performing the specified work may
complete one of the following actions:
1. The Contractor may substitute documentation of successful completion of two bridge
painting projects in the past ten years involving complete paint removal, including paint
containing lead and other hazardous materials, with reapplication of a three-component
moisture-cured polyurethane paint system. The documentation shall include the name
and size of the project, the dates of the work, the owner’s name, and name and contact
information for an owner’s contact person.
2. The Contractor’s quality control inspector(s) for the project shall be NACE-certified
CIP Level 3.
6-07.3(2) Submittals
The Contractor shall submit a painting plan consisting of one comprehensive submittal
including all components described in this Section. The Contractor shall submit Type 2
Working Drawings of the painting plan components.
For shop application of paint, the painting plan shall include the documents and samples
listed in Sections 6-07.3(2)B, 6-07.3(2)C, and 6-07.3(2)E.
For field application of paint, the painting plan shall include the documents and samples
listed in Section 6-07.3(2)A through 6-07.3(2)F.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 6-137
6-07 Painting
3. Methods and materials used to contain, collect, and dispose of all containment waste
and all construction-related waste, including transportation of waste.
4. Details of the containment waste sampling plan conforming to WAC 173-303 for
waste designated as dangerous waste or extremely hazardous waste.
5. The name of, and contact information for, the accredited analytical laboratory
performing the testing of the containment waste samples in accordance with
Section 6-07.3(10)F.
6. Process for tracking the disposal of hazardous waste, including a sample form of the
tracking documentation.
7. When a wind speed threshold is specified, a description of the method to lower or
withdraw tarps, plastic exterior, and other containment components presenting an
exposed face to wind, and the estimated time required to accomplish this action.
8. Provisions for dust and debris collection, ventilation, and auxiliary lighting within
the containment system.
6-07.3(2)E Cleaning and Surface Preparation Submittal Component
The cleaning and surface preparation submittal component of the painting plan shall
include the following:
1. Details of the abrasive blast cleaning operation, including:
a. Description of the abrasive blast cleaning procedure.
b. Type, manufacturer, and brand of abrasive blast material and all associated additives,
including Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
c. Description of the abrasive blast cleaning equipment to be used.
6-07.3(2)F Paint Application Equipment and Operations Submittal Component
The paint application equipment and operations submittal component of the painting plan
shall include the following:
1. Description of the equipment used for paint application operations.
2. Details of jobsite material storage facilities, including location, security, and
environmental control.
3. Description of the supports and platforms used to support equipment, materials, and
workers, including scaffolds, platforms, accordion lifts, and barges, and the methods
used to attach, moor, and anchor these supports and platforms.
4. Drip tarps in accordance with Section 6-07.3(10)O.
5. Methods and materials used to protect surrounding structures, equipment, and property
from exposure to, and damage from, painting operations.
6. Details of paint application operations for areas of limited and restricted access.
7. Description of the method for the removal of any accidental spills or drips on traffic that
occur during the normal painting operations, and provisions for providing a vehicle-
cleaning station.
6-07.3(2)G Painting Plan Meeting
At the option of the Contracting Agency, a painting plan meeting may be scheduled
following review of the Contractor’s initial submittal of the plan. The Contractor shall
be represented by the superintendent, on-site supervisors, and quality control inspectors.
6-07.3(3) Quality Control and Quality Assurance
6-07.3(3)A Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Shop Application of Paint
For shop application of paint, quality control procedures shall be as accepted by
the Engineer.
disposing of all removed materials, applying the paint, and performing all quality
control inspections, measurements and tests; and the paint system manufacturer’s
technical representative; and
2. (Representing the Contracting Agency) The Engineer, key inspection assistants, and
representatives of the WSDOT HQ Construction Office.
If the Contractor’s key personnel change between any work operations, an additional
conference may be held.
For projects that include painting of multiple structures, a separate conference may be held
for each structure, at the discretion of the Engineer.
6-07.3(6) Paint Containers, Storage, and Handling
6-07.3(6)A Paint Containers
Paint container labels shall include the following information:
1. Manufacturer’s name and product name, with batch number and date of manufacture.
2. Color name and Federal Standard 595 color number, where applicable.
3. Shelf life of the product, from date of batch manufacture.
4. Storage requirements and temperature limits.
Paint containers shall conform to U.S. DOT hazardous material shipping regulations. Paint
shall be delivered to the jobsite in the manufacturer’s original unopened containers with the
original manufacturer’s label legible and intact. Paint will be rejected if the container has a
puncture or if the lid shows signs of paint leakage. Each container shall be filled with paint
and sealed airtight. Each container shall be filled with the amount of paint required to yield the
specified quantity when measured at 70°F. All paint shall be shipped in new suitable containers
having a capacity not greater than 5 gallons.
6-07.3(6)B Paint Storage
Paint materials shall not be used or stored on-site after the shelf life expiration date.
Paint material shipping, handling, and storage shall conform to Sections 1-06.4 and
9-08.1(4) and the following requirements:
1. Paint materials shall be stored in the manufacturer’s original containers in a weather-
tight space where the temperature is maintained within the storage temperature range
recommended by the paint manufacturer, but in no case where the temperature is lower
than 40°F or greater than 100°F.
2. The Contractor shall monitor the paint material storage facility with a high-low
recording thermometer device.
3. The paint material storage facility shall be separate from the storage facilities used for
storing painting equipment and used for storing containment waste and construction-
generated waste.
6-07.3(7) Paint Sampling and Testing
The Contractor shall provide the Engineer 1 quart of each paint and each thinner
representing each lot. Samples shall be accompanied with a Material Safety Data Sheet and
a paint drawdown sample.
If the quantity of paint required for each component of the paint system for the entire
project is 20 gallons or less, then the paint system components will be accepted as specified
in Section 9-08.1(7) with a paint drawdown sample.
Sampling and testing performed by the Contracting Agency shall not be construed as
determining or predicting the performance or compatibility of the individual paint or the
completed paint system.
6-07.3(8) Equipment
6-07.3(8)A Paint Film Thickness Measurement Gages
Paint dry film thickness measurements shall be performed with either a Type 1 pull-off
gage or a Type 2 electronic gage as specified in SSPC Paint Application Specification No. 2,
Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gages.
Paint wet film thickness measurement gages shall be stainless steel with notches graduated
in 1-mil increments.
6-07.3(9) Painting New Steel Structures
All materials classified as nongalvanized structural steel shall be painted with a four-
coat paint system as specified in Section 6-07.3(9)A. The primer coat shall be shop-applied.
The intermediate, intermediate stripe, and top coats shall be field-applied after erection and
following any primer coating repair operations.
Steel surfaces embedded in concrete, and faying (contact) surfaces of bolted connections
(including all surfaces internal to the connection and all filler plates) shall receive the primer
coat only. Stainless steel surfaces are not required to be painted. Welded shear connectors
are not required to be painted except for the weld area.
Temporary attachments or supports for scaffolding or forms shall not damage the
paint system.
6-07.3(9)A Paint System
The paint system applied to new steel surfaces shall consist of the following:
Primer Coat 9-08.1(2)C
Intermediate Coat 9-08.1(2)G
Intermediate Stripe Coat 9-08.1(2)G
Top Coat 9-08.1(2)H
All paint coating components of the selected paint system shall be produced by the same
manufacturer. The paint system selected shall be used throughout the entire structure.
Paint formulations to be used on faying surfaces shall be Class B coatings with a mean slip
coefficient not less than 0.50. The slip coefficient shall be determined by testing in accordance
with “Test Method to Determine the Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints” as
adopted by the Research Council on Structural Connections.
6-07.3(9)B Paint Color
Each successive coat shall be a contrasting color to the previously applied coat. The color
of the top coat shall be as specified in the Plans or Special Provisions and shall conform to
Section 9-08.1(8).
6-07.3(9)C Mixing and Thinning Paint
Paint shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s written recommendations
to a smooth, lump-free consistency. Mixing shall be done, to the extent possible, in the
original containers and shall be continued until all of the metallic powder or pigment is in
suspension. The mixed paint shall be kept under continuous agitation up to and during the
time of application.
6-07.3(9)D Coating Thickness
Dry film thickness shall be measured in accordance with SSPC Paint Application
Specification No. 2, Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gages.
The minimum dry film thickness of the primer coat shall not be less than 2.5 mils.
The minimum dry film thickness of the intermediate, intermediate stripe and top coats
shall be not less than 3.0 mils.
The dry film thickness of each coat shall not be thicker than the paint manufacturer’s
recommended maximum thickness.
If the specified number of coats does not produce a combined dry film thickness of at least
the sum of the thicknesses required per coat, the Contractor shall apply another full coat of
the top coat of paint. The dry film thickness shall not be thicker than the paint manufacturer’s
recommended maximum thickness.
6-07.3(9)E Surface Temperature Requirements Prior to Application of Paint
For application of the paint system, the temperature of the steel surface shall be greater
than 40°F and less than 115°F.
6-07.3(9)F Shop Surface Cleaning and Preparation
A roughened surface profile shall be provided by an abrasive blasting procedure as
accepted by the Engineer. The profile shall be 1-mil minimum or in accordance with the
paint manufacturer’s recommendations, whichever is greater. The entire steel surface to be
painted, including surfaces specified in Section 6-07.3(9)G to receive a mist coat of primer,
shall be cleaned to a near white condition in accordance with SSPC-SP 10 and shall be in this
condition immediately prior to paint application.
6-07.3(9)G Application of Shop Primer Coat
After receiving the Engineer’s acceptance of the prepared surface, the primer shall be
applied so as to produce a uniform, even coating that has fully bonded with the metal. Primer
shall be applied with the spray nozzles and pressures recommended by the manufacturer of the
paint system, so as to attain the film thicknesses specified.
Steel girder top flanges and soldier pile flanges to be embedded in concrete shall be
prepared in accordance with Section 6-07.3(9)F and shall then receive a mist coat of the
specified primer with a dry film thickness of 0.5 to 1.0 mils.
The Contractor shall provide access to the steel to permit inspection by the Engineer. The
access shall not mar or damage any freshly painted surfaces.
High-strength field bolts shall not be painted before erection.
6-07.3(9)H Containment for Field Coating
The Contractor shall use a containment system in accordance with Section 6-07.3(10)A.
6-07.3(9)I Application of Field Coatings
An on-site supervisor shall be present for each work shift at the bridge site.
Prior to applying field coatings, the Contractor shall field install welded shear connectors
on the steel girder top flanges in accordance with Section 6-03.3(29) and as shown in
the Plans.
Upon completion of erection Work, all uncoated areas remaining, including bolts, nuts,
washers, and splice plates, shall be prepared in accordance with Section 6-07.3(9)F, followed
by a field primer coat of an organic zinc paint selected from the same approved paint system
and paint manufacturer as the other paint for the Structure. The intermediate and top coats
shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s written recommendations.
The minimum drying time between coats shall be as shown in the product data sheets, but
not less than 12 hours. The Contractor shall determine whether the paint has cured sufficiently
for proper application of succeeding coats.
The maximum time between intermediate and top coats shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s written recommendations. If the maximum time between coats is exceeded,
all newly coated surfaces shall be prepared to SSPC-SP 7, brush-off blast cleaning,
and shall be repainted with the same paint that was cleaned, at no additional cost to the
Contracting Agency.
Dry film thickness measurements will be made in accordance with Section 6-07.3(9)D.
All paint damage that occurs shall be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer’s
written recommendations. On bare areas or areas of insufficient primer thickness, the repair
shall include the application of the field-applied organic zinc primer system, and the final two
coats of the paint system. On areas where the primer is at least equal to the minimum required
dry film thickness, the repair shall include the application of the final two coats of the paint
system. All paint repair operations shall be performed by the Contractor at no additional cost
or time to the Contracting Agency.
6-07.3(10) Painting Existing Steel Structures
Painting existing steel structures includes providing containment, cleaning, preparing the
surface, painting metal surfaces, and disposal of generated waste. Painting of existing steel
structures shall be done in the following sequence:
1. Containment.
2. Bird guano, fungus, and vegetation removal.
3. Dry cleaning.
4. Surface preparation.
5. Treatment of pack rust and gaps.
6. Paint system application.
6-07.3(10)A Containment
The containment system shall be in accordance with SSPC Technology Guide No. 6, Guide
for Containing Surface Preparation Debris Generated During Paint Removal Operations
Class 1. The containment system shall fully enclose the steel to be painted and not allow
any material to escape the containment system. The Contractor shall protect the surrounding
environment from all debris or damage resulting from the Contractor’s operations.
Except as otherwise specified in the Contract, the containment length shall not exceed the
length of a span (defined as pier to pier). The containment system shall not cause any damage
to the existing structure. Attachment devices shall not mark or otherwise damage the steel
member to which they are attached. Field-welding of attachments to the existing structure
will not be allowed. The Contractor shall not drill holes into the existing structure or through
existing structural members except as shown in the Contractor’s painting plan Working
Drawing submittal.
Emissions shall be assessed by Visible Emission Observations (Method A) in SSPC
Technology Update No. 7 Section 6.2 and shall be limited to the Level A Acceptance Criteria
Option Level 0 Emissions standard. If visible emissions occur or if failure to the containment
system occurs or if signs of failure to the containment system are present, the Contractor
shall stop work immediately. Work shall not resume until the failure has been corrected to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
The containment system shall not be removed until all cleaned and painted surfaces have
been inspected and accepted by the Engineer.
Prior to beginning work each day, all containment systems shall be inspected by the
Contractor to verify they are in place and functioning properly. Any necessary maintenance
to restore full function shall be completed prior to beginning work.
6-07.3(10)B Bird Guano, Fungus, and Vegetation Removal
Bird guano and bird nesting materials shall be removed in the dry. Following dry removal,
the Contractor shall apply a treatment solution in accordance with Section 9-08.5(1), followed
by hand-scrubbing and rinsing with water in accordance with Section 9-08.5(3). The bird
guano, bird nesting materials, and treatment solution shall be contained and collected.
The Contractor shall treat all areas of fungus growth and vegetative growth. The Contractor
shall apply a treatment solution in accordance with Section 9-08.5(2) to the fungus areas for
a period recommended by the solution manufacturer or as specified by the Engineer, but in
no case less than 5 minutes. The fungus, vegetative growth, and treatment solution shall be
contained and collected.
Bird guano, bird nesting materials, fungus, and vegetative growth shall be disposed of at
a land disposal site accepted by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working
Drawing consisting of one copy of the disposal receipt, which shall include a description of
the disposed material.
6-07.3(10)C Dry Cleaning
Dry cleaning shall include removal of accumulated dirt and debris on the surfaces to be
painted. Collected dirt and debris shall be disposed of at a land disposal site accepted by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of a copy of the
disposal receipt, which shall include a description of the disposed material
6-07.3(10)D Surface Preparation Prior to Overcoat Painting
The Contractor shall remove any visible oil, grease, and road tar in accordance with
Following any preparation by SSPC-SP1, all steel surfaces to be painted shall be prepared
in accordance with SSPC-SP 7, brush-off blast cleaning. Surfaces inaccessible to brush-
off blast shall be prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP 15, commercial grade power tool
cleaning, as allowed by the Engineer.
Following brush-off blast cleaning, the Contractor shall perform spot abrasive blast
cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP 6, commercial blast cleaning. Spot abrasive blast
cleaning shall be performed in such a manner that the adjacent areas of work are protected
from damage. Areas exhibiting coating failure down to the steel substrate, and those exhibiting
visible corrosion, shall be prepared down to clean bare steel in accordance with SSPC-SP 6.
Exposed steel areas that have an average exposed diameter of less than 1½ inches and no other
similar area closer than 4 inches do not require spot abrasive blast cleaning or edge feathering
unless required by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide a sharp angular surface profile
by an abrasive blasting procedure as accepted by the Engineer. The profile shall be 1 mil
minimum or in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s recommendations, whichever is
greater. For small areas, as allowed by the Engineer, the Contractor may substitute cleaning
in accordance with SSPC-SP 11, power tool cleaning. The prepared area shall extend at least
2 inches into adjacent tightly adhering, intact coating.
Following spot abrasive blast cleaning of exposed steel surfaces, edges of tightly adherent
coating remaining shall be feathered so that the recoated surface has a smooth appearance.
Immediately prior to painting, the Contractor shall clean all steel surfaces and staging areas
with dry, oil‑free compressed air conforming to ASTM D4285.
6-07.3(10)E Surface Preparation – Full Paint Removal
For structures where full removal of existing paint is specified, the Contractor shall remove
any visible oil, grease, and road tar in accordance with SSPC-SP 1.
Following preparation by SSPC-SP 1, all steel surfaces to be painted shall be prepared
in accordance with SSPC-SP 10, near-white metal blast cleaning. Surfaces inaccessible to
near-white metal blast cleaning shall be prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP 11, power tool
cleaning to bare metal, as allowed by the Engineer.
6-07.3(10)F Collecting, Testing, and Disposal of Containment Waste
The sealed waste containers shall be labeled as required by State and Federal laws. All
confined materials shall be collected and secured in sealed containers at the end of each shift
or daily at a minimum to prevent the weight of the confined materials from causing failure
to the containment system. The sealed waste containers shall be stored in accordance with
Section 1-06.4, the painting plan, and the following requirements:
1. The containers shall be stored on an impermeable surface that accommodates sweeping
or vacuuming.
2. Landside storage of the containers shall be at an elevation above the ordinary high
water level (OHWL) elevation. The container storage area shall not be in a stormwater
runoff course and shall not be in an area of standing water.
3. The container storage area shall be a fenced, secured site, separate from the storage
facilities for paint materials and paint equipment.
4. The containers shall not be stored at the on-site landside storage site for longer than
90 calendar days.
All material collected by and removed from the containment system shall be taken to a
landside staging area, provided by the Contractor, for further processing and storage prior to
transporting for disposal. Handling and storage of material collected by and removed from the
containment system shall conform to Section 1-06.4. Storage of containment waste materials
shall be in a facility separate from the storage facilities used for paint materials and paint
Containment waste is defined as all paint chips and debris removed from the steel surface
and all abrasive blast media, as contained by the containment system. After all waste from the
containment system has been collected, the Contractor shall collect representative samples of
the components that field screening indicates are lead-contaminated material. The Contractor
shall collect at least one representative sample from each container. The Contractor may
choose to collect a composite sample of each container, but the composite sample must consist
of several collection points (a minimum of 3 random samples) that are representative of the
entire contents of the container and representative of the characteristics of the type of waste
in the container. In accordance with WAC 173–303-040, a representative sample means “a
sample which can be expected to exhibit the average properties of the sample source.”
The debris shall be tested for metals using the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure
(TCLP) and EPA Methods 1311 and 6010. At a minimum, the materials should be analyzed
for the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 Metals (arsenic, barium,
cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver). Pursuant to the Dangerous Waste
(DW) Regulations Chapter 173-303-90(8)(c) WAC, “Any waste that contains contaminants
which occur at concentrations at or above the DW threshold must be designated as DW.” All
material within each individual container or containment system that designates as DW shall
be disposed of at a legally permitted Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Landfill. All material within
each individual container or containment system that designate below the DW threshold,
will be designated as “Solid Waste” and shall be disposed of at a legally permitted Subtitle D
Landfill. Disposal shall be in accordance with WAC 173-303 for waste designated “Dangerous
Waste” and pursuant to WAC 173-350 for waste designated as “Solid Waste”.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of two copies of the
transmittal documents or bill of lading listing the waste material shipped from the construction
site to the waste disposal site. One copy of the shipment list shall show the signature of the
Engineer and shall have the waste site operator’s confirmation for receipt of the waste.
In the event that the containment wastes are designated as “Dangerous Wastes” or
“Extremely Hazardous Waste” under WAC 173-303, the Contracting Agency will provide
to the Contractor the appropriate EPA identification number.
Unless noted otherwise, a waste site will not be provided by the Contracting Agency for
the disposal of excess materials and debris.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing of all TCLP results.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of waste disposal
documentation within 15 working days of each disposal. This documentation shall include the
quantity and type of waste disposed of with each disposal shipment.
6-07.3(10)G Treatment of Pack Rust and Gaps
Pack rust is defined as the condition where two or more pieces of steel fastened together
by rivets or bolts have been pressed apart by crevice corrosion caused by the buildup of
corrosion products at the interface of the steel pieces.
Pack rust forming a gap between steel surfaces of 1/16 inch or greater shall be cleaned to
a depth of one half of the gap width, up to a maximum of ¼ inch. The cleaned gap shall be
treated with rust penetrating sealer and caulked to form a watertight seal along the top edge
and the two sides of the steel pieces involved, using the rust penetrating sealer and caulk as
accepted by the Engineer. The bottom edge or lowest edge of the steel pieces involved shall
not be caulked.
The type of rust penetrating sealer and caulk used shall be compatible with the paint
system used and shall be applied in accordance with the rust penetrating sealer and caulk
manufacturer’s instructions.
When caulking joints where only one steel piece edge is exposed, a fillet of caulk shall be
formed that is not less than ⅛ inch or the width of the pack rust gap. The fillet is not required
where there is no separation of the steel pieces due to pack rust.
At locations where gaps between steel surfaces exceed ¼ inch, the Contractor shall fill the
gap with foam backer rod material and sealant as accepted by the Engineer. The foam backer
rod material shall be of sufficient diameter to fill the crevice or gap. The Contractor shall apply
sealant over the foam backer rod material to form a watertight seal.
6-07.3(10)H Paint System
The paint system applied to existing steel surfaces shall consist of the following five-coat
Primer Coat 9-08.1(2)F
Primer Stripe Coat 9-08.1(2)F
Intermediate Coat 9-08.1(2)G
Intermediate Stripe Coat 9-08.1(2)G
Top Coat 9-08.1(2)H
All paint coating components of the selected paint system shall be produced by the same
manufacturer. Only one paint system from a singular manufacturer shall be used throughout
the project unless otherwise allowed in writing by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not
change to a different paint system once the initial paint system has been applied to any portion
of the bridge unless otherwise allowed in writing by the Engineer.
6-07.3(10)I Paint Color
Each of the five coats shall be a contrasting color to the previously applied full coat.
The color of the top coat shall be as specified in the Plans or Special Provisions and shall
conform to Section 9-08.1(8). Tinting shall occur at the factory at the time of manufacture and
placement in containers, prior to initial shipment. Application site tinting will not be allowed
except as otherwise allowed by the Engineer.
6-07.3(10)J Mixing and Thinning Paint
The Contractor shall thoroughly mix paint by mechanical means to ensure a uniform
composition. Paint shall not be mixed by means of air stream bubbling or boxing. Paint shall
be mixed in the original containers and mixing shall continue until all pigment or metallic
powder is in suspension. Care shall be taken to ensure that the solid material that has settled to
the bottom of the container is thoroughly dispersed. After mixing, the Contractor shall inspect
the paint for uniformity and to ensure that no unmixed pigment or lumps are present.
Catalysts, curing agents, hardeners, initiators, or dry metallic powders that are packaged
separately may be added to the base paint in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s written
recommendations and only after the paint is thoroughly mixed to achieve a uniform mixture
with all particles wetted. The Contractor shall then add the proper volume of curing agent to
the correct volume of base and mix thoroughly. The mixture shall be used within the pot life
specified by the manufacturer. Unused portions shall be discarded at the end of each work day.
The Contractor shall not add additional thinner at the application site except as
allowed by the Engineer. The amount and type of thinner, if allowed, shall conform to the
manufacturer’s specifications.
When recommended by the manufacturer, the Contractor shall constantly agitate paint
during application by use of paint pots equipped with mechanical agitators.
The Contractor shall strain all paint after mixing to remove undesirable matter, but without
removing the pigment or metallic powder.
Paint shall be stored and mixed in a secure, contained location to eliminate the potential for
spills into State waters and onto the ground and highway surfaces.
6-07.3(10)K Coating Thickness
The minimum dry film thickness of each coat (primer, intermediate, top, and all stripe
coats) shall not be less than 3.0 mils. The dry film thickness shall not be thicker than the paint
manufacturer’s recommended maximum thickness.
The minimum wet film thickness of each coat shall be specified by the paint manufacturer
to achieve the minimum dry film thickness.
Film thickness, wet and dry, will be measured by gages conforming to Section 6-07.3(8)A
Wet measurements will be taken immediately after the paint is applied in accordance with
ASTM D4414. Dry measurements will be taken after the coating is dry and hard in accordance
with SSPC Paint Application Specification Section No. 2.
Each painter shall be equipped with wet film thickness gages and shall be responsible for
performing frequent checks of the paint film thickness throughout application.
Coating thickness measurements may be made by the Engineer after the application of each
coat and before the application of the succeeding coat. In addition, the Engineer may inspect
for uniform and complete coverage and appearance. One hundred percent of all thickness
measurements shall meet or exceed the minimum wet film thickness. In areas where wet film
thickness measurements are impractical, dry film thickness measurements may be made. If a
question arises about an individual coat’s thickness or coverage, it may be verified by the use
of a Tooke gage in accordance with ASTM D4138.
If the specified number of coats does not produce a combined dry film thickness of at least
the sum of the thicknesses required per coat, if an individual coat does not meet the minimum
thickness, or if visual inspection shows incomplete coverage, the coating system will be
rejected and the Contractor shall discontinue painting and surface preparation operations
and shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing of the repair proposal. The repair proposal shall
include documentation demonstrating the cause of the less-than-minimum thickness, along
with physical test results, as necessary, and modifications to Work methods to prevent similar
results. The Contractor shall not resume painting or surface preparation operations until
receiving the Engineer’s acceptance of the completed repair.
6-07.3(10)L Environmental Condition Requirements Prior to Application of Paint
Paint shall be applied only during periods when:
1. Air temperature and paint temperature are between 35°F and 115°F.
2. Steel surface temperature is between 35°F and 115°F.
3. Steel surface does not show wet drops and is not wet.
4. Relative humidity is within the manufacturer’s recommended range.
5. The anticipated ambient temperature will remain above 35°F during the paint
drying period.
Application will not be allowed if conditions are not favorable for proper application and
performance of the paint.
Paint shall not be applied when weather conditions are unfavorable to proper curing.
If a paint system manufacturer’s recommendations allow for application of a paint under
environmental conditions other than those specified, the Contractor shall submit a Type 2
Working Drawing consisting of a letter from the paint manufacturer specifying the
environmental conditions under which the paint can be applied. Application of paint under
environmental conditions other than those specified in this section will not be allowed without
the Engineer’s concurrence.
environmental conditions, and the paint manufacturer’s recommendations. Each coat shall be
dry before recoating and shall be sufficiently cured so that succeeding or additional coats may
be applied without causing damage to the previous coat. Recoat times shall be as shown in the
paint manufacturer’s recommendations, but not less than 12 hours. Revision of recoat times to
other than recommended by the paint manufacturer requires the concurrence of the Engineer.
If the maximum time between coats is exceeded, all affected areas shall be prepared to SSPC-
SP 7, brush-off blast cleaning, and recoated with the Contract-specified system at no additional
expense or time to the Contracting Agency.
Each coat shall be applied in a uniform layer, completely covering the preceding coat.
The Contractor shall correct runs, sags, skips, or other deficiencies before application of
succeeding coats. Such corrective work may require recleaning, application of additional paint,
or other means as determined by the Engineer, at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
If fresh paint is damaged by the elements, the Contractor shall replace or repair the paint
to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
After applying the primer or intermediate coats, the Contractor shall apply a primer or
intermediate stripe coat, respectively, on all edges, corners, seams, crevices, interior angles,
junction of joint members, rivet or bolt heads, nuts and threads, weld lines, and any similar
surface irregularities. The coverage of each stripe coat shall extend at least 1 inch beyond the
irregular surface. The stripe coat shall be of sufficient thickness to completely hide the surface
being covered and shall be followed as soon as feasible by the application of the subsequent
coat to its specified thickness.
If the primer coat leaves unsealed cracks or crevices, these shall be sealed with single-
component urethane sealant conforming to Section 9-08.7 (applied in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations) before the intermediate coats are applied.
The Contractor shall correct paint deficiencies before application of succeeding coats.
Such corrective work may require recleaning, application of additional paint, or other
corrective measures in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s recommendations and as
specified by the Engineer. Such corrective work shall be completed at no additional expense
or time to the Contracting Agency.
Each application of primer, primer stripe, intermediate, intermediate stripe, and top coat
shall be considered as separately applied coats, including for the purposes of film thickness
and coverage requirements. The Contractor shall not use a preceding or subsequent coat to
remedy a deficiency in another coat. The Contractor shall apply the top coat to at least the
minimum specified top coat thickness, to provide a uniform appearance and consistent finish
coverage, even if the total thickness of the prime and intermediate coats is found to exceed
the specified total thickness for the primer and intermediate coats.
If roadway or sidewalk planks lie so close to the metal that they prevent proper cleaning
and painting, the Contractor shall remove or cut the planks to provide at least a 1-inch
clearance. Any plank removal or cutting shall be done with the concurrence of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall replace all planks after painting. If removal breaks or damages the
planks and makes them unfit for reuse, the Contractor shall replace them at no expense to the
Contracting Agency.
6-07.3(10)P Field Coating Repair
Paint repair shall conform to SSPC-PA 1. Repair areas shall be cleaned of all damaged
paint and the system reapplied using all coats typical to the paint system. Each coat shall be
thoroughly dry before applying subsequent coats. Paint repair shall be in accordance with the
paint manufacturer’s recommendations and as accepted by the Engineer.
6-07.3(10)Q Cleanup
Cleaning of equipment shall not be done in State waters nor shall resultant cleaning runoff
be allowed to enter State waters. No paint cans, lids, brushes, or other debris shall be allowed
to enter State waters. Solvents, paints, paint sludge, cans, buckets, rags, brushes, and other
waste associated with this project shall be collected and disposed of off-site. Paint products,
petroleum products, or other deleterious material shall not be wasted into, or otherwise enter,
State waters as a result of project activities.
Cleanup of the project site shall conform to Sections 1-04.11 and 6-01.12
6-07.3(11) Painting or Powder Coating of Galvanized Surfaces
Galvanized surfaces specified to be coated after galvanizing shall receive either paint
in accordance with Section 6-07.3(11)A or powder coating in accordance with Section
6-07.3(11)B. The color of the finish coat shall be as specified in the Special Provisions.
6-07.3(11)A Painting of Galvanized Surfaces
All galvanized surfaces receiving paint shall be prepared for painting in accordance
with the ASTM D6386. The method of preparation shall be as agreed upon by the paint
manufacturer and the galvanizer. The Contractor shall not begin painting until receiving
the Engineer’s acceptance of the prepared galvanized surface.
6-07.3(11)A1 Environmental Conditions
Steel surfaces shall be:
• Greater than 35ºF, and
• Less than 115ºF.
or in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, whichever is more stringent.
6-07.3(11)A2 Paint Coat Materials
The Contractor shall paint the dry surface as follows:
Paint Type Name
First Coat Section 9-08.1(2)E Epoxy polyamide
Second Coat Section 9-08.1(2)H Moisture-cured aliphatic polyurethane
The Contractor shall select all coats from the approved products listed in the current
Qualified Products List. The coating material for the first and second coats shall be from the
same manufacturer.
Each coat shall be dry before the next coat is applied. All coats applied in the shop shall
be dried hard before shipment.
6-07.3(11)B Powder Coating of Galvanized Surfaces
Powder coating of galvanized surfaces shall consist of the following coats:
Paint Type Name
First Coat Section 9-08.2 Epoxy powder primer coat
Second Coat Section 9-08.2 Polyester finish coat
6-07.3(11)B1 Submittals
The Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of the following
1. The name, location, and contact information (mail address, phone, and email) for the
firm performing the powder coating operation.
2. Quality control (QC) programs established and followed by the firm performing the
powder coating operation. Forms to document inspection and testing of coatings as
part of the QC program shall be included in the submittal.
3. Project-specific powder coating plan, including identification of the powder coating
materials used (and manufacturer), and specific cleaning, surface preparation,
preheating, powder coating application, curing, shop and field coating repair, handling,
and storage processes to be taken for the assemblies being coated for this project.
4. Product data and MSDS sheets for all powder coating and coating repair materials.
6-07.3(11)B2 Galvanizing
Prior to the galvanizing operation, the Contractor shall identify to the galvanizer the
specific assemblies and surfaces receiving the powder coating after galvanizing, to ensure that
the galvanizing method used on these assemblies is compatible with subsequent application
of a powder coating system. Specifically, such assemblies shall neither be water-quenched nor
receive a chromate conversion coating as part of the galvanizing operation.
6-07.3(11)B3 Galvanized Surface Cleaning and Preparation
Galvanized surfaces receiving the powder coating shall be cleaned and prepared for coating
in accordance with ASTM D6386, and the project-specific powder coating plan.
Assemblies conforming to the ASTM D6386 definition for newly galvanized steel shall
receive surface smoothing and surface cleaning in accordance with ASTM D6386, Section 5,
and surface preparation in accordance with ASTM D6386, Section 5.4.1.
Assemblies conforming to the ASTM D6386 definition for partially weathered galvanized
steel shall be checked and prepared in accordance with ASTM D6386, Section 6, before
then receiving surface smoothing and surface cleaning in accordance with ASTM D6386,
Section 5, and surface preparation in accordance with ASTM D6386, Section 5.4.1.
Assemblies conforming to the ASTM D6386 definition for weathered galvanized steel
shall be prepared in accordance with ASTM D6386, Section 7 before then receiving surface
smoothing and surface cleaning in accordance with ASTM D6386, Section 5, and surface
preparation in accordance with ASTM D6386, Section 5.4.1 except as follows:
1. Ferrous metal abrasives are prohibited as a blast media for surface preparation.
2. Surface preparation shall be accomplished using dry abrasive blasting through a blast
nozzle with compressed air. Abrasive blasting with a centrifugal wheel is prohibited.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of all surface cleaning and preparation activities
and shall provide the Engineer opportunity to perform quality assurance inspection, in
accordance with Section 1-05.6, at the completion of surface cleaning and preparation
activities prior to beginning powder coating application.
6-07.3(11)B4 Powder Coating Application and Curing
After surface preparation, the two-component powder coating shall be applied in
accordance with the powder coating manufacturer’s recommendations, the project-specific
powder coating plan, and as follows:
1. Preheat. The preheat shall be sufficient to prevent pinholes from forming in the finished
coating system.
2. Apply the epoxy primer coat, followed by a partial cure.
3. Apply the polyester finish coat, followed by the finish cure.
6-07.3(11)B5 Testing
The firm performing the powder coating operation shall conduct, or make arrangements
for, QC testing on all assemblies receiving powder coating for this project, in accordance with
the powder coating firm’s QC program as documented in item 2 of the Submittal Subsection
above. Testing may be performed on coated surfaces of production fabricated items, or on a
representative test panel coated alongside the production fabricated items being coated. There
shall be a minimum of one set of tests representing each cycle of production fabricated items
coated and cured. Additional tests shall be performed at the request of the Engineer. Repair
of damaged coatings on production fabricated items shall be the responsibility of the firm
applying the powder coating, and shall be in accordance with the project-specific powder
coating plan. At a minimum, the QC testing shall test for the following requirements:
1. Visual inspection for the presence of coating holidays and other unacceptable surface
away from the work. During the spraying operation and depending upon the equipment being
used, the gun shall be held as close to perpendicular as possible to the surface from 5 to
8 inches from the surface of the work.
Manual spraying shall be done in a block pattern, typically 2 feet by 2 feet square. The
sprayed metal shall overlap on each pass to ensure uniform coverage. The specified thickness
of the coating shall be applied in multiple layers. In no case are fewer than two passes of
thermal spraying, overlapping at right angles, acceptable.
At least one single layer of coating shall be applied within 4 hours of blasting and the
surface shall be completely coated to the specified thickness within 8 hours of blasting.
The minimum coating thickness shall be 6 mils unless otherwise shown in the Plans.
6-07.3(14)G Applications of Shop Coats and Field Coats
The surface shall be wiped clean with solvent immediately before applying the wash
primer. The wash primer shall have a low viscosity appropriate for absorption into the thermal
spray coating, and shall be applied within 8 hours after completion of thermal spraying or
before oxidation occurs. The dry film thickness of the wash primer shall not exceed 0.5 mils or
be less than 0.3 mils. It shall be applied using an appropriate spray gun except in those areas
where brush or roller application is necessary. The subsequent shop primer or field coats shall
be applied no less than one-half hour after a wash primer.
The shop primer coat, when specified, shall be applied in accordance with
Section 6-07.3(11)A and the paint manufacturer’s recommendations.
All field coats, when specified, shall be applied in accordance with Section 6-07.3(11)A
and the paint manufacturer’s recommendations. The color of the top coat shall conform
to Section 6-03.3(30) as supplemented in these Special Provisions.
6-07.4 Measurement
Cleaning, sealing, and caulking pack rust will be measured by the linear foot along the
edge of the steel connection interface cleaned, sealed, and caulked.
Spot abrasive blast cleaning of steel surfaces in accordance with Section 6-07.3(10)D
will be measured by the square foot of surface area to be cleaned to bare metal as specified
by the Engineer.
6-07.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Cleaning and Painting - _____”, lump sum.
The lump sum Contract price for “Cleaning and Painting – _____” shall be full pay for
the Work as specified, including developing all submittals; arranging for and accommodating
contact and on-site attendance by the paint manufacturer’s technical representative; furnishing
and placing all necessary staging and rigging; furnishing, operating, and mooring barges;
furnishing and operating fixed and movable work platforms; accommodating Contracting
Agency inspection access; conducting the Contractor’s quality control inspection program;
providing material, labor, tools, and equipment; furnishing containers for containment waste,
collecting and storing containment waste; collecting, storing, testing, and disposing of all
containment waste not conforming to the definition in Section 6-07.3(10)F; performing
all cleaning and preparation of surfaces to be painted; applying all coats of paint and
sealant; correcting coating deficiencies; completing coating repairs; and completing project
site cleanup.
When a weather station is specified, all costs in connection with furnishing, installing,
operating, and removing the weather station, including furnishing mounting hardware and
repeaters, accessories and wireless display console units, processing and submitting daily
weather data reports, maintenance and upkeep, shall be included in the lump sum Contract
price for “Cleaning And Painting – _____”.
Progress payments for “Cleaning and Painting – _____” will be made on a monthly basis
and will be based on the percentage of the total estimated area satisfactorily cleaned and
coated as determined by the Engineer. Payment will not be made for areas that are otherwise
complete but have repairs outstanding.
“Cleaning, Sealing, and Caulking Pack Rust”, per linear foot.
The unit contract price per linear foot for “Cleaning, Sealing, and Caulking Pack Rust”
shall be full pay for performing the work as specified, including cleaning out the pack rust,
preparing the gap for the rust penetrating sealer and caulk, and applying the rust penetrating
sealer and caulk.
“Spot Abrasive Blast Cleaning”, per square foot.
The unit contract price per square foot for “Spot Abrasive Blast Cleaning” shall be full pay
for performing the spot abrasive blast cleaning work in accordance with Section 6-07.3(10)D.
“Containment of Abrasives”, lump sum.
The lump sum contract price for “Containment of Abrasives” shall be full payment for
all costs incurred by the Contractor in complying with the requirements as specified in
Section 6-07.3(10)A to design, construct, maintain, and remove containment systems for
abrasive blasting operations.
“Testing and Disposal of Containment Waste”, by force account as provided in
Section 1-09.6.
All costs in connection with testing containment waste, transporting containment waste
for disposal, and disposing of containment waste in accordance with Section 6-07.3(10)F will
be paid by force account in accordance with Section 1-09.6. For the purpose of providing a
common proposal for all bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for the item
“Testing and Disposal of Containment Waste” in the bid proposal to become part of the total
bid by the Contractor.
All costs in connection with producing the metallic coatings as specified shall be included
in the unit contract price for the applicable item or items of work.
Payment for painting new steel structures and painting or powder coating of galvanized
surfaces will be in accordance with Section 6-03.5. Painting of timber structures will be in
accordance with Section 6-04.5.
Survey information collected shall include station or milepost, offset, and elevation for
each lane line and curb line. Survey information shall be collected at even 20 foot station
intervals, and along the centerline of each bridge expansion joint. The survey shall extend
300’-0” beyond the bridge back of pavement seat or end of Structure Deck. The survey
information shall include the top of Bituminous Pavement elevation and, when rotary milling/
planing equipment is used, the corresponding depth of Bituminous Pavement to the Structure
Deck. The Contractor shall ensure a surveying accuracy to within ± 0.01 feet for vertical
control and ± 0.2 feet for horizontal control.
Voids in HMA created by the Contractor’s Bituminous Pavement depth measurements
shall be filled by material conforming to Section 9-20 or another material acceptable to the
6-08.3(2)B Survey Submittal
The Contractor’s survey records shall include descriptions of all survey control points
including station/milepost, offset, and elevations of all secondary control points. The
Contractor shall maintain survey records of sufficient detail to allow the survey to be
reproduced. The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the
compiled survey records and information. Survey data shall be submitted as an electronic file
in Microsoft Excel format.
6-08.3(2)C Final Grade Profile and Adjusted Removal Depth
Based on the results of the survey, the Engineer may develop a Final Grade Profile
and Adjusted Removal Depth. If they are developed, the Final Grade Profile and Adjusted
Removal Depth will be provided to the Contractor within three working days after receiving
the Contractor’s survey information. When provided, the Adjusted Removal Depth supersedes
the Design Removal Depth to become the Bituminous Pavement removal depth for that
Structure Deck.
6-08.3(3) General Bituminous Pavement Removal Requirements
Contractor shall remove Bituminous Pavement and associated deck repair material from
Structure Decks to the horizontal limits shown in the Plans and to either the specified or
adjusted Bituminous Pavement removal depth as applicable.
Removal of Bituminous Pavement within 12-inches of existing permanent features that
limit the reach of the machine or the edge of the following items shall be by hand or by hand
operated (nominal 30-pounds class) power tools: existing bridge expansion joint headers; steel
expansion joint assemblies; concrete butt joints between back of pavement seats and bridge
approach slabs, bridge drain assemblies; thrie beam post steel anchorage assemblies fastened
to the side or top of the Structure Deck.
When removing Bituminous Pavement with a planer, Section 5-04.3(14) shall apply. If
the planer contacts the Structure Deck in excess of the specified planing depth tolerance, or
contacts steel reinforcing bars at any time, the Contractor shall immediately cease planing
operations and notify the Engineer. Planing operations shall not resume until completion of
the appropriate adjustments to the planing machine and receiving the Engineer’s concurrence
to resume.
6-08.3(4) Partial Depth Removal of Bituminous Pavement from Structure Decks
The depth of surfacing removal, as measured to the bottom of the lowest milling groove
generated by the rotary milling/planing machine shall be +0.01, -0.02-feet of the specified or
Adjusted Removal Depth as applicable.
6-08.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Structure Surveying”, lump sum.
“Removing Existing Overlay From Bridge Deck___”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard for “Removing Existing Overlay From Bridge
Deck___”, shall be full pay for performing the Work as specified for full removal of
Bituminous Pavement on Structure Decks, including the removal of existing waterproof
membrane and disposing of materials.
“Bridge Deck Repair Br. No.___”, per square foot.
The unit Contract price per square foot for “Bridge Deck Repair Br. No.___” shall be full
pay for performing the Work as specified, including removing and disposing of the concrete
within the repair area and furnishing, placing, finishing, and curing the repair concrete.
“Waterproof Membrane Br. No.___”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard for “Waterproof Membrane Br. No.___” shall be
full pay for performing the Work as specified, including repairing any damaged or defective
waterproofing membrane and repair of damaged HMA overlay.
The promoter/initiator system for the methacrylate resin shall consist of a metal drier
and peroxide.
Sand for abrasive finish shall be crushed sand, oven dried, and stored in moisture proof
bags. The sand shall conform to the following gradation:
Percent Passing
Sieve Size Minimum Maximum
No. 10 98 100
No. 16 55 75
No. 20 30 50
No. 30 8 25
No. 50 0 5
No. 100 0 3
All percentages are by weight.
the containment, collection, filtering, and disposal of all runoff water and associated
contaminants and debris generated by the hydro-demolition process, including
containment, collection and disposal of runoff water and debris escaping through breaks
in the bridge deck.
4. A Type 2 Working Drawing of the method and materials used to contain, collect, and
dispose of all concrete debris generated by the scarifying process, including provisions
for protecting adjacent traffic from flying debris.
5. A Type 1 Working Drawing of the mix design for concrete Class M, and either fly ash
modified concrete, microsilica modified concrete, or latex modified concrete, as selected
by the Contractor for use in this project in accordance with Section 6-09.3(3).
6. A Type 1 Working Drawing of samples of the latex admixture and the portland cement
for testing and compatibility (if latex modified concrete is used).
7. A Type 2 Working Drawing of the paving equipment Specifications and details of
the screed rail support system, including details of anchoring the rails and providing
rail continuity.
6-09.3(3) Concrete Overlay Mixes
6-09.3(3)A General
For fly ash, microsilica, and latex modified concrete, the Contractor shall adjust the slump
to accommodate the gradient of the bridge deck, subject to the maximum slump specified.
For fly ash and microsilica modified concrete, the maximum water/cement ratio shall be
calculated using all of the available mix water, including the free water in both the coarse
and fine aggregate, and in the microsilica slurry if a slurry is used.
For fly ash and microsilica modified concrete, all water-reducing and air entraining
admixtures, and superplasticizers, shall be used in accordance with the admixture
manufacturer’s recommendations.
6-09.3(3)B Concrete Class M
Concrete Class M for further deck preparation patching concrete shall be proportioned in
accordance with the following mix design:
Portland Cement 705 pounds
Fine Aggregate 1,280 pounds
Coarse Aggregate 1,650 pounds
Water/Cement Ratio 0.37 maximum
Air (± 1½ percent) 6 percent
Slump (± 1 inch) 5 inches
The use of a water-reducing admixture conforming to AASHTO M194 Type A will
be required to produce patching concrete with the desired slump, and shall be used in
accordance with the admixture manufacturer’s recommendations. Air entraining admixtures
shall conform to AASHTO M154 and shall be used in accordance with the admixture
manufacturer’s recommendations. The use of accelerating admixtures or other types of
admixtures is not allowed.
6-09.3(3)C Fly Ash Modified Concrete
Fly ash modified concrete shall be a workable mix, uniform in composition and
consistency. Mix proportions per cubic yard shall be as follows:
Portland Cement 611 pounds
Fly Ash 275 pounds
Fine Aggregate 38 percent of total aggregate
Coarse Aggregate 62 percent of total aggregate
Water/Cement Ratio 0.30 maximum
Air (± 1½ percent) 6 percent
Slump 7 inches maximum
Further deck preparation performed beyond the areas authorized by the Engineer will be at
the Contractor’s expense in accordance with Section 1-05.7. If the concrete overlay is placed
on a bridge deck as part of the same Contract as the bridge deck construction, then all Work
associated with the further deck preparation shall be performed at no additional expense to the
Contracting Agency.
6-09.3(6)A Equipment for Further Deck Preparation
Further deck preparation shall be performed using either hand operated tools conforming
to Section 6-09.3(1)A, or hydro-demolishing machines conforming to Section 6-09.3(1)C.
6-09.3(6)B Deck Repair Preparation
All concrete in the repair area shall be removed by chipping, hydro demolishing, or other
approved mechanical means to a depth necessary to remove all loose and unsound concrete.
For concrete surfaces scarified by rotomilling, concrete shall be removed to provide a
¾-inch minimum clearance around the top mat of steel reinforcing bars only where unsound
concrete exists around the top mat of steel reinforcing bars, or if the bond between concrete
and top mat of steel is broken.
Care shall be taken in removing the deteriorated concrete to not damage any of the existing
deck or steel reinforcing bars that are to remain in place. All removal shall be accomplished
by making neat vertical cuts and maintaining square edges at the boundaries of the repair area.
Cuts made by using sawing or hydro demolishing machines shall be made after sufficient
concrete removal has been accomplished to establish the limits of the removal area. In no case
shall the depth of the vertical cut exceed ¾ inch or to the top of the top steel reinforcing bars,
whichever is less.
The exposed steel reinforcing bars and concrete in the repair area shall be sandblasted or
hydro-blasted and blown clean just prior to placing concrete.
Where existing steel reinforcing bars inside deck repair areas show deterioration exceeding
the limits defined in the Plans, the Contractor shall furnish and place steel reinforcing bars
alongside the deteriorated bars in accordance with the details shown in the Plans. Payment for
such extra Work will be by force account as provided in Section 1-09.6.
Bridge deck areas outside the repair area or steel reinforcing bar inside or outside the
repair area damaged by the Contractor’s operations, shall be repaired by the Contractor at no
additional expense to the Contracting Agency, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
All steel reinforcing bars damaged due to the Contractor’s operations shall be repaired in
accordance with Section 6-09.3(5)F.
6-09.3(6)C Placing Deck Repair Concrete
Deck repair concrete for modified concrete overlays shall be either modified concrete or
concrete Class M as specified below.
Before placing any deck repair concrete, the Contractor shall flush the existing concrete
in the repair area with water and make sure that the existing concrete is well saturated. The
Contractor shall remove any freestanding water prior to placing the deck repair concrete.
The Contractor shall place the deck repair concrete onto the existing concrete while it is wet.
Type 1 deck repairs, defined as deck repair areas with a maximum depth of one-half
the periphery of the bottom bar of the top layer of steel reinforcement and not to exceed
12-continuous inches along the length of the bar, may be filled during the placement of the
concrete overlay. The Work of Type 1 further deck preparation shall consist of removing and
disposing of the concrete within the repair area.
Type 2 deck repairs, defined as deck repair areas not conforming to the definition of Type 1
deck repairs, shall be repaired with concrete Class M and wet cured for 42 hours in accordance
with Section 6-09.3(13), prior to placing the concrete overlay. The Work of Type 2 further
deck preparation shall consist of removing and disposing of concrete within the repair area,
and furnishing, placing, finishing, and curing the repair concrete. During the curing period, all
vehicular and foot traffic shall be prohibited on the repair area.
Charging the mobile mixer shall be done in the presence of the Engineer. Mixing
capabilities shall be such that the finishing operation can proceed at a steady pace.
6-09.3(10) Overlay Profile and Screed Rails
6-09.3(10)A Survey of Existing Bridge Deck Prior to Scarification
Prior to beginning the scarifying concrete surface finish work specified under
Section 6-09.3(5), the Contractor shall complete a survey of the existing bridge deck(s)
specified to receive modified concrete overlay for use in establishing the existing cross
section and grade profile elevations.
The Contracting Agency will provide the Contractor with primary survey control
information consisting of descriptions of two primary control points used for the horizontal
and vertical control. Primary control points will be described by reference to the bridge or
project-specific stationing and elevation datum. The Contracting Agency will also provide
horizontal coordinates for the beginning and ending points and for each Point of Intersection
(PI) on each centerline alignment included in the project. The Contractor shall provide the
Engineer 21 calendar days notice in advance of scheduled concrete surface scarification work
to allow the Contracting Agency time to provide the primary survey control information.
The Contractor shall verify the primary survey control information furnished by the
Contracting Agency and shall expand the survey control information to include secondary
horizontal and vertical control points as needed for the project. The Contractor’s survey
records shall include descriptions of all survey control points, including coordinates and
elevations of all secondary control points.
The Contractor shall maintain detailed survey records, including a description of the work
performed on each shift, the methods utilized to conduct the survey, and the control points
used. The record shall be of sufficient detail to allow the survey to be reproduced. A Type 1
Working Drawing of each day’s survey record shall be provided to the Engineer within
3 working days after the end of the shift. The Contractor shall compile the survey information
in an electronic file format acceptable to the Contracting Agency (Excel spreadsheet format
is preferred).
Survey information collected shall include station, offset, and elevation for each lane line
and curb line. Survey information shall be collected at even 20-foot station intervals and
also at the centerline of each bridge expansion joint. The Contractor shall ensure a surveying
accuracy to within ± 0.01 feet for vertical control and ± 0.2 feet for horizontal control.
The survey shall extend 100 feet beyond the bridge back of pavement seat.
Except for the primary survey control information furnished by the Contracting Agency,
the Contractor shall be responsible for all calculations, surveying, and measuring required for
setting, maintaining, and resetting equipment and materials necessary for the construction of
the overlay to the final grade profile. The Contracting Agency may post-check the Contractor’s
surveying, but these post-checks shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for internal
survey quality control.
The Contracting Agency will establish the final grade profile based on the Contractor’s
survey, and will provide the final grade profile to the Contractor within three working days
after receiving the Contractor’s survey information.
The Contractor shall not begin scarifying concrete surface work specified under
Section 6-09.3(5) until receiving the final grade profile from the Engineer.
6-09.3(10)B Establishing Finish Overlay Profile
The finish grade profile shall be + ¼ inch/- ⅛ inch from the Engineer’s final grade profile.
The final grade profile shall be verified prior to the placement of modified concrete overlay
with the screed rails in place. The finishing machine shall be passed over the entire surface
to be overlaid and the final screed rail adjustments shall be made. If the resultant overlay
thickness is not compatible with the finish grade profile generated by the Contractor’s screed
rail setup, the Contractor shall make profile adjustments as specified by the Engineer. After the
finish overlay profile has been verified, changes in the finishing machine elevation controls
will not be allowed. The Contractor shall be responsible for setting screed control to obtain the
specified finish grade overlay profile as well as the finished surface smoothness requirements
specified in Section 6-02.3(10).
Screed rails upon which the finishing machine travels shall be placed outside the area to
be overlaid, in accordance with item 7 of Section 6-09.3(2). Interlocking rail sections or other
approved methods of providing rail continuity are required.
Hold-down devices shot into the concrete are not permitted unless the concrete is to
be subsequently overlaid. Hold-down devices of other types leaving holes in the exposed
area will be allowed provided the holes are subsequently filled with mortar conforming
to Section 9-20.4(2) mixed at a 1:2 cement/aggregate ratio. Hold-down devices shall not
penetrate the existing deck by more than ¾ inch.
Screed rails may be removed at any time after the concrete has taken an initial set.
Adequate precautions shall be taken during the removal of the finishing machine and rails
to protect the edges of the new surfaces.
6-09.3(11) Placing Concrete Overlay
Five to ten working days prior to modified concrete overlay placement, a preoverlay
conference shall be held to discuss equipment, construction procedures, personnel, and
previous results. Inspection procedures shall also be reviewed to ensure coordination.
Those attending shall include:
1. (Representing the Contractor) The superintendent and all foremen in charge of placing
and finishing the modified concrete overlay, and
2. (Representing the Contracting Agency) The Engineer and key inspection assistants.
If the project includes more than one bridge deck, an additional conference shall be held
just before placing modified concrete overlay for each subsequent bridge deck.
The Contractor shall not place modified concrete overlay until the Engineer agrees that:
1. Modified concrete overlay producing and placement rates will be high enough to
meet placing and finishing deadlines,
2. Finishers with enough experience have been employed, and
3. Adequate finishing tools and equipment are at the site.
Concrete placement shall be made in accordance with Section 6-02 and the following
1. After the lane or strip to be overlaid has been prepared and immediately before placing
the concrete, it shall be thoroughly soaked and kept continuously wet with water for a
minimum period of 6 hours prior to placement of the concrete. All freestanding water
shall be removed prior to concrete placement. During concrete placement, the lane or
strip shall be kept moist.
The concrete shall then be promptly and continuously delivered and deposited on the
placement side of the finishing machine.
If latex modified concrete is used, the concrete shall be thoroughly brushed into the
surface and then brought up to final grade. If either microsilica modified concrete or fly
ash modified concrete are used, a slurry of the concrete, excluding aggregate, shall be
thoroughly brushed into the surface prior to the overlay placement.
Care shall be exercised to ensure that the surface receives a thorough, even coating
and that the rate of progress is limited so that the brushed concrete does not become
dry before it is covered with additional concrete as required for the final grade. All
aggregate which is segregated from the mix during the brushing operation shall be
removed from the deck and disposed of by the Contractor.
If either microsilica modified concrete or fly ash modified concrete are used, the
Contractor shall ensure that a sufficient number of trucks are used for concrete delivery
to obtain a consistent and continuous delivery and placement of concrete throughout the
concrete placement operation.
When concrete is to be placed against the concrete in a previously placed transverse
joint, lane, or strip, the previously placed concrete shall be sawed back 6 inches
to straight and vertical edges and shall be sandblasted or water blasted before new
concrete is placed. The Engineer may decrease the 6 inch saw back requirement to
2 inches minimum, if a bulkhead was used during previous concrete placement and the
concrete was hand vibrated along the bulkhead.
2. Concrete placement shall not begin if rain is expected. Adequate precautions shall be
taken to protect freshly placed concrete in the event that rain begins during placement.
Concrete that is damaged by rain shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no
additional expense to the Contracting Agency, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
3. Concrete shall not be placed when the temperature of the concrete surface is less than
45ºF or greater than 75ºF, when the combination of air temperature, relative humidity,
fresh concrete temperature, and wind velocity at the construction site produces an
evaporation rate of 0.15 pound per square foot of surface per hour as determined from
Table 6-02.3(6), or when winds are in excess of 10 mph. If the Contractor elects to
Work at night to meet these criteria, adequate lighting shall be provided at no additional
expense to the Contracting Agency.
4. If concrete placement is stopped for a period of ½ hour or more, the Contractor shall
install a bulkhead transverse to the direction of placement at a position where the
overlay can be finished full width up to the bulkhead. The bulkhead shall be full depth
of the overlay and shall be installed to grade. The concrete shall be finished and cured
in accordance with these Specifications.
Further placement is permitted only after a period of 12 hours unless a gap is left in the
lane or strip. The gap shall be of sufficient width for the finishing machine to clear the
transverse bulkhead installed where concrete placement was stopped. The previously
placed concrete shall be sawed back from the bulkhead, to a point designated by the
Engineer, to straight and vertical edges and shall be sandblasted or water blasted before
new concrete is placed.
5. Concrete shall not be placed against the edge of an adjacent lane or strip that is less
than 36 hours old.
6-09.3(12) Finishing Concrete Overlay
Finishing shall be accomplished in accordance with the applicable portions of
Section 6-02.3(10) and as follows. Concrete shall be placed and struck-off approximately
½ inch above final grade and then consolidated and finished to final grade with a single
pass (the Engineer may require additional passes) of the finishing machine. Hand finishing
may be necessary to close up or seal off the surface. The final product shall be a dense
uniform surface.
Latex shall not be sprayed on a freshly placed latex modified concrete surface; however,
a light fog spray of water is permitted if required for finishing, as determined by the Engineer.
As the finishing machine progresses along the placed concrete, the surface shall be given
a final finish by texturing with a comb perpendicular to the centerline of the bridge. The
texture shall be applied immediately behind the finishing machine. The comb shall consist
of a single row of metal tines capable of producing ⅛-inch wide striations approximately
0.015 foot in depth at approximately ½-inch spacing. The combs may be operated manually
or mechanically, either singly or in gangs (several combs placed end to end). This operation
shall be done in a manner that will minimize the displacement of the aggregate particles. The
texture shall not extend into areas within 2 feet of the curb line. The non-textured concrete
within 2 feet of the curb line shall be hand finished with a steel or magnesium trowel.
Construction dams shall be separated from the newly placed concrete by passing a pointing
trowel along the inside surfaces of the dams. Care shall be exercised to ensure that this
trowel cut is made for the entire depth and length of the dams after the concrete has stiffened
sufficiently that it does not flow back.
After the burlap cover has been removed and the concrete surface has dried, but before
opening to traffic, all joints and visible cracks shall be filled and sealed with a high molecular
weight methacrylate resin (HMWM). Cracks 1⁄16 inch and greater in width shall receive two
applications of HMWM. Immediately following the application of HMWM, the wetted surface
shall be coated with sand for abrasive finish.
6-09.3(13) Curing Concrete Overlay
As the texturing portion of the finishing operation progresses, the concrete shall be
immediately covered with a single layer of clean, new or used, wet burlap. The burlap shall
have a maximum width of 6 feet. The Engineer will determine the suitability of the burlap for
reuse, based on the cleanliness and absorption ability of the burlap. Care shall be exercised
to ensure that the burlap is well drained and laid flat with no wrinkles on the deck surface.
Adjacent strips of burlap shall have a minimum overlap of 6 inches.
Once in place the burlap shall be lightly fog sprayed with water. A separate layer of white,
reflective type polyethylene sheeting shall immediately be placed over the wet burlap. The
concrete shall then be wet cured by keeping the burlap wet for a minimum of 42 hours after
which the polyethylene sheeting and burlap may be removed.
Traffic shall not be permitted on the finished concrete until the specified curing time is
satisfied and until the concrete has reached a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi as
verified by rebound number determined in accordance with ASTM C805.
6-09.3(14) Checking for Bond
After the requirements for curing have been met, the entire overlaid surface shall
be sounded by the Contractor, in a manner approved by and in the presence of the Engineer,
to ensure total bond of the concrete to the bridge deck. Concrete in unbonded areas shall
be removed and replaced by the Contractor with the same modified concrete as used in the
overlay. Removal and replacement of the overlay in unbonded areas shall be performed at the
expense of the Contracting Agency, except as specified in Section 6-09.3(6) when the overlay
is placed on a bridge deck as part of the same Contract as the bridge deck construction.
All cracks, except those that are significant enough to require removal, shall be thoroughly
filled and sealed as specified in Section 6-09.3(12).
After the curing requirements have been met, the Contractor may use compressed air to
accelerate drying of the deck surface for crack identification and sealing.
6-09.4 Measurement
Scarifying concrete surface will be measured by the square yard of surface
actually scarified.
Modified concrete overlay will be measured by the cubic foot of material placed. For
latex modified concrete overlay, the volume will be determined by the theoretical yield
of the design mix and documented by the counts of the cement meter less waste. For both
microsilica modified concrete overlay and fly ash modified concrete overlay, the volume will
be determined from the concrete supplier’s Certificate of Compliance for each batch delivered
less waste. Waste is defined as the following:
1. Material not placed.
2. Material placed in excess of 6 inches outside a longitudinal joint or transverse joint.
Finishing and curing modified concrete overlay will be measured by the square yard of
overlay surface actually finished and cured.
Further deck preparation for Type 1 deck repair and for Type 2 deck repair will be
measured by the square foot of surface area of deck concrete removed in accordance with
Section 6-09.3(6).
6-09.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Bid
“Scarifying Conc. Surface”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard for “Scarifying Conc. Surface” shall be full pay for
performing the Work as specified, including testing and calibration of the machines and tools
used, containment, collection, and disposal of all water and abrasives used and debris created
by the scarifying operation, measures taken to protect adjacent traffic from flying debris, and
final cleanup following the scarifying operation.
“Modified Conc. Overlay”, per cubic foot.
The unit contract price per cubic foot for “Modified Conc. Overlay” shall be full pay for
furnishing the modified concrete overlay, including the overlay material placed into Type 1
deck repairs in accordance with Section 6-09.3(6)C.
“Finishing and Curing Modified Conc. Overlay”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard for “Finishing and Curing Modified Conc.
Overlay” shall be full pay for performing the Work as specified, including placing, finishing,
and curing the modified concrete overlay, checking for bond, and sealing all cracks.
“Further Deck Preparation for Type 1 Deck Repair”, per square foot.
“Further Deck Preparation for Type 2 Deck Repair”, per square foot.
“Structure Surveying”, lump sum.
The lump sum contract price for “Structure Surveying” shall be full pay to perform the
work as specified, including establishing secondary survey control points, performing survey
quality control, and recording, compiling, and submitting the survey records to the Engineer.
All test results and certifications shall be kept at the fabricator’s facility for review by
the Contracting Agency.
The Contracting Agency intends to perform Quality Assurance Inspection. This inspection
is for the qualification of the plant QC process. This inspection shall not relieve the Contractor
of any responsibility for identifying and replacing defective material and workmanship.
The concrete in precast barrier shall be Class 4000 and comply with the provisions of
Section 6-02.3. If Self-Consolidating Concrete is used, the concrete shall conform to Sections
6-02.3(27)B and 6-02.3(27)C. No concrete barrier shall be shipped until test cylinders made of
the same concrete and cured under the same conditions show the concrete has reached 4,000 psi.
The Contractor may use Type III portland cement, but shall bear any added cost.
Precast barrier shall be cast in steel forms. After release, the barrier shall be finished to an
even, smooth, dense surface, free from any rock pockets or holes larger than ¼ inch across.
Troweling shall remove all projecting concrete from the bearing surface.
Precast concrete barrier shall be cured in accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)D except that
the barrier shall be cured in the forms until a rebound number test, or test cylinders which
have been cured under the same conditions as the barrier, indicate the concrete has reached a
compressive strength of a least 2,500 psi. No additional curing is required once the barrier is
removed from the forms.
The barrier shall be precast in sections as the Standard Plans require. All barrier in the
same project (except end sections and variable length units needed for closure) shall be
the same length. All barrier shall be new and unused. It shall be true to Plan dimensions.
The manufacturer shall be responsible for any damage or distortion that results from
Only one section less than 20 feet long for single slope barrier and 10 feet long for all other
barriers may be used in any single run of precast barrier, and it shall be at least 8 feet long.
It may be precast or cast-in-place. Hardware identical to that used with other sections shall
interlock such a section with adjacent precast sections.
Barrier connection voids for permanent installations of precast single slope barrier shall
be filled with grout.
6-10.3(2) Cast-In-Place Concrete Barrier
Forms for cast-in-place concrete barrier, including traffic barrier, traffic-pedestrian barrier,
and pedestrian barrier on bridges and related Structures, shall be made of steel or exterior
plywood coated with plastic. The Contractor may construct the barrier by the slip-form
The barrier shall be made of Class 4000 concrete that meets the requirements of
Section 6-02, except that the fine aggregate gradation used for slip-form barrier may be either
Class 1 or 2. The Contractor may use portland cement Type III at no additional expense to the
Contracting Agency.
In addition to the steel reinforcing bar tying and bracing requirements specified in
Section 6-02.3(24) C, the Contractor may also place small amounts of concrete to aid in
holding the steel reinforcing bars in place. These small amounts of concrete shall be not more
than 2-cubic feet in volume, and shall be spaced at a minimum of 10-foot intervals within
the steel reinforcement cage. These small amounts of concrete shall be consolidated and
shall provide 2 inches minimum clearance to the steel reinforcing bars on the outside face
of the barrier. All spattered and excess mortar and concrete shall be removed from the steel
reinforcing bars prior to slip-form casting.
Barrier expansion joints shall be spaced at 96-foot intervals, and dummy joints shall be
spaced at 12-foot intervals unless otherwise specified in the Contract.
Immediately after removing the forms, the Contractor shall complete any finishing Work
needed to produce a uniformly smooth, dense surface. The surface shall have no rock pockets
and no holes larger than ¼ inch across. The barrier shall be cured and finished in accordance
with Section 6-02.3(11)A.
Shimming shall be done with a polystyrene, foam pad (12 by 24 inches) under the end
12 inches of bearing surface.
Precast barrier shall be handled and placed with equipment that will not damage or
disfigure it.
6-10.4 Measurement
Precast concrete barrier will be measured by the linear foot along its completed line
and slope.
Temporary barrier will be measured by the linear foot along the completed line and slope
of the barrier, one time only for each setup of barrier protected area. Any intermediate moving
or resetting will not be measured.
Cast-in-place concrete barrier will be measured by the linear foot along its completed line
unless the Contract specifies that it be measured per cubic yard for concrete Class 4000 and
per pound for steel reinforcing bar (as required in Section 6-02.4).
Cast-in-place concrete barrier light standard section will be measured by the unit for each
light standard section installed.
Removing and resetting existing permanent barrier will be measured by the linear foot and
will be measured one time only for removing, storage, and resetting. No measure will be made
for barrier that has been removed and reset for the convenience of the Contractor.
Concrete barrier transition Type 2 to bridge F-shape will be measured by the linear
foot installed.
Single slope concrete barrier light standard foundation will be measured by the unit for
each light standard foundation installed.
Traffic barrier, traffic pedestrian barrier, and pedestrian barrier will be measured as
specified for cast-in-place concrete barrier.
6-10.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Precast Conc. Barrier Type ____”, per linear foot.
“Cast-In-Place Conc. Barrier”, per linear foot.
“Conc. Class 4000 _____”, per cubic yard.
“St. Reinf. Bar _____”, per pound.
“Removing and Resetting Existing Permanent Barrier”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Cast-In-Place Conc. Barrier” shall be full pay
for excavation, forms, placement, special construction features, and all other materials, tools,
equipment, and labor necessary to complete the Work as specified; except that when the
Contract specifies, the unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Conc. Class 4000 _____” and
the per pound for “St. Reinf. Bar _____”, shall be full pay for excavation, forms, placement,
special construction features, and all other materials, tools, equipment, and labor necessary
to complete the Work as specified.
“Traffic Barrier”, per linear foot.
“Traffic Pedestrian Barrier”, per linear foot.
“Pedestrian Barrier” per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Traffic Barrier”, “Traffic Pedestrian Barrier”,
and “Pedestrian Barrier” shall be full pay for constructing the barrier on top of the bridge
deck, and associated bridge approach slabs, curtain walls and wingwalls, excluding the
steel reinforcing bars that extend from the bridge deck, bridge approach slab, curtain walls,
and wingwalls.
“Single Slope Concrete Barrier”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Single Slope Concrete Barrier” shall be full
pay for either cast-in-place or precast single slope concrete barrier.
The precast concrete wall stem panels shall be designed in accordance with the
following codes:
1. For all loads except as otherwise noted – AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, latest edition and current interims. The seismic design shall use the
acceleration coefficient and soil profile type as specified in the Plans.
2. For all wind loads – AASHTO Guide Specifications for Structural Design of Sound
Barriers, latest edition and current interims.
The precast concrete wall stem panels shall be fabricated in accordance with the
dimensions and details shown in the Plans, except as modified in the shop drawings.
The precast concrete wall stem panels shall be fabricated full height, and shall be fabricated
in widths of 8, 16, and 24 feet.
The construction tolerances for the precast concrete wall stem panels shall be as follows:
Height ±¼ inch
Width ±¼ inch
Thickness +¼ inch
-⅛ inch
Concrete cover for steel reinforcing bar +⅜ inch
-⅛ inch
Width of precast concrete wall stem panel joints ±¼ inch
Offset of precast concrete wall stem panels ±¼ inch
(Deviation from a straight line extending 5 feet on each side of the panel joint)
The precast concrete wall stem panels shall be constructed with a mating shear key
between adjacent panels. The shear key shall have beveled corners and shall be 1½ inches in
thickness. The width of the shear key shall be 3½ inches minimum and 5½ inches maximum.
The shear key shall be continuous and shall be of uniform width over the entire height of the
wall stem.
The Contractor shall provide the specified surface finish as noted, and to the limits
shown, in the Plans to the exterior concrete surfaces. Special surface finishes achieved with
form liners shall conform to Sections 6-02.2 and 6-02.3(14) as supplemented in the Special
Provisions. Rolled on textured finished shall not be used. Precast concrete wall stem panels
shall be cast in a vertical position if the Plans call for a form liner texture on both sides of the
wall stem panel.
The precast concrete wall stem panel shall be rigidly held in place during placement and
curing of the footing concrete.
The precast concrete wall stem panels shall be placed a minimum of 1 inch into the footing
to provide a shear key. The base of the precast concrete wall stem panel shall be sloped ½ inch
per foot to facilitate proper concrete placement.
To ensure an even flow of concrete under and against the base of the wall panel, a form
shall be placed parallel to the precast concrete wall stem panel, above the footing, to allow
a minimum 1-foot head to develop in the concrete during concrete placement.
The steel reinforcing bars shall be shifted to clear the erection blockouts in the precast
concrete wall stem panel by 1½ inches minimum.
All precast concrete wall stem panel joints shall be constructed with joint filler installed
on the rear (backfill) side of the wall. The joint filler material shall extend from 2 feet below
the final ground level in front of the wall to the top of the wall. The joint filler shall be a
nonorganic flexible material and shall be installed to create a waterproof seal at panel joints.
The soil bearing pressure beneath the falsework supports for the precast concrete wall
stem panels shall not exceed the maximum design soil pressure shown in the Plans for the
retaining wall.
4. Erection sequence, including the method of lifting the panels, placing and adjusting
the panels to proper alignment and grade, and supporting the panels during bolting,
grouting, and backfilling operations.
The Contractor shall not begin noise barrier wall construction activities, including access
construction and precast concrete panel fabrication, until receiving the Engineer’s approval
of all appropriate and applicable submittals.
6-12.3(2) Work Access and Site Preparation
The Contractor shall construct Work access in accordance with the Work access plan. The
construction access roads shall minimize disturbance to the existing vegetation, especially
trees. Only trees and shrubs in direct conflict with the approved construction access road
alignment shall be removed. Only one access road into the noise barrier wall from the main
Roadway and one access road from the noise barrier wall to the main Roadway shall be
constructed at each noise barrier wall.
Existing vegetation that has been identified by the Engineer shall be protected in
accordance with Sections 1-07.16 and 2-01, and the Special Provisions.
6-12.3(3) Shaft Construction
The Contractor shall excavate and construct the shafts in accordance with the shaft
construction plan.
The shafts shall be excavated to the required depth as shown in the Plans. The excavation
shall be completed in a continuous operation using equipment capable of excavating through
the type of material expected to be encountered.
If the shaft excavation is stopped, the Contractor shall secure the shaft by installing a safety
cover over the opening. The Contractor shall ensure the safety of the shaft and surrounding
soil and the stability of the side walls. A temporary casing, slurry, or other methods
acceptable to the Engineer shall be used as necessary to ensure such safety and stability.
When caving conditions are encountered, the Contractor shall stop further excavation until
implementing the method to prevent ground caving as specified in the shaft construction plan.
When obstructions are encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer promptly.
An obstruction is defined as a specific object (including, but not limited to, boulders, logs,
and man made objects) encountered during the shaft excavation operation, which prevents
or hinders the advance of the shaft excavation. When efforts to advance past the obstruction
to the design shaft tip elevation result in the rate of advance of the shaft drilling equipment
being significantly reduced relative to the rate of advance for the rest of the shaft excavation,
then the Contractor shall remove the obstruction under the provisions of Section 6-12.5.
The method of removal of such obstructions, and the continuation of excavation shall be
as proposed by the Contractor and accepted by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall use appropriate means to clean the bottom of the excavation of
all shafts. No more than 2 inches of loose or disturbed material shall be present at the bottom
of the shaft just prior to beginning concrete placement.
The Contractor shall not begin placing steel reinforcing bars and concrete in the shaft until
receiving the Engineer’s acceptance of the shaft excavation.
The steel reinforcing bar cage shall be rigidly braced to retain its configuration during
handling and construction. The Contractor shall not place individual or loose bars. The
Contractor shall install the steel reinforcing bar cage as specified in the shaft construction plan.
The Contractor shall maintain the minimum concrete cover shown in the Plans.
If casings are used, the Contractor shall remove the casing during concrete placement.
A minimum 5-feet head of concrete shall be maintained to balance soil and water pressure at
the bottom of the casing. The casing shall be smooth. Where the top of the shaft is above the
existing ground, the Contractor shall case the top of the hole prior to placing the concrete.
Concrete for shafts shall conform to Class 4000P. The Contractor shall place concrete
in the shaft immediately after completing the shaft excavation and receiving the Engineer’s
acceptance of the excavation. The Contractor shall place the concrete in one continuous
operation to the elevation shown in the Plans, using a method to prevent segregation of
aggregates. The Contractor shall place the concrete as specified in the shaft construction plan.
If water is present, concrete shall be placed in accordance with Section 6-02.3(6)B.
6-12.3(4) Trench, Grade Beam, or Spread Footing Construction
Where the noise barrier wall foundations exist below the existing ground line, excavation
shall conform to Section 2-09.3(4), and to the limits and construction stages shown in the
Plans. Foundation soils found to be unsuitable shall be removed and replaced in accordance
with Section 2-09.3(1)C.
Where the noise barrier wall foundations exist above the existing ground line, the
Contractor shall place and compact backfill material in accordance with Section 2-03.3(14)C.
Concrete for trench, grade beam, or spread footing foundations shall conform to Class 4000.
Cast-in-place concrete shall be formed, placed, and cured in accordance with Section 6-02,
except that concrete for trench foundations shall be placed against undisturbed soil.
The excavation shall be backfilled in accordance with item 1 of the Compaction Subsection
of Section 2-09.3(1)E.
The steel reinforcing bar cage and the noise barrier wall anchor bolts shall be installed
and rigidly braced prior to grade beam and spread footing concrete placement to retain their
configuration during concrete placement. The Contractor shall not place individual or loose
steel reinforcing bars and anchor bolts, and shall not install anchor bolts during or after
concrete placement.
6-12.3(5) Cast-In-Place Concrete Panel Construction
Construction of cast-in-place concrete panels for noise barrier walls shall conform to
Section 6-11.3(4). For noise barrier walls with traffic barrier, the construction of the traffic
barrier shall also conform to Section 6-10.3(2).
The top of the cast-in-place concrete panels shall conform to the top of wall profile shown
in the Plans. Where a vertical step is constructed to provide elevation change between adjacent
panels, the dimension of the step shall be 2 feet. Each horizontal run between steps shall be a
minimum of 48 feet.
6-12.3(6) Precast Concrete Panel Fabrication and Erection
The Contractor shall fabricate and erect the precast concrete panels in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(28), and the following requirements:
1. Concrete shall conform to Class 4000. If Self-Consolidating Concrete is used, the
concrete shall conform to Sections 6-02.3(27)B and 6-02.3(27)C.
2. Except as otherwise noted in the Plans and Special Provisions, all concrete surfaces
shall receive a Class 2 finish in accordance with Section 6-02.3(14)B.
3. The precast concrete panels shall be cast in accordance with Section 6-02.3(28)B.
The Contractor shall fully support the precast concrete panel to avoid
bowing and sagging surfaces.
After receiving the Engineer’s review of the shop drawings, the Contractor shall
cast one precast concrete panel to be used as the sample panel. The Contractor shall
construct the sample panel in accordance with the procedure and details specified in the
shop drawings. The Contractor shall make the sample panel available to the Engineer
for acceptance.
Upon receiving the Engineer’s acceptance of the sample panel, the Contractor
shall continue production of precast concrete panels for the noise barrier wall. All
precast concrete panels will be evaluated against the sample panel for the quality of
workmanship exhibited. The sample panel shall be retained at the fabrication site until
all precast concrete panels have been fabricated and accepted. After completing precast
concrete panel fabrication, the Contractor may utilize the sample panel as a production
noise barrier wall panel.
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Noise Barrier Walls 6-12
6-12.4 Measurement
Noise barrier wall will be measured by the square foot area of one face of the completed
wall panel in place. Except as otherwise noted, the bottom limit for measurement will be the
top of the trench footing, spread footing, or shaft cap. For Noise Barrier Type 5, the bottom
measurement limit will be the optional construction joint at the base of the traffic barrier.
For Noise Barrier Type 7, the bottom measurement limit will be base of the traffic barrier.
For Noise Barrier Types 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 20, the bottom measurement limit will be the
base of the wall panel.
Noise barrier wall access door will be measured once for each access door assembly with
concrete landing pad furnished and installed.
6-12.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items when they are included in the
“Noise Barrier Wall Type __”, per square foot.
The unit Contract price per square foot for “Noise Barrier Wall Type __” shall be full pay
for constructing the noise barrier walls as specified, including constructing and removing
access roads, excavating and constructing foundations and grade beams, constructing cast-
in-place concrete, and masonry wall panels, fabricating and erecting precast concrete, and
timber wall panels, applying sealer, and contouring the finish ground line adjacent to the
noise barrier walls.
“Noise Barrier Wall Access Door”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Noise Barrier Wall Access Door” shall be full pay for
furnishing and installing the access door assembly as specified, including painting the installed
access door assembly and constructing the concrete landing pads.
“Removing Noise Barrier Wall Shaft Obstructions”, estimated.
Payment for removing obstructions, as defined in Section 6-12.3(3), will be made for the
changes in shaft construction methods necessary to remove the obstruction. The Contractor
and the Engineer shall evaluate the effort made and reach agreement on the equipment and
employees utilized, and the number of hours involved for each. Once these cost items and their
duration have been agreed upon, the payment amount will be determined using the rate and
markup methods specified in Section 1-09.6. For the purpose of providing a common proposal
for all bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for the item “Removing Noise
Barrier Wall Shaft Obstructions” in the bid proposal to become a part of the total bid by
the Contractor.
If the shaft construction equipment is idled as a result of the obstruction removal work
and cannot be reasonably reassigned within the project, then standby payment for the idled
equipment will be added to the payment calculations. If labor is idled as a result of the
obstruction removal work and cannot be reasonably reassigned within the project, then all
labor costs resulting from Contractor labor agreements and established Contractor policies will
be added to the payment calculations.
The Contractor shall perform the amount of obstruction work estimated by the Contracting
Agency within the original time of the contract. The Engineer will consider a time adjustment
and additional compensation for costs related to the extended duration of the shaft construction
operations, provided:
1. The dollar amount estimated by the Contracting Agency has been exceeded, and;
2. The Contractor shows that the obstruction removal work represents a delay to the
completion of the project based on the current progress schedule provided in accordance
with Section 1-08.3.
1. (representing the Contractor) The superintendent, on site supervisors, and all foremen
in charge of excavation, leveling pad placement, concrete block and soil reinforcement
placement, and structural earth wall backfill placement and compaction.
2. (representing the Structural Earth Wall Manufacturer) The qualified and experienced
representative of the structural earth wall manufacturer as specified at the beginning of
this Section.
3. (representing the Contracting Agency) The Engineer, key inspection personnel, and
representatives from the WSDOT Construction Office and Materials Laboratory
Geotechnical Services Branch.
6-13.3(2) Submittals
The Contractor, or the supplier as the Contractor’s agent, shall furnish a Manufacturer’s
Certificate of Compliance certifying that the structural earth wall materials conform to the
specified material requirements. This includes providing a Manufacturer’s Certificate of
Compliance for all concrete admixtures, cement, fly ash, steel reinforcing bars, reinforcing
strips, reinforcing mesh, tie strips, fasteners, welded wire mats, backing mats, construction
geotextile for wall facing, drainage geosynthetic fabric, block connectors, and joint materials.
The Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance for geogrid reinforcement shall include the
information specified in Section 9-33.4(4) for each geogrid roll, and shall specify the geogrid
polymer types for each geogrid roll.
A Type 1 Working Drawing of all test results performed by the Contractor or the
Contractor’s supplier, which are necessary to ensure compliance with the specifications, shall
be submitted along with each Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance.
Before fabrication, the Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of
the field construction manual for the structural earth walls, prepared by the wall manufacturer.
This manual shall provide step-by-step directions for construction of the wall system.
The Contractor, through the license/patent holder for the structural earth wall system, shall
submit Type 2E Working Drawings consisting of detailed design calculations and details. If
not prepared by the license/patent holder for the structural earth system, the design calculation
and working drawing submittal shall include documentation that the design calculation
and working drawing submittal has been reviewed by, and received the concurrence of, the
headquarters organization of the structural earth wall manufacturer as identified in the Special
Provisions. Review and concurrence by a sales representative office is not acceptable.
6-13.3(2)A Design Calculation Content Requirements
The design calculation submittal shall include detailed design calculations based on the
wall geometry and design parameters specified in the Plans and Special Provisions. The
calculations shall include detailed explanations of any symbols, design input, materials
property values, and computer programs used in the design of the walls. All computer output
submitted shall be accompanied by supporting hand calculations detailing the calculation
process. If MSEW 3.0, or a later version, is used for the wall design, hand calculations
supporting MSEW are not required.
The design calculations shall be based on the current AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, including current interims, the current WSDOT Bridge Design Manual
LRFD (BDM), and the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual (GDM), and also based on
the following:
1. The wall design calculations shall address all aspects of wall internal stability for the
service, strength, and extreme event limit states.
2. The wall surcharge conditions (backfill slope) shown in the Plans.
3. If a highway is adjacent to and on top of the wall, a 2-foot surcharge shall be used in
the design.
4. If the Plans detail an SEW traffic barrier or SEW pedestrian barrier on top of the
wall, the barrier shall be designed for a minimum TL-4 impact load, unless otherwise
specified in the Plans or Special Provisions.
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Structural Earth Walls 6-13
5. If the Plans detail an SEW traffic barrier or SEW pedestrian barrier on top of the wall,
the wall shall be designed for the impact load transferred from the barrier to the wall.
6. The geotechnical design parameters for the wall shall be as specified in the Special
7. The soil reinforcement length shall be as shown in the Plans. If the Plans do not show a
length, the length shall be either 6 feet or 0.7 times the wall design height H, whichever
is greater.
If there are differences in design requirements between the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications and the BDM or GDM, the BDM and GDM requirements shall govern.
6-13.3(2)B Working Drawing Content Requirements
All design details shown in the working drawings shall be selected from the design details
and products specified for the specific structural earth wall manufacturer in the Preapproved
Wall Appendix in the current WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual (GDM). Geosynthetic
reinforcement shown in the working drawings shall be selected from the products listed in the
current WSDOT Qualified Products List (QPL). Substitution of design details and products not
listed in the current WSDOT GDM or QPL will not be allowed.
The working drawing submittal shall include all details, dimensions, quantities, and cross
sections necessary to construct the wall based on the wall geometry and design parameters
specified in the Plans and Special Provisions, and shall include, but not be limited to, the
following items:
1. A plan and elevation sheet or sheets for each wall, containing the following:
a. An elevation view of the wall that includes the following:
i. The elevation at the top of the wall, at all horizontal and vertical break points,
and at least every 50 feet along the wall;
ii. Elevations at the base of welded wire mats or the top of leveling pads and
foundations, and the distance along the face of the wall to all steps in the welded
wire mats, foundations, and leveling pads;
iii. The designation as to the type of panel, block, or module;
iv. The length, size, and number of geogrids or mesh or strips, and the distance
along the face of the wall to where changes in length of the geogrids or mesh or
strips occur; or
v. The length, size, and wire sizes and spacing of the welded wire mats and backing
mats, and the distance along the face of the wall to where changes in length, size,
and wire sizes and spacing of the welded wire mats and backing mats occur; and
vi. The location of the original and final ground line.
b. A plan view of the wall that indicates the offset from the construction centerline to
the face of the wall at all changes in horizontal alignment; the limit of the widest
module, geogrid, mesh, strip, or welded wire mat, and the centerline of any drainage
structure or drainage pipe that is behind or passes under or through the wall.
c. General notes, if any, required for design and construction of the wall.
d. All horizontal and vertical curve data affecting wall construction.
e. A listing of the summary of quantities provided on the elevation sheet of each wall
for all items, including incidental items.
f. A cross section showing limits of construction. In fill sections, the cross section
shall show the limits and extent of select granular backfill material placed above
original ground.
g. Limits and extent of reinforced soil volume.
2. All details, including steel reinforcing bar bending details. Bar bending details shall be
in accordance with Section 9-07.1.
3. All details for foundations and leveling pads, including details for steps in the
foundations or leveling pads.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 6-197
6-13 Structural Earth Walls
4. All modules and facing elements shall be detailed. The details shall show all dimensions
necessary to construct the element, all steel reinforcing bars in the element, and the
location of reinforcement element attachment devices embedded in the precast concrete
facing panel or concrete block.
5. All details for construction of the wall around drainage facilities, sign, signal, luminaire,
and noise barrier wall foundations, and structural abutment and foundation elements
shall be clearly shown.
6. All details for connections to SEW traffic or pedestrian barriers, coping, parapets, noise
barrier walls, and attached lighting shall be shown.
7. All details for the SEW traffic or pedestrian barrier attached to the top of the wall
(if shown in the Plans), including interaction with bridge approach slabs.
6-13.3(3) Excavation and Foundation Preparation
Excavation shall conform to Section 2-09.3(3). Foundation soils found to be unsuitable
shall be removed and replaced in accordance with Section 2-09.3(1)C. The foundation for the
Structure shall be graded level for a width equal to or exceeding the length of reinforcing as
shown in the structural earth wall Working Drawings and, for walls with geogrid reinforcing,
in accordance with Section 2-12.3. Prior to wall construction, the foundation, if not in rock,
shall be compacted as accepted by the Engineer.
At the foundation level of the bottom course of precast concrete facing panels and concrete
blocks, an unreinforced concrete leveling pad shall be provided as shown in the Plans. The
leveling pad shall be cured a minimum of 12 hours and have a minimum compressive strength
of 1,500 psi before placement of the precast concrete facing panels or concrete blocks.
6-13.3(4) Precast Concrete Facing Panel and Concrete Block Fabrication
Concrete for precast concrete facing panels shall meet the following requirements:
1. Have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 pounds per square inch,
unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions for specific proprietary wall
systems. If Self-Consolidating Concrete is used, the concrete shall conform to
Sections 6-02.3(27)B and 6-02.3(27)C.
2. Contain a water-reducing admixture meeting AASHTO M194 Type A, D, F, or G.
3. Be air-entrained, 6 percent ± 1½ percent.
4. Have a maximum slump of 4 inches, or 6 inches if a Type F or G water reducer is used.
Concrete for dry cast concrete blocks shall meet the following requirements:
1. Have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 psi.
2. Conform to ASTM C1372, except as otherwise specified.
3. The lot of blocks produced for use in this project shall conform to the following
freeze-thaw test requirements when tested in accordance with ASTM C1262. Minimum
acceptable performance shall be defined as weight loss at the conclusion of 150 freeze-
thaw cycles not exceeding 1 percent of the block’s initial weight for a minimum of four
of the five block specimens tested.
4. The concrete blocks shall have a maximum water absorption of 1 percent above the
water absorption content of the lot of blocks produced and successfully tested for the
freeze-thaw test specified in item 3 above.
Precast concrete facing panels and concrete blocks will be accepted based on successful
compressive strength tests, WSDOT “Approved for Shipment” stamp or tag, and visual
inspection at the jobsite. The precast concrete facing panels and concrete blocks shall be
considered acceptable regardless of curing age when compressive test results indicate
that the compressive strength conforms to the 28-day requirements and when the visual
inspection is satisfactorily completed. Fabrication of precast concrete facing panels and blocks
shall conform to Section 6-02.3(28). Testing of dry cast concrete blocks shall conform to
ASTM C140.
Precast concrete facing panels and concrete blocks shall be placed in successive horizontal
lifts as backfill placement proceeds in the sequence shown in the structural earth wall Working
Drawings as approved by the Engineer.
External bracing is required for the initial lift for precast concrete facing panels.
As backfill material is placed behind the precast concrete facing panels, the panels shall be
maintained in vertical position by means of temporary wooden wedges placed in the joint at
the junction of the two adjacent panels on the external side of the wall.
Reinforcing shall be placed normal to the face of the wall, unless otherwise shown in
the Plans or directed by the Engineer. Prior to placement of the reinforcing, backfill shall
be compacted.
Geosynthetic reinforcing shall be placed in accordance with Section 2-12.3 and as follows:
1. The Contractor shall stretch out the geosynthetic in the direction perpendicular to the
wall face to remove all slack and wrinkles, and shall hold the geosynthetic in place
with soil piles or other methods as recommended by the geosynthetic manufacturer,
before placing backfill material over the geosynthetic to the specified cover.
2. The geosynthetic reinforcement shall be continuous in the direction perpendicular to
the wall face from the back face of the concrete panel to the end of the geosynthetic or
to the last geogrid node at the end of the specified reinforcement length. Geosynthetic
splices parallel to the wall face will not be allowed.
At the completion of each course of concrete blocks and prior to installing any block
connectors or geosynthetic reinforcement at this level, the Contractor shall check the blocks
for level placement in all directions, and shall adjust the blocks by grinding or rear face
shimming, or other method as recommended by the structural earth wall manufacturer’s
representative and as approved by the Engineer, to bring the blocks into a level plane.
For concrete block wall systems receiving a cap block top course, the cap blocks shall be
bonded to the lower course either with mortar conforming to Section 9-20.4(3), or with an
adhesive capable of bonding the concrete block courses together.
6-13.3(6) Welded Wire Faced Structural Earth Wall Erection
The Contractor shall erect the welded wire wall reinforcement in accordance with the
wall manufacturer’s field construction manual. Construction geotextile for wall facing shall
be placed between the backfill material within the reinforced zone and the coarse granular
material immediately behind the welded wire wall facing, as shown in the Plans and the
structural earth wall Working Drawings. Geosynthetic reinforcing, when used, shall be placed
in accordance with Sections 2-12.3 and 6-13.3(5).
6-13.3(7) Backfill
Backfill placement shall closely follow erection of each course of welded wire mats and
backing mats, precast concrete facing panels, or concrete blocks. Backfill shall be placed in
such a manner as to avoid any damage or disturbance to the wall materials or misalignment
of the welded wire mats and backing mats, precast concrete facing panels, or concrete blocks.
Backfill shall be placed in a manner that segregation does not occur. Construction equipment
shall not operate directly on the wall reinforcement. A minimum backfill thickness of 6 inches
over the reinforcement shall be required prior to operation of vehicles or equipment.
The Contractor shall place wall backfill over geosynthetic reinforcement, or construction
geotextile for wall facing, in accordance with Section 2-12.3.
Misalignment or distortion of the precast concrete facing panels or concrete blocks due
to placement of backfill outside the limits of this Specification shall be corrected in a manner
acceptable to the Engineer.
The moisture content of the backfill material prior to and during compaction shall be
uniformly distributed throughout each layer of material. The moisture content of all backfill
material shall conform to Sections 2-03.3(14)C and 2-03.3(14)D.
3. Details of the interface of, and the interaction between, the barrier and the top layers of
structural earth wall reinforcement and facing.
4. When the Plans specify placement of conduit pipes through the barrier, details of
conduit pipe and junction box placement.
SEW traffic barrier and SEW pedestrian barrier shall be constructed in accordance with
Sections 6-02.3(11)A and 6-10.3(2), and the details in the Plans and in the structural earth
wall Working Drawings as approved by the Engineer. The moment slab supporting the SEW
traffic or pedestrian barrier shall be continuously wet cured for 3 days in accordance with
Section 6-02.3(11).
6-13.4 Measurement
Structural earth wall will be measured by the square foot of completed wall in place. The
bottom limits for vertical measurement will be the bottom of the bottom mat, for welded wire
faced structural earth walls, or the top of the leveling pad (or bottom of wall if no leveling pad
is present) for precast concrete panel or concrete block faced structural earth walls. The top
limit for vertical measurement will be the top of wall as shown in the Plans. The horizontal
limits for measurement are from the end of the wall to the end of the wall.
Gravel borrow for structural earth wall including haul will be measured by the cubic yard
in place determined by the limits shown in the Plans.
SEW traffic barrier, and SEW pedestrian barrier will be measured as specified in
Section 6-10.4 for cast-in-place concrete barrier.
6-13.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items when they are included in the
“Structural Earth Wall”, per square foot.
The unit Contract price per square foot for “Structural Earth Wall” shall be full payment for
all costs to perform the Work in connection with constructing structural earth walls, including
leveling pads and copings when specified.
“Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall
incl. Haul” shall be full payment for all costs to perform the Work in connection with
furnishing and placing backfill for structural earth wall, including hauling and compacting the
backfill, and furnishing and placing the wall-facing backfill for welded wire-faced structural
earth walls.
“SEW Traffic Barrier”, per linear foot.
“SEW Pedestrian Barrier”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “SEW ___ Barrier” shall be full pay for
constructing the barrier on top of the structural earth wall, except that when these Bid items
are not included in the Proposal, all costs in connection with performing the Work as specified
shall be included in the unit Contract price per square foot for “Structural Earth Wall”.
6-14.3(2) Submittals
The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working Drawings consisting of detailed plans for
each wall. As a minimum, the submittals shall include the following:
1. Detailed wall plans showing the actual lengths proposed for the geosynthetic
reinforcing layers and the locations of each geosynthetic product proposed for use
in each of the geosynthetic reinforcing layers.
2. The Contractor’s proposed wall construction method, including proposed forming
systems, types of equipment to be used, proposed erection sequence and details of how
the backfill will be retained during each stage of construction.
Gravel borrow for structural earth wall will be measured as specified in Section 2-03.4.
Shotcrete facing and concrete fascia panel will be measured by the square foot surface area
of the completed facing or fascia panel, measured to the neat lines of the facing or panel as
shown in the Plans. When a footing is required, the measurement of the fascia panel area will
include the footing.
Geosynthetic wall single slope traffic barrier, geosynthetic wall f-shape traffic barrier, and
geosynthetic retaining wall pedestrian barrier will be measured as specified in Section 6-10.4
for cast-in-place concrete barrier.
6-14.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items when they are included in the
“Geosynthetic Retaining Wall”, per square foot.
“Temporary Geosynthetic Retaining Wall”, per square foot.
All costs in connection with constructing the temporary or permanent geosynthetic
retaining wall as specified shall be included in the unit Contract price per square foot
for “Geosynthetic Retaining Wall” and “Temporary Geosynthetic Retaining Wall”,
including compaction of the backfill material and furnishing and installing the temporary
forming system.
“Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall Incl. Haul”, per ton or per cubic yard.
All costs in connection with furnishing and placing backfill material for temporary or
permanent geosynthetic retaining walls as specified shall be included in the unit Contract
price per ton or per cubic yard for “Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall Incl. Haul”.
“Concrete Fascia Panel For Geosynthetic Wall”, per square foot.
All costs in connection with constructing the concrete fascia panels as specified shall
be included in the unit Contract price per square foot for “Concrete Fascia Panel For
Geosynthetic Wall”, including all steel reinforcing bars, premolded joint filler, polyethylene
bond breaker strip, joint sealant, PVC pipe for weep holes, exterior surface finish, and
pigmented sealer (when specified), constructing and placing the concrete footing, edge beam,
anchor beam, anchor rod assembly, and backfill.
Shotcrete facing will be paid for in accordance with Section 6-18.5.
“Geosynthetic Wall Single Slope Traffic Barrier”, per linear foot.
“Geosynthetic Wall F-Shape Traffic Barrier”, per linear foot.
“Geosynthetic Retaining Wall Pedestrian Barrier”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Geosynthetic Wall Single Slope Traffic
Barrier”, “Geosynthetic Wall F-Shape Traffic Barrier”, and “Geosynthetic Retaining Wall
Pedestrian Barrier” shall be full pay for constructing the barrier on top of the geosynthetic
retaining wall.
The accuracy of the ground cut shall be such that the required thickness of shotcrete can be
placed within a tolerance of plus or minus 2 inches from the defined face of the wall, and over
excavation does not damage overlying shotcrete sections by undermining or other causes.
The Contractor should review the geotechnical recommendations report prepared for this
project for further information on the soil conditions at the location of each wall. Copies of
the geotechnical recommendations report are available for review by prospective Bidders at
the location identified in the Special Provisions.
6-15.3(6) Soil Nailing
The Contractor shall not handle and transport the encapsulated soil nails until the
encapsulation grout has reached sufficient strength to resist damage during handling.
The Contractor shall handle the encapsulated soil nails in such a manner to prevent large
deflections or distortions during handling. When handling or transporting encapsulated soil
nails, the Contractor shall provide slings or other equipment necessary to prevent damage
to the soil nails and the corrosion protection. The Engineer may reject any encapsulated nail
which is damaged during transportation or handling. Damaged or defective encapsulation shall
be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Soil nails shall be handled and sorted in such a manner as to avoid damage or corrosion.
Prior to inserting a soil nail in the drilled hole, the Contractor and the Engineer will examine
the soil nail for damage. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the epoxy coating or bar has been
damaged, the nail shall be repaired. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the damage is beyond
repair, the soil nail shall be rejected.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the epoxy coating can be repaired, the Contractor shall
patch the coating with an Engineer approved patching material.
Nail holes shall be drilled at the locations shown in the Plans or as staked by the Engineer.
The nails shall be positioned plus or minus 6 inches from the theoretical location shown in the
Plans. The Contractor shall select the drilling method and the grouting pressure used for the
installation of the soil nail. The drill hole shall be located so that the longitudinal axis of the
drill hole and the longitudinal axis of the nail are parallel. At the point of entry the soil nail
shall be installed within plus or minus 3 degrees of the inclination from horizontal shown in
the Plans, and the nail shall be within plus or minus 3 degrees of a line drawn perpendicular
to the face of the wall unless otherwise shown in the Plans.
Water or other liquids shall not be used to flush cuttings during drilling, but air may be
used. The nail shall be inserted into the drilled hole with centralizers to the desired depth in
such a manner as to prevent damage to the drilled hole, sheathing or epoxy during installation.
The centralizers shall provide a minimum of 0.5 inches of grout cover over the soil nail and
shall be spaced no further than 8 feet apart. When the soil nail cannot be completely inserted
into the drilled hole without difficulty, the Contractor shall remove the nail from the drilled
hole and clean or redrill the hole to permit insertion. Partially inserted soil nails shall not be
driven or forced into the hole. Subsidence, or any other detrimental impact from drilling shall
be cause for immediate cessation of drilling and repair of all damages in a manner approved
by the Engineer at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
If caving conditions are encountered, no further drilling will be allowed until the
Contractor selects a method to prevent ground movement. The Contractor may use temporary
casing. The Contractor’s method to prevent ground movement shall be approved by the
Engineer. The casings for the nail holes, if used, shall be removed as the grout is being placed.
Where necessary for stability of the excavation face, a sealing layer of shotcrete may be
placed before drilling is started, or the Contractor shall have the option of drilling and grouting
of nails through a stabilizing berm of native soil at the face of the excavation. The stabilizing
berm shall extend horizontally from the soil face and from the face of the shotcrete a minimum
distance of 1 foot, and shall be cut down from that point at a safe slope, no steeper than 1H:1V
unless approved by the Engineer. The berm shall be excavated to final grade after installation
and full length grouting of the nails. Nails damaged during berm excavation shall be repaired
or replaced by the Contractor, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at no added cost to the
Contracting Agency.
If sections of the wall are constructed at different times than the adjacent soil nail sections,
the Contractor shall use stabilizing berms, temporary slopes, or other measures acceptable
to the Engineer, to prevent sloughing or failure of the adjacent soil nail sections.
If cobbles and boulders are encountered at the soil face during excavation, the Contractor
shall remove all cobbles and boulders that protrude from the soil face into the design wall
section and fill the void with shotcrete. All shotcrete used to fill voids created by removal of
cobbles and boulders shall be incidental to shotcrete facing.
The grout equipment shall produce a grout free of lumps and undispersed cement.
A positive displacement grout pump shall be used. The pump shall be equipped with a
pressure gauge near the discharge end to monitor grout pressures. The pressure gauge shall
be capable of measuring pressures of at least 150 psi or twice the actual grout pressures used
by the Contractor, whichever is greater. The grouting equipment shall be sized to enable the
grout to be pumped in one continuous operation. The mixer shall be capable of continuously
agitating the grout.
The grout shall be injected from the lowest point of the drilled hole. The quantity of the
grout and the grout pressures shall be recorded. The grout pressures and grout takes shall be
controlled to prevent excessive ground heave.
The Contractor shall make and cure grout cubes once per day in accordance with WSDOT
T 813. These samples shall be retained by the Contractor until all associated verification and
proof testing of the soil nails has been successfully completed. If the Contractor elects to
test the grout cubes for compressive strength, testing shall be conducted by an independent
laboratory and shall be in accordance with the FOP for AASHTO T106.
6-15.3(7) Shotcrete Facing
Prior to placing any shotcrete on an excavated layer, the Contractor shall vertically
center prefabricated drainage mat between the columns of nails as shown in the Plans.
The prefabricated drainage mat shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The permeable drain side shall be placed against the exposed soil face.
The prefabricated drainage mat shall be installed after each excavation lift and shall be
hydraulically connected with the prefabricated drainage mat previously placed, such that the
vertical flow of water is not impeded. The Contractor shall tape all joints in the prefabricated
drainage mat to prevent shotcrete intrusion during shotcrete application.
The Contractor shall place steel reinforcing bars and welded wire fabric, and apply the
shotcrete facing in accordance with Section 6-18 and the details shown in the Plans.
The shotcrete shall be constructed to the minimum thickness as shown in the Plans.
Costs associated with additional thickness of shotcrete due to over excavation or irregularities
in the cut face shall be borne by the Contractor.
Each soil nail shall be secured at the shotcrete facing with a steel plate as shown in the
Plans. The plate shall be seated on a wet grout pad of a pasty consistency similar to that of
mortar for brick-laying. The nut shall then be sufficiently tightened to achieve full bearing
surface behind the plate. After the shotcrete and grout have had time to gain the specified
strength, the nut shall be tightened with at least 100 foot-pounds of torque.
6-15.3(8) Soil Nail Testing and Acceptance
Both verification and proof testing of the nails is required. The Contractor shall supply
all materials, equipment, and labor to perform the tests. The Contractor shall submit Type 1
Working Drawings of all test data. Soil nails used for verification tests and proof tests shall
not be production soil nails, but instead shall be separate sacrificial soil nails not otherwise
incorporated into the Work.
The testing equipment shall include a dial gauge or vernier scale capable of measuring
to 0.001 inch of the ground anchor movement. A hydraulic jack and pump shall be used to
apply the test load. The movement-measuring device shall have a minimum travel equal
to the theoretical elastic elongation of the total nail length plus 1 inch. The dial gauge or
vernier scale shall be aligned so that its axis is within 5 degrees from the axis of the nail
and shall be monitored with a reference system that is independent of the jacking system
and excavation face.
The jack and pressure gauge shall be calibrated by an independent testing Laboratory as
a unit. Each load cell, test jack and pressure gauge, grout pump stroke counter, and master
gauge, shall be calibrated as specified in Section 6-15.3(3), item 4b. Additionally, the
Contractor shall not use load cells, test jacks and pressure gauges, grout pump stroke counters,
and master gauges, greater than 60 calendar days past their most recent calibration date, until
such items are re-calibrated by an independent testing Laboratory.
The pressure gauge shall be graduated in increments of either 100 psi or 2 percent of
the maximum test load, whichever is less. The pressure gauge shall be selected to place the
maximum test load within the middle ⅔ of the range of the gauge. The ram travel of the jack
shall not be less than the theoretical elastic elongation of the total length at the maximum test
load plus 1 inch. The jack shall be independently supported and centered over the nail so that
the nail does not carry the weight of the jack. The Contractor shall have a second calibrated
jack pressure gauge at the site. Calibration data shall provide a specific reference to the jack
and the pressure gauge.
The loads on the nails during the verification and proof tests shall be monitored to verify
consistency of load – defined as maintaining the test load within 5 percent of the specified
value. Verification and proof test loads less than 20,000 pounds or sustained for 5 minutes
or less shall be monitored by the jack pressure gauge alone. Verification and proof test
loads equal to or greater than 20,000 pounds and sustained for longer than 5 minutes shall
be monitored with the assistance of an electric or hydraulic load cell. The Contractor shall
provide the load cell, the readout device, and a calibration curve from the most recent
calibration as specified in Section 6-15.3(3), item 4b. The load cell shall be selected to place
the maximum test load within the middle ⅔ of the range of the load cell. The load cell shall
be mounted between the jack and the anchor plate. The stressing equipment shall be placed
over the nail in such a manner that the jack bearing plates, load cell and stressing anchorage
are in alignment.
Nails to be tested shall be initially grouted no closer to the excavation face than the
dimension shown in the Plans. After placing the grout, the nail shall remain undisturbed until
the grout has reached strength sufficient to provide resistance during testing. Test nails shall
be left in the ground after testing, with the exposed portion of the test nail cut and removed to
2 feet behind the excavated face or inside face of shotcrete. The drill holes for test nails shall
be completely backfilled with grout or nonstructural filler after testing on those test nails has
been completed.
Load testing shall be performed against a temporary reaction frame with bearing pads
that bear directly against the existing soil or the shotcrete facing. Bearing pads shall be kept
a minimum of 12 inches from the edges of the drilled hole and the load shall be distributed
to prevent failure of the soil face or fracture of the shotcrete. The Contractor shall submit
Type 2E Working Drawings of the reaction frame.
The soil nail load monitoring procedure for verification and proof test load greater than
20,000 pounds and sustained for longer than 5 minutes shall be as follows:
1. For each increment of load, attainment of the load shall be initially established and
confirmed by the reading taken from the jack gauge.
2. Once the soil nail anchor load has been stabilized, based on the jack gauge reading,
the load cell readout device shall immediately be read and recorded to establish the
load cell reading to be used at this load. The load cell reading is intended only as a
confirmation of a stable soil nail load, and shall not be taken as the actual load on
the soil nail.
3. During the time period that the load on the soil nail is held at this load increment,
the Contractor shall monitor the load cell reading. The Contractor shall adjust the
jack pressure as necessary to maintain the initial load cell reading. Jack pressure
adjustment for any other reason will not be allowed.
4. Soil nail elongation measurements shall be taken at each load increment as specified in
Sections 6-15.3(8)A and 6-15.3(8)B.
5. Steps 1 through 4 shall be repeated at each increment of load, in accordance with the
load sequence specified in Sections 6-15.3(8)A and 6-15.3(8)B.
6-15.3(8)A Verification Testing
Verification testing shall be performed on nails installed within the pattern of production
nails to verify the Contractor’s procedures, hole diameter, and design assumptions. No drilling
or installation of production nails will be permitted in any ground/rock unit unless successful
verification testing of anchors in that unit has been completed and approved by the Engineer,
using the same equipment, methods, nail inclination, nail length, and hole diameter as planned
for the production nails. Changes in the drilling or installation method may require additional
verification testing as determined by the Engineer and shall be done at no additional expense
to the Contracting Agency. Verification tests may be performed prior to excavation for the soil
nail wall.
Successful verification tests are required within the limits as specified in the Special
Provisions. Test nail locations within these limits shall be at locations selected by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working Drawings consisting of design details of the
verification testing, including the system for distributing test load pressures to the excavation
surface and appropriate nail bar size and reaction plate. The intent is to stress the bond
between the grout and the surrounding soil/rock to at least twice the design load transfer. Prior
to beginning verification testing, the Contractor shall measure and record the length of the
nonbonded zone for each verification test soil nail.
The bar shall be proportioned such that the maximum stress at 200 percent of the test load
does not exceed 80 percent of the yield strength of the steel. The jack shall be positioned at
the beginning of the test such that unloading and repositioning of the jack during the test will
not be required. The verification tests shall be made by incrementally loading the nails in
accordance with the following schedule of hold time:
AL 1 minute
0.25TL 10 minutes
0.50TL 10 minutes
0.75TL 10 minutes
1.00TL 10 minutes
1.25TL 10 minutes
1.50TL 60 minutes
1.75TL 10 minutes
2.00TL 10 minutes
AL = Nail Alignment Load
TL = Nail Test Load
The test load shall be determined by the following equation = Test Load (TL) = Bond
Length (BL) × Design Load Transfer (DLT).
The load shall be applied in increments of 25 percent of the test load. Each load increment
shall be held for at least 10 minutes. Measurement of nail movement shall be obtained at each
load increment. The load-hold period shall start as soon as the load is applied and the nail
movement with respect to a fixed reference shall be measured and recorded at 1 minute, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 minutes.
The Engineer will evaluate the results of each verification test and make a determination
of the suitability of the test and of the Contractor’s proposed production nail design and
installation system. Tests that fail to meet the design criteria will require additional verification
testing or an approved revision to the Contractor’s proposed production nail design and
installation system. If a nail fails in creep, retesting will not be allowed.
A verification tested nail with a 60-minute load hold at 1.50TL is acceptable if:
1. The nail carries the test load with a creep rate that does not exceed 0.08 inch per log
cycle of time and is at a linear or decreasing creep rate.
2. The total movement at the test load exceeds 80 percent of the theoretical elastic
elongation of the non-bonded length.
Furthermore, a pullout failure shall not occur for the verification test anchor at the 2.0TL
maximum load. Pullout failure load is defined as the load at which attempts to increase the test
load result only in continued pullout movement of the test nail without a sustainable increase
in the test load.
6-15.3(8)B Proof Testing
Proof tests shall be performed on proof test soil nails installed within the pattern of the
production soil nails at the locations shown in the Plans. Proof test soil nails shall be installed
using the same equipment, methods, nail inclination, nail length, and hole diameter as for
adjacent production nails. The Contractor shall maintain the side-wall stability of the drill
hole for the non-grouted portion during the test. The bond length shall be determined from
the Nail Schedule and Test Nail Detail shown in the Plans. Prior to beginning proof testing,
the Contractor shall measure and record the length of the nonbonded zone for each proof test
soil nail.
Proof tests shall be performed by incrementally loading the nail in accordance with
the schedule below. The anchor movement shall be measured and recorded to the nearest
0.001 inch with respect to an independent fixed reference point in the same manner as for
the verification tests at the alignment load and at each increment of load. The load shall
be monitored in accordance with Section 6-15.3(8). The scheduling of hold times shall be
as follows:
AL 1 minute
0.25TL 5 minutes
0.50TL 5 minutes
0.75TL 5 minutes
1.00TL 5 minutes
1.25TL 5 minutes
1.50TL 10 minutes
AL = Nail Alignment Load
TL = Nail Test Load
The maximum load in a proof test shall be held for 10 minutes. The load hold period
shall start as soon as the maximum load is applied and the nail movement with respect to an
independent fixed reference shall be measured and recorded at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 10 minutes.
The nail movement between 1 and 10 minutes shall not exceed 0.04 inches. If the nail
movement between 1 and 10 minutes exceeds 0.04 inches, the maximum load shall be held an
additional 50 minutes. If the load hold is extended, the nail movement shall be recorded at 20,
30, 40, 50, and 60 minutes. If a nail fails in creep, retesting will not be allowed.
A proof tested nail is acceptable if:
1. The nail carries the maximum load with less than 0.04 inches of movement between
1 and 10 minutes, unless the load hold extended to 60 minutes, in which case the nail
would be acceptable if the creep rate does not exceed 0.08 inches per log cycle of time.
2. The total movement at the maximum load exceeded 80 percent of the theoretical elastic
elongation of the non-bonded length.
3 The creep rate is not increasing with time during the load hold period.
If a proof test fails, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to replace some or all of the
installed production nails between the failed test and an adjacent proof test nail that has met
the test criteria. The Engineer may also require additional proof testing. All additional proof
tests, and all installation of additional or modified nails, shall be performed at no additional
expense to the Contracting Agency.
6-15.3(9) Concrete Fascia Panels
The Contractor shall construct the concrete fascia panels in accordance with Section 6-02
and the details in the Plans. The concrete fascia panels shall be cured in accordance with the
Section 6-02.3(11) requirements specified for retaining walls. The Contractor shall provide the
specified surface finish as noted, and to the limits shown, in the Plans to the exterior concrete
surface. When noted in the Plans, the Contractor shall apply pigmented sealer to the limits
shown in the Plans.
Asphalt or cement concrete gutter shall be constructed as shown in the Plans and as
specified in Section 8-04.
6-15.4 Measurement
Prefabricated drainage mat will be measured by the square yard of material furnished
and installed.
Soil nails will be measured per each for each soil nail installed and accepted.
Soil nail verification test and soil nail proof test will be measured per each for each
successfully completed soil nail verification test and soil nail proof test at the locations
specified in the Special Provisions and shown in the Plans.
Shotcrete facing and concrete fascia panel will be measured by the square foot surface area
of the completed facing or fascia panel, measured to the neat lines of the facing or panel as
shown in the Plans.
6-15.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items when they are included in the
“Soil Nail – Epoxy Coated”, per each.
“Soil Nail – Encapsulated”, per each.
All costs in connection with furnishing and installing the soil nails as specified shall
be included in the unit Contract price per each for “Soil Nail - ___”, including all drilling,
grouting, centralizers, bearing plates, welded shear connectors, nuts, and other Work required
for installation of each soil nail.
“Prefabricated Drainage Mat”, per square yard.
“Soil Nail Verification Test and Soil Nail Proof Test”, per each.
All costs in connection with successfully completing soil nail verification tests and soil
nail proof tests as specified shall be included in the unit contract price per each for “Soil Nail
Verification Test and Soil Nail Proof Test”, including removal of the exposed portion of the
test nail and backfilling the drilled hole with grout or nonstructural filler.
“Concrete Fascia Panel”, per square foot.
All costs in connection with constructing the concrete fascia panels as specified shall be
included in the unit Contract price per square foot for “Concrete Fascia Panel”, including all
steel reinforcing bars, premolded joint filler, polyethylene bond breaker strip, joint sealant,
PVC pipe for weep holes, exterior surface finish, and pigmented sealer (when specified).
Shotcrete facing will be paid for in accordance with Section 6-18.5.
Unless otherwise specified, all costs in connection with excavation in front of the back
face of the shotcrete facing shall be included in the unit Contract price per cubic yard for
“Roadway Excavation” or “Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul” as specified in Section 2-03.5.
b. Reduce the rate of placing concrete to reduce the pressure from concrete placement
to less than or equal to the design earth pressure in addition to the ties to the
soldier piles.
c. Follow a procedure with a combination of a. and b.
3. The Contractor shall design the forms for an appropriate rate of placing concrete so that
no cold joints occur, considering the wall thickness and height, and volume of concrete
to be placed.
The Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of a shaft installation
plan. In preparing the submittal, the Contractor shall reference the available subsurface data
provided in the Contract test hole boring logs and the geotechnical report(s) prepared for
this project. This plan shall provide at least the following information:
1. An overall construction operation sequence and the sequence of shaft construction.
2. List, description, and capacities of proposed equipment including but not limited to
cranes, drills, augers, bailing buckets, final cleaning equipment, and drilling units.
The narrative shall describe why the equipment was selected, and describe equipment
suitability to the anticipated site and subsurface conditions. The narrative shall include
a project history of the drilling equipment demonstrating the successful use of the
equipment on shafts of equal or greater size in similar soil/rock conditions.
3. Details of shaft excavation methods including proposed drilling methods, methods
for cleanout of the shafts, disposal plan for excavated material and drilling slurry (if
applicable), and a review of method suitability to the anticipated site and subsurface
4. Details of the method(s) to be used to ensure shaft stability (i.e., prevention of
caving, bottom heave, etc. using temporary casing, slurry, or other means) during
excavation and concrete placement. This shall include a review of method suitability
to the anticipated site and subsurface conditions. If temporary casings are proposed,
casing dimensions and detailed procedures for casing installation and removal shall
be provided. If slurry is proposed, detailed procedures for mixing, using, maintaining,
and disposing of the slurry shall be provided. A detailed mix design, and a discussion
of its suitability to the anticipated subsurface conditions shall also be provided for the
proposed slurry.
5. Details of soldier pile placement including internal support bracing and centralization
6. Details of concrete placement including proposed operational procedures for pumping
and/or tremie methods.
7. Details of the device used to prevent unauthorized entry into a shaft excavation.
8. The method to be used to form the horizontal construction joint at the top elevation
specified for concrete Class 4000P in the shaft.
6-16.3(3) Shaft Excavation
Shafts shall be excavated to the required depth as shown in the Plans. The minimum
diameter of the shaft shall be as shown in the Plans. The excavation shall be completed in
a continuous operation using equipment capable of excavating through the type of material
expected to be encountered.
The Contractor may use temporary telescoping casing to construct the shafts.
If the shaft excavation is stopped the shaft shall be secured by installation of a safety cover.
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the shaft and surrounding soil
and the stability of the sidewalls. A temporary casing, slurry, or other methods specified in the
shaft installation plan shall be used if necessary to ensure such safety and stability.
Where caving in conditions are encountered, no further excavation will be allowed until the
Contractor has implemented the method to prevent ground caving as submitted in accordance
with item 4 of the Shaft Installation Plan.
No more than 2 inches of loose or disturbed material, for soldier piles with permanent
ground anchors, nor more than 12 inches of loose or disturbed material, for soldier piles
without permanent ground anchors, shall be present at the bottom of the shaft just prior to
beginning concrete placement.
The excavated shaft shall be inspected and receive acceptance by the Engineer prior to
proceeding with construction.
When obstructions are encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer promptly.
An obstruction is defined as a specific object (including, but not limited to, boulders, logs,
and man made objects) encountered during the shaft excavation operation that prevents or
hinders the advance of the shaft excavation. When efforts to advance past the obstruction
to the design shaft tip elevation result in the rate of advance of the shaft drilling equipment
being significantly reduced relative to the rate of advance for the rest of the shaft excavation,
then the Contractor shall remove the obstruction under the provisions of Section 6-16.5.
The method of removal of such obstructions, and the continuation of excavation shall be as
proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
Excavation of shafts shall not commence until a minimum of 12 hours after the shaft
backfill for the adjacent shafts has been placed.
The temporary casings for the shafts shall be removed. A minimum 5-foot head of
concrete shall be maintained to balance the soil and water pressure at the bottom of the
casing. The casing shall be smooth.
6-16.3(4) Installing Soldier Piles
Soldier piles, if spliced, shall conform to all requirements of Section 6-05.3(6).
The prefabricated steel soldier piles shall be lowered into the drilled shafts and secured in
position. Concrete cover over the soldier pile shall be 3 inches minimum, except that the cover
over the soldier pile flange plate reinforcing at permanent ground anchor locations shall be
1½ inches minimum.
The steel soldier piles and attachments shall be shop painted after fabrication to the limits
shown in the Plans with one coat of inorganic zinc primer. Application of the one coat of
primer shall be in accordance with Section 6-07. The welded shear studs may be attached
before or after painting. Paint damaged by welding shear studs in place does not require repair.
6-16.3(5) Backfilling Shaft
The excavated shaft shall be backfilled with either controlled density fill (CDF), or
pumpable lean concrete, as shown in the Plans and subject to the following requirements:
1. Dry shaft excavations shall be backfilled with CDF.
2. Wet shaft excavations shall be backfilled with pumpable lean concrete.
3. Pumpable lean concrete shall be a Contractor designed mix providing a minimum
28-day compressive strength of 100 psi. Acceptance of pumpable lean concrete will
conform to the acceptance requirements specified in Section 2-09.3(1) for CDF.
4. A wet shaft is defined as a shaft where water is entering the excavation and remains
present to a depth of 6 inches or more.
5. When the Plans or test hole boring logs identify the presence of a water table at
or above the elevation of the bottom of soldier pile shaft, the excavation shall be
considered as wet, except as otherwise noted. Such a shaft may be considered a dry
shaft provided the Contractor furnishes and installs casing that is sufficiently sealed
into competent soils such that water cannot enter the excavation.
Placement of the shaft backfill shall commence immediately after completing the shaft
excavation and receiving the Engineer’s approval of the excavation. CDF or pumpable lean
concrete shall be placed in one continuous operation to the top of the shaft. Vibration of shaft
backfill is not required.
If water is not present, the shaft backfill shall be deposited by a method that prevents
segregation of aggregates. The shaft backfill shall be placed such that the free-fall is vertical
down the shaft without hitting the sides of the soldier pile or the excavated shaft. The
Contractor’s method for depositing the shaft backfill shall have approval of the Engineer prior
to the placement of the shaft backfill.
If water is present, the shaft backfill shall be deposited in accordance with Section 6-02.3(6)B.
6-16.3(6) Designing and Installing Lagging and Installing Permanent Ground Anchors
Lagging for soldier pile walls shall conform to one of the following two categories:
1. Temporary lagging is defined as lagging that is in service as a structural member for a
maximum of 36 months before a permanent load-carrying fascia is in place, except for
the following exception: Lagging for soldier pile walls in site soils conforming to an
excluded soil type as defined under Section 6-16.3(6)A will be classified as permanent
lagging conforming to Section 6-16.3(6)C, in which case this requirement will be
specified in the Plans along with design details for such lagging.
2. Permanent lagging is defined as all lagging not conforming to the definition of
temporary lagging as specified in category 1, above.
6-16.3(6)A Soil Classification
For the purposes of designing lagging for soldier pile walls, soils shall be categorized in
the classifications defined below.
Soil Type 1
The following shall be considered Type 1 soils:
1. Cohesive fine-grained soils either CL or CH of medium consistency with γH/Su < 5.
2. Cohesive fine-grained soils either CL or CH that are stiff to very stiff and nonfissured.
3. Fine-grained soils either ML or SM-ML that are above the water table.
4. Coarse-grained soils either GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, or SM that are medium dense
to dense.
Soil Type 2
The following shall be considered Type 2 soils:
1. Cohesive fine-grained soils either CL or CH that are heavily overconsolidated
and fissured.
2. Fine-grained ML soils or coarse-grained SM-ML soils that are below the water table.
3. Coarse-grained SC soil that is medium dense to dense and is below the water table.
4. Coarse-grained soils either SW, SP, or SM that are loose.
Soil Type 3
The following shall be considered Type 3 soils:
1. Cohesive fine-grained soils either CL or CH that are soft with γH/Su > 5.
2. Fine-grained slightly plastic ML soil that is below the water table.
3. Coarse-grained SC soil that is loose and below the water table.
Regardless of whether site soils conform to one of the soil types defined above, site
soils under the following conditions are excluded from the Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3
soil classifications:
1. Disturbed soils such as those in landslides or known unstable areas.
2. Layered soils dipping into the excavation steeper than 4H:1V.
Lagging for soldier pile walls located in site soils excluded from the Type 1, Type 2,
and Type 3 soil classifications shall be designed in accordance with the latest AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications with current interim specifications. Use of the table in
Section 6-16.3(6)B for timber lagging in these situations will not be allowed.
6-17.3(3) Submittals
The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working Drawings consisting of details and structural
design calculations for the ground anchor system or systems intended for use.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of a detailed description
of the construction procedure proposed for use.
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of ground anchor
schedule giving:
1. Ground anchor number
2. Ground anchor factored design load
3. Type and size of tendon
4. Minimum total bond length
5. Minimum anchor length
6. Minimum tendon bond length
7. Minimum unbonded length
The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing detailing the ground anchor tendon
and the corrosion protection system. Include details of the following:
1. Spacers and their location
2. Centralizers and their location
3. Unbonded length corrosion protection system, including the permanent rubber
seal between the trumpet and the tendon unbonded length corrosion protection
and the transition between the tendon bond length and the unbonded tendon length
corrosion protection.
4. Bond length corrosion protection system
5. Anchorage and trumpet
6. Anchorage corrosion protection system
7. Anchors using non-restressable anchorage devices
The Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of shop plans as
specified in Section 6-03.3(7) for all structural steel, including the permanent ground anchors.
The Contractor shall submit Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of the mix design for
the grout conforming to Section 9-20.3(4) and the procedures for placing the grout. The
Contractor shall also submit the methods and materials used in filling the annulus over the
unbonded length of the anchor.
The Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of the method proposed
to be followed for the permanent ground anchor testing. This shall include all necessary
drawings and details to clearly describe the method proposed.
The Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of calibration data for
each load cell, test jack, pressure gauge and master pressure gauge to be used. The calibration
tests shall have been performed by an independent testing Laboratory and tests shall have been
performed within 60 calendar days of the date submitted.
6-17.3(4) Preconstruction Conference
A permanent ground anchor preconstruction conference shall be held at least 5 working
days prior to the Contractor beginning any permanent ground anchor Work at the site to
discuss construction procedures, personnel, and equipment to be used. The list of materials
specified on the Record of Materials Form (ROM) for this item of Work will also be discussed.
Those attending shall include:
1. (representing the Contractor) The superintendent, on site supervisors, and all foremen
in charge of drilling the ground anchor hole, placing the permanent ground anchor and
grout, and tensioning and testing the permanent ground anchor.
2. (representing the Contracting Agency) The Engineer, key inspection personnel, and
representatives from the WSDOT Construction Office and Materials Laboratory
Geotechnical Services Branch.
If the Contractor’s key personnel change, or if the Contractor proposes a significant
revision of the approved permanent ground anchor installation plan, an additional conference
shall be held before any additional permanent ground anchor operations are performed.
6-17.3(5) Tendon Fabrication
The tendons can be either shop or field fabricated. The tendon shall be fabricated as shown
in the shop plans.
The Contractor shall select the type of tendon to be used. The tendon shall be sized so the
factored design load does not exceed 80 percent of the minimum guaranteed ultimate tensile
strength of the tendon. In addition, the tendon shall be sized so the maximum test load does
not exceed 80 percent of the minimum guaranteed ultimate tensile strength of the tendon.
The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the bond length and tendon bond
length necessary to develop the factored design load indicated in the Plans in accordance with
Sections 6-17.3(8)A, 6-17.3(8)B, and 6-17.3(8)C. The minimum bond length shall be 10 feet
in rock and 15 feet in soil.
When the Plans require the tendon bond length to be encapsulated, the tendon bond length
portion of the tendon shall be corrosion protected by encapsulating the tendon in a grout-filled
PE or PVC tube as specified in Section 6-17.2 as supplemented in the Special Provisions. The
tendons can be grouted inside the encapsulation prior to inserting the tendon in the drill hole
or after the tendon has been placed in the drill hole. Expansive admixtures can be mixed with
the encapsulation grout if the tendon is grouted inside the encapsulation while outside the drill
hole. The tendon shall be centralized within the bond length encapsulation with a minimum
of 0.20 inches of grout cover. Spacers shall be used along the tendon bond length of multi-
element tendons to separate the elements of the tendon so the prestressing steel will bond to
the encapsulation grout.
Centralizers shall be used to provide a minimum of 0.5 inches of grout cover over the
tendon bond length encapsulation. Centralizers shall be securely attached to the encapsulation
and the center-to-center spacing shall not exceed 10 feet. In addition, the upper centralizer
shall be located a maximum of 5 feet from the top of the tendon bond length and the lower
centralizer shall be located a maximum of 1 foot from the bottom of the tendon bond length.
The centralizer shall be able to support the tendon in the drill hole and position the tendon
so a minimum of 0.5 inches of grout cover is provided and shall permit free flow of grout.
Centralizers are not required on encapsulated, pressure-injected ground anchor tendons
if the ground anchor is installed in coarse grained soils (more than 50 percent of the soil larger
than the number 200 sieve) using grouting pressures greater than 150 psi.
Centralizers are not required on encapsulated, hollow-stem-augered ground anchor tendons
if the ground anchor is grouted through and the hole is maintained full of a stiff grout (8-inch
slump or less) during extraction of the auger.
The minimum unbonded length of the tendon shall be the greater of 15 feet or that
indicated in the Plans.
Corrosion protection of the unbonded length shall be provided by a sheath completely
filled with corrosion inhibiting grease or grout. If grease is used under the sheath, provisions
shall be made to prevent the grease from escaping at the ends of the sheath. The grease shall
completely coat the tendon and fill the voids between the tendon and the sheath.
If the sheath is not fabricated from a smooth tube, a separate bond breaker shall be
provided. The bond breaker shall prevent the tendon from bonding to the anchor grout
surrounding the tendon unbonded length.
The total anchor length shall not be less than that indicated in the Plans or the approved
Working Drawing submittal.
3 degrees of the inclination from horizontal shown in the Plans or the Working Drawing
submittal. The ground anchors shall not extend beyond the Right of Way limits.
The tendon shall be inserted into the drill hole to the desired depth. When the tendon
cannot be completely inserted without difficulty, the Contractor shall remove the tendon from
the drill hole and clean or redrill the hole to permit insertion. Partially inserted tendons shall
not be driven or forced into the hole.
The Contractor shall use a grout conforming to Section 6-17.2 as supplemented in the
Special Provisions.
The grout equipment shall produce a grout free of lumps and undispersed cement.
A positive displacement grout pump shall be used. The pump shall be equipped with a
pressure gauge near the discharge end to monitor grout pressures. The pressure gauge shall
be capable of measuring pressures of at least 150 psi or twice the actual grout pressures used
by the Contractor, whichever is greater. The grouting equipment shall be sized to enable the
grout to be pumped in one continuous operation. The mixer shall be capable of continuously
agitating the grout.
The grout shall be injected from the lowest point of the drill hole. The grout may be
pumped through grout tubes, casing, or drill rods. The grout can be placed before or after
insertion of the tendon. The quantity of the grout and the grout pressures shall be recorded.
The grout pressures and grout takes shall be controlled to prevent excessive heave in soils
or fracturing of rock formations.
The Contractor shall make and cure grout cubes once per day in accordance with WSDOT
T 813. These samples shall be retained by the Contractor until all associated verification,
performance and proof testing of the permanent ground anchors has been successfully
completed. If the Contractor elects to test the grout cubes for compressive strength, testing
shall be conducted by an independent laboratory and shall be in accordance with the FOP for
After grouting, the tendon shall not be loaded for a minimum of 3 days.
No grout shall be placed above the top of the bond length during the time the bond
length grout is placed. The grout at the top of the drill hole shall not contact the back of the
Structure or the bottom of the trumpet. Except as otherwise noted, only nonstructural filler
shall be placed above the bond length grout prior to testing and acceptance of the anchor.
The Contractor may place structural grout above the bond length grout prior to testing and
acceptance of the anchor subject to the following conditions:
1. The anchor unbonded length shall be increased by 8 feet minimum.
2. The grout in the unbonded zone shall not be placed by pressure grouting methods.
The corrosion protection surrounding the unbonded length of the tendon shall extend up
beyond the bottom seal of the trumpet or 1 foot into the trumpet if no trumpet seal is provided.
If the protection does not extend beyond the seal or sufficiently far enough into the trumpet,
the Contractor shall extend the corrosion protection or lengthen the trumpet.
The corrosion protection surrounding the no load zone length of the tendon shown in the
Plans shall not contact the bearing plate or the anchor head during testing and stressing. If the
protection is too long, the Contractor shall trim the corrosion protection to prevent contact.
The bearing plate and anchor head shall be placed so the axis of the tendon and the drill
hole are both perpendicular to the bearing plate within plus or minus 3 degrees and the axis of
the tendon passes through the center of the bearing plate at the intersection of the trumpet and
the bearing plate when fully seated with the alignment load.
The trumpet shall be completely filled with corrosion inhibiting grease or grout. Trumpet
grease can be placed anytime during construction. Trumpet grout shall be placed after the
ground anchor has been tested. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that the
procedure selected by the Contractor for placement of either grease or grout produces a
completely filled trumpet.
All anchorages permanently exposed to the atmosphere shall be covered with a corrosion
inhibiting grease-filled or grout-filled cover. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer
that the procedures selected by the Contractor for placement of either grease or grout produces
a completely filled cover. If the Plans require restressable anchorages, corrosion inhibiting
grease shall be used to fill the anchorage cover and trumpet.
6-17.3(8) Testing and Stressing
Each ground anchor shall be tested. The test load shall be simultaneously applied to the
entire tendon. Stressing of single elements of multi-element tendons will not be permitted.
The Engineer will record test data.
The testing equipment shall consist of a dial gauge or vernier scale capable of measuring
to 0.001 inch and shall be used to measure the ground anchor movement. The movement-
measuring device shall have a minimum travel equal to the theoretical elastic elongation of
the total anchor length plus 1 inch. The dial gauge or vernier scale shall be aligned so that
its axis is within 5 degrees from the axis of the tieback. A hydraulic jack and pump shall be
used to apply the test load. The jack and pressure gauge shall be calibrated by an independent
testing Laboratory as a unit. Each load cell, test jack and pressure gauge, and master pressure
gauge, shall be calibrated as specified in Section 6-17.3(3). Additionally, the Contractor shall
not use load cells, test jacks and pressure gauges, and master pressure gauges, greater than
60 calendar days past their most recent calibration date, until such items are re-calibrated by
an independent testing Laboratory.
The pressure gauge shall be graduated in increments of either 100 psi or 2 percent of
the maximum test load, whichever is less. The pressure gauge will be used to measure the
applied load. The pressure gauge shall be selected to place the maximum test load within
the middle ⅔ of the range of the gauge. The ram travel of the jack shall not be less than the
theoretical elastic elongation of the total anchor length at the maximum test load plus 1 inch.
The jack shall be independently supported and centered over the tendon so that the tendon
does not carry the weight of the jack. The Contractor shall have a second calibrated jack
pressure gauge at the site. Calibration data shall provide a specific reference to the jack and
the pressure gauge.
The loads on the tiebacks during the performance and verification tests shall be monitored
to verify consistency of load as defined in Section 6-17.3(1). Performance test loads, and
verification test loads when specified in the Special Provisions, sustained for 5 minutes or less,
and all proof test leads, shall be monitored by the jack pressure gauge alone. Performance test
loads, and verification test loads when specified in the Special Provisions, sustained for longer
than 5 minutes shall be monitored with the assistance of an electric or hydraulic load cell.
The Contractor shall provide the load cell and a readout device. The load cell shall be mounted
between the jack and the anchor plate. The load cell shall be selected to place the maximum
test load within the middle ⅔ of the range of the load cell. The stressing equipment shall be
placed over the ground anchor tendon in such a manner that the jack, bearing plates, load cell
and stressing anchorage are in alignment.
The permanent ground anchor load monitoring procedure for performance test loads, and
verification test loads when specified in the Special Provisions, sustained for longer than
5 minutes shall be as follows:
1. For each increment of load, attainment of the load shall be initially established and
confirmed by the reading taken from the jack gauge.
2. Once the permanent ground anchor load has been stabilized, based on the jack gauge
reading, the load cell readout device shall immediately be read and recorded to establish
the load cell reading to be used at this load. The load cell reading is intended only as
a confirmation of a stable permanent ground anchor load, and shall not be taken as the
actual load on the permanent ground anchor.
3. During the time period that the load on the permanent ground anchor is held at this
load increment, the Contractor shall monitor the load cell reading. The Contractor
shall adjust the jack pressure as necessary to maintain the initial load cell reading.
Jack pressure adjustment for any other reason will not be allowed.
4. Permanent ground anchor elongation measurements shall be taken at each load
increment as specified in Sections 6-17.3(8)A and 6-17.3(8)B.
5. Steps 1 through 4 shall be repeated at each increment of load, in accordance with the
load sequence specified in Sections 6-17.3(8)A and 6-17.3(8)B.
6-17.3(8)A Verification Testing
Verification tests will be required only when specified in the Special Provisions.
6-17.3(8)B Performance Testing
Performance tests shall be done in accordance with the following procedures. Five percent
of the ground anchors or a minimum of three ground anchors, whichever is greater, shall be
performance tested. The Engineer shall select the ground anchors to be performance tested.
The first production anchor shall be performance tested.
The performance test shall be made by incrementally loading and unloading the ground
anchor in accordance with the following schedule, consistent with the Load Resistance Factor
Design (LRFD) design method. The load shall be raised from one increment to another
immediately after a deflection reading.
Performance Test Schedule
Jack to lock-off load
AL – is the alignment load
FDL – is the factored design load.
The maximum test load in a performance test shall be held for 10 minutes. The load-hold
period shall start as soon as the maximum test load is applied and the anchor movement, with
respect to a fixed reference, shall be measured and recorded at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 10 minutes.
If the anchor movement between 1 and 10 minutes exceeds 0.04 inches, the maximum test
load shall be held for an additional 50 minutes. If the load-hold is extended, the anchor
movement shall be recorded at 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 minutes. If an anchor fails in creep,
retesting will not be allowed. All anchors not performance tested shall be proof tested.
Upon completion of the test, the load shall be adjusted to the lock-off load indicated in the
Plans and transferred to the anchorage device. The ground anchor may be completely unloaded
prior to lock-off. After transferring the load and prior to removing the jack a lift-off reading
shall be made. The lift-off reading shall be within 10 percent of the specified lock-off load.
If the load is not within 10 percent of the specified lock-off load, the anchorage shall be
reset and another lift-off reading shall be made. This process shall be repeated until the desired
lock-off load is obtained.
6-17.4 Measurement
Permanent ground anchors will be measured per each for each permanent ground anchor
installed and accepted.
Permanent ground anchor performance tests will be measured per each for each anchor
performance tested.
The permanent ground anchor verification testing program will not be measured but will
be paid for on a lump sum basis.
6-17.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items when they are included in the
“Permanent Ground Anchor”, per each.
All costs in connection with furnishing and installing permanent ground anchors shall be
included in the unit Contract price per each for “Permanent Ground Anchor”, including proof
testing of the installed anchor as specified
“Permanent Ground Anchor Performance Test”, per each.
“Permanent Ground Anchor Verification Test”, lump sum.
clearly marked on the cores. Cores shall be delivered to the Engineer within 2 hours of coring.
The remainder of the panels shall remain the property of the Contractor.
6-18.3(3)A Preproduction Testing
At least three cores for each mix design shall be prepared for evaluation and testing of
the shotcrete quality and strength. One 48 by 48-inch qualification panel shall be prepared
for evaluation and approval of the proposed method for shotcrete installation, finishing, and
curing. Both the test panel and the 48-inch qualification panels shall be constructed using the
same methods and initial curing proposed to construct the shotcrete facing, except that the test
panel shall not include wire reinforcement. The test panel shall be constructed to the minimum
thickness necessary to obtain the required core samples. The 48-inch qualification panel
shall be constructed to the same thickness as proposed for the production facing. Production
shotcrete Work shall not begin until satisfactory test results are obtained and the panels are
accepted by the Engineer.
6-18.3(3)B Production Testing
The Contractor shall provide three cores for each section of facing shot. The production
panels shall be constructed using the same methods and initial curing used to construct
the shotcrete wall, but without wire reinforcement. The panels shall be constructed to
the minimum thickness necessary to obtain the required core samples. If the production
shotcrete is found to be unsuitable based on the results of the test panels, the section(s) of
the wall represented by the test panel(s) shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of
the Engineer at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. Core acceptance testing for
the 28‑day compressive strength will be performed in accordance with AASHTO T 24.
6-18.3(4) Qualifications of Contractor’s Personnel
All nozzle operators shall have had at least 1 year of experience in the application of
shotcrete. Each nozzle operator will be qualified, by the Engineer, to place shotcrete, after
successfully completing one test panel for each shooting position and surface type which will
be encountered.
Qualification will be based on a visual inspection of the shotcrete density, void structure,
and finished appearance along with a minimum 7-day compressive strength of 2,500 psi
determined from the average test results from two cores taken from each test panel. The 7-day
core compressive strength shall be tested by the Contractor in accordance with AASHTO T 24.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer not less than 2 days prior to the shooting of a
qualification panel. The mix design for the shotcrete shall be the same as that slated for the
wall being shot.
Shotcrete shall be placed only by personnel qualified by the Engineer.
If shotcrete finish Alternative B or C is specified, evidence shall be provided that all
shotcrete crew members have completed at least three projects in the last 5 years where such
finishing, or sculpturing and texturing of shotcrete was performed.
6-18.3(5) Placing Wire Reinforcement
Reinforcement of the shotcrete shall be placed as shown in the Plans. The wire
reinforcement shall be securely fastened to the steel reinforcing bars so that it will be
1 to 1.5 inches from the face of the shotcrete at all locations, unless otherwise shown in the
Plans. Wire reinforcement shall be lapped 1.5 squares in all directions, unless otherwise
shown in the Plans.
6-18.3(6) Alignment Control
The Contractor shall install non-corroding alignment wires and thickness control pins to
establish thickness and plane surface. The Contractor shall install alignment wires at corners
and offsets not established by formwork. The Contractor shall ensure that the alignment wires
are tight, true to line, and placed to allow further tightening. The Contractor shall remove the
alignment wires after facing construction is complete.
6-19 Shafts
6-19.1 Description
This work consists of constructing the shafts in accordance with the Plans, these
Specifications, and as designated by the Engineer.
6-19.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Portland Cement 9-01
Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete 9-03.1
Steel Reinforcing Bar 9-07.2
Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bar 9-07.3
Curing Materials and Admixtures 9-23
Fly Ash 9-23.9
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag 9-23.10
Microsilica Fume 9-23.11
Water for Concrete 9-25.1
Permanent Casing 9-36.1(1)
Temporary Casing 9-36.1(2)
Mineral Slurry 9-36.2(1)
Synthetic Slurry 9-36.2(2)
Water Slurry 9-36.2(3)
Steel Reinforcing Bar Centralizers 9-36.3
CSL Tubes and Caps 9-36.4
Grout for CSL Tubes 9-36.5
6-19.3 Construction Requirements
6-19.3(1) Quality Assurance
6-19.3(1)A Shaft Construction Tolerances
Shafts shall be constructed so that the center at the top of the shaft is within the following
horizontal tolerances:
Shaft Diameter (feet) Tolerance (inches)
Less than or equal to 2 3
Greater than 2 and less than 5 4
5 or larger 6
Shafts shall be within 1.5 percent of plumb. For rock excavation, allowable tolerance can
be increased to 2 percent maximum.
During drilling or excavation of the shaft, the Contractor shall make frequent checks on
the plumbness, alignment, and dimensions of the shaft. Any deviation exceeding the allowable
tolerances shall be corrected with a procedure approved by the Engineer.
Shaft steel reinforcing bar placement tolerances shall conform to Section 6-02.3(24)C.
6-19.3(1)B Nondestructive Testing of Shafts
6-19.3(1)B1 Nondestructive Quality Assurance (QA) Testing of Shafts
Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, the Contractor shall perform
nondestructive QA testing of shafts, except for those constructed completely in the dry. Either
crosshole sonic log (CSL) testing in accordance with ASTM D 6760 or thermal integrity
profiling (TIP) testing in accordance with ASTM D 7949 shall be used.
The Engineer may suspend the shaft construction if the Contractor substitutes unapproved
personnel. The Contractor shall be fully liable for the additional costs resulting from the
suspension of work, and no adjustments in contract time resulting from the suspension of
work will be allowed.
6-19.3(2)B Shaft Installation Narrative
The Contractor shall submit a shaft installation narrative to the Engineer. In preparing the
narrative, the Contractor shall reference the available subsurface data provided in the contract
test hole boring logs, the Summary of Geotechnical Conditions provided in the Appendix to
the Special Provisions, and the geotechnical report(s) prepared for this project. This narrative
shall provide at least the following information:
1. Proposed overall construction operation sequence.
2. Description, size, and capacities of proposed equipment, including but not limited
to, cranes, drills, auger, bailing buckets, final cleaning equipment, and drilling unit.
The narrative shall describe why the equipment was selected, and describe equipment
suitability to the anticipated site conditions and work methods. The narrative shall
include a project history of the drilling equipment demonstrating the successful use
of the equipment on shafts of equal or greater size in similar soil/rock conditions.
The narrative shall also include details of shaft excavation and cleanout methods.
3. Details of the method(s) to be used to ensure shaft stability (i.e., prevention of caving,
bottom heave, using temporary casing, slurry, or other means) during excavation
(including pauses and stoppages during excavation) and concrete placement. If
permanent casings are required, casing dimensions and detailed procedures for
installation shall be provided.
4. A slurry mix design, including all additives and their specific purpose in the slurry mix,
with a discussion of its suitability to the anticipated subsurface conditions, shall be
submitted and include the procedures for mixing, using, and maintaining the slurry.
A detailed plan for quality control of the selected slurry, including tests to be performed,
test methods to be used, and minimum and/or maximum property requirements which
must be met to ensure the slurry functions as intended, considering the anticipated
subsurface conditions and shaft construction methods, in accordance with the slurry
manufacturer’s recommendations and these Special Provisions shall be included. As a
minimum, the slurry quality control plan shall include the following tests:
Property Test Method
Density Mud Weight (Density), API 13B-1, Section 1
Viscosity Marsh Funnel and Cup, API 13B-1, Section 2.2
PH Glass Electrode, pH Meter, or pH Paper
Sand Content Sand, API 13B-1, Section 5
5. Description of the method used to fill or eliminate all voids below the top of shaft
between the plan shaft diameter and excavated shaft diameter, when permanent casing
is specified.
6. Details of concrete placement, including proposed operational procedures for pumping
methods, and a sample uniform yield form to be used by the Contractor for plotting the
approximate volume of concrete placed versus the depth of shaft for all shaft concrete
placement (except concrete placement in the dry).
7. When shafts are constructed in water, the submittal shall include seal thickness
calculations, seal placement procedure, and descriptions of provisions for casing
shoring dewatering and flooding.
8. Description and details of the storage and disposal plan for excavated material and
drilling slurry (if applicable).
9. Reinforcing steel shop drawings with details of reinforcement placement, including
bracing, centering, and lifting methods, and the method to ensure the reinforcing cage
Page 6-238 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Shafts 6-19
position is maintained during construction, including use of bar boots and/or rebar
cage base plates, and including placement of rock backfill below the bottom of shaft
elevation, provided the conditions of Section 6-19.3(5)D are satisfied.
The reinforcing steel shop drawings and shaft installation narrative shall include,
at a minimum:
a. Procedure and sequence of steel reinforcing bar cage assembly.
b. The tie pattern, tie types, and tie wire gages for all ties on permanent reinforcing
and temporary bracing.
c. Number and location of primary handling steel reinforcing bars used during
lifting operations.
d. Type and location of all steel reinforcing bar splices.
e. Details and orientation of all internal cross-bracing, including a description of
connections to the steel reinforcing bar cage.
f. Description of how temporary bracing is to be removed.
g. Location of support points during transportation.
h. Cage weight and location of the center of gravity.
i. Number and location of pick points used for lifting for installation and for transport
(if assembled off-site).
j. Crane charts and a description and/or catalog cuts for all spreaders, blocks, sheaves,
and chockers used to equalize or control lifting loads.
k. The sequence and minimum inclination angle at which intermediate belly rigging
lines (if used) are released.
l. Pick point loads at 0, 45, 60, and 90 degrees and at all intermediate stages of
inclination where rigging lines are engaged or slackened.
m. Methods and temporary supports required for cage splicing.
n. For picks involving multiple cranes, the relative locations of the boom tips at
various stages of lifting, along with corresponding net horizontal forces imposed
on each crane.
The Engineer will evaluate the shaft installation narrative for conformance with the Plans,
Specifications, and Special Provisions, within the review time specified. If deemed necessary
by the Engineer, a Shaft Installation Narrative Submittal Teleconference Meeting will be
scheduled by the Contracting Agency following review of the Contractor’s initial submittal
of the narrative and prior to Contracting Agency’s formal response to the initial submittal.
Teleconference participants shall include the following:
1. (Representing the Contractor) – The superintendent, on-site supervisors, and other
Contractor personnel involved in the preparation of the shaft installation narrative.
2. (Representing the Contracting Agency) – The Engineer, key inspection personnel, and
representatives from the Materials Laboratory, Geotechnical Division, and the WSDOT
Construction Office.
6-19.3(2)C Shaft Slurry Technical Assistance
If slurry other than water slurry is used to construct the shafts, the Contractor shall provide
or arrange for technical assistance in the use of the slurry as specified in Section 6-19.3(4)A.
The Contractor shall submit the following to the Engineer:
1. The name and current phone number of the slurry manufacturer’s technical
representative assigned to the project, and the frequency of scheduled visits to the
project site by the synthetic slurry manufacturer’s representative.
2. The name(s) of the Contractor’s personnel assigned to the project and trained by the
slurry manufacturer in the proper use of the slurry. The submittal shall include a signed
training certification letter from the slurry manufacturer for each trained Contractor’s
employee listed, including the date of the training.
shall not be removed and shaft excavation shall not resume until the Contractor has
stabilized the excavation in accordance with the shaft installation narrative conforming
to Section 6-19.3(2)B, item 3.
2. For both a cased and uncased excavation, backfill the hole with either CDF or granular
material. The Contractor shall backfill the hole to the ground surface, if the excavation
is not cased, or to a minimum of 5 feet above the bottom of casing (temporary or
permanent), if the excavation is cased. Backfilling of shafts with casing fully seated
into rock, as determined by the Engineer, will not be required.
During stops, the Contractor shall stabilize the shaft excavation to prevent bottom heave,
caving, head loss, and loss of ground. The Contractor bears full responsibility for selection and
execution of the method(s) of stabilizing and maintaining the shaft excavation, in accordance
with Section 1-07.13. Shaft stabilization shall conform to the shaft installation narrative in
accordance with Section 6-19.3(2)B, item 3.
If slurry is present in the shaft excavation, the Contractor shall conform to the requirements
of Section 6-19.3(4)B of this Special Provision regarding the maintenance of the slurry
and the minimum level of drilling slurry throughout the stoppage of the shaft excavation
operation, and shall recondition the slurry to the required slurry properties in accordance with
Section 9-36.2 prior to recommencing shaft excavation operations.
6-19.3(3)B Temporary and Permanent Shaft Casing
The Contractor shall furnish and install required temporary and permanent shaft casings
as shown in the Plans and as specified in the Special Provisions.
6-19.3(3)B1 General Shaft Casing Requirements
Shaft casing shall be watertight and clean prior to placement in the excavation.
The outside diameter of the casing shall not be less than the specified diameter of the shaft.
The inside diameter of the casing shall not be greater than the specified diameter of the shaft
plus 6 inches, except as otherwise noted for shafts 5 feet or less in diameter, and as otherwise
noted in Section 6-19.3(3)B4 for temporary telescoping casing. The inside diameter of casings
for shafts 5 feet or less in diameter shall not be greater than the specified diameter of the shaft
plus 1 foot.
6-19.3(3)B2 Permanent Shaft Casing
Permanent casing is defined as casing designed as part of the shaft structure and installed to
remain in place after construction is complete. All permanent casing shall be of ample strength
to resist damage and deformation from transportation and handling, installation stresses, and
all pressures and forces acting on the casing. Where the minimum thickness of permanent
casing is specified in the Plans, it is specified to satisfy structural design requirements only.
The Contractor shall increase the casing thickness as necessary to satisfy the requirements of
this section.
6-19.3(3)B3 Temporary Shaft Casing
Temporary casing is defined as casing installed to facilitate shaft construction only, which
is not designed as part of the shaft structure, and which shall be completely removed after
shaft construction is complete unless otherwise shown in the Plans. All temporary casing
shall be of ample strength to resist damage and deformation from transportation and handling,
installation and extraction stresses, and all pressures and forces acting on the casing. The
casing shall be capable of being removed without deforming and causing damage to the
completed shaft and without disturbing the surrounding soil.
To maintain stable excavations and to facilitate construction, the Contractor may furnish
and install temporary casing in addition to the required casing specified in the Special
Provisions. The Contractor shall provide temporary casing at the site in sufficient quantities
to meet the needs of the anticipated construction method.
3. The slurry level in the shaft while excavating shall be maintained above the
groundwater level the greater of the following dimensions:
a. Not less than 5 feet for mineral slurries.
b. Not less than 10 feet for water slurries.
c. Not less than 10 feet for synthetic slurries.
4. The slurry level in the shaft throughout all stops as specified in Section 6-19.3(3)A
and during concrete placement as specified in Section 6-19.3(7) shall be no lower than
the water level elevation outside the shaft.
6-19.3(4)C Slurry Sampling and Testing
Mineral slurry and synthetic slurry shall be mixed and thoroughly hydrated in slurry tanks,
ponds, or storage areas. The Contractor shall draw sample sets from the slurry storage facility
and test the samples for conformance with the specified viscosity and pH properties before
beginning slurry placement in the drilled hole. Mineral slurry shall conform to the material
specifications in Section 9-36.2(1). Synthetic slurry shall conform to Section 9-36.2(2),
the quality control plan included in the shaft installation narrative in accordance with
Section 6-19.3(2)B, item 4. A sample set shall be composed of samples taken at mid-height
and within 2 feet of the bottom of the storage area.
When synthetic slurry is used, the Contractor shall keep a written record of all additives
and concentrations of the additives in the synthetic slurry. These records shall be submitted as
a Type 1 Working Drawing once the slurry system has been established in the first drilled shaft
on the project. The Contractor shall provide revised data to the Engineer if changes are made
to the type or concentration of additives during construction.
The Contractor shall sample and test all slurry in the presence of the Engineer, unless
otherwise directed. The date, time, names of the persons sampling and testing the slurry, and
the results of the tests shall be recorded. A copy of the recorded slurry test results shall be
submitted to the Engineer at the completion of each shaft, and during construction of each
shaft when requested by the Engineer.
Sample sets of all slurry, composed of samples taken at mid-height and within 2 feet of
the bottom of the shaft and the storage area, shall be taken and tested once every 4 hours
minimum at the beginning and during drilling shifts and prior to cleaning the bottom of the
hole to verify the control of the viscosity and pH properties of the slurry. Sample sets of all
slurry shall be taken and tested at least once every 2 hours if the previous sample set did not
have consistent viscosity and pH properties. All slurry shall be recirculated, or agitated with
the drilling equipment, when tests show that the sample sets do not have consistent viscosity
and pH properties. Cleaning of the bottom of the hole shall not begin until tests show that
the samples taken at mid-height and within 2 feet of the bottom of the hole have consistent
viscosity and pH properties.
Sample sets of all slurry, as specified, shall be taken and tested to verify control of the
viscosity, pH, density, and sand content properties after final cleaning of the bottom of the
hole just prior to placing concrete. Placement of the concrete shall not start until tests show
that the samples taken at mid-height and within 2 feet of the bottom of the hole have consistent
specified properties.
6-19.3(4)D Maintenance of Required Slurry Properties
The Contractor shall clean, recirculate, de-sand, or replace the slurry to maintain the
required slurry properties.
6-19.3(4)E Maintenance of a Stable Shaft Excavation
The Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that stable conditions
are being maintained. If the Engineer determines that stable conditions are not being
maintained, the Contractor shall immediately take action to stabilize the shaft. The Contractor
shall submit a revised shaft installation narrative that addresses the problem and prevents
future instability. The Contractor shall not continue with shaft construction until the damage
that has already occurred is repaired in accordance with the specifications, and until receiving
the Engineer’s review of the revised shaft installation narrative.
When mineral slurry conforming to Section 9-36.2(1) is used to stabilize the unfilled
portion of the shaft, the Contractor shall remove the excess slurry buildup inside of the shaft
diameter prior to continuing with concrete placement. The Contractor shall use the same
methods of shaft excavation and the same diameter of drill tools to remove the excess slurry
buildup as was used to excavate the shaft to its current depth.
6-19.3(4)F Disposal of Slurry and Slurry Contacted Spoils
The Contractor shall manage and dispose of the slurry wastewater in accordance with
Section 8-01.3(1)C. Slurry-contacted spoils shall be disposed of as specified in the shaft
installation narrative in accordance with Section 6-19.3(2)B, item 8, and in accordance with
the following requirements:
1. Uncontaminated spoils in contact with water-only slurry may be disposed of as
clean fill.
2. Uncontaminated spoils in contact with water slurry mixed with flocculants approved
in Section 8-01.3(1)C3 may be disposed of as clean fill away from areas that drain to
surface waters of the state.
3. Spoils in contact with synthetic slurry or water slurry with polymer-based additives or
flocculants not approved in Section 8-01.3(1)C3 shall be disposed of in accordance with
Section 2-03.3(7)C. With permission of the Engineer, the Contractor may re-use these
spoils on-site.
4. Spoils in contact with mineral slurry shall be disposed of in accordance with
Section 2-03.3(7)C. With permission of the Engineer, the Contractor may re-use these
spoils on-site.
6-19.3(5) Assembly and Placement of Reinforcing Steel
6-19.3(5)A Steel Reinforcing Bar Cage Assembly
The reinforcing cage shall be rigidly braced to retain its configuration during handling and
construction. Individual or loose bars will not be permitted. The Contractor shall show bracing
and any extra reinforcing steel required for fabrication of the cage on the shop drawings. Shaft
reinforcing bar cages shall be supported on a continuous surface to the extent possible. All
rigging connections shall be located at primary handling bars, as identified in the reinforcing
steel assembly and installation plan. Internal bracing is required at each support and lift point.
The reinforcement shall be carefully positioned and securely fastened to provide the
minimum clearances listed below, and to ensure no displacement of the reinforcing steel bars
occurs during placement of the concrete. The steel reinforcing bars shall be securely held in
position throughout the concrete placement operation.
6-19.3(5)B Steel Reinforcing Bar Cage Centralizers
The Contractor shall submit details of the proposed reinforcing cage centralizers along with
the shop drawings. The reinforcing steel centralizers at each longitudinal space plane shall
be placed at least at the quarter points around the circumference of the steel reinforcing bar
cage, and at a maximum longitudinal spacing of either 2.5 times the shaft diameter or 20 feet,
whichever is less. The Contractor shall furnish and install additional centralizers as required to
maintain the specified concrete cover throughout the length of the shaft.
The concrete cover tolerances specified above apply to the concrete cover specified in the
Plans, even if it exceeds the minimum concrete cover.
6-19.3(6)C Care for Access Tubes From Erection Through Nondestructive QA Testing
The access tubes shall be filled with potable water before concrete placement, and the
top watertight PVC caps shall be reinstalled and secured in accordance with Section 9-36.4.
The Contractor shall keep all of a shaft’s access tubes full of water through the completion of
nondestructive QA testing of that shaft. When temperatures below freezing are possible, the
Contractor shall protect the access tubes against freezing by wrapping the exposed tubes with
insulating material, adding antifreeze to the water in the tubes, or other methods acceptable
to the Engineer.
6-19.3(6)D Shafts Requiring Thermal Wire
The Contractor shall furnish and install thermal wire in all shafts receiving the thermal wire
method of TIP testing, except as otherwise noted in Section 6-19.3(1)B1.
6-19.3(6)E Thermal Wire and Thermal Access Points (TAPs)
The thermal wire and associated couplers shall be obtained from the source specified in the
Special Provisions.
The Contractor shall securely attach the thermal wire to the interior of the reinforcement
cage of the shaft in conformance with the supplier’s instructions. At a minimum, one thermal
wire shall be furnished and installed for each foot of shaft diameter, rounded to the nearest
whole number, as shown in the Plans. The number of thermal wires for shaft diameters
specified as “X feet 6 inches” shall be rounded up to the next higher whole number. The
thermal wires shall be placed around the shaft, inside the spiral or hoop reinforcement, and
tied to the vertical reinforcement with plastic “zip” ties at a maximum spacing of 2-feet. Steel
tie wire shall not be used.
The thermal wire shall be installed in straight alignment and taut, but with enough slack to
not be damaged during reinforcing cage lofting. The wires shall be as near to parallel to the
vertical axis of the reinforcement cage as possible. The thermal wire shall extend from the
bottom of the reinforcement cage to the top of the shaft, with 15-feet of slack wire provided
above the top of shaft. Care shall be taken to prevent damaging the thermal wires during
reinforcement cage installation and concrete placement operations in the shaft excavation.
After completing shaft reinforcement cage fabrication at the site and prior to installation
of the cage into the shaft excavation, the Contractor shall install and connect thermal access
points (TAPs) to the thermal wires. The TAPs shall record data for at least one hour after the
cage is placed in the excavation to measure the slurry temperature and enable the steel and
slurry temperatures to equilibrate prior to placing concrete in the shaft. The TAPs shall record
and store data every 15 minutes. The TAPs shall remain active for a minimum of 36 hours.
Prior to beginning concrete placement the TAPs shall be checked to ensure they are
recording data and that the wires have not been damaged. If a TAP unit is not functioning
due to a damaged wire, the Contractor shall repair or replace the wire. If a TAP unit fails or
a wire breaks after concrete placement has started, the Contractor shall not stop the concrete
placement operation to repair the wire.
6-19.3(6)F Use of Access Tubes for TIP Testing Under the Thermal Probe Method
The Contractor may use access tubes for TIP testing under the thermal probe method.
Access tubes shall be cared for in accordance with Section 6-19.3(6)C. Prior to TIP testing
under the thermal probe method, the water in each tube shall be removed, collected, and stored
in an insulated container. The access tube shall be blown dry and swabbed to remove residual
water. After TIP testing, the collected and stored tube water shall be introduced back into the
access tube. New potable water may be used, provided the water temperature is not more than
10°F cooler than the average concrete temperature measured by the probe.
of the existing concrete that would prevent the steel reinforcing bar cage from being placed
in the position required by the Plans.
Prior to performing any of the crosshole sonic log testing operations specified in
Section 6-19.3(9), the Contractor shall remove the concrete at the top of the shaft down
to sound concrete.
6-19.3(7)G Protection of Fresh and Curing Concrete From Vibration
The Contractor’s construction operation in the vicinity of a shaft excavation with freshly
placed concrete and curing concrete shall conform to Section 6-02.3(6)D.
6-19.3(7)H Uniform Yield Form
Except for shafts where the shaft concrete is placed in the dry, the Contractor shall
complete a uniform yield form, consistent with the sample form submitted to the Engineer
as part of the shaft installation narrative as specified in Section 6-19.3(2)B, item 6, for each
shaft and shall submit the completed form to the Engineer within 24 hours of completing the
concrete placement in the shaft.
6-19.3(7)I Requirements for Placing Concrete Above the Top of Shaft
Concrete shall not be placed above the top of shaft (for column splice zones, columns,
footings, or shaft caps) until the Contractor receives the Engineer’s acceptance of
nondestructive QA testing, if performed at that shaft, and acceptance of the shaft.
6-19.3(8) Casing Removal
6-19.3(8)A Concrete Head Requirements During Temporary Casing Removal
As the temporary casing is withdrawn, the Contractor shall maintain the concrete and slurry
inside the casing at a level sufficient to balance the hydrostatic pressure outside the casing.
6-19.3(8)B Removing Portions of Permanent Casing Above the Top of Shaft
Tops of permanent casings for the shafts shall be removed to the top of the shaft or finished
groundline, whichever is lower, unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. For those shafts
constructed within a permanent body of water, tops of permanent casings for shafts shall be
removed to the low water elevation, unless directed otherwise by the Engineer.
6-19.3(8)C Requirements for Leaving Temporary Casing in Place
The Contractor shall completely remove all temporary casings, except as noted. The
Contractor may leave some or all of the temporary casing in place provided all the following
conditions are satisfied:
1. The Contractor shall submit a Type 2E Working Drawing of the following information:
a. The Contractor shall completely describe the portion of the temporary casing
to remain.
b. The Contractor shall specify the reason(s) for leaving the portion of the temporary
casing in place.
c. The Contractor shall submit structural calculations, using the design specifications
and design criteria specified in the General Notes of the structure Plans, indicating
that leaving the temporary casing in place is compatible with the structure as
designed in the Plans.
6-19.3(9) Nondestructive QA Testing of Shafts
The Contractor shall provide nondestructive QA testing and analysis on all shafts with
access tubes or thermal wires and TAPs facilitating the testing (See Section 6-19.3(1)B).
The testing and analysis shall be performed by the testing organizations identified by the
Contractor’s submittal in accordance with Section 6-19.3(2)D.
The Engineer may direct that additional testing be performed at a shaft if anomalies or a
soft bottom are detected by the Contractor’s testing. If additional testing at a shaft confirms
the presence of a defect(s) in the shaft, the testing costs and the delay costs resulting from the
additional testing shall be borne by the Contractor in accordance with Section 1-05.6. If the
additional testing indicates that the shaft has no defect, the testing costs and the delay costs
resulting from the additional testing will be paid by the Contracting Agency in accordance
with Section 1-05.6, and, if the shaft construction is on the critical path of the Contractor’s
schedule, a time extension equal to the delay created by the additional testing will be granted
in accordance with Section 1-08.8.
6-19.3(9)A TIP Testing Using Thermal Probes or CSL Testing
If selected as the nondestructive QA testing method by the Contractor, TIP testing using
thermal probes, or CSL testing shall be performed after the shaft concrete has cured at least
96 hours. Additional curing time prior to testing may be required if the shaft concrete contains
admixtures, such as set retarding admixture or water-reducing admixture, added in accordance
with Section 6-02.3(3). The additional curing time prior to testing required under these
circumstances shall not be grounds for additional compensation or extension of time to the
Contractor in accordance with Section 1-08.8.
6-19.3(9)B Inspection of Access Tubes
After placing the shaft concrete and before beginning the crosshole sonic log testing of
a shaft, the Contractor shall inspect the access tubes. Each access tube that the test probe
cannot pass through shall be replaced, at the Contractor’s expense, with a 2-inch diameter
hole cored through the concrete for the entire length of the shaft. Unless directed otherwise
by the Engineer, cored holes shall be located approximately 6 inches inside the reinforcement
and shall not damage the shaft reinforcement. Descriptions of inclusions and voids in cored
holes shall be logged and a copy of the log shall be submitted to the Engineer. Findings from
cored holes shall be preserved, identified as to location, and made available for inspection by
the Engineer.
6-19.3(9)C TIP Testing With Thermal Wires and TAPs
If selected as the nondestructive QA testing method by the Contractor, TIP testing with
thermal wires and TAPs (See Section 6-19.3(6)E) shall be performed. The TIP testing shall
commence at the beginning of the concrete placement operation, recording temperature
readings at 15-minute intervals until the peak temperature is captured in the data. Additional
curing time may be required if the shaft concrete contains admixtures, such as set retarding
admixture or water-reducing admixture, added in accordance with Section 6-02.3(3). The
additional curing time required under these circumstances shall not be grounds for additional
compensation or extension of time to the Contractor in accordance with Section 1-08.8.
TIP testing shall be conducted at all shafts in which thermal wires and TAPs have been
installed for thermal wire analysis (Section 6-19.3(6)A).
6-19.3(9)D Nondestructive QA Testing Results Submittal
The Contractor shall submit the results and analysis of the nondestructive QA testing for
each shaft tested. The Contractor shall submit the test results within three working days of
testing. Results shall be a Type 1 Working Drawing presented in a written report.
TIP reports shall include:
1. A map or plot of the wire/tube location within the shaft and their position relative to a
known and identifiable location, such as North.
2. Graphical displays of temperature measurements versus depth of each wire or
tube for the analysis time selected, overall average temperature with depth, shaft
radius or diameter with depth, concrete cover versus cage position with depth, and
effective radius.
3. The report shall identify unusual temperatures, particularly significantly cooler local
deviations from the overall average.
4. The report shall identify the location and extent where satisfactory or questionable
concrete is identified.
a. Satisfactory (S) – 0 to 6 percent Effective Radius Reduction and Cover Criteria Met
b. Questionable (Q) – Effective Local Radius Reduction > 6 percent, Effective Local
Average Diameter Reduction > 4 percent, or Cover Criteria Not Met
5. Variations in temperature between wire/tubes (at each depth) which in turn correspond
to variations in cage alignment.
6. Where shaft specific construction information is available (e.g. elevations of the top
of shaft, bottom of casing, bottom of shaft, etc.), these values shall be noted on all
pertinent graphical displays.
CSL reports shall include:
1. A map or plot of the tube location within the shaft and their position relative to a known
and identifiable location, such as North.
2. Graphical displays of CSL Energy versus Depth and CSL signal arrival time versus
depth or velocity versus depth.
3. The report shall identify the location and extent where good, questionable, and poor
concrete is identified, where no signal was received, or where water is present.
a. Good (G) – No signal distortion and decrease in signal velocity of 10 percent or less
is indicative of good quality concrete.
b. Questionable (Q) – Minor signal distortion and a lower signal amplitude with a
decrease in signal velocity between 10 percent and 20 percent.
c. Poor (P) – Severe signal distortion and much lower signal amplitude with a decrease
in signal velocity of 20 percent or more.
d. No Signal (NS) – No signal was received.
e. Water (W) – A measured signal velocity of nominally V = 4,800 to 5,000 fps.
All QA test reports will provide a recommendation to accept the shaft as-is,
recommendation for further review by the Engineer, or will provide a plan for further testing,
investigation or repair to address any deficiencies identified by the testing.
6-19.3(9)E Vacant
6-19.3(9)F Contractor’s Investigation and Remedial Action Plan
For all shafts determined to be unacceptable, the Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working
Drawing consisting of a plan for further investigation or remedial action. All modifications to
the dimensions of the shafts, as shown in the Plans, required by the investigation and remedial
action plan shall be supported by calculations and working drawings. All investigation and
remedial correction procedures and designs shall be submitted.
6-19.3(9)G Rejection of Shafts and Revisions to Concrete Placement Operations
If the Engineer determines that the concrete placed under slurry for a given shaft is
structurally inadequate, that shaft will be rejected. The placement of concrete under slurry
shall be suspended until the Contractor submits to the Engineer written changes to the methods
of shaft construction needed to prevent future structurally inadequate shafts, and receives the
Engineer’s written approval of the submittal.
6-19.3(9)H Cored Holes
At the Engineer’s request, the Contractor shall drill a corehole in any questionable quality
shaft (as determined from crosshole sonic log testing and analysis or by observation of the
Engineer) to explore the shaft condition.
Prior to beginning coring, the Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting
of the method and equipment used to drill and remove cores from shaft concrete. The coring
method and equipment shall provide for complete core recovery and shall minimize abrasion
and erosion of the core.
If a defect is confirmed, the Contractor shall pay for all coring costs in accordance with
Section 1-05.6. If no defect is encountered, the Contracting Agency will pay for all coring
costs in accordance with Section 1-05.6, and, if the shaft construction is on the critical path
of the Contractor’s schedule, compensation for the delay will be granted by an appropriate
time extension in accordance with Section 1-08.8. Materials and Work necessary, including
engineering analysis and redesign, to effect corrections for shaft defects shall be furnished
to the Engineer’s satisfaction at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
6-19.3(9)I Requirements for Access Tubes and Cored Holes After CSL Testing
All access tubes and cored holes shall be dewatered and filled with grout conforming to
Section 9-36.5 after tests are completed. The access tubes and cored holes shall be filled using
grout tubes that extend to the bottom of the tube or hole or into the grout already placed.
6-19.3(10) Engineer’s Final Acceptance of Shafts
The Engineer will determine final acceptance of each shaft, based on the nondestructive
QA test results and analysis for the tested shafts, and will provide a response to the Contractor
within 3 working days after receiving the test results and analysis submittal.
6-19.4 Measurement
Constructing shafts will be measured by the linear foot. The linear foot measurement will
be calculated using the top of shaft elevation and the bottom of shaft elevation for each shaft
as shown in the Plans.
Rock excavation for shaft, including haul, will be measured by the linear foot of shaft
excavated. The linear feet measurement will be computed using the top of the rock line,
defined as the highest bedrock point within the shaft diameter, and the bottom elevation shown
in the Plans.
QA shaft test will be measured once per shaft tested.
6-19.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid items when they are included in the Proposal:
“Constructing___Diam. Shaft”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Constructing___Diam. Shaft” shall be full pay
for performing the Work as specified, including:
1. Soil excavation for shaft, including all costs in connection with furnishing, mixing,
placing, maintaining, containing, collecting, and disposing of all mineral, synthetic and
water slurry, and disposing of groundwater collected by the excavated shaft.
2. Furnishing and placing temporary shaft casing, including temporary casing in addition
to the required casing specified in the Special Provisions, and including all costs in
connection with completely removing the casing after completing shaft construction.
3. Furnishing permanent casing for shaft.
4. Placing permanent casing for shaft.
5. Casing shoring, including all costs in connection with furnishing and installing casing
shoring above the specified upper limit for casing shoring but necessary to provide
for sufficient water head pressure to resist artesian water pressure present in the shaft
excavation, removing casing shoring, and placing seals when required.
6. Furnishing and placing steel reinforcing bar and epoxy-coated steel reinforcing bar,
including furnishing and installing steel reinforcing bar centralizers.
7. Installation of CSL tubes or thermal wires.
8. Furnishing, placing and curing concrete to the top of shaft or to the construction joint at
the base of the shaft-column splice zone as applicable.
Payment for “Constructing___Diam. Shaft” will be made upon Engineer acceptance of the
shaft, including completion of satisfactory QA shaft tests as applicable.
7-02 Culverts
7-02.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing culverts of the various types and classes in accordance
with the Plans, these Specifications, and the Standard Plans, at the locations staked.
Culverts may be used for transverse drains under the Roadway or as conduits for water
pipe or other utilities passing under the Roadway.
7-02.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Portland Cement 9-01
Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete 9-03.1
Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 9-03.12(3)
Butyl Rubber Sealant 9-04.11
External Sealing Band 9-04.12
Plain Concrete Culvert Pipe 9-05.3(1)
Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe 9-05.3(2)
Beveled Concrete End Sections 9-05.3(3)
Steel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch 9-05.4
Steel Nestable Pipe and Pipe Arch 9-05.4(8)
Steel End Sections 9-05.4(9)
Aluminum Culvert Pipe 9-05.5
Aluminum End Sections 9-05.5(6)
Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe 9-05.12(1)
Profile Wall PVC Culvert Pipe 9-05.12(2)
Corrugated Polyethylene Culvert Pipe 9-05.19
Steel Rib Reinforced Polyethylene Culvert Pipe 9-05.21
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe 9-05.23
Polypropylene Culvert Pipe 9-05.24
Steel Reinforcing Bar 9-07.2
Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bar 9-07.3
Wire Mesh 9-07.7
Deformed Wire 9-07.8
Cold Drawn Wire 9-07.9
Grout 9-20.3(2)
Mortar 9-20.4
Concrete Curing Materials and Admixtures 9-23
Where steel or aluminum are referred to in this section in regard to a kind of culvert pipe,
pipe arch, or end sections, it shall be understood that steel is zinc coated (galvanized) or
aluminum coated (aluminized) corrugated iron or steel, and aluminum is corrugated aluminum
alloy as specified in Sections 9-05.4 and 9-05.5.
Thermoplastic culvert pipe includes solid wall PVC culvert pipe, profile wall PVC culvert
pipe, corrugated polyethylene culvert pipe, and polypropylene culvert pipe.
It is not necessary that all culvert pipe on any one project be of the same kind of material.
However, all contiguous pipe shall be of the same size, material, thickness, class, and
treatment and shall be that required for the maximum height of cover.
Measurement for payment of the Bid items associated with the drainage installation will
be based on the diameter of the culvert pipe described by the Bid item in the Proposal.
When schedule A, B, C, or D culvert pipe is specified in the Plans, the Contractor shall
provide the specified schedule and diameter but has the option of furnishing any of the
acceptable materials shown in the Culvert Pipe Schedules Table.
The use of tongue and groove concrete pipe shall only be allowed under side road
connections. All tongue and groove pipe shall be joined with cement mortar.
7-02.3(3) Headwalls
If headwalls are specified in the Plans, they shall be constructed as soon as the embankment
has been completed to a sufficient height over the Structure to allow the required Work.
Headwalls shall be constructed in accordance with applicable portions of Section 6-02.
7-02.3(4) Removing and Relaying Culverts
Where shown in the Plans or where designated by the Engineer, existing culverts shall
be removed and relaid in accordance with these Specifications. Any culvert damaged by the
Contractor’s operations shall be replaced by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting
Agency. In the case of concrete pipe, all joints of the pipe before being relaid shall be cleaned
so as to be free from all adhering material, including old mortar placed as a collar or seal in the
original construction.
All culvert sections removed and not relaid shall become the property of the Contractor.
7-02.3(5) Safety Bars for Culvert Pipe
When shown in the Plans, safety bars for culvert pipe shall be constructed in accordance
with the Standard Plans and shall meet the requirements of Section 9-05.18.
7-02.3(6) Precast Reinf. Conc. Three Sided Structures, Box Culverts and Split
Box Culverts
The Contractor shall design, fabricate, and erect precast reinforced concrete three sided
structures (PRCTSS), precast reinforced concrete box culverts (PRCBC), and precast
reinforced concrete split box culverts (PRCSBC) in accordance with these specifications and
the details shown in the Plans, including associated footings, slab bases, wingwalls, cutoff
walls, and headwalls.
When the Plans include a complete set of design details for a Structure (defining panel
shapes and dimensions, concrete strength requirements, and steel reinforcing bar, joint,
and connection details), the design and load rating preparation and calculation submittal
requirements of Sections 7-02.3(6)A1 and 7-02.3(6)A2 do not apply for the components
shown in the Plans, but all other requirements of this section remain in effect. The Contractor
may propose alternate concrete culvert designs, accommodating the same rise, span, and
length as shown in the Plans, to replace the Structure details shown in the Plans. If an alternate
concrete culvert design is proposed, all of the requirements of this section, including design
and load rating preparation and calculation submittal, apply.
7-02.3(6)A General
Except as otherwise noted by these specifications, the precast Structures (PRCTSS,
PRCBC and PRCSBC) shall conform to all requirements of Section 6-02.3(28).
Tolerances for PRCTSS shall be as follows:
1. Internal Dimensions – The internal dimension shall not vary more than 1 percent or
2 inches, whichever is less, from the Plan dimensions. The haunch dimensions shall
not vary more than ¾ inch from the Plan dimensions.
2. Slab and Wall Thickness – The slab and wall thickness shall not be less than that
shown in the Plans by more than 5 percent or ½ inch, whichever is greater. A thickness
more than that required in the Plans will not be a cause for rejection if proper joining
is not affected.
3. Length of Opposite Surfaces – Variations in lengths of two opposite surfaces of the
three-sided section shall not be more than ¾ inch unless beveled sections are being
used to accommodate a curve in the alignment.
4. Reinforcing steel placement shall meet the tolerances specified in Section 6-02.3(24)C.
Tolerances for PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be as follows:
1. Internal Dimensions – The internal dimensions shall not vary more than 1 percent from
the Plan dimensions. If haunches are used, the haunch dimensions shall not vary more
than ¼ inch from the Plan dimensions.
2. Slab and Wall Thickness – The slab and wall thickness shall not be less than that shown
in the Plans by more than 5 percent or 3/16 inch, whichever is greater. A thickness more
than that required in the Plans will not be a cause for rejection.
3. Length of Opposite Box Segments – Variations in lengths of two opposite surfaces
of the box segments shall not be more than ⅛ inch per foot of internal span, with
a maximum of ⅝ inch for all sizes through 7 feet internal span, and a maximum of
¾ inch for internal spans greater than 7 feet, except where beveled sections are being
used to accommodate a curve in the alignment.
4. Length of Box Segments – The underrun in length of a segment shall not be more than
⅛ inch per foot of length with a maximum of ½ inch in any box segment.
5. Length of Legs and Slabs – The variation in length of the legs shall not be more
than ⅛ inch per foot of the rise of the leg per leg with a maximum of ⅝ inches. The
differential length between opposing legs of the same segment shall not be more than
½ inch. Length of independent top slab spans shall not vary by more than ⅛ inch per
foot of span of the top slab, with a maximum of ⅝ inches.
6. Reinforcing steel placement shall meet the tolerances specified in Section 6-02.3(24)C.
7-02.3(6)A1 Design Criteria
The precast Structures shall be designed for a minimum service life of 75-years in
accordance with the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03, WSDOT Bridge Design
Manual LRFD M 23-50, and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, latest edition and
current interims in effect on the Bid advertising date, including an HL-93 vehicular live load.
Live load for the Extreme Event-I Limit State shall be applied in accordance with WSDOT
Bridge Design Manual LRFD M 23-50 Section 3.5.
Precast Structures with an overall span length greater than 20-feet (measured along the
centerline of Roadway from inside face to inside face of hydraulic opening) shall be designed
for seismic loads in accordance with FHWA-NHI-10-034, Technical Manual for Design and
Construction of Road Tunnels – Civil Elements, Chapter 13. The AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications Section 12.6.1 exemption from seismic loading does not apply. The
design shall evaluate the seismic effects of transient racking deformations.
Wingwalls, cutoff walls, and headwalls associated with the precast Structures shall
be designed in accordance with the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 and
Chapter 11 of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, latest edition and current
interims in effect on the Bid advertising date, including seismic loads.
The Contractor shall use the geotechnical report prepared for this project and available
through the source(s) specified in the Special Provisions under Section 1-02.4(2).
Whenever the minimum finished backfill or surfacing depth above the top of the Structure
is less than 1’-0” (except when the top of the Structure is directly exposed to vehicular traffic),
either all steel reinforcing bars in the span unit shall be epoxy-coated with 2" minimum
concrete cover from the face of concrete to the face of the top mat of steel reinforcing bars,
or the minimum concrete cover shall be 2½". Whenever the top of the Structure is directly
exposed to vehicular traffic, all steel reinforcing bars in the span unit shall be epoxy-coated
and the minimum concrete cover dimension from face of concrete to the face of the top mat
of steel reinforcing bars shall be 2½". Concrete cover from the face of any concrete surface to
the face of any steel reinforcement shall be 1-inch minimum end clearance at all joints, and
2-inches minimum at all other locations.
7-02.3(6)A2 Submittals
The Contractor shall submit shop drawings of the precast Structures. Fabrication shop
drawings replicating complete design details when shown in the Plans shall be Type 2 Working
Drawings. Submittals completing the design based on the schematic geometric requirements
shown in the Plans, or proposing a Contractor designed alternative concrete culvert Structure
shall be Type 2E Working Drawings with supporting design calculations.
In addition to items 1 through 6 under shop drawing content requirements in
Section 6-02.3(28)A, the following shop drawing details shall be submitted:
1. Footing and slab base details for PRCTSS.
2. Wingwall, headwall, and cutoff wall details.
3. Erection and backfill procedure.
4. Complete, site specific, itemized bar list for all steel reinforcement.
If water is expected to be present in the excavation, or is found to be present once
excavation begins, the Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a
dewatering plan.
For precast Structures with a span length greater than 20-feet (as defined in
Section 7-02.3(6)A1), except when the depth of fill above the top of culvert exceeds the
Structure span length, a Type 2E Working Drawing shall be submitted consisting of a load
rating report prepared in accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation and
Bridge Design Manual LRFD Chapter 13. Soil pressures used shall include effects from the
backfill material and compaction methods, and shall be in accordance with the Geotechnical
Design Manual M 46-03 and the geotechnical report prepared for the project.
7-02.3(6)A3 Casting
Concrete shall conform to Section 6-02.3(28)B, with a 28-day compressive strength as
specified in the Plans or the Working Drawings submittal.
7-02.3(6)A4 Excavation and Bedding Preparation
All excavated material shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2-09.3(1)D.
If water is present within the excavation, the Contractor shall dewater the excavated
area in accordance with the dewatering plan Working Drawing submittal before placing the
bedding material.
The upper layer of bedding course shall be a 6-inch minimum thickness layer of culvert
bedding material, defined as granular material either conforming to Section 9-03.12(3) or to
AASHTO Grading No. 57 as specified in Section 9-03.1(4)C. The plan limits of the culvert
bedding material shall extend 1-foot beyond the plan limits of the culvert or the Structure
footing as applicable. The culvert bedding material shall be compacted in accordance with the
Section 2-09.3(1)E requirements for gravel backfill for drains. After compaction, the culvert
bedding material shall be screeded transversely to the specified line and grade. Voids in the
screeded culvert bedding material shall be filled and then rescreeded prior to erecting the
precast Structure.
7-02.3(6)A5 Wingwalls and Retaining Walls
Wingwalls and retaining walls (including cutoff walls and headwalls) shall be constructed
in accordance with the Contractor’s design and Working Drawing submittal or when the Plans
include a complete set of design details for a wall (defining panel shapes and dimensions,
concrete strength requirements, and steel reinforcing bar, joint, and connection details), the
details shown in the Plans.
Precast concrete construction shall conform to Sections 6-02.3(28) and 6-11.3(3).
Culvert bedding material shall be furnished, placed, and compacted in accordance with
Section 7-02.3(6)A4.
7-02.3(6)B Precast Reinf. Conc. Three Sided Structures (PRCTSS)
7-02.3(6)B1 Design Criteria
In addition to the design criteria specified in Section 7-02.3(6)A1, the following
shall apply.
PRCTSS shall be precast rigid frames with monolithic upper corners internally reinforced
for moment and shear resistance, except as otherwise noted. Connecting separate and
individually precast concrete panels together to form the specified three sided frame geometry
is acceptable provided the Structure system provides moment and shear resistance from the
lateral load from backfill placed full width and full height at one side only of the PRCTSS.
7-02.3(6)B2 Finishing
The Contractor shall mark the following information, using waterproof paint, on the inside
of a vertical leg of each precast section of the Structure:
1. PRCTSS span and rise dimensions, minimum and maximum design earth cover
dimensions, and vehicular live load for design (HL-93).
2. WSDOT Contract Number and date of fabrication.
3. Name or trademark of the fabricator.
7-02.3(6)B3 Erection
PRCTSS shall be erected and backfilled in accordance with the erection sequence specified
in the processed Working Drawings, and the construction equipment restrictions specified in
Section 6-02.3(25)O.
Adjacent precast sections shall be connected by welding the weld-tie anchors in accordance
with Section 6-03.3(25). Welding ground shall be attached directly to the steel plates being
welded when welding the weld-ties. The weld-tie anchor spacing shall not exceed 6’-0”. After
connecting the weld-tie anchors, the Contractor shall paint the exposed metal surfaces with
one coat of field primer conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)F. Keyways shall be filled with grout
conforming to Section 9-20.3(2).
7-02.3(6)C Precast Reinf. Conc. Box Culverts (PRCBC) and Precast Reinf. Conc. Split
Box Culverts (PRCSBC)
7-02.3(6)C1 Casting
PRCSBC shall consist of lid elements and “U” shaped base elements. The vertical legs of
the “U” shaped base elements shall be full height matching the rise of the culvert, except as
otherwise specified for culvert spans greater than 20-feet. For PRCSBC spans greater than
20-feet (as defined in Section 7-02.3(6)A1), the lid elements may include vertical legs of a
maximum length of 4-feet.
All vertical and horizontal joints of PRCBC and PRCSBC elements shall be tongue and
groove type joints, except PRCBC and PRCSBC of 20-foot span or less may have keyway
joints connected by weld-tie anchors in accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)O. The weld-tie
anchor spacing shall not exceed 6’-0”. There shall be at least two galvanized steel tie plates
across each top unit tongue and groove joint and each tongue and groove joint between
upper and lower units, unless otherwise shown in the Plans or required by the seismic design
completed in accordance with Section 7-02.3(6)A1.
7-02.3(6)C2 Finishing
The following information shall be legibly and permanently marked on one inside face
of each PRCBC element, or one inside face of each PRCSBC “U” shaped base element by
indentation, waterproof paint, or other means acceptable to the Engineer:
1. Box section span and rise dimensions, minimum and maximum design earth cover
dimensions, and vehicular live load for design (HL-93).
2. WSDOT Contract Number and date of fabrication.
3. Name or trademark of the fabricator.
7-02.3(6)C3 Erection
PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be erected and backfilled in accordance with the erection
sequence specified in the Working Drawing submittal, and the construction equipment
restrictions specified in Section 6-02.3(25)O.
The Contractor shall install a continuous strip of butyl rubber sealant within all tongue and
groove joints prior to connecting the precast elements together. The butyl rubber sealant shall
have a minimum cross section of ½-inch by 1½-inch, unless otherwise shown in the Plans.
After connecting the joints with weld-tie anchors, the Contractor shall paint the exposed
metal surfaces with one coat of field primer conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)F. Keyways shall
be filled with grout conforming to Section 9-20.3(2).
The Contractor shall wrap all exterior joints along the top and sides of the PRCBC and
PRCSBC with a 12-inch wide strip of external sealing band centered about the joint and
adhesively bonded to the concrete surface.
Backfill beside the PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be brought up in sequential layers,
compacted concurrently. The difference in backfill height on opposing sides of the Structure
shall not exceed 2-feet.
7-02.4 Measurement
The length of culvert pipe or pipe arch will be the number of linear feet of completed
installation measured along the invert. Pipe placed in excess of the length designated by the
Engineer will not be measured or paid for.
Beveled end sections will be considered as part of the culvert pipe and shall be measured
as culverts.
Flared steel and aluminum end sections will be measured by the number of integral units
of the dimension specified including toe plate extensions if called for in the Plans.
The pipe connector section of end section Design A shall be fabricated as a part of the
integral unit of the end section but will be measured as linear feet of pipe or pipe arch of the
treatment, thickness and dimensions of pipe to which it is attached. If there is no Bid item
for pipe of the proper dimensions for the end sections, the pipe connector sections will be
considered as part of the integral unit and will not be measured as pipe.
Pipe connector sections of end section Design B will be considered part of the integral unit
and measurement will be by number of integral units of the type and dimension specified.
The length of safety bars for culvert pipe will be the number of linear feet of each safety
bar installed.
Tapered end section with safety bars will be measured by the unit per each.
Culvert bedding material will be measured by the cubic yard of material placed.
7-02.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Schedule ____ Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain Conc. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear feet.
“Cl. ____ Reinf. Conc. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain St. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ St. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain St. Culv. Pipe Arch ____ In. Th. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ St. Culv. Pipe Arch ____ In. Th. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Plain Nestable St. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ Nestable St. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain Al. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain Al. Culv. Pipe Arch ____ In. Th. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Relaying (type of Pipe and Size)”, per linear foot.
“Solid Wall PVC Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Profile Wall PVC Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Corrugated Polyethylene Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“St. Rib Reinf Polyethylene Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Polypropylene Culvert Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
Where culvert pipes are to be removed but are not to be relaid, all costs in connection
with the removal shall be included in the unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Structure
Excavation Class B” or “Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”.
“Flared End Section ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
“Flared End Section ____ In. Span”, per each.
“Safety Bars for Culvert Pipe Type ____”, per linear foot.
“Tapered End Sect. with Type ____ Safety Bars ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
“Precast Reinf. Conc. Three Sided Structure No.___”, lump sum.
“Precast Reinf. Conc. Box Culvert No.___”, lump sum.
“Precast Reinf. Conc. Split Box Culvert No.___”, lump sum.
“Culvert Bedding Material”, per cubic yard.
7-03.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“St. Str. Plate Pipe ____ Gage ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“St. Str. Plate Pipe Arch ____ Gage ____ Ft. Span”, per linear foot.
“St. Str. Plate Arch ____ Gage ____ Ft. Span”, per linear foot.
“Design ____ St. Underpass ____ Gage ____ Ft. Span”, per linear foot.
All costs involved in obtaining, hauling, placing, and finishing earth to be placed in the
invert of the underpass shall be included in the unit Contract price for “Design ____ St.
Underpass ____ Gage ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”.
“Al. Str. Plate Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Al. Str. Plate Pipe Arch ____ In. Th. ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Al. Str. Plate Arch ____ In. Th. ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Design ____ Al. Underpass ____ In. Th. ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
All costs involved in obtaining, hauling, placing, and finishing earth to be placed in the
invert of the underpass shall be included in the unit Contract price for “Design ____ Al.
Underpass ____ In. Th. ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”.
“Conc. Class ____”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Conc. Class ____” shall be paid as specified in
Section 6-02.
“St. Reinf. Bar”, per pound.
The unit Contract price per pound for “St. Reinf. Bar” shall be paid as specified in
Section 6-02.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Gravel Backfill for Foundation Class ____”, per cubic yard.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B”, per square foot.
“Safety Bars for Culvert Pipe Type ____”, per linear foot.
“Tapered End Section with Type ____ Safety Bars ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
“Tapered End Section with Type ____ Safety Bars ____ In. Span”, per each.
Page 7-15
7-04 Storm Sewers
All time values listed in the table are in seconds. If a section to be tested includes more
than one pipe size, the total time required can be found by adding the time values for each size
of pipe and its corresponding length. Interpolate between valves for pipe lengths not shown.
Pipe over 30 inches in diameter shall be tested one joint at a time in accordance with
ASTM C1103.
7-04.3(1)F Low Pressure Air Test for Storm Sewers Constructed of Non Air Permeable
When non air permeable pipe is subjected to a low-pressure air test, all of the provisions
of Section 7-17.3(2)E shall apply, except that the time in seconds for the pressure drop shall
be equal to or greater than four times the time shown in the table listed in Section 7-04.3(1)E.
Pipe over 30 inches in diameter shall be tested one joint at a time in accordance with
ASTM C1103.
Reaches of thermoplastic pipe containing no joints shall be exempt from testing
7-04.4 Measurement
The length of storm sewer pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation
measured along the invert and will include the length through elbows, tees, and fittings.
The number of linear feet will be measured from the center of manhole to center of manhole
or to the inside face of catch basins and similar type Structures.
The length of testing storm sewer pipe in conformance with Section 7-17.3(2)A will be
the number of linear feet of completed installation actually tested.
7-04.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Plain Conc. Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Class ____ Reinf. Conc. Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ St. Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ Al. Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Profile Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Corrugated Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Schedule ____ Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“St. Rib Reinf Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam”, per linear foot.
“High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Polypropylene Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for storm sewer pipe of the kind and size specified
shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation, including adjustment of inverts
to manholes.
“Testing Storm Sewer Pipe”, per linear foot.
Rubber gaskets or flexible plastic gaskets may be used in tongue and groove joints
of precast units. Joints between precast manhole units used for sanitary sewers shall be
rubber gasketed. All other joints and all openings cut through the walls shall be grouted
and watertight. Mortar shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-20.4(3).
If gaskets are used, handling of the precast units after the gasket has been affixed shall be
done carefully to avoid disturbing or damaging the gasket or contaminating it with foreign
material. Care shall be exercised to attain proper alignment before the joints are entirely
forced home. During insertion of the tongue or spigot, the units shall be partially supported
to minimize unequal lateral pressure on the gasket and to maintain concentricity until the
gasket is properly positioned.
Rigid pipes connecting to sanitary sewer manholes shall be provided with a flexible
joint at a distance from the face of the manhole of not more than 1½ times the nominal pipe
diameter or 18 inches, whichever is greater.
Flexible pipes connecting to sanitary sewer manholes shall be provided with an entry
coupling or gasket approved by the Engineer. No pipe joint in flexible pipe shall be placed
within 10 feet of the manhole.
Backfilling around the Work will not be allowed until the concrete or mortar has
thoroughly set.
Catch basins, manholes, and inlets shall be watertight.
Catch basin, grate inlet, and drop inlet connections to a sewer shall be so placed that the
connecting pipe may be easily rodded over its entire length. After the connections are made,
the Contractor shall rod all inlet and outlet pipes. All connections that cannot be successfully
rodded shall be removed and new connections made.
Backfilling of manholes, inlets, catch basins, and drywells shall be done in accordance
with the provisions of Section 2-09.
Manholes, catch basins, inlets, and drywells shall be constructed on a compacted or
undisturbed level foundation. If the Contractor elects to use a separate cast-in-place base,
the concrete shall be Class 4000. Upon final acceptance of the Work, all manholes, catch
basins, inlets, drywells, and other drainage Structures shall conform to the requirements of
the Standard Plans except as approved by the Engineer.
Any shoring or extra excavation required shall meet the requirements of Section 2-09.3.
7-05.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade
Where shown in the Plans or where directed by the Engineer, the existing manholes,
catch basins, or inlets shall be adjusted to the grade as staked or otherwise designated by
the Engineer.
The existing cast iron ring and cover on manholes and the catch basin and inlet frame
and grate shall first be removed and thoroughly cleaned for reinstalling at the new elevation.
From that point, the existing Structure shall be raised or lowered to the required elevation.
The materials and method of construction shall conform to the requirements specified above,
and the finished Structure shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Plans except as
approved by the Engineer.
7-05.3(2) Abandon Existing Manholes
Where it is required that an existing manhole be abandoned, the Structure shall be
broken down to a depth of at least 4 feet below the revised surface elevation, all connections
plugged, and the manhole filled with sand and compacted to 90 percent density as specified
in Section 2-03.3(14)C. Debris resulting from breaking the upper part of the manhole may
be mixed with the sand subject to the approval of the Engineer. The ring and cover shall be
salvaged and all other surplus material disposed of.
All costs associated with furnishing and installing gravel backfill for bedding manholes,
inlets, and catch basins shall be in the unit Contract price for the item installed.
“Adjust Manhole”, per each.
“Adjust Catch Basin”, per each.
“Adjust Inlet, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Adjust Manhole”, “Adjust Catch Basin”, or “Adjust
Inlet” shall be full pay for all costs necessary to make the adjustment including restoration of
adjacent areas in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
Structure excavation for concrete inlets is considered incidental to the cost of the inlets and
shall be included in the unit Contract price for the concrete inlet.
“Abandon Existing Manhole”, per each.
“Connection to Drainage Structure”, per each.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B”, per square foot.
“Drop Manhole Connection”, per each.
The price paid per drop connection is in addition to the price paid for manholes and for the
specified sewer pipe that is replaced with ductile iron pipe.
7-06 Vacant
The pipe shall be properly aligned before joints are forced home. Sufficient pressure shall
be applied in making the joint to ensure that the joint is home, as defined in the standard
installation instructions provided by the pipe manufacturer. The Contractor may use any
method acceptable to the Engineer for pulling the pipe together, except that driving or
ramming by hand or machinery will not be permitted. Any pipe damaged during joining and
joint tightening shall be removed and replaced at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
Care shall be taken to properly align the pipe before joints are entirely forced home. During
insertion of the tongue or spigot, the pipe shall be partially supported by hand, sling or crane
to minimize unequal lateral pressure on the gasket and to maintain concentricity until the
gasket is properly positioned. Since most gasketed joints tend to creep apart when the end of
the pipe is deflected and straightened, such movement shall be held to a minimum once the
joint is home.
Sufficient restraint shall be applied to the line to ensure that joints once home are held so
by compacting backfill material under and alongside the pipe or by other acceptable means.
At the end of the work day, the last pipe shall be blocked in such a manner as may be required
to prevent creep.
7-08.3(2)F Plugs and Connections
Plugs for pipe branches, stubs, or other open ends which are not to be immediately
connected shall be made of an approved material and shall be secured in a place with a joint
comparable to the main line joint, or stoppers may be of an integrally cast breakout design.
7-08.3(2)G Jointing of Dissimilar Pipe
Dissimilar pipe shall be jointed by use of a factory-fabricated adapter coupling or a pipe
collar as detailed in the Standard Plans.
7-08.3(2)H Sewer Line Connections
Storm and sanitary sewer line connections to trunks, mains, laterals, or side sewers shall be
left uncovered until after the Engineer has inspected and approved the Work. After approval
of the connection, the trench shall be backfilled as specified.
7-08.3(2)I Side Sewer Connections
Where a storm or sanitary side sewer is larger than the trunk, main, or lateral to which
it is to be connected, the connection shall be made only at a standard manhole unless
otherwise provided in the Plans or in the Special Provisions, or unless otherwise authorized
by the Engineer.
7-08.3(3) Backfilling
Placement of pipe zone backfill shall be performed in accordance with these requirements
and the Standard Plans. Trenches shall be backfilled as soon after the pipe laying as possible.
Pipe zone backfill material shall be clean earth or sand, free from clay, frozen lumps, roots,
or moisture in excess of that permitting required compaction. Rocks or lumps larger than
3 inches maximum shall not be used for pipe zone backfill.
Pipe zone backfill shall be placed in loose layers and compacted to 90 percent maximum
density. Backfill shall be brought up simultaneously on each side of the pipe to the top of
the pipe zone. The pipe shall then be covered to the top of the pipe zone and the materials
compacted in a manner to avoid damaging or disturbing the completed pipe.
Backfill above the pipe zone shall be accomplished in such a manner that the pipe will
not be shifted out of position nor damaged by impact or overloading. If pipe is being placed
in a new embankment, backfill above the pipe zone shall be placed in accordance with
Section 2-03.3(14)C. If pipe is being placed under existing paved areas, or Roadways, backfill
above the pipe zone shall be placed in horizontal layers no more than 6 inches thick and
compacted to 95 percent maximum density. If pipe is being placed in non-traffic areas, backfill
above the pipe zone shall be placed in horizontal layers no more than 6 inches thick and shall
be compacted to 85 percent maximum density. All compaction shall be in accordance with the
Compaction Control Test of Section 2-03.3(14)D. Material excavated from the trench shall be
used for backfill above the pipe zone, except that organic material, frozen lumps, wood, rocks,
or pavement chunks larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension shall not be used. Materials
determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable for backfill at the time of excavation shall be
removed and replaced with imported backfill material.
Backfilling of trenches in the vicinity of catch basins, manholes, or other appurtenances
will not be permitted until the cement in the masonry has become thoroughly hardened.
When it is required that a blanket of select material or bank run gravel is to be placed on
top of the native backfill, the backfill shall be placed to the elevations shown in the Plans, or to
the elevations specified by the Engineer. Compaction of the native material shall be as required
by the Contracting Agency and shall be performed prior to placing the select material. Surface
material shall be loosened to whatever depth is required to prevent bridging of the top layer,
but shall in no case be less than 18 inches.
The Contractor shall not operate tractors or other heavy equipment over the top of the pipe
until the backfill has reached a height of 2 feet above the top of the pipe.
7-08.3(4) Plugging Existing Pipe
Where shown in the Plans or where designated by the Engineer, existing pipes shall be
plugged on the inlet end for a distance of 2 diameters with commercial concrete. Care shall be
used in placing the concrete in the pipe to see that the opening of the pipe is completely filled
and thoroughly plugged.
7-08.4 Measurement
Gravel backfill for foundations, or gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding when used for
foundations, shall be measured by the cubic yard, including haul, as specified in Section 2-09.
Plugging pipes will be measured per each, for each plug installed, for pipe diameters up to
and including 36 inches. The concrete for plugging pipes in excess of 36 inches in diameter
will be measured by the cubic yard. Computations for corrugated metal pipes will be based
on the nominal diameter.
Excavation of the trench will be measured as Structure excavation Class B or Structure
excavation Class B including haul, by the cubic yard as specified in Section 2-09. When
excavation below grade is necessary, excavation will be measured to the limits ordered by
the Engineer.
Embankment construction before pipe placement under the applicable provisions of
Section 7-08.3(1)A will be measured in accordance with Section 2-03.
Shoring or extra excavation class B will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4.
7-08.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class ____”, per cubic yard.
“Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding”, per cubic yard.
All costs associated with furnishing and installing bedding and backfill material within the
pipe zone in the installation of culvert, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer pipes shall be included
in the unit Contract price for the type and size of pipe installed.
“Plugging Existing Pipe”, per each.
“Commercial Concrete”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B”, per square foot.
All costs in jointing dissimilar pipe with a coupling or concrete collar shall be included in
the unit Contract price per foot for the size and type of pipe being jointed.
Concrete Blocking 6-02.3(2)B
Detectable Marking Tape 9-15.18
Blow Off Assemblies 9-30.1, 9-30.2,
9-30.3, 9-30.6
Polyethylene Encasement 9-30.1(2)
Steel Pipe (4 inches and under) 9-30.1(4)B
Fittings for Steel Pipe (4 inches and under) 9-30.2(4)B
Foundation Material 9-03.17, 9-03.18
Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 9-03.12(3)
Pipe Zone Backfill 9-03.19
Trench Backfill 9-03.15 or 9-03.19
It is not intended that materials listed herein are to be necessarily considered equal
or generally interchangeable for all applications. Those suitable for the project shall be
specified in the Special Provisions or shown on the Plans.
The pipe manufacturer shall test all pipe and fittings as required by these Standard
Specifications and the standards referenced. The Contractor shall submit Type 1 Working
Drawings consisting of all test results from the pipe manufacturer including a written
certification that material to be delivered is represented by the samples tested and that such
delivered materials meet or exceed the specified requirements. No pipe shall be delivered until
test results and certifications are in the hands of the Engineer.
The Engineer shall have free access to all testing and records pertaining to material
to be delivered to the job site. The Engineer may elect to be present at any or all material
testing operations.
The basis of acceptance shall be a certificate of compliance as described in Section 1-06.3,
accompanied by two copies of pressure test results of the pipe or fittings involved.
7-09.3 Construction Requirements
7-09.3(1) General
Trench excavation required for the installation of water mains and appurtenances shall
be unclassified. Material excavated from trenches and piled adjacent to the trench or in a
Roadway or public thoroughfare shall be piled and maintained so that the toe of the slope of
the spoil material is at least 2 feet from the edge of the trench. It shall be piled in a manner
to prevent surface water from flowing into the excavation and in a manner that will cause a
minimum of inconvenience to public travel. Free access shall be provided to all fire hydrants,
water valves, and meters; and clearance shall be left to enable the free flow of storm water in
gutters, conduits, and natural watercourses.
7-09.3(2) Ungraded Streets
On ungraded streets, when grading is not called for in the Contract, the depth of trench
excavation shall be as shown on the Plans and as staked.
Where the Plans show the pipe is to be laid above the existing ground surface, an
embankment fill shall be made and compacted to conform with the section shown on the
Plans, and the water main trench shall be excavated therein. That portion of the embankment
below the bottom of the pipe shall be compacted with rollers or mechanical compactors under
controlled moisture conditions as required under Method B of Section 2-03.3(14)C.
7-09.3(3) Clearing and Grubbing in Ungraded Streets
On ungraded streets, where clearing and grubbing is not called for in the Contract, the
area to be excavated or filled shall be cleared and grubbed by the Contractor. This Work shall
consist of the removal and disposal of logs, stumps, roots, brush, and other refuse within
5 feet of the centerline of the pipe. Such material shall be disposed of in accordance with the
Special Provisions.
Care shall be taken not to excavate below the depth specified. Excavation below that depth
shall be backfilled with foundation material and compacted as specified herein.
If workers have to enter any trench or other excavation 4 feet or more in depth that does not
meet the open pit requirements of Section 2-09.3(3)B, it shall be shored. The Contractor alone
shall be responsible for worker safety, and the Contracting Agency assumes no responsibility.
Upon completing the Work, the Contractor shall remove all shoring unless the Plans or the
Engineer direct otherwise.
7-09.3(7)A Dewatering of Trench
Where water is encountered in the trench, it shall be removed during pipe-laying operations
and the trench so maintained until the ends of the pipe are sealed and provisions are made to
prevent floating of the pipe. Trench water or other deleterious materials shall not be allowed
to enter the pipe at any time.
7-09.3(7)B Rock Excavation
Rock excavation shall cover the removal and disposal of rock that requires systematic
drilling and blasting for its removal, and also boulders exceeding ½ cubic yard. Ledge rock,
boulders, or stones shall be removed to provide a minimum clearance of 4 inches under
the pipe.
Hardpan, hard clay, glacial till, sandstone, siltstone, shale, or other sedimentary rocks,
which are soft, weathered, or extensively fissured will not be classified as rock excavation.
Rock is defined as one that has a modulus of elasticity of more than 200,000 psi or unconfined
compressive strength at field moisture content of more than 2,000 psi.
Materials removed shall be replaced with gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding, pipe zone
backfill or trench backfill as designated by the Engineer.
7-09.3(7)C Extra Trench Excavation
Changes in grades of the water main from those shown on the Plans, or as provided in the
Special Provisions, may be necessary because of unexpected utilities, or for other reasons.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is necessary to adjust, correct, relocate, or in any way
change the line and grade, such changes shall be made by the Contractor under the terms of
these Standard Specifications.
When pipeline grade is lowered in excess of 1 foot below the grade indicated on the Plans,
the Contractor shall make such extra excavation as necessary.
When the pipeline horizontal alignment is changed by more than 1 foot from the line
indicated on the Plans, after the trench has been excavated, the Contractor shall excavate the
trench at the changed location and backfill and compact the previous trench.
Additional excavation so required will be classified as extra trench excavation.
7-09.3(8) Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Materials
Whenever in excavating the trench for water mains, the bottom of the trench exposes peat,
soft clay, quicksand, or other unsuitable foundation material, such material shall be removed to
the depth directed by the Engineer and backfilled with foundation material. When determined
by the Engineer that silty soils or fine sandy soils are encountered, Class C foundation material
shall be required. Silty soils or fine sandy soils usually flow in the presence of a stream of
water. When determined by the Engineer that clay, peat, or other soft materials are encountered
that become saturated with water, but do not break down into fine particles and flow, Class A
or Class B foundation material shall be required.
Material removed from the trench that is unsuitable for trench backfill shall be removed
and hauled to a waste site. If material is not available within the limits of the project for
backfilling the trench, the Contractor shall furnish trench backfill meeting the requirements
of Section 9-03.12(3) or 9-03.19 as required.
Unsuitable material shall be loaded directly into trucks and hauled to a waste site obtained
by the Contractor. Stockpiling of unsuitable material at the project site shall not be allowed.
The quantity of water required to restore the pressure shall be accurately determined by
pumping through a positive displacement water meter. The meter shall be approved by the
Engineer. Acceptability of the test will be determined as follows:
The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the number of gallons per hour
as determined by the formula:
L = allowable leakage, gallons/hour
D = nominal diameter of the pipe in inches
P = test pressure during the leakage test (psi)
S = gross length of pipe tested, feet
There shall not be an appreciable or abrupt loss in pressure during the 15-minute
test period.
Pressure gauges used in the test shall be accompanied with certifications of accuracy
from a testing Laboratory approved by the Engineer.
Any visible leakage detected shall be corrected by the Contractor regardless of the
allowable leakage specified above. Should the tested section fail to meet the pressure test
successfully as specified, the Contractor shall, at no additional expense to the Contracting
Agency, locate and repair the defects and then retest the pipeline.
Tests shall be made with the hydrant auxiliary gate valves open and pressure against the
hydrant valve. Each valve shall be tested by closing each in turn and relieving the pressure
beyond. This test of the valve will be acceptable if there is no immediate loss of pressure on
the gauge when the pressure comes against the valve being checked. The Contractor shall
verify that the pressure differential across the valve does not exceed the rated working pressure
of the valve.
Prior to calling out the Engineer to witness the pressure test, the Contractor shall have all
equipment set up completely ready for operation and shall have successfully performed the
test to ensure that the pipe is in satisfactory condition.
Defective materials or workmanship, discovered as a result of hydrostatic field test, shall be
replaced by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Contracting Agency. Whenever it is
necessary to replace defective material or correct the workmanship, the hydrostatic test shall
be re-run at the Contractor’s expense until a satisfactory test is obtained.
7-09.3(23)A Testing Extensions From Existing Mains
When an existing water main is extended with new pipe to a new valve and the distance
from the existing pipe to the new valve is 18 feet or less, the section of new pipe installed
between the new valve and the end of the existing main shall be made with pretested,
prechlorinated pipe, and no hydrostatic test will be required. When the required hydrostatic
tests are conducted in the new main section beyond the installed new valve in the closed
position, the normal pressure of the existing main may be present against the other side of
the new valve.
Where the distance between the end of an existing water main pipe extension to the
new valve is more than 18 feet, the connection of the new pipe to existing pipe shall not be
made until after hydrostatic tests have been made to the required pressure in both directions
against the new valve. This shall be accomplished by a temporary cap or plug installed on
the end of the new pipe, beyond the new valve, as close as possible to the existing pipe for
testing purposes.
The short length of pipe between the temporary cap or plug end with the new valve in the
closed position, with no hydrostatic pressure active on the opposite side of the valve, shall
be subjected to the required test pressure. The same test shall be made against the other side
of the new valve when that section of pipe is tested with no hydrostatic pressure active in the
short section of pipe toward the existing main. The final connection to the existing main shall
be made with pretested prechlorinated pipe.
7-09.3(23)B Testing Section With Hydrants Installed
When hydrants are included with the section of main pipe to be tested, the testing shall be
conducted in three separate tests as follows:
Test No. 1 – Water main gate valves and hydrant auxiliary gate valves closed, with the
hydrant operating stem valves and hose ports wide open.
Test No. 2 – Water main gate valves and the hydrant operating the stem valves tightly
closed but the hydrant auxiliary gate valves and hose ports wide open.
Test No. 3 – Each hydrant shall be tested to the pressure indicated in Section 7-09.3(23)
with the hydrant auxiliary gate valve and hose ports closed and the hydrant operating stem
valve wide open.
7-09.3(23)C Testing Hydrants Installed on Existing Mains
For hydrants installed and connected to an existing main, the hydrant connection including
hydrant tee, connection pipe, and auxiliary gate valves, shall be installed with pretested
Before the hydrant connection is made to the existing main, the hydrant installation shall be
subjected to the hydrostatic Test No. 3 as specified in Section 7-09.3(23)B. Hydrants installed
and connected to an existing main shall have a satisfactory bacteriological sample obtained
following the hydrostatic test.
7-09.3(24) Disinfection of Water Mains
Before being placed into service, new water mains and repaired portions of, or extensions
to, existing mains shall be chlorinated and a satisfactory bacteriological report obtained. In
the event two unsatisfactory bacteriological reports are obtained on a section of pipe, the
Contractor shall revise his method of disinfection and the form of applied chlorine.
7-09.3(24)A Flushing
Sections of pipe to be disinfected shall first be flushed to remove any solids or
contaminated material that may have become lodged in the pipe. If a hydrant is not installed at
the end of the main, then a tap shall be provided large enough to develop a flow velocity of at
least 2.5 fps in the water main.
Taps required by the Contractor for temporary or permanent release of air, chlorination
or flushing purposes shall be provided by the Contractor as part of the construction of water
Where dry calcium hypochlorite is used for disinfection of the pipe, flushing shall be done
after disinfection.
The Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of treated water flushed from mains and
shall neutralize the wastewater for protection of aquatic life in the receiving water before
disposal into any natural drainage channel, i.e., receiving water, waters of the State, including
wetlands. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of disinfecting solution to the
satisfaction of the Contracting Agency and local authorities. At a minimum, chlorinated
water shall be dechlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) or less, and pH
adjustment to within 6.5 – 8.5 standard units before discharging to surface waters of the State
or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State.
If approved by the Engineer and by the local authority responsible for the sanitary sewer
system, disposal of treated water from mains may be made to an available sanitary sewer,
provided the rate of disposal will not overload the sewer.
measured from the upper surface of the rock to an elevation 6 inches below the underside
of the pipe barrel, or to the lower surface of the rock, whichever is less. Boulders exceeding
1 cubic yard in volume shall be paid for according to their measured volume.
Removal of the extra trench excavation as defined in Section 7-09.3(7)C will be measured
by the cubic yard. The depth shall be the actual depth removed for the changed line or
grade in accordance with Section 7-09.3(5) or as ordered by the Engineer in accordance
with Section 1-04.4. The width shall be the actual width removed for the changed line or
grade, but in no case shall the measured width exceed the allowable widths specified in
Section 7-09.3(7).
Removal and replacement of unsuitable material will be measured by the cubic yard.
The depth shall be the actual depth removed below the depth specified in Section 7-09.3(5).
The width shall be the actual width removed, but in no case shall the measured width exceed
the allowable widths specified in Section 7-09.3(7).
Measurement of bank run gravel for trench backfill will be by the cubic yard measured in
trucks at the point of delivery.
Shoring or extra trench excavation will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4 for
shoring or extra excavation Class B.
7-09.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“_________Pipe for Water Main_____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for each size and kind of “__________ Pipe for
Water Main _____ In. Diam.” shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation of the
water main, including but not limited to, trench excavation, bedding, laying and jointing pipe
and fittings, backfilling, concrete thrust blocking, testing, disinfecting the pipeline, flushing,
dechlorination of water used for flushing, and cleanup.
Payment for restoration will be made under the applicable items shown in the Proposal.
If no pay items for restoration are included in the Proposal, restoration shall be considered
incidental to the Work of constructing the water main, and all costs thereof shall be included
in the unit Contract price Bid for “______ Pipe for Water Main ____ In. Diam.”
“Rock Excavation”, per cubic yard.
If no pay item is listed, rock excavation shall be considered incidental to the Work
to construct the water main and all costs shall be included in other items of Work specified
in Section 7-09.5.
“Extra Trench Excavation”, per cubic yard.
“Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Material”, per cubic yard.
“Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill”, per cubic yard.
No separate payment will be made for clearing and grubbing, removal of existing street
improvements, furnishing and installing sand cushion, protection of existing utilities and
services, trench excavation and backfill, bedding the pipe, and compacting the backfill. These
items shall all be considered as incidental to the Work of constructing the water main, and all
costs thereof shall be included in the payment as specified in Section 7-09.5.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Trench”, per square foot.
“Blowoff Assembly”, per each.
The unit Contract price Bid per each for “Blowoff Assembly” shall be full pay for all Work
to install the blowoff assembly, including but not limited to excavating, backfilling, laying and
jointing pipe, tapping the main, corporation stop, pipe and fittings, gate valve, meter box, and
cover and cleanup.
7-10 Vacant
7-11 Vacant
7-13 Vacant
7-14 Hydrants
7-14.1 Description
This Section covers the installation of dry barrel fire hydrants intended for ordinary water
works service.
7-14.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Hydrants 9-30.5
End Connections 9-30.5(1)
Hydrant Dimensions 9-30.5(2)
Hydrant Extensions 9-30.5(3)
Hydrant Restraint 9-30.5(4)
Traffic Flange 9-30.5(5)
Guard Posts 9-30.5(6)
7-14.3 Construction Requirements
7-14.3(1) Setting Hydrants
Where shown in the Plans, hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the Standard
Plans. In addition, a minimum 3-foot radius unobstructed working area shall be provided
around all hydrants. The sidewalk flange shall be set 2 inches above finished grade.
All hydrants shall be set on concrete blocks as shown in the Standard Plans. The hydrant
barrel drain shall waste into a pit of porous gravel material situated at the base of the hydrant
as shown in the Standard Plans.
All hydrants shall be inspected upon delivery in the field to ensure proper working order.
After installation, fire hydrants, auxiliary gate valves, and other appurtenances thereto shall
be subjected to a hydrostatic test and disinfection procedures as specified in Section 7-09.
After all installation and testing is complete, the exposed portion of the hydrant shall be
painted with one field coat. The type and color of paint will be designated by the Engineer.
Any hydrant not in service shall be identified by covering with a burlap or plastic bag
properly secured.
7-14.3(2) Hydrant Connections
Hydrant laterals shall consist of one continuous section of 6-inch ductile iron pipe from
the main to the hydrant and shall include an auxiliary gate valve set vertically and placed in
accordance with the Standard Plans.
7-14.3(2)A Hydrant Restraints
The thrust created in the hydrant lateral shall be restrained as shown in the Standard Plans.
If applicable, shackle rods, after installation, shall be cleaned and painted with two coats of
asphalt varnish, or with such other bituminous coating as may be approved by the Engineer.
7-14.3(2)B Auxiliary Gate Valves and Valve Boxes
Auxiliary gate valves and valve boxes shall be installed in accordance with
Section 7-12 except that the end connections shall be provided with lugs for shackling, or the
bells shall provide sufficient clearance between the body of the valve and the hub to permit
the installation of shackles.
7-14.3(2)C Hydrant Guard Posts
Hydrant guard posts shall be constructed at the locations shown in the Plans. The exposed
portion of each guard post shall be painted with one coating of the type and color designated
by the Engineer.
The unit Contract price per each for “Moving Existing Hydrant” shall be full pay for all
Work to move the existing hydrant, including new hydrant lateral tee, shackling, painting, and
reconnecting to the main. New pipe for hydrant connections will be paid for as specified in
Section 7-09.5.
“Reconnecting Existing Hydrant”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Reconnecting Existing Hydrant” shall be full pay
for all Work to reconnect the existing hydrant, excepting however, that new pipe used for the
connection will be paid as specified in Section 7-09.5.
“Hydrant Extension”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Hydrant Extension” shall be full pay for all
Work to extend the hydrant vertically.
7-15.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal:
“Service Connection ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Service Connection ____ In. Diam.” shall be full pay
for all Work to install the service connection, including but not limited to, excavating, tapping
the main, laying and jointing the pipe and fittings and appurtenances, backfilling, testing,
flushing, and disinfection of the service connection.
7-16 Vacant
Structures. Any further delay will require the written consent of the Engineer. The Contractor
shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to make the test, clean the
lines, and perform all incidental Work. The Contractor shall perform the tests under the
direction and in the presence of the Engineer. Precautions shall be taken to prevent joints
from drawing during tests, and any damage resulting from these tests shall be repaired by the
Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency. The manner and time of testing shall be
subject to approval by the Engineer.
All wyes, tees, and stubs shall be plugged with flexible jointed caps, or acceptable
alternate, securely fastened to withstand the internal test pressure. Such plugs or caps shall
be readily removable, and their removal shall provide a socket suitable for making a flexible
jointed lateral connection or extension.
Testing side sanitary sewers shall be for their entire length from the public sewer in the
street to the connection with the building’s plumbing. Their testing shall be as required by the
local sanitary agency but in no case shall it be less thorough than that of filling the pipe with
water before backfilling and visually inspecting the exterior for leakage. The decision of the
Engineer as to acceptance of the side sanitary sewer shall be final.
If any sewer installation fails to meet the requirements of the test method used, the
Contractor shall determine, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, the source or sources
of leakage and shall repair or replace all defective materials or workmanship at no expense to
the Contracting Agency. The complete pipe installation shall meet the requirements of the test
method used before being considered acceptable.
7-17.3(2)B Exfiltration Test
Prior to making exfiltration leakage tests, the Contractor may fill the pipe with clear water
to permit normal absorption into the pipe walls provided, however, that after so filling the
pipe, the Contractor shall complete the leakage test within 24 hours after filling. When under
test, the allowable leakage shall be limited according to the provisions that follow. Specified
allowances assume pre-wetted pipe.
Leakage shall be no more than 0.28 gph per inch diameter per 100 feet of sewer, with a
hydrostatic head of 6 feet above the crown at the upper end of the test section, or above the
natural ground water table at the time of test, whichever is higher. The length of pipe tested
shall be limited so that the pressure at the lower end of the Section tested does not exceed
16 feet of head above the invert, and in no case shall be greater than 700 feet or the distance
between manholes when greater than 700 feet.
Where the test head is other than 6 feet, the maximum leakage shall not exceed the amount
determined from the following equation:
Maximum leakage (in gallons per hour) = 0.28 × (√H/√6) × D × (L/100)
D = diameter (in.)
L = length of pipe (ft.)
H = test head (ft.)
When the test is to be made one joint at a time, the leakage per joint shall not exceed the
computed allowable leakage per length of pipe.
7-17.3(2)C Infiltration Test
Where the natural ground water head over the pipe is 2 feet or less above the crown of pipe
at the upper end of the test section, the infiltration test leakage shall not exceed 0.16 gallons
per hour per inch of diameter per 100 feet of pipe length. The length of pipe tested shall not
exceed 700 feet or the distance between manholes when greater than 700 feet.
Where the natural ground water head is greater than 2 feet, the maximum leakage shall not
exceed the amount determined from the following equation:
K = 0.0111d2L
C = 0.0003918dL
If CT <1, then time = KT
If 1 <CT <1.75, then time = KT/CT
If CT > 1.75, then time = KT/1.75
d = Pipe diameter (inches)
L = Pipe length (feet)
K = value for each length of pipe of a specific diameter
C = value for each length of pipe of a specific diameter
KT = sum of all K values
CT = sum of all C values
This method was developed based on an allowable air loss rate of 0.003 cubic feet per
minute (cfm) per square foot of internal pipe surface, with the total air loss rate not less than
2 cfm nor greater than 3.5 cfm. At the Contractor’s option, the pipe may be tested without
pre‑wetting; however, the allowable air loss rate assumes pre-wetted pipe.
Pipe over 30 inches in diameter shall be tested one joint at a time in accordance with
ASTM C1103.
7-17.3(2)F Low Pressure Air Test for Sanitary Sewers Constructed of Non Air
Permeable Materials
Non air permeable materials include ductile iron, ABS composite, polyvinyl chloride
(PVC), and polyethylene (PE). When non air permeable pipe is subjected to a low-pressure
air test, all of the provisions of Section 7-17.3(2)E shall apply, except that the time in seconds
for the pressure drop shall be equal to or greater than four times the required time calculated
in Section 7-17.3(2)E.
Pipe over 30 inches in diameter shall be tested one joint at a time in accordance with
ASTM C1103.
Reaches of thermoplastic pipe containing no joints shall be exempt from testing
7-17.3(2)G Deflection Test for Thermoplastic Pipe
Sanitary sewers constructed of thermoplastic pipe shall be tested for deflection not less
than 30 days after the trench backfill and compaction has been completed. The test shall be
conducted by pulling a properly sized “go-nogo” mandrel through the completed pipeline.
Testing shall be conducted on a manhole-to-manhole basis and shall be done after the line
has been completely flushed out with water.
The mandrel shall be a rigid, nonadjustable mandrel having an effective length of not less
than its normal diameter and an odd-number of legs (9 legs minimum). Minimum diameter at
any point along the full length of the mandrel shall be 95 percent of the base inside diameter
of the pipe being tested.
Base inside diameter is derived by subtracting a statistical tolerance package from the
average inside diameter. The tolerance package is defined as the square root of the sum of
squared manufacturing tolerances. The tolerance package for controlled outside diameter
pipe consists of (1) outside diameter tolerance specified in applicable ASTM Standard,
(2) 12 percent of one wall thickness specified in applicable ASTM Standard, and (3) out
of roundness tolerance listed in appendix of applicable ASTM Standard. The items in the
tolerance package for controlled inside diameter pipe consists of (1) inside diameter tolerance
listed in appendix of applicable ASTM Standard and (2) out of roundness tolerance listed in
appendix of applicable ASTM Standard. When out of roundness tolerance is not listed, use
3 percent of average inside diameter.
The average inside diameter for pipe with controlled outside diameter shall be equal to the
average outside diameter as specified in applicable ASTM Standard minus 2 minimum wall
thicknesses as specified in applicable ASTM Standard and minus 2 times excess wall tolerance
of 6 percent. The average inside diameter for pipes with controlled inside diameter shall be the
average inside diameter as specified in applicable ASTM Standard.
The Contractor shall be required, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, to locate and
uncover any sections failing to pass the test and, if not damaged, reinstall the pipe. The use of
a vibratory re-rounding device or any process other than removal or reinstallation shall not be
acceptable. The Contractor shall retest the section after replacement of the pipe.
Pipe large enough to work inside of may be accepted on the basis of direct measurement.
7-17.3(2)H Television Inspection
The Engineer may require any or all sanitary sewer lines be inspected by the use of a
television camera before final acceptance. The costs incurred in making the initial inspection
shall be borne by the owner of the sanitary sewer.
The Contractor shall bear all costs incurred in correcting any deficiencies found during
television inspection including the cost of any additional television inspection that may be
required by the Engineer to verify the correction of said deficiency.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred in any television inspection
performed solely for the benefit of the Contractor.
7-17.4 Measurement
The length of sewer pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation
measured along the invert and will include the length through elbows, tees and fittings.
The number of linear feet will be measured from the center of manhole to center of manhole
or to the inside face of catch basins and similar type Structures.
The length of testing sewer pipe in conformance with Section 7-17.3(2) will be the number
of linear feet of completed installation actually tested.
7-17.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Plain Conc. or V.C. Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Cl. ____ Reinf. Conc. Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“ABS Composite Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Polypropylene Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for sewer pipe of the kind and size specified shall be
full pay for furnishing, hauling, and assembling in place the completed installation including
all wyes, tees, special fittings, joint materials, bedding and backfill material, and adjustment
of inverts to manholes for the completion of the installation to the required lines and grades.
“Testing Sewer Pipe”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Testing Sewer Pipe” shall be full pay
for all labor, material and equipment required to conduct the leakage tests required in
Section 7-17.3(2).
“Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Material”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable
Material” shall be full pay for all Work to remove unsuitable material and replace and compact
suitable material as specified in Section 7-08.3(1)A.
7-18.5 Payment
Payment shall be made for each of the Bid items shown in Section 7-17.5 that are included
in the Proposal.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for sewer pipe of the various kind and size specified
shall be full pay for all Work required for the completion of the installation including fittings
and end pipe marker.
All sediment control devices including, but not limited to, sediment ponds, silt fencing,
or other sediment trapping BMPs shall be installed prior to any ground disturbing activity.
Clearing, grubbing, excavation, borrow, or fill within the Right of Way shall never expose
more erodible earth than as listed below, without written approval by the Engineer:
Western Washington Eastern Washington
(West of the Cascade Mountain Crest) (East of the Cascade Mountain Crest)
May 1 through September 30 17 Acres April 1 through October 31 17 Acres
October 1 through April 30 5 Acres November 1 through March 31 5 Acres
The Engineer may increase or decrease the limits based on project conditions.
Erodible earth is defined as any surface where soils, grindings, or other materials may
be capable of being displaced and transported by rain, wind, or surface water runoff.
Erodible earth not being worked, whether at final grade or not, shall be covered within
the specified time period (see the table below), using an approved soil covering practice.
Western Washington Eastern Washington
(West of the Cascade Mountain Crest) (East of the Cascade Mountain Crest)
October 1 through April 30 2 days maximum October 1 through June 30 5 days maximum
May 1 to September 30 7 days maximum July 1 through September 30 10 days maximum
If the Engineer, under Section 1-08.6, orders the Work suspended, the Contractor shall
continue to control erosion, pollution, and runoff during the shutdown.
Nothing in this section shall relieve the Contractor from complying with other Contract
8-01.3(1)A Submittals
When a temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan is included in the
Plans, the Contractor shall either adopt or modify the TESC Plan. The Contractor shall
provide a schedule for TESC Plan implementation and incorporate it into the Contractor’s
progress schedule.
The Contractor’s adoption of the TESC Plan as shown in the Plans shall be submitted
as a Type 1 Working Drawing. Modified TESC Plans shall be submitted as Type 2 Working
Drawings, conforming to all requirements of the current edition of the WSDOT Temporary
Erosion and Sediment Control Manual M 3109. The TESC Plan shall cover all areas that may
be affected inside and outside the limits of the project (including all Contracting Agency-
provided sources, disposal sites, and haul roads, and all nearby land, streams, and other bodies
of water).
Failure to accept all or part of any such Plan will not make the Contracting Agency liable
to the Contractor for any Work delays.
8-01.3(1)B Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead
The Contractor shall identify the ESC Lead at the preconstruction discussions and in the
TESC Plan. The ESC Lead shall have, for the life of the Contract, a current Certificate of
Training in Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control from a course approved by the
Washington State Department of Ecology. The ESC Lead shall be listed on the Emergency
Contact List required under Section 1-05.13(1).
The ESC Lead shall implement the TESC Plan. Implementation shall include, but is not
limited to:
1. Installing and maintaining all temporary erosion and sediment control Best
Management Practices (BMPs) included in the TESC Plan to assure continued
performance of their intended function. Damaged or inadequate TESC BMP’s
shall be corrected immediately.
2. Updating the TESC Plan to reflect current field conditions.
When a TESC Plan is included in the Contract Plans, the ESC Lead shall also inspect all
areas disturbed by construction activities, all on-site erosion and sediment control BMP’s,
and all stormwater discharge points every calendar week and within 24 hours of runoff events
in which stormwater discharges from the site or as directed by the Engineer. Inspections
of temporarily stabilized, inactive sites may be reduced to once every calendar month. The
Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Form (WSDOT Form 220-030) shall be completed
for each inspection and a copy shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than the end of the
next working day following the inspection.
8-01.3(1)C Water Management
Unless site water is to be managed in accordance with the conditions of a waste discharge
permit from a local permitting authority, site water shall be managed as follows:
8-01.3(1)C1 Disposal of Dewatering Water
When uncontaminated groundwater with a pH range of 6.5 – 8.5 is encountered in an
excavation on a project covered by a NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit, it
may be disposed of as follows:
1. When the turbidity of the groundwater is 25 NTU or less, it may bypass detention and
treatment facilities and be discharged into the stormwater conveyance system at a rate
that will not cause erosion or flooding in the receiving surface water body.
2. When the turbidity of the groundwater is not more than 25 NTU above or 125 percent
of the turbidity of the site stormwater runoff, whichever is greater, the same detention
and treatment facilities as used to treat the site runoff may be used.
3. When the turbidity of the groundwater is more than 25 NTU above or 125 percent of
the turbidity of the site stormwater runoff, whichever is greater, the groundwater shall
be treated separately from the site stormwater.
Alternatively, the Contractor may pursue independent disposal and treatment alternatives
that do not use the stormwater conveyance system.
8-01.3(1)C2 Process Wastewater
Wastewater generated on-site as a byproduct of a construction process shall not be
discharged to surface waters of the State. Some sources of process wastewater may be
infiltrated in accordance with the NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit.
8-01.3(1)C3 Shaft Drilling Slurry Wastewater
Wastewater generated on-site during shaft drilling activity shall be managed and disposed
of in accordance with the requirements below. No shaft drilling slurry wastewater shall be
discharged to surface waters of the State. Neither the sediment nor liquid portions of the
shaft drilling slurry wastewater shall be contaminated, as detectable by visible or olfactory
indication (e.g., chemical sheen or smell).
1. Water-only shaft drilling slurry or water slurry with approved flocculants may be
infiltrated on-site. Flocculants used shall meet the requirements of Section 9-14.5(1)
or shall be chitosan products listed as General Use Level Designation (GULD) on the
Department of Ecology’s stormwater treatment technologies webpage for construction
treatment. Infiltration is permitted if the following requirements are met:
a. Wastewater shall have a pH of 6.5 – 8.5 prior to discharge.
b. The source water meets drinking water standards or the Groundwater Quality
Criteria listed in WAC 173-200-040.
c. The amount of flocculant added to the slurry shall be kept to the minimum needed to
adequately settle out solids. The flocculant shall be thoroughly mixed into the slurry.
d. Infiltration locations shall be at least 100 feet away from surface waters, wells, on-
site sewage systems, aquifer-sensitive recharge areas, sole source aquifers, and well-
head protection areas. Before infiltration begins, there shall be a minimum of 5 feet
of unsaturated soil between the soil surface receiving the wastewater for infiltration
and the groundwater surface (i.e., saturated soil).
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 8-3
8-01 Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control
e. The slurry removed from the shaft shall be contained in a leak proof cell or tank for
a minimum of 3 hours.
f. Within a 24 hour period, a maximum of 21,000 gallons of slurry wastewater may be
infiltrated in an infiltration location. The infiltration rate shall be reduced if needed
to prevent wastewater from leaving the infiltration location. The infiltration site
shall be monitored regularly during infiltration activity. All wastewater discharged
to the ground must fully infiltrate and discharges must stop before the end of each
work day.
g. After infiltration activity is complete, loose sediment in the infiltration location
that may have resulted from the infiltration activity or the removal of BMPs
used to manage infiltration activity shall be stabilized to prevent mobilization by
stormwater runoff.
h. Drilling spoils and settled sediments remaining in the containment cell or tank shall
be disposed of in accordance with Section 6-19.3(4)F.
i. Infiltration locations shall be marked on the on-site temporary erosion and sediment
control (TESC) plan sheets before the infiltration activity begins.
j. Prior to infiltrating water-only shaft drilling slurry or water slurry with approved
flocculants, the Contractor shall submit a Shaft Drilling Slurry Wastewater Manage-
ment and Infiltration Plan as a Type 2 Working Drawing. This Plan shall be kept on-
site, adapted if needed to meet the construction requirements, and updated to reflect
what is being done in the field. The Working Drawing shall include, at a minimum,
the following information:
i. Plan sheet showing the proposed infiltration location and all surface waters,
wells, on-site sewage systems, aquifer-sensitive recharge areas, sole source
aquifers, and well-head protection areas within 150 feet.
ii. The proposed elevation of soil surface receiving the wastewater for infiltration
and the anticipated phreatic surface (i.e., saturated soil).
iii. The source of the water used to produce the slurry.
iv. The estimated total volume of wastewater to be infiltrated.
v. The approved flocculant to be used (if any).
vi. The controls or methods (e.g., trenches, traps, berms, silt fence, dispersion,
or discharge metering devices) that will be used to prevent surface wastewater
runoff from leaving the infiltration location. The Working Drawing shall in-clude
all pertinent design details (e.g., sizing of trenches or traps, placement or height
of berms, application techniques) needed to demonstrate the proposed controls
or methods are adequate to prevent surface wastewater runoff from leaving the
infiltration location.
vii. The strategy for removing slurry wastewater from the shaft and containing the
slurry wastewater once it has been removed from the shaft.
viii. The strategy for monitoring infiltration activity and adapting methods to ensure
ix. A contingency plan that can be implemented immediately if it becomes evident
that the controls in place or methods being used are not adequate.
x. The strategy for cleaning up the infiltration location after the infiltration activity
is done. Cleanup shall include stabilizing any loose sediment on the surface
within the infiltration area generated as a byproduct of suspended solids in
the infiltrated wastewater or soil disturbance associated with BMP placement
and removal.
k. An infiltration event log of containing details of the infiltration activity shall be kept
on-site and updated during infiltration. The log shall record the date of infiltration,
approximate time of initiation and completion of infiltration, pH of the wastewater
prior to infiltration, approximate volume infiltrated, and the name of the individual
responsible for the infiltration.
Page 8-4 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control 8-01
2. Shaft drilling mineral slurry, synthetic slurry, or slurry with polymer additives not
approved for infiltration shall be contained and disposed of by the Contractor at
an approved disposal facility in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C. Spoils that
have come into contact with mineral slurry shall be disposed of in accordance with
Section 6-19.3(4)F.
8-01.3(1)C4 Management of Off-Site Water
Prior to disruption of the normal watercourse, the Contractor shall intercept the off-site
surface water and pipe it either through or around the project site to prevent it from coming
into contact with construction activity or mixing with construction stormwater. It shall be
discharged at its preconstruction outfall point in such a manner that there is no increase in
erosion downstream of the site. The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing
consisting of the method for performing this Work.
8-01.3(1)D Dispersion/Infiltration
Water shall be conveyed only to dispersion or infiltration areas designated in the TESC
Plan or to sites approved by the Engineer. Water shall be conveyed to designated dispersion
areas at a rate such that, when runoff leaves the area and enters waters of the State, turbidity
standards are achieved. Water shall be conveyed to designated infiltration areas at a rate that
does not produce surface runoff.
8-01.3(1)E Detention/Retention Pond Construction
Whether permanent or temporary, ponds shall be constructed before beginning other
grading and excavation Work in the area that drains into that pond. Temporary conveyances
shall be installed concurrently with grading in accordance with the TESC Plan so that newly
graded areas drain to the pond as they are exposed.
8-01.3(2) Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching
8-01.3(2)A Preparation for Application
8-01.3(2)A1 Seeding
Areas to be cultivated are shown in the Plans or specified in the Special Provisions.
The areas shall be cultivated to the depths specified to provide a reasonably firm but friable
seedbed. Cultivation shall take place no sooner than 2 weeks prior to seeding.
All areas to be seeded, including excavated slopes shall be compacted and prepared unless
otherwise specified or ordered by the Engineer. A cleated roller, crawler tractor, or similar
equipment that forms longitudinal depressions at least 2 inches deep shall be used for
compaction and preparation of the surface to be seeded.
The entire area shall be uniformly covered with longitudinal depressions formed
perpendicular to the natural flow of water on the slope. The soil shall be conditioned with
sufficient water so the longitudinal depressions remain in the soil surface until completion
of the seeding.
Prior to seeding, the finished grade of the soil shall be 1 inch below the top of all curbs,
junction and valve boxes, walks, driveways, and other Structures. The soil shall be in a weed
free and bare condition.
All bags of seed shall be brought to the site in sealed bags and shall have seed labels
attached showing the seed meets the Specifications. Seed which has become wet, moldy,
or otherwise damaged in transit or storage will not be accepted.
8-01.3(2)A2 Temporary Seeding
A cleated roller, crawler tractor, or similar equipment, that forms longitudinal depressions
at least 2 inches deep shall be used for compaction and preparation of the surface to be seeded.
The entire area shall be uniformly covered with longitudinal depressions formed perpendicular
to the natural flow of water on the slope. The soil shall be conditioned with sufficient water so
the longitudinal depressions remain in the soil surface until completion of the seeding.
8-01.3(2)E Tackifiers
Tackifiers applied using a hydroseeder shall have a mulch tracer added to visibly aid
uniform application. This tracer shall not be harmful to plant, aquatic, or animal life.
A minimum of 125 pounds per acre and a maximum of 250 pounds per acre of Short-Term
Mulch shall be used as a tracer. Tackifier shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Soil Binding Using Polyacrylamide (PAM) – The PAM shall be applied on bare soil
completely dissolved and mixed in water or applied as a dry powder. Dissolved PAM shall
be applied at a rate of not more than ⅔ pound per 1,000 gallons of water per acre. A minimum
of 200 pounds per acre of Short-Term Mulch shall be applied with the dissolved PAM. Dry
powder applications may be at a rate of 5 pounds per acre using a hand-held fertilizer spreader
or a tractor-mounted spreader.
PAM shall be applied only to areas that drain to completed sedimentation control BMPs
in accordance with the TESC Plan. PAM may be reapplied on actively worked areas after
a 48-hour period.
PAM shall not be applied during rainfall or to saturated soils.
8-01.3(2)F Dates for Application of Final Seed, Fertilizer, and Mulch
Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the final application of seeding, fertilizing,
and mulching of slopes shall be performed during the following periods:
Western Washington1 Eastern Washington
(West of the Cascade Mountain Crest) (East of the Cascade Mountain Crest)
March 1 through May 15 October 1 through November 15 only
September 1 through October 1
1 Where Contract timing is appropriate, seeding, fertilizing, and mulching shall be accomplished during the fall
period listed above.
All Roadway excavation and embankment slopes, including excavation and embankment
slopes that are partially completed to grade, shall be prepared and seeded during the first
available seeding window. When environmental conditions are not conducive to satisfactory
results, the Engineer may suspend Work until such time that the desired results are likely to
be obtained.
Temporary seeding may be performed at any time approved by the Engineer.
8-01.3(2)G Protection and Care of Seeded Areas
The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure a healthy stand of grass. The Contractor shall
restore eroded areas, clean up and properly dispose of eroded materials, and reapply the seed,
fertilizer, and mulch at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
In addition to the requirements of Section 1-07.13(1), the Contractor shall be responsible
for performing the following duties:
1. At the Contractor’s expense, seed, fertilizer, and mulch shall be reapplied in areas that
have been damaged through any cause prior to final inspection, and reapplied to areas
that failed to receive a uniform application at the specified rate.
2. Seeded areas within the planting area shall be considered part of the planting area.
Weeds within the seeded areas shall be controlled in accordance with Section 8-02.3(3).
8-01.3(2)H Inspection
Inspection of seeded areas will be made upon completion of seeding, temporary seeding,
fertilizing, and mulching. The Work in any area will not be measured for payment until a
uniform distribution of the materials is accomplished at the specified rate. Areas that have not
received a uniform application of seed, fertilizer, or mulch at the specified rate, as determined
by the Engineer, shall be reseeded, refertilized, or remulched at the Contractor’s expense prior
to payment.
8-01.3(2)I Mowing
When the Proposal contains the Bid item “Mowing” or mowing areas are defined, the
Contractor shall mow all grass growing areas and slopes 2.5 (H) to 1 (V) or flatter except
for naturally wooded and undergrowth areas. Trimming around traffic facilities, Structures,
planting areas, or other features extending above ground shall be accomplished preceding or
simultaneously with each mowing.
Each mowing shall be considered as one coverage of all grass areas to be mowed within
a defined area. Prospective Bidders shall verify the estimated acreage, the topography,
irregularity of the area, slopes involved, and access limitations to determine the appropriate
equipment to use for mowing. Equipment and tools shall be provided such as, but not limited
to, tractor operated rotary or flail-type grass cutting machines and tools or other approved
equipment. Power driven equipment shall not cause ruts or deformation of improved areas.
Sickle type grass cutters will be permitted only on slopes of drainage ditches, berms, or other
rough areas. The equipment and tools shall be in good repair and maintained so that a clean,
sharp cut of the grass will result at all times. The Engineer will determine the actual number
of mowings. The height of mowing will be 4 to 6 inches or as designated in the Plans or in
the Special Provisions.
Mowing equipment shall be operated and equipped with suitable guards to prevent
throwing rocks or debris onto the Traveled Way or off the Right of Way. Equipment, which
pulls or rips the grass or damages the turf in any manner will not be permitted. The Engineer
will be the sole judge of the adequacy of the equipment, safeguards, and methods of use.
The Contractor will not be required to collect or remove clippings from the project except
on the Traveled Way, Shoulder, walkway, or other areas designated by the Engineer.
8-01.3(3) Placing Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket
Biodegradable Erosion Control Blankets are used as an erosion prevention device and to
enhance the establishment of vegetation. Erosion control blankets shall be installed according
to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Seeding and fertilizing shall be done prior to blanket installation.
Select erosion control blanket material for an area based on the intended function: slope
or ditch stabilization, and site specific factors including soil, slope gradient, rainfall, and flow
exposure. Erosion Control Blankets shall not be used on slopes or in ditches that exceed the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
8-01.3(4) Placing Compost Blanket
Compost blanket shall be placed to a depth of 3 inches over bare soil. Compost blanket
shall be placed prior to seeding or other planting. An organic tackifier shall be placed over the
entire composted area when dry or windy conditions are present or expected before the final
application of mulch or erosion control blanket. The tackifier shall be applied immediately
after the application of compost to prevent compost from leaving the composted area.
Compost shall be Medium Compost.
8-01.3(5) Plastic Covering
Erosion Control – Plastic coverings used to temporarily cover stockpiled materials, slopes
or bare soils shall be installed and maintained in a way that prevents water from intruding
under the plastic and prevents the plastic cover from blowing open in the wind. Plastic
coverings shall be placed with at least a 12-inch overlap of all seams and be a minimum of
6 mils thick.
Containment – Plastic coverings used to line concrete washout areas, contain wastewaters,
or used in secondary containment to prevent spills, shall be seamless to prevent infiltration and
be a minimum of 10 mils thick.
Vegetation Management – Plastic covering shall be clear when placed over areas that
have been seeded, and shall be black when placed over areas where vegetation growth is to be
inhibited. Plastic covering for vegetation management shall be a minimum of 4 mils thick.
8-01.3(9)A Fencing
8-01.3(9)A1 High Visibility Fencing
High visibility fencing (HVF) shall be orange in color and installed along the site
preservation lines shown in the Plans or as specified by the Engineer. Post spacing and
attachment of the fencing material to the posts shall be as shown in the Standard Plans and in
accordance with Section 9-14.5(8). The HVF shall not be fastened to trees.
8-01.3(9)A2 Silt Fence
Silt fence shall be black in color and used as a sediment control device to prevent sediment
laden water from leaving project boundaries, to manage stormwater within the site, or to
create small detention areas. Silt fence shall be installed at locations shown in the Plans.
The geotextile shall be securely attached to the posts and support system. Post spacing and
attachments shall be as shown in the Standard Plans.
Geotextile material shall meet the requirements of Section 9-33.2(1), Table 6 and be
sewn together at the point of manufacture, or at a location approved by the Engineer, to form
geotextile lengths as required. All sewn seams and overlaps shall be located at a support post.
Posts shall be either wood or steel. Wood posts shall have minimum dimensions of 1¼ by
1¼ inches by the minimum length shown in the Plans.
When sediment deposits reach approximately ⅓ the height of the silt fence, the deposits
shall be removed and stabilized in accordance with Section 8-01.3(15).
If trenching is not feasible due to rocky soils or not advisable due to proximity to a
downslope sensitive area, a different sediment control device that does not require trenching
shall be used in place of silt fence.
Silt Fence with Backup Support
Backup support is needed for silt fence in areas where extra strength may be required, such
as the toe of steep cut or fill slopes or areas where equipment may push excessive soils toward
the fence. When backup support is used, wire shall have a maximum mesh spacing of 2 inches,
and the plastic mesh shall be as resistant to ultraviolet radiation as the geotextile it supports.
The strength of the wire or plastic mesh shall be equivalent to or greater than as required in
Section 9-33.2(1), Table 6, for unsupported geotextile (i.e., 180 lbs. grab tensile strength in the
machine direction). Post spacing and attachments shall be as shown in the Standard Plans.
8-01.3(9)A3 High Visibility Silt Fence
High visibility silt fence (HVSF) shall be orange in color and only be used for the dual
purpose of demarcating site preservation lines and a sediment control device in a location
where high visibility mesh fence and black silt fence would otherwise be used together at
same location. If use of HVSF is allowed the geotextile material shall meet the material
requirements of Section 9-33.2(1), Table 6. Post spacing and attachments shall be as shown
in the Standard Plans.
High Visibility Silt Fence with Backup Support
Backup support is needed for high visibility silt fence (HVSF) in areas where extra strength
may be required, such as the toe of steep cut or fill slopes or areas where equipment may push
excessive soils toward the sensitive or protected areas. When backup support is used, wire
shall have a maximum mesh spacing of 2 inches, and the plastic mesh shall be as resistant
to ultraviolet radiation as the geotextile it supports. The strength of the wire or plastic mesh
shall be equivalent to or greater than as required in Section 9-33.2(1), Table 6, for unsupported
geotextile (i.e., 180 lbs. grab tensile strength in the machine direction). Post spacing shall be as
shown in the Standard Plans.
When sediment deposits reach approximately ⅓ the height of the silt fence, or 8 inches
whichever is lower the deposits shall be removed and stabilized in accordance with
Section 8-01.3(15).
Wattles shall be laid out, spaced, and staked in accordance with the Standard Plans.
Live stakes in accordance with Section 9-14.6(1) can be used in addition to, but not as a
replacement for, wooden stakes. If trenching and staking is not possible due to rocky soils,
compost socks shall be used instead of wattles.
The Contractor shall exercise care when installing wattles to ensure the method of
installation minimizes the disturbance of waterways and prevents sediment or pollutant
discharge into water bodies.
8-01.3(11) Outlet Protection
Outlet protection shall prevent scour at the outlets of ponds, pipes, ditches or other
conveyances. All quarry spall material used for outlet protection shall be free of extraneous
material and meet the gradation requirements in Section 9-13.1(5).
8-01.3(12) Compost Sock
Compost socks are used as a flow control and sediment control device. Compost socks
shall be installed as soon as construction will allow or when specified by the Engineer.
Compost socks shall be installed prior to any mulching or compost placement. Compost socks
shall be laced together end-to-end with coir rope or ends shall be securely overlapped to create
a continuous length. Terminal ends of the continuous length shall be curved 2 to 4 feet upward
into the slope to prevent concentrated flows from going around the terminal ends. Finished
grades shall be of a natural appearance with smooth transitions. Compost for compost socks
shall be Medium Compost.
Compost socks shall be laid out, spaced and staked in accordance with the Standard
Plans. Live stakes in accordance with Section 9-14.6(1) can be used in addition to, but not
as a replacement for, wooden stakes. If staking is not possible or if the compost sock is being
used on concrete, heavy blocks or an equivalent item shall be used to weigh down and secure
the sock.
The Contractor shall exercise care when installing compost socks to ensure that the
method of installation minimizes disturbance of waterways and prevents sediment or pollutant
discharge into water bodies. Stakes shall be removed to minimize soil disturbance.
8-01.3(13) Temporary Curb
Temporary curbs shall divert or redirect water around erodible soils.
Temporary curbs shall be installed along pavement edges to prevent runoff from flowing
onto erodible slopes. Water shall be directed to areas where erosion can be controlled. The
temporary curbs shall be a minimum of 4 inches in height. Ponding shall not be in roadways.
8-01.3(14) Temporary Pipe Slope Drain
Temporary pipe slope drain shall be Corrugated Polyethylene Drain Pipe and shall be
constructed in accordance with the Plans.
Water interceptor dikes or temporary curbs shall be used to direct water into pipe slope
drain. The entrance to the drain may consist of a prefabricated funnel device specifically
designed for application, rock, sand bags, or as approved by the Engineer.
Pipe shall be securely fastened together and have gasketed watertight fittings, and secured
to the slope with metal “T” posts, wood stakes, sand bags, or as approved by the Engineer.
The water shall be discharged to a stabilized conveyance, sediment trap, stormwater pond,
rock splash pad, vegetated strip, or as approved by the Engineer.
Placement of outflow of the pipe shall not pond water on road surface.
8-01.3(15) Maintenance
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s shall be maintained so they properly perform their
function until the Engineer determines they are no longer needed.
The BMP’s shall be inspected on the schedule outlined in Section 8-01.3(1)B for damage
and sediment deposits. Damage to or undercutting of BMP’s shall be repaired immediately.
In areas where the Contractor’s activities have compromised the erosion control functions
of the existing grasses, the Contractor shall overseed at no additional cost to the Contracting
Unless otherwise specified, when the depth of accumulated sediment and debris reaches
approximately ⅓ the height of the BMP the deposits shall be removed. Debris or contaminated
sediment shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C. Clean sediments may be
stabilized on-site using BMPs as approved by the Engineer.
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s that have been damaged shall be repaired or replaced
immediately by the Contractor, in accordance with Section 1-07.13(4).
8-01.3(16) Removal
When the Engineer determines that an erosion control BMP is no longer required,
the Contractor shall remove the BMP and all associated hardware from the project limits.
When the materials are biodegradable the Engineer may approve leaving the temporary
BMP in place.
The Contractor shall remove BMPs and associated hardware in a way that minimizes
soil disturbance. The Contractor shall permanently stabilize all bare and disturbed soil after
removal of BMP’s. If the installation and use of the erosion control BMP’s have compacted
or otherwise rendered the soil inhospitable to plant growth, such as construction entrances,
the Contractor shall take measures to rehabilitate the soil to facilitate plant growth. This may
include, but is not limited to, ripping the soil, incorporating soil amendments, or seeding with
the specified seed.
8-01.4 Measurement
ESC lead will be measured per day for each day that an inspection is made and a report
is filed.
Compost blanket, erosion control blanket and plastic covering will be measured by the
square yard along the ground slope line of surface area covered and accepted.
Check dams will be measured per linear foot one time only along the completed check
dam. No additional measurement will be made for check dams that are required to be
rehabilitated or replaced due to wear.
Stabilized construction entrance will be measured by the square yard for each entrance
Tire wash facilities will be measured per each for each wash installed.
Street cleaning will be measured by the hour for the actual time spent cleaning pavement,
as authorized by the Engineer. Time to move the equipment to or from the area on which
street cleaning is required will not be measured.
Inlet protection will be measured per each for each initial installation at a
drainage Structure.
Silt fence, gravel filter, compost berms, and wood chip berms will be measured by
the linear foot along the ground line of completed barrier.
Wattle and compost sock will be measured by the linear foot.
Temporary curb will be measured by the linear foot.
Temporary pipe slope drain will be measured by the linear foot.
Seeding, fertilizing, liming, mulching, mowing, and tackifier will be measured by the acre
by ground slope measurement or through the use of design data.
Seeding and fertilizing by hand will be measured by the square yard. No adjustment
in area size will be made for the vegetation free zone around each plant.
Coir log will be measured by the linear foot along the ground line of the completed
Fencing will be measured by the linear foot along the ground line of the completed fence.
Outlet Protection will be measured per each initial installation at an outlet location.
8-01.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“ESC Lead”, per day.
“Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard for “Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket”, shall
be full pay for all costs to complete the specified Work.
“Compost Blanket”, per square yard.
“Plastic Covering”, per square yard.
The unit Contract price per square yard for “Plastic Covering” shall be full payment to
perform the Work as specified in Section 8-01.3(5) and as shown in the Plans, including
removal and disposal at an approved disposal site.
“Check Dam”, per linear foot.
“Inlet Protection”, per each.
“Gravel Filter Berm”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Check Dam” and “Gravel Filter Berm” and
per each for “Inlet Protection” shall be full pay for all equipment, labor, and materials to
perform the Work as specified, including installation, removal, and disposal at an approved
disposal site.
“Stabilized Construction Entrance”, per square yard.
“Tire Wash”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for tire wash shall include all costs associated with
constructing, operating, maintaining, and removing the tire wash.
“Street Cleaning”, per hour.
“Silt Fence”, per linear foot.
“High Visibility Silt Fence”, per linear foot.
“Wood Chip Berm”, per linear foot.
“Compost Berm”, per linear foot.
“Wattle”, per linear foot.
“Compost Sock”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price for “Compost Sock” shall include removal and disposal of the
compost sock fabric if photodegradable fabric is used.
“Coir Log”, per linear foot.
“Erosion/Water Pollution Control”, by force account as provided in Section 1-09.6.
Maintenance and removal of erosion and water pollution control devices including removal
and disposal of sediment, stabilization and rehabilitation of soil disturbed by these activities,
and any additional Work deemed necessary by the Engineer to control erosion and water
pollution will be paid by force account in accordance with Section 1-09.6.
To provide a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an
amount in the Proposal to become a part of the Contractor’s total Bid.
“Temporary Curb”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Temporary Curb” shall include all costs to
install, maintain, remove, and dispose of the temporary curb.
“Temporary Pipe Slope Drain”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot shall be full pay for all Work to complete and
remove the installation of the pipe slope drain as shown in the Plans. All materials shall
become the property of the Contractor after removal.
“Mulching”, per acre
“Mulching with PAM”, per acre
8-02.3(3)B Chemical Pesticides
Application of chemical pesticides shall be in accordance with the label recommendations,
the Washington State Department of Ecology, local sensitive area ordinances, and Washington
State Department of Agriculture laws and regulations. Only those herbicides listed in the table
Herbicides Approved for Use on WSDOT Rights of Way may be used (
The applicator shall be licensed by the state of Washington as a Commercial Applicator or
Commercial Operator, with additional endorsements as required by the Special Provisions or
the proposed weed control plan. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer evidence that all
operators are licensed with appropriate endorsements, and that the pesticide used is registered
for use by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. All chemicals shall be delivered
to the job site in the original containers. The licensed applicator or operator shall complete
a Commercial Pesticide Application Record (WSDOT Form 540-509) each day the pesticide
is applied and furnish a copy to the Engineer by the following business day.
The Contractor shall ensure confinement of the chemicals within the designated areas.
The use of spray chemical pesticides shall require the use of anti-drift and activating agents
and a spray pattern indicator unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for rendering any area unsatisfactory for
planting by reason of chemical application. Damage to adjacent areas, either on or off the
Highway Right of Way, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer or the property
owner, and the cost of such repair shall be borne by the Contractor.
8-02.3(4) Topsoil
Topsoil shall be evenly spread over the specified areas to the depth shown in the Plans or
as otherwise ordered by the Engineer. The soil shall be cultivated to a depth of 1 foot or as
specified in the Special Provisions or the Plans. After the topsoil has been spread, all large
clods, hard lumps, and rocks 2 inches in diameter and larger, and litter shall be raked up,
removed, and disposed of by the Contractor.
Topsoil stockpiled for project use shall be protected to prevent erosion and weed growth.
Weed growth on topsoil stockpile sites shall be immediately eliminated in accordance with the
approved Weed and Pest Control Plan.
Topsoil shall not be placed when the ground or topsoil is frozen, excessively wet, or in
the opinion of the Engineer, in a condition detrimental to the Work.
8-02.3(4)A Topsoil Type A
Topsoil Type A shall be as specified in the Special Provisions.
8-02.3(4)B Topsoil Type B
Topsoil Type B shall be native topsoil taken from within the project limits and shall meet
the requirements of Section 9-14.1(2).
Topsoil Type B shall be taken from areas designated by the Engineer to the designated
depth and stockpiled at locations that will not interfere with the construction of the project,
as approved by the Engineer. Areas beyond the slope stakes shall be disturbed as little as
possible in the above operations.
When Topsoil Type B is specified, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to perform the
excavation operations in such a manner that sufficient material is set aside to satisfy the needs
of the project.
Upon Physical Completion of the Work, Topsoil Type B remaining and not required for use
on the project shall be disposed of by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency
in accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C.
Should a shortage of Topsoil Type B occur, and the Contractor has wasted or otherwise
disposed of topsoil material, the Contractor shall furnish Topsoil Type C at no expense to the
Contracting Agency.
In irrigated areas, plant material shall not be installed until the irrigation system is fully
operational. Trees and shrubs may be planted in irrigated areas during the non-irrigated
planting window before the irrigation system is functional with the written approval of the
Engineer only if the irrigation system is guaranteed to be operational prior to the end of the
non-irrigated planting window.
Plants shall not be placed below the finished grade.
Planting hole sizes for plant material shall be in accordance with the details shown in the
Plans. Any glazed surface of the planting hole shall be roughened prior to planting.
Plant material supplied in containers shall not be removed from the containers until the
time of planting at the planting location. Roots of bare root stock shall not be bunched, curled,
twisted, or unreasonably bent when placed in the planting hole. Root balls shall be loosened
prior to planting. All bare root plant material shall be dormant at the time of planting.
All cuttings shall be planted immediately if buds begin to swell.
All burlap, baskets, string, wire and other such materials shall be removed from the hole
when planting balled and burlapped plants. The plant material shall be handled in such a
manner that the root systems are kept covered and damp at all times. The root systems of
all bare root plant material shall be dipped in a slurry as specified in the Special Provisions
immediately prior to planting. The root systems of container plant material shall be moist
at the time of planting. In their final position, all plants shall have their top true root (not
adventitious root) no more than 1 inch below the soil surface, no matter where that root
was located in the original root ball or container. The backfill material and root ball shall
be thoroughly watered on the same day that planting occurs regardless of season.
8-02.3(9) Pruning, Staking, Guying, and Wrapping
Plants shall be pruned at the time of planting, only to remove minor broken or damaged
twigs, branches or roots. Pruning shall be done with a sharp tool and shall be done in such
a manner as to retain or to encourage natural growth characteristics of the plants. All other
pruning shall be performed only after the plants have been in the ground at least 1 year and
when plants are dormant.
Trees shall only be staked when so noted in the Plans. Each tree shall be staked or guyed
before completion of the backfilling in accordance with the details shown in the Plans.
All staking and guying shall be completely removed at the end of the first year of plant
establishment, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
8-02.3(10) Fertilizers
Fertilizers shall be applied in the form specified in the Special Provisions. Application
procedures shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations or as specified
in the Special Provisions. The Contractor shall submit for approval a guaranteed fertilizer
analysis label for the selected product.
8-02.3(11) Bark or Wood Chip Mulch
Bark or wood chip mulch of the type and depth specified shall be applied where shown
in the Plans or as specified in the Special Provisions. Any contamination of the mulch due
to the Contractor’s operations shall be corrected to its former condition at the Contractor’s
expense. Mulch shall be feathered to the base of the plant and 1 inch below the top of
junction and valve boxes, curbs, and pavement edges. All plant crowns shall be free of
mulch. Mulch placed to a thickness greater than specified shall be at no additional cost to
the Contracting Agency.
Areas receiving bark mulch shall be bare soil or vegetation free before application.
8-02.3(12) Completion of Initial Planting
Upon completion of the initial planting within a designated area, the Engineer will make
an inspection of all plant material and notify the Contractor, in writing, of any replacements
or corrective action necessary to meet the Contract Provisions. The Contractor shall replace
all materials rejected or missing and correct unsatisfactory conditions.
Completion of the initial planting within a designated area includes the following:
1. 100 percent of each of the plant material categories shall be installed as shown in the
Contract Plans.
2. Planting Area cleanup.
3. Repairs completed for the entire project, including but not limited to full operation of
the irrigation system, complete mulch coverage, and all weeds controlled.
8-02.3(13) Plant Establishment
Plant establishment shall consist of caring for all plants planted on the project and caring
for the planting areas within the project limits. The provisions of Sections 1-07.13(2) and
1-07.13(3) do not apply to this Section.
The first year of plant establishment shall begin immediately upon written notification
from the Engineer of the completion of initial planting for the project. The first-year plant
establishment period shall be a minimum of 1 calendar year. The 1 calendar year shall be
extended an amount equal to any periods where the Contractor does not comply with the plant
establishment plan.
During the first-year plant establishment period, the Contractor shall perform all Work
necessary to ensure the resumption and continued growth of the transplanted material. This
care shall include, but not be limited to, labor and materials necessary for removal of foreign,
dead, or rejected plant material, maintaining a weed-free condition, and the replacement of
all unsatisfactory plant material planted under the Contract. If plants are stolen or damaged
by the acts of others, the Contracting Agency will pay invoice cost only for the replacement
plants with no mark-up and the Contractor will be responsible for the labor to install the
replacement plants.
During the first year of plant establishment under psiPE (Plant Selection Including Plant
Establishment), the Contractor shall meet monthly with the Engineer for the purpose of joint
inspection of the planting material on a mutually agreed upon schedule. The Contractor shall
correct all conditions unsatisfactory to the Engineer within a 10-day period immediately
following the inspection. If plant replacement is required, the Contractor shall, within the
10-day period, submit a plan and schedule for the plant replacement to occur immediately at
the beginning of the planting period as designated in Section 8-02.3(8). Failure to comply with
corrective steps as outlined by the Engineer shall constitute justification for the Contracting
Agency to take corrective steps and to deduct all costs thereof from any monies due the
Contractor. At the end of the plant establishment period, plants that do not show normal
growth shall be replaced.
All automatic irrigation systems shall be operated fully automatic during the plant
establishment period and until final acceptance of the Contract. Payment for water used to
water in plants, or hand watering of plant material or lawn areas unless otherwise specified,
is the responsibility of the Contractor during the first-year plant establishment period.
8-02.3(14) Plant Replacement
The Contractor shall be responsible for growing or providing enough plants for
replacement of all plant material rejected through first-year plant establishment. All
replacement plant material shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer prior to
installation. All rejected plant material shall be replaced at dates approved by the Engineer.
All replacement plants shall be of the same species and quality as the plants they replace.
Plants may vary in size reflecting one season of growth should the Contractor elect to hold
plant material under nursery conditions for an additional year to serve as replacement plants.
Replacement plant material larger than specified in the Plans shall meet the applicable section
requirements of the ASNS for container class, ball size, spread, and branching characteristics.
Temporary barriers shall be removed only on written permission from the Engineer.
All Work performed under lawn establishment shall comply with established turf
management practices.
Acceptance of lawn planting as specified shall be based on a uniform stand of grass and
a uniform grade at the time of final inspection. Areas that are bare or have a poor stand of
grass, and areas not having a uniform grade through any cause before final inspection, shall be
recultivated, regraded, reseeded, or resodded and refertilized as specified at no additional cost
to the Contracting Agency.
8-02.3(16)C Lawn Mowing
Lawn mowing shall begin immediately after the lawn establishment period has been
accepted by the Engineer and shall extend to the end of the Contract or the first-year plant
establishment, whichever is last.
The Contractor shall accomplish the following minimum requirements:
1. Mowing, trimming, and edging shall be done as often as conditions dictate. Maximum
height of lawn shall not exceed 3 inches. The cutting height shall be 2 inches. Cuttings,
trimmings, and edgings shall be disposed of off the project site. When the Engineer
approves the use of a mulching mower, trimmings may be left in place.
2. Watering shall be as often as conditions dictate depending on weather and soil
3. Provide fertilizer, weed control, and other measures as necessary to maintain a healthy
stand of grass.
8-02.4 Measurement
Topsoil, mulch and soil amendments will be measured by the acre along the grade and
slope of the area covered immediately after application.
Brush layer will be measured by the linear foot along the ground slope line.
Live pole will be measured per each.
Live stake row will be measured by the linear foot along the ground slope line.
Fascine will be measured by the linear foot along the ground slope line.
Live brush mattress will be measured by the surface square yard along the ground
slope line.
Compost will be measured by the acre along the grade and slope of the area covered
immediately after application.
The quantity of topsoil Type B used on the project will not be deducted from the total
quantity of Roadway excavation, borrow, strippings, or other excavation for which haul is
being paid.
The pay quantities for plant materials will be determined by count of the number of
satisfactory plants in each category accepted by the Engineer.
Weed barrier mat will be measured per each.
Fertilizer will be measured in pounds.
Water will be measured in accordance with Section 2-07.4. Measurement will be made of
only that water hauled in tank trucks or similar equipment.
Seeded lawn, sod installations, and lawn mowing will be measured along the ground slope
and computed in square yards of actual lawn completed, established, and accepted.
Plant selection will be measured per each.
PSIPE __ (Plant Selection Including Plant Establishment) will be measured per each.
8-02.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following listed Bid items that are included in the
“Topsoil Type ____”, per acre.
The unit Contract price per acre for “Topsoil Type ____” shall be full payment for all costs
for the specified Work.
“Plant Selection ___”, per each.
“PSIPE ___”, per each.
The unit Contract price for “Plant Selection ___”, per each, and “PSIPE ___”, per each,
shall be full pay for all Work necessary for weed control within the planting area, planting area
preparation, fine grading, planting, cultivating, plant storage and protection, fertilizer and root
dip, staking, cleanup, and water necessary to complete planting operations as specified to the
end of first year plant establishment.
As the plants that include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown, partial
payments shall be made as follows after inspection by the Engineer:
Payment of 5 percent of the unit Contract price, per each, when the plant materials have
been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall
provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted
for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification
shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material.
Payment shall be increased to 15 percent of the unit Contract price, per each, upon
completion of the initial weed control Work.
Payment shall be increased to 60 percent of the unit Contract price per each for the
contracted plant material in a designated unit area when planted.
Payment shall be increased to 70 percent of the unit Contract price per each for contracted
plant material at the completion of the initial planting.
Payment shall be increased to the appropriate percentage upon reaching the following plant
establishment milestones:
June 30th 80 percent
September 30th 90 percent
Completion of first-year plant establishment or after all 100 percent
replacement plants have been installed, whichever is later
Plant establishment milestones are achieved when plants meet conditions described in
Section 8-02.3(13).
As the plants that do not include plant establishment are obtained, propagated, and grown,
partial payments shall be made as follows:
Payment of 15 percent of the unit Contract price per each when the plant materials have
been contracted, propagated, and are growing under nursery conditions. The Contractor shall
provide the Engineer with certification that the plant material has been procured or contracted
for delivery to the project for planting within the time limits of the project. The certification
shall state the location, quantity, and size of all material.
Payment shall be increased to 90 percent of the unit Contract price per each for contracted
plant material at the completion of the initial planting.
Payment shall be increased to 100 percent at the Physical Completion of the Contract.
All partial payments shall be limited to the actual number of healthy vigorous plants that
meet the stage requirements, limited to plan quantity. Previous partial payments made for
materials rejected or missing will be deducted from future payments due the Contractor.
“Live Pole”, per each.
“Live Stake Row”, per linear foot.
“Live Brush Mattress”, per square yard.
8-03.3(3) Piping
All water lines shall be a minimum of 18 inches below finished grade measured from the
top of the pipe or as shown in the Plans. All live water mains to be constructed under existing
pavement shall be placed in steel casing jacked under pavement as shown in the Plans. All
PVC or polyethylene pipe installed under areas to be paved shall be placed in irrigation
sleeves. Irrigation sleeves shall extend a minimum of 2 feet beyond the limits of pavement.
All jacking operations shall be performed in accordance with an approved jacking plan. Where
possible, mains and laterals or section piping shall be placed in the same trench. All lines shall
be placed a minimum of 3 feet from the edge of concrete sidewalks, curbs, guardrails, walls,
fences, and traffic barriers. Pipe pulling will not be allowed for installation and placement of
irrigation pipe.
Main lines and lateral lines shall be defined as follows:
Main Lines – All supply pipe and fittings between the water meter and the irrigation
control valves.
Lateral Lines – All supply pipe and fittings between the irrigation control valves and
the connections to the irrigation heads. Swing joints, thick-walled PVC or polyethylene
pipe, flexible risers, rigid pipe risers, and associated fittings are not considered part of the
lateral line but incidental components of the irrigation heads.
8-03.3(4) Jointing
During construction, pipe ends shall be plugged or capped to prevent entry of dirt, rocks,
or other debris.
All galvanized steel pipe shall have sound, clean cut, standard pipe threads well fitted.
All pipes shall be reamed to the full diameter and burrs removed before assembly. Threaded
galvanized steel joints shall be constructed using either a nonhardening, nonseizing
multipurpose sealant or Teflon® tape or paste as recommended by the pipe manufacturer or
as shown in the Plans. Threaded galvanized steel joints shall be constructed using either a
nonhardening, nonseizing multipurpose sealant or Teflon tape or paste as recommended by
the pipe manufacturer. All threaded joints shall be made tight with wrenches without the
use of handle extensions. Joints that leak shall be cleaned and remade with new material.
Caulking or thread cement to make joints tight shall not be permitted.
PVC pipe, couplings, and fittings shall be handled and installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendation. The outside of the PVC pipe shall be chamfered to
a minimum of ¹⁄16 inch at approximately 22 degrees. Pipe and fittings shall be joined by
solvent welding. Solvents used must penetrate the surface at both pipe and fitting, which
shall result in complete fusion at the joint. Use solvent and cement only as recommended
by the pipe manufacturer.
Threaded PVC joints shall be assembled using Teflon tape as recommended by the
pipe manufacturer.
On PVC or polyethylene-to-metal connections, work the metal connection first. Use a
nonhardening compound on threaded connections. Connections between metal and PVC or
polyethylene are to be threaded using female threaded PVC adapters with threaded Schedule
80 PVC nipples only.
Polyethylene pipe and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The ends of the polyethylene pipe shall be cut square, reamed smooth
inside and out, and inserted to the full depth of the fitting. Clamps for insert fittings shall be
stainless steel.
8-03.3(5) Installation
Galvanized pipe shall be used from the water meter or service connection through the cross
connection control device.
Final position of turf heads shall be between ½ and 1 inch above finished grade measured
from the top of the sprinkler. All sprinklers adjacent to walks, curbs, and pavement shall be
placed as shown in the Plans.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 8-27
8-03 Irrigation Systems
Shrub heads, unless otherwise specified, shall be placed on risers approximately 12 inches
above finished grade.
All automatic control valves, flow control valves, and pressure reducing valves shall be
installed in appropriately sized valve boxes. Manual control valves shall be installed in an
appropriately sized valve box and, where appropriate, upstream of the automatic control
valves. Manual and automatic valves installed together shall be in an appropriately sized box
with 3 inches of clearance on all sides.
Final position of valve boxes, capped sleeves, and quick coupler valves shall be between
½ and 1 inch above finished grade or mulch, or as shown in the Plans.
Quick coupler valves and hose bibs shall be installed in valve boxes, either separately or
within a control valve assembly box upstream of the control valves. Valves, quick couplers,
and hose bibs shall have 3 inches of clearance on all sides within the valve box.
Drip irrigation emitters shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Install drain valves at the lowest point of each zone in a minimum 8-inch
diameter round valve box over 3 cubic feet of washed gravel.
Automatic controller pedestals or container cabinets shall be installed on a concrete base
as shown in the Plans or in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Provide
three 1-inch diameter galvanized metal or PVC electrical wire conduits through the base and
3 inches minimum beyond the edge or side of the base, both inside and outside of the pedestal.
8-03.3(6) Electrical Wire Installation
All electrical work shall conform to the National Electric Code, NEMA Specifications,
and in accordance with Section 8-20. Electrical wiring between the automatic controller and
automatic valves shall be direct burial and may share a common neutral. Separate control
conductors shall be run from the automatic controller to each valve. When more than one
automatic controller is required, a separate common neutral shall be provided for each
controller and the automatic valves it controls. Electrical wire shall be installed in the trench
adjacent to or above the irrigation pipe, but no less than 12 inches deep. Plastic tape or
nylon tie wraps shall be used to bundle wires together at 10-foot intervals. If it is necessary
to run electrical wire in a separate trench from the irrigation pipe, the wire shall be placed
at a minimum depth of 18 inches and “snaked” from side to side in the trench. Each circuit
shall be identified at both ends and at all splices with a permanent marker identifying zone
and/or station.
Wiring placed under pavement and walls, or through walls, shall be placed in an electrical
conduit or within an irrigation sleeve. Electrical conduit shall not be less than 1 inch in
diameter and shall meet conduit specifications for PVC conduit as required in Section 9-29.1.
Splices will be permitted only in approved electrical junction boxes, valve boxes, pole
bases, or within control equipment boxes or pedestals. A minimum of 18 inches of excess
conductor shall be left at all splices, terminals, and control valves to facilitate inspection
and future splicing. The excess wire shall be neatly coiled to fit easily into the boxes.
All 120-volt electrical conductors and conduit shall be installed by a certified electrician,
including all wire splices and wire terminations.
All wiring shall be tested in accordance with Section 8-20.3(11).
Continuity ground and functionality testing shall be performed for all 24-volt direct burial
circuits. The Megger test, confirming insulation resistance of not less than 2 megohms to
ground in accordance with Section 8-20.3(11), is required.
8-03.3(7) Flushing and Testing
All gauges used in the testing of water pressures shall be certified as accurate by an
independent testing laboratory immediately prior to use on the project. Gauges shall be
retested when required by the Engineer.
Automatic controllers shall be tested by actual operation for a period of 2 weeks under
normal operating conditions. Should adjustments be required, the Contractor shall do so
according to the manufacturer’s direction and test until operation is satisfactory.
Page 8-28 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Irrigation Systems 8-03
Main Line Flushing – All main supply lines shall receive two fully open flushings to
remove debris that may have entered the line during construction: the first before placement
of valves and the second after placement of valves and prior to testing.
Main Line Testing – All main supply lines shall be purged of air and tested with a
minimum static water pressure of 150 psi for 60 minutes without the introduction of additional
service or pumping pressure. Testing shall be done with one pressure gauge installed on
the line, in the location required by the Engineer. For systems using a pump, an additional
pressure gauge shall be installed at the pump when required by the Engineer. Lines that show
loss of pressure exceeding 5 psi at the ends of specified test periods will be rejected.
Lateral Line Flushing – All lateral lines shall receive one fully open flushing prior to
placement of sprinkler heads, emitters, and drain valves. The flushing shall be of sufficient
duration to remove all dirt or debris that has entered the lateral lines during construction.
Lateral Line Testing – All lateral lines shall be purged of air and tested in place at
operating line pressure with a pressure gauge and with all fittings capped or plugged. The
operating line pressure shall be maintained for 30 minutes with valves closed and without
the introduction of additional service or pumping pressure. Lines that show leaks or loss of
pressure exceeding 5 psi at the end of specified test periods will be rejected.
The Contractor shall correct and retest lateral line installations that have been rejected.
Throughout the life of the Contract, the Contractor shall repair, flush, and test, all main and
lateral lines that have sustained a break or disruption of service. Upon restoration of the water
service, the affected lines shall be brought up to operating pressure. The Contractor shall then
conduct a thorough inspection of all sprinkler heads, emitters, etc., located downstream of
the break or disruption of service, and make all needed repairs to ensure the entire irrigation
system is operating properly.
8-03.3(8) Adjusting System
Before final inspection, the Contractor shall adjust and balance all sprinklers to provide
adequate and uniform coverage. Spray patterns shall be balanced by adjusting individual
sprinkler heads with the adjustment screws or replacing nozzles to produce a uniform pattern.
Unless otherwise specified, sprinkler spray patterns will not be permitted to apply water to
pavement, walks, or Structures.
8-03.3(9) Backfill
Backfill shall not be started until all piping has been inspected, tested, and approved by the
Engineer, after which backfilling shall be completed as soon as possible. All backfill material
placed within 6 inches of the pipe shall be sand or other suitable material free of rocks, roots,
or other objectionable material that might cut or otherwise damage the pipe. Backfill from
the bottom of the trench to approximately 6 inches above the pipe shall be by continuous
compacting in a manner that will not damage pipe or wiring and shall proceed evenly on
both sides of the pipe. The remainder of the backfill shall be thoroughly compacted, except
that heavy equipment shall not be used within 18 inches of any pipe. The top 6 inches of the
backfill shall be of topsoil material or the first 6 inches of material removed in the excavation.
8-03.3(10) As Built Plans
Upon Physical Completion of the Work, the Contractor shall submit As Built Plans
consisting of corrected shop drawings, schematic circuit diagrams, or other details necessary
to show the Work as constructed including the actual installed locations of the irrigation
system(s) equipment including, but not limited to, water meters, cross connection control
devices, electrical services, pipe and wire runs, splice boxes, controllers, valves, heads, and
other equipment. These drawings shall be on sheets conforming in size to the provisions of
Section 1-05.3. All drawings must be complete and legible.
Any corrections and additions ordered by the Engineer shall be made by the Contractor
prior to acceptance. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with 3 copies of parts lists,
catalog cuts, and service manuals for all equipment installed on the project.
At the option of the Contractor, the curb and gutter may be constructed using approved
slip-form equipment. The curb and gutter shall be constructed to the same requirements as the
cast-in-place curb and gutter.
A water-reducing admixture conforming to the requirements of Section 9-26 may be used
provided the finished curb and gutter shall retain its line and shape.
8-04.3(1)A Extruded Cement Concrete Curb
Extruded cement concrete curb shall be placed, shaped, and compacted true to line and
grade with an approved extrusion machine. The extrusion machine shall be capable of shaping
and thoroughly compacting the concrete to the required cross section.
The pavement shall be dry and cleaned of loose and deleterious material prior to curb
placement. Cement concrete curbs shall be anchored to the existing pavement by placing steel
reinforcing bars 1 foot on each side of every joint.
Steel reinforcing bars shall meet the dimensions shown in the Standard Plans.
Joints in the curb shall be spaced at 10-foot intervals. Joints shall be cut vertically and to
the depth shown in the Standard Plans.
All other requirements for cement curb and cement concrete curb and gutter shall apply to
extruded cement concrete curb.
The Contractor may substitute extruded cement concrete curb for extruded HMA concrete
curb upon receiving written permission from the Engineer. There will be no change in unit
Contract price if this substitution is allowed.
8-04.3(1)B Roundabout Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter
Roundabout cement concrete curb and gutter and roundabout splitter island nosing curb
shall be shaped and finished to match the shape of the adjoining curb as shown in the Plans.
All other requirements for cement concrete curb and cement concrete curb and gutter shall
apply to roundabout cement concrete curb and gutter.
8-04.3(2) Extruded Asphalt Concrete Curbs and Gutters
Asphalt concrete curbs, gutters, and spillways shall be constructed of Commercial HMA
as specified in Section 5-04. The HMA will have a dense, uniform surface and will fully retain
its shape, grade, and line after placement. Just prior to placing the curb, a tack coat of asphalt
shall be applied to the existing pavement surface at the rate ordered by the Engineer.
Set forms will not be required for forming gutter if slip-form equipment of a type approved
by the Engineer is used. Gutter shall be shaped and compacted to the required line, grade,
and cross section. Connections to any type of outlet shall be constructed so as to form a
watertight joint.
8-04.3(3) Vacant
8-04.3(4) Metal Spillways
Round metal spillways shall be plain metal drain pipe 8-inch diameter and when specified
in the Contract, the joints shall be sealed with rubber gaskets conforming to the requirements
of Section 9-04.4(4). Half round metal spillways shall be half round metal culvert pipe of the
size, kind, and thickness shown in the Plans.
In the construction of metal spillways, sufficient bands, elbows, and joints shall be
furnished and placed by the Contractor to permit the construction and connection of the
spillways as indicated in the Plans so as to carry the drainage from gutters to the inlets and
spillways without percolation of the water under and around the Structure.
Spillway pipe shall be laid in a trench in the embankment slope and shall not be placed
until after the embankment slopes have been completed and dressed to the lines prescribed
by the Engineer. The lower end of the pipe spillway shall be adequately protected and
supported by hand placed riprap, concrete, or by other means as may be shown in the
Plans. After the spillway pipe has been placed and connected, the trench shall be backfilled,
thoroughly compacted, and the embankment slopes restored to their original condition.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 8-33
8-04 Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways
8-05 Vacant
8-07.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Precast Sloped Mountable Curb”, per linear foot.
“Precast Dual Faced Sloped Mountable Curb”, per linear foot.
8-09.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Raised Pavement Marker Type 1”, per hundred.
“Raised Pavement Marker Type 2”, per hundred.
“Raised Pavement Marker Type 3-______ In.”, per hundred.
“Recessed Pavement Marker”, per hundred.
The unit Contract price per hundred for “Raised Pavement Marker Type 1”,
“Raised Pavement Marker Type 2”, “Raised Pavement Marker Type 3______ In.”, and
“Recessed Pavement Marker” shall be full pay for furnishing and installing the markers
in accordance with these Specifications including all cost involved with traffic control
except for reimbursement for other traffic control labor, and for flaggers in accordance
with Section 1-10.5.
8-11 Guardrail
8-11.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing, modifying, removing, and resetting guardrail and
anchors of the kind and type specified in accordance with the Plans, these Specifications,
and the Standard Plans in conformity with the lines and grades as staked.
8-11.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Beam Guardrail 9-16.3
Rail Element 9-16.3(1)
Posts and Blocks 9-16.3(2)
Galvanizing 9-16.3(3)
Hardware 9-16.3(4)
Anchors 9-16.3(5)
8-11.3 Construction Requirements
8-11.3(1) Beam Guardrail
8-11.3(1)A Erection of Posts
Posts shall be set to the true line and grade of the Highway. If the ends of a section of
guardrail are curved outward or downward, the posts shall be set to accommodate the curve.
The length of posts and post spacing shall be as shown in the Plans.
Posts may be placed in dug or drilled holes. Ramming or driving will be permitted only if
approved by the Engineer and if no damage to the pavement, Shoulders, and adjacent slopes
results there from.
In broken rock embankments, the pre-punching of holes will be permitted only prior to
final Shoulder or median compaction, surfacing, and paving.
The posts shall be protected from traffic at all times by attaching the rail elements or by
a method approved by the Engineer.
8-11.3(1)B Erection of Rail
All metal work shall be fabricated in the shop. No punching, cutting, or welding shall be
done in the field, except that holes necessary when additional posts are required or for special
details in exceptional cases may be drilled in the field when approved by the Engineer. The rail
shall be erected so that the bolts at expansion joints will be located at the centers of the slotted
holes. All holes shall be painted with two coats of paint conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)B.
Rail plates shall be assembled with the splice joints lapping in the direction of the traffic.
When nested W-beam or thrie beam is specified, two sections of guardrail, one set inside
of the other shall be installed. The inside and outside rail elements shall not be staggered.
Galvanized steel rail plates shall be fastened to the posts with galvanized bolts, washers,
and nuts of the size and kind shown in the Plans.
All bolts, except where otherwise required at expansion joints, shall be drawn tight.
Bolts through expansion joints shall be drawn up as tight as possible without being tight
enough to prevent the rail elements from sliding past one another longitudinally. Bolts shall
be sufficiently long to extend at least ¼ inch beyond the nuts. Except where required for
adjustments, bolts shall not extend more than ½ inch beyond the nuts.
8-11.3(1)C Terminal and Anchor Installation
All excavation and backfilling required for installation of anchors shall be performed in
accordance with Section 2-09, except that the costs thereof shall be incidental to and included
in the unit Contract price for the type of anchor installed.
Bolts shall be tightened to the tension specified. The anchor cable shall be tightened
sufficiently to eliminate all slack. When tightening, the anchor cable shall be restrained to
prevent twisting of the cable.
When foundation tubes used with the Wood Breakaway Post are driven, they shall be
driven prior to installing the wood post.
Type 2 concrete anchors may either be precast or cast-in-place at the option of the
Assembly and installation of Beam Guardrail Flared Terminals and Beam Guardrail
Non-flared Terminals shall be supervised at all times by a manufacturer’s representative, or
an installer who has been trained and certified by the manufacturer. A copy of the installer’s
certification shall be provided to the Engineer prior to installation. Assembly and installation
shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Beam Guardrail Non-flared Terminals for Type 1 guardrail shall meet the crash test and
evaluation criteria of NCHRP 350 or the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH).
Beam Guardrail Non-flared Terminals for Type 31 guardrail shall meet the crash test and
evaluation criteria of MASH.
8-11.3(1)D Removing Guardrail and Guardrail Anchor
Removal of the various types of guardrail shall include removal of the rail, cable elements,
hardware, and posts, including transition sections, expansion sections, terminal sections
and the rail element of anchor assemblies. Removal of the various types of guardrail anchors
shall include removal of the anchor assembly including concrete bases, rebar, steel tubes, and
any other appurtenances in the anchor assembly. All holes resulting from the removal of the
guardrail posts and anchors shall be backfilled with granular material in layers no more than
6 inches thick and compacted to a density similar to that of the adjacent material. The removed
guardrail items shall become the property of the Contractor.
The embedded anchors attaching guardrail posts and guardrail terminal sections specified
for removal to existing concrete Structures shall be removed to a minimum of 1 inch beneath
the existing concrete surface. The void left by removal of the embedded anchors shall be
coated with epoxy bonding agent and filled with mortar conforming to Section 9-20.4(2).
The epoxy bonding agent shall be Type II, conforming to Section 9-26.1, with the grade
and class as recommended by the epoxy bonding agent manufacturer and as approved by
the Engineer.
8-11.3(1)E Raising Guardrail
For raising guardrail anchors and raising guardrail terminals, the existing guardrail posts
shall be raised to attain the guardrail height shown in the Plans, measured from the top of the
rail to the finished Shoulder surface. The material around each post shall be tamped to prevent
settlement of the raised post.
For raising all other guardrail, the existing guardrail posts shall not be raised to attain
the new mounting height. The existing rail elements and blocks shall be removed from the
guardrail post. The Contractor shall field drill new ¾-inch diameter holes in the existing posts
to accommodate the ⅝-inch diameter button head bolts. When existing guardrail posts are
galvanized steel, the new drill holes shall be painted with two coats of paint, conforming to
Section 9-08.1(2)B. The Contractor shall then reinstall the guardrail block and rail element at
the new mounting height shown in the Plans, measured from the top of the rail to the finished
Shoulder surface. The new position of the top of the block shall not be more than 4 inches
above the top of the guardrail post.
The Contractor shall remove and replace any existing guardrail posts and blocks that are
not suited for re-use, as staked by the Engineer. The void caused by removal of the post shall
be backfilled and compacted. The Contractor shall then furnish and install a new guardrail post
to provide the necessary mounting height.
“Beam Guardrail Type 31-____ Ft. Long Post”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Beam Guardrail Type____”, “Beam Guardrail
Type 1-____ Ft. Long Post”, and “Beam Guardrail Type 31-____ Ft. Long Post”, shall be
full payment for all costs to obtain and provide materials and perform the Work as described in
Sections 8-11.3(1)A and 8-11.3(1)B, including costs for additional rail elements when nested
rail is required, and when connections to concrete masonry Structures are required.
“Beam Guardrail Transition Section Type ____”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Beam Guardrail Transition Section Type ____”
shall be full payment for all costs to obtain and provide materials and perform the Work
as described in Sections 8-11.3(1)A and 8-11.3(1)B, including costs for additional
rail elements when nested rail is required and when connections to concrete masonry
Structures are required.
“Beam Guardrail Anchor Type ____”, per each.
“Beam Guardrail ____ Terminal”, per each.
“Beam Guardrail Buried Terminal Type 1”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Beam Guardrail Anchor Type ____”, “Beam
Guardrail ___ Terminal”, and “Beam Guardrail Buried Terminal Type 1” shall be full
payment for all costs to obtain and provide materials and perform the Work as described
in Section 8-11.3(1)C.
“Beam Guardrail Buried Terminal Type 2”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Beam Guardrail Buried Terminal Type 2”
shall be full payment for all costs to obtain and provide materials and perform the Work
as described in Section 8-11.3(1)C.
“Beam Guardrail Placement - 25’ Span”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Beam Guardrail Placement - 25’ Span” shall be full
payment for all costs to perform the Work as shown in the Plans and as described in Sections
8-11.3(1)A and 8-11.3(1)B, including all costs for CRT posts, blocks, and nested W-beam
rail elements.
“Removing and Resetting Beam Guardrail”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Removing and Resetting Beam Guardrail”
shall be full payment for all costs to perform the Work as described in Section 8-11.3(1)F,
except for replacement posts and blocks.
“Raising Existing Beam Guardrail”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Raising Existing Beam Guardrail” shall be
full payment for all costs to perform the Work as described in Section 8-11.3(1)E, except
for replacement posts and blocks.
“Removing Guardrail”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Removing Guardrail” shall be full payment
for all costs to perform the Work as described in Section 8-11.3(1)D.
“Removing Guardrail Anchor”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Removing Guardrail Anchor” shall be full payment
for all costs to perform the Work as described in Section 8-11.3(1)D, including rail removal, if
there isn’t a Bid item for Removing Guardrail in the run of guardrail connecting to the anchor.
“Beam Guardrail Post”, per each.
“Beam Guardrail Block”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Beam Guardrail Post” and “Beam Guardrail Block”
shall be full payment for all costs for furnishing and installing new posts and blocks, removal
and disposal of the existing posts and blocks, and backfilling and compacting the void created
by post removal when new posts or blocks are required for the Work described in Sections
8-11.3(1)E and 8-11.3(1)F.
largest dimension of the post section to be set. The posts shall be cut before installation to
lengths that will give the required length of post above ground, or if the Contractor so elects,
an even length of post set at a greater depth into the solid rock may be used.
After the post is set and plumbed, the hole shall be filled with Grout Type 4. The grout
shall be thoroughly worked into the hole so as to leave no voids. The grout shall be crowned to
carry water from the post.
Where solid rock is covered by an overburden of soil or loose rock, the posts shall be set
to the full depth shown in the Plans unless penetration into solid rock reaches the minimum
depths specified above, in which case the depth of penetration may be terminated. Concrete
footings shall be constructed from the solid rock to the top of the ground. After the post is set
and plumbed, the hole in the portion of the post in solid rock shall be filled with Grout Type 4.
The grout shall be thoroughly worked into the hole so as to leave no voids.
Gate and pull posts shall be braced to the adjacent brace, end, or corner post(s) in the
manner shown in the Plans. Changes in line amounting to 2-foot tangent offset or more
between posts shall be considered as corners for all types of fence.
Steep slopes or abrupt topography may require changes in various elements of the fence.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide all posts of sufficient length to
accommodate the chain link fabric.
All round posts shall have approved top caps fastened securely to the posts. The base of the
top cap fitting for round posts shall feature an apron around the outside of the posts.
8-12.3(1)B Vacant
8-12.3(1)C Tension Wire
Tension Wires shall be attached to the posts as detailed in the Plans or as approved
by the Engineer.
8-12.3(1)D Chain Link Fabric
Chain link fabric shall be attached after the cables and wires have been properly tensioned.
Chain link fabric shall be placed on the face of the post away from the Highway, except
on horizontal curves where it shall be placed on the face on the outside of the curve unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Chain link fabric shall be placed approximately 1 inch above the ground and on a straight
grade between posts by excavating high points of ground. Filling of depressions will be
permitted only upon approval of the Engineer.
The fabric shall be stretched taut and securely fastened to the posts. Fastening to end,
gate, corner, and pull posts shall be with stretcher bars and fabric bands spaced at intervals
of 15 inches or less or by weaving the fabric into the fastening loops of roll formed posts.
Fastening to posts shall be with tie wire, metal bands, or other approved method attached
at 14-inch intervals. The top and bottom edge of the fabric shall be fastened with hog rings
to the top and bottom tension wires as may be applicable, spaced at 24-inch intervals.
Rolls of wire fabric shall be joined by weaving a single strand into the ends of the rolls
to form a continuous mesh.
8-12.3(1)E Chain Link Gates
Chain link fabric shall be fastened to the end bars of the gate frame by stretcher bars and
fabric bands and to the top and bottom bars of the gate frames by tie wires in the same manner
as specified for the chain link fence fabric, or by other standard methods if approved by
the Engineer.
Welded connections on gate frames where the galvanized coating has been burned shall
be thoroughly cleaned by wire brushing and all traces of the welding flux and loose or
cracked galvanizing removed. The clean areas shall then be painted with two coats of paint,
conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)B.
8-12.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Chain Link Fence Type ____”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Chain Link Fence Type ___” shall be full
payment for all costs for the specified Work including brace post installation and all other
requirements of Section 8-12 for Chain Link Fence, unless covered in a separate Bid Item
in this section.
Payment for clearing of fence line for “Chain Link Fence Type ____” shall be in
accordance with Section 2-01.5.
“End, Gate, Corner, and Pull Post for Chain Link Fence”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “End, Gate, Corner, and Pull Post for Chain Link
Fence” shall be full payment for all costs for the specified Work.
“Double 14 Ft. Chain Link Gate”, per each.
“Double 20 Ft. Chain Link Gate”, per each.
“Single 6 Ft. Chain Link Gate”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Double 14 Ft. Chain Link Gate”, “Double 20 Ft.
Chain Link Gate”, and “Single 6 Ft. Chain Link Gate”, shall be full payment for all costs
for the specified Work.
“Wire Fence Type ____”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per each for “Wire Fence Type ____” shall be full payment for
all costs for the specified Work including payment for clearing of the fence line.
“Single Wire Gate 14 Ft. Wide”, per each.
“Double Wire Gate 20 Ft. Wide”, per each.
The unit contract price per each for “Single Wire Gate 14 Ft. Wide” and “Double Wire
Gate 20 Ft. Wide” shall be full payment for all costs for the specified Work.
“Access Control Gate”, per each.
The unit contract price per each for “Access Control Gate” shall be full payment for all
costs to perform the specified work.
8-14.3(4) Curing
Concrete sidewalks shall be cured for at least 72 hours. Curing shall be by means of moist
burlap or quilted blankets or other approved methods. During the curing period, all traffic,
both pedestrian and vehicular, shall be excluded. Vehicular traffic shall be excluded for such
additional time as the Engineer may specify.
8-14.3(5) Detectable Warning Surface
The detectable warning surface shall be located as shown in the Plans. Placement of the
detectable warning surface shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation
for placement in fresh concrete, before the concrete has reached initial set, or on a hardened
cement concrete surface or asphalt pavement surface.
Vertical edges of the detectable warning surface shall be flush with the adjoining surface to
the extent possible (not more than ¼ inch above the surface of the pavement) after installation.
Embossing or stamping the wet concrete to achieve the truncated dome pattern or using
a mold into which a catalyst-hardened material is applied shall not be allowed.
8-14.4 Measurement
Cement concrete sidewalks will be measured by the square yard of finished surface and
will not include the surface area of the curb ramps.
Cement concrete curb ramp type ______ will be measured per each for the complete curb
ramp type installed and includes the installation of the detectable warning surface.
Detectable warning surfaces will be measured by the square foot of detectable warning
surface material installed as shown in the Plans.
8-14.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid items when included in the Proposal:
“Cement Conc. Sidewalk”, per square yard.
“Cement Conc. Sidewalk with Raised Edge”, per square yard.
“Monolithic Cement Conc. Curb and Sidewalk”, per square yard.
“Cement Conc. Curb Ramp Type ___”, per each
The unit Contract price per each for “Cement Conc. Curb Ramp Type____” shall be
full pay for installing the curb ramp as specified, including the “Detectable Warning Surface”.
Payment for excavation of material not related to the construction of the sidewalk but
necessary before the sidewalk can be placed, when and if shown in the Plans, will be made
in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-03. Otherwise, the Contractor shall make all
excavations including haul and disposal, regardless of the depth required for constructing the
sidewalk and curb ramps to the lines and grades shown, and shall include all costs thereof
in the unit Contract price per square yard for “Cement Conc. Sidewalk”, “Cement Conc.
Sidewalk with Raised Edge”, “Monolithic Cement Conc. Curb and Sidewalk”, or the unit
contract price per each for “Cement Conc. Curb Ramp Type ___”.
“Detectable Warning Surface”, per square foot.
8-15 Riprap
8-15.1 Description
This Work consists of furnishing and placing riprap protection of the type specified at the
locations and in conformity with the lines and dimensions shown in the Plans or established
by the Engineer.
Riprap will be classified as heavy loose riprap, light loose riprap, and hand placed riprap.
8-15.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Filter Blanket ____ (shall meet the gradation
requirements for Permeable Ballast) 9-03.9(2)
Gravel Backfill for Drains 9-03.12(4)
Heavy Loose Riprap 9-13
Light Loose Riprap 9-13
Hand Placed Riprap 9-13
Quarry Spalls 9-13
8-15.3 Construction Requirements
8-15.3(1) Excavation for Riprap
The foundation for riprap shall be excavated below probable scour or to the elevation
shown in the Plans, and no stone shall be laid or concrete placed until the footing is approved
by the Engineer. Excavation below the level of the intersection of the slope to be protected
and the adjacent original ground or the channel floor or slope shall be classified, measured,
and paid for as channel excavation or ditch excavation in accordance with Section 2-03. All
excavation or backfill above the level of the above described intersection and all dressing of
the slope to be protected shall be included in the Contract price for the class of riprap to be
placed. Before placing riprap, the slopes shall be dressed to the lines and grades as staked.
8-15.3(2) Loose Riprap
Loose riprap shall be placed in such a manner that all relatively large stones shall be
essentially in contact with each other, and all voids filled with the finer materials to provide
a well graded compact mass. The stone shall be dumped on the slope in a manner that will
ensure the riprap attains its specified thickness in one operation. When dumping or placing,
care shall be used to avoid disturbing the underlying material. Placing in layers parallel to the
slope will not be permitted. A 12-inch tolerance for loose riprap will be allowed from slope
plane and grade line in the finished surface.
8-15.3(3) Hand Placed Riprap
The stones shall be laid by hand on prepared slopes to such thickness as may be ordered
by the Engineer. The riprap shall be started at the toe of the embankment by digging a trench
and placing a course of the largest stones therein. Each stone shall be placed so that it shall rest
on the slope of the embankment and not wholly on the stone below, and it shall be thoroughly
tamped or driven into place. The exposed face of all hand placed riprap shall be made as
smooth as the shape and size of the stones will permit and shall not vary more than 3 inches
from a plane surface on the required slope.
8-15.3(4) Vacant
8-15.3(5) Vacant
8-15.3(6) Quarry Spalls
Quarry spalls shall be placed in ditches and on slopes to be protected, in accordance with
the Plans or as staked by the Engineer. After placement, the quarry spalls shall be compacted
to be uniformly dense and unyielding.
Proportions of Materials – The sand/cement ratio shall be 4½ parts sand to one part
cement based on loose dry volume.
Water shall be maintained at a constant pressure that shall be at least 15 psi above
atmospheric pressure at the nozzle. For lengths of hose up to 100 feet, pneumatic pressure at
the gun shall be 45 psi or greater. Pressure shall be increased 5 psi for each additional 5 feet
of hose required. A steady pressure shall be maintained.
Method of Application – Portland cement and sand shall be mixed dry, passed through
a cement gun and conveyed by air through a flexible tube, hydrated at a nozzle at the end of
the flexible tube, and deposited in place by air pressure.
All surfaces are to be wetted, but application shall not be made on any surface on which
free water exists.
Reinforcement – The wire mesh shall lap a minimum of one mesh spacing, and laps shall
be securely fastened at the ends. During the placement of the concrete, the reinforcement shall
be held so as to provide a minimum of 1¾ inch of cover at the recess.
Finishing – The newly constructed concrete shall be finished by means of a wood float and
shall be striated with a rustication joint as shown in the Plans.
Curing – Curing shall be in accordance with Section 5-05.3(13).
Protection of Facilities – During the construction, the Contractor shall protect all retaining
walls, columns and Structures from concrete splash or overspray. Suitable covering shall be
provided if such protection is deemed necessary by the Engineer.
Test Cylinders – Two test cylinders shall be made for each full day’s operation.
The Contractor shall furnish cylinders 6 inches in diameter and 12 inches high made of ¾-inch
mesh hardware cloth. The test cylinder shall be filled with concrete by utilizing the same
pneumatic application described above.
The cylinders shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at the age of
28 days.
8-16.4 Measurement
Measurement for concrete slope protection will be by the square yard and will include the
actual area of the slope covered excluding the footings. The area will be computed on the basis
of slope measurements.
8-16.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid item when included in the Proposal:
“Conc. Slope Protection”, per square yard.
8-19 Vacant
Edison Electric Institute (EEI), 420 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY.
Electronics Industries Alliance (EIA), 101 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.
Electric Utility Service Equipment Requirements Committee (EUSERC).
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 445 12th SW, Washington, D.C. 20554.
International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA), PO Box 539, 1115 North Main Street,
Newark, NY 14513.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016
International Telephony Communications Union (ITU) Place des Nations CH 1211 Geneva
20 Switzerland.
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 2029 K Street, Washington, D.C. 20005.
Insulated Power Cable Engineers’ Association (IPCEA), 283 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ.
National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (NEMA), 155 East 44th Street,
New York, NY.
National Fire Protection Association – National Electrical Code (NEC), 470 Atlantic
Avenue, Boston, MA.
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC), 445 12th SW, Washington, D.C. 20554.
National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP).
Rural Utilities Service (RUS), 1400 Independence Avenue, Washington, D.C.
Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL), 207 East Ohio Street, Chicago, IL.
8-20.1(3) Permitting and Inspections
Electrical installations are subject to electrical inspection in accordance with
RCW 19.28.101. Electrical inspections may only be performed by an electrical inspector
meeting the requirements of RCW 19.28.321. Electrical installations will not be accepted until
they have been inspected and approved by an electrical inspector as required by this Section.
This inspection is required even if there is no new electrical service or new electrical meter
being installed in the Contract.
Installations within WSDOT right of way are subject to a minimum of a final inspection
by a WSDOT certified electrical inspector as allowed by RCW 19.28.141. A separate permit
is not required for electrical installations within WSDOT right of way. Additional inspections
may be required at the discretion of the Engineer.
Installations outside of WSDOT right of way are subject to permitting and inspection
by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) or a local jurisdiction
approved for that location by L&I. Approved local jurisdictions and their contacts can be
found on the L&I website at
8-20.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of Section 9-29. Unless otherwise indicated in the
Plans or specified in the Special Provisions, all materials shall be new.
Where existing systems are to be modified, the existing material shall be incorporated
in the revised system, salvaged, or abandoned as specified in the Contract documents, or as
ordered by the Engineer.
8-20.2(2) Equipment List and Drawings
Within 20 days following execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer a completed “Request for Approval of Material” that describes the material
proposed for use to fulfill the Plans and Specifications.
If required to do so, the Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of
supplemental data, sample articles, or both, of the material proposed for use. Supplemental
data includes such items as catalog cuts, product Specifications, shop drawings, wiring
diagrams, etc.
If the luminaires are not listed in the Qualified Products List, the Contractor shall submit
Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of the following information for each different type of
luminaire required on the Contract:
1. Isocandela diagrams showing vertical light distribution, vertical control limits, and
lateral light distribution classification.
2. Details showing the lamp socket positions with respect to lamp and refractor for each
light distribution type. This requires that the Contracting Agency know what the light
pattern available are and the light distribution.
The Contractor shall submit for approval Type 3E Working Drawings in accordance with
Section 1-05.3 for each of the following types of standards called for on this project:
1. Light standards without preapproved plans.
2. Signal standards with or without preapproved plans.
The Contractor will not be required to submit shop drawings for approval for light
standards and traffic signal standards conforming to the preapproved plans listed in the Special
Provisions. The Contractor may use preapproved plans posted on the WSDOT website with a
more current revision date than stamped in the Special Provisions.
The Engineer’s acceptance of any submitted documentation shall in no way relieve the
Contractor from compliance with the safety and performance requirements as specified herein.
Submittals required shall include but not be limited to the following:
1. A Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a material staging plan, should the Contractor
propose Contracting Agency-owned property for staging areas.
2. A Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a cable vault installation plan showing the
exact proposed installation location by Roadway station, offset and the scheduled
sequence for each cable vault installation.
3. A Type 2E Working Drawing consisting of a pit plan, for each boring pit, depicting the
protection of traffic and pedestrians, pit dimensions, shoring, bracing, struts, walers,
sheet piles, conduit skids, and means of attachment, casing type, and casing size.
4. A Type 2E Working Drawing consisting of a boring plan depicting the boring system
and entire support system.
8-20.3 Construction Requirements
8-20.3(1) General
All workmanship shall be complete and in accordance with the latest accepted standards
of the industry.
Existing electrical systems, traffic signal or illumination, or approved temporary
replacements, shall be kept in effective operation during the progress of the Work, except
when shutdown is permitted to allow for alterations or final removal of the system.
If a portion of an existing communication conduit system is damaged due to the
Contractor’s activities, the affected system shall be restored to original condition. Conduit
shall be repaired. Communication cables shall be replaced and the communication system
shall be made fully operational within 24 hours of being damaged.
Damaged communication cable shall be replaced between existing termination or splice
points. No additional termination or splice points will be allowed. An existing termination or
splice point is defined as a location where all existing fiber strands or twisted pair wires are
terminated or spliced at one point. Communication cable shall be defined as either copper
twisted pair or fiber optic cables. The Contractor may use temporary splices to restore
WSDOT communication systems until the permanent communication cable system is restored.
When damage to an existing communication system has occurred, the Contractor shall
perform the following in addition to other restoration requirements:
1. Inspect the communication raceway system including locate wire or tape to determine
the extent of damage.
2. Contact the Engineer for Fiber Optic Cable and Twisted Pair (TWP) Copper Cable
acceptance testing requirements and communication system restoration requirements.
3. Initially perform the acceptance tests to determine the extent of damage and also
perform the acceptance tests after repairs are completed. Provide written certification
that the communication cable system, including the locate wire or tape, is restored to
test standard requirements.
Communication cables shall be restored by Contractor personnel that are WSDOT
prequalified for communication installation work. Restoration shall be considered electrical
work when the path of the communication system interfaces with electrical systems. Electrical
work of this nature shall be performed by Contractor personnel that are WSDOT prequalified
for work on both electrical and communication systems.
If the Contractor or Subcontractors are unable or unqualified to complete the restoration
work, the Engineer may have the communication or electrical systems restored by other means
and subtract the cost from the money that will be or is due the Contractor.
When field repair of existing conduit, innerduct or outerduct is required, the repair kits
shall be installed per manufacturer’s recommendations. Repair kits and each connection point
between the repair kit and the existing raceway system shall be sealed to prevent air leakage
during future cable installation.
Illumination system shutdowns shall not interfere with the regular lighting schedule, unless
permitted by the Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to performing any
Work on existing systems.
Work shall be so scheduled that each electrical system is operational prior to opening the
corresponding section of Roadway to traffic.
Traffic signals shall not be placed in operation for use by the public until all required
channelization, pavement markings, illumination, signs, and sign lights are substantially
complete and operational unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer.
The embedded anchors attaching existing electrical, illumination, and traffic signal systems
specified for removal to existing concrete Structures shall be removed a minimum of 1 inch
beneath the existing concrete surface. The void left by removal of the embedded anchors shall
be coated with epoxy bonding agent and filled with mortar conforming to Section 9-20.4(2).
The epoxy bonding agent shall be Type II, conforming to Section 9-26.1, with the grade and
class as recommended by the epoxy bonding agent manufacturer and as approved by the
Engineer. The mortar shall consist of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions to
match the color of the existing concrete surface as near as practicable.
All costs incurred by the Contractor for providing effective operation of existing electrical
systems shall be included in the associated electrical Bid items.
8-20.3(2) Excavating and Backfilling
The excavations required for the installation of conduit, foundations, poles and other-
accessories shall be performed in a manner that prevents damage to the streets, sidewalks, and
other improvements. The trenches shall not be excavated wider than necessary for the proper
installation of the electrical accessories and foundations. Excavating shall not be performed
until immediately before installation of conduit and other accessories. The material from the
excavation shall be placed where the least interference to vehicular and pedestrian traffic,
and to surface drainage, will occur.
All surplus excavated material shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor
in accordance with Section 2-03, or as ordered by the Engineer in accordance with
Section 1-04.4.
The excavations shall be backfilled in conformance with the requirements of
Section 2-09.3(1)E, Structure Excavation.
At the end of each day’s Work and at all other times when construction operations are
suspended, all equipment and other obstructions shall be removed from that portion of the
Roadway open for use by public traffic.
Excavations in the street or Highway shall be performed in such a manner that not more
than one traffic lane is restricted in either direction at any time unless otherwise approved by
the Engineer.
8-20.3(3) Removing and Replacing Improvements
Improvements such as sidewalks, curbs, gutters, Portland cement concrete and hot mix
asphalt pavement, bituminous surfacing, base material, and any other improvements removed,
broken, or damaged by the Contractor, shall be replaced or reconstructed with the same kind
of materials as found on the Work or with other materials satisfactory to the Engineer.
Whenever a part of a square, slab, or section of existing concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter or
driveway is broken or damaged, the entire square, slab or section, curb, gutter, driveway shall
be removed and the concrete reconstructed as specified above.
The outline of all areas to be removed in Portland cement concrete sidewalks and
pavements and hot mix asphalt pavements shall be cut to a minimum depth of 3 inches with
a saw prior to removing the sidewalk, driveway, slabs and pavement material. The cut for
the remainder of the required depth may be made by a method satisfactory to the Engineer.
Cuts shall be neat and true with no shatter outside the removal area.
8-20.3(4) Foundations
Foundation concrete shall conform to the requirements for the specified class, be cast-in-
place concrete and be constructed in accordance with Sections 6-02.2 and 6-02.3. Concrete for
Type II, III, IV, V, and CCTV signal standards and light standard foundations shall be Class
4000P. Concrete for pedestals and cabinets, Type PPB, PS, I, FB, and RM signal standards
and other foundations shall be Class 3000. Concrete placed into an excavation where water is
present shall be placed using an approved tremie. If water is not present, the concrete shall be
placed such that the free-fall is vertical down the center of the shaft without hitting the sides,
the steel reinforcing bars, or the steel reinforcing bar cage bracing. The Section 6-02.3(6)
restriction for 5-feet maximum free-fall shall not apply to placement of Class 4000P concrete
into a shaft. Steel reinforcing bars for foundations shall conform to Section 9-07.
The bottom of concrete foundations shall rest on firm ground. If the portion of the
foundation beneath the existing ground line is formed or cased instead of being cast against
the existing soil forming the sides of the excavation, then all gaps between the existing
soil and the completed foundation shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with
Section 2-09.3(1)E.
Foundations shall be cast in one operation where practicable. The exposed portions shall
be formed to present a neat appearance.
The top edges of the luminaire foundation, traffic signal standard foundations, electrical
service foundations, traffic signal controller cabinets, Transformer cabinets, ITS Standards,
and ITS cabinets shall have a ¾-inch chamfer on the top edge of the foundation. Where one
or more of the above foundations directly abut each other, no chamfer shall be permitted.
Where soil conditions are poor, the Engineer may order the Contractor to extend the
foundations shown in the Plans to provide additional depth. Such additional Work will be
paid for according to Section 1-04.4.
When slip bases are installed the conduit, anchor bolts, and other obstructions shall
terminate at a height below the elevation of the top of the bottom slip plate. The galvanized
surfaces of the slip plates, the keeper plate and the luminaire base plate shall be smooth,
without irregularities, to reduce friction and to prevent slacking of bolt tension due to
flattening of the irregularities. Slip base luminaire foundations shall have a maximum
conduit size of 1-inch.
Forms shall be true to line and grade. Tops of foundations for posts and standards, except
special foundations, shall be finished to ground line or sidewalk grade, unless otherwise noted
in the Plans.
Forms shall be rigid and securely braced in place. Conduit ends and anchor bolts shall be
plumbed and rigidly placed in proper position and to proper height prior to placing concrete
and shall be held in place by means of a template until the forms are removed.
Anchor bolts shall be installed so that two full threads extend above the top of the top
heavy-hex nut, except that slip base anchor bolt extensions shall conform to the specified slip
base clearance requirements. Anchor bolts shall be installed plumb, plus or minus 1 degree.
See Section 8-20.3(9) for additional grounding requirements.
Plumbing of standards shall be accomplished by adjusting leveling nuts. Shims or other
similar devices for plumbing or raking will not be permitted except on power installed hot
dipped galvanized steel luminaire foundations.
The top heavy-hex nuts of light standards and signal standards shall be tightened in
accordance with Section 6-03.3(33), and as follows:
1. The top heavy-hex nuts for all clamping bolts of slip base light standards and Type RM
and FB signal standards, shall be tightened using a torque wrench to the torque specified
in Sections 8-20.3(13)A and 8-20.3(14)E, respectively.
2. The top heavy-hex nuts for type ASTM F1554 grade 105 anchor bolts shall be tightened
by the Turn-of-Nut Tightening Method to a minimum rotation of ¼ turn (90 degrees)
and a maximum rotation of ⅓ turn (120 degrees) past snug tight. Permanent marks shall
be set on the base plate and nuts to indicate nut rotation past snug tight.
3. The top hex nuts for type ASTM F1554 grade 55 anchor bolts shall be tightened by
the Turn-of-Nut Tightening Method to a minimum rotation of ⅛ turn (45 degrees) and
a maximum rotation of 1/6 turn (60 degrees) past snug tight. Permanent marks shall be
set on the base plate and nuts to indicate nut rotation past snug tight.
Both forms and ground which will be in contact with the concrete shall be thoroughly
moistened before placing concrete; however, excess water in the foundation excavation will
not be permitted. Foundations shall have set at least 72 hours prior to the removal of the forms.
All forms shall be removed, except when the Plans or Special Provisions specifically allow or
require the forms or casing to remain.
Class 2 surface finish shall be applied to exposed surfaces of concrete in accordance with
the requirements of Section 6-02.3(14)B.
Where obstructions prevent construction of planned foundations, the Contractor shall
construct an effective foundation satisfactory to the Engineer.
The combined height of the light standard concrete foundation plus the anchor bolt stub
height shall not exceed 4-inches above the ground line.
8-20.3(5) Conduit
8-20.3(5)A General
The ends of all conduit, metallic and nonmetallic, shall be reamed to remove burrs and
rough edges. Field cuts shall be made square and true. The ends of unused conduits shall be
capped. When conduit caps are removed, the threaded ends of metal conduit shall be provided
with approved conduit bushings and non-metal conduit shall be provided with end bells.
Reducing couplings will not be permitted.
Existing conduit in place scheduled for installation of new conductor(s) shall first have any
existing conductor(s) removed and a cleaning mandrel shall be pulled through. The existing
conduit shall then be prepared subject to the same requirements outlined in this paragraph, for
new conduit and innerduct, unless otherwise indicated in the Plans. All new conduit and all
innerduct shall be blown clean with compressed air. Then in the presence of the Engineer, an
80 percent sizing mandrel, correctly sized for the raceway, shall be pulled through to ensure
that the raceway has not been deformed. This shall be done prior to pulling wire or fiber optic
cable and after final assembly is in place. Existing conductor(s) shall be reinstalled unless
otherwise indicated in the Plans.
Immediately after the sizing mandrel has been pulled through, install an equipment
grounding conductor if applicable (see Section 8-20.3(9)) and any new or existing wire or
cable as specified in the Plans. Where conduit is installed for future use, install a 200-pound
minimum tensile strength pull string with the equipment grounding conductor. The pull string
shall be attached to duct plugs or caps at both ends of the conduit.
8-20.3(5)A1 Fiber Optic Conduit
Where conduit to contain fiber optic cable or conduit identified to contain future fiber optic
cable is installed by open trenching, Detectable Underground Warning Tape shall be placed
12-inches above the conduit unless otherwise detailed in the Plans. Detectable Underground
Warning Tape shall extend 2-feet into boxes or vaults. Splicing of the tape shall be per the tape
manufacturer’s recommended materials and procedures.
8-20.3(5)A2 ITS and Cabinet Outer and Inner Duct Conduit
ITS conduit and both ends of conduit runs entering cabinets, with the exception of the
½-inch grounding conduit, shall be sealed with self expanding water proof foam or mechanical
plugs; unless otherwise required. At other locations conduit shall be sealed with Duct Seal.
Outer-duct conduit with non factory assembled innerduct shall be sealed around the
innerduct with self-expanding waterproof foam. Outer-duct conduit with factory assembled
innerduct shall be sealed around the innerduct with a multiplex expansion plug. Innerduct
containing one cable shall be plugged using an expandable split plug. Innerduct with multiple
cables shall be sealed with self-expanding waterproof foam. Duct plugs shall be installed in
all unused inner-ducts (those that are specified as empty) at the time of conduit installation.
Duct plugs shall be installed in all used inner-ducts (as specified in the Plans), at the time of
conduit installation, unless cable pulling for those inner-ducts will commence within 48-hours.
Installation shall conform to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Foam sealant shall be installed with the following additional requirements:
1. Penetration of the sealant into the conduit or duct shall be limited using a high
temperature backer rod material or rag.
2. Penetration of the sealant into the conduit shall be limited to 1-inch.
3. The foam sealant shall not project outside the end of the conduit or duct.
Where open trenching is allowed and conduit with innerduct is installed, a maximum
of 1000-feet of continuous open trench will be allowed unless otherwise approved by
the Engineer.
8-20.3(5)B Conduit Type
Conduit shall be rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high density polyethylene (HDPE), rigid
metal or flexible metal depending on the application.
Rigid metal conduit shall be installed at the following locations:
1. Within railroad right of way.
2. All surface-mounted conduit, with the exception of pole risers.
3. All runs within slip form placed concrete.
Unless otherwise required by the owning utility:
1. Service lateral runs shall be Schedule 80 PVC or Schedule 80 HDPE.
2. Pole risers shall be Schedule 80 PVC.
PVC and HDPE conduits shall be Schedule 80 unless installed as innerduct.
Flexible metal conduit is allowed only at locations called for in the Plans.
Except as described under Non-Metallic Conduit, unless otherwise indicated in the Plans
or Standard Plans, the same type of conduit shall be used for the entire length of the run, from
outlet to outlet.
Innerduct shall have a smooth wall non ribbed interior surface, with factory pre-lubricated
Innerduct within the Traveled Way or Shoulders and innerduct which is not factory
installed shall be Schedule 40 HDPE. The innerduct shall be continuous with no splices.
Innerduct which is pulled into the outer duct in the field shall be installed with an extra 2 feet
of conduit beyond each end of the outer-duct and shall be allowed to finish contracting for
21 calendar days before it is terminated. Innerduct shall be terminated with end bells flush
to ¼-inch out of the outer-duct and the space between the outer-duct and innerduct shall be
sealed with rodent and moisture resistant foam designed for this application and installed per
manufacturer’s recommendations.
8-20.3(5)B1 Rigid Metal Conduit
Slip joints or running threads will not be permitted for coupling metallic conduit; however,
running threads will be permitted in traffic signal head spiders and rigid metal conduit (RMC)
outer-duct. When installing rigid metal conduit (RMC), if a standard coupling cannot be
used, an approved three-piece coupling shall be used. Conduit bodies, fittings and couplings
for rigid metal conduit (RMC) shall be cleaned first and then painted with one coat of paint
conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)B. The paint shall have a minimum wet film thickness of
3-mils. The painted coating shall cover the entire coupling or fitting. The threads on all metal
conduit shall be rust-free, clean, and painted with colloidal copper suspended in a petroleum
vehicle before couplings are made. All metallic couplings shall be tightened so that a good
electrical connection will be made throughout the entire length of the conduit run. If the
conduit has been moved after assembly, it shall be given a final tightening from the ends prior
to backfilling.
Rigid metal conduit (RMC) ends shall be terminated with grounded end bushings. Rigid
metal conduit (RMC) entering cable vaults or pull boxes shall extend 2-inches beyond the
inside wall face. (for the installation of grounded end bushing and bonding.)
Rigid metal conduit (RMC) entering concrete shall be wrapped in 2-inch-wide pipe wrap
tape with a minimum 1-inch overlap for 12-inches on each side of the concrete face. Pipe wrap
tape shall be installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Rigid metal conduit (RMC) bends shall have a radius consistent with the requirements of
Code Article 344.24 and other articles of the Code. Where factory bends are not used, conduit
shall be bent, using an approved conduit bending tool employing correctly sized dies, without
crimping or flattening, using the longest radius practicable.
Where the coating on galvanized conduit has been damaged in handling or installing, such
damaged areas shall be thoroughly painted with paint conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)B.
Metal conduit ends shall be threaded and protected with a snug fitting plastic cap that
covers the threads until wiring is started.
8-20.3(5)B2 Non-Metallic Conduit
Where non-metallic conduit is installed, care shall be used in excavating, installing, and
backfilling, so that no rocks, wood, or other foreign material will be left in a position to cause
possible damage.
PVC conduit ends shall be terminated with end bell bushings. PVC or HDPE conduit
entering cable vaults and pull boxes shall terminate with the end bell flush with the inside
walls of the Structure.
Non-metallic conduit bends, where allowed, shall conform to Article 352.24 of the Code.
Eighteen-inch radius elbows shall be used for PVC conduit of 2-inch nominal diameter or
less. Standard sweep elbows shall be used for PVC conduit with greater than 2-inch nominal
diameter unless otherwise specified in the Plans. In nonmetallic conduit less than 2-inch
nominal diameter, pull ropes or flat tapes for wire installation shall be not less than ¼-inch
diameter or width. In nonmetallic conduit of 2-inch nominal diameter or larger, pull ropes or
flat tapes for wire installation shall be not less than ½-inch diameter or width. When HDPE
conduit is used for directional boring, it shall be continuous, with no joints, for the full length
of the bore. The conduit run shall be extended to the associated outlets with the same schedule
HDPE or PVC conduit. Entry into associated junction box outlets shall be with the same
schedule PVC conduit and elbows. The same requirements apply for extension of an existing
HDPE conduit crossing.
PVC conduit and elbows shall be connected to HDPE conduit with an approved
mechanical coupling. The connection shall have minimum pullout strength of 700-pounds.
Prior to installation of a mechanical coupling, the HDPE conduit shall first be prepared with
a clean, straight edge. A water-based pulling lubricant may be applied to the threaded end
of the mechanical coupling before installation. Solvent cement or epoxy shall not be used
on the threaded joint when connecting the HDPE conduit to the mechanical coupling. The
mechanical coupling shall be rotated until the HDPE conduit seats approximately ¾ of the
distance into the threaded coupling depth.
For PVC installation through a directional bore, the PVC shall be in rigid sections
assembled to form a watertight bell and spigot-type mechanical joint with a solid retaining
ring around the entire circumference of the conduit installed per the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The conduit run shall be extended beyond the length of the bore, to the
associated outlets with the same mechanical coupled PVC or with standard PVC conduit of
the same schedule. The same requirements apply for extension of an existing PVC conduit
Roadway crossing.
PVC conduit shall be assembled using the solvent cement specified in Section 9-29.1.
Conduit ends shall be protected with a snug fitting plastic cap until wiring is started.
Conduit caps, end bells and the section of PVC between the coupling and end bell bushing
in cabinet foundations shall be installed without glue.
8-20.3(5)C Conduit Size
The size of conduit used shall be as shown in the Plans. Conduits smaller than 1-inch
electrical trade size shall not be used unless otherwise specified, except that grounding
conductors at service points may be enclosed in ½-inch-diameter conduit.
Conduit between light standards, PPB, PS, or Type 1 poles and the nearest junction
box shall be the diameter specified in the Plans. Larger size conduit is not allowed at these
locations. At other locations it shall be the option of the Contractor, at no expense to the
Contracting Agency, to use larger size conduit if desired, provided that junction box or vault
capacity is not exceeded. Where larger size conduit is used, it shall be for the entire length of
the run from outlet to outlet.
Conduit runs with innerduct, shall have 4-inch outer-duct and shall be installed with four
1-inch innerduct unless otherwise indicated in the Plans.
8-20.3(5)D Conduit Placement
Conduit shall be laid so that the top of the conduit is a minimum depth of:
1. 24-inches below the bottom of curb in the sidewalk area.
2. 24-inches below the top of the untreated surfacing on a Roadbed.
3. 48-inches below the bottom of ties under railroad tracks unless otherwise specified by
the railroad company.
4. 36-inches below finish grade when installed using conduit plowing method.
5. 24-inches below the finish grade in all other areas.
Conduit entering through the bottom of a junction box shall be located near the end walls
to leave the major portion of the box clear. At all outlets, conduit shall enter from the direction
of the run, terminating 6 to 8-inches below the junction box lid and within 3-inches of the box
wall nearest its entry location.
Conduit runs shown in the Plans are for Bidding purposes only and may be relocated with
approval of the Engineer, to avoid obstructions.
roll shall be used to guide the tool-head when creating the pilot hole. Once the pilot hole
is established, a reamer and swivel shall be used to install the conduit. Reaming diameter
shall not exceed 1.5 times the diameter of the conduits being installed. Conduit that is being
pulled into the boring shall be installed in such a manner that the conduit is not damaged
during installation. The pullback force on the conduit shall be controlled to prevent damage
to the conduit. A vacuum spoils extraction system shall be used to remove any excess spoils
generated during the installation. Excess drilling fluid and spoils shall be disposed of. The
method and location used for disposal of excess drilling fluid and spoils shall be subject to the
Engineer’s approval. Drilling fluid returns (caused by fracturing of formations) at locations
other than the entry and exit points shall be minimized. Any drilling fluid that surfaces through
fracturing shall be cleaned up immediately. Mobile spoils-removal equipment capable of
quickly removing spoils from entry or exit pits and areas with returns caused by fracturing
shall be used as necessary during drilling operations.
8-20.3(5)E5 Boring with Casing
Where boring with casing is called for, the casing shall be placed using an auger inside
the casing to remove the soil as the casing is jacked forward. The auger head shall proceed
no more than 4-inches ahead of the pipe being jacked. Boring operations shall be conducted
to prevent caving ahead of the pipe. Installed casing pipe shall be free from grease, dirt, rust,
moisture, and any other deleterious contaminants.
The space between the conduit and casing shall be plugged with sandbags and a grout seal
12-inches thick at each end of the casing. Casing abandoned due to an encountered obstruction
shall be grout sealed in the same manner. Grout shall conform to Section 9-20.3(4).
In lieu of sandbags and grout, unopened prepackaged concrete and grout may be used to
seal the casing.
Material shall not be removed from the boring pit by washing or sluicing.
All joints shall be welded by a Washington State certified welder. Welding shall conform to
AWS D 1.1-80 Structural Welding Code, Section 3, Workmanship.
8-20.3(6) Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull boxes
Standard Duty and Heavy-Duty junction boxes, pull boxes, and cable vaults shall be
installed at the locations shown in the Plans. The Contractor may install, at no expense to
the Contracting Agency, such additional boxes as may be desired to facilitate the Work.
Junction box installation shall conform to details in the Standard Plans.
Cable vaults and pull boxes shall be installed in accordance with the following:
1. Excavation shall be performed in accordance with Section 2-09.
2. Cable vaults and pull boxes shall be installed on 6-inches of crushed surfacing,
in accordance with Section 9-03.9(3), placed on a compacted or undisturbed
level foundation.
3. All openings around conduits shall be sealed and filled with grout in accordance
with Sections 6-02.3(20), and 9-20.3(4) to prevent water and debris from entering the
vaults or pull boxes.
4. Backfilling around the Work shall not be allowed until the concrete or mortar has set.
5. Pull boxes shall be installed in accordance with Plans and details.
6. Pull boxes shall be configured such that the tensile and bending limitations of the
fiber optic and other cables are not compromised. Pull boxes shall be configured to
mechanically protect the fiber optic and other cables against installation force as well
as inert forces after cable pulling operations.
7. Upon acceptance of Work, cable vaults, and pull boxes shall be free of debris and ready
for cable installation. All grounding requirements shall be met prior to cable installation.
8. Where installed near steel casings, the pull boxes and cable vaults shall be offset 3 feet,
minimum, from the centerline of the casing. Factory bends shall be used to route the
conduits to the cable vault or pull box.
Adjustments involving raising or lowering the junction boxes shall require conduit
modification if the resultant clearance between the top of the conduit and the junction
box lid becomes less than 6 inches or more than 10 inches in accordance with the Plans.
Cable vaults and pull boxes shall be adjusted to final grade using risers or rings
manufactured by the cable vault and pull box manufacturer. Cable vaults and pull boxes
with traffic bearing lids shall be raised to final grade using ring risers to raise the cover only.
All voids resulting from the adjustment shall be backfilled with materials matching adjacent
surfacing material and compacted in accordance with Section 2-09.3(1)E.
Damage to the junction boxes, pull boxes, cable vaults and the associated conduit system,
or wiring resulting from the Contractor’s operations, shall be repaired to the Engineer’s
satisfaction at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
Both existing and new junction boxes, pull boxes, and cable vaults shall be adjusted to be
flush with the finished grade as well as with the grade during the various construction stages
proposed in the Contract.
Where conduit and junction boxes are placed in barrier, the Prime Contractor shall
coordinate the Work of the Contractor constructing the barrier and the electrical Contractor
so that each junction box placed in the barrier is placed in correct alignment with respect to
the barrier, with the face of the box flush or uniformly chamfered within ⅛ inch of the barrier
surface. If any point on the surface of the junction box placed in barrier is recessed more than
⅛ inch from the surface of the barrier, the Contractor shall install a box extension meeting the
Engineer’s approval and grout around the extension or remove and replace the entire section
of barrier.
Standard Duty pull boxes, cable vaults, and concrete junction boxes installed in sidewalks,
walkways, and shared-use paths shall have slip-resistant surfaces, be flush with the surface,
and match the grade of the sidewalk, walkway, and shared-use path. The boxes, vaults, and
junction boxes shall not be placed in curb ramps, curb ramp landings, or the gutter areas
associated with the curb ramps. Standard Duty nonconcrete junction boxes shall not be
installed in sidewalks, walkways, or shared-use paths.
8-20.3(7) Messenger Cable, Fittings
Messenger cable shall be secured to steel strain poles by means of pole bands, and to
timber poles by means of single strand guy eye bolts. Pole bands and eyebolts shall be
installed as detailed in the Plans.
Messenger cable shall be secured to eye bolts or strain clamps at poles by the use of
approved self-locking cable clamp type dead-ending devices. Messenger cable shall be
secured to bull rings and anchors by two approved U-bolt connectors and guy thimbles.
Traffic signal control cable shall be secured to the messenger cable by cable ties.
The ties shall be black nylon with ultraviolet protection and rated at 120-pound minimum
unlocking strength.
Down guy assemblies shall be installed as detailed in the Standard Plans.
8-20.3(8) Wiring
All underground wiring shall be installed in conduit unless specifically noted otherwise
in the Contract. All wiring in conduit shall be installed with a lubricant recommended by
cable/conductor manufacturer.
With the exception of induction loop circuits, magnetometer circuits and illumination
circuits, all wiring shall run continuously, without splices, from a terminal located in a
cabinet, compartment, pedestrian push button assembly, or signal head to a similarly located
terminal. Illumination circuit terminals and traffic circuit signal terminals located below grade
will not be allowed. Video detection systems cable installation shall follow manufacturer’s
Specification, except no below grade terminals will be allowed.
Splices and taps on underground circuits shall be made with solderless crimp connectors
meeting the requirements of Section 9-29.12.
Only one conductor or one multiconductor cable per wire entrance will be allowed in any
rigid mold splice.
Aerial illumination splices shall employ vice or crimp type pressure connectors. Splice
insulation may be epoxy, heat shrink, or tape. Tape splice insulation, where allowed, shall
consist of thermoplastic electrical insulating tape equivalent to the original wire insulation
rating. It shall be well lapped over the original insulation, and there shall be a coating of
moisture resistant varnish applied and allowed to dry. Two layers of friction tape will then
be applied, and the splice shall be finished with a second complete coating of moisture
resistant varnish.
Quick disconnect connectors shall be installed in the base of all poles supporting a
luminaire. Every conductor above ground potential shall be served by a fused quick disconnect
kit. Every conductor at ground potential shall be served by an unfused quick disconnect kit.
Pole and bracket cable meeting the requirements of Section 9-29.3(2)D shall be installed
between the quick disconnects and the luminaire and between the sign light hand hole and the
isolation switch. In addition, the conductors from the isolation switch and the sign light shall
be minimum AWG 14, meeting the requirements of Section 9-29.3(2)A or 9-29.3(2)B. Pole
and bracket cable jacket shall be removed from the quick disconnect to within 2 inches below
the support bracket clamp.
Sufficient slack wire shall be installed at each junction box to allow any conductor, cable,
or splice within the junction box to be raised a minimum of 18 inches outside of the box.
Insulated neutral conductors shall be identified in accordance with the NEC requirements.
Every conductor at every wire termination, connector, or device shall have an approved wire
marking sleeve bearing as its legend, the circuit number indicated in the Contract. All terminal
strips shall also bear the circuit number consistent with the Contract.
At all illumination circuit splices, each wire entering the splice shall have an approved
wire marking sleeve bearing as its legend the circuit number indicated in the Contract.
All wiring, exclusive of the previously mentioned illumination circuits, at junction
boxes and at the controller cabinet shall have an approved tag with legends as follows:
1. Individual conductors – the circuit number indicated in the Contract.
2. Multiconductor cable – the numbers of the signal heads and/or pedestrian push
buttons served.
3. Loop lead-in cable – the numbers of the loops served.
4. Magnetometer cable – the numbers of the magnetometers served.
5. Video detection camera lead-in cable – the numbers of the phases the camera served.
6. ITS cameras – the number of the camera indicated in the Contract and the number
of the associated cabinet as indicated in the Plans.
7. Communication cable – labeled as Comm.
Drip loops shall be provided on all aerial conductors where they enter poles, signal heads,
or weather heads.
When conductors, either cable or single, are being installed, the Contractor shall not exceed
the tension limitations recommended by the manufacturer. Conductors may be pulled directly
by hand or with mechanical assistance. If conductors are pulled by any mechanical means, a
dynamometer with drop-needle hand shall be used on every mechanically assisted pull.
On mechanically assisted pulls, insulation shall be stripped off the individual conductor
and the conductor formed into a pulling eye and firmly attached to the pulling rope/tape, or
a cable grip shall be used. The Contractor shall determine the maximum allowable pulling
tension, taking into account the direction of the pull, type of raceway, cable geometry, weight
of the cable, the coefficient of friction, and side wall pressure, using the information from
the cable manufacturer. If there are bends in the raceway or sheaves are used for the cable
pull, the contractor shall use the cable manufacture’s side wall pressure limits to determine
the maximum pulling tension. The maximum pulling force applied directly to the conductor
when pulling eyes are used or when the conductor is formed into a loop, shall be limited to
that shown in the following table for copper conductor. When a cable grip is applied over
nonmetallic sheathed cables, the maximum pulling force shall be limited to 1,000 pounds
provided this is not in excess of the force as determined above.
Conductor Pounds
8 132
6 210
4 334
3 421
2 531
1 669
1/0 845
2/0 1,065
3/0 1,342
4/0 1,693
250 Kcmil 2,000
500 Kcmil 4,000
Adequate lubrication of the proper type to reduce friction in conduit and duct pulls shall be
utilized. The grease and oil-type lubricants used on lead sheathed cables shall not be used on
nonmetallic sheathed cables.
When wiring is noted for future connection, the ends of each wire or cable shall be sealed
with an approved heat shrink end cap.
If loop lead splices are not installed immediately after the installation of the loop leads into
the adjacent junction box, the ends of the two conductor “home run” cable shall be sealed with
heat shrink end caps to prevent entry of moisture into the two conductor cable. All coaxial
cables shall have heat shrink end caps installed prior to aerial or underground installation of
the cables to prevent moisture entry into the cable.
Multiconductor cable for signal displays shall be installed entirely through the mounting
fitting to a point a minimum of 1 inch inside the signal display housing before the outer
insulation is stripped back for the connection of individual conductors to the terminal block.
Installation of coaxial or coaxial/Siamese cable or data cables with a 600 VAC rating will
be allowed in the same raceway with 480 VAC illumination cable.
8-20.3(9) Bonding, Grounding
All metallic appurtenances containing electrical conductors (luminaires, light standards,
cabinets, metallic conduit, etc.) shall be made mechanically and electrically secure to form
continuous systems that shall be effectively grounded.
Install an equipment grounding conductor in all new conduit, whether or not the equipment
grounding conductor is called for in the wire schedule.
For each new conduit with innerduct install an equipment grounding conductor in only one
of the innerducts unless otherwise required by the NEC or the plans.
Bonding jumpers and equipment grounding conductors meeting the requirements of
Section 9-29.3(2)A3 shall be minimum #8 AWG, installed in accordance with the NEC.
Where existing conduits are used for the installation of new circuits, an equipment grounding
conductor shall be installed unless an existing equipment ground conductor, which is
appropriate for the largest circuit, is already present in the existing raceway. The equipment
ground conductor between the isolation switch and the sign lighter fixtures shall be minimum
#14 AWG stranded copper conductor. Where parallel circuits are enclosed in a common
conduit, the equipment-grounding conductor shall be sized by the largest overcurrent device
serving any circuit contained within the conduit.
Junction boxes with metallic lids shall have one 4-foot long tinned braided copper
equipment bonding strap with full circle connector lugs installed from each metallic junction
box lid(s) to the junction box frame. A non-insulated stranded copper conductor, minimum
#8 AWG, with a full circle crimp on connector (crimped with a manufacturer recommended
crimper) shall be connected to the junction box frame or frame bonding stud, the other end
shall be crimped to the equipment bonding conductor, using a “C” type crimp connector.
The equipment ground conductor shall not be cut or spliced except at junction boxes.
Supplemental grounding shall be provided at light standards, signal standards, cantilever
and sign bridge Structures. Steel sign posts which support signs with sign lighting or flashing
beacons shall also have supplemental grounding. The supplemental ground conductor shall
be connected to the foundation rebar (all rebar crossings shall be wire tied) by means of a
grounding connector listed for use in concrete, and lead up directly adjacent to a conduit
installed within the foundation. The free end of the conductor shall be terminated to the
ground terminal, with an approved clamp, within the pole. If no ground terminal is provided,
bond to standard or post. Three-feet of slack shall be provided inside the standard. Where
a concrete and rebar foundation is not used the supplemental ground shall be a grounding
electrode placed in the hole next to the post prior to back fill. For light standards, signal
standards, cantilever and sign bridge Structures the supplemental grounding conductor shall
be #4 AWG non-insulated stranded copper conductor. For steel sign posts which support signs
with sign lighting or flashing beacons the supplemental grounding conductor shall be #6 AWG
non‑insulated stranded copper conductor.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 8-79
8-20 Illumination, Traffic Signal Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Electrical
All connectors between bonding jumpers and equipment grounding conductors shall be
installed in accordance with the NEC. Identification of the equipment grounding conductor
shall conform to all code requirements.
Bonding of the equipment grounding system and neutral at the service point shall be
accomplished as required under the NEC. Grounding of the neutral shall be accomplished
only at the service or at a separately derived system.
Install a two grounding electrode system at each service entrance point, at each electrical
service installation and at each separately derived power source. The service entrance
grounding electrode system shall conform to the “Service Ground” detail in the Standard
Plans. If soil conditions make vertical grounding electrode installation impossible an alternate
installation procedure as described in the NEC may be used. Maintain a minimum of 6 feet
of separation between any two grounding electrodes within the grounding system. Grounding
electrodes shall be bonded copper, ferrous core materials and shall be solid rods not less than
10 feet in length if they are ½ inch in diameter or not less than 8 feet in length if they are
⅝ inch or larger in diameter.
The connection of the grounding electrode conductor to the grounding electrode shall be
made with two approved ground clamps.
Messenger cable shall be bonded to steel strain poles by means of a bond strap connected
between an approved U-bolt connector and a bonding lug on the pole.
At points where shields or shielded conductors are grounded, the shields shall be neatly
wired and terminated on grounding terminal strip.
8-20.3(10) Service, Transformer, and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Cabinets
Power sources shown in the Plans are approximate only; exact location will be determined
in the field.
Aerial fed transformer cabinets and type A, type B, or type C service cabinets shall include
a timber pole, as specified in Section 9-29.6(3), a meter base, installed in accordance with
serving utility requirements, a 2- or 3-wire service breaker of size noted in the Plans, the
necessary conduit risers and ground assembly as noted in the Standard Plans. The timber
pole shall be set at a depth of 10 percent of the total pole length plus 2 feet. Modified type
B, type D and type E services shall be installed per Contract Plan, and service description
in Standard Plans. Pad mounted transformer cabinets shall be installed per Contract Plans.
The service breaker shall be a standard thermal circuit breaker encased in a raintight
housing that can be padlocked.
Upon request of the Contractor, the Engineer will make the necessary arrangements
with the serving utility to complete the service connections. Electrical energy used prior to
Completion of the Contract will be charged to the Contractor, except that the cost of energy
used for public benefit, when the Engineer orders such operation, will be borne by the
Contracting Agency.
The service, transformer and ITS cabinets shall be marked with the service agreement
letters and numbers as noted in the Plans. The markings shall be installed on the outside
cabinet door near the top of the cabinet. The markings shall be series C using stencils and
black enamel alkyd gloss paint conforming to Federal Specification TT-E-489F.
8-20.3(11) Testing
The Contractor shall conduct the following tests on all electrical circuits with nominal
operating voltage between 115-volts and 600-volts, in the presence of the Engineer:
1. Test the continuity of each circuit.
2. Test for grounds in each circuit, which shall consist of the physical examination of the
installation to ensure that all required ground jumpers, devices, and appurtenances do
exist and are mechanically firm.
3. Using a megohm meter, a 500-volt test on each new circuit between the conductor
and ground with all switch boards, panel boards, fuse holders, switches, receptacles,
and overcurrent devices in place. All readings shall be recorded. The Contractor shall
furnish the Engineer with three copies of the test results identifying observed readings
with their respective circuits.
The insulation resistance shall not be less than 50 megohms between the conductor
and ground on new circuits with a total single conductor length of 2,500 feet and over,
nor less than 50 megohms on new circuits with single conductor length of less than
2,500 feet.
Any change in the above stated minimum readings must be approved in writing by the
Engineer. Only those factors based on dialectric properties of conductor insulations,
splicing insulations, terminal strip castings, etc., will be cause for consideration of
a variance.
4. A functional test in which it is demonstrated that each and every part of the system
functions as specified.
For those new circuits below 115-volts nominal, except induction loop circuits and test
direct burial circuits, the circuits shall be tested with a 500-volt megger for continuity, ground,
and a test to demonstrate the circuit functions as specified. The megger test shall show an
insulation resistance of not less than 8-megohms to ground.
Any fault in any material or in any part of the installation revealed by these tests shall be
replaced or repaired by the Contractor in a manner approved by the Engineer, and the same
test shall be repeated until no fault appears.
When the project includes a traffic signal system, the Contractor shall conduct tests
noted in Section 8-20.3(14)D. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a minimum of
5 days advance written notice of the proposed traffic signal turn-on date and time. The
traffic signal turn-on procedure shall not begin until all required channelization, pavement
markings, illumination, signs, and sign lights are substantially complete and operational
unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide traffic control to
stop all traffic from entering the intersection. The Contracting Agency electronics technician
will program the controller and enter the timing data, then turn the traffic signal system to its
flash mode to verify proper flash indications. The Contracting Agency electronics technician
will then conduct functional tests to demonstrate that each part of the traffic signal system,
illumination system, or other electrical system, functions as specified. These demonstrations
shall be conducted in the presence of a Contracting Agency electronic technician, the
Contracting Agency electrical Inspector, and Regional Traffic Engineer or his/her designee.
The Contracting Agency electronics technician will then turn the traffic signal to stop and
go operation for no less than one full cycle. Based on the results of the turn-on, the Engineer
will direct the Contracting Agency electronics technician to either turn the traffic signal on
to normal stop and go operation, to turn the signal to flash mode for a period not to exceed
5 calendar days, or to turn the signal off and require the Contractor to cover all signal displays
and correct all deficiencies.
If the Contractor is directed to turn off the traffic signal, the Contractor shall schedule a
new turn-on date with the Engineer in accordance with the previously mentioned procedures.
Unless approved by the Engineer no change to signal stop and go operation will be allowed
between 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, nor
will signal operation changes be allowed on Friday, weekends, holidays, or the day preceding
a holiday.
8-20.3(12) Painting
All painting required shall be done in conformance with applicable portions of
Section 6-07.
Slip base insert installations shall conform to details in the Standard Plans, and shall
conform to items 1 through 8 above for slip base installation, except that the specified torque
for the ⅞-inch diameter clamping bolts shall be 50 foot-pounds.
Prior to installation all relocated metal light standards shall have existing painted
identification markings removed. Manufactures Identification tag shall not be removed.
Damaged surfaces and coatings shall be repaired with material matching the existing coating.
All new light standards shall have an approved metal tag riveted to the pole above the
handhole. The information provided on the tag shall be as noted on the preapproved drawings.
All new and relocated metal light standards shall be numbered for identification using
painted 4 inch block gothic letters (similar to series C highway lettering) and numbers
installed 3 feet above the base facing the Traveled Way. Paint shall be black enamel alkyd
gloss conforming to Federal Specification TT-E-489. The following information shall be
provided as shown in the Plans:
NN =
Is the pole number as identified in the Plans. May be one or
more characters.
CC = Is the circuit letter as identified in the Plans. May be one or
more characters.
SSSS = Is the service cabinet number as identified in the Plans. Do not
include the two or three letter prefix. Up to four digits - do not include
leading zeros.
VVV = Is the operating voltage of the luminaire. Always three digits.
In setting timber poles, the Contractor shall provide a minimum burial of 10 percent of the
total pole length plus 2 feet and shall rake the poles as shown in the Plans.
8-20.3(13)B Vacant
8-20.3(13)C Luminaires
The Contractor shall mark the installation date on the inside of the luminaire ballast
or driver housing using a permanent marking pen.
All luminaires shall be mounted level, both transverse and longitudinally, as measured
across points specified by the manufacturer. Leveling and orientation shall be accomplished
after pole plumbing.
8-20.3(13)D Sign Lighting
Sign illumination equipment shall include fixtures, brackets, conduit, electrical wire, and
other material required to make the sign lighting system operable. Sign illumination fixtures
shall be fused according to the table in Section 9-29.7.
8-20.3(13)E Sign Lighting Luminaires
The sign lighting luminaire shall be supported by a lighting bracket assembly as detailed
in the Plans. If the sign Structure includes a maintenance walkway, the luminaire fixture
mounting plate shall be bolted to the walkway grating.
An isolation switch shall be provided in the line side conductors, mounted over
the Shoulder to de-energize all luminaires for maintenance purposes. The switch shall
be single pole, single throw, or double-pole, single throw as necessary to open all conductors
to the luminaires other than neutral and ground conductors. The switch shall contain 600-volt
terminal strips on the load side with solderless box lugs as required plus 4 spare lugs per strip.
The switch enclosure shall be rated NEMA 3R.
Test A – The DC resistance between the two lead-in cable wires will be measured by
a volt ohmmeter. The resistance shall not exceed 10 ohms.
Test B – A megohm meter test at 500 volts DC shall be made between the lead-in
cable shield and grounding, prior to connection to grounding. The resistance shall equal
or exceed 100 megohms.
Test C – A megger test shall be made between the loop circuit and grounding.
The resistance shall equal or exceed 100-megohms.
Test D – An inductance test to determine the inductance level of each inductance
loop. The Contractor shall record the inductance level of each inductance loop installed
on the project and shall furnish the findings to the Engineer. An inductance level below
150 microhenries is considered a failure for a Type 1 loop, any one round loop and an
inductance level below 75 microhenries is considered a failure for a Type 2 loop.
If any of the installations fails to pass all tests, the loop installation or lead-in cable
shall be repaired and replaced and then retested.
8-20.3(14)E Signal Standards
Traffic signal standards shall be furnished and installed in accordance with the methods
and materials noted in the Contract and the following:
1. All dimensions and orientations will be field verified by the Engineer prior to
2. The signal standard component identification shall conform to details in the Plans.
3. Disconnect connectors complete with pole and bracket cable shall be installed in any
signal standard supporting a luminaire. Illumination wiring installation shall conform
to details in the Plans for slip base wiring.
4. No field drilling will be allowed on signal mast arms except for the installation of any
required pre-empt indicators, pre-empt detectors, microwave detector, or type “N”
signal mountings. The maximum diameter shall be 1 inch.
5. All pole entrances required for pole-mounted signal heads, cabinets, signs, pedestrian
push button assemblies, etc., shall be field drilled.
6. Damage to the galvanized pole surface resulting from field drilling shall be repaired
with approved zinc rich paint.
7. Field welding will not be allowed, except as shown in the Plans.
8. All tenons shall be factory installed.
9. All welding shall be completed prior to galvanizing.
10. Foundations shall be constructed to provide the pole orientation noted in the Plans.
Anchor bolts shall be tightened in accordance with Sections 6-03.3(33) and 8-20.3(4).
11. Slip base installation for Type RM and FB signal standards shall conform to the
slip base installation requirements specified in Section 8-20.3(13)A, except that the
specified torque for the ¾-inch diameter clamping bolts shall be 50 foot-pounds.
12. The pole shall be plumbed after signal heads are installed.
13. The space between the bottom base plate and the top of foundation shall be filled with
grout with a ⅜-inch plastic drain tube.
Signal standards shall not be erected on concrete foundations until the foundations have
attained 2,400 psi or 14 days after concrete placement. Signal standards without mast arms
may be erected after 72 hours. Type IV and V strain pole standards may be erected but the
messenger cable (span wire) shall not be placed until the foundation has attained 2400 psi
or 14 days after concrete placement.
Signal supports used with portable traffic signal systems shall provide a minimum of
two signal displays, spaced a minimum of 8 feet apart.
When portable traffic signals are used to provide alternating one-way control, a minimum
of one of the signal displays shall be suspended over the Traveled Way. The minimum vertical
clearance to the Traveled Way for this signal display is 16′ 6″.
Timber strain poles shall be set a burial depth of 10 percent of the total length plus 2 feet
and shall be raked as noted in the Plans.
8-20.3(15) Grout
Grout shall conform to the requirements of Section 6-02.3(20) and 9-20.3(4).
8-20.3(16) Reinstalling Salvaged Material
When the Contract requires salvaged electrical equipment to be reinstalled, the Contractor
shall furnish and install all necessary materials and equipment, including anchor bolts, nuts,
washers, concrete, etc., required to install the salvaged equipment.
8-20.3(17) “As Built” Plans
Upon Physical Completion of the Work, the Contractor shall submit corrected shop
drawings, schematic circuit diagrams, or other drawings necessary for the Engineer to prepare
corrected Plans to show the Work as constructed.
These drawings shall be on sheets conforming in size to the provisions of Section 1-05.3.
8-20.4 Measurement
Conduit of the kind and diameter specified will be measured, through the junction boxes,
by the linear foot of conduit placed, unless the conduit is included in an illumination system,
signal system, intelligent transportation system, or other type of electrical system lump sum
Bid item.
Casing will be measured by the linear foot for the actual length of casing placed, unless the
casing is included in an illumination, signal, or other electrical system lump sum Bid item.
Directional boring will be measured by the linear foot for the length of the boring tunnel.
8-20.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Illumination System ____”, lump sum.
“Traffic Signal System ____”, lump sum.
“ITS ____”, lump sum.
The lump sum Contract price for “Illumination System, ____”, “Traffic Signal System
____”, or “ITS _____” shall be full pay for the construction of the complete electrical system,
modifying existing systems, or both, including sign lighting systems, as described above
and as shown in the Plans, and herein specified, including excavation, backfilling, concrete
foundations, conduit, wiring, restoring facilities destroyed or damaged during construction,
salvaging existing materials, and for making all required tests. All additional materials and
labor, not shown in the Plans or called for herein and which are required to complete the
electrical system, shall be included in the lump sum Contract price.
“Conduit Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Conduit Pipe____ In. Diam.” shall be full pay
for furnishing all pipe, pipe connections, elbows, bends, caps, reducers, conduits, unions,
junction boxes, and fittings; for placing the pipe in accordance with the above provisions,
including all excavation, jacking, or drilling required, backfilling of any voids around casing,
conduits, pits, or trenches; restoration of native vegetation disturbed by the operation, chipping
of pavement, and bedding of the pipe; and all other Work necessary for the construction of
the conduit, except that when conduit is included on any project as an integral part of an
illumination, traffic signal, or ITS system, and the conduit is not shown as a pay item, it shall
be included in the lump sum price for the system shown.
All costs for installing conduit containing both signal and illumination wiring shall be
included in the Contract prices for the signal system.
All costs for installing junction boxes containing both illumination and signal wiring shall
be included in the Contract prices for the signal system.
“Casing”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear feet for “casing” shall be full payment for boring, jacking
or drilling for installing casing, and backfilling any voids around the casing and pits or back
filling of the trenches required to install the casing. This cost will also include any restoration
of native vegetation disturbed by the operation.
“Directional Boring”, per linear foot
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Directional Boring”, shall be full pay for
furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and electrical supervision associated with the
directional boring.
The embedded anchors attaching signs and sign Structures specified for removal to existing
concrete Structures shall be removed a minimum of 1 inch beneath the existing concrete
surface. The void left by removal of the embedded anchors shall be coated with epoxy bonding
agent and filled with mortar conforming to Section 9-20.4(2). The epoxy bonding agent shall
be Type II, conforming to Section 9-26.1, with the grade and class as recommended by the
epoxy bonding agent manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer. The mortar shall consist
of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions to match the color of the existing
concrete surface as near as practicable.
Where indicated, the Contractor shall remove concrete pedestals to a minimum of 2 feet
below Subgrade or finished ground elevation and backfill the hole to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. Where an existing sign post is located within a sidewalk area, the Contractor shall
remove the post and finish the area so as to make the sidewalk continuous. Where signs are
removed from existing overhead sign Structures, the existing vertical sign support braces shall
also be removed. The removed aluminum signs, wood signs, wood sign posts, wood structures,
metal sign posts, wind beams, and other metal structural members and all the existing
fastening hardware connecting such members shall become the property of the Contractor
and shall be removed from the project. Salvage value of the removed signs and sign Structure
members shall be reflected in the Contractor’s Bid price for other items of Work.
8-21.3(5) Sign Relocation
Where shown in the Plans, the existing signs and, if so indicated, the sign Structures shall
be relocated by the Contractor to the location noted. Where the existing sign Structure is
mounted on concrete pedestals, the Contractor shall remove the pedestal to a minimum of
12 inches below finished grade and backfill the remaining hole with material similar to that
surrounding the hole. Where the existing Structure is to be relocated, the Contractor shall
provide necessary materials, labor, and hardware, and if so indicated, electrical conduit,
conductors, etc., electrical services, and connections so as to erect and provide an operable
unit to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All materials damaged by the Contractor shall be
replaced at no cost to the Contracting Agency. Unless otherwise allowed, relocation of each
existing sign and Structure shall be accomplished during the day in which it was removed.
Relocation of overhead signs and Structures shall be accomplished during the hours between
12 midnight and 4:00 a.m. or as approved by the Engineer.
8-21.3(6) Sign Refacing
Where indicated in the Plans or in the Special Provisions, the Contractor shall reface
existing signs with sheet aluminum overlay panels. Unless otherwise indicated in the Plans
or allowed by the Engineer, all Work shall be accomplished while the existing sign is in
place. Modifications to each sign shall be completed during the same day in which the Work
is commenced.
Prior to the installation of overlay panels, the existing legend (message and border) shall
be removed. The aluminum overlay panels shall be butt jointed. Aluminum or stainless steel
screws, a minimum of ½ inch in length, shall be used to attach overlay panels to existing
plywood signs. In addition to the screws, two ¼-inch diameter by 1-inch-long aluminum
or stainless steel bolts shall be installed through the top of each panel and the plywood
sign. Aluminum blind rivets shall be used to attach overlay panels to existing aluminum
signs. Screws or rivets shall be installed at 24-inch centers. Unless otherwise noted, sign
background material shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.
After installation of overlay panels, the existing legend shall be reinstalled or, where
indicated in the Plans, new legend or portions thereof shall be furnished and installed by
the Contractor. Direct applied legend shall be applied to the new face prior to resurfacing.
Layout and letter spacing shall be in accordance with Contracting Agency standards unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer. New legend components shall be of the same type and
size as the existing materials, and it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to verify material
type and size. Materials damaged by the Contractor shall be replaced at no expense to the
Contracting Agency.
8-21.3(9)C Timber Posts
Timber sign posts shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-28.14(1).
8-21.3(9)D Aluminum Structures
Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3).
8-21.3(9)E Bridge Mounted Sign Brackets
The Contractor shall fabricate and install sign supports for mounting signs on bridge
Structures at the locations and as shown in the Plans, including inserts and anchor bolts.
Fabrication and installation shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of Sections
6-03 and 9-06. Metal surfaces shall not be painted.
The quantity of structural carbon steel shown in the Contract is listed only for the
convenience of the Contractor in determining the volume of Work involved and is not
guaranteed to be accurate. The prospective Bidders shall verify this quantity before submitting
a Bid. No adjustments other than for approved changes will be made in the lump sum Contract
price for the bridge mounted sign brackets, even though the actual quantity of structural
carbon steel required may deviate from that listed.
8-21.3(9)F Foundations
The excavation and backfill shall conform to the requirements of Section 2-09.3. Where
obstructions prevent construction of planned foundations, the Contractor shall construct an
effective foundation satisfactory to the Engineer.
The bottom of concrete foundations shall rest on firm ground. If the portion of the
foundation beneath the existing ground line is formed or cased instead of being cast against
the existing soil forming the sides of the excavation, then all gaps between the existing
soil and the completed foundation shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with
Section 2-09.3(1)E.
Concrete placed into an excavation where water is present shall be placed using an
approved tremie. If water is not present, the concrete shall be placed such that the free-fall is
vertical down the center of the shaft without hitting the sides, the steel reinforcing bars, or the
steel reinforcing bar cage bracing. The Section 6-02.3(6) restriction for 5-feet maximum free-
fall shall not apply to placement of Class 4000P concrete into a shaft.
Foundations shall be cast in one operation where practicable. The exposed portions shall
be formed to present a neat appearance. Class 2 surface finish shall be applied to exposed
surfaces of concrete in accordance with the requirements of Section 6-02.3(14)B.
Where soil conditions are poor, the Engineer may order the Contractor to extend the
foundations shown in the Plans to provide additional depth. Such additional work shall be
paid for according to Section 1-04.4.
Forms shall be true to line and grade. Tops of foundations for roadside sign structures shall
be finished to ground line unless otherwise shown in the Plans or directed by the Engineer.
Tops of foundations for sign bridges and cantilever sign structures shall be finished to the
elevation shown in the Plans.
Both forms and ground that will be in contact with the concrete shall be thoroughly
moistened before placing concrete; however, excess water in the foundation excavation
will not be permitted. Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has set at least 3 days.
All forms shall be removed, except when the Plans or Special Provisions specifically allow
or require the forms or casing to remain.
Foundation concrete shall conform to the requirements for the specified class, be cast-in-
place concrete, and be constructed in accordance with Sections 6-02.2 and 6-02.3.
After construction of concrete foundations for sign bridge and cantilever sign structures,
the Contractor shall survey the foundation locations and elevations, the anchor bolt array
locations and lengths of exposed threads. The Contractor shall confirm that the survey
conforms to the sign structure post, beam, span and foundation design geometry shown in the
Plans prior to completion of the sign structure foundation, and shall identify any deviations
from the design geometry shown in the Plans. When deviations are identified, the Contractor
shall notify the Engineer and submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the Contractor’s
proposed method(s) of addressing the deviations.
Sign structures shall not be erected on concrete foundations until the Contractor confirms
that the foundations and the fabricated sign structures are either compatible with each other
and the design geometry shown in the Plans, or have been modified in accordance with this
section and as approved by the Engineer to be compatible with each other, and the foundations
have attained a compressive strength of 2,400-psi.
In addition to the basic requirements, sign bridges and cantilever sign structures shall
be installed in accordance with the following:
1. Foundation excavations shall conform to the requirements of Section 2-09.3(3).
2. Tops of foundations for sign bridges and cantilever sign structures shall be finished
to the elevation shown in the Plans.
3. Steel reinforcing bars shall conform to Section 9-07.
4. Concrete shall be Class 4000P, except as otherwise specified. The concrete for the shaft
cap (the portion containing the anchor bolt array assemblies above the construction joint
at the top of the shaft) shall be Class 4000.
5. All bolts and anchor bolts shall be installed so that two full threads extend beyond
the top of the top heavy-hex nut. Anchor bolts shall be installed plumb, plus or minus
1 degree.
6. Plumbing of sign bridges and cantilever sign structures shall be accomplished by
adjusting leveling nuts. Shims or other similar devices for plumbing or raking will not
be permitted.
7. The top heavy-hex nuts of sign bridges and cantilever sign structures shall be tightened
in accordance with Section 6-03.3(33), and by the Turn-of-Nut Method to a minimum
rotation of ¼ turn and a maximum of ⅓ turn past snug tight. Permanent marks shall be
set on the base plate and nuts to indicate nut rotation past snug tight.
In addition to the basic requirements, roadside sign structures shall be installed in
accordance with the following:
1. Tops of foundations shall be finished to final ground line unless otherwise shown in
the Plans or staked by the Engineer.
2. Steel reinforcement, including spiral reinforcing, shall conform to Section 9-07.2.
3. Unless otherwise shown in the Plans, concrete shall be Class 4000P.
4. The assembly and installation of all Type TP-A or Type TP-B bases for roadside sign
structures shall be supervised at all times by either a manufacturer’s representative or
an installer who has been trained and certified by the manufacturer of the system. If the
supervision is provided by a trained installer, a copy of the installer’s certification shall
be provided to the Engineer prior to installation.
5. For all Type TP-A or TP-B bases, the Contractor shall attach four female anchors to
a flat rigid template following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The Contractor
shall lower the anchor assembly into fresh concrete foundation and vibrate into position
such that the tops of the anchor washers are flush with the finished top surface of the
foundation. The Contractor shall support the template such that all anchors are level and
in their proper position.
Slip base and hinge connection nuts of roadside sign structures shall be tightened using a
torque wrench to the torque, following the procedure specified in the Plans.
8-21.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Permanent Signing”, lump sum.
“Sign Bridge No. ____”, lump sum.
“Cantilever Sign Structure No. ____”, lump sum.
All costs in connection with surveying completed concrete foundations for sign bridges
and cantilever sign structures shall be included in the lump sum contract price for “Structure
Surveying”, except that when no Bid item is included in the Proposal for “Structure
Surveying” then such costs shall be included in the lump sum contract price(s) for “Sign
Bridge No. ___” and “Cantilever Sign Structure No. ___”.
“Bridge Mounted Sign Bracket No. ____”, lump sum.
“Sign Covering”, per square foot.
After the pavement surface is clean and dry, apply primer as recommended by the
manufacturer to the area receiving the pavement markings. Apply the primer in a continuous,
solid film according to the recommendations of the primer manufacturer and the pavement
markings manufacturer.
8-22.3(3) Marking Application
8-22.3(3)A Marking Colors
Lane line and right edge line shall be white in color. Centerline and left edge line shall
be yellow in color. Transverse markings shall be white, except as otherwise noted in the
Standard Plans.
8-22.3(3)B Line Patterns
Solid Line – A continuous line without gaps.
Broken Line – A line consisting of solid line segments separated by gaps.
Dotted Line – A broken line with noticeably shorter line segments separated by noticeably
shorter gaps.
8-22.3(3)C Line Surfaces
Flat Lines – Pavement marking lines with a flat surface.
Profiled Marking – A profiled pavement marking is a marking that consists of a base line
thickness and a profiled thickness, which is a portion of the pavement marking line that is
applied at a greater thickness than the base line thickness. Profiles shall be applied using the
extruded method in the same application as the base line. The profiles may be slightly rounded
provided the minimum profile thickness is the same throughout the length of the profile.
See the Plans for the construction details.
Embossed Plastic Line – Embossed plastic lines consist of a flat line with transverse
grooves. An embossed plastic line may also have profiles. See the Plans for the
construction details.
8-22.3(3)D Line Applications
Surface Line – A line constructed by applying pavement marking material directly to the
pavement surface or existing pavement marking.
Grooved Line – A line constructed by grinding or saw cutting a groove into the pavement
surface and spraying, extruding, or gluing pavement marking material into the groove. Groove
depth is measured vertically from the bottom of a 2 foot or longer straightedge placed on the
roadway surface to the ground surface. The groove depth is dependent upon the material used,
the pavement surface, and the location. See these Standard Specifications, the project Plans,
and Special Provisions. Grooved line pavement marking shall not be constructed on bridge
decks or on bridge approach slabs.
8-22.3(3)E Installation
Apply pavement marking materials to clean, dry pavement surfaces and according to
the following:
1. Place material according to the manufacture’s recommendations,
2. Place parallel double lines in one pass,
3. The top of pavement marking shall be smooth and uniform,
4. Line ends shall be square and clean,
5. Place pavement marking lines parallel and true to line, and
6. Place markings in proper alignment with existing markings.
When applying paint, Type A or Type C material, ensure that both the pavement
surface and the air temperature at the time of application are not less than 50°F and rising.
When applying Type B or Type D material, ensure that both the pavement surface and the
air temperature at the time of application are not less than 40°F and rising.
Ensure that the Type A thermoplastic material meets the manufacturer’s temperature
specifications when it contacts the pavement surface.
Two applications of paint will be required to complete all paint markings. The second
application of paint shall be squarely on top of the first pass. The time period between paint
applications will vary depending on the type of pavement and paint (low VOC waterborne or
low VOC solvent) as follows:
Pavement Type Paint Type Time Period
Bituminous Surface Treatment Low VOC Waterborne 4 hours min., 48 hours max.
Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Low VOC Waterborne 4 hours min., 30 days max.
Cement Concrete Pavement Low VOC Waterborne 4 hours min., 30 days max.
Bituminous Surface Treatment Low VOC Solvent 40 min. min., 48 hrs. max.
Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Low VOC Solvent 40 min. min., 30 days max.
Cement Concrete Pavement Low VOC Solvent 40 min. min., 30 days max.
Centerlines on two-lane Highways with broken line patterns, paint, or plastic shall be
applied in the increasing milepost direction so they are in cycle with existing broken line
patterns at the beginning of the project. Broken line patterns applied to multilane or divided
Roadways shall be applied in cycle in the direction of travel.
Where paint is applied on centerline on two-way roads with bituminous surface treatment
or centerline rumble strips, the second paint application shall be applied in the opposite
(decreasing milepost) direction as the first application (increasing milepost) direction.
This will require minor broken line pattern corrections for curves on the second application.
8-22.3(3)F Application Thickness
Pavement markings shall be applied at the following base line thickness measured above
the pavement surface or above the groove bottom for grooved markings in thousandths of
an inch (mils):
Marking Material Application HMA PCC BST Groove Depth
Paint – first coat spray 10 10 10
Paint – second coat spray 15 15 15
Type A – flat/transverse & symbols extruded 125 125 125
Type A – flat/long line & symbols spray 90 90 120
Type A – with profiles extruded 90 90 120
Type A – embossed extruded 160 160 160
Type A – embossed with profiles extruded 160 160 160
Type A – grooved/flat/long line extruded 230 230 230 250
Type B – flat/transverse & symbols heat fused 125 125 125
Type C-2 – flat/transverse & symbols adhesive 90 90 NA
Type C-1 & 2 – flat/long line adhesive 60 60 NA
Type C-1 – grooved/flat/long line adhesive 60 60 NA 100
Type D – flat/transverse & symbols spray 120 120 120
Type D – flat/transverse & symbols extruded 120 120 120
Type D – flat/long line spray 90 90 120
Type D – flat/long line extruded 90 90 120
Type D – profiled/long line extruded 90 90 120
Type D – grooved/flat/long line extruded 230 230 230 250
Liquid pavement marking material yield per gallon depending on thickness shall not
exceed the following:
Mils thickness Feet of 4″ line/gallon Square feet/gallon
10 483 161
15 322 108
18 268 89
20 242 80
22 220 73
24 202 67
30 161 54
40 122 41
45 107 36
60 81 27
90 54 18
90 with profiles 30 10
120 40 13
120 with profiles 26 9
230 21 7
Solid pavement marking material (Type A) yield per 50-pound bag shall not exceed
the following:
Mils thickness Feet of 4″ line/50# bag Square feet/50# bag
30 – flat 358 120
45 – flat 240 80
60 – flat 179 60
90 – flat 120 40
90 – flat with profiles 67 23
120 – flat 90 30
120 – flat with profiles 58 20
125 – embossed 86 29
125 – embossed with profiles 58 20
230 – flat grooved 47 15
All grooved lines shall be applied into a groove cut or ground into the pavement. For
Type A or Type D material, the groove shall be cut or ground with equipment to produce
a smooth square groove 4 inches wide. For Type C-1 material, the groove shall be cut with
equipment to produce a smooth bottom square groove with a width in accordance with the
material manufacturer’s recommendation. After grinding, clean the groove by shot-blasting
or a method approved by Engineer. Immediately before placing the marking material, clean
the groove with high-pressure air.
8-22.3(3)G Glass beads
Top dress glass beads shall be applied to all spray and extruded pavement marking
material. Glass beads shall be applied by a bead dispenser immediately following the
pavement marking material application. Glass bead dispensers shall apply the glass beads
in a manner such that the beads appear uniform on the entire pavement marking surface
with 50 to 60 percent embedment. Hand casting of beads will not be allowed.
Glass beads shall be applied to 10 or 15 mil thick paint at a minimum application rate of
7 pounds per gallon of paint. For plastic pavement markings, glass bead type and application
rate shall be as recommended by the marking material manufacturer.
When two or more spray applications are required to meet thickness requirements
for Type A and Type D materials, top dressing with glass beads is only allowed on the
last application. The cure period between successive applications shall be in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Any loose beads, dirt or other debris shall be
swept or blown off the line prior to application of each successive application. Successive
applications shall be applied squarely on top of the preceding application.
8-22.3(4) Tolerances for Lines
Allowable tolerances for lines are as follows:
Length of Line – The longitudinal accumulative error within a 40 foot length of broken
line shall not exceed plus or minus 1 inch. The broken line segment shall not be less than
10 feet.
Width of Line – The width of the line shall not be less than the specified line width or
greater than the specified line width plus ¼ inch.
Lane Width – The lane width, which is defined as the lateral width from the edge of
pavement to the center of the lane line or between the centers of successive lane lines,
shall not vary from the widths shown in the Contract by more than plus or minus 4 inches.
Thickness – A thickness tolerance not exceeding plus 10 percent will be allowed for
thickness or yield in paint and plastic material application.
Parallel Lines – The gap tolerance between parallel lines is plus or minus ½ inch.
8-22.3(5) Installation Instructions
Installation instructions for plastic markings shall be provided for the Engineer. The
instructions shall include equipment requirements, approved work methods and procedures,
material application temperature range, air and pavement surface temperature requirements,
weather limitations, precautions, and all other requirements for successful application
and material performance. Do not use materials with incomplete or missing instructions.
All materials including glass beads shall be installed according to the manufacturer’s
recommendations. A manufacturer’s technical representative shall be present at the
initial installation of plastic material to approve the installation procedure or the material
manufacturer shall certify that the Contractor will install the plastic material in accordance
with their recommended procedure.
8-22.3(6) Removal of Pavement Markings
Pavement markings to be removed shall be obliterated until all blemishes caused by
the pavement marking removal conform to the coloration of the adjacent pavement.
Grinding to remove pavement markings in their entirety is allowed in areas designated
for applications of either Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) or Bituminous Surface Treatment (BST).
Pavement marking removal shall be performed from April 1st through September 30th and
only in those areas that shall be paved within the same time window as the grinding, unless
otherwise allowed by the Engineer in writing.
For all cement concrete pavement and areas that will not be overlaid with hot mix asphalt
or BST, grinding is allowed to a depth just above the pavement surface and then Water blasting
or shot blasting shall be required to remove the remaining pavement markings.
If in the opinion of the Engineer, the pavement is materially damaged by pavement
marking removal, such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor in accordance with
Section 1-07.13(1). Sand or other material deposited on the pavement as a result of removing
lines and markings shall be removed as the Work progresses to avoid hazardous conditions.
Accumulation of sand or other material which might interfere with drainage will not
be permitted.
8-22.4 Measurement
Center line, center line with no pass line, double center line, double lane line, edge line,
solid lane line, dotted extension line, lane line, reversible lane line, and two-way left-turn
center line will be measured by the completed linear foot as “Paint Line”, “Plastic Line”,
“Embossed Plastic Line”, “Profiled Plastic Line”, “Profiled Embossed Plastic Line” or
Grooved Plastic Line”.
The measurement for “Paint Line” will be based on a marking system capable of
simultaneous application of three 4-inch lines with two 4-inch spaces. No deduction will be
made for the unmarked area when the marking includes a broken line such as center line,
dotted extension line, center line with no-pass line, lane line, reversible lane line, or two-way
left-turn center line. No additional measurement will be made when more than one line can be
installed on a single pass such as center line with no-pass line, double center line, double lane
line, reversible lane line, or two-way left-turn center line.
The measurement for “Plastic Line”, “Embossed Plastic Line”, “Profiled Plastic Line”,
“Profiled Embossed Plastic Line”, or “Grooved Plastic Line” will be based on the total length
of each 4 inch wide plastic line installed. No deduction will be made for the unmarked area
when the marking includes a broken line such as, center line, dotted extension line, center line
with no-pass line, lane line, reversible lane line, or two-way left-turn center line.
The measurement for “Painted Wide Lane Line”, “Plastic Wide Lane Line”, “Profiled
Plastic Wide Lane Line”, “Painted Barrier Center Line”, “Plastic Barrier Center Line”,
“Painted Stop Line”, “Plastic Stop Line”, “Painted Wide Dotted Entry Line”, or “Plastic Wide
Dotted Entry Line” will be based on the total length of each painted, plastic or profiled plastic
line installed. No deduction will be made for the unmarked area when the marking includes a
broken line such as, wide broken lane line, drop lane line, wide dotted lane line or wide dotted
entry line. The measurement for double wide lane line will be based on the total length of each
wide lane line installed.
No additional measurement for payment will be made for the required second application
of paint. No additional measurement for payment will be made for additional applications
required to meet thickness requirements for plastic markings.
Diagonal lines used to delineate parking stalls that are constructed of painted or plastic
4-inch lines will be measured as “Paint Line” or “Plastic Line” by the linear foot of line
installed. Crosswalk line will be measured by the square foot of marking installed.
Crosshatch markings used to delineate median and gore areas will be measured by the
completed linear foot as “Painted Crosshatch Marking” or “Plastic Crosshatch Marking”.
The measurement for “Painted Crosshatch Marking” and for “Plastic Crosshatch Marking”
will be based on the total length of each 8-inch or 12-inch wide line installed.
Traffic arrows, traffic letters, access parking space symbols, HOV symbols, railroad
crossing symbols, drainage markings, junction box markings, bicycle lane symbols, aerial
surveillance full, and ½ markers, yield line symbols, yield ahead symbols, and speed bump
symbols will be measured per each. Type 1 through 6 traffic arrows will be measured as one
unit each, regardless of the number of arrow heads.
Removal of lines, 4, 8, 18, and 20 inches in width will be measured by the linear foot,
with no deduction being made for the unmarked area when the marking includes a gap.
Removal of traffic arrows, traffic letters, access parking space symbol, HOV lane symbol,
railroad crossing symbol, bicycle lane symbols, drainage markings, aerial surveillance full and
½ markers, yield line symbol, yield ahead symbol, and speed bump symbol will be measured
per each. Removal of crosswalk lines will be measured by the square foot of lines removed.
8-22.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Paint Line”, per linear foot.
“Plastic Line”, per linear foot.
“Embossed Plastic Line”, per linear foot.
“Profiled Plastic Line”, per linear foot.
“Profiled Embossed Plastic Line”, per linear foot.
“Grooved Plastic Line”, per linear foot.
“Painted Wide Lane Line”, per linear foot.
“Plastic Wide Lane Line”, per linear foot.
“Profiled Plastic Wide Lane Line”, per linear foot.
“Painted Barrier Center Line”, per linear foot.
“Plastic Barrier Center Line”, per linear foot.
“Painted Stop Line”, per linear foot.
“Plastic Stop Line”, per linear foot.
“Painted Crosswalk Line”, per square foot.
“Plastic Crosswalk Line”, per square foot.
“Painted Crosshatch Marking”, per linear foot.
“Plastic Crosshatch Marking”, per linear foot.
“Painted Wide Dotted Entry Line”, per linear foot.
“Plastic Wide Dotted Entry Line”, per linear foot.
“Painted Traffic Arrow”, per each.
“Plastic Traffic Arrow”, per each.
“Painted Traffic Letter”, per each.
“Plastic Traffic Letter”, per each.
“Painted Access Parking Space Symbol”, per each.
“Plastic Access Parking Space Symbol”, per each.
“Painted Railroad Crossing Symbol”, per each.
“Plastic Railroad Crossing Symbol”, per each.
“Painted Bicycle Lane Symbol”, per each.
“Plastic Bicycle Lane Symbol”, per each.
“Painted Drainage Marking”, per each.
“Plastic Drainage Marking”, per each.
“Painted Junction Box Marking”, per each.
“Plastic Junction Box Marking”, per each.
“Painted Aerial Surveillance Full Marker”, per each.
“Plastic Aerial Surveillance Full Marker”, per each.
“Painted Aerial Surveillance ½ Marker”, per each.
“Plastic Aerial Surveillance ½ Marker”, per each.
“Painted Access Parking Space Symbol with Background”, per each.
“Plastic Access Parking Space Symbol with Background”, per each.
“Painted HOV Lane Symbol”, per each.
“Plastic HOV Lane Symbol”, per each.
“Painted Yield Line Symbol”, per each.
“Plastic Yield Line Symbol”, per each.
8-23.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Temporary Pavement Marking – Short Duration”, per linear foot.
“Temporary Pavement Marking – Long Duration”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Temporary Pavement Marking – Short
Duration” and “Temporary Pavement Marking – Long Duration” shall be full pay for all Work.
8-24.4 Measurement
Rock for rock walls and backfill for rock walls will be measured by the ton of rock
actually placed.
Gabion cribbing will be measured by the calculated neat line volume of gabion baskets
in place, using the manufacturer’s stated dimensions.
Gravity block wall will be measured by the square foot of completed wall in place.
The vertical limits for measurement are from the bottom of the bottom layer of blocks to
the top of the top layer of blocks. The horizontal limits for measurement are from the end
of wall to the end of wall.
Construction geotextile will be measured by the square yard for the surface area
actually covered.
Structure excavation Class B, Structure excavation Class B including haul, and shoring
or extra excavation Class B, will be measured in accordance with Section 2-09.4.
8-24.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Rock for Rock Wall”, per ton.
The unit Contract price per ton for “Rock for Rock Wall” shall also include furnishing and
installing chinking materials.
“Backfill for Rock Wall”, per ton.
“Gabion Cribbing”, per cubic yard.
“Gravity Block Wall”, per square foot.
“Construction Geotextile”, per square yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B”, per square foot.
8-26 Vacant
8-27 Vacant
8-28 Vacant
The wire mesh shall not be tensioned in any direction, but is to remain loose so as
to increase its dampening effect on rolling rocks. The Contractor shall use care in the
handling and installing of the wire mesh and wire rope. Any mesh or wire rope damaged
due to the Contractor’s operations shall be replaced by the Contractor at no expense to the
Contracting Agency.
8-29.4 Measurement
Measurement of anchors will be per each for the completed anchor. Anchor types will not
be differentiated.
Wire mesh slope protection will be measured by the square foot of wire mesh erected on
the slope. There will be no deduction made for overlapping the wire mesh material as required
for splices or for coverage due to variations in the slope or ground conditions.
8-29.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Wire Mesh Slope Protection Anchor”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Wire Mesh Slope Protection Anchor” shall be full
payment for all costs for the Work described in Sections 8-29.3(1) and 8-29.3(2).
“Wire Mesh Slope Protection”, per square foot.
The unit Contract price per square foot for “Wire Mesh Slope Protection” shall be full
payment for all costs for the Work described in Sections 8-29.3(3) and 8-29.3(4).
9-01 Cement
9-01.1 Types of Cement
Cement shall be classified as portland cement, blended hydraulic cement, or rapid
hardening hydraulic cement.
9-01.2 Specifications
9-01.2(1) Portland Cement
Portland cement shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M85 or ASTM C150 Types I, II,
or III portland cement, except that the cement shall not contain more than 0.75 percent alkalies
by weight calculated as Na20 plus 0.658 K20 and the content of Tricalcium aluminate (C3A)
shall not exceed 8 percent by weight.
The time of setting shall be determined by the Vicat Test method in accordance with
AASHTO T 131 or ASTM C191.
9-01.2(1)A Low Alkali Cement
When low alkali portland cement is required, the percentage of alkalies in the cement shall
not exceed 0.60 percent by weight calculated as Na20 plus 0.658 K20. This limitation shall
apply to all types of portland cement.
9-01.2(1)B Blended Hydraulic Cement
Blended hydraulic cement shall be either Type IP(X)(MS), Type IS(X)(MS), Type
IT(PX)(LY), Type IT(SX)(LY), or Type IL(X) cement conforming to AASHTO M240 or
ASTM C595, except that the portland cement used to produce blended hydraulic cement shall
not contain more than 0.75 percent alkalies by weight calculated as Na20 plus 0.658 K20 and
shall meet the following additional requirements:
1. Type IP(X)(MS) – Portland-Pozzolan Cement where (X) equals the targeted percentage
of fly ash, the fly ash is limited to a maximum of 35 percent by weight of the
cementitious material; (MS) indicates moderate sulfate resistance.
2. Type IS(X)(MS) – Portland Blast- Furnace Slag Cement, where: (X) equals the
targeted percentage of ground granulated blast-furnace slag, the ground granulated
blast furnace slag is limited to a maximum of 50 percent by weight of the cementitious
material; (MS) indicates moderate sulfate resistance.
3. Type IT(PX)(LY), where (PX) equals the targeted percentage of pozzolan, and (LY)
equals the targeted percentage of limestone. The pozzolan (PX) shall be Class F fly
ash and shall be a maximum of 35 percent. (LY) shall be a minimum of 5 percent
and a maximum of 15 percent. Separate testing of each source of fly ash each at each
proposed replacement level shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C1012.
Expansion at 180 days shall be 0.10 percent or less.
4. Type IT(SX)(LY), where (SX) equals the targeted percentage of slag cement, and (LY)
equals the targeted percentage of limestone. (SX) shall be a maximum of 50 percent.
(LY) shall be a minimum of 5 percent and a maximum of 15 percent. Separate testing
of each source of slag at each proposed replacement level shall be conducted in
accordance with ASTM C1012. Expansion at 180 days shall be 0.10 percent or less.
5. Type IL(X), where (X) equals the targeted percentage of limestone, and shall be a
minimum of 5 percent and a maximum of 15 percent. Testing shall be conducted in
accordance with ASTM C1012. Expansion at 180 days shall be 0.10 percent or less.
The source and weight of the fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag shall be
certified on the cement mill test report or cement certificate of analysis and shall be reported as
a percent by weight of the total cementitious material. The fly ash or ground granulated blast
furnace slag constituent content in the finished cement will not vary more than plus or minus
5 percent by weight of the finished cement from the certified value.
Fly ash shall meet the requirements of Section 9-23.9 of these Standard Specifications.
Ground granulated blast furnace slag shall meet the requirements of Section 9-23.10 of
these Standard Specifications.
Limestone shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M240 or ASTM C595.
9-01.2(2) Rapid Hardening Hydraulic Cement
Rapid hardening hydraulic cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 1600.
9-01.3 Tests and Acceptance
Cement may be accepted by the Engineer based on the cement mill test report number or
cement certificate of analysis number indicating full conformance to the Specifications. All
shipments of the cement to the Contractor or concrete supplier shall identify the applicable
cement mill test report number or cement certificate of analysis number and shall be provided
by the Contractor or concrete supplier with all concrete deliveries.
Cement producers/suppliers that certify portland cement or blended hydraulic cement
shall participate in the Cement Acceptance Program as described in WSDOT Standard
Practice QC 1. Rapid hardening hydraulic cement producers/suppliers are not required to
participate in WSDOT Standard Practice QC 1.
Each mixing facility or plant utilizing portland cement shall be equipped with a suitable
means or device for obtaining a representative sample of the cement. The device shall enable
the sample to be readily taken in proximity to the cement weigh hopper and from a container
or conveyor holding only cement.
Cement may be tested using samples taken at the job site by the Engineer for submission
to the State Materials Laboratory for testing.
9-01.4 Storage on the Work Site
At the request of the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide test data to show that cement
stored on site for longer than 60 days meets the requirements of Section 9-01. Tests shall
be conducted on samples taken from the site in the presence of the Engineer. Test results
that meet the requirements of Section 9-01 shall be valid for 60 days from the date of
sampling, after which the Engineer may require further testing.
The Direct Tension Test (AASHTO T 314) of M 320 is not a Specification requirement.
The recycling agent used to rejuvenate the recovered asphalt from recycled asphalt
pavement (RAP) and reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS) shall meet the specifications in
Table 1:
Table 1
RA 1 RA 2 RA 25
Test Method Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
Viscosity @ 140˚F cSt D2170 or D2171 50 150 200 800 1000 4000
Flashpoint COC, ˚F D92 400 400 400
Saturates, Wt. % D2007 30 30 30
Specific Gravity D70 or D2198 Report Report Report
Tests on Residue from D2872
Viscosity Ratio1 3 3 3
Mass Change ± % 4 4 4
1Viscosity Ratio = RTFC Viscosity @ 140˚F, cSt
Original Viscosity @ 140˚F, cSt
9-02.1(4)A Vacant
9-02.1(5) Vacant
9-02.1(6) Cationic Emulsified Asphalt
Cationic Emulsified Asphalt Table
Type Rapid Setting Medium Setting Slow Setting
Grade Method Min. Max Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
Tests on Emulsified Asphalts:
Viscosity SFS @ 77ºF (25°C) T 59 20 100 20 100
Viscosity SFS @ 122ºF (50°C) T 59 20 100 150 400 50 450 50 450 50 450
Storage stability test 1 day % T 59 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Demulsibility 35 ml
0.8% sodium dioctyl
sulfosuccinate, %a T 59 40 40
Particle charge test T 59 Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Posb Posb
Sieve Test, % T 59 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Cement mixing test, % T 59 2.0 2.0
Oil distillate by vol. of
T 59 3 1.5 3 20 12 12
emulsions %
Residue, % T 59 60 65 60 65 65 57 57
Tests on Residue From Distillation Tests:
Penetration, 77ºF (25°C) T 49 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 40 90 100 250 40 90
Ductility, 77ºF (25°C)
T 51 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
5 cm/min., cm
Solubility in trichloroethylene, % T 44 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5
aThe demulsibility test shall be made within 30 days from date of shipment.
bIf the particle charge test for CSS-1 and CSS-1h is inconclusive, material having a maximum pH value of 6.7 will be acceptable.
9-02.1(7) Vacant
9-02.1(8) Flexible Bituminous Pavement Marker Adhesive
Flexible bituminous pavement marker adhesive is a hot melt thermoplastic bituminous
material used for bonding raised pavement markers and recessed pavement markers to
the pavement.
The adhesive material shall conform to the following requirements when prepared in
accordance with WSDOT SOP 318 in the WSDOT Materials Manual M 46-01:
Property Test Method Requirement
Penetration, 77ºF, 100g, 5 sec, dmm AASHTO T 49 30 Max.
Softening Point, F AASHTO T 53 200 Min.
Rotational Thermosel Viscosity, cP, #27 spindle, 20 RPM, 400ºF AASHTO T 316 5000 Max.
Ductility, 77ºF, 5 cm/minute, cm AASHTO T 51 15 Min.
Ductility, 39.2ºF, 1 cm/minute, cm AASHTO T 51 5 Min.
Flexibility, 1”, 20ºF, 90 deg. Bend, 10 sec., ⅛"× 1" × 6" specimen ASTM D31111 Pass
Bond Pull-Off Strength WSDOT T 426 Greater than 50 psi
test is modified by bending specimen through an arc of 90 degrees at a uniform rate in 10 seconds over a 1-inch
diameter mandrel.
9-02.1(9) Vacant
9-03 Aggregates
9-03.1 Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete
9-03.1(1) General Requirements
Portland cement concrete aggregates shall be manufactured from ledge rock, talus, or
sand and gravel in accordance with the provisions of Section 3-01. Reclaimed aggregate
may be used if it complies with the specifications for Portland Cement Concrete. Reclaimed
aggregate is aggregate that has been recovered from plastic concrete by washing away the
cementitious materials.
The material from which concrete aggregate is manufactured shall meet the following
test requirements:
Los Angeles Wear, 500 Rev. 35 max.
Degradation Factor (Structural and Paving Concrete) 30 min.
Degradation Factor (Other as defined in 6-02.3(2)B 20 min.
Aggregates tested in accordance with AASHTO T 303 with expansion greater than
0.20 percent are Alkali Silica Reactive (ASR) and will require mitigating measures.
Aggregates tested in accordance with ASTM C1293 with expansion greater than 0.04 percent
are Alkali Silica Reactive (ASR) and will require mitigating measures.
Aggregates for use in Commercial Concrete as defined in Section 6-02.3(2)B shall not
require mitigation.
Mitigating measures for aggregates with expansions from 0.21 to 0.45 percent, when tested
in accordance with AASHTO T 303, may be accomplished by using low alkali cement as per
Section 9-01.2(1)A or by using 25 percent Class F fly ash by total weight of the cementitious
materials. The Contractor may submit an alternative mitigating measure through the Engineer
to the State Materials Laboratory for approval along with evidence in the form of test results
from ASTM C1567 that demonstrate the mitigation when used with the proposed aggregate
controls expansion to 0.20 percent or less. The agency may test the proposed ASR mitigation
measure to verify its effectiveness. In the event of a dispute, the agency’s results will prevail.
Mitigating measures for aggregates with expansions greater than 0.45 percent when
tested in accordance with AASHTO T 303 shall include the use of low alkali cement per
Section 9-01.2(1)A and may include the use of fly ash, lithium compound admixtures, ground
granulated blast furnace slag or other material as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor
shall submit evidence in the form of test results from ASTM C1567 through the Engineer to
the State Materials Laboratory that demonstrate the proposed mitigation when used with the
aggregates proposed will control the potential expansion to 0.20 percent or less before the
aggregate source may be used in concrete. The agency may test the proposed ASR mitigation
measure to verify its effectiveness. In the event of a dispute, the agency’s results will prevail.
The use of fly ash that does not meet the requirements of Table 2 of AASHTO M295 may
be approved for use. The Contractor shall submit test results according to ASTM C1567
through the Engineer to the State Materials Laboratory that demonstrate that the proposed fly
ash when used with the proposed aggregates and portland cement will control the potential
expansion to 0.20 percent or less before the fly ash and aggregate sources may be used in
concrete. The Contracting Agency may test the proposed ASR mitigation measure to verify its
effectiveness. In the event of a dispute, the Contracting Agency’s results will prevail.
ASTM C1293 sampling and testing must be coordinated through the WSDOT State
Materials Laboratory, Documentation Section utilizing the ASA (Aggregate Source Approval)
process. Cost of sampling, testing, and processing will be borne by the source owner.
9-03.1(2) Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete
Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or manufactured sand, or combinations thereof,
accepted by the Engineer, having hard, strong, durable particles free from adherent coating.
Fine aggregate shall be washed thoroughly to meet the specifications.
Within the gradation limits for fine aggregate Class 2, uniformity of gradation shall be
limited to a range of plus or minus 0.20 of the reference fineness modulus. The reference
fineness modulus shall be determined from a representative sample from the proposed source
as submitted by the Contractor.
9-03.1(3) Vacant
Where coarse aggregate size 467 is used, the aggregate may be furnished in at least two
separate sizes. Coarse aggregate shall contain no piece of greater size than two times the
maximum sieve size for the specified grading measured along the line of greatest dimension.
9-03.1(5) Combined Aggregate Gradation for Portland Cement Concrete
As an alternative to using the fine aggregate sieve grading requirements in Section
9-03.1(2)B, and coarse aggregate sieve grading requirements in Section 9-03.1(4)C,
a combined aggregate gradation conforming to the requirements of Section 9-03.1(5)A may
be used.
9-03.1(5)A Deleterious Substances
The amount of deleterious substances in the washed aggregates ⅜ inch or larger shall not
exceed the values specified in Section 9-03.1(4)A and for aggregates smaller than ⅜ inch they
shall not exceed the values specified in Section 9-03.1(2)A.
9-03.1(5)B Grading
The combined aggregate shall conform to the following requirements based upon the
nominal maximum aggregate size.
Nominal Maximum
Aggregate Size 3 2-½ 2 1-½ 1 ¾ ½ ⅜ No. 4
3½″ 99-100
3″ 93-100* 99-100
2½″ 92-100* 99-100
2″ 76-90 90-100* 99-100
1½″ 66-79 71-88 87-100* 99-100
1″ 54-66 58-73 64-83 82-100* 99-100
¾″ 47-58 51-64 55-73 62-88 87-100* 99-100
½″ 38-48 41-54 45-61 57-83 81-100* 99-100
⅜″ 33-43 35-47 39-54 43-64 60-88 86-100* 99-100
No. 4 22-31 24-34 26-39 29-47 34-54 41-64 48-73 68-100*
No. 8 15-23 16-25 17-29 19-34 22-39 27-47 31-54 39-73
No. 16 9-17 10-18 11-21 12-25 14-29 17-34 20-39 24-54 28-73
No. 30 5-12 6-14 6-15 7-18 8-21 9-25 11-29 13-39 16-54
No. 50 2-9 2-10 3-11 3-14 3-15 4-18 5-21 6-29 7-39
No. 100 0-7 0-7 0-8 0-10 0-11 0-14 0-15 0-21 0-29
No. 200 0-2.0 0-2.0 0-2.0 0-2.0 0-2.0 0-2.0 0-2.0 0-2.0 0-2.5
*Nominal Maximum Size
All percentages are by weight.
Nominal maximum size for concrete aggregate is defined as the smallest standard sieve
opening through which the entire amount of the aggregate is permitted to pass. Standard sieve
sizes shall be those listed in ASTM C33.
The Contracting Agency may sample each aggregate component prior to introduction to
the weigh batcher or as otherwise determined by the Engineer. Each component will be sieve
analyzed separately in accordance with WSDOT FOP for WAQTC/AASHTO T 27/T 11. All
aggregate components will be mathematically re-combined by the proportions (percent of total
aggregate by weight), provided by the Contractor on Concrete Mix Design Form 350-040.
9-03.2 Aggregate for Job-Mixed Portland Cement Mortar
Fine aggregate for portland cement mortar shall consist of sand or other inert materials,
or combinations thereof, approved by the Engineer, having hard, strong, durable particles
free from adherent coating. Fine aggregate shall be washed thoroughly to remove clay, loam,
alkali, organic matter, or other deleterious matter.
The amount of deleterious substances in the washed aggregate shall not exceed the limit
specified in Section 9-03.1(2)A.
9-03.3 Vacant
9-03.4 Aggregate for Bituminous Surface Treatment
9-03.4(1) General Requirements
Aggregate for bituminous surface treatment shall be manufactured from ledge rock, talus,
or gravel, in accordance with Section 3-01, which meets the following test requirements:
Los Angeles Wear, 500 Rev. 35 percent max.
Degradation Factor 30 min.
9-03.4(2) Grading and Quality
Aggregate for bituminous surface treatment shall conform to the requirements in the table
below for grading and quality. The particular type or grading to be used shall be as shown in
the Plans. All percentages are by weight.
The material shall meet the requirements for grading and quality when placed in hauling
vehicles for delivery to the roadway, or during manufacture and placement into a temporary
stockpile. The exact point of acceptance will be determined by the Engineer.
The fracture requirement shall be at least one fractured face and will apply to the combined
aggregate retained on the No. 4 sieve in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 335.
The finished product shall be clean, uniform in quality, and free from wood, bark, roots,
and other deleterious materials.
Crushed screenings shall be substantially free from adherent coatings. The presence of a
thin, firmly adhering film of weathered rock shall not be considered as coating unless it exists
on more than 50 percent of the surface area of any size between successive laboratory sieves.
The portion of aggregate for bituminous surface treatment retained on a No. 4 sieve shall
not contain more than 0.1 percent deleterious materials by weight.
Fine aggregate used for choke stone applications meeting the grading requirements of
Section 9-03.1(2)B may be substituted for the No. 4-0 gradation.
9-03.5 Vacant
9-03.6 Vacant
9-03.7 Vacant
9-03.8 Aggregates for Hot Mix Asphalt
9-03.8(1) General Requirements
Preliminary testing of aggregates for source approval shall meet the following
test requirements:
Los Angeles Wear, 500 Rev. 30 percent max.
Degradation Factor, Wearing Course 30 min.
Degradation Factor, Other Courses 20 min.
Sand Equivalent 45 min.
Aggregate sources that have 100 percent of the mineral material passing the No. 4 sieve
shall be limited to no more than 5 percent of the total weight of aggregate.
Aggregates shall be uniform in quality, substantially free from wood, roots, bark,
extraneous materials, and adherent coatings. The presence of a thin, firmly adhering film of
weathered rock will not be considered as coating unless it exists on more than 50 percent of
the surface area of any size between consecutive laboratory sieves.
Aggregate removed from deposits contaminated with various types of wood waste shall be
washed, processed, selected, or otherwise treated to remove sufficient wood waste so that the
oven dried material retained on a No. 4 sieve shall not contain more than 0.1 percent by weight
of material with a specific gravity less than 1.0.
3. The uncompacted void content for the combined fine aggregate is tested in accordance
with FOP for AASHTO T 304, Method A. The minimum percent voids shall be as
required in the following table:
Traffic HMA Evaluation
ESAL’s (millions) Statistical Commercial
<3 40 40
≥3 44 40
The mix criteria for Hamburg Wheel-Track Testing and Indirect Tensile Strength do not
apply to HMA accepted by commercial evaluation.
When material is being produced and stockpiled for use on a specific contract or for a
future contract, the uncompacted void content, fracture, and sand equivalent requirements
shall apply at the time of stockpiling. When material is used from a stockpile that has not been
tested as provided above, the Specifications for uncompacted void content, fracture, and sand
equivalent shall apply at the time of its introduction to the cold feed of the mixing plant.
9-03.8(3) Grading
9-03.8(3)A Gradation
The Contractor may furnish aggregates for use on the same contract from multiple
stockpiles. The gradation of the aggregates shall be such that the completed mixture complies
in all respects with the pertinent requirements of Section 9-03.8(6).
Acceptance of the aggregate gradation shall be based on samples taken from the final mix.
9-03.8(3)B Gradation – Recycled Asphalt Pavement and Mineral Aggregate
The gradation for the new aggregate used in the production of the HMA shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor, and when combined with recycled material, the combined
material shall meet the gradation Specification requirements for the specified Class HMA
as listed in Section 9-03.8(6) or as shown in the Special Provisions. The new aggregate
shall meet the general requirements listed in Section 9-03.8(1) and Section 9-03.8(2). No
contamination by deleterious materials shall be allowed in the old asphalt concrete used.
For HMA with greater than 20 percent RAP by total weight of HMA the RAP shall be
processed to ensure that 100 percent of the material passes a sieve twice the size of the
maximum aggregate size for the class of mix to be produced.
When any amount of RAS is used in the production of HMA the RAS shall be milled,
crushed or processed to ensure that 100 percent of the material passes the ½ inch sieve.
Extraneous materials in RAS such as metals, glass, rubber, soil, brick, tars, paper, wood
and plastic shall not exceed 2.0 percent by mass as determined on material retained on the
No. 4 sieve.
9-03.8(4) Vacant
9-03.8(5) Mineral Filler
Mineral filler, when used in HMA mix, shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO
M 17.
These tolerance limits constitute the allowable limits as described in Section 1-06.2.
The tolerance limit for aggregate shall not exceed the limits of the control points, except
the tolerance limits for sieves designated as 100 percent passing will be 99-100.
2. Job Mix Formula Adjustments – An adjustment to the aggregate gradation or asphalt
binder content of the JMF requires approval of the Engineer. Adjustments to the JMF
will only be considered if the change produces material of equal or better quality
and may require the development of a new mix design if the adjustment exceeds the
amounts listed below.
a. Aggregates – The maximum adjustment from the approved mix design shall be
2 percent for the aggregate passing the 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″, and the No. 4 sieves,
1 percent for aggregate passing the No. 8 sieve, and 0.5 percent for the aggregate
passing the No. 200 sieve. The adjusted JMF shall be within the range of the control
points in Section 9-03.8(6).
b. Asphalt Binder Content – The Engineer may order or approve changes to asphalt
binder content. The maximum adjustment from the approved mix design for the
asphalt binder content shall be 0.3 percent.
The sand equivalent value and dust ratio requirements do not apply.
The fracture requirement shall be at least one fractured face and will apply the combined
aggregate retained on the No. 4 sieve in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 335.
The fracture requirement shall be at least one fractured face and will apply to the combined
aggregate retained on the No. 4 sieve in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 335.
The portion of crushed surfacing retained on a No. 4 sieve shall not contain more than
0.15 percent wood waste.
9-03.9(4) Maintenance Rock
Maintenance rock shall meet all requirements of Section 9-03.9(3) for crushed surfacing
top course except that it shall meet the following Specifications for grading:
Sieve Size Percent Passing
⅝″ 99-100
½″ 90-100
No. 4 45-66
No. 40 10-25
No. 200 7 max.
All percentages are by weight.
Gravel base material retained on a No. 4 sieve shall contain not more than 0.20 percent by
weight of wood waste.
9-03.11 Streambed Aggregates
Streambed aggregates shall be naturally occurring water rounded aggregates. Aggregates
from quarries, ledge rock, and talus slopes are not acceptable for these applications. Streambed
aggregates shall meet the following test requirements for quality:
Aggregate Property Test Method Requirement
Degradation Factor WSDOT T 113 15 min.
Los Angeles Wear, 500 Rev. AASHTO T 96 50% max.
Bulk Specific Gravity AASHTO T 85 2.55 min.
The grading of the cobbles shall be determined by the Engineer by visual inspection of the
load before it is dumped into place, or, if so ordered by the Engineer, by dumping individual
loads on a flat surface and sorting and measuring the individual rocks contained in the load.
9-03.11(3) Streambed Boulders
Streambed boulders shall be hard, sound and durable material, free from seams, cracks, and
other defects tending to destroy its resistance to weather. Streambed Boulders shall be rounded
to sub-angular in shape and the thickness axis shall be greater than 60 percent of the length
axis. Streambed boulders sizes are approximately as follows, see Plans for sizes specified:
Rock Size1 Approximate Size
One Man 12″ – 18″
Two Man 18″ – 28″
Three Man 28″ – 36″
Four Man 36″ – 48″
Five Man 48″ – 54″
Six Man 54″ – 60″
1Approximate Size can be determined by taking the average dimension
of the three axes of the rock, Length, Width, and Thickness, by use of the
following calculation:
Length + Width + Thickness
= Approximate Size
Length is the longest axis, width is the second longest axis, and
thickness is the shortest axis.
That portion of the material retained on a No. 4 sieve shall contain not more than
0.20 percent by weight of wood waste.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the native granular material is free from wood waste,
organic material, and other extraneous or objectionable materials, but otherwise does not
conform to the Specifications for grading and Sand Equivalent, it may be used for pipe
bedding for rigid pipes, provided the native granular material has a maximum dimension
of 1½ inches.
9-03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drains
Gravel backfill for drains shall conform to the following gradings:
Sieve Size Percent Passing
1″ 99-100
¾″ 80-100
⅜″ 0-40
No. 4 0-4
No. 200 0-2
That portion of backfill retained on a No. 4 sieve shall contain not more than 0.05 percent
by weight of wood waste.
9-03.13(1) Sand Drainage Blanket
Aggregate for the sand drainage blanket shall consist of granular material, free from wood,
bark, or other extraneous material and shall meet the following requirements for grading:
Sieve Size Percent Passing
2½″ 90-100
No. 4 24-100
No. 10 14-100
No. 50 0-30
No. 100 0-7.0
No. 200 0-3.0
All percentages are by weight.
That portion of backfill retained on a No. 4 sieve shall contain not more than 0.05 percent
by weight of wood waste.
9-03.14 Borrow
9-03.14(1) Gravel Borrow
Aggregate for gravel borrow shall consist of granular material, either naturally occurring or
processed, and shall meet the following requirements for grading and quality:
Sieve Size Percent Passing
4″ 99-100
2″ 75-100
No. 4 50-80
No. 40 30 max.
No. 200 7.0 max.
Sand Equivalent 50 min.
All percentages are by weight.
shall pass 2-inch sieve when select borrow is used in the top 2 feet of
embankments or where Method C compaction is required.
If requested by the Contractor, the plasticity index may be increased with the approval of
the Engineer.
9-03.14(4) Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall
All backfill material within the reinforced zone for structural earth walls shall consist of
granular material, either naturally occurring or processed, and shall be free draining, free from
organic or otherwise deleterious material. The material shall be substantially free of shale or
other soft, poor durability particles, and shall not contain recycled materials, such as glass,
shredded tires, portland cement concrete rubble, or asphaltic concrete rubble. The backfill
material shall meet the following requirements for grading and quality:
Geosynthetic Reinforcement Metallic Reinforcement
Sieve Size Percent Passing Percent Passing
4 99-100
2 75-100
1¼″ 99-100
1″ 90-100
No. 4 50-80 50-80
No. 40 30 max. 30 max.
No. 200 7.0 max. 7.0 max.
Sand Equivalent 50 min. 50 min.
All percentages are by weight
Geosynthetic Metallic
Property Test Method
Reinforcement Requirements Reinforcement Requirements
Los Angeles Wear 500 rev. AASHTO T 96 35 percent max. 35 percent max.
Degradation Factor WSDOT T 113 15 min. 15 min.
Resistivity WSDOT T 417 3,000 ohm-cm, min.
pH WSDOT T 417 4.5 - 9 5 - 10
Chlorides AASHTO T 291 100 ppm max.
Sulfates AASHTO T 290 200 ppm max.
If the resistivity of the gravel borrow equals or exceeds 5,000 ohm-cm, the specified
chloride and sulfate limits may be waived.
Wall backfill material satisfying these grading and property requirements shall be classified
as nonaggressive.
9-03.15 Native Material for Trench Backfill
Trench backfill outside the roadway prism shall be excavated material free of wood waste,
debris, clods or rocks greater than 6 inches in any dimension.
9-03.16 Vacant
9-03.17 Foundation Material Class A and Class B
Foundation material Class A and Class B shall conform to the following gradations:
Percent Passing
Sieve Size Class A Class B
2½″ 98-100 95-100
2″ 92-100 75-100
1½″ 72-87 30-60
¾″ 27-47 0-5
⅜″ 3-14
No. 4 0-5
All percentages are by weight.
9-04.1(3) Vacant
9-04.1(4) Elastomeric Expansion Joint Seals
Premolded elastomeric expansion joint seals shall conform to the requirements of
ASTM D2628 and shall be formed by an extrusion process with uniform dimensions and
smooth exterior surfaces. The cross-section of the seal shall be shaped to allow adequate
compressed width of the seal, as approved by the Engineer.
9-04.2 Joint Sealants
9-04.2(1) Hot Poured Joint Sealants
9-04.2(1)A Hot Poured Sealant
Hot poured sealant shall be sampled in accordance with ASTM D5167 and tested in
accordance with ASTM D5329.
9-04.2(1)A1 Hot Poured Sealant for Cement Concrete Pavement
Hot poured sealant for cement concrete pavement shall meet the requirements of ASTM
D6690 Type IV, except for the following:
1. The Cone Penetration at 25°C shall be 130 maximum.
2. The extension for the Bond, non-immersed, shall be 100 percent.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 9-29
9-04 Joint and Crack Sealing Materials
Bands shall conform to the corrugations of the pipe and shall meet all applicable
requirements of AASHTO M36, with the following exceptions:
Coupling bands for all sizes of steel pipe arch with 3 by 1-inch corrugations shall be
24 inches wide.
Type K coupling bands shall only be used on circular culvert pipe when extending an
existing culvert. Rubber gaskets shall be used and shall conform to the requirements of
Section 9-04.4(3), match the width of the band, and have a minimum thickness of 1 inch.
Type K coupling bands are allowed for use on all sizes of steel pipe arch with 3 by
1-inch corrugations. Type K bands for this application shall be 24 inches wide. Rubber
gaskets shall be used and shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-04.4(3), match the
width of the band, and have a minimum thickness of 1 inch. When Type K bands are used,
pipe arch ends are not required to be recorrugated.
Gaskets are required for all culvert installations and shall meet the requirements of
Section 9-05.10(1).
9-05.4(8) Steel Nestable Pipe
Steel nestable pipe shall meet the requirements for steel pipe of these Specifications except
in the method of fabrication. Circular pipe shall be fabricated in two semicircles.
Nestable pipe may be either the stitch-type as hereinafter described or the flange-type in
accordance with Military Designation MIL-P-236. One longitudinal edge of each half of the
stitch-type nestable circular pipe shall be notched to provide interlocking seams which will
form the two segments into the full section when it is erected in the field. Hook and eye bolts,
or other approved means, shall be provided to hold the segments firmly together.
Individual plates shall be a minimum of 2 feet in length except for short or half sections
required to complete the end section of the culvert.
When protective treatment is specified in the Plans, nestable pipe shall be coated with one
of the treatments as provided in Section 9-05.4(3).
9-05.4(9) Steel End Sections
The applicable provisions of AASHTO M36 shall apply to the construction of steel end
sections, except that the end sections shall be fabricated of the same material with the same
metallic protective treatment as the pipe.
Asphalt coating shall not be used on steel end sections.
9-05.4(9)A Fabrication
The shape, thickness, dimensions, and number of pieces shall conform to the Standard
Plans for the size and shape of pipe shown in the Plans. They shall be manufactured as
integral units or so formed that they can be readily assembled and erected in place. When bolts
are used for assembly, they shall be ⅜-inch diameter or larger and shall be galvanized. No field
welding or riveting will be permitted.
9-05.4(9)B Galvanized Hardware
Bolts, nuts, and miscellaneous hardware shall be galvanized in accordance with the
provisions of AASHTO M232.
9-05.4(9)C Toe Plate Extensions
Toe plate extensions shall be furnished only when so designated in the Plans. When
required, the toe plate extensions shall be punched with holes to match those in the lip of the
skirt and fastened with ⅜ inch or larger galvanized nuts and bolts. Toe plate extensions shall
be the same material and thickness as the end section and shall be fabricated of the same
material with the same metallic protective treatment as the end section.
of AASHTO M274 (ASTM A929). The size, coating, metal, and protective treatment, if any,
shall be as shown in the Plans or in the Specifications.
The manufacturer of spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall furnish the Engineer a
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance stating that the materials furnished comply in all
respects with these Specifications. The Engineer may require additional information or tests
to be performed by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
Unless otherwise specified, spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall be furnished with pipe ends
cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Pipe ends shall be cut evenly. Spiral rib
pipe shall be fabricated by using a continuous helical lock seam.
Spiral rib storm sewer pipe shall have helical ribs that project outwardly, be formed from
a single thickness of material, and conform to one of the following configurations:
1. ¾-inch-wide by ¾-inch-deep ribs at 7½ inches on center.
2. ¾-inch-wide by 1-inch-deep ribs at 11½ inches on center.
3. ¾-inch-wide by ⅝-inch-deep ribs at 12 inches on center.
Pipe shall be fabricated with ends that can be effectively jointed with coupling bands.
When it is required, spiral rib pipe shall be furnished with bituminous or polymer protective
treatment 1 or 2 treated or paved. The bituminous treatment for spiral rib pipe shall conform
to the requirements of Sections 9-05.4(3) and 9-05.4(4). Polymer coating shall conform to
Section 9-05.4(5).
9-05.9(1) Continuous Lock Seam Pipe
Pipes fabricated with a continuous helical seam parallel to the rib may be used for full
circle pipe. The seam shall be formed in the flat between ribs and shall conform to Sections
7.5.1 through 7.5.3 of AASHTO M36.
9-05.9(1)A Basis for Acceptance
The basis for acceptance will be a qualification test, conducted by the State Materials
Laboratory, for each manufacturer of spiral rib lock seam steel pipe. Only those specific pipe
sizes and gasket materials, if any, approved under the qualification test will be accepted.
Continuous lock seam pipe shall be sampled and tested in accordance with AASHTO T 249.
9-05.9(2) Vacant
9-05.9(3) Coupling Bands
Coupling bands shall be of the same material as the pipe. Coupling bands and gaskets shall
conform to Section 9-05.10(1).
9-05.10 Steel Storm Sewer Pipe
Steel storm sewer pipe shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-05.4 for steel culvert
pipe, except that protective coating shall be Treatment 1 or 5, and be constructed of helically
corrugated lock seam pipe. When gasketed helically corrugated lock seam steel pipe is called
for, and the pipe is properly sized to meet hydraulic requirements, Treatment 5 is not required.
9-05.10(1) Coupling Bands
Coupling bands shall be as shown in the Standard Plans. Bands shall be fabricated of
the same material as the pipe and shall meet all applicable requirements of AASHTO M 36.
Bands may be up to three nominal thicknesses thinner than used for the pipe, but not thinner
than 0.064 inches or thicker than 0.109 inches. Bands shall be coated with the same metallic
protective treatment as the pipe but shall not be coated with any asphalt treatment. Bands shall
be made by the same manufacturer as the steel pipe selected for installation.
Corrugations on the bands shall be the same size and shape as those on the pipe to be
connected. Steel bolts and nuts for coupling bands shall meet the requirements of ASTM A307
and shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M232. Steel angles, when required for
coupling bands, shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M36. When annular corrugated
bands are used to connect helically corrugated lock-seam pipe, the seam shall be welded at the
pipe ends prior to recorrugating to prevent unraveling of the seam. All welds shall develop the
full strength of the parent metal.
Gaskets are required for all storm sewer installations. Gasket material for coupling bands
shall meet the requirements of Section 9-04.4(3). Gaskets for Type D bands shall match the
width of the band and have a minimum thickness of ⅜ inch. O-ring gaskets for Type F bands
shall have a cross-sectional diameter of 13⁄16 inch for pipe diameters of 36 inches or smaller
and ⅞ inch for larger pipe diameters.
Type K coupling bands are not allowed for storm sewer applications.
9-05.10(2) Basis for Acceptance
The basis for acceptance of steel storm sewer pipe will be the same as specified in
Section 9-05.4, except when gasketed helically corrugated lock seam steel pipe is called for.
A qualification test conducted by the State Materials Laboratory will be required for each
manufacturer of gasketed helically corrugated lock seam steel pipe. Only those specific pipe
sizes and gasket materials approved under the qualification test will be accepted.
9-05.11 Aluminum Storm Sewer Pipe
Aluminum storm sewer pipe shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-05.5 for
aluminum culvert pipe, and the pipe shall be constructed of helically corrugated lock seam
aluminum pipe.
9-05.11(1) Coupling Bands
Coupling bands for aluminum pipe shall be as shown in the Standard Plans. Bands shall
be fabricated of the same material as the pipe and shall meet all applicable requirements of
AASHTO M196, except the band thickness shall not be more than 0.105 inches or less than
0.060 inches. All other requirements of Section 9-05.10(1) shall apply.
9-05.11(2) Basis for Acceptance
The basis for acceptance of aluminum storm sewer pipe will be the same as specified in
Section 9-05.0, except when gasketed helically corrugated lock seam aluminum pipe is called
for. A qualification test, conducted by the State Materials Laboratory, will be required for each
manufacturer of gasketed helically corrugated lock seam aluminum pipe. Only those specific
pipe sizes and gasket materials approved under the qualification test will be accepted.
9-05.12 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe
9-05.12(1) Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe, Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, and Solid
Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe
Solid wall PVC culvert pipe, solid wall PVC storm sewer pipe, and solid wall PVC sanitary
sewer pipe and fittings shall be solid wall construction and shall conform to the following
For pipe sizes up to 15 inches: ASTM D3034 SDR 35
For pipe sizes from 18 to 48 inches: ASTM F679 using a minimum pipe stiffness of 46 psi
in accordance with Table 1.
Joints for solid wall PVC pipe shall conform to ASTM D3212 using elastomeric gaskets
conforming to ASTM F477.
Fittings for solid wall PVC pipe shall be injection molded, factory welded, or factory
solvent cemented.
9-05.12(2) Profile Wall PVC Culvert Pipe, Profile Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe, and
Profile Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe
Profile wall PVC culvert pipe and profile wall PVC storm sewer pipe shall meet the
requirements of ASTM F794 Series 46, or ASTM F1803. Profile wall PVC sanitary sewer pipe
shall meet the requirements of ASTM F794 Series 46, or ASTM F1803. The maximum pipe
diameter shall be as specified in the Qualified Products List.
Page 9-44 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Drainage Structures and Culverts 9-05
Joints for profile wall PVC culvert pipe shall conform to ASTM D3212 using elastomeric
gaskets conforming to ASTM F477, or as approved through the State Materials Laboratory.
Qualified manufacturers are identified in the Qualified Products List. Qualification for each
manufacturers requires joint system conformation to ASTM D3212 using elastomeric gaskets
conforming to ASTM F477 and a formal quality control plan for each plant proposed for
A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance shall be required and shall accompany the
materials delivered to the project. The certificate shall clearly identify production lots for all
materials represented. The Contracting Agency may conduct verification tests of pipe stiffness
or other properties as it deems appropriate.
Fittings for profile wall PVC pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM F794 Series 46,
or ASTM F1803.
9-05.13 Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe
Ductile iron pipe shall conform to ANSI A 21.51 or AWWA C151 and shall be cement
mortar lined and have a 1-mil seal coat per AWWA C104 or a ceramic-filled, amine-cured
Novalac Epoxy lining as indicated on the Plans or in the Special Provisions. The ductile iron
pipe shall be Special Thickness Class 50, Minimum Pressure Class 350, or the Class indicated
on the Plans or in the Special Provisions.
Nonrestrained joints shall be rubber gasket type, push on type, or mechanical type, and
shall meet the requirements of AWWA C111.
Cast iron fittings may be used with ductile iron pipe. Saddles fastened to pipe with external
bands shall not be acceptable on any new system. Normally, all fittings shall be the same
material as the pipe being connected, except that fittings using other materials or constructed
with more than one material may be used subject to the approval of the Engineer. Fittings shall
have sufficient strength to withstand handling and load stresses normally encountered.
9-05.14 ABS Composite Sewer Pipe
This material shall not be used in Washington Department of Transportation projects unless
specified in the Special Provisions.
ABS composite pipe shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M264.
ABS composite pipe shall be provided with Type OR (flexible gasketed) joints. Rubber
gasketed joints shall conform to applicable provisions of ASTM C443.
Fittings for ABS composite pipe shall be specifically designed for connection to ABS
composite pipe with solvent cement. Normally, all fittings shall be the same material as the
pipe being connected, except that fittings using other materials or constructed with more than
one material may be used subject to the approval of the Engineer. Fittings shall have sufficient
strength to withstand handling and load stresses normally encountered.
9-05.15 Metal Castings
For all metal castings the producing foundry shall provide certification stating the country
of origin, the material meets the required ASTM or AASHTO Specification noted in the
Subsections below. The producing foundry shall detail all test results from physical testing to
determine compliance to the Specifications. The test reports shall include physical properties
of the material from each heat and shall include tensile, yield, and elongation as specified
in the appropriate ASTM or AASHTO Specification. For AASHTO 1 M 306, Section 8,
Certification is deleted and replaced with the above certification and testing requirements.
Metal castings for drainage structures shall not be dipped, painted, welded, plugged, or
repaired. Porosity in metal castings for drainage structures shall be considered a workmanship
defect subject to rejection by the Engineer. Metal castings made from gray iron or ductile iron
shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M306, and metal castings made from cast steel
shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-06.8. All metal castings shall meet the proof
load testing requirements of AASHTO M306.
9-05.50(2) Manholes
Precast concrete manholes shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M199.
The joints may be the tongue and groove type or the shiplap type, sufficiently deep to
prevent lateral displacement.
When secondary synthetic fiber reinforcement is used in 48-inch diameter by 3-foot
high eccentric or concentric cone sections, the synthetic fiber shall meet the requirements
of Section 9-05.50(9). A minimum of two hoops of W2 wire shall be placed in the 48-inch
end of each cone. No steel is required in the remainder of the cone.
Precast manhole sections 48-inch diameter, with no knock-outs, may be produced using
no steel reinforcement. As an alternate to conventional steel reinforcement, manufacturers
shall use synthetic structural fibers meeting the requirements of Section 9-05.50(10).
9-05.50(3) Precast Concrete Catch Basins
Precast concrete catch basins shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-05.50(1),
except that the dimensions shall be as set forth in the Plans.
When secondary synthetic fiber reinforcement is used to produce Type 1, Type 1L, and
Type 1P Catch Basins, the synthetic fiber shall meet the requirements of Section 9-05.50(9).
A minimum amount of steel reinforcement shall be used to reinforce the area around the
knockouts. Steel reinforcing shall consist of a No. 3 horizontal hoop reinforcing bar located
above the knockouts and a No. 3 vertical reinforcing bar in each corner, extending a minimum
of 18 inches below the top surface of the catch basin.
Catch Basin Type 1 may be produced using structural synthetic fibers meeting the
requirements of Section 9-05.50(10). Catch Basin Type 1 shall contain one hoop of No. 3
reinforcing bar around the top perimeter.
Knockouts or cutouts may be placed on all four sides and may be round or D-shaped.
9-05.50(4) Precast Concrete Inlets
Precast concrete inlets shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-05.50(1), except that
the dimensions shall be as set forth in the Plans.
9-05.50(5) Precast Concrete Drywells
Precast concrete drywells shall meet the requirements of Section 9-05.50(1). Seepage port
size and shape may vary per manufacturer. Each seepage port shall provide a minimum of
1 square inch and a maximum of 7 square inches for round openings and 15 square inches for
rectangular openings. The ports shall be uniformly spaced with at least one port per 8 inches
of drywell height and 15 inches of drywell circumference.
Precast Drywells may be produced using no steel reinforcement. As an alternate to
conventional steel reinforcement, manufacturers shall use synthetic structural fibers meeting
the requirements of Section 9-05.50(10).
9-05.50(6) Vacant
9-05.50(7) Vacant
9-05.50(8) Vacant
9-05.50(9) Synthetic Fibers for Precast Units
The synthetic fiber, either nylon multifilament fibers or polypropylene fibrillated fibers,
shall meet the requirements of ASTM C1116, Section 4.1.3 3 and ICC ES AC 32, Sections
4.1.1 and 4.1.2. Synthetic fibers shall be added at a minimum dosage rate of 1.0 pound
of nylon multifilament fibers per cubic yard of concrete or 1.5 pounds of polypropylene
fibrillated fibers per cubic yard of concrete and shall be thoroughly mixed with the concrete
before placement in the forms. The synthetic fibers shall be a minimum of 0.75 inches and
a maximum of 2 inches in length.
Nuts that are to be galvanized shall be tapped oversized the minimum required for proper
assembly. The amount of overtap shall be such that the nut will assemble freely on the bolt
in the coated condition and shall meet the mechanical requirements of ASTM A563 and the
rotational capacity test specified in ASTM F3125.
Galvanized nuts shall be lubricated in accordance with ASTM A563 including
supplementary requirement S2. Documentation shall include the name, method of application,
and dilution of the lubricant applied to the nuts.
Washers for ASTM F3125 Grade A325 and Grade A490 bolts shall meet the requirements
of ASTM F436 and may be circular, beveled, or extra thick, as required. The surface condition
and weathering characteristics of the washers shall be the same as for the bolts being specified.
Direct Tension Indicators shall conform to the requirements of ASTM F959 and may be
used with either ASTM F3125 Grade A325 or Grade A490 bolts. Direct tension indicators
shall be galvanized by mechanical deposition in accordance with ASTM B695 class 55. Hot-
dip galvanizing will not be allowed.
All bolts, nuts, and direct tension indicators shall be marked and identified as required in
the pertinent Specifications.
Lock-pin and collar fasteners which meet the materials, manufacturing, and chemical
composition requirements of ASTM F3125 Grade A325 or Grade A490, and which meet the
mechanical property requirements of the same Specification in full size tests, and which have
a body diameter and bearing areas under lock-pin head and collar not less than those provided
by a bolt and nut of the same nominal size may be used. The Contractor shall submit a detailed
installation procedure to the Engineer for approval. Approval from the Engineer to use a lock-
pin and collar fasteners shall be received by the Contractor prior to use.
The Contractor shall provide Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance for all bolts,
nuts, washers, and load indicators. The Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance shall
include certified mill test reports and test reports performed on the finished bolt confirming
that all of the materials provided meet the requirements of the applicable AASHTO or
ASTM Specification. The documentation shall also include the name and address of the test
laboratory, the date of testing, the lot identification of the bolts and nuts, and coating thickness
for galvanized bolts and nuts. Shipping containers (not lids) shall be marked with the lot
identification of the item contained therein.
Bolts shall be sampled prior to incorporating into a structure. For the purposes of selecting
samples, a lot of bolts shall be the quantity of bolts of the same nominal diameter and same
nominal length in a consignment shipped to the project site. The minimum number of samples
from each lot shall be as follows:
Lot Size Sample Size1
0 to 50 *
51 to 150 4
151 to 1,200 6
1,201 to 10,000 10
10,001 to 35,000 16
35,001 and over 24
*Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance – samples not required.
1Nuts, washers, and load indicator devices, and tension control bolt assemblies or devices
Anchor couplings for multiple directional steel breakaway posts shall conform to AMS
6378D with a tensile breaking strength range as follows:
Type TPA 17,000 to 21,000 lb
Type TPB 47,000 to 57,000 lb
For multi-directional breakaway base connectors, shims shall conform to ASTM A653,
SS Grade 33, Coating Designation G 165.
9-06.17 Vacant
9-06.18 Metal Bridge Railing
Metal bridge railing shall conform to the type and material Specifications set forth in the
Plans and Special Provisions. Steel used for metal railings, when galvanized after fabrication
in accordance with AASHTO M111, shall have a controlled silicon content of either 0.00
to 0.04 percent or 0.15 to 0.25 percent. Mill test certificates verifying the silicon content
of the steel shall be submitted to both the galvanizer and the Engineer prior to beginning
galvanizing operations.
Section 8, part (b) of the Aluminum Association Standard Specifications for Aluminum
Railing Posts Alloy A 344-T4 is hereby revised to provide that no X-ray inspection will be
required after a foundry technique has been established for each mold which will ensure
production of castings which are free from harmful defects. Inspection for approval of
castings will be made by the Engineer after the finished castings have been anodized as
noted in the Plans.
Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3).
9-06.19 Vacant
9-06.20 Vacant
9-06.21 Vacant
9-06.22 Bolts, Washers, and Other Hardware
Ordinary machine bolts and flat head bolts shall be made from commercial bolt stock
meeting the Specifications of ASTM A307, and shall be grade A. Drift bolts and dowels may
be either wrought iron or medium steel. Washers may be cast iron or malleable iron or may be
cut from medium steel or wrought iron plate.
All bolts and other hardware which are to be galvanized and which require bending or
shaping shall be hot forged to the required shape before galvanizing. Cold bending of such
material will not be permitted because of the tendency toward embrittlement during the
galvanizing process. Galvanizing shall be in accordance with AASHTO M232.
Split rings for log cribbing of 4 inches inside diameter shall be manufactured from hot
rolled, low carbon steel conforming to ASTM A711 AISI, Grade 1015. Each ring shall
form a true circle with the principle axis of the cross section of the ring metal parallel to the
geometric axis of the ring. The thickness of the metal section shall be 0.195 inch plus or
minus 0.010 inch and the section shall be beveled from the central portion toward the edges
to a thickness of 0.145 inch plus or minus 0.010 inch. It shall be cut through in one place
in its circumference to form a tongue and slot. Split ring connectors shall be galvanized in
accordance with AASHTO M232.
Spike-grid timber connectors shall be manufactured according to ASTM A47 for malleable
iron castings. They shall consist of four rows of opposing spikes forming a 4⅛-inch square
grid with 16 teeth which are held in place by fillets which are diamond shaped in cross section.
Nails shall be round wire of standard form. Spikes shall be wire spikes or boat spikes, as
specified in the Plans. Bolts, dowels, washers, and other hardware, including nails, shall be
black or galvanized as specified in the Plans, but if not so specified shall be galvanized when
used in treated timber structures.
9-07.1(2) Bending
Steel reinforcing bars shall be cut and bent cold to the shapes shown on the Plans.
Fabrication tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 315. The dimensions shown in the
Plans are out-to-out unless shown otherwise. Hooks and bends of steel reinforcing bars shall
be bent to the following inside diameters unless shown otherwise in the Plans:
Bar Size Stirrups and Ties (in) All Other Bars
No. 3 1½ 6 bar diameters
No. 4 2 6 bar diameters
No. 5 2½ 6 bar diameters
No. 6 4½ 6 bar diameters
No. 7 5¼ 6 bar diameters
No. 8 6 6 bar diameters
No. 9 through No. 11 8 bar diameters
No. 14 through No. 18 10 bar diameters
The supplementary requirements of AASHTO M31 for bend tests shall apply to size No. 14
and No. 18 steel reinforcing bars which have hooks or bends.
Hooked ends of steel reinforcing bars shall be standard hooks unless shown otherwise
in the Plans. Standard hooks shall consist of a 90-, 135-, or 180-degree bend as shown in
the Plans plus a minimum bar extension at the free end of the bar shown in the table below.
Seismic hooks shall consist of a 135-degree bend plus a minimum bar extension at the free
end of the bar shown in the table below.
Minimum Bar Extensions for Standard and Seismic Hooks
180º Hook 135º Hook 90º Hook
Bar Size All Bars Seismic Hook All Other Bars Stirrups and Ties All Other Bars
No. 3 2 ½″ 3″ 2¼″ 2¼″ 4½″
No. 4 2 ½″ 3″ 3″ 3″ 6″
No. 5 2 ½″ 3¾″ 3¾″ 3¾″ 7½″
No. 6 3″ 4½″ 4½″ 9″ 9″
No. 7 3½″ 5¼″ 5¼″ 10½″ 10½″
No. 8 4″ 6″ 6″ 12″ 12″
No. 9 4¾″ 13¾″
No. 10 5¼″ 15¼″
No. 11 5¾″ 17″
No. 14 7″ 20½″
No. 18 9¼″ 27¼″
9-07.1(3) Lengths
Net length is the length of bar along the bar centerline from end to end. Net lengths of
bent bars shown in the “LENGTH” column of the bar list in the Plans are rounded to the
nearest inch.
9-07.1(4) Vacant
9-07.2 Deformed Steel Bars
Deformed steel bars for concrete reinforcement shall conform to either AASHTO M31
Grade 60 or ASTM A706 Grade 60, except as otherwise noted in this section or as shown
in the Plans. Steel reinforcing bars for the cast-in-place components of bridge structures
(excluding sidewalks and barriers but including shafts and concrete piles), and for precast
substructure components of bridge structures, shall conform to ASTM A706 Grade 60 only.
Deformed steel bars are referred to in the Plans and Specifications by number: for example,
No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, etc.
9-07.2(1) Headed Steel Reinforcing Bar
Headed steel reinforcing bars shall conform to Section 9-07.2 and ASTM A970, including
Annex A1 requirements for Class HA head dimensions. Headed steel reinforcing bars shall be
forged headed bars or threaded headed bars.
9-07.3 Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars
Epoxy-coated rebar shall be coated according to ASTM A775 with the additional following
1. The list of steel reinforcing bars acceptable for coating shall include ASTM A706.
2. The Contractor shall furnish a written certification that properly identifies the material,
the number of each batch of coating material used, quantity represented, date of
manufacture, name and address of manufacturer, and a statement that the supplied
coating material meets the requirements of ASTM A775.
3. Prior to coating the bars, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review, the
coating material manufacturer’s recommendation on the proper use and application
requirements of the coating material. For Pre-approved Epoxy Coating Facilities, this
information will be available to the Fabrication Inspector upon request.
4. A certification stating that all bars have been coated in accordance with the coating
material manufacturer’s recommendations and these Specifications shall be furnished
with each shipment. This certification shall include for each bar size the preheat
temperatures, cure times, thickness checks, holidays detected, and test results.
Two copies of these certifications shall be furnished to the Engineer.
5. The Contractor shall give advance notice to the Engineer of the coating schedule in
the coating plant so that Contracting Agency inspection may be provided. The Engineer
may inspect the coated bars at the coating plant for approval.
6. The patching material, compatible with the coating material and inert in concrete,
shall be supplied with each shipment.
7. For projects where epoxy-coated steel reinforcing bars are used in the top mat of
bridge decks only, the maximum amount of damage to the coating shall not exceed
0.25 percent of the surface area of each bar.
8. The thickness of epoxy coating shall be 10 mils plus or minus 2 mils.
9. Samples, when required, shall be shipped to the Washington State Department of
Transportation, Materials Laboratory, 1655 South 2nd Avenue, Tumwater, WA 98504.
9-07.4 Plain Steel Bars
Where plain steel bars are specified, they shall conform to the chemical and
physical properties of AASHTO M31, Grade 60, unless specifically noted otherwise. Plain
steel bars are indicated in the Plans and Specifications by fractions of an inch; for example,
⅜ inch Ø, ½ inch Ø, ⅝ inch Ø, etc.
9-07.5 Dowel Bars (for Cement Concrete Pavement)
9-07.5(1) Epoxy-Coated Dowel Bars (for Cement Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation)
Epoxy-coated dowel bars shall be round plain steel bars of the dimensions shown in the
Standard Plans. They shall conform to AASHTO M31, Grade 60 or ASTM A615, Grade
60 and shall be coated in accordance with ASTM A1078 Type 2 coating, except that the
bars may be cut to length after being coated. Cut ends shall be coated in accordance with
ASTM A1078 with a patching material that is compatible with the coating, inert in concrete
and recommended by the coating manufacturer. The thickness of the epoxy coating shall be
10 mils plus or minus 2 mils. The Contractor shall furnish a written certification that properly
identifies the coating material, the number of each batch of coating material used, quantity
represented, date of manufacture, name and address of manufacturer, and a statement that the
supplied coating material meets the requirements of ASTM A1078 Type 2 coating. Patching
material, compatible with the coating material and inert in concrete and recommended by the
manufacturer shall be supplied with each shipment for field repairs by the Contractor.
9-07.5(2) Corrosion Resistant Dowel Bars (for Cement Concrete Pavement and Cement
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation)
Corrosion resistant dowel bars shall be 1½ inch outside diameter plain round steel bars
18 inches in length and meet the requirements one of the following types:
1. Stainless Steel Clad dowel bars shall have a minimum 0.06 inches clad to a plain steel
inner bar meeting the chemical and physical properties of AASHTO M31, Grade 60,
or AASHTO M255, Grade 60. Stainless Steel Clad shall meet the chemical properties of
ASTM A276, Type 316L.
2. Stainless Steel Tube dowel bars shall have a minimum 0.06-inch-thick tube press-fitted
onto a plain steel inner bar meeting the chemical and physical properties of AASHTO
M31, Grade 60, or AASHTO M255, Grade 60. A lubricant/adhesive shall be used
between the tube and the plain steel bar to fill any voids. Stainless Steel Tube material
shall meet the chemical properties of ASTM A276, Type 316L.
3. Stainless Steel Solid dowel bars shall be ASTM A276, Type 316L.
modulus of elasticity, and the stress strain curve for the actual prestress reinforcing intended
for use. All values certified shall be based on test values and actual sectional areas of the
material being certified.
For every five reels furnished, one sample, not less than 5½ feet long, shall be sent to
the Engineer for testing. Samples of the furnished reels with Manufacturer’s Certificate of
Compliance, a mill certificate, and test report may be shipped directly by the manufacturer
to the Engineer. An independent inspector, approved by the Contracting Agency, shall be
present during sampling and shall provide a written certification to the Engineer.
9-07.11 Prestressing Reinforcement Bar
High-strength steel bars shall conform to AASHTO M275, Type II.
Nuts shall conform to either ASTM A29 Grade C1045, or ASTM A536 Grade 100-70-03,
and shall be capable of developing the larger of either 100 percent of the minimum ultimate
tensile strength (MUTS), or 95 percent of the actual ultimate tensile strength (AUTS), of the
bar. The anchor nuts shall conform to the specified strength requirement while permitting a
maximum 5 degree misalignment between the nut and the bearing plate. A minimum of three
tests, each from a different heat, are required.
Couplers, if required, shall be AASHTO M169 Grade 1144, or equivalent steel, developing
the larger of either 100 percent of the MUTS, or 95 percent of the AUTS, of the bar. The test
shall be performed with the coupler having a one inch unengaged segment between the two
coupled bars. A minimum of three tests, each from a different heat, are required.
For unbonded bars under dynamic loading, the connections shall withstand at least
500,000 cycles from 60 percent to 66 percent MUTS followed by at least 50 cycles between
40 percent MUTS and 80 percent MUTS. A minimum of three tests, each from a different heat,
are required.
The Contractor shall supply a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance in accordance
with Section 1-06.3 for each bar. The Contractor shall supply a Manufacturer’s Certificate
of Compliance in accordance with Section 1-06.3 for all nuts and couplers, confirming
compliance with the specified strength requirement.
For each heat of steel for high-strength steel bar, the Contractor shall submit two samples,
each not less than 5½ feet long, to the Engineer for testing.
The 1-quart wet sample shall be submitted in the manufacturer’s labeled container with
product number, batch number, and size of batch. The companion drawdown color sample
shall be labeled with the product number, batch number, and size of batch. The Contractor
shall submit the specified samples and readings to the Engineer at least 14 calendar days prior
to the scheduled application of the sealer. The Contractor shall not begin applying pigmented
sealer until receiving the Engineer’s written approval of the pigmented sealer color samples.
9-08.4 Abrasive Blast Materials
9-08.4(1) Abrasive Blast Media
Material used for field abrasive blasting shall conform to Military Specification
MIL‑A‑22262B(SH) as listed on QPL-22262-28 as maintained by the Department of the
Navy. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certified test results from the abrasive
blast media manufacturer showing that the abrasive blast material meets the Military
Specification. The Contractor shall select the type and size of abrasive blast media to produce
a roughened, sharp, angular surface profile conforming to the surface requirements specified
by the manufacturer of the selected paint system.
9-08.4(2) Lead Abatement Additive
Lead abatement additive shall be a granular chemical abrasive additive consisting of a
complex calcium silicate designed to stabilize lead through multiple mechanisms, including,
but not limited to, pH adjustment, chemical reactions, and encapsulation. The additive shall
be specifically designed and manufactured for lead paint abatement.
All orders of treated timber and lumber shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Treatment
showing conformance to this specification and AWPA standards record. The Certificate of
Treatment shall include the following information:
Name and location of the wood preserving company,
Customer identification,
Date of treatment and charge number,
Type of chemical used and amount of retention,
Treating process and identification of the Specification used,
Boring records verifying treatment penetration for timber and lumber with a nominal
dimension of 6" by 6" or larger,
Description of material that was treated, and
Signature of a responsible plant official.
All timber and lumber to be used in aquatic environments, unless specified otherwise
in the Contract, shall be chemically treated using Western Wood Preservers Institute Best
Management Practices (BMPs). The producer of the chemically treated products shall supply
a written certification that the BMPs were utilized, including a description and appropriate
documentation of the BMPs used. This information may be included on the Certificate of
Treatment record.
9-10 Piling
9-10.1 Timber Piling
Timber piling shall be untreated or treated with the preservatives specified in the Plans
and completely described in Section 9-09.3.
Timber piles shall have the following limiting diameters:
Min. Butt Dia. 3 feet Max. Butt Dia. 3 feet Above Min. Tip Dia.
Length in Feet Above Butt in inches Butt in inches in inches
Under 40 12 20 7
40 to 54 12 20 7
55 to 74 13 20 7
Over 74 14 20 7
Timber piles shall be strapped with at least three straps: one approximately 18 inches
from the butt, one approximately 24 inches from the butt, and one approximately 12 inches
from the tip. Additional straps shall be provided at approximately 15-foot centers between
the butt and tip. Strapping shall encircle the pile once and be tensioned as tightly as possible.
Straps shall be 1¼ inches wide, 0.31 inch thick, cold rolled, fully heat treated, high tensile
strapping, painted, and waxed, with an ultimate tensile strength of 5,100 pounds. The seal
shall be 2¼ inches long, 20 gage, crimped with a notch type sealer to furnish a joint yielding
80 percent of the strap tensile strength. Treated timber piles shall be strapped after treatment.
9-10.1(1) Untreated Piling
Except where specifically provided otherwise, untreated timber piling shall be Douglas
Fir, Western Red Cedar, or Larch. Piling for foundations shall be Douglas Fir. Piling shall be
cut from sound, live trees and shall contain no unsound knots. Sound knots will be permitted,
provided the diameter of the knot does not exceed 4 inches, or ⅓ of the small diameter of the
pile at the point where they occur, whichever is smaller. Any defect or combination of defects
which will impair the strength of the pile more than the maximum allowable knot will not
be permitted.
Piling shall be cut above the butt swell and shall have a uniform taper from butt to tip.
A line drawn from the center of the tip to the center of the butt shall not fall outside the center
of the pile at any point more than 1 percent of the length of the pile. A spiral grain or twist
in excess of ¼ turn in 10 feet of length will be cause for rejection.
Untreated timber trestle piling shall have an average of at least five annual rings per inch
measured radially over a distance of 3 inches at the butt, beginning at a point 3½ inches from
the heart. At least 9 inches of heartwood shall show at the butt.
Ring count requirements for untreated timber foundation piling and detour trestle piling
will be waived.
9-10.1(2) Creosote Treated Piling
For creosote treated piling, Douglas Fir timber shall be used. All other requirements shall
be the same as for untreated piling, except that the ring count requirement will be waived.
9-10.1(3) Timber Composite Piling
Timber composite piling shall consist of a pile made up of two timber sections. The lower
section shall be untreated, and the upper section shall be creosote treated.
The treated and untreated sections of timber composite pile shall meet the respective
requirements specified above for full length of treated and untreated timber piling.
9-10.1(4) Peeling
Untreated and creosote treated piles shall be peeled by removing all of the rough bark and
at least 80 percent of the inner bark. No strip of inner bark remaining on the pile shall be over
¾ inch wide or over 8 inches long, and there shall be at least 1 inch of clean wood surface
between any two such strips. Not less than 80 percent of the surface on any circumference
shall be clean wood. All knots shall be trimmed close to the body of the pile.
9-10.2 Concrete Piling
9-10.2(1) Concrete
The concrete for prestressed piles shall have a minimum compressive strength of 6,000 psi
at the age of 28 days. The minimum compressive strength of concrete at the transfer of
prestress shall be 3,300 psi.
The concrete for other precast piles shall be Class 4000. Mixing, transporting, and placing
concrete shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 6-02.3.
The Contractor shall mold and test a sufficient number of concrete test cylinders to
determine the strength of the concrete as required by the Specifications. Under the surveillance
of the Engineer, the test cylinders shall be molded, cured, and tested in accordance with the
procedures established by the State Materials Laboratory.
In the event that a sufficient number of concrete test cylinders are not molded to satisfy all
testing required on any one pile, cores measuring 4 inches in diameter by 5 inches in height
shall be taken and tested by the Contractor. If the strength of the core meets the required
compressive strength of the concrete, the pile may be accepted. The coring and testing of the
core shall be done under the surveillance of the Engineer.
9-10.2(2) Reinforcement
Reinforcement shall meet the requirements of Section 9-07.
9-10.3 Cast-In-Place Concrete Piling
Reinforcement for cast-in-place concrete piles shall conform to Section 9-07.2.
9-10.4 Steel Pile Tips and Shoes
Steel pile tips and shoes shall be fabricated of cast steel conforming to ASTM A148
Grade 90-60 [620-415] or ASTM A27 Grade 65-35 [450-240] and be free from any obvious
defects. Pile tips shall be accompanied by a mill test report stating the chemical and physical
properties (tensile and yield) of the steel.
9-10.5 Steel Piling
The material for rolled steel piling H-piling and pile splices shall conform to ASTM A36,
ASTM A572 or ASTM A992. The material for steel pipe piling and splices shall conform to
one of the following requirements except as specifically noted in the plans:
1. API 5L Grade X42 or X52 material may be used for longitudinal seam welded or
helical (spiral) seam submerged-arc welded pipe piles of any diameter.
2. ASTM A252, Grade 2 or 3 material may be used for longitudinal seam welded or
helical (spiral) seam submerged-arc welded pipe piles of any diameter. For the purposes
of welding and prequalification of base metal, steel pipe pile designated as ASTM A252
may be treated as prequalified provided the chemical composition conforms to a
prequalified base metal classification listed in Table 3.1 of the AWS D1.1/D1.1M, latest
edition, Structural Welding Code, the grade of pipe piling meets or exceeds the grade
specified in the Plans, and the carbon equivalent (CE) is a maximum of 0.45-percent.
3. ASTM A572 or ASTM A588 material may be used for longitudinal seam welded piles
of any diameter.
For helical (spiral) seam submerged-arc welded pipe piles, the maximum radial offset of
strip/plate edges shall be ⅛ inch. The offset shall be transitioned with a taper weld and the
slope shall not be less than a 1 in 2.5 taper. The weld reinforcement shall not be greater than
3/16 inches and misalignment of weld beads shall not exceed ⅛ inch.
Steel soldier piles, and associated steel bars and plates, shall conform to ASTM A36,
ASTM A572 or ASTM A992, except as otherwise noted in the Plans.
All steel piling may be accepted by the Engineer based on the Manufacturer’s Certification
of Compliance submitted in accordance with Section 1-06.3. The manufacturer’s certificate
of compliance submittal for steel pipe piles shall be accompanied by certified mill test reports,
including chemical analysis and carbon equivalence, for each heat of steel used to fabricate
the steel pipe piling.
9-13 Riprap, Quarry Spalls, Slope Protection, and Rock for Erosion and
Scour Protection and Rock Walls
9-13.1 Riprap and Quarry Spalls
9-13.1(1) General
Riprap and quarry spalls shall consist of broken stone or broken concrete rubble and
shall be free of rock fines, soil, or other extraneous material. Concrete rubble shall not be
contaminated by foreign materials such as fibers, wood, steel, asphalt, sealant, soil, plastic and
other contaminants or deleterious material. Concrete rubble that is imported to the job site will
require testing and certification for toxicity characteristics per Section 9-03.21(1).
The grading of the riprap shall be determined by the Engineer by visual inspection of the
load before it is dumped into place, or, if so ordered by the Engineer, by dumping individual
loads on a flat surface and sorting and measuring the individual rocks contained in the load.
Should the riprap contain insufficient spalls, as defined in Section 9-13.1(5), the Contractor
shall furnish and place supplementary spall material.
Riprap and quarry spalls shall be free from segregation, seams, cracks, and other defects
tending to destroy its resistance to weather and shall conform to the following requirements
for quality.
Aggregate Property Test method Requirement
Degradation Factor WSDOT Test Method T 113 15 minimum
Los Angeles Wear, 500 Rev. AASHTO T 96 50% maximum
Specific Gravity, SSD AASHTO T 85 2.55 minimum
9-13.2 Vacant
9-13.3 Vacant
9-13.4 Rock for Erosion and Scour Protection
Rock for Erosion and Scour Protection shall be hard, sound, and durable material, free
from seams, cracks, and other defects that tend to destroy its resistance to weather, and it shall
consist of broken and/or processed rock. Rock for Erosion and Scour Protection shall meet
the quality requirements in Section 9-13 and the grading requirements in Section 9-13.4(2).
The use of recycled materials and concrete rubble is not permitted for this application.
9-13.4(1) Suitable Shape of Rock for Erosion and Scour Protection
The Suitable Shape of these rocks shall be “Angular” (having sharply defined edges)
to “Subangular” (having a shape in between Rounded and Angular) for a higher degree of
interlocking to provide stability to the protected area. The use of round, thin, flat, or long
and needle-like shapes is not allowed. Suitable Shape can be determined by the ratio of the
Length/Thickness, where the Length is the longest axis, Width is the second longest axis,
and Thickness is the shortest. The Suitable Shape shall be the maximum of 3.0 using the
following calculation:
Length = ≤ 3.0 Suitable Shape
9-13.4(2) Grading Requirements of Rock for Erosion and Scour Protection
Rock for Erosion and Scour Protection will be classified as Class A, Class B, and Class C,
and it shall have a “Well-Graded” structure that meets the requirements for Suitable Shape and
conforms to one or more of the following gradings as shown in the Plans.
Class A Class C
Approximate Size (in.)1 Percent Passing (Smaller) Approximate Size (in.)1 Percent Passing (Smaller)
18 100 42 100
16 80-95 36 80-95
12 50-80 28 50-80
8 15-50 22 15-50
4 15 max. 14 15 max.
Class B
Approximate Size (in.)1 Percent Passing (Smaller)
30 100
28 80-95
22 50-80
16 15-50
10 15 max.
1Approximate Size can be determined by taking the average dimension of the three axes of the rock, Length, Width, and Thickness,
Rock for Erosion and Scour Protection shall be visually accepted by the Engineer. The
Engineer shall determine the Suitable Shape, Approximate Size, and Grading of the load
before it is placed. If so ordered by the Engineer, the loads shall be dumped on a flat surface
for sorting and measuring the individual rocks contained in the load.
(4) A tablet or other form of controlled release with a minimum of a 6 month release period.
(5) A liquid suitable for application by a power sprayer or hydroseeder.
9-14.4 Mulch and Amendments
All amendments shall be delivered to the site in the original, unopened containers bearing
the manufacturer’s guaranteed chemical analysis and name. In lieu of containers, amendments
may be furnished in bulk. A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance shall accompany each
delivery. Compost and other organic amendments shall be accompanied with all applicable
health certificates and permits.
9-14.4(1) Straw
Straw shall be in an air-dried condition, free of noxious weeds, seeds, and other materials
detrimental to plant life. Hay is not acceptable.
All straw material shall be Certified Weed-Free Straw using North American Weed
Management Association (NAWMA) standards or the Washington Wilderness Hay and Mulch
(WWHAM) program run by the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board. Information
can be found at
In lieu of Certified Weed-Free Straw, the Contractor shall provide documentation that the
material is steam or heat treated to kill seeds, or shall provide U.S., Washington State, or other
states’ Department of Agriculture laboratory test reports, dated within 90 days prior to the date
of application, showing that there are no viable seeds in the straw.
Straw mulch shall be suitable for spreading with mulch blower equipment.
9-14.4(2) Hydraulically Applied Erosion Control Products (HECPs)
All HECPs shall be made of natural plant fibers unaltered by synthetic materials, and in
a dry condition, free of noxious weeds, seeds, chemical printing ink, germination inhibitors,
herbicide residue, chlorine bleach, rock, metal, plastic, and other materials detrimental to
plant life.
The HECP shall be suitable for spreading with a hydroseeder.
All HECPs shall be furnished premixed by the manufacturer with Organic or Synthetic
Tackifier as specified in Section 9-14.4(7). Under no circumstances will field mixing of
additives or components be acceptable, with the exception of seed and water. The product
shall be hydrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
The Contractor shall provide test results, dated within 3 years prior to the date of
application, from an independent, accredited laboratory, as approved by the Engineer,
showing that the product meets the following table requirements:
Table 1
HECP Requirements
These test requirements apply to the fully mixed product, including tackifiers, dyes, or
other additives that may be included in the HECP final product in its sprayable form.
Properties Test Method Requirements
Acute Toxicity EPA-821-R-02-012 Methods for Measuring Four replicates are required with no
Acute Toxicity of Effluents. Test leachate from statistically significant reduction in survival
recommended application rate receiving 2 inches in 100 percent leachate for a Daphnid at
of rainfall per hour using static test for No- 48 hours and Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow
Observed-Adverse-Effect-Concentration (NOEC). trout) at 96 hours.
Solvents EPA 8260B Benzene – < 0.03 mg/kg
Methylene chloride – < 0.02 mg/kg
Naphthalene – < 5 mg/kg
Tetrachloroethylene – < 0.05 mg/kg
Toluene – < 7 mg/kg
Trichloroethylene – < 0.03 mg/kg
Xylenes – < 9 mg/kg
Heavy Metals EPA 6020A Total Metals Antimony – < 4 mg/kg
Arsenic – < 6 mg/kg
Barium – < 80 mg/kg
Boron – < 160 mg/kg
Cadmium – < 2 mg/kg
Total Chromium – < 4 mg/kg
Copper – < 10 mg/kg
Lead – < 5 mg/kg
Mercury – < 2 mg/kg
Nickel – < 2 mg/kg
Selenium – < 10 mg/kg
Strontium – < 40 mg/kg
Zinc – < 30 mg/kg
Water Holding ASTM D7367 800 percent minimum
Organic Matter ASTM D586 90 percent minimum
Moisture Content ASTM D644 15 percent maximum
Seed ASTM D7322 Long-Term
Germination 420 percent minimum
Enhancement Moderate-Term
400 percent minimum
200 percent minimum
If the HECP contains cotton or straw, the Contractor shall provide documentation that the
material has been steam or heat treated to kill seeds, or shall provide U.S., Washington State,
or other states’ Department of Agriculture laboratory test reports, dated within 90 days prior
to the date of application, showing that there are no viable seeds in the mulch.
The HECP shall be manufactured in such a manner that, when agitated in slurry tanks with
water, the fibers will become uniformly suspended, without clumping, to form a homogeneous
slurry. When hydraulically applied, the material shall form a strong moisture-holding mat that
allows the continuous absorption and infiltration of water.
If the HECP contains a dye to facilitate placement and inspection of the material, it shall be
nontoxic to plants, animals, and aquatic life and shall not stain concrete or painted surfaces.
The HECP shall not be harmful to plants, animals, and aquatic life.
2. The pH shall be between 6.0 and 8.5 when tested in accordance with U.S. Composting
Council TMECC 04.11-A, “1:5 Slurry pH”.
3. Physical contaminants, defined in WAC 173-350 (plastic, concrete, ceramics, metal,
etc.) shall be less than 0.5 percent by weight as determined by U.S. Composting
Council TMECC 03.08-A “Classification of Inerts by Sieve Size”.
4. Minimum organic matter shall be 40 percent by dry weight basis as determined
by U.S. Composting Council TMECC 05.07A “Loss-On-Ignition Organic Matter
Method (LOI)”.
5. Soluble salt contents shall be less than 4.0 mmhos/cm when tested in accordance with
U.S. Composting Council TMECC 04.10 “Electrical Conductivity”.
6. Maturity shall be greater than 80 percent in accordance with U.S. Composting Council
TMECC 05.05-A, “Germination and Root Elongation”.
7. Stability shall be 7-mg CO2–C/g OM/day or below in accordance with U.S.
Composting Council TMECC 05.08-B “Carbon Dioxide Evolution Rate”.
8. The compost product shall originate from organic feedstocks as defined in WAC 173-
350 as “Wood waste”, “Yard debris”, “Post-consumer food waste”, “Preconsumer
animal-based wastes”, and/or “Preconsumer vegetative waste”. The Contractor shall
provide a list of feedstock sources by percentage in the final compost product.
9. The Engineer may also evaluate compost for maturity using U.S. Composting Council
TMECC 05.08-E “Solvita® Maturity Index”. Fine compost shall score a number 6 or
above on the Solvita® Compost Maturity Test. Medium and Coarse compost shall score
a 5 or above on the Solvita® Compost Maturity Test.
9-14.4(8)A Compost Submittal Requirements
The Contractor shall submit the following information to the Engineer for approval:
1. The Qualified Products List printed page or a Request for Approval of Material
(WSDOT Form 350-071).
2. A copy of the Solid Waste Handling Permit issued to the manufacturer by the
Jurisdictional Health Department in accordance with WAC 173-350 (Minimum
Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling).
3. The Contractor shall verify in writing and provide lab analyses that the material
complies with the processes, testing, and standards specified in WAC 173-350 and
these Specifications. An independent Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Program
certified laboratory shall perform the analyses.
4. A copy of the manufacturer’s Seal of Testing Assurance STA certification as issued
by the U.S. Composting Council.
9-14.4(8)B Compost Acceptance
Fourteen days prior to application, the Contractor shall submit a sample of the compost
approved for use, an STA test report dated within 90 calendar days of the application, and
the list of feed stocks by volume for each compost type to the Engineer for review.
The Contractor shall use only compost that has been tested within 90 calendar days of
application and meets the requirements in Section 9-14.4(8). Compost not conforming to
the above requirements or taken from a source other than those tested and accepted shall
not be used.
Gradation Requirements
Sieve Size Percent Passing
No. 4 99 – 100
No. 18 30 max
No. 30 10 max
All percentages are by weight.
9-14.5(2)B Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket for Slopes Steeper than 3:1 (H:V)
Table 6
Properties ASTM Test Method Requirements for Slopes Steeper than 3:1
Protecting Slopes from ASTM D6459 C factor = 0.04 maximum for cumulative
Rainfall-Induced Erosion Soil tested shall be sandy loam as R-Factor<231
defined by the NRCS**
Soil Texture Triangle
Mass Per Unit Area ASTM D6475 7.6 oz./sq. yd. minimum
Light Penetration ASTM D6567 44% maximum
Tensile Strength MD × XD* ASTM D6818 10.0 × 6.0 pounds/inch minimum
Tensile Elongation MD × XD* ASTM D6818 38% × 33% maximum
*MD is Machine Design and XD is Cross Direction
**Natural Resource Conservation Services
Stakes shall be untreated Douglas fir, hemlock, or pine species. Wood stakes shall have
a notch to secure the rope ties. Rope ties shall be made of ¼-inch diameter commercially
available hemp rope.
9-14.5(8) High Visibility Fencing
High visibility fence shall be UV stabilized, orange, high-density polyethylene or
polypropylene mesh.
Support posts shall be wood or steel in accordance with Standard Plan I-10.10. The posts
shall have sufficient strength and durability to support the fence through the life of the project.
9-14.5(9) High Visibility Silt Fence
High visibility silt fence shall be a minimum of 5 feet in height, high visibility orange, UV
stabilized and shall meet the geotextile requirements in Section 9-33 Table 6. Support posts
shall be in accordance with the Standard Plans. The posts shall have sufficient strength and
durability to support the fence through the life of the project.
9-14.6 Plant Materials
9-14.6(1) Description
Bareroot plants are grown in the ground and harvested without soil or growing medium
around their roots.
Container plants are grown in pots or flats that prevent root growth beyond the sides and
bottom of the container.
Balled and burlapped plants are grown in the ground and harvested with soil around a core
of undisturbed roots. This rootball is wrapped in burlap and tied or placed in a wire basket or
other supportive structure.
Cuttings are live plant material without a previously developed root system. Source plants
for cuttings shall be dormant when cuttings are taken and all cuts shall be made with a sharp
instrument. Cuttings may be collected. If cuttings are collected, the requirement to be nursery
grown or held in nursery conditions does not apply. Written permission shall be obtained from
property owners and provided to the Engineer before cuttings are collected. The Contractor
shall collect cuttings in accordance with applicable sensitive area ordinances. Cuttings shall
meet the following requirements:
1. Live branch cuttings shall have flexible top growth with terminal buds and may have
side branches. The rooting end shall be cut at an approximate 45-degree angle.
2. Live stake cuttings shall have a straight top cut immediately above a bud. The lower,
rooting end shall be cut at an approximate 45-degree angle. Live stakes are cut from
one to two year old wood. Live stake cuttings shall be cut and installed with the bark
intact with no branches or stems attached, and be ½ to 1½ inch in diameter.
3. Live pole cuttings shall have a diameter between 2 inches and 3.5 inches. Live poles
shall have no more than three branches which must be located at the top end of the pole
and those branches shall be pruned back to the first bud from the main stem.
Rhizomes shall be a prostrate or subterranean stem, usually rooting at the nodes
and becoming erect at the apex. Rhizomes shall have a minimum of two growth points.
Tubers shall be a thickened and short subterranean branch having numerous buds or eyes.
9-14.6(2) Quality
At the time of delivery, all plant material furnished shall meet the grades established by
the latest edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, (ASNS) ANSI Z60.1 and
shall conform to the size and acceptable conditions as listed in the Contract, and shall be
free of all foreign plant material.
All plant material shall comply with State and Federal laws with respect to inspection
for plant diseases and insect infestation. Plants must meet Washington State Department
of Agriculture plant quarantines and have a certificate of inspection. Plants originating in
Canada must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate stating the plants meet USDA
health requirements.
All plant material shall be purchased from a nursery licensed to sell plants in their state
or province.
Live woody or herbaceous plant material, except cuttings, rhizomes, and tubers, shall be
vigorous, well formed, with well developed fibrous root systems, free from dead branches,
and from damage caused by an absence or an excess of heat or moisture, insects, disease,
mechanical or other causes detrimental to good plant development. Evergreen plants shall
be well foliated and of good color. Deciduous trees that have solitary leaders shall have only
the lateral branches thinned by pruning. All conifer trees shall have only one leader (growing
apex) and one terminal bud, and shall not be sheared or shaped. Trees having a damaged or
missing leader, multiple leaders, or Y-crotches shall be rejected.
Root balls of plant materials shall be solidly held together by a fibrous root system and
shall be composed only of the soil in which the plant has been actually growing. Balled and
burlapped rootballs shall be securely wrapped with jute burlap or other packing material not
injurious to the plant life. Root balls shall be free of weed or foreign plant growth.
Plant materials shall be nursery grown stock. Plant material, with the exception of cuttings,
gathered from native stands shall be held under nursery conditions for a minimum of one full
growing season, shall be free of all foreign plant material, and meet all of the requirements of
these Specifications, the Plans, and the Special Provisions.
Container grown plants shall be plants transplanted into a container and grown in that
container sufficiently long for new fibrous roots to have developed so that the root mass will
retain its shape and hold together when removed from the container, without having roots
that circle the pot. Plant material which is root bound, as determined by the Engineer, shall be
rejected. Container plants shall be free of weed or foreign plant growth.
Container sizes for plant material of a larger grade than provided for in the container grown
Specifications of the ASNS shall be determined by the volume of the root ball specified in the
ASNS for the same size plant material.
All bare root plant materials shall have a heavy fibrous root system and be dormant at the
time of planting.
Average height to spread proportions and branching shall be in accordance with the
applicable sections, illustrations, and accompanying notes of the ASNS.
Plants specified or identified as “Street Tree Grade” shall be trees with straight trunks, full
and symmetrical branching, central leader, and be developed, grown, and propagated with a
full branching crown. A “Street Tree Grade” designation requires the highest grade of nursery
shade or ornamental tree production which shall be supplied.
Street trees with improperly pruned, broken, or damaged branches, trunk, or root structure
shall be rejected. In all cases, whether supplied balled and burlapped or in a container, the
root crown (top of root structure) of the tree shall be at the top of the finish soil level. Trees
supplied and delivered in a nursery fabric bag will not be accepted.
Plants which have been determined by the Engineer to have suffered damage for the
following reasons will be rejected:
1. Girdling of the roots, stem, or a major branch.
2. Deformities of the stem or major branches.
3. Lack of symmetry.
4. Dead or defoliated tops or branches.
5. Defects, injury, and condition which renders the plant unsuitable for its intended use.
Plants that are grafted shall have roots of the same genus as the specified plant.
Fabric bands and stretcher bars shall meet the requirements of Section 9-16.6(9).
9-16.1(1)E Chain Link Gates
Gate frames shall be constructed of not less than 1½-inch (I.D.) galvanized pipe
conforming to AASHTO M 181 Type I, Grade 1 or 2, as specified in Section 9-16.1(1)A.
The corners of the gate frame shall be fastened together and reinforced with a malleable
iron or pressed steel fitting designed for the purpose, or they may be welded. Welding shall
conform to the requirements of Section 6-03.3(25). All welds shall be ground smooth coated
with paint conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)B. The paint shall be applied in one or more coats
to provide a minimum dry film thickness of 3.5 mils.
Chain link fence fabric for filling the gate frame shall meet the requirements of
Section 9-16.1(1)B for the fence type being furnished.
Cross trussing shall be 5/16-inch steel adjustable rods galvanized in accordance with
Section 9-16.1(1)D.
Each gate shall be furnished complete with necessary hinges, latch, and drop bar locking
device designed for the type of gate posts and gate used on the project. Gates shall have
positive type latching devices with provisions for padlocking. Hinges, latches, and locking
devices shall be galvanized in accordance with Section 9-16.1(1)D.
Gate frames constructed of steel sections, other than pipe, that are fabricated in such a
manner as to form a gate of equal or better rigidity may be used provided they are approved
by the Engineer.
9-16.1(1)F Concrete
All concrete for chain link fence shall be as specified in Section 6-02.3(2)B.
9-16.2 Wire Fence and Gates
9-16.2(1) General
All materials used in the construction of the wire fence shall be new. All iron or steel
material shall be galvanized. Material upon which serious abrasions of galvanizing occur will
not be acceptable.
9-16.2(1)A Steel Post Material
Round Post Material
Round post material shall conform to AASHTO M 181, Type I, Grade 1.
Angle Post Material (Channel, T, U, Y, or Other Approved Style)
All angle post material shall be galvanized in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO
M 111, except the anchor plate on fence post material shall be Grade 55. Angle post used for
end, corner, gate, and pull post and brace shall have a minimum weight of 3.1 lb/ft.
Posts shall not be less than 7 feet in length. A tolerance of -5 percent on the weight of
individual posts, braces or anchor plates will be permitted. One type of line post shall be
used throughout the project. Line posts shall be studded, slotted, or properly adapted for
attaching either wire or mesh in a manner that will not damage the galvanizing of posts, wire
or mesh during the fastening. Line posts shall have a minimum weight of 1.33 lbs/ft and shall
be provided with a tapered galvanized steel anchor plate. The anchor plate shall be securely
attached and have a surface area of 20 ±2 in2, and a minimum weight of 0.67 pounds.
9-16.2(1)B Wood Fence Posts and Braces
Douglas fir, Western red cedar, hemlock, or larch shall be used in the construction of wood
fence posts and braces. The material shall be of good quality and approved by the Engineer
before use. Peeler cores shall not be used for round posts. Wood fencing materials shall have
sufficient sapwood in the outer periphery to obtain the specified penetration of preservative.
Western red cedar will not require preservative treatment. Fencing materials shall be cut to the
correct length before pressure treatment.
Line posts shall be 3-inch minimum diameter round posts or nominal 3 by 3-inch square
sawed posts. If the posts are to be pointed for driving, they shall be pointed before treatment.
Line posts shall be at least 7 feet in length.
Pull posts and brace posts shall be 6-inch diameter round posts or nominal 6 by 6-inch
material not less than 7 feet in length.
End, gate, and corner posts, and posts at an intersecting fence shall be 6-inch diameter
round posts or nominal 6 by 6-inch material not less than 7′ 10″ in length.
All sawed posts and timbers shall meet the requirements in the table under Section 9-09.2.
The preservatives used to pressure treat wood fencing materials shall meet the requirements
of Section 9-09.3.
The retention and penetration of the preservative shall be as follows:
Minimum Retention in Pounds Per Cubic Foot
Preservative Sawed Posts Round Posts
Creosote 10.00 8.00
Pentachlorophenol 0.50 0.40
ACZA 0.40 0.40
CCA 0.40 0.40
Minimum Penetration
for material 5 inches or less – 0.40 inches penetration and 90 percent of sapwood
for material 5 inches or greater – 0.50 inches penetration and 90 percent of sapwood
9-16.2(1)C Brace Wire
Brace wire shall be 9 gage wire galvanized to meet the requirements of AASHTO M 279,
Type Z, Class 1.
9-16.2(1)D Staples and Wire Clamps
The staples used to attach the wire fencing to wood posts shall be 9 gage wire, 1½ inches
long, galvanized to meet the requirements of AASHTO M 279, Type Z, Class 1.
The wire clamps used to attach the wire fencing to steel posts shall be 11 gage wire,
galvanized to meet the requirements of AASHTO M 279, Type Z, Class 1.
9-16.2(1)E Barbed Wire
Barbed wire shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 280, Type Z and shall
consist of two strands of 12½-gage wire, twisted with four point 14-gage barbs with barbs
spaced 5 inches apart (Design 12-4-5-14R). Galvanizing shall be Class 3.
9-16.2(1)F Wire Mesh
Wire mesh shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 279, Type Z and shall consist
of eight horizontal wires with vertical stays spaced 6 inches apart. The top and bottom wires
shall be 10 gage, and the intermediate wires and vertical stays shall be 12½ gage. The mesh
shall have a total width of 32 inches (Design 832-6-12½). Galvanizing shall be Class 3.
The zinc coated wire as represented by the test specimens shall be capable of being
wrapped in a close helix at a rate not exceeding 15 turns/minute around a cylindrical steel
mandrel having a diameter the same as the specimen being tested, without cracking or
flaking the zinc coating to such an extent that any zinc can be removed by rubbing with the
bare fingers.
9-16.2(1)G Vertical Cinch Stays
Vertical cinch stays shall be 10 gage galvanized wire meeting the requirements
of AASHTO M 279, Type Z, Class 1.
posts and blocks shall be treated by the empty cell process to provide a minimum retention,
depending on the treatment used, according to the following:
Creosote oil 10.0 lbs. pcf.
Pentachlorophenol 0.50 lbs. pcf.
ACZA 0.50 lbs. pcf.
CCA 0.50 lbs.pcf.
Treatment shall be in accordance with Section 9-09.3.
Galvanized steel posts, and base plates, where used, shall conform to either ASTM A36
or ASTM A992, and shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 111. Welding shall
conform to Section 6-03.3(25). All fabrication shall be completed prior to galvanizing.
9-16.3(3) Galvanizing
W-beam or thrie beam rail elements and terminal sections shall be galvanized in
accordance with AASHTO M 180, Class A, Type II. Channel rails, splice plates, WF steel
posts, and base plates shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. Anchor cables
shall be galvanized in accordance with Federal Specification RR-W-410, Table II, galvanized
at finished size. Bolts, nuts, washers, plates, rods, and other hardware shall be galvanized in
accordance with ASTM A153.
9-16.3(4) Hardware
Unfinished bolts (ordinary machine bolts), nuts, and washers for unfinished bolts, shall
conform to Section 9-06.5(1). High-strength bolts, nuts, and washers for high-strength bolts
shall conform to Section 9-06.5(3).
Unfinished bolts shall be accepted by field verification and documentation that bolt heads
are stamped 307A. The Contractor shall submit a manufacturer’s certificate of compliance
per Section 1-06.3 for high-strength bolts, nuts, and washers prior to installing any of
the hardware.
9-16.3(5) Anchors
Welding shall conform to Section 6-03.3(25).
All welding shall be equal in strength to the parent metal.
All fabrication shall be complete and ready for assembly before galvanizing. No punching,
drilling, cutting, or welding will be permitted after galvanizing unless authorized by
the Engineer.
Foundation tubes shall be fabricated from steel conforming to the requirements of
ASTM A500, Grade B or ASTM A501.
The anchor plate assembly shall develop a minimum tensile strength of 40,000 pounds.
The anchor plate, W8 × 18, and metal plates shall be fabricated of steel conforming to
the Specifications of ASTM A36, except that the W8 × 18 may conform to ASTM A992.
Anchor cable shall be ¾ inch preformed, 6 by 19 wire strand core or independent wire
rope core (IWRC), galvanized, right regular lay manufactured of improved plow steel with
a minimum breaking strength of 42,800 pounds. Two certified copies of mill test reports of
the cable used shall be furnished to the Engineer.
Swaged cable fittings shall develop 100 percent of the specified breaking strength of
the cable. One swaged fitting attached to 3 feet of cable shall be furnished to the Engineer
for testing.
The swaged fitting and stud assembly shall be of steel conforming to the requirements of
American Iron and Steel Institute C-1035 and shall be annealed and galvanized suitable for
cold swaging.
All metal components of the anchor and cable assembly and not less than the top 14 inches
of the W8 × 18 for the Type 2 anchor shall be galvanized in accordance with Section 9-16.3(3).
Cement concrete shall conform to the requirements of Section 6-02.3(2)B.
Cement grout shall conform to Section 9-20.3(4) and consist of one part portland cement
and two parts sand.
9-16.3(6) Inspection and Acceptance
The Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer before the rail elements are fabricated in
order that inspections may be provided. The Contractor shall arrange for all facilities necessary
for the inspection of material and workmanship at the point of fabrication of the rail element,
and inspectors shall be allowed free access to necessary parts of the premises.
The Inspector shall have the authority to reject materials or workmanship which do not
fulfill the requirements of these Specifications. In cases of dispute, the Contractor may appeal
to the Engineer, whose decision will be final.
The Inspector may accept a mill test report certifying that the steel used in fabricating the
rail element meets the requirements of the Specifications. The Contracting Agency reserves the
right, however, to require the Contractor to furnish samples of the steel proposed for use and
to determine to its satisfaction that the steel meets the Specification requirements. Steel rail
elements, fittings, end section hardware, and bolts may be accepted by the Engineer based on
the Manufacturer’s Certification of Compliance.
9-16.4 Wire Mesh Slope Protection
9-16.4(1) General
All metal material used in the construction of wire mesh slope protection shall be new
and galvanized. Imperfectly galvanized material or material upon which serious abrasion of
galvanizing occurs will not be acceptable.
9-16.4(2) Wire Mesh
The galvanized wire mesh shall be a Style 1 double-twisted hexagonal mesh conforming
to ASTM A975 with 8 by 10 opening, except when a colorized, polyvinyl chloride coating is
required then the Style shall be a Style 3.
The longitudinal edges of the wire mesh fabric shall have knuckled selvedges with
continuous selvedge wire as specified in ASTM A975.
9-16.4(3) Wire Rope
Wire rope shall be ¾-inch-diameter, independent wire rope class (IWRC) 6x19, extra
improved plow steel (EIP) wire rope galvanized in accordance with ASTM A1023. Each
lot of wire rope shall be accompanied by a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance, a
mill certificate, and a test report showing the wire rope meets the minimum breaking force
requirements of ASTM A1023.
9-16.4(4) Hardware
Weldless steel rings shall be drop-forged steel and heat treated after forging; have a single
pull, working load limit of at least 10,000 lbs; and meet performance requirements of Federal
Specification RR-C-271D Type VI.
Thimbles required for all wire rope loops shall be standard weight, galvanized, and meet
performance requirements of Federal Specification FF-T-276b Type II.
Wire rope clips shall have drop-forged steel bases, be galvanized, and meet performance
requirements of Federal Specification FF-C-450 Type I Class 1.
9-16.4(5) Fasteners and Lacing Wire
Fasteners shall consist of 11 gauge high tensile steel. Lacing wire shall consist of 9 gauge,
zinc-coated steel wire conforming to ASTM A641.
9-16.4(6) Ground Anchors
Threaded bar ground anchors shall be deformed, continuously threaded, steel reinforcement
bars conforming to either Section 9-07.2 or Section 9-07.11. Threaded bar ground anchors
The repairing of molds which are chipped or broken shall be done in a manner that the
broken or chipped areas will not be apparent on the curb made in those molds.
All curb in which surface checking develops during the first five days after manufacture
will be rejected.
Hidden air holes at or immediately below the exposed surface of the curb, in excess of the
limits specified that are disclosed by testing the surface by means of a rubber hammer will be
cause for rejection of the curb.
All curb in which cracking is in evidence immediately after removal from the molds will
be rejected. A crack is defined as any separation of the concrete of a continuous length greater
than 3 inches.
All curb which varies in dimensions, alignment, or surface contour in excess of the
tolerance specified will be rejected.
Failure to comply with the Plans, Specifications, or instructions of the authorized
representative of the Contracting Agency in the manufacture and laying of any curb will be
cause for rejection of such curb.
9-18.1(12) Repairing Curb
Curb having defects which are not sufficient cause for its rejection shall be neatly repaired
immediately after removal from the molds in a manner subject to the approval of the Engineer.
However, no patching or other repairs shall be made without the permission of the Engineer.
Patches shall be undercut if, in the opinion of the Engineer, this operation is necessary to
achieve a satisfactory patch.
All holes larger than ¹⁄16-inch diameter in the exposed surface of acceptable curb or buttons
shall be filled with cement mortar.
9-18.1(13) Identification Marking
The date of manufacture, the length, and identification number corresponding to the detail
layout shall be marked in black paint on the back or end of each piece of curb.
Rejected curb shall be marked on the back or end surfaces in a practical and semi-
permanent manner to identify each cause of rejection.
9-18.1(14) Shipping
No unit of curb shall be shipped from the manufacturing plant prior to 21 days after
manufacture, except, however, that if Type III cement has been used, the units may be shipped
14 days after manufacture.
9-18.1(15) Sampling and Inspection
The Contractor shall submit, for the approval of the Engineer, an advance sample of curb
which shall be at least equivalent in color, surface texture, and bottom finish to the standard as
set forth in these Specifications. No repairing of any kind shall be done on the advance sample.
Upon approval, the advance sample shall be stored at the plant or site of manufacture in a
location readily accessible to the Inspector where there is adequate daylight for examination.
The advance sample shall be protected from damage and discoloration and shall be used as a
standard of comparison for color, surface texture, and bottom finish for all curb manufactured.
All curb furnished shall be equivalent in the foregoing respects.
The inspection at the plant will be made just prior to shipment, at which time examination
will be made of the alignment, contour, color, cracks, surface damage or discoloration,
broken corners or edges, and any other defects which may have developed, and to check
the laboratory test reports for strength. However intermediate inspections may be made to
determine surface checking and hidden air holes if it is impractical to examine for these
defects at the final inspection.
9-18.2 Vacant
9-18.3 Vacant
9-19 Vacant
9-20.2(3) Aggregate
Aggregate used to extend the patching mortar shall meet the requirements of Section
9-03.1(4) and be AASHTO Grading No. 8. A Manufacturers Certificate of Compliance shall be
required showing the aggregate source and the gradation. Mitigation for Alkali Silica Reaction
(ASR) will not be required for the extender aggregate used for concrete patching material.
9-20.2(4) Water
Water shall meet the requirements of Section 9-25.1. The quantity of water shall be within
the limits recommended by the manufacturer.
9-20.3 Grout
Grout is a mixture of Portland or blended hydraulic cement and water with or without
aggregates and with or without admixtures. Grout may also contain fly ash and/or concrete
admixtures. Grout may be a Contractor’s submitted mix design or a Manufacturer’s
prepackaged grout product.
All prepackaged grouts shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations, including but not limited to, shelf life, mixing, surface preparation,
and curing.
Where required, all 2-inch cube specimens fabricated in the field shall be made in
accordance with WSDOT T 813. All 2-inch cube specimens fabricated in a laboratory shall be
made in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 106. All 2-inch cube specimens shall be tested
in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 106.
When coarse aggregate is used, specimens shall be fabricated in accordance with FOP for
AASHTO T 23 and tested in accordance with AASHTO T 22.
9-20.3(1) Grout Type 1 for Post-Tensioning Applications
Grout Type 1 shall be a Class C prepackaged, pumpable, nonbleed, nonshrink, and high-
strength material conforming to the requirements of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction
Specifications Section 10.9.3. The water/cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45.
9-20.3(2) Grout Type 2 for Nonshrink Applications
Grout Type 2 shall be a nonshrink, prepackaged material meeting the requirements of
ASTM C1107. The minimum compressive strength shall be 4,000 psi at 7 days.
9-20.3(3) Grout Type 3 for Unconfined Bearing Pad Applications
Grout Type 3 shall be a prepackaged material meeting the requirements of ASTM C928 –
Table 1, R2 Concrete or Mortar.
9-20.3(4) Grout Type 4 for Multipurpose Applications
Grout Type 4 shall be a multipurpose grout material for structural and nonstructural
applications. The grout shall be produced using portland cement Type I/II. The water to
cementitious material ratio shall not exceed 0.45 and water-reducing admixtures may be
used. Multipurpose grout may be extended up to three parts fine aggregate to one part cement.
The minimum compressive strength shall be 4,000 psi at 7 days. Substitution of fly ash for
cement is allowed up to 20 percent.
9-20.4 Mortar
Mortar shall be material made from Portland or blended hydraulic cement, water, and
fine aggregate.
9-20.4(1) Fine Aggregate for Mortar
Fine Aggregate for mortar shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-03.2.
9-20.4(2) Mortar Type 1 for Concrete Surface Finish
Mortar Type 1 for concrete surface finishing shall be either prepackaged or a Contractor-
recommended blend of portland cement Type I/II and fine aggregate conforming to Section
9-20.4(1). If the Class 1 concrete surface finishing mortar is a Contractor-recommended blend,
it shall conform to the sand-to-cement ratios specified in Section 6-02.3(14)A.
9-20.4(3) Mortar Type 2 for Masonry Applications
Mortar Type 2 for masonry shall be either prepackaged or a Contractor-recommended
blend of portland cement Type I/II and fine aggregate conforming to Section 9-20.4(1).
The markers passing laboratory tests will be field tested for approval. The field tests
will include installation with control markers to determine relative adhesion and durability
9-21.2 Raised Pavement Markers Type 2
The marker housing shall contain reflective faces as shown in the Plans to reflect incident
light from either a single or opposite directions.
9-21.2(1) Physical Properties
The markers shall be not less than 4 inches nor more than 5 inches in width, and not more
than ¾ inch in height.
The outer surface of the marker housing shall be smooth except for the purpose of
The base of the markers shall be substantially free from gloss or substances that may
reduce its bond to adhesive.
The markers passing laboratory tests will be field tested for approval. The field tests
will include installation with control markers to determine relative adhesion and durability
9-21.2(2) Optical Requirements
1. Definitions – Horizontal entrance angle shall mean the angle in the horizontal plane
between the direction of incident light and the normal to the leading edge of the marker.
Observation angle shall mean the angle at the reflector between observer’s line of sight
and direction of the light incident on the reflector.
Specific intensity (S.I.) shall mean candle power of the returned light at the chosen
observation and entrance angles for each foot-candle of illumination at the reflector
on a plane perpendicular to the incident light.
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 9-117
9-21 Raised Pavement Markers (RPM)
Yellow reflectors shall be not less than 60 percent and red reflectors not less than
25 percent of the above values.
3. Optical Testing Procedure – A random lot of markers will be tested. The markers
to be tested shall be located with the center of the reflecting face at a distance of 5 feet
from a uniformly bright light source having an effective diameter of 0.2 inch.
The photocell width shall be 0.05 inch. It shall be shielded to eliminate stray light.
The distance from light source center to the photocell center shall be 0.21 inch. If
a test distance of other than 5 feet is used, the source and receiver dimensions and the
distance between source and receiver shall be modified in the same proportion as the
test distance.
Failure of more than 4 percent of the samples shall be cause for rejection of the lot.
9-21.2(3) Strength Requirements
Markers shall support a load of 2,000 pounds as applied in the following manner:
A marker shall be centered over the open end of a vertically positioned hollow metal
cylinder. The cylinder shall be 1 inch high with an internal diameter of 3 inches and wall
thickness of ¼ inch. The load shall be slowly applied to the top of the marker through a
1-inch diameter by 1-inch high metal plug centered on the top of the marker.
Failure shall constitute either a breakage or significant deformation of the marker at any
load of less than 2,000 pounds.
9-21.3 Raised Pavement Markers Type 3
Raised pavement markers Type 3 shall be extruded from high impact thermoplastic
material which has been ultra-violet radiation stabilized and shall meet the following
Impact resistance 15 inch-lbs, min.
Reflectance (White Only) 80 percent min.
Concavity & Convexity
Transverse ¹⁄16 inch, max.
Longitudinal ⅛ inch, max
Base Width 4″
Length 6″, 8″, 10″ or 12″
Height 0.60-0.75″
Shoulder height 0.08-0.20
The ends shall be beveled from the top of the shoulder edge at a slope of 1:1 nominal.
9-25 Water
9-25.1 Water for Concrete
Water for concrete, grout, and mortar shall be clear, apparently clean, and suitable for
human consumption (potable). If the water contains substances that cause discoloration,
unusual smell or taste, or other suspicious content, the Engineer may require the Contractor
to provide test results documenting that the water meets the physical test requirements and
chemical limits described in ASTM C1602 for nonpotable water.
Water from mixer washout operations may be used in concrete provided it meets or
exceeds the above criteria as well as the following additional requirements:
1. Concrete with water from mixer washout operations shall not be used in bridge
roadway deck slabs, flat slab bridge superstructures, modified concrete overlays,
or prestressed concrete.
2. Specific Gravity shall not exceed 1.07.
3. Alkalies, expressed as [Na2O+0.658 K2O], shall not exceed 600 ppm.
4. Shall be free of coloring agents.
5. If the wash water contains admixtures from different manufacturers, the Contractor
shall provide evidence that the combination of admixtures are compatible and do not
adversely affect the air void system of the hardened concrete as per Section 6-02.3(3).
6. All tests to verify that the physical and chemical requirements are met, shall be
conducted on the following schedule:
a. The physical requirements shall be tested on weekly intervals for four weeks and
thereafter on monthly intervals.
b. The chemical requirements shall be tested on monthly intervals.
c. The specific gravity shall be determined daily in accordance with ASTM D1429,
Test Method D.
The Contractor shall use the services of a Laboratory that has a equipment calibration/
verification system, and a technician training and evaluation process per AASHTO R 18 to
conduct all tests. The laboratory shall use testing equipment that has been calibrated/verified
at least once within the past 12 months to meet the requirements of each test procedure
in accordance with the appropriate section of AASHTO R 18. Documentation of tester
qualifications and equipment verification records shall be maintained and available for review
by the Contracting Agency upon request. Agency reviews of the laboratory facility, testing
equipment, personnel, and all qualification, calibration, and verification records will be
conducted at the Contracting Agency’s discretion.
9-25.2 Water for Plants
Water for plants shall not contain dissolved or suspended matter which will be harmful to
the plant material on which it is to be used.
9-26.3(4) Rejection
Rejection of the epoxy bonding agent component of epoxy grout/mortar/concrete shall
meet the requirements of Section 9-26.1(4).
9-26.3(5) Acceptance
Acceptance of the epoxy grout/mortar/concrete material for use on the project shall be
based on a passing test report from the State Materials Laboratory.
9-27 Cribbing
9-27.1 Vacant
9-27.2 Vacant
9-27.3 Gabion Cribbing
9-27.3(1) Gabion Fabric
Gabions may be fabricated from either hexagonal twisted wire mesh or from welded wire
mesh. Only one type of mesh and protective coating shall be used throughout a structure.
Baskets shall be furnished in the required dimensions with a dimensional tolerance of
plus or minus 5 percent.
Wire for construction of gabions shall be either galvanized steel wire conforming to
ASTM A641, Class 3, Soft Temper, or aluminized steel wire conforming to ASTM A809,
Soft Temper. The wire shall have a minimum tensile strength of 60,000 psi when tested in
accordance with ASTM A370.
9-27.3(2) Gabion Baskets
Gabion baskets 1 foot or greater in the vertical dimension shall have mesh openings with
nominal dimensions not to exceed 4½ inches and the maximum area of any mesh opening
shall not exceed 10 square inches.
1. Hexagon Twisted Wire Mesh
a. Wire for galvanized or aluminized hexagonal twisted wire mesh shall be nominal
sized 0.120 inch galvanized steel wire or aluminized steel wire.
b. Hexagonal wire mesh be formed from galvanized or aluminized wire in a uniform
hexagonal pattern with nonraveling double twist. The perimeter edges of the mesh
for each panel shall be tied to a selvage wire of the same composition as the body
mesh and have a minimum diameter of 0.150 inch so that the selvage is at least the
same strength as the body of the mesh.
2. Welded Wire Mesh
a. Welded wire mesh shall be fabricated from galvanized steel wire having a diameter
of 0.106 inch. Wire shall be galvanized prior to fabrication.
b. Welded wire mesh shall be formed in a uniform square pattern with openings 3 by
3 inches with a resistance weld at each connection in accordance with ASTM A185.
c. If required, a PVC coating shall be fusion bonded onto the welded wire mesh to
provide a nominal coating thickness of 0.0216 inch per side with a minimum of
0.0150 inch.
3. PVC Coating (For Welded Wire Mesh Only)
Acceptance of PVC coating material shall be by certified test reports of an independent
laboratory. The initial properties of PVC coating material shall have a demonstrated
ability to conform to the following requirements:
a. Specific Gravity – In the range of 1.2 to 1.4, when tested according to ASTM D792.
b. Tensile Strength – Not less than 2,275 psi, when tested according to ASTM D638.
c. Modulus of Elasticity – Not less than 1,980 psi at 100 Strain, when testing
according to ASTM D638.
d. Hardness – Shore “A” not less than 75 when tested according to ASTM D2240.
e. Brittleness Temperature – Not higher than 15ºF when tested according to
ASTM D746.
f. Resistance to Abrasion – The percentage of the mass loss shall be less than
12 percent when tested according to ASTM D1242, Method B at 200 cycles, CSI-A
Abrader Tape, 80 Grit.
g. Salt Spray Exposure and Ultraviolet Light Exposure – The PVC shall show no
effect after 3,000 hours of salt spray exposure according to ASTM B117. The PVC
shall show no effect of exposure to ultraviolet light with test exposure of 3,000
hours using apparatus Type E and 63°C, when tested according to Practice D 1499
and Practice G 23. After the salt spray test and exposure to ultraviolet light as
specified above, the PVC coating shall not show cracks, blister, split, nor show a
noticeable change of color. In addition, the specific gravity, tensile strength, modulus
of elasticity, and resistance to abrasion shall not change more than 6, 25, 25, and
10 percent respectively from their initial values.
9-27.3(3) Gabion Mattresses
Gabion baskets less than 1 foot in the vertical dimension shall have mesh openings with
nominal dimensions not to exceed 3.3 inches, and the maximum area of any mesh opening
shall not exceed 6 square inches.
1. Hexagonal Twisted Wire Mesh
a. Wire for galvanized or aluminized hexagonal twisted wire mesh shall be nominal
sized 0.086 inch galvanized steel wire or aluminized steel wire.
b. Hexagonal wire mesh shall be formed from galvanized or aluminized wire in a
uniform hexagonal pattern with nonraveling double twisted. The perimeter edges
of the mesh for each panel shall be tied to a selvage wire of the same composition
as the body mesh and have a minimum diameter of 0.1062 inch so that the selvage
is at least the same strength as the body of the mesh.
2. Welded Wire Mesh
a. Welded wire mesh shall be fabricated from galvanized steel wire having a diameter
of 0.080 inch. Wire shall be galvanized prior to fabrication.
b. Welded wire mesh shall be formed in a uniform rectangular pattern with openings
1½ by 3 inches with a resistance weld at each connection in accordance with
ASTM A185.
c. If required, a PVC coating shall be fusion bonded onto the welded wire mesh to
provide a nominal coating thickness of 0.0216 inch per side with a minimum of
0.0150 inch. The PVC coating shall be in conformance with Section 9-27.3(2).
9-27.3(4) Fasteners for Basket Assembly
The lacing wire shall be a nominal sized 0.0866 inch galvanized steel wire or aluminized
steel wire. Lacing wire shall have the same coating as the basket mesh.
Spiral binders, if used for joining welded wire panels shall be formed from 0.106 inch
nominal diameter steel wire with a 3-inch pitch having the same Specifications and coating
as the wire mesh. Lacing wire may be used in lieu of spiral binders.
Alternate fasteners for basket assembly shall remain closed when subjected to a 600 pound
tensile force when confining the maximum number of wires to be confined. Installation
procedures and test results for alternate fasteners shall be submitted for approval.
Internal connecting wires shall be the same as required for lacing wire. Alternate stiffeners
acceptable to the gabion manufacturer may be used.
9-27.3(5) Nonraveling Construction
The wire mesh shall be fabricated in a manner to be nonraveling. This is defined as
the ability to resist pulling apart at any of the connections forming the mesh when a single
strand in a section of mesh is cut.
9-27.3(6) Stone
Stone for filling gabions shall have a Degradation Factor of at least 30. The stone shall
be dense enough to pass the unit weight test described in Section 8-24.3(3)F. Stone shall meet
the following requirements for gradation:
Sieve Size Percent Passing
8″ 100
6″ 75-90
4″ 0-10
% Fracture 75 min.
All percentages are by weight.
The side dimension for a diamond shaped warning sign is considered to be the maximum
horizontal dimension.
Before placing aluminum in contact with untreated steel, the steel surfaces shall be
protected by proper cleaning and painting with one coat of paint conforming to Section
9-08.1(2)B and two coats of aluminum paint.
Metal shall be handled by device or clean canvas gloves between all cleaning and etching
operations and the application of reflective sheeting.
9-28.9 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Signs
Fiberglass reinforced plastic signs and overlay panels shall be constructed of a fiberglass
reinforced thermoset polyester laminate. The sign panel shall be acrylic modified and UV
stabilized for outdoor weathering ability.
The sign panel shall be stabilized to prevent the release of migrating constituents (such
as solvents, monomers, etc.) over the expected life of the sign. The sign panel shall contain
no residue release agents on the surface of the laminate so neither migrating constituents
or release agents will be present in amounts which will interfere with any subsequent
bonding operations.
The sign panel shall not contain visible cracks, pinholes, foreign inclusions, or surface
wrinkles that would affect implied performance, alter the specific dimensions of the panel,
or otherwise affect its serviceability.
The sign panel surface shall be wiped clean with a slightly water dampened cloth before
applying reflective sheeting.
9-28.9(1) Mechanical Properties
All mechanical properties are stated as minimum requirements. The mechanical properties
are measured in both the line direction of the panel and at 90 degrees to the line as noted in
the appropriate ASTM test referenced.
Mechanical Property Ave. Min. Requirement ASTM Test
Tensile Strength 10.0 psi × 103 D638
Tensile Modulus 1.2 psi × 106 D638
Flexural Strength 20.0 psi × 103 D790
Flexural Modulus 1.2 psi × 106 D790
Compression Strength 32.0 psi × 103 D695
Compression Modulus 1.4 psi × 106 D695
Punch Shear 12.0 psi × 103 D732
9-28.11 Hardware
Bolts, nuts, locknuts, and washers shall be of the same material for each attachment. Bolts,
nuts, locknuts, and washers for signs mounted on overhead sign structures (i.e., sign bridges,
cantilevers sign structures, and bridge mounted sign brackets) shall be stainless steel only.
Hardware Specification
Bolts ASTM F468 2024-T4 Aluminum
ASTM A307 Steel
ASTM F593 Group 1, Condition A Stainless Steel, or ASTM A193, Grade B8,
Class 1 Stainless Steel
U-bolts ASTM A276 Type 304 Stainless Steel
Washers ASTM B209 2024-T4 Aluminum
ASTM F844 Steel
ANSI B18.22.1 Stainless Steel Alloy 304
Nuts ASTM F467 2024-T4 Aluminum
ASTM A563 Grade A Steel
ASTM F594 Group 1 Stainless Steel, or
ASTM A194 Grade 8 or 8A Stainless Steel
Locknuts ASTM F467 2024-T4 Aluminum
(with nylon insert unless otherwise ASTM A563 Grade A Steel
in the Plans) ASTM F594 Group 1 Stainless Steel, or noted
ASTM A194 Grade 8 or 8A Stainless Steel
Rivets ASTM B316 5052 Aluminum Alloy
ASTM B316 5056 Aluminum Alloy
Post Clips ASTM B179 356-T6 Aluminum
Windbeams ASTM B221 6061-T6 Aluminum
Angle and “Z” Bar ASTM B221 6061-T6 Aluminum
ASTM A36 or ASTM A992 Steel
Strap and Mounting Bracket ASTM A666, Type 201 Stainless Steel
All steel parts shall be galvanized per AASHTO M111. Steel bolts and related connecting
hardware shall be galvanized per AASHTO M232.
9-28.12 Reflective Sheeting
Type I and Type II reflective sheeting shall consist of spherical lens elements embedded
within a transparent plastic having a smooth, flat outer surface. Type III and Type IV reflective
sheeting shall consist of spherical or prismatic lens elements adhered to a synthetic resin and
encapsulated by a flexible, transparent, weatherproof plastic having a smooth outer surface.
Type V reflective sheeting shall consist of metallized microprismatic lens bonded to a flexible,
smooth-surfaced, weather resistant polymeric film. Type VI reflective sheeting shall consist of
unmetallized microprismatic lens formed on a flexible vinyl material. Type VII, VIII, IX and
Type X Fluorescent Orange reflective sheeting shall consist of unmetallized microprismatic
lens formed in a synthetic resin and encapsulated by a flexible, transparent, weatherproof
plastic having a smooth outer surface. All sheeting shall be weather resistant and have a
protected pre-coated adhesive backing. Type II reflective sheeting shall contain an identifying
marking, such as a water mark, which is visible after sheeting application. The marking shall
not adversely affect the performance or life of the sheeting.
The reflective sheeting shall have the following minimum coefficient of retroreflection
values at 0.2 degrees and 0.5 degrees observation angle expressed as average candelas per
foot-candle, per square foot of material. Measurements shall be conducted in accordance
with ASTM E810.
to the adhesive shall be removable by peeling without soaking in water or other solvents
and shall be easily removed after storage for 4 hours at 150ºF under weight of 215 psi.
The sheeting with liner removed, conditioned for 24 hours at 72°F and 50 percent relative
humidity, shall be sufficiently flexible to show no cracking when bent around a 1.2-inch
diameter mandrel with the adhesive side contacting the mandrel. For ease of testing, talcum
powder may be spread on the adhesive to prevent sticking to the mandrel. The sheeting
surface shall be smooth and flat to facilitate self-cleaning in the rain, regular cleaning, and
wet performance, and exhibit 85 degrees glossmeter rating of not less than 50 when tested in
accordance with ASTM D523. The sheeting surface shall be readily processed and compatible
with transparent and opaque process colors and show no loss of the color coat with normal
handling, cutting, and application. The sheeting shall permit cutting and color processing at
temperatures of 60°F to 100°F and 20 to 80 percent RH. The sheeting shall be heat resistant
and permit force curing without staining of unapplied sheeting or applied sheeting at
temperatures recommended by the manufacturer not to exceed 150°F for unapplied sheeting or
200°F for applied sheeting. The sheeting surface shall be solvent resistant to permit cleaning
by wiping with a clean soft cloth dampened with VM&P Naphtha or mineral spirits.
The adhesive shall form a durable bond to smooth, corrosion and weather resistant surfaces
and permit the reflective sheeting to adhere securely, 48 hours after application at temperatures
of -30°F to 200°F. The adhesive bond shall be sufficient to render the applied sheeting vandal-
resistant and prevent its shocking off when subjected to an impact energy of 20 ft. lbs. applied
with a hemispherical tipped object 1 inch in diameter at -0°F. The test specimen shall be
applied to aluminum backing not less than 0.080 inch thick and having a dimension of not less
than 4 inches square. During testing, the specimen shall be supported on a 3-inch diameter ring.
The adhesion test shall conform to ASTM D4956 with the addition of the temperatures
noted above.
The resistance to accelerated weathering shall be as described in ASTM D4956 except the
weathering apparatus and procedure shall be in accordance with ASTM G154.
The reflective sheeting shall be sufficiently flexible to be cut to shape easily and permit
application over, and conform to, moderate shallow embossing characteristic of certain
sign borders and symbols. The tensile strength of the sheeting shall be 5 to 20 pounds per
square inch width when conditioned for 48 hours in accordance to ASTM D685 and tested in
accordance with ASTM D828. Following liner removal, the reflective sheeting shall not shrink
more than ¹⁄32 inch in 10 minutes nor more than ⅛ inch in 24 hours in any dimension per 9 inch
square at 72°F and 50 percent relative humidity.
The sheeting, when applied according to manufacturer’s recommendations to cleaned
and etched 0.020 by 2 by 8-inch aluminum, conditioned (24 hours) and tested at 72°F and
50 percent relative humidity, shall be sufficiently flexible to show no cracking when bent
around a ¾-inch diameter mandrel.
9-28.12(1) Application
The reflective sheeting shall be applied in the manner specified by the sheeting
manufacturer. The applied sign face shall not have bubbles, wrinkles, or foreign material
beneath the reflective sheeting.
9-28.12(2) Edge Treatment
All edges and splices of reflective sheeting signs shall be coated with an edge sealer when
recommended by the manufacturer of the reflectorized sheeting.
Failure to meet the specific minimum values shall constitute failure of the reflector being
used. Upon failure of more than two of the 50 samples tested, a resample of 100 reflectors
shall be tested. Failure of more than four of these samples shall be cause for rejection of
the lot.
9-28.14 Sign Support Structures
All sign support structures shall be constructed as shown in the Plans.
9-28.14(1) Timber Sign Posts
At the Contractor’s options, timber sign posts and mileposts shall be treated Douglas Fir
or treated Hem-Fir meeting the grades specified in Section 9-09.2. Douglas Fir and Hem-
Fir posts shall be given a treatment in accordance with Section 9-09.3(1). Preservative and
retention shall be as shown in Section 9-16.2 for sawn posts.
9-28.14(2) Steel Structures and Posts
Truss chords, struts, and diagonals, end posts, and end post struts and diagonals for
sign bridge structures and cantilever sign structures shall conform to either ASTM A36 or
ASTM A53 Grade B Type E or S. The nominal pipe diameter and the pipe wall thickness shall
be as shown in the Plans or Standard Plans. All other structural steel for sign bridge structures
and cantilever sign structures shall conform to either ASTM A36 or ASTM A992. Truss
member connection hardware shall conform to Section 9-06.5(3).
Pipe members for bridge mounted sign brackets shall conform to ASTM A53 Grade B
Type E or S, and shall be Schedule 40 unless otherwise specified. All other structural steel for
bridge mounted sign brackets shall conform to either ASTM A36 or ASTM A992. U bolts, and
associated nuts and washers, shall be stainless steel conforming to Section 9-28.11, and shall
be fabricated hot.
Anchor rods for sign bridge and cantilever sign structure foundations shall conform
to ASTM F1554 Grade 105, including Supplemental Requirements S2, S3, and S5. Nuts
and washers for sign bridge and cantilever sign structure foundations shall conform to
ASTM A563 Grade DH and ASTM F436, respectively.
Steel sign structures and posts shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with
AASHTO M111, unless noted otherwise in the Plans. All bolts, nuts, and washers shall be
galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M232. Unless otherwise specified in
the Plans or Special Provisions, metal surfaces shall not be painted.
Except as otherwise noted, steel used for sign structures and posts shall have a controlled
silicon content of either 0.00 to 0.04 percent or 0.15 to 0.25 percent. Steel used for slip
bases (SB-1, SB-2, SB-3) and heavy-duty anchors shall have a controlled silicon maximum
of 0.40 percent. If the Plans or Special Provisions specify painting of the galvanized steel
surfaces, then the controlled silicon content requirement does not apply for those steel
members. Mill test certificates verifying the silicon content of the steel shall be submitted
to both the galvanizer and the Engineer prior to beginning galvanizing operations.
Minor fabricating and modifications necessary for galvanizing will be allowed if not
detrimental to the end product as determined by the Engineer. If such modifications are
contemplated, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, six copies of the
proposed modifications, prior to fabrication.
9-28.14(3) Aluminum Structures
Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with AWS D1.2/D1.2M, latest edition,
Structural Welding Code – Aluminum.
Aluminum alloy filler metals utilized on anodized structures shall result in color matching
to base metals.
9-28.15 Vacant
The coupling body for the innerduct shall be factory assembled in the bell end of
the outerduct and shall be manufactured from a high-impact engineered thermoplastic.
The coupling body face shall be supplied with lead-ins to facilitate assembly.
All outerduct shall be marked with data traceable to plant location.
9-29.1(5)D Conduit With Innerducts Fittings and Appurtenances
Duct plugs shall be polypropylene and be equipped with a neoprene or polyurethane
gasket. Plugs shall be equipped with an attachment to secure the pull rope in the innerduct.
The plug shall withstand 5 psi.
9-29.1(5)D1 Bends for 4-Inch PVC Conduit With Innerducts or Galvanized Steel
Conduit With Innerducts
All bend radii shall be 36 inches or greater. The conduit system shall provide a complete
line of fixed and flexible sweeps with system-compatible bell and spigot or threaded ends.
The bends shall contain high-temperature burn-through-resistant innerducts manufactured
from PVC, PE, or Nylon-66. The innerducts shall meet all other requirements for innerduct
in Sections 9-29.1(1) and 9-29.1(5)A.
9-29.1(5)D2 Prefabricated Fixed and Flexible Bends (for Innerducts)
The prefabricated standard fixed PVC bends shall have a radius between 4 and 9 feet and
sweep angles of 11.25, 22.5, 45, or 90 degrees.
Flexible bends shall be prefabricated. These conduits may be field bent to a uniform
radius no less than 4 feet. The field bend shall be no greater than 90 degrees. Grounding
shall be continuous in flexible bends. Outerduct for flexible ends shall be manufactured from
reinforced PVC. Expansion and deflection fittings for rigid galvanized steel conduit with
innerduct shall be provided in accordance with Section 9-29.1(2)A.
9-29.1(6) Detectable Underground Warning Tape
Detectable Underground Warning tape shall be Orange imprinted in black lettering with
the message “FIBER OPTIC CABLE BURIED BELOW” or equal. The warning tape shall be
polyethylene with a metallic backing. The polyethylene shall be a minimum 4 mils thick and
3 inches wide.
9-29.1(7) Steel Casings
Steel casing material shall conform to ASTM A252 Grade 2 or 3 or casing as approved by
the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish pipe of adequate thickness to withstand the forces
exerted by the boring operation as well as those forces exerted by the earth during installation
and shall be a minimum of ⅜ inch thick. All joints shall be welded by a welder qualified in
accordance with AWS D1.1 structural welding code, Section 3.
9-29.1(8) Drilling Fluid
Drilling fluid used for directional boring shall be an inert mixture of water and bentonite
clay, conforming to the drilling equipment manufacturer’s recommendations.
9-29.1(9) Repair
Manufacturer repair kits shall be used for field repair of existing conduit, innerduct and
outerduct. The conduit repair kit shall be manufactured specifically for the repair of existing
damaged conduit, inner duct and outer duct. The repair kit shall be prepackaged and include
the split conduit and split couplings necessary to restore the damaged conduit to the original
inside dimensions including a water and air tight seal.
Materials for Type 1, 2, and 8 Concrete Junction Boxes shall conform to the following:
Materials Requirement
Concrete Section 6-02
Reinforcing Steel Section 9-07
Fiber Reinforcing ASTM C1116, Type III
Lid ASTM A786 diamond plate steel
Slip Resistant Lid ASTM A36 steel
Frame ASTM A786 diamond plate steel or ASTM A36 steel
Slip Resistant Frame ASTM A36 steel
Lid Support ASTM A36 steel, or ASTM A1011 SS Grade 36 (or higher)
Handle & Handle support ASTM A36 steel, or ASTM A1011 CS (Any Grade) or SS (Any Grade)
Anchors (studs) Section 9-06.15
Bolts, Studs, Nuts, Washers ASTM F593 or A193, Type 304 or 316, or Stainless Steel grade 302, 304, or 316
steel in accordance with approved shop drawings
Locking and Latching In accordance with approved shop drawings
Mechanism Hardware and Bolts
Materials for Type 4, 5, and 6 Concrete Junction Boxes shall conform to the following:
Materials Requirement
Concrete Section 6-02
Reinforcing Steel Section 9-07
Lid ASTM A786 diamond plate steel, rolled from plate complying with ASTM A572,
grade 50 or ASTM A588, and having a min. CVN toughness of 20 ft-lb at 40
degrees F
Ductile iron casting meeting Section 9-05.15
Frame and stiffener plates ASTM A572 grade 50 or ASTM A588, both with min. CVN toughness of
20 ft-lb at 40 degrees F
Gray iron casting meeting Section 9-05.15
Handle ASTM A36 steel or ASTM A1011 Grade CS or SS
Anchors (studs) Section 9-06.15
Threaded Anchors for Gray Iron ASTM F1554 grade 55 Headed Anchor Requirements
Bolts, Studs, Nuts, Washers ASTM F593 or A193, Type 304 or 316, or Stainless steel grade 302, 304, or
316 in accordance with approved shop drawing
Hinges and Locking and Latching In accordance with approved shop drawings
Mechanism and associated
Hardware and Bolts
Safety Bars In accordance with approved shop drawings
The bearing seat and lid perimeter shall be free from burrs, dirt, and other foreign debris
that would prevent solid seating. Bolts and nuts shall be liberally coated with anti-seize
compound. Bolts shall be installed snug tight. The bearing seat and lid perimeter shall be
machined to allow a minimum of 75 percent of the bearing areas to be seated with a tolerance
of 0.0 to 0.005 inches measured with a feeler gage. The bearing area percentage will be
measured for each side of the lid as it bears on the frame.
9-29.2(2) Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes
Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall be constructed as a concrete box and as a concrete lid.
The lids for the Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall be interchangeable and both shall fit the
same box as shown in the Standard Plans.
The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for all components, including concrete box,
Cast Iron Ring, Ductile Iron Lid, Steel Rings, and Lid. In addition, the shop drawings shall
show placement of reinforcing steel, knock outs, and any other appurtenances. The shop
drawing shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a Professional Engineer,
licensed under Title 18 RCW, State of Washington, in the branch of Civil or Structural. Each
sheet shall carry the following:
1. Professional Engineer’s original signature, date of signature, original seal, and
registration number. If a complete assembly drawing is included which references
additional drawing numbers, including revision numbers for those drawings, then only
the complete assembly drawing is required to be stamped.
2. The initials and dates of all participating design professionals.
3. Clear notation of all revisions including identification of who authorized the revision,
who made the revision, and the date of the revision.
Design calculations shall carry on the cover page, the Professional Engineer’s original
signature, date of signature, original seal, and registration number.
For each type of box or whenever there is a change to the Cable Vault or Pull Box
design, a proof test, as defined in this Specification, shall be performed and new shop
drawings submitted.
1. Product identification.
2. Date of testing.
3. Description of testing apparatus and procedure.
4. All load deflection and failure data.
5. Weight of box and cover tested.
6. Upon completion of the required test(s) the box shall be loaded to failure or to the
maximum load possible on the testing machine (70,000 pounds minimum).
7. A brief description of type and location of failure or statement that the testing machine
reached maximum load without failure of the box.
9-29.2(5)A Standard Duty Boxes and Vaults
Standard Duty Concrete Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes shall be load tested
to 22,500 pounds. The test load shall be applied uniformly through a 10 by 10 by 1-inch
steel plate centered on the lid. The test load shall be applied and released ten times, and the
deflection at the test load and released state shall be recorded for each interval. At each interval
the junction box shall be inspected for lid deformation, failure of the lid/frame welds, vertical
and horizontal displacement of the lid/frame, cracks, and concrete spalling.
Concrete junction boxes will be considered to have withstood the test if none of the
following conditions are exhibited:
1. Permanent deformation of the lid or any impairment to the function of the lid.
2. Vertical or horizontal displacement of the lid frame.
3. Cracks wider than 0.012 inches that extend 12 inches or more.
4. Fracture or cracks passing through the entire thickness of the concrete.
5. Spalling of the concrete.
9-29.2(5)B Retrofit Security Lids for Standard Duty Concrete Junction Boxes
Security lids used to retrofit existing Standard Duty Concrete Junction Boxes shall be
tested as follows:
1. The security lid shall be installed on any appropriately sized box that is currently
approved on the Qualified Products List.
2. The security lid and box assembly shall be load tested in accordance with Section
9-29.2(5)A. After the ten load cycles but before loading to failure, the security lid shall
be fully opened and removed to verify operability.
3. The locking mechanism(s) shall be tested as follows:
a. The locking mechanism shall be cycled 250 times (locked, then unlocked again) at
room temperature (60-80°F). If there is more than one identical locking mechanism,
only one needs to be cycled in this manner.
b. Temperature changes should be limited to no more than 60°F per hour.
c. The security lid shall be cooled to and held at -30°F for 15 minutes. The locking
mechanism shall then be cycled once to verify operation at this temperature.
d. The security lid shall be heated to and held at 120-122°F for 15 minutes. The locking
mechanism shall then be cycled once to verify operation at this temperature.
e. The security lid shall be temperature adjusted to and held at 110°F and 95 percent
humidity for 15 minutes. The locking mechanism shall then be cycled once to verify
operation at this temperature and humidity.
9-29.2(5)C Standard Duty Non-Concrete Junction Boxes
Non-concrete Junction Boxes shall be tested as defined in the ANSI/SCTE 77 Tier 15 test
method using the test load of 22,500 pounds (minimum) in place of the design load during
testing. In addition, the Contractor shall provide a Manufacturer Certificate of Compliance for
each non-concrete junction box installed.
c. Markings shall include the manufacturer’s name, year of manufacture, the number of
fibers, the words “OPTICAL CABLE”, and sequential length marks.
d. Sequential length markings shall be in meters or feet, spaced at intervals not more
than 1 meter or 2 feet apart, respectively.
e. The actual cable length shall not be shorter than the cable length marking. The actual
cable length may be up to 1 percent longer than the cable length marking.
f. Cables with initial markings that do not meet these requirements will not be
accepted and may not be re-marked.
11. Short term tensile strength shall be a minimum of 600 pounds (lbs). Long term tensile
strength shall be a minimum of 180 pounds (lbs). Tensile strength shall be achieved
using a fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) central member and / or aramid yarns.
12. All cables shall be new and free of material or manufacturing defects and dimensional
non-uniformity that would:
a. Interfere with the cable installation using accepted cable installation practices;
b. Degrade the transmission performance or environmental resistance after installation;
c. Inhibit proper connection to interfacing elements;
d. Otherwise yield an inferior product.
13. The fiber optic cables shall be shipped on reels with a drum diameter at least 20 times
the diameter of the cable, in order to prevent damage to the cable. The reels shall be
substantial and constructed so as to prevent damage during shipment and handling.
Reels shall be labeled with the same information required for the cable markings, with
the exception that the total length of cable shall be marked instead of incremental length
marks. Reels shall also be labeled with the type of cable.
9-29.3(1)A Singlemode Fiber Optic Cable
Single-Mode optical fibers shall be EIA/TIA 492-CAAB or ISO/IEC 11801 Type OS2, low
water peak zero dispersion fibers, meeting the requirements of ITU-T G.652.D.
9-29.3(1)B Multimode Optical Fibers
Where multimode fiber optic cables are specified in the Contract, the optical fibers shall be
one of the following types, as specified in the Contract:
1. Type OM1, meeting the requirements of EIA/TIA 492-AAAA-A or ISO/IEC 11801.
The fiber core diameter shall be 62.5 µm.
2. Type OM2, meeting the requirements of EIA/TIA 492-AAAB-A or ISO/IEC 11801.
The fiber core diameter shall be 50 µm.
All multimode optical fibers shall have a maximum attenuation of 3.0 dB/km at 850nm
and 1.0 dB/km at 1300nm. Completed cable assemblies shall be rated for 1000BaseLX
Ethernet communications.
9-29.3(2) Electrical Conductors and Cable
9-29.3(2)A Single Conductor
9-29.3(2)A1 Single Conductor Current Carrying
All current carrying single conductors shall be stranded copper conforming to ASTM B3
and B8. Insulation shall be chemically XLP (cross-linked polyethylene) or EPR (Ethylene
Propylene Rubber) Type USE rated for 600-volt.
9-29.3(2)A2 Grounding Electrode Conductor
Grounding electrode conductor shall be bare or insulated stranded copper. The insulation
shall be green or green with a yellow tracer.
1. The steel light and signal standard fabricator’s preapproved plan as approved
by the Washington State Department of Transportation and as identified in the
Special Provisions.
2. The steel light and signal standard fabricator’s shop drawing submittal, including
supporting design calculations, as submitted in accordance with Sections 6-01.9
and 8-20.2(1) and the Special Provisions, and as approved by the Engineer.
9-29.6(1) Steel Light and Signal Standards
Steel plates and shapes for light and signal standards shall conform to ASTM A36, except
that structural shapes may conform to ASTM A992. Shafts for light and signal standards,
except Type PPB signal standards, shall conform to ASTM A572 Grade 50. Shafts and caps
for Type PPB signal standards, slipfitters for type PS I, FB, and RM signal standards, and all
pipes shall conform to ASTM A53 Grade B. Base plates for light standards shall conform to
ASTM A572, Grade 50, except as otherwise noted in the Standard Plans for fixed base light
standards. Base plates for signal standards shall conform to ASTM A36. Connecting bolts
shall conform to ASTM F3125 Grade A325. Fasteners for handhole covers, bands on lighting
brackets, and connector attachment brackets shall conform to ASTM F593.
Light and signal standards shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M111
and AASHTO M232.
Steel used for light and signal standards shall have a controlled silicon content of either
0.00 to 0.04 percent or 0.15 to 0.25 percent. Mill test certificates verifying the silicon content
of the steel shall be submitted to both the galvanizer and the Engineer prior to beginning
galvanizing operations.
9-29.6(1)A Vacant
9-29.6(2) Slip Base Hardware
Slip plates and anchor plates for light standards and for Type FB and RM signal standards
shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A572 Grade 50. The keeper plate shall be 28 gage,
conforming to ASTM A653 coating designation G 90. Clamping bolts for slip base assemblies
and slip base adapters shall conform to ASTM F3125 Grade A325. Studs and bolts for slip
base adapters shall conform to ASTM F3125 Grade A325. Nuts shall conform to ASTM A563
Grade DH. Hardened washers shall conform to ASTM F436. Plate washers shall conform to
ASTM A36, and also shall conform to the flatness tolerances specified in ASTM F436 for
circular washers.
Galvanized bolts shall meet Section 9-06.5(4).
9-29.6(3) Timber Light Standards, Timber Strain Poles, Timber Service Supports
All timber poles used in illumination or traffic signal systems shall be Douglas fir,
machine shaved, roof sawed, conforming to the latest ANSI Specifications and Dimensions
for Wood Poles.
All timber poles shall be gained according to industry standards. A dated nail or metallic
date plate shall be set in the gain evidencing the year of treatment of the timber pole.
All poles shall be treated with pentachlorophenol in accordance with Section 9-09.3(1).
Tops shall be sawed before treatment. Where holes are bored in poles to accommodate
hanging bolts for brackets, transformers, guy assemblies, or other accessories, such holes
shall be painted with a solution of the above preservative.
9-29.6(4) Welding
Welding of steel structures shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M, latest edition,
Structural Welding Code, and Section 6-03.3(25).
9-29.8 Vacant
9-29.9 Ballast, Transformers
Heat-generating components shall be mounted to use the portion of the luminaire upon
which they are mounted as a heat sink. Capacitors shall be located as far as practicable from
heat-generating components or shall be thermally shielded to limit the fixture temperature
to 160°F.
Transformers and inductors shall be resin-impregnated for protection against moisture.
Capacitors, except those in starting aids, shall be metal cased and hermetically sealed.
No capacitor, transformer, or other device shall employ the class of compounds identified
as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) as dielectric, coolants, or for any other purpose.
9-29.9(1) Ballast
Each ballast shall have a name plate attached permanently to the case listing all
electrical data.
A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance, in accordance with Section 1-06.3, meeting
the manufacturer’s and these Specifications’ requirements, shall be submitted by the
Contractor with each type of luminaire ballast.
Ballasts shall be designed for continuous operation at ambient air temperatures from 20°F
without reduction in ballast life. Ballasts shall have a design life of not less than 100,000
hours. Ballasts shall be designed to operate for at least 180 cycles of 12 hours on and 12 hours
off, with the lamp circuit in an open or short-circuited condition and without measurable
reduction in the operating requirements. All ballasts shall be high power factor (90 percent).
Ballasts shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of current ANSI C 82.6,
Methods of Measurement of High-Intensity-Discharge Lamp Ballasts. Starting aids for ballasts
of a given lamp wattage shall be interchangeable between ballasts of the same wattage and
manufacturer without adjustment.
Ballast assemblies shall consist of separate components, each of which shall be capable
of being easily replaced. A starting aid will be considered as a single component. Each
component shall be provided with screw terminals, NEMA tab connectors or a single multi-
circuit connector. All conductor terminals shall be identified as to the component terminal to
which they connect.
9-29.9(2) Transformers
The transformers to be furnished shall be indoor/outdoor dry type transformers rated
as shown in the Plans. The transformer coils, buss bar, and all connections shall be copper.
Transformers, 7.5 KVA and larger shall be supplied with two full capacity taps, one at
5 percent and one at 10 percent below the normal full capacity.
9-29.10 Luminaires
All luminaires shall have their components secured to the luminaire frame with ANSI 300
series chrome-nickel grade stainless steel, zinc dichromate-coated steel, or ceramic-coated
steel hardware. The luminaire slipfitter bolts shall be stainless steel, hot-dip galvanized steel,
zinc dichromate-coated steel, or ceramic-coated steel. All internal luminaire assemblies shall
be assembled on or fabricated from either stainless steel or galvanized steel. The housing,
complete with integral ballast, shall be weathertight.
The temperature rating of all wiring internal to the luminaire housing, excluding the pole
and bracket cable, shall equal or exceed 200°F.
All luminaires shall be provided with markers for positive identification of light source
type and wattage in accordance with ANSI C136.15-2011, with the exception that LED
luminaires shall be labeled with the wattage of their conventional luminaire equivalents – the
text “LED” is optional. Legends shall be sealed with transparent film resistant to dust, weather,
and ultraviolet exposure.
Legends shall correspond to the following code:
Conventional Conventional Equivalent
Lamp Wattage Wattage Legend LED Legend
70 7 7E
100 10 10E
150 15 15E
175 17 17E
200 20 20E
250 25 25E
310 31 31E
400 40 40E
700 70 70E
750 75 75E
1,000 X1 X1E
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page 9-157
9-29 Illumination, Signal, Electrical
Each fixture shall consist of a housing, a reflector, refractor or lens, lamp socket, lamp,
power coupler, a high frequency (HF) generator and a fuse block, door, front entry (the side
facing the sign) suitable for ½-inch conduit and mounting holes for attaching to a fixture
mounting plate. Any additional entries shall have suitable plugs. The sign lighting luminaire
shall be supported by a lighting bracket assembly as detailed in the Plans. The door shall be
hinged to the housing on the side of the fixture away from the sign panel and shall be provided
with two captive devices. The door shall be provided with the means to allow the door to be
locked in the open position 70 to 90 degree from the plane of the door opening. The juncture
of the door and housing shall be gasketed to provide a rain tight and dust tight joint.
Refractors or lens shall be manufactured from heat resistant glass. The refractor or lens
shall be shielded so that no light source is visible from the sign viewing approach. The shield
shall be an integral part of the door assembly. When called for in the Plans, fixtures shall be
provided with a wire guard to prevent damage to the refractor.
The ratio of the maximum to minimum illuminance level on a panel 10 feet high by
16 feet wide shall not numerically exceed 9:1 approaching 1:1. In addition, the illuminance
gradient shall not numerically exceed 2:1, illuminance gradient being defined as the ratio of
the minimum illuminance of a square panel 1 foot on a side to that of any adjacent panel of
the same size. This performance shall be obtained when the fixture is mounted 1 foot below
the bottom edge of the sign and 5 feet out from the sign face.
The average to minimum uniformity ratio for a panel as dimensioned above shall not
numerically exceed 4:1. Average initial illuminance shall exceed 10 foot candles for an
induction lamp of 85 watts as specified.
The system lifetime shall be rated at 60,000 hours with a failure rate of less than
10 percent. The system shall be rated at a nominal wattage of 85 W, 120/240 or 480V(ac).
The power factor of the system shall be greater than 90 percent and the total harmonic
distortion (THD) shall be less than 10 percent. The system shall be UL approved for wet
locations and be FCC Class A listed.
The mounting assembly shall be either cast aluminum, hot-dip galvanized steel plate
or steel plate that has been galvanized and finished with a polymeric coating system or the
same finish that is used for the housing. The overall weight of the fixture shall not exceed
44 pounds. The manufacturer’s brand name, trademark, model number, serial number and
date of manufacture shall be located on the packaged assembly and on the outside and inside
of the housing.
The housing shall have a door designed to hold a refractor or lens. The housing door
shall be designed to be opened without the use of tools. The housing and door shall have
polyester paint finish of a gray color resembling unfinished fabricated aluminum.
The reflector may be designed to be removed as a unit that includes the lamp and
power coupler.
Each fixture shall be furnished with an 85-W induction lamp. The interior lamp walls shall
be fluorescent phosphor coated. Lamp light output shall be not less than 70 percent at 60,000
hours. Lamps shall have a color-rendering index (CRI) of not less than 80. Lamps shall be
rated at a color temperature of 4,000 K. Lamps shall be removable without the use of tools.
Power Coupler
The power coupler shall consist of a construction base with antenna, heat sink and
electrical connection cable. The power coupler shall be designed so that it can be removed
with no more than common hand tools.
High Frequency Generator
High frequency (HF) generators shall provide reliable lamp starting and operation at
ambient temperatures down to -15°F for the rated life of the lamp.
The generator output frequency shall be 2.65 MHz ± 10 percent. The generator radio
frequency interference shall meet the requirements of Part 18 of the FCC.
High frequency generators shall be designed for continuous operation at ambient air
temperatures from -5°F to 80°F without reduction in generator life. High frequency generators
shall have a design life of not less than 100,000 hours at 130°F.
A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance, conforming to the provisions in Section
1-06.3, and a copy of the high frequency generator test methods and results shall be submitted
by the manufacturer with each lot of sign lighting fixtures. The certificate shall state that the
high frequency generators meet, in every respect, the above requirements and the generator
Specifications of the lamp manufacturer. High frequency generators shall also conform to
the following:
1. High frequency generators shall be capable of being easily replaced. All conductor
terminals shall be identified as to the component terminal to which they connect.
2. High frequency generators shall be mounted so as to use the portion of the sign
lighting fixture upon which they are mounted as a heat sink.
9-29.11 Control Equipment
Illumination circuits shall be controlled by a combination of photoelectric controls and
lighting contactors or mercury relays as noted in the Contract.
9-29.11(1) Time Clock Controls
Time clocks, when specified in the Contract, shall be solid state and shall have a battery
backup. The clock shall provide four functions and shall be enclosed within a dust tight
mounting case. The unit shall be mounted on vibration dampened fittings.
The unit shall be push button programmable with 15 events per week, selectable by day
of week and time of day to the nearest minute.
The clock shall be accurate to plus or minus 15 seconds per month through a humidity
variation of 0 to 95 percent and a temperature variation of 0ºF to 150ºF. The clock shall be
within plus or minus 10 seconds after 10 hours of battery backup operation. The backup
battery shall operate for 24 hours minimum.
Contacts shall be rated at 5 amps tungsten load for up to 100,000 cycles. Each clock
function shall operate a 120 VAC normally open and normally closed set of contacts.
9-29.11(2) Photoelectric Controls
The photoelectric control shall be the twistlock type and the light sensitive element shall
be a solid state photo diode. The control shall be designed to turn on at 3 foot-candles (32 lux)
and turn off at 1.8 foot-candles (20 lux). The lighting control shall not drift by more than
1 percent over a 10-year period.
The output control relay shall have a 45-second time delay to prevent false turn-off
caused by momentary brightness. This output relay shall be rated 1,000 watts incandescent
or 15 amps inductive load. The contacts shall be normally closed. The unit shall be designed
to not continuously pulse the output relay if the photo control bypass switch is energized.
The lighting control shall have a built in metal oxide varistor (MOV) rated 180 joules
for lightning and transient protection. The control shall also have secondary zener diode and
transient filter. The printed circuit board shall be coated to prevent corrosion. The normal
operating voltage range will be 105 to 285 VAC.
9-29.12 Electrical Splice Materials
Circuit splicing materials shall meet the following specifications.
9-29.12(1) Illumination Circuit Splices
Illumination circuit splices shall be split bolt vice-type connectors or solderless crimped
connections to securely join the wires, both mechanically and electrically, as defined in
Section 8-20.3(8).
minimum recall with interval timing set at convenient value for testing purposes. Upon
a satisfactory demonstration the controller assembly will then be accepted by WSDOT
for testing.
4. If the assembly and acceptance for testing is not complete within 7 calendar days of
delivery, the Engineer may authorize the return of the assembly to the Contractor, with
collect freight charges to the Contractor.
5. WSDOT will test each traffic signal control assembly in accordance with the following
test methods, WSDOT T 421, T 422, T 423, T 424, T 425, T 427, and T 428.
6. If the traffic signal control assembly passes all testing, the Contractor will be notified
where the assembly is to be picked-up for delivery to the project. The Contractor shall
pick-up the assembly within 7 calendar days of notification.
7. If the traffic signal control assembly fails testing, the Contractor has 7 calendar days to
repair or replace any components that fail during the testing process at no cost to the
Contracting Agency. All repairs shall be completed during normal business hours for the
State Materials Lab. A failure shall be defined as a component that no longer functions
as intended under the conditions required or does not meet the requirements of the
Contract and is at the sole discretion of WSDOT. Once all repairs and replacement of
components is complete WSDOT will retest the traffic controller as specified in step 6
and all costs for retesting will be deducted from monies due or that may become due the
9-29.13(3) Traffic Signal Controller
The traffic signal controller shall conform to the Contract requirements and the applicable
Specifications as listed below: All solid-state electronic traffic-actuated controllers and their
supplemental devices shall employ digital timing methods.
1. NEMA control and all auxiliary equipment shall conform to current NEMA TS1 or TS2
Specification. Every pin of every connecting plug shall be utilized as described within
the NEMA requirement, except that those pins identified as “spare” or “future” shall
remain unused.
2. Type 170E controllers shall conform to the TEES. The 170E controller shall be
provided with a program card, one blank ROM chip, and two 64K non-volatile
memory chips.
3. Type 170E/HC-11 controllers shall conform to the current Oregon Department of
Transportation Specification for model 170E/HC-11 controller. The 170E controller
with the HC11 chip shall be compatible with the software specified in the Contract.
The controller shall be provided with one ROM chip and one 64K non-volatile
memory chip.
4. Type 2070 controllers shall conform to the TEES. The standard 2070 controller shall
consist of the following:
2070 2070E 2070N1
2070-5 VME cage
2070-1E CPU Card 2070-1E CPU Card 2070-1E CPU Card
2070-3B Front Panel 2070-3B Front Panel 2070-3B Front Panel
2070-4 Power Supply 2070-4 Power Supply 2070-4 Power Supply
2070-2A Field I/O 2070-2A Field I/O 2070-2B Field I/O
X X 2070-8 Interface
9-29.13(4) Traffic-Signal Controller Software
All traffic signal controllers shall operate with software specified in the contract.
Traffic-actuated controllers shall be electronic devices which, when connected to traffic
detectors or other means of actuation, or both, shall operate the electrical traffic signal system
at one or more intersections.
If the complete traffic controller defined in the Special Provision requires NTCIP
compliance the following are the minimum requirements for NTCIP operation.
The traffic controller hardware and software shall communicate with the central computer
in a polled multi-drop operation. In the polled multi-drop operation, several traffic controllers
shall share the same communication channel, with each controller assigned a unique ID
number. Controller ID numbers shall conform to the NTCIP requirements for address
numbers. A traffic controller shall only reply to messages labeled with its ID. In polled
multi-drop mode, traffic controllers never initiate communication, but merely transmit their
responses to messages from the central computer.
A laptop computer connected to the traffic controller’s local communication port shall have
the same control and diagnostic capabilities as the central computer. However, local laptop
control capability shall be limited to that traffic controller.
NTCIP Requirements
The traffic controller software shall comply with the National Transportation
Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) documents and all related errata sheets published
before July 1, 1999 and as referenced herein.
The traffic controller software shall support the following standards:
1. NTCIP 1101, Simple Transportation Management Framework (STMF), Conformance
Level 1 (Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP))
2. NTCIP 2001, Class B Profile. All serial ports on the device shall support
communications according to these standards.
3. NTCIP 2101, SP-PMPP/RS232 Point-to-Multi-Point Protocol (PMPP)
4. NTCIP 2201, NTCIP TP-Null Transport Profile Null (TP-NULL)
The traffic controller software shall implement all mandatory objects of all mandatory
conformance groups as defined in NTCIP 1201, Global Object Definitions, and NTCIP 1202,
Object Definitions for Actuated Traffic Signal Controller Units. Software shall implement the
following conformance groups:
NTCIP 1202, Object Definitions for ASC
Conformance Group Reference
Configuration 1201 2.2
Time Management
Time Base Event Schedule
Report 2.5
Phase 1202 2.2
Rings 2.8
Detector 2.3
Unit 2.4
Preempt 2.7
Time Base 2.6
Coordination 2.5
Channel 2.9
Overlaps 2.10
Software shall be supplied with all documentation on a CD. ASCII versions of the
following Management Information Base (MIB) files in Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1)
format shall be provided on CD-ROM:
1. The official MIB Module referenced by the device functionality.
2. A manufacturer-specific version of the official MIB Module with the non-standardized
range indicated in the SYNTAX field. The filename shall match the official MIB
Module, with the extension “spc”.
3. A MIB Module of all manufacturer-specific objects supported by the device with
accurate and meaningful DESCRIPTION fields and the supported ranges indicated in
the SYNTAX field.
9-29.13(5) Flashing Operations
All traffic signals shall be equipped for flashing operation of signal displays. Controllers
and cabinets shall be programmed for flashing red displays for all approaches. During flashing
operation, all pedestrian circuits shall be de-energized.
Actuated traffic signal control mechanisms shall be capable of entry into flash operation
and return to stop-and-go operation as follows:
1. Terminal Strip Input (Remote Flash). When called as a function of a terminal strip
input, the controller shall provide both sequenced entry into flash and sequenced return
to normal operation consistent with the requirements of the latest edition of the Manual
on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
2. Police Panel Switch. When the flash-automatic switch located behind the police panel
door is turned to the flash position, the signals shall immediately revert to flash; and, the
controller shall have a stop time input applied. When the switch is placed on automatic,
the controller shall immediately time an 6 second all red period then resume stop-and-
go operations at the beginning of major street green.
3. Controller Cabinet Switches. When the flash-automatic switch located inside the
controller cabinet is placed in the flash position, the signals shall immediately revert to
flash; however, the controller shall not have a stop time input applied. When the flash-
automatic switch is placed in the automatic position, the controller shall immediately
time a 6 second all red period, then resume stop-and-go operation at the beginning of
the major green.
4. Power Interruption. On “NEMA” controllers any power interruption longer than 475
plus or minus 25 milliseconds, signals shall re-energize consistent with No. 2 above
to ensure an 6-second flash period prior to the start of major street green. A power
interruption of less than 475 plus or minus 25 milliseconds shall not cause resequencing
of the controller and the signal displays shall re-energize without change. Type 170
controllers shall re-energize consistent with No. 2 above after a power interruption of
1.75 plus or minus 0.25 seconds. The 6-second flash period will not be required. Any
power interruption to a 2070 type controller shall result in a 6 second flash period once
power is restored.
5. Conflict Monitor. Upon detecting a fault condition the conflict monitor shall
immediately cause the signal to revert to flash and the controller to stop time. After the
conflict monitor has been reset, the controller shall immediately take command of the
signal displays at the beginning of major street green.
9-29.13(6) Emergency Preemption
Immediately after a valid call has been received, the preemption equipment shall cause
the controller to terminate the appropriate phases as necessary with the required clearance
intervals and enter any programed subsequent preemption sequence. Preemption sequences
shall be as noted in the Contract.
Conflict monitors shall include a minimum of one indicator light for each phase used.
The monitoring capacity of the unit shall be compatible with the controller frame size.
Conflict monitors shall include a program card.
7. A “Detector Panel”, as specified in Section 9-29.13(10)B, shall be installed. The panel
shall be mounted on the inside of the front cabinet door. The detector panel shall be
constructed as a single unit. Detector switches with separate operate, test, and off
positions shall be provided for each field detector input circuit. A high intensity light
emitting diode (LED) shall be provided for each switch. The lamp shall energize upon
vehicle, pedestrian or test switch actuation. The test switch shall provide a spring loaded
momentary contact that will place a call into the controller. When in the OFF position,
respective detector circuits will be disconnected. In the operate position, each respective
detector circuit shall operate normally. Switches shall be provided on the panel with
labels and functions as follows:
a. Display On — Detector indicator lights shall operate consistent with their
respective switches.
b. Display Off — Detector indicator lights shall be de-energized.
A means of disconnecting all wiring entering the panel shall be provided. The
disconnect shall include a means to jumper detection calls when the display panel
is disconnected. All switches on the panel shall be marked with its associated Plan
detector number. All markers shall be permanent.
8. Insulated terminal blocks of sufficient number to provide a termination for all field
wiring. A minimum of 12 spare terminals shall be provided. Field wire connection
terminal blocks shall be 600 volt, heavy duty, barrier type, except loop detector lead-
ins, which may be 300 volt. The 600 volt type terminal strips shall be provided with
a field-side and a control-side connector separated by a marker strip. The 300 volt type
shall have a marker strip, installed on the right side of vertical terminal strips or below
horizontal terminal strips. The marker strip shall bear the circuit number indicated in
the Plans and shall be engraved. Each connector shall be a screw type with No. 8 post
capable of accepting no less than three 12 AWG wires fitted with spade tips.
9. A vent fan with adjustable thermostat. The minimum CFM rating of the fan shall exceed
three times the cabinet volume.
10. All wiring within the cabinet, exclusive of wiring installed by the signal controller
manufacturer, shall have insulation conforming to the requirements of Section
9-29.3. Cabinet wiring shall be trimmed to eliminate all slack and shall be laced or
bound together with nylon wraps or equivalent. All terminals, shall be numbered and
permanently identified with PVC or polyolefin wire marking sleeve consistent with
the cabinet wiring diagram provided by the signal controller manufacturer and the
Contract. The cabinet will be completely wired so that the only requirement to make a
field location completely operational is to attach field power and ground wiring. Internal
cabinet wiring shall not utilize the field side connections of the terminal strip intended
for termination of field wires.
11. Cabinet wiring diagram and component wiring diagrams meeting the requirements of
Section 9-29.13(7) shall be furnished with each cabinet. Each cabinet shall be equipped
with a, shelf mounted roll out drawer mounted directly below the controller to house
one or more cabinet wiring diagrams. The cabinet wiring diagram shall indicate and
identify all wire terminations, all plug connectors, and the locations of all equipment in
the cabinet. Included in the diagram shall be an intersection sketch identifying all heads,
detectors, and push buttons; and a phase diagram.
12. Each vehicle detector amplifier, video detection output channel pedestrian call isolation
unit, phase selector, discriminator, and load switch shall be identified with semi-
permanent stick-on type label. The following information shall be included:
a. Display On – Detector indicator lights shall operate consistent with their respective
b. Display Off – Detector indicator lights shall be de-energized.
A means of disconnecting all wiring entering the panel shall be provided. The
disconnect shall include a means to jumper detection calls when the display panel
is disconnected. All switches on the panel shall be marked with its associated Plan
detector number. All markers shall be permanent.
8. A “Detector Termination and Interface Panel” shall be provided. When viewing the
cabinet from the back, the panel shall be located on the upper left hand side of the
cabinet. The panel shall be electrically located between the “detection Panel” and the
C-1 connector. The panel shall utilize insulated terminal blocks and each connector
shall be a screw type with post.
9. Each switchpack socket shall have pin 11 common to Neutral.
10. The AC input Service Panel Assembly (SPA), line voltage filter, transient surge
protection and all neutral bus bars and equipment ground bus bars shall be on the right
side of the cabinet, mounted no more that 18 inches from the bottom of the cabinet
when viewed from the rear, and meet the requirements described in TEES.
11. The PED yellow terminals on the CMU edge connector shall be extended with a 2 foot
wire, coiled, heat shrink tipped and labeled for the correct corresponding terminal
as CH-13Y/CMU-8, CH-14Y/CMU-11, CH-15Y/CMU-K, CH-16Y/CMU-N.
12. An “Absence of Red Programming Assembly” shall be provided. There shall be
provided on the back panel of the output file, 17 accessible jumper plug attachment
areas, made up of three male pins per position (one, for each conflict monitor channel
and one for red enable function). Each jumper plug shall be a two position connector,
It shall be possible, by inserting and positioning one of the 16 connectors on the right
two pins on the monitor board, to apply 120 VAC into a corresponding channel of
the conflict monitor red channels. The connection between the red monitor board and
the conflict monitor shall be accomplished via a 20 pin ribbon cable and the industry
standard P-20 connector that attaches on the front panel of the monitor. It shall be
possible, by inserting and positioning one of the 16 jumper plugs on the two left pins
on the monitor board, to enable the corresponding channel to monitor for red fault by
the conflict monitor. There shall be installed on the red monitor board a red fail monitor
disable function that controls the 120 VAC red enable signal into the conflict monitor.
During stop-and –go operation, 120VAC is sent via pin #20 on the P20 connector to
enable red failure monitoring on the conflict monitor by having the connector moved to
the side labeled “Red Enable”. If this is disengaged by moving the connector to the side
labeled “Red Relay”, then 120VAC is removed from pin #20, and the conflict monitor
will no longer monitor for red fail faults. The red enable function will also be wired
such that if the traffic signal is in cabinet flash, then there will be no voltage on pin #20,
and the conflict monitor will not monitor for red fail faults.
13. Each cabinet shall be provided with at least 20 empty neutral connections to
accommodate field wiring. The neutral bus bars shall be of the style in which a
lug is not needed to be applied to the neutral field wire(s). All of the neutral bars
shall be secured in accordance with the TEES. All neutral bars shall be at the same
electrical potential.
14. The main breaker on the SPA shall be provided with a cover to prevent accidental
tripping. The cover shall be removable and replaceable without the use of tools.
15. Equipment Branch Breaker –The duplex receptacle on the rear of either PDA #2L or 3L
shall be wired in parallel with the ground fault current interrupt receptacle on the front
of the power supply. The ground fault current interrupt receptacle being in the “Test”
mode shall not remove power to the rear receptacle.
shall be provided. The shelf shall be fabricated from aluminum and shall contain
a rollout flip-top drawer for storage of wiring diagrams and manuals.
2. One aluminum sheet metal panel, ⅛ʺ × 15ʺ × 54ʺ, shall be installed to the rear
of the cabinet on the right hand (when facing the front) side railing.
3. Additional ITS and Communication equipment as described in the Contract Plans
and the ITS section of the Contract Special Provisions.
9-29.13(11) Traffic Data Accumulator and Ramp Meters
All cabinets designated for use as a traffic data or ramp meter shall be Type 334L cabinets
furnished to meet the TEES with the modifications listed in Section 9-29.13(10)D and include
the following accessories:
1. Each cabinet shall be equipped with a fully operable controller equipped as specified in
the Contract Provisions.
2. Two input files, shall be provided.
3. The PDA #3L shall contain three Model 200 Load Switches.
A second transfer relay, Model 430, shall be mounted on the rear of the PDA #3L and
wired as shown in the Plans.
4. Police Panel shall contain only one DPDT toggle switch. The switch shall be labeled
5. Display Panel
a. General
Each cabinet shall be furnished with a display panel. The panel shall be mounted,
showing and providing detection for inputs and specified controller outputs, at the
top of the front rack above the controller unit. The display panel shall be fabricated
from brushed aluminum and constructed according to the detail in the Plans.
b. Text
All text on the detector panel shall be black in color and silk screened directly to the
panel except the Phenolic detector and cabinet nameplates.
A nameplate for each loop shall be engraved with a ¼-inch nominal text according
to the ITS Field Wiring Charts. The nameplates shall be permanently affixed to the
detector panel.
c. LEDs
The LEDs for the display panel shall meet the following Specifications:
Case size T 1-¾
Viewing angle 50° minimum
Brightness 8 Milli candelas
LEDs with RED, YELLOW or GREEN as part of their labels shall be red,
yellow or green in color. All other LEDs shall be red. All LEDs shall have tinted
diffused lenses.
d. Detector panel Control Switch
Each display panel shall be equipped with one detector display control switch on the
panel with labels and functions as follows:
Detector panel LEDs shall operate consistent with their separate switches.
All detector indicator LEDs shall be de-energized. Detector calls shall continue
to reach the controller.
All detector indicator LEDs shall illuminate and no calls shall be placed to the
Loop lead-in cables shall be labeled and connected to cabinet terminals according to the
ITS Field Wiring Chart. This chart will be provided by the Engineer within 20 days of
the Contractor’s request.
9-29.13(12) ITS Cabinet
Basic ITS cabinets shall be Model 334L Cabinets, unless otherwise specified in the
Contract. Type 334L Cabinets shall be constructed in accordance with the TEES, with the
following modifications:
1. The basic cabinet shall be furnished with only Housing 1 B, Mounting Cage 1, Service
Panel #1, a Drawer Shelf, and Controller Unit Supports. Additional equipment may be
specified as part of the cabinet function-specific standards.
2. Housing aluminum shall be 5052 alloy with mill finish. Painted or anodized aluminum
is not allowed.
3. The door air filter shall be a disposable paper filter element of at least 180 square inches.
4. Locks shall be spring loaded construction core locks capable of accepting a Best
6-pin core. A 6-pin construction core of the type (Blue, Green, or Red) specified in the
Contract shall be installed in each core lock. One core removal key and two standard
keys (properly marked) shall be included with each cabinet and delivered to the
Engineer upon Contract completion.
5. Each cabinet shall include a 120VAC electric strip heater with a rating of 100 watts,
which shall be thermostat controlled. The heater strip shall be fed by wire with a
temperature rating of 400°F or higher, and shall be shielded to prevent contact with
wiring, equipment, or personnel. If the heater thermostat is separate from the fan
thermostat, the heater thermostat must meet the same requirements a++++s the fan
thermostat as defined in TEES.
6. LED light strips shall be provided for cabinet lighting, powered from the Equipment
breaker on the Power Distribution Assembly. Each LED light strip shall be
approximately 12 inches long, have a minimum output of 320 lumens, and have a color
temperature of 4100K (cool white) or higher. There shall be two light strips for each
rack within the cabinet. Lighting shall be ceiling mounted – rack mounted lighting is
not permitted. One light strip shall be installed above the front of the rack, oriented
parallel to the door face, and placed such that the front of the rack and the rack mounted
equipment is illuminated. The second light strip shall be installed above the rear of
the rack, oriented perpendicular to the door face, and placed such that the interior of
the rack is illuminated. Lighting shall not interfere with the proper operation of any
other ceiling mounted equipment. All lighting fixtures above a rack shall energize
automatically when either door to that respective rack is opened. Each door switch shall
be labeled “Light”.
7. Each cabinet shall be equipped with a power distribution assembly (PDA) mounted in
a standard EIA 19-inch (ANSI/EIA RS-310-C) rack utilizing no more than five Rack
Mounting Units (RMU) (8.75 inches). The PDA shall include the following equipment:
a. One duplex NEMA 5-15R GFCI receptacle on the front of the PDA.
b. Four duplex NEMA 5-15R receptacles on the rear of the PDA. These receptacles
shall remain energized on a trip or failure of the GFCI receptacle.
c. Four 1P-15A, 120VAC Equipment/Field Circuit Breakers.
d. Line filter meeting the requirements of Section 9-29.13(10)A.4.
PDA components shall be mounted in or on the PDA such that they are readily
accessible, provide dead front safety, and all hazardous voltage points are protected to
prevent inadvertent contact.
8. Service Panel #1 shall include a service terminal block labeled “TBS”, a Tesco
TES-10B or equivalent surge suppressor connected to provide power in line surge
suppression, and a 1P-30A Main Breaker. The Service Panel Assembly (SPA) shown in
the TEES shall not be included.
9. Each cabinet shall include a rack mounted fiber optic patch panel of the type specified
in the Contract.
Cabinet drawings and wiring diagrams shall be provided in the drawer shelf. Additionally,
an electronic (PDF format) copy of all drawings and wiring diagrams shall be provided.
9-29.14 Vacant
9-29.15 Flashing Beacon Control
Line Voltage flashers shall conform to the latest NEMA publication, and shall be solid
state. When used as a beacon control, they shall be jack mounted and installed in raintight
aluminum or hot-dipped galvanized steel cabinet.
9-29.16 Vehicular Signal Heads, Displays, and Housing
Each signal head shall be of the adjustable, vertical type with the number and type of
displays detailed in the Contract; shall provide an indication in one direction only; shall be
adjustable through 360 degrees about a vertical axis; and shall be mounted at the location and
in the manner shown in the Plans. Except for optically programmed signal heads, all vehicular
signal heads at any one intersection shall be of the same make and type.
Backplates shall be constructed of 5-inch-wide, .050-inch-thick corrosion-resistant flat
black finish, louvered aluminum, or Polycarbonate attached with stainless steel hardware.
A 1-inch-wide strip of yellow retro-reflective, type IV prismatic sheeting, conforming to the
requirements of Section 9-28.12, shall be applied around the perimeter of each backplate
with the exception of installations where all sections of the display will be dark as part of
normal operation such as ramp meters, hawk signals and tunnels.
9-29.16(1)C Mounting
The signal shall mount to standard 1½-inch fittings as a single section, as a multiple
section face, or in combination with other signals. The signal section shall be provided with an
adjustable connection that permits incremental tilting of at least 0 to 10 degree above or below
the horizontal while maintaining a common vertical axis through couplers and mounting.
Terminal connection shall permit external adjustment about the mounting axis in five degree
increments. The signal shall be mountable with ordinary tools and capable of being serviced
with no tools.
Attachments such as visors, backplates, or adapters shall conform and readily fasten to
existing mounting surfaces without affecting water and light integrity of the signal.
9-29.16(1)D Housing Electrical
9-29.16(1)D1 Electrical – Non-LED
The lamp fixture shall be comprised of a separately accessible housing and integral lamp
support, indexed ceramic socket, and self-aligning, quick release lamp retainer. The electrical
connection between case and lamphousing shall be accomplished with an interlock assembly
which disconnects lamp holder when opened. Each signal section shall include a covered
terminal block for clip or screw attachment of lead wires. Concealed 18 AWG-AWM, stranded
and coded wires shall interconnect all sections to permit field connection within any section.
9-29.16(1)D2 Electrical – LED
The Light Emitting Diode (LED) array shall be accessible from the front of the housing.
Each multi-section assembly shall include a terminal block for clip or screw attachment of
lead wires.
9-29.16(1)E Photo Controls
9-29.16(1)E1 Conventional Photo Controls
Each signal section shall include integral means for regulating its intensity between
limits as a function of individual background illumination. Lamp intensity shall not be less
than 97 percent of uncontrolled intensity at 1,000 ft-c ambient and shall reduce to 15 plus or
minus 2 percent of maximum at less than 1 ft-c ambient. Response shall be proportional and
essentially instantaneous to any detectable increase of illumination from darkness to 1,000 ft-c
ambient and damped for any decrease from 100 ft-c ambient.
The intensity controller shall comprise an integrated, directional light, sensing and
regulating device interposed between lamp and line wires. It shall be compatible with 60 Hz
input and responsive within the range 105 VAC to 135 VAC. Output may be phase controlled,
but the device shall provide a nominal terminal impedance of 1,200 ohms open circuit and a
corresponding holding current.
9-29.16(1)E2 LED Photo Controls
Each signal section shall include an integral means to automatically regulate the display
intensity for day and night operation.
9-29.16(1)F Installation
The signal shall be installed, directed, and veiled in accordance with published instructions
and the project visibility requirement. Each section of the signal shall be masked with
prescribed materials in an acceptable and workmanlike manner.
9-29.16(2) Conventional Traffic Signal Heads
9-29.16(2)A Optical Units
LED light sources are required for all displays. The Contractor shall provide test results
from a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory documenting that the LED display conforms
to the current ITE Specification for Vehicle Traffic Control Signal Heads, Light Emitting
Diode Circular Signal Supplement VTCSH ST-052 or Vehicle Traffic Signal Heads, Light
Emitting Diode Vehicle Arrow Traffic Signal Supplement ITE VTSCH ST-054, and the
following requirements:
1. The LED traffic signal module shall be operationally compatible with controllers and
conflict monitors on this project, and the LED lamp unit shall contain a disconnect that
will show an open switch to the conflict monitor when less than 60 percent of the LEDs
in the unit are operational.
2. LEDs shall have a 50-degree minimum viewing angle.
3. Wattage (Maximum) – 12 inch red, yellow, and green ball displays – 25 W
12 inch red, yellow, and green arrow displays – 15 W
8 inch red, yellow, and green ball displays – 15 W
4. Voltage – The operation voltages shall be between 85 VAC and 130 VAC.
5. The LED display shall be a module type and shall replace the lens, socket, bail, and
reflector and be directly connected to the terminal strip in the signal head.
6. Label – Each optical unit shall be listed by and bear the label of a Nationally
Recognized Testing Laboratory. In addition, the manufacturer’s name, trademark,
serial number, and other necessary identification shall be permanently marked on the
back side of the LED signal module, and the installation date shall be indicated on a
separate label with an indelible ink marker.
9-29.16(2)B Signal Housing
The signal head housing, or case, shall consist of an assembly of separate sections,
expandable type for vertical mounting, substantially secured together in a weathertight
manner. Each section shall house an individual optical unit.
Each section shall be complete with a one-piece, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy die
cast door and shall have a nominal 8- or 12-inch diameter opening for the lens. Each door
shall be of the hinged type having two integrally cast hinge lugs and latch jaw. The door shall
be attached to the housing by means of two noncorrosive, stainless steel hinge pins that are
removable without the use of a special press or tool. A noncorrosive, stainless steel, threaded
latch bolt and matching wing nut shall provide for opening and closing the door without the
use of any special tools. Each door shall have a cellular neoprene gasket around the entire
outer edge of the door, which, when the door is closed, shall make a positive weather and
dust-tight seal. Each door shall have four tapped holes spaced about the circumference of the
lens opening with four noncorrosive screws to accommodate the signal head visors. Each door
shall have some device such as washers, clips, or keys, or be constructed so as to keep it from
dismounting from the housing accidentally when it is open.
The body of each signal section shall consist of a one piece corrosion resistant, die cast
aluminum alloy. Each section shall have serrated rings top and bottom so when used with
proper brackets, each section may be adjustable in respect to an adjoining section, and the
hangers shall be locked securely to prevent moving. Cast integrally with the housing shall be
two hinge lugs and one latch jaw. The top and bottom of the housing shall have an opening
to accommodate standard 1½-inch pipe brackets. The sections shall be so designed that when
assembled, they interlock with one another forming one continuous weathertight unit. The
sections shall be interchangeable and shall be dust and weathertight when assembled with the
door and appropriate furnished hardware.
A terminal block of an approved type shall be mounted inside at the back of the housing.
All sockets shall be so wired that a white wire will be connected to the shell of the socket and
a wire, the color of the lens, to the bottom, or end terminal of the socket. These wires shall
in turn be connected to the terminal block mounted in the housing, in the proper manner.
The terminal block shall have sufficient studs to terminate all field wires and lamp wires
independently to the block with separate screws. The terminals to which field wires are
attached shall be permanently identified to facilitate field work.
Each face shall be protected with a removable visor. The visor shall be tunnel type unless
noted otherwise in the Contract. Tunnel, cap, and cut away type visors shall be molded using
ultraviolet and heat stabilized polycarbonate plastic or be constructed of 0.050-inch corrosion
resistant aluminum material throughout as specified in the Contract, or as ordered by the
Engineer in accordance with Section 1-04.4. Visors shall be flat black in color inside and shall
be flat black or dark green on the outside. Visors shall have attaching ears for installation to
the housing door. The signal display shall have square doors. End caps shall be made from
aluminum or plastic material and shall be installed with fittings to provide a watertight seal.
A bead of silicone sealant shall be applied around the perimeter of all top end cap openings
prior to installation of the end cap assembly. Plastic end caps shall utilize a threaded stud
with seal and wing nut. Plastic end caps utilizing a metal screw that may damage the cap
if overtightened will not be allowed. Plastic end caps shall have the same color as the
signal housing.
9-29.16(2)C Louvered Visors
Where noted in the Contract, louvered tunnel visors shall be furnished and installed.
Directional, Geometrically Programmed louvers shall be constructed to have a snug fit in the
signal visor. Louvers shall be flat black, constructed of aluminum or ABS and polycarbonate
plastic. Dimensions and arrangement of louvers shall be as shown in the Contract.
9-29.16(2)D Vacant
9-29.16(2)E Painting Signal Heads
Traffic signal heads shall be finished with two coats of factory applied dark green (Federal
Standard 595) baked enamel or shall be finished with a dark green oven baked powder coating
comprised of resins and pigments. Aluminum end caps shall be painted to match the color of
the signal housing.
9-29.16(3) Polycarbonate Traffic Signal Heads
Polycarbonate signal heads shall be provided only when specifically identified in the
Contract. With the exception of top and bottom bracket mountings, polycarbonate signal
heads shall be installed with approved reinforcing plates located in signal sections adjacent
to the mounting hardware.
Polycarbonate employed in traffic signal fabrication shall tolerate an elongation
prior to break in excess of 90 percent. The green color shall be molded throughout the
head assembly. The optical system shall be Light Emitting Diodes as defined in Section
9-29.16(2)A. The entire optical system shall be sealed by a single neoprene gasket. The signal
head shall be formed to be used with standard signal head mounting accessories as shown
in Section 9-29.17. All hinge pins, latch assemblies, and reflector assemblies shall conform
to Section 9-29.16(2)B.
9-29.16(4) Traffic Signal Cover
The covers shall be manufactured from a durable fabric material, black in color with a
mesh front, and designed to fit the signal head configuration properly. The covers shall have
an attachment method that will hold the cover securely to the signal in heavy wind. The covers
shall be provided with a drain to expel any accumulated water.
9-29.17 Signal Head Mounting Brackets and Fittings
Vehicle and pedestrian signal head mountings shall be as detailed in the Standard Plans.
Material requirements for signal head mounts are as follows:
1. Hinge fittings for Type E mount.
2. Arms and slotted tube fittings for Type N mount.
3. Tube clamp and female clamp assembly for Type N mount.
1. Terminal compartments for Type A, B, C, F, H, and K mounts.
2. Collars for Type C, D, and F mounts.
3. Ell fittings for Type L and LE mounts.
4. Plumbizer for type M mounts.
5. Messenger hanger and wire entrance fittings for Type P, Q, R, and S mounts.
6. Balance adjuster for Type Q, R, and S mounts.
Galvanized Steel
1. Washers for Type A, B, C, D, F, H, and K mounts.
2. Fasteners for Type A, B, E, H, and K mounts.
Stainless Steel
1. All set screws and cotter Keys.
2. Bands for Type N mount.
3. Hinge pins for Type E mount.
4. Bolts, nuts and washers for Type M mount.
5. Bolt, nut and washers for Type L mount.
6. Bolts, nuts, washers, and screw buckle swivels.
1. Center pipes, nipples, elbow, and tee fittings for Type A, B, C, F, H, and K mounts.
2. Multi-head mounting assemblies and spider assemblies for Type Q, R, and S mounts.
3. Nipples for Type L, LE, P, Q, R, and S mounts.
Fittings for Type N mounts shall be installed unpainted. All other hardware for other
mounts shall be painted with two coats of factory applied traffic signal green baked enamel.
Pins for messenger hanger fittings shall be a minimum of ½ inch in diameter.
Terminal compartments for Type A, B, C, F, H, and K mounts shall contain a 12 section
terminal block.
9-29.18 Vehicle Detector
Induction loop detectors and magnetometer detectors shall comply with current NEMA
Specifications when installed with NEMA control assemblies and shall comply with the
current California Department of Transportation document entitled “Transportation Electrical
Equipment Specifications”, specified in Section 9-29.13(7) when installed with Type 170,
Type 2070, or NEMA control assemblies.
9-29.18(1) Induction Loop Detectors
When required in the Contract, amplifier units shall be provided with supplemental timing
features identified as follows:
1. Delay Timing – When delay timing is required, the unit shall delay detector output for
up to 15 seconds minimum, settable in one second maximum intervals.
2. Delay Timing With Gate – When delay timing with gate is required, the unit shall
provide delay timing features as noted above with the additional capability of inhibiting
delay timing when an external signal is applied.
3. Extension Timing – When extension timing is required, the unit shall extend the
detector output for up to 7 seconds minimum, settable in 0.5 second minimum intervals.
4. Delay and Extension Timing With Gate – When delay and extension timing with gate
is required, the unit shall provide both delay and extension timing features as noted
above with the additional capability of inhibiting delay while enabling extension upon
application of an external signal. Without external signal, the unit shall inhibit extension
and enable delay.
5. Type B, B Modified, C, D, and E Cabinets shall have ventilation louvers on the lower
sides complete with screens. Type D and E shall also have rain-tight cabinet vents with
screens at the top. Cabinet vents shall be gasketed.
6. The Type B modified cabinets shall have one future use double pole circuit breaker.
Type D and E cabinets shall have two future use double pole circuit breakers. The dead
front cover shall have cutouts with for all circuits. The receptacle shall be ground fault
interrupter equipped.
7. The minimum size of control circuit conductors used in service cabinets shall be
14 AWG stranded copper.
All electrical contactors shall have the loadside terminals toward the front (door side)
of the service cabinet.
8. The lighting contactors used shall be specifically rated for tungsten fluorescent and
mercury arc lamp loads.
9. All service enclosures shall be fabricated from steel or aluminum. If aluminum, they
shall be fabricated from 0.125 inch (minimum) 5052 H 32 ASTM designator or B209
aluminum. If steel, they shall be fabricated from 12-gage (minimum) steel, hot-dipped
galvanized per AASHTO M111.
10. All doors and dead front panels installed in service cabinets shall incorporate a hinge
placed in a vertical plane. Service doors shall be sealed with closed cell gasket material.
The side opposite the hinge shall be secured with quarter turn screws or slide latch. No
electrical devices shall be connected to the dead front panel. However, every switch
serviced through the dead front panel shall be appropriately identified with its respective
circuit designation by means of a screwed or riveted engraved name plate. Such circuit
identification shall be submitted for approval together with the appropriate fabrication
drawings. Dead front panels shall be intended to provide security only to the switching
segment of the service enclosure and shall not cover the electrical contactor portion.
11. A typed index of all circuits shall be mounted on the cabinet door. Each index shall
show an entire panel section without folding. Index holders shall have metal returns
on the sides and bottom. A schematic of the main panel, any subpanels, circuits, and
control circuits shall be provided. The schematic shall be plastic coated and secured
in a metal holder.
9-29.24(1) Vacant
9-29.24(2) Electrical Circuit Breakers and Contactors
Lighting contactors shall be rated 240 volts maximum line to line, or 277 volt maximum
line to neutral voltage for tungsten and ballasted lamp loads on 120/240/277 volt circuits,
whichever is applicable, or they shall be rated 480 volt maximum line to line voltage for
higher than 277 volt circuited tungsten or ballasted lamp loads.
As an alternate to the lighting contactor, the Contractor may furnish a double contact
mercury relay. The relay ampere rating shall equal or exceed the rating noted in the Contract.
The relay shall be normally open and shall be rated for up to 480 VAC resistive. The unit shall
have a molded coil enclosure rated for 120 VAC. The contacts shall be evacuated, backfilled
with an inert gas and shall be hermetically sealed. The electrode shall be one piece with Teflon
wear rings on the internal plunger assembly. All contact terminals and coil connection clamps
shall be U.L. approved.
Circuit breakers shall be 240 or 277 volt maximum rated for 120/240/277 volt circuits,
whichever is applicable, and shall have an interrupting capacity (R.M.S. – symmetrical) of
not less than 10,000 amperes. They shall have not less than 480 volt rated for circuits above
277 volts and shall have an interrupting capacity (R.M.S. – symmetrical) of not less than
14,000 amperes. Circuit breakers shall be bolt-on type.
PVC pipe shall be considered flexible conduit. Joints shall meet the requirements of
ASTM D3139 using a restrained rubber gasket conforming to ASTM F477. Solvent welded
pipe joints are not permitted.
9-30.1(5)B Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (Under 4 inches)
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) under 4 inches shall meet the requirements of ASTM D2241.
Pipe material shall be PVC 1120, PVC 1220, or PVC 2120, and shall have minimum wall
thickness equal or greater than a standard dimension ratio (SDR) of 21. Pipe shall bear
the National Sanitation Foundation Seal for use to transport potable water. Pipe shall be
considered flexible conduit. Joints shall meet the requirements of ASTM D3139 using a
restrained rubber gasket meeting the requirements of ASTM F477.
9-30.1(6) Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe (4 inches and Over)
PE pressure pipe for water mains shall meet the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C906.
Pipe materials shall be high-density polyethylene PE3408 conforming to a minimum cell
class 345464 C, D or E per ASTM D3350. Pipe diameter shall be either iron pipe size per
Table 3 and Table 5 of ANSI/AWWA C906. Pipe pressure class shall be as listed in Table 9
of ANSI/AWWA C906 for DR 9 PE3408 material.
9-30.2 Fittings
Bolts, nuts, and washers used for securing fittings shall be of similar materials. Steel bolts
shall meet the requirements of ASTM A307 or ASTM F568 for carbon steel or ASTM F593 or
ASTM F738 for stainless steel. Nuts shall meet the requirements of ASTM A563 for carbon
steel or ASTM F594 or ASTM F836 for stainless steel. Iron bolts and nuts shall meet the
requirements of ASTM A536, grade 65-45-12.
9-30.2(1) Ductile Iron Pipe
Fittings for ductile iron pipe shall meet the requirements of AWWA C110 or AWWA
C153. Joints shall meet the requirements of AWWA C111. Fittings shall be cement mortar
lined, meeting the requirements of AWWA C104. Gaskets for flat faced or raised faced flanges
shall be ⅛-inch-thick neoprene having a durometer of 60 plus or minus 5 or 1⁄16 cloth inserted.
The type, material, and identification mark for bolts and nuts shall be provided.
9-30.2(2) Vacant
9-30.2(3) Vacant
9-30.2(4) Steel Pipe
9-30.2(4)A Steel Pipe (6 inches and Over)
Fittings for steel pipe 6 inches and larger shall be bell and spigot or welded to match the
pipe joints. Welded joints shall conform to AWWA C206. Field couplings shall be bolted,
sleeve-type for plain-end pipe conforming to AWWA C219. Expansion joints shall be
fabricated steel mechanical slip-type conforming to AWWA C221.
When flanges are required, they shall conform to AWWA C207. Linings and coatings for
fittings shall be the same as specified for the adjacent pipe.
9-30.2(4)B Steel Pipe (4 inches and Under)
Fittings for steel pipe 4 inches and under shall be malleable iron threaded type with a
pressure rating of 150 psi. Dimensions shall meet the requirements of ANSI B16.3. Threading
shall meet the requirements of ANSI B2.1. Material shall meet requirements of ASTM A47M,
Grade 32510. Fittings shall be banded and hot-dip galvanized inside and out.
9-30.2(5) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe
9-30.2(5)A Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (4 Inches and Over)
Fittings for PVC pipe shall be the same as specified for ductile iron pipe.
standard of the valve manufacturer to withstand all anticipated operating torques and designed
to resist submergence in ground water.
The Contractor shall provide an affidavit of compliance stating that the valve furnished
fully complies with AWWA C504.
9-30.3(4) Valve Boxes
Valve boxes shall be installed on all buried valves. The box shall be of cast iron, two piece
slip type standard design with a base corresponding to the size of the valve. The box shall
be coal tar painted by the manufacturer using its standard. The cover shall have the word
“WATER” cast in it.
9-30.3(5) Valve Marker Posts
Posts shall have a 4-inch minimum square section and a minimum length of 42 inches,
with beveled edges and shall contain at least one No. 3 bar reinforcing steel.
The exposed portion of the marker posts shall be coated with two coats of concrete paint
in a color selected by the Contracting Agency.
The size of the valve and the distance in feet and inches to the valve shall be stenciled on
the face of the post, using black paint and a stencil which will produce letters 2 inches high.
9-30.3(6) Valve Stem Extensions
Valve stem extensions shall have a 2-inch-square operating nut and self-centering rockplate
support. Valves with an operating nut more than 4 feet below grade shall have a valve stem
extension to raise the operating nut to within 36 inches of the ground surface.
9-30.3(7) Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valves
Combination air release/air vacuum valves shall be designed to operate with potable water
under pressure to permit discharging a surge of air from an empty line when filling and relieve
the vacuum when draining the system. The valves shall also release an accumulation of air
when the system is under pressure. This shall be accomplished in a single valve body designed
to withstand 300 psi.
The body and cover shall be cast iron conforming to ASTM A48, Class 30. Floats shall be
stainless steel conforming to ASTM A240 and designed to withstand 1,000 psi. Seats shall be
Buna N rubber. Internal parts shall be stainless steel or bronze.
9-30.3(8) Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly
Tapping valves shall be furnished with flanged inlet end connections. The outlet ends shall
conform in dimensions to the AWWA Standards for hub or mechanical joint connections,
except that the outside of the hub shall have a large flange for attaching a drilling machine.
The seat opening of the valve must permit a diameter cut no less than ½ inch smaller than the
valve size. Valves specifically designed for tapping meeting the requirements of AWWA C500,
and valves meeting the requirements of AWWA C509, will be permitted. Tapping valves shall
be of the same type as other valves on the project. Tapping sleeves shall be cast iron, ductile
iron, stainless steel, epoxy-coated steel, or other approved material.
9-30.4 Vacant
9-30.5 Hydrants
Fire hydrants shall conform to AWWA C502 and shall be of standard manufacture and of
a pattern approved by the Contracting Agency.
9-30.5(1) End Connections
The end connections shall be mechanical joint or flanged, meeting the requirements of
AWWA C110 and C111.
Corporation stops used with 1½- and 2-inch outlet saddles shall have male iron pipe thread
inlets and outlet connections compatible to connecting service pipes or have male iron pipe
thread outlets.
9-30.6(3) Service Pipes
9-30.6(3)A Copper Tubing
Copper pipe or tubing shall be annealed, seamless, and conform to the requirements of
ASTM B88, Type K rating.
9-30.6(3)B Polyethylene Tubing
Polyethylene tubing shall meet the requirements of AWWA C901. Tubing shall be high
molecular mass with a 200 psi rating. Tubing used for ¾ and 1 inch shall be either SIDR 7
(iron pipe size) or SDR 9 (copper tube size). Tubing used for 1½ and 2 inches shall be SDR 9
(copper tube size).
9-30.6(3)C PEX-a Tubing
PEX-a tubing shall be a minimum of 3/4 inch or a maximum 2-inch in diameter and shall
be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C904 and ASTM F876. The tubing shall have
a minimum materials designation code of 3306 in accordance with ASTM F876, a pressure
rating of 200 psi at 73.4 degrees using a design factor of 0.63 as outlined in PPI TR-3, Part
F-7, and shall have a minimum SDR of 9. Tubing color shall be blue in accordance with
APWA Uniform color standards.
9-30.6(4) Service Fittings
Fittings used for service connections shall be made of bronze or brass alloy.
Fittings used for copper tubing shall be either compressions or flare type.
Fittings used for polyethylene tubing shall be either compression or stab type. Stab type
fittings shall utilize an internal grip ring and O ring seal. Stainless steel liners shall be used
when utilizing compression fittings on polyethylene tubing.
Fittings for PEX-a tubing shall meet the requirements of AWWA C904.
9-30.6(5) Meter Setters
Meter setters shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with all applicable parts of
AWWA C800.
Meter setters shall have an angle meter stop with drilled padlock wing, an angle check
valve, measure 12 inches in height, and shall have an inlet and outlet threads compatible
with fittings connecting to service pipes.
Meter setters for ⅝ by ¾, ¾, and 1-inch services shall have meter saddle nuts for
installation and removal of the meter.
Meter setters for 1½- and 2-inch services shall be equipped with a locking bypass.
9-30.6(6) Bronze Nipples and Fittings
Bronze threaded nipples and fittings shall meet the requirements of ANSI B-16.15, ASA
125 pound class.
9-30.6(7) Meter Boxes
Meter boxes and covers located in the non-traffic areas shall be constructed of either
reinforced concrete or high-density polyethylene. High-density polyethylene meter boxes
and covers shall have a tensile strength conforming to ASTM D638. Meter box covers shall
include a reading lid.
Meter boxes located in traffic areas shall be constructed of reinforced concrete, cast iron,
or ductile iron. Traffic covers shall be constructed of aluminum, steel, cast iron, or ductile iron.
Meter boxes and covers shall be designed for H-20 loading.
Table 2
Geotextile for Underground Drainage Filtration Properties
Geotextile ASTM Test Geotextile Property Requirements1
Property Method2 Class A Class B Class C
AOS D4751 No. 40 max. No. 60 max. No. 80 max.
Water Permittivity D4491 0.5 sec-1 min. 0.4 sec-1 min. 0.3 sec-1 min.
Notes in Section 9-33.2(3), Table 8.
Table 3
Geotextile for Separation or Soil Stabilization
Geotextile Property Requirements1
ASTM Test Separation Soil Stabilization
Geotextile Property Method2 Woven Nonwoven Woven Nonwoven
AOS D4751 No. 30 max. No. 40 max.
Water Permittivity D4491 0.02 sec-1 min. 0.10 sec-1 min.
Grab Tensile Strength, in machine and D4632 250 lb min. 160 lb min. 315 lb min. 200 lb min.
x-machine direction
Grab Failure Strain, in machine and D4632 < 50% ≥ 50% < 50% ≥ 50%
x-machine direction
Seam Breaking Strength D46323 220 lb min. 140 lb min. 270 lb min. 180 lb min.
Puncture Resistance D6241 495 lb min. 310 lb min. 620 lb min. 430 lb min.
Tear Strength, in machine and x-machine D4533 80 lb min. 50 lb min. 112 lb min. 79 lb min.
Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Stability D4355 50% strength retained min.,
after 500 hours in xenon arc device
Notes in Section 9-33.2(3), Table 8.
Table 4
Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control and Ditch Lining
Geotextile Property Requirements1
Permanent Erosion Control Ditch Lining
Survivability High Survivability
ASTM Test Non Non Non
Geotextile Property Method2 Woven Woven Woven Woven Woven Woven
AOS D4751 See Table 5 See Table 5 No. 30 max.
Water Permittivity D4491 See Table 5 See Table 5 0.02 sec-1 min.
Grab Tensile Strength, in machine
D4632 250 lb min. 160 lb min. 315 lb min. 200 lb min. 250 lb min. 160 lb min.
and x-machine direction
Grab Failure Strain, in machine and
D4632 15% -50% ≥ 50% 15% - 50% ≥ 50% < 50% ≥ 50%
x-machine direction
Seam Breaking Strength D4632 220 lb min. 140 lb min. 270 lb min. 180 lb min. 220 lb min. 140 lb min.
Puncture Resistance D6241 495 lb min. 310 lb min. 620 lb min. 430 lb min. 495 lb min. 310 lb min.
Tear Strength, in machine and
D4533 80 lb min. 50 lb min. 112 lb min. 79 lb min. 80 lb min. 50 lb min.
x-machine direction
Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Stability D4355 70% strength retained min., after 500 hours in xenon arc device
Notes in Section 9-33.2(3), Table 8.
Table 5
Filtration Properties for Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control
ASTM Test Geotextile Property Requirements1
Geotextile Property Method 2 Class A Class B Class C
AOS D4751 No. 40 max. No. 60 max. No. 70 max.
Water Permittivity D4491 0.7 sec-1 min. 0.4 sec-1 min. 0.2 sec-1 min.
Notes in Section 9-33.2(3), Table 8.
Table 6
Geotextile for Temporary Silt Fence
Geotextile Property Requirements1
ASTM Test Supported Between Posts
Geotextile Property Method2 Unsupported Between Posts With Wire or Polymeric Mesh
AOS No. 30 max. for slit wovens, No. 50 for all other geotextile types,
No. 100 min.
Water Permittivity D4491 0.02 sec-1 min.
Grab Tensile Strength, in machine 180 lb min. in machine
and x-machine direction D4632 direction, 100 lb min. in 100 lb min.
x-machine direction
Grab Failure Strain, in machine and
D4632 30% max. at 180 lb or more
x-machine direction
Ultraviolet (UV)
D4355 70% strength retained min., after 500 hours in xenon arc device
Radiation Stability
Notes in Section 9-33.2(3), Table 8.
except for geotextile sampling and specimen conditioning, which are in accordance with WSDOT T 914, Practice for Sampling of
Geotextiles for Testing, and T 915, Practice for Conditioning of Geotextiles for Testing, respectively. Copies of these test methods
are available at the State Materials Laboratory, PO Box 47365, Olympia, WA 98504-7365.
3With seam located in the center of 8-inch-long specimen oriented parallel to grip faces.
4Applies only to seams perpendicular to the wall face.
The samples for acceptance testing shall include the information about each geosynthetic
roll to be used as stated in Section 9-33.4(4).
Samples from the geosynthetic roll will be taken to confirm that the material meets the
property values specified. Samples will be randomly taken at the job site by the Contractor in
accordance with WSDOT T 914 in the presence of the Engineer.
Acceptance will be based on testing of samples from each lot. A “lot” shall be defined for
the purposes of this Specification as all geosynthetic rolls within the consignment (i.e., all
rolls sent to the project site) that were produced by the same manufacturer during a continuous
period of production at the same manufacturing plant and have the same product name.
Test results from Section 9-33.4(1) Geosynthetic Material Approval testing may be used for
acceptance provided the tested roll(s) are part of the “lot” as defined above.
Acceptance testing information will be provided within 30 calendar days after the sample
and the required information for each geosynthetic type have been received at the State
Materials Laboratory in Tumwater.
If the results of the testing show that a geosynthetic lot, as defined, does not meet the
properties required for the specified use as indicated in Tables 1 through 8 in Section 9-33.2,
and additional tables as specified in the Special Provisions, the roll or rolls which were
sampled will be rejected. Geogrids and geotextiles for temporary geosynthetic retaining walls
shall meet the requirements of Table 7, and Table 10 in the Special Provisions. Geogrids and
geotextiles for permanent geosynthetic retaining wall shall meet the requirements of Table 7,
and Table 9 in the Special Provisions, and both geotextile and geogrid acceptance testing shall
meet the required ultimate tensile strength Tult as provided in the current QPL for the selected
product(s). If the selected product(s) are not listed in the current QPL, the result of the testing
for Tult shall be greater than or equal to Tult as determined from the product data submitted and
approved by the State Materials Laboratory during source material approval.
For each geosynthetic roll that is tested and fails, the Engineer will select two additional
rolls from the same lot for sampling and retesting. The Contractor shall sample the rolls in
accordance with WSDOT T 914 in the presence of the Engineer. If the retesting shows that
any of the additional rolls tested do not meet the required properties, the entire lot will be
rejected. If the test results from all the rolls retested meet the required properties, the entire lot
minus the roll(s) that failed will be accepted. All geosynthetic that has defects, deterioration,
or damage, as determined by the Engineer, will also be rejected. All rejected geosynthetic shall
be replaced at no additional expense to the Contracting Agency.
9-33.4(4) Acceptance by Certificate of Compliance
When the quantities of geosynthetic proposed for use in each geosynthetic application are
less than or equal to the following amounts, acceptance shall be by Manufacturer’s Certificate
of Compliance:
Application Geosynthetic Quantity
Underground Drainage 100 sq. yd.
Soil Stabilization and Separation All quantities
Permanent Erosion Control All quantities
Prefabricated Drainage Mat All quantities
with steel wool. With the panel kept in a horizontal position, the paint shall be allowed to dry for 18 hours at 77° ± 2°F, and then
baked for 3 hours at 140° ± 2°F. The panel shall be cooled to 77° ± 2°F for at least 30 minutes, bent over a 0.25 inch mandrel, and
then examined without magnification. The paint shall show no cracking, flaking, or loss of adhesion.
3The sample shall show no more than 0.5 inch of clear material over the opaque portion of the paint and there shall be no settling
Page 9-206
Viscosity, KU ASTM D562
@35°F 95 95
@77°F 80 95 80 95 80 95 80 95 87 87
@90°F 60 60
Nonvolatile Content, % by ASTM D2369 75 75 77 77 70 70
Pigment Content, % by weight ASTM D3723 68 68 62 62 50 50
Nonvolatile Vehicle (NVV), % by ASTM D2369 40 40 43 43 40 40
weight ASTM D37231
Volatile Organic Content (VOC) ASTM D3960 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
9-34.2(5) Low VOC Waterborne Paint
applied film and inspect. Paint film should show no cracks when held at arm’s length and observed by the naked eye.
Type D liquid cold-applied methyl methacrylate shall meet the following formulations:
4:1 Formulation Type D – Liquid Cold Applied Methyl Methacrylate
Type D-1 – One-gallon of methyl methacrylate and 3-fluid ounces of benzoyl
peroxide powder (by weight).
Type D-2, D-3, D-4, and D-5 – Four parts methyl methacrylate and one part liquid
benzoyl peroxide (by volume).
98:2 Formulation Type D – Liquid Cold Applied Methyl Methacrylate
Type D-1– One-gallon of methyl methacrylate and 3-fluid ounces of benzoyl
peroxide powder (by weight).
Type D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, and D-6 – Ninety-eight parts methyl methacrylate
and two parts liquid benzoyl peroxide (by volume).
D liquid cold applied methyl methacrylate shall meet the following requirements
for viscosity:
4:1 Formulations Type D – Liquid Cold Applied Methyl Methacrylate
D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 White D-5 Yellow
Property Test Method Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
Viscosity cP @ ASTM D2196
77°F, 50-rpm, Method B,
spindle #7 LV Model
Viscosity cP @ ASTM D2196
77°F, 50-rpm, Method B,
spindle #4 LV Model
Glass beads for traffic marking paint shall meet the following requirements for quality:
Type A Type B1
Glass Bead Property Test Method Min. Max. Min. Max.
Refractive Index @ 77 AASHTO M247 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.55
± 9°F Section 5.2.3
Moisture Resistances Flow Without Stopping Flow Without Stopping
Section 5.3.2
Adherence AASHTO M247
Pass Pass
Section 5.3.4
Roundness, % ASTM D1155 70 802
FLHT 520 803
Appearance TT-B-1325D Beads shall be transparent,
Section 4.3.1 clean, dry, and free from
bubbles and foreign matter.
Resistance to Acid TT-B-1325D Beads shall not develop any
Section 4.3.6 surface haze or dulling.
Resistance to Calcium TT-B-1325D Beads shall not develop any
Chloride Section 4.3.7 surface haze or dulling.
Resistance to Sodium TT-B-1325D Sodium sulfide should
Sulfide Section 4.3.8 not darken the beads.
Water Resistance TT-B-1325D Water shall not produce haze
Section 4.3.9 or dulling of the beads.
1WSDOT Type B Glass Beads are high-performance glass beads for improved retroreflectivity and durability for high-performance
pavement markings. A minimum of 50 percent of the glass beads shall be made from the direct-melt molten kiln process.
2Roundness will be determined on material < No. 30 sieve.
3Roundness will be determined on material ≥ No. 30 sieve.
Glass beads for traffic marking paint shall meet the following requirements for grading
when tested in accordance with ASTM D1214:
Percent Passing
Type A1 Type B
Sieve Size Min. Max. Min. Max.
No. 14 100
No. 16 100
No. 18 65 80
No. 20 95 100
No. 30 75 95 30 50
No. 50 15 35 0 5
No. 100 0 5
1Same gradation as AASHTO M247 Type 1.
Sign posts shall conform to the grades and usage listed below. Grades shall be determined
by the current standards of the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB) or the Western
Wood Products Association (WWPA).
4 × 4 Construction grade (Light Framing, Section 122‑b WCLIB)
or (Section 40.11 WWPA)
4 × 6 No. 1 and better, grade (Structural Joists and Planks,
Section 123-b WCLIB) or (Section 62.11 WWPA)
6 × 6, 6 × 8, 8 × 10 No. 1 and better, grade (Posts and Timbers,
Section 131-b WCLIB) or (Section 80.11 WWPA)
6 × 10, 6 × 12 No. 1 and better, grade (Beams and Stringers,
Section 130-b WCLIB) or (Section 70.11 WWPA)
9-35.4 Sequential Arrow Signs
Sequential Arrow Signs shall meet the requirements of the MUTCD supplemented with
the following:
Sequential arrow signs furnished for stationary lane closures on this project shall be
Type C.
The color of the light emitted shall be yellow.
The dimming feature shall be automatic, reacting to changes in light without a requirement
for manual adjustment.
9-35.5 Portable Changeable Message Signs
Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) shall meet the requirements of the MUTCD
and the following:
The PCMS shall employ one of the following technologies:
1. Fiber optic/shutter
2. Light emitting diode
3. Light emitting diode/shutter
4. Flip disk
Regardless of the technology, the PCMS shall meet the following general requirements:
1. Be light emitting and must not rely solely on reflected light. The emitted light shall be
generated using fiber optic or LED technology.
2. Have a display consisting of individually controlled pixels no larger than 2½ by
2½ inch. If the display is composed of individual character modules, the space between
modules must be minimized so alphanumeric characters of any size specified below can
be displayed at any location within the matrix.
3. When activated, the pixels shall display a yellow or orange image. When not activated,
the pixels shall display a flat black image that matches the background of the sign face.
4. Be capable of displaying alphanumeric characters that are a minimum of 18 inches
in height. The width of alphanumeric characters shall be appropriate for the font.
The PCMS shall be capable of displaying three lines of eight characters per line with
a minimum of one pixel separation between each line.
5. The PCMS message, using 18-inch characters, shall be legible by a person with
20/20 corrected vision from a distance of not less than 800 feet centered on an axis
perpendicular to the sign face.
6. The sign display shall be covered by a stable, impact resistant polycarbonate face.
The sign face shall be non-glare from all angles and shall not degrade due to exposure
to ultraviolet light.
7. Be capable of simultaneously activating all pixels for the purpose of pixel diagnostics.
Any sign that employs flip disk or shutter technology shall be programmable to activate
the disks/shutters once a day to clean the electrical components. This feature shall not
occur when the sign is displaying an active message.
8. The light source shall be energized only when the sign is displaying an active message.
9. Primary source of power shall be solar power with a battery backup to provide
continuous operation when failure of the primary power source occurs.
10. The sign controller software shall be NTCIP compliant.
The PCMS panels and related equipment shall be permanently mounted on a trailer with
all controls and power generating equipment.
The PCMS shall be operated by a controller that provides the following functions:
1. Select any preprogrammed message by entering a code.
2. Sequence the display of at least five messages.
3. Blank the sign.
4. Program a new message, which may include animated arrows and chevrons.
5. Mirror the message currently being displayed or programmed.
9-35.6 Barricades
Barricades shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD supplemented by the further
requirements of the Standard Plans.
9-35.7 Traffic Safety Drums
Traffic safety drums shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD and shall have the
following additional physical characteristics:
Material Fabricated from low-density polyethylene that meets the
requirements of ASTM D4976 and is UV stabilized.
Overall Width 18-inch minimum regardless of orientation.
Shape Rectangular, hexagonal, circular, or flat-sided semi-circular.
Color The base color of the drum shall be fade resistant safety orange.
The traffic safety drums shall be designed to accommodate at least one portable light
unit. The method of attachment shall ensure that the light does not separate from the drum
upon impact.
Drums and light units shall meet the crashworthiness requirements of NCHRP 350
or MASH as described in Section 1-10.2(3).
When recommended by the manufacturer, drums shall be treated to ensure proper adhesion
of the reflective sheeting. Retroreflective bands shall be fabricated from Type III or Type IV
reflective sheeting as described in Section 9-28.12.
9-35.8 Vacant
9-35.9 Traffic Cones
Cones shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD, except that the minimum height
shall be 28 inches.
Retroreflective bands shall be fabricated from Type III or Type IV reflective sheeting as
described in Section 9-28.12.
9-35.10 Tubular Markers
Tubular markers shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD, except that the
minimum height shall be 28 inches.
The devices shall be stabilized by affixing them to the pavement by using either
weighted bases or adhesive. Adhesive used to glue the device to the pavement shall meet the
requirements of Sections 9-02.1(8) or 9-26.2. Retroreflective bands shall be fabricated from
Type III or Type IV reflective sheeting as described in Section 9-28.12.
9-35.11 Warning Lights and Flashers
Warning lights and flashers shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD.
9-35.12 Transportable Attenuator
Transportable attenuators are Truck-Mounted Attenuators (TMA) or Trailer-Mounted
Attenuators (TMA-trailer). The transportable attenuator shall be mounted on, or attached to, a
host vehicle that complies with the manufacturer’s recommended weight range. Ballast used
to obtain the minimum weight requirement, or any other object that is placed on the vehicle,
shall be securely anchored such that it will be retained on the vehicle during an impact. The
Contractor shall provide certification that the transportable attenuator complies with NCHRP
350 Test level 3 or MASH Test Level 3 requirements. Lighter host vehicles proposed by
the Contractor are subject to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide the
Engineer with roll-ahead distance calculations and crash test reports illustrating that the
proposed host vehicle is appropriate for the attenuator and the site conditions.
The transportable attenuator shall have a chevron pattern on the rear of the unit. The
standard chevron pattern shall consist of 4-inch yellow stripes, alternating nonreflective black
and retroreflective yellow sheeting, slanted at 45 degrees in an inverted “V” with the “V” at
the center of the unit.
9-35.12(1) Truck-Mounted Attenuator
The TMA may be selected from the approved units listed on the QPL or submitted using
a RAM.
The TMA shall have an adjustable height so that it can be placed at the correct elevation
during usage and to a safe height for transporting. If needed, the Contractor shall install
additional lights to provide fully visible brake lights at all times.
9-35.12(2) Trailer-Mounted Attenuator
The TMA-trailer may be selected from the approved units listed on the QPL or submitted
using a RAM.
If needed, the Contractor shall install additional lights to provide fully visible brake lights
at all times.
signal displays shall be suspended over the traveled way. The minimum vertical clearance
to the traveled way for this signal display is 16.5 feet. Vehicular signal heads shall be of the
conventional type with standard ITE approved, 12-inch ball LED display. Tunnel visors shall
be provided for all indications.
Back plates shall be furnished and attached to the signal heads. Back plates shall be
constructed of 5-inch-wide .050-inch-thick corrosion resistant louvered aluminum, with a
flat black finish. A highly retroreflective yellow strip, 1 inch wide, shall be placed around the
perimeter of the face of all vehicle signal backplates to project a rectangular image at night
toward oncoming traffic.
Trailers shall have a leveling jack installed at all four corners. The crank for the leveling
jacks and trailer hitch shall be locked. The signal pole and mast arm assemblies shall be of the
collapsible type, which can be erected and extended at the job site. The mast arm assemblies
shall be firmly attached to the trailer to form a stable unit, which can withstand an 80 mph
design wind speed with a 1.3 gust factor.
The portable temporary traffic control signal shall be powered using a self-contained
battery system capable of providing over 12 days of continuous operations without solar
array assistance. A solar panel array will be allowed.
If the product is not listed on the Qualified Products List, the Contractor shall submit
a Request for Approval of Materials Source (RAM) form with the following information:
• Test data showing conformance to the properties in the table above, and
• Documentation showing that the synthetic slurry (with load-tested additives) has been
approved by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
Backfill abutments, inverts, piers, walls, etc........................................................................... 2-30
Backfill, gravel........................................................................................................................ 9-22
for drains.......................................................................................................................... 9-22
for drywells...................................................................................................................... 9-22
for foundations................................................................................................................. 9-21
for pipe zone bedding....................................................................................................... 9-22
for sand drains.................................................................................................................. 9-23
for walls............................................................................................................................ 9-21
Backfilling,.............................................................................................................................. 2-30
bridges and trestles........................................................................................................... 2-17
cribbing........................................................................................................................... 8-108
irrigation system............................................................................................................... 8-29
manholes and catch basins............................................................................................... 7-19
pipe................................................................................................................................... 7-27
structural plate pipe, arch, and underpass........................................................................ 7-12
unsuitable foundation....................................................................................................... 2-16
Ballast..................................................................................................................................... 9-17
Ballast and Crushed Surfacing (Section 4-04)..................................................................... 4-4
Barricades, concrete pavement............................................................................................... 5-56
Bars, dowel............................................................................................................................. 5-52
reinforcing...............................................................................................................6-58, 9-58
Base, crushed surfacing...................................................................................................4-4, 9-18
gravel base.................................................................................................................9-19, 4-2
Beam guardrail.............................................................................................................8-44, 9-101
Bearing tests............................................................................................................................ 2-35
Bearing values, timber piles.................................................................................................. 6-131
Bedding, pipe.......................................................................................................................... 7-25
Beginning of work.................................................................................................................. 1-79
Bending steel reinforcing bars.......................................................................................6-58, 9-58
Bents, framed........................................................................................................................ 6-117
Bid, consideration of............................................................................................................... 1-16
deposit..................................................................................................................... 1-11, 1-18
identical............................................................................................................................ 1-16
proposal.............................................................................................................................. 1-3
Bidder........................................................................................................................................ 1-3
causes for disqualification................................................................................................ 1-15
prequalification of.............................................................................................................. 1-7
Bid Procedures and Conditions (Section 1-02)..................................................................... 1-7
Prequalification of Bidders................................................................................................. 1-7
Bituminous Materials (Section 9-02)..................................................................................... 9-4
Bituminous Surface Treatment (Section 5-02)..................................................................... 5-9
Bituminous Surfacing on Structure Decks (Section 6-08)............................................... 6-158
Bolts........................................................................................................................................ 9-53
Bolts, anchor, for concrete, steel, and timber structures
anchor bolts...................................................................................................................... 9-55
anchor for concrete........................................................................................................... 6-56
high-strength..................................................................................................................... 9-53
timber structure.............................................................................................................. 6-116
unfinished......................................................................................................................... 9-53
washers............................................................................................................................. 9-54
Borrow, and borrow sites...............................................................................................2-12, 2-13
select................................................................................................................................. 2-18
Box girder cell, drainage of.................................................................................................... 6-57
Bridge approach embankment, definition................................................................................. 1-4
backfill.............................................................................................................................. 2-17
compacted......................................................................................................................... 2-17
Bridge Railings (Section 6-06)............................................................................................ 6-135
Buildings, use of..................................................................................................................... 1-26
Burlap cloth........................................................................................................................... 9-120
Calendar days.......................................................................................................................... 1-79
Camber diagram, structural steel.......................................................................................... 6-106
timber trusses.................................................................................................................. 6-119
Catch basins............................................................................................................................ 7-18
Cement Concrete Driveway Entrances (Section 8-06)...................................................... 8-36
Cement Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation (Section 5-01)................................................. 5-1
Cement Concrete Pavement (Section 5-05)........................................................................ 5-43
cold weather..................................................................................................................... 5-56
curing.......................................................................................................................5-55, 5-56
dowel bars...............................................................................................................5-52, 9-60
equipment......................................................................................................................... 5-44
finishing............................................................................................................................ 5-53
joints................................................................................................................................. 5-51
mixing for structures...................................................................................................6-4, 6-5
proportioning materials.................................................................................................... 5-43
repair defective slabs........................................................................................................ 5-57
surface smoothness........................................................................................................... 5-54
thickness, penalty for lack of............................................................................................ 5-60
tie bars.....................................................................................................................5-52, 9-61
Cement Concrete Sidewalks (Section 8-14)........................................................................ 8-55
Cementitious........................................................................................................................... 5-43
Cement, portland....................................................................................................................... 9-2
acceptance of...................................................................................................................... 9-3
Cement (Section 9-01)............................................................................................................. 9-2
Chain Link Fence and Wire Fence (Section 8-12)............................................................. 8-49
Changed conditions................................................................................................................. 1-26
Change order........................................................................................................................... 1-20
Check dams.............................................................................................................8-9, 9-87, 9-88
Chlorination............................................................................................................................ 7-40
Claims........................................................................................................................1-104, 1-105
Cleaning Existing Drainage Structures (Section 7-07)...................................................... 7-23
Cleanup, final............................................................................................................................ 3-2
final for structures............................................................................................................... 6-3
Clearing, Grubbing, and Roadside Cleanup (Section 2-01)................................................ 2-1
clearing and grubbing......................................................................................................... 2-1
Clearing site for structures........................................................................................................ 6-1
Cofferdams, shoring................................................................................................................ 2-33
Damage to property, contractor responsible for...................................................................... 1-60
Date numerals, for concrete structures.................................................................................... 6-31
Debris, clearing and grubbing, disposal of............................................................................... 2-1
Defective work........................................................................................................................ 1-31
Definitions and Terms (Section 1-01).................................................................................... 1-1
Definitions and Tests (Section 9-00)....................................................................................... 9-1
Deleted items, payment for..................................................................................................... 1-92
Detectable warning surface..................................................................................................... 8-56
Detours.................................................................................................................................... 1-72
Dewatering foundations seals................................................................................................. 6-18
Discrimination......................................................................................................................... 1-54
Disqualification of bidders...................................................................................................... 1-15
Ditches, roadway..................................................................................................................... 2-11
Documents, required............................................................................................................... 1-53
Dowel bars.............................................................................................................................. 5-52
Drainage Structures and Culverts (Section 9-05).............................................................. 9-33
Drains (Section 7-01)............................................................................................................... 7-1
french or rock................................................................................................................... 6-57
Drawings, working, contractor responsible for....................................................................... 1-29
Drop manhole connection....................................................................................................... 7-20
Drop-offs, roadway........................................................................................................1-71, 1-72
Drywells.................................................................................................................................. 7-18
Ductile iron castings............................................................................................................... 9-55
Dust ratio................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Elastomeric joint seal.....................................................................................................6-29, 9-29
Embankments, approach to bridge structure........................................................................... 2-17
compaction control test.................................................................................................... 2-15
earth and rock, compaction.....................................................................................2-13, 2-14
snow removal................................................................................................................... 2-19
unsuitable foundation excavation..................................................................................... 2-15
End slopes............................................................................................................................... 2-19
Epoxy Resins (Section 9-26)............................................................................................... 9-125
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).........................................................................1-54, 1-55
Equipment, for aeration.......................................................................................................... 2-18
automatically controlled................................................................................................... 1-31
weighing........................................................................................................................... 1-88
Page I-6 2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10
Fabricated Bridge Bearing Assemblies (Section 9-31)..................................................... 9-193
Falsework, for concrete structures.......................................................................................... 6-32
plans for concrete structures, falsework and formwork................................................... 6-32
plans for steel bridges....................................................................................................... 6-96
removal from concrete structure...................................................................................... 6-54
Federal Highway Administration, approval and inspection.............................................1-5, 1-58
Fence and Guardrail (Section 9-16).................................................................................... 9-98
Fence, chain link, wire...................................................................................................8-49, 9-98
Fertilizers................................................................................................................................ 8-20
Field test, storm sewers........................................................................................................... 7-14
Gabion cribbing.........................................................................................................8-107, 9-128
Gaskets, rubber....................................................................................................................... 9-31
Gates, chain link and wire fence...........................................................................8-49, 8-51, 9-99
General Pipe Installation Requirements (Section 7-08).................................................... 7-24
General Requirements for Structures (Section 6-01).......................................................... 6-1
Geosynthetic material requirements..................................................................................... 9-197
Geosynthetic Retaining Walls (Section 6-14).................................................................... 6-203
Geosynthetic retaining wall, traffic and pedestrian barriers................................................. 6-206
Glare Screen (Section 8-25)................................................................................................ 8-110
Grade requirements, timber, and lumber................................................................................ 9-68
Grate inlets.....................................................................................................................7-18, 9-46
Gratuities................................................................................................................................. 1-69
Gravel backfill, drains............................................................................................................. 9-22
drywells............................................................................................................................ 9-22
foundations....................................................................................................................... 9-21
pipe zone bedding....................................................................................................7-24, 9-22
walls................................................................................................................................. 9-21
Gravel Base (Section 4-02)..................................................................................................... 4-2
Gravel borrow................................................................................................................2-17, 9-23
Grout..................................................................................................................................... 9-115
Grubbing................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Guarantees............................................................................................................................... 1-31
Guardrail (Section 8-11)....................................................................................................... 8-44
Guide Posts (Section 8-10).................................................................................................... 8-43
Guying.................................................................................................................................... 8-20
Hammer, pile driving............................................................................................................ 6-125
Haul (Section 2-04)................................................................................................................ 2-23
additional for changed quarry-pit site................................................................................ 3-3
disposal of excavated material......................................................................................... 2-29
Headwalls.........................................................................................................................7-5, 7-12
apparel.............................................................................................................................. 1-50
fence................................................................................................................................... 8-1
Holes, hand, in steel................................................................................................................ 6-99
pin, structural steel......................................................................................................... 6-100
punched, reamed, subpunched....................................................................................... 6-103
rods, bolts, on timber structures..................................................................................... 6-117
weep, retaining wall......................................................................................................... 6-57
Hot Mix Asphalt (Section 5-04)............................................................................................ 5-17
warm mix asphalt............................................................................................................... 9-7
Hour, measurement of (precision).......................................................................................... 1-87
Hydrants (Section 7-14)........................................................................................................ 7-47
Hydraulically Applied Erosion Control Products (HECP)..................................................... 9-80
Identification plates................................................................................................................. 8-93
Illumination, Signal, Electrical (Section 9-29).................................................................. 9-140
Illumination, Traffic Signal Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and
Electrical (Section 8-20).................................................................................................... 8-64
Impact Attenuator Systems (Section 8-17)......................................................................... 8-61
Incentive, financial, materials................................................................................................. 1-39
Initial planting......................................................................................................................... 8-20
Inlets, metal............................................................................................................................. 9-46
Inspection, access for.............................................................................................................. 1-30
fabrication......................................................................................................................... 1-35
federal agency.................................................................................................................. 1-58
final, of work.................................................................................................................... 1-31
guardrail rail element..................................................................................................... 9-103
mill and shop, steel structures.......................................................................................... 6-95
plant material.................................................................................................................... 9-91
reinforcing steel bars........................................................................................................ 9-59
Inspectors, authority and duties.............................................................................................. 1-28
Insurance, public liability and property damage..................................................................... 1-67
Intelligence Transportation System (ITS ).............................................................................. 8-80
Intent of the contract............................................................................................................... 1-19
electrical service............................................................................................................... 8-31
water service..................................................................................................................... 8-30
Irrigation Systems (Section 8-03) (Section 9-15).......................................................8-26, 9-93
Jets, water, for driving piles.................................................................................................. 6-127
Joint and Crack Sealing Materials (Section 9-04)............................................................. 9-29
Joints, concrete curb and gutters............................................................................................. 8-33
concrete pavement construction, contraction................................................................... 5-51
expansion for concrete structures..................................................................................... 6-29
expansion for sidewalks................................................................................................... 8-55
for pipe culverts, sewers, etc............................................................................................ 7-26
metal spillways................................................................................................................. 8-33
premolded joint filler.......................................................................................................... 6-3
sealing, concrete pavement.............................................................................................. 5-57
spillways at bridge ends................................................................................................... 8-34
Joint venture.............................................................................................................................. 1-7
Keystone................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Labor and Industries, State Department of............................................................................... 1-9
Laboratory................................................................................................................................. 1-5
Labor, prevailing wages.......................................................................................................... 1-50
Laminated timber structures................................................................................................. 6-118
Laws to be observed................................................................................................................ 1-44
Layout of planting................................................................................................................... 8-19
Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public (Section 1-07).................................... 1-44
Liability of public officers...................................................................................................... 1-73
Licenses and permits............................................................................................................... 1-48
Liquidated damages, overruns of time.................................................................................... 1-83
Load limits.............................................................................................................................. 1-48
Log of test boring.................................................................................................................... 1-10
Loose riprap............................................................................................................................ 8-57
Lower tier subcontractors....................................................................................................... 1-74
Lumber, forms for concrete structures.................................................................................... 6-51
grade requirements........................................................................................................... 9-68
preservative treatment...................................................................................................... 9-69
Mailbox Support (Section 8-18) (Section 9-32)................................................................ , 8-62
during suspension of work............................................................................................... 1-81
rock............................................................................................................................4-7, 9-18
Malleable iron castings........................................................................................................... 9-55
Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywells (Section 7-05)........................................... 7-18
Manufacturer’s certificate of compliance............................................................................... 1-41
Masonry Units (Section 9-12)............................................................................................... 9-75
Materials, bought from contractor.......................................................................................... 1-93
defective........................................................................................................................... 1-31
financial incentive............................................................................................................ 1-39
found on project, use of.................................................................................................... 1-27
guarantee.......................................................................................................................... 1-31
on hand, payment for........................................................................................................ 1-97
source of supply and quality............................................................................................. 1-34
storage and handling......................................................................................................... 1-42
tests for acceptance........................................................................................................... 1-36
Measurement and Payment (Section 1-09)......................................................................... 1-87
Mechanical rebar splices......................................................................................................... 6-62
Mesh, wire, for reinforcement................................................................................................ 9-61
for wire fence................................................................................................................... 8-52
Metal end sections................................................................................................................... 7-4
Mineral filler for HMA............................................................................................................ 9-15
Mixing, cement concrete for paving....................................................................................... 5-48
cement concrete for structures............................................................................................ 6-9
Mobilization............................................................................................................................ 1-96
Modified Concrete Overlays (Section 6-09)...................................................................... 6-165
Monument Cases (Section 8-13) (Section 9-22)....................................................... 8-54, 9-119
Mortar blocks, rebar placement.............................................................................................. 6-60
Moving crushing plants, payment for....................................................................................... 3-3
Mowing................................................................................................................................... 8-23
Mudsills, for falsework
for timber structures....................................................................................................... 6-117
Mulch.............................................................................................................................8-20, 9-80
Name plates, for structures....................................................................................................... 6-3
Navigable streams affected by structures................................................................................. 6-2
Nestable pipe and pipe arch.................................................................................................... 9-39
Noise Barrier Walls (Section 6-12).................................................................................... 6-190
Noncollusion declaration........................................................................................................ 1-11
No waiver of legal rights by state........................................................................................... 1-73
Obstructions, removal and disposal of...................................................................................... 2-4
Opening, bid proposal............................................................................................................. 1-14
sections of highway to traffic................................................................................................ 1-73
Overbreak................................................................................................................................ 2-12
Painting, application
machine finished surfaces............................................................................................... 6-106
Painting (Section 6-07)........................................................................................................ 6-137
Paints and Related Materials (Section 9-08)...................................................................... 9-63
Panel, concrete, cast-in-place noise barrier........................................................................... 6-192
concrete fascia, for soil nail walls.................................................................................. 6-214
concrete fascia, for soldier pile and soldier pile tieback walls....................................... 6-221
concrete, precast, erection for structural earth walls...................................................... 6-199
concrete, precast, fabrication for structural earth walls................................................. 6-198
concrete, precast noise barrier........................................................................................ 6-192
timber, noise barrier....................................................................................................... 6-193
Patented devices, materials, and processes............................................................................. 1-70
Qualified Products List (QPL)................................................................................................ 1-34
Quantities, measurement of bid items of work....................................................................... 1-87
Quarries, pits, acquisition of sites............................................................................................. 3-4
compensation for moving plan........................................................................................... 3-3
final cleanup....................................................................................................................... 3-2
preparation of site............................................................................................................... 3-1
production requirements..................................................................................................... 3-2
scalping............................................................................................................................... 3-2
Quarry spalls........................................................................................................................... 8-57
Quick coupler valves............................................................................................................... 9-95
Railings, metal...................................................................................................................... 6-135
metal bridge...................................................................................................................... 9-57
timber............................................................................................................................. 6-135
Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) (Section 8-09) (Section 9-21)........................... 8-40, 9-117
recessed pavement markers.............................................................................................. 8-41
Ready-mix concrete.................................................................................................................. 6-8
Reclamation of pit sites............................................................................................................. 3-9
Records and retention, required.............................................................................................. 1-58
Recycled material.................................................................................................................... 9-26
Regulations, State Department of Fish and Wildlife.............................................................. 1-47
state and federally owned lands....................................................................................... 1-45
Reinforced Concrete Walls (Section 6-11)......................................................................... 6-187
Reinforcing bars, tie bars, dowels..................................................................................5-52, 9-59
Safety and convenience of public........................................................................................... 1-70
Safety bars for culvert pipe..............................................................................................7-5, 7-12
Sales tax, state......................................................................................................................... 1-45
Salvage of usable materials....................................................................................................... 2-4
Sampling and acceptance, bituminous materials...................................................................... 9-7
cement................................................................................................................................ 9-3
materials, general............................................................................................................. 1-36
Sand drainage blanket...........................................................................................2-16, 2-20, 9-23
Sand equivalent......................................................................................................................... 9-1
Sand/silt ratio............................................................................................................................ 9-1
Sanitary accommodations....................................................................................................... 1-46
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page I-15
Tagging plants......................................................................................................................... 9-91
Tax, state sales tax................................................................................................................... 1-45
Temperature, normal................................................................................................................. 6-3
Temperature of asphalt.............................................................................................................. 9-7
Temporary barrier................................................................................................................. 6-184
Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC).................................................................. 8-2
Temporary Pavement Markings (Section 8-23)............................................................... 8-103
Temporary Traffic Control Materials (Section 9-35)....................................................... 9-213
Temporary Traffic Control (Section 1-10)........................................................................ 1-108
Temporary water pollution/erosion control.....................................................................1-61, 8-1
Test piles............................................................................................................................... 6-128
Underdrains, perforated pipe...........................................................................................7-1, 9-35
Underpass................................................................................................................................ 7-11
Underweights, no pay adjustment........................................................................................... 1-91
Unsuitable foundation material.............................................................................2-15, 2-16, 2-29
Utilities and similar facilities.................................................................................................. 1-66
Valves...................................................................................................................................... 9-94
Valves for Water Mains (Section 7-12)................................................................................ 7-44
Vegetation protection and restoration..................................................................................... 1-65
Vertical drains......................................................................................................................... 2-16
Vibration, concrete structures................................................................................................. 6-20
concrete pavement............................................................................................................ 5-50
protection against............................................................................................................. 6-19
Vibratory rollers...................................................................................................................... 2-13
Vitrified clay sewer pipe......................................................................................................... 9-42
2018 Standard Specifications M 41-10 Page I-19
Wages, compliance with......................................................................................................... 1-50
Waiver of state’s legal rights, no............................................................................................. 1-73
Walls, geosynthetic retaining................................................................................................ 6-203
noise barrier.................................................................................................................... 6-190
soil nail........................................................................................................................... 6-207
soldier pile and soldier pile tieback................................................................................ 6-215
structural earth walls (SEW).......................................................................................... 6-195
Warranty.................................................................................................................................. 1-31
Waste sites, disposal of waste, debris..................................................................................... 2-10
Wasting excavated material.................................................................................................... 2-11
Water Distribution Materials (Section 9-30).................................................................... 9-187
Watering (Section 2-07)........................................................................................................ 2-27
Water Mains (Section 7-09).................................................................................................. 7-29
Waterproof Membrane (Section 9-11)................................................................................ 9-74
Water (Section 9-25)........................................................................................................... 9-124
surfacing materials............................................................................................................. 4-4
Waterstop, plastic.................................................................................................................. 9-123
Wattles..................................................................................................................................... 9-88
Weather, unfavorable for, concrete paving............................................................................. 5-56
concrete structures............................................................................................................ 6-17
crushed surfacing................................................................................................................ 4-6
Web plate, splices, stiffeners, fillers........................................................................................ 6-99
Weed control........................................................................................................................... 8-17
Weep holes, structures............................................................................................................ 6-57
Weighing equipment............................................................................................................... 1-88
Weight of, asphalt................................................................................................................... 1-88
reinforcing steel................................................................................................................ 6-93
Welded wire faced structural earth wall erection.................................................................. 6-200
Welds, reinforcing steel........................................................................................................... 6-62
structural steel................................................................................................................ 6-100
Wheel guards and railings..................................................................................................... 6-118
Wire, cold drawn for reinforcing............................................................................................ 9-61
Wire, fencing........................................................................................................................... 8-51
Wire Mesh Slope Protection (Section 8-29)...................................................................... 8-114
Work, acceptance of................................................................................................................ 1-32
changed conditions........................................................................................................... 1-26
changes............................................................................................................................. 1-20
contractor’s responsibility for.......................................................................................... 1-58
defective and unauthorized............................................................................................... 1-31
failure to complete on time............................................................................................... 1-84
force account.................................................................................................................... 1-93
inspection of, and samples............................................................................................... 1-30
prosecution of................................................................................................................... 1-79
suspension........................................................................................................................ 1-80
Working day............................................................................................................................ 1-79
Working drawings................................................................................................................... 1-29
Written notice to contractor, method of serving..................................................................... 1-33