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JINDAL STEEL & POWER LIMITED 5.2062 Works:Chlhendipady Real ST 63. AnPo :lindal Nagar, Dist: Angal (ODISHAFTS9011 INDIA, TEmailglahpmaangaljspleoin = ‘STEEL & POWER Registered OfficePas bux No.6 0 Pita Mark Hisar (tlayana) ici Cosporate Onie Finda Cente. 12 Bhai Cama Vslage, New Delhi -1 10066 INDIA, Phone No.={06761) 254 191-95: Fas “06761-25441 -H com ovesese005 TEST CERTIFICATE FOR HOT ROLLED MEDIUM AND HIGH TENSILE STRUCTURAL STEEL Test Certificate No, 0000126847 Date: 14.06.2019 Paze | of 4 ‘We Certify thatthe material deseribed below fully conforms to IS 2062 : 2011. Chemical composition and mechanical properties of the product as tested in accordance with the Scheme of testing and inspection contained in the BIS cerification marks licence No. CM L-0OUSG39D88 are as indicated below against each Heat Number. (PLEASE REFER TO IS 2062:2011 FOR DETAILS OF SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENT) Supply Condition: NORMALIZING ROLLING TEST RESULTS Deoxidation : Fully Killed Process of Manufacture : EAF->LRF->CCM->RHF->Hot roll (FAR Eletrie Are Furnace / LRE: Ladle Refining Fumace / VD : Vaccum Desessins / CCM Continuous Casting Machine RIIP Reslleating Furnace) Material Grade | EN100258355)2+N/IS2062E350C Plate Dimension -Thickness x Width x Length :10.00mm x 2500mm x 12000mm He No Pl Sof. ‘Chemical Analysis Mechanical Properties CPT ae Poewny oes Dor Toast [ean aca | a [ne [oot atte oa oa me Ty Pa [ead Tinga Vale I rt Mf [tanta PP wave Henn On ESTER] RTH CO ER EN CNT OY TE OT TNT NTE TT si oni wty| 96 [110 107 [Tos 3 r Boa .07A0] P [os P48 foo |.o1e] 021 [oor7| viel ns | oos2 [002 [vos] oon [oowwsl nora [sa oxeut [96 [10167 [0431 L Bos1307B0] 1 | 2a70 Lars [as poor ors) rom ops] nck [none oo30] os. ontal nfo conal none | so wa sm onwo-ry) v6 [nop wor 103.3 rm oH 3.07H0| P Late [a8 [oon2{ ore] 021 [no27]0 nin] wun2 | 0052 [oa02 ows} 0.097 Joomal nara ee uae sai [25 [oxen 9 Pino} torres) r wear sworbal 1 2470 1b [0s [14s foot ois. .90g moss] 08 | oon [030] 000s]oorol ou0s oomal unre] so [an s[ 26 Joon | oe [ivo[ 0710435 L 941340700] Pfats [a8 Jo.of unre] 0. 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Purchase Onder No. & Date: cise June 1907.062019 Despateh Advice No: 61873301 Prepated by PRSAHU Trueh/Wagon No, SERS4479 Preparati Date “U.062019 19:35:24 * Gauge Lenath: $.68(80)1 2 Priming Date 15.5 2018" & Te 1810505 JSPL/ANG/PM-QA&QCIF-25A JINDAL STEEL & POWER LIMITED 45 2062 JINDAL Worksop Roa ¢3 Ao nal Naa: Ang DISA INDIA Eialacaegareanpalien son STEEL & POWER Regier Office Pst PON Ne OF ste More Mia Haryana) CConporate Oe ttl Cone 12 Mik Cana Place Net sth 0086 INDIA Ish No-sse 25419198 Fi cin Sst dtd TEST CERTIFICATE FOR HOT ROLLED MEDIUM AND Hi ‘cmt ooese35905 ‘TENSILE STRUCTURAL STEEL, ‘Test Certificate No. 0000126847 Date: 14.06.20) Paze 2 of 4 We Certify that the material described below fully conforms to 1S 2062 201, Chemical composition and mechanical properties of the produet as tested in accordance with the Scheme of testing and inspection contained in the BIS cerification matks licence No. CM/L--0005639085 are as indicated below ‘against each Heat Number. (PLEASE REFER TO 1S 2062:2011 FOR DETAILS OF SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENT) Supply Condition: NORMALIZING ROLLING TEST RESULTS, Deoxidation : Fully Killed Process of Manufacture : EAF->LRF->CCM-=RHF->Hot rolling (EAE Eesti Ate Furnace / LAF Ladle Refining Furnace VD : Vaccum Desissins CUM: Continuous Casting Mahine/ RHP: Relating Furnace) Material Grade : EN10025S355J2+N/IS2062E380C Plate Dimension Thickness x Width x Length 10,00mm 1 2500m: Hat No Plate)No-offWt, MT] ‘Chemical Analysis Mechanical Properties No | Pes LP] ie [ravines [oar [ois [onal cap if peaMtoPoaNi | oe [eae DN ce | ws [aos [eel [ieee Tngact Valea pom Mpa [Mp Mand bin TPT mn [Ave [ramp (Oren 00s coro nooo [now] noe] so | oan | 33 | sty | oe Jono Ty) 96 [oh wT [ios] 20 [_L 002 Jn.oons} 007 Pp oond) nis [sa usv | 442 | sas | 2s loxcoo) oe [oo lwT [ioe] 20] I Boar swooo| 1 | ear [C_| was | cas poof cons frond nos | ce | ma 941347900} is [148 [o.o09} mois] o21 [oa27]uneefums ‘Sub Total [711 7 | Material Grade: EN100285355J2=N/IS2062E350C Plate Dimension -Thickness x Width x Length | 20,00mm x 2500mm x 12000m [Rest Noite] of ‘Chemical Analysis Mechani ‘| Pes, TP] ae Prana] Sasi [vant [oat | ea [oan [vans [ovina | oan [ocr | ne w ead Tea a I mm Mp Mand bia TT Tremp Oren Bonzonepo| 1 | amo [ors ood Coz |ozzod ies [ours [ome [nose | om namo) not [noma ooe| 47 | oe | 406, oxo bua fue fae L B91 129/090) P [airs [ray fooer| ois 023 [is | o.00s | one [1.035 [n.00s Joanne] none Jnana| oni] sow | ais] sy | 29 [onaoty] wa nef ae L B94 29F10D0| 1] aso [Lots 146 ons «20 [0 2200 0193] ocos | o00 | 032] 0.008 foro 1.007 [nuns] ouio] 37 [v0 | aon 2x_foxooTy| wef ie fia r B94 129/110) P [ors [439 Jooor[a ois] 023 [ums [ocos 11035] 1.003 f.ano9f none [uooosloarr] so) 039 [ais [sax | 29 [oncom bma}ie ae L ‘Sub Total oe ‘The above material supplied conforms to be specified dimensions and tolerances as pet specifications and as per mutually agreed Technical delivery conditions. Purchase Order No. & Date: dise 4th June 19 07.06.2019 Despatch Advice No: 61872301 Truck’ Wagon No, SERS4479 * Gauge Length: 5.6380) 1/2 ISPL/ANG/PM-QA&QC/F-25A Prepared by PKSAHL Preparation Date 14.06.2019 19:3 Printing Date 15.06.2019 & Time 18:10:05

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