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Wet Damage On Bulk Carriers: With You at All Times

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With you at all times

Wet Damage on Bulk Carriers


How to avoid wet damage on bulk carriers

Before leaving port, the crew should inspect the hatch covers to
ensure they are in a weathertight condition. There should be no
cargo in the drain channels, each hatch cover should be secured
properly, paint should be intact and the gaskets and coamings

should be in good condition.

Carry out a weathertightness test at least annually and always

after repairing or replacing components in the cargo hatch system.
When carrying water-sensitive cargo such as grain, soybeans,
paper, etc. it is recommended that weathertightness is tested

before each loaded voyage. Ultrasonic methods are suggested.

Cargo hatch covers must be inspected and tested at regular

intervals in accordance with vessel-specific procedures e.g.
opening, cleaning before closing, closing, cleating etc. These
records should be kept in the Planned Maintenance System (PMS).
If complicated repairs are required, professional specialists

should be employed.

It is strongly recommended that a service engineer from the

manufacturer inspects the cargo hatch system regularly in order to
determine the condition of the hatch cover system and the
repairs needed.

The Swedish Club is with you at all times, providing a full range of insurance solutions
for every area of your business, from essentials including Protection & Indemnity (P&I),
Freight Demurrage and Defence (FD&D), Marine, Energy & Offshore, to specialist
insurance products such as Kidnap & Ransom, and War Risks.


Executive summary
1. Introduction
2. Scope of the report
3. Claims statistics
3.1 P&I cargo statistics - all types of vessels

3.2 P&I cargo statistics - bulk carriers

4. Causes of wet damage

5. Loss Prevention
5.1 Weathertightness

5.1.1 Testing of weathertightness

5.2 Cargo hatch covers

5.2.1 Preparations before sailing

5.2.2 Maintenance

5.2.3 Critical hatch cover system components

5.3 Weather routeing

6. P&I insurance cover

7. Best practice
The Swedish Club would like to thank DNV GL and
MacGregor for their assistance in compiling this publication.

We extend thanks in particular to :

Ivar Haaberg
Senior Principal Surveyor, Hull & Materials
DNV GL – Maritime, Fleet in Service

Ivar joined DNV GL in 1996 after completing his M.Sc. in Naval

Architecture and Marine Engineering at the University of Michigan,
USA. After joining DNV GL he has held various positions within ship
classification related to newbuilding approval, and to ships in
operations in Norway and abroad with special focus on the
structural integrity, and safe operations of bulk carriers and dry
cargo ships.

Mikko Sinivaara
Technical Manager
MacGregor - CSS Competence Centre.

Mikko has spent the last four years in his current role. He and his
team are responsible for technical support and training related to all
aspects of hatch cover repair and maintenance for MacGregor’s
service organisation and customers. Prior to that he was involved in
a variety of design and R&D tasks at the Hatch Cover New Building
division of MacGregor.

The Swedish Club
Executive summary
• 34% of all insured bulk carriers suffered a cargo claim in 2017.
This is an increase of 75% since 2014.

• For 2017 the average cargo claim on a bulk carrier was almost
USD 70,000.

• Wet damage is the second most common claim type on a

bulk carrier and the most costly. The average cost for a bulk
carrier wet damage cargo claim is almost USD 110,000.

• Leaking hatch covers are the most common wet damage cause
followed by heavy weather. These are usually closely connected
as seawater has entered the cargo hold through leaking cargo
hatch covers during heavy weather.

• Proper weathertightness is a key factor in keeping cargo dry. To

ensure that the hatch covers are weathertight the sealing
system needs to be in a good condition.

• It is important to ensure that the cargo hatch covers’ system

components are in proper condition as this will reduce the risk
of seawater entering the cargo holds.

The Swedish Club
1. Introduction
Cargo wet damage on bulk carriers is a recurring problem. To identify the root cause of these
problems and to identify suitable corrective measures, The Swedish Club has joined forces
with the cargo hatch cover experts MacGregor and classification society DNV GL.

In this publication, we identify the main causes of wet damage and share loss prevention
advice on how to prevent wet damage from occurring on your vessel.

While most of the challenges and issues discussed in this publication focus on bulk carriers
the principles may also be applied to other vessels with cargo hatches.

2. Scope of the report

This publication focuses on cargo claims statistics for wet damage

claims relating to bulk carriers. To put these figures in context we have
also provided an overview of claims statistics across a range of

We have based our statistics on more than 600 cargo claims on bulk
carriers over the last ten years. The average cost for a bulk carrier
cargo claim is almost USD 125,000 and the average cost for a wet
damage claim on a bulk carrier is USD 110,000. In this review we
highlight the most common issues that contribute to these figures.

The Swedish Club
3. Statistics
3.1 P&I cargo statistics - all types of vessel 2008–2017
P&I: Cargo, frequency and cost
Claims cost =>USD 5,000 – uncapped


400000 0.16
300000 0.12
200000 0.08
100000 0.04
0 0.00
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Cost Frequency

The statistics show that there has been an increase in the frequency of cargo claims in the period between
2014 and 2017, from 0.14 to 0.24. During 2017, 24% of all vessels insured under P&I suffered a cargo claim.

All claims costs, after the deductible and claims included, cost USD 5,000 or more. The high cost for 2012 is
affected by some extraordinary large claims.

Important note: Whilst the graph above appears to show an increase in the number of claims, this is explained by the fact that the
average claim has become more expensive. and consequently in recent years has broken the USD 5,000 cap. Reference to Appendix (i),
which shows the same graph using Claims cost =>USD 1 – uncapped, demonstrates that that the number of claims is not increasing.
During statistical analysis the Club generally uses USD 5.000 – uncapped figures to ensure that claims which might not have caused
cargo damage and only generated cost for services and surveyor reports do not distort the statistics.

P&I: Cargo, most common causes

Claims cost =>USD 5,000 – uncapped

•• Improper cargo handling, shore side 16.37%

Other 10.33%
•• Insufficient lashing/securing by stevedore
Insufficient lashing/securing by shipper
•• Improper cargo handling, shipside
Poor tally
•• Reefer mechanical failure
Damage post discharge
•• Damage prior to loading
Error in calculation
•• Grounding
Poor monitoring/maintenance of reefer unit
•• Heavy weather
Leaking hatch covers
•• Insufficient lashing/securing, ship side
•• Multiple
Flooding of hold
•• Fire
Leaking pipes
•• Insufficient cleaning
Inherent vice
•• Leaking vents
Blocked bilges
•• Not applicable
Poor stowage
•• Leaking cargo
Loading heavy containers on top of light
• Leaking container 2.22%
• Contact 0.15%

The Swedish Club
P&I: Cargo, most costly causes
Claims cost =>USD 5,000 – uncapped

•• Fire
•• Insufficient cleaning
Error in claculation
•• Improper cargo handling, shore side
•• Insufficient lashing/securing, ship side
Not applicable
•• Inherent vice
Improper cargo handling, shipside
•• Insufficient lashing/securing by stevedore
Leaking pipes
•• Heavy weather
Flooding of hold
•• Insufficient lashing/securing by shipper
Damage post discharge
•• Collision
Damage prior to loading
•• Reefer mechanical failure
Leaking container
•• Leaking hatch covers
Leaking vents
•• Poor monitoring/maintenance of reefer unit
Blocked bilges
•• Poor stowage
•• Leaking cargo
Loading heavy containers on top of light
• Poor tally 1.72%
• Contact 0.01%

Across all vessels the most common claim experienced by the Club is for improper cargo
handling. The costliest cargo claims are caused by fire and grounding. However this picture
changes dramatically when we consider bulk carriers.

3.2 P&I cargo statistics - bulk carriers 2008–2017

P&I: Cargo claims on bulk carriers
Claims cost =>USD 5,000 – uncapped
500000 0.34
400000 0.28
300000 0.20
200000 0.14
100000 0.06
0 0.00
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
23 Nov 2017 Cost Frequency

For 2017 the average cargo claim on a bulk carrier was almost USD 70,000 with a frequency of 0.34.

This means that 34% of all insured bulk carriers suffered a cargo claim in 2017.

Important note: Whilst the graph above appears to show an increase in the number of claims, this is explained by the fact that
the average claim has become more expensive. and consequently in recent years has broken the USD 5,000 cap. Reference to
Appendix (ii), which shows the same graph using Claims cost =>USD 1 – uncapped, demonstrates that that the number of claims
is not increasing. During statistical analysis the Club generally uses USD 5.000 – uncapped figures to ensure that claims which
might not have caused cargo damage and only generated cost for services and surveyor reports do not distort the statistics.

The Swedish Club
P&I: Most common types of cargo P&I: Most costly types of cargo
claims on bulk carriers claims on bulk carriers
Claims cost =>USD 5,000 – uncapped Claims cost =>USD 5,000 – uncapped

•• Shortage
Wet damage
•• Wet damage
•• Physical damage
•• Physical damage
•• Multiple
•• Multiple
•• Temperature damage
•• Deterioration
Spontanneous heating
•• Spontanneous heating
Lost overboard
•• Self ignition
Temperature damage
•• Delay
Self ignition
•• Delay
•• Condensation
•• Lost overboard
•• Infestation
•• Infestation

It can be seen from the charts that wet damage is the second most common claim type and the
most costly. These figures are based on more than 600 cargo claims on bulk carriers.

The average cost for a bulk carrier cargo claim is almost USD 125,000. Out of these claims the
Club has explored more than 70 wet damage claims in detail with an average cost of over USD
110,000. From these claims we have highlighted the most common issues that we find relevant.

P&I: Most common causes P&I: Most costly causes

of wet damage on bulk carriers of wet damage on bulk carriers
Claims cost =>USD 5,000 – uncapped Claims cost =>USD 5,000 – uncapped

•• Leaking hatch covers

Heavy weather
•• Leaking hatch covers
Leaking vents

•• Flooding of hold
Leaking vents
•• Flooding of hold
Leaking pipes

•• Leaking pipes
Blocked bilges
•• Heavy weather
Blocked bilges

For wet damage claims, heavy weather and leaking hatch covers are both the most common and
the most costly type. Indeed heavy weather and leaking hatch covers are coinciding incidents as
the cargo hatch covers may be washed over by green sea on deck when the vessel sails through
heavy weather.

The Swedish Club
4. Causes of wet damage
As shown by the statistics, heavy weather and leaking hatch covers are both the most common and the
most costly type of wet damage claim. These are often coinciding incidents as the cargo hatch covers
may be washed over by green sea on deck when the vessel sails through heavy weather.

It is important to note that the main concern is not the heavy weather itself, but rather that incorrectly
applied and poorly maintained cargo hatch covers and sealing systems significantly increase the risk of
the cargo becoming damaged by water. The cargo hatch covers are designed to prevent water from
entering the cargo hold when the vessel is sailing through heavy weather.

The cases below are from The Swedish Club’s files and are representative of the most common cargo
wet damage cases that the Club experiences. All of these cases have some of the common issues
mentioned in the list below, the majority of which have their roots in poor maintenance.
Recommendations and comments related to maintenance of the cargo hatch covers and sealing
systems are further described in the loss prevention section of this publication.

The most common wet cargo issues are related to the following;

• Leaking cross-joints • Leaking transverse packings

• Compression bars in poor condition • Drain channels in poor condition
• Rubber gaskets in poor condition • Non-return valves in poor condition
• Hatch coamings in poor condition • Cleats in poor condition

The Swedish Club
Case 1
Limitations of the water hose test

Before loading with grain the cargo hatch cargo was mostly damaged underneath the
covers had passed a water hose test. Once the cross-joints.
vessel was fully loaded the cargo hatch covers A visual inspection of the cargo hatch covers,
were then sealed with tape. rubber gaskets, securing devices, valves,
During the voyage the vessel encountered ventilators and drainage channels found them
heavy weather at Beaufort scale 10 with large to be in order.
waves and a swell which covered the hatch A chalk test was carried out and this did not
covers in water. show any imprints on the rubber gaskets.
During the voyage the tape by the cross-joints Further investigation revealed that there was
between the forward and aft hatch panels of no contact between the compression bars and
two holds had peeled off. rubber gaskets on the cross-joint panels. In
At the discharge port it was found that part of addition, an ultrasonic test identified that the
the top layer of the cargo in a number of the cross-joints between the forward and aft hatch
cargo holds was damaged by seawater. The cover were also leaking.

Case 2
Cargo residue

A bulk carrier had loaded a cargo of grain. channels seemed to be in a sound condition.
During discharge, wet damaged cargo was However, a small quantity of mouldy cargo
found in one of the cargo holds. A silver nitrate residue remained on the cross-joint drain
test was carried out, which confirmed that the channel of the hatch cover. It had not been
cargo had been damaged by salt water. removed before securing the cargo hatch
The vessel had side rolling hatch covers cover.
which consisted of two panels. They were even Normally cargo residue should be in a dry
and straight with no obvious damage. and sound condition if the cross-joints are not
During the inspection, it was found that the damaged.
rubber packing was smooth, pliable and well The seawater had leaked into the drain
packed in the channel. No damage, distortions, channel through the cross-joint during the
cracks or over compression were noticed. The voyage and then into the cargo hold causing
ventilator covers were secured and drain wet damage to the cargo of peas.

Case 3
The danger of ice

A bulk carrier had loaded grain in all its cargo A silver nitrate test was carried out and the
holds. Before loading began the cargo holds had cargo was found positive for saltwater
been inspected by a surveyor and accepted. contamination.
The vessel sailed through heavy weather at Some of the wet damaged cargo under the
Beaufort scale 11 and a great deal of ice hatch coaming was frozen. There were also
accumulated on the cargo hatch covers. water traces found on the surface of the hatch
During discharge, wet damaged cargo was coaming and the hatch cover.
found in a number of the cargo holds,
underneath the hatch coaming.

The Swedish Club
Case 4
Poor maintenance

A bulk carrier had loaded steel in all

holds. During discharge, it was found a
that a number of bundles in the cargo
holds were in a rusty condition.
A silver nitrate test confirmed that
saltwater had caused the damage.
Examination of the cargo hatch
covers found that the coamings,
gaskets and compression bars were in
poor condition.

Case 5
Poor seals

When discharging at the destination port it

was found that the steel coils in the top tiers
were corroded. The coils below the centre line
and folding seams were the most affected.
The surveyor tested the water integrity of the
cargo hatch covers with an ultrasonic device
which detected significant defects to the sealing

The surveyor found the following defects:

The gaskets were in poor condition
The non-return valves were clogged and the

ball inside was not moving
The transverse packing on the hatch covers

was leaking
There were some cracked corners and

The ventilation covers were leaking
A vessel had loaded wire coils. After loading was

complete the crew taped across the transverse The following parts had to be repaired:

beams of all the cargo holds. Cross-joints

The vessel sailed through heavy weather that Ventilation hatches
lasted for about two days. During this time the Compression bar
vessel was pitching and rolling heavily. The
cargo hatch covers were covered in water.

The Swedish Club
The Swedish Club
The Swedish Club
Case 6
Heavy weather

The bulk carrier had fully loaded its cargo holds any ventilation to the cargo holds during the
with grain The vessel had side rolling cargo voyage.
hatch covers. For six days the vessel
encountered heavy weather at Beaufort scale 9 A surveyor carried out an inspection and found
which caused the vessel to pitch and roll the following hatch cover parts to be in poor

heavily. condition:

The cargo hatch covers were washed over by Hatch cover panels

seawater. Hatch coamings

All hatch covers were opened when the Water drain channels

vessel was at anchor and waiting for a berth to Non-return valves

be available. This was to ensure the vessel was Quick cleats
gas-free since fumigation of all the cargo holds Rubber gaskets
had been carried out at the loading port.
When removing the cargo hatch covers it was A silver nitrate test was carried out and it
found that cargo in a number of holds had been confirmed that the cargo had been damaged by
damaged by water. Most of the wet-damaged seawater.
cargo was below the middle cross-joint of the The survey indicated that seawater had leaked
hatch covers and below the aft hatch coamings through the middle cross-joint drain channel and
corners. through the corner of the hatch coamings.
According to the Master there had not been

Case 7
Corrosion and deterioration

A bulk carrier was fully loaded with grain in all damaged. A silver nitrate test was carried out
cargo holds. After loading was completed the on the cargo and it was positive for saltwater
cargo hatch covers were sealed with tape. contamination.
It was winter and the vessel sailed through A surveyor inspected the cargo hatch covers
heavy weather at Beaufort scale 9. Seawater and found some corrosion on the hatch
washed over the hatch covers and the vessel coamings and that the rubber packings and
pitched and rolled heavily. rubber linings were in poor condition.
At the discharge port it was found that the
cargo in all cargo holds had been wet

The Swedish Club
Case 8
Wet damage to cement

A bulk carrier had loaded solidified cement There was water on the inside of the hatch
lumps in all cargo holds. After loading, the coamings.
cargo hatch covers were sealed with tape and
seal-foam for the hinge joints. The surveyor found the following defects to the

The vessel sailed through heavy weather at hatch cover system:

Beaufort scale 8 and during the voyage Securing cleats were not properly secured

seawater covered the cargo hatch covers. Securing cleats were missing

When the vessel arrived at the discharge port, Hatch coamings were heavily corroded
cement in a number of cargo holds had been

Compression bars were heavily corroded
damaged by seawater.

Rubber gaskets were hardened
A surveyor boarded and carried out a water
Parts of the rubber gaskets were missing
hose test which found that the cargo had been
damaged due to leaking cargo hatch covers.

Case 9
Damaged rubber gasket

A bulk carrier was fully loaded with grain.

The cargo was fumigated before departure. It
had not been raining at the loading port. During
the voyage, the vessel sailed through heavy
weather at Beaufort scale 9 with seawater
covering the cargo hatch covers.
At the discharge port it was found that the
cargo had been wet damaged.
A surveyor boarded to investigate the
damage. The damaged cargo was below the
corners of the cargo hatch cover. It was found
that the rubber gasket of the hatch cover was
damaged. A silver nitrate test was carried out
which was positive for seawater
contamination. Water could also be seen on
the corners of the inside of the hatch

The Swedish Club
5. Loss Prevention
5.1 Weathertightness

From the previous cases, it can be seen that proper weathertightness is an essential key factor in
keeping cargo dry. For smooth, stable operation of the hatch covers on board, the panels should
be stiff. However, to maintain weathertightness at sea, the steel structure of a hatch cover, as well
as the bearing pad, cleats and sealing arrangements, must adapt to the varying shape of the
coaming top while the hull is moving and flexing at sea. The best structural stiffness of a hatch
cover panel is a compromise between the above issues. The correct stiffness is achieved by
selecting the optimal proportion between the open web and box construction, with the double-skin
construction being the stiffest design.

The sealing system

To ensure that the hatch covers are weathertight the sealing system needs to be in a good

The function of the sealing system is to protect the cargo from water ingress, and to contribute to

the safety of the vessel by:
Keeping water out by creating a weathertight seal between the hatch covers and the coaming,

and in the hatch cover panel joints.
Allowing for hull and coaming deformations at sea while still maintaining an effective sealing

Keeping cargo dry and protected and/or inert gases inside the hold.

A suitable sealing force is required for the sealing arrangement to function correctly. This is not
achieved by the sealing alone, but is a result of the design of the hatch cover/coaming system. It
is of paramount importance for the tightness of the covers that the compression bar position in
relation to the seal/gasket is correct, and that the support pads, stoppers and locators are
arranged in an optimal way. Changes in one part of the arrangement can lead to changes in its
other components.

The Swedish Club
Sealing between the hatch covers and coaming is generally achieved by rubber packing fitted to
the panels and tightened against the edge of a compression bar fitted on the hatch coaming.
The gasket is made of a solid rubber material with a cross-section of various cavities for
producing the desired sealing force for a wide range of deflections.

In many of the cases included in this publication, the crew taped and attached sealing foam to the
cargo hatch covers to prevent water from entering the cargo hold. This can give a false sense of
protection as the cases have shown. To be able to prevent water from entering the cargo hold the
crew and shipowner has to ensure that the cargo hatch system is maintained and in proper
condition. The use of tape and sealing foam should not be used as a replacement for proper

It is imperative to ensure that the cargo hatch cover system’s components are in proper condition,
as this will reduce the risk of seawater entering the cargo holds.

Best practice
According to the load line convention, cargo hatches are required to be weathertight.

The main purpose of the International Convention on Load Lines (ICLL), 1966/1988 is to secure
sufficient stability of a ship in both intact and damaged conditions by defining the minimum
freeboard of a vessel.

In order to ensure the watertight integrity below the freeboard deck, the convention also deals with
doors, hatches, ventilators, pipes, scuppers and other openings in the hull. It stipulates basic
minimum requirements for cargo hatches, coamings, securing devices and surveys.

It should be noted that the convention makes a distinction between ‘weathertight’ and ‘watertight’:

‘Regulation 3 - Definitions of terms used in the Annexes

(13) Weathertight.
Weathertight means that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate into the ship.
(14) Watertight.
Watertight means capable of preventing the passage of water through the structure in either
direction with a proper margin of resistance under the pressure due to the maximum head of
water which it might have to sustain.’

According to the load line convention, cargo hatches are only required to be weathertight.

Normally, the class societies will be delegated by the flag to confirm compliance with the
convention. Compliance is documented as part of the vessel’s cargo ship safety construction
certificate issued by the class on behalf of the flag. The classification societies base their rules for
cargo hatch covers and coamings on the convention but have added additional requirements for
design loads, structural strength and detailed design.

Inspection of cargo hatches and coamings, including securing devices, is part of both the annual
load line survey and safety construction survey normally carried out by the vessel’s classification
society. The main purpose of these inspections is to ensure that the vessel is in a seaworthy
condition, and not necessarily to confirm that the vessel is in a ‘cargo-worthy’ condition. A few
tons of water in the cargo hold will not jeopardise the seaworthiness, but it might completely
destroy the cargo.

The Swedish Club
The Swedish Club
The Swedish Club
Read more about the Load Line convention in the Appendix (iii)

5.1.1 Testing of weathertightness

Carry out a weathertightness test at least annually and always after repairing or replacing
components in the cargo hatch system.

When carrying water-sensitive cargo such as grain, soybeans, paper, etc. it is recommended that
weathertightness is tested before each loaded voyage.

(i) Water hose test

The crew will typically use fire hoses under pressure and spray the cargo hatches. When the hose
test is carried out it is important that the inter-panel void spaces are filled with water to ensure
that the cross-joints are immersed. The class societies testing method should be followed during
the test.

This test will provide an indication if there is a leak but not necessarily the exact location of the
leak. It will also give an indication of the condition of the transverse joints, but the transversal
gaskets on the coamings are far more difficult to address.

There have been incidents where the cargo hatches have passed a water hose test but failed the
ultrasonic test. Unfortunately, these deficiencies were not discovered until after the vessels sailed
through heavy weather. It is possible that there would not have been any wet damage if the
vessels had not sailed through such heavy weather because the pressure of the sea can hardly be
simulated with a fire hose.

The following parameters can be used for a hose test:

Water pressure 2 bar,

Nozzle size 15 - 18 mm,
Spraying distance 1 - 1.5 m

However, it seems that the hose test is of little value for ensuring proper sealing on a vessel at sea
and an ultrasonic test should be preferred.

(ii) Ultrasonic test

A much more effective method is to use an ultrasonic device, which is designed for this purpose
and can pinpoint the area which is leaking, and if the compression of the gasket is sufficient. The
advantages of using this type of equipment are evident, since ultrasonic tests can be carried out
during any stage of the loading without risking cargo damage. The test can also be completed in
sub-zero temperatures.

The ultrasonic test should be carried out as per the class requirements.

The Swedish Club
5.2 The cargo hatch cover

For vessels operating in heavy weather, green sea on deck may commonly be experienced and
cargo hatch covers may be fully immersed in seawater. To minimise the impact of the heavy
weather, the likelihood of excessive green sea on deck may be reduced by corrective actions such
as reducing speed or altering course. The risk of green sea on deck may however not be
eliminated through vessel operations, and poor condition of the cargo hatch covers may lead to
water ingress into cargo holds resulting in cargo claims.

Before sailing it is essential that the crew ensures that all cargo hatches and other openings are
secured properly, and this is imperative if heavy weather is anticipated.

25t 25t 25t 25t

Engine No.5 Hold No.4 Hold No.3 Hold No.2 Hold No.1 Hold

Casing No.5 No.4 No.3 No.2 No.1
Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatch Hatch

The Swedish Club
5.2.1 Preparations before sailing
When preparing for a loaded voyage, the crew should ensure that the following is complied with:
1. Before leaving port, the crew should inspect the hatch covers to ensure they are in a
weathertight condition.
2. It is essential that there is no cargo in the drain channels as these should lead the water away
and not into the cargo hold.
3. To ensure that the hatch cover is secured properly it should be secured in port as per the
manufacturer’s instructions.
4. If for some reason a hatch cover was secured when the vessel was at sea, there is a risk that
the hatch cover might be misaligned.

5.2.2 Maintenance
What the crew should do:
• Ensure that the paint is intact, which will give good protection against corrosion, as corrosion

on the hatch cover might cause holes in the steel construction.

Ensure that gaskets and coamings are in good condition.
It is essential that cargo hatch covers are inspected and tested at regular intervals to ensure
that the weathertight integrity is maintained and that the vessel is in a cargo-worthy and

seaworthy condition.
It is important that records are kept about what maintenance and service has been completed
in the PMS.

What the manager should ensure:

• A prudent shipowner will have vessel-specific procedures for operating the hatch covers e.g.
opening, cleaning before closing, closing, cleating etc. and reporting routines when problems

are detected.

All maintenance of the cargo hatch system should be included in the vessel’s PMS.

It is important that the PMS clearly states how the maintenance should be carried out.
It is essential that records are kept about what maintenance and service has been completed

in the PMS.
Inspections and tests of all cargo hatch components should also be included in the PMS and

It is essential that cargo hatch covers are inspected and tested at regular intervals to ensure
that the watertight integrity is maintained and that the vessel is in a cargo-worthy and

seaworthy condition.

If complicated repairs are required, professional specialists should be employed.
It is strongly recommended that a service engineer from the manufacturer inspects the cargo
hatch system regularly, or at least ahead of an up-coming dry docking, in order to determine
the condition of the hatch cover system and necessary repairs needed.

The Swedish Club
5.2.3 Critical hatch cover system components
When replacing components in the hatch cover system, changes made to the original design
features specified for the system may have serious consequences for vessel and cargo safety.
For complete information about how to maintain the hatch cover, please refer to the manufacturer’s
manual. It is also important to always use original spare parts.

The following recommendations are based upon MacGregor hatch covers, so these may vary for a
vessel with hatch covers made by another manufacturer. The principles should however be the same.

(i) Bearing pads

The bearing pads:
Transfer the load from the hatch covers to the

coaming structure
Maintain the hatch cover in the correct sealing

Allow the coaming to move during the ship’s rolling
and pitching

Hatch cover bearing pads transfer the weight of the cover, and any cargo it may be carrying, to the
ship’s hull while allowing for relative movement between the cover and the hatch coaming caused
by hull flexing in a seaway. They must also maintain the correct compression on the hatch cover
gasket and avoid wearing damage to the coaming/hatch cover interface.

As bearing pads transfer weight, lateral forces are generated that are then transmitted to the ship’s
coaming and hatch cover structures. These forces are used in fatigue strength analysis at the
newbuilding stage, and subsequently the structures are designed around these calculations.
To obtain the required safety margins and to guarantee a trouble-free operational lifetime, the hatch
cover system has to be maintained as instructed and critical spare part components, such as the
hatch cover bearing pads, have to be of original design. This is because there can be great
variations in sliding and wear properties of different bearing materials. This is applicable to both
bronze and plastic composites.

General maintenance
Regular lubrication of the bearing pads
prevents corrosion and improves wear and
sliding properties, thus lengthening the
lifetime of the pads and the mating plates.

When repairing the bearing pads it is

important to check/replace the gaskets at the
same time. If the gasket has lost its original
elasticity there will not be enough
compression of the gasket to achieve a
proper weathertightness of the hatch covers.

After the repair of the bearing pads the weathertightness of the hatch covers should be tested with
a hose test or using ultrasonic testing equipment.

The Swedish Club
Bearing pads need to be repaired when the pad is worn approximately 5 mm, i.e. well before there
is steel to steel contact between the coaming and the side plate of the hatch cover panel. Proper
function of the hatch cover gaskets and the weathertightness of the hatch covers is risked when
the height position of the hatch covers is shifted from the original.


Do not walk, stand or place any objects on the bearing pads.

Remove dirt and contaminants on the pad/mating plate, by brushing or by blowing with air.

Do not scrape the surface. Do not use kerosene, gasoline, acids or solvents of any kind.
Mating plate wear is caused by corrosion and bearing pad sliding. Wear grooves restrict the
sliding but increase friction causing bigger mechanical stresses to the coaming and hatch

covers. Finally, cracks might be generated in the steel structures.
If welding, or any other work is to be done near the bearing pads, the pads should be covered to
protect them against any contaminants such as paint, weld splatter, grinding particles, blasting
media, etc. When removing the protective covering, please ensure that it is removed completely
and that the contact surfaces are free of contaminants.

Routine maintenance tasks

These should be carried out every 3 months as per the PMS:

Check the bearing pads and contact surfaces for wear, corrosion and mechanical damage.
When lubricating the bearing pads apply a thin layer of proper grease onto the bearing pad

sliding surface.
Replace the mating plates when the wear grooves are max. 1 - 2 mm deep.

(ii) Cleats and lockings

Cleats prevent the hatch cover panels from being
lifted up in heavy weather. The condition of the
cleats has a direct effect on the safety of the vessel.
Hatch cover cleats:

Prevent unintentional lift-off of panels at sea
Keep the panels in position and within the

rubber packing’s design tolerances
Must be flexible, to be able to follow the

coaming movement
Must be adjustable to compensate for
the wear of bearing pads

General maintenance
All quick-acting cleats must be in good operating shape. Regular greasing prevents corrosion
resulting in a smooth operation and longer lifetime.

Over-tightened cleats increase the risk of damage to the cleats when highly stressed, due to

hatch cover movements in the seaway.
Check the condition of the rubber discs regularly and replace the discs when necessary (cracks

in the surface, poor elasticity etc.).

The cleats are NOT designed for tightening the rubber packing.

Make sure that all cleats are unlocked before operating the hatch covers.
The cleats must always be in locked position when the vessel is sailing.

The Swedish Club
Routine maintenance tasks

These should be carried out every 3 months as per the PMS:

Check the functioning of the quick-acting cleats & hold-down devices.

Replace any damaged or heavily corroded quick-acting cleats with original spare parts.
When lubricating the cleats & hold-down devices, apply a thin layer of proper grease to the

contact surfaces and the thread of the quick-acting cleats.
Check the condition of the rubber discs regularly and replace the discs when necessary (cracks
in the surface, poor elasticity etc.).

(iii) Locators and stoppers

The hatch cover panels must follow the hull’s
movements. When locators/stoppers are within
design tolerances, hatch covers are weathertight.

Locators and stoppers:
Ensure correct positioning of panel both

transversal and longitudinal

Allow coaming deflection

Control rubber compression in the cross-joints
Absorb acceleration forces

General maintenance
The correct longitudinal position of the closed hatch covers and the weathertightness of the panel
joint is achieved by the correct adjustment of stoppers. Wear and corrosion on locator wedge
surfaces on the hatch cover and coaming cause a lack of rubber compression in the cross-joint
between the hatch cover panels, as panels move apart from each other. Too large a gap causes
leakages, as does improper alignment.
Regular greasing prevents corrosion resulting in smooth operation and longer lifetime.


Too much clearance in stoppers leads to uncontrolled movement causing:

Structural damage due to contact between parts

Ineffective sealing function in gaskets due to lack of compression

Impact damage due to higher acceleration

Bearing pad failures
Failures of cleats

Routine maintenance tasks

Every 6 months as per the PMS:

Check the shape of the contact surfaces.

Replace the worn pieces and / or add shim plates, when the contact surfaces are worn 2-3 mm.
The weathertightness of the hatch cover joint is at risk when the hatch cover panels are shifted
from the original position (apart from each other).

Every 3 months as per the PMS:
Lubricate the stoppers by applying a thin layer of proper grease to the contact surfaces.

The Swedish Club
(iv) Drain valves
Drain valves are located close to hatch corners and
the joints between the hatch cover panels. In rough
sea the ship hull flexes, generating movement
between the hatch cover panels and the coaming.
This might cause leakage in the hatch cover sealing
system. Leak water passing the seals is captured by
the drain channels and the water is led to drain pipes
on the coaming.
Non-return drain valves are installed to the drain pipes.
They allow water to drain out onto the deck but stop
water from the deck entering the cargo hold.

Routine maintenance tasks

Every 2 months as per the PMS:
Check that the drain pipes and drain valves are not clogged and that the float (ball inside)
moves freely. Remove blocking items, if any.

(v) Gaskets
Sealing between the hatch covers and the coaming
is achieved by means of a weathertight gasket,
which is fitted to the panel and tightens between a
compression bar on the coaming top.
Typical gaskets may be expected to last for about
five years. This short lifespan may be further
reduced by over-compression and contact with
abrasive materials. If the gasket is damaged, the
entire section will need to be replaced.

General maintenance
If gaskets are damaged then they must be replaced
immediately, before the next voyage. Ageing of the
rubber material has an effect on the mechanical
strength and elasticity of the seals. Replace the
seals when the permanent set is greater than 5mm.
A tightness test is recommended as the change of
the seal’s geometry might be difficult to verify.
When replacing the gaskets the hatch cover bearing pads should also be checked or repaired as
worn bearing pads can cause over-compression of the gaskets resulting in a shortened lifetime.

Routine maintenance tasks

Every month as per the PMS:

Check the gaskets for wear and mechanical damage.

Check the gaskets for shape and elasticity.
The hinge/split joints should be applied with silicon grease to ensure smooth sliding against
the compression bars.

The Swedish Club
(vi) Steel construction
Hatch covers and coaming steel structures are heavily loaded elements. Their condition has a
direct effect on the load carrying capacity and the safety of the vessel. The steel construction
should always be inspected after an unusual loading case.

When repairs are carried out, only steel approved by the classification society should be used. High
tensile steel is commonly used for cargo hatches and coamings. Contact the classification society
before making any steel structure repairs.

Routine maintenance tasks

Every 12 months as per the PMS:
Carry out a pressure test of closed box beams annually: apply following pressure inside a box

structure and check the structure for leaks.
In case of leakage, repair the leaking spots and repeat the test. The test plugs are typically

located at panel side plates (at the end of a box structure).
Special inhibitor powders can be used inside box structures to improve the internal corrosion

Every 6 months as per the PMS:
Check the steel structures of the hatch covers and the coaming for corrosion, deformation and

Check the condition of the hatch cover coating: identify the general level of corrosion and the

most corroded areas.

Touch up the locally corroded spots or do a complete re-painting as necessary.
In case of heavy corrosion (e.g. holes) or cracks in structural joints, carry out repairs as soon as
possible. The cause of the cracks should be analysed. The box structures must be air-tight to
prevent internal corrosion.

The Swedish Club
5.3 Weather routeing
We have highlighted that sailing through heavy weather is not a problem in itself, but that
incorrectly applied and poorly maintained cargo hatch covers and sealing systems significantly
increase the risk of wet damage to cargo.

Heavy weather does however, have implications beyond cargo damage.

In today’s competitive market customers demand that their cargo arrives on time. Just-in-time
logistics has forced shipowners to ensure their vessels keep to schedule. Running into heavy
weather does not only mean that the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is not met, but also that the
bunker consumption will be higher to reach the destined port of call.

To enable timely arrival, it is important to plan the most efficient route to avoid heavy weather and
ensure that the vessel arrives safely at the discharge port. It is essential that the crew are aware of
the weather for the upcoming voyage.

This is best achieved by professional weather routeing services, which provide weather forecasts
for the intended route and recommendations on the ocean crossing.

Weather routeing not only provides vessels with the option of how to avoid heavy weather, but
also ensures that vessels get new and updated ETA to the discharge port. This helps the crew on
board the vessel, shoreside personnel, and cargo owners, to plan accordingly.

There are multiple weather routeing providers, providing a range of services. It is essential that
managers chose a provider that can deliver the required service.

The Swedish Club
6. P&I insurance cover
It follows from the P&I rules that the member is covered in respect of liabilities, costs or expenses
incurred by him in his capacity as owner, operator or charterer of the entered ship and rising out of an
event during the period of insurance as a direct consequence of the operation of that ship.

Cover for cargo liability is effective during the time before, during or after the contracted carriage by the
entered ship. At the same time, even if the P&I insurance provides comprehensive cover for the owner,
the member should always ‘act as a prudent uninsured’, meaning taking reasonable steps to avoid
and/or limit the extent of any damage. One basic requirement is the members’ obligation to provide a
cargo-worthy vessel. Costs to meet the obligation can be considerable, for instance when it is necessary
to overhaul hatches to make them tight. Such costs are of an operational nature and not subject to
insurance cover.

Hatches leak for a variety of reasons, but mainly because of poor maintenance, or failure to close them
properly. Leaking or badly maintained hatch covers can lead to more serious consequences than wet
cargo – flooding, accelerated corrosion or even loss of the ship.

Insurance protects the member against unforeseeable liabilities. The deductible leaves the member with
a stake in the claim. It gives the member an incentive to prevent the casualty from arising and to co-
operate with the club. It should also be noted that there is a risk that P&I cover could be prejudiced in
case of the member’s intentional or grossly negligent acts or omissions, or for such acts or omissions
which the member knew, or ought to have known, would cause liabilities, costs or expenses.

7. Best practice
Looking at our claims history it is apparent that most wet damage claims are caused by lack of

Before departure it is important to inspect the specific parts and equipment for the cargo hatch covers
as we have highlighted in this publication. The use of tape and sealing foam should not be used as a
replacement for proper maintenance.

It is essential that the crew are aware of the weather for the upcoming voyage. This is best achieved by
professional weather routeing.

It is important to contact the cargo hatch cover manufacturer if spare parts are needed or for advice on
how to repair the hatch cover. For more complicated repairs, experts should be in attendance.

This publication highlights the important areas which need to be focused on. The potential risk of any
insurance complication deserves to be considered as well. To ensure that proper maintenance has been
completed will save money, headaches and improve safety on board.

The Swedish Club
Appendix (i) Appendix (ii)
P&I cargo statistics - all types of vessel 2008–2017 P&I cargo statistics – bulk carriers 2008–2017
P&I: Cargo, frequency and cost P&I: Cargo, frequency and cost
Claims cost =>USD 1 – uncapped Claims cost =>USD 1 – uncapped

Average claim cost & frequency (Capped) Average claim cost & frequency (Capped)

0.50 300000 0.55

0.45 280000 0.50
200000 260000
0.40 0.45
180000 240000
220000 0.40
160000 0.35
200000 0.35
140000 0.30 180000
120000 0.30
0.25 160000
100000 140000 0.25
0.20 120000
80000 0.20
60000 80000 0.15
0.10 60000 0.10
20000 0.05 0.05
0 0.00 0 0.00
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Cost Frequency Cost Frequency

Appendix (iii)
This appendix identifies areas of the Load Line convention that apply specifically to hatch covers. For complete information on the
International Convention on Load Lines please visit www.imo.org.

International Convention on Load Lines

The Load Line convention states:

Regulation 3 - Definitions of terms used in the Annexes

(13). Weathertight.
Weathertight means that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate into the ship.

Regulation 16 - Hatchways closed by weathertight covers of steel or other equivalent materials

(1). All hatchways in position 1 and 2 shall be fitted with hatch covers of steel or other equivalent material. Except as provided in
regulation 14 (2), such covers shall be weathertight and fitted with gaskets and clamping devices.

The arrangements shall ensure that the tightness can be maintained in any sea conditions, and for this purpose tests for tightness
shall be required at the initial survey, and may be required at renewal and annual surveys, or at more frequent intervals.

Securing arrangements
(6). The means for securing and maintaining weathertightness by other means than gaskets and clamping shall be to the
satisfaction of the Administration.

(7). Hatch covers which rest on coamings shall be located in their closed position by means capable of withstanding horizontally
acting loads in any sea conditions.

IACS interpretation
The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Interprets the International Convention on Load Lines as follows:

Regulation 16 - Hatchways closed by weathertight covers of steel or other equivalent material fitted with gaskets and clamping
devices (Regulations 16 and 27(7)(c))

Regulation 16:
Where hatchways are fitted with coamings of standard height, no extra strengthening (beyond what is required in the Load Line
Convention) shall be required for covers loaded with cargo, even if dense cargo, provided the load does not exceed 1,75 ton/m2 (in
position 1) *.

Regulation 27(7)(c):
No extra strengthening is recommended for hatchway covers on vessels* which are assigned freeboards less than those based on
Table B, except for flush hatchway covers which are fitted on the freeboard deck forward of the quarter length, in which case the
section modulus and the moment of inertia shall be increased 15% over that required by Regulation 16.

For the hatch covers on Bulk Carriers, as defined in UR Z11.2.2, contracted for construction on or after 1 July 1998, the hatch cover
load and strength requirements are to be in accordance with IACS Unified Requirement S21, ‘Evaluation of Scantlings of Hatch
Covers of Bulk Carrier Cargo Holds’.

*Bulk Carriers:

The Swedish Club
Head Office Gothenburg
Visiting address:
Gullbergs Strandgata 6,
411 04 Gothenburg

Postal address:
P.O. Box 171
401 22 Gothenburg, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 638 400, Fax: +46 31 156 711
E-mail: swedish.club@swedishclub.com

Emergency: +46 31 151 328

For more information please contact

Lars A. Malm
Director, Strategic Business Development
& Client Relations

Telephone: +46 31 638 427

E-mail: lars.malm@swedishclub.com

Joakim Enström
Loss Prevention Officer

Telephone: +46 31 638 445

E-mail: joakim.enstrom@swedishclub.com

Miran Marusic
Claims & Loss Prevention Controller

Telephone: +46 31 638 479

E-mail: miran.marusic@swedishclub.com

Peter Stålberg
Senior Technical Advisor
Printed by PR Offset, Sweden

Telephone: +46 31 638 458

E-mail: peter.stalberg@swedishclub.com


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