Exam Cardio 1
Exam Cardio 1
Exam Cardio 1
Cardiovascular Practice Exams
10. A 68-year-old is admitted with a 14. An adult had open heart surgery today
diagnosis of right-sided congestive heart for a mitral valve replacement. He has a
failure. What assessment findings would the central venous pressure catheter. The CVP is
nurse expect in this client? recorded every 15 minutes. The nurse has
1. Distended neck veins. observed a marked increase in the CVP over
2. Slight ankle edema. the last 2 hours. The latest reading is above
3. Hypotension. normal. Which nursing action would be
4. Premature ventricular contractions. appropriate before the surgeon is called?
1. Increase the IV slightly to improve
11. Digoxin and Lasix (Furosemide) are cardiac output.
ordered for an adult client. Which of the 2. Elevate the client’s feet to increase venous
following would the nurse expect to be return.
ordered for this client? 3. Decrease the IV to a “keep open” rate.
1. Potassium. 4. Check the specific gravity of the urine.
2. Calcium.
3. Aspirin. 15. For which of the following surgical
4. Warfarin. procedures is it essential for the nurse to
note the presence or absence of the dorsalis
12. An adult client is receiving digoxin. One pedis and posterior tibial pulses?
morning when the nurse goes to give the 1. Carotid endartarectomy.
client his digoxin he says, “I think I need to 2. Iliofemoral bypass.
see the eye doctor. Things seem to look 3. Vein ligation.
green today.” The nurse takes his vital signs 4. Pacemaker implantation.
16. The nurse knows that the reason a client 20. A 48-year-old is found on a routine
who has had a myocardial infarction is physical examination to have a blood
getting heparin is to: pressure of 170/98. Follow up studies
1. Prevent extension of a thrombus. confirm a diagnosis of hypertension. He is
2. Dissolve small thrombi that have lodged prescribed hydrochlorothiazide. What
in the coronary arteries. nursing instruction is it essential for him to
3. Enhance the action of thrombin in the receive?
bloodstream. 1. Use a calcium based salt substitute.
4. Decrease the amount of time it takes the 2. Avoid hard cheeses.
blood to clot. 3. Drink orange juice or eat a banana daily.
4. Do not take aspirin.
17. The nurse is caring for a client receiving
heparin sodium. Which medication should 21. A low sodium diet has been ordered for
the nurse have readily available because the an adult client. Which menu is the lowest in
client is receiving heparin? sodium?
1. Vitamin K. 1. Tossed salad, carrot sticks, steak.
2. Magnesium sulfate. 2. Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, green
3. Warfarin sodium. beans.
4. Protamine sulfate. 3. Hot dog, roll, coleslaw.
4. Chicken noodle soup, applesauce, cottage
18. A 60-year-old client is admitted to the cheese.
hospital with peripheral vascular disease of
the lower extremities. He has had diabetes 22. An adult client was admitted to the
mellitus for 22 years. He smokes two packs coronary care unit following a
of cigarettes per day and is employed in a subendocardial myocardial infarction. A
job where he must stand for 7 or more hours balloon-tipped pulmonary artery catheter
each day. Which of the following would the was inserted when the client began to
nurse expect to elicit when assessing this exhibit signs of cardiogenic shock. The
client? nurse measures the client’s pulmonary
1. Diminished pedal pulses. capillary wedge pressure and finds it to be
2. Warm tender calves. 27 mm Hg. The nurse knows that this
3. Tremors of the feet bilaterally. pressure is
4. Difference in blood pressure when sitting 1. Within normal limits.
and standing. 2. Elevated above normal.
3. Less than normal.
19. A 60-year-old man has several ischemic 4. Life threatening.
ulcers on each ankle and lower leg area.
Other parts of his skin are shiny and taut 23. An elderly client with a long history of
with loss of hair. A primary nursing goal for heart disease was brought to the emergency
this client should be to department of a local hospital following a 30
1. Increase activity tolerance. minute episode of chest pain unrelieved by
2. Relieve anxiety. nitroglycerin. The client’s
3. Protect from injury. electrocardiograph has an inverted T wave.
4. Help build a positive body image. The nurse caring for the client knows this
finding indicates
1. First-degree heart block.
2. Second-degree heart block.
3. Atrial flutter.
4. Myocardial ischemia.
1. Pruritus vulvae.
2. Cough.
unhindered by kinks.
4. Mark the time and level of drainage in the
collection chamber.
13. An adult male has had a hacking cough 17. The nurse is positioning an adult who
and shortness of breath for several months. has just returned to the surgical nursing care
He now has chest pain. His family has unit following a pneumonectomy. What is
pressured him into seeking medical the most appropriate position in which to
consultation. He continues to say, “It is just place the client?
a smoker’s cough.” The physician examines 1. Semi-Fowler’s on the unaffected side.
the client and arranges for hospital 2. Semi-Fowler’s on the affected side.
admission for a diagnostic work-up. The 3. Sims position on the unaffected side.
nurse is explaining several types of tests that 4. Semi-Fowler’s on his back.
are ordered. Which of these tests is most
definitive in the process of ruling out a 18. Which of the following nursing
malignancy? interventions should be instituted the day
1. Needle biopsy. after surgery for the client who has had a
2. Thoracentesis. pneumonectomy?
3. Bronchogram. 1. Provide range of motion exercises to
4. Sputum analysis. affected arm.
2. Strip chest tubes every hour.
14. Preoperative teaching for the client who 3. Force fluids to 3500 cc / day.
is to have a pneumonectomy should include 4. Monitor intermittent positive pressure
all of the following. Which is of highest breathing therapy.
1. Management of postoperative pain. 19. An adult has been diagnosed as having
2. Turning, coughing and deep breathing pulmonary tuberculosis. Which test(s)
exercises. would the nurse expect to be ordered before
3. How to move with the least pain. the client is started on Isoniazid (INH)
4. Leg exercises. therapy?
15. An adult client has just arrived in the 1. LDH, SGOT (AST)
recovery room following a pneumonectomy. 2. BUN, serum creatinine
What is the most appropriate initial action 3. Skin test for allergy
for the nurse? 4. Chest X-ray
1. Take his vital signs for baseline data.
2. Check the IV solution for rate and correct 20. A patient is admitted with
solution. histoplasmosis. Which item in the patient’s
3. Administer oxygen through an appropriate history is most likely related to the onset of
device. the disease?
4. Auscultate for the presence of breath 1. He works in a factory.
sounds. 2. He likes to explore caves.
3. He has three cats.
16. What action is essential because the 4. He smokes four packs of cigarettes a
client had a pneumonectomy? week.
1. Observe the tracheal position.
2. Auscultate bilateral breath sounds.