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July 11, 2013

Corporate Strategy  Management by Astrology -1

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Strikes in Indian Automobile Sector : Maruti, Bajaj Auto and M&M)
Corporate Planning Via Astrology | Use Behavioural Astrology

 I had promised in my  "Role of astrology in management" article to write about use of

Indian astrology in company affairs and business management. It is part of my
 personal research on corporate strategy management using astrology.

It is only a small sample essay and I am not giving here  exhaustive and finer details
with various advantages , which astrology can give, if applied in company's functioning
and strategic planning.  Those ,who are interested in it can contact me for carrying
strategic planning for their companies with help of astrology.   

  I have taken up the case study of M/s Maruti Udyog Limited  for proving my research
because Maruti is still leader in Indian 4 wheeler segment and it gets more coverage in
media  . As on date , I have no interest , whatsoever ,in this company and this research
has purely academic interest.

Some 6 years back , when I myself entered the Saadesaati period, one fine morning I
got an idea while reading Economic Times. The idea was , is Saadesaati / Dhaiyya of
Shani ( Saturn) applies to companies or countries also ? I did my research for about 3
years and then I found enough data to prove  that it does apply to any entity , which is
born to do some  specific function in this world.   

Next question was to find interlinking of the entities ,because each one undergoes its
own Saturn's transit as per its starting / birth point. So, it was easy to know the start
points for countries like India / Pakistan etc who celebrate Independence day . Further

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4/8/2018 have their dates of registration
Corporate Planningand time| Use
Via Astrology is usually taken at noon,the office
Behavioural Astrology

of registrar opening . But most difficult was to know the Rashi for a running system or
sector ,which does not have a certain beginning date.

Acharya Varaahmihir's concept of Prabhaav Rashi solved my problem, which says: go

by natural rashi's linking with Bhava significations. So 4th house means vehicles and
therefore vehicle sector will have 4th natural Rashi from Aries ( Mesha) ,that is Cancer.
So,Cancer  will be rashi for Automobile  sector ( Shown above).  

Other things were then easier to co-relate. The sector relates to whole Earth so the
Saturn's transit effects will be global in nature.A company is registered under a national
law , so you need to see a country's Saturn transit also and finally the subject
company's registration date will give you Moon position on that day,which will be Rashi
for that Company.Therefore, a company's future depends on Saturn's transits on
sector,then country and finally company also in increasing order.

These 3 concentric circles should be

the basis in strategic planning of any
new company , which plans to enter a
sector or  any existing company  in the
sector to sustain or exit the sector or
increasing / decreasing the capacity.  

Once Rashi issue is resolved ,let us

understand Saturn's transit method.
Saturn revolves round the Sun in
about 29.5 years ( roughly 30 years) ,
so 12 rashis get average   2.5 years
each period. Now historical and
empirical data suggested that, when
Saturn starts approaching  near that
rashi, ( transit at 12,1 & 2   counted
from the concerned Rashi ),it  creates
great   upheavals and the entity
undergoes a complete transformation in its looks, nature and character during this
period. This 3 rashi transit is called Saadesaati because it takes 3x2.5=7.5 years and it
happens once in every 30 years. It is like a gruelling   annual exam   or external audit

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4/8/2018 Corporate Planning Via Astrology | Use Behavioural Astrology

  Then there are two mid term exams of Dhaiyya in 30 years period , because it lasts
only for one sign of 2.5 years. The Dhaiyya happens , when Saturn reaches 4th rashi or
8th rashi from the concerned Rashi. Out of 4 & 8, the 8th transit is most severe and
sometimes it is more severe than Saadesaati also.

Now let me start Saadesaati discussions for Maruti Udyog Limited . The company   in
present form was registered on 24/2/1981.  That day Moon was in Tula or Libra rashi
so, Maruti Udyog's Rashi becomes Tula .

Accordingly , Saturn's entry into Kanya ( Virgo) will start its Saadesaati and it will be
over when it leaves Scorpio covering Kanya , Tula and Vrischik transits. Saturn entered
Kanya in November 1979 and exited Vrishchik(Scorpio) in December 1987. Thus,
company was born during Saade saati, so it is vaccinated for Saturn's effects and it can
successfully get over   such periods by   making   due changes in its functioning. Next
cycle would be after 30 years , so current saadesaati of Maruti is running from Sept
2009 and will last until 2017.  Its present labour unrest is part of the same . 
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4/8/2018let me discuss the Mid-Term Dhaiyya
Corporate Planningperiods
Via Astrologyas well.
| Use TheAstrology
Behavioural Dhaiyya for Maruti will
be when Saturn enters Makar(4th from Tula) and Vrisha(Taurus) , which is 8th from
Tula. Ashatam Shani for Maruti was, when Saturn entered Vrisha in June 2000 and it
lasted until 2002 end . During this period also, company faced industrial unrest from
workers and there were hunger strikes for 90 days, which prompted government for its
complete selling of equity and making Suzuki as owner of company and its character of
joint venture was changed to private venture.

Vehicle as a sector has Karka as its rashi ,as shown in beginning image, so Saturn's
transit from Mithun to Simha becomes Saadesaati for this sector and last time it
happened from 2002 to 2009 end. Global vehicle sector underwent big crisis in the
whole world, particularly in last leg of 2006-2009 when Saturn was in Leo, its most
inimical sign. We saw the failure of global vehicular manufacturing giants to sustain
themselves. So Tatas purchased   Jaguar   Land Rover   from UK in 2008 and many
companies  like Daewoo Motors could not absorb Saadesaati shock and changed hands
like Mahindra's purchase of South Korean company   Ssangyong    and split of Hero
Honda into separate companies. 

The Cancer sign has 4th transit of Saturn ( Dhaiyaa) currently  from November 2011 to
November 2014. Consequently,the global sales are down to record levels in last 7-8
years. Manufaturers are having big inventory and sales are not happening. All
automobile companies are finding cost cutting and sales margin reduction,
retrenchment and lay off of workers , which is creating strikes by workers .Mahindra &
Mahindra, Bajaj Auto, Tata Motors and Maruti , all old stalwarts of Indian automobile
sector are facing strikes and industrial gloom.  

 The India Scenario

Our country became Independent on 15/8/1947 midnight. At that moment , Moon was
in Cancer or Kark rashi.

Click this link for   details about this   http://tinyurl.com/qf5w56n


So, India as a nation, is also undergoing 4th transit of Shani from November 2011 to
November 2014. Result of this transit is total policy paralysis of central and state
governments and people feel, as if there is no governance of any kind. Central
government is in election mode and populist measures like food security bill and such
things are   badly hurting the industrial and economic environment of country, with
rising budget / trade deficit and falling currency. 

Therefore, we can observe that automobile sector is undergoing global transformation

and our country is undergoing policy reform period in 2011-14 period.

  Post-Tsunami in 2011, Japan is struggling to revive its economy , so Suzuki ,the

Japanese owner of Maruti is also disparate to recover its cost of new plant in
Manesar,started 3-4 years back. And they are cutting cost by hiring casual contract
workers in place of secure regular workers.

   This way, we see that Maruti suffers at all 3 levels of Saturn's transit ,making it more
vulnerable during 2011-14 period. All these issues will be resolved by the end of 2014
only , when Dhaiyya of India and auto sector would complete but Maruti will still be left 5/11
with last leg of saade saati. So, Corporate
4/8/2018 some Planning Via Astrology | Use Behavioural Astrology
issues will still keep coming. 

  Saturn is outermost planet of our

visible solar family and hence nothing
is spared from its close scrutiny and
despite its slow motion, when it
comes to inspect an entity , there is no
possibility of escaping the criticism
and grassroot transformation is a
must .

Saturn always represents common

toiling masses and Sun,the ruler, is its
greatest adversary. Every 30 years ,it
enters Tula or Libra and remains there
for 2.5 years and then whole world
observes the uprooting of tyrannical empires and Kings , while popular unknown
persons become heads of the state.Renowned CEOs like KV Kamath of ICICI get out
from companies ( Infosys) and so on ..

All   over the world , governments feel humbled by the protests of crowds from
common people. Trade union become more active ( attention : HR strategy Managers !).
  Currently Saturn is visiting its exalted sign of Libra from November 2011-October
2014.  Saturn's opponent Sun is weakest in Libra sign , so the government finds it
difficult to manage public affairs.  

Applications  of  Above  Information :

There is tremendous information and hints hidden in astrological foresight, which can
be used by big corporates and individuals. If Indian automobile manufacturers knew
this impending cycle of Shani, many of them would not have gone for capacity addition
in 2008-09 at high borrowed cost and Maruti  would not have current industrial unrest.

Those who are working as Fund Managers of Mutual / Equity Funds can use this
astrological insight while purchasing / selling auto sector shares.

And as individuals retail  investors ,  we can also benefit from this information.

The private equity investors , employees working in that sector, government

ministry,financial institutions and almost every stake holder can make use of this
forewarning system and strategic plans can be implemented to the benefit of all.  

This is only one drop from ocean of  astrology used  for Corporate Strategy planning.
Unfortunately all business schools are engaged in teaching only 5 M of Management,
blissfully unaware of the Cosmic  TIME cycle ,under which all 5 M operate !

  This story has been published at  facebook page also . Express your opinions
here or on facebook at http://facebook.com/askycshukla
(http://facebook.com/askycshukla)  .
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Update in 2016 :
4/8/2018 Corporate Planning Via Astrology | Use Behavioural Astrology

In comments , Mr. Vijay Maurya had asked what would be share

price of Maruti after one year from July 2013 . I had predicted
30% minimum gain so it was expected around 1900. But it
reached 2500 after one year . After end of Saadesati in January
2017, it was expected to be double , but it had trebled in 2015
itself .

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Y C SHUKLA (http://ycshukla.com) 1
July 28, 2013
The "World class" Indian automobile sector's problems are increasing each
day. Mint on 23 July 2013 reported that auto companies have recalled about
210,294 cars, or about 11.43%, of the 1.8 million cars sold in the 12 months
to June, according to data provided by Siam.

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As per a voluntary recall policy
adopted by the Indian auto industry in July
Corporate Planning Via Astrology | Use Behavioural Astrology

last year, companies need to inform industry lobby Society of Indian

Automobile Manufacturers (Siam), the government and customers about
any fault in their products that may require a recall.
That is why Saturn is famous in its transit for cleaning the dirt accumulated
over years.

July 14, 2013
Anjani Ji, I was waiting for such intelligent comment because the chart
above shows the activities of Fourth Rashi Cancer.
Cancer Rashi includes all that, which is involved in creating things of Sukh(
comfort) and Moon is the owner of this Rashi and ultimate sensor of
happiness & sorrow and sensitivity.Moon is also significator of Speed,being
the fastest among 9 planets so automobile sector is more sensitively
connected to Sukh Bhaav than other construction or manufacturing , which
is more connected with Mars & Saturn.
So, Building sector is included alongwith all kinds of factory manufacturing
within which automobile is the main segment.
I feel Saturn proceeds for systematic audit of Sukh Sector.Once apartments
and offices sales drop,very soon sales of automobiles and other capital or
White Goods sectors will drop, because with new house and new office,it is
very natural to go for a new automobile / AC / Furniture etc.
So, building sector started suffering first in 2011 and this sector is suffering
constantly in this Dhaiyya period.Consumer goods are seeing not much
growth and automobile sector did not notice the fate of builders and
instead of putting a brake,it kept accelerating the capacities,so now it has to
use emergency brakes.
Building sector is the engine of sukh bhav and others are just bogies, which
have no option but to stop.The train of Sukh Bhaav will start when
engine,the building sector, picks up the speed and other bogies will follow
it.That will happen once Shani exits Tula in 2014.

Anjani Kr. Srivastava 3

July 12, 2013
YC Shukla Ji the natural rashi of Automobile n construction & housing sector
is same, but in my opinion they are not following same quantum n cycle of
recession...! your view pls.

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July 12, 2013
4/8/2018 Corporate Planning Via Astrology | Use Behavioural Astrology
Look here the Statement of Sh. RC Bhargava , Maruti Chairman in
Economic Times on 12/7/13 :"This is the worst period for auto industry: RC
"Shut downs are happening, because there is no point producing cars which
are not selling. If I have a capacity to sell 40,000 cars and the demand today
in the market is for only 30,000 cars, what do I do now? I have to scale back
production. I have two ways of doing it. Either I reduce production each day
by 25% or work on less days and produce 25% less. It is more economical to
choose the second option, to work for a fewer number of days at maximum
capacity. Because this will help reduce overheads such as electricity,
transport, water charges, etc. Lot of money goes into these. What
companies are doing is working for a fewer number of days but at
maximum capacity on those days."

July 12, 2013
Maurya Ji,
Information is the key to open the lock of problem.Also, forewarned is
forearmed. One can use this information at various levels in organisation
and as individual.

Coming to your question, not exactly in July 2014, but by November 2014,
when Shani gets out at two levels from Automobile sector and from India's
chart, there must be great improvement in Industrial climate and rise in sale
of automobiles. Maruti will certainly be in better position than what it is now
with respect to labour unrest and sales. But it would be still left with 2.5
years of Saadesaati, so some issues will keep coming in the remaining
period.So, if you want to use this information for your monetary benefit,
purchase the automobile shares during next one year, of Mahindra or Bajaj
Auto, when market dips, and can sell them in 2015 ( or even earlier)with
profit not less than 30%. Maruti shares can also be purchased ,but with
severe fall(20% or below) only from current prices.I have already tested this
theory in case of Telecom and Banking sector, who completed this Shani
cycle earlier.

Vijai Maurya 6
July 11, 2013
Having established the Rashi and other astrological parameters of the
company, Say Maruti itself, can you predict what is going to happen to the
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company in say July 2014?
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