Science For Kids Nutrition Experiment
Science For Kids Nutrition Experiment
Science For Kids Nutrition Experiment
2. Eat breakfast and write down the foods you ate under the different categories of nutrient they
belong to on your Nutrition Meal Tracker.
Note: Some foods fit into more than one nutrient category. For example, milk is a source of both protein and fat.
3. Eat lunch and use your Nutrition Meal Tracker to write down the foods you ate under the
different categories of nutrient they belong to.
4. Eat dinner and write down the foods you ate under the different categories of nutrient they
belong to.
5. If you eat any snacks throughout the day, write down each food item under the category of
nutrient where it belongs on your chart.
6. At the end of the day, look over the information you recorded to see if there are any patterns.
Take time to finish your “What You Discovered” worksheet by answering questions 4–7.
6 What You Discovered:
Answer the questions below as you work on your nutrition experiment.
7. What can you change to help you eat a little bit better in the future?
, What Does It Mean?
Eating healthy foods and getting the nutrition your body needs starts with being
aware of what you’re eating. Taking time to consider the food you eat allows you to
more fully consider your nutrition choices and to learn what you’re doing well and
what you can do a bit better. Making good choices about the food you eat is an im-
portant step toward lifetime wellness.
3 What to Do Next:
• Find healthy recipes and, with the help and permission of your parents, learn how to
make them. A great place to find new recipes is the dōTERRA® Product Blog.
• With your parents’ permission, share your favorite healthy food on social media using the
hashtag #doterrascienceforkids.
• Read the other dōTERRA® Science for Kids nutrition units on the dōTERRA® Science Blog.