Graduate School: INS Form 1 November 2015 Revision: 1 Page 1 of 4
Graduate School: INS Form 1 November 2015 Revision: 1 Page 1 of 4
Graduate School: INS Form 1 November 2015 Revision: 1 Page 1 of 4
DPA 710 INS Form 1
(Policy Science in Public Administration) November 2015
Revision: 1
Page 1 of 4
Department/ Area : Graduate School
Curriculum : Doctor in Public Administration
Curriculum Year : 2018-2019
No. of Hours/Sem. : 54 hours
Credit Units : 3 units
Prerequisite (s) : None
Mission of the University: The University shall primarily provide advanced professional and technical instruction for special purposes, advanced studies in
industrial, trade, agriculture, fishery, forestry aeronautics and land-based, programs, art and sciences, health sciences,
technology and other relevant field of study. It shall also undertake research and extension services and provide progressive
leadership in its area of specialization. ( Sec. 2, R.A. 9744)
Goal of the University: Produce knowledge based and globally competent human resources who are reasonably flexible and attuned to the latest
technology needs, strengthen academe and industry partnership and spur effective and efficient technology management.
Program Outcomes:
1. Provide the need of the oriented leaders/technologists who are and would be occupying managerial positions in technical,
industrial, educational and related sectors,
2. Contribute to the attainment of regional and national goals through the promotion of education and applied research towards
quality life.
I. Course Description: This course deals with the operations of international public policy using research and practice in governance as means to
produce (an) output(s) towards theory generation.
Upon completion, the students will Academic and Non- Discourse Self to Group Impact Available Students’
have to: Academic Orientation) Recitation (Incentivized University Policy Orientation
Points) Instruments
1. exemplify understanding of CTU
both for policies of the institution
and the classroom.
At the end of all clustered topics, Clustered Topics as Units: Dynamics of: Paper-Pencil Test Depends upon
doctorand practitioners are Students’
intended: Part I. Rational Unit Program Rubrics Designed based on Suggestions and The Whole
Design Students’ Needs Semester
1. survey materials in the 1. The Context of minus the One
library the books and/or Public Policy Lesson Minor and Major Exams Available (1) Week
resource materials used for Studies Porfolio Students’
discourse and/or research; *Nature of Policy Studies Assessment on Value Resources of the Orientation
CAS Department
2. design platform skills 2. Analysis in the Monitoring Judgement
and the Library
towards policy rationalization Policy Process Reports
and research; *Policy Steps Professorial Meta-cognition,
3. present a policy paper vis-à- Consultation etc.
vis the current development 3. Analyzing Public Sheets
of governance in their Policy Choices 3|Page
*Sample Policy Paper
workplace impacting Remedies;
domestic and international Part II. Empiric Unit etc. as per
public affairs; Students’
III. Flexibility Provisions:
The Course Design Matrix may include topics, activities, remedial measures deemed necessary based on the students’ needs.
IV. Submissions: Submissions have to be done as specified even in instances of non-attendance cause by whatever reason.
V. Class Attendance: Regular attendance is expected.
VI. Academic Honesty and Integrity: Plagiarism is a serious offense. All work must all times acknowledge intellectual honesty. Cut and paste will
not be honored. Where materials requires permission from the publisher/author, the same must be strictly followed. Acceptable similarity index
(Turnitin result) is 10%.
VII. Grading System:
Assignments, Written Reports, Case Studies, Journals, Reaction Papers, Movie and Book Reviews, Exigent and Non-Exigent Assessments (60%)
and Major Examinations (40%)
VIII. Academic Counseling/Consultation : As per the students’ needs in accordance with any agreed schedule.
IX. References:
Print and Non-Print (Online) References per Students’ Needs
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