Safety and Health in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair
Safety and Health in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair
Safety and Health in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair
in shipbuilding
and ship repair
Revised edition
ILO code of practice Contents
Revised edition
ILO code of practice: Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair. International Labour
Office, Geneva, 2019
ISBN 978-92-2-131709-8 (print)
ISBN 978-92-2-131710-4 (web pdf)
Also available in French: La sécurité et la santé dans le secteur de la construction et de la
réparation navales. Recueil de directives pratiques du BIT (édition révisée) (ISBN 978-92-
2-231120-0 (print); ISBN 978-92-2-231121-7 (pdf web)), Geneva, 2019 and in Spanish:
Seguridad y salud en la construcción y reparación de buques. Repertorio de recomenda-
ciones prácticas de la OIT (edición revisada), ISBN 978-92-2-328553-1 (print); ISBN 978-
92-2-328554-8 (web pdf), Geneva, 2019.
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Sectoral codes of practice
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Sectoral codes of practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. General provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1. Purpose and objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2. Application and scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3. Reference to ILO instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. General obligations, responsibilities,
duties and rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1. Cooperation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2. Competent authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.1. General provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.2. Inspectorates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3. Employers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4. Workers ...................................... 17
2.5. Suppliers, manufacturers and designers . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.6. Contractors and subcontractors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3. Occupational safety and health
management systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2. Occupational safety and health policy . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
1. General provisions
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
1. General provisions
may alter their risk profile and the code cannot therefore be
assumed to address every hazard or risk.
5. While the code contains detailed provisions, its use
should not inhibit the development of new technologies, better
practice or the adoption of alternative measures that provide
effective protection to all workers involved in shipbuilding and Contents
ship repair.
6. The code contains references to those institutions
responsible for the delivery and award of vocational qualifica-
tions. Such institutions are urged to review existing curricula
in the light of the code’s recommendations for training and the
allocation of worksite responsibilities.
7. Measures implemented to protect workers’ health and
safety in shipbuilding and ship repair facilities are intrinsi-
cally linked to measures to protect the environment. This rela-
tionship should be taken into account by both the competent
authorities and employers in designing and implementing their
respective environmental sustainability and safety and health
policies and programmes.
8. The provisions of this code should be read in the con-
text of national conditions and technical possibilities, and the
scale of operations involved.
1.3. Reference to ILO instruments
1. In the establishment, implementation and review of
policies and programmes on OSH in shipbuilding and ship
repair under this code, competent authorities, shipowners
and employers’ and workers’ organizations should take into
account ratified international labour standards and that
the fundamental principles and rights at work apply to all
workers and employers. They should also take account of the
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
2. General obligations, responsibilities,
duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
2. General obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
2. General obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
2. General obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
2. General obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
this collaboration.
14. Managers and supervisors should implement the enter-
prise’s OSH policy, including through the selection of safe
equipment, work methods and work organization, and the
maintenance of high levels of skill. They should endeavour to
reduce risks and hazards to safety and health in the activities
for which they are responsible to as low a level as reasonably
15. Managers and supervisors should ensure that workers
receive adequate information and training on safety and health
regulations, policies, procedures and requirements, and satisfy
themselves that this information is understood.
16. Managers and supervisors should assign tasks to their
subordinates in a clear and precise way. They should satisfy
themselves that workers understand and implement the OSH
17. Managers and supervisors should ensure that work is
planned, organized and carried out in such a way as to elimi-
nate or, if this is not possible, reduce the risk of accidents and
the exposure of workers to conditions that may lead to injury
or damage their health.
18. In consultation with workers and/or their represent-
atives, managers and supervisors should assess the need for
additional instruction, training and education of workers by
monitoring compliance with safety requirements.
2. General obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
2. General obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
2. General obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
2. General obligations, responsibilities, duties and rights
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
3. Occupational safety and health
management systems
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
3. Occupational safety and health management systems
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
3. Occupational safety and health management systems
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
b) risk assessment;
c) control of risks; and
d) a process to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of these
3.4.1. Hazard identification
1. The identification of hazards in the workplace should
take into account:
a) the situation or events or combination of circumstances that
have the potential to give rise to injury or illness;
b) the nature of potential injury or illness relevant to the
activity, product or service;
c) past injuries, dangerous occurrences and illness;
d) the way work is organized, managed, carried out and any
related changes;
e) the design of workplaces, work processes, materials, plant
and equipment;
f) the fabrication, installation, commissioning, handling and
disposal of materials, workplaces, plant and equipment;
g) the purchasing of goods and services;
h) the contracting of plant, equipment, services and labour,
including contract specification and responsibilities in rela-
tion to and of contractors and their subcontractors; and
3. Occupational safety and health management systems
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
3.4.4. Evaluation
1. The processes of hazard identification, risk assessment
and control should be subject to a documented evaluation of
effectiveness and modified as necessary, to establish an ongoing
process for continual improvement.
2. Evaluations should take into consideration advances Contents
3. Occupational safety and health management systems
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
3. Occupational safety and health management systems
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
3. Occupational safety and health management systems
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
and the safety and health committee for the purposes of inci-
dent and injury analysis.
11. Persons in supervisory positions should hold a recog-
nized first-aid certificate. First-aid training should be made
available to all workers.
3.5.3. Rescue
1. Provision should be made for rapid evacuation in the
event of injury or illness which requires medical assistance.
2. Transport or a means of communication should be
available at the worksite to contact rescue services in case of
an emergency. The functioning of the communication arrange-
ments should be checked periodically.
3. All workers should be informed of the procedures to
be followed in case of emergency. Information should also be
provided on the worksite and on the location of meeting points
for evacuation.
4. A place should be provided at worksites where an ill or
injured person can rest in comfort until evacuated.
5. Vehicles should always be available for transportation
to a point where an ambulance can be met.
6. Where professional help is not available within a rea-
sonable distance, particularly in remote areas, consideration
should be given to the creation of the necessary dispensing and
health-care facilities.
4. Management of change
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
5. Reporting, recording and notification
of work-related injuries and diseases,
ill health and dangerous occurrences
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
5. Reporting, recording and notification
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
arrangements for:
a) the recording and notification of information required for
benefits in the case of occupational injury and occupational
disease; and
b) the reporting, recording and notification of work-related
injuries and diseases, ill health and dangerous occurrences.
5.2. Reporting at the level of the facility
1. The employer, after consultation with workers and their
representatives in the enterprise, should set up arrangements,
in accordance with national laws or regulations, to enable all
workers at the site to comply with the requirements to report:
a) forthwith to their immediate supervisor, without detriment
to themselves, any situation which they believe presents a
danger to life or health; and
b) any occupational injury, suspected case of work-related inju-
ries and diseases, ill health and dangerous occurrences, as
5.3. Recording at the level of the facility
1. The employer should ensure that records of work-related
injuries and diseases, ill health and dangerous occurrences are
available and readily retrievable at all reasonable times. Such
records should be maintained in accordance with national laws
and regulations, where these exist, and should include contractor
5. Reporting, recording and notification
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
5. Reporting, recording and notification
6. Safety and health organization
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
6. Safety and health organization
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
6. Safety and health organization
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
6. Safety and health organization
7. General preventive and
protective measures
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
7.8. Housekeeping
1. A suitable housekeeping programme should be estab-
lished and continuously implemented on each shipbuilding
and ship repair facility and on each ship under construction or
repair. It should include provisions for:
a) the proper storage of materials and equipment; and Contents
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
7.10. Scaffolds
7.10.1. General
1. Where work cannot safely be done on or from the
ground, or from part of a ship or other permanent structure,
a safe and suitable scaffold, or other equally safe and suitable
provision, should be provided and maintained. Contents
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
8. When necessary to prevent danger from falling objects,
working platforms, gangways and stairways of scaffolds should
be provided with overhead screens of adequate strength and
9. Nails should be driven full length, and not driven part
way and then bent over, and should not be subject to direct
10. Metal scaffolds should not be erected in closer prox-
imity than 5 m to overhead electricity transmission lines equip-
ment except in accordance with safety distances laid down by
the competent authority or after the electrical transmission line
or equipment has been rendered electrically dead.
11. As far as practicable, every part of a working platform,
gangway or stairway of a scaffold from which a person is liable
to fall a distance of 2 m or as prescribed in the national laws or
regulations, should be provided with guard rails and toe boards
complying with the relevant nationally and internationally rec-
ognized instruments.
7.10.4. Prefabricated scaffolds
1. In the case of prefabricated scaffold systems the
instructions provided by the manufacturers or suppliers should
be strictly adhered to. Prefabricated scaffolds should have ade-
quate arrangements for fixing bracing.
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
from scaffolds or heights where the landing area has been des-
ignated, protected, appropriate notices displayed, and is under
the supervision of a person on the landing level.
2. Sufficient putlogs and transoms should remain in posi-
tion and securely fastened to the ledgers, uprights or standards,
to ensure the stability of the scaffold until it is finally dismantled. Contents
7. General preventive andprotective measures
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
3. The height of mobile scaffolding should not exceed four
times the lesser base dimension.
4. Ladders giving access to mobile scaffolding should be
secured to the structure.
5. When mobile scaffolding is in use the castors or wheels
should be adequately blocked.
6. No person, material or tool should be on scaffolding
that is being moved.
7.11. Ladders
1. Ladders are not designed to replace working platforms.
2. Leaning ladders should be used only as a temporary way
to access points of work. The angle should be approximately 75
degrees or a 1:4 ratio.
3. Workers should inspect ladders prior to use. If the
ladder is damaged, it must be removed from service and tagged
until repaired or discarded.
4. Rungs, cleats and steps of ladders must not be spaced
less than 25 cm apart, nor more than 36 cm apart, along the
ladder’s side rails.
5. Labels and markings on the ladder should be read and
followed. Ladders and appropriate accessories (for example ladder
levellers, jacks or hooks) should be used only for their designed
7. General preventive andprotective measures
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
case of fire.
3. National laws or regulations should establish standards
requiring automatic fire sensor and warning device systems to
be used to actuate deluge-type water systems, foam generator
systems, multipurpose dry-powder systems, or other equivalent
automatic fire suppression systems. Smoke detection and alarm
systems should be installed as early as possible. Alarm system
and evacuation testing should be carried out at least once
during the construction or repair of a ship.
4. Sufficient and secure storage areas should be provided
for flammable liquids and solids and gases, such as liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) tanks and acetylene cylinders, paints
and other such materials. The storage tanks for flammable
liquids and gases should be earthed to discharge the accumu-
lation of static energy. The trucks loading or unloading fuel
from tanks should also be earthed before connecting to the
5. Smoking should be prohibited and “No smoking”
notices prominently displayed in all places containing readily
combustible or flammable materials. Employers should con-
sider introducing a non-smoking policy and enforce it.
6. In confined spaces and other places in which flammable
gases, vapours or dusts can cause danger:
a) only suitably protected electrical installations and equip-
ment, including portable lamps, should be used;
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
b) the quantity and characteristics of hazardous, flammable
and explosive substances handled in shipbuilding and ship
repair operations;
c) site transport and storage facilities; and
d) first-stage firefighting purposes (hand-held or trol-
ley-mounted portable firefighting extinguishers).
12. Fire-extinguishing equipment should be properly main-
tained in full working order and inspected and tested at suit-
able intervals by a competent person in accordance with the
manufacturers’ recommendations. Access to fire-extinguishing
equipment, such as hydrants, portable extinguishers and con-
nections for hoses, should be kept clear at all times.
13. Suitable training, instruction and information should
be given to all supervisors and a sufficient number of both men
and women workers about the hazards of fires, the appropriate
precautions to be taken and the use of fire-extinguishing equip-
ment, so that adequate trained personnel are readily available
during all working periods. The training, instruction and
information provided should include, in particular:
a) the circumstances in which workers should not attempt to
deal with a fire themselves, but should evacuate the area and
call in firefighters;
b) when and where to raise the alarm;
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
7. General preventive andprotective measures
the ship.
5. Where there is a large workforce in a confined space
such as an engine room or pump room, consideration should be
given to cutting an access point through the hull to the space.
In any event, a safe clear way should always be maintained from
the lower to the main deck level.
7.15. Signs, notices, colour codes and communication
1. Signs and symbols are a very effective method of
warning against hazards and of presenting information in a
non-linguistic form. Safety signs and notices should conform
in shape and colour to the requirements of the competent
authority. Signs should be posted to ensure that workers are
not unnecessarily exposed to hazards.
2. The contents of portable fire extinguishers should be
indicated by a colour code, in compliance with the requirements
of the competent authority. Each fire extinguisher should have
a label affixed to it providing instructions for its use.
3. Various technical standards exist for the colour coding
of electrical wiring cores and care should always be taken to
ensure that personnel are aware of the meaning of the core col-
ours on board each ship. If a replacement is required, it should
be in accordance with the coding system.
4. Gas cylinders should be clearly marked with the
name and symbol of the gas and the body should be coloured
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
8. Operational planning
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
8. Operational planning
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
8. Operational planning
9. Health and safety requirements for the
most common hazardous operations and
tasks in the construction and repair
of ships
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
transport and lifting appliances that ensure the easy and safe
installation, storage and removal of the sections. Sections taken
into storage should be placed securely in position.
3. Whenever possible, welding, assembly work, fitting or
other work should not be done on sections in storage.
4. Before being taken on board, prefabricated sections
should be:
a) complete, completely finished and ready for placing in
b) provided with adequately dimensioned and placed attach-
ments such as fixed eyes or U‑bolts to facilitate lifting them,
placing them and securing them to supports; any welding
attachment should be done by competent welders and sub-
jected, when necessary, to non-destructive testing by a com-
petent person; and
c) provided with the necessary indications for placing them in
position on the hull.
5. Fitting work for the equipment of sections should
be done in places specially provided for the purpose. Fitting
work should not be done on sections placed on platforms for
6. Sections should be tilted with the help of special
mechanical equipment and structures. The tilting equipment
should have a locking device that ensures secure control at any
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
sufficient to throw the blaster off the staging, the blaster must
be protected by a fall protection system when blasting is being
carried out at heights at which adequate protection against falls
cannot be provided by railings.
11. Persons engaged in abrasive blasting should undergo
periodical medical examinations, including a chest radio-
graphic examination.
9.4. Painting
1. The hazards involved in painting include toxic fumes
or vapours, and the risk of eye injury and irritation of lungs
and skin. Repeated exposure to solvents can have long-term
effects on health, including dermatitis. Painting in confined
spaces where vapours cannot escape is particularly hazardous,
as solvents can displace air and may be poisonous, flammable
or explosive.
2. Every effort should be made to substitute hazardous
substances, especially carcinogens, mutagens and reproduc-
tive toxicity, used in painting operations with less hazardous
paints and solvents that still meet the technical specifications
required. Hazardous substances should only be used if the
workers are informed about the risks of fire, toxicity or other
hazards which may occur in the transport, use or disposal of
such substances and their prevention, and trained in their safe
use or disposal.
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
be pre-warmed if necessary;
b) the workers are provided with PPE; and
c) no other work is carried out in the area.
5. A sufficient number of fire extinguishers of the foam or
another suitable type should be maintained at the place where
any material having a nitrocellulose or other flammable content
is being used.
6. No person should smoke, or have any fire, naked flame
or other source of ignition in any place in which spray painting
is being carried out, or in its vicinity.
7. All metal parts of equipment and appliances used for
spray painting, and also metal articles to be spray painted,
should be electrically bonded and earthed. The proper condi-
tion of the earthing system, conductors, earthing connections,
equipment and appliances should be verified at least once a
8. Painting appliances working under pressure, such as oil
separators and oil pump tanks, should be equipped with the
necessary fittings: a valve for reducing the pressure of the air
entering the appliance and a tested and sealed pressure gauge.
The gauge dial should be marked with a red line indicating the
maximum permissible working pressure. Connections in the
air hose should be firmly secured so as to prevent them from
being impaired by the pressure of the compressed air.
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
and oil.
3. When not in use, manifold and header hose connec-
tions should be capped.
4. Nothing should be placed on a manifold that might
damage it or impede the quick closing of the valves. Hose
1. Only hose specially designed for welding and cutting
operations should be used to connect an oxyacetylene torch to
gas outlets.
2. All hose carrying acetylene, oxygen, natural or man-
ufactured fuel gas, or any gas or substance that may ignite or
enter into combustion or be in any way harmful to workers,
should be inspected at the beginning of each shift. Defective
hose should be removed from service.
3. An efficient back pressure valve and flame arrestor
should be provided in the acetylene supply line between each
burner or blowpipe and the source of supply as near as practi-
cable to the burner or blowpipe.
4. Hose lines for oxygen and for acetylene should be of
different colours, or otherwise equally clearly and appropri-
ately identified. Oxygen and fuel gas hoses should not be
5. Hose connections should be sufficiently tight to with-
stand without leakage twice the maximum delivery pressure
of the pressure regulators in the system. They should be of the
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
and the outer surfaces of the jaws of the holder, should be fully
insulated against the maximum voltage encountered to ground. Welding cables and connectors
1. All arc welding and cutting cables must be completely
insulated, flexible and capable of handling the maximum cur-
rent requirements of the work in progress, taking into account Contents
the duty cycle under which the arc welders or cutters are
2. Only cable free from repair or splices for a minimum
distance of 3 m from the cable end to which the electrode
holder is connected should be used, although cables with
standard insulated connectors or with splices whose insulating
quality is equal to that of the cable may be permitted.
3. When it becomes necessary to connect or splice lengths
of cable, substantial insulated connectors of a capacity at least
equivalent to that of the cable should be used. If connections
are effected by means of cable lugs, they should be securely fas-
tened together to give good electrical contact, and the exposed
metal parts of the lugs should be completely insulated.
4. Cables in poor repair should not be used. When a cable
becomes worn to the extent of exposing bare conductors, the
portion thus exposed should be protected by means of rubber
and friction tapes or other equivalent insulation. Ground returns and machine grounding
1. Ground return cables should have a safe current car-
rying capacity equal to or exceeding the specified maximum
output capacity of the arc welding or cutting unit that they
service. When a single ground return cable services more than
one unit, its safe current carrying capacity should be equal to,
or exceed, the total specified maximum output capacities of all
the units that it services.
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
piping system;
b) each relief valve is set to relieve excess steam at, and is
capable of relieving steam at, a pressure that does not
exceed the safe working pressure of the system in its
present condition;
c) there are no means of inadvertently disconnecting any relief
valve from the system that it protects;
d) each pressure gauge and relief valve is legible and located so
it is visible and readily accessible; and
e) each relief valve is positioned so it is not likely to cause
injury if steam is released.
3. Steam hose and piping should be shielded or insulated
if necessary to prevent accidental contact with workers.
4. When pressure testing a vessel’s piping system, the pipes
concerned should be clearly marked. Valves should be closed
and locked or tagged, indicating that workers are working on
the systems. The testing should be carried out by a competent
9.6.3. Propulsion machinery
1. Before work is performed on the main engine, reduc-
tion gear, or connecting accessories, the employer should ensure
that the following steps are taken:
a) the jacking gear should be engaged to prevent the main
engine from turning over. A sign should be posted at the
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
9. Health and safety requirements for the most common
10. Hazardous substances
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
10. Hazardous substances
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
10. Hazardous substances
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
10. Hazardous substances
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
3. The monitoring of airborne contaminants should be
performed using adequate equipment and only by competent
4. The employer should arrange for regular inspection,
maintenance and proper calibration of monitoring equipment.
10.3.4. Record keeping
1. Employers should keep dated records of measurements
of airborne contaminants:
a) by technique and type (for example static, personal),
including data on plant location, work area, work processes,
nature of hazardous substances, names and lists of exposed
workers, their sex, and control measures in place; and
b) for a period of time, as determined by the competent
2. Workers and their representatives, and the competent
authority, should have access to these records.
3. In addition to the numerical results of measurements,
the monitoring data should include, for example:
a) the marking of the hazardous chemical;
b) the location, nature, dimensions and other distinctive fea-
tures of the workplace, and the names, sex and job titles of
the workers involved;
10. Hazardous substances
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
10. Hazardous substances
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
10. Hazardous substances
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
hands or fingers.
2. Employers should comply with exposure limit stand-
ards and other nationally and internationally recognized
instruments, as required by the competent authority. If workers
are frequently exposed to hand-transmitted or whole-body
vibration, and obvious steps do not eliminate the exposure, the
employer should assess the hazard and risk to safety and health
resulting from the conditions, and:
a) identify the sources of vibration and the tasks that give rise
to exposure;
b) seek the advice of the supplier of vehicles, machinery and
equipment about their vibration emissions; or
c) if this advice is incomplete or in doubt, arrange for measure-
ments by a competent person, in accordance with nationally
and internationally recognized instruments and currently
available knowledge.
3. Vibration measurements should be used to:
a) quantify the level and duration of exposure of workers, and
compare it with exposure limits as established by the com-
petent authority or other nationally and internationally rec-
ognized instruments to be applied;
b) identify and characterize the sources of vibration and the
exposed workers;
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11.6.8. Conductors
1. Conductors or wiring, and the conditions under which
they are installed and used, should be in accordance with
national laws and regulations or nationally and internationally
recognized instruments.
2. All overhead power lines should be constructed and Contents
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
2. Unlike electric fields, magnetic fields cannot be easily
screened off, as they can pass through all materials. However,
the power of the field rapidly diminishes as the distance from
the source of the magnetic field increases. It is generally advis-
able to shut down all electrical equipment when not in use.
3. Workers with heart pacemakers should not be exposed
to magnetic fields of a strength likely to affect the device.
Pregnant women should not be exposed to magnetic fields of a
strength likely to affect the foetus. Equipment producing such
fields should be clearly signposted.
4. Fixed installations which generate high strength fields,
such as transformers and switching stations, should be sited as
far away from work areas as possible.
5. Further guidelines and recommendations can be found
in Protection of workers from power frequency electric and mag-
netic fields: A practical guide, ILO Occupational Safety and
Health Series No. 69 (Geneva, 1994).
11.8. Optical radiation
1. Workers performing operations where they are exposed
to optical radiation – ultraviolet (UV), visible light including
sunlight and infrared (IR) – should be provided with adequate
personal face and eye protective equipment, particularly in
flame-cutting and welding operations.
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
11. Physical hazards
12. Ergonomical hazards
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
13. Biological hazards
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines
and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14.6.2. Storage
1. Cylinders should be properly secured and kept upright,
but must be capable of quick release. Oxygen and fuel gas cyl-
inders (such as acetylene) should be kept in suitable, separate,
well‑ventilated compartments that are not subject to extremes
of temperature. The space should have no electrical fittings or Contents
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
e) a comfortable seat that enables the operator to look in the
required direction;
f) a sliding or inward-opening door readily openable from
inside and outside if the cabin is elevated;
g) means of emergency escape;
h) suitable fire extinguishers; and
i) a secure means of access such as a fixed ladder with a safety
3. The operator’s cab should be designed to limit noise
and vibration to within nationally permitted levels.
4. Radio controlled overhead cranes must be operated by
a qualified worker who has been trained to operate the equip-
ment. Certificates of trained workers should be kept by the
employer, and a list of qualified workers should be kept in the
charging compartment of the radio control devices. Radio con-
trolled overhead cranes should be inspected daily, including the
operation of brakes, automatic stopping distance, hook latch
and radio controls.
5. Cranes should have a load limiter in accordance with
subsection 14.7.1, paragraph 13.
6. Mobile cranes may travel with a suspended load only if
the crane manufacturer has specified the load rating and pro-
vided clear instructions for this operation.
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
9. The wheels of rail-mounted cranes should be provided
with guards to prevent danger to feet.
10. The rails should be of adequate section and bearing
capacity, firm and level with an even rail surface and electri-
cally bonded and earthed. Shock absorbing buffers should be
provided on rail mounted cranes and on rail end stops.
11. Anemometers should be fitted in the most exposed
position of large rail-mounted cranes to provide warning of
wind conditions requiring them to be taken out of service.
14.7.3. Forklifts
1. Forklifts which are powered by internal combustion
engines carry flammable fuel, produce exhaust emissions with
toxic components and can create noise nuisance. The driver, as
well as unauthorized riders or those working close by, are at
risk of rollovers. The risk of being run over is high in areas of
poor vision, especially when reversing.
2. Forklifts should be equipped with a rollover protec-
tion structure and, where applicable, seat belt to prevent inju-
ries in case of rollover. All forklift operators should be trained
in their safe use, in particular rollover prevention, and be
required to follow safe work practices. They should observe
all signs and clearance heights in relation to the height of the
load or mast.
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
9. The forks of the forklift should be designed to prevent
their accidental unhooking or unintentional lateral displace-
ment when in use. The forks of forklifts are items of loose
gear and should be tested and certified before being brought
into use. Movement of the attachment and its parts must be
mechanically limited at the extreme positions.
10. In the event of the failure of a single lifting/lowering
part of the mechanism (such as a gearwheel, chainwheel or
spindle), a locking mechanism should prevent the elevated load
or operator’s platform from dropping.
11. Any trapping, crushing or shearing points within reach
of the operator in the normal operating position on the truck
should be suitably guarded. There should be no sharp edges
or angles creating a hazard in the area of the operator in the
normal operating position or in the area of access and egress
during normal operation and daily checks.
12. The operator’s compartment should be covered by an
overhead guard and provide good all‑round visibility. For fork-
lifts with a high lifting capacity, a closed-circuit camera or auto-
matic setting of correct height should be provided. However,
where available, cameras and proximity sensors should only be
used to assist the driver.
13. The controls of the forklift should be adjustable to
suit all operators. The steps should be equipped with a high
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
the noise levels from the truck engine exceed exposure limits.
For forklifts operating outside, the compartment should be
14. Forklifts should be maintained in a safe and efficient
condition. They should be inspected daily by the driver, oper-
ator or other competent person, and the inspection should
include checking that tyre pressure is sufficient to maintain
15. When the operator leaves the seat of the forklift, the
forks should be fully lowered to the floor, the parking brake
applied, the engine stopped. At the end of the shift, forklifts
should be parked in designated parking areas or in authorized
areas for charging batteries, and the keys properly kept to pre-
vent unauthorized access.
16. Driver seating should be ergonomically designed. PPE
for forklift drivers includes protective shoes, reflective clothing
and a helmet with safety goggles when moving outside the driv-
er’s compartment.
14.7.4. Equipment for lifting persons
1. All newly acquired aerial lifts should meet the design
and construction requirements of relevant nationally and inter-
nationally recognized instruments. Every effort should be made
to replace equipment that does not meet current standards.
Modifications to lifts are not allowed without written approval
from the manufacturer.
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
when necessary.
6. An accurate record of all routine and corrective mainte-
nance should be kept.
14.7.6. Ropes, chains and accessories
1. All ropes, chains and accessories should:
a) be of sound material, good construction and adequate
strength, and the use of plant fibre ropes for the lifting of
any material should be prohibited;
b) before being placed in service, be thoroughly tested by com-
petent persons;
c) conform to any national technical standards that may be
applicable; and
d) be maintained in good working order.
2. Only tested and labelled equipment can be used for
lifting. A safe working load must be marked on every lifting appli-
ance. All lifting appliances with a safe working load should be
inspected periodically. The status of inspection should be clearly
marked, for instance by use of a colour code. Care should be taken
that any paint or coatings do not conceal any inspection points. Chains
1. A load must not be lifted with a chain that has a kink
or knot in it. A chain must not be shortened by bolting, wiring
or knotting.
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment Shackles
1. The diameter of the body and pin of a shackle are indi-
cated, as well as its safe working load, which must be taken into
consideration at all times. Shackle pins are always larger than
the body of the shackle. Shackles are usually manufactured
from two types of steel, grade T (800 N per mm2) and grade M Contents
(400 N per mm2).
2. When pairs of shackles are selected for a job, both
should have the same safe working load. Size may be misleading,
as grade T shackles are approximately twice the strength of
grade M shackles.
3. The safe working load of a shackle in a sling should
always be equal to the sling, the increased stress due to an angle
in the arrangement being duly taken into account.
4. “Dee” shackles should be used for straight pull applica-
tions and “bow” shackles where a number of slings pull at dif-
ferent angles. Where shackles are permanently rigged, the pins
should be locked by mousing a screw collar pin or by a split
cotter pin on a nut and bolt pin.
5. A shackle should not be used on a sling unless it is
fitted with a proper shackle pin; an ordinary bolt or piece of
steel bar should not be used.
6. When used in normal slinging applications, the screw
pins of shackles should only be done up hand-tight and mon-
itored on a continuous basis. However, the pins should be
secured with seizing wire to keep them from coming undone.
14.8. The use of robots and modern technology
1. Accidents involving robots could include:
a) the arm of the robot causes the accident through an
unpredicted movement caused by component or software
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
14. Safety requirements for tools, machines and equipment
15. Competence, education and training
15.1. General
1. In this section and in the context of shipbuilding and Contents
ship repair, the word “training” shall be taken to mean either
“education” or “training” or both as appropriate.
2. The necessary OSH competence requirements should
be defined by the employer based on the provisions of national
laws or regulations or, in the absence thereof, in consultation
with worker representatives. Appropriate training arrange-
ments should be established and maintained to ensure that all
workers are competent to perform the safety and health aspects
of their present or planned duties and responsibilities.
3. The employer should have, or should have access to, suf-
ficient OSH competence to identify and eliminate or control
work-related hazards and risks, and to implement the OSH
management system. Specific training needs can be identified
from the initial and ongoing hazard identification, risk assess-
ment, control and evaluation processes.
4. Training programmes should:
a) cover all workers at the shipbuilding and ship repair
facility, including contractors and subcontractors, as
b) be conducted by competent persons;
c) provide, in a manner and language understood by workers,
effective and timely initial practical and theoretical training
before commencement of duties and refresher trainings at
appropriate intervals, or further to significant changes in
risk levels for workers or in their functions;
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
essary; and
f) be documented.
5. The form and the content of training should be devised
and implemented in consultation with workers or their repre-
sentatives. Training should be in accordance with the needs
identified and include:
a) pertinent aspects of OSH legislation, codes of practice
and instructions on the prevention of accidents and dis-
ease and any collective agreement, such as the obligations,
responsibilities, duties and rights of competent authorities,
employers, contractors, subcontractors and workers;
b) the nature and degree of hazards or risks to safety and
health which may occur, including any factors which may
influence that risk, such as appropriate hygiene practices;
c) the correct and effective use of prevention, control and pro-
tection measures, especially engineering controls, and the
worker’s own responsibility for using such measures properly;
d) operating procedures while working at high-hazard work
e) correct methods for the handling of substances, the opera-
tion of processes and equipment, and for storage, transport
and waste disposal;
f) ergonomically correct methods for the handling of mate-
rials and tools;
15. Competence, education and training
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
15. Competence, education and training
16. Personal protective equipment
and protective clothing
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
16. Personal protective equipment and protective clothing
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
16. Personal protective equipment and protective clothing
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
16. Personal protective equipment and protective clothing
of facial types.
4. Workers should be trained in the use and care of equip-
ment so that they are able to inspect the respirator immediately
prior to each use to ensure that it is in proper working condi-
tion. The face piece incorporated in respirators and breathing
apparatus must be fitted correctly to prevent leakage. Beards
and whiskers are likely to interfere with the face seal, as may the
wearing of goggles, unless adequately designed for the purpose.
5. Respirators should be properly stored. Damage may
occur if they are not protected from physical and chemical
agents, such as vibration, sunlight, heat, extreme cold, excessive
moisture or damaging chemicals.
6. Each respirator should be used with an understanding
of its limitations based on a number of factors, such as the level
and duration of exposure, the characteristics of the chemical
and the service life of a respirator.
7. Workers should be medically evaluated for their ability
to wear a respirator safely before they are required to do so.
8. When negative pressure respiratory equipment is
required on a regular basis, it should not be used without a
proper documented fit test.
16.7. Hearing protection
1. Workers who by the nature of their duties are exposed
to high levels of noise should be provided with, and should
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
16. Personal protective equipment and protective clothing
17. Special protection
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
17. Special protection
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
17. Special protection
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
d) weekly rest.
Extended workdays (above eight hours) should be contem-
plated only if:
a) the nature of the work and the workload permit; and
b) the shift system is designed to minimize the accumulation Contents
of fatigue.
11. Any changes in work schedules that could affect OSH
should be preceded by full consultation with the workers and
their representatives.
17.6. Alcohol and drugs
1. Problems relating to alcohol and drug use may arise
from personal, family or social factors, or from certain work
situations, or from a combination of these elements. Such
problems not only have an adverse effect on the health and
well-being of workers, but may also cause difficulties at work,
including a deterioration in job performance. As there are mul-
tiple causes of alcohol- and drug-related problems, there are
consequently multiple approaches to prevention, assistance,
treatment and rehabilitation.
2. Alcohol and other drug policies and programmes should
promote the prevention, reduction and management of alcohol-
and drug-related problems in the workplace. Management and
workers and their representatives should cooperate in devel-
oping such programmes. The same restrictions or prohibitions
with respect to alcohol should apply to both management and
3. Testing of bodily samples for alcohol and drugs in the
context of employment involves moral, ethical and legal issues
of fundamental importance, requiring a determination of when
it is fair and appropriate to conduct such testing.
17. Special protection
5. It should be recognized that the employer has authority
to discipline workers for employment-related misconduct asso-
ciated with alcohol and drugs. However, counselling, treatment
and rehabilitation should be preferred to disciplinary action.
6. Further information can be found in the ILO code of
practice on management of alcohol‑ and drug-related issues in
the workplace (1996) and Alcohol and drug problems at work:
The shift to prevention (ILO, 2003).
17.7. HIV and AIDS
1. HIV and AIDS should be treated like any other chronic
illness/condition in the workplace.
2. The ILO HIV and AIDS Recommendation, 2010 (No.
200), concerning HIV and AIDS and the world of work, and
the ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work
(2001) should be instrumental in helping to prevent the spread
of the pandemic, mitigate its impact on workers and their fam-
ilies and provide social protection to help cope with the disease.
3. The work environment should be healthy and safe in
order to prevent transmission of HIV. Employers should take
steps to prevent the transmission of HIV and other blood-
borne pathogens, particularly with respect to emergency
response. Universal precaution should be applied with respect
to first aid and other medical procedures and to the handling
of other potentially infected material.
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
18. Welfare
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
18. Welfare
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
18. Welfare
g) canteens; and
h) rest and recreation facilities.
3. The competent authority, if appropriate, should iden-
tify the agency or agencies responsible for providing such living
accommodation and should specify the minimum standards
for housing, including its construction material, minimum size Contents
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
—. 2013. Training Package on Workplace Risk Assessment and
Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
—. 2013. 10 Keys for Gender Sensitive OSH Practice –
Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming in Occupational Safety
and Health.
—. 2014. A 5 step guide for employers, workers and their repre-
sentatives on conducting workplace risk assessments.
—. 2017. Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning
Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (fifth edition,
—. and WHO. 2007. Outline for the Development of National
Programmes for Elimination of Asbestos-Related Diseases.
IMO. 2015. International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol
of 1978 relating thereto and by the Protocol of 1997
Singapore Workplace Safety and Health (Shipbuilding and
Ship-Repairing) Regulations 2008 (No. S 270).
United Nations. 2015. Globally harmonized system of classifica-
tion and labelling of Chemicals (GHS) (GHS, Rev. 6).
US Department of Labor. 2015. Shipyard Industry Standards
(OSHA 2268-11R).
Appendix I
1. General principles
1. Competent authorities should ensure that laws and
regulations governing workers’ health surveillance are properly
2. Workers’ health surveillance should be carried out in
consultation with workers and/or their representatives:
a) with the central purpose of the primary prevention of occu-
pational and work-related injuries and diseases; and
b) under controlled conditions within an organized frame-
work, as may be prescribed by national laws and regulations
and in accordance with the Occupational Health Services
Convention, 1985 (No. 161), and the Occupational Health
Services Recommendation, 1985 (No. 171), and the ILO
Technical and ethical guidelines for workers’ health sur-
veillance, Occupational Safety and Health Series, No. 72
(Geneva, 1998).
2. Organization
1. The organization of workers’ health surveillance at dif-
ferent levels (national, industry, enterprise) should take into
a) the need for a thorough investigation of all work-related fac-
tors and the nature of the occupational hazards and risks in
the workplace which may affect workers’ health;
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Appendix I
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Appendix I
Appendix II
Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair
Appendix II
Safety and health in shipbuilding
and ship repair
The shipbuilding and ship repair industry is of strategic importance
to many member States of the ILO.
This revised code of practice, adopted by a Meeting of Experts in
January 2018, reflects the development of modern ILO instruments
on occupational safety and health (OSH) and the changes in the
industry in the past 44 years since an earlier code was adopted.
The revised code promotes a preventative safety and health culture
in which the right to a safe and healthy working environment is
respected at all levels, where government, employers and workers
actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working
environment through a system of defined rights, responsibilities
and duties, and where the principle of prevention is accorded the
highest priority. It further promotes OSH management systems
as well as cooperation between employers and workers and their
representatives. The revised code contains comprehensive guidance
on how to improve OSH in the industry and sets out how governments,
shipowners, employers, workers and their representatives should
work together in doing so.