(Honest) (Peacemaker) (Law Bringer) (Drifter) (Bandit) (Highwayman) (Outlaw) (Stranger) (Outlander) (Mercinary) (Adventurer) (Legend)
(Honest) (Peacemaker) (Law Bringer) (Drifter) (Bandit) (Highwayman) (Outlaw) (Stranger) (Outlander) (Mercinary) (Adventurer) (Legend)
(Honest) (Peacemaker) (Law Bringer) (Drifter) (Bandit) (Highwayman) (Outlaw) (Stranger) (Outlander) (Mercinary) (Adventurer) (Legend)
Each Achievement grants 100 exp automatically. Some grant titles and fame, and some grant
unlockable prestige classes.
Meta Achievement
[Loremaster Title] Complete the quest achievements Loremaster of Ferrum, Loremaster of
Securis, Loremaster of The Golden Isles, Loremaster of the Traverse. Unlocks the Loremaster
prestige class. +500 Fame
Meta Achievement
[Loremaster of Ferrum Title] Complete the following quests -
Meta Achievement
[Loremaster of Securis Title] Complete the following quests -
[Danar Quests] Complete 20 quests
[Hurton Quests] Complete 20 quests
[Iaro Quests] Complete 10 quests
[Odiu Quests] Complete 10 quests
[Red Cliffs Quests] Complete 10 quests
[Shimmering Sands Quests] Complete 10 quests
[Black Rocks Quests] Complete 10 quests
[Wyrmland Quests] Complete 10 quests
Meta Achievement
[Loremaster of The Golden Isles Title] Complete the following quests -
[Dokar Quests] Complete 50 quests
[Midon Quests] Complete 50 quests
Meta Achievement
[Loremaster of the Traverse Title] Complete the following quests -
[The Traverse Quests] Complete 50 quests
[City of the Forefathers Quests] Complete 50 quests
[Veteran of the Traverse War] Aid in the end of the Traverse War through military means.
Meta Achievement
[The Explorer Title] Complete the following achievements -
[Explore Acre] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore White Pines] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Shiraak] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Danar] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Dokar] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Hurton] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Iaro] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Karr] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Nikidi] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Odiu] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Ramill] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Red Cliffs] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Rirden] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Shimmering Sands] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Black Rocks] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Wyrmland] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Thunder Hills] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Windguard] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Rodalo] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Midon] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Annon] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore Amnestan] Visit every village, town, and city
[Explore The Traverse] Visit every Fort and Outpost
[Explore The City of the Forefathers] Visit the city in the Traverse
+100 Fame
[Rare] Kill one extremely rare and hard to find creature +50 fame
[Medium Rare] Kill 10 extremely rare and hard to find creatures +100 fame
Meta Achievement
[Battlemaster Title] Become Master of 5 Battlegrounds +50 Fame
[The Conqueror Title] become exalted with Clan of Undying Thunder, Skull Crackers, and The
Shadow Warp +50 Fame
[The Justicar] become exalted with The Iron Fist, The Saphire Sentry, and The Unraam
Reclaimers +50 Fame
[Dungeoneer] Complete all major dungeons level 3-12, unlocks Dungeoneer Class
[Dread Dungeoneer] complete all major dungeons level 13-18
[Dungeon Master] complete dungeons level 19-20+
[Raider] complete (Nul'manol, Throne of the Gods, The Demon Dream, The Shadow Warp,
Throne of the Gods - Demon Shrine) unlocks Raider class
[Insert Dungeon Name Here] Every time you defeat a dungeon you gain an achievement
Sharpshooter -
Rank 1; Kill any 5 flying birds with ranged weapon
Rank 2: Kill 5 rabbits with ranged weapon
Rank 3: Kill 5 wolves with ranged weapon without taking any damage from them
Rank 4: Kill 5 birds from a moving mount with ranged weapon
Rank 5: Kill any 2 different types of wild animals in one battle with ranged weapon
Rank 6: Shoot 2 hats or helmets off of 2 different people's heads
Rank 7: Kill 3 Bears each with a ranged weapon (alone)
Rank 8: Shoot the hats or helmets off of 2 people's head and disarm them immediately after.
Rank 9: kill any 6 wild animals with 6 shots without changing weapon or reloding
Rank 10: disarm any 6 enemies with 6 shots without reloading or changing weapons
Unlocks: [Master Marksman] allows double range with any ranged weapon
Undead Hunter -
Rank 1: kill 100 zombies and 25 Wights
Rank 2: kill 25 Large Zombies and 15 Allips
Rank 3: use an explosion to kill any 2 undead
Rank 4: kill 2 undead bears, 5 undead wolves, and 3 undead lions
Rank 5: Find and kill an undead mythical creature
Unlocks: [Undead Slayer] and fire effects last 1d4 rounds longer.
Survivalist -
Rank 1: Collect 6 Wild Heyfever, found in Acre
Rank 2: Collect 6 Desert Sage, found in Shimmering Sands
Rank 3: Collect 4 Red Sages, found in Red Cliffs
Rank 4: Collect 8 prickly pears, found in Annon
Rank 5: Collect 7 Blue Curls found in Danar
Rank 6: Collect 8 butterfly weeds, found in Dokar
Rank 7: Collect 10 Hawk Sages, found in Odiu
Rank 8: Collect 12 Black Poppies, found in Karr
Rank 9: Collect 15 Golden Lotus, found in Iaro
Rank 10: Collect 10 Bloody Snowdrops, found in White Pines, along with 2 of each previously
Unlocks: [Survivalist] Which grants a permanent +2 survival skill bonus and allows creation of
tonics: Wild Heyfever restores fatigue, Desert Sage gives temporary +1 constitution score, Red
Sage restores 1 spell per day, Prickly Pear gives temporary +1 fortitude save, Blue Curls restore
1 hp, Butterfly Weeds remove sickness or disease, Hawk Sage restores 1d8 hp, Black Poppies
act as Mind Blank spell for 24 hours, Golden Lotus restores all HP, Bloody Snowdrops + 2 of
everything else restores all spells.
Master Hunter -
Rank 1: Collect 5 wolf pelts
Rank 2: Collect 5 deer pelts
Rank 3: Collect 5 wolf pelts and kill 5 wolves with a dagger (the pelts don't have to be from those
killed with the knife)
Rank 4: Collect 10 boar tusks (one boar drops 2)
Rank 5: Collect 2 lion pelts and kill 2 lions with a dagger. Unlocks: Hunting Rifle: 1d12 + 1d6
damage, crit x3, range 100ft, Type Powder, Size 2h
Rank 6: Collect 5 racoon pelts, 5 skunk pelts, and 5 fox pelts
Rank 7: Collect 5 elk meat and 5 bighorn sheep skins
Rank 8: Collect 1 bear pelt and kill 1 bear with a dagger
Rank 9: Search Red Cliffs for 'The Red Tiger' the legendary tiger and collect his pelt
Rank 10: Search Annon for a Megaraptor, Triceratops, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex and collect their
Unlocks: [Master Hunter] and gives you the "Provisions" feat, which allows you to gather and
cook meat from virtually any animal and eat it, restoring your health to 80%
Treasure Hunter -
Rank 1: Acquire the first treasure map from a random encounter, the next are obtained with the
treasure of the previous.
Rank 2: Located ???
Rank 3: Located ???
Rank 4: Located ???
Rank 5: Located ??? Unlocks: [Lifetime Membership Card] player may ride coaches free of cost.
Rank 6: Located ???
Rank 7: Located ???
Rank 8: Located ???
Rank 9: Located ???
Rank 10: Located ???
Unlocks: [Treasure Hunter] +150 Fame and you find the Treasure Hunter's Satchel, which is a
tiny bag that holds infinate amounts of gold and precious gyms.
Spellslinger -
Rank 1: Obtain level 1 in any spell-casting class
Rank 2: Kill 5 enemies only using magic
Rank 3: Kill 5 enemies using no magic
Rank 4: Scribe 1 scroll and use it
Rank 5: Charm or Turn an enemy to fight for you. Unocks: Form Arcane: alows you to prepare a
spell into a semi-solid, aethral ball shape which you can hold in your hand, roll on the ground, etc.
You may have this prepared outside of your normal spells per day.
Rank 6: Create a spell
Rank 7: Enchant 3 mundane weapons
Rank 8: Obtain a Magical Tattoo
Rank 9: Defeat an equal level enemy fighter in one on one combat using only magic
Rank 10: Defeat one equal level enemy of every class in one on one combat using only magic.
Unlocks: [Master Magi] (wizard or class that prepares per day: [Clairvoyance] feat allows you to
prepare 2 seperate series of spells for that day instead of just one.) (Sorcerer or class that knows
spells: Spellslinger feat allows you to know 2 extra spells for each spell level. example; level 1
would be 11 instead of 9 at maximum)